Technical Puroposal

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Cement is the prime parameter in the infrastructural development of any country without
which it is impossible to complete any development project. Pakistan is a developing
country and number of development projects are under progress and in pipe line. In this
regard, internal continues production of cement is very important. To meet this
requirement different cement industries are working in Pakistan under different brand
names. From these Brand names Best way is one of the best cement industry due to its
quality and reliable production capability. Due to this everyone either constructing a
small house or mega project there first priority is always Best way. To ensure the people
trust best way cement group have increased its capacity by purchasing cement plant of
Lafarge Cement Plant situated at Chakwal.

Along with this Bestway is also very active in protecting Environmental condition in
surrounding areas of the industry which ultimately helps to increase the socio –
economic condition of the local peoples

In this context, the management of Best way cement plant previously known as Lafarge
Cement plant has decided to construct sewerage treatment plant in current facility to
use this treat water in plantation and other domestic use.

Keeping above in view, EDMS (PVT) Ltd has been privileged with an opportunity to
submit design proposal for the sewerage treatment plant.

As per Tor following objectives will be covered by the consultant.
1. Design of efficient sewerage treatment plant.
2. Construction supervision of plant.

To meet the above said objectives following methodology will adopted.

1. Calculation of person which are to be provided with accommodation and for
which the scheme is intended to be design.
a) Full time occupation.
b) Part time occupation.
2. Calculation of average consumption of water over a period of 24 hours.
3. Topography survey for fixing of gradients, geological information of the soil, and
water table for location of different treatment tanks.
4. Site condition regarding labor, if any personal will be available for the
maintenance of the installation. This will help to determine the type to be
5. Access of Vehicles for transportation.
6. Design of Treatment Plant as per above detail.
7. Based on design detail cost estimation of the components of the treatment plant.

Brief description of Project components are as follows:


For the design of waste water treatment plant topographical survey is required to
determine the geographical condition of site which will help to set the gradient of waste
water flow and positioning of different tanks required for treatment.


For design of treatment plant volume of sewage generated will calculated in term of liter
per day. For estimation of sewage following figures will be used for calculation of
capacity of treatment plant.

1 For Full time Occupation is required e, g married 225 liter per day
quarters, Plant working area.
2 For Part Time Occupation is required like Hostel, 90 liter per day
Mess etc.

Sewage treatment is basically four stage process. Each stage have different
requirements and have separate functions with respect to treatment. Each stage is
briefly describe as below.

Figure 1: Flow chart of sewage treatment process

Preliminary Treatment:

This is the first stage of sewage treatment plant process and its main objective is the
removal of coarse solids and other large materials often found in raw wastewater.
Preliminary treatment operations typically include large filtering screens, grit removal
and, in some cases, breaking of large objects. Excess grit cause severe pump
blockages thereby affecting a range of subsequent treatment pumps. Flow
measurement devices, often standing-wave flumes, are always included at the
preliminary treatment stage.

Primary Treatment:

The main purpose of this treatment is to reduce any heavy solids (organic & inorganic)
that settle to the bottom by sedimentation while oil, grease & lighter solids float to the
surface by skimming. The settled and floating materials are removed and the remaining
liquid may be discharged or subjected to the next stage i.e. secondary treatment.
Primary treatment removes about 60% of suspended solids from wastewater.

Secondary Treatment:

The prime objective is the further treatment of the effluent from primary treatment to
remove dissolved and suspended biological matter. The biological solids removed
during secondary sedimentation, called secondary or biological sludge, are normally
combined with primary sludge for sludge processing. Secondary treatment may require
a separation process to remove the micro-organisms from the treated water prior to
discharge or tertiary treatment. Secondary treatment removes more than 90% of
suspended solids.

Advance Treatment:

Tertiary treatment generally follows secondary treatment and aids the removal of those
wastewater constituents which cannot be removed in secondary treatment. Treated
wastewater is sometimes disinfected chemically or physically (for example, by lagoons
and microfiltration) prior its discharge into the receiving environment (sea, river, lake,
wet lands, ground, etc.)

Figure 2: Conceptual diagram of plant


There are different kind of treatment plants with different process for treating waste
water. Generally they are classified as follows.

a) Activated Sludge Plant

b) Rotating disc system
c) Submerged aerated filter(SAF)
d) Suspended Media Filter
e) Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR)

f) Non-electric Filter
g) Trickling filter
h) Constructed wet Land Process

Activated Sludge Plant:

The activated sludge process is a most common treatment process used for
domestic and industrial waste water. This process have lower operating cost in term
of operator and chemicals however, it required larger foot print on ground.

Sequencing Batch Reactor:

Sequencing batch reactors (SBR) or sequential batch reactors are a type

of activated sludge process for the treatment of wastewater. SBR reactors treat
wastewater such as sewage or output from anaerobic digesters or mechanical
biological treatment facilities in batches. Oxygen is bubbled through the mixture of
wastewater and activated sludge to reduce the organic matter (measured
as biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD)). The
treated effluent may be suitable for discharge to surface waters or possibly for use
on land. This process required less foot print but initial cost is very high and required
well trained personal.

Constructed Wet Land:

A constructed wetland is an artificial wetland created for the purpose of treating

anthropogenic discharge such as municipal or industrial waste water. It is ecofriendly
and less expensive if land is available. It is simple in construction due to less
mechanical parts. Design Criteria have yet to be developed for different type of
waste water and climates

From above all systems, the waste water treatment plants mentioned at sr. (a), (e) and
(h) are mostly used solutions. However, the most economical process will be selected
upon detail study of the site and requirements.

Further it is our opinion, Constructed wetland treatment system shall be adopted
because of it is ecofriendly nature because it use river reeds like Lilly plant to purify the
waste water.


Total Design/supervision cost of project will be 4% of the construction/ commissioning



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