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Muraski Elementary PTA

General Meeting
September 11, 2018
9:30am | PTA Room/Music Room

• Welcome and Call to order 9:32

• Pledge of Allegiance
• Recording Secretary’s Report: Kelly Acierno- minutes from May meeting are posted to website
approved by general consensus.
• Treasurer’s Report: Ari Jakstas- Checking $12,630.25. Playground/Savings $3,968.97 See budget
report. If you are on committee make sure to look at budget and not go over. Ask Ari for any
questions. You will see on report some that have paid out already.
• 2017-2018 Audit Report- Jen- Conducted on June 30th examined that financial records
are kept in control manner. Operated certain transactions to improve procedures.
Found 2 discrepancies via Exabit B which was a .50 mistake and .92 mistake no further
action suggested. Jen made motion on behalf audit committee to pass budget. Budget
• 2018-2019 Budget- Ari presented budget as presented. Budget passes. Stacey make a
motion to amend budget and increase $350. Becky seconds to change from $100 to
$350. Motion passes.
• Principal’s Report: Mrs. Peters- thank for great start to new year and thank you to all parents
who attended clap in. It was super exciting to have Slider and Moon Dog. Thanks to Tterry
Harbert who organized that. I was a great first day for everyone. Thank you for those who
helped with Kindergarten pics and breakfast. Aug 13th, we took staff to Put in Bay for a staff
meeting. About 30 people were there and it was so amazing to see those that came out. We
earned 6 out of 7 indicators. Last year we got 0. It was a nice to be together. Some changes Mrs
Zudell is teaching English to students in Czechoslovakia. Mrs. Olman is back and will be doing all
programs. Debbi Kilpatrick and Jack Cohen new aids. Mrs. Cubar will be out. Chelsey Colbar is
teaching 3rd grade. There will be a district wide letter Mr. Ryba on email. It will tell about week
including get to know people starting on great path being on team. There will be school wide
using Dojo app. It teaches respect how to behave and also want kids to learn replacement skills
end of month. Want kids to learn timeout symbol. In going along with TEAM theme we will be
using a timeout to take a break if kids need replacement behavior. Monitors will be in loop as
well as teachers. Monthly reward new to this year. The students will earn rewards. Class will
earn trophy for things like being prepared, determined or wearing green shirt on Friday. It buys
in to want to change behavior. Ideas/rewards will be small at first. Ending Aims Web testing on
9/21. It’s a good start and we’re starting off in positive place. We are building on greatness that
we already are.
• Teacher Representative: Mrs. Tedeschi will be here for future meetings.
• Guest Presentation: Mr. Ryba Levy Thank you for giving me the time to speak about the Levy.
There is a lot of information to go over and I’d like to share a little about what’s going on in the
See presentation slides here. PTA Council (9-6-18).pdf
• President’s Report: Vanessa Smith-Whitford- Welcome and thank you.
See president’s report here September 2018 Presidents Report.docx
5th grade Dare coming back. We may need to address committee/budget. T-shirt orders should
go home by next week. Had 123 shirts ordered. Also, new visitors need to sign in with Mrs.
Surak. Use the Raptor systems to scan drivers license one time. It will print a sticker you wear
every time you are here to visit school.
• Vice-President’s Report: Beth Bringman- Staff breakfast went good. It was about $125 for a
continental breakfast. The school toolbox was awesome. We sold 78 boxes and we made $100.
Want to offer home shipment for next year. I am also the room parent captain and I assign
parents to rooms for parties.
• Corresponding Secretary’s Report: Becky Emery- I send monthly newsletter. I am excited to
switch things up to Smore. Thank you note from Morgan Hyun winner of scholarship.
• Council Delegate Report: Jaime Haumesser- Pta meetings are first Thursday of every month.
The meetings are very informative. Mr. Ryba gives report and there is usually a guest speaker.
Mr. Ryba noted that it is his 4th year as Superintendent and it has been the smoothest start yet.
Some highlights are continuing academic excellence and maintaining financial prudence. Would
like to improve community engagement. Noted Middle school courses will coincide with High
School to implement seamless assessments. All buildings will have same test across the board.
Lucy Hawkings writing curriculum advisor. She works with teachers on how to incorporate
writing in each subject area. They hired literacy coaches. 3 lit coaches at elementary level
coaching teachers to provide higher results in literacy. He talked about switching to Unified
Classroom. He spoke about improving culture climate and how to improve as a whole. Maker
space added with a steam component. The Middle School will apply stem designation. Student
equity audit. And evaluate homework practices. How do we want to move forward and how is it
working. He spoke about adding GPS to busses and recycling. He spoke about adding the secure
vestibule project. The goal is to be buzzed into office to get into hallways. The project was
delayed due to contractors inflated prices. Hope to be completed by January. Strongsville police
has a full-time officer at the High School and Middle School. Part time rotation at elementary
schools. The online apparel shop goal is to have physical store on campus at the High School.
The fall district 12 conference is Thurs Oct 18th. Rocking Rec 5th and 6th graders is Dec 14th.
Always looking for chaperones.
• Committee Reports:
• School Tool Boxes: Lisa Krenz- See Vice President notes above
• Membership: Tracy Baker- There are 131 members already signed up . Thanks to
Vanessa for helping. We will be expected to exceed last year’s number of memberships.
• Redemptions: Kasey Johnson- I help with box tops, Amazon Smile, Giant Eagle card
Heinins card rewards program.
• Fall Fundraising: Stacie Hershkovitz- We will be asking people to put out yard signs in
support of levy. Will send out post cards and ask to work phone bank. levy cont. Note
the PTA cannot endorse any political candidate but can endorse levy. The PTA will show
good will gesture to run school op levy cost money support levy. Stacie made motion
donating $250 from PTA toward operating levy. Michelle seconds. Approved. It is to
make continuing show of good will. The Read a thon fall fund kids ask for sponsors for
reading. The goal is $10 per student last year gave away 10 prizes to top money raisers.
Last year the winners sat on the bench at Monsters game. Also, the classroom who did
the most reading gets a prize. Also, the child who reads the most gets to bring a friend
to ride to school in the DARE truck. Any donations will be giving to playground fund. Last
year with money went to purchasing revolution spinner. Looking for someone to chair
fundraising. I need someone to shadow me. We cannot run PTA without fundraising
• Artsonia: Rachel Musser coat drive, when out last week for started taking pictures next
week. We are looking for those who have a great cell phone camera, so we can take
pictures and upload instantly to save time. Artsonia is an independent sight where to
buy unique gifts with child artwork.
• Family Fun Nights: Vanessa- outdoor movie night we will be showing Hotel Transylvania.
There will be a 50/50 for the playground fundraiser
• Birthday Book Club: Joy Slonaker purchase book to donate to library.
• Room Parties: Beth Bringman See Vice Presidents notes
• Playground: Kelly Acierno We will continue our partnership with Kona Ice. Look for them
at upcoming events. As you may know they donate a portion of their profits to our
playground fund. They have already donated enough to purchase spring riders. We are
currently looking into different distributors for the playground equipment. The
distributer whom we were currently working with no longer is working with the
company who we had the original playground design planned. We are looking at other
options. We are planning on a vendor night off premises to raise additional funds for
some time in late November. We also are planning on a Fun Run for some time in April.
• Birthday Board: Stacy Rade every month design board theme for birthdays staring in
Dec. We also hand out birthday cards for kids. If anyone wants to help let me know.
• Volunteer List: Vanessa Smith-Whitford List should be out beginning of Oct.
• Dinner nights Jamie- Oct 9th Emilos pizza. look for flyers soon. Nov 13th Chipotle night.
Chipotle donates 50% of profits. If there are any ideas for certain restaurants let me
• OPEN COMMITTEES: Field day, Food Drive, Grants, Bylaws/Legislation, Reflections,
• Unfinished Business: None
• New Business:
• Levy Resolution-Becky Emery Proposed Levy Resolution 2018 .docx Stacie made
motion to approve Levy resolution. Jen seconds. Resolution passes.
• Adjournment 11:20

Dates to Remember:
September 24th-September 28th “Start with Hello” Week
September 28th - Family Fun Movie Night, 7PM Hotel Transylvania
October 2nd - DARE Halloween Tickets on Sale 5th Graders, $10.00
October 4th - PTA Council Meeting, 9:30 AM
October 4th - Grade K- 5 Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 5th - Muraski Night at Mustangs Game, 7PM
October 9th - Muraski PTA Meeting, 9:30 AM
October 10th - Grade K-5 Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 11th - Read-a-thon Kickoff for students
October 12th - October 26th - Read-a-thon Fundraiser
October 12th - NO SCHOOL
October 12th - 5th/6th Grade Halloween DARE Dance, 6-9 @Michauds
October 18th - Family Fun Hayride, Metroparks Chalet, 6-9
October 26th - Early Release,

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