Agr Oth Lib 17

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A Study on Consumer Perception towards devbhog milk & milk

products in Raipur city.
(A Case Study of Devbhog)
Part I: Demographic Profile
(a) Name: Mr./Mrs./Ms....…………………………………………………………….

(b) Address: …………………………………………………………..........................

(c) Mobile No.…………………………………………………………......................

(d) Email ID: ……………………………………………………………....................

(e) Sex: (a) Male ( ) (b) Female ( )

(f) Age: (a) Below 20 year( ) (b) 21-30 year( ) (c) 31-40yeas( )
(d) Above 40year( )
(g) Occupation: (a) Student( ) (b) Govt. Employee( ) (c) Business( )
(d) others……
(h) Monthly Income: (a) Below ₹10,000( ) (b) ₹10,001- ₹50,000( )
(c) ₹50,001-₹1,00,000( ) (d) Above ₹1,00,000( )

Part II: Kindly give your opinion against following statements which best relates to your

1. Do you know about devbhog ?

(a) Yes( ) (b) No( )
2. How much quantity of milk do you consume daily.
(a) ½ lit.( ) (b) 1lit.( ) (c) 1-2 lit.( ) (d) more than 2 lit.( )
3. Do you think devbhog milk & milk products are easily available.
(a) Yes( ) (b)No( )
4. Do you think devbhog products are more hygienic than others.
(a) Yes( ) (b)No( )
5. Where do you buy devbhog milk & its milk products.
(a) Devbhog outlet( ) (b) Retail outlet( ) (c) Getting door delivery( )
6. What do you like ?
(a) Price( ) (b) Quality( ) (c) Taste( ) (d) Availability( )
7. Do you agree that devbhog milk & milk products are of high quality.
(a) Strongly agree( ) (b) Agree( ) (c) Disagree( )
(d) Neutral( ) (e) Strongly Disagree( )
8. Do you agree that devbhog milk & milk products are of high quality.
(a) Strongly agree( ) (b) Agree( ) (c) Disagree( )
(d) Neutral( ) (e) Strongly Disagree( )
9. Do you agree the price of devbhog milk & milk products are fair.
(a) Strongly agree( ) (b) Agree( ) (c) Disagree( )
(d) Neutral( ) (e) Strongly Disagree( )
10. Do you agree that the devbhog product have appealing packaging.
(a) Strongly agree( ) (b) Agree( ) (c) Disagree( )
(d) Neutral( ) (e) Strongly Disagree( )
11. Do you feel devbhog milk & milk products fulfils all your expectations.
(a) Yes( ) (b)No( )
12. If no. what changes do you expect.
(a)Price( ) (b)Quality( ) (c) Availability( ) (d) others….

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