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Which is?

How is Bulimia
Bulimia nervosa is a serious What causes Bulimia? prevented?
eating disorder characterized The exact cause of bulimia is The prevention of bulimia involves
by the ingestion of large unknown. Probably, for this the maintenance of healthy habits
quantities of food in secret, condition contribute multiple of life and the early identification
followed by the induction of biological, emotional and social of any sign of this condition. In the
vomiting. In other cases, it is factors. case of the youngest, regular
sought to compensate for pediatric evaluation allows for
excessive calorie intake with early identification of eating
How is Bulimia treated?
too intensive levels of exercise disorders.
or using diuretics and In general, treating bulimia
The creation of an adequate
laxatives. requires a combination of
perception of the body image by
medications and psychotherapy.
the parents also plays a very
Besides these clinical elements,
important role in the prevention
family support is a fundamental
of bulimia.
aspect to overcome this

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