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Civility- To everyone

The Young American’s for Freedom is a decades old organization, one which has its roots in the
foundations of conservatism. Key to these conservative principles are respect, civility, and the
freedom to live your life as you see fit.
Together, we are stronger when we maintain, above all, a dialogue, civil and respectful. One
where we can communicate the important and difficult to discuss issues while taking care not to
offend the other party, though this is second only to the pursuit of truth through the dialogue.
The campus Spirit Rock is a fantastic tool the University allows we students to use, to
communicate our ideas to our peers and keep them informed of noteworthy events.
Four times now, both the LGBT community and those in YAF have had their ideas and their
work on the Spirit Rock vandalized by those with no way of expressing their disagreement but to
cowardly act as they have. While conservatives differ from the LGBT community in some areas,
we stand with them in solidarity, united in that these actions and actions such as these do
nothing to further discourse.
The Young American’s for Freedom absolutely condemn such acts, and no member of YAF
played any part in the defacement of the Spirit Rock. Any that might in the future would be
immediately dismissed from the organization.
Kevin O’Connor
YAF Chapter Chair
Harrison Turnage
YAF Vice Chair

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