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Erika L.

Geological Sciences – University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Dr., MS 3022, Moscow, ID 83844
P: (208-885-1142) •

2014 Ph.D., Geological Sciences, University of Idaho (UI)
2010 M.A., Geology, University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF)
2007 B.A. with high honors in Geology, Colgate University (CU)

Aug 2018-present Assistant Professor, University of Idaho
2016-July 2018 NASA Postdoctoral Fellow, Ames Research Center
2015-16 Postdoctoral Fellow, Drexel University
2015-16 Adjunct Faculty, University of Idaho
2014-15 Adjunct Faculty, Washington State University
2012-13 Research Assistant, University of Idaho
2010-11 Teaching Assistant, University of Idaho
2008-10 Research Assistant, University of Alaska Fairbanks
2007 Teaching Assistant, University of Alaska Fairbanks

Rader, E., Kobs Nawotniak, S., & Heldmann, J. (2018). Variability of spatter morphology in pyroclastic
deposits in Southern Idaho, as correlated to thermal conditions and eruptive environment. Earth and Space

Rader, E.L, Vanderkluysen, L., Clarke, A., (2017) The role of unsteady effusion rates on inflation in long-
lived lava flow fields: EPSL: 477, 73-83.

Rader, E.L, Geist, D., (2015) Cooling and accumulations rates of spatter deposits: JVGR: DOI:

Rader, E.L., Schmerr, N., Emry, E., Frost, D., Cheng, C., Menard, J., Yu, C., Geist, D., (2015)
Characterization and Petrological Constraints of the Midlithospheric Discontinuity: Geochem. Geophys.
Geosyst: 16: doi:10.1002/2015GC005943.

Rader, E. L., Geist, D., Geissman, J. W., Harpp, K. S., & Dufek, J. (2015). Hot blasts and cold clasts:
Thermal heterogeneity in boiling over pyroclastic flows IN Ort, M. H., Porreca, M. & Geissman, J. W.
(eds) The Use of Palaeomagnetism and Rock Magnetism to Understand Volcanic Processes. Geological
Society, London, Special Publications, 396,

Benage, M. C., Dufek, J., Degruyter, W., Geist, D., Harpp, K., & Rader, E. (2014). Tying textures of
breadcrust bombs to their transport regime and cooling history. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal
Research, 274, 92-107.

Rader, E. L., Larsen, J. (2013). Experimental phase relations of a low MgO Aleutian basaltic andesite at
XH2O= 0.7–1. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 166(6), 1593-1611.

Geist, D.J., Harpp, K.S., Naumann, T.R., Poland, M., Chadwick, W.W., Hall, M., Rader. E. (2008) The
2005 eruption of Sierra Negra Volcano, Galapagos, Ecaudor: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 70 (6), p. 655-673.

Peck, W.H., Volkert, R.A., Meredith, M.T., Rader, E.L., 2006, Calcite-Graphite thermometry of the
Franklin Marble, New Jersey Highlands: The Journal of Geology, v. 114, p. 485-499.

Invited talks in 2016:
USGS Menlo Park – Menlo Park, CA
San Jose State Geology Club – San Jose, CA
Western University – London, Ontario Canada
University of Oregon – Eugene, OR
University of Georgia – Athens, GA

Selected Meeting Abstracts:

Rader, E., Wysocki, R., Heldmann, J., (2018) Handmade Spatter Bombs: Assessing Lunar Cone-Building
Using Clast Morphology. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 49.

Gentry, D., Amador, E. S., Cable, M. L., Cantrell, T., Chaudry, Cullen, T., Duca, Z., Jacobsen, M., Kirby, J.,
McCaig, H., Murukesan, G., Rader, E., Rennie, V., Schwieterman, E., Stevens, A.H., Sutton, S., Tan, G.,
Yin, C., Cullen, D., Geppert, W., Stockton, A., (2018) Field Exploration and Life Detection Sampling for
Planetary Analogue Research (FELDSPAR): Variability and Correlation in Biomarker and Mineralogy
Measurements from Icelandic Mars Analogues. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 49.

Stevens, A. H., Gentry, D., Amador, E., Cable, M. L., Cantrell, T., Chaudry, N., Cullen, T., Duca, Z.,
Jacobsen, M., Kirby, J., McCaig, H., Murukesan, G., Rader, E., Rennie, V., Schwieterman, E., Sutton, S.,
Tan, G., Yin, C., Cullen, D., Geppert, W., Stockton, A. (2018, April). Downselection for Sample Return---
Defining Sampling Strategies Using Lessons from Terrestrial Field Analogues. In Second International
Mars Sample Return (Vol. 2071).

Rader, E.L., Heldmann, J.L., (2017) Lunar Volcanic History from In-Situ Morphological Analyses. LPI
Contributions, 2041.

Gentry, D., Amador, E. S., Cable, M. L., Cantrell, T., Chaudry, N., Duca, Z. A., ... & Rader, E. (2017,
December). Quantifying Variability and Correlation in Biomarker and Mineralogical Measurements:
Lessons from Five Astrobiological Mars Analogue Expeditions in Iceland. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.

Rader, E., Heldmann, J., Wysocki, R., (2017) Comparison of natural, experimental, and numerical spatter
clasts: Relating morphology to thermal history. IAVCEI Scientific Assembly.

Schaefer, E.I., Hamilton, C.W., Neish, CD., Sori, M.M., Bramson, A.M., Beard, S.P., Peters, SI., Miller,
T.A., Rader, E.L., (2017) Seeing Pahoehoe from Orbit (Without Squinting). Lunar and Planetary Science
Conference, 48.

Rader, E.L., Heldmann, J., Wysocki, R., Kobs-Nawotniak, S.E., Hughes, S.S., Sehlke, A., Garry, W.B.,
(2017) Using volcanic spatter to contain eruptions in Idaho and at the Marius Hills on the Moon. AGU Fall
Meeting Abstracts

Rader, E., Heldmann, J., Hughs, Kobs-Nawotniak, S., Garry, B., Sehlke, A,. Wysocki, R. (2017) Using
volcanic spatter to constrain eruptions at the Marius Hills on the Moon. NASA Exploration Science Forum.

Rader, E. L., Heldmann, J., Hughs, S., Kobs-Nawotniak, S., (2016) Clast size, void space, and degree of
contortion in spatter piles at Craters of the Moon, ID. Implications for eruptions conditions of lunar basalts.
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.

Rader, E.L.Vanderkluysen, V., Clarke, A. (2016) Wax modeling and image analysis for classroom-scale
lava flow simulations. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.

Schaefer, E., Rader E. L., (2016) Decoding the Margins: What Can the Fractal Geometry of Basaltic Flow
Margins Tell Us? AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.

Rader, E.L.Vanderkluysen, V., Clarke, A. (2015) Experimental Parameters for Wax Modeling of the Deccan
Traps Flood Basalt Province: AGU Fall Meeting.
Bosselait, M., Rader, E.L., Robertson, H., Harpp, K., Geist, D., Wysocki, R. (2014) Investigation into the
Physical Properties Responsible for the Formation of Basaltic Spatter: AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.

Rader, E. L. ((2013) Are mid-lithospheric discontinuities (MLDs) caused by layers of frozen-in melts?
AGU Fall Meeting.

Larsen, J. F., Rader, E. L. (2010) The influence of oxygen fugacity on melt evolution: 1 atmosphere
experiments on Aleutian basaltic andesites: AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, v. 1, p. 2332.

Larsen, J., Izbekov, P., Rader, E., Freymueller, J. (2008) Magma storage and movement at Okmok and
Westdahl volcanoes, Alaska: Comparing experimental petrology with geophysical model: IAVCEI 2008
Abstracts, August 17-22, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Rader, E. L. (2007). Chemical, Physical, and Morphological Transitions in the 2005 Eruption of Sierra
Negra, Galapagos Islands (Honors thesis, Department of Geology, Colgate University).

Rader, E.L., Harpp, K.S., Geist, D. (2006) Eruption dynamics and flow morphology during the 2005 Sierra
Negra eruption, Galapagos Islands: Eos Trans. AGU, v. 87 (52), Fall Meeting Suppl. Abstract V23A-0586.

Rader, E.L., Peck, W.H. (2006) A new Serendibite locality in the Grenville Province (Orange County, NY):
GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 38 (2), p. 25.

Batt, S., Geist, D., Rader, E., Harpp, K. (2006) Mush erosion by dikes in the 1995 and 2005 eruptions of
Fernandina Volcano, Galapagos: Eos Trans. AGU, v. 87 (52), Fall Meeting Suppl. Abstract V23A-0588.

Teaching Experience
2018 GEOL 326 Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, University of Idaho
2016 GEOL 490 Field Camp II, University of Idaho, Adjunct Professor
GEOL 320 Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Drexel University, Guest Lecterer
2015 GEOL 101 Introductory Geology, Washington State University, Adjunct Professor
GEOL 356 Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Washington State University, Adjunct
GEOL 490 Field Camp II, University of Idaho, Adjunct Professor
2014 GEOL 101 Introductory Geology, Washington State University, Adjunct Professor
GEOL 320/520 Volcanology, Washington State University, Adjunct Professor
GEOL 490 Field Camp II, University of Idaho, Teaching Assistant
2013 GEOL 326 Igneous Petrology, UI Guest Lecturer
GEOL 290 Field Camp I, Teaching Assistant
NASA Spaceward Bound Summer Program, Teaching Assistant
2012 Upward Bound Volcanology Summer Course, Instructor
GEOL 490 Field Camp II, Teaching Assistant
GEOL 326 Igneous Petrology, UI, Guest Lecturer
GEOL J467/J567 Volcanology, UI, Guest Lecturer
2011 GEOL 326 Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Lab Instructor (two semesters)
GEOL 490 Field Camp II, Teaching Assistant
GEOS F670 Selected Topics in Volcanology, UAF, Guest Lecturer
2010 GEOL 101 Intro Geology, Lab Instructor (two semesters)
2008 GEOS 120 Earthquakes, Glaciers, and Volcanoes, Lab Instructor
2007 GEOL 220 Volcanology, Teaching Assistant
GEOL 385 Field Camp, Teaching Assistant
2006 GEOL 315 Paleontology, Teaching Assistant (two semesters)
GEOL 201 Mineralogy, Teaching Assistant
2005 GEOL 202 Petrology, Teaching Assistant

Conferences and Workshops

2018 AGU Fall Meeting – poster presentation
LPSC- talk
2017 AGU Fall Meeting – poster presentation
IAVCEI – poster presentation
LEAG Meeting – poster presentation
LPSC – poster presentation
2016 AGU Fall Meeting – poster presentation
2015 AGU Fall Meeting – poster presentation
2014 AGU Fall Meeting – poster presentation
2013 AGU Fall Meeting – talk and poster presentation
CIDER workshop – poster presentation
AGU Fall Meeting – poster presentation
2011 AGU Fall Meeting – poster presentation
2010 AGU Fall Meeting – poster presentation
Mineralogical Society of America Workshop – Volatiles in Magma
2009 JKASP – poster presentation
2008 JKASP – poster presentation
2006 AGU Fall Meeting – poster presentation

Relevant Courses Taken

2013 GEOL 501 Seminar, UI
2011 GEOL 554 Physical Petrology, UI
2010 GEOL 504 Geosystems, University of Idaho
GEOL 560 Advanced Igneous Petrology, UI
2009 GEOS F637 Rock-Forming Minerals, UAF
GEOS F606 Volcanology, UAF
2008 GEOS F628 Elem Scanning Electron Microscopy, UAF
GEOS F635 Advanced Economic Geology, UAF
GEOS F605 Geochronology, UAF
GEOS F695 International Volcanology Field Camp, UAF
GEOS F600 Intro to X-ray Spectrometry, UAF
2007 GEOL 441 Honors Research Seminar, Colgate University
GEOS F618 Introduction to Geochemistry, University of Alaska Fairbanks
2006 GEOL 418 Tectonics, Colgate University
GEOL 411 Isotopes in the Earth Sciences, Colgate University
GEOL 440 Research Seminar, Colgate University
2005 GEOL 305 Structural Geology, Colgate University
GEOL 315 Invertebrate Paleontology, Colgate University
GEOG 223 Geography of Australia, Wollengong University
GEOG 391 Coastal Environments , Wollengong University
2004 GEOL 202 Petrology, Colgate University
GEOL 220 Volcanology, Colgate University
GEOL 302 Stratigraphy and Sedimentology, Colgate University
GEOL 320 Techniques of Field Geology, Colgate University
2003 GEOL 201 Mineralogy, Colgate University
2002 GEOL 202 Geologic Methods, Fort Lewis College
2001 GEOL 107 Earth Systems Science, Fort Lewis College

Laboratory Experience
2018 Spatter simulations using a high-capacity furnace at Syracuse University.
2017 Spatter simulations using a high-capacity furnace at Syracuse University.
2015-16 PEG wax lava simulations measured with particle image velocimeter.
2014 Macro-scale lava simulations using a high-capacity furnace at Syracuse University.
2012 Cooling rate experiments using programmable tube and muffle furnaces.
2010 Thermoremnent paleomagnetic measurements at University of New Mexico.
2009 Chemical analysis by microprobe.
2008 High-temperature and pressure experiments in a TZM vessel.
2007 Chemical analyses by XRF, ICP-MS, and SEM on basaltic lava.
2004 Stable isotope analysis on marbles from New Jersey.

Fieldwork Locations
2018 Spatter characterization in Eastern Oregon. Portable XRF and VNIR in Iceland.
2017 Spatter characterization in Southern Idaho. Portable XRF analysis in Iceland.
2016 Lava morphology at Deccan Traps, India, Craters of the Moon, ID, and Steen Mtns, OR.
2015 Lava morphology analysis of sinuous flows at Laki, Iceland.
2014 Hydrological survey of Yellowstone N.P. WY, Permafrost survey of Noatak River, AK.
2013 Mapping and description of spatter deposits and Blue Dragon formation, Idaho.
2012 Mapping and characterization of spatter deposits, Oregon, Idaho, and Washington.
2010-11 Field excursions to the Idaho Batholith, Stillwater Igneous Complex, Newberry Caldera,
Crater Lake, Devils Garden, and the mega-flood Scablands of Washington.
2008 Volcanology field camp, Katmai National Park, AK
2007 Field trips around Alaska examining low-grade metamorphism, volcanic deposits,
tectonics, geomorphology, and glaciology
2006 Basalt flow morphology and geochemistry, Galapagos Islands
2005 Volcanology field trip, HI
Igneous and Structural field trip, Death Valley, NV
2004 High Temperature Metamorphism, Adirondacks, NY
Colgate field camp, NY, CO, UT, WY
2002 Mapping in igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks, San Juan Mountains, CO


2018 NASA PSTAR award - $874,013

NASA RRNRES award - $16,317
2017 NASA Ames Orbit2Core grant - $7,800
2016 NASA Postdoctoral Program award (NPP) - $169,000
2013 Travel Grant, UI Student Graduate Student Group - $470
Dr. Indu Dayal Meshri Geology Scholarship - $3862
2011 A.H. Featherstone-Geology Award - $1000
Travel Grant, UI Graduate Student Group - $360
Dissemination Grant, UI Student Grant Program - $1,350
2007 Norma Vergo Prize in Geology – Brunton Compass
High Honors in Geology

Leadership/Synergistic Activities
Interdisciplinary collaborative field campaign to Craters of the Moon.
Diversity/career counseling for high school, undergraduate, and graduate students.
Proposal review committee member
Executive secretary for NASA review panel
Drexel University
Mentoring graduate student and engaging in collaborative volcanology-geophysics-
remote sensing field campaign in Iceland.
Referee for Geophysical Research Letters
Outreach at AGU Exploration Station
Washington State University
Mentoring 2 undergraduate students on volcanology research projects
Outreach at AGU Exploration Station
University of Idaho
Hiring Committee Student Chair
Women’s Club Hockey Co-President
Graduate and Professional Student Association Senator
Lead petrologist for interdisciplinary research team at CIDER summer workshop
Colgate University
Women’s Club Hockey Co-President
Geology Club Co-President

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