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RubiStar Rubric Made Using:

RubiStar ( )

Research Report : Nutrition Project

Teacher Name: Mr. Edmundson

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Meal Plan- Meal 3 meals included for All 3 meals included All 3 meals included All 3 meals included
Numbers all 7 days. for only 6 days. (7th for only 5 days. for 4 or fewer days.
day still included 2 One of the 7 days
meals) also includes no

Meal Plan- All food groups All food groups All food groups All food groups
Food Groups included for all 7 included for 5-6 included for 3-4 included for 2 or
days. days. days. fewer days.

Meal Plan- Calorie count is Calorie count is Calorie count is Calorie count is
Calorie Count correct and meets correct and meets correct and meets correct and meets
the standards for all the standards for 5-6 the standards for 3-4 the standards for 2
7 days. days. days. or fewer days.

Write up- Write up meets the Write up meets the Write up does not Write up does not
Length and length standards and length standards and meet the length meet the length
has 0-1 has 2 or more standards and has 0- standards and has 2
Grammar spelling/grammar spelling/grammar 1 spelling/grammar or more
errors. errors. errors. spelling/grammar
Write up- Introduction, Body, 1-2 aspects missing 3-4 aspects from the More than 4 aspects
Content and Conclusion from the Write-up. write-up are missing. from the write-up are
include all listed missing.

Date Created: Nov 01, 2018 11:22 am (CDT)

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