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Saint John’s

The Episcopal Church

in Pine Meadow, CT

November 2018 Issue

From the Rector
My Dear Friends,

For much of our time together “Micro-Sermons”

have been included in the Sunday announcements
as an opportunity for me to share an idea to con-
sider for the coming week. These quotations have
been offered in three groups and starting in Advent,
a fourth theme will be introduced.

The first set of Micro-Sermons were words that have

helped to shape me as a person and priest. It was
my hope that through these ideas you would come
to know me better.

The second set of Micro-Sermons were compiled

with a focus on our work together to increase our
involvement in the neighborhood and community,
to incorporate new members, and to increase fi-
nancial stability and transparency.

Soon, the third set of Micro-Sermons will come to an

end. For the past year I have selected quotations
from people of color, to help us hear a diversity of
voices. Listening to and considering these voices
has been a blessing to me, and I hope to you also.

Starting on the First Sunday of Advent, the fourth

round of Micro-Sermons will begin and contain a
very personal focus on our individual imperfect spir-
itual lives.

The spirituality of imperfection, our struggle to be the

unique and beloved of God that we are called to News from ECCT: St. John’s was named as one of
be, is pathway into deeper relationship with God the 67 Parishes in Connecticut to be in "GOOD
and with each other. I invite you to digest and con- STANDING" at the Annual Convention. Of the 161
sider these words shared by the Reverend Virginia Parishes are in less than Good Standing, and we are
Army, our preacher for our Renewal of Ministry, as a one of them! The criteria are:
jumping off point:  All audits & financial reviews are up to date.
 Current with payments for Common Mission
“Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your Support and Insurance.
perfect offering. There is a crack in every-  No obligations over 60 days past due with Cler-
thing. That’s how the light gets in.” Leonard gy Pension Payments.
Cohen  Drawn less than 25% of our endowment over the
past two years.
Thank you for placing your trust in me, for listening to  Parochial Reports for 2017 submitted.
ideas, for sharing our common prayers, and for al- Well done, St. John’s!
lowing me the privilege of being present in your
lives. It is a blessing to pray, celebrate, laugh, and
join in God’s Mission alongside you.
St. John’s Monthly Donations Schedule
November – Little Free Pantry Supplies
December – Jesse Tree
January – St. John’s Little Free Pantry
Children’s Ministry Dates to Note Coffee Drinkers and Morning
Snack Lovers Needed - If morn-
Newsletter Fall Garden Clean-up Novem- ing noshes are part of your way
ber 4th: Volunteers new and of being in the world, please
During our November Godly consider signing up to host cof-
Play we will be hearing the sto- old wanted, if you have a rake
fee hour!
ries of All Saints and The return or tarp please bring it along.
from the Exodus. On Nov. 18th Following the 10am service. – HOLIDAY SCRIP GIFT CARDS –
we will come together for our See Anne Hall with any ques- Updated Scrip order forms are
traditional Christ the King Day, tions. available and more information
Stone Soup activity. All parents is available in the parish hall. For
will be receiving a letter with an Veterans Day Service – Sunday, the first set of orders, please or-
item for their child to bring to November 11th at both services. der by November 11th and the
contribute to our soup which we Please join us in thanking those first batch will be in by Novem-
will offer for coffee hour that who have served in the Armed ber 18th. Thanks to a generous
day. Forces. donor, our profits will be dou-
bled on these dates.
Thanksgiving week we will take a Stone Soup Sunday – November
break from stories but we will 18th – Our children and youth will
Jesse Tree Coming 11/25:
open the Godly Play room for be making our annual Stone
Put your elf hat on! St. John’s
“Play” during the 10:00AM ser- Soup for coffee hour and hear-
will once again participate in
vice. ing the story of The Feeding of
the 5,000 and Stone Soup.
providing holiday gifts for 25 chil-
Please contact Linda Snyder dren from the Torrington area.
Looking ahead to Advent and We will give an article of clothing,
Epiphany save the dates for: St. with any questions.
toy and stocking to each child.
Nicholas Day Celebration 12/2
Food for the Poor Guest Preach- There will also be the opportunity
and the Epiphany Pageant 1/6
er – The Rev. Bruce Torrey will be to donate food for the children’s
with rehearsal 1/5. We hope all
with us on Sunday, November family for them to make Christ-
our children will be able to join
18th for both services. To learn mas dinner. Please contact Beth
us for these events.
more about this ministry, see Coates ( or 860-806-2728) if you have ques-
We have recently added items
such as fidgets, tactile items, tions.
Ecumenical Thanksgiving Ser-
coloring and story bibles to the
vice – Mark your calendars for Save The Date – 7th Annual
back of the sanctuary for our
this community gathering on Spring Training & Gathering –
children who might benefit from
November 20th- 7pm at North Saturday, April 27, 2019 -9am-
one of these items during our
Congregational Church 4pm, Lincoln Middle School, 164
worship services. Please take a
look and if your child decides to Centennial Avenue, Meriden,
.Red Door Youth - Mark your
use one please guide them to CT.
calendars - November 29th, De-
use them effectively. cember 20th, January 24th, Feb-
ruary 28th, March 28th, April
We also want to thank Julie 25th, and May 23rd from 4:30pm
Gargiulo for again purchasing to 6pm. Middle School students
another Godly Play story for us. It and up are invited.
is called Jesus and Jerusalem
and is used on Palm Sunday to Vestry Meeting – Our vestry next CHOIR
hear the story of Holy Week. We
will have it on display in the
meets on Thursday, November NEWS
15th. Please hold us in your
coming weeks for all to see. prayers.

Ecumenical Thanksgiving Ser-

vice – November 20th at North We invite anyone who is inter-
Linda Snyder Congregational Church at ested in joining our St. John’s
Christian Formation Specialist 7:00pm. Choir to please contact Halyna
Petronchak at:








Open Door
Join our team
for December
15th at St.
James in Thank you to everyone that contributed delicious
Winsted. food to the Potluck Luncheon and to the members of
9:00am– the Thursday morning Dwelling in the Word
Group for hosting the event. Thank you to Diane
Hayes, Nancy Gibson, Anne Hall, Stan Moraski,
COFFEE HOUR FOLLOWING SUNDAY Jeff Linton, Rose Osborne, Julie Gargiulo, Linda
SERVICES – Snyder, Jill Healey, Jill Smith, Beth Coates, Gin-
A sign up sheet is posted in the parish hall as we start ny Hoffmann, Peggy Budny, Kathy Riberdy and
our Fall services. All parishioners who attend the 10AM all the Volunteers that made the Celebration of Minis-
service are requested to host at least once this try an absolutely wonderful evening. Thank you to
fall/winter. Coffee supplies other than cream are availa- Cynthia Welch and the members of the Altar Guild
ble in the kitchen. who care for God’s Altar each week. Thank you to Ja-
mie Hall & Anne Hall for working so hard on repair-
PARISH REGISTER – Contact Information, ing the front door lockset of the church. Thank you to
Birthdays & Anniversaries Needed Please email Colin Coates and James-Paul Cosman Forbes, our
Michelle, our Parish Administrator at the Parish Office at Garden Scholars for their care of the Gill Memorial
Garden. Thank you to Halyna Petronchak for coor- with updates of your email and
dinating our participation in our community Thanksgiv-
phone contact information. Also, we love to honor folks ing Service. Thanks to Ron Caine, Tom Chappell,
on their birthdays and anniversaries. Please let us know Bruce Wearne, Bob Osborne, Jeff Linton, Nancy
the month and day, so that we can celebrate with you! Butler and Rick Smith for cleaning the church.
Thank you to Betty Castonguay and Ginny Hoff-
St. John’s Community mann for picking up and delivering the Fresh Market
shares our prayer requests donations to the Open Door Soup Kitchen. Thank
you to Chris and Jamie Snyder for agreeing to di-
via our weekly email. rect our Epiphany Pageant and to Beth Coates for
Please contact Anne Hall coordinating our Jessie Tree Christmas Outreach in our
at or the community and Sue Bremer for her leadership of our
Parish Office to be added Scrip Christmas Gift Card Program. Thank you to Di-
to the list. ane Hayes and Michelle Piekos for managing our
printing and internet updates. Thank you to Linda
PASTORAL Snyder for coordinating our updated Godly Play
VISITS AND HOME schedule and supporting our Godly Play leaders.

COMMUNIONS Thanks to everyone who participates in the mission

Please email the office at of- and ministry of St. John’s. if you - CONTACT THE PARISH OFFICE TO ADD YOUR THANKS TO
also contact Mother Cosman if THE NEXT EDITION OF THE PORTAL.
you enter the hospital.
Al-Anon Meetings – Are you bothered by some-
one’s drinking? Al-Anon can help. Please join us on
Friday mornings at St. John’s Parish Hall at 10:00am. FROM THE TREASURER
Year to Date (September) 2018 2017
Operating Revenues: $146,485 $136,254
Operating Expenses: $151,477 $141,209
HEALING EUCHARIST – Thursday Difference: $ -4,992 $ -4,955
evenings at 6:30pm. Please join us! Your faithful stewardship provides for the work of God’s Mis-
sion here at St. John’s and in the world. Your generous dona-
tions are appreciated. Mother Cosman
Saint. John’s
The Episcopal Church in Pine Meadow
51 Church Street – P.O. Box 27
Pine Meadow, Connecticut 06061

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my
prayers for all of you, because of your sharing in the gospel from the first day until now. Phil. 1


Saint John’s Saint John’s 2018 Vestry Publication Deadline:
The Episcopal Church in Pine Meadow Sr. Warden: Month Noon, Friday
51 Church Street – P.O. Box 27 Stanley Moraski
Pine Meadow, CT 06061 Jr. Warden:
November October 23
Ph: 860-379-3062 Anne Hall
December/January November 27
Office Hours: Diane Hayes
Mon.-Thurs., 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Clerk of the Vestry:
After Hours Emergency Only: Beth Coates February January 30
Priest in Charge 860-227-6991
Seminarian Intern: Darryl Burke March February 27
The Rev. Sandra Lee Cosman, M.Div. Members: April March 27
E-Mail: Kevin Case (2019)
Ryan Patch (2020) May April 24
Secretary: Virginia Hoffmann(2020)
Michelle Piekos Jeff Linton(2020) June/July May 29
E-Mail: (2021)
Christopher Olson(2021)
August July 24
Music Director:
Halyna Petronchak ECCT Delegates:
E-mail: Robert Osborne Sept/October September 4
Anne Hall
Christian Education Specialist: November October 23
Linda L. Snyder Mission & Outreach Ministries:
Email: Laura & Bruce Wearne December/January November 27
Deadline for
Web sites: Altar Guild: the December/January
St. John’s: www Cynthia Welch Portal is noon, November 27 Word limit is 250.
ECCT: Intercessory Prayer List Requests: Send information to
Anne Hall

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