Dir CD Cd.. CD/ Mkdir Rmdir Cls

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Neural Networks

Machine learning – Supervised vs unsupervised

Command Line – cmd
Denote command line by $
Basic syntax
Dir – Lists all directories
Cd – change directory (cd folder_name)
cd.. – Go back to directory above this
cd\ - goes back to home directory
mkdir – make directory
rmdir – remove directory
cls – clears screen in cmd
conda need to configure filepath to use from cmd

what to do to reproduce someone elses calculation using specific versions of various packages
$ condaa create –name reproduceEnv python=2.7 bokeh=0.12.3
$ activate py27 or $ python --version

>>> is prompt for python

$python leads to >>>
>>>exit() exits python
‘_’ stores the last calculated value
To call a package, first import it. Eg.
>>> import math
To import specific functions,
>>> from math import cos,pi

Jupyter notebooks – Look up

Create repository
Own project
Github flow
Create branch
Delete branch
Aug – 8 quiz
Go thru assigned readings

7 Aug 2018 – Tech review

- Understanding computing as evolution
- AI/NN earliest computing
- Scientific notation

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