Scenario: Backup Configuration: Description

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Lab 8
Scenario: Backup configuration


This lab introduces you to Pravail NSI backup system.

After completing this lab, you will be able to do the following:
• Use backup feature of Pravail NSI.

The following equipment is required to complete this lab:
• web browser
When accessing training labs, you will be prompted for Training Portal
Authentication. Use following credentials:
• Login: student17
• Password: 44AYJCgf82

Estimated Completion Time

• The estimated completion time for this lab is 20 minutes.

Backup configuration
In this exercise you need to configure a scheduled weekly backup to remove
SCP server.

Student 17
Pravail NSI Backup configuration
Lab 8

1. Log into

using credentials you have configured in lab 1. Note that you will be
presented with proxy authentication first, use your student login:


2. Navigate to Settings->Backup

3. Select all backup components

4. Configure Weekly Backup

5. Select SCP protocol

6. Specify as the destination, port 22

7. Use directory /home/student17/

and following credentials:
Username: student17
8. Click Test Connection to check that SCP server is accessible

9. Click Save and Run to start backup process

This completes the lab exercise.

L8-2 Student 17 Pravail NSI 5.5

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