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scientific-methodical and pedagogical work (on public

terms); M.O. Bogatyreva is a senior lecturer of the

Department, founder of student competitions in English language A. L.
Drobchak - Senior Lecturer
department, coordinator of the Information center
and cooperation of the Kryvy Rih Faculty of NU "OLA"
co-organizer of the oratory art contest
"Ciceros inheritors"; O. M. Melnik -
teacher of the department, master of Sports on sambo,
Head of the sports section of judo and combat
sambo, senior coach of judo, sambo, sumo Kryvy Rih of Federation
, organizer of students sports events
at the Kryvyi Rih Faculty of NU "OLA"; V. Yashina - assistant chair of the
organizer of student thematic excursions,
co-ordinator of the sector of vocational guidance work of the Kryvy Rih
Faculty of NU "OLA".Department of Socio-Political and Economic Disciplines
as a separate structural subdivision of Kryvyy Rih
The Faculty of NU "OLA" was reorganized from the department of
humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines
on the basis of the O rder of the rector of the National-
th University "Odessa Law Academy"
in June 2016.
The department as an independent structural subdivision
Krivoy Rog Faculty of NU "OLA" was
created on the basis of the order of the rector of the National
University "Odessa Law Academy"
In July 2009, with an aim to provide
general-educational disciplines social-humanitary cycle.
The department teaches such educational courses
and special courses as: "English language ( prof.
oriented) "," Foreign language (second language) "," Latin language","
Information technologies in the
judicial activity "," History of the doctrines about the state
and law "," History of the state and the law of foreign
Countries "," History of the Odessa School of Law "," History
State and Law of Ukraine "," Ukrainian professionaly oriented language for
"," History of Ukrainian
culture "," Oratory art ",
"Foundations of Economic Theory "," The Law of the European Union
"," Philosophy "," Socio-political processes ",
"Professional Ethics of a Lawyer", "Religious Studies",
"Logic", "Fundamentals of Economic Theory", "Theory
Business »,« Physical education »,« Ukrainian language
(for professional purposes)"
In the process of teaching of general educational
disciplines of socio-humanitarian cycle department
provides the formation of general competences
of applicants for legal education, before
all improvement of their knowledge of the state language,
which guarantees students the opportunity of its oral,
and written use, including
in the professional area.
Rhetorical competence law students
also improve while studying the discipline "Oratory art". This discipline is
highlights the issue of formation of European
rhetoric, history of its development, types of eloquence
and areas of its use, training issues
speeches and culture of the speaker. Special attention is
given to judicial eloquence, process of
preparation of judicial proceedings, characteristics of
its functions, components, analysis of speeches of
public prosecutor and lawyer. At classes
from "Oratory Art" future lawyers
improve their oratorical skills and abilities
get special knowledge that will allow them to use
rhetoricaly correct resourses of language
to produce effective text.
The legal education standard also covers the
knowing and understanding by future lawyers of the nature of
moral values, including moral
norms of the legal profession and the ability to act on their
basis. Students master ethical knowledge,
skills and abilities in the process of learning different
disciplines of the Department, especially within the framework of the
course "Professional ethics of a lawyer".

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