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NIV Adventure Bible Book of Devotions: Polar Exploration Edition

Copyright © 2018 by Zondervan
Illustrations © 2018 by Zondervan

This title is also available as a Zondervan ebook.

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Zonderkidz, 3900 Sparks Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49546

ISBN 978-0-31076500-4 (hardcover)

ISBN 978-0-310-765073 (epub)

Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission of Zondervan.
All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International
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Published in association with the Books & Such Literary Management, 52 Mission Circle,
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Content by: Rebekah Hamrick Martin

Interior design: Denise Froehlich

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Adventuring with Jesus

I magine traveling to a place you’ve always dreamt of visiting—­you could
get there by hiking with your feet, soaring through the air on an air-
plane, or bumping through the desert on a bus. You can’t believe you
finally get to check out the place you’ve always wanted to visit! You’re not
sure what will happen along your journey, but you know it’s going to be
an adventure.
Imagine this book as an adventure you get to take with God. Each page
you turn will take you someplace you might not have expected to go. You
know your destination: getting closer to Jesus. But you never know what
kinds of twists and turns will take you to that destination. It only takes
a few minutes each day to get there. Enjoy this journey, and maybe even
share it with a friend. You’ll be glad you took this adventure with Jesus.

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This Is Your Adventure!

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be
afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with
you wherever you go.
—­Joshua 1:9

W hat scares you the most in life? What’s that one thing you’d never tell
your friends about because, hey, it’s just not cool to screech like a
hyena on a roller coaster? What dreams keep you awake at night, but you
just can’t bring yourself to go after them? Maybe you want to try out for
the lead role. Maybe you want to talk to a new person at school. Maybe
you want to run for class president.
God says to be courageous about that. He says go after your dreams.
He says not to be afraid. But what does that look like? Can you tell your
heart to stop beating so fast and your adrenaline to stop pumping through
your veins? No, being courageous is taking one small step toward your
dream. It’s about taking one step after that and another step after that.
With God on your side, you can be strong and courageous for this adven-
ture he has planned for you—­no matter how it turns out!
Write down a dream you have that you’ve been too scared to pursue.
Then write down the steps you would take to make that dream come true.
Take that first step. God is with you.

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Take the Leap

Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward
them for what they have done.
Proverbs 19:17

D id you have a good day yesterday? Or was it a bad one? Did you make
the basket at the basketball game or did you fail the test? Were your
friends in a good mood, or did they tease you in class about your crush?
Good things happen some days, and bad things happen some days. The
same thing is true for everyone—­but it seems like some people have
more bad days than good ones.
Look around you today. Who’s having a bad day or even
a lot of bad days? There are people all around us who are
struggling. It might be someone at school, or it might be
someone you’ve never met. Is there a way you can make some-
one else’s day, or even life, better? Is there a volunteer
group at school or church you can join? It could be a huge
adventure for you—­feeding the homeless at the shelter (if it’s okay with
your parents), walking someone’s dog, or even helping someone cross
the street. You could change someone’s day—­even their life—­w ith the
actions you choose to take.
Sometimes it’s good to start small—­what’s one thing you could do to
make a difference today? Ask the adult in your life for permission, and
then sign up to do something for someone else. You might even find that
it makes you happier inside!

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It’s All about the Thumbs

But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without
expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great,
and you will be children of the most high, because he is kind to
the ungrateful and wicked.
Luke 6:35

D o you have a cell phone? Do you have a computer or use the laptop at
the library? No matter where you go, it’s hard to escape social media. It
seems like all your classmates are posting, updating, and commenting on
every moment. It’s easy for both good news and embar-
rassing photos to make it around the school in a matter of
The question is: how will you choose to use social media?
When someone posts an embarrassing photo of you, will you
dig up dirt and do it right back? After all, they deserve it,
right? Well . . . maybe not. It’s not fair what they did to
you, but as the saying goes, two wrongs do not make a right.
Instead of returning the favor to spark a full-­on Internet war, think of
something good you can do for the person who embarrassed you. And
if you keep running into trouble with a person or group of people online,
talk to an adult or look for new friends to spend time with.
Look at your hands today. God gave you eight fingers and two thumbs.
What will you choose to do with those thumbs today? Ask God to
give you the strength to choose love—­because love goes a long way
in changing the world.


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You Fit Here

But now, this is what the Lord says—­he who created you, Jacob,
he who formed you, Israel: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
Isaiah 43:1

D o you ever feel like no one in the whole world is paying attention to you?
Maybe your family is super-­busy, or your friends are making plans that
simply don’t involve you (ouch). Maybe it feels like there’s nowhere you
Do you know something? You are valuable to God. If you could see him,
you would know that Jesus is with you right now. He says he’s the one who
will never leave you—­he’s the one you can really count on. He wants to
hear your thoughts, prayers, worries, and hopes. If he had a smartphone,
he’d be calling you up, wanting to chat, wanting you to know—­I like you.
I made you. And I call you my own.
So next time you’re wondering if you’re invisible, know that God loves
you. He won’t abandon you. He won’t leave you alone.
When you feel left out, try this prayer: Jesus, I’m feeling like no one
notices me. But you promise that you do. Help me to trust your plan for
me, and help me to know I’m never alone. Help me to trust you and know
that you are here. In Jesus’ name, amen.


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That “O” Word

Children obey your parents in the Lord, for this right. “Honor your
father and your mother.”
E phesians 6:1–2a

W hat’s the last fight you had with the adult in your life? Was it over
what you wanted to wear, who you wanted to hang out with, or
even whether you wanted to roll out of bed to get to school? (Speaking
of rolling, did you roll your eyes at them?) One of the toughest verses
in the Bible to swallow (worse than split pea soup) is the one that says
we should honor the adults in our lives, especially the ones we live with.
Those adults aren’t perfect, and sometimes it makes absolutely no sense
what they’re asking us to do.
But most of us live with safe adults—­adults who want the best for us
and are trying their hardest to make life go well for us. Most parents and
guardians are helping you prepare for the future. When they ask you to
do your homework, clean out the litter box, or stay away from the mean
crowd, they’re helping you gear up for the adventure of adulthood. They
want you to be prepared.
What’s one way you can show respect to the adult you live with today?
Write down the way you can honor your guardians today.


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The Hole in Your Sock

The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears
are attentive to their cry.
Psalm 34:15

P rayer takes faith. Faith means it takes believing that

God is listening even when he seems far away. There was
a man in the Bible who told Jesus, “I believe—­help my unbe-
lief.” If you’re having trouble believing that God hears you
today, it’s okay to tell him that. It’s okay to say, “God, I’m worried about
this science test—­it’s freaking me out. And really, I’m having trouble
believing that you care about such a little thing.”
God does care about the little things and the big things. He cares about
your paper cut, and he cares about your parents’ divorce. He cares about that
fight with your best friend, and he cares about the hole in your sock. He wants
to hear about everything—­he’s just waiting for you to tell him.
Think of something that’s bothering you today. It might be big, or it
might be small. Can you tell God about that one thing? Every time you ask
him to help you with something in your life, it builds your faith and helps
you take the next step on the adventure he has for you.


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Valuable to God
. . . The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People
look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.
1 Samuel 16:7b

S ome people are going to tell you that you aren’t valuable enough. That
you don’t look good enough. That your brain’s not smart enough. Let
me tell you a secret: some people act this way because they feel very
unsure of themselves.
Nothing you do or do not do on this adventure with God will add or
subtract from your value with him. You cannot disappoint your heavenly
father, because disappointment comes from surprise, and God is never
surprised. The one who made you—­God—­says you are wonderful. He
made the outside and the inside of who you are. And he says that because
of Jesus, you are just right—­you are more than enough!
Can you thank God today for making you more than enough because
of Jesus? Thank him for the power that lives inside you and gives you
strength to believe that he made you valuable, just the way you are.


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