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Joselinn Jimenez

Mrs. Waltson

AP English III

02/? /2018

Junior Research Paper Reflection

I decided to take AP English for my English III credit and at some points of the class I

wished I hadn’t. Overall, I thought that my AP class was as hard as I expected but considering I

was the only girl in a class with 4 boys, it was not my favorite class for sure. The work was what

was expected for an AP class. Starting this class, I wanted to get better on being writer and

working on how to better understand texts that I was reading. With this class, I did those two

things exactly. The teacher giving us 45 minutes to write a whole essay with developing ideas

and gathering evidence really pushed me and allowed to develop a good essay in a short amount

of time. Another thing that helped me reach my goal was annotating. We read a few novels

throughout the year and Mrs. Waltson forcing us to annotate for a grade helped me further

understand go out of my way to dig deeper into the theme. Taking this consideration, I worked

really hard in the class, and I think my hard work payed off really well because now I am capable

of understanding and writing well developed. I hope that what I learned in AP English III, will

help me further in English IV. I am doing really good with not procrastinating but I know that

my English IV class is just an Honors class, which will prompt me to start procrastinating again.

Like I said this class, helped me in my writing so I did not encounter any problems with writing

my research paper, however I think I deserved a high grade than 88. Now, talking about the

research part, it was also easy, due to the fact that the events were recent and there were sources

everywhere about it. Adding to this, my interest in the topic helped me worked harder and more

efficiently. However, I wished I had spent more time on my research. I had already done some

research for a different assignment on the same topic and done some research from some non-

credible sources. But overall, this year and the research was a good learning experience and I’m

sure that the senior part will be easier with the research paper being done.

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