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Budde’s Class News

November 2, 2018
a note from the teacher Spelling words
Happy November!
• Because of allergies and dietary Return Journal
restrictions, any birthday treats sent in
must be nonedible, like pencils, stickers,
Courage Courtesy
etc. Surface Nourish
• Please continue to send in $52 from
Candy Sale boxes when you are done Purpose Purse
selling. Checks are preferred, and must be
made to Knapp Charter Academy.
First Furniture
• Please make sure your child is coming to Turkey Search
school dressed appropriately, as students
are outside before school each morning, Heard Curtain
and most mornings for a morning break. Early Burrow
• If you are able and willing, our class could
use donations of graham crackers for Turtle Hamburger
snack time. Thanks!
• Please make sure you are checking your
Birthday Survey
child’s homework folder every night! Your
child may have homework or an
important note. Star student
• Information will be coming soon about
volunteering for our Harvest Party! Rodney Allen

What Are We Learning?

Math Reading Science
This week we continued our This week students showed their We continued our science unit
geometry unit. We learned how learning on our ELA interim about energy. We learned that
to draw and identify lines of assessment. Students also the amount of speed an object
symmetry, as well as how to continued to draft their has is related to how much
describe and classify personal narrative. energy it has.

Mark your Calendar

Next Week This Month Future
November 5: Half Day November 20: Harvest Part December 10-14: Holiday Shop
November 9: Veteran’s Day November 21-23: Thanksgiving
Assembly Break
Ms. Budde’s Class News
November 2, 2018
a note from the Office
½ Day of School – Monday, November 5. Dismissal is at 11:30am

Math Night Thank You – What a fun experience for our families. Knapp’s math
committee had a wonderful parent and student turnout last Thursday here in our
gym where math games took center stage. Congratulations again to all our prize
winners.. A special shout out to all those teachers and staff members who stayed
and worked a station, game, and table during the events. Counting,
calculations, logic, and facts and figures were on display. Like the math night’s
goal…keep having fun with math!

Next FRIDAY - Veteran’s Day Assembly - Knapp Academy Veterans Day

Assembly will be on Friday, November 9, 2018, at 9:15 am, we would like to
extend an invitation to all Veterans of our Knapp family to be a part of our
annual observance. If there is a Veteran in your family that is able to attend our
assembly, please complete the form that was sent home earlier this month and
return it to the or, email Miss Lehan directly -

Holiday Shoppe December 10th to 14th – Can you volunteer during the second
week of December in our Holiday Shoppe? Help us make this time special for
your kids. Please consider spending a chunk of a day, days, or the whole week –
whatever you can do to help us out. We need wrappers, station workers and
shopper helpers. Dads are more than welcome too. Click the link below for
more details and to see the sign

3:20 –3:40 Pick-Up for ALL students - At the end of the school day, our classes
dismiss and all students are on the curb by 3:20. It is the expectation of Knapp
parents to be at approach/in the lot by the end of school because the curb
area line-up free most days at 3:35pm. Picking up forty-five minutes and beyond
is not an option. Traffic moves through the lot and it is your decision whether you
want to sit and wait pre-dismissal or you want to use the drive-thru option and
pick up at the curb. The flow of carpool area sometimes slows in rainy or snowy
weather, but it is never an option to be past 3:45 picking up your
rider(s). Whatever you choose at the end of the day, the option needs to be
timely. Thank you for making the needed changes and respecting the time and
efforts of the Knapp staff to dismiss our students.

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