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T H E B I R M I N G H A M N E WS A L .

C O M S U N DAY, O CTO B E R 2 8 , 2 0 1 8 A15

Local contested races


Teresa T. Linda Phillip Jackie

Pulliam (R) Hall (D) Brown (R) Anderson-
(i) Smith (D)

Joe Knight J.T. Small-

Republican incumbent Teresa T. Pulliam had her own Democratic candidate Jackie Anderson-Smith is a cur-
private law practice for 14 years before she was appointed to rent member and former president of the Jefferson County
COUNTY COMMISSION: DISTRICT 4 the circuit court bench in 2005 by Gov. Bob Riley. She was Board of Education. She hopes to focus on voter registra-
Republican incumbent Joe Knight has held this seat elected in 2006 and re-elected to the bench in 2012. tion.
since he was first elected in 2010. His Democratic chal- Pulliam grew up in Huntsville and is a 1980 magna cum “One of the critical roles of the clerk’s office is the over-
lenger is J.T. Smallwood, Jefferson County’s tax collector laude graduate of Birmingham-Southern College. She grad- sight of voter registration and voter education,” she told
since 2002. uated from the University of Alabama School of Law in 1983 Birmingham Watch. “I will work to elevate this platform
Knight, a private practice attorney, says he’s running on and began her legal career as a prosecutor in the Mobile Dis- through creation of new programs that touch communities
his record. He says he’s “proud to have helped transformed trict Attorney’s Office, moving to the Jefferson County Dis- at the grassroots level.”
the commission into an efficient governmental unit in wake trict Attorney’s Office in 1986. Republican hopeful Phillip Brown is chairman of the
of bankruptcy and layoffs.” Democratic challenger Linda Hall’s candidacy has been Alabama Minority GOP’s Birmingham chapter and was
Smallwood says he “brings a common sense approach up in the air for weeks now. Just this past week, Fayette elected in 2012 as the State Chairman of the ALMGOP and is
to solving problems, which was honed while being a small County Circuit Judge Samuel Junkin ruled her not eligible now serving his third two-year term of office.
business owner,” according to his website. to run because of residency requirements. A lawsuit filed A Jefferson County Circuit Court jury ruled Oct. 3 that
last month by a Jefferson County voter stated Hall, a pri- Brown was guilty of conspiracy to remove church money
vate practice attorney for the past 20 years, lives in Shelby and acting wrongly as a trustee of the Sandusky Church of
County — which isn’t part of the 10th circuit — and hasn’t Christ. He was also found guilty of libel. Damages against
lived in Jefferson County for the required 12 months. Brown were assessed at $231,000, according to Circuit
Junkin, however, did not issue an injunction — at the Court records.
request of the plaintiff — that would have prevented Hall’s Brown said the ruling wouldn’t affect his run for office.
votes from being counted. “I plan to run and see what the voters do on Nov. 6,”
Brown said. “We’ll let them decide.”
Mike Danny
Anderton (R) Carr (D)

Republican Mike Anderton, 62, is looking to hold onto
the seat he was appointed to by Gov. Kay Ivey in November
2017. Leslie Alaric
He previously served as Jefferson County deputy assis- Schiffman May (D) Eddie Martha
tant district attorney from 1984 to 1987 and Jefferson Moore (R) Brown (R) Bouyer (D) (i)
County district attorney’s office’s division chief from 1987
to 2017. This is his first time seeking elected office.
Democratic challenger Danny Carr, 45, served as CIRCUIT COURT: PLACE 27 BOARD OF EDUCATION: PLACE 2
interim DA for the first 11 months of 2017 after the man Democratic candidate Alaric May brings more than 23 Democratic incumbent Martha Bouyer first won elec-
elected to the position, Democrat Charles Todd Henderson, years experience to the table. The attorney is currently a tion to the board in 2014, then re-election in 2016. Her goals
was charged and found guilty of perjury. special circuit court judge and a special district court judge, include working to ensure all schools are safe and secure,
With 17 years of prosecutorial experience behind him, and he’s a member in good standing to seven bar associa- increasing the number of pre-K programs and boost student
this is Carr’s first time running for political office. He touts tions. retention and graduation rate.
crime prevention, safer streets and communities, and com- “May said one of the main responsibilities of the Circuit Republican challenger Eddie Brown recently retired
munity trust with law enforcement, as well as victims’ Court criminal judgeships is punishment, and sentences as director of support operations for the Jefferson County
rights. should be evaluated in each case based on the crime, the Board of Education after 41 years at the board. As an
Anderton says he seeks first and foremost to make Jef- impact on the victim and the defendant’s circumstances. insider, he says he understands the strengths of the board,
ferson County a safer place for all residents. He says he But he said the judgeship’s primary focus should be preven- as well as the areas that need attention. He and all three of
believes in upholding the law equally for everyone across tion,” according to Birmingham Watch. his children are graduates of Jefferson County schools.
the board without regard for race, creed, status or any other Republican candidate Leslie Schiffman Moore was
factors. the assistant district attorney in the Jefferson County DA’s
office, Bessemer Division, from October 2000 through Jan-
uary 2017, specializing in child physical and sexual abuse LOCAL AMENDMENT NO. 1
and child death cases. (One case garnered the longest sen- In 2017, the Homewood School Board and Homewood
tence in Bessemer system history — 822 years — according City Council passed unanimous resolutions to ask the Leg-
to her website.) islature to pass a constitutional amendment exempting
She followed that up from February 2017 through April Homewood from the Lid Bill, which prevents most cities in
2018 as assistant DA in the Birmingham district. Alabama from adjusting their local ad valorem taxes with-
Mike Mark Her goals include stopping the school-to-prison pipeline, out legislative approval. The amendment passed earlier
Hale (R) (i) Pettway (D) and developing and shoring up programs to help stop opioid this year and must now be ratified by the voters of Jefferson
addiction. County. A “Yes” vote basically removes state control over
Homewood’s tax base, allowing the city to seek an increase
SHERIFF in property tax rates through a citywide referendum. Prop-
Republican incumbent Mike Hale, 67, ran successfully erty tax funds go toward the school system. Keep in mind:
for sheriff in 2002 and has won re-election every race since. This relates only to the city of Homewood, but voters across
He says his priorities include school safety, diversity in Jefferson County still get to vote on it.
hiring in promotional practices, and the continued efforts
of the Metro Area Crime Center.
Democratic challenger Mark Pettway, 54, has been in
local law enforcement for 25 years, currently detective ser- Davis Pamela SHELBY COUNTY
geant with the sheriff’s office. Lawley (R) Wilson
This is his first time running for political office. He says Cousins (D)
his top priority is ensuring public safety with a focus on
protecting children in schools, community policing, crimi-
nal justice reform and law enforcement training. DISTRICT COURT: PLACE 3
Attorney Pamela Wilson Cousins, the Democratic can-
didate, bring 26 years of experience in family law, making
her “clearly the best and most qualified to serve” in this
Family Court judgeship, according to her website. David Susan
She says she will “make sure our children are placed in Bobo (R) (i) Lehman (D)
safe environments, that child support is calculated cor-
rectly, that parents understand documents they are asked
to sign and that each parent gets its rightful visitation with BOARD OF EDUCATION: PLACE 2
Tracey Marshell their children.” Republican David Bobo currently holds the seat. He was
Crisan Jackson Republican Davis Lawley has served as a special circuit appointed in March 2017 to fill the unexpired term of Kevin
McDonald Hatcher (D) judge for the drug court, an assistant district attorney and Morris, who was appointed to the Shelby County Commis-
(R) an assistant attorney general in the child welfare division. sion.
He ran unopposed in the primary. He has lost a pair of Bobo earned a degree in communication with an empha-
recent general elections for district court judge, in 2012 and sis in public relations from the University of Alabama. He
CIRCUIT COURT: PLACE 8 2014, falling just short with 48 percent and 49 percent of the has worked for Jefferson State Community College since
This is Democrat Marshell Jackson Hatcher’s first vote, respectively. 1994 as director of community and media relations.
time running for office. She’s been a practicing attorney for Democratic challenger Susan Lehman is a Realtor in
21 years, adjunct law professor for two, and a former sher- Alabaster.
iff’s deputy. She says improving the quality of justice is crit- “All of our children deserve someone who will look after
ical to the community. “My service would be fair, my ser- their best interests,” she wrote on her Facebook page.
vice would be impartial, and my decisions would be based
on the evidence that comes before me,” she told Glamour in i: incumbent
Republican Tracey Crisan McDonald, an attorney, — Compiled by Brent Conklin,
has represented both plaintiffs and defendants in civil lit- Jill Thomas
igation. Through her handling of those cases, she says she Ganus (R) (i) Thrash (D) Sources: archives, candidate websites and Facebook
has gained the respect of the legal community through her pages, Birmingham Watch, Homewood Star, Shelby County
strict ethics, professionalism and dedicated advocacy on Schools
behalf of clients. DISTRICT COURT: PLACE 11
Republican incumbent Jill Ganus was appointed to the
seat in October 2017. Before that Ganus served as a district
judge in Jefferson County from 2006 to 2013, where she
was assigned to Family Court. In that position, she dealt
with child abuse and neglect, children in need of supervi-
sion, delinquency cases, contributing to the delinquency of
minors, termination of parental rights and child support.
Democratic challenger Thomas Thrash, an attorney
and retired sergeant from the Birmingham Police Depart-
ment, says his law enforcement experience will help him be
an effective judge.
“I want to devote some time to help the community in
preventive efforts and promote positive decision-making
situations for our youth,” he told Birmingham Watch before
winning a three-way race in the June primary.

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