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Are The “Alt-Left” & Alt-Right W/Soros Help

& “The Deep State” Going To Destroy

Our President And Country?

The 2017 Trump

Presidency - #17
November 14, 2017 – December 6, 2017

Mueller Has Found Flynn Guilty, Will

This Help The “Psycho Left” Destroy
The Trump Presidency
And United States of America?
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F.R.E.D. Productions
November 2017

How We Can Be Certain That
Mueller Won’t Prove Trump-Russia Collusion
Caitlin Johnstone - Rogue Journalist, Poet, And Utopia Prepper.
Nov 12, 2017

Donald Trump colluded with the Russian government to

steal the 2016 election using hackers and propaganda, the
US intelligence community would have found it and
leaked it to the New York Times or the Washington Post
last year.

A while back I figured out a trick for using Twitter as a

tool to find out what sorts of things establishment loyalists
really don’t want me saying. Once I discover a really hot
button, I write an article that bangs on that button as hard
as possible. One of those buttons is expressing my
certainty that Robert Mueller’s investigation will never,
ever find any proof that Trump colluded with Russia to
steal the 2016 election using hackers and propaganda.

We are not allowed to say such things. If you debate a

Russiagater for any length of time and you know how to
debunk their assertions, they always, always, always wind
up resorting to a “just you wait until Mueller finishes his
investigation” declaration, which from my point of view is
the same as debating a fundamentalist Christian whose
argument boils down to

“Well I’ll be proven right when you die and

God sends you to Hell!”

You can always feel right if you kick the can around some
corner in the future that can’t be seen and analyzed
critically. Luckily for us, we’ve got information that we
can look at right now which does not require any religious

We know from the Snowden leaks on the NSA, the CIA

files released by WikiLeaks, and the ongoing controversies
regarding FBI surveillance that the US intelligence
community has the most expansive, most sophisticated and
most intrusive surveillance network in the history of
human civilization. Following the presidential election last
year, anonymous sources from within the intelligence
community were hemorrhaging leaks to the press on a
regular basis that were damaging to the incoming
administration. If there was any evidence to be found that
narratives. People forming their worldviews based on
phantasms of the mind instead of concrete facts.

I’ve noticed a strange uptick in establishment loyalists

speaking to me as though Trump-Russia collusion is
already an established fact, and that I’m simply not well-
informed. There is still the same amount of publicly
available evidence for this collusion as there ever was
(zero), so this tells me that the only thing which has
changed is the narrative. Pundits/propagandists are
increasingly speaking as though this is something that has
already been established, and the people who consume that
propaganda go out and circulate it as though it’s an
established fact. When you’re not plugged into that echo
chamber, though, it looks very weird.

This is why Russiagaters find my certainty that collusion

will never be proven so intensely abrasive. Their entire
worldview consists of pure narrative — literally nothing
other than authoritative assertions from pundits who speak
in a confident tone of voice — so when they encounter
someone doing the same thing but with hard facts, it
causes psychological discomfort. This discomfort is called
cognitive dissonance. It’s what being wrong feels like.

I mean, I get it. Really, I do. When I stop listening to the

narratives of both his supporters and his detractors and just
look at the hard facts, from my point of view Trump is
doing some really shitty things and doesn’t seem much
different from his neoliberal neocon predecessors.
Republicans are horrible, and he seems pretty much like a
Mueller isn’t going to find anything in 2017 that these garden variety Republican who says rude things on
vast, sprawling networks wouldn’t have found in 2016. Twitter. If I look at those hard facts, then add in two years
He’s not going to find anything by “following the money” of psychological brutalization by the corporate media
that couldn’t be found infinitely more efficaciously via telling Americans that Trump is an evil Nazi who will turn
Orwellian espionage. The factions within the intelligence the country into a smouldering crater, I can understand
community that were working to sabotage the incoming why people would be in a hurry to get him out of office.
administration last year would have leaked proof of
collusion if they’d had it. They did not have it then, and And when I converse with Russiagaters, that’s generally
they do not have it now. Mueller will continue finding what this boils down to. “Impeach Trump” is a punishment
evidence of corruption throughout his investigation, since in search of a crime. They’ve been whipped into a frenzied
corruption is to DC insiders as water is to fish, but he will state of fear by establishment psyops, and they want
not find evidence of collusion to win the 2016 election that Mueller to pull a deus ex machina and save them from the
will lead to Trump’s impeachment. It will not happen. evil orange monster. They believe Mueller will get Trump
impeached for Russian collusion because they badly want
This sits on top of all the many, many, many reasons to be to.
extremely suspicious of the Russiagate narrative in the first
place. It’s not going to happen, though. Deus ex Mueller isn’t
coming. You’re going to have to solve your country’s
Humans are storytelling creatures. The most significant problems yourselves, America.
and most underappreciated facet of our existence is how
much of our interface with the world consists not of our And this is actually a good thing, because Trump is not the
direct experience of it, but of our mental stories about it. source of your country’s problems. Believing that a Trump
Combine that fact with the century of research and impeachment will fix any of America’s major ills is like
development that has gone into refining propaganda tactics believing cough suppressants cure pneumonia. What do
and the US plutocracy’s stranglehold on mainstream you get when you have pneumonia and you take cough
media, and you get a nation lost in establishment suppressants instead of antibiotics? You get wrong-
sounding Muppets, that’s what.

addressing the disease which created him, you’re just
addressing the symptom.

The problem is not Trump. The problem

is that America is ruled by an unelected
power establishment which maintains
its rule by sabotaging democracy,
exacerbating economic injustice and
expanding the US war machine. Stop
listening to the lies that they pipe into
your echo chambers and turn to face
your real demons.
If you attribute all your problems to Trump, you’re
guaranteeing more Trumps after him, because you’re not

Establishment Insiders, Mueller
And Woolsey Falsely Target LTG Michael Flynn
By Kelleigh Nelson
Nov 13, 2017

I am concerned for the security of our great intelligence. The General is the victim of an elaborate
Nation; not so much because of any threat “deep state” scam whose real objective is to destroy not
from without, but because of the insidious merely Flynn but the Trump presidency, and that is why
forces working from within. —General he’s in Mueller’s crosshairs.
Douglas MacArthur
A body of men holding themselves
accountable to nobody ought not to be
trusted by anybody. —Thomas Paine

Robert Mueller and his gang of Clinton supporting

attorneys should have long ago been fired. There is a total
crisis of confidence in the man because of his involvement
in the Uranium One deal. Had he any integrity, he would
have recused himself. Real Russian collusion rests in
Hillary Clinton’s lap, but the prey isn’t Hillary, it’s our
President, and that’s why Former FBI Director Mueller is
targeting Trump’s friends.
Lieutenant General Michael T. Flynn

Sebastian Gorka was told by a senior level FBI agent that

he needed to understand that the seventh floor of the FBI, Trump supporter and former National Security Advisor,
meaning the senior leadership, looks at the Trump White Michael Flynn has more experience battling the Taliban, al
House as the enemy. Qaeda and other militant groups than anyone else in
Trump’s inner circle. He was the perfect choice for Chief
of the National Security Agency.
Former FBI agent, John Guandolo says the primary
Islamic advisors who are inside the White House, State
Department, CIA, FBI, DHS, national security staffs, and Flynn takes a more aggressive approach against Islamist
others are Muslim Brotherhood (MB) operatives or militants, which is probably what actually got him ousted.
Muslims ideologically aligned with the Muslim Former FBI agent, John Guandolo,
Brotherhood. Mueller even helped Obama purge Islamic ( has exposed the infiltration
documents from training manuals. by the Muslim Brotherhood of jihadist organizations in our
DOJ. One need only read his book, Raising a Jihadi
Generation, to understand how difficult the intelligence
James Woolsey saw a lucrative lobbying position already
community would make it for Flynn.
under contract with Gen. Flynn’s company and tried to
steal it out from under him at a price 20 times higher,
telling the Turkish businessmen he could do a better job. The General rightly believes that the United States is
When he was passed over for a position in the Trump losing a global war against Islamist extremism that may
campaign, and the Turks turned him down, did he retaliate last for generations. His book, The Field of Fight
against Flynn? prescribes a harder political line on Iran, including
information warfare to expose shortcomings in Iran’s
The enemies of this administration are targeting those who
have surrounded our President hoping they can find
something to take Donald J. Trump down, and they don’t Like Trump, Flynn called the 2003 invasion of Iraq a
care who they destroy to get to him. strategic blunder and says that energy should have been
directed instead toward political support for opponents of
Iran’s theocratic rulers. Link
LTG Flynn served honorably for 33 years in the U.S.
Army, much of the time at the top levels of military
Flynn Resigns as National Security Advisor
The General’s tenure as National Security Adviser ended Michael T. Flynn apparently knew about Islamist Gülen’s
because of a conversation he had with Russian hundreds of charter schools in America. All of them have
Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, but there was nothing illegal an innocuous name, names that would never be connected
about that conversation and the tape proves it. to Islam. Gülen’s charter schools are on several US Air
Force Bases. Why is an Islamic school, Coral Academy of
The more serious problem for Flynn could be his Science Las Vegas, on Nellis AFB where our fighter jets,
connections with the government of Turkey. What people munition squadrons and bombs are housed?
don’t understand is that he was trying to protect the
American people and their children. U.S. State Department cables, divulged by WikiLeaks,
reveal that Foggy Bottom, which has closely
Former Press Secretary Sean Spicer stated Flynn had done monitored Gülen since 2003, describes the preacher as a
nothing wrong in his lobbying work. “This is what he did “radical Islamist” whose moderate message cloaks a more
for a living. He was being compensated,” Mr. Spicer said. sinister and radical agenda. He is a true, dyed-in-the-wool
“He was a private citizen at the time. There’s nothing Islamist who wishes to transform the United States and
nefarious about doing anything that’s legal as long as the Turkey into Shariah states.
proper paperwork is filed.”

Private U.S. citizens who lobby for a foreign government

must disclose their work to the Justice Department. Flynn
had registered with the Justice Department as a foreign
agent for $530,000 worth of lobbying work before Election
Day. In March 2017, after resigning as the NSA, he filed a
Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) disclosing that
through his firm, Flynn Intel Group, he had worked in
2016 on behalf of Inovo BV, a firm based in the
Netherlands and owned by a Turkish businessman with
links to the Turkish government.

Flynn’s firm was paid $530,000 by Inovo. The General’s

FARA filing revealed that a September 19 meeting In light of Gülen’s modus operandi elsewhere, the
occurred and that Islamist Fethullah Gülen was discussed. Department of Homeland Security should be asking itself
But the filing claims that Flynn’s work was on behalf of why such a non-transparent, religion-based organization
Inovo, not the Turkish government, and that it concerned would seek to establish itself on our military bases,
merely “the political climate in Turkey” and “doing teaching the children of our service men and women.
business in Turkey,” related to the export of natural gas. [Link] And what about Gülen’s other 200 charter schools
throughout the country? Do the parents even know what
their children are exposed to?
According to Flynn’s lawyer, he didn’t need to register
because his client was a Turkish businessman and not a
government official, but had opted to do so retroactively. Illustration by Greg Groesch of Washington Times

The Podesta Group did not file under FARA after years of The Gülen organization uses charter schools and affiliated
lobbying for the European Center which supported Viktor businesses in the U.S. to misappropriate and launder state
Yanukovych, Ukraine’s pro-Russian president. Mueller’s and federal education tax dollars, which the organization
recent indictment of Manafort rather than Tony Podesta is then uses for its own benefit to develop political power in
telling. He is targeting friends of Trump, hoping to take this country and globally. Gülen’s assets are between $20
our President down. and $50 billion.

Gülen’s Charter Schools on Air Force Bases Gülen, H1-B Visas and the CIA

Recep Tayip Erdogan accused Fethullah Gülen of Worse yet, beside defrauding American taxpayers, the
masterminding the failed 2016 Turkish coup d’état Gülen organization is one of the country’s largest
attempt. He is currently on Turkey’s most-wanted-terrorist recipients of H1-B “specialty occupation” visas, even more
list and is accused of leading what the current Turkish than Google, which it uses to import Turkish teachers into
officials call the Gülenist Terror Organization. Turkey is its charter schools, supposedly because local U.S. talent is
demanding the extradition of Gülen from the United not available to fill math and science teaching positions in
States. its charter schools. The Gülen organization illegally
threatens to revoke these visas unless the Turkish teachers
agree to kick back part of their salary to the organization.
Woolsey is a Democrat, he’s a member of the Council on
Foreign Relations, and was Director of the CIA under Bill
Clinton for two years. Mueller’s probe of General Flynn
has garnered support from James Woolsey.

Gülen is wrapped up with the CIA, and two CIA handlers,

Graham Fuller, George Fidas, and others gave Gülen court
references for permanent Visa residence considering his
so-called “extraordinary abilities.” That same CIA wanted
to rid the Trump administration of General Flynn, for
obvious reasons. Here is Graham Fuller’s article extolling
the virtues of the Gülen movement and stating it is not a Woolsey joined as a senior adviser to Republican
cult. presidential candidate Donald Trump in September 2016,
but resigned in January when Trump made statements
Even WikiLeaks has exposed Gülen and his involvement critical of the United States Intelligence Community. He
in the U.S. and Turkey. is another DC swamp snake, one who most likely detests
General Flynn. Woolsey is an establishment globalist
insider, and he still wields power in DC because of his past
Flynn Op-ed, Turkey in Crisis
In an election day op-ed, 8 November 2016 in The Hill,
Former FBI agent, John Guandolo, has made it clear that
General Flynn wrote that Turkey was in crisis and needed
the White House, State Department, CIA, FBI, DHS,
our help. The article is a brilliant overview, and note, we
national security staffs, and others are infiltrated with
see mention of the Muslim Brotherhood again.
Muslim Brotherhood operatives or Muslims ideologically
aligned with the Brotherhood. They are the first to
We must begin with understanding that Turkey is vital to complain if anyone in US intelligence should utter the
U.S. interests. Turkey is really our strongest ally against truth of Islam or stealth jihad.
the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), as well as a
source of stability in the region. It provides badly needed
Mike Flynn is a man with a mission and with knowledge
cooperation with U.S. military operations.
about Islamic enemies, which certainly would make
Woolsey uncomfortable.
The primary bone of contention between the U.S. and
Turkey is Fethullah Gülen, a shady Islamic mullah residing
in Pennsylvania whom former President Clinton once Woolsey Claims Flynn Offered Him CIA Job
called his “friend” in a well circulated video.
In a WSJ article, Woolsey even claimed that NSA Flynn
offered him his job back as CIA Director. [Link]
Gülen portrays himself as a moderate, but he is in fact a
radical Islamist. He has publicly boasted about his
“soldiers” waiting for his orders to do whatever he directs Robert Kelner, Flynn’s attorney said, “Mr. Woolsey’s
them to do. If he were in reality a moderate, he would not claim in The Wall Street Journal that he was offered the
be in exile, nor would he excite the animus of Recep position of the CIA director if he would agree to report
Tayyip Erdogan and his government. only to Gen. Flynn is entirely false. Woolsey was passed
over for any position in the Trump administration and that
may be coloring this and other untrue allegations he has
For those of us who have closely studied the careers of
made against Gen. Flynn.”
Seyed Qutb and Hasan al Bana, the founders and followers
of the Muslim Brotherhood, Gülen’s words and activities
are very familiar. Mueller Interviews Woolsey and Wife

Former CIA Director, James Woolsey Both Woolsey and his wife have been in communication
with the FBI regarding the Sept. 19, 2016 meeting
Woolsey was invited to attend by one of General Flynn’s
business partners. Both have been interviewed by the FBI
and members of the Office of the Special Counsel. Reuters stated they saw a memo where Woolsey and his
According to NBC News, the FBI communicated with wife Nancye Miller sketched a plan to draw attention to
Woolsey both before and after Mueller’s team took over. Gülen’s role in the coup against Turkey’s Erdogan so as to
The interview with Woolsey was regarding allegations that encourage an official investigation.
Mike Flynn discussed a possibly “illegal” removal of
Fethullah Gülen from the U.S. However, Alptekin, an ally of Erdogan, and Chairman of
the US-Turkey Business Council, had already agreed
In March 2017, Woolsey claimed that Flynn discussed through one of his companies to a $600,000 contract with
with Turkish officials the possibility of removing Gülen the consulting firm of Michael Flynn to research Gülen.
from the U.S. The Turkish government believes the
Muslim cleric is responsible for helping spur last Woolsey was a member of Flynn’s firm, the Flynn Intel
summer’s attempted coup to overthrow President Erdogan. Group, according to a Justice Department filing by the
Woolsey told the WSJ he arrived at the meeting in New firm and an archive of the company’s website, although a
York on Sept. 19, in the middle of the discussion, spokesman for Woolsey disputed that characterization,
and believed the actions being discussed were possibly saying he was an unpaid adviser and his affiliation was
illegal He claimed the topic was Pennsylvania resident, “loosely defined.”
Fethullah Gülen.
During the luncheon meeting Woolsey and Miller tried to
Woolsey also claimed he heard Flynn say Gülen could be convince the two Turks that they were better than Flynn
removed from the country without using the U.S. for the job. Bidding for a lobbying or consulting contract
extradition legal process. This bogus story is now gaining with a foreign company or government is not illegal, but
media legs, so much so that the General’s lawyer had to the Woolseys did not win the contract.
issue a statement.
There you have it. Two Trump advisers were competing
Flynn’s spokesman, Price Floyd, told the WSJ that “at no with each other for a business deal with Alptekin, but
time did Flynn discuss any illegal actions, nonjudicial Woolsey was trying to undercut Flynn.
physical removal or any other such activities.”
Jonathan Franks, a spokesman for Woolsey and Miller,
“The claim made by Woolsey that General Flynn, or said they had pursued with Turkish interests an “economic
anyone else in attendance, discussed physical removal of development proposal in the wake of the coup that
Gülen from the United States during a meeting with centered around reassuring folks that Turkey was a safe
Turkish officials in New York is false,” Floyd said. “No place to do business” but that the project’s focus was not
such discussion occurred. Nor did Mr. Woolsey ever on Gülen.
inform General Flynn that he had any concerns whatsoever
regarding the meeting, either before he chose to attend, or
But Alptekin said Woolsey and Miller pursued his
business at the Sept. 20 luncheon pitching the project to
target Gülen, but he preferred to stick to his contract with
Woolsey actually notified Vice President Joe Biden, Flynn’s firm.
through a mutual friend, of what he thought could be an
illegal discussion by Flynn.
Alptekin Denies Woolsey’s Story

In September 2016, Flynn was a private citizen and was an

Flynn’s contract to help the Turkish government caused an
adviser to the Trump campaign. uproar, but only because it’s Mike Flynn. Woolsey stated
in media interviews that Flynn and others had discussed
Woolsey Attempt to Undermine Flynn the idea of covertly spiriting Gülen out of the US to
Reuters recently exposed the fact that while advising
Trump in 2016, Woolsey had a plan to discredit Fethullah Flynn has denied such a plan, and so has Alptekin, who
Gülen. Three people familiar with the proposal said he said it was never discussed. Alptekin found Woolsey’s
pitched a $10 million contract to two Turkish businessmen claim astounding because Woolsey sought Alptekin’s
to help discredit the mullah. business the very next day. Alptekin told Reuters that
Woolsey’s story is fiction.
Only a week after joining the Trump campaign on national
security issues, and one day after Flynn’s meeting, Woolsey had pitched the project to Korkmaz at a meeting
Woolsey met with Ekim Alptekin and Sezgin Baran in California in August of 2016. Woolsey’s wife outlined
Korkmaz for lunch. He and his wife proposed a lobbying the proposal and sent it in an email to her husband who
and public relations campaign targeting…yes…Fethullah
printed it out and gave it to Korkmaz who then forwarded Conclusion
it to Alptekin.
Here is another DC swamp set-up, and Mueller is not only
Korkmaz had known Woolsey for years and invited him to going after General Flynn, but he’s also targeting Flynn’s
the meeting. Korkmaz actually told Woolsey he was son, Michael, all for alleged Trump/Russian collusion that
looking for someone who could handle a lobbying and even leftist Dianne Feinstein has said lacks any proof.
public relations project related to Gülen.
This witch hunt is costing the Flynns not only a great
The proposal by the Woolsey’s included getting then amount of stress over the entire fallacious investigation,
Senator Sessions to co-author articles on the situation in but also legal fees are draining their resources. Please help
Turkey and engaging other top lawmakers like Senator this wonderful veteran clear his name by donating to his
Bob Corker as well as putting Woolsey on Fox News and legal defense fund. Any amount you can send will help
CNN. Cost was $10 million. them.

How To Instantly Prove (Or Disprove)
Russian Hacking Of U.S. Election
By George Washington
Nov 15, 2017 1:42 AM

It’s newsworthy that CIA head Mike Pompeo recently met segments/path and time to go though the
with Bill Binney – who designed the NSA’s electronic network. And, of course, the number of
surveillance system – about potential proof that the DNC packet bits. With this they would know to
emails were leaked rather than hacked. where and when the data passed.
From the data collection, they would have
It’s also noteworthy that the usual suspects – Neocon all the data as it existed in the server taken
warmongers such as Max Boot – have tried to discredit from.
both Binney and Pompeo.
That’s why I originally said if the FBI
wanted Hillary’s email, all they have to
But there’s a huge part of the story that the entire do is ask NSA for them.
mainstream media is missing …
All this is done by the Narus collection
Specifically, Binney says that the NSA has long had in its equipment in real time at line rates (620
computers information which can prove exactly who mbps [mega bits per second,] for the STA-
hacked the DNC … or instead prove that the DNC emails 6400 and 10 gbps [giga bits per second] for
were leaked by a Democratic insider. the Insight equipment).

Remember – by way of background – that the NSA Binney explained what these numbers mean: Each Narus
basically spies on everyone in America … and stores the Insight device can monitor and record around 1,250,000
data long-term. emails each second … or more than 39 trillion emails per
After the story of Pompeo’s meeting with Binney broke,
Binney told Washington’s Blog: Wired reported in 2006:

Here’s what they would have from the Whistle-blower Klein allegedly learned that
programs you list [i.e. NSA’s Fairview, AT&T was installing Narus boxes in
Stormbrew and Blarney spying programs, secure, NSA-controlled rooms in switching
which Edward Snowden revealed] plus centers around the country.
hundreds if not thousands of trace route
programs embedded in switches in the US Binney told us there are probably 18 or so Narus recording
and around the world. systems throughout the U.S. deployed by the NSA at
AT&T facilities, drawing our attention to the following
First, from deep packet inspection, they NSA document leaked by Edward Snowden:
would have the originator and ultimate
recipient (IP) of the packets plus packet
series 32 bit number identifier and all the [see on next page]
housekeeping data showing the network

And this AT&T graphic:

And: Additionally, it’s simple to conduct “traceroute” searches.
“Traceroute” is a computer network diagnostic tool for
Universal data collection from links, displaying the route and measuring transit delays of
routers, soft switches, IDS/IPS, packets across an Internet Protocol network.
databases, etc. provides total network
view across the world’s largest IP Wired reported in 2006:
“Anything that comes through (an
Binney also pointed me towards a couple of network internet protocol network), we can
engineering principles that show that figuring out who record,” says Steve Bannerman, marketing
hacked the emails (or proving they were leaked) is well vice president of Narus, a Mountain View,
within NSA’s capabilities. California, company. “We can reconstruct
all of their e-mails along with
Initially, when data is transmitted online, it is sent using attachments, see what web pages they
the TCP/IP Packet format. Put simply, data is not sent in a clicked on, we can reconstruct their
vacuum, but rather as part of a bundle containing a lot of (voice over internet protocol) calls.”
other information.
So NSA can easily basic packet sniffers and traceroutes,
Here’s the TCP part of the bundle: And see this.

Remember, Edward Snowden says the NSA could easily

determine who hacked the Democratic National
Committee’s emails:

If Russia hacked the #DNC, they should be condemned for

it. But during the #Sony hack, the FBI presented


Even if the attackers try to obfuscate

origin, #XKEYSCORE makes following
exfiltrated data easy. I did this
personally against Chinese ops. 5:58 AM
- Jul 25, 2016

And here’s the IP part of the bundle: Binney told us:

Snowden is right and the MSM is



Do they have evidence that the Russians downloaded and

later forwarded those emails to wikileaks? Seems to me
that they need to answer those questions to be sure that
their assertion is correct.


So any data analyst can learn a tremendous amount about You can tell from the network log who is going into a site.
the source address of the sender, the destination address of I used that on networks that I had. I looked to see who
the receiver and a boatload of other information by using a came into my LAN, where they went, how long they
“packet sniffer” to inspect the “packets” of information stayed and what they did while in my network.
being sent over the web.
Further, if you needed to, you could trace back approaches
through other servers etc. Trace Route and Trace Watch
are good examples of monitoring software that help do they say. So far, they have failed to
these things. Others of course exist … probably the best prove anything.
are in NSA/GCHQ and the other Five Eyes countries. But,
Which suggests they don’t have proof
these countries have no monopoly on smart people that
and just want to war monger the US
could do similar detection software.
public into a second cold war with the
He explained:
After all, there’s lots and lots of money in that for the
If it were the Russians, NSA would have military-industrial-intelligence-governmental complex of
a trace route to them and not equivocate incestuous relationships.
on who did it. It’s like using “Trace Route”
to map the path of all the packets on the ***
network. In the program Treasuremap
NSA has hundreds of trace route programs
embedded in switches in Europe and If you recall, a few years ago they pointed to a specific
hundreds more around the world. So, this building in China that was where hacks on the US were
set-up should have detected where the originating. So, let’s see the same from the Russians. They
packets went and when they went there. don’t have it. That’s why they don’t show it. They want to
swindle us again and again and again. You can not trust
these intelligence agencies period.
He added:
And he told Newsweek:
As Edward Snowden said, once they have
the IP’s and/or other signatures of 28/29
[the supposed Russian hacking groups] U.S. officials “know how many people
and DNC/HRC/etc. [i.e. the DNC and [beyond the Russians] could have done
Hillary Rodham Clinton], NSA would use this but they aren’t telling us anything. All
Xkeyscore to help trace data passing they’re doing is promoting another cold
across the network and show where it war.”
went. [Background.] Binney … compared allegations about
In addition, since Wikileaks is (and has Russian hacks to previous U.S. fabrications
been) a cast iron target for of intelligence to justify the invasion of Iraq
NSA/GCHQ/etc for a number of years in 2003 and the bombing of North Vietnam
there should be no excuse for them in 1964.
missing data going to any one “This is a big mistake, another WMD or
associated with Wikileaks. Tonkin Gulf affair that’s being created
until they have absolute proof” of Russian
*** complicity in the DNC hacks, he charged
during a Newsweek interview. He noted
Too many words means they don’t have clear evidence of that after the Kremlin denied complicity in
how the data got to Wikileaks. the downing of a Korean Airlines flight in
1983, the U.S. “exposed the conversations
where [Russian pilots] were ordered to
And he stressed:
shoot it down.” Obama officials “have the
evidence now” of who hacked the DNC, he
If the idiots in the intelligence community charged. “So let’s see it, guys.“
expect us to believe them after all the crap
they have told us (like WMD’s in Iraq and NSA either doesn’t have solid evidence of Russian
“no we don’t collect data on millions or hacking of DNC emails – which means the Russians didn’t
hundreds of millions of Americans”) then do it – or those with the power to demand NSA produce
they need to give clear proof of what the evidence simply haven’t asked the right questions.

Fusion GPS Co-Founder Leaked Dossier To Reporters In
Retaliation For Comey Reopening Clinton Email Case
By Debra Heine
November 15, 2017

elsewhere have attempted at every turn to

smear Fusion GPS because of its
connection to the Steele dossier,”
Simpson’s attorney Joshua Levy said

Levy admitted that Steele and Simpson had briefed

reporters on the dossier last year, but insisted that neither
Simpson nor Fusion GPS paid members of the media to
publish stories of any kind.
Glenn R. Simpson, arrives for a scheduled appearance before a
closed House Intelligence Committee hearing on Capitol Hill in Banker turned human rights activist Bill Browder has
Washington, Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2017. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez accused Fusion of hiring journalists to plant stories in the
Monsivais) media.

Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson refused to answer Fusion, meanwhile, continued to fight the Intel
key questions during his seven-hour closed-door Committee's request for their bank records in court on
appearance Tuesday before the House Intelligence Wednesday.
Committee, Fox News reported Wednesday. But he did
acknowledge that he personally discussed allegations in
the Steele dossier with members of the media, even though According to The Daily Caller, Steele has revealed in
he did not speak to the sources behind the allegations court papers in London that
himself to verify whether they were true.
"he was directed by Fusion to brief
Moreover, he reportedly said that he leaked details from reporters at The New York Times, The
the dirty dossier to reporters right before the 2016 election Washington Post, CNN, Yahoo! News and
because he was "upset" that then-FBI director James The New Yorker in September 2016."
Comey had reopened the Clinton email case.
Steele also gave an interview via Skype to Mother Jones
Simpson told investigators he never spoke to the reporter David Corn, who published an article about
underlying sources of the document, never traveled to Steele’s allegations on Oct. 31, 2016.
Russia and did not verify the dossier beyond comparing
the claims to “open source” media reporting. Levy maintains that the dossier is legitimate.
The source said Simpson also told
investigators he was “upset” when then “What they did do is they contracted with
FBI Director James Comey re-opened Christopher Steele…. This experienced
the Hillary Clinton email investigation in British intelligence official came back with a
late October 2016, and Simpson wanted report that now in hindsight looks quite
to push back. accurate,” Levy said.

Simpson’s attorneys negotiated the details of his Fox News is standing by its report that Simpson met with
appearance before the committee last week, agreeing to Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya before and after the
voluntarily testify rather than be subpoenaed. June 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Donald Trump Jr.
and other campaign officials.
“Throughout this entire year, the White
House and its allies on the Hill and

But Levy said Simpson was “shocked and surprised” when
he discovered through the media that the Trump team had
met with Veselnitskaya.

Rep. Sean Duffy (R-Wisc.) called for a special counsel to

investigate the dirty dossier, Uranium One, and the Clinton

Katy Tur Gloats Journalists Purposefully 'Shot Down'
Uranium One Stories During Campaign
By Kristine Marsh
November 16, 2017 11:11 AM EST

It goes to show you how desperate

they've become to push back on the
special counsel in the Russia
investigation and what has been coming
out and dripping out from that.

After conservative media forced the networks and liberal

cable news to finally cover the latest FBI revelations over
the Clinton Foundation’s financial dealings with Russia,
they’ve changed tactics from ignoring the story, to
dismissing it as bogus.
Fellow guest Jeremy Peters of the New York Times also
MSNBC host Katy Tur bragged on Wednesday’s dismissed the story as “political catnip” for conservatives.
Deadline: White House that the media were fully aware of
the Uranium One story, during the campaign, but
You know what it is Nicolle?
purposefully chose to ignore it.

It's the Clintons. They're political catnip

Speaking to her fellow panel of liberals and Clinton
for this type of conservative. You see it
defenders, Tur scoffed that President Trump repeatedly
with the reaction to judge Moore. What
tried to bring up the Uranium One story on the campaign
about Bill Clinton? He had relations with
trail, but she, and her fellow journalists, wouldn’t take the
an intern in the white house. They can't
help themselves. Every time there is a
Republican scandal, the answer is
Tur slammed the story as a “desperate” move by Trump always, well, what did Bill Clinton do?
since she admitted, it was a regular talking point from his What did Hillary Clinton do? You're
campaign in 2015 and 2016, which the media refused to seeing the same thing.
report on:
While Tur added that Trump was only bringing up it again
So long to bring this up, too, which is it's almost because it was “politically expedient” for him to do so.
“When things get hairy for him, Hillary
Donald Trump brought up Uranium One Clinton once again. It's their way, the
and his ilk brought up Uranium One Republicans' way, Donald Trump's way
during the campaign and it was shot of taking some of the heat off his own
down so many times by me and other shoulders,” she said dismissively.
reporters in our own reporting.
As a reminder, on October 17, The Hill reported that
And then it went dark. They didn't really bring it up again newly released documents from the FBI showed that the
until recently. Clinton Foundation received massive kickbacks from the
Obama Administration’s dealings with Russia over the
Uranium One deal, to the tune of millions of dollars, all the
while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. The newly So for all MSNBC and CNN’s fretting that Uranium One
corroborated information was widely reported by is a “dumb conspiracy theory” “clown show” and a
conservative blogs and Fox News, last month but the “debunked” “closed case,” their eagerness to silence the
allegations that the Clintons benefitted financially from the supposed non-story speaks volumes.
deal was confirmed by the New York Times back in 2015.

Here Are Some Revelations From
New Book About The Steele Dossier
Chuck Ross - Reporter
9:32 PM 11/16/2017

A new book out by Guardian journalist Luke Harding Ukrainian political party. He has since been indicted for
provides previously unknown details about the Trump money laundering by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
dossier and its author, former British spy Christopher
Steele. New details about the surveillance
warrant against Trump campaign
Harding offers a sympathetic and largely uncritical look at adviser Carter Page
Steele and the dossier, which was commissioned by
opposition research firm Fusion GPS and funded by the Harding reports new details about what information was
Clinton campaign and DNC. included in a Justice Department application for a Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant against
Steele’s 35-page report remains largely uncorroborated, Carter Page, a former Trump campaign adviser who had
and Trump and members of his campaign have denied the visited Moscow in July 2016 and is featured prominently
most salacious allegations laid out in the report. in the dossier.

While Harding defends the dossier against those denials, The Washington Post reported earlier this year that a FISA
his book, “Collusion: Secret Meetings, Dirty Money, warrant was authorized against Page last September, just
and How Russia Helped Donald Trump Win,” does help after he left the Trump campaign.
fill in some gaps in how Steele compiled his anti-Trump
research, which BuzzFeed News published to much The evidence presented by the government for that warrant
controversy on Jan. 10. has remained a closely held secret, though there have been
reports that the dossier was cited in the request. Page
Here are a few revelations from the book, which hit vehemently denies the allegations made against him in the
shelves on Thursday. dossier and has argued that the federal government broke
the law by relying on Steele’s “dodgy dossier” to spy on
Steele first began investigating Paul Manafort him.

According to Harding, after Fusion GPS hired Steele in In the dossier, Steele alleges that Page, an energy
spring 2016, the former MI6 officer began his project by consultant, met in secret with two Putin allies during his
investigating Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s Moscow trip as part of the alleged campaign collusion
business activities. scheme. The dossier also accuses Page of working with
Manafort on the effort. Page has denied ever talking to
Manafort or of meeting the Kremlin officials that the
Fusion took on the project after being hired in April 2016
dossier alleges he colluded with.
by Perkins Coie, the law firm that represented the Clinton
campaign and DNC.
According to Harding, the FISA application cited contacts
that Page has had in the past with Russian operatives.
“In early spring 2016, Simpson approached
Steele. Steele started to scrutinize Paul
Manafort, Trump’s new campaign It has previously been reported that in 2013, Page, an
manager,” writes Harding. energy consultant and former banker, was approached by a
covert Russian spy as part of an apparent recruitment
attempt. Page cooperated with the FBI in the case.
Manafort is mentioned only twice in the dossier. Steele
alleges that he directed the Trump campaign effort to
collude with Russian operatives. Page’s testimony was included in the FISA warrant
application, according to Harding.
Manafort left the campaign in Aug. 2016 after reports
surfaced about his consulting work for a pro-Russia Harding also revealed that the FISA application cited

“further meetings with Russian operatives He wrote:
that had not been publicly disclosed.”
“In October an email written by a person in
the Clinton camp reached my inbox. It set
out some of the unproven allegations
against Trump, including sex with
prostitutes in Moscow. The email said the
claims came from a source inside the FSB.
This was not Steele’s work, but some of it
echoes the dossier.”
Reporters at competing outlets
cooperated on anti-Trump efforts

In the book, Harding describes how reporters at competing

outlets rallied together as part of an effort to expose
The author did not elaborate on those meetings. Trump’s alleged Russia ties.

Dossier allegations about Page were “There was healthy competition still, but
shared with top lawmakers reporters on different titles began working
together on some stories. There were
The allegations about Page that were made in the dossier formal press consortiums and ad hoc
“figured prominently” in classified briefings provided to a conversations between onetime rivals,”
small group of lawmakers in Aug. 2016, according to Harding writes.
Harding. “I talked to The New York Times, The
Washington Post, the Financial Times in
“In a classified briefing to congressional London, Reuters, Mother Jones, The Daily
leaders in late August Page’s name figured Beast, CNN, and others. Such
prominently. The CIA and FBI were sifting conversations took place in New York,
through a mount of intercept material Washington, London, Munich, and
featuring Page, much of it ‘Russians talking Sarajevo. Some happened in glossy
to Russians,’ according to one former conference rooms, others in the corners of
National Security Council member,” pubs over warm ale.”
Harding writes.
Steele did not want BuzzFeed to publish
the dossier
One of the lawmakers who received those briefings was
then-Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid.
Steele has revealed in London court filings that he did not
distribute the dossier to anyone outside of Fusion GPS,
Reid would later send a letter to then-FBI Director James British intelligence, Arizona Sen. John McCain and one of
Comey referring to “disturbing” information he had his associates, David Kramer.
learned about contacts between the Trump campaign and
Russian operatives.
And according to Harding’s book, Steele appeared to have
been upset by BuzzFeed’s decision to publish the
According to Harding, Reid was referring to the document.
allegations made in the dossier about Page.
“Steele hadn’t wanted his dossier to be published. Buzzfeed
Clinton campaign member emailed were ‘tossers,'” a friend of Steele’s told Harding.
reporter about Trump sex allegations
Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson
Harding reported that he was contacted by a member of the gave a copy of the dossier to McCain
Clinton campaign who laid out allegations that Trump had
used prostitutes in Moscow. Steele’s June 20, 2016 dossier
It has been previously reported that McCain was aware of
memo makes similar unverified claims.
the dossier before it was published by BuzzFeed on Jan.
10. He was told of its existence in Nov. 2016 by Sir
The outreach establishes for the first time that someone on Andrew Wood, a former British ambassador and associate
the Clinton campaign attempted to peddle unfounded of Steele’s. It was also known that a copy was passed to
rumors about Trump to the press. Harding did not identify McCain and his associate, David Kramer.
the campaign official.
What was not known was that McCain was provided a shared a copy of the dossier confidentially
final copy of the dossier directly by Simpson, the former with McCain.”
Wall Street Journal reporter who started Fusion GPS.
McCain’s spokeswoman did not respond to The Daily
“Les than twenty-four hours later, Kramer Caller’s request for comment.
returned to Washington. Next, Simpson

MRC’s Gainor: ‘Media Have Been
Trying’ To Impeach Trump Since Election
By Corinne Weaver
November 16, 2017 10:57 AM EST

“The media are trying to craft a narrative so

it makes Trump look bad,” according to He pointed out also that media continue ignoring stories
MRC Vice President of Business and surrounding Hillary Clinton and Russia because it does not
Culture Dan Gainor. fit their agenda, while “trying to craft narratives” that
make the president look bad.
He spoke to Fox Business anchor Trish Regan on The
Intelligence Report Nov. 14, about a recent exposé When Regan brought up the Clinton/Steele dossier, funded
published by The Atlantic accusing Donald Trump Jr. of by the Clinton campaign as an attempt to link Trump to
corresponding with Wikileaks a total of three times. Russia, Gainor warned that the media will ignore that story
too and

“they’ve done everything they can to

suppress it.”

Regan also asked why no one really paid attention to the

efforts being made to pass tax cuts in Congress. Gainor
attributed that to their disregard for people’s priorities and
their own ambitions to impeach Trump.

“The American people — nobody cares

about us. The media have been trying ever
since Trump won to impeach him,” he said.
According to the left-wing magazine, Trump Jr. sent three
messages in response to the attempts by Wikileaks to play Gainor added,
a role in the election. Gainor reacted, “This is where we
are in 2017, where three messages on Twitter is a national “From day one, not even since he took
conspiracy!” office, but literally since he won, they’ve
been working with the deep state. You
Gainor criticized the liberal media for attempting to notice how that term has disappeared from
damage the Trump name instead of reporting facts, the press? When the major media started
using it, the conservative media started
“They’re ignoring the real story because it using it. All these leaks come from the
benefits them. The real story is these deep state. And they are going right to the
things keep leaking.” press. The press loves it because it gives
them headlines and it helps them target
“Don Jr. gave this information as he was Trump. It’s a symbiotic relationship.”
supposed to, and then it leaks to the press
because some people in the investigation
are trying to take down the Trump
administration with public scorn and media
support, instead of actually doing the
investigation like they are supposed to,”
Gainor continued. “So he’s got to respond
out in public on Twitter because that’s the
way this game is being played, it’s being
played behind closed doors, and the media
are part of the players.”

More Than A Dozen Trump
Campaign Officials Subpoenaed By Special
Counsel Mueller
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On November 17, 2017
The paper also called the subpoena the “first official order” No one who was subpoenaed was compelled to testify
for information from the campaign before a grand jury, the paper said.

“Sending a subpoena to an entity that says

it has been cooperating with document
requests isn’t unusual in cases in which
prosecutors have some concern that their
demands aren’t being met promptly or
aren’t being entirely fulfilled,” the Journal
wrote, citing former prosecutors.

Mueller has been tasked by the Department of Justice to

look into alleged attempts by the Russian government to
(National Sentinel) Russian Probe: Special counsel interfere in the 2016 election, as well as possible collusion
Robert Mueller has issued subpoenas to at least a dozen with President Donald J. Trump’s campaign.
former Trump campaign officials, taking officials by
surprise after the campaign said it would voluntarily
cooperate with his probe, The Wall Street Journal reported Trump and many of his former campaign associates have
Thursday, citing a source. regularly denied colluding with Russia to ‘steal’ the
election from Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.
The paper also called the subpoena the “first official order”
for information from the campaign, which responded to the And thus far, after more than a year’s worth of
order on an “ongoing” basis, said the source. investigating by the former Obama administration and now
Mueller, there has been no evidence found that has been
publicly released.

Blue State Blues: After 300 Days,
Trump Administration Finds A Rhythm
By Joel B. Pollak
17 Nov 2017

Washington praised Trump’s decision.) The major

difference between Trump’s “surge” and that of his
predecessor was that Trump declined to give a date for

Perhaps the greatest challenge of the third 100 days was

the Charlottesville controversy. White supremacists, neo-
Nazis, and KKK members descended on the town to
protest the removal of a statue honoring Confederate
general Robert E. Lee. At a Saturday demonstration
following a Friday night torchlight parade, they clashed
violently with left-wing Antifa activists. A right-wing
extremist drove his car into the Antifa procession, killing a
young woman.

Trump condemned the violence on all sides, but was

Thursday, November 16 marked 300 criticized for not singling out the right-wing extremists (as
days since President Donald Trump if he had a special duty to dissociate himself from them).
took office on January 20. The third 100 He issued a second, sharper statement, then clashed with
days were even more tumultuous than reporters at Trump Tower, adding that there were “fine
people” even among those protesting to preserve the
the first 100 and second 100.
statue. He was correct — as even the New York
Times reported — but the controversy shook the White
And much remains undone. There are still jobs to fill, House for weeks.
promises to keep, and bills to sign. Trump has yet to notch
a major legislative achievement (thanks, in part, to But if Charlottesville created new concerns about
infighting and incompetence in Congress). America’s political and racial divisions, Hurricane Harvey,
which hit Texas in late August, showed “neighbor helping
But the Trump administration seems, at last, to have found neighbor, friend helping friend, and stranger helping
a rhythm. stranger,” in Trump’s words. He received high marks for
his response to Harvey, and to Hurricane Irma in Florida.
If the first 100 days were defined by Trump’s executive Hurricane Maria, which ripped Puerto Rico, was a bigger
orders, and the second 100 days by the controversy over challenge — but largely because of conditions unique to
James Comey and the Russia investigation, the third 100 the island.
days were largely defined by foreign policy.
Trump also played the role of comforter-in-chief after
In early August — day 201 — Trump offered North Korea dozens were killed in a mass shooting at a country music
his infamous warning of “fire and fury like the world has festival in Las Vegas, where a killer fired on the crowd
never seen.” By day 295, he was mocking Kim Jong-un as from his hotel room. A few weeks later, New York
“short and fat,” which probably represents a sort of suffered its worst terror attack since 9/11 when a Muslim
progress. immigrant from Uzbekistan killed pedestrians and
bicyclists with a pickup truck in lower Manhattan. Trump
At the same time, Trump announced the deployment of called for an end to the diversity visa program that had
additional troops to Afghanistan, breaking with his own admitted the killer.
rhetoric on the campaign trail and risking the support of
his political base, which worried that he had given in to Throughout the third 100 days, Trump made a number of
advisers from the Beltway “swamp.” (Conversely, important policy decisions in fulfillment of his campaign
promises. The most important was his decision to end Meanwhile, the Russia investigation faltered. Though
Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Special Counsel Robert Mueller indicted one of Trump’s
(DACA) — the so-called “Dream Act by fiat” — on former campaign managers, Paul Manafort, the charges
constitutional grounds. But Trump gave Congress a chance had nothing to do with “collusion.” Junior foreign policy
to legalize it, worrying supporters that he would cave, adviser George Papadopoulos pleaded guilty to lying to the
though the new border wall prototypes offered some FBI, but that was all.
The tables were turned as the public learned that the
In addition, Trump chipped away at the architecture of Clinton campaign and the Democrats had funded the
Obamacare, which the Senate had failed to repeal earlier in Russian “dossier” through Fusion GPS.
the year. He rescinded the mandate that had required
insurers to provide contraceptives, including abortifacient The third 100 days were also marked by political turmoil,
drugs. as chief strategist Steve Bannon left the White House and
returned to Breitbart. Trump clashed openly with Senate
He also issued an executive order allowing health Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and other
insurance companies to offer cheap, short-term policies, establishment figures, several of whom announced their
and also announced an end to retirements. In Alabama, insurgent Judge Roy Moore
the unconstitutional subsidies to insurance companies, defeated Trump-endorsed incumbent Sen. Luther Strange
pending a congressional fix. — an outcome that is still rocking the political world.

The president also de-certified the Iran deal, demanding In Hollywood, movie mogul Harvey Weinstein was
that Congress find a way to strengthen it against Iran’s accused of sexual harassment and assault over decades,
development of nuclear-capable ballistic missiles and its setting off a tidal wave of allegations against other stars
support for terrorist groups. and power players. The wave soon crashed over
Washington, DC, as the Washington Post reported
The administration ended the Obama administration’s allegations that Roy Moore had improper relationships
Clean Power Plan, which critics said was not only with young women several decades before — and
unconstitutional but would also be devastating for the coal members of Congress began to come forward about sexual
industry. And Trump declared the abuse of opioids a harassment on Capitol Hill.
national public health emergency.
Meanwhile, the economy boomed, with growth surging to
Remarkably, Trump’s victory in the fight over his “travel 3.1% in the third quarter. The stock markets soared, hitting
ban” went largely unheralded. In October, the Supreme constant new records. Trump’s overall approval was
Court tossed out the case against his executive order dismally low, but economic confidence at its highest level
limiting travel from several terror-prone countries, noting in decades, with tax reform potentially on the horizon.
that the ban had been changed significantly. Effectively,
the Court’s delay earlier in the year gave time for the It was a performance Trump touted on his visit to Asia, the
Trump administration to complete the terms of the original longest by a U.S. president since the early 1990s. After
order and revise it. Challenges continued, but with little 300 days, it seemed he had finally found his groove.

WOW! Book Ties Fusion GPS, John McCain &
Mainstream Media To ‘Trump Dossier’ As
New Details Emerge
By Joshua Caplan
Friday, November 17, 2017

In yet another twist to the ‘Trump by Simpson, the former Wall Street Journal
dossier,’ saga, we now learn that Fusion reporter who started Fusion GPS.
GPS Co-founder Glenn Simpson “Les than twenty-four hours later, Kramer
personally gave Senator John McCain
returned to Washington. Next, Simpson
(R-AZ) a copy of the now discredited
shared a copy of the dossier confidentially
dossier. Earlier reports suggested that with McCain.”
McCain was made aware of the dossier
from British associates, but was never
in possession of the document’s final McCain’s spokeswoman did not respond to The Daily
draft. Caller’s request for comment.

In a section of Ross’ piece subtitled “Reporters At

Competing Outlets Cooperated On Anti-Trump
Efforts,” it’s reveals that mainstream media reports,
fiercely competitive over scoops and exclusives, colluded
together in an effort to push Trump-Russia hysteria.

Daily Caller has more:

In the book, Harding describes how reporters at competing

outlets rallied together as part of an effort to expose
Trump’s alleged Russia ties.
“A new book out by Guardian journalist
“There was healthy competition still, but
Luke Harding ["Collusion: Secret
reporters on different titles began working
Meetings, Dirty Money, and How Russia
together on some stories. There were
Helped Donald Trump Win,”] provides
formal press consortiums and ad hoc
previously unknown details about the
conversations between onetime rivals,”
Trump dossier and its author, former British
Harding writes.
spy Christopher Steele,” writes the Daily
Caller’s Chuck Ross. “I talked to The New York Times, The
Washington Post, the Financial Times in
Daily Caller reports: London, Reuters, Mother Jones, The Daily
Beast, CNN, and others. Such
conversations took place in New York,
It has been previously reported that
Washington, London, Munich, and
McCain was aware of the dossier before it
Sarajevo. Some happened in glossy
was published by BuzzFeed on Jan. 10. He
conference rooms, others in the corners of
was told of its existence in Nov. 2016 by Sir
pubs over warm ale.”
Andrew Wood, a former British
ambassador and associate of Steele’s. It
was also known that a copy was passed to Not only did Fusion GPS give McCain a copy of the
McCain and his associate, David Kramer. dossier, but its contents helped spur an arms race of sorts
for Trump-Russia collusion stories.
What was not known was that McCain was
provided a final copy of the dossier directly
The comes amid reports John Podesta told investigators
that he met with Fusion GPS about the dossier.
The revelation is raising eyebrows as Clinton campaign’s involvement in the
Podesta told Congress that he didn’t know dossier project.”
who paid for opposition research firm for
the shoddy ‘intel.’ Simpson spoke with House investigators in a closed-door
meeting Tuesday. As The Gateway Pundit previously
Chuck Ross of the Daily Caller notes reported, Fox News’ Catherine Herridge says Simpson
failed to verify the dossier’s claims prior to handing it off
“The Times report does not say whether to clients.
Podesta and Simpson discussed the

John Podesta Pens Op-Ed On Washington Post After Jeff
Sessions Hints At Special Counsel For Uranium-One Deal
John Podesta Is In “Panic Mode”
By Alex Christoforou
November 17, 2017, 15:39

Podesta wrote in the Washington Post…

Okay, it’s official. President Trump wants to

upend 230 years of constitutional history
and principle to run the U.S. justice system
like a banana republic, or perhaps more
aptly like what now passes for the rule of
law in the country he aspires to emulate,
the Russian Federation. What the
Founding Fathers built with a written
Constitution and 85 Federalist Papers, the
president is trying to tear down 140 or 280
characters at a time.

Clinton mafia top boss John Podesta is ***

panicking over news that Attorney General
Jeff Sessions said a special counsel for the This week, it was reported that Attorney General Jeff
Clinton-Uranium-One deal may be called. Sessions — in an apparent effort to appease Trump — is
considering appointing a special counsel to investigate
Podesta sought safe refuge to deliver his lies on the Jeff Clinton’s role in approving the purchase of Uranium One,
Bezos-CIA funded Washington Post. a company that owned uranium mines in the United States,
by Russia’s nuclear energy agency. This is what
Via The Gateway Pundit… authoritarians and tyrants do. They use the instruments of
state power, particularly the wrath of the prosecutor, to
rain opprobrium down upon citizens with whom they
Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign chair is in
disagree. It is what Putin did by using the Russian penal
‘panic mode,’ after reports Attorney
system to break the back of Sergei Magnitsky’s anti-
General Jeff Sessions is weighing a special
corruption campaign and end his life. Our constitutional
counsel to investigate the Uranium-One
system of limited power, checks and balances and
individual rights has protected us from such abuses of
According to Fox News, the Justice power. Trump is putting that system to the test.
Department head ordered senior federal
prosecutors to evaluate whether or not a ***
special counsel should investigate the
Uranium One deal and “alleged unlawful [I]f Sessions yields to pressure from the
dealings related to the Clinton Foundation.” president and the president’s House
Podesta penned an unhinged op-ed after Republican allies, it will be a dark day at
the news, accusing President Trump and the department I once proudly served. The
AG Sessions of attempting to turn the U.S. rule of law will have been weakened, and
into a banana republic. our country will be in further peril.

Report: Fusion GPS Founder Never Even Verified Dossier
Claims Before Peddling Document To Reporters
By Cristina Laila
Friday, November 17, 2017

Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson On October 31st, 2016 with just days to go until election
spoke with House investigators in a day, David Corn of Mother Jones broke the story of a
closed-door meeting Tuesday. Fox ‘veteran spy’ who gave the FBI information on Trump’s
News’ Catherine Herridge reports alleged connections to Russia. Christopher Steele, British
Simpson never even verified the Dossier spy and author of the garbage dossier was not named in
claims before peddling the document to this Mother Jones report. Only hints of the dossier were
reporters. published; the salacious claims were omitted.
Hillary Clinton was disappointed the entire dossier hadn’t
been published in full prior to the election. After all, she
paid millions of dollars for the smear document.
The author of the dossier, Christopher Steele was also
desperate to get the salacious document out to the public.
He told David Corn of Mother Jones, “The story has to
come out.”
A week later, Hillary Clinton and the Democrats were in
utter shock when Trump won the presidential election.
Desperate to delegitimatize him, BuzzFeed published the
entire dossier on January 10th, right before the
Fox News reports:
The co-founder of the firm behind the anti-
According to the Washington Post, the FBI agreed to pay
Trump ‘dossier’ told House investigators
the British Spy who compiled the garbage dossier after the
Tuesday that he personally discussed with
election to continue to dig up dirt on Trump and Russia.
members of the media allegations of
Trump-Russia collusion, though he did not The FBI pulled out of this arrangement once the author of
speak to the sources behind the claims, a the dossier, Christopher Steele was publicly identified in
source told Fox News. media reports.
But the source said Simpson Comey FBI also used the largely debunked Trump dossier,
acknowledged he did not personally look which alleged Russian ties to the President’s campaign
into certain aspects of the dossier — which associates, to convince a judge to grant them a FISA
was authored by former British intelligence warrant, allowing them to secretly monitor Trump
officer Christopher Steele and contained campaign official Carter Page.
salacious allegations about the Trump
team’s ties to Russia. All of this happened without the dossier
being verified!
Simpson told investigators he never spoke
to the underlying sources of the document,
never traveled to Russia and did not verify
the dossier beyond comparing the claims to
“open source” media reporting.
Herridge also said that her source told her that Glenn
Simpson was “upset” when Comey re-opened Hillary’s
email investigation at the end of October and wanted to
push back.
And he did…

OOPS: James Comey’s Subtweeting
Of Trump Comes Back To Bite Him BADLY
By Jacob B.
Posted At 5:05 Pm On November 19, 2017

James Comey’s life now seems to consist of using quotes

from historical figures to constantly subtweet President
Trump. Here is what he put out today, undoubtedly in
response to Trump’s firing back at LaVar Ball.

That’s a tremendous quote. Too bad Comey didn’t follow

it himself when he was in charge of the FBI.

Has James Comey ever been accused of being a good




Top NSA Whistleblower Claims
‘Russiagate’ A Fake To Increase War-Spending

explain why he strongly believes that the Democratic

Party’s allegations, which say that Russia was the source
of the leaks of information from the computers of the
Democratic National Committee and from Hillary
Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta, are nothing
more than intentional concoctions and distortions, which
are backed and promoted by America’s military-industrial
complex, whose stock-values rise accordingly with the

He believes,

there’s a huge part of the story that the

William Binney is the mathematician and Russia- entire mainstream media is missing …
specialist, who quit the NSA in 2001 as its global
Technical Director for geopolitical analysis, because of the Specifically, Binney says that the NSA has
lying about, and manipulations of, intelligence, that he saw long had in its computers information which
— distortions of intelligence by the George W. Bush can prove exactly who hacked the DNC …
Administration — in order to ‘justify’ systematic, massive, or instead prove that the DNC emails were
and all-encompassing, Government snooping into all leaked by a Democratic insider. …
Americans’ private electronic communications. His, and
some colleagues’, efforts to get the Inspector General of And he stressed:
the US Department of Defense to investigate the matter,
produced FBI raids into their homes, and seizures of their If the idiots in the intelligence community
computers, so as to remove incriminating evidence they expect us to believe them after all the crap
might have against higher-ups. According to Binney, they have told us (like WMD’s in Iraq and
NSA's Director, Michael Hayden, had vetoed in August “no we don’t collect data on millions or
2001 a far less intrusive and more effective system of hundreds of millions of Americans”)
signals-intelligence collection and analysis, which might then they need to give clear proof of
have enabled the 9/11 attacks to be blocked — a more what they say. So far, they have failed to
effective system that would have been less expensive, less prove anything.
intrusive, and not violated Americans’ Constitutional
rights. Hayden went on to head the CIA, until the end of Which suggests they don’t have proof
George W. Bush’s Presidency. Afterward, Hayden joined and just want to war monger the US
the Chertoff Group and other military-industrial-complex public into a second cold war with the
contractors of the US federal Government. There were no Russians.
such rewards for any of the whistleblowers. After all, there’s lots and lots of money in
that for the military-industrial-intelligence-
Binney viewed Hillary Clinton as continuing George W. governmental complex of incestuous
Bush’s neoconservatism, and so, though reluctantly, voted relationships.
for Donald Trump in the 2016 election.
His technical explanation of how he came to this
On November 15th, an interview of Binney was published conclusion, is provided in that Washingtonsblog article. He
at the Washingtonsblog news-site, titled “How to doesn't think that the elements within the intelligence
Instantly Prove (Or Disprove) Russian Hacking of US community which are promoting the Russiagate
Election”, in which Binney provides technical details to allegations can possibly be so stupid as to actually believe
what they are saying. He claims that they know that what
they are saying is false, because if it weren’t false, then All this is done by the Narus collection
they could provide, to the public, evidence that it is true, equipment in real time at line rates (620
and do it without violating anyone’s rights, nor revealing mbps [mega bits per second,] for the STA-
any legitimate US national-security information. 6400 and 10 gbps [giga bits per second] for
the Insight equipment).
Basically, he is saying that the keepers of the keys are Binney explained what these numbers
blocking the public from the truth, because they know that mean: Each Narus Insight device can
the truth will expose the fact that they’ve been lying to the monitor and record around 1,250,000
public, all along. emails each second … or more than 39
trillion emails per year.
His technical explanation of the details employs a number
of undefined terms, which aren’t understandable to persons However, no one who is promoting the Russiagate
who are not themselves technically knowledgeable about allegations is taking him on, to debate Binney’s
the field, such as his saying: allegations. Instead, all of the newsmedia are plastered
with allegations of ‘Russia’s meddling in American
First, from deep packet inspection, they democracy’.
would have the originator and ultimate
recipient (IP) of the packets plus packet There are people who know what the terms that Binney is
series 32 bit number identifier and all the using refer to. But, thus far, none of these people is saying
housekeeping data showing the network that Binney is a liar. Instead, they’ve all just been ignoring
segments/path and time to go though the him — and none of the major newsmedia have been
network. And, of course, the number of inviting Binney and the promoters of the military-
packet bits. With this they would know to industrial-complex’s position onto their forums in order to
where and when the data passed. debate these issues in public. It’s just like the situation was
From the data collection, they would have about ‘Saddam’s WMD,’ in 2002 and 2003 prior to our
all the data as it existed in the server taken invasion and destruction of Iraq as a supposed ‘response’
from. That’s why I originally said if the FBI to the 9/11 attacks.
wanted Hillary’s email, all they have to
do is ask NSA for them.

Verify Phony Trump Dossier Before Requesting FISA Spy
Warrant On Trump Campaign
By Jim Hoft
Monday, November 20, 2017

This is just stunning. days that they have not been able to verify
or corroborate the substantive allegations
The FBI and CIA did not verify the anti-
Trump dossier before they began of collusion between Russia and the Trump
campaign outlined in the Trump dossier.
spying on the Trump campaign.
And the dossier was all a complete lie. The FBI received the first installment of the dossier in July
2016. It received later installments as they were written at
the height of the presidential campaign, which means the
bureau has had more than a year to investigate the
allegations in the document. The dossier was financed by
the Hillary Clinton campaign and compiled by former
British spy Christopher Steele.

An August 24, 2017 subpoena from the House Intelligence

Committee to the FBI and Justice Department asked for
information on the bureau’s efforts to validate the dossier.
Specifically, the subpoena demanded “any documents, if
Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson they exist, that memorialize DOJ and/or FBI efforts to
reportedly never even verified the corroborate, validate, or evaluate information provided by
Dossier claims before peddling the Mr. Steele and/or sub-sources and/or contained in the
document to reporters. ‘Trump Dossier.'”
These people should all be prosecuted
and punished. According to sources familiar with the matter, neither the
FBI nor the Justice Department has provided documents in
Instead many of these same operatives are still in office response to that part of the committee’s subpoena. But in
and still working against the president. face-to-face briefings with congressional staff, according
to those sources,
The Washington Examiner reported:
FBI and DOJ officials have said they
cannot verify the dossier’s charges of a
FBI and Justice Department officials have conspiracy between the Russian
told congressional investigators in recent government and the Trump campaign.

Revenge Of The Deplorables - Trump Haters Blacklisted,
Accused, Fired And Under Investigation
By Susan Duclos - All News Pipeline
November 20, 2017

Trying to keep up with how many die-hard Trump haters

are now so busy defending themselves, trying to save their
own careers, infighting among themselves, fighting off
bipartisan actions against them, has become a full time job
in itself, yet as we see daily reports of yet another hater put
into the crosshairs, we can't help but think we are watching “At 57, I don’t have a lot of time to be
the "Revenge of the Deplorables." patient. Don’t be too hard on me. I’m fully in
the middle of a Hollywood blacklist,” she
Reference: "you could put half of Trump's added. “I just want you guys to know, when
supporters into what I call the basket of I get home, I do not have one single day of
deplorables." - Hillary Clinton, LGBT Gala paid work in front of me.”
in New York City on Sept. 9, 2016.
“And people that want me to go back and
BLACKLISTED IN AMERICA start in [comedy] clubs and do ten minutes
again, I don’t mean to be an a**hole, but
The latest Trump hater in the spotlight is the has-been no. I’m not going to do that,” she continued.
comedian Kathy Griffin, who thought it would be "funny" “I’ve worked way too hard to go back and
to pose in a video and share an image of her holding a work for free and do the club scene
bloody mock head of President Trump back in May 2017, again…this is the bullsh*t, because I’ve
which cost her first her New Years gig with CNN, all been blacklisted.”
around criticism, and all of her U.S.A. tour dates, as
cancellation after cancellation hit her schedule, until there “I’m not going to lie. It’s going to be hard
was nothing left. when I go home and I don’t have one show
in my future,” Griffin explained. “I think I
She then hired "Fame Whore" lawyer Lisa Bloom and should be able to get my life back. So, I
gave a tearful press conference, which didn't help matters, know I took a picture that offended a lot of
as soon Griffin and Bloom were in a very public falling out people, but this wall of crap has never
over the disastrous presser. fallen on any woman in the history of
America the way it has on me.”
On Saturday Griffin posted a video to her YouTube
channel titled "State of the Union," where she explained HOORAY FOR HOLLYWOOD........
she was on a "world tour" but it was getting ready to end
The list of Hollywood celebrities being accused of sexual
and complained that she was in the "middle of a
misconduct continues to grow. Yet another "group" where
Hollywood blacklist," while whining "when I get home, I
do not have one single day of paid work in front of me." the majority in the industry, the loudest and most
obnoxious subset, continually told Americans that because

of their "fame" they needed to gather together and tell "Allegations span from misdemeanor
Americans who they should vote for and when that didn't sexual battery to felony rape, and in many
work, took to the DC streets to "protest," the inauguration cases, there are multiple complaints lodged
of President Trump. against the same individual," according to
NBC News.

Today we see that two more names have been added to the
list as "Live! With Kelly and Ryan" co-host Ryan
Seacrest and hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons are among
the latest to be accused of sexual misconduct," as reported
by, celebrity news.


Yet another industry that spent the entire presidential

campaign season attempting to influence voters, is the
mainstream media, from outright fake news, to selectively
editing quotes from the then-candidate Donald Trump, to
providing over 80 percent negative coverage of his
campaign, is now engulfed in a number of their own sexual
Well, they aren't quite as busy bashing the president now misconduct scandals, as well as yet more humiliating
because they are involved in an industry-wide implosion corrections and retractions over regular political reporting.
the likes of which has never been seen before, which A poorly worded Wall Street Journal report was widely
started with movie mogul Harvey Weinstein and has now misinterpreted, then those false reports were spread from
engulfed dozens of so-called celebrities including, but not CNN, The Washington Post, Newsweek, The Independent,
limited to: The Guardian, and Vice News, most of whom eventually
offered corrections after the story had already gone viral.
 Actor Kevin Spacey;
 Celebrity chef John Besh;
 Comedian Louis C.K;
 Cinefamily executives Hadrian Belove and Shadie
 Actor Richard Dreyfuss;
 Director-producer Gary Goddard;
 Casting employee Andy Henry;
 Actor Dustin Hoffman;
 Actor Robert Knepper;
 Showrunner Andrew Kreisberg;
 Actor Jeremy Piven;
 Filmmaker Brett Ratner;
 Comedy festival organizer Gilbert Rozon;
 Producer Chris Savino;
 Actor Tom Sizemore;
 Actor Jeffrey Tambor;
 Actor George Takei; A widely-reported claim that a Polish
 Writer-director James Toback; nationalist march in Warsaw Saturday
 Hollywood executive Adam Venit, and; featured a banner calling for an “Islamic
 “Mad Men” creator Matthew Weiner; holocaust” can be traced back to an
 Actor Ed Westwick. inaccurate Wall Street Journal report, a
Daily Caller News Foundation investigation
The claims against these celebrities range from the revealed.
umbrella term "sexual misconduct" to rape, molestation,
abuse and even pedophilia. Unclear and incorrect language in TheWSJ
report led to rampant inaccuracies in
It is being reported that in Los Angeles the LAPD are reports published by CNN, The Washington
investigating nearly two dozen cases of alleged criminal Post, Newsweek, The Independent, The
sexual misconduct connected to multiple people within the Guardian, and Vice News. These reports,
entertainment industry, where most of which were traced back to CNN’s
report, claimed a banner at a Polish
nationalist march in Warsaw over the
weekend read “pray for an Islamic Just for entertainment purposes, a recent Raw Story video
holocaust,” despite the fact that the last from November 19, shows a CNN reporter in Alabama
time such a banner was seen in the Polish was interrupted and had to turn the coverage back to their
capital was in 2015. in-house host after a Roy Moore supporter started
screaming "fake news, fake news, fake news."
Without clarifying a specific time but
supposedly referring to an incident two It is short, but amusing, especially when the CNN host
years ago, TheWSJ claimed Saturday that comes back on screen and says "Alright, well sometimes
the banner “appeared over a bridge in that happens."
Warsaw,” although it actually appeared in
the city of Poznan. This mistake, which
TheWSJ corrected Wednesday, appeared
to cause confusion among numerous
reporters, who assumed that the banner
appeared at Saturday’s rally.

On top of just the latest in "fake news" reporting, the

industry is also seeing a massive backlash after the
publishing of the "Sh*tty Media Men" list which was
shared privately with a number of women in the industry,
detailing "bad behavior" of their male colleagues, used as a
whisper network to warn newcomers of sexual predators in
their midst. While some of the allegations were utterly
ridiculous in nature, such as intermingling men that
"flirted" with others accused of things like actual rape and
abuse, other allegations have proven to be true as
resignations and firings in some of the outlets named on SOCIAL MEDIA AND TECH GIANTS UNDER THE
the list have hit the news. GUN

Since the existence of the list, some of the more high Social media and tech giants such as Twitter, Facebook
profile names that have either resigned, been fired, or are and Google are all suffering different issues other than
subject to internal investigations, or being accused of sexual allegations, as the MSM turns against social media,
sexual harassment, include, but are not limited to: and Google faces multiple anti-trust issues and concerns,
while Twitter is being criticized for purging and de-
 NBC News Journalist Mark Halperin; verifying conservatives, while Google has begun using far
 New Republic publisher Hamilton Fish; left ideologically driven "fact checkers," in yet another bid
 NPR news chief Michael Oreskes; to destroy Independent Media and we are seeing bipartisan
 Amazon executive Roy Price; calls to regulate social media giants as a utility.
 Rolling Stone publisher Jann Wenner;
 NBC News booker Matt Zimmerman; THE CLINTON ERA IS OVER....
 Webster Public Relations CEO Kirt Webster;
 Billboard magazine executive Stephen Blackwell; Last but not least we Hillary Clinton, who decided it would
 Penguin Random House art director Giuseppe be beneficial to alienate half of America by calling them
Castellano; Mother Jones David Corn, "deplorables." Hillary has had a very bad year, from losing
 Vox Media Editorial Director Lockhart Steele, the election to the most recent series of scandals from the
 Sam Kriss whose work has appeared in publications recent revelations on Uranium One, to the reports that her
including VICE, The Guardian, The Atlantic, Slate, The campaign and the DNC helped fund the still unverified
Baffler and the New York Times, "Trump dossier" which was used to obtain FISA orders to
 GQ (formerly Gentlemen's Quarterly), Rupert Myers, allow surveillance on Trump campaign team members, to
 VICE writer Michael Hafford. former DNC interim cair Donna Brazile revealing how the
Clinton campaign rigged the primaries and basically took
The latest reports showing this is an ongoing and growing control of the DNC before she was even the official
scandal for the MSM, now includes NPR's board nominee, which Charles hurt calls "three Watergate-level
chairman, Roger LaMay "is the subject of a complaint scandals."
filed with NPR alleging past inappropriate behavior,"
reported on by NPR. Not only has the tide turned against Hillary but we are
seeing former apologists for Bill Clinton's sexual abuse
Related: ‘Unsafe and Just Plain Dirty’: Women Accuse allegations, now coming out quite vocally against him as
Vice of ‘Toxic’ Sexual-Harassment Culture we see new allegations coming out against Bill for sexual
Hillary and Bill Clinton have lost most liberal network in BOTTOM LINE
the country, MSNBC, and the biggest bag of hot air,
Mika Brzezinski, which should tell us all, the Clinton era Each person, and industry seeing their entire foundation
is over. crumble from under them, scandals knocking them off
their high horses, and will no doubt limit their "influence"
on the masses, have all, for the most part, been virulently
anti-Trump, mocking his supporters as "deplorables,"
calling them racists, sexist, and any other derogative
descriptor they could find, are all now seeing themselves
in the spotlight like Emperors with no clothes, and it is
getting uglier day by day.

If we step away from each individual accusation and

scandal engulfing them and look at it from afar,
encompassing the big picture, what we are seeing is the
"Revenge of the Deplorables."

NARRATIVE BUSTED: Cash On Hand Numbers Show
DNC In Deep, Deep Trouble
By Greg P.
Posted At 10:55 Am On November 21, 2017


Dems are broke:

So much for the narrative that Trump will destroy the


So, how much longer until the DNC makes changes?

IN A Stunning Counter-Coup,
Trump Has Turned The Tables On The Deep State
By Dave Hodges, The Common Sense Show
November 21, 2017

Trump has turned the tables on the Deep State, for now. Here is an excerpt from 2016 in which I alleged with
complementary documentation that Hillary obtained the
Are they or aren’t they? Are several top government uranium from American ranchers and farmers like the
officials under sealed indictments or not? Have US Bundy and the Hammond families.
marines landed at Langley to arrest Deep State operatives
at the CIA headquarters. Is it true that key Deep State
operatives have been roughed up in order to gain
cooperation? Let’s see where the facts takes us on these

Deep-Sourcing the Criminals

Much of the information that is in this article comes from

two broad categories (1) open source intelligence
information from which about 75% of all intelligence
comes from; and (2) the publicly disclosed “insider”
information from many of my colleagues that has been
made public. However, there is one piece of information
that has been disclosed that has not been properly cited. I
am speaking about Robert Mueller who has turned state’s
evidence. Go to the youtube channel owned by
dutchsinse. He makes a very compelling
The Stunning SGT Report case that several ranches, not just Bundy’s
and Hammond’s have been under assault
The SGT produced a 12 minute video in which they in order to procure precious metals. In the
revealed some of the strategy that has accompanied following youtube video, dutchsinse asks
Trump’s counter-coup against Deep State operatives. The the following question:
video documentary is very well organized, well-sourced “Let’s just call it what it is. Human greed
and confirms much of what I already know to be true. is at stake here. Who is going to get the
However, the report is missing a couple of pieces of the gold back there in the back country?
puzzle that are essential to understanding that a state of Who is going to get the uranium?”
civil war exists between the Trump administration and the
majority of the American people against the subversive One of the big problems in America today is that “public
operatives of the Deep State and their radical followers. servants” like Hillary Clinton actually represent a foreign
enemy masquerading as a domestic public servant.
In the following video, SGT alleges that Robert Mueller
has led a plot, in conjunction with key members of the I will go one step further than Donald
Trump administration that will soon turn the tables on the Trump’s assertion that Clinton and state
Russian collusion charges. The topic has to do with that Hillary Clinton is this generation’s
Clinton’s sale of nuclear grade uranium to the Russians. Ethel Rosenberg.

As I reported in 2015, the uranium was seized by the BLM

from ranchers and farmers in the West. The Bundy family
would be one of these victimized families. The well done
SGT Report did not report on this fact.

Former FBI Director Robert Mueller was
appointed as Special Counsel for the sole
purpose of investigating possible Russian
collusion charges between President
Trump’s campaign and the Russian
government. On the heels of the collusion,
Mueller is also looking for the smoking gun
for obstruction of justice, on the part of
Trump, which is the same charge that
ultimately brought down the presidency of
Richard Nixon. However, sometimes life is
Ethel Rosenberg was convicted and executed for selling
ironic and in a stunning
nuclear secrets to the Soviets
development, Wikileaks, Julian
Assange, tweeted a released State
Hillary Clinton, the Ethel Rosenberg of Department cable, which clearly and
her generation. Clinton sold uranium to irrefutably proves that then Secretary of
the Russians while serving as the State Hillary Clinton ordered former FBI
Secretary of State and this is what both Director and present Special Counsel,
the Bundy and the Hammond Ranch Robert Mueller to deliver a sample of
Affair is all about. And there is nothing stolen Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU)
to suggest that these nefarious acts are to Russia in 2009.
still ongoing.
In the article from the above-referenced statement appears,
A former key member of the Obama administration and I also published a memo which ties Mueller into the
current Presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, has proven delivery of the highly enriched uranium to the Russians.
herself to be the Ethel Rosenberg of her generation. You
may recall your U.S. history as Ethel Rosenberg sold
So why has Robert Mueller joined Trump in going after
nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union at the height of the
the Deep State operatives? The obvious answer is that he
Cold War. In an act every bit as egregious as Ethel
had to in order to avoid prosecution.
Rosenberg’s treason, Hillary Clinton sold uranium to the
Russians while serving as the Secretary of State.
Ironically, the original source on this treasonous act Robert Mueller has joined Trump, not because he wanted
committed by Clinton was none other than the liberal rag to, but because he had to.
we call the New York Times.
Trump in what will become the biggest sting in American
The rest of this story, along with the relevant history of political history. The SGT Report does not explain the flip-
Uranium One can be accessed by clicking here. As good flop of Robert Mueller. Mueller could be shot as a traitor
as the SGT Report is, it does not contain this highly for delivering nuclear grade material to the Russians.
relevant information. There is another piece of evidence When he was confronted with this evidence, he had no
that needs to be brought in relation the SGT Report. The choice but to join the other side. And the SGT Report
topic has to do with the flipping of Robert Mueller and his correctly asserts that the phony investigation into Trump’s
new-found allegiance to the Trump administration. alleged Russian connections would eventually land on
Hillary’s illegal sale of uranium to the Russians and
Mueller was caught up in this. Soon Comey will be singing
The Flip Flop of Robert Mueller the praises of Trump as well. These revelations explain
why Podesta’s brother has quit his own firm because he
Robert Mueller is a traitor to this country. Robert Mueller was involved. John Podesta was involved as well.
has broken too many federal laws in his role as special Wasserman Shultz hired the Awan brothers to erase as
prosecutor to even count. On the surface, Robert Mueller much evidence as they could. This is part of what Seth
belongs in prison for his actions in support of the Clinton Rich leaked to W-ikileaks and this is why Podesta had him
Foundation and their Uranium One deal. murdered.

The SGT Report correctly and without substantiation I witnessed a sea change in Mueller the last week on
reveals that Special Prosecutor, Robert Mueller, is engaged October as evidenced by the following report:
in a double-cross to turn the Russian collusion charges
back onto Clinton and her associates.

Here is what I wrote about Mueller’s invovlement in the

Uranium One conspiracy.

Further, there was a well-placed leak about 3 weeks ago,
made to Fox News, in which the Uranium One conspiracy
was reported in a very prominent manner. Add to that, the
Clinton Foundation and the DNC was being outed by
Donna Brazile at the same time on Fox News. I recognized
these news releases for what they were, a psyops directed
against the Deep State.

Why would Fox News air such a thing? Simple, Rupert

Murdock has had his disagrements and conflicts with the
Please note that the guardians of the Deep State, Youtube Deep State and the New World Order. And who could
(Google), demonitized this video while it was still in the forget that Murdock and Trump had a well-publicized
cue. As Steve Quayle likes to say meeting when it was obvious that Trump was going to win
the Republican nomination. Trump and Murdoch are allies.
“You know you are over the target when Fox News is part of the plan to take down Clinton et al.
you are getting flac”.
On November 9, 2017, I receieved notification that
Mueller had flipped sides. On November 12th, I published
People have asked me how did I get so close to the truth?
the following:
The simple answer is that I have very good sources. To
illustrate this point, please allow me to relate a Larry
Nichols and Jeff Sessions encounter. In the early fall, Jack
Easum and Paul Martin had befriended Larry Nichols.
Larry Nichols told Jack that he had received a call from his
old pal, Jeff Sessions. Sessions caled Nichols and
screamed at Nichols to stop giving me inside information.
However, Nichols informed Sessions that he had not
passed along infomration to me, which was true. When this
story reached me, I knew I was on the right track.

Donald Trump has flipped Mueller. What about the

People have asked me what caused me to suspect that Marines at Langley and the all the rest? Undoubtedly, the
Mueller had flipped sides and was actually pursuing empire will strike back and the uncovered topics that were
Clinton et al? Besides the fact that the deeper that Mueller not covered here, will be presented in the next part in this
dug into Trump’s Russian connections, the more Hillary series.
was implicated, there were media revelations as well.

Matthews Hammers Brazile For Arguing The 2016
Election ‘Was Not A Legitimate Election’
By Curtis Houck
November 21, 2017 11:26 PM EST

Former interim Democratic National Committee stolen e-mails and the weaponization of
chairwoman Donna Brazile continued her book tour with information.”
an appearance on Tuesday’s Hardball where she faced a
stiff grilling from host Chris Matthews for her belief that Matthews wasn’t buying it, continuing to press. After a
the 2016 presidential election was illegitimate due to few repetitions of the question, Brazile responded that
Russian meddling.
“Donald Trump cracked the blue wall” in
Surprisingly, Matthews stood up for the American people the Rust Belt but “I do believe Secretary
who voted Donald Trump into the White House, admitting Clinton is making a very important
that “the election still counts” and thoughts otherwise are point” with “[t]he role of social media”
Third World-like talk being yielded by Brazile, Hillary plus “coordination between Wikileaks
Clinton, and their allies. and possibly the Trump campaign.”

The MSNBC host agreed that investigators must get to the

bottom of what happened, but that didn’t necessarily mean
the election didn’t count. Matthews pushed and only then
did Brazile admit that last year’s election wasn’t real:

MATTHEWS: We do it all the time here,

Donna. My question to you is, was it a
legitimate election? Does it count?
BRAZILE: My personal view is that it was
not a legitimate election.
MATTHEWS: So it doesn't count?
Matthews started the interview by asking about potential BRAZILE: Chris, remember, I am the
2020 presidential candidates Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders campaign manager of Al Gore in 2000 and
before moving to recent comments by Clinton about the where, as you well know, the Supreme
election: Court decided. This election will always
have an asterisk by it and that's why I think
Okay, let me ask you about Hillary Clinton's statement Donald Trump should take steps as
recently that the 2016 election wasn't legitimate. Now, that President to clean up our system so that no
is very confounding to me. Does that mean it shouldn't more foreign governments have no foreign
count? What does it mean to say it's not legitimate? You meddling occur in the future.
might not like a lot of things done in it. A lot of things get
bad done. I mean, there's dirty campaign fundraising and Matthews has continually attacked Trump for his
people break the rules all the time. There's prejudice, racial birtherism regarding Barack Obama and thus Trump
prejudice, all kinds of prejudice. But the election still believed he
counts. Do you think she's saying it was not a legitimate
election? What do you say to that? “wasn’t a legitimate President because
he was an illegal immigrant and that's
Brazile initially waffled, claiming that Clinton what illegitimate means, is that an
legitimate election or not and you're
“was saying that this was a disruptive saying it was not a legitimate election.”
political season and what we are “It doesn't count. That's a strong
learning, Chris, every day, is that the statement,” he added.
Russian interference went beyond the
Brazile dithered away by claiming she’s able to speak to BRAZILE: — it’s — Chris —
illegitimate elections since she was the head of Al Gore’s
2000 presidential campaign that, in her view, was unfairly MATTHEWS: — yes, I know. But just to the point, you think it
decided by the Supreme Court. was a legitimate election, right?

Giving credit where credit is due, Matthews stood his BRAZILE: Look, Donald Trump cracked the blue wall. We know
ground, offering her a sharp rebuke: that. He was able to win votes in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and
Wisconsin. But, yes, I do believe Secretary Clinton is making a
We're going in different directions. I think very important point. The role of social media. This coordination
the world illegitimate is third world, fourth between Wikileaks —
world. Hillary should have never used it.
She can say there was a corrupt aspect to MATTHEWS: Okay.
it. She could say people did bad things.
There was interference from abroad, but BRAZILE: — and possibly the Trump campaign. We need to get
the Electoral College count was for real. to the bottom of it.

Here’s the relevant portion of the transcript from

MATTHEWS: I know. I agree.
MSNBC’s Hardball on November 21:
BRAZILE: And I hope that Director Mueller can get to the bottom
MSNBC’s Hardball of it.
November 13, 2017
7:36 p.m. Eastern
MATTHEWS: We do it all the time here, Donna. My question to
you is, was it a legitimate election? Does it count?

BRAZILE: My personal view is that it was not a legitimate


MATTHEWS: So it doesn't count?

BRAZILE: Chris, remember, I am the campaign manager of Al

Gore in 2000 and where, as you well know, the Supreme Court
decided. This election will always have an asterisk by it and that's
why I think Donald Trump should take steps as President to
clean up our system so that no more foreign governments have
no foreign meddling occur in the future.
CHRIS MATTHEWS: Okay, let me ask you about Hillary Clinton's
statement recently that the 2016 election wasn't legitimate. Now,
that is very confounding to me. Does that mean it shouldn't MATTHEWS: Okay, we have a definition of problem because,
count? What does it mean to say it's not legitimate? You might you know, what's his name, Trump is out there. He's said for
not like a lot of things done in it. A lot of things get bad done. I years that Barack Obama wasn't a legitimate President, because
mean, there's dirty campaign fundraising and people break the he was an illegal immigrant and that's what illegitimate means, is
rules all the time. There's prejudice, racial prejudice, all kinds of that an legitimate election or not and you're saying it was not a
prejudice. But the election still counts. Do you think she's saying legitimate election. It doesn't count. That's a strong statement.
it was not a legitimate election? What do you say to that?

DONNA BRAZILE: I think she was saying that this was a

disruptive political season and what we are learning, Chris, every
day, is that the Russian interference went beyond the stolen e-
mails —

MATTHEWS: Sure, I know that. Yeah.

BRAZILE: — and the weaponization of information. We all know

MATTHEWS: But you think it wasn’t a legit —

BRAZILE: Chris, Chris, I have worked on more campaigns than
many Americans and I can tell you something. When you see all
of the evidence that it's a mountain of how the Russians say people did bad things. There was interference from abroad,
interfered in our election — but the Electoral College count was for real.

MATTHEWS: I know! BRAZILE: Chris, I agree on that point, but you're arguing
semantics when I want to argue that there was some big issues,
BRAZILE: Which is why I wrote the booked Hacked, when you big problems, and she faced a significant headwind in 2016 and I
see what they did in social media with Facebook and Twitter — think what she means when she talks about legitimacy, she's
talking about the foreign interference and meddling and what I
describe in my book, Hacked. The corruption of our files and
MATTHEWS: So it doesn't count.
what they did to try to destroy the Democratic National
Committee and discredit our nominee, Hillary Clinton.
BRAZILE: — we have — we need to get to the bottom of it,
Chris. And I’ll come back when the investigation is over with.
MATTHEWS: Okay. Well said.
MATTHEWS: We're going in different directions. I think the world
illegitimate is third world, fourth world. Hillary should have never
used it. She can say there was a corrupt aspect to it. She could

Unsealed Fusion GPS Bank Records
Show Russia-Related Payments
By Debra Heine
November 21, 2017

According to the DCNF,

"the largest payment was made just before

the election. Perkins Coie made a
$365,275 payment to Fusion GPS on Oct.
28, 2016, according to the records."
The transaction list does not show payments that Fusion
made to Christopher Steele, the former British spy who
wrote the dossier. The firm reportedly paid Steele a total of
$168,000 for his work, which lasted from June 2016 until
Glenn R. Simpson, arrives for a scheduled appearance before a the election.
closed House Intelligence Committee hearing on Capitol Hill in
Washington, Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2017. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez
Monsivais) The records show that Fusion was also paid $523,651 by
the law firm BakerHostetler between March 7, 2016 and
A federal court on Tuesday finally unsealed Fusion GPS' Oct. 31, 2016.
bank records, revealing new details about payments made
to the opposition research firm behind the unverified Fusion worked for BakerHostetler to investigate Bill
Steele dossier. The docs also confirm that Fusion GPS Browder, a London-based banker who helped push
made payments to three journalists known to have reported through the Magnitsky Act, a sanctions law vehemently
on Russia issues. opposed by the Kremlin.

The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Glenn Simpson, a former Wall Street Journal reporter and
has been fighting in court for weeks to access documents one of Fusion GPS’ founders, reportedly prepared the
that show payments to the journalists between June 2016 memo for the anti-Browder project.
and February 2017.
According to Fox News, he met with Russian lawyer
Judge Richard Leon, a Bush appointee, ruled last week in Natalia Veselnitskaya before and after her meeting with
the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., that the Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort in
records be unsealed. June of 2016.

The Daily Caller reported that the documents list 112 However, Simpson told the House Intelligence Committee
transactions involving Fusion GPS — most of which were earlier this month that he did not know of Veselnitskaya’s
redacted. Trump Tower meeting until reports of it appeared in the
The records show that two law firms — Perkins Coie
and BakerHostetler — paid Fusion GPS more than $1.5 The unsealed documents also provide details about
million last year for services on separate Russia-related payments Fusion GPS made to three journalists between
projects. Perkins Coie represented the Clinton campaign June 2016 and February 2017.
and DNC's anti-Trump research efforts,
while BakerHostetler represented Prevezon Holdings and The committee sought records related to “five Fusion
its owner, Russian businessman Denis Katsyv, who were payments to research and Russia expert [name redacted],
trying to get the Magnitsky Act repealed. and production of three additional payments,” as well
as records “related to Fusion’s payments to journalists who
The records show that Perkins Coie paid Fusion a total of have reported on Russia issues relevant to its
$1,024,408 between May 24, 2016, and Dec. 28, 2016. investigation,” according to the documents.

House Republicans have been trying to find out if Fusion Levy last week admitted that Steele and Simpson had
GPS used the dossier — which according to Rep. Trey briefed reporters on the unverified dossier last year, but
Gowdy "looked like the National Enquirer prepared it" — insisted that neither Simpson nor Fusion GPS paid
to feed anti-Trump stories to the press during and after the members of the media to publish stories of any kind.
presidential campaign.
Fusion instead argued that some payments went to
According to the Washington Examiner, the House reporters to help the company with research.
Intelligence Committee said in a court filing that "the three
journalists who were paid by Fusion GPS are known to Simpson reportedly told House investigators during his
have reported on 'Russia issues relevant to [the recent closed-door testimony that he leaked details from
committee's] investigation.'" the dirty dossier to reporters right before the 2016 election
because he was "upset" that then-FBI director James
But the recipients' names, the amounts, and purposes of Comey had reopened the Clinton email case.
those payments were either redacted from the documents
that Fusion GPS filed to the U.S. District Court for the According to Fox News, he also told members of the
District of Columbia or were not disclosed. House Intelligence Committee to look for "a wide-ranging,
multi-faceted Russian conspiracy that included the
The unsealed filings show that Fusion fought hard against infiltration of the NRA."
releasing records related to these payments, and even
asked the court to issue a restraining order against the An NRA spokesman told Fox News that "they had no
House committee for seeking the documents. knowledge of any Russian infiltration."

Fusion GPS partner Peter Fritsch argued in a Nov. 3

declaration that “transactions between Fusion GPS and
certain journalists…are not pertinent to work related to
Russia or Donald Trump.”

And in an email to the Intel Committee’s legal team on

Nov. 2, Simpson’s attorney, Joshua Levy, argued that
“records related to payments to the journalists and
‘individuals’ are protected by the First Amendment and
confidentiality, and they are not pertinent.”

Unsealed Fusion GPS Bank Records
Reveal $523K Payment From Russian Money Launderer
By Tyler Durden
Nov 22, 2017 8:50 AM

Unsealed court documents reveal that the firm behind the Simpson told the House Intelligence Committee earlier this
salacious 34-page Trump-Russia Dossier, Fusion GPS, week that he did not know that Veselnitskaya provided the
was paid $523,000 by a Russian businessman convicted of Browder information to Chaika or to Donald Trump Jr.,
tax fraud and money laundering, the Trump campaign’s point-man in the Trump Tower
meeting. -Daily Caller
whose lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya,
was a key figure in the infamous June Of note, the 34-page dossier created by Fusion was
2016 meeting at Trump Tower arranged reportedly used to obtain a FISA surveillance warrant on
by Fusion GPS associate Rob one-time adviser to the Trump campaign, Carter Page.
Quite a bit more notable is the fact that Glenn
In short, D.C. opposition research firm Fusion GPS is the Simpson met with Natalia Veselnitskaya hours before the
common denominator linked to two schemes used to Trump Tower meeting, and also met with Hillary Clinton's
damage the Trump campaign. campaign chairman John Podesta the day after the 34-
page dossier was published by BuzzFeed. Glenn gets

InFusion of Funds

The Daily Caller's Chuck Ross - who has done

an outstanding job turning over stones and finding gold -
now reports that the heavily redacted Fusion GPS bank
records unsealed Tuesday reveal DNC law firm Perkins
Coie paid Fusion a total of $1,024,408 in 2016 for
opposition research on then-candidate Donald Trump -
including the 34-page dossier.
Founded in 2011 by former Wall St. Journal journalist
Glenn Simpson and two other WSJ alumni, Fusion was Ross also reports that law firm Baker Hostelter paid
responsible for the Clinton/DNC - funded dossier (which Fusion $523,651 between March and October 2016 on
two Kremlin officials participated in), and was also behalf of a company owned by Russian businessman and
involved in the infamous Trump Tower meeting with the money launderer Denis Katsyv to research Bill Browder,
Russian attorney of another Fusion client - an encounter a London banker who helped push through the Magnitsky
some suspect may have been used to obtain a FISA Act - named after deceased Russian lawyer Sergei
wiretapping warrant on the Trump campaign. Magnitsky, who Browder hired to investigate Russian
He [Simpson] worked closely with Natalia Veselnitskaya,
the Russian lawyer who also showed up at the infamous Veselnitskaya, through Baker Hostetler, hired Glenn
Trump Tower meeting held on June 9, 2016. Simpson of the firm Fusion GPS to conduct a smear
campaign against me and Sergei Magnitsky in advance of
congressional hearings on the Global Magnitsky Act. -Bill
Simpson’s research ended up in the Browder, Testimony to Senate Judiciary Committee,
Trump Tower meeting in the form of a 7/26/17
four-page memo carried by
Magnitsky Act
She also shared Simpson’s work with Yuri Chaika, the
prosecutor general of Russia. Magnitsky uncovered a high level embezzlement and
money laundering scheme, sanctioned by Russian

Officials, in which large sums of money were stolen from  The embezzlement scheme uncovered by Magnitsky
the Russian government and invested in New York real along with the circumstances behind his death resulted
estate. Some of the missing funds were traced to Katsyv's in the Magnitsky Act - a bipartisan bill signed in
firm, Prevezon Holdings Ltd., which settled with the December 2012 by President Obama which imposed
Justice Department in 2017 - paying $5.9 million in fines. sanctions on Russia.
 Katsyv settled with the U.S. Justice department in
2017, paying a paltry $5.9 million in 2017 to settle the
case - less than 3% of the amount originally sought by
federal prosecutors.
 Katsyv's attorney, Natalia Veselnitskaya, lobbied to
remove the sanctions imposed by the Magnitsky Act.
 Fusion GPS was paid $523,651 by Katsyv to
investigate London Banker Bill Browder who pushed for
the Magnitsky Act
 Fusion GPS associate Rob Goldstone set up the
infamous meeting at Trump Tower between Donald
Trump Jr., Katsyv's lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya and
various associates. The meeting was pitched to Trump
Jr. as a "discussion on adoption" (not opposition
Magnitsky was arrested and thrown in prison for just under research on Hillary Clinton) and was shut down by
a year, only to die seven days before he was to be released. Trump after it became clear Veselnitskaya wanted to
He developed gall stones, pancreatitis, and a blocked gall discuss the Magnitsky Act, which Don Jr. apparently
bladder for which he received little to no medical care, and didn't realize was linked to the adoption issue. Others
was found to have been physically assaulted shortly before present at the meeting include Jared Kushner, Paul
he died. Manafort, and Goldstone.
 Hours before the Trump Tower meeting, Fusion
GPS founder Glenn Simpson met with
In response to Magnitsky's horrific death and because
Russian money laundering occurred on US soil, Congress
and President Obama enacted the Magnitsky act in 2012 -
imposing sanctions on Russia and barring Russian officials Meanwhile...
believed to be involved in Magnitsky's death from entering
the United States. Russia retaliated by halting an adoption  Fusion GPS was paid $1,024,408 by a DNC law firm,
program for US foster parents. funded in part by Hillary Clinton and the DNC, to
create the salacious 34 page dossier.
Enter Natalia  Fusion paid former British spy Christopher Steele
$168,000 to assemble the document (which had the
What's strange is that Katsyv's attorney, Natalia cooperation of two senior Kremlin officials).
Veselnitskaya - a John McCain fan who hates Trump and  Clinton campaign manager John Podesta met with
uses Democrat lobbyists, was initially denied entry into Fusion CEO Glenn Simpson the day after the 34 page
the United States, only to be allowed in under dossier was made public.
"extraordinary circumstances" by Obama's Homeland
Security Department and approved by former AG Loretta For their efforts, Fusion GPS was paid over $1.5 million
Lynch so she could represent Fusion GPS client Denis dollars between Hillary Clinton, the DNC, and the holding
Katsyv's company, Prevezon Holdings company owned by pro-Kremlin businessman Denis
- and attend the meeting at Trump
Tower with Donald Trump Jr. - arranged Russian Ties Galore!
by Fusion GPS associate Rob
Goldstone. Looking at other Russian affiliations on the left - since
that's the entire impetus of the witch hunt against President
Let's Review: Trump:

 Russian businessman Denis Katsyv was a key figure in  Russia gained control over 20% of United States
an embezzlement and money laundering scheme uranium after the Clinton Foundation received $145
involving New York real estate, uncovered by Russian million from Uranium One affiliates and Russian
lawyer and accountant Sergei Magnitsky. Magnitsky oligarchs connected to the deal.
died in Moscow's Butyrka prison after a year of  The Obama administration approved the
inhumane treatment. transaction after the FBI knew of a Russian plot to
corner the US Uranium market and a racketeering  Clinton campaign chief and longtime DNC operative
scheme involving a Kentucky trucking company. Over John Podesta recommended that brother Tony hire
5,000 documents and a video of Russians preparing a Hillary Clinton's chief legislative advisor at the State
briefcase stuffed with bribe money for Obama Department, David Adams, which allowed a direct link
administration officials were obtained by an FBI between the firm's Russian clients and the Obama
informant. administration.
 Bill Clinton met with Vladimir Putin at his house in  John Podesta sat on the board and owned shares in
Russia, the same day he collected $500,000 for a Joule Unlimited - a green-energy company which
speech to a Russian bank which upgraded Uranium received $35 million from the Russian government
One stock. Clinton sought approval from Hillary while Hillary Clinton served as Secretary of State. In
Clinton's State Department to meet with 15 Russians. addition to Podesta, Joule's board of directors included
 Tony Podesta, brother of John Podesta, lobbied for senior Russian official Anatoly Chubais and oligarch
Uranium One after Russia state-owned energy giant Reuben Vardanyan - a Putin appointee to the Russian
Rosatom owned the company outright. economic modernization council. Podesta jettisoned his
 Tony Podesta met regularly with Clinton Foundation shares before the 2016 election, transferring them to
and was considered "basically part" of the his daughter via a shell corporation.
organization, according to a former long-time
executive of the Podesta Group, who also said Podesta Unfortunately, Attorney General Jeff Sessions feels there
was "peddling Russian oligarchs" all over D.C. isn't 'enough basis' to investigate any or all of the above.

Collusion? Bank Records From Dem
Oppo-Research Firm Linked To Clinton Campaign Made
Russia-Related Payments
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On November 22, 2017

“The documents also shed new light on requests made by One of the firms, Perkins Coie, which represented the
the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Clinton campaign and the DNC, paid Fusion $1,024,408
about payments that Fusion GPS made to journalists” between May 24, 2016, and Dec. 28, 2016, according to
the unsealed records.

The biggest payment was made right before the Nov. 8

election when Perkins Coie made a payment amounting to
$365,275 to Fusion — on Oct. 28, 2016. Also, a payment
that was made to Fusion was made later than previously
thought, The DC reported.

“The transaction list does not show

payments that Fusion made to Christopher
Steele, the former British spy who wrote
(National Sentinel) Election 2016: An opposition research
the dossier. The firm reportedly paid Steele
firm linked to the Democratic National Committee and the
a total of $168,000 for his work, which
campaign last year of Hillary Clinton made Russia-related
lasted from June 2016 until the election,”
payments last year, according to newly unsealed bank
said the website.
“The records show that Fusion was
As reported by The Daily Caller, the records belong to also paid $523,651 by the law firm
Fusion GPS, the firm behind the infamous “Trump BakerHostetler between March 7, 2016 and
dossier” that was paid for the Clinton campaign and the Oct. 31, 2016.”
Fusion worked on behalf of BakerHostetler to investigate
A federal court unsealed the records in a lawsuit involving Bill Browder, a banker from London who helped to usher
the firm, thereby revealing new details about payments that the Magnitsky Act through — a sanctions law that the
were made last year to Fusion GPS when it was Russian government vehemently opposed.
commissioning the dossier.
BakerHostetler also represented Prevezon Holdings and its
“The documents also shed new light on owner, a Russian businessman named Denis Katsyv.
requests made by the House Permanent
Select Committee on Intelligence about Both Katsyv and Prevezon worked to limit the impact of
payments that Fusion GPS made to the sanctions imposed but he Magnitsky Act.
journalists,” The DC reported.
In addition, the documents reveal that the House
The records were opened following a ruling last week by Intelligence Committee is seeking records from Fusion
U.S. District Judge Richard Leon in Washington, D.C. related to the firm’s “payments to journalists who have
reported on Russia issues relevant to its investigation.”
While most of the records are redacted, there is evidence
of transactions between a pair of law firms that Fusion In a memo that was filed on Tuesday, attorneys for the
GPS worked with last year involving Russia-related House panel said they are seeking transition records
projects. related to “three individual journalists…each of whom
have reported on and/or been quoted in articles regarding
topics related to the Committee’s investigation, some of dossier story, the firm is known to keep a stable of
which were published as recently as October 2017.” reporters on its payroll.

The names of the journalists were redacted. And while it Fusion founders Peter Fritsch, Thomas Catan and Glenn
isn’t clear year that Fusion paid any journalists to hype the Simpson are former Wall Street Journal reporters.

"Impeach Trump" Billboards
Have Come To Times Square
By Tyler Durden
Nov 22, 2017 9:29 AM

Apparently, running one of his “impeach Trump” ads

during game five of the World Series didn’t provide
billionaire Democratic donor Tom Steyer enough

As we’ve previously reported, the unhinged billionaire’s

ad campaign demonstrates a shocking lack of self-
awareness. In the video, Steyer bills himself as an
“American Citizen” and ticks off exaggerated claims about
Trump, including accusing him of being “mentally
unstable” and a “clear and present danger” to the American
people. The billboards direct viewers to a petition that Steyer
started encouraging Republican members of Congress to
join the push to impeach Trump.

For 10 minutes out of every hour through to New Year’s

Eve, billboards on Times Square will direct passers-by to a
website where they can sign a petition calling for US
President Donald Trump’s impeachment.

Over 350,000 people walk across Times Square each day,

one of the busiest pedestrian zones in the world. It will
only get busier on New Year’s Eve, when up to a million
people will go to watch the countdown. They might also
catch a glimpse of the billboards paid for by billionaire
He then pleads with members of Congress to circumvent Democratic Party donor Tom Steyer.
the Democratic process and impeach the president for a
series of vaguely defined violations. The billboards direct their viewers to
Steyer’s website,,
As if to underscore its ridiculous claims, where they can sign a petition asking
a weepy string quartet plays throughout Congress to take action against the
the video, in case viewers couldn’t Commander-in-Chief.
grasp the gravity of the threat that “We’re putting a couple of large
Trump represents. billboards in Times Square calling for
the impeachment of the president,”
Now – just in time for New Years Eve and the rest of the
busy holiday season – Steyer, who put $20 million toward the campaign, told
Bloomberg on Monday.
Steyer is plastering “impeach Trump”
billboards in New York City’s Times “We legitimately feel that this is the huge
Square. issue in front of the American people that
no one is standing up for what the
The digital billboards will flash Steyer’s message to overwhelming number of Americans think.”
passers-by for 10 minutes out of the hour.
Steyer is former hedge fund manager who has championed
environmentalist causes like fighting climate change. Since

launching his “impeach Trump” campaign, the petition has Opponents of Trump’s controversial presidency have long
garnered nearly 3 million signatures. While it might seem called for his impeachment, accusing him of colluding
large out of context, it’s a tiny fraction of the nearly 50 with the Russian government during the 2016 presidential
million Americans who voted for Trump. election campaign, among other things. However, despite
an avalanche of leaks seemingly orchestrated to discredit
The financier has persisted with his campaign despite pleas the president, no clear or definitive evidence of collusion –
from senior Democratic leaders like Nancy Pelosi to end it. which isn’t a crime in and of itself - has been found.
Pelosi and other top Dems have reportedly told Steyer that
they consider his campaign a distraction from the party’s Trump famously lashed out at Steyer on Twitter last
overall political strategy. month, calling him “whacky” and “totally unhinged”.

Meanwhile, progressive Democrats in the House have

introduced articles of impeachment against Trump for the
fourth time – a decision that has also drawn the ire of
Pelosi, who can’t afford another poor showing in the 2018
mid-term elections. In the articles of impeachment, the
Democrats listed five acts – including firing former FBI
Director James Comey – that should qualify him for

It IS Bogus: FBI Admits It Can’t Verify
Contents Of “Trump Dossier” Paid For By
Hillary Clinton And The DNC
By JD Heyes
Wednesday, November 22, 2017

and compiled by former British spy

Christopher Steele.”

The House Intelligence Committee issued a subpoena Aug.

24 of this year to the FBI and Justice Department. The
subpoena sought information on the bureau’s efforts to
prove or validate the 35-page document.

Specifically, York says the subpoena sought

“any documents, if they exist, that

memorialize DOJ and/or FBI efforts to
It’s been around for more than a year and some corroborate, validate, or evaluate
Republicans believe it was used to justify at least some of information provided by Mr. Steele and/or
the congressional and government investigations into sub-sources and/or contained in the ‘Trump
alleged “collusion” between President Donald J. Trump’s Dossier.’”
campaign and the Russian government.
York cited unnamed sources “familiar with the matter”
But the FBI has thus far been unable to verify the most who said neither the FBI nor officials within the Justice
inflammatory and outrageous claims made in the infamous Department could provide any documents in response to
“Trump dossier” that we now know was bought-and-paid- that portion of the committee’s subpoena.
for opposition research financed by two-time failed
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and the However,
Democratic National Committee.
“in face-to-face briefings with congressional
As reported by Byron York at the Washington Examiner, staff,” he writes, “according to these
the FBI has not been able to verify much of anything in the sources, FBI and DOJ officials have said
dossier, least of all the most salacious claims. they cannot verify the dossier’s charges of
a conspiracy between the Russian
Earlier this week, York writes that FBI and Trump Justice government and the Trump campaign.”
Department officials informed congressional investigators
that they’ve been unable to verify or corroborate In other words,
substantial allegations of collusion between the Trump
campaign and Russian government officials, as the dossier
this document is bogus,

though, in many respects, it represents a very real

“The FBI received the first installment of
impediment to justice.
the dossier in July 2016. It received later
installments as they were written at the
height of the presidential campaign, which (Related: Expert: Bogus Trump ‘dossier’ was NOT
means the bureau has had more than a ‘just opposition research’ but used by FBI to launch
year to investigate the allegations in the ‘collusion’ probes.)
document,” York writes. “The dossier was
financed by the Hillary Clinton campaign

Those declarations are in direct contrast to comments known to be under FSB control with microphones and
made recently by the committee’s ranking (minority) concealed cameras in all the main rooms to record
member, Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif. He told The Wall anything they wanted to.”
Street Journal this week that “a lot of” the dossier “has  The president’s alleged participation in “sex parties”
turned out to be true.” that were said to have taken place in St. Petersburg,
But as York points out, the document contains a number of  Allegations of meetings between Carter Page, a low-
very specific allegations that an agency with the resources influence, short-term Trump foreign policy advisor, and
of the FBI most certainly could verify — that is, if they Igor Sechin, the head of Rosneft, Russia’s massive
were true. state-owned oil firm, as well as other alleged meetings
between Page and a top official in President Vladimir
Putin’s government.
Among them:

There are many more York outlines, but he adds:

 An alleged 2013 Moscow hotel incident in which
“TRUMP’s (perverted) conduct in Moscow included
hiring the presidential suite of the Ritz Carlton hotel, “Whatever the case, the bottom line
where he knew President and Bus OBAMA (whom he appears to be that the FBI and the Justice
hated) had stayed on one of their official trips to Department are not vouching for the
Russia, and defiling the bed where they had slept by accuracy of the substantive allegations of
employing a number of prostitutes to perform a ‘golden collusion in the dossier.”
showers’ (urination) show in front of him. The hotel was

Steyn, Concha Mock Loony Newsweek, New Yorker Pieces
as Cases of ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’
By Curtis Houck
November 22, 2017 1:01 PM EST

On Tuesday’s Tucker Carlson Tonight, fill-in host Mark “So, there clearly there is no antidote,
Steyn and The Hill’s Joe Concha enjoyed themselves at the but I guess there is thinking, you know,
expense of the latest liberal media diatribes, showcasing Mussolini and Stalin just doesn’t have
new cases of the incurably stupid Trump Derangement that oomph anymore as far as analogies
Syndrome involving everything from the death of Charles and Hitler hit our 100,000 quotas as far
Manson to the attack on Republican Senator Rand Paul as comparing Trump to Hitler. So, let’s
(Ky.). go somebody who is breathing within
the last 72 hours I think we relate too in
“Charles Manson is dead, but Charles Manson,” Concha added
Newsweek has found a sinister new cult
leader to replace him. President Donald The duo also noted how this also described The New
Trump. What’s the reasoning? Yorker’s rationale for the attack on Sen. Paul, which was
According to Newsweek, Trump and “the sinister banality of American life” under Trump. Of
Manson both use, quote, ‘emotional course, that’s not the reason for the attack, as the two
language’ to establish a bond with explained:
followers. You know how it is, one day,
you’re giving a speech on immigration CONCHA: Now, if you read about this
and the next day, everybody’s writing story, Rand Paul was attacked by a
helter-skelter on the wall and blood. It’s neighbor and reportedly for nonpolitical
a simple two-step process,” the hilarious reasons.
Steyn began.
STEYN: Yeah. Lawn clipping supposedly,
something like that.
CONCHA: Supposedly, right and a sitting
senator is attacked at his home and gets a
couple of ribs broken.
STEYN: Right.
CONCHA: And again it’s the anger that’s
emanating from Donald Trump that actually
possessed this person to do that.
STEYN: It’s not just anger though, it’s
banal anger.
CONCHA: Right. That’s the trick.
Concha astutely pointed out a rather significant problem
with Newsweek’s claim, which was that The third case came from a German professor arguing that
it’s unfortunate Trump hasn’t gone all-in to thwart climate
“if you read the story, the author, at change since, according to University of Freiburg’s
least, the psychoanalyst that they speak Rüdiger Glaser, Trump’s ancestors fled 19th century
to, concedes that he has no idea what Europe because of climate change. Yes, really. Here’s
Manson actually said to attract his Concha’s thoughts:
followers” so, therefore, “[h]e just made
assumptions that he knew and then No, obviously not and here’s the thing. If
made the connections.” you had a diary entry from Frederick
Trump, who is Trump’s grandfather, and he
He tapped into the real source of this lunacy, which was said we had to get out of here because
“TDS, which is Trump Derangement Syndrome” that things are going bad with the crops of
repeatedly pops up in the liberal media. whatever, then fine or if you did an
interview with somebody, but there’s no guess there is thinking, you know, Mussolini and Stalin just
evidence whatsoever, again, to connect doesn’t have that oomph anymore as far as analogies and Hitler
this back to Donald Trump and the hit our 100,000 quotas as far as comparing Trump to Hitler. So,
implication clearly is that the current let’s go somebody who is breathing within the last 72 hours I
President pulled out of the Paris climate think we relate too in Charles Manson.
accords and now the planet is doomed and
he didn’t realized that climate change STEYN: Yeah and those guys are wacky foreigners, let’s
actually affected his relatives as 130 years compare him to an all-American monster.
ago and boy, the irony of that, huh?
CONCHA: Boom. There you go.
Here’s the relevant transcript from FNC’s Tucker Carlson
Tonight on November 21:

FNC’s Tucker Carlson Tonight STEYN: This other story you mentioned from The New Yorker is
November 21, 2017
about, quote, “the sinister banality of American life” emanating
8:19 p.m. Eastern
from Donald J. Trump.

CONCHA: The exact quote is the attack on Rand Paul by his

neighbor “reveals a sinister banality,” as you said, “of American
life that these days is often emanating from Donald Trump.” Now,
if you read about this story, Rand Paul was attacked by a
neighbor and reportedly for nonpolitical reasons.

STEYN: Yeah. Lawn clipping supposedly, something like that.

CONCHA: Supposedly, right and a sitting senator is attacked at

his home and gets a couple of ribs broken.

STEYN: Right.
MARK STEYN: Charles Manson is dead, but Newsweek has
found a sinister new cult leader to replace him. President Donald
Trump. What’s the reasoning? According to Newsweek, Trump CONCHA: And again it’s the anger that’s emanating from Donald
and Manson both use, quote, “emotional language” to establish a Trump that actually possessed this person to do that.
bond with followers. You know how it is, one day, you’re giving a
speech on immigration and the next day, everybody’s writing STEYN: It’s not just anger though, it’s banal anger.
helter-skelter on the wall and blood. It’s a simple two-step
process. Joe Concha writes about media for The Hill and he joins CONCHA: Right. That’s the trick.
us. Joe, were you shocked to discover that Trump and Manson
are the only two guys in history to have used “emotional
language” to connect the followers?
JOE CONCHA: Well, the funny thing is, if you read the story, the
author, at least, the psychoanalyst that they speak to, concedes
that he has no idea what Manson actually said to attract his STEYN: So, by the way, it was over for the — it may be
followers. Democrats go bananas over lawn clippings. The other thing is
that, apparently, Trump, who is a climate denier —
STEYN: Right.
CONCHA: That’s the best one, I think.
CONCHA: He just made assumptions that he knew and then
made the connection back and this is all about TDS which is STEYN: — his own family were driven out of Europe by 19th
Trump Derangement Syndrome. Century climate change.

STEYN: Yes. CONCHA: There it is. “Did Donald Trump’s ancestors migrated to
the United States because of a change in climate?” Apparently,
130 years ago, Donald Trump’s grandfather left Germany, just
CONCHA: And this example and we have two others here.
like Eddie Murphy coming to America, and went to Queens
Actually is from the last two days. It’s not like that we’re doing the
because he was trying to escape the climate change that was
best year type of thing. So, there clearly there is no antidote, but I
going on over there and if you look at the weather in Queens, you
compare it where the Trumps were in Germany, it’s basically the Germany. You know, the revolutions of 1848 and whatnot, but
same. the weather wasn’t one of them.

CONCHA: No, obviously not and here’s the thing. If you had a
diary entry from Frederick Trump, who is Trump’s grandfather,
and he said we had to get out of here because things are going
bad with the crops of whatever, then fine or if you did an
interview with somebody, but there’s no evidence whatsoever,
again, to connect this back to Donald Trump and the implication
clearly is that the current President pulled out of the Paris climate
accords and now the planet is doomed and he didn’t realized that
climate change actually affected his relatives as 130 years ago
and boy, the irony of that, huh?

STEYN: And the jokes on him because the tortured climate, the
STEYN: Yes and it was basically great because we were coming slow warming trend of the 19th Century that drove his
out of a Little Ice Age. And we have this gradual warming trend to grandfather to get on that ship to Ellis Island, he’s now destroying
the 19th century. There were a lot of problems in 19th century the planet.

Top NSA Official Says Russia Election Meddling Is
Propaganda To Increase War-Spending—Media Silent
By Jay Syrmopoulos
November 22, 2017

hundreds of millions of Americans’) then

they need to give clear proof of what they
say. So far, they have failed to prove

This highly suggests there is no evidence of a substantial

Russian hack, but rather an operation by the military-
intelligence-industrial complex (MIC) looks to expand the
influence and hegemony of the United States under the
auspices of a second Cold War.

Washington, D.C. – William Binney is a 30-year National As former CIA, State Department, and House Intelligence
Security Agency veteran, who served as the global Committee security expert Fred Fleitz notes:
Technical Director for geopolitical analysis at the NSA
and was an architect of its surveillance program before “Only two intelligence entities – the Office
becoming a famed whistleblower upon resigning in 2001. of the Director of National Intelligence
(DNI) and the Department of Homeland
Binney was persecuted for attempting to expose lies and Security (DHS) – have weighed in on this
distortions of intelligence by the George W. Bush issue, not 17 intelligence agencies [as
administration used to justify systematic, massive, and all- Hillary Clinton had claimed]. And what they
encompassing surveillance into all Americans’ private said was ambiguous about Russian
electronic communications. involvement. An unclassified October 7,
2016 joint DNI-DHS statement on this issue
said the hacks
In regards to Russiagate, Binney has been a strong
proponent of the idea that the Democratic National ‘. . . are consistent with the methods and
Committee was not hacked by Russians, and in a motivations of Russian-directed efforts.
November 15 interview, published on the These thefts and disclosures are intended
Washingtonsblog news-site, titled “How to Instantly Prove to interfere with the US election process.
(Or Disprove) Russian Hacking of US Election”, he Such activity is not new to Moscow — the
provides a technical analysis that exposes how the Russians have used similar tactics and
Democratic party allegations of “Russian hacking” are a techniques across Europa and Eurasia, for
part of an operation of intentional deception backed by the example, to influence public opinion there.
military-intelligence-industrial complex. We believe, based on the scope and
sensitivity of these efforts, that only
The former NSA tech guru says the agency he worked at Russia’s senior-most officials could have
for decades has evidence of exactly who hacked… or authorized these activities.’
instead, proves that the emails were leaked by a
Democratic party insider. Saying we think the hacks

Binney stressed: ‘are consistent with the methods and

motivations of Russian-directed efforts’ is
“If the idiots in the intelligence community far short of saying we have evidence that
expect us to believe them after all the crap Russia has been responsible for the hacks.
they have told us (like WMD’s in Iraq and Maybe high-level officials would have
‘no we don’t collect data on millions or authorized them if Russian hackers were
responsible, but the DNI and DHS
statement did NOT say there was evidence Interestingly, the whole of corporate state media largely
Russia was responsible.” refuses to give Binney any airtime to reveal the damning
information that refutes the Russiagate conspiracy theory,
Binney believes the intelligence community is politicizing and instead continues to promote a false narrative created
intelligence to promote a false narrative surrounding by the military-intelligence-industrial complex and
Russia. He claims they know that what they are saying is promoted by the corporate state media apparatus.
false, because if it weren’t false, then they could provide,
to the public, evidence proving their claims, and do it Instead of anyone standing up and challenging Binney’s
without revealing any legitimate US national-security analysis, the mass media in the U.S. has effectively
information. censored his message by ignoring him—and potentially the
biggest story of 2017—and, instead, running with Russian-
Tellingly, Binney, who is widely regarded as a “legend” meddling in US elections propaganda.
within the agency and the NSA’s best-ever analyst and
code-breaker, believes the public is being lied to as the Make no mistake that this situation is the modern-day
truth would destroy the entire popularized-Russian election equivalent of ‘Saddam’s Weapons of Mass Destruction’
interference narrative. politicized intelligence debacle that led to the invasion of
Iraq and millions dead as a quasi ‘response’ to the 9/11
“That’s why I originally said if the FBI attacks—but with potentially much more grave
wanted Hillary’s email, all they have to consequences.
do is ask NSA for them,” Binney said.

Q Clearance Patriot:
The Storm And The Awakening
November 19, 2017 –

Even an Atheist knows and must be

intelligent enough to know, that Satan
worshipers are real, Cults are real and
‘True Evil’ exists.

Disinformation is also real. It’s the job of the media and

the entertainment industry to keep the public saturated
with stimulus designed to keep us blind and distracted.
This is where most people ‘tune out’ because it’s too hard
for them to swallow. They don’t want to believe that there
are people in this world buying children to rape and kill
them as sacrifices. It’s tough to stomach but who are we if
let this continue, who are we if we choose to turn a blind
Q Anon: Preface eye. Evil exists, and it exists at the highest level of the
United States government. Don’t be naive and think ‘it
Let me start off by saying that the Q can’t happen here’ because I assure you that it is.
Anon / Q Clearance Patriot posts are so
vast in scope, to summarize ‘everything’ The level of importance of this operation
is nearly impossible. The posts paint a equates to a ‘Good vs Evil’ battle that
huge picture around the basis that transcends politics.
‘everything is connected and everything
has meaning’. This is a ‘Global Evil’ that attempted to takeover America.
Many in our government actively worship Satan,
I’m going to give you my feeble attempt at the cliff notes Moloch/Molech and participate Pedophilia, Spirit
version of just a few of the first posts and expand on it a Cooking, etc. Most Americans are afraid to look this Truth
little. in the eye but True Evil does exist regardless of your
religious views. This is not a joke and most definitely not a
Q Anon: Down the Rabbit Hole game. Thousands of Pedophiles and Child Traffickers have
been arrested since Trump was sworn in. They are all
The Special Counsel is not corrupt. under heavy investigation, including their funds and their
Let me say that again, the special counsel, headed by
Mueller, is not running a corrupt investigation. He’s doing Saudi Arabia, Rothschild and Soros are
the job properly under the guise of investigating the Trump the puppet masters that fund this Global
team. This has lowered the guard of the true targets Evil.
because nobody anticipated it, including the media. There
are an unprecedented number of sealed indictments across For the first time in history, this triangle of funding has
the nation right now that have not been executed, over lost one of it’s sides and is beginning to collapse. The old
1100 sealed indictments at last glance. Saudi Arabia was funding child trafficking, Hillary
Clinton, false flags and various other evil activities.
Many high level officials will soon be
arrested to actually ‘Drain the Swamp‘ The New Saudi Arabia is just taking form
beyond what anyone thought was possible. as Saudi Arabia’s King Salman, the same
King who honored President Trump during
Once the corruption and the ‘type of corruption’ is his visit, made an abrupt change in the
revealed to the American people, it will trigger ‘The line of succession.
Awakening’. This event will be something unlike anything
you’ve ever witnessed, Americans will unite behind He appointed his younger son Mohammed bin Salman
Trump and his administration for cleaning house. (people call him MBS) as Crown Prince and is reportedly
going to step down this week due to dementia, which will matters which, in the interest of national
make MBS King. As soon as MBS was named Crowned security, should not be divulged.’ The
Prince is when ‘The Purge’ in Saudi Arabia began. invocation must come from “the head of the
Hundreds of Officials and other Princes were arrested for department which has control over the
corruption charges, many with ties to Clinton, Podesta, matter, after actual personal consideration
Huma, Obama, etc. All of their corrupt dealings and bank of that office.
records are being investigated. As this unfolds, the paper
trail will likely lead to charges here in the United States Admiral Rogers, Director of the NSA, Head of all 16
and could possibly be some of the sealed indictments. Intelligence Agencies, the man who briefs the President
MBS has a good relationship with Trump and has vowed every morning, is an interesting figure in all of this.
to ‘Make Saudi Arabia Great Again‘, less strict and
more moderate. Saudi Arabia is now working with Israel Adm. Rogers was in charge of NSA under Obama and kept
(highly unusual) and Trump against Iran, Radical Islam his position with Trump.
and efforts to defund terrorism.
Rogers met with then President-Elect Trump at Trump
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity Tower November 17th 2016, without letting the Obama
take out this Global Cabal of Satan White House know. 2 days later, Obama was considering
worshiping pedophiles. firing him before leaving office.

Military Intelligence and NSA Director Admiral Rogers Many believe that Admiral Rogers may have warned
has played a vital role in rooting out this evil. The ability Trump about Obama’s Intelligence Community (James
to avoid ‘other agencies’ and oversight through the power Clapper and John Brennan) spying on their activity from
of ‘State Secrets Privilege’ has played a vital role and once the FISA warrant they obtained in October 2016.
the special counsel has concluded, they will have played a
Just the tip of the iceberg
vital role as well.

State Secrets Privilege is an ability of Military Intelligence This doesn’t even cover 5% of it or even get into the
that shields it’s secrets from the Judicial Branch. It has ‘Breadcrumbs’ that Q posted. Regardless of whether you
been upheld by the Supreme Court and was established choose to believe Q Anon or not, the momentum that this
with United States v. Reynolds, 345 U.S. 1 (1953) and has created is enormous. Americans felt a lot of this in
expanded during the Bush admin after 9/11. The criteria their gut for a long time, that something just wasn’t quiet
for invoking this privilege is when: right with these people. Especially after the Podesta
emails. Stay strong, have Faith and Pray. The Patriots are
“‘there is a reasonable danger’ that in control now.
disclosure [of evidence] will ‘expose military

President Donald Trump’s
Accomplishment List
November 21, 2017

 Home builder confidence at 12-year high

 Manufacturer confidence at a 20-year high


 Tech giants pledge millions to Trump initiative

 Q2 GDP up 3.1%

 Sales of new U.S. homes rebounded in August

Trump Economy  Federal Reserve: Household Wealth in America at
record high of $1.7 trillion - Rising property values and
November Financial gain

 Trump Protects U.S. Intellectual Property in China  Surging stock market powers U.S. wealth to $96.2
 Broadcom will move back to U.S. — and bring tax
money with it  Food Stamp Usage Has Fallen Every Month Under
 US private sector added 235,000 jobs in Oct - Beats
Expectations  Wages rising faster than prices

October  Median Incomes Climbing for First Time Since 2007

 Consumer confidence highest level since December  US Census Bureau: American median income is
2000 increasing for the first time since 2007

 Q3 GDP at 3 Percent – Beats Expectations  Trump has signed a $15 billion relief package for Texas
in the wake of Hurricane Harvey
 Ivanka Trump creates new World Bank initiative to
foster Entrepreneurship among Women  Jobless claims drop to 240,000 - hottest streak in 43
 Consumer Sentiment in U.S. Surges to 13-Year High
 U.S. Consumer Sentiment Rose in August
 63.1%: Participation Rate Reaches Trump-Era High
 Recovery Is Finally Trickling Down to Least-Educated
 Unemployment down to 4.2, wages rise .5% Workers

 New entrants from outside the labor market made up  U.S. Job Satisfaction Highest Level Since 2005
 American manufacturing expanded in August at fastest
 U.S. Factories Expanding at 13 Year high pace in six years

 Dow posting first eight-quarter winning streak in 20 August


 Donald Trump Ends Obama Effort to Waive Work  1000s of jobs being created through pact with Saudi
Requirements for Welfare Arabia

 Consumer confidence strengthens in August, second-  Executive Order on the Establishment of the American
highest level since late 2000 Technology Council

 President Trump Cuts More US Debt for a Longer April

Period of Time Than Any President
 USA's small business confidence is spurring a hiring
 Pennsylvania coal company to open a SECOND coal and spending spree
 Alibaba Takes First Step To Fulfilling Jack Ma And
 Summer Youth Unemployment Falls, Level Since 1969 President Trump's 'One Million U.S. Jobs' Promise

 Shortage of illegal labor has caused construction March

worker wages to increase by 30% in Texas
 Slashing job-killing regulations left and right
 In Trump era, American corporations are seeing their
best earnings in 13 years  Creating thousands of more jobs for immigration
officers and border patrol
 US trade deficit narrows as exports hit 2-1/2-year high
 Milestone for Trump: 1 million new jobs in six months
 Signed a resolution encouraging women in
 National unemployment rate at 4.3% (lowest it's been entrepreneurship and STEM
in 16 years)
 Executive ordered all federal agencies to create task
July forces to cut regulations that hurt the economy

 13,000 jobs being created in WI - largest job  US Manufacturing Index at a 33-year high
announcement in WI history (Foxconn)
 Coal Miners are WINNING. Cut Regulations/Create
June Jobs/New Plant

 Black Unemployment, Lowest Level in 17 Years  US Economic Confidence Surges To Highest Level
Ever Recorded By Gallup
 Gas prices at a 12-year low
 Some states are experiencing their lowest
unemployment rates in their histories  45th PRESIDENT of the United States of America,
 Trump Announces $200 Million in Apprenticeship

 U.S. has record 6 million job openings, 6.8 million Trump Trade Agreements
Americans are looking for jobs
 CEO confidence highest since 2014
 Japan Freezes North Korea’s Assets after Trump’s
 U.S. jobless rate falls to lowest level in 16 years Visit

 Trump signs bills that helps Veterans and Police October

officers by giving them Priority and Training
 U.S. Trade Deficit is Shrinking – Exports Rising
 Trump Fights for ‘America First’ as 4th Round of
 Government spending as percentage of GDP down NAFTA Negotiations End

 Crude Oil Shipment to India Highlights Expanding
Energy Partnership March

August  Trump Administration Issues Trade Policy Agenda

Focusing on U.S. Sovereignty and Jobs
 Crude oil shipment from Texas opens new vistas in
India-U.S. ties January

 Argentina agrees to allow first U.S. pork imports in 25  Trans Pacific Partnership TERMINATED
Trump Government
 Trump orders probe of China's intellectual property
practices November

 New memorandum to protect American IPs from China  House Passes Tax Bill in Major Step Toward Overhaul
- Potentially save Billions of dollars and millions in jobs
 Senate Passes Budget Resolution Clearing the Way to
 Coal exports up 60% pass Tax Reform with a Simple Majority

 China opens rice market for US exports for first time  Trump's HHS defines life as beginning at conception
 U.S. makes final finding rebar exports from Taiwan
 Trump: 'We are stopping cold the attacks on Judeo-
 Renegotiating NAFTA with Canada and Mexico in Christian values'
order to make better trade deals - May terminate
 Trump administration abandons the Obama-era clean
June power plan aimed at reducing global warming

 United States and Mexico finalize sugar trade deal  School Choice tops the list of Priorities U.S. Education
Department Grants
 First U.S. Natural Gas Shipped to Poland
 Trump Signs Healthcare Order, Expands Choice and
May Access through associations

 Trade agreement clears way for Moody’s, Fitch and  US and Israel withdraw from UNESCO citing "anti-
S&P to rate onshore bonds Israel bias"

 Signed an Arms Deal worth more than $350 billion and  Trump has written 46 Executive Orders
various other investment agreements with Saudi Arabia
 China, U.S. reach trade agreement on beef, poultry
and natural gas  Executive order enabling Treasury Deparment to target
companies doing business with North Korea
 Trump orders a study on abuses of U.S. trade
agreements – WTO  Trump has signed 53 bills into law

 Trump slaps tariffs on Canadian lumber imports  Ending many of Obama's useless Executive Orders

 Increased tariffs on Canadian lumber by 20% (worth $1  Trump Signs Order Rolling Back Environmental Rules
billion) on Infrastructure

 China buys more U.S. coal, sends North Korea  11,000 government jobs slashed under Trump -
downsizing government
 Trade deficit falling faster than expected
 UN Security Council unanimously imposed new March
sanctions on North Korea
 President Trump's executive order will undo Obama's
 Senate confirms 65 Trump nominees for various Clean Power Plan rule
 U.S. Will have Free but Fair and Balanced Trade:
 U.S. Small Business Administration opens assistance Mnuchin
 Executive order to reduce operating costs of the
July Federal Government

 800 Obama regulations cut - Saved over $200 billion  Fired all 46 attorney generals hired by Obama

 EPA's Pruitt moves to roll back over 30 environmental February

regulations in record time
 Purging the State Department of Obama loyalists
 Cut the White House budget - Saved taxpayers $22
million January

June  Fixing lobbying laws - 5 year lobbying ban on White

House officials
 Haley Tells Congress US Assuming More Assertive
Role at UN  Put a regulatory freeze on all federal agencies

 Trump’s EPA To Repeal Obama’s ‘Waters Of The US’  Cutting regulations in government agencies (add 1,
Rule take out 2)

 Eliminated 1200 man hours of wasteful paperwork Trump Homeland Security

requirements including Y2K preparedness
 President Trump Announces “Massive Permit Reform"
Push  DHS: Announces New Procedures for Refugee
 Trump Lays Out Plan to Privatize Air Traffic Control
System  Deportations From the Interior up 34%

 Statement by President Trump on the Paris Climate  DACA Renewals Drop 21%
 30-foot concrete slab prototypes erected along border
 Treasury to call for rolling back banking regulations
 ICE has conducted a MASSIVE raid on sanctuary cities
 Trump orders a Voter Fraud Commission to investigate this week - 498 illegal immigrants arrested
2016 election
 Trump has updated his travel ban, includes these 8
 Fired corrupt and incompetent FBI Director James countries - Chad, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Syria,
Comey Venezuela, Yemen, Somalia - NO EXPIRATION DATE

 HHS to Rescind Birth Control Mandate in Obamacare  Crossing The Border Illegally Is Harder Than It’s Been
In 50 Years
 Withholding Federal Funds from Sanctuary Cities -
 Appointed conservative Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Must allow ICE access to jails and notify befor release
 $1.6 billion down payment to start building the wall
 Ben Carson Finds $500 Billion (Billion!) In Errors during
Audit of Obama HUD  Trump cuts off visas for countries that refuse deported
 Rescinded DACA  Kate's Law - harsher penalties for previously deported
criminals - Passed House and Senate
 Number of refugees taken in is down 50%
 Extreme Vetting' for some green cards
 Rescinded DAPA
 Deportation orders up 31% nationwide under Trump
 Deportation Orders Up 30%
 Workers install final panel in upgrade of border fence
 Miami has removed its "sanctuary" status
 US agency raids Indian IT firms
 ICE raids targeting families net 650 arrests
 Raids turn Oregon city into ghost town
 Denver To ICE: Stop Arresting Illegal Immigrants At
Courthouse. ICE To Denver: Not A Chance.  Ending "catch and release" immigration policy

 17 Texas sheriffs approved to partner w/ICE  March

 Silicon Valley Staffing Firm Charged in H1B Fraud
 ICE chief wants smuggling charges on leaders of
sanctuary cities  Unshackling ICE - told that they can take action against
ALL illegal immigrants - increasing presence in
 New crackdown on 'so-called' sanctuary cities sanctuary cities

 Raids to target teenaged suspected gang members Trump Department of Defense

 Army Corps starts pre-construction work on border wall November

 Deportations in LA are up 60% alone  Gen Mattis Briefs NATO: ISIS 95% Eradicated

 80% jump in illegal targets October

 Illegal immigration arrests up 40% nationwide  U.S.-Backed Forces Capture Raqqa from ISIS

 Feds taking over Texas National Guard mission along  ISIS facing imminent collapse in Syria's Raqqa
 Gen. Mattis breaks down New Afghanistan Strategy -
 Border Patrol Morale at Highest Level NO RESTRICTIONS on Air Power"

 Trump Admin Preparing Texas Wildlife Refuge for First September

Border Wall Segment
 US-backed fighters 'seize 80% of Raqqa from Islamic
 Christian refugees admitted now outnumber Muslim State'
refugees admitted
 Mattis sees need for new DOD space programs
 Bill allocates $1.6 billion for Trump's border wall
 Trump calls for Increased Military Spending: Senate
 Memo reveals ICE officers have free rein passes $700 billion defense policy bill

 ICE crackdown scaring some families back to Mexico  US shares technology with India. Enlisting them to fight
in Afghanistan
 No Sanctuary For Criminals Act - deny federal grants to
sanctuary cities - Passed House and Senate  Mattis vows US support for Ukraine against Russian
 Jeff Sessions Delivers Remarks to the Executive Office
 U.S. Cyber Command will be elevated to a "Unified for Immigration Review
Combatant Command"
 Sessions outlines broad exemptions for religious
July freedom

 Mattis decides to withhold U.S. cash from key Pakistani  Human Trafficking Arrests SURGE: Trump Cracks
military fund Down on “Modern Slavery"

 ANALYSIS: ISIS facing knockout punch in Raqqa after September

losing Mosul
 3,800 Gang Members Charged in Operation Spanning
 Mosul liberated from ISIS United States and Central America

May  DOJ files suit against company for not hiring Americans

 Mattis: 'Annihilation Tactics' Being Used Against ISIS  Sessions says U.S. will intervene in campus free
speech cases
 US, Gulf countries form new group: 'TFTC' to stem flow
of terror financing  US Marshalls Seek Unregistered Sex Offenders, Arrest
 NATO weighs new 'Counter Terrorism Post' following
Trump's demands  Department of Justice Awards Nearly $59 Million to
Combat Opioid Epidemic
 ISIS leader 'admits DEFEAT in Iraq and orders
militants to flee or kill themselves in suicide attacks'  DOJ Halts Operation Chokepoint, Which Targeted
Firearm Dealers
 DOJ Halts Obama's Operation Chokepoint, Which
 Mattis Gives White House Tentative Plan for Rapid Targeted Firearm Dealers
Defeat of ISIS
 More than 1,000 arrests in sex trafficking operation
James Mattis threatens to ‘moderate’ US backing for Nato
over budgets  Four charged with leaks from Trump administration as
attorney general vows crackdown

Trump Department of Justice
 Big increase in cocaine seizures
 Jeff Sessions announces new crackdown on 'so-called'
 193 Illegal Alien Gang Members Arrested in MS-13 sanctuary cities
 Justice Department announces takedown of AlphaBay,
October the largest dark web market

 Restrictions Lifted – Organized Crime Task Force to  Sessions's New Civil-Forfeiture Rules
target MS-13 Gang
 Jeff Sessions: 400 medical professionals charged in
 397 Arrested 84 Minors Rescued in Underage Sex largest health care fraud takedown
Trafficking Crackdown
 The Department of Justice Stands by Texas's Voter ID
 Justice Department Announces First Ever Indictments Law
Against Designated Chinese Manufacturers of Deadly
Fentanyl and Other Opiate Substances June

 238 arrested in sweep of suspected child sex predators

 Trump signs VA accountability act into law, promises
 Jeff Sessions Declares Fight Against Elite Pedophiles better care for veterans
A Top Priority
 Trump Administration Streamlines Veteran Medical
May Records

 Charges: Sex traffickers took hundreds from Thailand May

to US
 White House to launch veterans' complaint hotline
 The U.S. attorney general is bringing back the harshest
sentences for low-level drug offenses April

March  Accountability and Whistleblower Protection at the

Department of Veterans Affairs’
 Sex Trafficking Arrests Soar Under Trump; MSM
Completely Ignores  Trump Signs Bill to Extend Veterans Choice Program

 Sessions reassures senators: No pot crackdown

imminent Trump State Department


Trump Veterans Admin  North Korea Designated as "State Sponor of

 VA seeks partnerships to build and improve health-care
facilities  United States Announces a New Strategy on Iran

 VA announces Veterans Coordinated Access & September

Rewarding Experiences Act
 Trump Administration Announces 'Extreme Vetting'
 VA, Ginnie Mae create task force to address mortgage Plans
refinancing issues
 Trump cuts Obama’s refugee target in half, takes more
September Christians than Muslims

 Telemedicine: An important tool for Veterans health  New Order Indefinitely Bars Almost All Travel From
Seven Countries
 UN Security Council unanimously steps up sanctions
 Trump Signs Bill to Streamline VA Disability Claims against North Korea
Appeals Process
 Fewest Monthly Refugee Arrivals in August Since 2002
 Trump signs ‘Forever GI Bill,’ boosting aid to student
vets August

 How the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act of  Trump to stop travel from countries that refuse to help
2017 may drive civil service reform Homeland Security

 VA expands telehealth access  America has withdrawn almost $300 million in foreign
aid to Egypt
 VA fires more than 500 feds under Trump, even before
new accountability law  Rex Tillerson blasts China for hiring slaves from North
Korean government

 Tillerson to shutter war crimes focused State Dept.  Tillerson Tightens Limits on Filling State Department
office: report Jobs

 Rex Tillerson, Mediating Gulf Dispute, Signs April

Antiterrorism Pact With Qatar
 Report: Trump plans to cut foreign aid, merge State
 Canceled Obama Era special immigration program for and USAID
foreign entrepreneurs
 Pulling funds to the UN
 Critical milestone in the global fight against ISIS
 Tillerson to back up Trump efforts to bolster Eastern
Europe against Russia  Tillerson on North Korea: Military action is 'an option'

June February

 It's a bloodbath at the State Department


Fusion GPS Founder Told Congress
That Russians Had Infiltrated The NRA
Chuck Ross -
10:48 AM 11/22/2017

The pair are lifetime members of the NRA and frequently

attend the group’s events. In 2011, Butina founded a
Russian gun rights group called The Right to Bear Arms.
Some NRA officials have visited Russia to attend that
group’s functions.

It is not clear if Simpson was referring to Torshin, the

Attendees line-up to meet musician Ted Nugent (not pictured) at a deputy chairman of Russia’s central bank, and Butina
book signing event during the National Rifle Association's annual
meeting in Houston, Texas on May 5, 2013. (REUTERS/Adrees Latif) during his House committee interview.

The co-founder of the opposition research firm behind the Torshin and Butina entered the news again last week after
Trump dossier testified to Congress earlier this month that the Senate Judiciary Committee cited an email sent to the
he believed Russian operatives have infiltrated the Trump campaign offering a “Russian backdoor overture
National Rifle Association. and dinner meeting” with Donald Trump.

Glenn Simpson, a founding partner of Fusion GPS, The email, sent from a Christian values advocate named
casually suggested in an interview with the House Rick Clay to Rick Dearborn, a Trump campaign official,
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence that the gun suggested that Torshin sought face time with Trump on the
rights group had been breached, a source familiar with the sidelines of the NRA annual meeting held in Louisvillve in
matter told The Daily Caller. May 2016.

Fox News first reported about Simpson’s testimony on The email made its way to Trump son-in-law Jared
Tuesday night. Kushner, who shot down the idea.

TheDC’s source said that Simpson suggested the NRA- Despite that, the email was reported in the press as an
Russia connection in response to a line of questions from attempt either by the Trump campaign to collude with
committee Democrats who asked whether any Russia or as an effort by Torshin to gain access to the
conservative groups have been infiltrated by Kremlin Trump orbit.
Torshin’s initial contact in the U.S., a man named Johnny
No evidence has been made public supporting Simpson’s Yenason, said that he — and not Torshin — suggested a
allegations, and it was not clear from Simpson’s testimony meeting with Trump. (RELATED: Central Figure In
what links he believes there are between the NRA and ‘Backdoor Overture’ Request Denies That Russian
Russian agents. Official Sought Meeting With Trump)

The dossier, which was funded by the Clinton campaign Yenason told TheDC in exclusive interviews this week that
and DNC, makes no mention of the NRA or any other he met Torshin and Butina at a National Prayer Breakfast
conservative groups. The document, written by former function in Moscow in March 2016. He contacted the pair
British spy Christopher Steele, alleges that the Trump two months later in hopes that they would attend a
campaign cooperated with the Russian government in veterans group fundraiser that he was putting together on
order to help Trump win the election. the sidelines of the NRA convention.

News articles attempting to link Russians to the NRA have Yenason, who provided emails to back up his claim, then
appeared with increased frequency over the past year. The got in touch with Clay with the idea of asking the Trump
articles have keyed in on Aleksander Torshin and Maria campaign whether the Republican would be interested in
Butina, two Russian nationals who have developed a close attending the event and meeting Torshin.
relationship to the pro-Second Amendment group.

Creators Of Infamous Trump Dossier
Made Mysterious Payments To Journalists
© AP Photo/ Jim Lo Scalzo/Pool Image - US
00:15 23.11.2017

GPS co-founder Peter Fritsch said in an

affidavit filed this week.

Obviously, there seems to be a concern by some members

of the House committee that Fusion paid journalists
to report on the story. Notably, BuzzFeed was among first
to publish the salacious document, while CNN quickly
followed suit and discussed the dossier's existence
on national television. Literally dozens of reporters
from Politico and the Washington Post — two publications
hardly known for exhibiting a pro-Trump bias — had seen
the dossier and dismissed it as not newsworthy because its
Court documents confirm that Fusion GPS, financed by statements could not be corroborated.
the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s
2016 presidential campaign, paid reporters in relation to Furthermore, attorneys for the House alleged that Fusion
the infamous dossier that alleged then-candidate Donald GPS set up meetings between
Trump engaged in “golden shower” urine show orgies at
the Ritz Carlton in Moscow.
"dossier author Christopher Steele with at
least five major media outlets in September
The US House of Representatives is stepping up pressure 2016, including Yahoo News."
on Fusion GPS, a private research firm founded by two
former Wall Street Journal reporters. According to recent
Yahoo News was also one of the first outlets to publish a
documents filed by the House in court, Fusion transferred
story on the dossier, specifically bringing former Trump
unspecified sums of money to unnamed journalists
adviser Carter Page into the fold.
between June 2016 and February 2017. These journalists
were known to have covered "Russia issues relevant to the
[House Intelligence Committee's] investigation," according "While many politicians and bureaucrats
to the Washington Examiner. in the US Congress remain distracted
by irrelevant sideshows such as the
minuscule amounts of money spent on
Documents Fusion GPS filed with the US District Court
Facebook ads that no one paid attention
for the District of Columbia had virtually all useful to last year or how various perverted
information about the financial transfers redacted,
members might have once amused
including names, the amount of money, and the intention
themselves," Page said in a statement
of the payments. to the Washington Examiner Wednesday,
"the determined leaders and hardworking
The House Intel Committee is urging the court to force staff with the House Intelligence Committee
Fusion GPS to publish banking records connected the have once again remained on the tip of the
payments, the Examiner reports. spear as they drive toward essential
answers regarding the real government
For its part, Fusion GPS asked the court for a restraining interference in the 2016 election."
order to avoid having to disclose further information.
Meanwhile, in late October, the Campaign Legal Center
"Those requested records involve filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission
transactions that are not pertinent to work stating that the DNC and 2016 Clinton campaign broke the
related to Russia or Donald Trump," Fusion law by hiding how they financed Fusion GPS to craft the

document. The project to fabricate ties between Trump and
Russia was reported to cost more than $12 million.

Accusing Someone You Disagree With Of
Being A Russian Troll Is Admitting
You Have No Argument
Caitlin Johnstone - Rogue Journalist, Poet, And Utopia Prepper.
Nov 27, 2017

Well, let me start off this weird, stupid article that I

shouldn’t have to write by saying that I myself am not a
Russian agent. I’ve never been to Russia, I have no ties to
the Russian government, I rarely use sources in my articles
that have ties to Russia, and to the best of my knowledge
none of my patrons are Russian. I say this not because I
feel a need to defend these foam-brained accusations but to
point out that it is, in fact, very possible to disagree with
the establishment Russia narrative without being
I shouldn’t have to write this article. And yet, here we are. incentivized to in rubles.

I don’t care who you are or how much Palmer Report you Political discourse between establishment loyalists and
read: accusing someone who disagrees with you of everyone else has been trampled to death by the gratuitous
conducting psyops for a foreign government is never, ever use of this obnoxious debate-avoiding tactic. Everyone
a normal or acceptable way of conducting political who publicly questions the MSNBC Russia narrative will
discourse. be met with these accusations. Everyone who speaks about
it with much of an online following will receive these
I tweeted the above yesterday after noticing another uptick accusations on a daily basis.
in the bizarre habit establishment loyalists have of labeling
anyone who disagrees with them as Russian trolls. And, This is not normal. Anti-Trumpists have been trained over
though I didn’t address it to her and made no mention of the last year by people like Rachel Maddow, Louise
her, Louise Mensch took it personally. Mensch, and the Palmer Report to believe that accusing
everyone who disagrees with you of being a Russian agent
is a normal thing that sane people do, but they are wrong.
It is a bizarre, obnoxious tactic, and when you use it, you
are admitting that you have no argument.

This led to a deluge of fascinating interactions with

Mensch’s followers, in which I was sincerely informed
that Twitter has admitted to half of its users being Russian
agents, though it is likely more. I was also called a Russian
agent many, many times, because saying it’s not okay to
accuse a stranger you disagree with of being a Russian
agent is just the sort of thing a Russian agent would say.
In the unlikely event that any Louise Mensch types are still assumes from the beginning that nobody could possibly
reading at this point, let me explain how normal online disagree with your omniscient, infallible worldview unless
discourse operates: they were deceived by a malevolent party. If your position
is defensible, defend it like a normal human being.
 Party A presents a position on an issue.
 Party B presents a rebuttal to the position, often I’ve had some success with simply drawing attention to the
supplemented with links substantiating their claim. fact that the person levelling these accusations is using a
 Party A returns with their own counter-argument and tactic that is not a normal or acceptable part of political
their own substantiations. discourse. Individuals with a bit of personal insight can get
 Repeat this back-and-forth for as long as both parties pretty embarrassed when you calmly point out that they’re
remain interested. doing something they know deep down is really weird and
unhealthy, so they’ll back away from it once you bring a
little self-awareness to their McCarthyite chicken dance. I
The civility with which this discourse takes place varies
recommend my readers try it if you ever run into this tactic
wildly, and it can leave both parties feeling like they
wasted an hour or two of their lives talking to a brick wall.
But it can also be very informative to people watching, it
can often lead to one party realizing that their argument
isn’t nearly as strong as their partisan echo chamber had
led them to believe it was, and it can cause both parties to
do more research and rigorous thinking as they strive to
come up with a compelling case. It can even lead to
someone realizing that they don’t know nearly as much
about a given issue as they thought they did and privately
questioning their previous assumptions.

Conversations like this are socially enriching and lead to a

more intelligent and better-informed humanity. Compare
that to:

 Party A presents a position on an issue.

 Party B accuses party A of conducting psyops for a
foreign government.
 Discussion ends.

These accusations always kill dialogue. And they are

meant to. It is a safe way of slamming the door on ideas
which make the person who uses this tactic uncomfortable.

There is no legitimate reason to ever accuse a stranger you

disagree with of being a Russian agent. Firstly, you cannot
possibly know that the stranger you’re dialoguing with
works for the Kremlin. Secondly, even in the highly
unlikely event that the person you are speaking to really is
a secret Russian agent, you should still be able to out-
debate them. Kremlin trolls don’t have magical powers.
They can’t hypnotize you. If you’re interacting with one
they’ll be advancing arguments and ideas just like anyone Bottom line: when a stranger on the internet accuses you
else, and if your arguments and ideas are defensible you of being a Kremlin agent, of being a “useful idiot”, of
should be able to defend them clearly and articulately. “regurgitating Kremlin talking points”, this is simply their
way of informing you that they have no argument for the
A related accusation is conceding that while it is possible actual thing that you are saying. If you’re using hard facts
that the individual you are speaking to may not be a paid to point out the gaping plot holes in the Russiagate
Kremlin operative, they are at the very least a “useful narrative, for example, and all they can do is call your
idiot” who has been brainwashed by Russian propaganda argument Russian propaganda, this means that they have
and is unknowingly advancing pernicious ideas. This is no counter-argument for the hard facts that you are
also an admission that you have no argument. You’re presenting. They are deliberately shutting down the
shutting down dialogue instead of debating your position possibility of any dialogue with you because the cognitive
articulately. You’re also making a fallacious case which
dissonance you are causing them is making them half-truths, bring in the other half of the equation. If there
uncomfortable. are bad arguments relying on bad thinking, refute them
with good arguments and good thinking. The methods of
Yes, paid shills for governments all over the world do refuting propaganda are the same as the methods of
indeed exist. But the odds are much greater that the refuting anything else, so it’s stupid to act like plugging
stranger you are interacting with online is simply a normal your fingers in your ears and screaming “propaganda” is a
person who isn’t convinced by the arguments that have legitimate tactic. If “propaganda” can’t be refuted using
been presented by the position you espouse. If your legitimate debate methods, then what you are calling
position is defensible you should be able to argue for it propaganda looks an awful lot like truth.
normally, regardless of whom you are speaking to.
I fight what I consider to be establishment propaganda for
Yes, propaganda exists. But what is propaganda other than a living, but if all I ever did was type “that’s propaganda!”
arguments and ideas? It isn’t witchcraft or wizardry. It over and over again, nobody would ever read my articles. I
isn’t going to melt your face like that scene in Raiders of have to make a compelling case for what actual
the Lost Ark; you can engage it rationally without plugging disinformation is being presented and present clear
your fingers in your ears and screaming “propaganda!” In arguments for why I think they are wrong. The same is
the event that the ideas you are debating against online are true for everyone, even if they believe their position is
indeed the product of government deception, you should supported by 17 intelligence agencies and the infinite
be able to debunk them using truth and rationality. If there wisdom of the Palmer Report.
are lies, point them out using truth and facts. If there are

Group Files Lawsuit To Have Compromised
Mueller Removed From Special Counsel Post
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On November 28, 2017

“…a fanciful theory that we now know was “Out of an abundance of caution, Mr.
invented by the Hillary Clinton presidential Sessions bent over backwards to avoid
campaign…” even the slightest appearance of bias or
conflict of interest and recused himself.”

Klayman also highlighted the leaking that has taken place

from Mueller’s office.

“Since the inception of the Mueller

Investigation, a pattern of a persistent
torrent of leaks has emerged, and
considering their nature, it is clear that the
majority of these leaks are coming from
(National Sentinel) Deep State: A conservative watchdog Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his
organization has filed suit to have special counsel Robert staff, most of whom are suffering
Mueller removed from his position, alleging obvious from serious conflicts of interest,” says the
conflicts of interest. complaint.
“Mr. Mueller and his team suffer from
Filed by Freedom Watch founder Larry Klayman, he also numerous conflicts of interest that not only
highlights in his complaint against Attorney General Jeff mandate their removal, but also explain
Sessions and FBI director Christopher Wray that why the leaks are being disseminated to
the media on a daily basis,” it continues.
“it is a criminal offense to leak grand jury
information.” Also, the complaint notes that Mueller and fired FBI
Director James Comey, who leaked his own memo from a
The complaint also blames Sessions for the appointment of meeting with President Trump in the hopes of having a
Mueller as special counsel, which likely would not have special counsel appointed, are longtime friends and
happened if the attorney general had not recused himself associates, further proving that Mueller can’t be trusted.
from any Russia-related investigations of alleged collusion
with the Trump campaign during last year’s election. “Furthermore, Mr. Mueller’s investigation
turns on the credibility and personal
“Mr. Mueller was appointed because the interests of Mueller’s long-term colleague
Attorney General, Mr. Sessions, needlessly and close friend, former FBI Director
recused himself from overseeing an James Comey. (“Mr. Comey”),” the
investigation into a fanciful theory that we complaint adds.
now know was invented by the Hillary
Clinton presidential campaign in their “He must be held accountable to the law
deliberations within 24 hours of suffering an and should not be able to do as he pleases
unexpected loss in the November 8, 2016 to further his and his friends, like former
presidential campaign,” the complaint says. FBI Director James Comey’s, political
agenda,” Klayman said.

Former Federal Prosecutor Labels Mueller Trump-Russia
Collusion Investigation “Creeps On A Mission”
By Jim Hoft
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Uranium One scandal. We also know that a special FBI

investigation into Russia when Mueller was FBI Director
was suddenly covered up and buried allowing the Uranium
One deal to proceed.

Prior to the Obama administration approving the very

controversial Uranium One deal in 2010 giving Russia 20
percent of America’s Uranium, the FBI had evidence
that Russian nuclear industry officials were involved in
bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering in
Former Head of the FBI Robert Mueller
order to benefit Vladimir Putin. The FBI investigation was
was selected to lead an investigation
ignored and US uranium went to the Russians while the
into the nonsensical allegation that
Clintons gained millions in donations to their fraudulent
President Trump colluded with Russia
Clinton Foundation.
in the lead up to the 2016
election. The President has
consistently and repeatedly denied This is all ignored by the MSM, Democrats and many top
these allegations. Republicans. No special investigation into Uranium One
has yet been called. So Mueller charges ahead with his
bogus special investigation.
The allegations led to the investigation created after
Attorney General Jeff Sessions removed himself from any
Russia related investigation and appointed Mueller’s old Yesterday on Hannity a former
friend Rod Rosenstein as Assistant Attorney General who federal prosecutor labeled
then quickly appointed Mueller to lead the Special Mueller’s investi-gation ‘Creeps
Investigation. on a Mission’.

We now know that the investigation

itself is fraudulent.

There is no law that prevents an American from colluding

with a foreign entity during the election. The corrupt
Mueller investigation is tasked with finding a crime that
does not exist in the law. It is a legal impossibility. Mueller
is being asked to do something that is manifestly

After being promoted Mueller quickly showed his true

colors. He disregarded his relationship with formed The Uranium One deal where the
corrupt FBI Director James Comey. He’s hired a team of Clintons (and no doubt others) gained
former Obama and Clinton attorneys. He also has a record millions while 20 percent of US uranium
of failed investigations related to the Clintons and Obama. went to Russia is clearly the most
Yet he failed to recuse himself showing his true colors as extreme case of treason in US history.
the dirty cop he is. Mueller won’t permit being prosecuted
along with his colleagues for their
Despite calls to step down Mueller moves on. Recently it treasonous actions so they charge on
was uncovered that Mueller was hand picked by the with the fraudulent special
Assistant AG Rosenstein to be the special counsel because investigation!
both men were involved in covering up the Clinton
Trump's Thanksgiving Media Tear
By Eddie Scarry
Nov 28, 2017, 12:01 AM

While vacationing at his private club, Mar-a-Lago, over the

Thanksgiving holiday, President Trump took to Twitter where he On Saturday, Trump tweeted,
shared some scathing commentary on a wide range of subjects,
including his favorite target: the media. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)
“@FoxNews is MUCH more important in
the United States than CNN, but outside of
President Trump used his Thanksgiving holiday to return the U.S., CNN International is still a major
again and again to his antipathy for the news media, which source of (Fake) news, and they represent
left many in the press scratching their heads over the long our Nation to the WORLD very poorly. The
break. outside world does not see the truth from
Between Nov. 23, Thanksgiving Day, and Monday, the
president fired off 26 tweets (and two retweets of other The network and some of its on-air talent took exception
accounts) on topics ranging from pending tax legislation to with the slight.
the Alabama Senate race to personnel moves at the
Consumer Finance Protection Agency. Of those tweets, CNN’s publicity department used its own Twitter account
eight were about the media, and on more than one occasion to reply,
they were targeted at specific outlets and scathing in tone.
“It's not CNN's job to represent the U.S. to
Reacting to a tweet from White House social media
the world. That's yours. Our job is to report
director Dan Scavino about the MSNBC program the news. #FactsFirst."
“Morning Joe” on Monday, Trump tweeted, “The good
news is that their ratings are terrible, nobody cares!"
One of Trump’s media tweets seemed crafted purely for
the sake of causing mischief.
Trump is known to be an avid Twitter user, posting his
thoughts about the day’s news most frequently in the
mornings when his messages seem to coincide with cable “Time Magazine called to say that I was
news segments on any topic that animates him. PROBABLY going to be named ‘Man
(Person) of the Year,’ like last year, but I
would have to agree to an interview and a
But there is often little or no discernible pattern to his major photo shoot,” he said Friday. “I said
Twitter activity and the holiday weekend was no probably is no good and took a pass.
exception. Thanks anyway!”

“I have no clue why he weighed in so The magazine denied that it had ever indicated Trump
much,” one CNN producer told the would be its “Person of the Year.”
Washington Examiner. The producer,
whose network was perhaps Trump’s
biggest target over the holiday, was not After Trump’s broadside against “Morning Joe,” a
authorized to speak on the record. producer at MSNBC speculated that Trump was likely on a

tirade against the media in anticipation of some pending and have possibly done more than any 10
news story that may break and consume the White House. month President. MAKE AMERICA
“Something might be coming this week that
has him wanting to diminish the credibility The next day came Trump’s tweet against “Morning Joe”
of cable news,” the producer said. and a separate one proposing a competition to find out
which TV news outlet was
At least one big story related to the administration did
break over the holiday and it will likely still have “the most dishonest, corrupt and/or
consequences into the near future. distorted in its political coverage of your
favorite president (me).”
The New York Times reported on Thanksgiving Day that
former national security adviser Mike Flynn and his Trump specifically said, however, that the game would
lawyers were no longer communicating with the White exclude Fox News, which he generally views favorably.
House about special counsel Robert Mueller’s
investigation into Russia’s election interference. The report The series of tweets seemed to be, as they often are, a
set off speculation through the weekend that Flynn may be reaction to something, but it wasn’t clear what.
negotiating with Mueller’s team for a plea bargain or
otherwise cooperating with the investigation. Another producer, this one at Fox, said it likely was the
Russia coverage.
On Sunday, Trump wrote on Twitter,
“I think,” the producer said, “he knows
“Since the first day I took office, all you Mueller is hot on his trail and he's freaking
hear is the phony Democrat excuse for out and trying his distraction strategy.”
losing the election, Russia, Russia, Russia.
Despite this I have the economy booming The White House did not return a request for comment.

Obama Inspector General Reveals How A Stunned James
Clapper Led To Deep State Cover Up Of
Hillary’s Email Scandal
By Joshua Caplan
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
On Monday evening, former Intelligence
Community Inspector General Charles He said Clapper’s Clinton email comments came during an
McCullough III told Fox News’ Catherine in-person meeting about a year before the presidential
Herridge that the Clinton campaign election – in late December 2015 or early 2016.
warned it would fire him after
discovering evidence of “top secret,” “[Clapper] was as off-put as the rest of us
emails passing through Hillary Clinton’s were.”
private email server.

“There was personal blowback.

Personal blowback to me, to my family,
to my office,” McCullough III told Fox

McCullough told Fox News that then-Director of National

Intelligence James Clapper was briefed on the findings and After the Clapper meeting, McCullough said his team was
in turn was told by officials to keep the intelligence official marginalized.
out of the matter.
“I was told by senior officials to keep
Fox News reports: [Clapper] out of it,” he said, while
acknowledging he tried to keep his boss in
..[T]he former inspector general, with the loop.
responsibility for the 17 intelligence
agencies, said the executive who Despite concrete evidence of Clinton’s breaking the law,
recommended him to the Obama Clapper was shielded from the investigation. The former
administration for the job – then-Director of CIA director could have helped get the FBI’s house in
National Intelligence James Clapper – was order by briefing bureau officials on the seriousness of the
also disturbed by the independent Clinton evidence — but instead, did nothing.
email findings.
“[Clapper] said, ‘This is extremely reckless.’ Clapper’s silence on the evidence he was presented more
And he mentioned something about — the than suggests he is complicit in covering up Clinton’s
campaign … will have heartburn about wrongdoings.
that,” McCullough said.
From the very start, the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton investigation would be special —
Clinton’s private email use was flawed. As Gateway that it would be handled by a small team at
Pundit’s Jim Hoft reported last Friday, Rep. Matt Gaetz headquarters, that it would be given special
(R-FL) told Fox and Friends that Congress now has status.”
evidence Crooked cop James Comey and his FBI did not
follow normal standards and gave Hillary Clinton “special
status” in their investigation.

Gaetz told Fox News,

“We now have evidence that the FBI’s

investigation of Hillary Clinton did not follow
normal and standard procedures. The
current deputy director of the FBI Andrew
McCabe sent emails just weeks before the
presidential election saying that the Hillary

Michael Flynn's Lawyer Meets With Members Of
Special Counsel's Team, Raising Specter Of Plea Deal
By Matthew Mosk, Mike Levine, Brian Ross
Nov 28, 2017, 10:45 AM ET
“No one should draw the conclusion that
this means anything about Gen. Flynn
cooperating against the president,”
Sekulow said.

The New York Times broke the news, calling it an

indication that Flynn may be cooperating with prosecutors.

The lawyer for President Donald Trump’s former national

security adviser Michael T. Flynn met Monday morning
with members of special counsel Robert Mueller’s team —
the latest indication that both sides are discussing a
possible plea deal, ABC News has learned.

Trump’s legal team confirmed late last week that Flynn’s

attorney Robert Kelner alerted the team that he could no
longer engage in privileged discussions about defense
strategy in the case — a sign Flynn is preparing to
negotiate with prosecutors over a deal that could include
his testimony against the president or senior White House
Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/AFP via Getty Images. Michael Flynn Jr. is
seen behind his father, retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, as they arrive
at Trump Tower in New York on Nov. 17, 2016.
That process would typically include a series of off-the-
record discussions in which prosecutors lay out in detail Sources familiar with the Flynn investigation have told
for Flynn and his lawyers the fruits of their investigation ABC News the retired lieutenant general has felt increased
into his activities. Prosecutors would also provide Flynn an pressure since prosecutors began focusing attention on his
opportunity to offer what’s called a proffer, detailing what son, Michael G. Flynn, who worked as part of the Flynn
information, if any, he has that could implicate others in Intel Group, the consulting firm founded by the elder
wrongdoing. Flynn, a former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency.
Michael G. Flynn also traveled with his father to Russia in
When reached Monday, Kelner declined to comment on 2015 for his now famous appearance at a Moscow dinner
the nature of his morning visit to Mueller’s offices in where he sat next to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Washington, D.C.
Democrats in Congress have told ABC News they
Sources familiar with the discussions between Flynn’s forwarded information to the Mueller team alleging that
legal team and Trump’s attorneys told ABC News that Michael T. Flynn illegally concealed more than a dozen
while there was never a formal, signed joint defense foreign contacts and overseas trips during the process of
agreement between Flynn’s defense counsel and other renewing his security clearances.
targets of the Mueller probe, the lawyers had engaged in
privileged discussions for months. “It appears that General Flynn violated
federal law by omitting this trip and these
Jay Sekulow, a member of Trump’s legal team, told ABC foreign contacts from his security clearance
News last week that the break was “not entirely renewal application in 2016 and concealing
unexpected.” them from security clearance investigators

who interviewed him as part of the “I’m just having a great time with the family
background check process,” Reps. Elijah here,” Flynn said. “I’m doing good, [but] I’m
Cummings and Eliot L. Engel, both not going to make any comments.”
Democrats, wrote in a letter to Flynn’s
attorney. The alleged omissions could be a serious matter — and not
just for Flynn. While Cummings said intentionally
The letter highlights information House investigators omitting foreign contacts when applying for security
collected from executives at three private companies clearance can carry a five-year prison term, he
advised by Flynn in 2015 and 2016. The companies were acknowledged that penalties are rarely so severe. The
pursuing a joint venture with Russia to bring nuclear leverage the alleged transgressions provide, however,
power to several Middle Eastern countries and secure the could prove useful to prosecutors seeking to use the threat
resulting nuclear fuel before Flynn joined then-candidate of prosecution to compel Flynn’s assistance in the broader
Trump on the campaign trail. investigation into Russian interference in the 2016
presidential campaign.
Flynn is a decorated military officer who served as director
of the Defense Intelligence Agency from 2012 until his Former FBI Director James Comey provided a window
retirement in 2014. He was out of the spotlight only into that strategy during his three hours of testimony
briefly. He joined the Trump campaign as an adviser in before the Senate Intelligence Committee earlier this year.
2016, and Trump later named Flynn as his first national
security adviser. He was forced to resign, however, after “There is always a possibility if you have a
just 24 days on the job, when it was revealed that he criminal case against someone and you
misled Vice President Mike Pence about his conversations bring them in, squeeze them, flip them,
with Russian officials during the presidential transition. [that] they give you information about
something else,” Comey said.

The alleged omissions are just the latest to make trouble

for Flynn. He failed to declare a December 2015 trip to
Russia, where he sat next to Putin and for which was paid
$33,000. In March 2017, Flynn submitted a late filing with
the Department of Justice under the Foreign Agent
Registration Act, revealing that the Flynn Intel Group was
paid $530,000 for three months of work on behalf of a
Dutch firm owned by a Turkish businessman with close
ties to the Turkish government.

Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images, FILE. Robert Mueller, special counsel

on the Russian investigation, leaves the U.S. Capitol in Washington,
D.C., June 21, 2017.

Cummings told ABC News that Flynn’s foreign contacts

— which involved high-ranking foreign officials and
business executives — were so numerous they could not
have been inadvertent omissions or incidental contacts.

“He has, over and over again, omitted

information that he should have disclosed,”
Cummings said. “It’s not an aberration, and Susan Walsh/AP Photo, FILE. President Donald Trump walks in
that’s clear. front of National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and Joint Chiefs
Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford, left, and after arriving at MacDill
Air Force Base in Tampa, Fla., Feb. 6, 2017.
Flynn’s lawyer has declined to comment on the letter, and
when ABC News tracked down Flynn this summer at a
beach in Newport, Rhode Island — his hometown — he Flynn’s work for Turkey remains the subject of additional
didn’t say much more. scrutiny. Of interest to federal agents, according to people
interviewed by the FBI, is his alleged role in a bizarre,
unrealized proposal first reported by The Wall Street

Journal to kidnap Turkish dissident cleric Fethullah Gulen, July at a press conference, the Turkish ambassador to the
who is living in exile in rural Pennsylvania and is U.S. also denied the notion of a kidnapping plot.
suspected of involvement in a failed coup attempt.
“There’s no truth to that,” he said, adding
Gulen, who has denied involvement in the coup attempt, that the Turkish government was following
has lived legally in the Pocono Mountains since 1999, and “traditional” procedures to have Gulen
the Turkish government has been financing efforts to extradited “through the legal channels.”
persuade the U.S. government to return him to Turkey for

Former CIA Director James Woolsey confirmed for ABC

News he was at a meeting in which Flynn allegedly raised
the idea.

“It became clear to me that they were

seriously considering a kidnapping
operation for Gulen, and I told them then
that it was a bad idea, it was illegal,”
Woolsey said. “I won’t say that they had
firmly decided to do that. But they were
seriously considering it.”

Chris Greenberg/Bloomberg via Getty Images, FILE. Robert K.

Kelner, Flynn’s lawyer, took the rare step of publicly Kelner is seen in this Oct. 23, 2006 file photo in Washington, D.C.
refuting those assertions, saying there was no such
discussion and calling them categorically “false.” In mid-
ABC News’ John Santucci contributed to this report.

Legacy Media Savage Trump After He Called Liz Warren
“Pocahontas” While Failing To Report She LIED
About Native American Heritage
By JD Heyes
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

But in an analysis of the media pass, Newsbusters’

Nicholas Fondacaro wrote that all three major broadcast
networks “failed to do their due diligence and fully cover
the origin of Trump’s criticism,” being much “more eager
to slam their favorite punching bag,” the president, of
course, when presented with low-hanging fruit.

Fox Business host Stuart Varney also took Warren to task

over her claim that Trump saying what he said was a

“deeply unfortunate…racial slur.”

In insane Left-wing legacy media melted down (again) in “Really?” wrote Varney. “Let’s not forget
recent days after President Donald J. Trump trolled Sen. that the original insult to Native Americans
Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., over her phony claim of came from Elizabeth Warren herself.
having Native American blood. Applying for a job as a Harvard professor,
she claimed to be a Native American.
But what those same media outlets didn’t do is report that Harvard eagerly accepted her claim— they
Warren lied about being of Native American heritage to could tick off two boxes to show diversity:
advance her academic career and enrich her bank account. female and minority.”

As reported by Fox News — which did point out the irony But the claim was false, he noted further. In fact, she’s
— the Leftist media and its sycophantic Democrat- never been able to prove the claim — other than to say she
supporting pundits and talking heads were predictably has “high cheek bones.”
apoplectic after Trump referred to Warren as “Pocahontas”
at a White House event to honor World War II-era Navajo Oh. Well, then. No further DNA testing needed. (Related:
code-talkers. The purpose of mainstream media is thought control and
suppression: How to find the facts between the
After Warren herself referred to the trolling as a “racial propaganda.)
slur,” the legacy media dutifully picked up the phrase and
ran with it: “Truth is, she had played the racial spoils
game,” Varney continued. “Falsely claiming
CBS’ “Evening News,” ABC’s “World News minority status to get a job” — something
Tonight” and “NBC Nightly News” barely she could not do if the federal government
mentioned why Trump uses the term in the had never institutionalized racism by
first place – but the origin of the nickname legalizing the consideration of race and
— Warren’s dubious claims of Native ethnicity in the hiring process (and school
American heritage — is newsworthy when admissions, and other considerations).
trying to determine if it’s an offensive slur or
a well-earned moniker. As Fox News noted further, Harvard even promoted
Warren as a Native American faculty member back in
Here’s as harsh as it got regarding Warren’s misleading 1996 in a Harvard Crimson piece on campus diversity
claim: ABC and NBC both used the same phrase to (yes, even back then the Left was insane about ‘diversity’
describe it, saying she merely “came under fire” for over other qualities, like competence, education,
claiming Native American heritage. experience, etc.).

During her first U.S. Senate campaign in 2012 the Boston Wow. How’s that for some investigative journalism?
Herald outed Warren over her false claim, but it didn’t When Trump makes incorrect statements, the Post’s “fact
matter: Massachusetts voters would cast a ballot for a checkers” are all over it.
Democrat no matter how many lies they told, and so, she
won. “The media don’t want to explain that Sen.
Elizabeth Warren built her entire career on
But the outing didn’t stop there. Fox News noted that the laughable claim that she was part
subsequent reporting revealed that Warren had used the Native American. Rather than using an
bogus Native American heritage claim since the 1980s, ethnic slur, Trump is actually defending
chalking it up to family lore that was passed down but Native Americans against Warren’s
never verified with DNA testing (and she isn’t taking a test disgusting abuse of affirmative action,”
anytime soon, either, you may have noticed). observed Media Research Center Vice
President Dan Gainor.
Eventually, after the Washington Post couldn’t verify her
claim either, the paper simply instructed “readers to look He’s right, as was Varney.
into it on their own and decide whether Trump’s attacks
over Warren’s background have merit.”

Navajo Code-Talker Honored By Trump
Destroys Liz Warren With Epic One-Liner
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On November 28, 2017

Now, one of the Navajo code talkers, Thomas Begay, response to Warren’s allegation that Trump
broke his silence in defending the president used a “racial slur” against her.

(National Sentinel) Trolling the Troll: Sen. Elizabeth

Warren, D-Mass., claimed anew that President Donald J.
Trump was being “racist” when he referred to her as
“Pocahontas” during a meeting to honor Native American
code-talkers during World War II.

Trump’s nickname for Warren is in reference to her

claiming to be of Native American descent to get favored
status when applying for previous positions with Ivy
League schools like Harvard.

“You were here long before any of us were

here. Although we have a representative in
Congress who they say was here a long
time ago. They call her Pocahontas,”
Trump said, which sent anger and
resentment through Democratic lawmakers
and liberal media outlets.

Now, one of the Navajo code talkers, Thomas Begay,

broke his silence in defending the president.

“The Marines made us yell ‘Geronimo’

when we jumped out of planes and that
didn’t offend me either,” he said, in

Elizabeth Warren Falsely Claimed
Native American Ancestry But Objects When
President Trump Calls Her ‘Pocahontas’
By Michael Patrick Leahy
28 Nov 2017

Sanders: “I think that Sen. Warren was

very offensive when she lied about
something specifically to advance her
— NBC News (@NBCNews) November 27,

Sanders is correct in her assertion, as Breitbart News has

documented extensively over the past five years, since the
issue first became public in 2012.

In May 2012, Breitbart News reported there is zero

credible evidence–either documentary or genetic–that
supports Warren’s claim of Native American ancestry.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) Warren has offered no evidence in the subsequent five
complained on Monday when President years.
Trump referred to her as “Pocahontas,”
despite her long history of falsely Trump’s reference to Warren as “Pocahontas” came on the
claiming to have Native American same day her allies at the Consumer Financial Protection
ancestry. Bureau–an independent agency of questionable
“It is deeply unfortunate that the President constitutionality established in the 2010 Dodd-Frank bill,
of the United States cannot even make it largely on the basis of academic research conducted by
through a ceremony honoring these heroes Warren herself–orchestrated a power grab in an attempt to
without having to throw out a racial slur,” thwart his appointment of OMB director Mick Mulvaney
Warren told MSNBC on Monday. as acting director of an agency described by many
conservatives as “out-of-control.”
“In an Oval Office event honoring World
War II Navajo code talkers on Monday,
(Late Tuesday, a federal judge threw out
Trump issued a joke at Warren’s expense,”
that attempted power grab, dismissing
Breitbart News reported.
deputy director Leandra English’s request
“We have a representative in Congress for a temporary restraining order preventing
who they say was here a long time ago. President Trump from naming Mulvaney
They call her ‘Pocahontas’,” the president acting director of the agency.)
George Mason University professor of economics Todd
Monday afternoon, a reporter asked White House Press Zywicki, who President Trump is considering as a
Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders about Trump’s use of potential permanent director of the CFPB to replace
“Pocahontas” to describe Warren, and Sanders hit back at recently resigned Richard Cordray, a long-time Warren
Warren: ally, has built an impressive academic record that focuses
on the inaccuracy and deception of Warren’s academic
Reporter: “Does [Trump] see political value research that led to the establishment of the agency.
in calling people out racially?”

“The Obama administration has promised To bolster those Native American ancestry claims, Warren
that the Federal Reserve’s new Consumer points only to “family lore” and her “high cheek bones.”
Financial Protection Bureau will be She has consistently refused to take a DNA test.
independent from politics, a model of
regulatory expertise grounded in sound More than five years after Warren’s claims of Native
data and economics. Naming Harvard Law American ancestry were completely disproven, she
Prof. Elizabeth Warren as de facto agency continues to stick with the defense that it must be true
head undermines both goals,” Zywicki because her family members told her so.
wrote in a September 2010 op-ed in the
Wall Street Journal.
“Just to be clear: I learned about my
“Questions about the validity of Warren’s family’s heritage the same way everyone
scholarly findings have haunted her since else does – from my parents and
early in her career,” grandparents. I never asked for and never
got any benefit from it,” Warren said in
Zywicki told Breitbart News in 2012, adding: a fundraising email sent out late Monday.

Reviewing her first major scholarly work, a But professional genealogists offer a more honest,
co-authored book, noted bankruptcy evidence-based approach to researching family history.
professor Philip Schuchman (now
deceased) stated bluntly, “In my opinion, In Professional Genealogy: A Manual for Researchers,
the authors have engaged in repeated Writers, Editors, Lecturers, and Librarians, author
instances of scientific misconduct.” Similar Elizabeth Shown Mills notes that family history research
questions ghave continued to nag her depends on two key factors
scholarship throughout her career,
especially her usage and handling of (1)”Credibility: whether a source’s
empirical data and the conclusions she information is likely to reflect past reality,”
draws from it. and
(2) “Relevance: whether information relates
For example, her high-profile claim that half or more of
to the person or question of immediate
personal bankruptcies attributable to medical problems has
come in for especially withering criticism. Her first major
academic study on the topic claimed that almost half of “Original records, especially those made
personal bankruptcies were attributable to medical near the time of the matter at issue, are our
problems and that the number of bankruptcies annually first choice for credibility,” Mills adds.
attributable to medical issues had increased 23-fold in 20
years. Mills continues:

But as I wrote in critiquing that study, Family traditions and anecdotal accounts
present us with dilemmas and
“Notwithstanding the long consensus that opportunities. We know how easily facts
relatively few bankruptcies are caused by become confused and details embroidered
health problems and health costs, a recent when passed through the generations; our
study concludes that approximately half of clients and our families may not have that
consumer bankruptcies are caused by perspective yet. We can help others
medical problems, a twenty-three-fold understand that family stories have
increase over a twenty-year period. Both value but must be tempered with
conclusions are fundamentally caution and researched until evidence
unsupportable, however, and rest primarily justifies accepting or discarding them.
on the way in which the researchers define By way of example…
and count what constitutes a medical
bankruptcy rather than an actual increase Illustrious ancestors.
in the number of bankruptcies caused by
medical problems.” More difficult to handle, perhaps, is the
issue of including “research” by earlier
Trump’s “Pocahontas” reference on Monday focuses members that set forth illustrious
national attention on Warren’s track record lacking ancestors with no valid documentation.
credibility, both in her academic research and her claims of We need tact to help our families realize
Native American ancestry. the inappropriateness of including
unsubstantiated lineages. An otherwise So, we know one thing with almost 100% certainty:
credible book can be vastly diminished by Elizabeth Warren identified herself as a minority law
flimsy or disproved claims. (emphasis professor. We know something else with 90%+ certainty:
added) (at least some) folks at Harvard were almost certainly
aware that she identified as a minority law professor,
Born in 1949, Warren first made her false claim of Native though they may not have known which ethnic group she
American ancestry publicly at the age of 35 in 1984, when claimed to be belong to, and it may not have played any
she submitted several recipes to Pow Wow Chow: A role in her hiring.
Collection of Recipes from Families of the Five Civilized
Tribes: Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek & But it gets even more interesting: once Warren joined the
Seminole, a cookbook compiled by her cousin, Mrs. James Harvard faculty, she dropped off the list of minority law
P. Rowsey. In that cookbook, Warren described herself as faculty. Now that’s passing strange. When the AALS
directory form came around before Warren arrived at
“Elizabeth Warren – Cherokee.” Harvard, she was proud enough of her Native American
ancestry to ask that she be listed among the minority law
The recipes Warren submitted included “Cold Omelets professors. (Or, in the unlikely even that she just allowed
with Crab Meat,” and “Crab with Tomato Mayonnaise law school administrators to fill out the forms for her
Dressing .” According to Boston talk radio king Howie without reviewing them, they were aware that she claimed
Carr’s research, those recipes appear to have been such ancestry, and she didn’t object when she was listed.)
plagiarized: Once she arrived at Harvard, however, she no longer chose
to be listed as a minority law professor.
The two recipes, “Cold Omelets with Crab
Meat” and “Crab with Tomato Mayonnaise Hmmm.
Dressing,” appear in an article titled “Cold
Omelets with Crab Meat,” written by Pierre In 1993, the year Warren was a visiting professor at
Franey of the New York Times News Harvard Law School, a Harvard affiliated publication
Service that was published in the August referred to her as “a woman of color,” as Breitbart News
22, 1979 edition of the Virgin Islands Daily reported:
News, a copy of which can be seen here.
Ms. Warren’s 1984 recipe for Crab with [I]n the spring of 1993, three years before
Tomato Mayonnaise Dressing is a word- Harvard Law School first publicly stated
for-word copy of Mr. Franey’s 1979 she was “a woman of color,” Elizabeth
recipe. Warren likely made that claim while
teaching at Harvard, and at approximately
the same time the faculty was considering
In 1973, when she applied to Rutgers University Law her for a tenured position. Warren, now
School at the age of 24, she did not claim minority status, running for the Democratic nomination for
but in 1985, while still on the faculty of the University of U.S. Senate in Massachusetts, told Politico
Texas Law School, Warren first asserted her false claim of as recently as May 15 that she had “no
minority ancestry professionally in that year’s Association idea” why a Harvard Law School
of American Law Schools (AALS) faculty directory. She spokesman called her a “woman of color”
would continue to make that claim for the next dozen in a 1996 Harvard Crimson article and a
years, until the 1997 AALS faculty directory. 1997 Fordham Law Review article.
However, a 1993 issue of the Harvard
David Bernstein summed up Warren’s own claims that she Women’s Law Journal suggests that she
was a minority, writing at the Volokh Conspiracy in 2012: knew very well indeed.

The old AALS Directory of Faculty guides An article, “Women of Color in Legal Academia: A
are online (through academic libraries) at Biographic and Bibliographic Guide,” which was
Hein Online. The directories starting listing published by the Harvard Women’s Law Journal (since
minority faculty in an appendix in 1986. renamed the Harvard Journal of Law and Gender) in its
There’s Elizabeth Warren, listed as a Spring 1993 edition (Volume 16), lists Warren as one of
professor at Texas. I spot-checked three approximately 250 “women of color” in legal academia.
additional directories from when she was a
professor at the University of Pennsylvania, Politico reported that
including 1995-96, the year Harvard offered
her a position. Elizabeth Warren, Elizabeth
Warren, Elizabeth Warren. “a 1997 Fordham Law Review piece
described [Warren] as Harvard Law
School’s ‘first woman of color,’ based, But O.C. Sarah Smith Crawford’s husband Jonathan
according to the notes at the bottom of the Crawford, Elizabeth Warren’s great-great-great
story, on a “telephone interview with grandfather, was a member of the Tennessee Militia that
Michael Chmura, News Director, Harvard rounded up the Cherokees in the 1830s, as Breitbart
Law (Aug. 6, 1996).” News reported in May 2012:

Senator Warren used her false claim of Native American O.C. Sarah Smith Crawford had no
ancestry to advance her professional career and help land a Cherokee heritage, was listed as “white” in
permanent, tenure track job at Harvard Law School in the Census of 1860, and was most likely
1995. For several years, the school went along with the half Swedish and half English, Scottish, or
charade, incorrectly including Warren as a “minority” in German, or some combination thereof.
its annual report to the EEOC. (Note, the actual 1894 marriage license
makes no claim of Cherokee ancestry.)
There is absolutely no credible evidence to support
Warren’s claim of Native American ancestry, but there is But the most stunning discovery about the life of O.C.
solid documentary evidence that shows she is a direct Sarah Smith Crawford is that her husband, Ms. Warren’s
descendant of a member of the Tennessee Militia that great-great-great grandfather, was apparently a member of
rounded up the Cherokee for the Trail of Tears in the the Tennessee Militia who rounded up Cherokees from
1830s, as Breitbart News reported in May 2012: their family homes in the Southeastern United States and
herded them into government-built stockades in what was
For over a quarter of a century, Elizabeth then called Ross’s Landing (now Chattanooga),
Warren has described herself as a Native Tennessee–the point of origin for the horrific Trail of
American. When recently asked to provide Tears, which began in January, 1837.
evidence of her ancestry, she pointed to an
unsubstantiated [and thoroughly debunked] It is time for Ms. Warren to publicly
claim on an “1894 Oklahoma Territory acknowledge the truth of her ancestry,”
marriage license application” by her great- Breitbart News concluded more than
great grand uncle William J. Crawford that five years ago.
his mother, O.C. Sarah Smith Crawford,
Ms. Warren’s great-great-great Our call for Senator Warren to finally fess up and admit
grandmother, was a Cherokee. the truth about her own complete lack of Native American
ancestry is just as relevant in November 2017 as it was in
It is on this flimsy “word of mouth” assertion that O.C. May 2012:
Sarah Smith Crawford was a Cherokee that Warren first
based her “1/32 Cherokee” claim. (We all have 32 great- “It is time for her to admit that she has no
great-great grandparents, so the heritage of one of those Native American heritage that she can
great-great-great grandparents constitutes 1/32 of our own prove; and it is time for her to acknowledge
heritage.) instead, that she is likely a direct
descendant of a Tennessee Militiaman who
Oklahoma in 1894 had no such document as a marriage apparently rounded up the ancestors of
license application. Breitbart News obtained and reviewed those who truly have Cherokee heritage,
the actual 1894 marriage license of O.C. Sarah Smith the first step in their forced removal from
Crawford’s son, William J. Crawford, and confirmed that the Southeastern United States to
document includes no claim whatsoever of Cherokee Oklahoma over the long and tragic Trail of
ancestry. Tears.”

Wow! Stock Market Up More Than 30 Percent
In Greatest Rally Ever Since Trump Victory
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On November 29, 2017

No president has seen all-time highs (now at 61) in the Also, since the election the Dow has surpassed 5 major
markets during their first year in office before Trump milestones – 19,000, 20,000, 21,000, 22,000 and 23,000.
This, too, is the first time this has happened in less than a
year in U.S. history.

No president has seen all-time highs (now at 61) in the

markets during their first year in office before Trump.

“President Trump set the record earlier this

year for the most all time closing stock
market highs during his first year in office.
Currently the Dow has set 78 closing highs
since last year’s election and 61 since
(National Sentinel) Stocks: The Dow Jones Industrial
President Trump’s inauguration. (As a
Average has gained some 5,500 points and 30 percent in
comparison, President Obama had no
value since Donald J. Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in
stock market highs his entire first
the November 2016 election, marking one of the greatest
term.)” The Gateway Pundit reported.
market rallies in the history of the country.
The Standard & Poor’s (S&P) and NASDAQ markets have
This year alone, the DJIA has grown by more than 4,000
also climbed to record highs under Trump.
points, adding trillions in wealth to millions of middle
income investors.
In all, the markets have gained more than $5 trillion in
wealth since Trump won.
A year ago on election night the Dow closed at 18,333; it
closed Tuesday evening at 23,837. That’s the largest one-
year gain in the 100-year history of the DJIA.

BREAKING: O’Keefe Strikes Again=> Wapo Reporter
Admits Russia Story “F*Cking Crap Shoot…Maybe It
Doesn’t Exist” (VIDEO)
By Cristina Laila
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

James O’Keefe strikes again! “Beginning immediately, all requests to

bring groups into the newsroom — whether
Monday, Project Veritas founder James
O’Keefe, tweeted a video of Washington students, visiting journalists, represent-
tatives of governments or other groups —
Post reporter Aaron Davis attempting to
must be cleared with me. Even for
ambush the group’s imminent
undercover bombshell video on the approved groups, we may limit where they
can go and the use of still or video
cameras,” wrote Grant.

On Tuesday, O’Keefe tweeted out a poll asking the public

which WaPo reporter he should expose next as he teased
the new video was about to drop.

Which @washingtonpost employee will we expose on

hidden camera next? #AmericanPravda The choices were
between, Marty Baron, Adam Entous, Fred Ryan or
Melissa McCullough

Leading up to the video release, WaPo reporters were

panicking and stalking the Project Veritas headquarters!

In Monday’s undercover video, Washington Post National

Security Correspondent Dan Lamothe and Director of
Product Joey Marburger speak to the paper’s hidden
agenda. Evidently, covering Trump the way they do is
good business, even though it’s fake news.

The left-wing media went crazy and relentlessly attacked

James O’Keefe, claiming the guerrilla journalist is
‘irrelevant’ and ineffective.

This only motivated O’Keefe to up the ante so he bragged

about having inside sources at WaPo and subsequently Now this…
leaked an internal email showing panic had spread.
WaPo’s National Security reporter Adam
An email was sent by the Washington Post’s deputy Entous admits the Russia story is a “f*cking
managing editor Tracy Grant to the paper’s entire crapshoot” and there is no evidence
newsroom notifying reporters of a policy change in respect suggesting Trump colluded with the
to visitation. Russians during the 2016 presidential

Entous says: “I shouldn’t be saying these things because
we don’t… We’re not supposed to really
“But we really haven’t addressed… Our talk about that kind of stuff.”
reporting has not taken us to a place where
I would be able to say with any confidence Once again, O’Keefe catches fake news sycophants
that the result of it is going to be the admitting there is no evidence to support the Russian
president being guilty of being in cahoots collusion story yet they continue to roll out blazing
with the Russians. There’s no evidence of ‘Trump-Russia’ headlines.
that that I’ve seen so far.
“We’ve seen a lot of flirtation, if you will, Video via Project Veritas:
between them but nothing that, in my
opinion, would rank as actual collusion.
Now that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist,
it just means we haven’t found it yet. Or
maybe it doesn’t exist.”

Melissa McCullough, the Director of Newsroom

Operations, expresses her bias against Trump, admitting

“let’s just hope he doesn’t get re-elected in

another three years.”

McCullough then backpedals and says,


Federal Court Sides
With Trump Admin Over CFPB Posting
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On November 29, 2017
“It’s time for the Democrats to stop “It’s time for the Democrats to stop
enabling this brazen political stunt by a enabling this brazen political stunt by a
rogue employee” rogue employee and allow Acting Director
Mulvaney to continue the Bureau’s smooth
transition into an agency that truly serves to
help consumers,” the White House said.

Both Mulvaney and English say they are the legal acting
director of the powerful agency. The 2010 Dodd-Frank
legislation states that in the director’s absence, the deputy
director becomes acting director.

But in naming Mulvaney, the White House, which was

(National Sentinel) Judiciary: A federal court on Tuesday supported by the Justice Department’s Office of Legal
sided with President Donald J. Trump over his Counsel and the CFPB’s general counsel, relied on the
appointment former budget director Mick Mulvaney to older Federal Vacancies Reform Act, which allows for
head up the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau after its presidential appointment of an acting director.
outgoing director tried to name his own replacement.
White House, backed by the Justice Department’s Office
Richard Cordray resigned Friday, with his last action being of Legal Counsel and the CFPB’s general counsel, point to
the installation of Leandra English, the agency’s deputy the older Federal Vacancies Reform Act as allowing for
director, as his replacement. presidential appointment of an acting director.

But within hours, Trump named Muvaney, former head of English was represented in court by former CFPB
the Office of Management and Budget, to lead the CFPB. employee Deepak Gupta, who has become a leading anti-
Trump litigator.
U.S. District Judge Timothy Kelly ruled against English
and refused to issue a temporary restraining order that Following Kelly’s ruling, Gupta told reporters he was not
would prevent Mulvaney from taking over while allowing sure what the next legal move would be and that he would
her to assume the role of acting director. be consulting with English regarding whether or not to file
an appeal.
In a statement, the Trump administration White House said
it However, he said

“applauds the court’s decision, which “this judge does not have the final word on
provides further support for the president’s what happens in this controversy and I
rightful authority to designate Director think he understands that.”
[Mick] Mulvaney as acting director of the

New James O’Keefe Video: Washington Post Reporter
Seems To Cast Doubt On Russia Collusion Story
By Joel B. Pollak
29 Nov 2017

James O’Keefe and Project Veritas the president being guilty of being in
released their latest undercover video cahoots with the Russians. There’s no
Wednesday morning, showing evidence of that that I’ve seen so far.
Washington Post national security

reporter Adam Entous doubting claims
of collusion between Russia and Frankly, there may not be anything that
President Donald Trump’s presidential gets the president. It may be just lower-
campaign. level people who are compromised by this.
We just don’t know. It’s very hard to tell.
The new video appears to have been recorded as part of an So, we just don’t know at this point.
undercover investigation by Project Veritas into the …
Post before it was apparently foiled and exposed by
In terms of the actual secret arrangements
Post reporters earlier this week.
where they cooperate, we haven’t seen
anything that shows that yet. We’ve seen a
Entous has been one of the Post‘s leading reporters on the lot of flirtation, if you will, between them,
Russia collusion story. In May, he published a story based but nothing that, in my opinion, would rank
on a secret audio recording of House Republican leaders in as actual collusion. Now, that doesn’t mean
2016, in which Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) that it doesn’t exist, it just means we
was heard to joke, haven’t found it yet. Or it may mean it
doesn’t exist.
“I think Putin pays … Trump.” Entous and

the Post — who refused to release the raw
audio — treated the story as a major I mean, it’s a f*cking crap shoot. I literally
scoop, capturing what Entous claimed had have no prediction whatsoever as to what
been “a politically explosive assertion.” would happen, and I do all the stuff for
the Post on this … so I honestly would tell
O’Keefe’s video appears to show that Entous privately you, I have no idea.
doubts the Russian collusion story — though it is not clear
when the video was recorded, and it is possible that Entous In narrating the video, O’Keefe points out that numerous
changed his view of the Russia allegations over time. In editorials and opinion articles in the Post have presumed
October, Entous was part of the Washington Post team that that the allegations of Russian collusion are true.
revealed that Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and
the Democratic National Committee had indirectly funded “Why doesn’t the editorial page reflect what
Fusion GPS and the infamous Russian “dossier.” the news people actually report?” O’Keefe
(Conservatives have cited that report frequently — often asks, charging that the paper is biased.
without acknowledging the Post‘s work in publishing it.)
The video also shows footage of a woman identified as
In the Project Veritas video, Entous is shown saying: a Washington Post news executive saying that she hopes
Trump is not re-elected.
Our reporting has not taken us to a place
where I would be able to say with any Breitbart News has reached out to Entous for comment.
confidence that the result of it is going to be

Washington Post Writer: ‘No Evidence’
Of Collusion Between Trump And Russia
© Flickr/ Bill Walsh - US
21:59 29.11.2017(Updated 22:57 29.11.2017
the Trump campaign and Trump White House have been
colluding with Russian actors since day one.

Controversial political activist James O’Keefe secretly

recorded a conversation with Washington Post staff writer
on the Russiagate investigation Adam Entous. Speaking
candidly, Entous admitted there was no evidence of
collusion between Trump and Russia and expressed
skepticism that there was collusion at all.

"Our reporting has not taken us to a place

where I would be able to say with any
confidence that the result of it is going to be
the president being guilty of being
in cahoots with the Russians," Entous told
O'Keefe in one of the conservative activist's
hidden camera exposes. "There's no
evidence of that that I've seen so far."
"We've seen a lot of flirtation, if you will,
between them but nothing that, in my
opinion, would rank as actual collusion.
Now that doesn't mean that it doesn't exist,
it just means we haven't found it yet. Or
maybe it doesn't exist."

The general online reaction to the video is that Entous

behaved with integrity, claiming that there was no decisive
evidence of collusion and that while it was possible, it
could also be a "crapshoot" — expressing the healthy The Post's editorial board runs daily articles pushing this
skepticism of a journalist, in other words. narrative, and Entous' reporting has reinforced it.

The problem is not so much what Entous said as who it's "Trump's company had more contact
coming from: with Russia during campaign, according
to documents turned over to investigators,"
reads one of his headlines from October.
Entous writes about national security, foreign policy and
"Sessions discussed Trump campaign-
intelligence for a mainstream outlet that has arguably acted
related matters with Russian ambassador,
as the standard bearer for the Russiagate narrative — that
US intelligence intercepts show," is another
he wrote in July.

The Post has also been caught in falsehoods about Russia

in the recent past. In November 2016, they published an
article with a then-explosive headline: "Russian
Propaganda Effort Helped Spread 'Fake News'
During Election, Experts Say."

The Post was roundly criticized for not only printing a

false article, but for significantly altering it
after publication and waiting another half day to add an
editorial note mentioning the corrections to the article.
"An earlier version of this story incorrectly
said that Russian hackers had penetrated
the US electric grid. Authorities say there is
no indication of that so far. The computer
at Burlington Electric that was hacked was
These "experts" included PropOrNot, an organization that not attached to the grid," the end of the
claims to be dedicated to rooting out Russian propaganda article once read.
in media but has been roundly slammed — including Now it ends with this line:
by progressive left-wing and other mainstream outlets —
as a gang of conspiracy theorists who slam any outlet that "Adam Entous contributed to this report."
deviates from the mainstream — from progressive public
policy organization ThinkProgress to uber-popular
conservative news aggregator Drudge Report — as a
Russian shill.
The Post was forced to add a lengthy editor's note to the
beginning of the story, stressing that they did not "vouch
for the validity of PropOrNot's findings" — yet they still
cited them as "experts" in an article. Yep.

Any disclosures from O'Keefe, of course, must be taken

with a fistful of salt, as he has been caught in falsehoods
and manipulative behavior to better suit conservative
narratives before. Earlier in November, O'Keefe and his
Project Veritas organization were accused of trying
to trick The Post into publishing a fake story about a
woman who claimed Republican Alabama US Senate
candidate Roy Moore raped her as a teenager.
In January 2017, they claimed that a Vermont power
company had been purposefully disrupted by Russian The Post realized that the woman was in all likelihood a
hackers based on the incredibly flimsy evidence that a plant for Project Veritas and exposed the would-be sting.
laptop that belonged to the power grid's maintenance O'Keefe was roundly criticized, including by major
company, Burlington Electric, had a similar piece conservative publications.
of malware on it as ones used by Russian hacking groups.
Media figures have largely come to Entous' defense online,
The only problems with that story was that the laptop with variations on journalist Glenn Greenwald's reaction,
wasn't connected to the power grid and that there was no that Entous
evidence that the malware was placed on the laptop
"expresses exactly the caution, skepticism
by Russian hackers or indeed by anyone with malicious
and clinging to evidence that any good
intent. Not that these gaping inaccuracies stopped the Post
journalist, by definition, would be guided
from hastily printing an article titled "Russian Hackers
Penetrated US Electricity Grid Through A Utility
In Vermont, US Officials Say," of course. If only more of them were guided by this ethic in their

‘US Wants Phony Russiagate Probe Kept Alive’:
NY Comedian Summoned Over Assange Interview Tells RT
Published Time: 29 Nov, 2017 11:11 Edited Time: 29 Nov, 2017 11:13

Credico earlier confirmed that he and Assange previously

held meetings at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London,
where the WikiLeaks co-founder has been held up since
June 2012 in an effort to avoid extradition to the US. The
meetings took place on September 6, November 13, and
November 16 this year.

The comedian said he may testify in front of the

committee, but he will definitely
© Randy Credico / Facebook
“use the protection of the First Amendment
The US is seemingly living in the past and again eyeing a [freedom of speech].” US authorities “just
‘cold war’ with Russia, while also pursuing its “phony could cite you for contempt for not
Russiagate” inquiry, an American comedian asked to testifying,” he claimed, noting that he still
attend a Congress hearing over his interview with Julian would resort to the protection by the First
Assange, told RT. Amendment Protection.

Randy Credico, a comedian, radio host and Stressing his determination,

civil rights activist, received a letter earlier
in November requesting him to “participate
in a voluntary, transcribed interview at the Credico said that “they [authorities] can put
Committee’s offices” during the first half of me in jail, but I’m certainly not going to
December. comply with this witch hunt, with this
modern day McCarthyism, because that’s
all it is.” “That nomenclature that they use
The letter was signed by Congressman Michael Conaway calling him [Julian Assange] a hostile
(R-Texas), who leads the Russia investigation in the House intelligence-gathering operation – that’s
Intelligence Committee, and the ranking member, what they call the journalists,” he told RT.
Congressman Adam Schiff (D-California).
RT interviewed Credico before the comedian received a
“They are going after me, why? Because of summons from the House Intelligence Committee. The
my connection with Julian Assange. I have writ requested him
been interviewing him for the last year,
year-and-a-half. I’ve had him on my show.
I’ve been in the [Ecuadorian] embassy [in “to testify at a deposition touching matters
London]. And this is just another way of of inquiry committed to said committee or
keeping this phony ‘Russiagate’ inquiry subcommittee,” says the document which
alive,” Credico told RT’s Caleb Maupin. Credico released on Twitter on Tuesday.

According to Credico, the US government simply wants to

hush up the material he received from Assange.

“They [US authorities] don’t want people to

see what we have done in Libya … Syria,
Palestine, [or] our build-up against Russia
[and] China… anything. They don’t want it
out. Iraq, Afghanistan, drone strikes – all
that stuff they want to keep suppressed

from the public. I want to know about it.
Why can’t I know about it? ” he asked.

The comedian said that he doesn’t see any

“Russian bases over there” in the US,

however, it’s Washington who “surrounded
Russia, surrounded Iran” and continues
to “surround Syria and China.”

The comedian dubbed the whole thing with alleged

Russia’s meddling into the 2016 US elections “hyped up
and exaggerated.” The Kremlin has repeatedly denied any
such interference or collusion with the Trump campaign,
with Russian President Vladimir Putin stating in May that
the anti-Russia spin was concocted by those who simply
can’t come to terms with the fact that Clinton lost the
election fair and square.

The amount of money – $100,000 – which was allegedly

spent on Facebook to interfere into the election

“would not get even a congressman

elected or a city council member elected if
he spent that kind of money on
While touching upon Russia in detail, Credico told RT that Facebook,” he added.
Washington still lives back in the 1950s, in the period of
the Cold War with the Soviet Union. In fact, US media should think more about its “internal
problems” rather than spend all their time talking about
“They [US authorities] don’t want a nuclear Russia, Credico claimed.
war, they want a cold war. You know, like
they did is what the ’50s were all about. “You ask anybody on the streets right now
The ’50s were all about the Cold War, the the top 10 problems what they are
Red Scare back then,” he added. concerned about … and I guarantee
Russia will not even be in the top 20, top
30,” he said.

People in the US care about education, jobs and the

criminal justice system, Credico believes.

Russia Owns Trump?
By Stephen Lendman - Stephenlendman.Org

It’s hard keeping track of everything Russia is falsely

accused of. It’s their job. If not accomplished successfully they’re
replaced by someone more competent. As a former small
Claims include nonexistent aggression in Ukraine, businessman, I know how things work, the same in big
meddling in America’s election, affecting the Brexit vote, business as small.
the one supporting Catalan independence - plus a whole lot
more, none of it credible, all of it made up rubbish. Without profits, they can’t operate - even though corporate
America and small business are world’s apart.
Russiagate is like global tides, no way to stop them rising.
Here’s the latest from the Russophobic New York Times - The Times:
accusing the Kremlin of owning Trump.
“There’s no longer any serious question
Sound absurd? Indeed so! The Times isn’t deterred, saying that there was cooperation between
before entering the presidential sweepstakes, Trump Trump’s campaign and Russia, but the
pursued plans to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, extent of the cooperation, and the precise
claiming an individual nature of it, remains opaque.”

“with ties to Russian organized crime” was False!

involved, “apparently (as) an intermediary
between (him) and Russia.” No evidence exists showing Russia
interfered in America’s election - to help
Pursuing investments in Russia is entirely legal and proper. Trump or for any other reasons.
Claiming Trump dealt with someone tied to organized
crime in the country requires credible proof, along with Endless accusations otherwise are baseless - blowing
evidence he knew about it but proceeded anyway. smoke, a Times specialty on the nonexistent improper or
illegal Russia/Trump connection.
The Times, other media scoundrels, undemocratic Dems
and others in Washington accused him of too much to keep There is none - other than as president having relations
track of, bashing him repeatedly for the wrong reasons, not with many countries, for good or ill, too much of the latter
the most important right ones. in America.

Russiagate is a conspiracy to undermine him, along with A Final Comment

longstanding Russia bashing, especially intense since
letting Crimea rejoin the country, a legal act, worst of all According to Morgan Lewis law firm attorneys Sheri
since Trump took office. Dillon and William Nelson representing Trump, he has no
outstanding debts to Russian persons or entities.
The Times:
Nor does he have equity investments by Russian persons
Americans need “come to terms with or entities in Trump-controlled properties, or Trump
substantial evidence that the president is in organization investments in Russian entities.
thrall to a foreign power.”
He had considerable income from the sale of the Miss
Claims without credible revelations are groundless. Trump Universe pageant (in 2013, held in Moscow) and Florida
is a businessman, before becoming president “in thrall to” real estate.
profit-making like all others in business.

Is Washington The Most Corrupt
Government In History?
Paul Craig Roberts
November 29, 2017

Robert Mueller, a former director of the FBI who is instead is Congress harassing journalist Randy Credico for
working as a special prosecutor “investigating” a contrived interviewing Julian Assange? How does an interview
hoax designed by the military/security complex and the become part of the House Intelligence (sic) Committee’s
DNC to destroy the Trump presidency, has yet to produce investigation into “Russian active measures directed at the
a scrap of evidence that Russiagate is anything but 2016 U.S. election?” There were no such active measures,
orchestrated fake news. As William Binney and other top but the uranium sale was real.
experts have said, if there is evidence of Russiagate, the
Why haven’t the media conglomerates that have produced
NSA would have it. No investigation would be necessary.
presstitutes instead of journalists been broken up? Why
So where is the evidence?
can presstitutes lie 24/7, but a man can’t make a pass at a
It is a revelation of how corrupt Washington is that a fake woman?
scandal is being investigated while a real scandal is not.
Once you begin asking questions, there is no end of them.
The fake scandal is Trump’s Russiagate. The real scandal
is Hillary Clinton’s uranium sale to Russia. No evidence The failure of the US and European media is extreme.
for the former exists. Voluminous evidence for Hillary’s
The presstitutes never investigate real events. The
scandal lies in plain view.
presstitutes never question inconsistencies in official stories. They never tie together loose ends. They simply
clinton-and-real-russian-collusion.html read over and over the script handed to them until the
official story that controls the explanation is driven into the
Why are the clearly false charges against Trump being
public’s head.
investigated and the clearly true charges against Hillary
not being investigated? The answer is that Hillary with her Consider, for example, the Obama regime’s claim to have
hostility toward Russia and her denunciation of Russian murdered Osama bin Laden in his “compound” in
President Putin as the “New Hitler” is not a threat to the Abbottabad, Pakistan, next to a Pakistani military base.
budget and power of the US military/security complex, The official story had to be changed several times. The
while Trump’s aim of normalizing relations with Russia Obama regime claim that Obama and top government
would deprive the military/security complex of the officials had watched the raid via cameras on the SEALs’
“enemy” it requires to justify its massive budget and helmets had to be abandoned. There was no reason to
power. withhold the filmed evidence, and of course there was no
such evidence, so the initial claim to have watched the
Why hasn’t President Trump ordered the Justice
killing became a “miscommunication.” The staged photo
Department to investigate Hillary? Is the answer that
of the top government officials watching the alleged live
Trump is afraid the military/security complex will
filming was never explained.
assassinate him? Why hasn’t the Justice Department
undertaken the investigation on its own? Is the answer that
Trump’s government is allied with his enemies? bin-Laden-dead-Photo-Obama-watching-Al-Qaeda-leader-
How corrupt does Mueller have to be to agree to lead a
fake investigation designed to overthrow the democratic The entire story never made any sense: Osama, unarmed
election of the President of the United States? Why doesn’t and defended only by his unarmed wife, was murdered in
Trump have Mueller and Comey arrested for sedition and cold blood by a SEAL. What in the world for? Why
conspiring to overthrow the president of the United States? murder rather than capture the “terrorist mastermind” from
whom endless information could have been gained? Why
Why instead is Mueller expanding his investigation
forgo the political fanfare of parading Osama bin Laden
beyond his mandate and bringing charges against Manafort
before the world as a captive of the American superpower?
and others for decade-old under-reporting of income? Why
Why were no photographs taken? Why was Osama’s body Osama bin Laden had been dead for a decade prior to the
dumped in the ocean. In other words, why was all the false claim that Navy SEALs murdered him in Pakistan in
evidence destroyed and nothing saved to back up the May 2011. Here are the obituaries from December 2001:
Why the fake story of Osama being given a sea burial from obituary-notice/ and this one from Fox News:
an aircraft carrier? Why was no media interested that the
ship’s crew wrote home that no such burial took place?
Why was there no presstitute interest in the fact that the
Here is bin Laden’s last confirmed interview. He says he
SEAL unit, from which the SEALs on the alleged raid on
had nothing to do with 9/11. Why would a terrorist leader
bin Laden’s compound were drawn, was loaded against
who succeed in humiliating “the world’s only superpower”
regulations in one 50-year old Vietnam era helicopter and
fail to boost his movement by claiming credit?
shot down in Afghanistan, with all lives lost? Why was
there no presstitute interest in the parents of the SEALs
complaints about inappropriate procedures that cost their bin-laden-myth-2/
sons’ lives and about fears expressed to them by sons that
something was wrong and they felt endangered? See also:
much-responsible-for-the-death-of-their-sons-as-the- -Evidence-Where-Th-by-paul-craig-roberts-110805-
taliban 618.html
Did the SEAL unit have to be wiped out because the
members were asking one another, -TV-Report-Contrad-by-paul-craig-roberts-110806-
“who was on that raid?” “Were you on the bin
Laden raid?” When in fact no one was on the Think about this. The bin Laden story, including 9/11, is
raid. fake from start to finish, but it is inscribed into
Why wasn’t Congress interested? encyclopedias, history books, and the public’s
Why was the live Pakistani TV interview with an eye
witness of the alleged raid on bin Laden’s compound not And this is just one example of the institutionalized mass
reported in the US media? The witness contradicted every lies concocted by Washington and the presstitutes and
aspect of the official story. And this was immediately after turned into truth. Washington’s self-serving control over
the event. There was no time for anyone to concoct an explanations has removed Americans from reality and
elaborate counter-story or motive to do so. Here is the made them slaves to fake news.
interview: So, how does democracy function when voters have no reliable information and, instead, are led into the agendas
samaa-tv-interview-eyewitness-alleged-osama-bin-laden- of the rulers by orchestrated events and fake news?
killing/ and here is a verified translation that confirms the Where is there any evidence that the United States is a
accuracy of the English subscripts: functioning democracy?

AWAN CASE: DNC Lawyer Scrambling To Block Evidence
From Hidden Laptop Tied To Wasserman Schultz
Thu Nov 30, 2017 2:52am EST

The laptop in question was tucked away in a tiny room

formerly used as a phone booth on the second floor of the
Rayburn House Office Building late one night in March,
only to be found by Capitol Police just after midnight on
April 6, 2017 along with notebooks marked ‘attorney
client privilege,’ letters addressed to the US Attorney of
DC regarding Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and several
forms of identification. Based on the contents of the
backpack, some believe Awan wanted the laptop to be
Attorney-Client Privilege
A lawyer for former DNC IT staffer Imran Awan is
Luke Rosiak of the Daily Caller, who has been tracking
scrambling to block evidence found on a hidden laptop
the Awan case, reports that Awan’s attorney Chris Gowen
which may contain proof of a massive spy ring operating
– a former aide to Hillary Clinton, is seeking to block the
at the highest levels of Congress, in what may be the
laptop evidence by arguing the ‘attorney client privilege‘
largest breach of National Security in U.S. history.
note attached to the notebook found with the laptop covers
Awan, a Pakistani national, worked for dozens of the contents of the hard drive, according to court papers
Democratic members of Congress along with his wife, two filed Tuesday.
brothers and a friend. Following the publication of DNC
Via the Daily Caller:
emails by WikiLeaks in the lead-up to the 2016 election,
Congressional investigators discovered that the Awans had “Chris Gowen, Awan’s attorney, said at the
a secret server being housed by the House Democratic last hearing: “We do expect there being
Caucus backed up to an offsite Dropbox account. an attorney-client privilege issue in this
case… What occurred is a backpack from
“For members to say their data was not
my client was found, he was trying to get a
compromised is simply inaccurate. They
better signal, there was a note that said
had access to all the data including all
attorney client privilege and a hard
emails. Imran Awan is the walking
drive. We feel very strongly about this.”
example of an insider threat, a criminal
actor who had access to everything,” – A Capitol Police report reveals the following items were
Daily Caller found in the backpack:
According to a briefing, “all five of the shared employees 1. A Pakistani ID card with the name Mohommed Ashraf
system administrators collectively logged onto the [House Awan
Democratic] Caucus system 5,735 times, or an average of
2. A copy – not original – of a driver’s license with name
27 times per day,” despite only one of them being
Imran Awan
authorized to do so.
3. A copy (front and back) of his congressional ID
The Awans were banned from the House
IT network on February 2, 2017 after being 4. An Apple laptop with the homescreen initials ‘repdws’
named in a criminal investigation –
however they continued to work in the 5. Composition notebooks with notes handwritten
building for Congresswoman Debbie saying ‘attorney client privilege’ and possibly
Wasserman Schultz until Imran Awan’s discussing case details below
arrest at Dulles Airport trying to flee the 6. Loose letters addressed to US Attorney of DC
country in late July. Awan and his wife, discussing the apparent owner of the bag being
Hina Alvi, were charged with conspiracy investigated.
and bank fraud in relation to a real estate
transaction. As Rosiak points out, it is unclear how the handwritten
note saying “attorney client privilege” could be construed

to cover a hard drive, rather than the pages of [the]
notebook it was contained on.
Andrew McCarthy, a former chief assistant U.S. attorney
who has followed the case, said
“The A/C (attorney-client) privilege only
applies to communications between the
client and lawyer that are for the
purpose of seeking legal advice and that
are intended by both parties to be kept
confidential… Moreover, asserting that
something is A/C protected does not
The Awan brothers were managing
make it so.
computers for members of the House
You still have to show that the material in question Permanent Select Committee on
constitutes communications strictly between the lawyer Intelligence – a group with top secret
and client that were for the purpose of seeking legal clearance which is looking into Russian
advice. election interference right now.
“If I give my lawyer my bank records and Also of note
ask him if they show evidence of a crime, The brothers were “shared employees,” hired by multiple
the bank records do not become A/C- Democrats for IT work whenever it was needed – so they
privileged — only his advice to me would
floated all over the place doing all sorts of work on House
be A/C-privileged. And if I stuck a sign on members computers.
my bank records that said ‘A/C-
privileged documents,’ that would not Democrats Juaquin Castro, Cedric
make them A/C-privileged documents,” Richmond, Andre Carson, Jackie Speier,
he told The Daily Caller News Foundation Tammy Duckworth, and Louis
Wednesday.” –Daily Caller Frankel all employed the Awans.
Debbie Downer Information Brokers?
In May of 2016, Debbie Wasserman Schulz – an employer Judge Andrew Napolitano appeared on Fox Business
and personal friend of Awan – spent several minutes Network in late July where he dropped a bombshell:
browbeating the Chief of DC Capitol Police at a budget
not only did the Awans had access to
meeting, claiming the laptop should be given back since it
the emails of every member of
was hers and threatening ‘consequences’ if it wasn’t
Congress, Imran Awan reportedly sold
information to still unknown parties,
which the FBI is currently investigating.
He was arrested for some financial crime –
that’s the tip of the iceberg. The real
allegation against him is that he had
access to the emails of every member of
congress and he sold what he found in
there. What did he sell, and to whom did
he sell it? That’s what the FBI wants to
know. This may be a very, very serious
national security situation.
Wait a second, he was the IT worker along
with his two Pakistani brothers, for DWS,
Of Note and other Democrats in the House – and
the theory is that he got access to all of
their secrets or whatever, and sold some?
Yes, and this was at the time that
Congresswoman Schultz was also the
chair of the Democratic National career to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars.
Committee. So at this point I don’t believe The Center for Security Policy has put together a
they know what he sold, and to whom he dossier of Carson’s connections to the Muslim
sold it – but they do know what he had Brotherhood. The Brotherhood is the parent organization
access to, which is virtually everything in of many key Islamic terror groups posing a threat to our
the House of representatives, national security including Al Qaeda and Hamas.
which would include classified material Andre Carson shared the stage at a CAIR banquet with
in the House intelligence committee. Sirraj Wahaj:
An unindicted co-conspirator in the World
Trade Center bombing who had once
declared,” You don’t get involved in politics
because it’s the American thing to do. You
get involved in politics because politics are
a weapon to use in the cause of Islam.”
CAIR itself had been named an unindicted
co-conspirator in terror finance.
Immunity for Hina?
In September, it was reported that Hina Alvi – Imran
Awan’s wife, had struck a deal with federal prosecutors to
Lt. Colonel Tony Shaffer went even further – claiming that return to the U.S. from Pakistan to face conspiracy and
the Awan brothers were linked to the Muslim bank fraud charges.
Brotherhood while working for Democrat Congressman
Andre Carson, a report reinforced by Frontpage Magazine: Alvi and her children fled to the safety of Pakistan in early
2017, so her voluntary return – which was structured with
an arrest to be made “not in front of her children” is
significant. Upon her return to the United States, Hina was
arraigned on four felony counts of bank fraud and handed
over her U.S. passport to prosecutors.
Congressman Trent Franks (R-AZ) says that Alvi’s return
may be part of a broader immunity deal with prosecutors
in return for a “significant” and “pretty disturbing” story
about Debbie Wasserman Schultz:
“I don’t want to talk out of school here but I
think you’re going to see some revelations
that are going to be pretty profound. The
As Frontpage reported in February:
fact that this wife is coming back from
The office of Andre Carson, the second Pakistan and is willing to face charges, as it
Muslim in Congress, had employed Imran were, I think there is a good chance she
Awan. As did the offices of Jackie Speier is going to reach some type of immunity
and Debbie Wasserman Schultz; to whom to tell a larger story here that is going to
the letter had been addressed. be pretty disturbing to the American
Carson is the second Muslim in Congress and the first
Muslim on the House Permanent Select Committee on “I would just predict that this is going to
Intelligence and, more critically, is the ranking member on be a very significant story and people
its Emerging Threats Subcommittee. He is also a member should fasten their seat belts on this
of the Department of Defense Intelligence and Overhead one.”
Architecture Subcommittee.
The Emerging Threats Subcommittee, of which Carson is a
ranking member, is responsible for much of
counterterrorism oversight. It is the worst possible place
for a man with Carson’s credentials.
Carson had inherited his grandmother’s seat and exploited
it to promote a radical Islamist agenda. He has interfaced
with a laundry list of Islamist groups from CAIR to ISNA
to ICNA to MPAC. Islamists have funded Carson’s

Despite the volumes of evidence stacking up against the claims the entire investigation of the Awans is nothing
former DNC IT staffers, Debbie Wasserman Schultz more than Islamophobia.

Dershowitz: ‘Mueller Going
Well Beyond His Authority As’ Special Counsel
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On November 30, 2017

“These are political sins if they are sins at “The president is entitled to fire the head of
all. They are not crimes.” the FBI. The president is entitled to direct
his attorney general who to investigate,
who not to.”
“That’s what the law has been since
Thomas Jefferson,” he added, saying that if
we want to change it Congress must do so,
not through a special prosecutor.
“I don’t see that the prosecutor should have
a right to turn a constitutionally protected
act of the president into a crime by
speculating on what his motive might have
(National Sentinel) Russia Investigation: Famed been,” he stated.
constitutional attorney Alan Dershowitz said Wednesday
that special counsel Robert Mueller, who was appointed by “These are political sins if they are sins at
the Justice Department to investigate allegations of Trump all. They are not crimes.”
campaign collusion with Russia, has far surpassed his “He’s going to do the domino game,”
mandate. Dershowitz forecast, explaining that
Mueller will indict someone close to the
In an interview with Fox News, Dershowitz, who is a president on an unrelated matter and then
Democrat, said that Mueller was attempting to turn press them for more information about
constitutional actions by presidents into crimes. Trump and Russia.
That’s dangerous, however, because those
The former FBI director was “going well indicted often exaggerate because they
beyond his authority as a prosecutor,” the know “the better the evidence, the sweeter
Harvard law professor emeritus said. the deal.”

In recent days Mueller has requested documents from the Dershowitz defended Trump in May as well, saying that
Justice Department regarding President Donald J. Trump’s the president had every right to call then-FBI Director
dismissal of former FBI Director James Comey, who is a Comey off a probe of Trump’s first national security
longtime friend and associate of Mueller’s. He also wants adviser, Michael Flynn.
documents related to Attorney General Jeff Sessions’
recuse from the Russia investigation.
Mueller’s team is reported to have sufficient evidence
already to indict both Flynn and his son, Michael Flynn Jr.,
Mueller is scheduled to interview a number of White who also worked for the Trump campaign, The Hill noted
House officials. this week.

But Dershowitz defended Trump, saying,


Gingrich Says Trump ‘Decisively Reining
In The Left’ — Will The CFPB Be Next Domino To Fall?
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On November 30, 2017

Congress and the President should now work to abolish the was appointed by outgoing director Richard Cordray, who
CFPB as soon as possible, or at the very least, bring this claimed the 2010 law gives him, not the president, the
rogue agency back under the rule of law” authority to name successors.

U.S. District Judge Timothy Kelly ruled against English

this week and refused to issue a temporary restraining
order that would prevent Mulvaney from taking over while
allowing her to assume the role of acting director.

“The CFPB consistently oversteps its

bounds. It is prohibited from regulating car
deals, yet it does so anyway. It is prohibited
from collecting personal data from
consumers, yet it does so at a scale that
(National Sentinel) Right-Leaning: President Donald J.
rivals the NSA’s most controversial data
Trump has made great progress in dismantling the Left-
gathering operations,” Gingrich wrote.
leaning agenda of his predecessor, former President
Barack Obama, and is continue to make good progress in “Further, the CFPB draws its funding from
returning the country to a more conservative, constitutional the Federal Reserve’s operating expenses
footing, according to former House Speaker Newt rather than annual appropriations – making
Gingrich. it unaccountable to Congress,” he said.

“While the mainstream media has fixated Additionally, the writers of the Dodd-Frank legislation
on exaggerated day-to-day mini- added provisions stating that only a president can remove a
controversies, the Trump Administration CFPB director, and even then only under certain
has methodically eliminated job-killing conditions.
Obama-era regulations, filled judicial
vacancies with solid conservatives at an That also unconstitutionally limits Executive and
astonishing pace, and accomplished real Legislative Branch authorities, Gingrich wrote.
breakthroughs in trade relations with China
and the Middle East,” he wrote in a column “Essentially, the bureau can do whatever it
for Fox News, where he is a contributor. wants – without fear of losing its funding or
its leadership,” he said.
Now, he noted, Trump is working to neuter the Consumer
Financial Protection Bureau, a creation of the so-called But he added that Trump has already prevailed in court by
“Dodd-Frank” financial reform legislation Obama signed having his appointment of Mulvaney, a staunch critic of
into law in 2010 following the financial crisis of 2008. the bureau, upheld for the time being.

Gingrich said he’s been a longtime opponent of the CFPB Now, “Congress and the President should
because he believes it is unconstitutionally unaccountable now work to abolish the CFPB as soon as
to Congress, and by design. possible, or at the very least, bring this
rogue agency back under the rule of law,”
Earlier this week Trump named Mick Muvaney, former says Gingrich.
head of the Office of Management and Budget, to lead the
CFPB. That appointment is being challenged by Leandra
English, the agency’s deputy director, in a lawsuit. English
New York Times: White House Plans To Force Out
Secretary Of State Rex Tillerson
By Charlie Spiering
30 Nov 2017

Tillerson’s reputation has shifted since he first took the

position of Secretary of State, as he struggled to maintain a
relationship with the president. Career diplomats and
journalists openly criticized him for “gutting” the State

Reports that Tillerson described the

president as a “fu*king moron” didn’t help.
"My source didn't just say he called him a
moron. He said he called him an f-ing
moron." — @SRuhle
— MSNBC (@MSNBC) October 4, 2017

President Donald Trump is thinking Another report claimed that Tillerson threatened to resign
after Trump delivered an intensely political speech at the
about forcing Secretary of State Rex
annual Boy Scout Jamboree.
Tillerson out of office, according to a
report in the New York Times. But Trump denied those reports as “fake news.”

The report details a plan developed by White House chief As the former CEO of Exxon-Mobil, Tillerson was a dark
of staff John Kelly that would replace Tillerson with CIA horse candidate for Secretary of State that surprised the
Director Mike Pompeo, not U.N. Ambassador Nikki establishment when Trump picked him.
Haley, a popular choice for Washington insiders.
The majority of career diplomats and foreign policy wonks
Sen. Tom Cotton, according to sources, would replace were angered by his attempts to reorganize the
Pompeo at the CIA. department. Trump allies soon viewed him as a “low
energy” official that spent more time trying to protect his
own image instead of articulating the Trump agenda.

10 Reasons Why The 2017 Record Stock Market Rally Is
Due To President Trump’s Actions
By Jim Hoft
Thursday, November 30, 2017

economic excitement in the US like a snowball going


2. Frankly, Obama’s Economy was Horrible

To say that the economy was on a roll before the

2016 election is not true. The last all-time stock market
high before the November 8th, 2016 election was on
August 15th, 2016, three months prior to the election. The
stock market decreased in value in 2015 and there were no
new stock market all-time highs in Obama’s entire first
term. Obama’s economy incurred unemployment as high
The stock market in 2017 has increased as 10 percent. His Presidency was the first ever to not
at record levels unseen in American reach an annual GDP of at least 3 percent in at least one
history. Never before has the market year during his term. His policies doubled the US Debt to
increased by more than 4,000 points in a nearly $20 trillion and the massive increase in regulations
single calendar year but has done that stifled the economy. Not only that but Obama had no idea
in 2017. The Dow is up more than 30 how to lead America to greatness. His words and actions
actually portrayed someone who didn’t want America to
percent since the election.
Liberals and Democrats refuse to give
Clearly this past year’s record stock
President Trump credit for the stock market increase is not due to the prior
market rally this past year but they President whose ‘America last’ policies
provide no evidence to support their led to the destruction of the middle
false convictions. Here are 10 reasons class and the stagnation of the
why the 2017 record stock market rally American economy.
is due to President Trump’s actions and
why it will continue. 3. Reduction in Regulations

One of the first things that President Trump did in office

1. President Trump’s Marketing Skills
was to reduce the number or burdensome regulations put in
place during the Obama era. In January President Trump
President Trump’s marketing and signed his 2 for 1 executive order mandating that for every
leadership may be the single most new regulation, two regulations needed to be revoked.
important factor pushing the economy Even far left Politico notes that significant federal
and the stock market to record highs. regulations since Trump’s inauguration have slowed to an
almost total halt.
Civilian Trump was a billionaire and a promoter. He
prided himself in deal making and his presence led him to Regulations cost Americans and American companies
have one of the most popular shows on TV (The money to implement and maintain. Reducing or halting
Apprentice). In nearly every single speech or rally he has regulations allows companies to spend their money on
held, he promotes success, making America great again, more prudent money making areas.
winning and prosperity. This repetition and promotion has
led to consumer confidence reaching a 17 year high.
4. President Trump Encouraging Business Leaders to
President Trump’s repetition and success encourage
Build in America

President Obama said before the election that jobs just are The president’s populist stance on trade shook up alliances
not coming back to the United States. He mocked in Washington. Mr. Trump got a round of applause from
candidate Trump for suggesting that jobs could come back union leaders during a meeting at the White House, but
to the US and said some of those jobs just aren’t coming prominent Republican lawmakers vowed to defend their
back – “What magic wand do you have?” party’s traditional support for open markets and free trade.

Trump’s policies of putting the American worker first only

benefit the US worker, company and economy.

6. Igniting Clean Coal

One coal miner in Pennsylvania praised President Trump

for his actions that ended unnecessary regulations that
prevented coal from being mined in the US. The coal
industry is back according to a piece from the New York
Post –

But many Americans aren’t aware of this modernization.

So having a president who believes in this industry, and
rallies publicly for it, means a lot. Trump has “created an
President Trump didn’t listen to his predecessor. He went optimism in the business community that has trickled
out immediately after winning the election and began down from big companies to small, and for all of their
speaking to business leaders across many industries. He workers,” Dethlefsen said.
encouraged then to come back to the US and company
after company announced their plans to build in the US.
The clean coal industry employs many workers at good
This all happened before his inauguration! He continued
paying jobs. President Trump promised these miners jobs
this work into his administration and the results are clear,
again and he succeeded in doing just that.
even foreign companies are coming to the US. More than
1.5 million jobs were created in 2017 through October.
7. Pipelines Mean More Than Good Jobs

Another of President Trump’s first actions was to allow the

building of the Keystone and Dakota pipelines. These
projects were rejected by the prior administration on the
grounds that the pipelines were ecologically unfriendly but
the more likely reason for their denial was they would help
America being more energy independent, something the
donors to Washington elites would not want. By
approving the pipelines, thousands of jobs were created
and the US was one step closer to energy independence.

These actions have now led to the US being an oil exporter

for the first time ever. The US is now also the net exporter
of natural gas for the fist time in 59 years.
5. Ending Obama Trade Deals that Hurt the US
Energy independence means more jobs,
One of the first actions that President Trump took was to more income into the US, and less
money going to rouge oil producing
sign an executive order that formally withdrew the U.S.
countries that want to destroy the US.
from the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade deal. Even
union leaders applauded this move –
8. Saudi Arms Deal
Mr. Trump could end the U.S. participation with 11 other
Pacific Rim nations with the stroke of a pen because In his first major international trip, President Trump
Congress had not ratified the ambitious accord despite traveled to the Middle East and in front of the leaders of 50
strong support from business groups and President Obama. Muslim countries, said that they must ‘drive out’ Islamic
Nevertheless, the withdrawal put Capitol Hill and foreign terrorists.
governments on notice that the president would demand
better deals on a one-on-one basis.
power and chemical projects in West Virginia, the U.S
state said on Thursday.

The agreement was the biggest among a

slew of deals signed during U.S. President
Donald Trump’s state visit to Beijing. The
total value of the deals done during
Trump’s trip could be as much as $250

This deal will help one of the most impoverished regions

in America and many West Virginians didn’t know about
it because the MSM didn’t tell them.
On this same trip the President aligned with these leaders
in standing against Iran and promoted a $100 billion arms
10. It’s Not Hillary!
proposal with the Saudis. This deal has some impact on
the current economy but will have significant impact in the
future and this is what impacts the stock market greatly. Certainly one of the major reasons the stock market is
soaring is because Hillary Clinton is not President.
Hillary’s policies were a promise for more of the same and
9. China Investment in the US
the same was not working. America dodged a bullet last
November and the markets responded. Americans were
This past month President Trump traveled to Asia on not with her. She lost and America won.
another successful trip. In addition to meeting with leaders
across the region, the President announced another huge
Liberals, Democrats and NeverTrumper
win for the US. China signed a MOU with the US that
was reported in China but not publicized by the highly will continue to tell you that President
partisan MSM in the US who remains silent on nearly all Trump has nothing to do with the
of President Trump’s successes – historic stock market rally America is
enjoying right now. But remember,
China Energy Investment Corp, the world’s largest power these fools also told us Hillary was
company by asset value, has signed a memorandum of going to win in a landslide.
understanding (MOU) to invest $83.7 billion in shale gas,

London’s Muslim Mayor Calls For Trump Ban After
Retweets, Church Of England Demands
Apology From President
By Liam Deacon
30 Nov 2017

made and accepted, but that no specific plans or dates had

been confirmed.

The mayor has previously compared Mr. Trump to Islamic

State and flew to the U.S. to campaign against his election,
implying his presidency would aid Islamic terrorists and
their narrative.

Trump's ignorant view of Islam could make

both our countries less safe. It risks
alienating mainstream Muslims. London
has proved him wrong
— Mayor of London (@MayorofLondon)
May 10, 2016

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has In his new statement, Mr Khan said the president had
claimed U.S. President Donald Trump demonstrated “support” for the fringe, racist group Britain
showed “support” for Britain First by First – although it is not clear Mr. Trump was aware who
retweeting a series of videos they were when he retweeted a retweet from one of their
Wednesday, and renewed his call for the leaders.
leader of the free world to be banned
from the United Kingdom. Mr. Khan wrote:

A member of the British Parliament also called for the “Many Brits who love America and
Federal Bureau of Investigation to investigate the president Americans will see this as a betrayal of the
and put him on a security watch list, while the leader of the special relationship between our two
Church of England demanded an apology and implied the countries.
retweets were racist.
“It beggars belief that the President of our
closest ally doesn’t see that his support of
“President Trump has used Twitter to this extremist group actively undermines
promote a vile, extremist group that exists the values of tolerance and diversity that
solely to sow division and hatred in our make Britain great.”
country,” claimed Mayor of London Sadiq
Khan in a statement. He also insisted the prime minister and
government use any influence they “claim
“It’s increasingly clear that any official visit to have with the President” to “ask him to
from President Trump to Britain would not delete these tweets and apologise to the
be welcomed,” he added, explaining that British people”.
he has “previously called on Theresa May
to cancel her ill-judged offer of a state visit”.
The office of the prime minister has already described the
retweets as “wrong”, prompting the president to respond,
The comments came hours after British Home Secretary telling Theresa May to focus on tackling terror instead of
Amber Rudd told the House that an invitation for a state policing speech.
visit from the president to the United Kingdom had been
I join the urgent call for President “We should be asking the FBI to
@realDonaldTrump to remove his Britain investigate, putting [President Trump] on a
First retweets and make clear his watch list and barring him from entry to our
opposition to racism and hatred. country.” Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, said the
— Justin Welby ‫@( ن‬JustinWelby) retweets were “deeply disturbing” and called on him to
November 29, 2017 delete the messages and apologise.

Mr. Khan is not the only British public figure to attack and The far-left Soros-funded group Hope Not Hate was
insult the president since he shared the videos on invited to speak on the BBC four times Thursday morning
Wednesday. on the matter and has set up a petition urging the British
ambassador to the U.S. to intervene.
Labour MP David Lammy claimed that the “sharing of
those videos is a crime in the UK called inciting hatred”,

NYT REPORT: Trump Plans To Replace
Secretary Of State Tillerson With Mike Pompeo
By Jon Hall
Thursday, November 30, 2017

President Trump is reportedly planning On the allegations of Tillerson insulting him, President
to oust Secretary of State Tillerson and Trump rejected the notion and responded to the original
replace his spot with CIA Director Mike NBC report:
Pompeo, says the New York Times.
It was fake news. It was a totally phony
story. It was made up — it was made up by
NBC. They just made it up.
When asked if he still had confidence in
Tillerson, Trump said he had “total
confidence in Rex”.

President Trump also tweeted on the NBC story, blasting

them for publishing and broadcasting Fake News:

According to The Times, the plan to

move Tillerson and replace him with
Pompeo was devised by White House
chief of staff, John Kelly. As of yet, it’s
unclear how involved in the decision
President Trump is; considering it’s his
White House and administration, it’s
safe to assume this shake-up wouldn’t
be happening without his approval.

Interestingly enough, shortly after the

According to The New York Times, the news broke of Tillerson being ousted…
move will occur in the next several
weeks. Tom Cotton, a Republican
Senator from Arkansas, would replace
Pompeo as CIA chief, according to the
White House’s plan.
In October, Tillerson addressed and
quashed rumors published by NBC
News that he called the President a
“moron” and considered resigning from
his post in the future.
…It was revealed that John McCain will Replace Tillerson and be provided with the last vote he
now fully support the Senate tax reform needed on taxes? The timing is certainly suspect but it’s
bill. Could this have been President likely just a coincidence – we’ll never know for sure!
Trump striking a deal with the Swamp?
This is a breaking story and will be
updated with any developments.

Trump’s FCC Chairman
Blasts Twitter For Censoring Conservatives
Lisa Bourne
Thu Nov 30, 2017 - 9:07 Am EST

conduct is many things, but it isn’t fighting

for an open Internet.”

Pai made his comments at an Internet freedom symposium

in Washington, D.C., for free market think tank R Street
Institute and the Lincoln Network tech freedom advocacy

For most of the Internet’s existence until 2015, high-speed

access has been treated by the FCC as a lightly regulated
information service under Title I of the 1996
Communications Act. This was done away with at the
urging of the Obama administration, whose controversial
WASHINGTON, D.C., November 30, 2017 2015 net neutrality rules changed the classification of
(LifeSiteNews) — Federal Communications Commission Internet access to a heavily-regulated telecommunications
Chairman Ajit Pai scolded Twitter this week for censoring service under Title II of the Communications Act.
conservative users of its platform.
The proposal to roll back the net neutrality regulations by
Twitter strongly opposes Pai’s plan to repeal the Obama- Pai, a Trump appointee, has drawn fire from big tech
era “net neutrality” rules for a return to pre-2015 companies, Hollywood celebrities and others preferring
regulatory framework and has said it will fight the effort, a government regulation of the Internet.
stance the FCC chair dubbed pretense.
The reversal is expected to pass on a party-line vote at the
“Now look,” Pai said, “I love Twitter, and I FCC's meeting next month, a CNN report said.
use it all the time. But let’s not kid
ourselves; when it comes to an open Free speech continues to be a significant concern as big
Internet, Twitter is part of the problem.” tech and social media companies attempt to squelch speech
“The company has a viewpoint,” he added, for pro-life supporters, social conservatives, Christians,
“and uses that viewpoint to discriminate.” and other traditionally-minded parties.

Pai offered an example of Twitter recently blocking a Twitter had flagged Blackburn’s ad – which mentioned the
Senate campaign announcement ad for U.S. Rep. Marsha Planned Parenthood baby body parts trafficking scandal –
Blackburn, R-Tennessee, as “inflammatory” and “negative,” banning it unless
Blackburn removed the reference to the abortion giant.
“because it featured a pro-life message.” Twitter later reversed its stance after its move garnered
significant media attention and criticism.
At a July event to protect net neutrality rules, Twitter had
also warned users that a link to one company’s statement The social media platform has also blocked Live Action’s
on Internet regulation “may be unsafe,” noted Pai. ability to advertise, objecting to its tweets containing
ultrasound images of unborn babies, it undercover Planned
Parenthood investigations and calls for Congress to defund
“And, to say the least, the company the abortion chain.
appears to have a double standard when it
comes to suspending or de-verifying
conservative users’ accounts as opposed
to those of liberal users,” Pai stated. “This
YouTube, Facebook, and Vimeo have also blocked video called edge providers (of content,
coverage of Planned Parenthood’s alleged bartering in application or service via the Internet) are
baby parts from children aborted at its facilities. in fact deciding what content they see,”
adding, “These providers routinely block or
Google has been found to affect Internet search results for discriminate against content they don’t
a desired return and Facebook has blocked a blogger who like.”
quoted the Bible on homosexuality.
He also listed examples from the past year of streaming
Twitter rejected an ad for a book earlier this year because it services restricting videos from conservative commentator
said marriage was between one man and one woman, and Dennis Prager on subjects he considers “important to
an ad from the pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List was understanding American values,” algorithms that decide
suppressed last month because it used the term “killing what content users do and don’t see without themselves
babies.” being disclosed, and online platforms covertly editing
specific users’ comments.
Pai said in his address this week that “unfortunately,
Twitter isn’t an outlier.” “In this way,” Pai said, “edge providers are
a much bigger actual threat to an open
Internet than broadband providers,
“Indeed,” he said, “despite all the talk about
especially when it comes to discrimination
the fear that broadband providers could
on the basis of viewpoint.”
decide what Internet content consumers
can see, recent experience shows that so-

Dear Trump Admin: The Gateway Pundit And James
O’Keefe Would Like To Request CNN’s Returned
Tickets To WH Christmas Party
By Jim Hoft
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Americans have had enough.

During the 2016 election Trump voters sought out

alternative media voices to get their news on Trump.

First Lady Melania Trump readies the White House for Christmas 2017

CNN made headlines this week when they returned their

tickets to the Trump administration to the White House
Christmas Party.

CNN, the Washington Post, The New York Times, NBC,

CBS, ABC, TIME magazine, Newsweek, ESPN, late night
comedians, Hollywood, the foreign press, the BBC, the AP,
GOP elites, etc. have been at war with the Trump Two 2017 studies found The Gateway
administration and Trump voters since Donald Trump Pundit Was 4th Most Influential Right-
announced his intent to run for president in 2016. Leaning Media Outlet during last year’s
The White House press corps has attacked the Trump
administration at EVERY press conference this year. Harvard and Columbia Journalism
Review found that conservatives fled
One unhinged reporter even asked White House Press the toxicity of the mainstream media
Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders if Donald Trump and found alternative sources like
supported slavery. Breitbart, The Gateway Pundit and The
Drudge Report to be more trustworthy.

This morning we spoke with legendary investigative

reporter James O’Keefe from Project Veritas. We are
asking the Trump White House to please consider us as
fill-ins for CNN.

You can help us by contacting the White


Ask them to please distribute the

returned Christmas party tickets to The
Gateway Pundit, James O’Keefe and
Project Veritas.
The American media has never been so
mistrusted and hated by the American
Thank you.

MSMBC Hosts: Trump Is Mentally Ill,
Has Dementia, Must Be Removed From Office
Steve Watson | Infowars.COM
November 30, 2017

MSNBC’s Morning Joe hosts called for

President Trump to be removed from
office via the 25th Amendment this The tweet was a reference to Lori Klausutis, a 28-year-old
morning, claiming that he is mentally office staffer who worked for Scarborough while he was in
unstable. Congress and was found dead in his district office in July
2001. The death, caused by a fatal head trauma, was ruled
Mika Brzezinski read a New York Daily News editorial on to be an accident.
air, quoting
“And this comes in the midst of a nuclear
“Only those completely under his spell can showdown with North Korea,” Scarborough
deny what growing numbers of Americans said. “So I’m just kind of wondering —
have long suspected: The President of the what’s the Cabinet waiting for? What are
United States is profoundly unstable. He is Republicans in the House and Senate —
mad. He is by any honest layman’s because it’s never going to get more
definition mentally unwell.” deadly serious than it is now.”
“If this is not what the 25th Amendment
She also quoted a New York Times writer who wrote that was drafted for — I would like the Cabinet
“something is unleashed with” Trump at this time. members, serving America, not the
president, serving America …you don’t
represent him,” Scarborough added.
“You have somebody inside the White
House that the New York Daily News says
is mentally unfit; that people close to him
say is mentally unfit; that people close to
him during the campaign told me had early
stages of dementia.” Scarborough
“When are we supposed to say this? After
the first nuclear missile goes? Is that when
it’s proper to bring this up in polite society?”
he urged.
The hosts bemoaned Trump re tweeting ‘conspiracy
theories’, including a tweet directed at Joe Scarborough.
Brzezinski then read a statement she said she wrote, “Joe and I are not intimidated. And his
claiming that Trump’s ‘false conspiracy theories’ are part bizarre behavior contravenes both the
of an effort to Constitution and basic moral judgment.”
she added.
“intimidate the press and cause a chilling
effect on the First Amendment.”

Is President Trump A 'Conspiracy Theorist'
Or Just Another Angry American Who Has Had
Enough With Clinton, Obama And Deep State
Corruption And Wants Truth?
President Trump Goes To War With The Deep State On Twitter
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
November 30, 2017

to speak truth loudly after what we've gotten for many

years from globalist puppets in America.

Globalist politicians who not only sold out our nation but
who've spent many decades destroying our planet and we'll
agree with many ANP readers right here and right now in
stating, should top dogs like Hillary, Pelosi, Obama and
McCain not eventually be held accountable for their
crimes and treason, we'll have absolute proof that there is
no 'rule of law' in America. If laws only apply to 'the little
people', they are null and void in the eyes of God and

While for much of the past decade+, political correctness

nearly destroyed America as we slipped ever further into a
totalitarian borg-like state, much of the past year has seen
it ripped apart and while some ANP trolls have continued
to claim that President Donald Trump is just another
illuminati globalist, recent events and tweets put out on
twitter by our Commander-in-chief show otherwise.

On Tuesday, President Trump put out the tweet seen

screenshot below in which he calls out not only 'crooked
Hillary' and her emails which endangered our national
security but directly called out the 'deep state' while using
the words 'rigged' and 'corrupt' to describe them. Then
Wednesday, Trump retweeted several anti-Muslim videos
which were tweeted by Jayda Fransen, the deputy leader of As we see in the top-rated response tweets to President
Britian First, tweets which have triggered liberal media all Trump from Mike Cernovich screenshot below,
across the board while proving once again that blunt truth
sometimes hurts. "this is amazing!" Calling it one of the best
days in US history in that we finally have a
Directing his Tuesday tweet to @TuckerCarlson and president who is standing up to the traitors
@seanhannity, will we soon witness new bombshell stories within America who've sold out our country
on Fox News into how 'crooked Hillary's' emails put for some warped dream of a global,
Americans lives in danger while endangering our national totalitarian state,
Cernovich also asks our President to pardon General Mike
While the MSM and liberals are breaking down over Flynn should he be convicted of a 'deep state created'
President Trump's tweets, we have to admit how refreshing crime as Flynn is deeply loved by Trump's 'base' voters.
it is to finally have a Commander-in-chief with the courage
Will President Trump be able to follow through and take And remember also that back on August 18th of 2016,
down the traitors to America? While we won't hold our Hillary claimed Trump was peddling conspiracy theories
breaths waiting for that to happen, let's take a look at a few about her health, a 'conspiracy theory' confirmed less than
other signs of where this may be going. a month later when Hillary did her best 'Weekend at
Bernies' imitation when she collapsed after attending a
9/11 memorial, just the latest 'frail Hillary stumble' that
continue to today.

Then remember back on June 1st, Hillary spread a

'conspiracy theory' herself when she made explosive
claims at a conference in California that President Trump
was conspiring with 1,000+ Russian agents to spread fake
news about her. With ANP among the many alternative
news outlets labeled 'Russian propagandists' by the failed
globalist website 'Prop or Not' in a story published at the
Washington Post, we have to ask, is EVERYBODY who
doesn't go along with Hillary and the 'deep state' a 'Russian

If so, tens of millions of Americans are likely considered

'Russian propagandists' for as we see in the election
Hillary Clinton recently stated that President Trump is county-by-county map below, most of the country, except
for the whacky liberal cities, voted for President Trump.
'obsessed with her' and “when in trouble in
the Congress or the Russian investigation,
his go-to targets are President Obama and
me, and African Americans” while just days
ago, she also claimed that President Trump
was 'peddling dangerous conspiracy

According to this new story from Vox, President Trump is

still pushing Barack Obama 'birther conspiracy theories'
while according to this new story over at The Independent,
Trump has been peddling numerous 'debunked' conspiracy
theories behind closed doors.

However, we'd LOVE to ask The Independent and Vox, And remember! The term 'conspiracy theories' was first
how can a 'conspiracy theory' be debunked when there created by the deep state itself back in 1967 to discredit
HAS NEVER BEEN AN OFFICIAL investigation into alternative theories about the death of John F. Kennedy, a
such things as Obama's place of birth, the 'Clinton Body few of which have recently been confirmed with the long-
Count' or numerous other so-called 'conspiracies'? awaited release of the JFK documents.
REMEMBER! The first executive order that Barack
Obama signed was to permanently seal his records. What So once again, will President Trump be able to follow
is he hiding? through and bring down this entire crooked and deeply
corrupt 'house of cards' in America? We'll say we believe
that the 'complete success' of his presidency is dependent
upon it.

As Susan Duclos is reporting in her story on ANP today,

should only 'the little guys' have to pay for their crimes
while people like Bill Clinton get away with endless trips
to nowhere on Jeffrey Epstein's 'Lolita Express', everything
else that is happening now is part of a huge scam. Should
Hillary be able to get away with her numerous crimes
against America including Uranium One and many, many
more, including the endless 'body count', we'll have
absolute proof that 'the rule of law' in America is a huge

joke, and its a joke upon 'we the little people', 'deplorables'
all across the country.

Nets Downplay Economic Growth,
Spend Just 52 Seconds On 2017 GDP
By Julia A. Seymour
November 30, 2017 2:41 PM EST

those seconds aired on CBS Evening News, 18 seconds on

ABC World News with David Muir.

Both networks reported the first estimate of 2017 quarterly

economic growth on April 28, which was a
“disappointing” 0.7 percent, according to World News with
David Muir. Evening News made sure to point out that it
would make Trump’s promise of getting annual economic
growth to 3 or 4 percent very difficult.

CBS fill-in anchor Anthony Mason declared,

The U.S. economy grew at a 3.3 percent “He has his work cut out for him.”
rate in the third quarter, according to
the latest estimate from the Commerce That disappointing rate was the BEA’s very first estimate
Department’s Bureau of Economic (called the "advance" estimate), and it was later revised up.
Analysis (BEA) released Nov. 29. THe final reading for the quarter was 1.2 percent. None of
the revision announcements were reported by the evening
Guess how much time ABC, CBS and NBC evening news news shows.
shows gave that good economic news?


The rate announcement was slightly higher than

expectations from some Wall Street economists, according
to Business Insider. But unlike Business Insider,
Bloomberg and others, the network evening shows entirely
ignored the major economic measure the night of Nov. 29.

Network silence about good economic news has happened

a lot since President Donald Trump took office —
especially when it came to gross domestic product (GDP)
reports. 2017 GDP estimates started coming out in April, On July 28, Evening News covered the GDP report again
but since then less than a minute of evening news coverage following the 2.6 percent initial estimate of second quarter
was spent reporting them on ABC World News with David growth. That night, Mason said the “economy is picking
Muir and CBS Evening News. NBC Nightly News with up” and pointed out it was “more than double the first
Lester Holt didn’t spent any time on them at all. quarter rate.”

The BEA releases GDP estimates each month like However, when that was revised up again in August to an
clockwork, revising each a few times before issuing the “impressive” 3 percent (which even the liberal New York
final rate of quarterly growth. Times admitted was a “substantial acceleration”) the
networks were silent. Again, the rate was revised upward
Shockingly, there were only three combined mentions of and finalized at 3.1 percent by October 2017, but the
GDP on nights that the BEA issued a new estimate, evening shows’ silence prevailed.
providing network viewers with a mere 52 seconds of
news on the state of the American economy. Thirty-four of In October, all three evening news programs ignored the
story again when the BEA estimated third quarter growth

was 3 percent. U.S. News & World Report said the Methodology: MRC Business watched ABC World News,
economy was showing “resilience” to the hurricanes, and CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News each night on
Business Insider exclaimed, the days the BEA released GDP estimates between April
28, 2017 (the first estimate for Q1 2017) through Nov. 29,
“GDP hits 3%, crushing estimates 2017 (first estimate of Q3 2017). CBS Evening News brief
despite hurricanes.” coverage on Jan. 27, was not included because it pertained
to Q4 of 2016. Nexis transcripts were also analyzed to
Now November’s GDP report can be added to that already confirm results.
long list of economic news censored by the network
evening news shows this year.

Trump-Go-Round: Prez Set To Replace Tillerson At State
With Pompeo At CIA; Move Cotton To Fill Intel Post
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On November 30, 2017

“Rex Tillerson never threatened to resign” It was rumored that UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, former
governor of South Carolina, may replace Tillerson, but in
recent weeks Trump is said to have settled on Pompeo
because he has good rapport with him.

Reports about Tillerson’s ouster comes on the heels of a

report by NBC News in October that Trump and Tillerson
have had a falling out, with the latter allegedly calling the
president a “moron” at a social event earlier this year.

Both men have denied the report, calling it

(National Sentinel) Political Rumors: President Donald J. “fake news.”
Trump is set to replace Secretary of State Rex Tillerson
with CIA Director Mike Pompeo, The New York Times is “It was fake news. It was a totally phony
reporting. story. It was made up — it was made up by
NBC. They just made it up,” Trump said
when asked about Tillerson’s comment.
Also, the paper said that the president would then
nominate Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas to become the next
intelligence chief. Saying he had “total confidence in Rex,” Trump also
tweeted that the secretary of state never threatened to quit.
The Times said that the changes come come in the next
several weeks. “Rex Tillerson never threatened to resign.
This is Fake News put out by @NBCNews.
Low news and reporting standards. No
The paper described the move as ‘forcing
verification from me,” he said.
out’ Tillerson, “whose relationship with
[Trump] has been strained.”
Tillerson also denied that Vice President Mike Pence had
to convince him to stay.
The Times added that Trump has yet to approve the plan,
which was devised by Chief of Staff John Kelly.
“The vice president has never had to
persuade me to remain as secretary of
Reports noted that Cotton would likely take the CIA job if
State because I have never considered
offered, though his office said he is focused on serving the
leaving,” he said.
people of Arkansas.

Trevor Noah Reveals Why Trump
Calls Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas'
By P.J. Gladnick
November 30, 2017 4:43 PM EST

On Tuesday night's Daily Show on Comedy Central, host be comfortable in your Native American
Trevor Noah dared to go where most of the liberal media identity.
fail to tread. Namely exactly why President Donald Trump
calls Senator Elizabeth Warren by the name of At this point Trevor Noah did the slight bit of research that
"Pocahontas." He revealed that it was not so much an the liberal media overwhelmingly refused to do for
ethnic slur as it was a mockery of Warren's highly dubious obvious political reasons:
claim to have Native-America ancestry. Yes, Noah took
some shots at Trump along the way but that is pretty much The problem is in 2012 the New England Historical
expected. What is surprising is his funny commentary Genealogical Society looked into it and they found no
about Warren's claimed ethnic background. proof of Warren having Native American lineage which is
problematic because she wrote for "Pow Wow Chow."

I mean that would be like finding out I'm

completely white, I have no African blood,
and yet I wrote the book "Snacks For

Finally, this stunner from Noah...a bit of praise (wrapped

in a slam) for Trump:

Elizabeth Warren did something

problematic. The kind of thing that we
rightfully call each other out for every single
This whole beef between Donald Trump and Elizabeth day. So as weird as it is to say, in his own
Warren is a tricky one to process because all the other racially offensive way, Donald Trump was
nicknames he uses on other people are self-explanatory..... being "woke." And that's unfortunately the
But when he says "Pocahontas" you might be thinking, truth and like a Bernie Sanders pop album,
the truth isn't always something we want to
"Wait Trevor, I'm confused, is Elizabeth hear.
Warren Native American?"
Trevor Noah is already being slammed for his very slight
And you see that's the question because for a long time she defense of Trump at the Democratic Underground:
said she was.
Trevor Noah defending Trump on
Correct, Trevor. A question that most of the liberal media "Pocahontas"
refuses to either ask or answer.
So this is his takeaway from Trump's slur in front of
Wow! How white is your college that when you get Native Americans. Calling him "woke."
called out for being too white your response is naw-ah! We
got her! Yo! Elizabeth come on out here and show these Proving, once again, why, since that hack took over, the
white folks what it is! Daily Show has lost all buzz it once had.

Noah proceeded to mock Warren's contribution to a Exit question: How long before the liberal media also joins
cookbook called Pow Wow Chow: in on attacking Noah for the unforgivable heresy of giving
praise (albeit very slight) to Trump while mocking
Wow. Okay. If you're contributing recipes to Elizabeth Warren?
a book called "Pow Wow Chow," you better
Fusion What? Despite Important
Developments, AP, NY Times Have Ignored
Fusion GPS For 4 Weeks
By Tom Blumer
November 30, 2017 8:57 PM EST

“During the 2016 election cycle we retained

Fusion GPS to provide research on
multiple candidates in the Republican
presidential primary, just as we retained
other firms to assist in our research into
Hillary Clinton,” wrote the site’s editor-in-
chief, Matthew Continetti, and chairman
Michael Goldfarb. They continued: “The
Free Beacon had no knowledge of or
connection to the Steele dossier, did not
pay for the dossier, and never had
The truth about the involvement of the PR firm Fusion contact with, knowledge of, or provided
GPS with creating, promoting, and disseminating the payment for any work performed by
infamous Trump-Russia dossier has slowly emerged Christopher Steele.”
during the past four weeks.
If the final excepted sentence just quoted is true (and
Yet, based on site searches, the Associated Press and New there's no reason to believe it isn't), how can reporters
York Times have not published a single substantive, Steve Peoples and Zeke Miller (or the headline writers)
genuinely related in-house story in over four weeks. claim that the Free Beacon "triggered" the Trump dossier
A Thursday evening search at on "Fusion
GPS" (not in quotes) indicates that the firm's name only Answer:
showed up in a November 9 "A.M. News
Links" because that site in turn linked to a Fox News item They can't.
about how firm co-founder Glenn Simpson struck a deal
with a House panel and would return for dossier testimony.
The decision to pursue the matters which resulted in the
dossier's creation occurred after the Free Beacon's
That search also surfaced several Washington involvement ended. But Peoples and Miller made the claim
Times items with dates ranging from October 28 through anyway, effectively deceiving those who read the story's
November 5, but none more recent, even though they exist, headline but didn't go on to the underlying story.
as will be seen later. Apparently, someone at AP
proactively decided that subsequent Washington
AP's obvious reliance on others for content to fill its web
Times stories were unacceptable for inclusion at AP.
pages, combined with its failure to report simple facts such
as the one just noted, support the contention I made in an
The most recent Fusion GPS-related in-house AP story October NewsBusters post that financial conditions at the
appeared on October 28, and claimed that the "Trump wire service are deteriorating. It appears to have reached
Dossier Research (Was) Triggered By (A) Website the point where the AP is no longer interested in being the
With GOP Ties." originating news source of record on clearly important
national matters. (To be fair, I should note that the search
The headline is false, i.e., it's fake news. engine problems documented in that October post appear
to have been resolved, and that, absent contrary evidence,
A visit to the AP's underlying story itself demonstrates that searches done at will locate stories containing
it's false (bolds are mine throughout this post): the requested search term in content, which was previously
not the case, as well as in headlines and tags.)
The most recent items found in a Thursday evening date- with the congressional subpoena it received based on
ordered search on "Fusion GPS" (not in quotes) at the New its "free speech rights."
York Times consist of a November 11 story and two  November 14 ("Rep. Jim Jordan: Special counsel
November 4 opinion items. needs to investigate dossier’s role in FISA
warrant") — The story by Sally Persons tells readers
That November 11 story was a pity-party piece about the that the Ohio Congressman wants "a special counsel to
current plights of the Podesta brothers, i.e., Hillary Clinton investigate whether the dossier was used to justify a
2016 campaign manager John and his lobbyist brother FISA warrant on those associated with the Trump
Tony. campaign." The implications and their newsworthiness
are obvious: It is an illegal act for the government and
Times reporter Kenneth Vogel was clearly more interested its lawyers to knowingly obtain a FISA warrant based
in generating sympathy for the brothers than he was in on information which is either unverified or already
communicating substance. He did not mention Fusion GPS known to be false. Any evidence obtained as a result of
by name until Paragraph 19 of 33, passing up several an illegally obtained FISA warrant would ordinarily be
obvious previous opportunities to name the firm. inadmissible in any legal proceeding.
 November 24 ("Firm behind dubious Trump-Russia
dossier paid multiple journalists for work") —
Vogel's November 11 report contained nothing of
Rowan Scarborough's story is particularly damning:
substance relating to the disclosure negotiations between
Fusion "has paid three journalists for work related
Fusion and Congress.
to Congress’ Russia probe, according to court
filings," as a way, according to a House attorneys,
The most recent additional result surfaced in the of "seeding its opposition research into news
aforementioned Times search was a November 1 item by stories." It's reasonable to wonder if the AP's and New
the paper's Jim Rutenberg, which was also for all practical York Times's failure to report this development is a de
purposes an opinion piece which whined about how the facto admission that they believe that one or more of
"Russia Inquiry Fails to Unite a Nation." Rutenberg's their reporters may be among Fusion's payees.
primary line of attack was that outlets owned by Rupert
Murdoch, which, unlike the Times and AP, have been Now let's look at the Daily Caller. A search there indicates
reporting Fusion GPS-related developments, were that it has published over 30 Fusion GPS-related
generating their "own journalistic weather." items since November 6. Highlights:

Boo-hoo, Jim. In case you didn't notice, you no longer

 November 7 — "Trump Dossier Firm Met With
control either the narrative or the country's direction. You
Russian Lawyer Before (June 2016) Trump Tower
should have figured that out when your de facto call for
Meeting"; actually, it was before and after. Oh, and
reporters to abandon the "the norms of objectivity in
during, give what was reported on November 9, namely
journalism" in covering Donald Trump's 2016 campaign
that a "Russian Lawyer Took Fusion GPS Report Into
failed to prevent his election.
(That) Trump Tower Meeting"
 November 7 — "Fusion GPS Paid By Kremlin-Linked
Thus, the New York Times has no substantive in-house Firm While Putting Together Steele Dossier"
Fusion GPS-related story since October 30, the day Paul  November 11 — "John Podesta Met With Fusion GPS
Manafort was indicted. Founder After Trump Dossier Was Published"
 November 17 — "Fusion GPS Founder Told Congress
A review of items found in searches at just two center- He Regrets That His Research Ended Up In Kremlin
right websites will give readers a good idea of the serious Hands." Sure, Glenn, even though a Kremlin-linked
news stories the Associated Press and New York Times firm paid you guys.
have chosen to ignore.  November 19 — "Report: DOJ And FBI Haven’t
Verified Salacious Parts Of The Trump Dossier." The
First, here are three related stories found at the Washington original writeup is in the Washington Examiner. If true,
Times, whose work, as noted earlier, was actually carried it would mean that if the dossier was the basis for
at until November 5, then abruptly halted: obtaining the FISA warrant, DOJ and the FBI knew
they obtained it under false pretenses.
 November 13 ("The finances of Russian dossier  November 21 — "Fusion GPS Bank Records Show
purveyor Fusion GPS begin to emerge") — Given Russia-Related Payments"
the apathy at AP and the New York Times, the most
ironic phrase in Dan Boylan's writeup is this: "In a story It should be beyond obvious that the nation's media
where revelations seem to tumble out daily ..." gatekeepers are abusing their positions to ensure that the
Substantively, Boylan's story reported the existence of truth about Fusion GPS and its involvement with
communications between Donald Trump Jr. and Democratic Party-controlled entities and the Obama
Wikileaks, and noted Fusion's resistance to complying Justice Department and FBI never become widely known.
'Are You Stupid?' Donald Trump's Tweets Just Gave These
Lawyers Ammunition for Their Court Case
Against His Administration
By Graham Lanktree
11/30/17 at 9:48 AM

A lawyer who is suing the Department of Justice to gain

information on whether President Donald Trump was
surveilled by the Obama administration says the
president’s tweets will help them win their case against the

“OMG, are you stupid? You just blew apart two

different cases your DOJ is defending against
me. I’m going to take you apart, Mr. President,”
tweeted lawyer Bradley Moss, who specializes
However, Trump tweeted Wednesday that members of
in Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and
Congress are looking to issue contempt citations
national security litigation over a tweet Trump
sent Wednesday.
“against the Justice Department and the FBI for
withholding key documents and an FBI witness
Moss, who works for the James Madison Project, a
which could shed light on surveillance of
government transparency group, filed a freedom of
associates of Donald Trump.”
information request back in March with USA Today
reporter Brad Heath after Trump fired off a series of tweets
accusing President Barack Obama of having his “wires The president called this “big stuff” and ordered the DOJ
tapped” at Trump Tower. and FBI to “Give this information NOW!”

President Donald Trump speaks about tax reform legislation during a Following Trump’s tweet, Moss submitted it to the court in
visit to St. Louis on November 29. A lawyer in a freedom of information support of his case. “The president's tweet this evening is a
case has argued that Trump's tweets undermine a claim by the rather clear and concrete official acknowledgement of the
Department of Justice. Kevin Lamarque/Reuters
existence of records responsive to the Plaintiff's FOIA
requests,” he wrote.
The DOJ wrote back that it couldn’t confirm or deny the
existence of any surveillance orders or documents about it.
The DOJ’s lawyers said earlier in November that Trump's
tweets are “official statements.” But in another case they
say the tweets count as “personal conduct that is not an
exercise of state power” and have argued that because
Twitter is a private company, not a public forum, Trump's
tweets are not "state actions."

Trump’s tweet, Moss argued in his court filing, should be of information that would be damaging to him and
“more than sufficient to nullify” the DOJ’s refusal to embarrassing to the government.
neither confirm nor deny whether the surveillance and
documents about it exist. Earlier in the day, Trump made several other controversial
tweets that took aim at the media, calling NBC News and
Moss filed a similar document in another case he is CNN "fake news" and retweeting anti-Muslim posts by the
pursuing for Politico against the DOJ concerning the U.K.-based far-right group Britain First.
release of any documents about the Christopher Steele
dossier given to Trump to brief him on its contents. “Apparently @realDonaldTrump you have
excited my young partner @BradMossEsq with
The controversial dossier, released by BuzzFeed News in your latest #narcissistic tweet. So much so that
January, makes several allegations about potential he thinks we'll now clean your clock in
collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia in that #litigation,” tweeted Mark Zaid, Moss’s legal
country's efforts to interfere in the 2016 election. The suit partner and founder of the James Madison
is pushing to also find out if the government has Project, on Wednesday.
determined whether any parts of the dossier are accurate.
“That works for me,” Zaid wrote, “because I’m
Trump’s tweets potentially undermine the two cases being particularly interested in the #attorney’s fees!”
fought by his administration and could lead to the release

The Internecine Deep State
Conflict Moves To Stage Two
Charles Hugh Smith
Thursday, November 30, 2017

It now seems evident that the Neoliberal Camp of the U.S. Were we to speculate on the meaning of
Deep State is highly vulnerable on an individual basis. this first-sweep of the media: how about
a campaign to strip the failed narrative
I tend to notice things like a year-old of its media supporters?
blog entry suddenly getting thousands
of page views. The essay that received a Now that everyone sees the lay of the land, the Second
surge of recent interest: Is the Deep State Stage will be to collect all the dirty laundry that's been
at War--With Itself? (December 13, 2016). hidden away out of fear, and then methodically expose,
disgrace and remove the next layer of media/entertainment
I'm reprinting the essay below for those interested, as supporters of the failed narrative.
nothing has emerged to change the conclusions.
Stage Three will be to collect and
That in itself reveals that the internecine war within release the same sort of evidence
America's Deep State is if anything heating up as those against the political class.
attempting to hang a "Russian collusion" narrative on their
Deep State opponents have failed to produce any proof of We can discern evidence for this campaign in the number
this collusion despite a year of effort. of candidates who suddenly declare they won't be running
for re-election for personal reasons, or to "move on to
Then all of a sudden big political donor other projects," etc.
Harvey Weinstein gets taken down for
behaviors that have been well-known As this campaign moves up the wealth-
within the circles of power for 20+ power pyramid, we'll see more big shots
years. resigning or retiring.

So what changed? Why did Mr. Weinstein's protective Those that resist will find all their dirty laundry is
wall suddenly fail after serving him so effectively for suddenly being made public.
Isn't it interesting that PBS and the rest of the mainstream
But Mr. Weinstein was only the first to fall. Now high- media went all out to support Hillary Clinton's recent
profile figures across the mainstream media are toppling media campaign to revive the "Russian collusion"
like dominoes. Doesn't it seem a bit peculiar that all these narrative via her new book, yet the campaign fell flat with
Protected Privileged are suddenly being exposed, the American public?
disgraced and removed from positions of influence and
power? This is remarkable: a highly
coordinated, massive media campaign
Maybe it's just random coincidence, but failed to re-energize the "Russian
I doubt it. collusion" narrative,

It has the scent of an intentional covert campaign. It's well and may have actually backfired by drawing renewed
known that the mainstream media and Hollywood has been interest in Russian dealings with the Clinton Foundation
in bed with the security agencies for decades, and so it during Hillary's term as Secretary of State.
seems non-random that suddenly all these big-shots have
lost their Protected Privileged Status more or less at once. I hesitate to draw a military analogy, but
it certainly feels like a replay of the
Not to put too fine a point on it, but it looks like those who Battle of Midway,
played on the losing side's team (or cheered from the
sidelines) just had their privileges revoked. in which an over-confident Japanese Imperial Navy was
poised to declare victory until the cream of its fleet, four

aircraft carriers, were sunk or disabled in the space of a 4. The report claims the entire U.S. intelligence
few moments by U.S. Navy dive bombers. community is in agreement on the "proof of Russian
intervention on behalf of Trump" story, but then there's
The grand attack that was supposed to reverse these this:
catastrophic losses--Hillary's book and accompanying
media blitz--fizzled, and that failure clearly eroded the "The C.I.A. presentation to senators about
defenses of those who supported this counter-attack by the Russia’s intentions fell short of a formal
demoralized but still powerful Neoliberal Camp of the U.S. assessment produced by all 17
Deep State. intelligence agencies. A senior U.S. official
said there were minor disagreements
It now seems evident that the Neoliberal among intelligence officials about the
Camp of the U.S. Deep State is highly agency’s assessment, in part because
vulnerable on an individual basis: some questions remain unanswered."

All too many over-confident big-wigs appear to have Given that the N.S.A. (National Security Agency) was so
counted a bit too much on their Protected Privileged Status secret that its existence was denied for decades, do you
being permanent. really think the NSA is going to go public if it disagrees
with the C.I.A.?
Collectively, they appear to have forgotten, perhaps as a
result of their titanic hubris, that only the paranoid survive. Given the structure of the Deep State
and the intelligence community, "minor
Various cliques within the 3-Letter Agencies are disagreements" could well mean
frantically trying to protect their satraps and benefactors, complete, total disavowal of the C.I.A.'s
but the tide has turned and all the threats and pay-offs that report.
defended the Protected Privileged so effectively for
decades are no longer working. That this is the reality is suggested by the F.B.I.'s
denunciation of the report's evidence-free, sweeping
Now the Protected Privileged are running scared, as well conclusion:
they should, for the opposing camp within the 3-Letter
Agencies has all the dirty laundry it needs to bring down FBI Disputes CIA's "Fuzzy And
the Neoliberal Camp, one disgraced big-shot at a time. Ambiguous" Claims That Russia Sought To
Influence Presidential Election
The way of the Tao is reversal.
5. The supposed interventions clearly fall under the
Here's last year's essay on the Deep purview of the NSA. So why is the C.I.A. going public in
State conflict: what is clearly a politicized report intended to influence
the public via massive, sustained coverage in the
Is the Deep State at War--With Itself? mainstream media?

December 14, 2016 6. Notice the double standard: so when the U.S. attempts
to influence public opinion in other nations, it's OK, but
The recent pronouncement by the C.I.A. when other nations pursue the same goal, it's not OK?
that Russian hackers intervened in the
U.S. presidential election doesn't pass 7. What are we to make of the sustained campaign to
the sniff test--on multiple levels. elevate "Russian hackers and propaganda" from signal
noise to the deciding factor in the U.S. election?
Let's consider the story on the most basic levels.
8. Russian hacking and attempts to influence American
1. If the report is so "secret," why is it dominating the public opinion are not new. The intelligence agencies
news flow? tasked with protecting American cyberspace have long
identified state-sponsored hacking from Russia and
2. Why was the "secret report" released now? China as major threats. So why, all of a sudden, are we
being told the Russians successfully influenced a U.S.
3. What actual forensic evidence is there of intervention? election?
Were voting machines tampered with? Or is this
"secret report" just another dose of fact-free "fake What changed? What new capabilities did they develop?
news" like The Washington Post's list of 200 "Russian
propaganda" websites? 9. And most importantly, what evidence is there that
Russian efforts affected the election? Were digital

fingerprints found on voting machine records? Were Revelopment, and America's own organs of media
payments to American media employees uncovered? "framing" and "placement."

Shouldn't statements purported to be "fact" Is the Deep State Fracturing into Disunity? (March 14,
or the "truth" be substantiated beyond "trust 2014)
us, an agency with a long history of failed
intelligence, misinformation and illegal More recently, I wondered if the more progressive
over-reach"? elements of the Deep State recognized the dangers to U.S.
security posed by the neocons and their candidate, Hillary
10. Doesn't it raise alarms that such a momentous Clinton, and had decided to undermine her candidacy:
accusation is totally devoid of evidence? If you're
going public with the conclusion, you have to go public Could the Deep State Be Sabotaging Hillary? (August 8,
with at least some of the evidence. 2016)

Here's the media blitz and some skeptical response: In other words, it's not the Russians who sabotaged
Hillary--it's America's own Deep State that
CIA: Russia intervened to help Trump win undermined her coronation. It wasn't a matter of
personalities; it was much more profound than that. It was
Secret CIA assessment says Russia was about the risks posed by the neocon strategies and policies,
trying to help Trump win White House and just as importantly, the politicization of the
intelligence network.
Former UK Ambassador Blasts "CIA's Blatant Lies",
Shows "A Little Simple Logic Destroys Their Claims" And this is precisely what we discern in the C.I.A.'s
unprecedented and quite frankly, absurd "secret
Longtime readers know I have proposed a major divide report:" a blatantly politicized "report" that is not
in the Deep State--the elements of the federal government supported by any evidence, nor is it supported by the other
which don't change regardless of who is in elected office. 16 intelligence agencies. (Silence doesn't mean approval in
This includes the intelligence community, the Pentagon, this sphere.)
the diplomatic and trade infrastructure, Research and

We can now discern the warring camps of the Deep From this perspective, the C.I.A.'s rash, evidence-free
State more clearly. On the one side is the C.I.A., the "report" is a rear-guard political action against the
mainstream media, and the civilians who have feasted on winning faction of the Deep State. The Deep State
wealth and power from their participation in the neocon's elements that profited from the neocon agenda were
Global Project. confident that Hillary's victory would guarantee another
eight years of globalist intervention. Her loss means they
On the other side is the Defense Department's own are now on the defensive, and like a cornered, enraged
intelligence agencies (D.I.A. et al.), the N.S.A., the F.B.I. beast, they are lashing out with whatever they have in
and at least a few well-placed civilians who recognize the hand.
neocon agenda as a clear and present danger to the security
of the nation. This goes a long way in explaining the C.I.A's release of a
painfully threadbare and politicized "report."

“Mental Illness” MSNBC Host And Possible Murder
Suspect Joe Scarborough Uses Globalist Talking Point In
Attempt To Remove Trump From Office And End
Democracy In America
Alex Thomas
November 30th, 2017

globalist Richar Haas, that of course would be Trump’s

fault rather than the rogue dictator in North Korea who has
publicly called for nuking America.

Another day, another stunning attack on the very

legitimacy of being elected the President of the United
States if you are not in bed with the establishment, this
time coming from the liberal propaganda “news” outlet
MSNBC and their globalist inspired morning show “We are headed towards a nuclear
host Joe Scarborough who took to the airwaves to demand showdown,” he continued. “Most insiders
that the rightfully elected president be removed from office say, Richard Haas has said it matches
because his enemies “believe” that he has early signs of everything we’ve heard from inside the
some sort of mental illness. administration, we are closer to war on the
Korean peninsula that most Americans
know, we heard this months ago, that we
You read that right. MSNBC is now openly calling for the
are going to have a ground war in Korea,
removal of President Trump from office for mental illness,
they believe that inside the White House for
with literally no evidence, simply because the
a very long time.”
establishment believes he must be crazy for refusing to
bow down to the globalist cabal that essentially runs the
world. Scarborough then called on the cabinet to remove Trump
from office in order to save what he believes would be
millions of American lives. This truly is Trump
“He is completely detached from reality, we
Derangement Syndrome taken to the extreme.
had a New York Times and Washington
Post piece saying so a couple of days ago,
and the question is Mika,” Scarborough “You represent 320 million people whose
claimed, “if this is not what the 25th lives are literally in your hands and we are
Amendment was drafted for, I would like facing a showdown with a nuclear power
the cabinet members serving America, not and you have you somebody inside the
serving the president” to act accordingly.” White House that the New York Daily News
says is mentally unfit, that people close to
him say is mentally unfit, that people close
Scarborough then claimed that we are literally about to
to him during the campaign told me had
have a nuclear war, sourcing his claims from open world
early stages of dementia,” Scarborough
government proponent and Council on Foreign Relations
This latest attack on American democracy itself comes Trump’s tweet seemed to hit home with Scarborough who
after Trump shockingly tweeted about the mysterious (and has now gone on a rampage demanding that the person
still unsolved) death (murder?) of an intern who worked in rightfully elected by the American people be removed
Scarborough’s Florida Congressional office. from office, citing discredited mental illness claims as the
reason when in reality it is because Trump is willing to call
Despite claims by the mainstream media, the death of Lori out Scarborough’s shady past as well as stand up to the
Klausutis has never been fully investigated and the world globalist establishment.
authorities who did look into the matter where openly
friendly with the then Republican Congressman.

Michael Flynn Charged With Lying
To FBI, Set To Plead Guilty
By Tyler Durden
Dec 1, 2017 9:18 AM

Special Counsel Robert Mueller has charged former NEVER DESCRIBED RUSSIA'S RESPONSE TO HIS
Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn with REQUEST
"willfully and knowingly" making "false, fictitious and
fraudulent statements" to the FBI regarding conversations Michael Flynn is now the second person involved with the
with Russia's ambassador. Flynn, in turn, is expected to Trump campaign to admit wrongdoing in Mueller’s probe
plead guilty in a DC court to making false statements to into allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign
FBI agents in January 2017, according to the court filing and Russia.
presented below. The plea hearing is set for 10:30 am ET.
The news about Flynn comes a day after CNN reported
 COURT FILING SAYS FLYNN FALSELY STATED HE that Jared Kushner had met earlier this month with
DID NOT ASK RUSSIAN AMBASSADOR TO Mueller's team as part of the investigation into Russia's
REFRAIN FROM ESCALATING SITUATION AFTER meddling in the election, according to two people familiar
DID NOT RECALL THAT RUSSIAN AMBASSADOR The question is whether as part of the plea Flynn will
TOLD HIM RUSSIA HAD CHOSEN TO MODERATE 'reveal' something about Trump, because if 6 months after
ITS RESPONSE TO U.S. SANCTIONS AS A RESULT the Mueller probe the best he could get out of Flynn is
OF HIS REQUEST making a "false statement" about meeting the Russian
 COURT FILING SAYS FLYNN FALSELY STATED ambassador, then Trump has nothing to be worried about.
[see next page]

Flynn Charged With Lying To The FBI
— Will Plead Guilty
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 1, 2017

“The charge against Flynn is the first in between Team Trump and Russia during the campaign last
Mueller’s probe that has reached someone year.
in the Trump White House”
Mueller is also looking into potential obstruction of justice
and financial crimes, which is beyond his initial Justice
Department mandate.

“Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort and

his deputy Rick Gates were indicted last month; they
pleaded not guilty. And Trump campaign foreign policy
adviser George Papadopoulos pleaded guilty for making a
false statement to the FBI over contacts with officials
connected to the Russian government,” CNN reported.
(National Sentinel) Russia Investigation: Former national
security advisor Michael Flynn has been charged with
making false statements to the FBI. “The charge against Flynn is the first in Mueller’s probe
that has reached someone in the Trump White House and
is the latest sign that the special counsel’s investigation is
Flynn is set to appear in court Friday morning.
intensifying,” the network reported further.
CNN reports that special counsel Robert Mueller has
Flynn was forced to resign by Trump after he admitted he
charged Flynn with “willfully and knowingly” making
gave incomplete information to Vice President Mike Pence
“false, fictitious and fraudulent statements” to the FBI
regarding his contact with the Russian diplomat.
regarding conversations he allegedly had with Russia’s
ambassador to the U.S.
Update [0933 CST]: Flynn has agreed to
plead guilty, according to court documents.
The White House has declined to comment.
A White House source told CNN that the
plea was expected. “Poor judgment. But
The arrest makes Flynn the first official tied to President this was expected. Trump fired him for lying
Donald J. Trump’s administration and the fourth one to (Vice President Mike Pence). Of course,
connected to the Trump campaign to be charged as part of he lied to the FBI, too,” the source said.
Mueller’s ongoing investigation into alleged collusion

How Trump Mercilessly Trolls
The Media In Five Simple Steps
By Tyler Durden
Dec 1, 2017 5:25 PM

Almost every morning Americans wake up to yet another Stephens smartly noted Thursday in the New York
Trump tweet storm that sends MSNBC's 'Morning Joe' Times.
hosts and guests into an absolute frenzy that begins with
modest expressions of 'outrage' and ends with Joe Step 3: The cable beast awakens.
Scarborough once again offering up his 'professional' MSNBC/CNN/Fox are basically 24/7
medical opinion on Trump's mental health just before politics now, and the reporters who
calling for his immediate impeachment. uncorked on Twitter sit alongside the hosts
to dissect/condemn the Twitter bomb. They
Of course, as Axios points out today, tweet the highlights. The rage builds.
The cycle speeds.
that daily 'Morning Joe' meltdown is all
part of Trump's simple 5-step plan to  One result: "A political opposition that is exhausting
manipulate the media into covering itself — and much of the public — with its perpetual
precisely what he wants them to cover. state of moral apoplexy," Stephens writes.

Here's how it works...

Step 1: Throw an early morning Twitter

bomb, usually but not always timed to
"Fox & Friends" fodder or

The Tweet-bomb frequently hits "fake news" or some

social topic with racial undertones.

 Within minutes, thousands of Trump's Twitter followers

retweet it, and the sparks fly in response. Trump knows
this and has bragged to staff about the storm he's ...meanwhile, by mid-afternoon 'Morning Joe's' outrage has
stirring as he hits "publish." been countered by numerous online media outlets that
ramp up the rhetoric to a whole new level just in time for
Rachel Maddow and Sean Hannity to offer their final
 The data: As president, Trump has tweeted about fake
remarks late in the evening...
news 124 times, mostly before 9 a.m., and his tweets
about fake news average more retweets and likes.
Step 4: The fringes foment. Breitbart belts
out a stream of stories, usually supporting
Step 2: The outrage machine kicks in.
Trump or mocking cable hysteria on the
The first hour of "Morning Joe" is
left. It pumps its greatest hits through
consumed by reaction to either that
Facebook, where both sides game the
morning's or yesterday's tweet bomb. But
algorithm to play to their team's emotional
the real action unfolds on Twitter, with
response. Twitter wars usually ensue.
scores of journalists and activists
howling in protest.
 The data: Many of the most engaging politics and news
pages on Facebook in October were hyper-partisan
 "He exerts a deeper level of control simply through his
political pages, according to social analytics company
ability to bait hostile media at will with his every
NewsWhip, and the most popular reaction to them is
seemingly nutty utterance," conservative columnist Bret
the "angry face" emoji.

Step 5: Opinions fly. By nighttime,  The data: Hannity averages more than 3.1 million
MSNBC goes hard left, Fox hard right, viewers a night over the last two months, and Maddow
peaking with their highest-rated averaged 2.6 million.
champions (Maddow on the left and
Hannity on the right) tucking like- ...then we all sleep, rinse and repeat.
minded people in with soothing stories
of why they were so right today.

Bill Clinton-Loretta Lynch Tarmac Meeting: Docs Show
FBI More Concerned About LEAKS Than Impropriety
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 1, 2017

“The documents show the FBI worked to and criminally investigate the resulting
make sure no more details of the meeting Obama FBI/DOJ sham investigation.”
would be revealed to the American people”
At the time Bill Clinton met with Lynch, his wife and
then-Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton,
was under criminal investigation by the FBI for
mishandling classified emails through an unauthorized,
secret personal email server she had set up in her New
York state home.

The legal watchdog organization said that the documents

also indicate that Comey seemed to learn of the meeting
from news reports.
(National Sentinel) Scandal: Documents obtained by legal
watchdog Judicial Watch indicate that James Comey’s FBI
The group also said the documents about a leak that Bill
was more concerned that details of a controversial meeting
Clinton intentionally delayed his plane from taking off so
between former President Bill Clinton and then-Attorney
he could “maneuver” into a meeting with Lynch.
General Loretta Lynch on an airport tarmac in Arizona
would leak than the appearance of impropriety.
“The resulting story in the Observer is
seemingly confirmed and causes a flurry of
The documents, the release of which the FBI stalled,
emails about the source of the article,”
appear to support allegations that the bureau wasn’t as
Judicial Watch said in a press release. “FBI
concerned about the scandalous nature of the meeting as it
official(s) write ‘we need to find that guy’
was details about it would leak to the public.
and that the Phoenix FBI office was
contacted ‘in an attempt to stem any further
“These new FBI documents show the FBI damage.'”
was more concerned about a whistleblower
who told the truth about the infamous
Another FBI official who was with Lynch’s security detail
Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting than the
suggested the implementation of non-disclosure
scandalous meeting itself,” said Judicial
Watch chief Tom Fitton.
“The documents show the FBI worked to “The names of the emails [sic] authors are
make sure no more details of the meeting redacted,” the release stated. “There are
would be revealed to the American people. no documents showing concern about the
No wonder the FBI didn’t turn these meeting itself.”
documents over until Judicial Watch caught
the agency red-handed hiding them,” he
Several Republican members of Congress have questioned
the veracity of Lynch’s claim that she and the former
“These new documents confirm the urgent president only made small talk regarding family and golf.
need to reopen the Clinton email scandal

Matthews: Mueller Wants To Prosecute And His Target Is
Trump – Trump’s Supporters Will Say Mueller
Is Out To Get Trump
By Ian Hanchett
1 Dec 2017

campaign and the Russians. That’s his

goal. Or, corollary to that, any kind of
obstruction to prevent the prosecution of
that case, the investigation of that case.
And so we know the direction he’s going.
Mueller didn’t take this incredible challenge
without a clear direction in mind. And his
clear direction is prosecution. By the way,
I’ve never met a special counsel that did
not intend to prosecute. That’s what they
do. They’re assigned to a particular target
and they target it. In this case, I believe it’s
the president.”
On Friday’s “MSNBC Live,” MSNBC host Chris Matthews
reacted to ormer Trump National Security Adviser Michael
Flynn being charged and reportedly planning to plead Later on, in response to a question on how “the true
guilty with lying to the FBI by stating Special Counsel Trumpers, the Steve Bannon universe” will react to the
Robert Mueller intends to prosecute, special counsels Flynn case,
target whatever target they are assigned to, and in this
case, Mueller’s target is the president. He also argued that Matthews stated they will “go after the
Trump’s supporters will “circle the wagons” by attacking special prosecutor and suggest that this is
Mueller and saying he’s out to get the president. over-prosecution, that he is out to get the
president, and that they’re using superior
Matthews said that the charges seem to be a case of Flynn efforts to get him, that they’re just targeting
being let off lightly in exchange for cooperating with him, and I think they’ll basically circle the
prosecutors. He added, wagons. But, you know, the nationalist
cause basically doesn’t allow for
interference in terms of facts or issues or
“Mueller’s got one goal, and that is to
prosecute the collusion — if it occurred —
between the Trump administration and the

Donald Trump Is Not To Blame For Dreadful Western
Media Coverage Of Russia
Bryan Macdonald
Published Time: 1 Dec, 2017 16:37 Edited Time: 2 Dec, 2017 16:35

That said, given the level of debate there these days, a far
more sinister punishment would be to force all US
reporters in Moscow to attend the Duma daily on pain of
having their visas revoked.

Free movement

As it happens, while RT America can no longer visit

Congress, Western journalists are invited to all major
Russian political events (including Valdai and Vladimir
Putin’s annual news conference where they regularly ask
questions). Furthermore, Putin’s Press Secretary, Dmitry
Foreign Policy's Moscow writer blames the hysteria Peskov conducts a daily conference call, in which they can
around Trump for making it harder to be a correspondent participate. If they want to ask him a question, he'll usually
in Russia. But the rot set in long before the US elected its take it. He also might give them his Telegram details so
current president and Western hacks in Russia need to they can follow up there.
examine their own failings.
Yet, Foreign Policy complains that it (once)
The headline reads like a cry for help: “Donald Trump
Has Been Torture for Foreign Correspondents in
“could call Putin’s spokesman Dmitry
Russia.” And a casual observer may well empathize with
Peskov on the phone, today he is almost
the author. However, in reality, as an exercise in myopia
impossible to get hold of.”
and the shifting of blame, Amie Ferris-Rotman’s dispatch
takes some beating. It also, surely unwittingly, helps to
explain why American and British coverage of Russia is so I could also call my grandmother on the blower but these
poor. days technology has moved on, and I’m pretty confident
she’d have eventually migrated to WhatsApp or similar
The representatives of the English-speaking media in
Moscow apparently have a sense of entitlement way above
their status and, for the most part, their ability. They seem We are also informed how “contrary to
to expect Russian officials to grant them preferential common belief, it has been a long time
treatment, despite the fact that their coverage is, almost since foreign journalists have been able to
uniformly, hostile to the Kremlin. Not to mention how the cultivate, gain, or develop Kremlin
United States and Britain are making it sources.”
increasingly difficult for Russian outlets to operate in their
home jurisdictions. Now, if this is true, and I believe it is, how does that tally
with the frequent articles where Ferris-Rotman’s
For instance, only this week, RT America has been colleagues quote anonymous Kremlin “insiders.” Take this
stripped of its press credentials for the US Congress, example last month from The Independent’s Oliver
despite assurances that its recent forced registration as a Carroll, for instance.
“foreign agent” wouldn’t affect its ability to operate.
Instead of calling out their government for blatant There’s also the fact that Russian officials tell me they
censorship of the foreign media, members of the American don’t want to talk to journalists from British and American
press here seem sorely concerned about the potential outlets because they largely don’t trust them.
blowback for them in Moscow. Which may result in them
being denied access to the Russian Duma (the lower house “She is trying to blame Russia for their lack
of the parliament). of professionalism,”
a senior foreign ministry official responded to my

“They have their own agenda, and they are

not ready for the (sic) dialogue. They have
decided everything for themselves. The
trust is lost.”

Next up, Ferris-Rotman claims “it is no

secret that our communications are tapped.
We abide by an unwritten rulebook of self-
censorship. Straying can and has meant

Now, I can’t comment on their correspondence being

monitored, but, even if it is, buying a sim card in Russia
takes a few minutes, and I doubt the Russians are any more
advanced than GCHQ or the NSA on this front.
There’s also an issue where the Russian Foreign Ministry
Furthermore, to the best of my recollection, no reporter has is very lax in enforcing its own rules on press
been ejected for “straying” in recent times. Granted, there accreditation. Because it’s an open secret in Moscow that
has been a few denied entry for visa violations (including many freelancers are registered at bureaus and addresses
myself). But, anyway, a casual look at the Twitter feeds of with which they have no actual association. But the
Western hacks in Moscow proves they don’t self-censor authorities aren’t running around kicking people out. Now,
when they bash Russia. Even if they do delete the odd from personal experience, I can tell you this would not be
tweet that may rebound on them when seeking future tolerated in the US.
access to institutions.
Me me me

Foreign Policy also complains that

“the tidbits of information we do manage to by security experts to the Russian
secure could have been collected from government.”
outside Russia,” which sounds like a bad
work person blaming their tools and begs Grown-up games
the question of what they are even doing in
Moscow. Because it’s hardly to enjoy the While the “hack pack” may think this was cool and
weather (as I write, it’s minus nine degrees “ironic,” it actually sounds really juvenile and hardly
Celsius with blizzard conditions). endears them to Russian officials. Plus, the fact they all
seem to hang out together all the time, and spend much of
Another complaint is how the day validating each other on Twitter, rather than
pressing the flesh with Russians, kind of sums up why they
“the only cracks that have been etched in can’t break stories.
the (alleged Trump-Russia) collusion story
from this side of the Atlantic have been Because if anyone seriously thinks hanging with an expat
courtesy of Russian journalists.” clique is the best way to cover Russia, I’ve got a bridge to
sell them.
But it doesn’t seem to dawn on the author that these
reporters may be better trained and more competent. Plus, Anyway, I asked a senior Kremlin official, who
in any country, you’d imagine local reporters, who are emphasized once again that Putin’s circle rarely, if ever,
often specialized, would be more connected than outsiders leaks important information, what he thought of the
who have a broad mandate. Foreign Policy piece. He replied:

When the subject moves onto TV viewing habits, it gets “American political journalism seems to
even more desperate: operate on leaks and briefings. So, I
believe Western hacks in Moscow expect
“like Russians across the country, we tune the same to be true here and then get
in each Sunday evening to watch news upset when it isn’t.”
programs on state-run television by hosts “They also need to look at how they cover
Vladimir Soloviev and Dmitry Kiselyov.” this country. How many of them have tried
to be balanced and understand Russia’s
But watching TV is not journalism. And it’s like the DC position? No wonder it’s only fringe
correspondent of RIA, or TASS basing their reports on opposition who are interested to speak to
Rachel Maddow’s show. Perhaps if Foreign Policy turned them,” he continued.
off the goggle box and made an effort to cultivate Russian
sources they’d get further. For instance, why not head “We no longer trust Western journalists,
down the provinces: because Moscow is not Russia? and we have good reasons not to, so
they’d be better off to stop playing and take
a deep look at themselves and figure out
Lastly, Ferris-Rotman adds some unnecessary information why. They also might note how their
which serves to damage her own argument: countries are treating our organizations like
RT and Sputnik, after decades where they
“during the summer, many foreign reporters lectured us about free speech,” the source
gathered for the annual boat party, an concluded.
informal event that has taken place in
recent years. On the invitation, the dress * An earlier version of this article incorrectly named
code read, “Rain: Cosy Bear. Shine: Fancy “Foreign Policy” as “Foreign Affairs.” We apologize for
Bear,” a play on the hacking groups linked the error.

Flynn Prepared To Testify Against Trump;
Gold Spikes, Stocks Crash
By Tyler Durden
Dec 1, 2017 11:14 AM

Gold is spiking as stocks and the dollar sink after headline 2016 TO DISCUSS WHAT TO COMMUNICATE TO
reports from ABC that Michael Flynn promised "full RUSSIAN AMBASSADOR
cooperation to the Mueller team"  PROSECUTORS SAY FLYNN WAS DIRECTED BY 'A
and is prepared to testify that as a TEAM TO POLL COUNTRIES AHEAD OF UN VOTE
candidate, Donald Trump "directed him IN DEC 2016
to make contact with the Russians."  PROSECUTORS SAY FLYNN WAS TOLD BY THE

Michael Flynn issued a statement:

After over 33 years of military service to our country,

including nearly five years in combat away from my
family, and then my decision to continue to serve the
United States,

it has been extraordinarily painful to

endure these many months of false
accusations of "treason' and other
outrageous acts.
Such false accusations are contrary to
everything I have ever done and stood
But I recognize that the actions I
acknowledged in court today were
wrong, and, through my faith in God, I
There are more headlines:
am working to set things right.

 FLYNN HAD CONTACT WITH `SENIOR' My guilty plea and agreement to cooperate with the
TRANSITION AIDE RE: AMBASSADOR Special Counsel's Office reflect a decision I made in the
 FLYNN ADMITS MAR-A-LAGO CALL TO DISCUSS best interests of my family and of our country.
I accept full responsibility for my
Reuters adds some color on what is occurring in the court: actions.

 FEDERAL PROSECUTORS SAY FLYNN SPOKE Trump's Impeachment odds spiked...


The Dollar plunged...

And VIX spiked to 4 month highs...

Gold spiked and stocks slumped...

It did not take long for Dianne Feinstein to issue a

damning statement:



All major equity indices are tumbling...

The Scalp-Taking Of Gen. Flynn
By Robert Parry
December 1, 2017

Exclusive: The Russia-gate prosecutors have taken the speech and political associations, Flynn’s prosecution
scalp of ex- National Security Adviser (and retired Lt. represents a troubling precedent.
Gen.) Flynn for lying to the FBI. But this case shows how
dangerously far afield this “scandal” has gone, reports Though Flynn clearly can be faulted for his judgment, he
Robert Parry. was, in a sense, a marked man the moment he accepted the
job of national security adviser. In summer 2016,
Russia-gate enthusiasts are thrilled over the guilty plea of Democrats seethed over Flynn’s participation in chants at
President Trump’s former National Security Adviser the Republican National Convention to “lock her [Hillary
Michael Flynn for lying to the FBI about pre-inauguration Clinton] up!”
conversations with the Russian ambassador, but the case
should alarm true civil libertarians. Then, just four days into the Trump presidency, an Obama
holdover, then-acting Attorney General Sally Yates,
primed the Flynn perjury trap by coming up with a novel
legal theory that Flynn – although the national security
adviser-designate at the time of his late December phone
calls with Kislyak – was violating the 1799 Logan Act,
which prohibits private citizens from interfering with U.S.
foreign policy.

But that law – passed during President John Adams’s

administration in the era of the Alien and Sedition Acts –
was never intended to apply to incoming officials in the
transition period between elected presidential
administrations and – in the past 218 years – the law has
resulted in no successful prosecution at all and thus its
Retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen Michael Flynn at a campaign rally for
Donald Trump at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix,
dubious constitutionality has never been adjudicated.
Arizona. Oct. 29, 2016. (Flickr Gage Skidmore)
Stretching Logic
What is arguably most disturbing about this case is that
then-National Security Adviser Flynn was pushed into a But Yates extrapolated from her unusual Logan Act theory
perjury trap by Obama administration holdovers at the to speculate that since Flynn’s publicly known explanation
Justice Department who concocted an unorthodox legal of the conversation with Kislyak deviated somewhat from
rationale for subjecting Flynn to an FBI interrogation four the transcript of the intercepts, Flynn might be vulnerable
days after he took office, testing Flynn’s recollection of the to Russian blackmail.
conversations while the FBI agents had transcripts of the
calls intercepted by the National Security Agency.

In other words, the Justice Department wasn’t seeking

information about what Flynn said to Russian Ambassador
Sergey Kislyak – the intelligence agencies already had that
information. Instead, Flynn was being quizzed on his
precise recollection of the conversations and nailed for
lying when his recollections deviated from the transcripts.

For Americans who worry about how the pervasive

surveillance powers of the U.S. government could be put
to use criminalizing otherwise constitutionally protected Russia’s former Ambassador to the United States Sergey Kislyak.
(Photo from Russian Embassy)

Yet, that bizarre speculation would require that the The first item in the complaint alleges that Flynn did not
Russians first would have detected the discrepancies; disclose that he had asked the Russian ambassador to help
secondly, they would have naively assumed that the U.S. delay or defeat a United Nations Security Council vote
intelligence agencies had not intercepted the conversations, censuring Israel for building settlements on Palestinian
which would have negated any blackmail potential; and territory.
thirdly, the Russians would have to do something so
ridiculously heavy-handed – trying to blackmail Flynn – The New York Times reported on Friday that Russia-gate
that it would poison relations with the new Trump investigators “learned through witnesses and documents
administration. that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asked the
Trump transition team to lobby other countries to help
Yates’s legal theorizing was so elastic and speculative that Israel, according to two people briefed on the inquiry.
it could be used to justify subjecting almost anyone to FBI
interrogation with the knowledge that their imperfect “Investigators have learned that Mr. Flynn
memories would guarantee the grounds for prosecution and Mr. Trump’s son-in-law and senior
based on NSA intercepts of their communications. adviser, Jared Kushner, took the lead in
those efforts. Mr. Mueller’s team has
Basically, the Obama holdovers concocted a preposterous emails that show Mr. Flynn saying he
legal theory to do whatever they could to sabotage the would work to kill the vote, the people
Trump administration, which they held in fulsome disdain. briefed on the matter said,” according to
the Times.
At the time of Flynn’s interrogation, the Justice
Department was under the control of Yates and the FBI Breaking with past U.S. precedents, President Obama had
was still under President Obama’s FBI Director James decided not to veto the resolution criticizing Israel,
Comey, another official hostile to the Trump choosing instead to abstain. However, the censure
administration who later was fired by Trump. resolution carried with Russian support, meaning that
whatever lobbying Flynn and Kushner undertook was
The Yates-FBI perjury trap also was sprung on Flynn in unsuccessful.
the first days of the Trump presidency amid reverberations
of the massive anti-Trump protests that had arisen across But the inclusion of this Israeli element shows how far
the country in support of demands for a “#Resistance” to afield the criminal Russia-gate investigation, headed by
Trump’s rule. former FBI Director Robert Mueller, has gone. Though the
original point of the inquiry was whether the Trump team
Flynn also had infuriated Democrats when he joined in colluded with Russians to use “hacked” emails to defeat
chants at the Republican National Convention of “lock her Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the criminal charge against
up” over Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Flynn has nothing to do with election “collusion” but
Clinton’s use of a private email server and other alleged rather President-elect Trump’s aides weighing in on
offenses. So, in targeting Flynn, there was a mix of foreign policy controversies during the transition. And, the
personal payback and sabotage against the Trump first initiative was undertaken at the request of Israeli
administration. Prime Minister Netanyahu, not Russian President Vladimir
The Legal Construct
The second item, cited by Mueller’s prosecutors,
referenced a Dec. 29 Flynn-Kislyak conversation, which
The two-page complaint against Flynn, made public on
received public attention at the time of Flynn’s Feb. 13
Friday, references false statements to the FBI regarding
resignation after only 24 days on the job. That phone call
two conversations with Kisylak, one on Dec. 22, 2016, and
touched on Russia’s response to President Obama’s
the other on Dec. 29, 2016.
decision to issue new sanctions against the Kremlin for the
alleged election interference.

The complaint alleges that Flynn didn’t mention to the FBI

that he had urged Kislyak

“to refrain from escalating the situation” and

that Kislyak had subsequently told him that
“Russia had chosen to moderate its
response to those sanctions as a result of
his request.”
Hillary Clinton speaking at a rally in Phoenix, Arizona, March 21,
2016. (Photo by Gage Skidmore)
The Dec. 29 phone call occurred while Flynn was Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn attending a dinner marking the RT
vacationing in the Dominican Republic and thus he would network’s 10-year anniversary in Moscow, December 2015, sitting at
the same table as Russian President Vladimir Putin and Green Party
have been without the usual support staff for leader Jill Stein.
memorializing or transcribing official conversations. So,
the FBI agents, with the NSA’s transcripts, would have Indeed, in the turnabout-is-fair-play department, there is
had a clearer account of what was said than Flynn likely some equivalence in what is happening over Russia-gate to
had from memory. The content of Flynn’s request to what the Republicans did in the 1990s exploiting their
Kislyak also appears rather uncontroversial, asking the control of the special-prosecutor apparatus in the first
Russians not to overreact to a punitive policy from the years of Bill Clinton’s presidency when interminable
outgoing Obama administration. investigations into such side issues as his Whitewater real-
estate deal and the firing of the White House travel office
In other words, both of the Flynn-Kislyak conversations staff plagued the Clinton administration.
appear rather unsurprising, if not inconsequential. One was
taken at the behest of Israel (which proved ineffective) and Similarly, Republicans seized on the deaths of four U.S.
the other urged the Kremlin to show restraint in its diplomatic personnel on Sept. 11, 2012, in Benghazi,
response to a last-minute slap from President Obama Libya, to conduct a series of lengthy investigations to
(which simply delayed Russian retaliation by several tarnish Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s tenure and raise
months). questions about her judgment. Democrats understandably
called these attacks partisan warfare in legal or
Double Standards investigative garb.

While Flynn’s humiliation has brought some palpable joy What I have heard from many Hillary Clinton supporters
to the anti-Trump “Resistance” – one more Trump aide in recent months is that they don’t care about the
being taken down amid renewed hope that this unfairness of the Russia-gate process or the dangerous
investigation will somehow lead to Trump’s resignation or precedents that such politicized prosecutions might set.
impeachment – many of the same people would be They simply view Trump as such a danger that he must be
howling about trampled civil liberties if a Republican destroyed at whatever the cost.
bureaucracy were playing this game on a Democratic
president and his staff. Yet, besides the collateral damage inflicted on mid-level
government officials such as retired Lt. Gen. Flynn facing
personal destruction at the hands of federal prosecutors
with unlimited budgets, there is this deepening pattern of
using criminal law to settle political differences, a process
more common in authoritarian states.

As much as the Russia-gate enthusiasts talk about how

they are upholding “the rule of law,” there is the troubling
appearance that the law is simply being used to collect the
scalps of political enemies.

Stocks Fall On Report That Michael Flynn
Was Directed By Trump To Talk To Russians
 ABC News Reported That Flynn Would Testify That He Was Directed To Make Contact With The Russians.
 The Major Averages Hit Their Session Lows On The Report.
 Gold And Treasuries Spiked Higher Following The ABC Report As Investors Fled To Market Safe Havens.
Alexandra Gibbs | Fred Imbert
December 1, 2017

Stocks fell Friday on a report that Michael Flynn was

directed by President Trump to talk to Russians.
The S&P 500 declined 0.6 percent after falling more than 1
ABC News reported that Flynn, the former national percent. The Nasdaq composite lagged, dropping 0.9
security adviser, would testify that he was directed to make percent
contact with the Russians.
Gold and Treasuries spiked higher following the ABC
report as investors fled to market safe havens.

"It comes down to did trump obstruct justice

in any way," said Peter Boockvar, chief
market analyst at The Lindsey Group. "It's
another potential political blindside. We've
gotten a lot of those," he said.

In a statement, Flynn said he agreed to "cooperate with the

Special Counsel's Office reflect a decision I made in the
best interests of my family and of our country."

"If you believe the market has been rallying

in the last 13 months [on Trump, this
report] potentially unravels all of that," said
Jeremy Klein, chief market strategist at
FBN Securities. "Markets don't like
uncertainty and this is the ultimate

The major averages hit their session lows on the report,

with the Dow Jones industrial average briefly dropping But it appears many investors were willing to bet that the
more than 300 points before trading 100 points lower. Flynn report does not mean the Mueller probe would lead
directly to Trump and derail his presidency and economic
agenda. Stocks pared their losses after Senator Mitch helping the major indexes reach all-time highs. Jeff
McConnell told reporters that they had the votes to pass Carbone, managing partner of Cornerstone Financial
the Senate tax bill. Partners, said that, without a corporate tax cut, stocks
could suffer a 3-to-5 percent pullback in the short-term.
Senate had Republicans delayed voting on their tax bill
Thursday, sending stock futures lower. The setback If the Senate's bill passes, House and Senate members
concerned a fiscal "trigger" that forced lawmakers to patch would have to work on a new bill to reconcile differences
up the plan only hours before a planned final vote. between their two tax bills.

But futures cut their losses as the Senate showed signs of Bruce Bittles, chief investment strategist at Baird, said the
progress on coming to an agreement on a tax measure. market realizes

Republican Senators Steve Daines and Ron Johnson — "the Republican party wants to get this
two of the last GOP holdouts on the bill — said they done one way or the other," but added that
would support the measure, increasing the likelihood of it "the big question is how much of this is
passing. already built into the market."
"We're sitting at all-time highs and I
wouldn't be surprised if we took some
[gains] off the table" after the corporate
taxes are cut, Bittles said.

In corporate news, shares of Mylan jumped 3.5 percent

after CNBC reported that Amazon has held preliminary
talks with generic drug makers about a potential entry into

Ulta Beauty was the worst-performing stock in the S&P

Brendan McDermid | Reuters - Trader Peter Tuchman works on the
500, falling 5.8 percent after the cosmetics retailer issued
floor of the New York Stock Exchange, (NYSE) as the Dow Jones weaker-than-expected guidance for the current quarter.
Industrial Average crosses 24,000, in New York, U.S., November 30,
—CNBC's Jacob Pramuk contributed to this report.

Expectations of lower corporate taxes have been a boon for

U.S. stocks since President Donald Trump got elected,

Update: Mike Flynn Pleads Guilty
To Lying To FBI’s Special Counsel
By Kristina Wong
1 Dec 2017

“On or about January 24, 2017, defendant MICHAEL T.

UPDATE: Michael Flynn has entered his FLYNN did willfully and knowingly make materially
guilty plea and will reportedly testify false, fictitious, and fraudulent statements and
against President Donald Trump. representations in a matter within the jurisdiction of the
executive branch of the Government of the United States.”
JUST IN: @BrianRoss on @ABC News
Special Report: Michael Flynn promised
The special counsel charged that Flynn lied about not
"full cooperation to the Mueller team" and is
asking then-Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Sergei
prepared to testify that as a candidate,
Kislyak to refrain from escalating the situation in response
Donald Trump "directed him to make
to sanctions imposed by the Obama administration on
contact with the Russians."
December 29, 2016, and saying he did not recall that
Kislyak told him Russia would moderate its response as a
— ABC News (@ABC) December 1, 2017
It also charged that Flynn lied about asking Kislyak on
The original story follows below: December 22, 2016 to delay a vote on or defeat a pending
United Nations Security Council resolution, and that
The Special Counsel announced Friday morning a plea Kislyak did not describe Russia’s response to the request.
hearing for former National Security Adviser Lt. Gen.
Mike Flynn later in the day. Flynn is scheduled to appear at the U.S. District Court for
the District of Columbia at 10: 30 a.m. on Friday, where he
Flynn, according to court documents released by the is expected to plead guilty as part of a plea deal.
special counsel, is charged with lying to the FBI.
[Flynn Information by Kristina Wong on Scribd
On next page]

Flynn Has Promised Special Counsel
'Full Cooperation' In Russia Probe: Source
By Brian Ross, Matthew Mosk, Josh Margolin, Adam Kelsey, VERONICA STRACQUALURSI
Dec 1, 2017, 11:06 AM ET

Flynn was charged with lying to the FBI about the nature
of his conversations with then-Russian ambassador to the
United States Sergey Kislyak during the presidential
transition. Those conversations led Russian officials to
temper their response to increased U.S. sanctions,
according to the charging documents.

The charge means Flynn could face up to five years in


Retired Lt. Gen Michael Flynn has promised “full Flynn became the latest and most-senior Trump associate
cooperation” in the special counsel’s Russia investigation to face charges in Mueller's probe and arrived at the U.S.
and, according to a confidant, is prepared to testify that District courthouse accompanied by his wife and attorney
Donald Trump directed him to make contact with the Robert Kelner after having been processed at the FBI
Russians, initially as a way to work together to fight ISIS Washington Field Office, where he was fingerprinted and
in Syria. photographed, according to FBI officials.

The stunning turn comes as Flynn, who is cooperating with In court, the retired lieutenant general was asked by
investigators in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe, Federal Judge Rudolph Contreras if he had ever been a
pleaded guilty to one count of lying to the FBI about his part of similar proceedings, to which Flynn replied that he
back-channel negotiations with the Russian ambassador – had not. Contreras then asked Kelner whether he was
talks that occurred before Trump took office. The Special correct in assuming that Flynn was pleading guilty.
Counsel made the plea agreement public Friday morning.
"Yes, your honor," said Kelner.
A close confidant told ABC News that Flynn felt
abandoned by Trump in recent weeks, and told friends
about the decision to make the plea deal within the last 24 After the hearing, Flynn was free to go, but has to check in
hours as he grew increasingly concerned about crippling with authorities each week. Sentencing has been put off for
legal costs he would face if he continued to contest the now — and the judge noted that Flynn is agreeing to
charges. cooperate with authorities in other matters.

Richard Frankel, a former senior aide to Flynn and an ABC Flynn had initially resisted cooperating with the
News contributor, said Flynn made his decision to investigation, according to people close to the retired
cooperate under immense pressure, but he believes it is the general, but he has been facing mounting legal debts and
right move for the country. plans to sell his house to help defray costs.

“I don't know how much General Flynn He only recently learned the full scope of the charges he
knows about any criminal activity that took could potentially face. Last week, Trump lawyers received
place during the campaign or in the White calls from Kelner, alerting them that he could no longer
House,” said Frankel, who also served in a participate in information exchanges with other possible
senior role at the FBI. “However, General Mueller targets, the first public indication that a plea deal
Flynn was a top adviser to President Trump was in the works.
in the campaign and a top adviser to him
when he entered into the WH so if there Trump and his legal team have learned of Flynn's decision
are bodies buried so to speak, General via news reports Friday morning, according to sources
Flynn would know about them in my with knowledge of the situation.
On Monday, Kelner was spotted exiting a meeting at
Mueller’s offices in Washington, ABC News reported.

Carlos Barria/Reuters, FILE - Former White House National

Security Advisor Michael Flynn at the White House, Feb. 13, 2017.

Jonathan Ernst/REUTERS - PHOTO:Former U.S. National Security Trump reportedly attempted to persuade the FBI to drop its
Adviser Michael Flynn, left, with his attorney Robert Kelner, center, investigation into Flynn’s conduct. In a Feb. 14 meeting at
as he arrives for a plea hearing at U.S. District Court in the White House, Trump reportedly told then-FBI Director
Washington,D.C., Dec. 1, 2017. James Comey to “let this go.”

Flynn is a decorated military officer who once headed the “I hope you can see your way clear to
Defense Intelligence Agency and, after leaving letting this go, to letting Flynn go,” Trump
government, spoke frequently at Trump campaign rallies. told Comey, according to a memo Comey
He began facing scrutiny after it was learned he took wrote afterwards, which was later
payment to attend a Russian television event, at which he described by the New York Times. “He is a
appeared seated next to Russian President Vladimir Putin. good guy. I hope you can let this go.”

That scrutiny only increased after he took over as Trump’s On Oct. 30, two members of Trump's campaign staff,
national security adviser. He was ultimately forced to former campaign chair Paul Manafort and his longtime
resign after just a few weeks on the job after it was associate Rick Gates, were indicted on 12 counts brought
revealed that he misled Vice President Mike Pence and by Mueller's team related to work done prior to joining the
other administration officials about his meeting with the Trump campaign, including conspiracy against the U.S.,
Russian ambassador. conspiracy to launder money and serving as an
unregistered agent of a foreign principal.
Flynn initially denied that he discussed U.S. sanctions
placed on Russia with Kislyak, but transcripts of Flynn and That same day, it was also revealed that a third Trump
Kislyak’s phone calls reviewed by Justice Department campaign adviser, George Papadopoulos, pleaded guilty
lawyers showed otherwise. earlier in the month to making false statements to FBI
agents probing his attempts to arrange a meeting between
Flynn was paid over $500,000 by foreign clients for Russian officials and the campaign.
consulting work and speaking fees – including contracts he
allegedly failed to list on applications for security ABC News' Jack Date, Geneva Sands, Mike Levine, Trish
clearances and financial disclosure forms. He also only Turner and John Santucci contributed to this report.
belatedly disclosed lobbying work his firm engaged in on
behalf of the Turkish government.
This is a developing story. Please check back for updates.

'Morning Joe' Ups Ante: Calls For
Cabinet-Led Coup, 'Sociopath' Trump Must Be Removed
Trump's 'Mental State' Is 'Going To Crescendo In More Insane Behavior'
Dec 1, 2017

mental illness and whatnot, I think he’s

feeling the noose around his neck
tightening with Mueller."
"So take a guy who is mentally unstable,"
Deutsch continued. "Now put a gun closer
— metaphorically, closer and closer to his
head, and I think that’s what you’re seeing
this week. I think there’s a new level, and I
think we’re going to see it heightened as
these two stories are coming together. His
mental health and the Russian inquiry are
coming together and it’s going to
crescendo in even more insane behavior.”
The hosts of Morning Joe are using their show to rally
members of Trump's cabinet remove the president from Scarborough also predicted Trump's mental health would
office. deteriorate.

This cabinet-led coup could happen via the "My mom has dementia," Scarborough
25th Amendment, host Joe Scarborough said Friday. That said. "She had pre-dementia for several
amendment to the Constitution, adopted in 1967, deals years. My father’s death, the pressure of
with replacing a president who is no longer able to that, is when we really lost her. And so it
"discharge the powers and duties of his office," which got exponentially worse very first. The
these hosts say applies to Trump due to his apparent more pressure you’re under in this — if this
mental incapacitation. is, in fact, the problem, the worse it gets."

"If you’ve been around mental health Scarborough said that Trump confidantes agree with him
issues in your life ... the pressure that Trump has "mentally devolved."
heightens, it gets worse," Donny Deutsch
said Friday. "And we should be frightened "There is no doubt mentally, and maybe it’s
right now. We should be — there is nothing the pressure of the campaign and this,
glib about it." everybody that’s known Trump for years
"At what point do you go to article 25? [sic]" says he has mentally devolved, and I just
Deutsch asked. want to know when it’s safe to start talking
about it and writing about it," he said.
Deutsch said he's able to diagnose a change in Trump's
mental state: Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson said mental
health experts warned him that Trump's behavior would
"I have known him for 20 years and I’ve get worse.
spent hours and hours with him, everything
from negotiating leases to at-school
functions to hours and hours of interviewing
him on my old show. He’s not the same
guy. You can see it in his eyes and in his
speech pattern, and most frighteningly his
behavior. I think there’s something else
happening here. If you've been around
On Thursday, Scarborough said the 25th Amendment was
created for situations like this.

"He is completely detached from reality, we

had a New York Times and Washington
Post piece saying so a couple of days ago,
and the question is Mika," Scarborough
said, "if this is not what the
25th Amendment was drafted for, I would
like the cabinet members serving America,
not serving the president" to act
"I mean, it’s just extraordinary. How much accordingly.
worse can it get?" he asked. "I fear it can "He is completely detached from reality, we
get worse, and the people who are had a New York Times and Washington
professionals in mental health frankly tell Post piece saying so a couple of days ago,
me this doesn’t get better. This probably and the question is Mika," Scarborough
won’t get better. It’s not going to resolve said, "if this is not what the
itself somehow. And as you said, he tends 25th Amendment was drafted for, I would
to want to escape the people who could like the cabinet members serving America,
keep him on the straight and narrow, so not serving the president" to act
maybe we need to shut down Mar-a-Lago.” accordingly.

During a conversation about Trump's retweets that caught On Friday, Scarborough was more circumspect, though
the ire of British lawmakers, Deutsch went further, still advocating for removing Trump from office.
declaring that this behavior shows he's a "sociopath."
“The 25th Amendment, again, Mika, it
“And you know who does things without wasn’t put for a situation like this,"
any thinking about repercussions?" he Scarborough said. "It’s hard to wonder —
asked. "A sociopath.” it’s very complicated, but you do wonder."

ABC Giddy: Flynn Is ‘Prepared To Testify’ Against Trump,
Family, WH; Ordered To Speak With Russians
By Curtis Houck
December 1, 2017 12:26 PM EST

In comments that have sent Twitter into a frenzy, ABC contradicts all that Donald Trump has
News investigative correspondent Brian Ross reported said to this point,” Ross added.
Friday morning that former National Security Advisor
Michael Flynn is As to why Flynn would cooperate, Ross breathlessly
“prepared to testify...against President
Trump, against members of the Trump As well, we're told Flynn made the decision to cooperate
family and others in the White House” only in the last 24 hours, that he is distraught by this
decision, but feels he is doing the right thing for his
ow he’s pled guilty to lying to the FBI in Robert Mueller’s country, that he was facing huge legal bills in more than a
Russia probe. million dollars and that he said that, finally, he had to this
for that reason. He’s had to put his house on the market.
Former Clinton official and chief anchor George He is facing serious financial problems.
Stephanopoulos teed Ross up for this anti-Trump
Christmas present by stating that Flynn pleading guilty on Stephanopoulos took this news and ran with it, telling
just one charge of lying chief White House correspondent Jonathan Karl:

“certainly would suggest that Michael And, Jon Karl, let’s go back then the importance of
Flynn had a fair amount of information Michael Flynn right here. Michael Flynn, a chief foreign
to offer the special counsel in return.” policy adviser to President Trump — candidate Trump.
Had a relationship with him going through April 2017 after
he was fired. One of the reports we had seen was that
President Trump had asked him to stay strong in that, so
the big question will be what kind of direction was he
getting from president trump during the campaign perhaps
about any work with the Russians. What did Flynn tell him
about those conversations with Ambassador Kislyak?
What did President trump tell him about the FBI

ABC’s chief anchor would know all about the impact of

plea deals and special counsels as he had a stint in the
Clinton White House.
Out of nowhere, Ross uncorked this doozy, revealing that
Flynn Anyway, Karl pointed out that Flynn “was
the first major national security figure to
come on and support the Trump
“has promised full cooperation to the campaign, big speaker at the
Mueller team” and, according to “a Republican convention, the third person
confidante,” named to the Trump transition team,
very major role in filling out the national
is willing to testify against not only the President, but the security team.”
First Family and the White House.
Here’s the relevant transcript from the ABC News Special
“He's prepared to testify that President on December 1:
Trump, as a candidate, Donald Trump,
ordered him — directed him to make
contact with the Russians which
ABC News Special only in the last 24 hours, that he is distraught by this decision, but
December 1, 2017 feels he is doing the right thing for his country, that he was facing
10:59 a.m. Eastern huge legal bills in more than a million dollars and that he said
that, finally, he had to this for that reason. He’s had to put his
GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Brian, this certainly would house on the market. He is facing serious financial problems.
suggest that Michael Flynn had a fair amount of information to
offer the special counsel in return. STEPHANOPOULOS: And, Jon Karl, let’s go back then the
importance of Michael Flynn right here. Michael Flynn, a chief
foreign policy adviser to President Trump — candidate Trump.
Had a relationship with him going through April 2017 after he was
fired. One of the reports we had seen was that President Trump
had asked him to stay strong in that, so the big question will be
what kind of direction was he getting from president trump during
the campaign perhaps about any work with the Russians. What
did Flynn tell him about those conversations with Ambassador
Kislyak? What did president trump tell him about the FBI

JONATHAN KARL: And remember, George, he was the first

major national security figure to come on and support the trump
campaign, big speaker at the Republican convention, the third
BRIAN ROSS: That's right, George. He has promised full
person named to the Trump transition team, very major role in
cooperation to the Mueller team. He's prepared to testify we are
filling out the national security team. This is a major figure and
told by a confidante, against President Trump, against members
the question is going to be exactly what he told the president.
of the Trump family and others in the White House. He's
The President actually recommended if you remember this — he
prepared to testify that President Trump, as a candidate, Donald
had actually said that Flynn should demand immunity before
Trump, ordered him — directed him to make contact with the
testifying before Congress. So, one question that was asked here
Russians which contradicts all that Donald Trump has said to this
many times and never emphatically denied would the president
point. As well, we're told Flynn made the decision to cooperate
consider a pardon of Michael Flynn. That had never happened.

White House Plays Down
Importance Of Flynn Guilty Plea
Alex Pfeiffer
December 1, 2017

“The false statements involved mirror the

false statements to White House officials
which resulted in his resignation in
February of this year,” Cobb said in a
statement released to reporters. “Nothing
about the guilty plea or the charge
implicates anyone other than Mr. Flynn.
The conclusion of this phase of the Special
Counsel’s work demonstrates again that
the Special Counsel is moving with all
President Trump’s attorney Ty Cobb played down the deliberate speed and clears the way for a
importance of former National Security Advisor Michael prompt and reasonable conclusion.”
Flynn’s guilty plea Friday.
Flynn is the fourth former Trump campaign official to be
Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the Federal Bureau of charged by special counsel Robert Mueller’s wide-ranging
Investigation about his phone calls in December 2016 with probe into alleged Russian election interference.
the Russian ambassador to America. The Associated
Press reported that the former Trump campaign and White
House official admitted that “Trump transition officials
directed his contacts with the Russians.”

Flynn Charged With Lying To FBI,
Clapper Still Free After Committing Clear Perjury
Being A Member Of The Deep State Has Its Perks
Paul Joseph Watson | Infowars.Com
December 1, 2017

Director Clapper responded “Not wittingly.

There are cases where they could
inadvertently perhaps collect, but not

Former Trump national security adviser

Michael Flynn has been charged with
“willfully and knowingly” lying to the
FBI about his conversations with
Russia’s ambassador, charges that
James Clapper has been able to avoid
over 4 years after committing clear
perjury when he lied under oath about
the NSA’s mass surveillance of
“The charging document states that Flynn
made a false statement to the FBI when he
stated that in December 2016 he did not
ask Kislyak “to refrain from escalating the
situation in response to sanctions that the
United States had imposed against Russia
that same day; and Flynn did not recall the
Russian ambassador subsequently telling
him that Russia had chosen to moderate its This was proven to be completely fraudulent three months
response to those sanctions as a result of later when whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed that
his request,” reports CNN. the NSA was deliberately collecting tens of millions of
Americans’ phone call records as well as browsing
While Flynn is expected to plead guilty to making false histories, chat logs, email usage, as well as their physical
statements, Obama’s DNI head Clapper was able to locations.
commit brazen perjury with no consequences whatsoever.
Clapper would have had a level of security clearance to
During testimony in 2013 in front of a congressional know that this was taking place. He committed clear
inquiry, Clapper was asked by Senator Ron Wyden if the perjury by lying under oath, yet faced no consequences at
NSA was collecting “any type of data at all on millions or all.
hundreds of millions of Americans.”
Clapper was also caught in a brazen lie when he denied
“No, sir,” responded Clapper. that any surveillance targeting people linked to the Trump
administration had taken place.
Senator Wyden asked “It does not?”

During a March 2017 appearance on Meet the Press with “Now we learn that there was, in fact, a
Chuck Todd, Clapper asserted that, FISA court order and it came from the FBI
and Clapper, in his own words, claimed he
“There was no such wiretap activity would have known about that,” reported
mounted against the president elect at the Mediaite. “And he denied it, unequivocally.
time, or as a candidate, or against his Maybe he forgot all about the FISA order
campaign.” wiretapping Paul Manafort while he was in
direct contact with Trump in his campaign
and after the election.”

In summary, it appears that lying under oath is perfectly

acceptable if you’re a member of the deep state, and
Clapper, unlike General Flynn, is enjoying the privilege of
having that special distinction.

This was proven to be false by the revelation that Trump

campaign manager Paul Manafort had been wiretapped
both before and after the election.

Clapper himself partially admitted this during a September

2017 appearance on CNN when he told Don Lemon it was
“conceivable” President Trump’s conversations could have
been picked up during the course of the surveillance.

Catastrophic Failure: Democrats Long-Held Strategy Of
'Divide And Conquer' Has Blown Up In Their Faces
- 'If, God Forbid, The Fragmented Mob Of Girlies, Girly Men, And
Cowardly Thugs Start Major Violence, I Predict That We Will Finish It'
Submitted To All News Pipeline By William B Stoecker
December 1, 2017

It is no secret to most of us conservative patriots that, in conservative). Leftists often live in a bubble or echo
addition to incrementalism, the left’s favorite tactic is chamber and deal only with others of their own kind and
divide and conquer. In one sense they have succeeded, hear only their own opinions (given to them by
setting Blacks against Whites, Demoncraps against government, academia, and the slimestream media)
Republicans, women against men, perverts against bouncing back at them. They never have to defend their
straights, and so on. opinions in open and honest debate.

But I am reminded of the admonition: “Be careful what They are the ultimate conformists (although they see
you wish for. You might just get it.” For the leftists have themselves as intellectual freethinkers). And they are
splintered their own movement into warring factions who, incredibly egotistical…vanity, remember, is Satan’s
while denouncing “hate” actually hate one another as favorite sin. Like eighteenth century European aristocrats,
much as they hate us. Identity politics is doomed to they simply assume that they are superior to us
catastrophic failure. Consider the groups who still support “deplorables” and “bitter clingers.” Their masters seduce
the Demoncrap, or Communist Party. them by telling them that if they accept an ideological
package deal without question it will prove that they are
First, there are the traditional leftists, including the bold, daring, sexy, intellectual, and compassionate.
loveable “liberals.” Living as I do in the People’s Republic
of California, ruled by Jerry Moonbeam, I know them all Many of us patriots began as young “liberals,” including
too well; they virtually surround me. They tend to be myself and even such famous figures as Joseph Farah of
symbol oriented, meaning that they are not into deeds (like, and Bill Jasper, Senior Editor of the Birch
working at truly productive occupations) and believe in Society’s New American magazine. Gradually, we realized
words…and the left is very, very good at rhetoric. Leftist the error of our ways and possessed sufficient humility to
elites say the prettiest things, and their UI (Useful Idiot) admit that we were wrong, that, in fact, we had been
followers believe them. played for fools. As more and more of the truth is exposed
many leftists will convert. But most are too proud, too
arrogant to admit that not only are they not superior to the
rest of us, but that they have been self-deluded fools. They
will double down and move further into the darkness.
Their choice.

Then there are the radical feminists. They are leftist as

well, of course, and many of them are lesbians.
Supposedly they stand for women’s “rights,” but they all
adored Slick Willy Clinton, who abused and even raped
women, and probably had former WH intern Mary
Mahoney and her co-workers murdered. And feminists just
love Muslims, who murder their own wives and daughters,
practice female circumcision, and force their women to
wear black sacks over their heads.
Women tend to be more verbal than men on the
average…and are more prone to be leftists. Lawyers and In fact, feminists are what I call “againsters,” people who
college English teachers deal with words, and tend to be pretend to be for something, but are really nihilistic haters
leftists. (By contrast, engineers, farmers, and ranchers deal who are against almost everything. Aside from their desire
with real things and do real deeds and tend to be more to butcher unborn babies, feminists are united in their
hatred and contempt for men. We can thank Adam In addition to Black Muslims and Black Panthers they
Weishaupt himself for inspiring modern feminism. So have now formed yet another group of violent
already we can see a split in the left, between the men and militants…Black Lives Matter, or BM. There are a small
the women. number of truly great Black patriots, but the majority of
even otherwise decent and intelligent Blacks have drunk
the koolaid. The BM types generally hate their fellow
leftists who are White and Hispanic.

Hispanics make up 17.8% of the US population, and many

of them, especially those whose families were already here
when the Anglos arrived, are productive citizens and do
not support the leftist agenda. But many do, especially the
immigrants (both legal and illegal), many of whom
escaped from Mexico and came here to wave the Mexican
flag. They include such groups as La Raza, Spanish for
“The Race.” Imagine the hue and cry if a group of Whites
formed an organization called The Race.

Counting all immigrants, not just those from Latin

The ranks of sexual perverts now include not only America, the US as of 2016 had 42.4 million of them,
homosexuals and lesbians, but an ever-growing variety of some 13.3% of the population, including at least 12.5
trans-genders, sexually mutilated, or hormone-injected million illegal aliens. Their net cost to taxpayers is some
creatures. For a time their preferred abbreviated title was $116 billion per year. As of 2014 some 42% of immigrant
LGBT, but we can call them “Glibetts,” for GLBT. Of households received some form of welfare and/or food
course, they have expanded their title, adding more and stamps. Many of the Hispanic immigrants are in violent
more letters, and demand that they be addressed by their gangs like MS-13, and many of them are racists who hate
preferred imaginary pronouns and want people who fail to Whites, Blacks, Jews, and Asians. Yet White leftists think
guess their preference to be jailed for using the wrong they can make common cause with them.
pronoun. And they demand access to all bathrooms and
shower facilities of both sexes, and are agressively pushing
their agenda in the indoc centers formerly known as
“public schools,” seeking to twist our children into little
versions of themselves.

They claim to be a large minority of the population, but

Gallup polls show that all of them together, homosexuals
(I will not give them “gay”), lesbians, and the mutilated,
make up only 3.8% of the US population…a shrill, strident
minority. They have, however, contributed far more than
their share of serial killers. Their relationship with
heterosexual leftists is sketchy at best, and Muslims
profess to hate them (but then Muslims hate everyone and
everything on Earth, including each other). It is sobering to
reflect that even Hitler, Stalin, and Mao never tried to And, finally, we come to the Muslims, those charming
force the pervert agenda on their people…but it’s people who mutilate their little girls, make their wives
happening here in the land of the “free.” wear black sacks, and murder their daughters in the name
of “honor.” Not a day passes without news of some mass
Black people have traditionally voted for the party of murder or bombing committed in the name of the “religion
slavery, segregation, Jim Crow laws, and eugenics…the of peace.” When they have no Christians or Jews handy,
Demoncraps. Blacks make up only 13.3% of our they kill other Muslims, as in the recent terrorist attack in
population, but commit roughly half of all the crimes, and Egypt. Particularly in Europe, but also in Minnesota,
a disproportionate number of them are on welfare. Despite where large numbers of Somali twofers (Black and
being the beneficiaries of the welfare, and affirmative Muslim) have been imported, Muslims commit most of the
action and quotas, they still pretend to be “oppressed.” Not street crime in between major terrorist attacks.
a day goes by without Whites and others being robbed,
raped, and murdered by Blacks, who have murdered White Islam is now the third largest religion in America after
infants and tortured Whites to death, but the poor babies Christianity and Judaism; there are now some 3.3 million
still pretend that they are the victims of racism. Muslims here, and 72% are immigrants or the sons and
daughters of immigrants. Many of them hate Blacks, and
they hate all their fellow leftists who are not Muslim,
especially the Jews. Yet leftists cannot bear to hear any Nazi flag and (according to Plato) the stones of Atlantis.
criticism of Muslims, accusing critics of “racism,” despite They, like the inner city Black “flash mobs” and the BM
the fact that Islam is not a race. But then leftists are not thugs, are very good at ganging up on women who are
into truth, or logic, and “racism” is their designated patriots, on children, and on the elderly and disabled. They
conversation stopper. are not accustomed to armed men fighting back.

This fragmentation is reflected in the leadership of the If civil war erupts, the military and police will likely be
Demoncrap Party…you might think that this would doom split between those who will obey orders, any orders, and
them to electoral failure, but never underestimate the those who actually want to obey the law and protect and
Republicans’ talent for (as the saying goes) snatching serve their fellow citizens. And the gulf between us and the
defeat from the jaws of victory. left has grown, and, I believe, is now unbridgeable. What I
have said about Muslims is also true of leftists: you cannot
By contrast, we patriots, a large and growing minority of make agreements with people who always lie and always
the population, are relatively united. We may disagree on violate every agreement; you cannot compromise with
minor points, but we do not hate one another. Many of us people whose goal is your enslavement and death; and you
have military training and experience, and many of us are cannot reason with the criminally insane. If, God forbid,
armed. The leftist thugs who call themselves “Antifa,” the fragmented mob of girlies, girly men, and cowardly
meaning anti-fascist, are actually violent fascists; their thugs start major violence, I predict that we will finish it.
logo is colored black, white, and red…the colors of the

The Time Was And Remains Ripe For Trump, The
Trumpians And The Republican Shills Of Plutocrats
By Joseph Natoli
December 1, 2017

Whether you trace a grand narrative change in that mass

psyche back to the worldwide countercultural uprising of
the `60s and `70s which as Derrida was to phrase it
deconstructed a mythology of a grounding reason
transparently expressed in language, or to a relentless
undermining of governmental authority launched by
Conservative think tanks, attitudes changed drastically.

You might say we had popularly discovered that reason

and its minions facts, argument, evidence and so on, had a
soft belly.


Trump the Artful Dodger instinctively recognized the

unprotected soft belly of campaign discourse. You could
play the electorate like a piano regardless of what the truth
of anything you said might be. Refutation by fact checkers
and the defensive responses of your opponents would
come after and have the same impact as next day
The Ripe Time quarterbacking. This is a candidate who did not hesitate to
lie because he had no fear there was a way acceptable to
Our Narrator-in-Chief, President Donald Trump reminds all that would expose his lies.
us with every tweet that you can play fast ball with facts
and truth and there is really no one to stop you. I would Trump the Confidence Man played all the notes that an
like say “Unless you’re on trial in a U.S court” but a recent electorate primed for years to fire up would hear as
viewing of The People v. O.J. Simpson, 2016, reminded salvation and himself as their Savior. He went through a
me of how even the hardest of evidence can be narrated door that had already been opened in the American mass
against its meaning. psyche. His own steady attack on the mainstream media,
most especially the legacy press, taps into a suspicion
Each one of us feels Constitutionally free to present our already on the boil in the U.S.
reasoning, stretching way back to when black Africans
“needed” to be enslaved and the indigenous population We became post-truth before Trump appeared, and in that
“needed” to be exterminated to the present and why it’s new configuration of self and world a
best to separate human activity from global warming and zeitgeist/paradigm/mindset of suspicion has taken center
why it’s best for everyone to starve the Federal stage. That distrust goes beyond the ranks of Trump’s
government and lower taxes on the rich in order for us all followers and extends to all those who live by the wages
to enjoy our share of “life, liberty and the pursuit of they earn and not the dividends upon which a far smaller
happiness.” percentage of the population live.

You might say that there was always a hole in our Regardless of how history narrates Trump’s beginning and
representations of truth, which we now universally adopt end as the U.S.’s most unstable and potentially dangerous
as “narratives,” to use the terminology of postmodernists, president, it must record his gifts at seizing the moment
long out of fashion except for their legacy. and bringing himself to power. And it may record that
Trump as a savior has detoured an imminent uprising of an
irate populace scheduled for a quiet “creative destruction.”

This is a role he has not abandoned in the same way a six figure salary and a secure job reduced drastically in
confidence man does not abandon his mark. both salary and conditions of employment is itself cause
to be a Trumpian.
His presidency has not fueled the anger of this irate
populace in the certain way Hillary Clinton or Bernie The fact that Trumpians remains inconceivable to those
Sanders would have. And it seems unlikely that the who enjoy far different realities is in no way any kind of
presidency of any of the Republicans challenging Trump deconstruction of reasons why Trump is supported nor any
would have done anything other than increase the yearning kind of just dismissal of those supporters. Unless an
of the discarded for a Punisher Demagogue. economic system that benefits only those who are totally
appalled, offended and fearful of Trump and the
The Resistance formed against Trump is not to be ignored Trumpians is drastically changed, an army of voters
but its anger is not threatening in the way populist anger is waiting for another savior will remain with us. We would
threatening. A dimension of populist response other than have to disengage ourselves from the Reagan “trickle
the overwhelming power of its irrational attachments is its down” legacy and, deeper than that, deconstruct Adam
readiness to enact beyond restraint its feelings. Trump has Smith’s words where we are urged to nurture “self-love”
laid down concepts that do not emerge from or build the and not our humanity, words that have left a greater
house of reason but are stones thrown through that house’s indelible mark on the American mass psyche than
windows. And that suits the temper of the times for all Lincoln’s “better angels of our nature.”
those not basting in the warmth of their stock returns.
The Plutocrats’ Shills
Similar to the way “Reaganism” and his upending of the
credibility of any egalitarian economics has endured Trump has given hope to those scheduled for extinction in
though Reagan is dead, Trump will leave us with a dark the economic order of things but he has also given voice to
legacy. I refer to Trump’s political iconoclasm, from the craziness of his own long coddled temperament. That
historically respected protocols of presidential behavior to display and voice is frightening to those who see his
his replacement of State Department diplomacy with the destructive potential in regard to our democratic order of
disturbing erraticism of his own personality to his things.
egomaniacal drive to replace democratic values with his
own willfulness, itself grounded in truly mindboggling Those who focus their politics not on economic inequities
ignorance, presumption and arrogance. but cultural ones also find Trump frightening. Doubtlessly,
paying scant attention to such inequities allows those
The Trumpians offended by Trump to discount their own steady stream of
dividends as irrelevant in their view of Trump.
I believe it important to recognize that Trump, both as
campaigner and president, is not stepping beyond what his Those on Death Row within our economic order of things
followers were hoping for and were prepared to accept. have reason to discount Trump’s twitter tirades and
That segment of Trumpians scheduled for extinction by an tantrums not because they lack the sensitivity of the
economics that was designed to axiomatically do so is the gentrified but because they instinctively recognize that all
enduring segment. The racists, homophobes, anti-Semites, that amounts to nothing compared to the economic
misogynists, anti-Muslim and other perennial haters, resurrection Trump has promised.
which plague every society, blossoming in ripe moments,
are instruments to be played by aspiring demagogues. The Congressional Republicans also easily step around
U.S. has proven particularly fertile ground, which is ironic Trump’s offensive and disturbing words and behavior
considering the multi-ethnic, racial and religious because they too have their eye on higher stakes. This is a
composition of the country from the very beginning. But president who will make their Reaganite/Ayn Randian
those who are collateral damage that the present form of dreams come true, a president who believes the wealthy
globalized techno-capitalism is prepared to accept will not are the successful winners who will compete in the global
self-eradicate. And an economics that holds eradication as market and make America the winner on the game board
a beneficial “creative destruction” out of which something of their choice. Government is the problem as Reagan
better will emerge is an intractable enemy to those instructed and must be gotten out of the way.
unwilling to oblige this economics.
Perhaps the Ayn Rand Republicans expected to do so by
Trump had rightly guessed that there were enough angry starving the Federal government by starving the Treasury
Haters and enough fearful on financialized capitalism’s and so starve every entitlement program and return all of
Death Row to win him the presidency. Discovering that his that to private profit making. But what they have gotten in
voters were not primarily from the lowest economic strata Donald Trump is a president who intends to uproot and
does not mean that class had nothing to do with his upend that Federal government and all its agencies and is
victory. Incomes have been hollowed out so that a former doing so by the force of his own unstoppable mania.
Does this frighten legislators operating as shills for repeal, military spending increased so that global business
plutocrats, such as Trump? can remain secure, anti-work and union activities thwarted,
and the transfer of everything once public to private
I do not think so because just as Angela Merkel is not control and much more, an order of things will be
fazed by a Trumpian madness that will disappear, the shills entrenched that Trump’s shenanigans will not have
expect that the order that will be created will remain when impeded.
Trump is gone. They hold that there is a resiliency to that
part of the government democratic order that they wish to A future that Trump’s presidency made possible, although
hold on to that Trump cannot taint. not in the plans of any Congressional Republican, will not
be harmed by the wayward excursions of his personality.
With financialized capitalism once again cut loose from all Ironically, however, that future order is set up to intensify
government shackles, the fossil fuel industry profits and the cries for a savior among those on Death Row, for
dividends preserved, the taxes of corporations and the another Trump, this time one who will most certainly
wealthy reduced to a laugh, entitlement programs brought “make them great again.”
to near bankruptcy and thus closer to privatization or

'Like Christmas!' 'View' Giddy At
Flynn Plea: 'The Antithesis To Election Night'
By Kristine Marsh
December 1, 2017 2:06 PM EST

“He goes to jail. He goes to jail. He goes

to jail. Lock him up,” Behar pounded on
the table and cheered again.

She added:

“You know what this is for me? This is the

antithesis of election night,” she gushed.
“On election night I had to wear a veil. I
was in mourning. This is like the
antithesis of that hideous night and
that’s why I’m happy,” she added
The View’s reaction to the breaking news that Michael
Flynn admitted to lying to the FBI was just about what you Hostin had a more serious take:
would expect from the super partisan show.
This is so significant. You're talking about
After ABC News broke into The View’s live show to report someone's national security advisor,
that Michael Flynn had plead guilty to lying to the FBI someone with a military background who
about his communications with the Russian ambassador, pled guilty to lying to the FBI to the federal
co-host Joy Behar shared the news with their very liberal government and now going to testify that
audience: not as president, but as a candidate, the
candidate Donald Trump directed him to
ABC News Brian Ross is reporting Michael Flynn make contact with the Russians. I mean
promised full cooperation to the Mueller team and is does everybody understand how significant
prepared to testify that as a candidate, Donald Trump that is?
directed him to make contact with the Russians! Yes!
As the audience applauded the news, Hostin looked
The audience erupted in cheers and screaming as Behar gleeful.
threw her hands up in the air in excitement. Turning to the
rest of the grinning panel, Behar clapped her hands and “There's no -- I mean, it's unbelievable. If
cheered along with the audience. true,” she stated.

“The crowd is standing,” Sunny Hostin She added,

“It's beginning to look a lot of like “There is no legal definition for collusion.
Christmas and it's beginning to look a But there is a legal definition for
lot like collusion,” guest host, CNN’s Ana conspiracy. Conspiracy requires an overt
Navarro gushed. act from one person to the other. I could
prove an overt act, easily,” she argued.
A taken-aback Meghan McCain reacted to the audience’s “Isn't it kind of like treasonous?” Behar
exuberance: asked McCain.
“I concede to you it's a good moment for
“This is like you get a car, you get a car, you and a good moment for Democrats,”
you get a car reaction by the audience,” she responded.
she joked.
“And for the country!” Behar grinned as
the audience broke into cheers again.
“No. I will say-- Not to be the Debbie “Oh, no. It's a happy day. Come on.
Downer, but if this somehow leads to Come on,” Behar scoffed in dismissal, as
indictment the country is going to rip itself the audience applauded.
apart, and it's not going to be good for
America,” McCain stated. Behar wasn’t done with her anti-Trump diatribe.
“No it will lead to resignation,” Behar
shot back. “I remember Richard Nixon “He is going to be taken down for what
and Richard Nixon stepped down and he did and this country can start to
so should Donald Trump,” she declared, heal!” she gushed.
as the audience yelled out their agreement.
“If it leads to that,” McCain noted while the Haines again urged caution.
audience kept clapping.
“We don't even know what that process
She urged caution to the easily excited audience: would look like. It's messy now and --” she
Again, this just happened in real time in this segment. We “Justice is messy!” Behar couldn’t help
don't know the exact details of this. I will implore herself.
everyone--I know everyone is cheering here. I give
Democrats and liberals this moment, whatever. But I will Navarro called the information “scary as hell” repeating
say, I don't want this country to become more polarized that it’s a “very scary day” knowing that Flynn had the
and ripped apart than it already is. clearance he did while contacting the Russians:

As the audience talked over each other, To me it's not a happy day. It's not a sad
Hostin gushed, “This isn't a liberal day. For me what it is first of all, we're still
moment guys. This is an American in this process. It's a very scary day. The
moment!” idea this guy despite the fact he was
Behar agreed. “That's right,” she said as having contact with the Russians during the
the audience cheered. election was then named national security
adviser, the power that that has, the
“It’s not Democrat, it’s not Republican! intelligence that has, the clearance that
It’s not! It’s an American moment,” has, the access that has, the influence that
Hostin reiterated. has, the profile that that has. The
international implications that that has. This
guy, the former general who knew what he
was doing had been having contact with
the Russians and was able to get that
position. And that Donald Trump continued
protecting him over and over again, even
after he had to fire him is scary as hell.
“Except it's less scary now that they're
finding all this out!” Behar grinned.

Hostin argued we should all be concerned about a foreign

power interfering in our elections.
Host Sara Haines took a more reserved approach:
“[I]t's not a democratic issue. It's not a
Republican issue. We should all collectively
Even though there’s clapping and be concerned that this happened. This is a
screaming and everyone is excited it's also time for our country this is good for our
a mixed emotion thing. It's bad. That country to expose this kind of behavior,”
doesn't mean it's good for the country she argued.
either way. That's really bad if the present
day president --there is collusion proven “We should be concerned,” Haines said,
here. It's not it's a happy day. It's we adding, “not gleeful.”
need to figure out what went down here. “This is Christmas for Joy,” she joked.
I can't find myself cheering either.

But McCain wasn’t happy at the news and tried to argue to Behar responded with a more level-headed answer to
the panel that talks of indictment and impeachment McCain’s argument:
weren’t good for the country:
“If someone commits a crime, that’s a bad
I don't want to relive the '60s. I don't want thing. When they find out, that’s a good
to relive having a president impeached. We thing. That’s what I’m talking about now. I
have been talking very intentionally. I don't don’t believe there will be an impeachment,
want this country to rip itself apart. I would I think there will be a resignation,” Behar
like to find more in-between. This is--it argued.
seems like an audience very excited
“People were calling for his impeachment
about the idea of President Trump being the day after the election though,” McCain
indicted and possibly impeached.
pushed back. “I know Trump supporters,
this isn’t going to be seen in the same
Like clapping seals, the audience responded by applauding lense as it’s seen now,” she stated.
the idea of Trump being impeached.

Trump Attorney Ty Cobb
Releases Statement Following Flynn Guilty Plea
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 1, 2017

“The false statements involved mirror the which resulted in his resignation in
false statements to White House officials February of this year,” Cobb continued.
which resulted in his resignation in
“Nothing about the guilty plea or the charge
February of this year”
implicates anyone other than Mr. Flynn.
The conclusion of this phase of the Special
Counsel’s work demonstrates again that
the Special Counsel is moving with all
deliberate speed and clears the way for a
prompt and reasonable conclusion.”

Cobb’s statement jibes with an assessment by Andrew

McCarthy, a former federal prosecutor who specialized in
national security cases.

(National Sentinel) Special Counsel: President Donald J. Writing in National Review, McCarthy said that the nature
Trump’s attorney released a statement following news that of Flynn’s plea did not appear to have any implications in
former national security advisor Michael Flynn had the long-running media and political narrative that the
pleaded guilty to charges he lied to FBI agents regarding Trump campaign “colluded” with Russia against
conversations he had with Russia’s ambassador to the U.S. Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

Earlier, Flynn said that his guilty plea was made in the best “There’s less to the news than meets the
interests of the country and his family. eye,” McCarthy wrote.

“My guilty plea and agreement to cooperate He added:

with the Special Counsel’s Office reflect a
decision I made in the best interests of my
family and of our country. I accept full …[W]hen a prosecutor has a cooperator
responsibility for my actions,” he said. who was an accomplice in a major criminal
scheme, the cooperator is made to plead
guilty to the scheme. This is critical
Earlier reports noted that Flynn said he will cooperate fully because it proves the existence of the
with special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe. scheme. In his guilty-plea allocution (the
part of a plea proceeding in which the
As to the implications of Flynn’s admission, Trump defendant admits what he did that makes
attorney Ty Cobb said there are no links to the White him guilty), the accomplice explains the
House. scheme and the actions taken by himself
and his co-conspirators to carry it out. This
“Today, Michael Flynn, a former National goes a long way toward proving the case
Security Advisor at the White House for 25 against all of the subjects of the
days during the Trump Administration, and investigation.
a former Obama administration official, That is not happening in Flynn’s situation.
entered a guilty plea to a single count of Instead…he is being permitted to plead
making a false statement to the FBI. guilty to a mere process crime.
“The false statements involved mirror the
false statements to White House officials Further, McCarthy explained,

“It is becoming increasingly palpable that, Trump campaign in the Kremlin’s
whatever ‘collusion’ means, there was no machinations.”
actionable, conspiratorial complicity by the

Limbaugh: Timing Of Flynn Charges
‘May Not Be Coincidental’ — ‘Look At All
The News It Has Swept Off The Front Pages’
By Jeff Poor
1 Dec 2017

Friday on his nationally syndicated radio show, Martin’s opinion, the swamp banding
conservative talker Rush Limbaugh questioned the timing together – the establishment coordinating
of the announcement former National Security Adviser its efforts to continue to destroy Trump and
Michael Flynn had been charged by special counsel Robert muddy the waters. The tax bill is going to
Mueller for lying to the FBI. pass. As far as [Mitch] McConnell and
[Paul] Ryan are concerned, none of this
Limbaugh suggested the timing of the news was to draw today is a legal problem.”
the attention away from passage of the tax bill among “It’s a bit of a political problem, but it
other items in the news, including the Matt Lauer firing doesn’t present any legal problems to them
from NBC and the “not guilty” verdict in the Kate Steinle or their tax bill,” he continued. “The tax bill
murder trial. is going to pass. But I don’t have any doubt
that the timing of this thing today may not
“So there you have it – they’re all excited,” be coincidental. Just look at all the news it
Limbaugh said. “Mueller did the deed on has swept off the front pages and look what
the right day. Mueller did the deed to it put back on the front page: ‘Trump
sweep the tax cut deal off the table and to colluded with the Russians to steal the
tick everybody off. This is, in Jonathan election from Hillary.’”

Unbelievable: The Deep State Is Now
Going After Michael Flynn And Donald Trump For
Wanting To TAKE OUT ISIS Terrorists
Alex Thomas
December 1st, 2017

entire deep state simply for seeking to work closer with

Russia in order to take out literal terrorists!

Paul Joseph Watson reports:

As news broke that Michael Flynn would

testify that Donald Trump ordered him to
talk to the Russians during the transition
phase between administrations, the left
exploded with glee that actual evidence of
“Russian collusion” was in sight and it
could bring down Trump.
In a move that has the entire liberal media establishment
up in arms with claims that this could bring down the The reality turned out to be somewhat
president, former Trump national security adviser Michael disappointing for them.
Flynn has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about ABC News reported that Trump directed
conversations he had with the Russian ambassador. Flynn to speak with the Russians “initially
as a way to work together to fight ISIS in
Despite the fact that outlets such as CNN and ABC News Syria.”
are breathlessly reporting that the charges against Flynn
have to do with Russia, it has actually been revealed that In other words, Trump committed the
the reason for the calls to the Russians was to coordinate grievous sin of attempting to work
the FIGHT AGAINST ISIS. diplomatically with another super power to
defeat Islamic terrorism.
CNBC reports: This is hardly the damaging revelation
Trump’s enemies had been hoping for.
ABC News reported that Flynn, the former […]
national security adviser, would testify that
Talking to ambassadors is not a criminal
he was directed to make contact with
offense, it’s a routine procedure for
Russians during the presidential campaign
incoming administrations. Obama
in 2016. Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the
campaign officials responsible for the “reset
FBI about his postelection contacts with
policy” with Russia met with Russian
Russia’s ambassador to the U.S.
officials back in 2008 before the election
ABC said later in an updated report that had even taken place.
Flynn will say Trump asked him to make
The real reason Flynn was brought down
contact with Russia “initially as a way to
on a technicality is because he made an
work together to fight ISIS in Syria.”
enemy out of the deep state by directing
In a statement, Flynn said he agreed to exposing them for failing to fight ISIS and
“cooperate with the Special Counsel’s to some extent actually helping the spread
Office reflect a decision I made in the best of radical Islam.
interests of my family and of our country.”
At this point one has to wonder if Mueller himself is
That’s right, Michael Flynn, and President Trump by actually running cover for a terrorist organization as he has
extension, are now being attacked by Mueller and the done in the past.

The National Review’s Andrew McCarthy also destroyed crime — he’d be pleading guilty to an
the notion that this is some big bombshell: espionage conspiracy.

It remains unclear why the Obama Justice So there you have it. These entire “bombshell revelations
Department chose to investigate Flynn. against Flynn” are literally NOTHING but two politicians
There was nothing wrong with the incoming trying to reach out to another country in order to FIGHT
national-security adviser’s having meetings ACTUAL TERRORISTS. I repeat, Flynn and Trump are
with foreign counterparts or discussing being attacked for reaching out to a Russian ambassador
such matters as the sanctions in those about FIGHTING ISIS.
meetings. Plus, if the FBI had FISA
recordings of Flynn’s conversations with It truly doesn’t get any more bizarre than the establishment
Kislyak, there was no need to ask Flynn media attacking Americans who want to take out ISIS.
what the conversations entailed.
Flynn is prepared to testify that Trump
directed him to make contact with the
Russians — initially to lay the groundwork
for mutual efforts against ISIS in Syria.
That, however, is exactly the sort of thing
the incoming national-security adviser is
supposed to do in a transition phase
between administrations. If it were part of
the basis for a “collusion” case arising out
of Russia’s election meddling, then Flynn
would not be pleading guilty to a process

Mike Flynn Says Decision To Testify
Against Trump Was In ‘Best Interests’ Of His Family
By Kristina Wong
1 Dec 2017

Former National Security Adviser Ret.

Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn defended his Flynn was under serious financial strain, and his family
decision to make a plea deal with the members had urged him to start a legal defense fund
Special Counsel and to testify as a earlier this year. Flynn’s son was also interviewed by the
witness against President Trump and special counsel team, raising speculation that he was also
members of his family. being investigated.
“After over 33 years of military service to
our country, including nearly five years in Flynn reportedly also made the decision because he felt
combat away from my family, and then my that he had been “abandoned” by Trump. Flynn will
decision to continue to serve the United reportedly testify that during the campaign, President
States, it has been extraordinarily painful to Trump had instructed him to reach out to Russia.
endure these many months of false
accusations of ‘treason’ and other Flynn’s charge of lying to the FBI stems from his
outrageous acts,” Flynn said in a statement conversations with then-Russian Ambassador to the U.S.
Friday after he pleaded guilty to lying to the Sergei Kislyak on December 29, 2016. Flynn told the FBI
FBI. he did not discuss sanctions imposed that day by the
Obama administration.
“Such false accusations are contrary to
everything I have ever done and stood for.
But I recognize that the actions I He also told Vice President Mike Pence that he did not
acknowledged in court today were wrong, discuss sanctions, which Pence repeated in an interview.
and, through my faith in God, I am working Flynn was fired after someone leaked the classified
to set things right. My guilty plea and contents of his phone call to the Washington Post in
agreement to cooperate with the Special February, revealing that he had lied to Pence.
Counsel’s Office reflect a decision I made
in the best interests of my family and of our Flynn was also under scrutiny for his lobbying work for
country. I accept full responsibility for my Turkey in the lead up to the election. He reportedly
actions,” he said. hatched a plan to kidnap a Islamic cleric in Pennsylvania
seeking asylum from Turkey.

Michael Flynn Charged With Lying To The FBI While
Deep State Obama Operative James Clapper Is Allowed To
Commit “Brazen Perjury” On National TV
Alex Thomas
December 1st, 2017

Senator Wyden asked “It does not?”

Director Clapper responded “Not wittingly.
There are cases where they could
inadvertently perhaps collect, but not
This was proven to be completely
fraudulent three months later when
whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed
that the NSA was deliberately collecting
tens of millions of Americans’ phone call
records as well as browsing histories, chat
logs, email usage, as well as their physical
In what the entire mainstream media is reporting as a locations.
“bombshell”, former Trump national security adviser
Michael Flynn has been charged with lying to the FBI Clapper would have had a level of security
about a series of legal conversations he had with the clearance to know that this was taking
Russian ambassador that included talk on how better to place. He committed clear perjury by lying
take out ISIS. under oath, yet faced no consequences at
“The charging document states that Flynn
made a false statement to the FBI when he That’s right, there is clear and obvious evidence that
stated that in December 2016 he did not Clapper broke the law and committed perjury yet he
ask Kislyak “to refrain from escalating the remains untouched by anyone within the FBI. This is clear
situation in response to sanctions that the bias on the part of the Federal Bureau of Investigations and
United States had imposed against Russia should be immediately investigated.
that same day; and Flynn did not recall the
Russian ambassador subsequently telling
him that Russia had chosen to moderate its
response to those sanctions as a result of
his request,” reported CNN.

In comparison, Obama and deep state operative James

Clapper has committed open perjury multiple times over
the years and literally nothing has happened to him. I guess
being a globalist operative has its perks.

As Paul Joseph Watson reported:

During testimony in 2013 in front of a “In summary, it appears that lying under
congressional inquiry, Clapper was asked oath is perfectly acceptable if you’re a
by Senator Ron Wyden if the NSA was member of the deep state, and Clapper,
collecting “any type of data at all on millions unlike General Flynn, is enjoying the
or hundreds of millions of Americans.” privilege of having that special distinction.”

“No, sir,” responded Clapper.

Why The Michael Flynn
“Scandal” Is A Giant Nothingburger
The Resistance Thinks It Will Bring Down Trump; It Won’t
Paul Joseph Watson | Infowars.Com
December 1, 2017

“It remains unclear why the Obama Justice

Department chose to investigate Flynn.
There was nothing wrong with the incoming
national-security adviser’s having meetings
with foreign counterparts or discussing
such matters as the sanctions in those
meetings. Plus, if the FBI had FISA
recordings of Flynn’s conversations with
Kislyak, there was no need to ask Flynn
what the conversations entailed,” he writes.
“Flynn is prepared to testify that Trump
As news broke that Michael Flynn would directed him to make contact with the
testify that Donald Trump ordered him Russians — initially to lay the groundwork
to talk to the Russians during the for mutual efforts against ISIS in Syria.
transition phase between That, however, is exactly the sort of thing
administrations, the left exploded with the incoming national-security adviser is
glee that actual evidence of “Russian supposed to do in a transition phase
collusion” was in sight and it could between administrations. If it were part of
bring down Trump. the basis for a “collusion” case arising out
of Russia’s election meddling, then Flynn
The reality turned out to be somewhat disappointing for would not be pleading guilty to a process
them. crime — he’d be pleading guilty to an
espionage conspiracy.”
ABC News reported that Trump directed Flynn to speak
with the Russians

“initially as a way to work together to fight

ISIS in Syria.”

In other words, Trump committed the grievous sin of

attempting to work diplomatically with another super
power to defeat Islamic terrorism.

This is hardly the damaging revelation Trump’s enemies

had been hoping for.

“Sorry to be a party-pooper but if this is the In other words, for Flynn’s behavior to be proof of
extent of the “directive” Flynn received, it’s “Russian collusion” that embroils Trump, he would have
incredibly mundane,” commented journalist had to had access to a time machine given that he spoke
Michael Tracey. with Kislyak after the election.

As the National Review’s Andrew McCarthy points out,

The notion that Trump colluded with Russia by asking
Flynn to speak to Ambassador Kislyak is also ludicrous.
“There’s less to the news than meets the

As the passage below highlights, hundreds of
Congressman, Senators and members of the State
As Mike Cernovich points out,
Department have met with Kislyak since he became
ambassador in 2008.
“Flynn’s estimated prison sentence is 0 to 6
months and a $500 to $9,500 fine. Ignore
the headlines and read the legal
documents. This was a bullshit technicality
they got General Flynn on.”

Talking to ambassadors is not a criminal offense, it’s a

routine procedure for incoming administrations. Obama
campaign officials responsible for the “reset policy” with
Russia met with Russian officials back in 2008 before the “The resistance” actually thinks this is
election had even taken place. going to bring down Trump, like they
claimed literally every other hysterical non-
The real reason Flynn was brought down on a technicality reason would bring down Trump.
is because he made an enemy out of the deep state by
directing exposing them for failing to fight ISIS and to Watching their hopes dashed over and over again never
some extent actually helping the spread of radical Islam. stops being funny.

Morning Joe Promotes Military Insubordination
Based On Claim That Trump Has ‘Dementia’
By Chris Reeves
December 1, 2017 3:51 PM EST

On Friday’s Morning Joe, the show’s liberal pundits So he may be in kind of a weird unself-
doubled down on their claim that everybody around Trump aware mode where the noose is tightening,
thinks he has signs of serious mental deterioration. Host but he also doesn’t believe -- so, I mean, I
Joe Scarborough did not reveal his source for yesterday’s can't explain this crazy behavior, but I
assertion that Trump has “dementia,” but he and the other can call it crazy.
panelists used this claim to advocate for current military DONNY DEUTSCH: I have a question for
servicemen and presidential cabinet members to “stand up
you guys, ‘cause you know-
to Trump” and not follow orders from the President. USA
Today senior politics reporter Heidi Przybyla also took the BRZEZINSKI: It’s crazy.
opportunity to misrepresent a poll from the Military Times, DEUTSCH: -the Gary Cohns of the world
claiming that it supported the idea that most military and all of these people around him, a lot of
officers think Trump is mentally not “fit” to be very, very decent people.
The poll that she appeared to be DEUTSCH: At what point do they stop the
referencing asked no such thing of the “well, I’m -- it's better me being here-
troops that it surveyed. BRZEZINSKI: [interjecting] No.
SCARBOROUGH: [interjecting] So-.
DEUTSCH: -cause I’m protecting things”
versus “I love this country. I love my
children. I love my future grandchildren.
There's a man with his hand near the
nuclear button and somebody’s gotta
stand up.”

At this point, Scarborough intervened and turned the

conversation towards the American military, which he
framed as being a check to Trump’s assumed desire to
Prior to the segment in question, the Morning Joe crew re- order the murders of hundreds of thousands or potentially
hashed the “dementia” content from Thursday’s show. The even millions of people for no reason:
primary difference between Thursday’s and Friday’s
broadcasts was that on Friday morning, the whole panel So, so here's the deal. I mean, if you're, if you’re a
jumped in to diagnose Trump as literally suffering from domestic adviser for the President, then I do think that you
some sort of breakdown of his mental faculties. have to -- you can't stay. I don't know how Gary Cohn
Eventually, Morning Joe’s speculation about Trump being stays. If you are, you know, some of the generals that are
mentally ill transitioned into talking about why Trump’s around him, we're in the middle, and we have been hearing
cabinet members have not been doing more to actively and for some time that they fear a land war on the Korean
openly oppose the President given the fact that “his hand peninsula is coming.
[is] near the nuclear button”:
For them to abandon their post right
MIKA BRZEZINSKI: I also think he's never now because of a tweet, they cannot do
-- and it’s like a lot of people that we've that. And I do believe history will show a
seen in the past, that things have not lot of these men and women that are
ended well. He has never seen the standing shoulder to shoulder through
consequences of any of his actions. Ever. this crisis to be people that put their
country first.
[murmurs of agreement from panel]
Steve Rattner, who frequently appears on Favorability and mental fitness are not the same thing, and
Morning Joe to do economic analysis, then Przybyla should have double-checked her sources before
chimed in to express his vague hope that spreading misinformation that U.S. military officers think
people within Trump’s cabinet like John Trump is literally insane.
Kelly are “still willing to stand up to
Trump when the moment comes.” BBC World News America anchor Katty Kay followed
Przybyla’s comments by holding up the example of Air
Afterwards, Przybyla brought up the supposed results of Force General John Hyten, the top American nuclear
the recent Military Times poll in an attempt to suggest that commander at U.S. Strategic Command, who recently
the American military will resist “crazy” orders from the suggested in an open forum that Trump is likely to order
President: an illegal nuclear attack:

[I]f you look at where some of the rumblings are coming in And then you have the head of Strategic Command.
terms of who's going to speak out, it is from the national Heeten saying,
security community, because you see Corker saying:
Hyten saying, that, you know, I, they --
This is the person controlling the nuclear arsenal questioning the legality of a proposed
essentially turning this into a reality show. And then you nuclear strike. And I think those people
see this poll, for example, by the Military Times, I don't are thinking, right, how do we put
know if you saw it, out recently, where they say only 30% ourselves in a position where if
of commissioned officers think that he is fit. something were to happen that we
believe is catastrophic for the country,
There is only one Military Times poll we try to make sure that we can prevent
conducted in late October that appears to it. And I think these rumblings about the
be what Przybyla is referencing, but she legality of a nuclear strike, that's what
completely misrepresented what the you’re preparing for.
survey was about.
Kay’s point echoes Scarborough’s more explicit call in
The Military Times did not ask soldiers about what they early October for Republicans in the Senate to act
thought of Trump’s fitness, mental or otherwise, for the immediately to cripple the President’s nuclear defense
Presidency. Instead, capabilities, which would seriously hinder America’s
ability to respond to nuclear threats.
“[t]he questions focused on President
Trump’s time in the White House and This is the problem with loose talk about Trump being
national security issues facing U.S. mentally ill. In order to prevent a nuclear war in the first
leaders.” place, our nuclear defense forces need both: A) the ability
to respond quickly to any existential threats to America;
As part of this, serving troops were polled on their and B) the moral confidence in the President to believe
broader favorability views of Trump, which the military that he and his advisors have made the right decision in
paper reported thusly: ordering any nuclear attack. Undermining that moral
confidence should not be done lightly, let alone to make a
partisan political point.
President Donald Trump enjoys far
stronger support among members of the
The following is a partial transcript of today's segment:
military than the American public at large,
according to the latest scientific Military
Times poll. 7:12 AM EST
Overall, about 44 percent of all troops
surveyed in the Military Times poll have
a favorable view of Trump, while roughly
40 percent have an unfavorable opinion of
While almost 48 percent of enlisted troops
approve of Trump, only about 30 percent
of officers say the same, the poll shows.

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: I also think he's never -- and it’s like a lot of ROBINSON: [interjecting] Yeah.
people that we've seen in the past, that things have not ended
well. He has never seen the consequences of any of his actions. SCARBOROUGH: -because of a tweet,-
ROBINSON: [interjecting] Yeah.
[murmurs of agreement from panel]
SCARBOROUGH: -they cannot do that.
So he may be in kind of a weird unself-aware mode where the
noose is tightening, but he also doesn’t believe -- so, I mean, I
DEUTSCH: I didn't bring them up. Right.
can't explain this crazy behavior, but I can call it crazy.
SCARBOROUGH: And I do believe history will show a lot of
DONNY DEUTSCH: I have a question for you guys, ‘cause you
these men and women that are standing shoulder to shoulder
through this crisis to be people that put their country first.

BRZEZINSKI: It’s crazy.

DEUTSCH: But the domestic people are in a different position.

DEUTSCH: -the Gary Cohns of the world and all of these people
ROBINSON: Much different, yeah.
around him, a lot of very, very decent people.
[some inaudible crosstalk]
STEVE RATTNER: But what's also a little bit scary is that John
DEUTSCH: At what point do they stop the “well, I’m -- it's better
Kelly, who I don't know, but seems to be -- have been-
me being here-
BRZEZINSKI: [interjecting] I know!
BRZEZINSKI: [interjecting] No.
RATTNER: -a distinguished career, great guy.
SCARBOROUGH: [interjecting] So-.
BRZEZINSKI: [interjecting] I agree with you.
DEUTSCH: -cause I’m protecting things” versus “I love this
country. I love my children. I love my future grandchildren.
There's a man with his hand near the nuclear button and RATTNER: He seems to become a bit of an enabler. When you
somebody’s gotta stand up.” look at what he said after that poor kid was killed in Niger and
some of the other stuff, I hope he's still willing to stand up to
Trump when the moment comes.
SCARBOROUGH: So, so here's the deal. I mean, if you're, if
you’re a domestic adviser for the President, then I do think that
you have to -- you can't stay. I don't know how Gary Cohn stays. SCARBOROUGH: Yeah.
If you are, you know, some of the generals that are around him,-
HEIDI PRZYBYLA: They're not gonna bail, but if you look at
DEUTSCH: [interjecting] Got it, got it. where some of the rumblings are coming in terms of who's going
to speak out, it is from the national security community,-
SCARBOROUGH: -we're in the middle,-
EUGENE ROBINSON: [interjecting] Yeah.
PRZYBYLA: -because you see Corker saying: This is the person
controlling the nuclear arsenal essentially turning this into a
SCARBOROUGH: -and we have been hearing for some time-
reality show. And then you see this poll, for example, by the
Military Times, I don't know if you saw it, out recently, where they
DEUTSCH: [interjecting] Got that, got that. say only 30% of commissioned officers think that he is fit. So I
think if there is a community that's not going to bail, but then also
SCARBOROUGH: -that they fear a land war on the Korean speak out,-
peninsula is coming. For them to abandon-
KATTY KAY: [trying to cut in] And then you have-
DEUTSCH: [interjecting] Agree.
PRZYBYLA: -it's the same thing you saw during the campaign.
SCARBOROUGH: -their post right now-
SCARBOROUGH: It’s the military.

KAY: [continuing her point] -the head of Strategic Command. catastrophic for the country, we try to make sure that we can
Heeten saying, Hyten saying, that, you know, I, they -- prevent it. And I think these rumblings about the legality of a
questioning the legality of a proposed nuclear strike. And I think nuclear strike, that's what you’re preparing for.
those people are thinking, right, how do we put ourselves in a
position where if something were to happen that we believe is (...)

MSNBC Hopes Flynn Flip Brings
GOP Agenda To ‘Screeching Halt’
By Kyle Drennen
December 1, 2017 5:11 PM EST

During MSNBC’s Velshi & Ruhle on Friday, the liberal It’s when they hear about it from
co-anchors were giddy at the prospect that former National home....Until this makes a Senate
Security Advisor Michael Flynn pleading guilty to making Republican or a House Republican feel as
false statements to the FBI in the Russia investigation if, “Oh, my God, the bottom’s going to fall
would bring the entire Republican legislative agenda to a out on my political career if I don’t get right
“screeching halt.” with the voters on this this regarding the
President.” Then that’s when you’ll see
Talking to Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd at the that. But you know, we’re not there yet.
end of the 11 a.m. ET hour, Stephanie Ruhle eagerly
asked: Ruhle was disgusted, and replied:

“Does this news that we’re seeing out of “Isn’t that sick?”
the White House today put everything
else to a screeching halt?” Just prior to their discussion with Todd, Velshi and Ruhle
conducted a softball interview with Democratic New
Todd confessed that didn’t seem likely: Mexico Senator Tom Udall, repeatedly teeing him up to
slam congressional Republicans.
“Nothing seems to ever stop Washington –
you know, sort of stop everything....the “But at some point this becomes very,
Senate Republicans....I think collectively very serious for your Republican
they’re gonna put blinders on in all this, colleagues to say the evidence is
and their gonna, their mindset is gonna mounting that the White House did have
be, ‘We’re just going to continue to do something to do with the Russians....This
our agenda, do the taxes’...” has to become more political at some
point with the dropping of this charge
against Mike Flynn,” Velshi proclaimed.
The Democrat agreed: “Yeah, I think you’re
probably right.”

Ruhle followed up:

“You talk to your Republican counterparts

all the time....Behind closed doors, when is
it that they start to say, ‘Maybe we’ve
got to do something here’?” Udall
An exasperated Ali Velshi responded:
Well, I think this is something they don’t want to talk
“But at what point does that stop? At about. And at this point you have the three investigations.
what point do Republicans say the tone They can defer over to the three investigations and
has changed, the mood of the country is hopefully not talk about it. But as this builds up, I think
changing, it is – you can’t put blinders on we’re going to have the special prosecutor issue his report,
about Trump v. Russia anymore?” we’re going to have the reports out of these three
investigations, and it’s going to be pretty devastating. At
Todd observed: that point they’re going to have to take some action.

Velshi implored the lawmaker to make the investigation Trump has. Behind closed doors, when is it that they start to say,
the number one issue in Congress: “Maybe we’ve got to do something here”?

...have you inquired as to what UDALL: Well, I think this is something they don’t want to talk
Democratic senators or Democratic about. And at this point you have the three investigations. They
members of Congress have the power can defer over to the three investigations and hopefully not talk
to do to now move this into the fore? about it. But as this builds up, I think we’re going to have the
Because as you said, your Republican special prosecutor issue his report, we’re going to have the
colleagues tend not to like to talk about it. reports out of these three investigations, and it’s going to be
When we book people on to talk about pretty devastating. At that point they’re going to have to take
taxes or whatever the case is, they don’t some action.
want to talk about Donald Trump and
Russia. At some point, what can you do VELSHI: At some point, Senator, this crosses from – it is – for
to make this the main course of some Americans, this has been background noise. For some
conversation? people, the Russia investigation has been in the foreground. But
at some point, what – have you inquired as to what Democratic
Udall assured him: senators or Democratic members of Congress have the power to
do to now move this into the fore? Because as you said, your
“We need to clearly push forward on the Republican colleagues tend not to like to talk about it. When we
investigations that are book people on to talk about taxes or whatever the case is, they
ongoing....Increasingly, this is going to don’t want to talk about Donald Trump and Russia. At some
build, and I think they have to face this, the point, what can you do to make this the main course of
Republicans have to face it.” conversation? Because I think a lot of Americans today are
saying, “Alright, I held out not knowing what this was all about,
it’s now becoming a lot clearer what this was all about.”
Here are transcripts of the December 1 coverage:

UDALL: Well, I think the important thing is that in all the

11:52 AM ET
committees that have jurisdiction, we can ask questions. We can
inquire with officials that have some knowledge about this. We
ALI VELSHI: Senator Tom Udall from New Mexico, he’s a need to clearly push forward on the investigations that are
Democratic senator, he serves on the Senate Commerce and ongoing and the special prosecutor needs to move in a thorough
Foreign Relations and Appropriations Committees, joins us now. and timely way and get that information out there. Increasingly,
And, Senator, I think when we initially wanted to talk to you, we this is going to build, and I think they have to face this, the
wanted to talk taxes. That’s on hold for the moment because the Republicans have to face it.
vote’s on hold. We do have the Dow now down 240 points.
VELSHI: Senator, good to talk to you. Thank you very much for
Senator, at some point – we’ve had Liz Holtzman on with us this joining us.
morning, we’ve had Bill Kristol on – at some point this cannot
avoid the scrutiny of Congress. Now it’s not that it has, because
UDALL: Thank you.
there are three into the Russian investigation going on in
Congress. But at some point this becomes very, very serious for
your Republican colleagues to say the evidence is mounting that VELSHI: We’ll call you back on when we have an opportunity to
the White House did have something to do with the Russians in talk about taxes. At some point this vote will be rescheduled. It
their effort to get sanctions not imposed on Russia. This has to might be later today. Thank you, Senator. Senator Tom Udall.
become more political at some point with the dropping of this
charge against Mike Flynn. UDALL: That’s great. Thank you. Thank you very much.

SEN. TOM UDALL [D-NM]: Yeah, I think you’re probably right. I (...)
don’t have any doubt with this disclosure today and this plea that
what we’re seeing unfold is the special prosecutor now is going 11:55 AM ET
to have a very intimate view as to the President, his team, both in
the transition and in the early days of the administration, as to
how it was operating and what were the contacts with Russia and
what exactly was the back and forth. So this is a very, very
significant plea today. STEPHANIE RUHLE: Does this news that we’re seeing out of the
White House today put everything else to a screeching halt?
STEPHANIE RUHLE: You talk to your Republican counterparts
all the time. You’ve known them a lot longer than President CHUCK TODD: You know, in – if you had asked me that
question 10 years ago and the way Washington worked even just
a decade ago, I would have said yes, screeching halt. Nothing TODD: Right. Until this makes a Senate Republican or a House
seems to ever stop Washington – you know, sort of stop Republican feel as if, “Oh, my God, the bottom’s going to fall out
everything. There’s still business that has to be done. I don’t think on my political career if I don’t get right with the voters on this this
the tax bill starts. regarding the President.” Then that’s when you’ll see that. But
you know, we’re not there yet.

RUHLE: Charles, isn’t that sick?

TODD: There aren’t enough – there are not enough in the

Republican base yet that is ready to – I mean, thanks to the
gerrymandered district, thanks to our polarization. Remember, 35
to 45% of the country is going to accept more of the Ty Cobb
explanation here and the President Trump explanation here, at
least for a while. I think it’s gonna take more shoes to drop. I
think if you – you know, if it’s the President, his son-in-law, if it
really does creep into the family – and perhaps Donald Trump Jr.
here, we shouldn’t leave him out, since he also seemed to be
dabbling in Russian diplomacy every now and then during that
campaign year. Until it actually touches the family in public, and
the public sees that, if it does, if indeed the investigation gets all
TODD: But look, the Senate Republicans, there’s a handful of the way there, then perhaps it becomes that political problem that
them that say that they want to hold things up at some points in your generic Republican senator or Republicans congressman
time on this stuff, but I think collectively they’re gonna put has to say, “I’m out.”
blinders on in all this, and their gonna, their mindset is gonna be,
“We’re just going to continue to do our agenda, do the taxes,”
RUHLE: Alright, Chuck, we have to interrupt you.
and then sort of try to distance themselves a little bit.

VELSHI: Just to underscore, actually, a point that Chuck just

VELSHI: So you heard we talked – we just asked Tom Udall
made, Mitch McConnell has just walked on to the Senate floor
about that. Obviously he’s not on the right side of aisle to give us
and said to reporters, “We have the votes.” This is for the tax bill
an answer that would be satisfactory. But at what point does that
that should have been voted on an hour ago. So, again, to your
stop? At what point do Republicans say the tone has changed,
point, it would be much better for Mitch McConnell if he were to
the mood of the country is changing, it is – you can’t put blinders
be able to hold this vote today and pass tax and let the media
on about Trump v. Russia anymore?
and the rest of the world focus on Mike Flynn.
TODD: It’s when they hear about it from home. You know, right
TODD: Hey, guys, in an odd way, this may be a gift to Mitch
now, I think, Ali, I heard you say this, it’s been background noise,
McConnell in trying to get his 50 votes, right? The intense public
right? And it has been. It’s sort of been like the background music
scrutiny that was coming the last 12 hours on this tax bill may
you’ve stopped listening – paying attention to in the elevator.
have had an impact on a handful of senators. Well, now, no one’s
watching, right? Make your deal-cutting a little bit easier.
RUHLE: It doesn’t affect people day-in and day-out in their lives.

FBI Has Flynn On Lying About Ties To Israel, Not Russia
Several Major US Media Outlets Were Initially Silent About The Israeli
Connection Making It Seem As If Flynn's Guilty Plea Was
Vindication Of Russiagate Instead
So Then After Several Months Of Investigation Into Trump Team's
Alleged "Russia Ties" Mueller Has Manafort On Ties To Kiev, And Flynn
On Ties To Tel Aviv? Where Is Russia In All Of This?
Ali Abunimah
Sat, Dec 1, 2017

Former US National Security Adviser Michael Flynn Flynn’s plea is widely taken as an indication that he is
entered a guilty plea Friday to lying about efforts by the cooperating with Mueller, and that he may provide
incoming Trump administration to help Israel avoid evidence against other targets of the investigation.
censure at the UN Security Council over its illegal
settlements on occupied Palestinian land. Collusion with Israel

Yet several major US media outlets were initially silent The Trump transition team’s effort to halt the UN
about the Israeli connection. resolution was unsuccessful. It passed with no opposition
on 23 December, after the Obama administration declined
Flynn appeared in federal court in Washington to admit to cast a veto.
that he lied about conversations he had with the Russian
ambassador last December, in the weeks before Donald Flynn’s plea adds to the mounting evidence of Trump’s
Trump took the oath of office. collusion with Israel to shield it from accountability for its
violations of international law.
The single count charges that Flynn lied to federal
investigators about two conversations; in the first, on 22 Last month, The Wall Street Journal reported that Trump’s
December, Flynn asked the Russian envoy to delay or son-in-law and Middle East peace envoy Jared
defeat the UN Security Council vote condemning Israel’s Kushner was being probed by Mueller over contacts with
settlements. Israeli officials aimed at thwarting the UN vote.

advertisement In October, Trump campaign foreign policy adviser

In the second conversation, a week later, Flynn had asked George Papadopoulos also pleaded guilty to lying to the
the Russian government to refrain from retaliating harshly FBI in the course of the Mueller investigation.
to sanctions imposed by the Obama administration – an act
that, ironically, would benefit the United States.
While Papadopoulos is a far more junior figure than Flynn,
he had championed Israeli settlers during an April 2016
According to the charge sheet, Flynn made false visit to Israel. Papadopoulos’ remarks impressed one
statements to the FBI about these conversations during Israeli right-wing observer that “Trump has somewhat of a
questioning on 24 January 2017, days after Trump took prism on world affairs, and that there are some reasonably
office and Flynn was already National Security Adviser. informed people trying to advise him.”

Flynn’s guilty plea is a result of the ongoing investigation Media silence

by special counsel Robert Mueller, the former FBI director
appointed by the Department of Justice in May to lead a
Yet despite the clear signs that Trump’s consistent concern
broad investigation sparked by allegations of ties between
seemed to be advancing Israeli, rather than Russian,
the Trump campaign and Russia.
interests, the focus in US mainstream media has barely

paid attention to the collusion with Benjamin Netanyahu’s To its credit, NBC noted that “Flynn, while not yet in
government. office, was trying to get the Russians to do what Israel
wanted, and thus undercut US policy.”
Reports on the websites of NPR, CNN and CBS about
Flynn’s plea seen by The Electronic Intifada on Friday Citing sources briefed on the inquiry, The New York
morning initially made no mention of Israel at all. CBS Times reported that Mueller’s investigators “have learned
and CNN later added information about Flynn’s role in through witnesses and documents that Prime Minister
trying to thwart the UN resolution vote. Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel asked the Trump transition
team to lobby other countries to help Israel.”

“Investigators have learned that Mr. Flynn and Mr.

Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner,
took the lead in those efforts,” the newspaper states,
adding that “Mueller’s team has emails that show Mr.
Flynn saying he would work to kill the vote.”

Other contacts?

On Twitter, CNN’s Jim Sciutto, citing an FBI statement,

pointed out that Flynn contacted the Russians “after being
asked by a senior Trump transition official to find out how
foreign governments stood on the coming UN Security
Council resolution about Israel.”

That indicates that Flynn might well have been in touch

with other Security Council members, not just Russia.

Yet despite this, the overwhelming focus remains on

alleged collusion with Russia. The obvious Israeli
connection has not garnered the same obsessive attention
from liberal politicians and pundits who have jumped on
every “Russiagate” allegation of “collusion” no matter
how dubious or fictional.

Long-time media observer Sam Husseini of the Institute

for Public Accuracy noted the discrepancy, observing in a
tweet that it is “Funny how [the] Israeli press is
NBC and The New York Times mentioned Israel in their highlighting Flynn apparently lying to help Israel more
reports, respectively in the tenth and eighth paragraphs. than [the] US press.”

Flynn Guilty Plea Brings Mueller
Investigation Directly Into The White House
By Chris Megerian And David S. Cloud
Dec 01, 2017

Manafort, and his deputy, who refused to cooperate. They

were charged with a dozen counts of fraud, conspiracy and
money laundering on Oct. 30.

Flynn was released Friday on his own recognizance.

Manafort's lawyers this week asked a judge to approve a
bail package that would allow him limited travel in
exchange for pledging properties worth $11.6 million.

In a statement, Flynn cited his 33 years of service in the

Army, including five years in combat in Iraq and
President Trump’s former national security advisor,
Michael T. Flynn, pleaded guilty Friday to lying to the FBI "It has been extraordinarily painful" to
about his contacts with Russia’s ambassador to the U.S., endure "false accusations of 'treason' and
communications that court documents said Flynn had other outrageous acts," he said. "Such
discussed with “a very senior member” of Trump’s false accusations are contrary to everything
transition team. I have ever done and stood for."
"But I recognize that the actions I
U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras said at Flynn’s plea acknowledged in court today were wrong,
hearing that the retired three-star Army general had agreed and through my faith in God, I am working
to provide "substantial assistance for prosecution of to set things right," he added. "My guilty
another person," suggesting that Flynn is helping the FBI plea and agreement to cooperate with the
target a higher-up in the White House. special counsel's office reflect a decision I
made in the best interests of my family and
According to court papers, Flynn repeatedly lied to FBI of our country. I accept full responsibility for
agents when they interviewed him at the White House on my actions."
Jan. 24, four days after Trump was inaugurated, as part of
the investigation into whether any of the president's aides Trump's lawyer, Ty Cobb, downplayed the significance of
had assisted Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 Flynn's promise of cooperation. Despite the judge's
presidential election. statement and prosecutor's filing, Cobb said,

Flynn’s cooperation means special counsel Robert S. "Nothing about the guilty plea or the charge
Mueller III can focus on members of Trump’s inner circle, implicates anyone other than Mr. Flynn."
including the president’s son-in-law and senior advisor,
Jared Kushner, who took part in meetings with or "The conclusion of this phase of the special
concerning Russian officials or intermediaries last year or counsel's work demonstrates again that the
during the transition. special counsel is moving with all
deliberate speed and clears the way for a
prompt and reasonable conclusion," he
Mueller has not charged anyone with helping Russian
said in a statement released by the White
hacking or other election-related misdeeds. But his probe
has produced felony charges against some of Trump's
former top aides, casting an ever darker shadow over the
White House and sending a clear warning to those still in Cobb also downplayed Flynn’s importance, saying that he
the cross-hairs. was

The single charge against Flynn, who agreed to cooperate “at the White House for 25 days during the
with Mueller’s team, stands in sharp contrast to the harsh Trump Administration and a former Obama
case filed against Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul administration official.”
Flynn was fired as head of the Defense Intelligence Flynn also pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his
Agency in 2014 for what the Obama administration said conversations with Kislyak about a United Nations
was mismanagement. He became one of Trump's closest resolution passed last December criticizing Israeli
aides during the campaign and the transition, both as a settlements on the West Bank.
surrogate and as a policy advisor.
The Obama administration was planning to abstain from
After the election, Trump named him national security the vote on the resolution, a relatively rare move by the
advisor, one of the most senior positions in the White U.S., which normally vetoes U.N. resolutions critical of
House. But Flynn was forced to resign weeks later when Israel.
the media disclosed he had misled Vice President Mike
Pence and other officials about his contacts with the Court documents indicate Flynn was the point man for an
Russian ambassador, Sergey Kislyak. effort by the Trump transition team to block the resolution,
apparently at the urging of Israel.
The charge filed Friday focused chiefly on those contacts.
According to court papers, Kislyak contacted Flynn on On Dec. 22 , Flynn was directed by a "very senior member
Dec. 28 after President Obama had announced he was of the Presidential Transition Team" to contact officials
imposing sanctions on Russia in response to its meddling from Russia and other foreign governments "to influence
in the U.S. election. those governments to delay the vote or defeat the
resolution," according to a prosecution document.
The next day, the filing says, Flynn "called a senior
official" on Trump's transition team, who was with other The very senior transition official is not identified in the
aides at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, to seek document. But Trump issued a statement Dec. 22 that
guidance. They discussed the potential impact of the called for the resolution to be vetoed.
sanctions on Trump's foreign policy goals.
"This puts Israel in a very poor negotiating
After the call, Flynn called Kislyak and position and is extremely unfair to all
Israelis," he said.
"requested that Russia not escalate the
situation." Flynn called Kislyak the same day and asked Russia,
which holds a veto in the U.N. Security Council, to oppose
Flynn then spoke again with the senior official in the the settlement resolution. Kislyak called back the next day
transition team and said Russia would not vote no, the prosecution
document says.
"to report on the substance of his call…
including their discussion of the U.S. A version of the resolution passed later that day after the
sanctions." U.S. abstained.

Russian President Vladimir Putin indicated the next day Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said that Flynn's contacts
that Russia would not retaliate for the U.S. sanctions, and with the Russians before Trump took office could be a
Kislyak called Flynn to share the news, and he informed violation of the Logan Act, a 1799 law prohibiting private
the transition team. citizens from negotiating with foreign governments.

But in his Jan. 24 interview with the FBI, Flynn "falsely Flynn's guilty plea is "a stunning revelation
stated" that he did not ask Kislyak about the sanctions, and and could be a violation of the Logan Act,"
did not remember the follow-up conversations, the Feinstein said in a statement. "This is just
charging document states. one more proof point that these
investigations must be allowed to continue
without interference."

Why Flynn’s Plea Is A
Dead End For ‘Russiagate’ Conspiracy
Nebojsa Malic For RT
Published Time: 1 Dec, 2017 23:33 Edited Time: 1 Dec, 2017

Former US National Security Adviser Michael Flynn in Washington,

US, December 1, 2017 © Jonathan Ernst / Reuters

President Donald Trump’s short-lived national security

adviser, Michael Flynn, pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI.
Most US media jumped on the plea as proof of Trump’s
collusion with Russia. Actual documents, however, tell a
different story.
“There was nothing wrong with the incoming
national security adviser’s having meetings with
A court document signed by special counsel Robert foreign counterparts or discussing such matters
Mueller, dated Thursday, specifies two instances of Flynn as the sanctions in those meetings,” Andrew
telling FBI investigators things that were not true. They McCarthy of National Review wrote on Friday.
relate to two conversations he had with Russian
Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, in December 2016.
Because Flynn was “generally despised by
Obama administration officials,” McCarthy
In the Statement of Offense signed by Flynn at his court added, “there has always been cynical
appearance on Friday, he admitted to acting on instructions suspicion that the decision to interview him was
from a senior “Presidential Transition Team” (PTT) driven by the expectation that he would provide
official, prompting breathless speculation if that was the FBI with an account inconsistent with the
Trump himself, his son-in-law Jared Kushner, or someone recorded conversation - i.e., that Flynn was
else altogether. The one question nobody seems to be being set up for prosecution on a process
asking is, “So what?” crime.”

It is intuitively obvious to even the most casual observer Back in May, former deputy Attorney General Sally Yates
that Flynn’s “crime” is a procedural one: he told FBI testified before the Senate Judiciary subcommittee that she
investigators he hadn’t done a thing that he actually did. came to the White House on January 26 - two days after
But was the thing he did - namely, speak with the Russian Flynn’s FBI interview - to say that he had lied about his
ambassador to the US - against the law? Not really. conversations with Kislyak. How did she know?

Under the 1799 Logan Act, it is technically against the law That, she said, was “based on classified
for a private US citizen to engage in diplomacy. However, information.”
only two people have ever been indicted under that law,
and no one has ever been prosecuted. Flynn was a member
Clearly, Yates knew Flynn was lying about the
of the presidential transition team whose duties involved
conversations because US intelligence had been listening
contacts with foreign diplomats. So why would the FBI
in on them. An Obama administration official leaked that
even ask him about his contacts with Ambassador
information to the Washington Post’s David Ignatius, who
reported on the Flynn-Kislyak conversation on January 12,
eight days before Trump’s inauguration.
Responding to that report, Vice President Pence said that permitted to plead guilty to a mere process
Flynn’s conversation with Kislyak “had nothing crime,” he wrote, referring to a volunteer Trump
whatsoever to do” with the Obama administration’s campaign adviser who likewise pleaded guilty to
expulsion of Russian diplomats and closure of two lying to the FBI about seeking contacts with (a
diplomatic properties, enacted on December 29, 2016. nonexistent) “Putin’s niece.”

After the Post reported that the two did in fact discuss
Obama’s sanctions, citing anonymous sources again, Flynn
submitted his resignation.

The dark undertone of the Post’s reporting was that Flynn

was somehow “subverting” Obama’s sanctions, intended
as punishment for - alleged, and to this day unproven -
Russian “meddling” in US elections. What Flynn actually
did, as documented by the special counsel, was to ask
Russia not to escalate in response to Obama’s actions.

It worked, too: Russian President Vladimir Putin

announced that Moscow would not expel any US
diplomats, but rather invite them to the Kremlin for
holiday celebrations. It wasn’t until July, after the passage
of an anti-Russian bill in Congress, that Putin ordered the
US to downsize its diplomatic staff in Russia by 755.

So what about the frantic insistence of “Russiagate”

partisans that Flynn’s plea practically portends the
downfall of the president they refuse to accept as
legitimate? Their elation is unwarranted and premature,
warns McCarthy. If a prosecutor has a cooperating witness
who is an accomplice in a criminal scheme, the plea is
structured so it proves the existence of the scheme.

“That is not happening in Flynn’s situation. Flynn’s plea did include an admission he failed to report
Instead, like Papadopoulos, he is being activities undertaken on behalf of a foreign government:
Turkey, a key NATO ally of the US.

Jared Kushner Directed Michael Flynn
To Contact Russian Government In Dec. 2016: Report
By Melissa Quinn | Dec 1, 2017, 2:06 PM
Updated Dec 1, 2017, 6:43 PM

Sources told NBC News that K.T. McFarland, a member

of the transition team who later served as deputy national
security adviser, spoke with Flynn to advise him on what
to say on the call. McFarland is now Trump's nominee to
be U.S. ambassador to Singapore.

Flynn pleaded guilty to one count of lying to the FBI about

his contacts with the Russian ambassador Friday. The
former national security adviser made the misleading
statements during an interview with the FBI that occurred
while he was working in the White House, and those
statements also led to his termination as national security
White House senior adviser Jared Kushner
speaks to reporters outside the White House in
Washington, Monday, July 24, 2017, after The documents from federal prosecutors lay out the
meeting on Capitol Hill behind closed doors with timeline for when Flynn communicated with high-ranking
the Senate Intelligence Committee on the members of the Trump transition team about his contacts
investigation into possible collusion between with the Russian ambassador, as well as the directions he
Russian officials and the Trump campaign. (AP was given by those officials on the issue of U.S. sanctions
Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais) against Russia and the United Nations resolution about
Israeli settlements.
Jared Kushner, President Trump’s son-in-law and a senior
adviser at the White House, reportedly directed former The government’s case against Flynn does not mention
national security adviser Michael Flynn to contact the President Trump, though ABC News reported Friday that
Russian government, and others, about a United Nations Flynn planned to tell investigators Trump, as a presidential
resolution on Israeli settlements in Dec. 2016, according to candidate, directed his contacts with Russian officials.
a report.
Flynn is planning to testify against Trump, members of the
Two former members of Trump’s transition team told Trump family and other White House officials, and said he
Bloomberg that Kushner instructed Flynn to reach out to is cooperating with special counsel Robert Mueller and his
foreign governments, including Russia, about the investigators, who are investigating Russian meddling in
resolution before the United Nations Security Council and the 2016 election.
try to convince Russia to either oppose or delay the vote.
According to court documents, Flynn told FBI agents in a
Court documents filed Friday said a “very senior member” Jan. 24 interview he did not
of the Trump transition team directed Flynn to make
contacts with Russian government officials, but the “ask Russia’s ambassador to the United States
member was not identified. … to refrain from escalating the situation in
response to sanctions that the United States
Documents state Flynn also discussed with senior had imposed against Russia.”
transition team officials his contacts with then-Russian
ambassador Sergey Kislyak about U.S. sanctions on Flynn also told the FBI he didn’t recall another
Russia. conversation with Kislyak, during which the Russian
ambassador said Russia “had chosen not to moderate its
response to those sanctions” because of Flynn’s request.

Neither statement Flynn made to the FBI was true, the In addition to lying to the FBI about his contacts with the
government said. Russian ambassador, Flynn also made false statements
during his Jan. 24 interview about contacts with Russia
The federal government said Kislyak contacted Flynn on and other countries regarding a resolution before the
Dec. 28, 2016, the day then-President Barack Obama United Nations Security Council introduced Dec. 21, 2016.
signed an executive order announcing sanctions against
Russia as punishment for Russia’s interference in the 2016 Flynn lied to the FBI about asking countries their positions
election. on the resolution, and falsely said he didn’t ask the
countries to vote a certain way.
The next day, Flynn called a senior member of the Trump
transition team, who at the time was with other senior According to court documents, a “very senior member” of
transition team officials at Trump’s property in Palm the Trump transition team told Flynn on or around Dec.
Beach, Fla., Mar-a-Lago. During Flynn’s phone call to the 22, 2016, to contact officials from foreign governments,
senior transition team member, the two discussed what to including Russia, to determine their positions on the
tell the Russian ambassador about the sanctions, including resolution, which was on the issue of Israeli settlements.
how the sanctions could impact the incoming Trump
administration’s foreign policy goals, according to court The “very senior member” of the transition team also
documents. directed Flynn to “influence those governments to delay
the vote or defeat the resolution.”
The transition team official and Flynn, a top Trump
campaign surrogate, also talked about how members of the Flynn contacted Kislyak on Dec. 22, 2016, and told him
transition team who were at Mar-a-Lago didn’t “want about the incoming Trump administration’s opposition to
Russia to escalate the situation.” the UN resolution. He also asked for Russia to oppose or
delay the resolution, according to the federal government.
After the Dec. 29 call with the senior transition team
official ended, Flynn then called Kislyak and asked that Flynn spoke with Kislyak again Dec. 23, 2016, and the
Russia “not escalate the situation and only respond to the Russian ambassador said Russia wouldn’t oppose the
U.S. sanctions in a reciprocal manner,” court documents resolution.
Trump’s former national security adviser is the first
Flynn then called the Trump transition team official to member of the administration to be charged as part of
discuss his call with Kislyak. Mueller’s Russia probe.

The following day, Dec. 30, 2016, Russian President The White House attempted to distance itself from Flynn
Vladimir Putin said in a statement Russia wouldn’t on Friday and said the false statements he gave to the FBI
retaliate against the U.S. in response to the sanctions. are the same that ultimately led to his firing.

Kislyak called Flynn on or around Dec. 31, 2016, to tell “Nothing about the guilty plea or the charge
him that Moscow decided not to retaliate “in response to implicates anyone other than Mr. Flynn,”
Flynn’s request.” President Trump’s lawyer, Ty Cobb, said in a
statement. “The conclusion of this phase of the
Flynn placed a call to senior transition team officials to special counsel’s work demonstrates again that
discuss his call with Kislyak regarding the sanctions and the special counsel is moving with all deliberate
Russia’s decision “not to escalate the situation,” according speed and clears the way for a prompt and
to court documents. reasonable conclusion.”

Jared Kushner Can’t Pass
His Security Clearance Investigation, Officials Say
By Chris Riotta
12/1/17 at 6:00 AM

Updated | Jared Kushner is a security risk embedded in the campaign, following a pattern of not properly
West Wing since he still hasn't passed a comprehensive disclosing information on government records.
background investigation required of anyone seeking a
permanent security clearance—and no one will question Experts say Kushner's original SF-86 questionnaire may
the president's decision to put his son-in-law in a have violated the personal conduct code in federal
crucial government role, experts and officials told directives for security clearance applicants, since his
Newsweek. failure to disclose any foreign contacts on his original
forms could be considered the equivalent of making false
President Donald Trump's senior adviser has been working statements.
under an interim security clearance nearly a year into the
administration, as investigators continue to assess his Newsweek spoke with seven of the nation's leading law
trustworthiness and analyze his web of active foreign firms specializing in security clearance law, with clients
investments, according to two sources with knowledge of throughout the Trump administration and federal
the status on Kushner's clearance. government. All seven said Kushner's security clearance
should be suspended until investigators can determine
Kushner's permanent security clearance was stalled whether his failures to disclose information
because he initially omitted 100 foreign contacts before were intentional. Meanwhile, the White House has
revising his forms three times. Kushner's claimed the delay in Kushner's clearance is normal due to a
complicated business interests are also being backlog in applications.
considered after he repeatedly revised financial disclosure
forms. But experts said the sheer volume of his ongoing
ties to foreign investors is enough to deny anyone access to
classified information.

"The real question is, Why hasn't his clearance

been denied?" said Alan Edmunds, a senior
attorney specializing in security clearance law
at the Edmunds Law Firm. "Of course, the real
reason it hasn’t been denied yet is because
nobody has the moxie to tell the president his
son-in-law can't be working in the White House,
even though he shouldn't be."

The process for getting a government security clearance is For months, Democrats have called for Jared Kushner’s security
well established: Adjudicators from the FBI comb through clearance to be revoked. Nicholas Kamm, Getty
a form called an SF-86 while making an official
assessment as to whether someone can be trusted with the "People occasionally treat this like it’s a minor
nation's secrets. Those analysts take into account personal deviation from the truth, the way a person may
history, such as employment, relationships, foreign deviate from the truth on income tax filings, but
entanglements and business deals—and review revisions it’s not just a deviation," Mary Kuntz, a
and mistakes that would-be officials have made on their Washington, D.C., attorney at Kalijarvi, Chuzi,
disclosure forms. Newman & Fitch, P.C., told Newsweek. "It's
serious.... It’s evidence you can't be trusted and
Kushner has updated his forms to add a slew of Russian makes the likeliness of you getting a security
contacts he had throughout the 2016 presidential clearance even less."

Kushner's attorneys have maintained their client's
innocence from the very beginning, claiming the senior
adviser has always tried to be honest and transparent
despite his records routinely featuring extensive mistakes.
Ethics watchdogs have previously lambasted the former
tech entrepreneur and budding real estate magnate for not
including one of his companies on a government financial
disclosure form, in a move that allowed him to maintain a
stake in the young startup while profiting from its
explosive success during his transition to public service.
Democrats have been sounding the alarms on Kushner’s
"It's one thing if you call in and admit to security clearance ever since Trump took office,
forgetting one or two contacts.… Let’s face it, questioning how he and his wife, White House senior
some people in government have multiple adviser Ivanka Trump, managed to obtain access to
foreign connections," Greg Rinckey, a founding classified information, and what qualifications permitted
partner at Tully Rinckey, told Newsweek. "But them to work in the West Wing.
when you forget a hundred, that’s concerning.
The whole point of security clearances are to "I find it demoralizing. I'm a member of
minimize threats. All this shows a lack of candor Congress, and I've had a security clearance
on Kushner’s part, a major issue with receiving when I was in the Air Force. I know if I
a clearance." submitted two false clearances, they would
have me under
Even if his forms were completely accurate from the start, investigation," Representative Ted Lieu (D-
however, Kushner's foreign business dealings would Calif.), who has long advocated for Kushner’s
immediately raise investigators' eyebrows. security clearance to be revoked, told
Kushner maintains a stake in several businesses and
properties with international ties, including a 41-story "If I also was responsible for a $1.2 billion debt
office building at 666 Fifth Avenue in New York City, on a building in which half is attributable to me
on which his family business, Kushner Cos., reportedly and my family, they would simply not give me a
owes hundreds of millions. To raise funds, the company security clearance," Lieu added. "We also need
has sought foreign investment from China, Saudi Arabia, to ask: When Jared Kushner takes trips to
France, Israel and Qatar. foreign countries, is he asking foreign officials to
help him finance the 666 building?"
Experts say his stake in the Fifth Avenue building alone is
more than enough to cause a suspension of an interim Several requests for comment from Kushner’s legal team
security clearance, as some believe he could use his and the White House communications office went
position in the White House to bail out his family's unanswered. Representatives from federal agencies
investment. involved in the security clearance application process
declined to comment on the record, citing a practice of not
commenting on specific applications.
"If Jared Kushner was working for any other
department in the U.S. government and these
issues arose…about falsifying a clearance or Regardless of whether Kushner is actually qualified to get
omitting information…his access would be first a security clearance, little is likely to change in the West
suspended. And then if there’s no other position Wing, as the president has the ultimate authority in
he could hold, he’d be out of work without pay. determining whether his son-in-law and Middle East peace
He’d be off the job," Joseph Kaplan, founding envoy eventually receives a permanent clearance.
principal attorney at Passman & Kaplan, P.C.,
told Newsweek. "If he was anybody else, his "The entire security clearance process comes
security clearance would have already been down to the president," said Sean Bigley, an
denied." attorney who did background checks for
security clearances and worked in the
Department of Homeland Security under
President George W. Bush. "It would be
extremely rare—almost unheard of—though
[Trump] could order a clearance to be granted,
or reverse an adverse decision made by
adjudicators if he wanted to. But most of the

time we see these cases are left to nonpolitical "None of this is normal, including the president
career personnel." requesting security clearances for his children,"
Edmunds said. "I’ve never known a president to
As investigators pore through Kushner's documents, he do that."
still has access to America’s secrets under his temporary
security clearance. And that rankles the nation's security Correction: This article was updated to correct the
experts. spelling of Alan Edmunds's first name, as well as the law
firm Kalijarvi, Chuzi, Newman & Fitch.

Kushner remains in the White House despite multiple failures to

disclose his foreign contacts and business assets. Drew Angerer, Getty

Mueller Grasps At Straws As
Flynn Deal Disproves Election Collusion
by ZeroPointNow
Dec 1, 2017 4:12 PM

This whole charade with former National Security Advisor the Trump campaign and Russia – at least through
Mike Flynn reeks of desperation and makes clear that Flynn, as it pertains to pre-election collusion.
Mueller's team has an empty hand...
 It’s perfectly reasonable to expect an incoming
To summarize the plea agreement from the FBI Special President to instruct his incoming National Security
Counsel’s “Statement of the Offense” Advisor to establish a dialogue with a country like
Russia over recent and contentious sanctions, as well
as fighting ISIS in Syria.
 On December 29, 2016, Flynn called a senior official of
the Presidential Transition Team to discuss whether or
 If Flynn’s contact with Russia was related to “collusion”
not to talk to the Russians about recent U.S. sanctions
in regards to election meddling, he would be pleading
imposed by Obama.
guilty to an espionage conspiracy, not the “process
 Flynn got the go-ahead from someone (does not name
crime” of lying to the FBI..
Trump) and called the Russian Ambassador,
requesting that Russia not escalate the situation –
 If Flynn were to now drop some new bombshell about
asking that they only respond to the U.S. sanctions in a
greater Russian collusion, he would have lied to the
reciprocal manner.
FBI twice.
 On or about December 30 – the next day, Russian
President Vladimir Putin released a statement
indicating that Russia would not take retaliatory
measures in response to U.S. sanctions.
 Flynn lied about this on January 24 in a voluntary
interview with the FBI
 Flynn also lied to the FBI about calls he made to the
Russian Ambassador and other countries to try and
influence a UN resolution submitted by Egypt regarding
Israeli settlements, stating he only asked the countries’
positions on the vote

ABC news takes it a step further, reporting from an

anonymous source that

“Donald Trump directed him to make

contact with the Russians, initially as a
way to work together to fight ISIS in
Syria.” – As Andrew McCarthy of the National Review points out;

though NBC News reports it was Trump's son-in-law and “when a prosecutor has a cooperator
advisor Jared Kushner. who was an accomplice in a major
criminal scheme, the cooperator is
Observation and takeaways made to plead guilty to the scheme.

 The fact that Flynn spoke with the Russians in This is critical because it proves the existence of the
December, well after the election, has been known scheme. In his guilty-plea allocution (the part of a plea
since February. proceeding in which the defendant admits what he did that
makes him guilty), the accomplice explains the scheme
 Mueller’s “Statement of Offense” establishes is and the actions taken by himself and his co-conspirators to
that there wasn’t an existing backchannel between
carry it out. This goes a long way toward proving the case the transition office to conduct a conversation” about the
against all of the subjects of the investigation. US’s Syria policy.

That is not happening in Flynn’s “General Flynn or I explained that there

situation. Instead, like Papadopoulos, were no such lines,” Kushner wrote. But he
he is being permitted to plead guilty to a said he went on to ask whether the
mere process crime. Russian Embassy “had an existing
communications channel … we could use
So why lie? where they would be comfortable
transmitting the information they wanted to
Why would Flynn lie about his contact with the Russians relay to General Flynn.” –Business Insider
in late January, five days after the Inauguration? Was it
because the nation had been whipped into an anti-Russia And now it emerges that Kushner
frenzy? Or, as some have suggested, does the rabbit hole allegedly asked Flynn to contact the
go much deeper and there are aspects of the Trump-Russia Russian Ambassador…
story that haven’t been made public yet? Again, if that
were known, Flynn would be pleading guilty to a much
more serious crime.

That said, Flynn is facing a whopping six months in prison

and a fine of up to $9,500 for lying to the Special Counsel.

So – unless there’s more than meets the eye, it appears that

the coverup is far greater than the crime in regards to
Flynn’s decision to lie to the FBI. And whatever the
Who’s next? outcome, the hard bounce in the S&P 500 would seem to
suggest this is perhaps another nothingburger and not quite
President Trump’s son-in-law and senior advisor, Jared the end of Drumpf.
Kushner, told the Senate Intelligence Committee that he
asked Russia’s Ambassador whether the Trump transition
team could use Russia’s embassy to communicate with
Moscow about Syria.

The meeting with the ambassador, Sergey Kislyak,

“occurred in Trump Tower, where we had our transition
office, and lasted twenty [to] thirty minutes,” Kushner
wrote in an 11-page statement detailing his contacts with
Russian nationals during the election and transition period.

“Lt. General Michael Flynn (Ret.), who

became the President’s National Security
Advisor, also attended … I stated our
desire for a fresh start in relations.”

Kushner said Kislyak, whose tenure in the US ended this

past weekend, asked whether there was “a secure line in

New Details From Mueller About Michael Flynn Is 'Big
Trouble' For Top Trump Officials — Including
Kushner, Conway, And Miller
Natasha Bertrand
December 1, 2017

William Yeomans, a former deputy assistant

attorney general who spent 26 years at the
Justice Department.
"Clearly, others knew about — and may have
helped coordinate — the communication with
the Russian ambassador, but Trump officials
have uniformly denied such contacts and
knowledge of them," Yeomans said in an email.
He continued:
"This development thoroughly undermines
Trump's unrealistic predictions that the
investigation will end soon ... It appears likely
that many more shoes will drop before Mueller
 The special counsel Robert Mueller has disclosed
is done. And it is particularly ominous for others
new details about Michael Flynn's contacts with
that Flynn appears to have gotten a generous
Sergey Kislyak, the former Russian ambassador.
deal and appears still to be cooperating."
 Flynn, the former national security adviser, pleaded On January 24, the FBI interviewed Flynn about his
guilty to one count of making false statements to conversations with Kislyak. In that interview, prosecutors
the FBI about those conversations. say, Flynn "falsely stated" that he did not discuss the issue
 There could be ramifications for other senior of US sanctions with Kislyak and that he did not recall
Trump campaign and transition team officials, Kislyak following up to tell him that Russia would
including Jared Kushner. moderate its response as a result of Flynn's request.
The office of the special counsel Robert Mueller on Friday On December 28, President Barack Obama signed an
disclosed new details about the former national security executive order that imposed new sanctions on Russia and
adviser Michael Flynn's calls last December with the expelled 35 Russian diplomats from the US in response to
Russian ambassador at the time, Sergey Kislyak. Moscow's interference in the 2016 election. That day,
Kislyak contacted Flynn, the statement of offense says.
Earlier on Friday, Flynn had pleaded guilty to making false
statements about those calls in an interview with the FBI December 29
earlier this year.
The statement of offense lays out the most precise timeline
yet of Flynn's conversations with Kislyak, which federal
prosecutors say were encouraged by top members of
Trump's transition team.
Some reports have already pointed to Jared Kushner,
President Donald Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser,
as the person who directed Flynn to contact the Russians
about a UN Security Council vote.
"Obviously, this is likely big trouble for several President Donald Trump with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.
members of the Trump administration," said Russian Embassy

The next day, Flynn called a senior member of Trump's "We will not create problems for US diplomats,"
transition team "who was with other senior members of the Putin said. "We will not expel anybody."
Presidential Transition Team at the Mar-a-Lago resort in
Palm Beach, Florida, to discuss what, if anything, to Hours later, Trump tweeted:
communicate" to Kislyak "about the US Sanctions," the
document says.
"Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always
Trump was at Mar-a-Lago on December 29. A press-pool knew he was very smart!"
report from that day indicates that transition officials at
Mar-a-Lago included Stephen Miller, K.T. McFarland, On December 31, Kislyak called Flynn "and informed him
Kellyanne Conway, Steve Bannon, and Reince Priebus. that Russia had chosen not to retaliate in response to
Fox reported on Friday — citing a "very, very Flynn's request," the statement of offense says. Flynn again
knowledgeable source" — that it was McFarland who reported back to "senior members" of the transition team
spoke with Flynn about Kislyak on December 29. about the call.

Kushner was a senior member of the transition team and On January 26 — two days after the FBI interviewed
had met with both Flynn and Kislyak earlier that month at Flynn — the acting attorney general, Sally Yates, warned
Trump Tower. He is a focus of Mueller's investigation into the White House counsel, Don McGahn, that Flynn had
Russia's interference in the 2016 US election and whether not been forthcoming about his conversations with
any Trump associates played a part. Kislyak.

But it's unclear whether Kushner was at Mar-a-Lago on The Justice Department was particularly concerned about
December 29. He and his wife, Ivanka Trump, flew to an interview Vice President Mike Pence had given to CBS
Hawaii for a vacation on December 22. in which he said Flynn had not discussed the issue of
sanctions with Kislyak in their phone calls.
Flynn and the senior transition official "discussed the US
Sanctions, including the potential impact of those "The first thing we did was to explain to Mr.
sanctions on the incoming administration's foreign policy McGahn that the underlying conduct that
goals" during their call on December 29, the document General Flynn had engaged in was problematic
says. It adds that they also discussed that members of the in and of itself," Yates said in testimony to a
transition team "at Mar-a-Lago did not want Russia to Senate Judiciary subcommittee earlier this year.
escalate the situation." "We told him we felt like the vice president and
"Immediately" after that call, the document says, Flynn others were entitled to know that the information
called Kislyak "and requested that Russia not escalate the that they were conveying to the American
situation and only respond to the US Sanctions in a people wasn't true."
reciprocal manner." Flynn then reported back to the Trump
transition official about his call with Kislyak. She added:
December 30 and beyond
"We told him ... we were concerned that the
American people had been misled about the
underlying conduct and what General Flynn had
done, and, additionally, that we weren't the only
ones that knew all of this."

Yates said McGahn then asked her why the DOJ would be

"if one White House official is lying to another."

He also wanted to know whether the
department was pursuing a criminal case
against Flynn and expressed concern that
taking action against Flynn could "interfere with
the FBI investigation," she said.
White House senior adviser Jared Kushner. Thomson Reuters

On December 30, Russian President Vladimir Putin A New York Times reporter described a source close to
released a statement saying Russia would not retaliate McGahn as saying on Friday that Yates did not explicitly
against the US for the sanctions and the expulsion of tell him that Flynn had committed a federal crime by lying
diplomats. to the FBI about his calls with Kislyak.

Flynn started talking to Kislyak as early as December 1 About three weeks later, on December 22,

"a very senior member of the Presidential

Transition Team directed Flynn to contact
officials from foreign governments, including
Russia, to learn where each government stood"

on a resolution proposed by Egypt to the UN Security

Council that would condemn Israel's practice of building
settlements on disputed lands, the statement of offense
That senior transition official was Kushner, according to
Bloomberg View.
That day, Flynn called Kislyak to tell him about the Trump
administration's opposition to the proposed resolution "and
Michael Flynn. Thomson Reuters
requested that Russia vote against or delay" it, the
document says. Kislyak told Flynn on December 23 that
Obama's sanctions were not the catalyst for Flynn's contact Russia "would not vote against the resolution" if it came to
with Kislyak — they were in touch as early as December a vote at the UN, it says.
1, when they met at Trump Tower, along with Kushner.
Kushner also lobbied foreign governments — particularly
Kushner reportedly asked Kislyak during that meeting the UK — to help scuttle the resolution, according to
whether the transition team could set up a back-channel Foreign Policy. But he was rebuffed and the resolution
line of communication with Moscow, which would evade passed.
detection by the US intelligence community, to discuss
issues related to terrorism and the Syrian civil war.

Trump Lawyer’s Response to Flynn News:
You Mean That Former Obama Official Got in Trouble?
By Jeremy Stahl
Dec. 1 2017 12:51 PM

probably worth recalling a few fast facts about the Flynn


 Flynn’s “statement of the offense” implicates an

unnamed Trump transition official, presumably above
him on the food chain, in knowing about and advising
his conversations with the Russians, which were at
issue in Flynn’s false statements.
 Flynn was kept on as national security adviser even
after then–acting attorney general Sally Yates warned
the White House that he had lied about his contacts
with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak in a way that
left him open to blackmail by the Russians. He was
ultimately only fired when it emerged publicly that he
had lied to Vice President Mike Pence.
President Donald Trump’s attorney Ty Cobb issued a  It’s also maybe worth noting that former FBI director
response on Friday to the news that former national James Comey—who was fired by Trump because of
security adviser Michael Flynn had pled guilty to making the Russian investigation, according to the president—
false statements to the FBI and appeared to be cooperating testified under oath that he was privately asked by
with special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe of potential Trump to drop his investigation of Flynn. (The president
Trump ties to Russian election interference. denies this.)
 And it also might be worth noting that Flynn was not
That statement was basically, nothing to see here. some minor figure in Trump’s campaign. In fact, he was
one of Trump’s fiercest defenders, most notably
leading a chant of “lock her up” during prime time of the
Today, Michael Flynn, a former National Security Advisor Republican National Convention. In fact, he was so
at the White House for 25 days during the Trump high up in the Trump campaign that candidate Trump
Administration, and a former Obama administration himself floated his name to the New York Times as a
official, entered a guilty plea to a single count of making a possibility for vice president.
false statement to the FBI.
 Finally, it’s possibly worth remembering that former
The false statements involved mirror the false statements President Barack Obama had Flynn removed from his
to White House officials which resulted in his resignation position as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency
in February of this year. Nothing about the guilty plea or two years into his work there. Oh yeah, and Obama
the charge implicates anyone other than Mr. Flynn. The reportedly explicitly warned President Trump to “steer
conclusion of this phase of the Special Counsel’s work clear” of Flynn.
demonstrates again that the Special Counsel is moving
with all deliberate speed and clears the way for a prompt But, sure, he’s probably most notable as “former Obama
and reasonable conclusion. administration official.”

Considering the statement went out of its way to describe

Flynn as a “former Obama administration official,” it’s

Why Flynn’s Plea Is A Dead
End For ‘Russiagate’ Conspiracy
Nebojsa Malic for RT
Published Time: 1 Dec, 2017 23:33 Edited Time: 1 Dec, 2017 23:36

It is intuitively obvious to even the most casual observer

that Flynn’s “crime” is a procedural one: he told FBI
investigators he hadn’t done a thing that he actually did.
But was the thing he did - namely, speak with the Russian
ambassador to the US - against the law? Not really.

Under the 1799 Logan Act, it is technically against the law

for a private US citizen to engage in diplomacy. However,
only two people have ever been indicted under that law,
and no one has ever been prosecuted. Flynn was a member
Former US National Security Adviser Michael Flynn in Washington, of the presidential transition team whose duties involved
US, December 1, 2017 © Jonathan Ernst / Reuters contacts with foreign diplomats. So why would the FBI
even ask him about his contacts with Ambassador
President Donald Trump’s short-lived national security Kislyak?
adviser, Michael Flynn, pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI.
Most US media jumped on the plea as proof of Trump’s “There was nothing wrong with the
collusion with Russia. Actual documents, however, tell a incoming national security adviser’s having
different story. meetings with foreign counterparts or
discussing such matters as the sanctions in
those meetings,” Andrew McCarthy of
A court document signed by special counsel Robert National Review wrote on Friday.
Mueller, dated Thursday, specifies two instances of Flynn
telling FBI investigators things that were not true. They
relate to two conversations he had with Russian Because Flynn was
Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, in December 2016.
“generally despised by Obama
In the Statement of Offense signed by Flynn at his court administration officials,” McCarthy added,
appearance on Friday, he admitted to acting on instructions “there has always been cynical suspicion
from a senior “Presidential Transition Team” (PTT) that the decision to interview him was
official, prompting breathless speculation if that was driven by the expectation that he would
Trump himself, his son-in-law Jared Kushner, or someone provide the FBI with an account
else altogether. The one question nobody seems to be inconsistent with the recorded conversation
asking is, - i.e., that Flynn was being set up for
prosecution on a process crime.”
“So what?”
Back in May, former deputy Attorney General Sally Yates
testified before the Senate Judiciary subcommittee that she
came to the White House on January 26 - two days after
Flynn’s FBI interview - to say that he had lied about his
conversations with Kislyak. How did she know? That, she
said, was

“based on classified information.”

Clearly, Yates knew Flynn was lying about the

conversations because US intelligence had been listening
in on them. An Obama administration official leaked that
information to the Washington Post’s David Ignatius, who
reported on the Flynn-Kislyak conversation on January 12,
eight days before Trump’s inauguration.

Responding to that report, Vice President Pence said that

Flynn’s conversation with Kislyak “had nothing
whatsoever to do” with the Obama administration’s
expulsion of Russian diplomats and closure of two
diplomatic properties, enacted on December 29, 2016.

After the Post reported that the two did in fact discuss
Obama’s sanctions, citing anonymous sources again, Flynn
submitted his resignation.

So what about the frantic insistence of “Russiagate”

partisans that Flynn’s plea practically portends the
downfall of the president they refuse to accept as
legitimate? Their elation is unwarranted and premature,
warns McCarthy. If a prosecutor has a cooperating witness
The dark undertone of the Post’s reporting was that Flynn who is an accomplice in a criminal scheme, the plea is
was somehow “subverting” Obama’s sanctions, intended structured so it proves the existence of the scheme.
as punishment for - alleged, and to this day unproven -
Russian “meddling” in US elections. What Flynn actually “That is not happening in Flynn’s situation.
did, as documented by the special counsel, was to ask Instead, like Papadopoulos, he is being
Russia not to escalate in response to Obama’s actions. permitted to plead guilty to a mere process
crime,” he wrote, referring to a volunteer
It worked, too: Russian President Vladimir Putin Trump campaign adviser who likewise
announced that Moscow would not expel any US pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about
diplomats, but rather invite them to the Kremlin for seeking contacts with (a nonexistent)
holiday celebrations. It wasn’t until July, after the passage “Putin’s niece.”
of an anti-Russian bill in Congress, that Putin ordered the
US to downsize its diplomatic staff in Russia by 755. Flynn’s plea did include an admission he failed to report
activities undertaken on behalf of a foreign government:
Turkey, a key NATO ally of the US.

Robert Mueller Has A Plan
How The Special Counsel’s Deal With Michael Flynn
Neutralizes Trump’s Pardon Power
By Jed Handelsman Shugerman
December 1, 2107

one charge of making a false statement to the FBI. What

are the other charges a state prosecutor could bring?

In early November, the Wall Street Journal reported that

Flynn and his son Michael Flynn Jr. allegedly discussed a
scheme in which they would receive up to $15 million for
taking part in an extradition scheme and an extralegal
“rendition” of cleric Fethullah Gülen, an opponent of
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. These
allegations could be grounds for charges of bribery and
conspiracy to kidnap (as well as conspiracy to assault and
perhaps other violent crimes).

The state of Pennsylvania, where Gülen resides, offers

extra protections against double jeopardy beyond the rights
Michael Flynn has offered a guilty plea, and he cannot rely guaranteed by the federal Fifth Amendment. The
on Donald Trump’s pardons to save himself or his son. Pennsylvania Supreme Court holds that “a subsequent
There is broad consensus that the plea, to a single charge prosecution and imposition of punishment for the same
of lying to the FBI, is a clear sign Flynn has agreed to very offense will not be permitted unless the Commonwealth’s
significant cooperation against a very significant target. interests are substantially different from the interests of the
Reports indicate that Flynn has agreed to testify against jurisdiction that initially prosecuted and imposed
Trump. punishment.” Given that, Flynn’s federal deal—which
does not include any charges related to the alleged Gülen
incident—preserves a number of criminal charges relating
I write here to make three points. 1) The plea deal
to kidnapping, assault, and bribery in Pennsylvania, as well
continues Robert Mueller’s strategy of neutralizing
as parallel charges in New York and possibly Virginia.
Trump’s pardon power. 2) The obstruction of justice
State tax fraud may also be in this mix.
charge against Trump just got a whole lot stronger. 3)
Everyone is rightly focusing on Trump, but Vice President
Mike Pence and White House Counsel Don McGahn are in The case against Trump for obstruction of
bigger trouble than ever. justice just got immeasurably stronger.

Mueller’s charges and Flynn’s plea still I’ve written before that Trump already confessed to
leave open the possibility of state charges, obstruction, more or less, on national television. His
just in case Trump pardons Flynn federally. explanation for firing FBI Director James Comey indicated
“corrupt intent” to impede the FBI’s investigation of his
campaign’s potential collusion with Russia. Comey also
Presidential pardons apply only to federal crimes. I’ve
testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee that
written before about how Mueller’s prosecutorial strategy
Trump had repeatedly intervened to protect Flynn
required him to navigate complicated state-level double
specifically. There has been a legal basis for an obstruction
jeopardy rules. His charges against Paul Manafort, Rick
of justice case, then, even if there hasn’t been much smoke
Gates, and George Papadopoulos reflected a sharp strategy
under all that fire. There is nothing in the statute or the
to bring certain charges, while leaving plenty of others
precedents requiring an underlying crime in order to prove
available to state prosecutors. (I’ve provided a long list of
obstruction. The crime is called “obstruction of justice,”
state crimes that relate to Trump-Russia allegations.)
not “obstruction of investigating guilt.”

Let me spell out how this strategy would apply to Flynn.

Now that Flynn has pleaded guilty to a crime, and now that
The former national security adviser has pleaded guilty to
he reportedly is singling out Jared Kushner, and will
probably acknowledge far more as he cooperates with allegedly because they recognized it created an impression
special counsel Robert Mueller, those obstruction charges that Trump was admitting his intent to obstruct justice.
will now play stronger in the court of public opinion,
before actual courts and jurors, and in front of arguably the On May 10, a day after Trump fired Comey, Pence
most important juries, the House and Senate. publicly denied that the Russia investigation factored into
the decision. “Let me be very clear that the president’s
Mike Pence and Don McGahn are in trouble. decision to accept the recommendation of the deputy
attorney general and the attorney general to remove
Everyone is rightly focused on Trump’s legal jeopardy, as Director Comey as the head of the FBI was based solely
well as that of Kushner, but another person whose legal and exclusively on his commitment to the best interest of
fate changed significantly on Friday was Vice President the American people and to ensuring that the FBI has the
Mike Pence. White House Counsel Don McGahn should trust and confidence of the people of this nation,” the vice
also be concerned, as he, like Pence, was involved in president said.
Flynn’s appointment during the presidential transition.
Pence and McGahn could be facing their own charges of As I have written before in much greater depth, Pence’s
obstruction of justice, even before we learn anything new involvement in the letter, if he acted materially to assist the
from Flynn’s cooperation with the special counsel. firing of Comey and to cover up Trump’s corrupt intent,
could constitute conspiracy to obstruct justice as well as
Consider the following timeline: aiding and abetting the obstruction of justice. Moreover, if
Pence had read Trump’s original letter, and if the letter in
fact focused on the Russia investigation, Pence’s answers
On Nov. 10, 2016, immediately after the election,
President Obama warned President-elect Trump not to hire would be a combination of lies, misrepresentation, and
Flynn. The next day, Pence became head of the transition concealment. If such allegations are true, then the
team. On Nov. 14, new allegations appeared about Flynn’s combination of Pence’s participation in the letter revision
and his lies afterward would constitute the affirmative acts
improper lobbying for Turkey. On Nov. 18, Rep. Elijah
by a public official necessary for misprision of a felony, 18
Cummings, the House Oversight Committee’s ranking
U.S. Code Section 4.
member, notified Pence that Flynn was lobbying for
Turkey without registration. Two days later, Trump
announced Flynn as his choice for national security Now with Flynn’s guilty plea, Pence’s and McGahn’s
adviser. In the process of this hire, Flynn failed to disclose criminal liability for obstruction of justice runs even
his contacts with Turkey as legally required, while also deeper. Flynn might now cooperate by telling the special
setting up contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey counsel how much more Pence and McGahn (and Trump)
Kislyak, allegedly in interference with the Obama knew of these matters, and how many times they may have
administration’s sanctions against Russia. misled the public and FBI investigators. Pence and
McGahn might want to start getting their stories straight.
Or they might want to consider their own deals to
On Jan. 4, Flynn allegedly told transition counsel (and
cooperate fully with Mueller’s investigation, lest they face
soon-to-be White House Counsel) Don McGahn that he
their own indictments.
was under investigation. McGahn failed to follow up.
Keep in mind that Pence, as head of the transition, and
McGahn, as transition counsel, were working together Flynn’s cooperation represents a breakthrough for one
closely on all these matters. On Jan. 15, Pence denied that final reason: the prisoner’s dilemma.
Flynn’s conversations with Kislyak were related to
sanctions, and he also denied contacts between the The prisoner’s dilemma is a famous problem in
campaign and Russia. prosecutions and in academic game theory. A prisoner (or
more illustratively in this case, a defendant) knows if he
On Jan. 26, Sally Yates warned McGahn that Flynn had holds out against making a deal, and if all his co-
been misleading Pence about his lobbying activities. On defendants in other jail cells also hold out, they will all go
Jan. 27, she warned him that Flynn was vulnerable to free. However, if he holds out and another defendant
blackmail. Nevertheless, Pence and McGahn did nothing, confesses and implicates him, he will get a much worse
and Flynn remained national security adviser for more than sentence. If everyone confesses, everyone gets something
two weeks, only resigning on Feb. 13. The next day, in between. So, the dilemma here is whether to assume
Trump lobbied Comey to “see your way clear to letting everyone is holding out or whether to assume someone
this go, to letting Flynn go.” else is confessing to get a better deal. Up until now, only a
very small figure—Papadopoulos—had confessed, not
In May, Trump decided to fire Comey. Trump’s initial enough to make any central figure rethink his assumptions.
letter was reportedly a “screed” about the Russia
investigation, and he showed it to Pence and McGahn, But now that Flynn is cooperating with Mueller, all bets
among others. They moved to pare back the letter, are off. Everyone knows the next few cooperators will get

deals, but the later you cooperate, the worse deal you get. and opens the gates for others to cooperate with Mueller to
The last (and biggest) co-conspirators get no deals at all. get a deal while there are still deals on the table.
Flynn’s deal could be a moment that breaks the silence,

Did Flynn's Plea Deal
Just Disprove Election Collusion
By Tyler Durden
Dec 1, 2017 6:24 PM

This whole charade with former National Security Advisor country like Russia over recent and contentious
Mike Flynn reeks of desperation and makes clear that sanctions, as well as fighting ISIS in Syria.
Mueller's team has an empty hand. To summarize the plea  If Flynn’s contact with Russia was related to “collusion”
agreement from the FBI Special Counsel’s “Statement of in regards to election meddling, he would be pleading
the Offense”: guilty to an espionage conspiracy, not the
“process crime” of lying to the FBI..
 On December 29, 2016, Flynn called a senior official of  If Flynn were to now drop some new bombshell about
the Presidential Transition Team to discuss whether or greater Russian collusion, he would have lied to the
not to talk to the Russians about recent U.S. sanctions FBI twice.
imposed by Obama.
 Flynn got the go-ahead from someone (does not name
Trump) and called the Russian Ambassador,
requesting that Russia not escalate the situation –
asking that they only respond to the U.S. sanctions in a
reciprocal manner.
 On or about December 30 – the next day, Russian
President Vladimir Putin released a statement
indicating that Russia would not take retaliatory
measures in response to U.S. sanctions.
 Flynn lied about this on January 24 in a voluntary
interview with the FBI
 Flynn also lied to the FBI about calls he made to the
Russian Ambassador and other countries to try
and influence a UN resolution submitted by Egypt
regarding Israeli settlements, stating he only asked
the countries’ positions on the vote

ABC news takes it a step further, reporting from an As Andrew McCarthy of the National Review points out;
anonymous source that “Donald Trump directed him to
make contact with the Russians, initially as a way to “when a prosecutor has a cooperator
work together to fight ISIS in Syria.” - though NBC who was an accomplice in a major
News reports it was Trump's son-in-law and advisor Jared criminal scheme, the cooperator is
Kushner. made to plead guilty to the scheme. This
is critical because it proves the
Observation and takeaways existence of the scheme.

 The fact that Flynn spoke with the Russians in In his guilty-plea allocution (the part of a plea proceeding
December, well after the election, has been known in which the defendant admits what he did that makes him
since February. guilty), the accomplice explains the scheme and the actions
 Mueller’s “Statement of Offense” establishes is taken by himself and his co-conspirators to carry it out.
that there wasn’t an existing backchannel between
the Trump campaign and Russia – at least through This goes a long way toward proving
Flynn, as it pertains to pre-election collusion. the case against all of the subjects of
 It’s perfectly reasonable to expect an incoming the investigation. That is not happening
President to instruct his incoming National in Flynn’s situation. Instead, like
Security Advisor to establish a dialogue with a Papadopoulos, he is being permitted to
plead guilty to a mere process crime.

So why lie? the transition office to conduct a conversation” about the
US’s Syria policy.
Why would Flynn lie about his contact with the Russians
in late January, five days after the Inauguration? “General Flynn or I explained that there
were no such lines,” Kushner wrote. But he
Was it because the nation had been said he went on to ask whether the
whipped into an anti-Russia frenzy? Or, as Russian Embassy “had an existing
some have suggested, does the rabbit communications channel … we could use
hole go much deeper and there are where they would be comfortable
aspects of the Trump-Russia story that transmitting the information they wanted to
haven’t been made public yet? relay to General Flynn.” –Business Insider
And now it emerges that Kushner
Again, if that were known, Flynn would be pleading guilty allegedly asked Flynn to contact the
to a much more serious crime. Russian Ambassador…

That said, Flynn is facing a whopping six months in prison

and a fine of up to $9,500 for lying to the Special Counsel.

So – unless there’s more than meets the eye, it appears that

Who’s next? the coverup is far greater than the crime in regards to
Flynn’s decision to lie to the FBI. And whatever the
President Trump’s son-in-law and senior advisor, Jared outcome, the hard bounce in the S&P 500 would seem to
Kushner, told the Senate Intelligence Committee that he suggest this is perhaps another nothingburger and not quite
asked Russia’s Ambassador whether the Trump transition the end of Drumpf.
team could use Russia’s embassy to communicate with
Moscow about Syria.

The meeting with the ambassador, Sergey Kislyak,

“occurred in Trump Tower, where we had our transition
office, and lasted twenty [to] thirty minutes,” Kushner
wrote in an 11-page statement detailing his contacts with
Russian nationals during the election and transition period.

“Lt. General Michael Flynn (Ret.), who

became the President’s National Security
Advisor, also attended … I stated our
desire for a fresh start in relations.”

Kushner said Kislyak, whose tenure in the US ended this

past weekend, asked whether there was “a secure line in

Trump Plans Big Cuts In Two
Utah National Monument Boundaries
By Keith Schneider
Dec 01, 2017

and establishing smaller monuments in southeast Utah.

(Keith Schneider / Los Angeles Times)

In what would be an extraordinary test of a chief

executive’s authority to revoke boundaries of the country’s
national monuments, President Trump is expected to
formally propose chopping Utah’s Bears Ears and Grand
Staircase-Escalante monuments into five separate and
much smaller national monuments.

A map of the proposed changes was made public by the

Wilderness Society. Although the White House did not
comment on the president's monuments plan, the Interior
Department said the leaked maps were accurate but not
Deep canyons distinguish Bears Ears National Monument. final.
President Trump has proposed shrinking the boundaries

(Los Angeles Times )

The president is scheduled to make an announcement on most impacted by these monument designations …
the monuments during an appearance Monday in Salt Lake [including] those who live next to the monuments.”
"It seems to me he is trying to make sure that we're
Though presidents have trimmed boundaries 14 times following the law of the Antiquities Act," Herbert said on
since President Theodore Roosevelt established the first the sidelines of a gathering of Western governors in
national monument under the 1906 Antiquities Act, no Phoenix.
president has ever revoked a national monument or
proposed such large changes in a monument's acreage. Utah’s senior Republican senator, Orrin G. Hatch, who
objected to the establishment of both monuments in his
The map of proposed changes suggests that the president is state, issued this statement: “The details of the president’s
prepared to reduce the 1.9-million-acre Grand Staircase- announcement are his to make, but I appreciate his
Escalante monument to under 1 million acres and split the willingness to listen to my advice, and even more
remaining acreage into three new monuments — Grand importantly, to give the people of Utah a voice in the
Staircase National Monument, Kaiparowits National process.”
Monument and Escalante Canyons National Monument.
The proposed changes in Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-
Under the new plan, the 1.35-million-acre Bears Ears Escalante were met with vehement opposition by
National Monument also will be eliminated. Some of its Democratic lawmakers, Native American leaders and
acreage, reduced to just over 200,000 acres, would be environmental groups. All asserted that the president does
placed in two new smaller entities, the Indian Creek not have the legal authority to make such dramatic
National Monument and the Shash Jaa National boundary changes or revoke a national monument
Monument. designation. That authority lies exclusively with Congress,
they said.
Utah Gov. Gary Herbert said the reported decision
suggested Trump was “willing to listen to those who are

(Los Angeles Times )

“They are in totally uncharted territory,” eliminate or reduce national monuments

said New Mexico Democratic Sen. Tom nor delegate that authority to anyone other
Udall. “They don’t have any authority to do than the U.S. Congress. This interpretation
this. There is no authority under the was supported by a 1938 opinion by Atty.
Antiquities Act for anyone to modify, Gen. Homer Cummings. This 80-year-old
opinion has stood the test of time. No Congress in 1976 approved the Federal Land Policy and
president has ever attempted to revoke a Management Act, which asserted congressional authority
national monument.” to oversee public lands, including boundary changes in
national monuments.
The Antiquities Act provides broad authority to presidents
to establish national monuments. More than 150 national Five Native American tribes proposed establishing Bears
monuments safeguard roughly 77 million acres of Ears to protect 100,000 historic and cultural sites on the
historical, cultural sites and wildlands across the country, high mesa and deep canyons of southeast Utah. They
according to the Interior Department. worked with President Obama to establish the monument
almost a year ago.
Trump’s actions follow an executive order in April that
directed Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to review all Tribal leaders said they were prepared to defend the Bears
national monuments established since 1996. Ears boundaries in court.

In August, Zinke recommended diminishing the "It is absolutely shocking. It is so

boundaries of Bears Ears and Grand-Escalante and disrespectful of the work that went into the
changing the management of several other monuments. In monument," said Ethel Branch, the attorney
October, the president alerted Hatch that he planned to general of the Navajo Nation. "We will lead
shrink the boundaries of the two monuments. this lawsuit, which we call Navajo Nation
vs. Trump."

Insiders: Why Not Prosecute
Obama’s Secret Back Channel To Iran?
Patrick Howley
Dec 1, 2017

senior transition official and reported the

sanctions discussion, prosecutors said…”

But sources say Flynn, who pled guilty to lying to the FBI,
and other Trump allies are under persecution for raising
alarms about President Obama’s back channel to Iran. That
back channel was a lot more secretive than Team Trump’s
conversations with Russia.

Mary Fanning and Alan Jones exclusively reported for Big

League Politics:
Barack Obama, Facebook

General Michael Hayden (USAF Ret.), who

WASHINGTON — National security insiders are trying to
served as CIA director and NSA director, is
claim treason for the fact that President Donald Trump’s
certainly well aware of Barack Obama’s
transition team discussed potentially setting up a phone
secret, off-the-books, pre-election
call with the Russian ambassador to the United States.
diplomatic mission to the Iranian mullahs
during which Obama’s emissary promised
Trump and Russian president Vladimir Putin have met that Iran would receive a better deal than it
publicly on several occasions, and Russia maintains an might receive from the sitting president —
active embassy in the Dupont Circle neighborhood of George W. Bush. The Obama campaign’s
Washington, D.C. message: the Islamic Republic would be far
happier with Obama’s policies if it would
The Hill reported: wait until the election was over.
“What manner of ignorance, chaos, hubris,
Former national security adviser Michael suspicion, contempt, would you have to
Flynn spoke with a “senior official” in have to think that doing this with the
President Trump’s transition team at the Russian ambassador was a good or an
Mar-a-Lago resort to discuss what he appropriate idea?,” Hayden said.
should communicate to the Russian
ambassador in a highly-scrutinized series
Senator Obama’s team set up the Iranian back channel not
of phone calls in December of 2016,
only before Barack Obama was sworn in as president, but
according to federal prosecutors.
before the 2008 election was even held.

Flynn and the senior officials discussed Senator Obama’s team sent former U.S. Ambassador to
both the recently implemented U.S. Ukraine William Green Miller to meet with Islamic regime
sanctions on Russia as well as the fact that officials inside Iran, circumventing NSA surveillance. In
they did not want Russia to escalate friction other words, the Obama campaign had its own private
between the two nations, lawyers on emissary on the ground inside Iran, secretly negotiating
special counsel Robert Mueller’s team told with a sworn enemy of the United States that was involved
a federal judge Friday. After the discussion, in a dispute.
Flynn telephoned the Russian ambassador,
Sergey Kislyak. Afterwards, he called the
General Hayden pretends to be oblivious of this pre-
election Obama-Tehran communication arrangement. Why
is General Hayden misrepresenting these facts to the Miller, whose grandfather is from Ukraine, once expressed
American people? Is this part of the ongoing “Deep that he was so appalled by McCarthyism that he was
State” seditious campaign to take down a duly elected fearful of a career in diplomacy. Miller initially took the
president — Donald J. Trump? foreign service exam in 1955, but chose not to pursue a
career with the State Department during the height of
President Obama would later repeat this scenario with communist investigations at the House and Senate. Miller
another one of America’s major military adversaries when instead embarked on a doctoral journey at Harvard
he was famously caught by a “hot mic” telling Russia’s University.
President Dmitri Medvedev that he would have “more
flexibility” on missile defense after the 2012 election. “I did not want to go into the Foreign
Service because of the taint of McCarthy.”
The Obama team’s back channel to Tehran was William – Ambassador William Green Miller.
Green Miller, the U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine under
President Bill Clinton, according to Michael Ladeen In 1959, as the McCarthy era investigations were winding
writing for PJ Media in 2014. down, someone inside the State Department signaled to
Miller that the time to join the State Department was now
Ladeen, who claims to have spoken to or never.
Ambassador Miller for his article “Obama’s
Latest Big Lie: ‘We Have No Strategy,“ Like President Obama himself, who was mentored in
Ambassador Miller confirmed to me his Hawaii by suspected KGB officer and known CPUSA
conversations with Iranian leaders during member Frank Marshall Davis, Obama’s secret envoy to
the 2008 campaign.” Iran, William Green Miller, was mentored by
revolutionary marxist, communist labor organizer, and
Such conversations would have constituted a clear literary critic Frederick Wilcox Dupee. Dupee was an
violation of the Logan Act. The “Washington Post” is now associate of Soviet spy Whittaker Chambers, who at one
claiming Kushner could have been guilty of the same time worked for the GRU but eventually switched sides
violation had he followed through with establishing a and became an anticommunist.
secret communication channel with Russia.
Like Frank Marshall Davis, Ambassador Miller’s mentor
Ambassador Miller was appointed by President Clinton as Dupee joined the CPUSA and handed out communist
ambassador to Ukraine after Miller’s decades-long absence literature to the longshoremen’s union — Davis in
from the State Department. Miller had years earlier left the Honolulu and Dupee in New York City, where Miller grew
State Department as a form of protest against the Vietnam up. Davis and Dupee were fellow members of CPUSA’s
War, according to an interview archived at the Library of League of American Writers.

Reports: Jared Kushner
Ordered The Call That Sunk Michael Flynn
By Ian Mason
1 Dec 2017

— The Associated Press (@AP) December

1, 2017

Bloomberg News cites “[t]wo former officials with the

Trump transition team” claiming that Flynn was acting on
Kushner’s say-so when he called diplomatic officials of
other United Nations Security Council members, including
Russia, and asked them to delay an expected vote
condemning Israeli settlements.

“On or about December 22, 2016, Flynn did

not ask the Russian Ambassador to delay
the vote on or defeat a pending United
Nations Security Council resolution,” reads
one of the statements to the FBI that Flynn
has now admitted is false, pleading guilty to
UPDATE: The Associated Press a felony in the process.
appeared to confirm these reports later,
saying Kushner is the “very senior” Flynn, according to these sources, did make such a call,
official named in Flynn’s guilty plea. and he did so because Jared asked him to intervene to
BREAKING: AP source: Jared Kushner is prevent the Security Counsel vote coming up while Barack
'very senior' Trump transition official who Obama was still president. The Obama administration had
directed Flynn to contact Russians on UN made clear its intention to abstain from the vote after a 36-
vote. year-long U.S. policy of vetoing condemnations of Israel’s
settlements, despite President-elect Trump’s stated
— The Associated Press (@AP) December opposition. Obama’s Ambassador to the UN Samantha
1, 2017 Power did, in fact, abstain, allowing the resolution to pass
in a major international embarrassment for Israel.
The original story follows below:
At the time a senior Israeli official told Breitbart News:
Reports in multiple outlets Friday claim
White House Advisor and presidential son- President Obama and Secretary Kerry are
in-law Jared Kushner is responsible for behind this shameful move against Israel at
directing then-candidate for National the UN. The US administration secretly
Security Advisor Micheal Flynn to make the cooked up with the Palestinians an extreme
phone call about which he later lied to the anti Israeli resolution behind Israel’s back
FBI. which would be a tailwind for terror and
UPDATE: The Associated Press appeared boycotts and effectively make the Western
to confirm these reports later, saying Wall occupied Palestinian territory.
Kushner is the “very senior” official named “Jared called Flynn and told him you need
in Flynn’s guilty plea. to get on the phone to every member of the
BREAKING: AP source: Jared Kushner is Security Council and tell them to delay the
'very senior' Trump transition official who vote,” Buzzfeed News quotes a source that
directed Flynn to contact Russians on UN may be the same as those cited by
vote. Bloomberg.

Kushner allegedly called Flynn at the Trump transition playing a central role in a major setback for the
team’s headquarters in Washington, DC, claiming that administration. Kushner’s tenure at the White House has
included a series of missteps that have undermined the
“this was a top priority for the president.” administration’s credibility and effectiveness.
Flynn then told the room that “the president
wants this done ASAP.” Referred to in his family’s investment materials as “Mr.
Perfect” and one half of “Javanka,” along with first
Kushner’s lawyers responded to neither Bloomberg or daughter Ivanka Trump, Kushner is reportedly taking a
Buzzfeed’s requests for comment. smaller and smaller role in the White House after initially
being given a massive, wide-reaching portfolio. A Friday
If the sources cited in these reports are correct, they would Reuters report suggested he may be on the way out of the
represent yet another example of the president’s son-in-law administration after tax reform is passed.

Kushner Is "Senior Official"
Who Ordered Flynn To Contact Russia
By Tyler Durden
Dec 1, 2017 11:45 PM

When commenting on the Flynn plea deal with Mueller, As Lake correctly notes,
we said that while hardly evidence of collusion between
Trump and Russia, especially since all events took place "for now it's unclear what to make of all of
after the election, the real question is who was the "senior this" especially since the most important
member of the transition team" that instructed Flynn to part of a case is missing:
call Russia. Now, according to Bloomberg's Eli Lake we
may have the answer: none other than Jared Kushner, Motive.
who as Lake says, "could be one of the next dominoes to
fall." We also know from Flynn's "statement of the offense" that
he lied to FBI agents as the bureau was investigating
According to the Bloomberg report, Russia's meddling in the 2016 election and any links
between Russia and the Trump campaign in this period.
Nonetheless, nothing in the Flynn plea sheds any light on
"one of Flynn’s lies to the FBI was when he whether the Trump campaign actually colluded with
said that he never asked Russia's Russia to influence the election.
ambassador to Washington, Sergey
Kislyak, to delay the vote for the U.N.
Security Council resolution. The indictment Here there are two possibilities: one bad for Trump, and
released today from the office of special one innocuous. As ABC News reported on Friday, Flynn is
prosecutor Robert Mueller describes this prepared to tell Mueller's team that Trump had instructed
lie: him to make contact with Russia during the campaign
"On or about December 22, 2016, Flynn
did not ask the Russian Ambassador to
"If those contacts involved the emails
delay the vote on or defeat a pending
the U.S. intelligence community charges
United Nations Security Council resolution."
Russia stole from leading Democrats,
then Mueller will have uncovered
At the time, the U.N. Security Council resolution on Israeli evidence of actual collusion between
settlements was a big deal. Even though the Obama the president and a foreign adversary
administration had less than a month left in office, the during the election. Impeachment could
president instructed his ambassador to the United Nations then be in the cards."
to abstain from a resolution, breaking a precedent that
went back to 1980 when it came to one-sided anti-Israel
That's the bad case. But, Lake concedes, it's also possible
resolutions at the U.N.
that the Justice Department became interested in Flynn's
initial conversation with Kislyak on other, less explosive
This was the context of Kushner's grounds.
instruction to Flynn last December. One
transition official at the time said One leading theory pushed Friday by Democrats involves
Kushner called Flynn to tell him he
a violation of a 1799 statute known as the Logan Act. A
needed to get every foreign minister or
relic of the John Adams administration, this discredited
ambassador from a country on the U.N. law makes it illegal for a private U.S. citizen to undermine
Security Council to delay or vote
the foreign policy of a sitting president in contact with a
against the resolution.
foreign power. No American has ever been successfully
prosecuted under that law.
Much of this appeared to be coordinated also with Israeli
prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whose envoys shared
This path is likely a dead end:
their own intelligence about the Obama administration's
lobbying efforts to get member stats to support the
resolution with the Trump transition team. Some conservatives urged the George W.
Bush administration to prosecute former
House speaker Nancy Pelosi under the If that is the extent of Mueller's charges, it's nothing and
Logan Act in 2007 when she visited the Trump walks away scott free. As Lake notes, "if that's all
Syrian dictator, Bashar al-Assad, when the there is, then the whispers of collusion will look foolish.
White House was trying to isolate him.
Nothing ever came of that. Nonetheless, it may be enough to take out
not only Flynn, but also the man who
Still, a Logan Act investigation would explain the bureau's married the president's daughter."
interest in Flynn's conversations about the U.N. Security
Council resolution on Israel. This is what Senator Dianne Of course, if Kushner is the last casualty of all this, it is
Feinstein, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary likely safe to say that not many tears will be shed.
Committee, said on Friday:

"This shows a Trump associate

negotiating with the Russians against
U.S. policy and interests before Donald
Trump took office and after it was
announced that Russia had interfered in
our election. That’s a stunning
revelation and could be a violation of
the Logan Act, which forbids
unauthorized U.S. citizens from
negotiating with a foreign power."

UN Resolution Against Israeli
Settlements At Center Of Flynn Guilty Plea
By Seth J. Frantzman
December 1, 2017 20:06

ambassador to delay the vote or defeat the resolution. He is

accused of a false statement about that conversation and
any subsequent Russian responses to it.

UN security council votes on resolution 2334. (photo credit: REUTERS) In the lead up to the anti-settlement resolution which
angered Jerusalem, Trump’s team had urged the US to
In the lead up to the anti-settlement resolution veto the resolution. On December 22nd Trump tweeted
which angered Jerusalem, Trump’s team had
urged the US to veto the resolution. “the resolution being considered in the UN
Security Council regarding Israel should be
The December 2016 anti-settlements UN Security Council vetoed.”
Resolution 2334 is at the heart of the guilty plea former
National Security Advisor Michael Flynn entered on Egypt postponed the vote on December 22nd. However it
Friday. Flynn is accused of making false statements about passed on December 23rd with 14 in favor and the US
his conversations with Russian Ambassador to the US abstaining. According to an article at Foreign Policy in
Sergey Kislyak. One of the two statements is allegedly February 2017 Michael Flynn played a key role attempting
about the UN resolution which condemned Israel's to scupper the UN vote.
settlements as a "flagrant violation" of international law
and which Trump's team sought to have vetoed. “Flynn…and other members of the president’s
transition team launched a vigorous diplomatic
Since May 2017 Special Counsel Robert Mueller has been bid to heed off a UN Security Council vote
investigating links between Russia and the presidential condemning Israel’s settlements.”
campaign of Donald Trump. Michael Flynn resigned as
National Security Advisor in February 2017 after having
They reached out to the UK, Egypt, Russia, Uruguay and
misled vice-president Mike Pence about the nature of his
Malaysia according to the report.
conversations with Kislyak.

The December 1 court filing notes that

According to reports a "very senior senior member" of
“on or about December 22nd Flynn did not ask Trump's team was responsible for asking Flynn to reach
the Russian Ambassador to delay the vote on out to the Russians and other Security Council members
or defeat a pending United Nationals Security regarding the settlements vote. A CNN report notes that
Council resolution and that the Russian according to "sources familiar with the matter," Jared
Ambassador subsequently never described to Kushner may be that senior member of the team. On
Flynn Russia’s response to the request.” November 22 The Wall Street Journal reported that
Mueller's team had mentioned Kushner in relation to his
The filing says that Flynn misled the FBI about this and role in attempting to block the UN resolution. The Flynn
that would mean he allegedly did ask the Russian
plea now appears to explain Mueller's focus on Kushner misleading statements. Churkin died of a heart attack on
and the resolution. February 20th, 2017, six days after Flynn resigned as
National Security advisor.
We now know that attempts to influence Russia as part of
that campaign to derail the vote was apparently the heart US Senator Dianne Feinstein condemned Flynn in a
some of the FBI conversations with Flynn days after statement Friday.
Trump’s inauguration. We also know that Vitaly Churkin,
Russian Ambassador to the UN, said on Friday December “Flynn’s guilty plea is about more than just lying
23 before the vote that he was “puzzled by the process to the FBI. What he lied about and when he did
around the resolution and by the haste with which it had it are of even greater significance. His shows a
been ‘pushed’ to the vote.” Churkin had been in favor of Trump associate negotiating with the Russians
postponing the vote, which dovetails now with the against US policy and interests before Donald
revelations in the guilty plea about Flynn’s alleged Trump took office.”

Michael Flynn Charged With Lying To The FBI While
Deep State Obama Operative James Clapper Is Allowed To
Commit “Brazen Perjury” On National TV
Alex Thomas
December 1st, 2017

“No, sir,” responded Clapper.

Senator Wyden asked “It does not?”
Director Clapper responded “Not wittingly.
There are cases where they could
inadvertently perhaps collect, but not
This was proven to be completely
fraudulent three months later when
whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed
that the NSA was deliberately collecting
tens of millions of Americans’ phone call
In what the entire mainstream media is reporting as a records as well as browsing histories, chat
“bombshell”, former Trump national security adviser logs, email usage, as well as their physical
Michael Flynn has been charged with lying to the FBI locations.
about a series of legal conversations he had with the Clapper would have had a level of security
Russian ambassador that included talk on how better to clearance to know that this was taking
take out ISIS. place. He committed clear perjury by lying
under oath, yet faced no consequences at
“The charging document states that Flynn all.
made a false statement to the FBI when he
stated that in December 2016 he did not That’s right, there is clear and obvious evidence that
ask Kislyak “to refrain from escalating the Clapper broke the law and committed perjury yet he
situation in response to sanctions that the remains untouched by anyone within the FBI. This is clear
United States had imposed against Russia bias on the part of the Federal Bureau of Investigations and
that same day; and Flynn did not recall the should be immediately investigated.
Russian ambassador subsequently telling
him that Russia had chosen to moderate its
response to those sanctions as a result of
his request,” reported CNN.

In comparison, Obama and deep state operative James

Clapper has committed open perjury multiple times over
the years and literally nothing has happened to him. I guess
being a globalist operative has its perks.

As Paul Joseph Watson reported:

“In summary, it appears that lying under
During testimony in 2013 in front of a
oath is perfectly acceptable if you’re a
congressional inquiry, Clapper was asked
member of the deep state, and Clapper,
by Senator Ron Wyden if the NSA was
unlike General Flynn, is enjoying the
collecting “any type of data at all on millions
privilege of having that special distinction.”
or hundreds of millions of Americans.”

If Trump And Pence Are Taken Down By Russia
Investigation, Here’s Who The Next President Is
By Cristina Maza
12/1/17 At 2:18 PM

"If Trump and Pence get removed, Paul Ryan

becomes president. We’re fucked no matter
what," tweeted @anthagiox, saying what many
were tweeting on Friday.

Vice President Mike Pence laughs as U.S. President Donald Trump

holds a baseball bat.
The prospect of a Ryan administration gained traction
If Donald Trump and Mike Pence are ousted, get ready for Friday after former Trump national security adviser
President Paul Ryan. Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his
contacts with foreign agents. Flynn, a key figure in special
The speaker of the House of Representatives is next in line counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into the Trump
if both the president and the vice president are removed campaign’s alleged collusion with the Russian government
from office simultaneously. And that may sound enticing during the 2016 presidential election, is widely believed to
for critics of the administration, until
have agreed to testify in exchange for a plea deal.
they remember Ryan's record.

As speaker, Ryan has failed to push through any important

legislation at a time when Republicans control the House,
the Senate and the White House. But if he could, he has
made it clear he’d like to slash funding for Medicaid,
Medicare and food stamps. Some of his most noteworthy
ideas over the years have included privatizing Social
Security and abolishing the corporate income tax. He
often blames the poor for their problems.

“We have got this tailspin of culture, in our inner cities in

particular, of men not working and just generations of men
not even thinking about working or learning the value and
the culture of work,” he told a conservative radio host in
2014. “There is a real culture problem here that has to be
dealt with."
ABC News reported on Friday that Flynn will testify that
Others have called the Wisconsin representative an Trump instructed him to contact Russian officials during
opportunist who condemned Trump during the campaign, the 2016 campaign. If true, the information Flynn provides
saying he could not support him after the notorious Access could lead to an indictment or the impeachment of
Hollywood video came out, but has failed to criticize Trump. Vice President Mike Pence would be the next in
Trump since he took office. line for the presidency, but it's also possible that Pence
could be implicated in the Russia scandal. Federal
prosecutors revealed Friday that a senior Trump transition
official directed Flynn to speak to a Russian ambassador. And Thursday, news broke that Trump ally Roger Stone
That person could very likely be Pence, who also led had been communicating with WikiLeaks founder Julian
Flynn's vetting process. Assange with the help of a New York radio host. Stone,
who is in regular communication with the president, has
Pence has a history of denying his knowledge of the bragged about his ties to WikiLeaks. Given the extent of
Trump campaign's activities during the 2016
the Trump campaign’s contact with WikiLeaks during the
campaign. Last year, Pence publicly denied that the Trump
campaign had ever been in touch with WikiLeaks, a 2016 election, it’s hard to believe Pence had no knowledge
statement that turned out to be false. In November, Donald of these incidents.
Trump Jr., the president’s son, admitted that he had
exchanged messages with WikiLeaks, the organization that
leaked information stolen from the Democratic Party by
Russian hackers.

Pence may also be implicated in obstruction of justice in

relation to the firing of former FBI Director James Comey.

So it all points to Ryan—unless, of course, Trump is

impeached and President Pence gets his own vice president
confirmed before he's ousted, too.

Unbelievable: The Deep State Is Now
Going After Michael Flynn And Donald Trump For
Wanting To TAKE OUT ISIS Terrorists
Alex Thomas
December 1st, 2017

entire deep state simply for seeking to work closer with

Russia in order to take out literal terrorists!

Paul Joseph Watson reports:

As news broke that Michael Flynn would

testify that Donald Trump ordered him to
talk to the Russians during the transition
phase between administrations, the left
exploded with glee that actual evidence of
“Russian collusion” was in sight and it
could bring down Trump.
In a move that has the entire liberal media establishment
up in arms with claims that this could bring down the The reality turned out to be somewhat
president, former Trump national security adviser Michael disappointing for them.
Flynn has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about ABC News reported that Trump directed
conversations he had with the Russian ambassador. Flynn to speak with the Russians “initially
as a way to work together to fight ISIS in
Despite the fact that outlets such as CNN and ABC News Syria.”
are breathlessly reporting that the charges against Flynn
have to do with Russia, it has actually been revealed that In other words, Trump committed the
the reason for the calls to the Russians was to coordinate grievous sin of attempting to work
the FIGHT AGAINST ISIS. diplomatically with another super power to
defeat Islamic terrorism.
CNBC reports: This is hardly the damaging revelation
Trump’s enemies had been hoping for.
ABC News reported that Flynn, the former […]
national security adviser, would testify that
Talking to ambassadors is not a criminal
he was directed to make contact with
offense, it’s a routine procedure for
Russians during the presidential campaign
incoming administrations. Obama
in 2016. Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the
campaign officials responsible for the “reset
FBI about his postelection contacts with
policy” with Russia met with Russian
Russia’s ambassador to the U.S.
officials back in 2008 before the election
ABC said later in an updated report that had even taken place.
Flynn will say Trump asked him to make
The real reason Flynn was brought down
contact with Russia “initially as a way to
on a technicality is because he made an
work together to fight ISIS in Syria.”
enemy out of the deep state by directing
In a statement, Flynn said he agreed to exposing them for failing to fight ISIS and
“cooperate with the Special Counsel’s to some extent actually helping the spread
Office reflect a decision I made in the best of radical Islam.
interests of my family and of our country.”
At this point one has to wonder if Mueller himself is
That’s right, Michael Flynn, and President Trump by actually running cover for a terrorist organization as he has
extension, are now being attacked by Mueller and the done in the past.

The National Review’s Andrew McCarthy also destroyed So there you have it. These entire “bombshell revelations
the notion that this is some big bombshell: against Flynn” are literally NOTHING but two politicians
trying to reach out to another country in order to FIGHT
It remains unclear why the Obama Justice ACTUAL TERRORISTS.
Department chose to investigate Flynn.
There was nothing wrong with the incoming I repeat, Flynn and Trump are being
national-security adviser’s having meetings attacked for reaching out to a Russian
with foreign counterparts or discussing
such matters as the sanctions in those ambassador about FIGHTING ISIS.
meetings. Plus, if the FBI had FISA
recordings of Flynn’s conversations with It truly doesn’t get any more bizarre than the establishment
Kislyak, there was no need to ask Flynn media attacking Americans who want to take out ISIS.
what the conversations entailed.
Flynn is prepared to testify that Trump
directed him to make contact with the
Russians — initially to lay the groundwork
for mutual efforts against ISIS in Syria.
That, however, is exactly the sort of thing
the incoming national-security adviser is
supposed to do in a transition phase
between administrations. If it were part of
the basis for a “collusion” case arising out
of Russia’s election meddling, then Flynn
would not be pleading guilty to a process
crime — he’d be pleading guilty to an
espionage conspiracy.

The GOP Plan Is the Biggest
Tax Increase in American History, By Far
Ryan Grim
December 1 2017, 12:07 p.m.

The tax bill moving its way through Congress is routinely rather than invest it or give workers higher
referred to as a $1.5 trillion tax cut. And, in some ways, wages.
that’s true: on net, it would reduce the amount of taxes
collected by the federal treasury by about $1.5 trillion The alternative minimum tax, paid almost exclusively by
over 10 years. the rich, is also eliminated. That’s a $700 billion giveaway.

But that figure masks the eye-popping scale and audacity Another $150 billion goes to repealing the estate tax,
of the GOP’s rushed restructuring of the economy. Most which currently exempts the first $11 million of the
immediately, the plan will take a large chunk out of state deceased’s estate, so nobody even remotely middle class
and local revenue that isn’t factored into that total. But pays it. The repeal benefits so few people you can
more broadly, the bill cuts taxes by a full $6 trillion over a practically list them out.
More than $200 billion in cuts goes to a provision that
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said allows a greater deduction for dividends on foreign
Friday afternoon Senate Republicans have the votes to earnings. That’s not for you.
pass the plan, which gets referred to as only a $1.5 trillion
cut because it raises $4.5 trillion in taxes elsewhere. But Roughly $600 billion goes to reducing taxes on “pass-
the key question is who gets a tax hike and who gets a tax throughs” and other businesses not set up as corporations,
cut. Put simply, the bulk of the tax cut is going toward the
which law firms, lobby shops, and doctors’ offices often
rich, while the tax increases go to everybody else.
benefit from. Poor and middle-class people do not tend to
set themselves up as pass-throughs.
And so the bill, properly described, is two things: the
largest tax cut — and also the biggest tax increase — in Under current law, many tax credits phase out at low-
American history.
income thresholds. The GOP plan changes that by raising
the threshold so richer people can also claim the credit.
Republicans have spent years describing the Affordable That provision alone is, by definition, a $200 billion tax
Care Act as the largest tax increase in U.S. history, cut for the wealthy.
ignoring the fact that the tax increases were balanced out
by subsidies to pay for health coverage. In that respect, the
Individual and family tax rates are cut by about $1 trillion,
ACA was a significant transfer of wealth from the top to and some regular people will indeed see some of that
the middle and bottom, which earned it the ire of the GOP. money as a tax cut — but not much. As the New York
But all told, it raised less than $1 trillion in taxes over 10 Times noted, by 2027, people making between $40,000
years to pay for all that. The relative stinginess, in fact, is and $50,000 would see a combined increase of $5.3 billion
what fueled its unpopularity, as premiums and deductibles
in taxes. Where would that money go? Folks earning more
remained too high. But what Republicans lambasted as a
than $1 million would see their taxes collectively cut by
historic tax hike represents just one-fifth of the tax increase $5.8 billion a year.
of the new GOP bill.
The list above brings the total well close to $5 trillion in
Where’s that money going? tax cuts almost exclusively for the wealthy. The last major
element of the bill, the doubling of the standard deduction,
The Tax Policy Center estimated that about 80 percent of would benefit a broader range of people, but it comes at
the benefit of the tax plan will go to the top 1 percent, who the expense of states, cities, and towns.
will enjoy the following elements of the tax cut:
Where does the money to pay for all of this come from?
A full $1.5 trillion alone is going to slash the
corporate tax rate. CEOs have said While Obamacare was a transfer of wealth from the top to
repeatedly they plan to pocket that money the bottom, this bill sends money back the other way.
Even some of the ways the plan “raises” taxes on the rich The domestic production deduction, a $96 billion
wind up being a tax cut. Some $300 billion is raised by boondoggle, is repealed, for instance, and $54 billion is
allowing companies who stashed profits offshore to saved by ending the credit for testing cures for rare
repatriate it at a much lower rate. That repatriated cash will diseases.
go straight to dividends for shareholders and stock
buybacks — but it gets counted as a tax increase, which House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., went on NPR on
then allows the GOP to give an equal $300 billion cut on Friday morning to try to defend the largest tax hike in
the other side of the ledger. It’s neat how that works. American history.

The bill raises $1.6 trillion by repealing the personal “What does it say that — in practice
exemption everybody gets on their tax returns. Getting rid according to independent analyses, I mean
of it across the board is extraordinarily regressive, since it you do have winners and losers, not
gives the same benefit to the likes of Jared Kushner as it everybody gains, businesses gain, people
gives to people who have much less money than he does, with large estates to leave to their heirs
so they’re hit much harder. gain, high-income people gain — but a lot
of middle-income people do not gain in
It raises another $1.3 trillion by going after deductions for terms of money,” NPR’s Steve Inskeep
state and local taxes, mortgage interest, charitable said.
contributions, interest on student loans, medical expenses, “I disagree with that. The average tax cut
teachers’ out-of-pocket expenses for paper and pencils for for a middle-class family is going to be
students, and a bunch of other nickel-and-diming of the $1,182,” Ryan responded.
middle class. No change drawer in the car, couch cushion,
or plastic piggy bank is going untouched in the hunt for
money to pay for the tax cut. Inskeep pushed back.

(The state and local deduction is effectively a subsidy for “Lily Batchelder of New York University
state and local spending on things like schools, roads, and took some numbers from the Joint
police departments. Removing that will pressure states and Committee of Taxation, bipartisan part of
cities to cut spending, so future teacher layoffs at your Congress as you know very well, and
neighborhood school will be used to pay for the tax cuts, concluded that something like 100 million
but because that happens at the state and local level, it isn’t households in this country under the House
factored into the Congressional Budget Office or Joint bill, and even more under the Senate bill,
Committee on Taxation analyses.) would either get no tax cut or would get a
tax increase,” Inskeep said. “Does that
sound right to you?”
The plan gradually raises $128 billion in taxes by changing
the way inflation is tabulated, so that your taxes slowly
creep up over the years as the brackets come down. It didn’t sound right to Ryan.

And then, of course, the plan adds about $1.5 trillion to the “No, it doesn’t sound right unless it’s a
debt over 10 years. That gets you most of the way to $6 person that’s not paying taxes already,” he
trillion, with a handful of smaller tax hikes thrown in, said. “I think some people are cherry
some of which won’t obviously hurt the middle class. picking statistics.”

Michael Flynn’s Guilty Plea
Much Ado About Nothing
By Stephen Lendman - Stephenlendman.Org

The media hullabaloo over Flynn’s plea is more proof of the Russian ambassador in undermining
the colossal Russiagate scam. the Obama administration’s policies.”
He pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI, His contacts with Kislyak had nothing to do with
relating to conversations he had during the transition “undermining” anyone. Reportedly, Jared Kushner asked
period with former Russia ambassador to Washington Flynn to urge Russian opposition to SC 2334, not a crime
Sergey Kislyak. by either individual.
Many congressional members had personal contact with WaPo:
him, part of their job and Flynn’s as a key member of
“In negotiating with the Kremlin before Mr.
Trump’s transition team at the time.
Trump’s inauguration, the Trump transition
Through its ambassador, he reportedly tried urging Russia team undermined the foreign policy of the
to hold off expelling US diplomats in retaliation for sitting president.”
Obama administration expulsions, along with opposing last
“What’s more, the Obama administration
December’s SC Res. 2334, declaring Israeli settlements
designed its sanctions against Russia as
illegal, flagrantly violating international law.
retaliation for election interference.”
The vote was 14 - 0 with Washington abstaining. It broke
“Mr. Flynn apparently promised that the
longstanding US tradition, vetoing over 40 SC resolutions
next administration would review those
hostile to Israeli interests.
sanctions - meaning Mr. Trump’s advisers
Flynn technically violated the 1799 Logan Act, amended sought to weaken the US attempt to hold
in 1994. It prohibits unauthorized citizens from negotiating Russia accountable for its meddling.”
with foreign governments - considered an attempt to
influence bilateral relations.
The act remained unused since passage, no one prosecuted
under the law in over 200 years. Legal experts suggest it’s Nothing was done by Flynn or any other
unconstitutional. It’s been used more as a threat than Trump transition member to undermine
justification for prosecution. Obama.
Why did the FBI question Flynn about anything relating to Fact:
his transition team job, specifically contacts with foreign
No Russian US election interference
officials, namely Kislyak?
His only offense was telling what amounts to a white lie,
nothing warranting the witch-hunt investigation he was put
through, resulting in his guilty plea over nothing. Unilaterally imposed US sanctions on
Russia or any other countries are illegal,
The aim, of course, was trying to build a case for
flagrantly violating international law.
nonexistent Russian inference in America’s political
process, along with anything suggesting illegal or Fact:
improper Trump dealings with Moscow.
If Flynn supported lifting them, he warrants
After months of House, Senate and special council Mueller praise, not condemnation.
investigations, not a shred of proof was found making
Endless witch-hunt investigations continue, wasting time
either case - just baseless allegations and accusations, no
and money, proving nothing except more evidence of
evidence supporting them.
America’s deeply corrupted political system - far too
The neocon/CIA-connected Washington debauched to fix.
Post jumped on Flynn’s plea, ludicrously
saying “the Russia affair just got bigger,”
falsely claiming “Flynn…sought help from

New Documents Reveal
FBI's Clinton Cover-Up
By Tom Fitton | Fox News
December 2, 2017

The organization I head, Judicial Watch, asked the FBI on

July 7, 2016, for any records that might pertain to the
infamous tarmac meeting. We had to sue after we were
ignored by the agency.
Then the FBI told us flat-out that it couldn’t find any
records. And we now know that was flat-out untrue.
Because, in responding to another one of our Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits, the Justice Department
gave us heavily redacted documents that showed there
were additional documents tucked away at the FBI
In Washington, the ostensible story is rarely the real story. If not for Judicial Watch's lawsuits these documents would
We know, for example, that former President Clinton still be hidden today.
engineered a meeting with President Obama’s attorney
general, Loretta Lynch, on the tarmac of the Phoenix Because of the revelation in our other lawsuit, the FBI –
Airport on June 27, 2016. without our knowledge—"reopened" our FOIA request.
The agency supposedly found about 30 pages of
That’s the official story, replete with the charming and information, which it needed six weeks to review. The FBI
intentionally disarming detail that all they talked about was finally gave them to us late Thursday.
their grandchildren. It was just coincidental, don’t you
know, that at the time the FBI was looking into Hillary Now we know why the FBI played shell games. The
Clinton’s use of a “personal” email server to send, receive documents show that FBI officials were concerned solely
and store classified information. about the leaking of details of the tarmac meeting. None of
the documents show top agency officials cared one whit
And it was also simply coincidental that just a few days about the propriety of the meeting itself, but only about
later, the director of the FBI – who served under Attorney who blew the whistle on the covert tête-à-tête.
General Lynch – announced that he wouldn’t recommend
a prosecution of Hillary Clinton. In one email, an FBI official writes

Richard Nixon must be rolling over in his grave. “we need to find that guy.”
And in another we learn that the Phoenix FBI office was
“in an attempt to stem any further damage.”
An FBI official working on Lynch’s security detail even
goes so far as to suggest non-disclosure agreements to
keep the full facts from coming forth.
What we haven’t known, until now, is that a frantic No wonder the FBI didn’t turn these documents over until
scramble erupted in the halls of the FBI to cover up this we caught it red-handed, hiding and lying about them.
meeting. In fact, the FBI turned its sharp light not on the
scandalous meeting between the attorney general and Bill Simply put, the FBI appears to be fully complicit in a
Clinton – but rather on one of the whistleblowers who got cover-up that attempted to influence a presidential election
the word out. for a favored candidate – Hillary Clinton. And the truth
was trampled on a Phoenix tarmac.

Gloves Off: Now Even Mainstream Media
Calls Trump ‘Idiot,’ ‘Hated,’ ‘Unhinged’
© AP Photo/ Susan Walsh - US
22:17 02.12.2017(Updated 22:26 02.12.2017) G

Founded in 1851, America's august media outlet The New

York Times has now ceased to pull punches regarding
Trump's ability to govern, posting that he appears to "be
cracking up," while observing a growing avalanche
of reports from within his own administration pointing
to the US president's "increasingly unhinged and chaotic"
speech, behavior, and actions.

The Guardian, a frequent publisher of anti-Trump rhetoric,

has taken to actively detailing the dissolution of the US
Republican party and its "miserable choice" of leadership,
continually hammering on the fact that "No president has
The conversation has become increasingly pointed as even ever polled anywhere near as low as Trump."
mainstream media outlets are shining a light on Trump’s
consistently ‘irrational’ behavior.
Even US military stalwart Defense One is taking the
plunge, as a recent piece strongly suggested that the
Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States, has
president's favorite means of communication, Twitter, Inc.,
repeatedly been shown to be the country's most polarizing
address what the media outlet refers to as the "ongoing
and disliked leader in national polling, and now the world's
national security threat" presented by Trump's often
high-profile media institutions are acknowledging what
incomprehensible, and regularly bullying, tweets.
many have pointed out since the beginning of his term:
that the president is mentally unfit to hold his post.
Lawmakers, military chiefs and those in business and
finance, as well anyone with access to the internet, appear
In recent articles posted from such diverse legacy outlets
to be watching with eager interest as — to quote comedian
as The New York Times, The South China Morning Post,
John Oliver — Trump's method of communication
The Guardian and even US military watchdog Defense
increasingly resembles "a drunk driver crashing a pickup
One, the language regarding the US president's mental
health has shifted from offering the opinions of third
parties to throwing down original content suggesting that
Trump's behavior is "an emergency situation." If the increasingly likely possibility of impeachment does
occur, however, the US would get Mike Pence as its 46th
president, a man described as "quite possibly more
The South China Morning Post, Hong Kong's newspaper
dangerous" than Trump, cited by the Huffington Post.
of record since 1903 and an ordinarily cautious voice, took
the unusual step of asking "Is Trump an Idiot?" and,
answering its own question, stating that "yes" appears to be
the correct response, affirming: "monumentally so."

ABC Makes "Epic Mistake",
Retracts Bombshell Flynn Story
By Tyler Durden
Dec 2, 2017 11:55 PM

Having caused chaos in financial markets briefly, set the contact Russian officials on topics that
liberal media on fire with 'I told you so's, and sparked a included working jointly against ISIS.
renewed round of #ImpeachTrump demands,
So to clarify - just as President Trump had stated, there
ABC News issued a 'clarification' to was no contact with Russians during his time as a
their bombshell Flynn report that not candidate but in fact it was in transition as he attempted to
only negates the entire story but mend broken bridges with another world super-power in
provides President Trump with another his role as president-elect - this in no way a criminal act at
round of ammunition to fire against the all.
'fake news' media.
In fact, reaching out to foreign
governments during transitions is
standard procedure.

CNN is embarrassed...

Critically, ABC News reports, correcting

their earlier report, that Michael Flynn is
prepared to testify that Donald Trump Axios apologizes for its use of the story...
directed him to contact the Russians as
president-elect, not as a candidate. (We regret highlighting a story that had
one source making an astonishing
Here is the full 'clarification' allegation.)

During a live Special Report, ABC News And maybe Brian Ross, so-called journalist and ABC News
reported that a confidant of Lt. Gen. Chief Investigative Correspondent, who wrote the ABC
Michael Flynn said Flynn was prepared article, will explain himself and his 'sources' for this
to testify that then-candidate Donald nothingburger of a story.
Trump instructed him to contact
Russian officials during the campaign.

That source later clarified that during the campaign, Trump

assigned Flynn and a small circle of other senior advisers
to find ways to repair relations with Russia and other
hot spots.

It was shortly after the election, that

President-elect Trump directed Flynn to

One wonder what the consequences are, or should be, for Which for those still confused, can be summarized as
such an obvious error. follows:

The original tweet published by ABC

News containing Ross' initial report had
been retweeted more than 25,000 times
and embedded in various news stories
online before it was deleted.
But the clarification - issued at
7:53pmET - has just 2600 RTs...
Report: Flynn prepared to testify that
President-elect Donald Trump directed him
to make contact with the Russians *during
the transition* -- initially as a way to work
together to fight ISIS in Syria, confidant Is it any wonder trust in the mainstream
now says. media is at rock bottom?
— ABC News (@ABC) December 2, 2017 How long before Dianne Feinstein retracts her angry
statement aimed at President Trump "negotiating with
Ironically, that tweet was also deleted, and this is the latest Russia against US interests"?
retraction, even if ABC still indends on calling it a
correction: We look forward to President Trump's tirade over this.

Michael Flynn’s Guilty Plea Sparks
Zany Reactions From Resistance Pundits
Published Time: 2 Dec, 2017 01:09 Edited Time: 2 Dec, 2017 17:18

— The View (@TheView) December 1,


The gravity of the development was surely felt beyond The


“I’m quoting the one and only Flo Rida: It’s

going down for real,” said MSNBC host
Stephanie Ruhle.

Former US National Security Adviser Michael Flynn © Jonathan

Ernst / Reuters

Liberal and neoconservative pundits overflowed with glee

at the news of former National Security Advisor Michael
Flynn’s deal to plead guilty to lying to FBI investigators
about his contacts with foreign officials.

Leading the way was Joy Behar of the morning talk show,
“The View.” After cheerfully reading the news of Flynn’s
plea deal aloud to her studio audience, Behar threw her
hands in the air as the audience erupted in cheers.

“Yay,” Behar shouted, “This is the

antithesis of election night!”

When her fellow panelist Meghan McCain commented that

the collective reaction resembled an Oprah Winfrey-style This shows that Mueller is going up the
show giveaway, Behar pointed her finger around the room food chain and Trump is going to have an
and shouted, explosion,” neoconservative commentator
Max Boot told MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle.
“He goes to jail! He goes to jail! He goes to
jail! Lock ‘em up! Lock them up!” Former FBI Director James Comey tweeted a Bible verse
following the announcement:
Sunny Hostin, another panelist, hyped the news, but
offered no analysis. “‘But justice roll down like waters and
righteousness like an ever-flowing stream’
“Does everyone understand how significant Amos 5:24”
that is?” she asked.
COOPERATION': The co-hosts react to
breaking news that Michael Flynn promised
"full cooperation," prepared to testify that
Donald Trump "directed him to make
contact with the Russians" during

“I don't think Hillary is gloating, because “I do think the larger interest here is served,
she's not that person, and none of this is as to try to understand exactly what was
good for America. But I think she's smiling going on with the transition, the campaign
at how fate is playing out.” tweeted former and the Russians,” Clapper continued.
Clinton campaign aide Peter Daou. “And we need to get to the bottom of what
today remains still a mystery to me, is this
singular indifference to the threat posed by

Representative Adam Schiff (D-California) of the House

Intelligence Committee said Trump has lied about contacts
with Russia

“abundantly and frequently and in just

about every way.”

Rejoicing that “the rule of law does prevail,”

former director of national intelligence
James Clapper said Flynn’s plea carries
“huge implications for the White House.”

In Major Victory For Trump, Senate Passes "Sweeping"
Tax Bill Which Nobody Read: Here's What's In It
By Tyler Durden
Dec 2, 2017 3:53 PM

Shortly before 2am on Saturday, the Senate passed "the The bill would lower tax rates for individuals through 2025
most sweeping rewrite of the U.S. tax code in three and permanently cut the corporate tax rate from 35% to
decades, slashing the corporate tax rate and providing 20% (more details below). The bill’s tax cuts for
temporary tax-rate cuts for most Americans" handing individuals are temporary in order to comply with budget
Republicans a badly needed legislative and political rules that the measure can’t add to the deficit after 10
victory. Senators voted across party lines in a 51-49 years. The bill would also repeal ObamaCare’s individual
vote, ending days of debate and "hand wringing" as mandate, a priority for President Trump and many
leadership worked frantically behind the scenes to win Republicans.
over holdouts and get the proposal in line with the
chamber’s rules. ***

Tennessee Senator Bob Corker, who had cited concerns The vote brings the GOP close to delivering a much-
over the bill’s effects on federal deficits, was the only needed policy win for their party and President Donald
Republican dissenter. Corker, who is retiring after 2018, Trump. After the vote, Trump said on Twitter that he looks
said in a statement ahead of the vote that he "wanted to get forward to signing a final bill before Christmas. The
to yes" on the tax plan. "But at the end of the day, I am not president expressed gratitude to McConnell and Finance
able to cast aside my fiscal concerns and vote for Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch for steering the measure
legislation that I believe, based on the information I through the Senate. “We are one step closer to delivering
currently have, could deepen the debt burden on future MASSIVE tax cuts for working families across America,”
generations,” he said. Trump wrote on Twitter.

Corker's dissent however was not enough to halt passage,

and shortly thereafter Vice President Mike Pence presided
over the final passage vote. GOP senators, who stayed on
the Senate floor until the vote closed after midnight, broke
out into applause after Pence announced the bill had

"This is a great day for the country," Majority Leader

Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said during a 2 a.m. press
conference after the vote. "We have an opportunity now to
make America more competitive, to keep jobs from being On Saturday morning, Trump followed up his praise to the
shipped off shore and to provide substantial relief for the Senate GOP, tweeting the "Biggest Tax Bill and Tax Cuts
middle class." in history just passed in the Senate. Now these great
Republicans will be going for final passage. Thank you to

House and Senate Republicans for your hard work and like something on the back of a
commitment!" napkin?”

However, McConnell said the bill, the first text of which

was introduced on Nov. 20, went

“through the regular order.” He dismissed

complaints like Schumer’s. “You complain
about process when you’re losing,”
McConnell said.

NY Governor Andrew Cuomo showed what the

"handwritten notes on the page" looked like:

Amid the republican jubilation over the passage of a bill

which is heavily weighted to benefit corporations and
pass-throughs, and will encourage all self-employed
businesses to become LLCs, there was just one problem:

nobody actually read the 479-page bill.

As Montana Senator Jon Tester wrote late on Friday:

Bottom line:
Commenting on this, Senate Democrat Charles Schumer
noted that a set of last-minute revisions to the bill changed
The chaotic process was similar to how
it in ways that had yet to be analyzed by the Joint
Obamacare was passed on Christmas Eve
Committee on Taxation, Congress’s official scorekeeper
in 2009: in fact maybe a slight
for the effects of tax legislation.
“Is this really how Republicans are At least this time Congress didn't have to
going to rewrite the tax code? Scrawled "pass the bill to find out what is in it." And

it's not like anyone reads these bills accumulated offshore earnings. The House bill would tax
anyway. those profits at 14 percent for earnings held as cash and 7
percent for less-liquid assets. The revised Senate bill
So what happens next? contains a lengthy section that has no direct mention of the
rates, but a person familiar with the Senate plan said they’d
Before it goes to Trump, lawmakers will have to reconcile be 14.5 percent for cash and 7.5 percent for less-liquid
differences between the Senate bill and one the House assets.
passed last month, a process that will begin Monday.
Although both versions share common topline elements, The Senate also approved a 23% tax
negotiations on individual provisions inserted to win votes, deduction on business income earned
particularly in the Senate, may be protracted and difficult. from partnerships, limited liabilities and
The final product will end up being a central issue in the other so-called pass-through
2018 elections that will determine control of Congress. businesses.

“We’re going to take this message to the The House version would create a 25% tax rate for such
American people a year from now,” Senate business income, with restrictions on which businesses
Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said after could qualify. Small businesses would get extra relief
the vote. under the House legislation as well.

*** The House bill would also eliminate the estate tax, while
the Senate version would limit the tax to fewer
Among the major overhauls, multimillion-dollar estates, but leave it in place. And after
2025, the limits would lift. Under current law, the estate
tax applies a 40% levy to estates worth more than $5.49
both the House and Senate measures million for individuals and $10.98 million for married
would cut the corporate tax rate to 20% couples. The Senate bill would temporarily double the
from 35% - though the Senate version exemption thresholds. The House bill would double the
would set that lower rate in 2019, a year exemption thresholds, and then repeal the tax entirely in
later than the House bill would. 2025.

Also, the Senate bill, unlike the House version, would As discussed previously,
provide only temporary tax relief to individuals, ending tax
cuts for them in 2026.
the House bill would consolidate the
current seven individual tax brackets to
Both bills are expected to add more four, leaving the top tax rate at 39.6%.
than $1.4 trillion to the federal deficit
over 10 years,
The Senate bill would have seven brackets - with lower
rates, and a top rate of 38.5 percent. As Bloomberg notes,
before accounting for any economic growth. Bloomberg
reported that last minute revisions to help shore up GOP
support added about $32.5bn to the measure’s 10-year "studies have shown that many of the
cost, according to a one-page analysis from the tax bill’s benefits would go to the
Congressional Budget Office. highest earners - and some middle-
class taxpayers might actually pay more
- a finding that could impact the House-
The House and Senate bills also align on the contentious Senate talks."
issue of individual deductions for state and local taxes:
They’d eliminate all but a deduction for property taxes,
Most importantly, perhaps, the Senate bill includes a
which would be capped at $10,000. They differ on the
home mortgage-interest deduction; the House bill would repeal of Obamacare’s mandate that most Americans have
health insurance or pay a penalty. The House bill does not.
restrict that break to loans of $500,000 or less with regard
to new purchases of homes. The Senate legislation would
leave the current $1 million cap in place. Here is a side-by-side comparison of the two plans thanks
to the WSJ:
According to Bloomberg, the bills also differ on the tax
rates they’d apply to multinational companies’

Opinion: The US-Israeli Gang Of Trump,
Netanyahu And Kushner
By Hans Stehling
December 02, 2017

the US veto in the Security Council and the weakening of

the authority of the United Nations. This will be achieved
by the cutting-off of funds to all UN departments and the
increase in the numbers and deployment of US forces in
Israel and other key strategic sites around the world in
order to reinforce American domination of world affairs.
That is the agenda – the reality will be somewhat different.

The American president will be impeached, various family

members will be prosecuted for offences against the state
and for endangering national security and the Israeli prime
minister will be indicted and imprisoned for bribery and

As for Saudi Arabia, there will be a revolution that will

Not satisfied with rigging the election of the presidency of reverberate throughout the Middle East as a popular
the world’s super- state, the Trump and Netanyahu uprising will consign the House of Saud to history. That
families now intend to manipulate global politics to suit will uncover a multitude of secret deals between the
their own agendas. previous regime and various Western governments,
including the United Kingdom and America that were
Those agendas include control of Middle East oil/gas designed to bolster the status quo ante to their own
reserves, the building up of nuclear weapon arsenals in political advantage.
both the US and Israel and the isolation of the European
Union in terms of international trade and influence. Then Russia, China, Iran, Syria, Egypt and probably
Turkey will make their play. And Trump, Netanyahu and
They intend to accomplish this by the deployment of their respective families will be just history.
hundreds of nuclear-armed, F-35 strike aircraft: the use of

Trump: I Had To Fire Flynn Because He Lied To VP And
FBI, But His Actions Were Lawful
Published Time: 2 Dec, 2017 17:20 Edited Time: 2 Dec, 2017 18:15

to lying to the FBI about a phone call he had with the

former Russian ambassador. At that time, Trump,
however, did not give any definitive answer to the question
of whether he would stand by his former advisor.

At issue was the phone call between Flynn and then-

Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak at the end of
December 2016, after the outgoing president, Barack
Obama, ordered a number of Russian diplomats to leave
the US and closed two Russian diplomatic properties.
Flynn reportedly asked Moscow to restrain its reaction to
Michael Flynn © Joshua Roberts / Reuters anti-Russian sanctions at that time, but later told FBI that
he did not do that.
US President Donald Trump has defended the actions of
his former national security adviser Michael Flynn, saying US intelligence services listened in on the phone call.
they were “lawful.” He added, however, that he fired Information about it was leaked to the media in January,
Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. after Trump’s inauguration. Flynn resigned in February,
"I had to fire General Flynn because he lied less than a month into Trump's term of office.
to the Vice President and the FBI. He has
pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame Flynn’s plea came as part of an investigation into the
because his actions during the transition alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia
were lawful. There was nothing to hide!" ahead of the 2016 presidential elections led by Special
Trump said in a tweet. Counsel Robert Mueller. However, a year after the vote,
the inquiry still is unable to provide any solid evidence of
Earlier on Saturday, Trump also told reporters that his any interference in the electoral process by Moscow.
election campaign was not engaged in any collusion with Instead, the investigators have so far managed to catch two
Russia. He made his comment after Flynn pleaded guilty lobbyists with ties to Ukraine.

Flynn's Guilty Plea Not
The Smoking Gun In Mueller Investigation
© AP Photo/ Susan Walsh - US
10:26 02.12.2017(Updated 17:31 02.12.2017)

However, according to the article, the results of the

investigation – no matter how far it could go – will not
trigger Trump’s impeachment.

"These would be impeachable offenses,

but impeachment is a political rather than a
judicial process, one that would need to be
conducted by a Republican-controlled
congress," the article read, emphasizing that
Trump continues to enjoy support in the
Republican base and Republican lawmakers
"have so far proved unwilling to challenge him."
Even taking into account Michael Flynn’s guilty plea, the
investigation led by Robert Mueller is unlikely to lead to a In an article for National Review, American journalist
significant political outcome for the Trump administration, Andrew McCarthy pointed out that in fact Flynn’s guilty
according to media reports. plea is not a breakthrough in Mueller’s investigation.

Former security adviser to US President Donald Trump, "There was nothing wrong with the incoming
Michael Flynn has pleaded guilty to charges that he made national-security adviser’s having meetings
false statements to the FBI about his contacts with then with foreign counterparts or discussing such
Russian ambassador to the US Sergei Kislyak. The move matters as the sanctions in those meetings.
was initially portrayed as one the most important turns Plus, if the FBI had FISA recordings of Flynn’s
in special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into the Trump conversations with Kislyak, there was no need
team’s alleged collusion with Russia and their attempts to ask Flynn what the conversations entailed,"
to obstruct the investigations. McCarthy wrote on Friday.

"There was always smoke. Mueller's recent According to the journalist, if there were reals of signs
moves suggest he believes he has found fire," of collusion or "Russian meddling in the US election" and
an article in The Sydney Morning Herald noted. Flynn had been involved he would be pleading guilty to an
According to the newspaper, although Mueller’s espionage conspiracy.
plan is optimistic at best, including possibly
leveling more charges against people in the "That is not happening in Flynn’s situation.
White House, the investigation is likely to end Instead, like [former foreign policy adviser
before Christmas "without more revelations." George] Papadopoulos, he is being permitted
to plead guilty to a mere process crime," he
Specifically, the newspaper suggests, that Mueller believes wrote.
people even closer to the president – or even Trump
himself – could have broken the law in colluding
with Russia and attempting to derail the subsequent

Who Is Jared Kushner:
Trump Loyalist Or Kissinger Protege?
Robert Bridge
Edited Time: 2 Dec, 2017 15:29

Reminiscent of the day when Barack Obama was awarded

the Nobel Peace Prize without ever negotiating a single
peace deal, Time magazine recently named Jared Kushner
among its '100 Most Influential People'. And it was none
other than Henry Kissinger, 94, the fiercely criticized
former US statesman, who penned the blurb that
accompanied Jared's honorable mention.

Kissinger, expert practitioner of the

"strategic lie", says he first met Kushner
White House senior adviser Jared Kushner sits behind U.S. President
"about 18 months ago, when he introduced
Donald Trump © Kevin Lamarque / Reuters himself after a foreign policy lecture I had
given." The very next line suggests that
Never before in the annals of US politics has a top Kissinger is lurking in the shadows of the
presidential adviser had more of an inside track for Trump administration. "We have
influencing the White House than Donald Trump's son-in- sporadically exchanged views since."
law Jared Kushner. Will this turn out to be a problem for
Trump in the future? Really? That brief comment should have triggered some
alarms. What exactly does Kissinger mean by
Name any major event over the course of Trump's first "sporadically," and what is it that he and Jared chat about?
year in office and you will undoubtedly find the doleful Somehow I doubt the weather. And is Trump aware of the
face of Jared Kushner lurking somewhere in the crowd, content of these "sporadic" conversations, or is he content
gazing on with rapt attention (or is it somber satisfaction?), to get the Cliff Notes courtesy of Kushner?
a bit like an apprentice trapped in the floodlights of
ultimate power. Considering Henry Kissinger's extremely checkered past –
for starters, he convinced Nixon to bomb Cambodia and
Beyond the question of Jared's omnipresence is his Laos, and replace the democratically elected government
apparent knack for political survival. Although Trump of Chile with a brutal military dictatorship – these are no
tends to go through officials as rapidly as tweets, Jared has idle questions. And as it turns out, there is already some
managed thus far to ride out the storm. Yet firing Jared – whiff of mischief in the air that directly involves Jared
husband of Trump's daughter, Ivanka – would be more Kushner, and, indirectly or otherwise, Henry Kissinger.
than your average political decision, which is probably
why Trump should never have dabbled in nepotism to The Art of The Dumb
begin with. Or perhaps Jared Kushner remains in his top-
level position not because he is the son-in-law of Donald To date, President Trump has made two critical decisions
Trump, or because he is so politically astute (thus far it that, for many analysts, defied all logic and even common
would seem he is not), but precisely because some high- sense. In fact, they were disastrous. The first involved the
ranking people in the establishment want him there. firing of Michael Flynn less than a month after he was
named national security adviser. The stated reason for that
Whatever the case may be, it is notable that while Trump's decision was due to conversations Flynn had with former
main allies – guys like Mike Flynn, Steve Bannon and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak a month before
Reince Priebus (all of whom were loathed by the Trump formally took office. However, Flynn was doing
establishment folks, incidentally) – fell to the wayside one nothing more 'subversive' than attempting to tamp down
after another, Kushner is one of the only top officials left Russia's understandable fury at being treated so brusquely
over from the original Trump lineup. And his popularity by the Obama administration.
among the establishment elite appears untarnished.

This week, Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about
conversations he had with former Russian Ambassador to
the US, Sergey Kislyak. However, the talks occurred while
Trump was President-elect, and as the Obama
administration was working overtime to sabotage any hope
the Trump administration might have had in building a
working relationship with the Russians, indeed, as Trump
had pledge to do on the campaign trail. So the question as
to why the FBI was even questioning Flynn about such
contacts remains unknown.

At the same time, ABC News put out the fake news that
Flynn was ordered by Donald Trump to make contact with
the Russians during the election campaign. ABC News later
“clarified” that the report was about Trump giving the
order as President-elect.

The second even more mysterious ‘mistake’ involved the

firing of James Comey, the FBI Director who was in the
process of investigating claims of collusion between
Trump and Russia in the course of the 2016 presidential
election. It did not take a political genius to understand that
firing Comey while he was investigating those claims
would only serve to fortify that very myth – and worse,
appear as an attempt at a Trump cover-up. The US
In the tidal wave of Russophobia that swept through president, understandably at wits end over the never-
Washington following Hillary Clinton's dramatic defeat, ending witch-hunt, now seemed guilty of attempting to get
Barack Obama – after originally acknowledging the rid of the nosy Comey. What he got instead was just more
election to have been fair – suddenly changed his tune. barbarians at the gate.
Apparently somebody had a talk with him, and on
December 29, based on the groundless claims of Russian Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, yet
tampering the elections, Obama expelled 35 Russian another dedicated Trump loyalist who got served a pink
embassy staff, as well as imposing sanctions – all just days slip, told Charlie Rose in an interview that President
before the New Year. Trump's decision to fire James Comey was

It was in the course of this dramatic diplomatic meltdown "the biggest mistake in modern political
between the world's two nuclear powers that Flynn and history."
Kislyak spoke on the telephone on several occasions in an
effort to repair the damage (It should be noted that Jared So who gave Trump such horrible advice? Some
Kushner also participated in an earlier meeting at Trump Washington insiders are pointing to Kushner.
Tower with Michael Flynn and Sergey Kislyak. The
purpose of that meeting was to “establish a line of
According to a report in Vanity Fair,
communication” between the soon-to-be Trump
administration and the Kremlin, the White House told the
New York Times). All things considered, it was the "Trump blamed Jared Kushner for his role
honorable thing to do. Others, of course, saw things in decisions, specifically the firings of Mike
differently. Yet Flynn got the sack, while Kushner Flynn and James Comey, that led to
continues in his post relatively unscathed. Mueller’s appointment."

When the wolves in the Democratic Party came a That comment was allegedly based on a phone call
knocking, Trump probably thought he could satisfy those between Bannon and Trump. In another conversation,
who were hell-bent on sabotaging US-Russia relations by political analyst Roger Stone supposedly told Trump that
sacrificing Flynn like an easily disposable pawn. The Kushner was giving him bad political advice, and Trump
maverick of Manhattan seems to have gambled wrong. agreed.
Trump now reportedly"regrets" firing Flynn, who he says
got a "very bad deal" from the media. “Jared is the worst political adviser in the
White House in modern history,” former
Trump campaign aide Sam Nunberg told
the magazine. “I’m only saying publicly
what everyone says behind the scenes at House, followed by a visit by Henry
Fox News, in conservative media, and the Kissinger to the Oval Office. No, this is not
Senate and Congress.” October 1973,"began an ABC News report
detailing Kissinger's strangely timed
However, Nunberg's judgment is only true if we assume invitation to the White House.
that Kushner is really dedicated to faithfully serving
Donald Trump, but is just awful at his job. Or, Trump said the meeting with Kissinger focused on Russia,
alternatively, if he is instead accepting the demands and Syria and
advice being given to him from people like Henry
Kissinger, representatives of the establishment. In that "various other matters," calling Kissinger a
case, it could be argued he is doing a remarkable job. "friend for a long time."

Welcome back, Henry Kissinger Coincidence or otherwise, Kissinger was one of Nixon's
closest confidants and also met with him after the Saturday
Keeping in mind Mark Twain's observation that "history Night Massacre.
does not repeat itself, but it does rhyme," it was impossible
to miss the historical coincidence of Kissinger appearing "I don't think we can read too much into
next to Donald Trump in May shortly after the latter that, but it would be interesting if they were
unceremoniously canned Comey. Why was it a consulting him on troubleshooting, in which
coincidence? case, Kissinger wouldn't be the first person
I would turn to," David Greenberg, a
Because decades earlier, Henry Kissinger, while serving professor of history and journalism and
under Richard Nixon as National Security Adviser and media studies at Rutgers University in New
Secretary of State, played a major role in the so-called Jersey, told ABC News.
'Saturday Night Massacre,' which saw Nixon fire
Watergate special prosecutor Archibald Cox, who was In any case, if it really was Jared Kushner who advised
attempting to retrieve telephone recordings connected to Trump to dump both Flynn and Comey, as many analysts
the case. suggest, then the sudden appearance of geopolitical guru
Kissinger in the White House shortly afterwards is peculiar
to say the least.

1001 Arabian arrests

Just recently, we may have witnessed, albeit from second-

hand accounts, Jared Kushner taking his first steps as a
Kissinger geopolitical protégé.

On November 3, Saudi Arabia placed a call to Lebanon's

then Prime Minister Saad Hariri, demanding that he pay a
visit to Riyadh. Hariri wasted no time at all, reportedly
flying to Saudi Arabia without his regular staff. The next
day, Hariri did something completely out of the ordinary:
In a televised appearance, from the Saudi capital, he
announced that he was resigning from his post as prime

Western media greatly played down the fact that Hariri

made his announcement on foreign soil, not least of all
Saudi soil, while giving extra attention to Hariri's
What followed from that disastrous decision was Nixon explanation for his sudden retirement: Iran and Hezbollah,
being eventually forced to resign in disgrace, a political which just helped Syria liberate itself from ISIS terrorists.
calamity that some experts say could eventually happen to
Trump if 'Russiagate' gets any more out of control. “Wherever Iran settles, it sows discord,
devastation and destruction, proven by its
"The unexpected firing of a high-profile interference in the internal affairs of Arab
investigator looking into potential political countries,” he said in his prepared
malfeasance connected to the White

statement. He also said he feared for his Indeed, Kushner paid a visit to Saudi Arabia in October as
life. part of a four-day trip that also included stops in Israel,
Jordan and Egypt.
That evening, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman
arrested 11 Saudi princes, 4 government officials and The Washington Post provided some scant details on
dozens of businessmen, while also claiming that Saudi Kushner's secretive meeting with MbS:
Arabia had intercepted a ballistic missile launched by
Houthi rebels in Yemen. The blame for that unconfirmed "MBS is emboldened by strong support
event naturally went to Iran as well. from President Trump and his inner circle...
It was probably no accident that last month,
Iran’s Foreign Ministry said Hariri’s resignation was a Jared Kushner, Trump’s senior adviser and
ploy to “create tension in Lebanon and the region.” son-in-law, made a personal visit to
Riyadh. The two princes are said to have
“Hariri’s resignation was done with planning stayed up until nearly 4 a.m. several nights,
by Donald Trump, the president of swapping stories and planning strategy."
America, and Mohammed bin Salman
(MbS), the crown prince of Saudi Meanwhile, Israel's interest in what transpires between
Arabia,”said Hussein Sheikh al-Islam, Saudi Arabia and Lebanon is also of no small concern,
adviser to Iran’s supreme leader. given its wariness of Iranian moves in the region, as noted
by The Spectator:
However, Iran’s foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif
took the blame game one step further, pointing to Jared "The Jewish state is hardly a natural ally for
Kushner as the cause of the spectacle. Saudi Arabia, but they have long shared a
common enemy: Iran. Both fear the latter is
“Visits by Kushner & Lebanese PM led to exploiting the opening created by the fall of
[Saad] Hariri’s bizarre resignation while Isis, and the triumph of the Assad regime in
abroad,” Mohammad Javad Zarif tweeted. Syria, to dominate the region..."
“Of course, Iran is accused of interference.”
The question, however, comes down to what role Jared
Today, Hariri, following a whirlwind tour that took him to Kushner has been playing in all of this, and to what end? Is
Paris following his stay in Riyadh is back in Lebanon he loyally and dutifully serving the interests of Donald
where he remains the Prime Minister. Trump, while - at the same time - being quietly groomed
as the next Henry Kissinger, possibly and eventually
moving seamlessly between consecutive administrations,
as Kissinger did when he survived the downfall of Nixon
and went on to serve under Gerald Ford?

Or is Jared Kushner, despite being the son-in-law and top

adviser of Donald Trump, heeding the demands of a
different master?

‘This Is Obviously Not A Hack’:
Dems Ignore Technical Evidence In DNC Leak Case
© Ap Photo/ Paul Holston Us
01:03 02.12.2017(Updated 01:05 02.12.2017) Get Short Url

"So all I did was look at that and say this is obviously not a
hack," he added, noting that his findings flew in the face
of the establishment narrative about what happened.

Even with the best technology available, experts could not

match the speed of the alleged breach that occurred in July
2016. These facts, Binney concluded, show the data
transfer must have been "local" — that is, copied from the
DNC servers onto an external source such as a thumb

The firm hired to investigate DNC's servers, CrowdStrike,

One year after Republican Donald Trump’s unexpected
claims that, beyond the shadow of a doubt, it was Russia
victory in the US presidential race, the Russiagate
that hacked the servers, despite not providing clear
narrative - that Trump colluded with Russia - continues
evidence of the packet transfer.

The same cybersecurity firm also famously reported

One of the most pivotal parts of the story, that Russians
in 2016 that Russian malware had led to the destruction
hacked the DNC under the guise of notorious hacker
of Ukrainian howitzer artillery units, a claim the Ukrainian
Guccifer 2, has never been proven. However, the US
armed forces themselves denied, causing CrowdStrike
intelligence apparatus has the ability to do just that, a
to issue a major retraction.
former National Security Agency analyst told Sputnik
Indeed, the FBI never actually looked at the DNC's servers
to conduct their own forensic analysis. Despite "multiple
To follow information transfers, say from the Democratic
requests at different levels" to access the allegedly
National Committee to a hacker's computer, technical
compromised servers, former FBI Director James Comey
specialists track the data "packet," which can lead them
told the Senate Intelligence Committee in January, the FBI
to the data's final destination, Bill Binney, a three-decade
was blocked from looking at the servers and instead had
veteran of the NSA, said during an interview with Fault
to rely on a "highly respected private company":
Lines on Radio Sputnik Friday.
Binney explained that a team of specialists from the
"We'd prefer to have access hands-on ourselves if that's
Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity tried
possible," Comey said, adding that he didn't know the
to download data from the East Coast of the US to Eastern
reason the DNC rebuked the FBI's requests.
Europe to simulate parts of the hack.

So while technical evidence presumably exists,

"Guccifer 2 put out a bunch of data that this was the hack
unexplored, to prove or disprove Moscow's connection
of the DNC on the fifth of July. So my task was simply
to the Trump campaign, many lawmakers and pundits
to say, ‘Okay, was this a hack or what is it?' So I looked
in Washington are content to merely spread fear about
at the technical data along with a half-dozen other
"Russian interference." Some of the Democrats who say
people — technical people, all of us — and we looked
Trump epitomizes the post-truth era have themselves
at that and said this is coming down too fast, it can't be
overlooked this avenue leading to technical evidence
hacked, there's no way it can go across the internet at that
about explosive assertions made about Russia, accusations
speed," Binney said.
denied by Moscow.

"The real winners in this New McCarthyism appear to be over alleged Russian political meddling' as an opportunity
the neoconservatives who have leveraged the to ‘get Trump,'" Robert Parry, a George Polk Award
Democratic/liberal hatred of Trump to draw much of the winner, wrote in September.
Left into the political hysteria that sees the controversy

From The Archives: Obama Administration Confirms "No
Problem" With Flynn Contacting Foreign Officials
By Tyler Durden
Dec 2, 2017 5:30 PM

As we detailed yesterday, ABC was forced to retract an

epic mistake in their reporting that claimed contact
between Trump staff (Flynn) and Russian officials 'druing
the campaign' - correcting it to point out that it was in fact
'during the transition'.

President Trump tweeted his perspective, confirming the

new 'facts' from ABC...

Confused yet?

So, given all the confusion, here is a clarifying source free

of all possible bias - the Obama administration's State
Department - confirming Trump and Flynn's story, and
crushing Clapper's continued lies...from the archives:

CNN were quick to mock the White House for saying

that the Obama administration approved Flynn's
contacts (and found someone all too eager to go on TV
and attack their claims)... (via The Hill)

The White House said on Friday that it was the Obama

administration that authorized former national security
adviser Michael Flynn's contacts with Russian
Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during President Trump's
transition, according to CNN.

Flynn pleaded guilty on Friday to lying to the FBI about Transcript for the hard of hearing:
his contacts with Kislyak in the month before Trump took
office, the first current or former Trump White House
official brought down by special counsel Robert Mueller's REPORTER: "This building [the Obama State
investigation into Russia's election meddling. Department] doesn't see anything necessarily
inapprorpiate in contact between members of the
incoming [Trump] administration and foreign officials,
James Clapper, who served as the Director of National no matter what country they're from?"
Intelligence under Obama, said that the claim that the
Obama administration authorized Flynn's contacts
with Kislyak was "absurd," adding that the OBAMA STATE DEPT SPOKESPERSON: "No,
administration was concerned by the communications at no...and again this has been ongoing. We have no
the time. problem with them doing such on their own."

“That’s absurd. That’s absolutely absurd," Clapper said Well, that's going to ruin a few talking points for
on CNN. tomorrow's Sunday morning political shows.

House Republicans Prepare
Contempt Action Against FBI, DOJ
By Billy House
December 3, 2017, 12:42 AM CST Updated On December 3, 2017, 1:48 PM CST

Agent’s Dismissal

Until now, Nunes said, the FBI and Department of Justice

have failed to sufficiently comply with an Aug. 24
committee subpoena -- including by refusing repeated

“for an explanation of Peter Strzok’s

dismissal from the Mueller probe.”
“In light of today’s press reports, we now
U.S. House Republicans are drafting a contempt of know why Strzok was dismissed, why the
Congress resolution against Deputy Attorney General Rod FBI and DOJ refused to provide us this
Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray, claiming explanation, and at least one reason why
stonewalling in producing material related to the Russia- they previously refused to make Deputy
Trump probes and other matters. Director McCabe available to the
Committee for an interview,” Nunes said.
Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes and other committee “By hiding from Congress, and from the
Republicans, after considering such action for several American people, documented political bias
weeks, decided to move after media including the New by a key FBI head investigator for both the
York Times reported Saturday on why a top FBI official Russia collusion probe and the Clinton
assigned to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe of email investigation, the FBI and DOJ
Russia-Trump election collusion had been removed from engaged in a willful attempt to thwart
the investigation. Congress’ constitutional oversight
responsibility,” he said.
Republicans, including the president, pointed to the reports
as evidence that the entire probe into Russian meddling has ‘Fully Met’
been politically motivated.
Nunes, in the statement, said the committee will move on a
“Now it all starts to make sense,” Trump resolution by the end of the month unless it demands are
said on Twitter Sunday. “fully met” by the close of business Dec. 4.

In his statement Saturday, Nunes pointed to the reports that He cited “a months-long pattern by the DOJ and FBI of
the official, Peter Strzok, was removed after allegedly stonewalling and obstructing this Committee’s oversight
having exchanged anti-Trump and pro-Hillary Clinton text work,” including also withholding subpoenaed information
messages with his mistress, who was an FBI lawyer about their use of an opposition research dossier that
working for Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe. targeted Trump in the 2016 election.

Another Trump tweet referred to the agent Attorney General Jeff Sessions would not be a target of
as “tainted (no, very dishonest?).” The any contempt action by the committee, Nunes has said,
president added that the FBI’s reputation because he recused himself from any investigation into
“is in Tatters - worst in History!” In a busy charges that Russia meddled in the election.
morning of notes to his 44 million followers,
Trump earlier said that “I never asked” Justice Department spokeswoman Sara Isgur Flores said in
former FBI Director James Comey “to stop an email that
investigating Flynn. Just more Fake News
covering another Comey lie!”
“we disagree with the chairman’s “The DOJ has now expressed -- on a
characterization and will continue to work Saturday, just hours after the press reports
with congressional committees to provide on Strzok’s dismissal appeared -- sudden
the information they request consistent with willingness to comply with some of the
our national security responsibilities.” Committee’s long-standing demands,”
Nunes said. “This attempted 11th-hour
Documents and Briefings accommodation is neither credible nor
believable, and in fact is yet another
The department has already provided members of House example of the DOJ’s disingenuousness
leadership and the Intelligence Committee with “several and obstruction.”
hundred pages of classified documents” and multiple
briefings -- including whether any FBI payments were Those agencies “should be investigating themselves,” he
made related to the dossier -- and has cleared witnesses said.
including McCabe and Strzok to testify, she said.
If Nunes and Republicans do follow through with the
The House committee’s top Democrat, Representative contempt action, it would be a latest blow against
Adam Schiff of California, responded in a statement that bipartisanship on a committee that had until recently been
the Department of Justice inspector general is “properly one of the last bastions of comity in a polarized House.
investigating the handling of the investigation, including Democrats complain Republicans are increasingly shifting
the current allegation of bias” by Strzok. attention and limited resources in the Russian investigation
away from a main focus of election interference and
“I am concerned, however, that our potential Trump campaign collusion.
chairman is willing to use the subpoena
and contempt power of the House, not to The committee’s infighting has stepped up since October,
determine how the Russians interfered in coinciding with Democratic complaints that Nunes has
our election or whether the president returned to a more active capacity for Republicans in the
obstructed Justice, but only to distract from committee’s Russia investigation.
the core of our investigation,” Schiff said.
Nunes said April 6 he was stepping back amid criticism of
Salacious Allegations his handling of classified material, reportedly obtained
from White House officials, that he said showed officials
The dossier, which included salacious allegations about of former President Barack Obama’s administration
Trump, was paid for in part by the Democratic National “unmasked” the identities of people close to Trump who
Committee and Clinton through a law firm. Nunes and were mentioned in legal surveillance of foreign
other committee Republicans -- backed by Speaker Paul individuals.
Ryan -- say they want to investigate whether the Justice
Department and FBI may have improperly relied on the Representative Michael Conaway of Texas officially has
dossier to kick-start federal surveillance that caught up taken over the Republican reins from Nunes on the
Trump associates, without independently confirming the investigation. But Nunes’s statement Saturday is another
information they used to justify such spying. signal he’s returned to a leading role.

ABC’s Fake News About
Flynn & Russia Causes Stocks To Crash
Published Time: 2 Dec, 2017 10:38 Edited Time: 3 Dec, 2017 07:55

apology. Calling false reporting a ‘clarification’ is a cop

out and just another reason for the decline in trust of the

ABC News falsely claimed that then-presidential candidate

Donald Trump ordered Lt Gen Michael Flynn to contact Former TV anchor and political commentator Greta Van
Russian officials during the 2016 campaign. Following the Sustern had a similar reaction to the flawed bombshell
report, the stock market tumbled and many people called report by ABC News, and wrote: “Blunders like this are
out the network on Twitter. why so few trust media”

The initial report from ABC News investigative reporter

Brian Ross, which aired during the “Special Report”
program at about 11am on Friday, stated that an
anonymous source told the reporter a close associate of
Flynn was ready to testify that Trump had “directed him to
make contact with the Russians” during the 2016
presidential campaign.

Ross later corrected the report on ABC News’ Friday night

edition of “World News Tonight,” telling audiences that
the source who had provided the initial information told A Twitter user named Josh Jordan suggested in a tweet
him later on that President Trump was actually president- that “ABC News and Brian Ross” helped Trump more than
elect when he asked Flynn to contact Russia. the president could have asked for with their
“irresponsible Flynn plea deal reporting.”
ABC News subsequently reported that then-President Elect
Trump ordered Flynn to contact Russia in order to find
ways to repair relations between the two countries.

In any event, the news appeared to have done some

damage, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average
plummeting more than 350 points. It recovered by the end
of the day.

Unfortunately for ABC, that wasn’t the end of the fallout

from the faulty reporting: Twitter later erupted in reaction This is not the first time a flawed report about alleged
to the initial report. Russian election meddling has hit the airwaves. In
September, NBC News also falsely reported on such
Former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer took to alleged interference.
his Twitter, saying that “ABC ‘news’ owes it viewers an
In late September, Homeland Security spokesman Scott NBC Politics later sent out what they called a clarification,
McConnell notified 21 states that the department told “the but Pro Publica election reporter Jessica Huseman was
Secretary of State or other chief election officer in each quick to criticize the news outlet’s errors and said: “You
state of any potential targeting we were aware of in their do not ‘clarify’ false information. You delete and correct.”
state leading up to the 2016 election.”

The notification from the DHS did not mention any

election hacking, but NBC Politics tweeted out the story as
“JUST IN: ‘Russian government cyber actors’
unsuccessfully attempted to hack 2016 election results in
Wisconsin, DHS tells state officials.”

Obama FBI Tried Silencing Whistleblower
On Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Meeting, Documents Reveal
By Joshua Philipp, The Epoch Times
December 1, 2017 7:44 Pm Last Updated: December 3, 2017 11:20 Am

In an email, the FBI cites a July 1, 2016, news article from

the Observer, which cites an unnamed “security source”
who was allegedly present during the nearly-half-hour
meeting between Clinton and Lynch, and who said Bill

“talked in her plane for at least 20 to 25

minutes and the FBI is standing face to
face with the Secret Service and just
chatting on the hot tarmac like, ‘what the

Susan Rice (C) looks on as Former President Barack Obama (L) and
US Trade Representative Michael Froman (R) meet with Vietnam's
The FBI urged what appears to be 22 agents, whose names
Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc in Hanoi on May 23, 2016. (JIM are redacted, to read the Observer article, and states that
WATSON/AFP/Getty Images) the unnamed source in the article may be a Phoenix police
officer who helped with the motorcades, and that the FBI
The FBI tried covering up a secret meeting between former contacted “the Phoenix office” and would contact the
President Bill Clinton and former Attorney General Loretta locals “who assisted” in what it described as “an attempt to
Lynch on June 27, 2016, in Phoenix, Arizona. The meeting stem any further damage.”
took place just six days before former FBI director James
Comey cleared Hillary Clinton of charges in her email It states incidents like this are why their discretion and
scandal. judgment are the “foundations” of the

During testimony in May, Comey said he believed the “AG’s trust in our team, which is why we
tarmac meeting undermined the Justice Department’s can never violate that trust, like the source
credibility on the Clinton email case; and Comey also did in this article.”
revealed Lynch directed him to describe the investigation
into Clinton a “matter,” wording that aligned with the The “AG” presumably refers to former attorney general
Clinton campaign’s framing. Lynch.

Judicial Watch, a conservative, non-partisan watchdog The emails revealed the FBI aimed to punish and silence
group, filed a freedom of information requests with the the alleged police officer, first stating “We need to find
FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) for records on the that guy and bring him or her before a supervisor and opr,”
meeting. The FBI initially claimed there were no records, and also suggests they should require personnel to sign
but after DOJ documents revealed communications on the non-disclosure agreements in the future.
meeting with the FBI, the FBI agreed to release the
The mention of “opr” presumably refers to an Office of
Professional Responsibility, which would investigate
On Nov. 29, the FBI provided the 29-page report to misconduct by law enforcement.
Judicial Watch, which the watchdog group published on its
website the same day.
Another email says that an affiliate in
Phoenix said the meeting between Lynch
The documents are mainly emails from after the meeting and Clinton lasted for “close to an hour”
and reveal that the FBI tried covering up the secret and that “They seem to think it’s somehow
meeting by silencing a whistleblower who had revealed it connected to the Benghazi report released
to the public. today.”

The June 28, 2016, Benghazi report from House ‘could not credibly complete the
Republicans detailed the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks on U.S. investigation and decline prosecution
embassy in Libya, which killed Ambassador Chris without grievous damage to the American
Stevens, U.S. Foreign Service officer Sean Smith, and CIA people’s confidence in the justice system.'”
contractors Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty. The incident
sparked the investigations into then-Secretary of State Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in the release
Hillary Clinton’s emails. that the new documents show

According to a Judicial Watch release, the Clinton-Lynch “the FBI was more concerned about a
tarmac meeting whistleblower who told the truth about the
infamous Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting
“came just days before former FBI Director than the scandalous meeting itself.”
James Comey held the July 5, 2016, press “The documents show the FBI worked to
conference in which he announced that no make sure no more details of the meeting
charges would be filed against Mrs. would be revealed to the American people.
Clinton.” No wonder the FBI didn’t turn these
documents over until Judicial Watch caught
It adds that in his May 3 testimony before the Senate the agency red-handed hiding them,” Fitton
Judicial Committee, said. “These new documents confirm the
urgent need to reopen the Clinton email
“Comey said the Lynch-Clinton tarmac scandal and criminally investigate the
meeting was the ‘capper’ among ‘a number resulting Obama FBI/DOJ sham
of things’ that had caused him to determine investigation.”
that Department of Justice leadership

Who’s Behind ABC’s Fake News About Flynn?
Brian Ross’s Journalistic Blunders
Published Time: 2 Dec, 2017 20:09 Edited Time: 3 Dec, 2017 07:57

career of explosive reports that later transpire to be

inaccurate, or “fake news.”

Journalist Brian Ross © Brad Barket / AFP

Journalist Brian Ross’s inaccurate report on Mike Flynn’s

guilty plea on Friday caused stocks to plummet and forced
ABC to issue a correction, but this isn’t the first time he’s
been caught making fake news. ANTHRAX
Citing anonymous officials, Ross claimed Flynn agreed to In 2001, Ross reported that anthrax attacks in the US were
testify that candidate Trump told him to contact the likely the work of Iraq. Citing four anonymous sources,
Russians during the election on ABC’s “Special Report.” Ross claimed the anthrax contained bentonite, which was
However, the source told Ross that the order came when “known to have been used by only one country in
Trump had already won the election and was president- producing biochemical weapons - Iraq."
At the time, Ross was in good company, with Senator John
ABC News has now announced it has suspended Brian McCain also suggesting the anthrax was the work of Iraqi
Ross for four weeks without pay, following the faulty leader Saddam Hussein. The White House, on the other
reporting. hand, said“no tests ever found or even suggested the
presence of bentonite.” The FBI later concluded that the
attacks were carried out by US Army biodefense expert
Brucer Ivins, and not Hussein, who at that stage was long
dead following the 2003 US Iraq invasion.

Ross, an award-winning investigative reporter working for
ABC for more than two decades, has made something of a Following the Aurora, Colorado, theater shooting in 2012,
Ross told “Good Morning America” that he had
discovered that shooter Jim Holmes may be a member of The footage showed the car’s tachometer going from 1,000
the Colorado Tea Party. RPM to 6,000 RPM in one second, but the dashboard
lights also revealed the car was parked with the doors open
His investigation amounted to finding someone with the
at the time. This was then spliced into scenes of Ross
same name on a Tea Party Patriots website. ABC later
driving the car in the report, Gawker reports.
issued a correction.
In 2009, Ross claimed he had uncovered how Fort Hood
shooter Nidal Malik Hasan had attempted to reach out to
“people associated with al Qaeda.” His report sparked
theories that the Fort Hood shooting which left 13 dead
was part of a larger terrorist plot.
Ross’ scoop was based on Hasan’s emails to one
individual, Anwar al-Awlaki, a cleric living in Yemen who
used to be the iman of Hasan’s mosque in Virginia. The
FBI was already aware of these emails, which consisted of
conversation about academic research, and had found they
didn’t warrant investigation. When pressed on his claims,
Ross admitted that the “people” he was referring to was
just Awlaki.
Hasan later told the court that he was attempting to defend
the leaders of the Taliban.
Ross reported in 2010 that Toyota cars had “unintended
acceleration.” Ross demonstrated this in an on-air report
showing him driving one of the cars going out of control.

ABC News Suspends Brian Ross
Over 'Serious Error' In Trump-Flynn Report
By Samuel Chamberlain | Fox News
December 3, 2017

During a live "special report" Friday morning, Ross

reported that Flynn would testify that Donald Trump had
ordered him to make contact with Russians about foreign
policy while he was still a candidate. The report raised the
specter of Trump's impeachment and sent the stock market

Later in the day, ABC issued a "clarification" to Ross's

report, saying that Trump's alleged directive came after
he'd been elected president. Ross himself appeared on
"World News Tonight," several hours after the initial
ABC NEWS - 7/18/16 - Coverage of the 2016 Republican National report, to clarify his error.
Convention from the Convention Center in Cleveland, Ohio, which
airs on all ABC News programs and platforms. (Photo by Ida Mae
Astute/ABC via Getty Images) BRIAN ROSS (2016 American In a statement, ABC News said Ross' report "had not been
Broadcasting Companies, Inc.) fully vetted through our editorial standards process."

ABC News announced Saturday that Chief Investigative "It is vital we get the story right and retain
Correspondent Brian Ross would be suspended for four the trust we have built with our audience,"
weeks without pay over a botched "exclusive" about ABC's statement added. "These are our
former national security adviser Michael Flynn. core principles. We fell far short of that

Trump Calls Out ‘Double Standard’
At DOJ, Compares Mike Flynn To ‘Crooked Hillary’ For
Some Weekend Fireworks
Tom Tillison
December 3, 2017

President Donald Trump called into question Saturday how after receiving a congressional subpoena for all Benghazi-
former national security adviser Michael Flynn was treated related emails — the Clinton camp claimed relevant emails
by the Justice Department when compared to the kid had already been turned over to the State Department.
gloves treatment Hillary Clinton saw.
President Trump tweeted: “Many people in our Country
Resurrecting the infamous “Crooked Hillary” moniker, are asking what the “Justice” Department is going to do
Trump took to social media in response to the news that about the fact that totally Crooked Hillary, AFTER
Flynn pleaded guilty on Friday to lying to the FBI about receiving a subpoena from the United States Congress,
his communications with Russia, saying Flynn is being deleted and ‘acid washed’ 33,000 Emails? No justice!”
held to a higher standard than Clinton was during the FBI
investigation into her email server.

“So General Flynn lies to the FBI and his

life is destroyed, while Crooked Hillary
Clinton, on that now famous FBI holiday
‘interrogation’ with no swearing-in and no
recording, lies many times…and nothing
happens to her? Rigged system, or just a
double standard?” the president tweeted.

The quotation marks around the word Justice not lost on

those who will note that it’s his DOJ — it would not be the
first time Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who oversees the
department, has faced criticism from his boss.

And while the anti-Trump crowd is crying foul over the

quotation marks, bemoaning the department’s proud
tradition and its respected employees, the country saw
under former Attorney General Eric Holder that Lady
Justice peeked beneath her blindfold a time or two.
Inexplicably, the bureau does not have a complete
transcript of the interview. Former FBI Director James In yet another tweet Saturday, Trump praised ABC News
Comey also told Congress that Clinton was NOT under after the network suspended anchor Brian Ross for falsely
oath at the time. reporting that candidate Trump ordered Flynn to make
contact with Russia — ABC News later clarified that the
Driving home his point, Trump reminded the nation that a direction came AFTER Trump had already been elected.
Clinton employee deleted 33,000 emails three weeks

CIA Faces Backlash After
Tweeting Vague Threat At Wikileaks Sources
Cassandra Fairbanks
Dec 3, 2017

staffer Seth Rich, who many believe was the source of the
leaked emails published by WikiLeaks in 2016.

In a bizarre tweet on Saturday evening, the CIA sent a

vague threat to WikiLeaks and their potential sources.

Just after 8:30 p.m., the official account of the CIA sent
out a tweet warning that

“WikiLeaks may think they are protecting

those who provide them with classified
information & other secrets, but they should
not be certain of that.”

The tweet received hundreds of responses from people

questioning if they were threatening the publisher — and
others invoking slain Democratic National Committee

Rich was shot in the back in the early morning hours of Assange said during an interview with
July 10, 2016, near his home while he was on the phone Dutch TV last year. When asked by the
with his girlfriend — 12 days before the publication of the host if he would suggest that Rich was
DNC emails by the controversial publisher. The police involved, he stated that “we have to
initially ruled that it was a botched robbery — but his understand how high the stakes are in the
wallet, watch, and necklace were still on his person when United States and that our sources face
he was discovered by police. serious risks… that’s why they come to us
so we can protect their anonymity.”
WikiLeaks made headlines in 2016 when they offered a
$20,000 reward for information on the murderer of the The murder remains unsolved and no suspects have ever
slain DNC staffer. The website’s founder Julian Assange been named.
also mentioned Rich during an appearance on Dutch
television. While members of the mainstream media often pretend to
be champions of a free press there has been radio silence
“Whistleblowers go to significant efforts to from them on the threat against WikiLeaks sources. It is
get us material and often significant risks. hard to imagine that there would not be outrage from all
There was a 27-year old that works for the corners of the press if a tweet like this had been directed at
DNC who was shot in the back… the Washington Post or New York Times — who obviously
murdered.. for unknown reasons as he was also rely on leaks for their reporting.
walking down the street in Washington,”

Holder, Comey Fight
Trump's FBI Slam: 'Not Letting This Go'
By Nicole Darrah | Fox News
December 3, 2017

running the FBI, its reputation is in Tatters

– worst in history! But fear not, we will bring
it back to greatness.”

Former Attorney General Eric Holder and ex-FBI Director The president’s tweet followed news that FBI agent Peter
James Comey fired back Sunday at President Trump, who Strzok was removed from special counsel Robert
claimed the FBI’s reputation is in “tatters” after Mueller’s investigation into possible collusion between the
its handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation. Trump campaign and Russia because of anti-Trump text
messages he may have sent.
“Nope. Not letting this go. The FBI’s
reputation is not in 'tatters,'” Holder, who Meanwhile, Comey tweeted what seemed to be a response
served as attorney general under President of his own, quoting a statement he gave to the Senate
Obama, tweeted. “It’s composed of the Intelligence Committee last June:
same dedicated men and women who have
always worked there and who do a great, “I want the American people to know this
apolitical job.” truth: The FBI is honest. The FBI is strong.
And the FBI is, and always will be,

Holder added,

“You’ll find integrity and honesty at FBI

headquarters and not at 1600 Penn Ave
right now,” referring to the White House.

Trump earlier Sunday said that

“after years of Comey, with the phony and

dishonest Clinton investigation (and more),
Former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, who was
fired by Trump after she sent a memo instructing Justice
Department attorneys not to defend the administration's
refugee ban, tweeted Sunday night:

"The FBI is in 'tatters?' No. The only thing

in tatters is the President’s respect for the
rule of law. The dedicated men and women
of the FBI deserve better."
The FBI Agents Association also chimed in. FBIAA
President Thomas O’Connor said:

“Every day, FBI Special Agents put their

lives on the line to protect the American
public from national security and criminal
threats. Agents perform these duties with
unwavering integrity and professionalism
and a focus on complying with the law and
the Constitution.”
Trump frequently has asked why the FBI and the Justice
Department haven’t filed criminal charges against Clinton.

Later Sunday, he tweeted,

“Now it all starts to make sense!”

in response to word that the Justice Department’s Office of

the Inspector General is reviewing the role Strzok played
in the Clinton email investigation.

O’Connor continued,

”This is why the FBI continues to be the

premier law enforcement agency in the
world. FBI Agents are dedicated to their
mission; suggesting otherwise is simply

Jared Kushner Failed To Disclose He Led A Foundation
Funding Illegal Israeli Settlements Before U.N. Vote
By Chris Riotta
On 12/3/17 At 6:00 AM

"Every successive failure to disclose his

financial holdings makes it harder and
harder to believe Jared Kushner isn't trying
to intentionally deceive the American
people," Pat Dennis, the group’s research
director, told Newsweek. "At the very least,
his security clearance needs to be revoked
immediately. He has no business
accessing sensitive national security

Jared Kushner failed to disclose his role as a co-director of

the Charles and Seryl Kushner Foundation from 2006 to
2015, a time when the group funded an Israeli settlement
considered to be illegal under international law, on
financial records he filed with the Office of Government
Ethics earlier this year.

The latest development follows reports on Friday

indicating the White House senior adviser attempted to
sway a United Nations Security Council vote against an
anti-settlement resolution passed just before Donald
Trump took office, which condemned the structure of West
Bank settlements. The failure to disclose his role in the
foundation—at a time when he was being tasked with Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump making their way to board Air
serving as the president’s Middle East peace envoy— Force One before departing from Ben Gurion International Airport
in Tel Aviv on May 23. Mandel Ngan, Getty
follows a pattern of egregious omissions that would bar
any other official from continuing to serve in the West
Wing, experts and officials told Newsweek. The foundation donated at least $38,000 between 2011 and
2013 to a fundraising group building a Jewish seminary in
a West Bank settlement known as Beit El. During that
The first son-in-law has repeatedly amended his financial
period, Kushner’s foundation also donated an additional
records since his initial filing in March, along with three
$20,000 to Jewish and educational institutions in
separate revisions to his security clearance application.
settlements throughout the region, the Associated Press
Despite correcting his financial history on multiple
reported. Had Kushner included the role in his financial
occasions, he has yet to include his role as co-director to
records, his involvement in such donations—and the
the family foundation.
following conflicts of interest that could possibly arise in
his government position—may have been considered by
The omission was first discovered by a team of researchers the Office of Government Ethics.
at American Bridge, a progressive research and
communications organization, and shared exclusively with
Despite the U.S.’s long-standing policy to diplomatically
Newsweek on Friday afternoon. The researchers suggested
reject the construction of Israeli settlements, Kushner
Kushner’s failure may have been more than an inadvertent
seemed to wave in a new diplomatic era among members
mistake, but instead an attempt to avoid "potential
of Trump’s transition team working on foreign issues,
conflicts with his job negotiating Middle East peace."
according to sources who spoke with The Washington
Newsweek later independently confirmed Kushner's
Post, NBC, BuzzFeed and Bloomberg. Each of those
omission on his multiple financial disclosures.
reports pointed at Kushner as being the "very senior

member" of the transition team mentioned in charging "My guilty plea and agreement to cooperate
documents special counsel Robert Mueller filed Friday. with the Special Counsel’s Office reflect a
decision I made in the best interests of my
family and of our country," Flynn said in a
statement. "I accept full responsibility for
my actions."

Kushner stated that he was a member of the board of

directors of the Kushner Family Foundation from 2010 to
2017, though publicly available financial records for that
foundation do not include his name on the board. Instead,
Kushner’s role as a director for one of his family
foundations can be found in the Charles and Seryl Kushner
Foundation’s financial records from 2015—the last year of
which such documents are currently available to the

Whether Kushner’s latest discovered omission was

intentional or not remained a mystery on Friday afternoon,
as news was exploding surrounding his involvement in the
U.N. Security Council vote, which ultimately approved the
resolution condemning West Bank settlements.
Kushner demanded future national security adviser
Michael Flynn "get on the phone to every member of the Representatives for the Office of Government Ethics,
Security Council and tell them to delay the vote" on the Jared Kushner, and the Charles and Seryl Kushner
West Bank settlement resolution, BuzzFeed reported Foundation did not immediately respond to requests for
Friday. The move may have violated the 200-years-old law comment.
called the Logan Act, which bars "unauthorized
citizens" from negotiating with "foreign governments "He’s revised his forms several times
having a dispute with the United States." already," Dennis said. "There’s no reason
his lawyers couldn’t have done what our
Flynn’s guilty plea appears to indicate he’s cooperating researchers did. It wasn’t rocket science."
with Mueller’s team and could be willing to shed more
light on how critical decisions were made throughout the
transition, as well as on Russia’s impact in the 2016
presidential election.

Trump Says FBI’s Reputation
‘Worst In History’, Blames Comey
© AP Photo/ Mark Schiefelbein - US
23:59 03.12.2017(Updated 00:00 04.12.2017)

Clinton used a private server and email accounts

for official business during her tenure as secretary of state
from 2009 to 2013 contrary to US regulations and
established practice. The investigation into the case was
President Trump slammed Federal Bureau of closed in July 2015 after the FBI concluded that Clinton
Investigation's reputation in his Twitter post, promising was "extremely careless" in handling her email system
however to "bring it back to greatness." but recommended that no charges be filed against her.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The US Federal Bureau The FBI reopened the probe prior to the November 8 US
of Investigation has discredited its reputation after years presidential election over newly discovered emails that
of fired FBI director James Comey’s leadership, US may be pertinent to the case. However, the agency stood
President Donald Trump said on Sunday, pointing to by its earlier conclusion.
"dishonest" investigation into former US State Secretary
Hillary Clinton's handling of classified information on her
In May, Trump fired Comey over the poor handling of the
private email account among other issues.
investigation into the Clinton private server and email
scandal. On November 14, US Attorney General Jeff
"After years of Comey, with the phony and Sessions said that the US Department of Justice will
dishonest Clinton investigation (and more), conduct a thorough, unbiased investigation into Clinton's
running the FBI, its reputation is mishandling of classified information, in a congressional
in Tatters…" Trump wrote on Twitter. hearing on Tuesday.

Feinstein: Senate Judiciary Now
Sees Possibility Of Trump Obstruction Case
By Joseph Weber | Fox News
December 3, 2017

California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Feinstein also said she believed Trump's firing of FBI
Senate Judiciary Committee, said Sunday the panel has Director James Comey came
started to see "the putting together of a case of obstruction
of justice" against President Trump. "directly because he did not agree to lift the
cloud of the Russia investigation," saying,
The senator told NBC’s “Meet the Press” that her "That's obstruction of justice."
analysis is based on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s
Russia collusion probe that has recently resulted in She also suggested she had a revelation last month that
indictments against former Trump campaign officials Paul Trump is not fit to do the job, after saying in August that
Manafort and Rick Gates and guilty pleas by former he could be “a good president,” which sparked outrage
National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and former from the party’s progressive wing and a 2018 primary
campaign adviser George Papadopoulos. challenge for her Senate seat.

She also pointed to "the continual tweets" from the White The Associated Press contributed to this report.
House on the matter. However, she provided no specific
information that the Senate panel had to suggest its
members have been piecing together an obstruction case.

Trump Twitter Meltdown: President Goes
To War With FBI, Urges Suing ABC For "Bad Reporting"
By Tyler Durden
Dec 3, 2017 11:50 AM

This weekend may set a new record for number of Trump the FBI at the time of firing him -- though one source
tweets and retweets. Starting with his Saturday familiar with the president’s thinking said Trump did not
congratulations on the Senate's passage of Tax Reform, know. Administration officials have declined to comment
Trump has interacted no less than 17 times with his on that matter, as well.
favorite social platform, although things seemed to
accelerate following his Saturday noon tweet in which The unusual clarification by Dowd –-revealing that
Trump responded to Flynn's plea agreement in which the someone other than Trump himself had authored a tweet
president said that from his official account - could also be an attempt to tamp
down on potential legal exposure from the message.
"I had to fire General Flynn because he lied
to the Vice President and the FBI. He has The president did not respond to shouted questions
pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame Saturday evening about Flynn’s firing as he returned home
because his actions during the transition from campaign fundraisers in New York City.
were lawful. There was nothing to hide!"
While we expect Trump's Saturday tweet to once again
shape the news cycle for the next several days, at least
until the inevitable and "distracting" war with North Korea
finally begins, even as the debate rages what tweets does
Trump personally publish and which are drafted by his
lawyers, in what appears to have been an attempt to
distract from the "confession" fallout, Trump went on a
veritable twitter rampage on Saturday night, which has
since continued into Sunday morning.

Late on Saturday, Trump launched a new attack on Hillary

The odd wording of that tweet - that he knew Flynn had and the Justice Department over Hillary's mishandling of
lied to the FBI at the time of his firing - prompted many to emails, writing,
speculate that it was prima facie admission of obstruction
and interference - something Mueller is tasked with "So General Flynn lies to the FBI and his
proving - and led to the unprecedented comment by life is destroyed, while Crooked Hillary
Trump's personal lawyer, John Dowd, who said he drafted Clinton, on that now famous FBI holiday
the president's Saturday morning. Dowd told ABC News “interrogation” with no swearing in and no
he wrote those words and had done so in a "sloppy" recording, lies many times...and nothing
manner. happens to her? Rigged system, or just a
double standard?"
The reason for Dowd's comment is that Trump's tweet
seemed to "add a potentially explosive new dimension" to He then continued:
the ongoing investigation, because as ABC notes, if what
Trump, or his lawyer, said is true, why then would Trump "Many people in our Country are asking
ask the FBI director to go easy on Flynn, as former FBI what the “Justice” Department is going to
Director James Comey later testified? The message set off do about the fact that totally Crooked
renewed talk of potential evidence of obstruction of Hillary, AFTER receiving a subpoena from
justice. the United States Congress, deleted and
“acid washed” 33,000 Emails? No justice!"
As ABC further adds this morning, Dowd's acknow-
ledgment of involvement in the tweet means it is not clear
whether the president did in fact know Flynn had lied to

STRZOK actually LED the Hillary email
probe & recommended clearing her; then
was tapped to SUPERVISE the Trump
Russia probe!

Wray needs to clean house. Now we know the

politicization even worse than McCabe's ties to
McAuliffe/Clinton. It also infected his top investigator
PETER STRZOK, who sent texts bashing Trump &
praising Hillary during campaign. Strzok led Hillary probe
& supervised Trump probe!

In response, Trump then lashed out at the FBI in general,

and Comey in particular, with a barrage of tweets, the most
comprehensive of which was


starts to make sense!"

He then proceeded with the previously discussed slam of

ABC News' Brian Ross, congratulating the network for

"suspending Brian Ross for his

horrendously inaccurate and dishonest
report on the Russia, Russia, Russia Witch
Hunt. More Networks and “papers” should
do the same with their Fake News!"
preceded by

"Tainted (no, very dishonest?) FBI

“agent’s role in Clinton probe under
review.” Led Clinton Email probe.
@foxandfriends Clinton money going to
wife of another FBI agent in charge."...

And while that concluded the Saturday night tweetstorm,

Trump was back this morning and angrier than ever, when
he discovered the story about the "tainted" FBI agent, Peter
Strzok, who as we reported yesterday, was said to have
been "removed" from the Mueller probe (and who
previously was tasked with investigating the Clinton email
server), after anti-Trump text messages were discovered in Ultimately, Trump slammed of both the agency and its
his communications to a fellow FBI officer, with whom he former head
had an extramarital affair.
"After years of Comey, with the phony and
Trump started by retweeting IBD's Paul Sperry, who dishonest Clinton investigation (and more),
recapped the situation as follows: running the FBI, its reputation is in Tatters -
worst in History! But fear not, we will bring
BREAKING: top FBI investigator for it back to greatness."
Mueller--PETER STRZOK--busted sending
political text messages bashing Trump &
praising Hillary during the 2016 campaign.

Trump wasn't done, however, and shortly after his last
tweet on the FBI, he shifted attention to last week's "Kate's
Law" ruling in San Francisco, tweeting

"Such a total miscarriage of Justice in

San Francisco!"...

And speaking of Comey, it was before 6 am when Trump,

seeming concerned about the implications of the Dowd
tweet snafu, tweeted

"I never asked Comey to stop investigating

Flynn. Just more Fake News covering
another Comey lie!" ... before reverting once again to the ABC reporting snafu,

"People who lost money when the Stock

Market went down 350 points based on
the False and Dishonest reporting of
Brian Ross of @ABC News (he has been
suspended), should consider hiring a
lawyer and suing ABC for the damages
this bad reporting has caused - many
millions of dollars!"
The BBC's Paul Danager perhaps summarized the ongoing
fracture in the realtionship between Trump and the FBI:

"Not since Nixon has a US President

been this at war with the FBI. It’s
destructive for both arms of

And since Gen. Kelly has clearly given up any hope of

controlling Trump's twitter account, we can only expect
more, perhaps self-destructive, tweets to come out as
Trump's tweetstorm appears to be nowhere near over.
It still remains to be seen who will win this war.

McMaster Speaks To Trump's Tweets,
North Korea And Middle East Peace
By Bradford Betz | Fox News
December 3, 2017

Wallace noted that many British leaders – including Prime

Minister Theresa May – voiced outrage at Trump, saying
the president had “got it wrong” and risked needlessly
stirring racial and ethnic discord.

“General, why did President Trump send

out those videos?” Wallace asked.
“Well, President Trump is the best judge of
why he did that,” McMaster said. “I know it
was his intention to highlight the
importance of creating safe and secure
environments for our citizens -- to make
National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster says neither the sure that we have the right laws in place,
American people nor U.S. allies should question the enforcement mechanisms in place.”
stability of the Trump administration amid his predecessor
Michael Flynn’s guilty plea and rumors Secretary of State Wallace then suggested that between the Britain First
Rex Tillerson is stepping down. retweets and Trump’s support for recognizing Jerusalem as
Israel’s capital, the president might be tossing away any
“No, I don't think our allies need any hope of achieving Middle East peace during his
reassurance,” McMaster told Chris Wallace presidency.
on “Fox News Sunday.” “In fact, what we're
doing is continuing to work with them on all “No, the president's not giving up on the
the key challenges we face today -- from Mideast peace agreement at all,” McMaster
North Korea, to the defeat of ISIS across said.
the Greater Middle East -- the ongoing
“There are options involving the move of an
efforts in Afghanistan, Pakistan, too.”
embassy at some point in the future, which
I think, you know, could be used to gain
McMaster reiterated that President Trump’s main priority momentum toward a -- toward a peace
is to protect American interests at home and abroad. agreement, and a solution that works both
for Israelis and for Palestinians,” McMaster
Tillerson will continue to be a part of that effort, McMaster added.
McMaster also addressed North Korea.
“I'm not aware of any plan at all” for
Tillerson to resign, he said. Last week, North Korea launched its longest-range
intercontinental ballistic missile – a provocation to which
Wallace also asked McMaster about the president’s recent President Trump replied,
retweets of online posts linked to “Britain First,” a far-
right group in the United Kingdom. “I will only tell you that we will take care of
Last week, Trump retweeted a video that purported to
show Muslim immigrants committing acts of violence. How exactly would the president “take care of it” given
Those depicted in the footage reportedly were European- China and Russia’s complicity in propping up the regime,
born. Wallace asked.

“Well, the president's going to take care of -- the potential of Japan, South Korea,
it by, if we have to, doing more ourselves,” others, arming themselves, possibly even
McMaster said. “But what we want to do is with nuclear weapons. That is not in
convince others it is in their interest to do China's interest; it's not in Russia's interest.
“China, as you know, has taken some “And so, what the president's saying is, we
unprecedented actions. And what we're all need to take care of it. If necessary, the
asking China to do is, not do us or anybody president and the United States will have to
else a favor, but to act in China's interest. take care of it, because he has said he's
not going to allow this murderous, rogue
“There's a real grave danger to China, to
regime to threaten the United States with
Russia, to all nations, by -- you know, from
a North Korea that's armed with nuclear the most destructive weapons on the
weapons. And of course, you have that
direct threat, but you also have the threat of

Boom: Michael Flynn Pleads Guilty To Lying To The FBI;
But An Obama Aide Went To Russia And Huddled With
Russian Officials BEFORE Obama Was Even Elected
By Jon Rappoport
December 3, 2017

Michael Flynn has pled guilty to lying to the FBI about his The Audacity of Hope, in Russian
conversation with the Russian Ambassador to the United translation to Russian markets. One of his
States, Sergey Kislyak. foreign policy advisors, Mike McFaul, also
made a trip to Moscow to meet with various
The conversation occurred AFTER Trump won the 2016 Russian officials and interest groups,
election and before he was inaugurated. The conversation speaking off the record and answering
involved US sanctions against Russia and a UN resolution questions.”
concerning Israel. “McFaul addressed how US relations with
Ukraine and Georgia might affect US-
Why did Flynn lie? There was nothing wrong with him Russia relations in the future [!]. Speaking
speaking to the Ambassador during the presidential at the Peking Hotel in Moscow at an event
transition phase. Claims that he was undermining Obama’s organized by Democrats Abroad Russia for
policy toward Russia are nonsense. It’s common practice Americans living in Russia, McFaul
for an incoming president’s staff to speak with foreign established that this is potentially a major
officials, in order to set up future goals and policies. campaign issue for Senator Obama. There
are a large number of swing voters (several
The prosecution against Flynn is of the so-called “process” million) whose heritage comes from
variety. Eastern Europe or the Caucasus region.
For these voters, US-Russia relations and
relations with states in those regions has
That means, in this case, he lied to federal officials about a
become a vital issue that could potentially
matter that was itself inconsequential.
swing votes to one candidate or the other.”
It’s probable the FBI was holding other charges over “The day before, at the Carnegie
Flynn’s head—relating to his private-sector work on behalf Endowment Center in Moscow, McFaul
of the Turkish government. A deal was struck: the FBI also fielded questions ranging from
would forget all about that, if Flynn pled guilty to lying explanations of the primary and general
about his conversation with the Russian ambassador, and if election process to the August crisis in
he cooperated by rolling over on other members of the Georgia and Russia’s concerns about
Trump team. Ukraine and Georgia receiving NATO
membership action plans.”
Michael Flynn is now (ridiculously) seen as having “Pointing to a number of Senator Obama’s
interfered with President Obama’s policy toward Russia statements, including one from April 2008
during Obama’s last days in the White House, in 2016. (before the crisis) where Senator Obama
was concerned that violence may erupt in
But what about CANDIDATE Obama interfering in the southern part of the Republic of
President Bush’s policy toward Russia in the fall of 2008, Georgia, McFaul conveyed concern about
BEFORE the election? the situation in the Caucasus. Speaking to
NATO enlargement, he noted, as have
many others, that both US candidates for has an article, dated October 27, 2008, a
president support NATO expansion.
few days before Obama won the presidential election for
However, Senator Obama has consistently
the first time, titled, “US Elections Come to Moscow,” by
referred to NATO rules whereby the people
Anna Wiesfieler:
of a candidate state must support entry into
NATO and that NATO rules state that not
“Last week [before the 2008 presidential only must territorial disputes be resolved
election] saw the release of Obama’s book, before entry into the Alliance, but that a
member state cannot use violence against The current blow-up about Flynn is coming out of
its own people.” pretended media shock, playing to a naïve public encased
in a television bubble. Since the American Revolution of
Talk about sticking fingers in the foreign policy of the 1776, US politicians, military men, business leaders,
US—and BEFORE Obama was elected! intelligence operatives, and financiers have been traveling
to foreign countries, seeking and coercing front-door and
Contrast Obama’s and McFaul’s 2008 actions to Mike back-door and side-door deals. To say George
Flynn’s in 2016. Washington’s warning about “entangling foreign
alliances” has been ignored is a vast understatement. Mike
Flynn’s recent conversation with the Russian ambassador
Imagine what the press would be screaming now, if is a sub-atomic ripple in the pond.
CANDIDATE Trump had sent Mike Flynn to Russia,
BEFORE the 2016 election, to chat with officials about
Trump’s future policy goals regarding Russia. Police Captain Renault (“Casablanca,” 1942):

In 2008, the compliant US press, fawning over Obama, “I’m shocked, shocked to find that gambling
saw nothing that rose to the level of a scandal. is going on in here!” A croupier hands
Renault a pile of money. Croupier: “Your
winnings, sir.”

Trump Reloads On FBI's Clinton Email Probe,
After Reports Of 'Tainted' Anti-Trump Agent
By Joseph Weber | Fox News
December 3, 2017

President Trump suggested Sunday that news reports about “Tainted (no, very dishonest?) FBI ‘agent’s
an FBI agent on the agency’s Hillary Clinton email role in Clinton probe under review.’ Led
investigation who also opposed Trump explains why the Clinton Email probe.
Clinton case was closed without criminal charges.
@foxandfriends Clinton money going to
“Report: ‘ANTI-TRUMP FBI AGENT LED wife of another FBI agent in charge,”
CLINTON EMAIL PROBE’ Now it all Trump said in one of the other tweets
starts to make sense!” Trump said in one Sunday.
of three tweets Sunday on the issue.

The office of Special Counsel Robert Mueller confirmed

with Fox News on Saturday that agent Peter Strzok had
been removed from Mueller’s investigation into Russia
collusion after the Justice Department’s inspector general
started examining Strzok's electronic messages with a
colleague, which reportedly included ones that were anti-
Trump and pro-Hillary Clinton.

“After years of Comey, with the phony

Strzok worked on the FBI investigation last year into and dishonest Clinton investigation
whether Clinton, then the Democratic presidential (and more), running the FBI, its
nominee, mishandled classified information through her reputation is in Tatters - worst in
use of private email servers while secretary of state. History! But fear not, we will bring it
back to greatness, Trump added.”
The federal investigation was led by then-FBI Director
James Comey, who concluded the probe in July 2016,
about four months before Election Day. Comey said
Clinton had been “extremely careless,” but recommend to
then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch that she not pursue
criminal charges.

Lynch had recused herself from the investigation after

talking privately with Clinton’s husband, former President
Bill Clinton.

Two senior Justice Department officials confirmed to Fox

News last Saturday that the agency’s Office of Inspector Obama-era Attorney General Eric Holder responded:
General is reviewing the role played by Strzok in the
Clinton investigation.
“Nope. Not letting this go. The FBI’s and honesty at FBI headquarters and not at
reputation is not in 'tatters'. It’s composed 1600 Penn Ave right now.”
of the same dedicated men and women
who have always worked there and who do Strzok was a former deputy director for counterintelligence
a great, apolitical job. You’ll find integrity at the FBI who has been reassigned.

MSNBC Kommissar Maddow: Flynn Should Have Been
Manhandled, Made To Disappear
By Jack Coleman
December 3, 2017 5:03 PM EST

In May 2010, a determined but hapless jihadist tried and MADDOW: Your national security adviser is on a foreign
failed to set off a bomb on a busy Saturday night in Times payroll. Oh yeah? Huh (Maddow acting mock non-
Square. Looking back at that botched terrorist attack in the chalant). And then immediately after the inauguration, they
heart of midtown Manhattan, two things stand out -- the got more alarming and intense and unusual warnings about
magnitude of the explosion had it been detonated, and Mike Flynn when the acting attorney general of the United
Rachel Maddow's hand-wringing for the alleged Miranda States came to the White House in person, twice, to have
rights of the suspected bomber. detailed discussions with the White House counsel about
the fact that national security adviser Mike Flynn was
I say "alleged" because there is a public safety exception to believed to be compromised by the Russian government,
Miranda that was invoked by the FBI, just in case the vulnerable to blackmail, and dishonest in an ongoing way
accused was part of a wider plot and might be compelled about his covert communications with a foreign
to spill his guts and thereby prevent the slaughter of government.
innocent people, instead of being promptly told upon his
arrest that he could clam up and hide behind a lawyer. I mean, if you found out information like
that concerning somebody who is like
All of this came to mind after watching Maddow on Friday working in the White House mailroom,
night reporting on Mike Flynn pleading guilty to providing you'd expect the White House version of
false information to the FBI. As she's done with tiresome a SWAT team to come in, grab that
repetition since President Trump took office, Maddow person by the armpits, and you never
revisited Flynn's journey from Trump campaign advocate see them again after they ran them out
to national security adviser, focusing on his lobbying for the door, right?
the Turkish government.
"You'd expect" that, would you? Speak for yourself,
comrade. Comes across as more than a tad authoritarian to
these ears. It also sounds eerily familiar. When have I
previously heard Maddow describe government agents
roughly hauling a suspect into custody? What follows are
two excerpts from her show on Jan. 26, 2017.

MADDOW: During the transition, the transition knew

about it. Congress notified the transition that Mike Flynn
appeared to be on a foreign government payroll during the
transition and Flynn himself and his attorneys told the
transition that he was A, on a foreign payroll and B, in
trouble for it, under investigation. And once again, the
MADDOW: Novaya Gazeta reports today
Trump transition appears to have just had no reaction to
that in early December there was a high-
that information whatsoever, despite the fact they were in
level FSB meeting underway. Again, FSB
the process of installing him as national security adviser. is what the KGB became. It was a high-
level FSB meeting underway, it was a
Flynn was "appointed" national security adviser. He was regular meeting that included the deputy
not "installed" as pope -- chief of the cyber unit of the FSB. That unit

was called the Information Security what's going on in our country right
Department (Center) of the FSB and the now.
deputy chief of that unit was at that meeting
sitting at a table when officers burst into the "But this dramatic thing that happened in Russia" -- and
room, grabbed him, they grabbed the according to Maddow, "you'd expect" something nearly
deputy chief of the cyber unit at the FSB, identical to happen in this country, especially when the
they grabbed him at this meeting in suspect is a high-level adviser to a loathed Republican
front of all the other people at the politician. And when Maddow says "you'd expect," she
meeting. They put a bag over his head doesn't mean you, dear reader, devoted as you are to due
and they bodily dragged him out of the process and the rule of law. Maddow means what she and
room. And that's the last time anybody's her comparably unhinged viewers would expect. Sigh, if
ever seen him. ... only things could be like they are in Russia, which must
otherwise be demonized on an hourly basis since Trump
I mean, imagine if the head of the cyber took office, which comes across as truly hilarious after
unit in the CIA or the FBI, sitting there in a leftists for decades swooned at the very mention of the
meeting at the CIA or the FBI and officers Soviet Union.
come in, throw a bag over his head,
drag him away and nobody hears about
If it were up to Maddow, Flynn would be publicly
it for more than a month and nobody
humiliated and disappear without a trace like an accused
sees him since. But this dramatic thing
traitor in Putin's Russia -- while terrorists plotting mass
that happened in Russia -- it's dramatic
murder are duly accorded the benefit of a doubt.
for Russia -- it may also be important for

. The federal investigation was led by then-FBI Director

James Comey, who concluded the probe in July 2016,
about four months before Election Day. Comey said
Clinton had been “extremely careless,” but recommend to
President Trump suggested Sunday that news reports about then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch that she not pursue
an FBI agent on the agency’s Hillary Clinton email criminal charges.
investigation who also opposed Trump explains why the
Clinton case was closed without criminal charges. Lynch had recused herself from the investigation after
talking privately with Clinton’s husband, former President
“Report: ‘ANTI-TRUMP FBI AGENT LED Bill Clinton.
CLINTON EMAIL PROBE’ Now it all starts
to make sense!” Trump said in one of three Two senior Justice Department officials confirmed to Fox
tweets Sunday on the issue. News last Saturday that the agency’s Office of Inspector
General is reviewing the role played by Strzok in the
The office of Special Counsel Robert Mueller confirmed Clinton investigation.
with Fox News on Saturday that agent Peter Strzok had
been removed from Mueller’s investigation into Russia “Tainted (no, very dishonest?) FBI ‘agent’s
collusion after the Justice Department’s inspector general role in Clinton probe under review.’ Led
started examining Strzok's electronic messages with a Clinton Email
colleague, which reportedly included ones that were anti- probe. @foxandfriends Clinton money
Trump and pro-Hillary Clinton. going to wife of another FBI agent in
charge,” Trump said in one of the other
tweets Sunday.

Strzok worked on the FBI investigation last year into

whether Clinton, then the Democratic presidential
nominee, mishandled classified information through her
use of private email servers while secretary of state.

Obama-era Attorney General Eric Holder responded:

“Nope. Not letting this go. The FBI’s

reputation is not in 'tatters'. It’s composed
of the same dedicated men and women
who have always worked there and who do
a great, apolitical job. You’ll find integrity
“After years of Comey, with the phony and and honesty at FBI headquarters and not at
dishonest Clinton investigation (and more), 1600 Penn Ave right now.”
running the FBI, its reputation is in Tatters -
worst in History! But fear not, we will bring Strzok was a former deputy director for counterintelligence
it back to greatness, Trump added.” at the FBI who has been reassigned.

Mueller Reassigned Top FBI Agent
From Russia 'Witch Hunt' Probe - Reports
01:12 03.12.2017(Updated 09:07 03.12.2017)

US President Donald Trump has repeatedly called the Clinton's handling of classified information via her private
probe headed by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller a email account.
"witch hunt."
The FBI and Mueller haven't yet commented on the media
MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Top FBI agent, Peter Strzok was report.
removed from the investigation in the summer after text
messages, in which he expressed opinions that could be While Trump has called the investigation into his
construed as critical of Trump, were discovered, the New campaign team alleged collusion with Russia conducted
York Times newspaper reported, citing people "briefed separately by Mueller and the Senate a "witch hunt,"
on the matter." numerous Russian officials, including President Vladimir
Putin, have repeatedly refuted the claims of Moscow's
The Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General alleged inteference in the US presidential election,
said in a statement on Saturday that, as it stated in January, pointing out that they remain unsubstantiated.
it was reviewing allegations regarding DOJ and FBI
actions and aimed to determine, in particular, "whether So far Mueller charges four members of the Trump
certain underlying investigative decisions were based campaign, with former National Security Adviser Michael
on improper considerations." Flynn pleading guilty this week over lying to the FBI. As a
result of the first charges brought by the special prosecutor
"The OIG has been reviewing allegations involving as part of the Russia probe, former campaign manager Paul
communications between certain individuals, and will Manafort and his business associate Rick Gates placed
report its findings regarding those allegations promptly under house arrest over charges on 12 counts, including
upon completion of the review of them," the Office of the tax evasion. In addition, former foreign policy adviser
Inspector General said. George Papadopolous admitted lying to the FBI over a
meeting with a London-based professor, who had allegedly
Strzok, FBI deputy head of counterintelligence, is promised to put him in contact with people allegedly
reportedly considered one of the top FBI investigators. He possessing "dirt" on Hillary Clinton.
had been actively involved in the investigation into Hillary

Trump Compares Flynn To Hillary,
Asks 'Rigged System' Or 'Double Standard?'
Fox News
December 3, 2017

"Many people in our Country are asking

what the "Justice" Department is going to
do about the fact that totally Crooked
Hillary, AFTER receiving a subpoena from
the United States Congress, deleted and
"acid washed" 33,000 Emails? No justice!"

Clinton was interviewed for more than three hours at FBI

headquarters over the July 4 weekend in 2016. Because
she was not in custody, her interview was not recorded.
Former FBI Director James Comey has said that
Clinton did not lie to the FBI during her interview.

President Donald Trump again took up the cause of former Earlier Saturday, Trump argued that there was nothing
national security adviser Mike Flynn Saturday night, improper in Flynn's conversations with Russian
complaining that Flynn's "life is destroyed" while Hillary Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak in December
Clinton escaped legal reckoning. 2016. Flynn pleaded guilty Friday to lying to the FBI about
those conversations.
Trump tweeted:
The president tweeted that he fired Flynn because the
"So General Flynn lies to the FBI and his retired Army lieutenant general lied about those
life is destroyed, while Crooked Hillary conversations to Vice President Mike Pence as well as the
Clinton, on that now famous FBI holiday FBI. That suggested that Trump may have known Flynn
"interrogation" with no swearing in and no lied to the FBI when he fired him.
recording, lies many times...and nothing
happens to her? Rigged system, or just a Trump associates tried to put distance Saturday evening
double standard?" between the president himself and the tweet. One person
familiar with the situation said the morning tweet was
actually crafted by John Dowd, one of the president's
personal attorneys. Dowd declined to comment when
reached by The Associated Press on Saturday night.

It's unclear why Trump would cite lying to the FBI as a

reason for firing Flynn. Doing so suggests the president
knew at the time that Flynn had done something that is
against the law, and therefore the investigation could not
be as frivolous as he's been portraying.

It's also unclear how he would know that, if information

about Russian contacts had not reached him, as he has
been implying in his own defense.

Flynn left the White House in February, only

acknowledging that he had given an incomplete account to
Pence of his conversations with Kislyak. After Trump
He then added:
forced Flynn out, he asked FBI Director James Comey to Trump has been publicly dismissive of Comey and of
end the bureau's probe in the matter, according to Comey's special counsel Robert Mueller's continuing investigation,
account. Comey refused, and Trump fired him, too. and was often generous in his appraisal of Flynn, except to
say his adviser could not stay on the job after misleading
Then-White House spokesman Sean Spicer said after his vice president.
Flynn's firing that it was the result of a "trust issue" and the
White House counsel's office had determined there was not At the time, Pence said Trump was justified in firing Flynn
a legal issue. because Flynn had lied to him. Neither Trump nor Pence
indicated concern then that the FBI had not been told the
"Whether or not he actually misled the vice true story.
president was the issue, and that was
ultimately what led to the president asking Pence, who served as head of Trump's transition, has not
for and accepting the resignation of Gen. publicly commented on Flynn's plea.
Flynn," Spicer told reporters on Feb. 14.
"That's it, pure and simple. It was a matter
of trust."

‘I Never Asked Comey To
Stop Investigating Flynn’ - Trump
Published Time: 3 Dec, 2017 13:18 Edited Time: 4 Dec, 2017 07:11

U.S. President Trump speaks to reporters before departing the White

House © James Lawler Duggan / Reuters

President Donald Trump says he never asked James

Comey to drop an investigation into then-national security
advisor Michael Flynn. Trump’s tweet on the issue comes
soon after Flynn admitted lying to the Bureau about his The president had earlier applauded ABC News for
contact with Russian officials. suspending its journalist Brian Ross over his
“horrendously inaccurate and dishonest report” on Flynn.
The president said on Twitter Saturday that he fired Flynn
because he “lied to the Vice President and the FBI.” What During a live “Special Report” on Friday, Ross cited
it amounts to is Trump calling the former head of the FBI a anonymous sources in claiming that Flynn allegedly
liar. agreed to testify that during the 2016 election campaign
then-candidate Trump told him to contact Russian
officials. However, Ross’ source later told the journalist
that the order came when Trump had already won the
election and was president-elect.

Weeks after being removed from his post, former FBI

director James Comey told the Senate Intelligence
Committee in June that Trump had ordered him to stop
investigating Flynn.

"What he wanted me to do is drop any

investigation connected to Flynn’s account
of his contacts with the Russians," Comey

In a tweet Sunday, Trump said the claim is

“another Comey lie”.

Meanwhile, Comey has been posting cryptic messages on
his social media accounts, quoting the bible and
referencing Buddha.

Comey said in an Instagram post that truth

is one of three “things which cannot be long
hidden”, the other two being the sun and
the moon.

Suspending ABC News
ReporterBrian Ross Over Misreporting?
By Stephen Lendman - Stephenlendman.Org

Suspending him had nothing to do with falsifying a report candidate) Trump instructed him to contact Russia, aiming
on Trump and Michael Flynn, everything to do with to initiate a process for improving relations.
getting caught red-handed, causing a furor at the same time
- the network uncomfortable about making news about its It was undermined by false accusations of Kremlin
fake news reporting. interference in America’s electoral process, along with
phony claims of “Russian aggression” in Ukraine and
All Western media operate the same way - disinformation, nonexistent threats against other countries.
Big Lies and fake news standard practice on major issues,
especially geopolitical ones, notably covering US- The fabricated Russiagate case hinges on proving illegal or
dominated NATO imperial wars of aggression, claiming improper Trump team collusion with Moscow during the
they’re liberating ones, along with anything relating to presidential campaign. Not a shred of evidence suggests it.
Trump and Russia.
Post-election, presidents and administration officials have
Ross is ABC’s chief investigative reporter, suspended for direct contacts with numerous countries - part of their jobs,
four weeks without pay - a meaningless slap on the wrist. the way most nations operate.

He falsely claimed former Trump national security advisor ABC retracted the story when caught red-handed lying.
Michael Flynn would testify that candidate Trump directed Otherwise, it would have stood as misreported.
him to make contact with Russia - his disinformation
report typical of how Western media operate, why I call Ross is no outlier. All establishment on air and print
them scoundrels. reporters operate the same way - suppressing hard truths
on vital issues, lying to viewers and readers, what they’re
They suppress vital news, information, and analysis instructed to do.
everyone has a right to know, operating as press agents for
wealth, power and privilege, sanitizing their print, on air Suspending Ross for four weeks was laughable. He’ll be
and online reporting. back in short order to misreport again. If he and others like
him diverged from the official narrative, they’d be fired
What’s not reported is most important of all - why it’s and replaced straightaway.
Western media lack credibility, alternative sources the
In testimony given special council Robert Mueller’s witch- only reliable ones, especially online, reporting real news,
hunt inquiry, Flynn explained president-elect (not information and analysis - the antidote to media
scoundrels’ misreporting.

Trump Welcomes ABC Suspending ‘Russia Witch Hunt’
Reporter For ‘Horrendously Inaccurate’ Flynn Story
Published Time: 3 Dec, 2017 08:10 Edited Time: 3 Dec, 2017 14:28

Then-US presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at Republican

debate sponsored by ABC News on February 6, 2016 © Carlo Allegri
/ Reuters

Donald Trump has welcomed ABC’s move to suspend its

chief investigative journalist Brian Ross for what the US
president branded a “horrendously inaccurate and
dishonest” report on Mike Flynn’s guilty plea. The report
temporarily caused stocks to plummet.
“Congratulations to @ABC News for
suspending Brian Ross for his
horrendously inaccurate and dishonest The channel was forced to issue a
report on the Russia, Russia, Russia Witch “clarification” that stated that “it was shortly
Hunt. More Networks and “papers” should after the election that President-elect
do the same with their Fake News!” the Trump directed Flynn to contact Russian
president tweeted. officials on topics that included working
jointly against ISIS [Islamic State, IS].”
ABC News added in a statement that it
“deeply regretted and apologized for the
serious error” made by Ross. “The
reporting conveyed by Brian Ross during
the special report had not been fully vetted
through our editorial standards process. As
a result of our continued reporting over the
next several hours ultimately we
ABC News made headlines again on Saturday when it determined the information was wrong and
announced that the network had suspended Ross for four we corrected the mistake on air and
weeks without pay for a “serious error” in his reporting online.”
about former National Security Adviser (NSA) Michael
Flynn’s guilty plea. During a live “Special Report” on
Friday Ross said, citing anonymous sources, that Flynn
allegedly agreed to testify that during the 2016 election
campaign then-candidate Trump told him to contact
Russian officials. However, Ross’ source later told the
journalist that the order came when Trump had already
won the election and was president-elect.

Trump Suggests Investors Sue
ABC Over ‘False and Dishonest’ Report
By Jack Phillips
December 3, 2017 11:46 am Last Updated: December 4, 2017 12:04 am

report had not been fully vetted through our

editorial standards process. As a result of
our continued reporting over the next
several hours, ultimately we determined the
information was wrong and we corrected
the mistake on air and online.”

President Donald Trump departs the White House for St. Louis on
Nov. 29, 2017. (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times)

President Donald Trump suggested that investors who

“lost money” when the Dow Jones went down 350 points
due to an ABC News report that was later corrected should
sue the network.

“People who lost money when the Stock

Market went down 350 points based on the
False and Dishonest reporting of Brian
Ross of @ABC News (he has been “It is vital we get the story right and retain
suspended), should consider hiring a the trust we have built with our audience —
lawyer and suing ABC for the damages this these are our core principles. We fell far
bad reporting has caused – many millions short of that yesterday. Effective
of dollars!”, Trump tweeted. immediately, Brian Ross will be suspended
for four weeks without pay.”

Trump quickly responded to ABC’s announcement.

“Congratulations to @ABC News for suspending Brian

Ross for his horrendously inaccurate and dishonest report
on the Russia, Russia, Russia Witch Hunt. More Networks
and ‘papers’ should do the same with their Fake News!” he
tweeted on Saturday.

Ross, 69, was suspended Saturday by the network for four

weeks over his erroneous report on Michael Flynn, the
former national security adviser. He said that Trump had
directed Flynn to make contact with the Russian
government when he was a candidate.

“We deeply regret and apologize for the

serious error we made yesterday,” the
network said in a statement. “The reporting
conveyed by Brian Ross during the special
Ross had been accused of politicizing news stories in the For his part, Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI on
past. In 2012, ABC apologized when he reported on the Friday.
Aurora, Colorado, theater shooting, saying that suspect
James Holmes was connected to the Tea Party. It turned
out to be a different “Jim Holmes.”

On Friday, when the report broke, the stock market

dropped 350 points at one point, but it closed down 40
points by the day’s end.

ABC’s Error On Trump-Russia Investigation
Shows Why Public Faith In Media Is At Rock Bottom
Danielle Ryan
Published Time: 3 Dec, 2017 20:03 Edited Time: 4 Dec, 2017 09:55

moment. On ABC’s daytime liberal talk show The View,

co-host Joy Behar threw her hands up in the air shouting,
“Yay!” while her audience erupted into wild applause. She
then shouted “Lock them up! Lock them up!” to more
cheers. ABC’s tweet corresponding to their huge scoop
was retweeted more than 25,000 times before it was
deleted. The stock market even briefly tanked on the news.

Perhaps even worse than the mistake, though, was ABC’s

initial reaction to it. Instead of immediately retracting the
story once it had become clear an error had been made, the
channel opted to issue a “clarification” as though the error
If members of the American media are still wondering why had been minor or inconsequential.
US President Donald Trump gets away with shamelessly
calling all media critical of his presidency “fake news,” ABC later upgraded the “clarification” to a “serious error”
they need look no further than ABC’s misreporting of a and admitted that the report had “not been fully vetted.”
crucial story last Friday. The channel then suspended Ross for four weeks without
ABC’s Brian Ross reported the latest supposed bombshell
in the never-ending saga over as yet unproven claims of But the gravity of the error should have been immediately
collusion between Trump’s campaign and Russian officials clear. As Erik Wemple wrote in the Washington Post:
to tarnish opponent Hillary Clinton’s image and swing the “Never have the stakes been higher for utter factual
election in his favor. integrity regarding national politics, and in particular
Trump’s ties to Russia.” Wemple later called ABC’s initial
Ross incorrectly reported that Gen. Michael Flynn, lackluster attempt to correct the record, “the most cowardly
formerly Trump’s national security adviser, would testify 'clarification' in modern journalism.”
that Trump had directed him to contact Russian officials
during the presidential campaign. This would indeed have New York Magazine journalist Yashar Ali noted later on
been a big story, had it been true. ABC later reported, Twitter that ABC’s correction only came after a CNN
however, that its source – a confidant of Flynn’s – had journalist Oliver Darcy asked the network why what Ross
clarified that Flynn would testify that Trump had directed had said on air never made it into the channel’s online
him to contact Russian officials during the transition report. That, Ali said, begs the question: Would ABC have
period after the election, while Trump was president- even bothered to correct its on-air mistake if Darcy had not
elect – not during the campaign, as Ross had first asked them to explain the discrepancy?
erroneously reported.
Mistakes like this, repeated time and again, particularly
There is a world of difference between these two claims, where Russia is concerned, are why the public faith and
so to mix them up or fail to clarify them with absolute trust in media is at rock bottom. They are why Trump gets
certainty was a huge mistake on ABC’s part. What’s more, away with labeling any reporting he doesn’t like as “fake
the specific contact Trump had ordered Flynn to initiate, news.”
according to the source, was about finding ways the US
and Russia could work together to fight ISIS and solve the Nonetheless, Russiagaters are eager to move past ABC’s
Syrian crisis. mistake and are trying to make Flynn’s contacts with
Russian officials during the transition period out to be
But the channel’s initial and far more sinister version of almost treasonous. In the spotlight now is the Logan Act,
events sent Russiagaters into gleeful frenzy on Friday an 18th century law which prohibits private American
afternoon. It was their long-awaited “We got him!” citizens from working with a foreign government against

the US. The accusation is that Flynn’s request to Russian The third problem with the Logan Act accusation is that no
officials that Moscow hold off on retaliating against one has been convicted under the law in 200 years. If the
Barack Obama’s December 2016 sanctions amounts to a Democrats need to resort to using such an obscure law in
violation of this law. But there are a few problems with their attempts to prove Trump colluded with Russia, they
this interpretation. are grasping at straws.

For one, the law deals with private citizens. It’s unclear Particularly since, as we’ve seen, an incoming
that it could apply to someone like Flynn who was a administration talking to Russians about working together
member of a presidential transition team with national to solve conflicts can hardly be seen as collusion. Indeed,
security clearance. Flynn surely did not count as a private resorting to something like the Logan Act speaks to how
citizen at that point? In fact, Ty Cobb, the White House desperate Democrats have become, in the absence of real
lawyer handling the Russia investigation, told the New proof, to pin Trump for collusion.
York Times that “the presidential transition guide
specifically encourages contact with and outreach to Here’s what we know: Flynn has acknowledged that he
foreign dignitaries.” lied to the FBI about the details of calls he made to foreign
officials. He has taken a plea deal and is cooperating with
The second problem with the Democrats’ attempt to nail the investigation into alleged collusion between Trump and
Trump with this law is that even one of Obama’s State Russia. He will reportedly testify that Trump ordered him
Department spokespeople, Mark Toner, had told the to contact Russian officials while he was president-elect.
Associated Press that there was nothing necessarily
inappropriate about contact between members of the It is perfectly plausible that Flynn might have some true
incoming administration and foreign officials, including bombshell to share with investigators and that we might
Russia. Toner even offered the State Department’s help hear about it in due course. But as of yet, we still have no
with such contact – but explicitly said there would be no proof that there was any collusion between the Trump
problem with Trump’s team making that contact on its campaign and Moscow – no matter how much the
own. Russiagate true believers, or ABC News, would like there
to be.

Trump Backing Flynn When
'Nothing Happens To Crooked Hillary' Sets Twitter Afire
© AP Photo/ Patrick Semansky - Viral
12:47 03.12.2017(Updated 17:04 04.12.2017)

Later in the day, the US president emphasized that he had

never asked Comey to stop investigating Flynn.

Twitter users have reacted, with many slamming Trump's

newest Twitter crusade against his former rival. Clinton,
who is yet to comment on the latest statement, previously
accused Trump of being "obsessed" with her.

Twitter users were quick to react to Donald Trump's tweets

in defense of his former National Security Adviser
Michael Flynn, who has recently pleaded guilty to lying to
the FBI.

After making his first — and rather reserved — official

statement on his former National Security Adviser Michael
Flynn's guilty plea, saying that there was "no collusion"
with Russia, US President Donald Trump took to Twitter
to defend his former team member, reminding people that
"nothing happened" to former Democratic Party
presidential hopeful "Crooked Hillary Clinton" as result
of the FBI probe into her private email account.

"Many people in our Country are asking

what the “Justice” Department is going
to do about the fact that totally Crooked
Hillary, AFTER receiving a subpoena
from the United States Congress, deleted
and “acid washed” 33,000 Emails? No
justice!" Trump said in a Twitter statement,
which followed his remark, insisting that
Flynn's actions during the transition period
were "lawful."

However, others have voiced support for the president's
point of view.

Some preferred to react not with words, but by posting


Michael Flynn pleaded guilty on Friday to charges that he
made false statements to the FBI about his contacts
with then-Russian ambassador to the US Sergei Kislyak.
The move was initially portrayed as one the most
important turns in special counsel Robert Mueller’s
probe into the Trump team’s alleged "collusion"
with Russia, a claim repeatedly denied by the US president
and Moscow.

Flynn is the fourth member of the Trump campaign to face

charges in what has been dubbed a "witch hunt"
by President Donald Trump, with former campaign
manager Paul Manafort and his business associate Rick
Gates placed under house arrest over charges on 12 counts,
and former foreign policy adviser George Papadopolous,
who had admitted lying to the FBI.

Interestingly, during the presidential campaign, Flynn

chanted referring to Clinton,

"Lock Her Up," stating that if he had done

"a tenth of what she did, I would be in jail

The Justice Department and the FBI closed the Clinton

investigation in July 2015 without filing criminal charges
even though then FBI Director James Comey revealed that
Clinton had communicated classified information
on numerous occasions via the private server.

The FBI reopened the probe prior to the November 8, 2016

presidential election. However, the agency stood by its
earlier decision not to prosecute Clinton, who later blamed
Comey, alongside Russia, for her election loss.

CBS Rants: Hard To Justify
Tax Cut ‘Tilted Towards Corporations’
By Scott Whitlock
December 4, 2017 1:30 PM EST

Why does the tax bill promoted by the President and Republicans as uncaring for repealing the individual
Republicans have low polling support? Maybe because mandate:
journalists are constantly trashing it. On CBS This
Morning, Monday, analyst Jill Schlesinger declared, “I
think it's becoming clear that [the tax bill is] very much
tilted toward corporations and the wealthiest Americans.”

She then argued that the legislation wasn’t justified: “I

think when Americans hear that corporations, which have
seen great profitability over the last seven years, stock
markets at all-time highs, it's hard to really understand in
your belly why did corporations need this tax cut?”

GAYLE KING: Now, the Senate bill would repeal the

ObamaCare individual mandate. That’s something that the
CBO says would leave 13 million Americans without
insurance. Is the President okay with that?

MICK MULVANEY: Think about that for a second. So

what the CBO is telling you as soon as the government
tells you you don't have to buy something, you're not going
to. Is that necessarily a bad thing? I mean, do we want to
have some law on the books? This goes back to underlying
Not discussed was one possible reason: The United States issue of health care and the fact that Democrats have
has the highest corporate tax rate in the world. pitched health care as a tax. So it's entirely appropriate to
be dealing with that now. Should the government really be
Yet, Schlesinger sneered, “But an actual gift to telling you, forcing you to buy something you don't want
corporations at a moment where we are right now, second to buy? We're absolutely comfortable with that.
longest bull market in the history of the United States
economy, it's hard to reconcile that.”
A transcript of the earlier segment is below:
Baffled co-host Bianna Golodryga wondered:

Tax cuts historically are very going to say tax cuts

historically are very popular with both Republicans and
Democrats. This one is at 30 percent approval. Why do
you think so many Americans disapprove of this tax
cut? Tax bill?

With all the hammering from journalists, it’s not hard to


Later, co-host Gayle King talked to the Director of the

Office of Management and Budget and spun the

CBS This Morning GAYLE KING: Go ahead.
7:12:52 to 7:16:12 BIANNA GOLODRYGA: Tax cuts historically are very going to
say tax cuts historically are very popular with both Republicans
NORAH O’DONNELL: CBS news business analyst Jill and Democrats. This one is at 30 percent approval. Why do you
Schlesinger is here to try and break down what the tax bill could think so many Americans disapprove of this tax cut? Tax bill?
mean for families. Jill, good morning. This is so important. Let's
talk about how it affects individual families first. SCHLESINGER: I think it's becoming clear that it's very much
tilted toward corporations and the wealthiest Americans. You
JILL SCHLESINGER: So, it’s really important to understand this know, if you're upper middle class, you could actually be a loser
is a bill that's very nuanced. So, it matters not just who you are in this bill and that's very important to put out there and if you're
and how much money you do earn. But how do you earn that very poor you would be a loser. And I think when Americans hear
money? Do you have a pass-through organization or do you live that corporations, which have seen great profitability over the last
in a state where you're losing your state and local tax deduction? seven years, stock markets at all-time highs, it's hard to really
Do you have a mortgage? How much? Do you want to? So, it's a understand in your belly why did corporations need this tax cut?
very strange bill that in the packet when we've done tax reform Tax reform is one thing. Making a tax code better, simpler,
and deductions, and unfortunately, I remember 30 years ago, it plainer. But an actual gift to corporations at a moment where we
was a much clearer, “This is a winner. this is a loser.” This is are right now, second longest bull market in the history of the
going to take a long time to really understand who wins and who United States economy, it's hard to reconcile that.
GAYLE KING: It still seems very confusing. Even the people who
pass it are still trying to read it and figure out exactly what they
passed it.
Who really wins and who loses? I heard you talking about two
losing situations. Who are the losers?

SCHLESINGER: If you're tenth of one percent of the earner,

you're a huge winner. Because we are going to get rid of the
state taxation. The tax brackets are going to go down. I think
those people win. I think corporations, huge winners. Pass-
through organizations. That means you have a big law firm.
There’s 200 partners. They have all their money flow through as
a pass through. That is going to be a big winners. Whether those
O’DONNELL: Okay, the big differences in the two plans. folks who are winners who take the money that they save and
recycle it into the economy and boost the economy substantially,
I think that is a huge question yet to be answered. A lot of
SCHLESINGER: Okay, well, the big differences are going down. academics say they don't believe this is a long-term growth
We know that the tax brackets are very important. So in the incentive.
House plan they have four tax brackets. They maintain that top
bracket at 39.6 The Senate plan — I’m sorry, the House plan
goes to four brackets and the Senate maintains seven brackets, O’DONNELL: Randall Stevens the head of AT&T has promises
but the top bracket goes down. Mortgage interest deduction. more jobs. You have them on the record saying they'll have more
House plans say you can only deduct up to half a million of jobs.
mortgage interest. The Senate plan says no. “We're going to
leave it at a million.” What we really know is the big, huge change SCHLESINGER: So, we'll see where they come up with the
in the tax code is around corporations. In corporations, they both jobs.
are slashing the corporate rate. It goes from 35 to 20 percent.

Trump Lawyer: Not Possible
For ‘President To Obstruct Justice’
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 4, 2017

“The tweet did not admit obstruction” Trump’s legal team is clearly setting the
stage to say the president cannot be
charged with any of the core crimes
discussed in the Russia probe: collusion
and obstruction. Presumably, you wouldn’t
preemptively make these arguments unless
you felt there was a chance charges are

Some lawmakers and other pundits have suggested that

Trump’s actions are indicative of obstruction of justice,
(National Sentinel) Executive Branch: President Donald including Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., the ranking
J. Trump’s private lawyer said Monday as Democrats and Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee.
liberal pundits claimed he obstructed justice in his
handling of the James Comey firing that it isn’t possible She told “Meet the Press” over the weekend that the she
for a president to do such a thing. could see “the putting together of a case of obstruction of
justice” by the panel against the president.
A “president cannot obstruct justice
because he is the chief law enforcement She said she believed Trump’s firing of Comey came
officer under [the Constitution’s Article II]
and has every right to express his view of “directly because he did not agree to lift the
any case,” attorney John Dowd told Axios cloud of the Russia investigation,” added,
in an exclusive exchange. “That’s obstruction of justice.”

That, the web site noted, is “a new and highly Other legal experts don’t see it that way, including former
controversial defense/theory” as the Russia probe federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy. While he believes
continues. special counsel Robert Mueller is ultimately aiming to
produce a report recommending Congress impeach Trump,
Down went on to say that he was the one who actually he wrote in National Review on Monday that president’s
drafted a Trump tweet this weekend some pundits believe have carte blanche power to fire Executive Branch
strengthened the case for obstruction. The tweet appeared employees.
to suggest that Trump knew his former national security
advisor, Michael Flynn, lied to the FBI when he was fired, “…[T]he president had undeniable power to
which raised new questions regarding Trump’s firing of fire the FBI director. You can argue that his
Comey. reason was corrupt, but the truth is that he
didn’t need a reason at all — he could have
Dowd, however, dismissed the notion. done it because it was Tuesday and he felt
like firing someone; he could have done it
“The tweet did not admit obstruction. That because he figured that the Justice
is an ignorant and arrogant assertion,” he Department’s criticism of Comey’s handling
told Axios. of the Clinton emails investigation gave him
the political cover he needed to dispense
The site noted further: with a subordinate he found nettlesome,”
he wrote.

“The point is that even if the president executive matters over which the courts
hoped that cashiering Comey would derail have no power of review. If Mueller tried to
an investigation he was addled by, it was indict him, Trump would have unfettered
wholly in Trump’s discretion to fire the discretion to fire Mueller and to direct the
director,” he added. Justice Department to drop the case.
“The president may not be prosecuted in a “You may not like that, but that’s the way it
criminal judicial proceeding for exercising is,” he wrote, adding that Congress could
his discretion, however objectionably, in still consider the matter for impeachment.

MSNBC Guest: ‘We Must Act Soon’
Against Mentally Ill Trump Or Risk Him Going ‘Violent’
By Curtis Houck
December 4, 2017 12:21 PM EST

Late Sunday afternoon on MSNBC, Yale School of Vossoughian pushed back, wondering if
Medicine forensic psychologist Bandy Lee seemed to hint
at the need for the overthrow of Presidents Trump, “it's fair to question the sort of
proclaiming that he’s so mentally unstable that “[w]e must competency and the mental health of
act soon” or risk him turning violent with catastrophic the sitting President of the United
consequences for all of us. States,” but Lee replied that she and her
fellow lefties “wouldn't be speaking out if
Host Yasmin Vossoughian introduced Lee as both the co- it were very serious in terms of the
author of a book warning about Trump’s mental state and manifestations.”
“What we're seeing is someone mentally
“an opinion piece in The New York falling apart. This is what we mean when
Times this week where you say that the someone is coming unglued or
President was showing what you call, ‘a unhinged. With stress, they will be less
pattern of decompensation.’” able to tell apart what is real from what
is unreal, become more bizarre and, in
the case of Mr. Trump, will likely
become violent,” Lee continued.

She concluded by opining that Trump

“will have thoughts and reasoning that

will be hard for us to follow because he
is pulled more by his internal
processes, what's going on in his
Vossoughian admitted that Lee’s language
was “pretty strong,” adding another quote To his credit, CNBC’s John Harwood tried to put the
from Lee’s Times piece about the President brakes on the hysteria, correctly pointing out
“increasingly losing touch with reality.”
“that words don't mean that much to the
Speaking very softly, Lee tacitly argued for Trump’s President from one moment to the
removal from office: other” and “[w]hat he says at any given
moment may be completely at odds with
what he says subsequently and
Well, what we're seeing is what is remember, there's a long history of
happening is serious, it is dangerous and this.”
we must act soon. Much of what we as
mental health professionals predicted in the “This is somebody who used to call up
book seven months ago is coming true. reporters under an assumed name and
What we are now saying is that things will talk about himself and tell the reporter
get worse and get worse more rapidly. from People magazine that a beautiful
model had dumped Mick Jagger for
Yikes. Whether Lee realizes it or not, but calling for Donald Trump....How you judge between
Trump’s removal won’t win over anyone who’s not somebody who is deliberately saying
already firmly entrenched in The Resistance. In fact, such things that are untrue for the purpose of
talk would only cause most Trump supporters or even misleading followers versus has
occasional Trump skeptics to steer clear of this viewpoint. somehow persuaded himself that some
of these things are true, that's very
difficult for a layman like me who’s not a the panel this afternoon. How do I make sense of what to take of
doctor to tell,” Harwood added. the President's word and what sort of stream of consciousness,
not only the American public but those overseas who use the
Here’s the relevant transcript from December 3's MSNBC President's word to shape their own policy? They are seeing
Live: these tweets go out one after the other as we sort of been
covering them in the media and they see them first hand as we
December 3, 2017
4:50 p.m. Eastern JOHN HARWOOD: Well, we’ve seen —

YASMIN VOSSOUGHIAN: Bandy, you wrote an opinion piece in VOSSOUGHIAN: And there's really no filter to that.
The New York Times this week where you say that the President
was showing what you call, “a pattern of decompensation” and HARWOOD: That's right, but we've seen for a long time that
I’m quoting your exact words, “increasing loss of touch with words don't mean that much to the President from one moment
reality.” That’s pretty — that's some pretty strong words there. to the other. What he says at any given moment may be
What did you mean by that? completely at odds with what he says subsequently and
remember, there's a long history of this. This is somebody who
used to call up reporters under an assumed name and talk about
himself and tell the reporter from People magazine that a
beautiful model had dumped Mick Jagger for Donald Trump. I
mean, this kind of stuff is very bizarre. The most bizarre of all the
things we've been talking about , I think, is the President's claim
that the voice on the Access Hollywood tape was not him since
as you noted, Yasmin, he acknowledged, apologized for that, and
it's perfectly obvious that it's his voice. How you judge between
somebody who is deliberately saying things that are untrue for
the purpose of misleading followers versus has somehow
persuaded himself that some of these things are true, that's very
difficult for a layman like me who’s not a doctor to tell, but what
we do know is that the President, in many circumstances, pretty
BANDY LEE: Well, what we're seeing is what is happening is constantly says things that simply aren't true.
serious, it is dangerous and we must act soon. Much of what we
as mental health professionals predicted in the book seven VOSSOUGHIAN: Is there sort of like this veering away from the
months ago is coming true. What we are now saying is that truth, Harwood, and I’m sticking with you on this one, also
things will get worse and get worse more rapidly. enabling others governments along with the U.S. government
and people in the U.S. to treat the press unfairly, especially with
VOSSOUGHIAN: But do you think it's fair to question the sort of this whole idea of fake news?
competency and the mental health of the sitting President of the
United States? HARWOOD: I suppose we will hear that term and we have heard
that term, fake news, that the President has popularized, but I
LEE: We wouldn't be speaking out if it were very serious in terms don't know, Yasmin. I have a little bit more confidence in human
of the manifestations. nature and the fact that people want to know what's true and
want to act on what's true. Yes, there's partisanship and
VOSSOUGHIAN: What was the impetus to speak out then? Why polarization and people can misuse information, but I'm a little bit
did you feel the need to speak out? more confident that, ultimately, the truth wins out.

LEE: What we're seeing is someone mentally falling apart. This is VOSSOUGHIAN: I mean, we were once seen this country as
what we mean when someone is coming unglued or unhinged. upholding the freedom of press, of being the pinnacle of
With stress, they will be less able to tell apart what is real from upholding the freedom of press and it seems as we’re no longer
what is unreal, become more bizarre and, in the case of Mr. holding —
Trump, will likely become violent. He will have thoughts and
reasoning that will be hard for us to follow because he is pulled HARWOOD: Well, but I think the country does. What the
more by his internal processes, what's going on in his head, be President — one of the great things about this country is, the
they fantasies, conspiracy theories or imaginary threats than government doesn't define the country and so, if the United
what is going on in the real world. States favors freedom of the press, that will be true whether or
not any given president does.
VOSSOUGHIAN: Harwood, I want to get you on this and I’m
calling you Harwood because, obviously, we have two Johns on VOSSOUGHIAN: It's a fantastic point.
Former Asst. FBI Director Says
Mueller Has ‘Huge Conflict Of Interest’
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 4, 2017

“The Obama administration apparently, had the

“If they used the phony dossier as the advantage of using electronic surveillance,
predicate for the FISA order they obtained, collecting information on the Trump campaign,”
that could be a huge problem” Kallstrom said. “That collection, in my view, may
be found to be unlawful.”

Should investigatory methods used by the Obama

administration to put Trump’s campaign under
surveillance prove to be dubious or even unlawful, Mueller
would be put in the position of having to scrutinize a
former close associate.

“If they used the phony dossier as the predicate

(National Sentinel) Deep State: A former assistant director for the FISA order they obtained, that could be
of the FBI said Sunday that special counsel Robert Mueller a huge problem,” said Kallstrom. “If they knew
has a “huge conflict of interest” in handling the the information was phony, that is a felony. If
investigation into the Trump administration’s alleged they did not know it was phony, they were
activities including obstruction of justice and Russian incompetent.”
Congressional committees including the House and Senate
“Bob Mueller should have never been offered intelligence committees are trying to determine if the FBI,
nor accepted the job as special counsel as he under Comey, used the dossier to obtain a secret FISA
has a huge conflict of interest,” said Jim court warrant for surveillance of Trump and his campaign
Kallstrom in an interview with Breitbart News. officials.
“He should have recused himself.”
Also, Republicans want to know if Comey’s FBI was
Kallstrom said that Mueller’s primary conflict is that part paying or wanted to keep Christopher Steele, the author of
of his investigation is tied to fired FBI Director James the dossier, on the FBI’s payroll, perhaps to continue
Comey, who was let go by President Donald J. Trump gathering potentially damaging information on the Trump
reportedly for botching the investigation into Hillary campaign and transition team.
Clinton’s mishandling of classified emails.
“This whole matter with the dossier and the
It’s known in Washington circles that Mueller and Comey, investigations that ensued, including FISA
once associates in the Justice Department, are also close or surveillance and the unmasking of hundreds of
even best friends. Kallstrom said it is difficult to imagine names, in my view, will prove to be violations of
how Mueller can maintain objectivity in that situation, the rules set down by the Congress for
especially when he has hired several lawyers who have unmasking, or worse, will be found to be
contributed to or otherwise supported anti-Trump violations of federal law,” Kallstrom noted.
Democrats (including Clinton) in the past as part of his
special counsel probe. “The Justice Department should find out if the
FBI paid for this phony dossier and should
In addition, Kallstrom told Breitbart he sees potential legal inspect the affidavit that was given to the FISA
problems for Mueller in terms of how investigators court to determine the accuracy of their
obtained some of their information and what constituted probable cause.”
probable cause in order to get it.

Chuck Todd Fears Removal Of Anti-Trump
FBI Agent Is ‘Thought Police Territory’
By Kyle Drennen
December 4, 2017 11:46 AM EST

During the political panel discussion on NBC’s Meet the Liberal Princeton University Professor Eddia Glaude Jr.
Press on Sunday, moderator Chuck Todd fretted that the chimed in with his own whining:
removal of an FBI agent from Robert Mueller’s Russia
investigation for sending anti-Trump text messages might “And it’s always designed to really
be “bordering into thought police territory.” The group undermine the value – the truth value of
proceeded to worry that the President would use the the press, the truth value of the
incident to discredit the probe. investigation,

“Horrible 48 hours for the President with to leave doubt once the conclusions are drawn.”
this investigation, but he was handed
one helpful PR moment FBI Speaking of undermining “the truth value of the press,” the
agent was just removed from Bob Sunday show completely ignored reporter Brian Ross
Mueller’s team for anti-Trump texts,” being suspended from ABC News for getting a scoop about
Todd proclaimed. He revealed his concern former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s guilty
over the move: “I have to say, part of me
plea completely wrong. Monday’s network morning shows
thought, wait a minute, are we bordering all avoided reporting on their colleague’s temporary
into thought police territory?” dismissal.

In these two instances, federal authorities and the liberal

media discredited themselves, regardless of Trump’s

On Monday’s Today show, reporter Hallie Jackson

immediately attempted to discredit the President’s reaction
by citing an Obama administration official blasting Trump:

Now, it’s another tweet from the President raising

eyebrows, after reports an FBI agent was taken off Special
Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation for reportedly
Todd again sneered about how it would help Trump: sending anti-Trump texts, President Trump tweeting,

“But it does give the President a PR tool “The agency’s reputation is in Tatters –
here and to at least throw to his worst in History!” That’s not sitting well with
supporters saying, ‘Aha! Bias in the Eric Holder, the former attorney general,
Mueller probe.’” firing back, “You’ll find integrity and honesty
at FBI headquarters and not at 1600
Moments later, political analyst Mike Murphy complained Pennsylvania Avenue right now.”
that the President would rightfully point out the removal:
Meanwhile, ABC’s Good Morning America skipped the
The President is a genius at taking news completely.
something like this and blowing it up to
titanic size. We are going to hear so The biased conversation on Meet the Press was brought to
much about this now. viewers by Merrill Lynch, Neutrogena, and FedEx.

It will eclipse the investigation for a while, at least on the Here is a full transcript of the December 3 segment:
conservative side of the media.
11:01 AM ET
(...) though, a problem because you want the perception, just as
Dianne Feinstein was extraordinarily careful to preserve that
impartiality, “I’m waiting for the evidence.” When you have an
investigator who obviously has an axe to grind against the
president, you want to get rid of him. Mueller is being very careful
and I applaud him for doing that.

TODD: I was just going to say, if he made one error here, Doris,
it was it seems as if they just didn’t let everybody know
immediately that they had done this, that they discovered it.

DORIS KEARNS GOODWIN: Right, after the fact.

TODD: It was after the fact that the public learned.

CHUCK TODD: Horrible 48 hours for the President with this
investigation, but he was handed one helpful PR moment here. MIKE MURPHY: The President is a genius at taking something
Let me throw up these headlines, an FBI agent was just removed like this and blowing it up to titanic size.
from Bob Mueller’s team for anti-Trump texts. Now, when you
read the details of this, Danielle, I have to say, part of me
TODD: Yeah.
thought, wait a minute, are we bordering into thought police
territory? Number one. But we can set that aside here. But it
does give the President a PR tool here and to at least throw to MURPHY: We are going to hear so much about this now. It will
his supporters saying, “Aha! Bias in the Mueller probe.” eclipse the investigation for a while, at least on the conservative
side of the media.
DANIELLE PLETKA: He just tweeted about it this morning.
always designed to really undermine the value – the truth value
TODD: Shocking! I’m shocked.
of the press, the truth value of the investigation, to leave doubt
once the conclusions are drawn.
PLETKA: I know, shocking to see, maybe his lawyer tweeted that
too. I’m not sure who tweeted it, but you know. No, look, this is,

Republicans Prepare For War With FBI, DOJ:
To File Contempt Action Over Anti-Trump Bias
By Tyler Durden
Dec 4, 2017 4:33 AM

Five weeks ago, House Speaker Paul Ryan accused the So in a statement issued Sunday, Nunes
DOJ and FBI of “stonewalling” the House Intelligence announced a serious escalation: His
Committee’s wide-ranging subpoena for all pertinent committee, he said, is preparing to hold
information about how the largely unsubstantiated “Trump Andrew McCabe and assistant AG Rod
dossier” played into the DOJ’s decision to launch the Rosenstein in contempt for the DOJ's
infamous Trump collusion investigation. failure to comply with Nunes's
At the time, the speaker said the agency
was preparing to turn over the Strzok was reassigned in July, shortly before Nunes issued
information requested by the the request for the bureau to turn over all documents
committee, but despite his assurances, relating to the Trump dossier. In a transparent attempt to
the promised documents never save face, the bureau contacted Nnes shortly after the
materialized. Strzok news broke on Saturday to say they were ready to
comply with the subpoena. But Nunes rightly repudiated
Then yesterday, thanks to a series of coordinated media this offer, saying it was too little, too late. He laid out his
leaks, argument for preparing the order of contempt in a
statement released Sunday offering details of the
committee's unsuccessful push to convince the FBI to turn
Nunes learned – at the same time as the
over the documents it had requested.
broader public - about the reassignment of
Peter Strzok, a senior Mueller aide who
had played a critical role in the DOJ’s Here’s a timeline of Nunes' contact with the Department of
original collusion investigation. And Justice courtesy of the Washington Examiner:
before that, Strzok helped lead the FBI’s
probe into Hillary Clinton’s mishandling  On Oct. 11, Nunes met with deputy attorney general
of classified information. Rod Rosenstein. In that meeting, Nunes specifically
As it turns out, the agent had been discussed the committee's request for information
reassigned for expressing anti-Trump about Strzok.
sentiments in a series of text messages  In an Oct. 31 committee staff meeting with the FBI,
to FBI attorney Lisa Page while the two bureau officials refused a request for information about
were having an affair. The bureau, it Strzok.
appears, had willfully tried to conceal  On Nov. 20, the committee again requested an
this fact from Nunes and his committee. interview with Strzok. (Three days earlier, on
November 17, Strzok met with the Senate Intelligence
 On Nov. 29, Nunes again spoke to Rosenstein, and
again discussed Strzok.
 On Dec. 1, the committee again requested to speak
with Strzok.

Republicans, including President Trump, pointed to the

news as evidence that the entire probe into Russian
meddling had been politically motivated.

Upon being blindsided with this information and publicly

embarassed, the Intel committee chairman was
understandably less than pleased.

FBI and DOJ refused to provide us this
explanation, and at least one reason why
they previously refused to make Deputy
Director McCabe available to the
Committee for an interview.
“By hiding from Congress, and from
the American people, documented
political bias by a key FBI head
investigator for both the Russia
collusion probe and the Clinton email
investigation, the FBI and DOJ engaged
in a willful attempt to thwart Congress’
constitutional oversight responsibility.
This is part of a months-long pattern by the
DOJ and FBI of stonewalling and
obstructing this Committee’s oversight
work, particularly oversight of their use of
the Steele dossier. At this point, these
agencies should be investigating
Unsurprisingly, both the FBI and House Democrats have themselves.
been silent on the issue, according to Bloomberg:
“The DOJ has now expressed—on a
Saturday, just hours after the press
A Justice Department spokesman, Sarah reports on Strzok’s dismissal
Isgur Flores, couldn’t be immediately appeared—a sudden willingness to
reached for comment by telephone or text. comply with some of the Committee’s
There was no immediate response Sunday long-standing demands. This attempted
from a spokesman for the committee’s top 11th-hour accommodation is neither
Democrat, Representative Adam Schiff of credible nor believable, and in fact is yet
California. another example of the DOJ’s
disingenuousness and obstruction.
In his statement, included in full below, Nunes accused the Therefore, I have instructed House
FBI and the Department of Justice of willfully refusing to Intelligence Committee staff to begin
comply with an Aug. 24 committee subpoena in part by drawing up a contempt of Congress
refusing the committee's request “for an explanation of resolution for DOJ Deputy Attorney
Peter Strzok’s dismissal from the Mueller probe.” Nunes is General Rod Rosenstein and FBI
giving the FBI until end of business day tomorrow to fully Director Christopher Wray. Unless all our
comply with the committee's requests, or face a contempt outstanding demands are fully met by close
order before the end of the month. of business on Monday, December 4,
2017, the committee will have the
Washington, D.C. – House Permanent Select Committee opportunity to move this resolution before
on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes issued the the end of the month."
following statement today amid press reports that Peter
Strzok, the top FBI official assigned to Special Counsel In the statement, Nunes pointed to
Robert Mueller’s probe of collusion between Russia and
Trump officials, had been removed from the probe after “a months-long pattern by the DOJ and FBI
exchanging anti-Trump and pro-Hillary Clinton text of stonewalling and obstructing this
messages with his mistress, who was an FBI lawyer Committee’s oversight work,”
working for Deputy Director Andrew McCabe:
including also withholding subpoenaed information about
“The FBI and Department of Justice have their use of an opposition research dossier that targeted
failed to sufficiently cooperate with the Trump in the 2016 election.
Committee’s August 24 subpoena, and
have specifically refused repeated In targeting McCabe and Rosenstein, Nunes explained that
demands from the House Intelligence Attorney General Jeff Sessions was being excused from
Committee for an explanation of Pete any contempt action by the committee because the AG had
Strzok’s dismissal from the Mueller probe. recused himself from the investigation into Russia
In light of today’s press reports, we now meddling.
know why Strzok was dismissed, why the

In addition to the threat of contempt, Strzok is also facing At the FBI, senior managers are facing a serious dilemma:
an internal review for his role in the investigation into It's probable that the information pertaining to Strzok is
Clinton's handling of classified information on her private only some of what the bureau has tried to keep from Nunes
email server. It has already been revealed that then-FBI and the committee. Now, the FBI is facing a dilemma:
Director James Comey drafted his letter excusing Clinton
before she had even been interviewed. The Office of the Either rush to comply without having the
Inspector General probe into Strzok will examine his role time to screen all the documents that have
in a number of "politically sensitive" cases this year, been supplied to the committee, or
according to Fox News. continue to resist, and face a
Congressional subpoeana. Either way,
we're certain this isn't the last of the story.

ABC Fails To Report FBI Investigator
Removed From Russia Probe Over Anti-Trump Texts
By Kristine Marsh
December 4, 2017 11:20 AM EST

Saturday, The Washington Post and The New York Times Special Counsel Robert Mueller removed one of his lead
reported that Special Counsel Robert Mueller removed a investigators over potential bias. The agent was reassigned
top FBI investigator from the Russia probe, after it was last summer after it was discovered he sent text messages
discovered the agent had sent anti-Trump text messages. that may have criticized the president.
Not only that, but this same agent also led the Clinton e-
mail investigation. Reid reported that this agent, Peter Strzok, was also

According to The Times: “a key player in the investigation into

Hillary Clinton's use of a private email
The agent, Peter Strzok, is considered one server,” which has led Republicans and
of the most experienced and trusted F.B.I. President Trump to “question the
counterintelligence investigators. He credibility of both the Clinton e-mail
helped lead the investigation into probe and the ongoing Mueller
whether Hillary Clinton had mishandled investigations.”
classified information on her private
email account, and then played a major She explained the gravity of the development:
role in the investigation into links
between President Trump’s campaign
This was such a significant
and Russia...
development the special counsel's
office actually issued a statement
Mr. Strzok’s reassignment shows that Mr. Mueller moved saying, ‘Immediately upon learning of
swiftly in the face of what could be perceived as bias by the allegations, it removed Peter Strzok
one of his agents amid a politically charged inquiry into from the investigation.'
Mr. Trump’s campaign and administration. But the
existence of the text messages is likely to fuel claims by NBC’s Kristen Welker also briefly mentioned the story on
Mr. Trump that he is the target of a witch hunt.
Monday’s Today, at the 8am EST hour, but only to make a
jab at Trump:
While President Trump touted the reports on Twitter over
the weekend, CBS News was the only broadcast network
Now, it's another tweet from the
to give story a full report, Monday morning. president, raising eyebrows, after reports
an FBI agent was taken off special counsel
Robert Mueller's investigation for reportedly
sending anti-Trump texts. President Trump
tweeting, “The agency’s reputation is in
tatters, worst in history.

Peter Alexander also spun the story as bad for Trump in

the 7am EST hour of Today:

President Trump pouncing on revelations

that Robert Mueller removed an FBI officer
from the Russia probe, for sending anti-
Trump text messages.
CBS This Morning Anchor Bianna Golodryga explained,
before handing off to correspondent Paula Reid:
Neither Today correspondents mentioned that this same
agent also led the Clinton email probe.

But at least they mentioned the story. ABC’s Good ABC did find plenty of time to question whether President
Morning America didn’t cover the story at all on Trump had “obstructed justice” in one of his tweets over
Monday’s show. the weekend, while they ignored multiple Trump tweets
about the biased FBI agent.

Trump Gives Roy Moore Full Endorsement
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 4, 2017

Moore defeated incumbent Sen. Luther Strange in a

primary earlier this year Previously, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-
Ky., and other GOP members of the Senate had called on
Moore to drop out of the race after he became engulfed in
a sexual harassment scandal last month.

The Washington Post reported that he attempted to date

teenage girls when he was an adult. The paper also
reported that Moore, then 32, kissed and fondled a 14-
year-old, based on her account.

Moore has strenuously denied all charges and has said he

may sue the Post and his accusers. Also, some holes have
(National Sentinel) Special Election: President Donald J.
appeared in witnesses’ accounts and other allegations since
Trump has voiced his full support for GOP Senate
the Post’s report.
candidate Judge Roy Moore ahead of a special election to
be held Dec. 12 to fill Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ old
seat. Moore defeated incumbent Sen. Luther Strange in a
primary earlier this year.
Trump tweeted several reasons for supporting Moore,
including that his opponent, Democrat Doug Jones, is a Since Moore’s allegations surfaced, several allegations of
“puppet” of Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer as sexual harassment and inappropriate sexual behavior
well as House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. among many Democrats have surfaced as well.

“Democrats refusal to give even one vote for Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., was accused by Los Angeles
massive Tax Cuts is why we need Republican journalist Leeann Tweeden, a morning news
Roy Moore to win in Alabama,” Trump tweeted. anchor for TalkRadio 790 KABC, of kissing and groping
“We need his vote on stopping crime, illegal her in 2006 without her consent as they returned from a
immigration, Border Wall, Military, Pro Life, USO event in the Middle East.
V.A., Judges 2nd Amendment and more. No to
Jones, a Pelosi/Schumer Puppet!” She also published a photo showing Franken appearing to
grope her breasts. He has since been accused by an Army
vet who claims he groped her in 2003.

Also, Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., has been accused by

former staffers of sexually harassing and abusing them.
Conyers has settled with some of the women using a
special taxpayer-funded congressional account that few
Americans knew existed before these scandals surfaced.

Neither man has expressed any interest in resigning.

All 3 Networks Ignore ABC’s
Brian Ross Suspension Over False Report
By Kristine Marsh
December 4, 2017 9:43 AM EST

mistake on World News Tonight, though she didn’t

acknowledge Ross’s suspension.

Neither Ross’s suspension, nor the fact

that the “scoop” was false, was
reported on any of the networks by their
journalists Monday morning.

Monday morning all three major broadcast networks, ABC,

NBC and CBS failed to update their viewers with the news
that ABC correspondent Brian Ross had been suspended
over the weekend for his false “bombshell” report that led
media reports Friday morning.

That false “scoop” took the networks by storm shortly

before 11am EST last Friday morning and was talked While none of the journalists themselves brought up the
about endlessly until the evening newscast on ABC News update, pro-Trump guests Corey Lewandowski and David
that night, several hours later. Bossie did briefly mention it on Monday’s Today show. In
response to anchor Savannah Guthrie grilling the Trump
Here’s what Ross originally reported that sent the media campaign aides on Billy Bush’s comments about President
into a feeding frenzy: Trump, the pair called out Ross, and the media, for
“making up stories:”
[Michael Flynn’s] prepared to testify that
President Trump, as a candidate, Donald LEWANDOWSKI: What we've seen time
Trump, ordered him — directed him to and time again is people want to make up a
make contact with the Russians which story that isn't true. We saw it this week
contradicts all that Donald Trump has said with an ABC news reporter. They want to
to this point. make up a story about the administration
and the president which isn't true. It then
As Ross later had to shamefully admit to viewers that becomes the news of the day, and
evening, his sources were incorrect. In reality, Flynn said everyone is forced to respond to a story
that President Trump as president-elect had ordered him to that is not true.
speak with the Russians. BOSSIE: They set a narrative that is
negative for the president. Brian Ross did
Saturday evening, ABC released a statement online, and it. And it was obviously wrong.
correspondent Cecilia Vega apologized to viewers for the

'The Odds Of Impeachment Are Dropping'
By P.J. Gladnick
December 4, 2017 12:15 PM EST

Times, “portends the likelihood of

impeachable charges being brought
against the president of the United States.”

That may be true. But bringing impeachment charges

against Trump, and actually forcing him from office, are
two vastly different things. And while the former may be
more likely today than it was half a year ago, the latter is
actually less likely.

Since Robert Mueller became special

counsel in May, the chances of the
House of Representatives passing
The mainstream media has been busy over the past year articles of impeachment—and the
engineering the narrative that the removal from office via Senate ratifying them—have probably
impeachment of President Donald Trump is almost gone down.
inevitable. Although they have had a few bumps on the
road to this possible future, which caused them to Killjoy! How dare you take away the impeachment joy
temporarily switch to removal from office via the 25th from Joy Behar!
Amendment fantasy, their impeachment dream is back on
track. This concept reached a fevered pitch last week on
That’s because impeachment is less a
Friday when many liberals went into a state of ecstasy,
legal process than a political one.
most notably Joy Behar, over the fake news report by
Brian Ross of ABC News about "candidate" Trump
contacting the Russians which later that day had to be Passing articles of impeachment requires a majority of the
retracted. House. Were such a vote held today—even if every
Democrat voted yes—it would still require 22
Republicans. If Democrats take the House next fall, they
Despite the many setbacks in the impeachment push, most
could then pass articles of impeachment on their own. But
liberals seem to continue yearning for it as if Trump
ratifying those articles would require two-thirds of the
remaining in office would destroy their souls. Tom Steyer
Senate, which would probably require at least 15
even blew $20 million in impeachment ads in pursuit of it.
Republican votes.
Unfortunately for Steyer and his fellow impeachment
demanding liberals, contributing editor (and very very
liberal) Peter Beinart of Atlantic magazine has tossed cold That kind of mass Republican defection has grown harder,
water upon their future of impeachment on December 3 in not easier, to imagine. It’s grown harder because the last
six months have demonstrated that GOP voters will stick
with Trump despite his lunacy, and punish those
'The Odds of Impeachment Are Dropping.'
Republican politicians who do not.
Now that Michael Flynn has pleaded guilty to lying to the
Not to worry. Tom Steyer will continue to blow his money
FBI, and agreed to dish on his former boss, some Trump-
on his impeachment white whale.
watchers are suggesting that impeachment may be around
the corner.
Could Mueller or some enterprising
journalist uncover revelations so epic
“It’s time to start talking about
that they shake Trump’s hold on the
impeachment,” announced a Saturday
GOP, and give Republican senators
column on The Flynn deal,
cover to support his removal? It’s
declared former Deputy Assistant Attorney
General Harry Litman in Friday’s New York

After all, the vast majority of Alabama Republicans still that means removing a president is
support Roy Moore. Most conservatives consume pro- virtually impossible, even when he’s
Trump media, which will downplay or distort virtually Donald Trump.
anything Mueller or the mainstream press discovers. And
the more aggressively Democrats push for Trump’s And yet the MSM narrative engineers are sure to continue
removal, the easier it will be for Breitbart and Sean constructing their beloved scenario of the inevitability of
Hannity to rally Republicans against a “left-wing coup.” Trump removal from office via impeachment.

...But removing a president requires bipartisanship. And in

this ultra-partisan age,

Expert: Mueller ‘Now Conducting
An Impeachment Investigation’ Of Trump
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 4, 2017

“That means it is, as it has always been, an McCarthy noted further that if Mueller had evidence Flynn
impeachment investigation” and others were involved in a scheme — in this case, a
scheme to collude with the Russian government to
undermine Democrat Hillary Clinton’s campaign — then
Mueller would have charged them with that crime, not
allowing them to plead guilty to a minor “process crime”
of lying to FBI agents.

He said federal prosecutors are instructed under Justice

Department policy to charge defendants with the most
serious, yet provable, crimes.

So that means that, after more than a year’s worth of

(National Sentinel) Deep Swamp: A former federal investigating, there simply is no collusion to be found,
prosecutor and expert in counterintelligence probes said McCarthy said, which means trying to prove collusion was
following Michael Flynn’s guilty plea means special never Mueller’s focal point or strategy to begin with.
counsel Robert Mueller is no longer conducting a Russian
“collusion” investigation but rather “an impeachment
investigation.” “Bottom line: If the FBI had a collusion case of
some kind, after well over a year of intensive
investigation, Flynn and Papadopoulos would
Writing at National Review, Andrew McCarthy said that have been pressured to plead guilty to very
Mueller’s strategy all along has been to build a case for serious charges — and those serious offenses
impeaching President Donald J. Trump built primarily on would be reflected in the charges lodged
obstruction of justice regarding the firing of former FBI against Manafort,” he wrote.
Director James Comey.
“Obviously, the pleas and the indictment have
“For all practical purposes, the collusion probe nothing to do with collusion because Mueller
is over. While the ‘counterintelligence’ cover will has no collusion case,” he added. “Since there
continue to be exploited so that no jurisdictional is no collusion case, we can safely assume
limits are placed on Special Counsel Robert Mueller is primarily scrutinizing President Trump
Mueller, this is now an obstruction with an eye toward making a case of
investigation,” he wrote. obstructing an FBI investigation. This also
makes sense in light of the pleas that have
“That means it is, as it has always been, an been taken.”
impeachment investigation,” he added.
McCarthy, a senior fellow at the National Review Institute,
McCarthy went on to say that analysts who believe further explained that even if Trump fired Comey and
Mueller is attempting to build a “major case” against pressured others in the Justice Department in an effort to
Trump by accepting guilty pleas from Flynn and George protect Flynn and end the Russian investigation, it would
Papadopoulos for making false statements, and by have been within his power as president to do so.
indicting former campaign manager Paul Manafort on
charges unrelated to the 2016 election are incorrect. But, he added, Trump is disputing Comey’s sworn
testimony that the president pressured him, and the Russia
“That is simply not how it works, strategically or investigation never did end — it has been continued by
legally,” he wrote. Comey’s predecessor, Christopher Wray.

“Assuming I am correct about Mueller’s theory, the president,” McCarthy wrote. “Obstruction of
its fatal flaw as a vehicle for prosecution is the an FBI investigation may not be realistically
same as it has always been: As president, prosecutable in court, but there is congressional
Trump had incontestable power to exercise precedent — in the Nixon and Clinton situations
prosecutorial discretion and to fire the FBI — for obstruction to be a “high crime and
director,” McCarthy wrote. misdemeanor” triggering impeachment.
Undoubtedly, abuse of the pardon power would
“For argument’s sake, let’s assume the worst: also be an impeachable offense, even though it
Trump knew Flynn had lied to the FBI (i.e., that is not reviewable by the courts.
Flynn had committed at least one felony), and
he leaned on Comey to close the FBI’s probe. “I continue to believe that this is the real danger
Even with those assumptions, there is still no for President Trump: A report by the special
obstruction case.” counsel, either through the grand jury or some
other vehicle, concluding a) that the president
McCarthy suggests that Mueller, himself a former federal had obstructed the FBI’s investigation of Flynn
prosecutor and FBI director, understands all of that and is and of Trump-campaign collusion with Russia,
instead pushing for the appearance of impropriety by and (b) recommending that the matter be
Trump — so much that it compels Congress to begin referred to Congress for consideration of next
impeachment proceedings against him. steps, potentially including impeachment and
“Any powers can be abused. When executive
powers are abused, Congress retains the
constitutional authority to impeach and remove

WashPost's Rubin Complains
Media Were Not Tough Enough on Trump
By Brad Wilmouth
December 4, 2017 11:25 AM EST

On Sunday's AM Joy on MSNBC, as host Joy Reid held a Well, I don't think it's too much to conflate
discussion which tried to tie accusations of sexual it, and it happens also in what's not shown.
misbehavior against big media figures like NBC's Matt If there was enough coverage of Trump's --
Lauer with the dominant media allegedly being biased I don't even want to say "dalliances"
against Hillary Clinton, Washington Post columnist because that sounds trivial -- but really
Jennifer Rubin claimed that the media were not tough predatory behavior with women which was
enough on Donald Trump, and suggested they could have known before Access Hollywood -- if there
done more to throw the election to Clinton. was as much coverage of that as it was of
Hillary Clinton's emails, do we think the
Without offering any evidence that the dominant media election would have come out the same? I
skimped on informing viewers of sexual harassment don't.
accusations against Trump, Rubin complained that the
media did not spend as much time reporting on Trump's She then complained that the media had allowed Trump's
sexual misbehavior as on Clinton's handling of classified "normalization" as she continued:
information with her work email.
It was the willingness to ignore -- say, "Ah,
it's just about sex -- it's just about his
private life -- it doesn't have any relevance"
-- that contributed to Donald Trump's
normalization which was, I think, the
greatest sin of the media in the election --
treating him like a normal person running a
normal campaign saying normal things.
And the red light should have been flashing
on, and they should have been
investigating, you know, down to the 14-
year-olds who he was ogling outside the
Trump Tower, but it wasn't.
After the group discussed Lauer pressing Clinton on her
email, host Reid turned to Rubin and posed: The Washington Post columnist concluded:

There's just the level of disrespect for the And part of that is because of these misogynistic men, and
opinion of women that's one level of it all part of it is simply because there are not enough women in
the way up to the disrespect of women's positions of authority. If you had more women at the top, it
bodies, you know, along that range, but is it would have been less harassment, and it would have been
too much to conflate those two things and more coverage in a more gender neutral way.
say, "Wait a minute, this could actually
swing an election." Before moving to her next question, Reid agreed:

Rubin suggested that the media could have changed the "You're getting amens from here."
outcome of the presidential election if it had spent more
time on Trump's sexual misbehavior as she began:

In Major Victory For Trump,
Supreme Court Lets Travel Ban Take Full Effect
By Tyler Durden
Dec 4, 2017 5:12 PM

In a major victory for President Trump, the Supreme Court exemption in June when it partially
allowed his controversial travel ban to take full effect reinstated Trump’s 90-day ban on nationals
while legal challenges go forward, suggesting the court from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Sudan and
ultimately will uphold the restrictions, Bloomberg reports. Yemen. "

Previously, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and a federal When that order expired on Sept. 24, Trump issued new
district court in Maryland had said the president could only restrictions that eliminated Sudan but added Chad, North
block nationals from the six majority Muslim countries - Korea and individuals affiliated with certain government
Iran, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia and Chad - if they agencies in Venezuela. The lower court bans did not block
lacked a bona fide relationship with a person or entity in the restrictions on Venezuelan officials or immigrants from
the United States. The high court’s decision now puts North Korea.
those rulings on hold. As a result, Trump will now be
allowed to bar entry by people from six mostly Muslim The Trump administration argued that a lot has changed
countries - even if they have a relationship with a U.S.- since June, with Solicitor General Noel Francisco arguing
based person or institution, but more importantly, and the that
reason why Trump is about to gloat on Twitter, this marks
the first time the Supreme Court has let his entry
“multiple government agencies have conducted
restrictions take full effect. a comprehensive, worldwide review of the
information shared by foreign governments that
In two identical orders, Supreme Court justices effectively is used to screen aliens seeking entry to the
superseded a compromise reached in June, when they United States.”
allowed an earlier version of the ban take partial effect
while exempting people with a "bona fide" U.S. “Based on that review, the proclamation adopts
connection. tailored entry restrictions to address extensive
findings that a handful of particular foreign
As Bloomberg adds, the new orders apply for governments have deficient information-sharing
the remainder of the appeals process, and identity-management practices, or other
including possible Supreme Court review. risk factors.”

In its orders Monday, the Supreme Court said it expects The administration argued that the newest version of the
the appeals courts to rule "with appropriate dispatch." ban, announced on Sept. 24, was put in place only after
national security officials thoroughly reviewed vetting
Only justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor procedures on a country-by-country basis. The Department
said they would have denied the government’s request, of Homeland Security would be able to add or remove
without giving an explanation. travel restrictions on countries as conditions change.

As The Hill writes, Not all hope is lost for the resistance however: the new
Supreme Court orders does not directly address the merits
"the state of Hawaii and the International of the legal challenges. Separately, two federal appeals
Refugee Assistance Project challenged Trump’s courts are scheduled to hear arguments this week. The high
latest ban, arguing the Supreme Court court could agree to consider appeals later, perhaps soon
carved out the same bona fide relationship enough for a ruling during the current term that ends in

Washington Examiner’s ‘Mainstream
Media Scream’ With The MRC’s Assessment
By Brent Baker
December 4, 2017 5:07 PM EST

(For more of the worst liberal media bias, browse the

MRC's Notable Quotables with an every other week
compilation of the latest outrageous, sometimes humorous,
quotes in the liberal media.)

■ New on December 4: Mainstream Scream: ‘The

View’ cheers false story on Trump, ‘Lock him up!’

I’ll add text and video here next week, but so

the Washington Examiner gets the traffic for their post
when it’s fresh, please read Paul Bedard’s post on their site
Since late January of 2012, the Washington Examiner’s where you can watch the video and add a comment to
Paul Bedard has once a week featured a “Mainstream share your assessment.
Media Scream” selection in his “Washington Secrets”
column. For each pick, usually posted online on Monday, I
■ November 27: Mainstream Scream: MSNBC features
provide an explanation and recommend a “scream” rating
pollster calling GOP ‘domestic terror group’
(scale of one to five).

(Washington Examiner post)

This post contains the “Mainstream Media Screams”
starting in July 2017.
This week’s Mainstream Media Scream features
MSNBC’s AM Joy show giving airtime to a Democratic,
“Mainstream Media Screams” for:
pro-Clinton consultant and pollster that called the
Republican Party “pro-pedophilia,” “anti-children,” and
 January through June 2017; ultimately a “domestic terror group.”
 July to December 2016;
 for January to June 2016; The trifecta of hate on the GOP came from Fernand
 for July to December 2015; Amandi who was on Saturday’s AM Joy reacting to
 for January to June 2015. supposed Republican resistance to extending a health
 (2012-2014 are featured on insurance program for children.
 For 2014; for June 17,
 2013 through the end of 2013. Amandi:
 And for January 31,
 2012 through June 11, 2013, when the Washington “Is it any surprise that the party that is pro-
Examiner was both online and a printed daily pay-for-play, pro-Putin, and now with Roy
newspaper distributed around the Washington, DC Moore, pro-pedophilia, the fact that they’re
area.) anti-children, is that any surprise? I don’t
think it is. And I think, Joy, this is
emblematic — this CHIP [Children’s Health
Insurance Program] scenario where you
mentioned nine million children -- children -
- without health insurance.
“I think if you take a step back, one has to
Check Bedard’s “Washington Secrets” blog for the latest
ask themselves -- and I think the American
choice and his other Washington insider posts. Each week,
people should ask themselves the broader
this page will be updated with Bedard’s latest example of
question: What has the Republican party,
the worst bias of the week.
in the last ten years, done to help the
American people? What have they done?
This is not a political party -- this is a the rich. Every time I go on different
domestic terror group. And I think what the networks, and you may understand who
American people should consider when those are, they accuse us of raising taxes
they ask themselves that question -- with a on the rich. So I think it looks — depends
party that has done nothing to help the on how you want to look at it.”
American people -- is to vote them out and
consider possibly afterwards locking them Andrea Mitchell:
up, Joy.”
“We’re not taking a political point of view
here. We are actually going by nonpartisan
groups like the Committee for a
Responsible Federal Budget, all the impact
on the exploding deficit which will impact
future generations.”

Excerpt 2

“Do you believe that the women who’ve
come out against Roy Moore are credible?”
Media Research Center Vice President of Research Brent
Baker explains our weekly pick: Mulvaney:
“I believe they’re credible. I don’t know who
“MSNBC has outdone itself, allowing a to believe. Again, I'm at the Office of
guest, whom host Joy Reid did not Management and Budget–”
challenge, to characterize the political party
in power as a ‘terror group.’ That’s just
plain revolting and one more piece of “You don’t believe them?”
evidence MSNBC is more of a left-wing Mulvaney:
political operation than any kind of
journalistic enterprise.” “No, I said they’re credible. I don’t know
who to believe. And I do think, as the
Rating: Five out of five screams. president said, that voters should decide.”
Mitchell: “If they’re credible. Why wouldn’t
■ November 20: Mainstream Scream: Andrea Mitchell, you believe them?”
‘I Have No Political Axe to Grind’ Mulvaney:
“Andrea, I run the Office of Management
(Washington Examiner post)
and Budget in Washington, D.C. You work
for NBC News in Washington, D.C. My
This week’s Mainstream Media Scream features NBC’s guess is we’ve not spent that much time
Andrea Mitchell, hosting Sunday’s Meet the Press, and looking at the specifics of these allegations.
insisting that she has “no political axe to grind” during You’ve arrived at a certain conclusion
contentious questioning of White House budget director because of a certain political persuasion.
Mick Mulvaney over the tax reform package and Alabama We’re simply–”
Republican senatorial candidate Roy Moore.
Mulvaney challenged her bias, and she said “Not because of a political persuasion at
all. I’m -- I am simply asking whether you
“we’re not taking a political point of view believe that they are credible. They have
here” and “I have no political axe to grind.” been out in public. They have spoken on
the record. Some were brought, some
stories were brought out by Alabama
Excerpt 1
journalists in the local newspapers down
there, not just by the Washington Post. And
Mick Mulvaney: I have no political axe to grind here other
than to ask you whether you believe they
“So I laugh every time I come on networks are credible.”
like this, they accuse us of cutting taxes on
administration announced its pullout from
the Paris climate deal. There is an
enthusiastic American delegation at this
U.N. conference, but Washington didn’t
send it. State and city governments and
businessmen like Michael Bloomberg

Media Research Center Vice President of Research Brent

Baker explains our weekly pick:

“No one is buying Mitchell’s denials. She’s

just upset that a guest called her out on her
obvious political agenda, with her
questioning exactly matching Democratic
talking points. Score one for the Trump
team in highlighting an all too typical media Media Research Center Vice President of Research Brent
Baker explains our weekly pick:

Rating: Four out of five screams. “As if the world must really be ‘saved’ and
one action by Trump impedes that. This
kind of story makes it much harder to take
■ November 14: Mainstream Scream: CBS says ‘saving journalists seriously, with such an over the
the world’ harder under Trump top fear-mongering about an unenforced
international deal instead of a little
(Washington Examiner post) skepticism directed at the presumptions of
liberal scaremongers.”
This week’s Mainstream Media Scream features a CBS
anchor and reporter blaming President Trump, in office for Rating: Three out of five screams.
a little over seven months, for destroying the earth with his
environmental plans. ■ November 6: Mainstream Scream: Brokaw frets
Donna Brazile’s expose ‘beyond counterproductive’
From the top of a story on Monday’s CBS Evening News:
(Washington Examiner post)
Anchor Anthony Mason:
This week’s Mainstream Media Scream was probably
“At a U.N. climate conference in Germany pretty easy to predict after former Democratic Party Chair
today, the Trump administration talked up Donna Brazile spilled the beans on the the party’s
fossil fuels, including coal. That puts the disfunction and 2016 rigging for Hillary Rodham Clinton.
U.S. at odds with 194 other nations, but
some American entrepreneurs and On cue, the mainstream media, especially on network TV,
politicians want to make sure the portrayed the long-time Democratic strategist and former
administration does not have the final word. Al Gore campaign manager as hurting the party.
Mark Phillips reports.”
Leading the charge was NBC News journalist Tom
Video of a group of kids: Brokaw who fretted over how the “internecine fight”
would hurt Democrats. He tried to discredit Brazile as
“Save the world! Save the World!” someone known for “ready, fire, aim” attacks and, noting
how Democrats are “trying to win congressional races,” he
Reporter Mark Phillips: called her timing “beyond counterproductive.”

“Despite the kids’ demonstration, saving Brokaw on the Sunday, November 5 Meet the Press hosted
the world has been harder since the Trump by Chuck Todd:

“I think this is a manifestation of all that is things happening in American politics
wrong with the Democratic Party, frankly. I today. I mean, if you watched the opinion
mean, this is a time they ought to be talking shows on Fox News this week, you might
about the future and they ought to be have thought Hillary Clinton was president,
organizing themselves about what they not Trump, Clinton.
want to do for the country. Except we go
“Here is how the campaign of confusion
back and we’ve got this internecine fight works: First, The Hill newspaper revived a
going on about something that happened
relatively old story about Russian efforts to
some time ago. Donna is well-known, as
gain influence in the American uranium
you all know, for kind of ‘ready, fire, aim’ on industry during the Obama administration.
a lot of the stuff that she does. [Chuck
Fox became fixated on this story and the
Todd laughs] But to go back over this now
messaging was clear, the Russian
when they’re trying to win congressional
investigations were recast as a scandal for
races and trying to get ready for ‘18 seems,
Clinton and the Dems....
to me, to be beyond counterproductive.”
“Finally, Fox has found the real Russia
scandal. That’s how it’s portrayed.
Uranium, uranium, uranium. Now, Fox got
help from Republicans on Capitol Hill who
announced fresh investigations into the
uranium issue. And then President Trump
picked up on it. But Clinton is overall a
convenient boogie man.
“Look, there may be something
newsworthy here. I will leave that to the
“But in right-wing media, this uranium story
Media Research Center Vice President of Research Brent blotted out the sun! And it fit a pattern
Baker explains our weekly pick: we’ve seen before. Trump's media allies
downplay, deflect and deny stories that are
trouble for the White House. Instead, they
“Brokaw has demonstrated once again how
tell viewers and readers to hate Hillary
he’s more of a Democratic partisan than
any kind of independent journalist. When
Senator Bob Corker condemned President
Trump I don’t recall Brokaw lamenting how
that could hurt the Republican agenda.”

Rating: Four out of five screams.

■ October 30: Mainstream Scream: CNN raises the

Trump Media Conspiracy Theory

(Washington Examiner post)

This week’s Mainstream Media Scream features CNN

spelling out a Trump administration “campaign of Media Research Center Vice President of Research Brent
confusion” to obscure misdeeds. Baker explains our weekly pick:

From the Sunday, October 29 Reliable Sources on CNN. “‘Look, there may be something
newsworthy here. I will leave that to the
experts.’ That’s quite an admission from
Host Brian Stelter:
Stelter. But, apparently, if the investigative
reporting doesn’t match CNN’s narrow,
“Defending President Trump can be hard to anti-Trump agenda, it’s a ‘campaign of
do, so some of his allies in the media don't confusion’? This from a network which
even bother trying. Instead, they just spends entire prime times obsessed with
change the subject. This is a campaign of every minor news blip about Trump. Talk
confusion. It is one of the most important about the pot calling the kettle black.”
Rating: Four out of five screams. ‘Reagan Democrats,' both precursors of
how Trump won."
■ October 23: Mainstream Scream: ABC analyst
claims Reagan’s party ‘is gone’ Rating: Three out of five screams.

(Washington Examiner post) ■ October 16: Mainstream Scream: CNN’s Cuomo

dubs Trump ‘emperor’
This week's Mainstream Media Scream features a top ABC
analyst who believes that the Republican Party would no (Washington Examiner post)
longer welcome its iconic leaders, Teddy Roosevelt,
Abraham Lincoln or Ronald Reagan. This week's Mainstream Media Scream features CNN
morning host Chris Cuomo pressing a top Republican to
Despite so many Republicans wrapping themselves in the say that President Trump is acting like "an emperor" with
legacy of Reagan, ABC's Matthew Dowd said on Sunday's his executive actions on Obamacare.
This Week that the party is gone.
Noting that Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, once suggested that
After we posted, Dowd tweeted us that it's the same on the Obama was an emperor for his actions, Cuomo demanded
other side. the lawmaker to make the same claim about Trump.

"More than two years ago I said Dems He said on his Friday show: "Jim, why aren't you saying
wouldn't nominate JFK." that the president is acting like an emperor and that his job
is to execute laws that are passed, not write his own and
Dowd on This Week: that Congress must hold him to account for doing so?"

"I think that what has to be recognized now,

by Republicans and many conservatives
who have resisted Donald Trump, is that
the Republican Party as they know it is
gone. This is a party that would never
nominate Lincoln again, would never
nominate Teddy Roosevelt. Certainly
wouldn't nominate Ronald Reagan in this.
And that party is gone. They might as well
get H.G. Wells on the line, get back in a
time machine, and find the party that they
think still exists. It's gone."
Media Research Center Vice President of Research Brent
Baker explains our weekly pick:

"Cuomo seems oblivious to the obvious

difference between Obama imposing an
unconstitutional order, which appropriated
money without congressional approval, and
Trump undoing that improper action. If
anyone acted like an emperor, it was

Rating: Four out of five screams.

Media Research Center Vice President of Research Brent
Baker explains our weekly pick: ■ October 9: Mainstream Scream: WaPo boss says
media not ‘cozy’ with Obama
"As if all political parties don't change over
time. Would today's Democratic Party (Washington Examiner post)
nominate John F. Kennedy, who was well
to the right of today's party? As for Reagan, This week's Mainstream Media Scream features
he won as a vocal conservative willing to Washington Post Executive Editor Marty Baron on CNN's
take on his opponents and with the help of
Reliable Sources on Sunday, October 8 decrying the "very Interviewing Quinn, the former wife of the late
hostile atmosphere" with the Trump administration. Washington Post Executive Editor Ben Bradlee, and now a
blogger on religion for the newspaper, Matthews cackled:
But he also argued that that the media's relationship with "What I liked is the hexes of course. How can I not like the
the Obama administration wasn't "cozy" either. fact you knocked off some people just by wishing them
"They've created a very hostile
atmosphere. It's not that we had such a Matthews on the Friday, September 29 Hardball:
wonderful relationship with the previous
administration. There's sometimes an "Sally Quinn has always been one of the
assumption that the press had a warm, most frightening people in Washington.
cozy relationship with the Obama Glamorous, yes, I'll give you that -- but
administration. That wasn't the case. when you wrote for the Washington Post,
"We had a lot of conflicts with the Obama when you went after people like Steve
administration. And you may recall that Martindale or what's-his-name, Hamilton
they had more leak investigations against -- Jordan -- they died. You wrote these huge -
- I used to read them on the bus, these
involving the press than all previous
administrations combined. So, there wasn't gigantic takeout pieces in the Washington
a warm relationship. But it' been, there's Post -- when your husband was running the
been a hostility, I think, fomented by the paper, which is a hugely successful paper -
administration over the course of the - the Washington Post, it crackled with
campaign, and certainly during the course excitement.
of the administration. That makes it "And now you write a book where you say,
difficult." ‘If you think I was scary as a reporter, I can
put a hex on you.' Talk about the spiritual
power of wishing someone to die. How's
that work? This is a book you got to read
because it's the only book I've read about
D.C. and the spiritual power that comes
alive with a really smart person with strong
"But the parts I liked to read -- I got them in
galley form -- what I liked is the hexes of
course. How can I not like the fact you
knocked off some people just by wishing
them evil?"
Media Research Center Vice President of Research Brent
Baker explains our weekly pick: "So, per Baron, the
Obama administration was hostile to journalists and the
Trump team is too, but in his alternate universe the media
didn't have a ‘warm relationship' with Obama. Yet, it's the
Trump team's hostility to the press corps which has caused
the media's antagonism toward Trump. That's some

Rating: Four out of five screams.

■ October 2: Mainstream Scream: Hardball Matthews’

delights in Sally Quinn’s hexes Media Research Center Vice President of Research Brent
Baker explains our weekly pick:
(Washington Examiner post)
"No matter how lighthearted Matthews
This week's Mainstream Media Scream features MSNBC treated the topic, in a time of such political
Hardball host Chris Matthews delighting in the revelation vitriol, how wise is it to laugh about a
from Washington Post's Sally Quinn in her new book, journalist who boasts about putting deadly
Finding Magic: A Spiritual Memoir, that she put hexes on hexes on political leaders? Matthews would
have been better advised to have played a who are angry millionaire players would
little hardball with her on Hardball." disrespect the national anthem of a nation
which has provided such opportunities."
Rating: Three out of five screams.
Rating: Four out of five screams.
■ September 25: Mainstream Scream: NBC guest calls
National Anthem ‘white supremacist’ ■ New on September 18: Mainstream Scream: CNN’s
Stelter sees victim in ESPN not Trump
(Washington Examiner post)
(Washington Examiner post)
This week's Mainstream Media Scream features the
Trump-inspired debate over the National Anthem and NFL This week's Mainstream Media Scream features CNN
players taking a knee to protest it. Reliable Sources host Brian Stelter suggesting that ESPN
and host Jemele Hill, who tweeted "white supremacist" at
It came Sunday on Meet the Press during an exchange Donald Trump were a victim of rivals.
over President Trump's comments between National
Review editor Rich Lowry and Detroit Free Press editorial On his Sunday show, he said:
page editor Stephen Henderson:
"The world's biggest sports network, ESPN,
Rich Lowry of National Review: "He's not is in the crosshairs after SportsCenter host
randomly attacking these players. He is Jemele Hill tweeted that President Trump is
attacking them because they're kneeling a white supremacist. Hill prompted new
during the national anthem. And the conversations about whether the U.S.
national anthem is not a white supremacist president is a racist. So, why did this
symbol. And the President has become-" particular tweet back on Monday, made on
Hill's personal account, catch fire and
Stephen Henderson, Detroit Free Press:
become a week-long story?
"Some of the words of the national anthem
are white supremacist." "After all, she's not the first to call Trump a
racist or white supremacist. And this is far
Lowry: "You think the national anthem is
from the first time members of the media or
news outlets have questioned Trump's
Henderson: "I think this is a country whose complicated relationship with white
history is racist, whose history is steeped in supremacy. You can see these recent
white supremacy, and the anthem reflects magazine covers all published in the wake
that in its very words, in verses we don't of the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia.
sing anymore."
"There's a couple things going on here that
we should be honest about. Number one:
This controversy gave conservative media
like rival Fox Sports -- ESPN's wanna-be
rival Fox Sports – the opportunity to cast
ESPN as the liberal enemy. We also saw
President Trump and his White House
Press Secretary Sarah Sanders addressing
this controversy, being asked about it. It
seemed the White House embraced this
fight. Perhaps another example of media
"So, there's a lot of dynamics at play here,
Media Research Center Vice President of Research Brent including ESPN's social media policies.
Baker explains our weekly pick: And we're going to get into that with two
top newsroom leaders. But maybe we
"Henderson well reflects the racial should call this was what it is: It's media
obsession of those given such prominence bashing of another color....”
in the media, who see the bad in America
before the good, and see everything
through a racial prism. They have disdain
for the millions, for whom Trump speaks,
him out there floating and the flotsam and
jetsam and all this stuff that Fox News did
and all those folks. You know, there have
been very few eight years of one party and
eight years of the same party. It doesn't
generally go back to back. The last time I
think was Nixon and whoever came in after
him was the last. Ford. And he pardoned.
That was the last time we had a long
stretch when it wasn't Democrat,
Republican, Democrat, Republican. So
given all the crap that Obama had to sort of
eat from his own party, I don't think Bernie
Media Research Center Vice President of Research Brent was going to -- I don't think any Democrat
Baker explains our weekly pick: "Stelter holds himself as was going to – people were going to vote...
some sort of independent media critic, but in framing
ESPN and Hill as the victims of unfair attacks from "The truth of the matter is, if this election
conservatives, he placed himself clearly with those on the happened in any other country the way it
left who presume an illegitimacy to media criticism from happened here, we would have sent
those on the right. Looking at ESPN's liberal political people to go and check to see what was
correctness, and hypocrisy in how they treat political going on. We will never know. We'll never
comments from staff, would have been the main focus for know. We'll never know....
a true media critic." "But we don't know that she did lose fair
and square. See that's the thing. That's
Rating: Four out of five screams. what I'm saying."

■ September 11: Mainstream Scream: Whoopi

Goldberg asks if Clinton’s loss was ‘fair and square’

(Washington Examiner post)

2016 presidential runner-up Hillary Rodham Clinton still

can't get over losing to President Trump, and apparently
neither can her fans.

Whoopi Goldberg is first among them and is this week's

Mainstream Media Scream featured example of the
alternative thinking by the Left's media stars. Media Research Center Vice President of Research Brent
Baker explains our weekly pick:
Ahead of the release of Hillary Clinton's book about why
she lost the 2016 presidential election, on ABC's The If Goldberg wants to convince anybody
View on Friday, Goldberg blamed Clinton's loss on Fox there's anything to her unusual analysis
News Channel attacks on former President Barack Obama about how ‘we'll never know' if Hillary really
and offered a very confused history of when candidates lost – blaming Fox News attacks on
have succeeded a two-term president of their own party. Obama, for instance, for somehow leading
to Trump's victory – she should first bone
She then suggested nefarious things occurred as she up on recent American history. Her big film,
asserted "if this election happened in any other country the Sister Act, was released during the
way it happened here, we would have sent people to go presidency of Republican George H.W.
and check to see what was going on" before declaring: Bush who had succeeded two-term
"We don't know that she did lose fair and square." Republican President Ronald Reagan."

Goldberg on ABC's The View on September 8: Rating: Four out of five screams.

"She's not the president. But let's be ■ September 5: Mainstream Scream: MSNBC guest
realistic. Do you really think she was going hits Trump’s ‘white supremacy agenda’
to win? Based on everything that the
Democrats did when they let Obama -- left (Washington Examiner post)
This week's Mainstream Media Scream features an where she wrote, for example, that the
MSNBC guest slapping President Trump's decision to end "unleashing of the fossil energy sector that
the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Mr. Trump has championed could have
program. repercussions more immediate than the
global climate. In Houston, predominantly
During Labor Day's MSNBC Live, frequent MSNBC guest African-American neighborhoods like
Karine Jean-Pierre, a lecturer at Columbia University, Sunnyside and Pleasantville have been
national spokesman for and ex-deputy dealing with pollution from the energy
campaign manager for Barack Obama, tried to discredit sector for years."
repealing DACA by charging:
On TV Monday, she added:
"We're hearing tomorrow that he might, he
might do away with DACA, which is "I should say I just was reporting in
another moral line that he would be Galveston, Texas, and my story was
crossing, which is something that would be focused on climate change and on the idea
enforcing -- advancing a white supremacy that middle class and poor people would be
agenda, and also against what the majority some of the first people hurt by climate
of Americans want." change and there's this idea that these
storms, these hurricanes are getting worse
and worse, scientists say, and that working
class and poor people, poor people that
voted for Donald Trump, that are excited
about his presidency, that thought his
presidency was going to improve their
lives, that these are the same people who
can't afford to get in their car and drive four
or five hours or can't afford a hotel room to
try to escape these floods."

Media Research Center Vice President of Research Brent

Baker explains our weekly pick:

"‘White supremacy agenda' is the new way

to smear those holding views contrary to
the liberal/media narrowly-defined
‘diversity' agenda. Sad that MSNBC
welcomes those so eager to silence
opposition through baseless claims of
racism instead of addressing the specifics
of the policy." Media Research Center Vice President of Research Brent
Baker explains our weekly pick:
Rating: Four out of five screams.
"Alcindor reminds me of the old headline
■ August 29: Mainstream Scream: Hurricane Harvey mocking the New York Times:
was Trump’s fault ‘World to End Tomorrow, Minorities and
Poor Hardest Hit.' Her real article could be
(Washington Examiner post) headlined: ‘Climate Change to End the
World, Trump Voters Hardest Hit.' As if a
This week's Mainstream Media Scream features a New Hillary Clinton presidency, or different
York Times reporter who concludes that Hurricane policies from Trump, would have prevented
Harvey, storming through the Gulf Coast, is hurting Hurricane Harvey or would really impact
President Trump's supporters and that he isn't helping them hurricane formation in the foreseeable
in avoiding climate change policies. future."

On MSNBC Monday, Times reporter Rating: Five out of five screams.

Yamiche Alcindor discussed her story

■ August 21: Mainstream Scream: CNN doubts
Trump’s fitness, ‘crazy, unhinged’

(Washington Examiner post)

This week's Mainstream Media Scream features CNN's

media analyst wondering aloud if President Trump has an
illness that makes him unfit for office, crazy even.

Brian Stelter, host of CNN's Reliable Sources, opened

Sunday's show by maintaining

"this is not a normal week so this is not a Media Research Center Vice President of Research Brent
normal show. President Trump's actions Baker explains our weekly pick:
and inactions in the wake of Charlottesville
are provoking some uncomfortable "Can you say ‘projection'? The media have
conversations, mostly off the air if we're hardly been ‘tiptoeing' around their
being honest." condemnation of the Trump presidency, but
he's still in office so, it seems, activist
He then contended: journalists like Stelter think they've failed
and must prod their colleagues to step it up
"In discussions among friends and family by calling Trump ill and unfit. They're just
and debates on social media, people are alienating themselves further from much of
questioning the president's fitness. But America."
these conversations are happening in
newsrooms and TV studios as well. It's Rating: Five out of five screams.
usually after the microphones are off, of
after the stories been filed, after the paper ■ August 14: Mainstream Scream: ABC’s Cokie
has been put to bed, people's concerns Roberts blames Trump, Sessions for violence
and fears and questions come out.
Questions that often feel out of bounds, off (Washington Examiner post)
limits, too hot for TV.
This week's Mainstream Media Scream could have picked
Questions like these: any of dozens of media figures decrying President Trump's
words and his administration's actions for what happened
"Is the president of the United States a in Charlottesville, Va. But only one, ABC's Cokie Roberts
racist? Is he suffering from some kind of pointed the blame at the president and Attorney General
illness? Is he fit for office? [long pause] And Jeff Sessions.
if he's unfit, then what?
"These are upsetting, polarizing questions On the Sunday after Saturday's deadly clash, she claimed
that are uncomfortable to ask. But we in the that Trump "has to share responsibility." She also blamed
national news media can't pretend like our Attorney General Jeff Sessions for going "backward" on
readers have viewers aren't already asking. race issues, charging:
They are asking. This is how deep the
country's divide has really become. "He's saying ‘let's keep voting rights
"My impression is that since President suppressed.' He's doing a lot of things that
Trump's inauguration, there's been a lot of send signals to these white supremacists."
tiptoeing going on. His actions have been
described as unpresidential, as unhinged, During the roundtable on the August 13 This Week on
and sometimes even crazy." ABC:

"The president has to share responsibility. The fact is that

through that campaign, he blew all kind of whistles that
those of us who grew up in the Jim Crow south, like I did,
recognized immediately. It was just calling out to these
white supremacists who then felt empowered by it. And
the President now not calling them out....
"This is also a really watershed moment for President Richard Nixon during the Watergate scandal, so
the Justice Department. Because it's not no surprise Trump's base is sticking with him, Matthews
just categorizing these hate crimes. Jeff opined:
Sessions has gone backwards on a lot of
these things having to do with race. Taking "I think part of that is the loss of
a look at the Obama federal investigations newspapers in many parts of the country. I
of how police treat people of color. He's was out — no, I was just out in the west
saying, ‘let's not do that anymore.' He's with my wife. We were driving around, you
saying ‘let's keep voting rights suppressed.' know, in Colorado and Utah and Wyoming.
He's doing a lot of things that send signals There's no local big serious newspaper in
to these white supremacists." the — the Denver papers, they're — you
don't pick it up in the morning when you go
down the driveway or whatever, the
mailbox — there's not a newspaper that
tells you what's going to nationally. There
are local newspapers that are okay but the
days where people had a pretty good
newspaper to read. So, how are you going
to keep up with Russia? Even if you're
slightly interested it there's no story to read.
That's a fact."

Media Research Center Vice President of Research Brent

Baker explains our weekly pick:

"Journalists, who are so anathema to tying

Democrats to far left violence, are all too
eager to blame Republicans for far right
violence, at least partly absolving those
who have committed the violent acts. In
this case, Roberts smeared Sessions for
promoting standard conservative policies,
thus trying to discredit them as somehow Media Research Center Vice President of Research Brent
racist." Baker explains our weekly pick:

Rating: Five out of five screams. "It took until 2017 for Matthews to notice
the decline in newspaper circulation which
■ August 7: Mainstream Scream: Hardball’s Matthews has led to fewer and smaller printed
frets lack of Trump-Russia news newspapers? And hasn't he heard of the
Internet? There's more news available than
(Washington Examiner post) ever to the people of Colorado, Utah and
Wyoming, so say nothing of channels like
CNN and MSNBC which are obsessed
This week's Mainstream Media Scream features MSNBC withe the supposed Russia ‘scandal.' I
Hardball host Chris Matthews worried that non urban guess he realizes, correctly, few watch his
America, where big city liberal newspapers are AWOL, is program."
missing out on the Russia scandal because small local
papers cover, well, local news.
Rating: Three out of five screams.
While all polls showing that most people get their news
from TV, where the Russia story is hot and heavy, ■ August 1: Mainstream Scream: Brian Williams hails
Matthews told of traveling out west where the newspapers GOP ‘courage’ to keep Obamacare
are thin on national news. That, he explained, is a reason
why Trump voters still support the president. (Washington Examiner post)

On his Thursday show, and after New York Times reporter This week's Mainstream Media Scream features MSNBC
Jeremy Peters pointed out Republicans stuck with former host Brian Williams as the example of the media cooing

over Sen. John McCain and the other GOP senators who
killed the party's promise to repeal and replace Obamacare.

After the defeat early Friday morning of the final

opportunity in the Senate to move toward repealing
Obamacare, Williams hailed McCain as a "profile in
courage" for voting no, despite the fact the Arizona senator
campaigned on a promise to repeal the law.

Later in the day, he touted McCain's "moment of moral

courage," and also praised the "courage" of the two other
Republican senators who voted no, wondering with some
hope: "Is that kind of courage, for people cheering them Media Research Center Vice President of Research Brent
on, going to be contagious?" Baker explains the pick:

Williams on MSNBC at 2 AM EDT Friday morning, just "The very definition of outrageous liberal
after the vote: bias. Can you imagine Williams heaping
such praise on McCain if his vote was the
"We'll leave this hour quoting Sen. Chris one which enabled the Senate to repeal
Murphy, Democrat of Connecticut, saying ‘I Obamacare? Of course not. But betray a
ran into John McCain as we walked promise made to your constituents in order
underground to the Senate for the final to advance a liberal goal and you earn the
vote. Someday, I'll get to tell my grandkids media's adoration."
what he said to me.' The words of John
McCain, who was indeed a profile in Rating: Five out of five screams.
courage tonight, along with two women in
the Republican caucus, Senator from
■ July 24: Mainstream Scream: Now CNN says
Maine, Murkowski — Senator from Alaska,
Trump’s ‘rhetoric’ is a scandal
Murkowski — Senator from Maine, Collins."

(Washington Examiner post)

Then, about 21 hours later, on MSNBC's The 11th Hour
with Brian Williams, he offered a dramatic recounting of
McCain's vote: This week's Mainstream Media Scream features a classic
TV duel between CNN "Reliable Sources" host Brian
Stelter and senior Trump counselor Kellyanne Conway.
"In the well of the Senate, it came down to
one very dramatic moment. Senator John
McCain walks in, asks to be recognized, Called out by presidential counselor Kellyanne Conway to
raises that right arm broken three different name the "big scandals" of the Trump administration,
places in North Vietnam, a quick indicator Stelter, on Sunday's Reliable Sources, cited President
with a thumbs down. The Democrats briefly Trump's "demagogic behavior when it comes to the
react, Senator Schumer waives off any media." The CNN host insisted that when Trump "calls
verbal reaction. But with that, it was done. real news outlets fake news, he poisons our public
Seven years of talk about repeal and discourse" and "makes it harder for us to trust each other."
replace done in one hand gesture.
From the July 23 Reliable Sources on CNN, after Conway
"Our panel remains with us and we'll go to
complained about the media's obsession with Russia as
Charlie Sykes. Charlie, much was made of
they undercover other important administration
that moment, a moment of moral courage,
a man staring down his own mortality yet
again, not the first time in his life. But let's
also talk about the courage of Murkowski of BRIAN STELTER: But journalists also
Alaska and Collins of Maine, because recognize there are big scandals going on.
without those two women, there is no KELLYANNE CONWAY: What scandals
moment like that for John McCain. My are going on? Brian, name them. Go
question to you: Is that kind of courage, for ahead, I'll sit here, I want to hear about.
people cheering them on, going to be No, you can't get away with that. What are
contagious?" the, quote, "big scandals" going on?
Please, name them for me.

STELTER: When you look at this being undermined because there's a "right wing press that
president's rhetoric, his demagogic is not concerned about facts."
behavior when it comes to the media–
CONWAY: His rhetoric is a scandal? He appeared on Sunday's Reliable Sources show on CNN
to hit the media that isn't onboard with all the Post's
STELTER: Yes, it actually is. But the more "scandal" reporting on President Trump.
important scandals–
CONWAY: It is? His rhetoric is a scandal? Downie:
STELTER: –are what happened before --
you don't think that his words against the "There's so much more media now than
media are poison, Kellyanne, actually there was then. For a long time, the Post
hurting the country on a daily basis? was alone on the Watergate story. There
were — it was a whole string of editors,
CONWAY: Wait, his rhetoric is a scandal?
including myself, who vetted all the stories,
STELTER: When he calls real news outlets who would challenge Bob and Carl on
fake, when he calls real news outlets fake whether or not the conclusions they were
news, he poisons our public discourse. It drawing were the right conclusions to draw
makes it harder for us to communicate as a from the facts.
country, it makes it harder for us to trust
"And we were able to do that without —
each other.
without other things going on. And there
was no Internet then. There was no cable
television. And there was no — there was
no competing press of the kind that there is
now. There's a sort of a right wing press
that is not concerned about facts. It
constantly attacks the legitimate reporting
that's going on. None of that was present

Media Research Center Vice President of Research Brent

Baker explains the pick:

"Talk about a lack of self-awareness. CNN,

and the MSM, long ago lost the trust of
much of the public because they so
obviously favored liberals and denigrated
conservatives. Trump is not the cause of
distrust in the media or a poisoning of Media Research Center Vice President of Research Brent
discourse, but someone who successfully Baker explains the pick:
exploited the table set by too many
politically-driven journalists." "Ah yes, the good old days when we few
media oligarchs controlled the news
Rating: Five out of five screams. agenda without those meddlesome
conservatives having any voice. What
■ July 17: Mainstream Scream: WaPo vet hits scandal- chutzpah. Incredibly, Downie really seems
shunning ‘competing press’ to believe the challenge to media credibility
does not come from any of the major media
outlets which distort news to the left, but
(Washington Examiner post)
from a few conservative one which arose to
counter them."
This week's Mainstream Media Scream features Len
Downie, former executive editor of the Washington Post
Rating: Four out of five screams.
and an editor during the Watergate era, bemoaning how
the proliferation in media outlets means that now, unlike
during Watergate, coverage of supposed Trump scandals is
■ July 10: Mainstream Scream: Lupica says right now than Vladimir Putin is. If he gets
McConnell more a threat than Putin this thing through, it attacks so many
people in this country who will end up,
(Washington Examiner post) eventually, without health care and without
health insurance."
This week's Mainstream Media Scream features New York
Daily News and MSNBC regular Mike Lupica blasting the
GOP Obamacare repeal plan, claiming that Senate
Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is more dangerous than
Russian President Vladimir Putin.

On MSNBC Monday, he referenced his column in which

he wrote:

"To the 22 million Americans who will be

without health insurance by 2026 if this bill
passes, it actually makes McConnell and
all the 12 other angry men in the room who Media Research Center Vice President of Research Brent
helped him draft this bill a lot more Baker explains the pick:
dangerous than even a bum like Vladimir
Putin." "Lupica is a ‘sports' columnist in name only,
putting politics ahead of sports. In this
He repeated that while on MSNBC's Live with Stephanie case, enabled by MSNBC to espouse the
Ruhle on Monday morning July 10: all-too-common left-wing pretense that
Republican policies will kill people. He
"I think it is, and I actually wrote about this should stick to sports."
today. If you are an at-risk American, if you
are the poor or the elderly or somebody Rating: Four out of five screams.
with a pre-existing condition or somebody
who relies on a rural hospital, Mitch
McConnell is more of a danger to your life

Newly Uncovered Documents Reveal The FBI Is Nothing
More Than A Criminal Enterprise That Must Be Stopped
By J. D. Heyes
Posted On December 4, 2017

New documents have emerged that further prove just how delayed his aircraft taking off in order to
politicized and compromised the bureau became under “maneuver” a meeting with the attorney
President Obama general. The resulting story in the Observer is
seemingly confirmed and causes a flurry of
emails about the source of the article. FBI
official(s) write “we need to find that guy” and
that the Phoenix FBI office was contacted “in an
attempt to stem any further damage.” Another
FBI official, working on AG Lynch’s security
detail, suggests instituting non-disclosure
agreements. The names of the emails authors
are redacted. There are no documents showing
concern about the meeting itself.

(National Sentinel) Deep State: If ever Americans needed “These new FBI documents show the FBI was
a president like Donald J. Trump, now is the time, because more concerned about a whistleblower who told
only a chief executive not owned by or beholden to the the truth about the infamous Clinton-Lynch
stinky, disgusting D.C. swamp can fix what used to be one tarmac meeting than the scandalous meeting
of the world’s most competent, effective law enforcement itself,” said Judicial Watch President Tom
agencies: The FBI. Fitton.

New documents have emerged that further prove just how “The documents show the FBI worked to make
politicized and compromised the bureau became under sure no more details of the meeting would be
President Obama, one of the most scandal-ridden revealed to the American people. No wonder
presidents most Americans never knew about, thanks to the FBI didn’t turn these documents over until
the equally disgusting (and biased) “mainstream” media. Judicial Watch caught the agency red-handed
hiding them,” he continued, in reference to the
According to 29 pages of documents obtained by Judicial time it took for the bureau to actually turn them
Watch, a government watchdog group that has doggedly over.
pursued Obama-era malfeasance, FBI agents on the ground
when former President Bill Clinton met then-Attorney “These new documents confirm the urgent need
General Loretta Lynch on the tarmac of an Arizona airport to reopen the Clinton email scandal and
were more worried about covering it up than the criminally investigate the resulting Obama
appearance of impropriety caused by the meeting itself. FBI/DOJ sham investigation,” Fitton added.

For you see, if you remember, the “impromptu” meeting They also confirm that the FBI has been infested with
between the AG and the former president just happened to political careerists and agents who are more interested in
take place as the Department of Justice was conducting a protecting the swamp than serving the American people.
criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton, over her
illegal mishandling of classified documents via her
None of this has been lost on Joe Hoft, a contributor at The
unsecured private home email server.
Gateway Pundit. In a Friday column decrying the
corruption, Host called on the Trump administration to
In a statement, Judicial Watch noted: begin rooting out the bureau’s miscreants and, if
necessary, prosecute some of them for any criminal
The new FBI documents show FBI officials behavior.
were concerned about a leak that Bill Clinton
“These documents confirm what has long been Many of those crimes occurred during then-FBI Director
suspected, that the FBI is a compromised entity Robert Mueller’s watch, but again, were not prosecuted.
that no longer is engaged in law enforcement
but instead is a vehicle used by the deep state Now Mueller is busying himself with jailing or trying to
and corrupt politicians to attack and besmirch jail Trump administration figures for major crimes like
innocent American civilians,” he wrote. fibbing to [corrupt] FBI agents. Meanwhile, people like
Hillary get to compromise our national security and put
He listed a litany of improper and illegal activity by every American in harm’s way, without any legal
Swamp creatures from the past twoadministrations — repercussions. It’s pathetic, and it’s high time these people
Obama’s and that of George W. Bush — as examples of were held to account.
why the FBI is nothing more than a tool for the deep state,
since no one in the swamp ever seems to be held to Who watches the gatekeepers? I’m hoping the Trump
account, despite evidence of criminal activities. administration is.

Travel Ban Back In Place,
SCOTUS Halts Lower Court Injunctions
By Ian Mason
4 Dec 2017

The petitions in the two cases were made to Justice

Anthony Kennedy and Chief Justice John Roberts
respectively. Only Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia
Sotomayor declined to sign on to the orders staying the
Fourth and Ninth Circuits.

“This a substantial victory for the safety and

security of the American people,” Attorney
General Jeff Sessions said in statement after
the orders were announced.

He continued:

We are pleased to have defended this order

and heartened that a clear majority Supreme
Court has allowed the President’s lawful
proclamation protecting our country’s national
President Donald Trump’s travel ban is once security to go into full effect. The Constitution
again to largely go back into effect after the gives the President the responsibility and power
Supreme Court of the United States stayed to protect this country from all threats foreign
two lower courts’ injunctions Monday. and domestic, and this order remains vital to
accomplishing those goals.
The orders come in response to filings by the Department
of Justice Friday, asking the Supreme Court to stay the With the order, the third – permanent – version of the
preliminary injunctions in the two main travel ban cases, travel ban, promulgated in September after an interagency
Hawaii v. Trump in the Ninth Circuit and International review of the dangers posed by the different countries
Refugee Assistance Project v. Trump in the Fourth Circuit. included, will go back into effect while the case on the
These cases have been proceeding up and down the federal merits works its way through the court system. The
court system for months. Supreme Court had dismissed the earlier lawsuits based on
the earlier, temporary versions of the ban because they had
The district courts, especially that of Barack Obama- expired.
appointed District of Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson, have
repeatedly ruled that the bans must be blocked from going The government, represented by Solicitor General Noel
into effect or must, in the interim, be interpreted in such a Francisco, asked the justices to re-instate the ban based in
way as to have little effect on the list of mostly Muslim part on the findings of the review, which provided new
majority countries from which travel is prohibited under security-based justifications for the inclusion of Chad,
the orders. Iran, Libya, North Korea, Syria, Venezuela, and Yemen
and, he argues, turns the likelihood of success against the

Anti-Trump FBI Agent Changed Language Of Hillary
Email Scandal From "Grossly Negligent"
To "Extremely Careless"
By Tyler Durden
Dec 4, 2017 5:30 PM

Over the weekend we noted that Special Counsel Robert Hillary Clinton handled classified information, according
Mueller's top FBI investigator into 'Russian meddling', to US officials familiar with the matter.
agent Peter Strzok, was removed from the probe due to the
discovery of anti-Trump text messages exchanged with a Electronic records show Peter Strzok, who
colleague (a colleague whom he also happened to be led the investigation of Hillary Clinton's
having an extra-marital affair with). private email server as the No. 2 official in
the counterintelligence division, changed
Not surprisingly, the discovery prompted a visceral Comey's earlier draft language describing
response from Trump via Twitter: Clinton's actions as "grossly negligent" to
"extremely careless," the source said.

The drafting process was a team effort, CNN is told, with a

handful of people reviewing the language as edits were
made, according to another US official familiar with the

But the news of Strzok's direct role in the statement that

ultimately cleared the former Democratic presidential
candidate of criminal wrongdoing, now combined with the
fact that he was dismissed from special counsel Robert
Mueller's team after exchanging private messages with an
FBI lawyer that could be seen as favoring Clinton

may give ammunition to those seeking ways

to discredit Mueller's Russia investigation.

Alas, as it turns out, Strzok, who was blatantly exposed as The FBI and the Justice Department declined to comment.
a political hack by his own wreckless text messages, also
had a leading role in the Hillary email investigation. And
wouldn't you know it, as CNN has apparently just

Strzok not only held a leading role in that

investigation but potentially single-handedly
saved Hillary from prosecution by making
the now-infamous change in Comey's final
statement to describe her email abuses as
"extremely careless" rather than the original
language of "grossly negligent."

A former top counterintelligence expert at the FBI, now at

the center of a political uproar for exchanging private Of course, as we noted a month ago (see: First
messages that appeared to mock President Donald Trump, Comey Memo Concluded Hillary Was
changed a key phrase in former FBI Director James "Grossly Negligent," Punishable By Jail), the
Comey's description of how former secretary of state change in language was significant since

federal law states that "gross negligence" in illegally removed from its proper place of
handling the nation’s intelligence can be custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its
punished criminally with prison time or fines trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed,
whereas "extreme carelessness" has no and fails to make prompt report of such loss,
such legal definition and/or ramifications. theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior
officer— shall be fined under this title or
In fact, Section 793 of federal law states that imprisoned not more than ten years, or
"gross negligence" with respect to the handling both.”
of national defense documents is punishable
by a fine and up to 10 years in And just like that, the farce that has
you can see why that might present a problem heretofore been referred to as the "Russian
for Hillary. meddling probe" has been exposed for what
it really extremely compromised
“Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful political "witch hunt".
possession or control of any document, writing,
code book, signal book, sketch, photograph,
photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map,
model, instrument, appliance, note, or
information, relating to the national defense, (1)
through gross negligence permits the same to
be removed from its proper place of custody or
delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to
be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2)
having knowledge that the same has been

She Just Won’t Go Away=> Hillary Clinton
Railroaded After Blasting Trump’s Tax Bill
By Cristina Laila
December 4, 2017

Hillary Clinton just won’t shut the hell up. We all know what Hillary does after a loss–she goes on a
world tour whining and blaming sexism and misogyny for
The failed presidential candidate blasted president
her failures.
Trump’s tax plan, claiming ‘the tax bill is only going to get
worse as more people learn about it’. Hillary got railroaded by Trump supporters!

After months of work and last minute

alterations, the US Senate passed President
Trump’s tax cuts in a vote of 51 – 49 Friday
night. No Democrats voted for the bill.
President Trump noted earlier this week,
Democrats only want to increase taxes on
working Americans.
The Democrats came unhinged as they come to grips with
the fact that they are no longer in charge.
Hillary Clinton continued to sow division by tweeting out
nonsense. According to delusional liberals like Hillary,
Pelosi and Schumer, this tax plan is the end of the world!
“Sometimes it’s hard to know what to do after a
loss. Not this time. This tax bill is only going to
get worse as people learn more about it. There
are 6 GOP Senators that have to run on it & 2
open seats in 2018. We all need to get to work,”
Hillary tweeted.


Kunstler: "Why Doesn't
Trump Fire Robert Mueller Now?"
James Howard
Dec 4, 2017 4:54 PM

“Contact with Russians.” sanctions imposed against Russia by outgoing

President Obama on December 28, two weeks
Grown men and women, doubling and re-doubling down before the inauguration.
on a political fantasy, repeat this prayer hour after hour
on the cable channels and Web waves as if trying to Both these matters could be viewed as bits of mischief
exorcise a nation possessed by the unholy hosts of Hell. designed deliberately to create foreign policy problems for
the incoming administration.
But such vicars of the news as Wolf Blitzer,
Rachel Maddow, Chuck Todd, and Dean Flynn’s discussions with Ambassador
Baquet (of The New York Times) only shove Kislyak amounted to what are called “back
the country closer to a cliff of constitutional channel talks.”
These informal, probing communications occur all the
time and everywhere in American foreign policy,
especially the transitional months every four or eight years
when a new president comes in. They are necessarily
secret because they concern issues of high sensitivity.
Every incoming presidential staff in my lifetime (going
back to Dwight Eisenhower) has conducted back-channel
talks with foreign diplomats in order to directly assess
where things stand, minus public posturing and bloviating.

And so that is what Mike Flynn did, as

incoming National Security Advisor, after an
eight-year run of worsening relations with
To a certain class of people - a class that Russia under Obama that Trump publicly
includes a lot of Intellectuals-Yet-Idiots, as pledged to improve.
Nassim Taleb has dubbed them - President
Donald Trump is a figure of supernatural
malignity who must be ousted at all costs. And now he’s been charged with lying to the FBI about it.
Which raises some enormous and troubling questions well
beyond the simple charge, questions that suggest a US
I did not vote for Donald Trump and I do not government at war against itself.
admire him; but I rather resent the dishonesty
that is being marshaled against him,
For instance, why exactly might Mike Flynn
lie about his discussions with Kislyak? That
especially the mis-use of judicial procedure and the ought to be self-evident as per what I said
mendacious propagandizing of the nation in service to that above: back channel talks are necessarily
end. secret.

This is what it comes down to: But why not let Vice-president Pence or the FBI in on it?
As for Pence,
General Mike Flynn, designated National
Security Advisor, conferred with Russian not all government officials are in-the-loop
Ambassador Sergey Kislyak after the 2016 for back channel talks for the excellent reason
election about two pressing matters: a vote in that the fewer people involved the less chance
the UN orchestrated against Israel, and of the talks becoming un-secret.
And the FBI? Why, in December of 2016, information was concealed from the congressional
might Trump and his aides consider the FBI oversight committee that had formally subpoenaed emails
to be an unreliable agency? from the FBI all year long, only to be stonewalled by the
agency. So, now the committee is threatening contempt
Because they knew that officials in the FBI under Director citations against the current FBI Director, Christopher Fry
James Comey had politicized the agency in favor of his and Rod Rosenstein, his deputy
opponent in the election; that the agency had misbehaved
in the Clinton e-mail investigation, the meeting at the Why should President Trump not fire
Phoenix airport between Bill Clinton and Attorney General Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller now?
Loretta Lynch, and the Christopher Steele Russian intel
file affair. We don’t know whether, at that point, Trump Mueller was James Comey’s mentor at the FBI when
and his staff knew about the FBI’s conduct in the Uranium Mueller was director. Is there not a train of association and
One deal. But there was plenty of evidence that the dishonesty that implicates criminal activity by the FBI
permanent bureaucracy of Washington wanted to use a itself? And if and when Trump does this, and pardons
politicized FBI against Trump in any way that it could to Mike Flynn for the non-crime of back channel negotiation,
get rid of him. should a new special prosecutor be appointed by the
Attorney General to investigate the activities of the FBI
And over the weekend, news comes out that Peter Strzok, through 2016 and 2017?
the top FBI official assigned to Special Counsel Robert
Mueller’s probe of collusion between Russia and Trump And after all that, will the Deep State find
officials, had been removed from the probe after some other way to go apeshit?
exchanging anti-Trump and pro-Hillary Clinton text
messages with his mistress, who was an FBI lawyer
Keep your hats on for this.
working for Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. This

US Academic: 'There's Nothing Wrong
With Flynn's Meeting With The Russians'
© Ap Photo/ Drew Angerer / Getty Images North America - Opinion
21:05 04.12.2017(Updated 21:17 04.12.2017)

to investigate itself we appoint a special counsel. A special

counsel is supposedly insulated, although in this case the
special counsel can be fired. If President Trump thinks this
is a witch hunt he can fire [Special Counsel] Mueller if he
wants to.

Sputnik: Daniel, do you think that these

failed attempts to find Russia's
involvement in the 2016 presidential
elections actually signal that there was
no collusion now, and this is all just the
conspiracy against Russia?
After former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn
pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI, US Daniel Franklin: I don't think there is a conspiracy
President Donald Trump reiterated that there was no against Russia. I will say this: the United States has in the
"collusion" between Flynn and Moscow. Radio Sputnik has past interfered in the internal affairs of other countries.
discussed the matter with Daniel Franklin, an associate You know, we don’t have clean hands on this. And I now
professor of political science at Georgia State University. would say that somebody in Moscow is probably getting a
medal right now for having performed very, very well. But
Daniel Franklin: There is possibly illegality associated at the end of the day governments that we helped to install
with that. There is something called the Logan Act, which in Iran, in Chile, in Cuba and Guatemala and places
forbids private citizens from conducting foreign policy. like that were removed by their own people and punished.
There is nothing wrong with [Michael] Flynn's meeting I am not so much concerned about Russian involvement
with the Russians or anybody else for that matter from a in American elections.
foreign country, but if he begins to conduct foreign policy
as a private citizen, which is what they were either I expect that Russia and before that the Soviet Union
during the campaign or during the transition, then they’re would spy on the United States as we did on the Soviet
not supposed to do that; then it is illegal. Union. But what I am concerned about is the Americans
who cooperated. It's not that much hostility towards Russia
Sputnik: Now we know that it is not the as it is hostility towards the Americans who cooperated.
first time the FBI has unsuccessfully And it's pretty clear that somebody was buying ads on, say,
tried to create a link between President social medium Facebook and those contained false
[Donald] Trump's campaign and information; so there’s something going on there and it
Moscow. It's obviously a consistent and needs to be investigated. But I don't think it's really a witch
constant campaign in terms of a Russia hunt, but I do think there was some evidence that
witch hunt. What's your take on the something was going on.
current situation? It doesn't seem to be
going away, does it? Sputnik: Let's switch over if we can
to President Trump's accusation: the
Daniel Franklin: It's an ongoing investigation – it's not an system of justice has double standards
unsuccessful investigation, it's an ongoing investigation – because it did not prosecute Hillary
and the FBI is run by the attorney general, the attorney Clinton for her alleged misdeeds.
general is hired by the president. If it’s a witch hunt I don't What’s your take on that and what effect
know where it is coming from, because the law do you think the plea of guilt has for the
enforcement, the federal law enforcement, is under the ongoing investigation surrounding the
control of the president. […] When the administration has Special Counsel Robert Mueller?
Daniel Franklin: The attorney general said in his anybody has demonstrated that it has, so therefore, it is not
testimony before Congress that he had asked professional entirely clear what crime she committed.
prosecutors to look into Hillary Clinton’s affairs, but the
fact of the matter is that there is not as much urgency Now, there is the Uranium One deal, but I think if we talk
to that as there is to investigations into the current to the Russians, if we talk to you, you would say to us that
administration because Hillary Clinton is not in office. So I everything was about board on that deal. […]. But it can be
don't think there is equivalence there at least in terms investigated I mean they can do it and they are doing it.
of the urgency, and then in terms of what she's being But we have a saying in the United States: the proof is
accused of – she did have her own personal email account in the pudding. If she did something wrong I am sure that
apparently and the question is whether or not there had they have an incentive to find out that she did something
been some kind of breach of data, which I don't think wrong.

ABC News President Goes Nuclear On Staff Over Brian
Ross’ #Fakenews Report About General Flynn
By Joshua Caplan
December 4, 2017

ABC News president James Goldston went story was. We would have not gone with that
nuclear on the network’s staff following story.”
Brian Ross’ fake news report about General
Flynn. “I don’t think ever in my career have I As The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft reported, stocks
felt more rage and disappointment and crashed by 350 points on Friday after Ross
frustration that I felt through this weekend reported General Michael Flynn, the former national
and through the last half of Friday,” security advisor, would testify that he was directed to
Goldston told network staffers. make contact with Russians during the presidential
campaign in 2016.

“CORRECTION of ABC News Special

Report: Flynn prepared to testify that
President-elect Donald Trump directed him
to make contact with the Russians *during
the transition* — initially as a way to work
together to fight ISIS in Syria, confidant now
says,” ABC News tweets hours later.

CNN reports:

During ABC News’ morning editorial call

Monday, audio of which was obtained by CNN,
Goldston excoriated his staff for the error. […] “I
don’t even know how many times we’ve talked
about this, how many times we have talked
about the need to get it right,” he added. “That
how we have to be right and not first. About
how in this particular moment, with the stakes
as high as these stakes are right now, we
cannot afford to get it wrong.” […] Goldston also
said, “If it isn’t obvious to everyone in this news
division, we have taken a huge hit and we have
made the job of every single person in this
news division harder as a result. It’s much,
much harder. We have people in Washington
who are going to bear the brunt of this today
and in the days forward. Very, very, very, very
unfortunate. Really, really angry about it.” [..] Hours later, ABC News announced it had suspended Ross.
“We just went on air with that information,” he
said. “We hadn’t approved doing that. And the “We deeply regret and apologize for the serious
thing that just kills me about this is all we had to error we made yesterday. The reporting
do was wait. We had to wait a few minutes. A conveyed by Brian Ross during the special
few minutes after that, the charging documents report had not been fully vetted through our
came out. We know that those charging editorial standards process. As a result of our
documents had come out, and we had looked to continued reporting over the next several hours
those charging documents, and the charging ultimately we determined the information was
documents didn’t match what we thought the wrong and we corrected the mistake on air and
online. It is vital we get the story right and retain
the trust we have built with our audience –-
these are our core principles. We fell far short of
that yesterday. Effective immediately, Brian
Ross will be suspended for four weeks without

Wait… Was Flynn Tricked Into Interview
With Trump-Hating FBI Agent Without A Lawyer?
By Joshua Caplan
December 4, 2017

In yet another stunning twist to the ‘Trump- “It wasn’t until after they were already in
Russia,’ witch hunt, Fox News host Sean (Flynn’s) office that he realized he was being
Hannity and Circa News reporter Sara A. Carter formerly interviewed. He didn’t have an attorney
have teamed up to reveal that Trump-hating FBI with him,” they added.
agent Peter Strzok interviewed former National
Security advisor Michael Flynn. McCabe either failed or purposely refused to tell Flynn
that the FBI was heading over to the White House to see
Was President Trump’s National him personally. Flynn, no doubt surprised by the interview,
Security Advisor tricked into meeting with did not have time to summon his attorney to help prepare
the FBI without a lawyer? for the FBI. McCabe withholding the motive behind the
meeting raises questions of the FBI’s intentions to confuse
or rattle Flynn and begs the question if it was a tactic to
trip up the former National Security Advisor, ultimately
contributing to a false statement being made.

New details of the FBI-Flynn meeting come amid a CNN

report stating Strzok personally changed key language that
former Bureau Director James Comey used to
describe Hillary Clinton’s email conduct.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Strzok was fired from

Mueller’s investigation after reports surfaced that he
exchanged ‘anti-Trump,’ text messages with Lisa Page, a
lawyer for FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. Hannity
and Carter also suggest Flynn may have been tricked into
having the interview with Strzok without a lawyer:

According to another source, with direct knowledge of the

Jan. 24 interview, McCabe had contacted Flynn by phone CNN reports:
directly at the White House. White House officials had
spent the “earlier part of the week with the FBI overseeing
training and security measures associated with their new A former top counterintelligence expert at the
roles so it was no surprise to Flynn that McCabe had FBI, now at the center of a political uproar
called,” the source said. for exchanging private messages that appeared
to mock President Donald Trump, changed a
key phrase in former FBI Director James
McCabe told Flynn “some agents were heading over (to Comey’s description of how former secretary of
the White House) but Flynn thought it was part of the state Hillary Clinton handled classified
routine work the FBI had been doing and said they would information, according to US officials familiar
be cleared at the gate,” the source said. with the matter. Electronic records show Peter
Strzok, who led the investigation of Hillary
Clinton’s private email server as the No. 2 the language as edits were made, according to
official in the counterintelligence division, another US official familiar with the matter.
changed Comey’s earlier draft language
describing Clinton’s actions as “grossly Michael Flynn, former National Security Adviser to
negligent” to “extremely careless,” the source President Trump, pleaded guilty Friday to making false
said. The drafting process was a team effort, statements to the FBI about contacting Russian
CNN is told, with a handful of people reviewing Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the transition

Is President Trump’s Legal Team Preparing
For An Imminent “Obstruction Of Justice” Charge?
Zero Hedge
December 4, 2017

probe: collusion and obstruction. Presumably,

you wouldn’t preemptively make these
arguments unless you felt there was a chance
charges are coming.

The “President cannot obstruct justice because

he is the chief law enforcement officer under
[the Constitution’s Article II] and has every right
to express his view of any case,” Dowd claims.


President Trump set off a new wave of mainstream media “The tweet did not admit obstruction. That is an
outrage over the weekend when he publicly admitted that ignorant and arrogant assertion.”
he was aware that Flynn had lied to the FBI and Vice
President when he made the decision to fire him. Not …a defense which Harvard Law professor Alan
surprisingly, the Left has used the admission to once again Dershowitz has offered at least a hundred times
suggest that Trump obstructed justice by firing Comey for over the past year with the latest coming this
simply pursuing charges against someone who Trump morning on Fox News.
himself already knew to be guilty.
“You cannot charge a president with obstruction
of justice for exercising his constitutional power
to fire Comey and his constitutional authority to
tell the Justice Department who to investigate,
who not to investigate. That’s what Thomas
Jefferson did, that’s what Lincoln did, that’s
what Roosevelt did. We have precedents that
clearly establish that.”

Of course, we know from Comey’s own testimony that he

was fired by Trump for repeatedly refusing to announce
publicly that the President was not under investigation, a
courtesy that he provided Hillary numerous times during
the campaign.

Be that as it may, comments from Trump’s legal team this

morning to Axios seem to imply that the White House may
be preparing a preemptive defense for an obstruction of
justice charge… Not surprisingly, other left-leaning lawyers (you know,
because the application of law was always intended to be
Why it matters: political) tend to disagree with Trump’s legal team and the
famed Harvard law professor.
Trump’s legal team is clearly setting the stage
to say the president cannot be charged with any
of the core crimes discussed in the Russia

One top D.C. lawyer told me that obstruction is usually an “obstructed, and impeded the administration of
ancillary charge rather than a principal one, such as aquid justice.”
pro quo between the Trump campaign and Russians.
Of course, if the FBI truly is concerned about people in
But Dems will fight the Dowd theory. Bob Bauer, an NYU positions of power admitting to obstructing justice via
law professor and former White House counsel to Twitter then perhaps they should take a look at James
President Obama, told me: Comey’s latest Tweets which could easily be interpreted as
the former FBI director admitting some political bias and a
“It is certainly possible for a president to personal vendetta against the current administration…
obstruct justice. The case for immunity has its
adherents, but they based their position largely
on the consideration that a president subject to
prosecution would be unable to perform the
duties of the office, a result that they see as
constitutionally intolerable.”


The Articles of Impeachment against Nixon began by

saying he

‘SUPER EMBARRASSING’: BuzzFeed Reporter Shocked
That Lefty Academics, Media Historians Share More Fake
News Than Trump Supporters
By Kristinn Taylor
December 4, 2017

When your allies in the media and academia turn out to be

more gullible than you imagine Trump supporters are,
well, as the BuzzFeed reporter writes in all caps, it is

Anne Helen Petersen, who covers ‘culture and The West

for @BuzzfeedNews‘ wrote on Twitter Monday afternoon
about how her Facebook timleine is filled with Lefty
academics and media historians pushing fake news and
fake quotes–more so than Trump supporters, “The people
sharing the most Fake News in my FB feed aren’t Trump
Voters. They’re lefty academics. WHICH IS SUPER
EMBARRASSING.” “It’s even more embarrassing when
they’re MEDIA HISTORIANS indulging in wholly
unsubstantiated Mensch/Abramson Russia Fanfic”…”it’s
been very dispiriting!”

Anti-Trump conspiracy theorist, attorney and

University of New Hampshire professor Seth
Abramson is a regular guest on CNN, screen
image from October 31, 2017 appearance.

In response to a query,

“Is it the Seth Abramson threads? It’s the Seth

Abramson threads isn’t it? Ugh. EVERY DAY I
have to chastise some egghead who ought to
know better than to share that shit.,” Petersen
replies, “That’s definitely part of it.”

Anti-Trump conspiracy theorist Louise Mensch, screen image.

Petersen explained her background as to where she is The Chronicle of Higher Education profiled Seth
coming from, Abramson last May.

“I’m a former media studies professor, so it’s a Seth Abramson wants you to know that he is not a
mix of media studies, English, Humanities. The conspiracy theorist.
scientists I’m friends with don’t share this stuff.”
“I’m also an ex-academic, which is why I have He also wants you to know that President Trump and his
so many academics in my feed. And from advisers may have hatched, then covered up, a plot to
Idaho, so it’s not like I don’t have Trump voters encourage Russia’s U.S. election meddling and to profit
either.” from the mysterious sale of a Russian oil company in
exchange for a promise to ease U.S. sanctions against

He wants you to note the “may” in that sentence.

Since November, Abramson — professor, experimental Trump’s angry, paranoid presidency has made for an
poet, onetime lawyer — has been building a case against extraordinary political moment. When the president no
Trump’s administration in the court of public opinion. His longer acts like a president, how should scholars act?
weapon of choice: serialized tweets, billed as “mega Some, Abramson included, are trying to negotiate a fine
threads,” that purport to connect the dots on what he line between hysteria and civic responsibility. These days,
suspects is an illegal conspiracy that brought the nobody seems to know where that line is.”
administration to power, and which he hopes will be its
downfall. End excerpt.

On any given day, Abramson, who teaches English at the How unhinged is Abramson? Twitchy captured a couple of
University of New Hampshire at Manchester, might be one his now deleted tweets going nuts over President Trump’s
of the most widely read scholars in the country. His ‘covfefe’ tweet:
broadsides against the president have earned him a larger
audience than most academics or poets could ever hope BREAKING: Trump now claims his “covfefe” tweet
for: 116,000 Twitter followers, most of them in the past
contained *no typos*. This is sociopathy. He must be
five months.
impeached ASAP.

It has also put him in the crosshairs of critics who object to — Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) May 31, 2017
his prosecutorial style. They say he’s a self-righteous
amateur who is encouraging paranoia in the guise of
patriotism. The president is unwell; he now says “covfefe” is
SECRET CODE. Please retweet if you think this
dangerous man must be IMPEACHED immediately.
Abramson says he is not like those “self-investigators”
who thought Democrats were running a child-sex ring out
of a Washington pizzeria, or the Obama birthers and 9/11
truthers, or even the contemporary Trump-haters who cite — Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) May 31, 2017
fringe websites and dismiss their critics as Kremlin
operatives. He prefers the term “curatorial journalist” and Welcome to the party, Anne.
relies on media that still traffic in real news. To fill in the
blanks, he applies his training as a lawyer and his English
professor’s penchant for reading between the lines.

Trump’s National
Security Strategy (NSS)
By Stephen Lendman -

It’s a work in progress, yet to be released. Prepared by Washington like him today, not at Treasury or any other
Trump’s national security team, it’s nearing completion, branch of government.
expected out soon.
He explained
It’s designed as a blueprint for administration foreign
policy. Sources familiar with it call it “hard-nosed” and “(t)he Cold War was a time when leaders
“realistic.” focused on reducing tensions between
nuclear powers”
Reportedly, it’ll focus more on protecting the homeland
than strategies of previous administrations - despite the - world’s apart from current US policies, hugely dangerous
nation facing no threats except ones it invents as pretexts ones, recklessly challenging Russia and China, risking
for endless wars of aggression. unthinkable nuclear war.

It’ll stress economic competitiveness, America first, Roberts explained JFK

calling it a national security imperative, especially
regarding Sino/US relations. “worked with Khrushchev to defuse the
Cuban Missile Crisis.”
Trump mistakenly believes Beijing steals American jobs.
US corporations offshore them to China and other low- Nixon “negotiated SALT I” and the ABM treaty, along
wage countries for greater profits, notably over the past with opening China, major constructive policies.
few decades.
SALT II came under Jimmy Carter. Reagan and
Blame them and US economic policies, not foreign nations Gorbachev ended the Cold War. World tensions were
for what’s going on, hollowing out America, most easing under these leaders.
domestic jobs largely low-wage/low or no benefits service
ones today - world’s different from when the US was a Today they’re heading toward spinning out-of-control,
manufacturing powerhouse, no longer. beginning in the neoliberal 90s with the Gulf War and rape
of Yugoslavia, accelerated post-9/11 by Bush/Cheney,
Trump’s NSS reportedly will also stress increasing Obama and Trump.
technological and cyber threats, including Russia’s hybrid
warfare capabilities and advances in the militarization of US foreign policy features endless imperial wars, all
space. sovereign independent countries threatened.

On December 3 at the Reagan National Defense Forum, Russia and China are the final obstacles to be overcome
National Security Advisor HR McMaster hinted at what for Washington to achieve unchallenged global dominance
his NSS will contain, saying: - perhaps nuclear war on both countries the strategy to
accomplish its objective.
It’ll represent “a dramatic rethinking of American foreign
policy from previous decades.” Madness under bipartisan neocons defines America’s
agenda, undemocratic Dems as bloodthirsty as
“Today as we approach the unveiling of the Republicans.
Trump administration’s national security
strategy, we are at a…crossroads” similar Obama waged wars of aggression on seven nations
to Reagan’s “rethinking of America’s role in threatening no one, supported by cheerleading media
the world and a dramatic renewal of scoundrels.
American confidence.”
Trump escalated what he began, threatening new conflicts
Paul Craig Roberts served as Reagan’s Assistant Secretary against North Korea and Iran. Claiming a nonexistent
of the Treasury for Economic Policy - no one in “Russian threat” is part of gaining public acceptance for
unthinkable war on the country.
Saying ISIS and other jihadist groups “threaten all
McMaster turned truth on its head, claiming Russia and civilized people in every corner of the world,” McMaster
China are “revisionist powers subverting the post-WW II failed to explain Washington created them for use as
political and security orders” at our expense. imperial foot soldiers in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere.

Both countries seek cooperative relations with all other America is a pariah state, losing, not gaining influence,
nations. They’re not advancing their own interests at the perpetually at war, disdaining peace, Trump’s NSS a
expense of America, as McMaster falsely claimed. policy agenda for more of the same.

Nor are North Korea and Iran. Neither country threatens its Possible catastrophic US nuclear war against one or more
neighbors. Nor do they violate their sovereignty or export countries is ominously real. If launched, we all may be
terror, as McMaster claimed - US specialties, not theirs. doomed.

Republicans Prepare For War With FBI, DOJ:
To File Contempt Action Over Anti-Trump Bias
By Tyler Durden
Dec 4, 2017 4:33 AM

Five weeks ago, House Speaker Paul Ryan accused the So in a statement issued Sunday, Nunes
DOJ and FBI of “stonewalling” the House Intelligence announced a serious escalation: His
Committee’s wide-ranging subpoena for all pertinent committee, he said, is preparing to hold
information about how the largely unsubstantiated “Trump Andrew McCabe and assistant AG Rod
dossier” played into the DOJ’s decision to launch the Rosenstein in contempt for the DOJ's
infamous Trump collusion investigation. failure to comply with Nunes's
At the time, the speaker said the agency
was preparing to turn over the Strzok was reassigned in July, shortly before Nunes issued
information requested by the the request for the bureau to turn over all documents
committee, but despite his assurances, relating to the Trump dossier. In a transparent attempt to
the promised documents never save face, the bureau contacted Nnes shortly after the
materialized. Strzok news broke on Saturday to say they were ready to
comply with the subpoena. But Nunes rightly repudiated
Then yesterday, thanks to a series of
this offer, saying it was too little, too late. He laid out his
coordinated media leaks, Nunes learned –
argument for preparing the order of contempt in a
at the same time as the broader public -
statement released Sunday offering details of the
about the reassignment of Peter Strzok, a
committee's unsuccessful push to convince the FBI to turn
senior Mueller aide who had played a
over the documents it had requested.
critical role in the DOJ’s original
collusion investigation. And before that,
Strzok helped lead the FBI’s probe into Here’s a timeline of Nunes' contact with the Department of
Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of Justice courtesy of the Washington Examiner:
classified information.
As it turns out, the agent had been  On Oct. 11, Nunes met with deputy attorney general
reassigned for expressing anti-Trump Rod Rosenstein. In that meeting, Nunes specifically
sentiments in a series of text messages discussed the committee's request for information
to FBI attorney Lisa Page while the two about Strzok.
were having an affair. The bureau, it  In an Oct. 31 committee staff meeting with the FBI,
appears, had willfully tried to conceal bureau officials refused a request for information about
this fact from Nunes and his committee. Strzok.
 On Nov. 20, the committee again requested an
interview with Strzok. (Three days earlier, on
November 17, Strzok met with the Senate Intelligence
 On Nov. 29, Nunes again spoke to Rosenstein, and
again discussed Strzok.
 On Dec. 1, the committee again requested to speak
with Strzok.

Republicans, including President Trump, pointed to the

news as evidence that the entire probe into Russian
meddling had been politically motivated.
Upon being blindsided with this information and publicly
embarassed, the Intel committee chairman was
understandably less than pleased.

know why Strzok was dismissed, why the
FBI and DOJ refused to provide us this
explanation, and at least one reason why
they previously refused to make Deputy
Director McCabe available to the
Committee for an interview.
“By hiding from Congress, and from the
American people, documented political
bias by a key FBI head investigator for
both the Russia collusion probe and the
Clinton email investigation, the FBI and
DOJ engaged in a willful attempt to
thwart Congress’ constitutional
oversight responsibility.

This is part of a months-long pattern by the DOJ and FBI

of stonewalling and obstructing this Committee’s oversight
work, particularly oversight of their use of the Steele
dossier. At this point, these agencies should be
investigating themselves.
Unsurprisingly, both the FBI and House Democrats have
been silent on the issue, according to Bloomberg: “The DOJ has now expressed—on a
Saturday, just hours after the press
A Justice Department spokesman, Sarah reports on Strzok’s dismissal
Isgur Flores, couldn’t be immediately appeared—a sudden willingness to
reached for comment by telephone or text. comply with some of the Committee’s
There was no immediate response Sunday long-standing demands. This attempted
from a spokesman for the committee’s top 11th-hour accommodation is neither
Democrat, Representative Adam Schiff of credible nor believable, and in fact is yet
California. another example of the DOJ’s
disingenuousness and obstruction.
In his statement, included in full below, Nunes accused the Therefore, I have instructed House
FBI and the Department of Justice of willfully refusing to Intelligence Committee staff to begin
comply with an Aug. 24 committee subpoena in part by drawing up a contempt of Congress
refusing the committee's request “for an explanation of resolution for DOJ Deputy Attorney
Peter Strzok’s dismissal from the Mueller probe.” Nunes is General Rod Rosenstein and FBI
giving the FBI until end of business day tomorrow to fully Director Christopher Wray. Unless all our
comply with the committee's requests, or face a contempt outstanding demands are fully met by close
order before the end of the month. of business on Monday, December 4,
2017, the committee will have the
Washington, D.C. – House Permanent Select Committee opportunity to move this resolution before
on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes issued the the end of the month."
following statement today amid press reports that Peter
Strzok, the top FBI official assigned to Special Counsel In the statement, Nunes pointed to
Robert Mueller’s probe of collusion between Russia and
Trump officials, had been removed from the probe after “a months-long pattern by the DOJ and FBI
exchanging anti-Trump and pro-Hillary Clinton text of stonewalling and obstructing this
messages with his mistress, who was an FBI lawyer Committee’s oversight work,”
working for Deputy Director Andrew McCabe:
including also withholding subpoenaed information about
“The FBI and Department of Justice have their use of an opposition research dossier that targeted
failed to sufficiently cooperate with the Trump in the 2016 election.
Committee’s August 24 subpoena, and
have specifically refused repeated In targeting McCabe and Rosenstein, Nunes explained that
demands from the House Intelligence Attorney General Jeff Sessions was being excused from
Committee for an explanation of Pete any contempt action by the committee because the AG had
Strzok’s dismissal from the Mueller probe. recused himself from the investigation into Russia
In light of today’s press reports, we now meddling.
In addition to the threat of contempt, Strzok is also facing At the FBI, senior managers are facing a serious dilemma:
an internal review for his role in the investigation into It's probable that the information pertaining to Strzok is
Clinton's handling of classified information on her private only some of what the bureau has tried to keep from Nunes
email server. It has already been revealed that then-FBI and the committee. Now, the FBI is facing a dilemma:
Director James Comey drafted his letter excusing Clinton
before she had even been interviewed. The Office of the Either rush to comply without having the
Inspector General probe into Strzok will examine his role time to screen all the documents that have
in a number of "politically sensitive" cases this year, been supplied to the committee, or
according to Fox News. continue to resist, and face a
Congressional subpoeana. Either way,
we're certain this isn't the last of the story.

Idea That Flynn Could Ask
Anything Of Russia Or Putin 'Absurd,' Says Kremlin
Published Time: 4 Dec, 2017 12:11 Edited Time: 4 Dec, 2017 15:55

basis, as he has said many times, of

Russia’s national interest.”

The purported contents of Flynn’s phone exchanges with

Kislyak were monitored by American intelligence
agencies, and he was interviewed by the FBI in January,
although the retired US Army general was not charged at
that time. The following month, Flynn resigned and
Gen. Michael Flynn(C), former national security adviser to US admitted that he had provided “incomplete information”
President Donald Trump. © AFP about his dealings with the Russian envoy to Vice
President Mike Pence.
Moscow says the claim that conversations between Donald
Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, Donald Trump insists that there was no reason for Flynn to
and the Russian ambassador to the US could have mislead the authorities.
influenced Russia’s response to US sanctions is “absurd.”
“Flynn was in no position to request “I had to fire General Flynn because he lied
anything of Sergey Ivanovich [Kislyak, to the Vice President and the FBI. He has
Russia’s former US ambassador] let alone pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame
to expect any requests to be relayed to because his actions during the transition
Vladimir Putin – the whole thing is were lawful. There was nothing to hide!”
completely absurd,” said the Russian Trump tweeted on Saturday.
President’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov
during a media briefing in Moscow.

In his capacity as part of Donald Trump’s transition team,

following Trump’s victory in last November’s presidential
election, Flynn has admitted lying to the FBI over the
nature of his contact with the Russian diplomat.

The US security services say that he lied when he told

them earlier this year that he did not ask Kislyak to
On Monday, the US President accused the FBI of
"ruining" Flynn's life.
“refrain from escalating the situation in
response to sanctions”
"I feel badly for General Flynn. I feel very
badly. He's led a very strong life, and I feel
adopted by the outgoing administration last December, very badly," he told the media prior to
which included the expulsion of 35 diplomats. boarding the presidential plane to Utah.

In the end Russia did postpone its response, but Peskov Flynn has entered into a plea agreement with Robert
says that Mueller, who is leading a wider federal investigation into
alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential
“the decision was taken by Putin alone, and campaign, and the current administration’s links with the
cannot be attributed to any requests or Kremlin.
“What information Putin receives from his As a result of the bargain, in which he may have
ambassadors is of no concern to anyone incriminated other White House officials, Mueller has
else,” said Peskov. “The Russian president recommended that Flynn should face between zero and six
makes all decisions independently on the months in prison, and a fine of no more than $9,500.
Did Mike Flynn Wear A Wire During
Conversations With Jared Kushner?
By Tyler Durden
Dec 4, 2017 6:55 AM

By now, other potential Trump administration officials Flynn’s cooperation “may include … participating in
who might’ve interacted with Michael Flynn following his covert law enforcement activities”.
Jan. 24 interview with FBI agents - where the former
general lied about the details of his conversation with then- Long-time students of federal law enforcement practices
ambassador Kislyak - are probably tearing their hair out agreed, speaking anonymously, that “covert law
trying to discern whether the former National Security enforcement activities” likely refers to the possibility of
Adviser – who served in that post for less than a month wearing a concealed wire or recording telephone
before being fired for allegedly misrepresenting these same conversations with other potential suspects. It is not known
conversations to Vice President Pence – might’ve worn a whether Flynn has worn a wire at any time.
wire during their interactions.
“If the other subjects of investigation
Of course, there’s nothing in Flynn’s have had any conversations with Flynn
Nov. 30 plea agreement that definitively during the last few months, that phrase
answers the question of whether Flynn must have all of them shaking in their
wore a wire. boots,” said John Flannery, a former
federal prosecutor in the southern district of
New York.

And if there’s one member of the Trump inner circle who

might have something to worry about thanks to Flynn, it’s
senior Trump adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner.

“The one who must be particularly

terrified is [Trump son-in-law and
adviser] Jared Kushner, if he spoke to
the special counsel’s office without
So, in the interest of reading the tea leaves, the Guardian immunity about the very matter that is
spoke to a handful of experts about whether there was any the subject of Flynn’s plea. I think he
language in the plea agreement to suggest that Flynn – must be paralyzed if he talked to Flynn
who tried to cover up the fact that he intimated to then- before or after the investigators
ambassador Kislyak that Trump would roll back some of debriefed him."
the sanctions against the Putin government while also
soliciting a Russian veto of a UN resolution condemning But aside from the language about covert action, few other
Israeli settlements – might’ve been wired for sound. details about what actions might’ve taken can be gleaned
from the plea. Even the date when Flynn began
Their conclusion? That certain language cooperating with Mueller’s investigation remains a
in the Flynn plea about ‘covert actions’ mystery - though at least one prominent Republican donor
suggests that, yes, he did wear a wire. was telling friends in July this year that Flynn was already
helping the Mueller probe, the Guardian reported.
Section eight of the deal reached by
Donald Trump’s former national security
adviser in the inquiry into Russian The exact nature of the information that Flynn provided to
meddling in the US election is entitled Mueller also is not yet known (though we imagine, given
“cooperation”. the sieve-like nature of the Mueller camp when it comes to
media leaks, some of these details will likely begin
appearing in the pages of the New York Times and
It specifies that as well as answering questions and Washington Post). However, if there’s one clue as to the
submitting to government-administered polygraph tests, magnitude of the assistance that Flynn provided to

Mueller, it’s the updated sentencing guidelines for the makes sense from a strategic perspective: By preserving
single charge of obstruction that Flynn has chosen to eat Flynn’s cover, the former National Security Adviser was
instead of trying his luck with a trial. free to begin recording incriminating information that
could be useful for Mueller.
Considering the severity of Flynn’s crimes in the eyes of
the FBI (which doesn’t look kindly on people who Whatever the nature of the agreement,
knowingly hinder investigations), the dramatic reduction in Flynn has every incentive to provide
the former general’s sentencing suggests that he is going to Mueller with as much useful information
help Mueller take down at least one other senior member as he possibly can. According to the
of the Trump inner circle. agreement Flynn must cooperate “fully,
truthfully, completely and with this Office
The main clue in the plea agreement about the importance and other Federal, state and local law
of the information Flynn has already provided lies in the enforcement authorities identified by this
discrepancy between the maximum penalty for the crime Office in any and all matters as to which
he has admitted and the maximum sentence the special this Office deems the cooperation
counsel has promised to recommend. relevant”.

According to the document made public If Flynn refuses or fails,

on Friday, Flynn could have been
sentenced to as much as five years in “the agreement will be considered
prison and a $250,000 fine. breached by your client.”

As long as he cooperates in full with all of the special The agreement says any breach will have a serious impact
counsel’s requests, the document says the “estimated on Flynn’s sentence.
sentencing guidelines” range from zero to six months, with
a possible fine of between $500 and $9,500. The proposed To be sure, the idea that Flynn – or even
sentencing reduction also partly takes into account the fact Papadopoulos before him – wore a wire
Flynn has no criminal record. is still, at this point, mere speculation.

“No prosecutor I know would agree to While it sounds like prosecutors wanted both men to do so,
reducing a sentence that dramatically in Flynn’s case, Mueller may have included the suspicious
unless the witness had provided very passage in his plea for another unrelated purpose: To scare
significant information about at least other potential witnesses or targets into being completely
one other target of his investigation,” truthful with investigators.
Flannery said. “You wouldn’t get such a low
sentence unless you had implicated a big Since there was no legal requirement for Mueller to
target. The person that you’re lifting up include this information about covert law enforcement
allows you to sit on the ground.” activities in the plea agreement, Flannery believes it was
put there “to put the fear of God” into anyone who may
The exact language in the plea agreement requires Flynn to have given the special counsel answers that conflict with
cooperate Flynn’s information.

“fully, truthfully, completely and with this Of course, the nature of Flynn’s cooperation was
Office and other Federal, state and local immediately overblown by ABC in an error that might cost
law enforcement authorities identified by one senior correspondent his career – indeed, it has already
this Office in any and all matters as to greatly damaged what little credibility he had left. ABC
which this Office deems the cooperation suspended Brian Ross – who erroneously reported that
relevant”. Flynn would testify Trump instructed him to contact the
Russians during the campaign.
If Flynn refuses to cooperate fully, “the agreement will be
considered breached by your client.” The agreement says Flynn was actually preparing to testify
any breach will have a serious impact on Flynn’s sentence. that a senior Trump official 0 revealed to
be Kushner – ordered him to do so
Experts told the Guardian it was notable Flynn pleaded during the transition. Outreach between
guilty before being indicted by a grand jury, though the the transition and foreign regimes is
logic here is easy to spot. By sparing Flynn this very legal and common.
public embarrassment, Flynn has more reason to feel
genuinely grateful toward the former FBI director. It also
So, aside from undermining President Obama during the So why’d he do it?
waning days of his administration, Flynn’s conversation
with Kislyak was otherwise completely legitimate, which ***
begs the question: Why’d Flynn lie? His actions, of course,
were technically violations of a rarely enforced law against
Full Flynn Plea Agreement:
soliciting these types of quid-pro-quo arrangements. But
the risk of being caught in a lie was far greater than risking
possible punishment for his conversations with Kislyak.

Mueller’s Credibility Problem
The Special Counsel Is Stonewalling Congress
And Protecting The FBI.
By The Editorial Board
Dec. 4, 2017 7:05 P.M. ET

Comey publicly exonerated her in violation of Justice

Department practice.

Oh, and the woman with whom he supposedly exchanged

anti-Trump texts, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, worked for both
Mr. Mueller and deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe,
who was accused of a conflict of interest in the Clinton
probe when it came out that Clinton allies had donated to
the political campaign of Mr. McCabe’s wife. The texts
haven’t been publicly released, but it’s fair to assume their
anti-Trump bias must be clear for Mr. Mueller to reassign
such a senior agent.

There is no justification for withholding all of this from

Donald Trump is his own worst enemy, as his many ill- Congress, which is also investigating Russian influence
advised tweets on the weekend about Michael Flynn, the and has constitutional oversight authority. Justice and the
FBI and Robert Mueller’s Russia probe demonstrate. But FBI have continued to defy legal subpoenas for documents
that doesn’t mean that Mr. Mueller and the Federal Bureau pertaining to both surveillance warrants and the infamous
of Investigation deserve a pass about their motives and Steele dossier that was financed by the Clinton campaign
methods, as new information raises troubling questions. and relied on anonymous Russian sources.

The Washington Post and the New York Times reported While there is no evidence so far of Trump-Russia
Saturday that a lead FBI investigator on the Mueller probe, collusion, House investigators have turned up enough
Peter Strzok, was demoted this summer after it was material to suggest that anti-Trump motives may have
discovered he’d sent anti- Trump texts to a mistress. As driven Mr. Comey’s FBI investigation. The public has a
troubling, Mr. Mueller and the Justice Department kept right to know whether the Steele dossier inspired the
this information from House investigators, despite Comey probe, and whether it led to intrusive government
Intelligence Committee subpoenas that would have eavesdropping on campaign satellites such as Carter Page.
exposed those texts. They also refused to answer questions
about Mr. Strzok’s dismissal and refused to make him All of this reinforces our doubts about Mr. Mueller’s
available for an interview. ability to conduct a fair and credible probe of the FBI’s
considerable part in the Russia-Trump drama. Mr. Mueller
The news about Mr. Strzok leaked only when the Justice ran the bureau for 12 years and is fast friends with Mr.
Department concluded it couldn’t hold out any longer, and Comey, whose firing by Mr. Trump triggered his
the stories were full of spin that praised Mr. Mueller for appointment as special counsel. The reluctance to
acting “swiftly” to remove the agent. Only after these cooperate with a congressional inquiry compounds doubts
stories ran did Justice agree on Saturday to make Mr. related to this clear conflict of interest.
Strzok available to the House.
This is all the more notable because Mr. Strzok was a chief
lieutenant to former FBI Director James Comey and
Mr. Mueller’s media protectorate argues that anyone
played a lead role investigating alleged coordination
critical of the special counsel is trying to cover for Mr.
between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016
Trump. But the alleged Trump-Russia ties are the subject
election. Mr. Mueller then gave him a top role in his
of numerous probes—Mr. Mueller’s, and those of various
special-counsel probe. And before all this Mr. Strzok led
committees in the House and Senate. If there is any
the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails and sat in on
evidence of collusion, Democrats and Mr. Mueller’s agents
the interview she gave to the FBI shortly before Mr.
will make sure it is spread far and wide.
Yet none of this means the public shouldn’t also know if, clearance as nearly anyone in government. Recently
and how, America’s most powerful law-enforcement Justice said it can’t interfere with a probe by the Justice
agency was influenced by Russia or partisan U.S. actors. Department Inspector General—as if an IG trumps
All the more so given Mr. Comey’s extraordinary congressional oversight.
intervention in the 2016 campaign, which Mrs. Clinton
keeps saying turned the election against her. The history of Mr. Nunes is understandably furious at the Strzok news, on
the FBI is hardly without taint. top of the other stonewalling. He asked Justice to meet the
rest of his committee’s demands by close of business
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who appointed Monday, and if it refuses Congress needs to pursue
Mr. Mueller, is also playing an increasingly questionable contempt citations against Mr. Rosenstein and new FBI
role in resisting congressional oversight. Justice has Director Christopher Wray.
floated multiple reasons for ignoring House subpoenas,
none of them persuasive. The latest news supports our view that Mr. Mueller is too
conflicted to investigate the FBI and should step down in
First it claimed cooperation would hurt the Mueller probe, favor of someone more credible. The investigation would
but his prosecutions are proceeding apace. Then Justice surely continue, though perhaps with someone who
claimed that providing House investigators with classified doesn’t think his job includes protecting the FBI and Mr.
material could hurt security or sources. But House Comey from answering questions about their role in the
Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes has as broad a security 2016 election.

If Michael Flynn's 'Crime'
Is All Robert Mueller Has, It Is Time To Move On
James S. Robbins, Opinion Columnist
Published 6:00 A.M. ET Dec. 4, 2017 | Updated 7:52 P.M. ET Dec. 4, 2017

Transitions include the president-elect The Trump transition team feared, for good reason, that the
talking to foreign officials. That's not lame-duck Obama administration was poisoning the well
treason; that's the job description. with Russia, and pursuing spiteful anti-Israel policies on
the way out the door. Trump asked Flynn, his soon-to-be
national security adviser, to open a semi-official channel to
On Friday, President Trump’s former national security Russia through its ambassador to discuss future
adviser, Michael Flynn, pleaded guilty to lying to federal cooperative efforts against the Islamic State and the United
investigators about a perfectly legal conversation he had Nations vote on an anti-Israel resolution. As lawyer Alan
during the presidential transition with then-Russian Dershowitz argued,
Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.
“Not only was that request not criminal, it
Flynn should not have lied, and why he chose to remains a was the right thing to do.”
mystery, but the substance of the single-count indictment
against Flynn shows that special counsel Robert Mueller’s
The phone call to Kislyak, and any other such contacts
investigation has strayed far from its original purpose.
with foreign officials, should be viewed in that context.
This was not, for example, on the level of colluding with
We have come down quite a way from the hyperventilation shadowy Russian intelligence contacts to create
about Russia “hacking the election” a year ago. What disinformation to try to swing the election, as the authors
happened to Democratic Sen. Mark Warner’s claim, later of the Clinton-connected Trump smear dossier did.
promoted by Hillary Clinton, that there were 1,000
Russian agents planting anti-Hillary fake news stories in
There was ample precedent for the president-elect to put
key swing states? Or that Russians had delivered
out feelers to foreign leaders.
Wisconsin to Trump? All the conspiracy theorists have so
far are a few Facebook ads that can’t credibly be shown to
have changed even one vote.  A memo from the Podesta files released by WikiLeaks
shows that the Obama team had planned for the
Flynn was fully in his rights making the call to Kislyak. “president-elect and senior officials (to) begin
Despite the best efforts of the anti-Trumpers, it is still not confidential policy consultations with key actors in U.S.
illegal to talk to Russians. Even Democratic former CIA and abroad” between Thanksgiving and Inauguration
director and Defense secretary Leon Panetta said it was a Day.
“stretch” to say these contacts broke the law.  Obama also openly used emissaries and go-betweens
to meet with foreign leaders during his transition.
 And for overwrought members of “the resistance” who
The dust-up seems mainly to be about the decorum of
think the unenforceable Logan Act is suddenly in play,
presidential transitions. Days after the 2016 election, the
recall that in 2008 then-candidate Obama arranged
Trump team cautioned the Obama administration against
substantive foreign policy discussions with numerous
pursuing new and damaging foreign policy initiatives that
foreign dignitaries and leaders during an overseas
did not align with Trump’s priorities.
campaign trip before the election.
“I don’t think it’s in keeping with the spirit of
An erroneous ABC News report that Trump had dispatched
the transition,” one of president-elect
Flynn to make contact with Russia before the
Trump’s national security advisers told
election appears to have caused a massive stock market
Politico on Nov. 10, 2016, “to try to push
selloff. The report was corrected, and reporter Brian Ross
through agenda items that are contrary to
was suspended. The important takeaway of ABC’s fake
the president-elect’s positions.”
news outbreak is that since the Trump team’s outreach to
Russia took place after the election, it implies there were

no channels to Moscow before the fact. This puts a stake in The real obstruction might be found in the Mueller
the heart of the collusion theory. investigation itself. The legitimacy of the FBI witch hunt
against Trump was further damaged by reports that leading
A CNN analyst speculated that instead of outright FBI investigator Peter Strzok, who had spearheaded the
coordination, there was an implicit quid pro quo for Russia investigation into Hillary Clinton’s sketchy home-brew
getting Trump elected. This might be called the “grasping email server, was demoted because of anti-Trump texts he
at straws” gambit. exchanged with co-worker Lisa Page, with whom he was
having an extramarital affair.
On Sunday, Sen. Diane Feinstein, D-Calif., resurrected the
notion that Trump obstructed justice by firing then-FBI This is hardly an unbiased investigation. If the type of
Director and Bible scholar James Comey. But again, this is process crime that Flynn was nailed for is all the Mueller
a weak and constitutionally suspect narrative. team can come up with, it is time to move on.

Spotlight On Mueller Investigation As Top FBI Investigator
Exchanged Anti-Trump Messages
Peter Hasson - Associate Editor
10:23 PM 12/04/2017

The revelation that Special Counsel Robert Mueller kept In a column for the Washington Post Monday night,
secret that a top FBI investigator overseeing the Russia conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt called the Strzok
investigation exchanged anti-Trump text messages with an bombshell “a blockbuster revelation, carrying the
FBI attorney has fueled questions about Mueller’s possibility of shattering public confidence in a number of
credibility and his ability to oversee an impartial long-held assumptions about the criminal-justice system
investigation. generally and the FBI and the Justice Department
Peter Strzok, the anti-Trump agent, is reported to be the
official who first signed the FBI’s Russia investigation into Hewitt called on the Department of Justice to “appoint a
existence and interviewed Michael Flynn. Strzok was also special counsel to investigate Strzok’s actions as soon as
reportedly the one who softened former FBI Director possible.”
James Comey’s language referring to Hillary Clinton’s
email investigation. (BOMBSHELL: Top Clinton Aides Even before the latest bombshell, former US attorney
Face No Charges After Making False Statements To Andrew McCarthy was already warning about the
FBI) credibility of Mueller’s investigation, which he said
“started out as a fishing expedition.
In an appearance on “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Judicial
Watch president Tom Fitton told the Daily Caller co- “The ongoing Mueller probe is not a good-faith
founder that “both [the Clinton and Russia] investigations investigation of suspected espionage or other crime,” he
in my view have been irredeemably compromised.” wrote in National Review over the weekend.
(RELATED: Anti-Trump Text Messages Show Pattern
Of Bias On Mueller’s Team) “It is the exploitation of the executive’s intelligence-
gathering and law-enforcement powers in order to (a)
“The Clinton investigation needs to be reopened and the criminalize Trump political policies with which the Obama
Mueller investigation needs to be shut down until we administration disagreed and (b) frame Clinton’s electoral
figure out how badly it’s been politicized,” Fitton said. defeat as the product of a traitorous scheme rather than a
rejection of Democratic-party priorities.”
The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board said the Strzok
news “reinforces our doubts about Mr. Mueller’s ability to WATCH: CNN ALLEGES TRUMP BASHING
conduct a fair and credible probe of the FBI’s considerable COMEY WON’T HELP BECAUSE SPECIAL
part in the Russia-Trump drama” in a column for COUNSEL MUELLER IS FRIENDS WITH THE
Tuesday’s paper. FORMER FBI DIRECTOR

The editors noted Mueller’s close friendship with Comey,

as well as his “reluctance to cooperate with” congressional
oversight of the Russia investigation.

“The latest news supports our view that Mr. Mueller is too
conflicted to investigate the FBI and should step down in
favor of someone more credible,” the WSJ editors
concluded. “The investigation would surely continue,
though perhaps with someone who doesn’t think his job
includes protecting the FBI and Mr. Comey from
answering questions about their role in the 2016 election.”

Trump Blasts ‘Double Standard’
In FBI Treatment Of Clinton And Flynn
By Kathryn Blackhurst
Updated 04 Dec 2017 At 7:29 AM

President Donald Trump ripped the “double standard” in

how 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary
Clinton was treated and how Michael Flynn, his former
national security adviser, was treated.

As part of his probe into Russia’s interference in the 2016

U.S. presidential election, special counsel Robert Mueller
charged Flynn on Friday with one count of making false
statements to the FBI. Flynn, the former director of the
Defense Intelligence Agency, pleaded guilty that same
Former FBI Director James Comey ultimately found that
Clinton engaged in no criminal conduct, although he
Noting that Flynn was charged with lying to the FBI
criticized her for being "extremely careless" in a statement
during the course of its investigation, Trump highlighted
issued in July 2016.
the investigation that dogged Clinton throughout her
presidential bid regarding her use of a private email server
while serving as secretary of state under former President "Although we did not find clear evidence
Barack Obama. that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues
intended to violate laws governing the
handling of classified information, there is
"So General Flynn lies to the FBI and his
evidence that they were extremely careless
life is destroyed, while Crooked Hillary
in their handling of very sensitive, highly
Clinton, on that now famous FBI holiday
classified information," Comey had said.
'interrogation' with no swearing in and no
recording, lies many times ... and nothing
happens to her? Rigged system, or just a For his own part, Flynn released a statement Saturday in
double standard?" Trump tweeted. which he highlighted that it had been "extraordinarily
painful" for him to endure "months of false accusations."

"After over 33 years of military service to

our country, including nearly five years in
combat away from my family, and then my
decision to continue to serve the United
States, it has been extraordinarily painful to
endure these many months of false
accusations of 'treason' and other
outrageous acts," Flynn said. "Such false
accusations are contrary to everything I
have ever done and stood for."
"But I recognize that the actions I
"Many people in our Country are asking acknowledged in court today were wrong,
what the 'Justice' Department is going to do and, through my faith in God, I am working
about the fact that totally Crooked Hillary, to set things right," Flynn added. "My guilty
AFTER receiving a subpoena from the plea and agreement to cooperate with the
United States Congress, deleted and 'acid special counsel's office reflect a decision I
washed' 33,000 Emails? No justice!" the made in the best interests of my family and
president added. of our country. I accept full responsibility for
my actions."
RNC Reverses, Will Back
Roy Moore Following Trump Endorsement
By Tyler Durden
Dec 4, 2017 9:50 PM

Confirming an earlier report by Breitbart, the Hill reports Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), which is
that the Republican National Committee has decided to controlled by Mitch McConnell, is still withholding
reinstate its support of Alabama Senate candidate Roy support. McConnell has pushed for Moore’s ouster after
Moore after initially cutting ties over allegations of sexual spending more than $30 million in a failed effort to beat
misconduct, following Trump's official endorsement him in the GOP primary and runoff.
earlier on Monday of the Alabama Judge after weeks of
silence. Breitbart first reported that the RNC had decided It remains to be seen if the NRSC will join President
to step back into the race. Trump in supporting the GOP nominee for the U.S. Senate
in Alabama in the final week of the election. Voters head
Trump endorsed Moore in a tweet that blasted out to to the polls a week from Tuesday on Dec. 12.
millions of his followers as well as in a follow-up call
aboard Air Force One, in which the president said, "Go get While Moore's odds of winning took a hit after the
'em, Roy." allegations first surfaced, his standing in the polls has risen
over the past two weeks., and Moore now holds a solid
five-point lead over Jones, according to the latest data
from RealClearPolitics.

Last month Trump told reporters that “[Moore] denies it.

He totally denies it — that’s all I can say”, although he did
not endorse the controversial candidate until today.

The abrupt reversal comes after RNC officials told The

Associated Press last month that they would not support Trump initially supported Luther Strange, who was
Moore even after Trump stood by him. Subsequently, the appointed by former Alabama Governor Robert Bentley to
two GOP campaign groups cut ties with Moore in October, temporarily fill the senate seat previously held by now-
halting their financial and field support for his bid as a Attorney General Jeff Sessions, in a primary race against
chorus of Republican lawmakers called on him to step Moore, who handily won thanks to backing from Steve
aside. Their decision to break ties with Moore came after Bannon. Moore is considered a hero among the
several women alleged that he made unwanted sexual evangelicals of Alabama for refusing the remove a statue
advances while they were underaged minors and he was in of the ten commandments he had installed in the Alabama
his 30's. Supreme Court when he was chief justice. The Alabama
Republican Party has stood by Moore, and while many
While the RNC - which is President Trump’s political arm Republicans in initially tried to distance themselves, their
- is backing Moore now, Breitbart notes that the National fervant opposition has since died down.

The Price He Will Pay
President Donald Trump's Main Legacy Will Likely Be A Series Of New
Laws And Practices Designed To Prevent Someone Like Him From
Abusing Power Or Even Obtaining It In The First Place.
Seth Masket
Dec 4, 2017

features are consistent with a good year for Democrats.

Will that be enough for them to actually take control of
one or more chambers of Congress? Maybe, but not
necessarily; seats in the House of Representatives are safer
than they used to be, and the Senate map is bad for

But, more importantly, elections just aren't a great tool for

punishing presidential norm violations or lawbreaking.
Even if Trump's Twitter account went silent tomorrow and
President Donald Trump steps off Air Force One upon arrival at he behaved like a model president for the next 11 months,
Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland on December 2nd, 2017.
his party would likely still suffer substantial losses next
(Photo: Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images)
year simply because that's what tends to happen in mid-
terms. Democrats will likely claim that their party's gains
A question I get a lot from friends and relatives is about are a response to Trump's abuses of the office, and
why Donald Trump never seems to pay a price for his Republicans may interpret them as a sign that the media is
behavior as president. He makes overt racist insults, he hopelessly biased against them, but such claims will likely
attacks our allies, he disparages the free press, he obstructs be produced no matter what happens in the elections.
justice, etc., and nothing changes—his poll numbers stay What's more, Republicans may do better than expected,
the same, Republicans in Congress squirm but do nothing even if many Americans are bothered by Trump's
(and sometimes hand him legislative wins), his staffers behavior. There's little to suggest that election outcomes
defend him, and so forth. "How does he get away with it?," are a response to the president's day-to-day behavior.
I am often asked.

This is an important question that goes to some substantial

structural features of the American system of government.
Julia Azari dealt with some of this in a post over the
summer, but I'd like to delve in a bit more here.

The first thing to note is that the federal government is not

designed to mete out rewards and punishments to elected
officials in a rapid fashion. As Azari noted, it has built in
biases toward stability and a strong presidency. If you feel
that the government is not working because Trump's latest
norm violation hasn't resulted in impeachment or prison
time in his first year in office, you are holding the
government to a standard that neither it nor virtually any
other democratic government has ever met.

What about the mid-term elections? Could those be used to

punish Trump? That's tricky. As of now, 11 months before
the elections, the political environment is shaping up to be
Michael Flynn, former national security advisor to President Donald
a bad one for Republicans. Lots of Democrats are running Trump, leaves following his plea hearing at the Prettyman Federal
for office, several Republicans are choosing not to run for Courthouse on December 1st, 2017, in Washington, D.C. (Photo:
re-election, the president is unpopular, the president's party Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
historically tends to lose seats in mid-terms—all these

There are some important ways in which Trump is paying nepotism law. Richard Nixon's unorthodox uses of
a price for his behavior, however, and these should not be campaign money led to new campaign finance laws.
ignored simply because they move slowly. For one, there's
a very serious criminal investigation of this administration Trump's own abuses, especially those involving
moving ahead. Robert Mueller's investigation has now emoluments, conflicts of interests, and nepotism, have
produced four indictments this year, including that of the shown some areas of federal law in need of clarification or
president's former campaign manager and his choice for more substantial enforcement. States are already
national security advisor. In the legal world, this is fast, considering requiring presidential candidates to release
and consequential, work, and could well end up as a case federal tax returns if they want to appear on the ballot.
for impeachment and removal. There's a strong chance we'll see such codifications in the
near future, if not during Trump's tenure.
What's more, we shouldn't ignore the fact that Trump is
highly unpopular. His approval ratings seem mired in the Overall, it's worth remembering that Trump is just
30s during a period of solid economic growth, low crime, finishing up what is usually the most productive year of
low gas prices, low inflation, and a relatively peaceful any presidency. The current GOP tax bill notwithstanding,
international environment. This unpopularity is costly to he doesn't have much of a record of accomplishment, he's
him and his agenda and it could prove devastating for his deeply unpopular, and he and his children are in
party. substantial legal jeopardy. His main legacy will likely be a
series of new laws and practices designed to prevent
Furthermore, presidential norm violations often lead to someone like him from abusing power or even obtaining it
substantial legal or constitutional pushback. Franklin in the first place. This is what pushback looks like. It's no
Roosevelt may have had reasonable justification for doubt incomplete, dissatisfying, and slow for Trump's
running for a third and fourth term, but those were critics, but rest assured that Trump is not "getting away
significant departures from established presidential with it." He's paying a price for his behavior, and that price
tradition; the political system responded by enshrining the is likely going up.
two-term tradition in the Constitution. John Kennedy's
hiring of his brother as attorney general led to an anti-

Journalist Faces 61 Years
In Prison For Covering Anti-Trump Protests
By John Friend
December 4, 2017

Seven of the nine journalists have had all charges against

them dropped by prosecutors in Washington, D.C. Charges
against Wood and Aaron Cantu, a staff reporter at The
Santa Fe Reporter in New Mexico, were not dropped
despite First Amendment concerns from some of the
nation’s leading journalism and free speech experts.

Wood has a history of covering protests, particularly

during the heated 2016 presidential campaign. On his
personal website, Wood notes his history of “documenting
Though AFP may disagree with the political social justice issues and resistance movements,” for which
views apparently held by this he appears to have sympathy.
photojournalist and videographer who
provided embedded coverage of the D.C. Wood livestreamed his embedded coverage of the
protests on the day of President Trump’s Inauguration Day protests and can be heard expressing
inauguration, he has the right to attend and what seems to be tacit approval of the actions of the
report on controversial events. protesters, which included breaking windows and spray-
painting private property.
Nov. 27 marked the beginning of a trial being watched
across the nation. Alexei Wood, a San Antonio-based The Department of Justice, the entity pursuing the charges
freelance photojournalist and videographer, is facing against Wood, has not commented on the case.
multiple felony rioting and destruction of property charges
stemming from his coverage of the chaotic and violent “The government has not informed me as
protests held in Washington, D.C. during President Donald to why Mr. Wood’s case involved any
Trump’s inauguration ceremony. If convicted, Wood faces greater degree of culpability than any of the
up to 61 years in prison, according to his lawyer. other journalists who were ultimately not
charged,” Brett E. Cohen, Wood’s attorney,
Numerous groups protested against Trump’s election on explained to The New York Times. The
the day of the inauguration, and many more protests indictment against Wood and 211 other
followed during the weekend. As this newspaper reported defendants, originally filed on April 3, “does
at the time, as many as 50 of the groups involved with not single out Mr. Wood for anything arising
organizing the protests, which turned violent, caused from the demonstration,” Cohen noted.
massive property damage, and created disruption and
chaos in the nation’s capital, were directly connected to the Lawyers and legal experts have questioned the indictment
infamous plutocrat and top globalist George Soros. Soros against Wood and other journalists, arguing that a
has a history of financing radical, subversive protest journalist’s political perspective and personal attitude
groups around the world with the goal of undermining the toward an event they are covering is not relevant from a
established order in a truly Bolshevik-style fashion. legal perspective.

During the D.C. protests, vehicles were damaged, “Obviously, journalists are not above the
storefront windows were broken, and other private law—they can’t break windows,” Reed
property was vandalized. Over 200 of the protesters, many Brody, who has represented other
of whom were affiliated with the DisruptJ20 activist journalists in controversial cases involving
organization—a radical, anarchistic group—were arrested coverage of major protests, explained to
for their participation in the violent chaos that consumed the Times. “They can be sympathetic to the
the nation’s capital. Additionally, nine journalists, people that they cover, and they can draw
including Wood, were arrested along with the protesters. attention to the people that they cover. But

you can’t arrest and you can’t charge Radical, violent protesters who commit crimes—whatever
journalists for covering events.” their political leanings or affiliations—deserve to be
punished to the fullest extent of the law, and the federal
At the end of Wood’s livestream, police are seen moving prosecutors pursuing criminal charges against the radical
in to confront and arrest many of the protesters. Wood extremists who targeted Washington, D.C. during Trump’s
identifies himself as a journalist and member of the media inauguration should be applauded. However, journalists
documenting the event, yet Washington Metropolitan covering controversial events, regardless of their political
Police appear to ignore him and eventually arrest and leanings and affiliations must be protected by the First
charge him with the same crimes as the radical, violent Amendment.
protesters he was covering.

From Mueller Probe INTERVIEWED Mike Flynn
Posted By Sara Carter
December 5, 2017

“with the recent revelation that Strzok was

removed from the Special Counsel investigation
for making anti-Trump text messages it seems
likely that the accuracy and veracity of the 302
of Flynn’s interview as a whole should be
reviewed and called into question.”

“The most logical thing to happen would be to

call the other FBI Special Agent present during
Flynn’s interview before the Grand Jury to
recount his version,” the former intelligence
official added.

The former official also said that “Strzok’s

A supervisory special agent who is now under scrutiny allegiance to (Deputy Director Andrew) McCabe
after being removed from Robert Mueller’s Special was unwavering and very well known.”
Counsel’s Office for alleged bias against President Trump
also oversaw the bureau’s interviews of embattled former Flynn, a retired three-star general, issued a statement on
National Security advisor Michael Flynn, this reporter has Dec. 1, saying, “it has been extraordinarily painful to
learned. Flynn recently pled guilty to one-count of lying to endure these many months of false accusations of
the FBI last week. “treason” and other outrageous acts. Such false accusations
are contrary to everything I have ever done and stood for.
FBI agent Peter Strzok was one of two FBI agents who But I recognize that the actions I acknowledged in court
interviewed Flynn, which took place on Jan. 24, at the today were wrong, and, through my faith in God, I am
White House, said several sources. The other FBI special working to set things right.”
agent, who interviewed Flynn, is described by sources as a
field supervisor in the “Russian Squad, at the FBI’s According to another source, with direct knowledge of the
Washington Field Office,” according to a former Jan. 24 interview, McCabe had contacted Flynn by phone
intelligence official, with knowledge of the interview. directly at the White House. White House officials had
spent the “earlier part of the week with the FBI overseeing
Strzok was removed from his role in the Special Counsel’s training and security measures associated with their new
Office after it was discovered he had made disparaging roles so it was no surprise to Flynn that McCabe had
comments about President Trump in text messages called,” the source said.
between him and his alleged lover FBI attorney Lisa Page,
according to the New York Times and Washington McCabe told Flynn
Post, which first reported the stories. Strzok is also under
investigation by the Department of Justice Inspector “some agents were heading over (to the White
General for his role in Hillary Clinton’s email server and House) but Flynn thought it was part of the
the ongoing investigation into Russia’s election meddling. routine work the FBI had been doing and said
On Saturday, the House Intelligence Committee’s they would be cleared at the gate,” the source
Chairman Devin Nunes chided the Justice Department and said.
the FBI for not disclosing why Strzok had been removed
from the Special Counsel three months ago, according to a
“It wasn’t until after they were already in
statement given by the Chairman.
(Flynn’s) office that he realized he was being
formerly interviewed. He didn’t have an attorney
The former U.S. intelligence official told this reporter, with him,” they added.

Flynn’s attorney Robert Kelner did not respond for “We now know why Strzok was dismissed, why
comment. the FBI and DOJ refused to provide us this
explanation, and at least one reason why they
A former senior Trump administration official, however, previously refused to make Deputy Director
described Strzok as one of the McCabe available to the Committee for an
interview,” the chairman added.
“best agents in the bureau. And has now
become the latest victim in the Russia Justice Department spokewoman Sarah Isgur Flores said,
“we disagree with the Chairman’s
“He was the top counterintelligence agent and characterization and will continue to work with
an asset to the bureau and America,” said the congressional committees to provide the
official, who disputed that Strozk would let his information they request consistent with our
political leanings influence his work, despite the national security responsibilities.”
alleged anti-Trump text messages his sent
Page. Isgur Flores said in a written statement to this reporter that
the Justice Department provided the House Intelligence
FBI spokeswoman Carol Cratty could not be immediately committee and leadership with
reached for comment. Strzok could also not be reached for
comment. “several hundred pages of classified documents
and multiple briefings—including for example
A former FBI agent said the investigation into Strzok and clear answers as to whether any FBI payments
the reported text messages between him and Page, shows a were made to a source in question related to
the dossier—and has more recently cleared key
witnesses they have requested to testify,
“bias that cannot be ignored particularly if he
including Mr. McCabe, Mr. Strzok, and the
had anything to do with Flynn’s interview and
alleged handler in question.”
his role in it.”

But Nunes said,

The former U.S. intelligence official questioned,

“by hiding from Congress, and from the

“how logical is it that Flynn is being charged for
American people, documented political bias by
lying to an agent whose character and neutrality
a key FBI head investigator for both the Russia
was called into question by the Special
collusion probe and the Clinton email
investigation, the FBI and DOJ engaged in a
willful attempt to thwart Congress’ constitutional
According to an anonymous source in The Washington oversight responsibility.”
Post, Strzok’s and Page had exchanged a number of texts
He added
“expressed anti-Trump sentiments and other
“this is part of a months-long pattern by the DOJ
comments that appeared to favor Clinton.”
and FBI of stonewalling and obstructing this
Committee’s oversight work, particularly
Nunes said Saturday that the mistress of Strzok, who was oversight of their use of the Steele dossier. At
the top FBI official assigned to Mueller’s Special Counsel, this point, these agencies should be
was an FBI lawyer working for FBI Deputy Director investigating themselves.”
Nunes instructed the House Intelligence Committee staff
The FBI and Justice Department have on Saturday

“failed to sufficiently cooperate with the “to begin drawing up a contempt of Congress
Committee’s August 24 subpoena, and have resolution for DOJ Deputy Attorney General
specifically refused repeated demands from the Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher
House Intelligence Committee for an Wray. Unless all our outstanding demands are
explanation of Pete Strzok’s dismissal from the fully met by close of business on Monday,
Mueller probe,” Nunes said. December 4, 2017, the committee will have the

opportunity to move this resolution before the “whether FBI paid for dossier, whether dossier
end of the month.” launched investigation, whether the dossier was
used as basis for FISA applications. what steps
A source familiar with the chairman’s request said Nunes FBI took to verify dossier upon receipt and
knows the answers to since in addition, DOJ has cleared every
witness he asked for. Period.”

The Democrats’ Dangerous
Obsession With Impeachment
The Party Needs To Focus On Winning Elections,
Not Removing Trump
By Jeet Heer
December 5, 2017

was, for example, with Richard Nixon in 1974), but

wanted to redefine the rules for impeachment so they apply
to Trump, a president who has demonstrated that he is
manifestly unfit for office.

“Impeachment is not a power we should

take lightly,” Klein wrote. “Nor is it one we
should treat as too explosive to use. There
will be presidents who are neither criminals
nor mental incompetents but who are
wrong for the role, who pose a danger to
the country and the world.... Being
extremely bad at the job of president of the
United States should be enough to get you
Amid a stream of revelations, arrests, and plea bargains fired.”
from Robert Mueller’s investigation of Donald Trump
campaign’s connections with Russia, liberals are becoming While it is true that Trump is “extremely bad at the job of
giddy at the prospect of impeaching the president. president,” using that as grounds for removing him from
office would be revolutionary, moving the criteria from the
“Can Democrats finally start talking about constitutional requirement of “high crimes and
impeachment, Nancy Pelosi?” misdemeanors,” which is already vague, to the utterly
nebulous and subjective “extremely bad.” Klein
Errol Louis asked in a column for CNN, referring to the recognized that normalizing impeachment would turn it
House minority leader. On The View, Joy Behar bubbled into a political weapon, but didn’t wrestle with the fact that
with delight when she was handed the news, now revealed this normalization already happened—with the spurious
to be inaccurate, that former National Security Advisor impeachment of Bill Clinton in 1999. That precedent
Michael Flynn was willing to testify that then-candidate suggests the dangers of further normalization:
Trump had instructed him to make contact with the
Russians. (The report was corrected to say that Trump had It will worsen the extreme partisanship and
done so as president-elect.) Some Trump opponents are gridlock that is making American
already looking upon impeachment as a done deal. ungovernable.
“He’s going to be impeached, I believe,”
The impeachment enthusiasts should pull back. For both
Crispin Sartwell wrote at Splice. “I’ve
practical and political reasons, this is the wrong remedy for
thought so since the election. Michael
the Trump presidency, even if we stipulate that he has been
Flynn is singing. Jared Kushner is likely to
“extremely bad” and has committed “high crimes and
be charged in the coming weeks.”

The practical problem is that for impeachment to be

The impeachment frenzy has gone so far that even the
meaningful, Trump would not just have to be impeached
normally sober Ezra Klein, Vox’s founder, argued last
by the House of Representatives (which requires a simple
week that impeachment be normalized as a regular
majority) but also removed by the Senate (requiring a two-
procedure in American democracy. He implicitly
thirds vote). It’s easy to imagine a scenario where the
acknowledged that we haven’t yet reached the stage where
Democrats win the House of Representatives in 2018 and
Trump’s impeachability is beyond reasonable dispute (as it
have the necessary votes for impeachment. But even in that even if the “pee tape” is real and widely viewed,
that best-case scenario, in which Democrats win every Trump would still remain politically sacrosanct among his
toss-up race for the Senate, they would still be well short own party.
of the votes they need in the Senate. Which means that
kicking Trump out of the White House by necessity has to The most promising route for stopping Trump, then, is
be a bipartisan effort with significant Republican buy-in. through the ballot box. Democrats need a convincing
platform and effective organization to win elections at
As Peter Beinart pointed out Sunday in The Atlantic, the every level. If the party can win back Congress in 2018, it
possibility of Republicans co-operating in removing can immediately start hamstringing Trump’s presidency
Trump is dropping even as there’s more evidence emerges without resorting to the unlikely path of impeachment.
that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians. Democrats can launch investigations into Trump’s many
Beinart correctly noted that “mass Republican defection” improper acts. They can stall his nominees, especially in
from Trump “has grown harder, not easier, to imagine. It’s the courts. They can also start laying down rules for
grown harder because the last six months have reining in the imperial presidency, including the
demonstrated that GOP voters will stick with Trump thermonuclear monarchy, so that no future commander-in-
despite his lunacy, and punish those Republican politicians chief has the dangerous power Trump possesses.
who do not.” Republican support for Trump has never
fallen below 79 percent since he became president. Impeachment fetishists seem to think that the overriding
Republicans who dare criticize Trump, such as senators problem of American politics is that Trump is president.
Jeff Flake and Bob Corker, have crashed in popularity By this analysis, the president is a dangerous outlier whose
among the GOP base. removal would restore America to normality. But the
problem isn’t just Trump; it’s also the Republican Party.
The Republican Party has proven that they will tolerate Trump is only dangerous because he’s the standard-bearer
just about anything from Trump. They continue to stand of a party that has unified control of the government and is
with him despite his demented tweeting, the political willing to stand by Trump no matter what. A Democratic
support he’s given to Roy Moore, his repeated expressions agenda of reining in presidential power will give more
of contempt for the justice system, and his cavalier threats lasting victories than mere impeachment, which is unlikely
to launch a nuclear war. Unless Robert Mueller finds the to succeed and would only address a symptom, not the
possibly apocryphal “pee tape,” Republicans are likely to cause, of the cancer that’s ravaging American politics.
remain loyal to Trump. In fact, there’s a real possibility

CBS, NBC Ignore Role Of Anti-Trump
FBI Agent In Clinton E-Mail Probe
By Nicholas Fondacaro
December 5, 2017 12:22 AM EST

careless,” rather than, quote, ‘grossly

negligent.’ Now, the significance is that
it’s a felony to mishandle classified
information, quote, ‘in a grossly
negligent way.’”

Over the weekend, it was discovered that Special Counsel

Robert Mueller kicked a veteran FBI agent, named Peter
Strzok, off his team for sending text messages that were
disparaging of President Trump. But on Monday, new
information broke about just who the agent actually was.
Apparently, he was responsible for toning down former
FBI Director Comey’s language when he was announced Later in the night, after the networks were off the air,
he would not recommend charges be brought against
Hillary Clinton in her e-mail investigation. That interesting The Daily Caller uncovered even more
tidbit was blacked out of the reports in the evening damning information about Strzok. “The
broadcasts of CBS and NBC. FBI agent who was fired from Special
Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia
During their morning broadcasts, both CBS This Morning investigation team for sending anti-
and NBC’s Today mentioned Strzok’s removal from the Donald Trump text messages conducted
investigation team. But come Monday evening, NBC the interviews with two Hillary Clinton
Nightly News failed to mention the new development when aides accused of giving false
reporting on the agent’s removal, while CBS Evening News statements about what they knew of the
didn’t mention the Special Counsel at all. former secretary of state’s private email
server,” reported Chuck Ross.
ABC’s World News Tonight was the only one in the big
three to report the new details of Strzok’s past. As Ross wrote, the differences in the results of Strzok’s
Trump investigation versus his Clinton one were shocking.
“ABC News has also now confirmed
from a Source that Strzok played a key “The starkly different outcomes from
role in how then FBI Director James Strzok’s interviews — a felony charge
Comey announced the results of the against Flynn and a free pass to Mills
Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation,” and Abedin — are sure to raise
reported anchor David Muir after recalling questions from Republicans about
what broke over the weekend. double-standards in the FBI’s two most
prominent political investigations,” he
Surprisingly, Muir actually went on to explain what Strzok explained.
did to lessen the political/legal blow to Clinton:
Since neither CBS nor NBC wanted to report Strzok’s
“Recommending that Comey describe positive involvement the Clinton e-mail investigation, it
Clinton's actions as, quote, “extremely will be interesting to see if they decide to report on The
Daily Caller’s findings.
ABC being the one to actually mention Strzok's connection DAVID MUIR: And one more development tonight involving the
to the Clinton e-mail investigation was indeed surprising. Special Counsel, Robert Mueller's team tonight. A veteran FBI
But it might have something to do with the fact that ABC agent who was removed from the Russia investigation. We
News President James Goldston ripped into his staff learned that Robert Mueller removed Peter Strzok back in August
Monday morning for their abysmal reporting on former after learning that Strzok had sent potentially anti-Trump text
National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s plea deal. messages. ABC News has also now confirmed from a Source
that Strzok played a key role in how then FBI Director James
Transcript below: Comey announced the results of the Hillary Clinton e-mail
investigation. Recommending that Comey describe Clinton's
actions as, quote, “extremely careless,” rather than, quote,
“grossly negligent.” Now, the significance is that it’s a felony to
World News Tonight
mishandle classified information, quote, “in a grossly negligent
December 4, 2017
6:36:22 PM Eastern [39 seconds]

More Anti-Trump Messages Reportedly
Sent By Members Of Mueller's Team:
"A Lot More Is Going To Come Out"
By Tyler Durden
Dec 5, 2017 8:23 AM

Days after it emerged that former Special Counsel records. “Weissmann, who led the Enron investigation,
investigator Peter Strzok was fired from Robert Mueller's previously gave $2,300 to Obama’s first presidential
Trump-Russia probe in August for sending anti-Trump text campaign in 2008 and $2,000 to the Democratic
messages to his mistress while the two were working National Committee in 2006
together on the Clinton email investigation, Sara Carter of
Circa told a Fox News panel that there are more anti-
Trump messages sent by Mueller's team floating around.

 Jeannie Rhee: donated $5,400 to Hillary Clinton in

2015 and 2016, according to FEC records. The records
Carter previously emerged as one of the handful of people show she gave $2,500 each to Obama for America and
to review documents obtained by an undercover FBI Obama Victory Fund 2012 in 2011
informant embedded in the Russian uranium industry.  Andrew Goldstein: According to Fox News, “Goldstein
Appearing on Hannity's show Monday night, Carter was contributed a combined $3,300 to Obama’s campaigns
asked about rumors of more anti-Trump sentiment in 2008 and 2012”
expressed by Mueller's team:  Greg Andres: FEC records show that Andres has
donated at least $2,700 to Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
Sean Hannity: I’m hearing rumors all
 James Quarles: Donated thousands of dollars to the
over the place Sara Carter that there are
campaigns of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. He
other anti-Trump text-emails out there.
has also donated money recently to other Democrats,
And we know about them.
including Friends of Chuck Schumer and two other
Sara Carter: I think you’re hearing correctly Democrats. He has a lengthy donation history dating
Sean and I think a lot more is going to back years. He did donate to two Republicans over the
come out. In fact, I know a lot more is years, however.
going to come out based on the sources  Elizabeth Prelogar: A former law clerk to Justics Ruth
I’ve spoken to. Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagen, gave $250 to Hillary
Clinton in 2016, according to FEC records. She also
The clip is below. gave $500 total to Obama for America and the Obama
Victory Fund 2012.
Tangentially, it has been widely reported that Mueller's  Brandon Van Grack: gave small amounts to ActBlue,
special counsel is stacked with investigators who have an effort to raise money for Democrats, and to a
donated to Obama, Clinton or other Democrat causes. As Democratic candidate for Congress in 2012. In 2008,
Jessica McBride reported in Heavy: he gave about $286 to Barack Obama.
 Rush Atkinson: donated $200 to Clinton’s campaign in
 Andrew Weissmann: Weissmann is a Barack Obama
and Democratic campaign donor, according to federal
 Kyle Freeny: In 2012, Freeny gave $300 to Obama. In In a statement issued Sunday, Nunes announced a serious
2008, Freeny also gave $250 to Obama, FEC records escalation: His committee, he said, is preparing to hold
show. Andrew McCabe and assistant AG Rod Rosenstein in
contempt for the DOJ's failure to comply with Nunes's
To review: subpoena. He also accused the FBI and the DOJ of
willfully refusing to comply with an Aug. 24 subpoena in
part by refusing the committee's request
Veteran FBI agent Peter Strzok, working
under James Comey, headed up both the
Clinton email investigation and the Trump- "for an explanation of Peter Strzok's
Russia probe before Mueller's special dismissal from the mueller probe."
counsel was created to take the reigns. “By hiding from Congress, and from the
Strzok - who was responsible for changing American people, documented political
the FBI's opinion of Clinton's mishandling bias by a key FBI head investigator for
of classified info from "grossly negligent" to both the Russia collusion probe and the
"extremely careless," - had an extramarital Clinton email investigation, the FBI and
affair with FBI lawyer Lisa Page while the DOJ engaged in a willful attempt to
two were working on the Clinton "matter." thwart Congress’ constitutional
During the investigation, Strzok sent Page oversight responsibility.
anti-Trump / pro-Clinton text messages,
which resulted in the dismissal of both This is part of a months-long pattern by the DOJ and FBI
Strzok and Page from Mueller's Trump- of stonewalling and obstructing this Committee’s oversight
Russia probe. Strzok now works in the work, particularly oversight of their use of the Steele
FBI's HR department. dossier. At this point, these agencies should be
investigating themselves.
Strzok's conduct during the Clinton email investigation and “The DOJ has now expressed—on a
any other politically charged cases he's worked on, are Saturday, just hours after the press reports
now being investigated by the DOJ's Office of Personel on Strzok’s dismissal appeared—a sudden
Management the results of which, per Sara Carter of Circa, willingness to comply with some of the
will be coming out in December and January. Committee’s long-standing demands. This
attempted 11th-hour accommodation is
Moreover, as we reported earlier today, House Speaker neither credible nor believable, and in fact
Paul Ryan accused the DOJ and FBI of "stonewalling" the is yet another example of the DOJ’s
House Intelligence Committee's wide-ranging subpoena disingenuousness and obstruction.
related to the "Trump dossier," along with the fact that the Therefore, I have instructed House
FBI appears to have willfully tried to conceal the reason Intelligence Committee staff to begin
for Strzok's reassignment from the committee. drawing up a contempt of Congress
resolution for DOJ Deputy Attorney
Meanwhile, upon being blindsided with this information General Rod Rosenstein and FBI
and publicly embarrassed, Intel committee chairman Devin Director Christopher Wray.
Nunes was understandably less than pleased. Unless all our outstanding demands are
fully met by close of business on Monday,
December 4, 2017, the committee will have
the opportunity to move this resolution
before the end of the month."

It now appears that the FBI will have even more

explaining to do as evidence of additional anti-Trump bias
among members of Mueller's investigation appear to be on
the horizon...

Tom Hanks: Calling CNN ‘Fake News’
Is ‘Monkeying Around With Constitution’
By Corinne Weaver
December 5, 2017 10:26 AM EST

stuff that is in these and so what is

happening is that dilution, the dilution of the
great … they’re throwing dirt and oil into a
bucket of water. So it all becomes
undrinkable after a while,” he told Axelrod,
the former senior Obama official who now
has a show at … CNN.

The real problem, Hanks thought, were the “conspiracy


“And when conspiracy theorists end up

When did actors become the ultimate authority on the
having the same amount of purchase as 27
reporters who are trying to get to the
bottom of some records somewhere, trying
CNN’s David Axelrod (who, lest we forget, was Obama’s to get to the bottom of what was said about
political guru) interviewed actor Tom Hanks on The Axe Vietnam in 1946 and 1957 and 1963, well,
Files on December 2, and pushed Hanks to pontificate on then you’re monkeying around with what I
Donald Trump, the constitution, and fake news. When think the United States of America has
Axelrod asked Hanks whether he was “concerned” by the been based upon, which is the great
president “target[ing] news organizations,” Hanks freedom to say what you want, assemble
responded, with who you want to, and read and be
informed by those people that you want to
“As an American, it concerns me turn to.” Well, perhaps if journalists
because it’s monkeying around with our adhered to the code of ethics, these
Constitution.” problems would not be so prevalent in the
Again, this is David Axelrod, who worked for Barack
Obama. He now has a show on CNN. He’s asking
wonderfully leading questions about Donald Trump’s
criticism of … CNN. Is just a little self-awareness too
much to ask?

Anyway, according to Judge Hanks, media criticism is

meddling with the constitution. Where is that in the

In the hour long interview, Hanks went on to talk about the

fake news phenomenon:
What the current administration is doing, is “subtle and
“It’s relatively obvious, I think, as what is insidious,” he told Axelrod, an official of the last
trying to go forward. When you tear down administration, who now has a show on … CNN.
these institutions to a level and say you
can’t believe anything that is in any of “I think what the current administration is
them, that raises the stock of those doing -- I don’t know that they’re saying we
agenda-filled other institutions and what not have to shut them down so they don’t
so that if you can’t believe them, well that publish anymore.
means you get to believe some of the other
What is happening is something that is congressional stuff. That election in 2018 is
more subtle and more insidious and I going to prove one of two things. We will
think has more fingerprints from other continue along and we will have the
totalit...other governments in the past government we deserve. Or a lot of people
who have said look, we can’t shut them are going to show up and be motivated to
down because that will cause outrage. vote in order to send out the wave and say
But we can denigrate them. We can, we we are not satisfied with the way things are
going right now. So if there is a turnout that
can, we can call them names. We can tell,
says, 'We’re not satisfied with this,' hey,
we can tell people that those are not the
facts. That’s what he’s saying.” baby, that’s even better than going through
the machinations.”
The horror.
Watching CNN turn to a celebrity to
At least he stopped himself from saying totalitarian. Where reiterate the same groundless arguments
that thought train was headed is unknown. in CNN’s defense is somewhat pathetic.

But Hanks found hope and comfort in the prospect of the Questioning a news source is part of free
2018 elections, as he told Axelrod: speech; a news source that angrily claims
it cannot be wrong is dangerously close to
“We have an election coming up in less
than a year now. 2018 is going to send a being a propaganda machine.
message that is going to reverberate much
more than any Senate hearings or Did I mention who David Axelrod is?

Trump Expected To Recognize
Jerusalem As Israel’s Capital
By Stephen Lendman - Stephenlendman.Org

Rumors have been circulating for weeks. In late Abbas advisor Nabil Shaath said recognizing Jerusalem as
November, Mike Pence said he’s “actively considering” Israel’s capital
“totally destroys any chance that he will
He commented at an event, marking the 70th anniversary play a role as an honest broker,” adding:
of the UN vote, partitioning Palestine, Jerusalem declared
“(T)he mother of all the deals dies here on
an international city under a world body protectorate - its
the rocks in Jerusalem if he says tomorrow
current status.
that he recognizes a united Jerusalem as
According to the New York Times last Friday, Trump the capital of Israel.”
intends recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capitol short of
Hamas called for an uprising to counter what it called a
moving America’s embassy there - for now, maybe later,
“conspiracy” against Palestinians and the Muslim world.
trying to have things both ways, satisfying no one,
offending everyone, tiptoeing toward flagrantly violating Ahead of Trump’s expected announcement, Jewish Voices
international law, continuing breaches since taking office. for Peace executive director Rebecca Vilkomerson said the
Abbas’ spokesman Nabil Abu Rdainah refuted the Times,
saying Trump told Abbas he intends recognizing Jerusalem “For 70 years, the US has given Israel tacit
as Israel’s capital, along with moving America’s embassy approval to steal Palestinian land, build
to the city without naming a date for the move. illegal Jewish settlements, and deny
Palestinians in East Jerusalem and
According to Abu Rhainah, Abbas warned of the
elsewhere their rights.”
dangerous consequences this decision
“Trump’s decision takes these ongoing
“would have to the peace process and to
policies to the next level and is reckless,
the peace, security and stability of the
irresponsible and endangers the lives of
region and of the world.”
Palestinians and Israelis.”
White House press secretary Sanders said Trump spoke to
JVP’s deputy director Rabbi Alissa Wise added:
or intends speaking to Netanyahu and Jordan’s King
Abdullah ahead of his formal announcement. “Jerusalem is a symbol of holiness and
hope for many people of many religions the
Apparently it’s coming, fraught with dangers, an
world over.”
unacceptable action if he follows through as expected,
flagrantly violating international law, infuriating “We want there to be a shared and
Palestinians and the Muslim world. peaceful Jerusalem. Moving the US
embassy there not only flies in the face of
Turkey’s Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag warned
the international legal consensus, but also
against the move. Taking it would be a
furthers the agenda of those who seek to
“major catastrophe…completely re-cast a struggle for land, rights and
destroy(ing) the fragile peace process in sovereignty into a religious conflict.”
the region, and lead to new conflicts, new
I was interviewed twice today on this topic - suggesting
disputes and new unrest,” he said.
from reports that the move is coming, likely when Trump
Abbas reportedly told Trump there’s no Palestinian state delivers his Wednesday address.
without East Jerusalem as its capital.
The world community, Arab street and Palestinians will be
On Monday, Trump delayed announcing his position on listening, reacting sharply if he announces what’s
Jerusalem, likely waiting for his Wednesday’s address to expected.
declare his intention.

Trump Administration Considering Private
Spy Network To Fight 'Deep State' Enemies: Report
By Caitlin Yilek
Dec 5, 2017, 8:38 AM

The Trump administration is reportedly weighing information by people peddling an agenda.” Prince has
proposals for a global, private spy network that would also denied involvement.
evade U.S. intelligence agencies and report directly to the
White House and CIA Director Mike Pompeo. But two former senior intelligence officials said Pompeo
has pressured the White House to move forward with the
The plans have been developed by Blackwater founder contract that would buoy an army of spies with no
Erik Prince and CIA veteran John R. Maguire, with help diplomatic cover abroad.
from Oliver North, who played a prominent role in the Iran
Contra scandal, The Intercept reported late Monday. People involved in the plans secretly met with top Trump
donors to ask for assistance with financing, the report said.
Several current and former U.S. intelligence officials and
others familiar with the proposals said it's been pitched to “[Maguire] said there were people inside
the White House as a way to combat “deep state” enemies the CIA who joined in the previous eight
who want to undermine President Trump. years [under Obama] and inside the
government and they were failing to give
“Pompeo can’t trust the CIA bureaucracy, the president the intelligence he needed,” a
so we need to create this thing that reports person said of Maguire’s pitch.
just directly to him,” a former senior U.S.
intelligence official with firsthand Maguire told at least two potential donors that Trump’s
knowledge of the proposals told The national security adviser H.R. McMaster had authorized
Intercept. “It is a direct-action arm, totally surveillance of former White House chief strategist Steve
off the books. The whole point is this is Bannon and Trump’s two eldest sons. He claimed
supposed to report to the president and McMaster used a burner phone — usually a prepaid phone
Pompeo directly.” that’s later disposed of — to send information to a facility
in Cyprus owned by George Soros.
National Security Council spokesman Michael N. Anton
said he was not aware of any such proposals. Some potential donors were taken to a suite in Trump
International Hotel in Washington, D.C, which was set up
“I can find no evidence that this ever came to conduct “secure communications” about the proposals.
to the attention of anyone at the NSC or The suite was referred to by White House staff and Trump
[White House] at all,” Anton said. “The backers as “the tinfoil room.”
White House does not and would not
support such a proposal.” “John [Maguire] was certain that the deep
state was going to kick the president out of
Other senior Trump administration officials, including office within a year,” said a person who
Vice President Mike Pence, who were said to have been discussed the proposal with Maguire.
briefed on the plans, denied knowing of the proposals. A “These guys said they were protecting the
CIA spokesperson called the report “wildly inaccurate president.”

Mueller Goes After Trump's
Bank Accounts, Subpoenas Deutsche Bank
By Tyler Durden
Dec 5, 2017 7:24 AM

Special Counsel Robert Mueller has subpoenaed Deutsche Trump campaign’s approach to Flynn’s
Bank, demanding that it disclose details of transactions and controversial meeting with a Russian envoy
documents on accounts help by President Trump and during the presidential transition."
members of his family as the "Russian collusion" probe
In June 2017, Deutsche Bank cited
now turns its attention to Trump's bank accounts.
privacy laws for rejecting a request from
According to Handelsblatt, which first reported the news,
US lawmakers to provide details of its
the bank received the subpoena several weeks ago. Trump relationship with Trump.
has had a banking relationship with Deutsche Bank dating
back nearly two decades and the German lender's $300
million loan accounts for nearly half of his outstanding The bank said that releasing information on Trump was
debt (based on a July 2016 analysis by Bloomberg). illegal unless it received a formal request – hence the
Trump's debt to Deutsche includes $170m relating to a subpoena. The goal of the top Democrat on the House
Washington hotel. Financial Services Committee, Maxine Waters, had been
to discover whether Russian entities had provided
guarantees – or were connected in any way - to the loans to
Trump or his family. According to The Guardian
newspaper, Deutsche had conducted an internal
investigation but.

The internal review found no evidence of any Russia link,

but Deutsche Bank is coming under pressure to appoint an
external and independent auditor to review its business
relationship with President Trump.

A Deutsche Bank executive told Bloomberg that

management was prepared to share information on its
business dealings with Trump in the hope that it will end
The media is taking the Deutsche Bank news as a sign that the series of inquiries. The news of the subpoena was
Mueller’s investigation into alleged Russian interference in expected.
the 2016 alleged campaign is “deepening”. However, it
was clear that a subpoena was coming more than four In our July post, “Deutsche Bank Faces DOJ Subpoena
months ago (see below) and, besides Michael Flynn, Over Trump-Russia Probe", we noted the following:
Mueller’s investigation has included interviews with three
other former Trump aides recently, former Chief of Staff
Deutsche’s relationship with Trump and
Reince Priebus, former spokesman Sean Spicer and
questions about hundreds of millions in
National Security Council chief of staff Keith Kellogg,
loans have dogged the German bank and
according to people familiar with the investigation.
the White House for months, and now,
'according to sources' reported by The
As Bloomberg adds, Guardian, Robert Mueller’s team and
Trump’s bankers have established informal
"the news comes as Mueller’s investigation contacts and formal requests for
appears to be entering a new phase, with information are forthcoming.
Trump’s former national security adviser,
Michael Flynn, pleading guilty Friday to According to an analysis by Bloomberg, Trump now owes
lying to FBI agents, becoming the fourth Deutsche, his biggest creditor, around $300m. He has four
associate of the president ensnared by large mortgages, all issued by Deutsche’s private bank.
Mueller’s probe. More significantly, he also The loans are guaranteed against the president’s properties:
is providing details to Mueller about the a new deluxe hotel in Washington DC’s old post office
building, just around the corner from the White House; his Bank of America, so we might see more news on
Chicago tower hotel; and the Trump National Doral Miami subpoenas like the one issued to Deutsche Bank. In the
resort. meantime, the “balanced” media reporting continues. Here
is Eugene Robinson, an opinion writer for the Washington
The Guardian reports that executives inside Deutsche Post, writing yesterday.
Bank, Donald Trump’s personal bankers, are expecting
that the bank will soon be receiving subpoenas or other We know that President Trump and his campaign either
requests for information from Robert Mueller, the special colluded with the Russian effort to undermine U.S.
counsel who is investigating possible collusion between democracy or tried mightily to do so. We know that Trump
the Kremlin and the Trump campaign. has apparently obstructed justice to try to halt investigation
into what happened. What we don’t know is whether
Congress, in the end, will do its sworn duty to protect the

We also don’t know what else special counsel Robert S.

Mueller III might have discovered, especially about the
Trump family’s international financial dealings. Or what
Mueller might be learning from Trump’s former national
security adviser, Michael Flynn, who pleaded guilty Friday
to lying to the FBI and is cooperating with investigators.
Or how far Trump, who is increasingly frantic, might yet
go to squash the Mueller probe.
As we further noted, other financial institutions with links
to the Trump family were likely to receive requests for
information from Mueller and his team. One of these is Robinson serves as chair for the Pulitzer Prize board, so it
must be accurate.

BUSTED: Hillary Aides Abedin And Mills LIED To Anti-
Trump FBI Agent, But Weren’t Charged
Like Michael Flynn Was
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 5, 2017

“The starkly different outcomes from “With the recent revelation that Strzok was
Strzok’s interviews — a felony charge removed from the Special Counsel
against Flynn and a free pass to Mills and investigation for making anti-Trump text
Abedin — are sure to raise questions from messages it seems likely that the accuracy
Republicans about double-standards” and veracity of the 302 of Flynn’s interview
as a whole should be reviewed and called
into question.”

Form 302 is a summary of an interview.

As to Clinton’s former aides,

“the starkly different outcomes from

(National Sentinel) Corruption: Two of Hillary Clinton’s Strzok’s interviews — a felony charge
most trusted aides made false statements to an FBI agent against Flynn and a free pass to Mills and
who has since been identified as having exchanged anti- Abedin — are sure to raise questions from
Trump texts with an FBI lawyer, but neither of them were Republicans about double-standards in the
charged with the same crime former national security FBI’s two most prominent political
advisor Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to on Friday. investigations,” The Daily Caller reported.

As reported by The Daily Caller, aides Huma Abedin and FBI Director Christopher Wray is scheduled to appear for
Cheryl Mills told former FBI section chief Peter Strzok an oversight hearing before the House Judiciary
neither had any knowledge of their boss’ illicit private Committee on Thursday, where he will most likely be
email server that she used to conduct official business questioned about the Strzok scandal.
while serving as secretary of state to President Obama. But
email exchanges reviewed by the news site revealed that In addition to being a principal actor in the collusion
both were aware of it and indeed sent their own emails investigation against Trump, Strzok was also the primary
through it. investigator in the Clinton email probe.

However, neither of them faced any legal consequences for “Along with Justice Department attorney
their false statements. David Laufman, Strzok interviewed Clinton
herself on July 2, 2016. The pair also
But another figure — Flynn — did after he made false interviewed Mills, Abedin and two other
statements to the very same FBI investigator, Strzok. He Clinton aides, Jake Sullivan and Heather
pleaded guilty last week to lying during an interview he Samuelson,” The DC noted.
gave on Jan. 24 to Strzok and another FBI agent.
A review of the 302s from the Abedin and Mills interviews
As noted by Circa News‘ Sara Carter and Fox News‘ Sean show that they told the FBI investigator and lawyer they
Hannity, Strzok took part in interviewing Flynn. A were not aware of Clinton’s private email server.
former U.S. intelligence official told Carter,

Mills did not learn Clinton was using a private server until
after Clinton’s [Department of State] tenure,” reads notes In addition, Abedin denied knowing about Clinton’s server
from Mills’ April 9, 2016 interview. until leaving the State Department in 2013.

“Mills stated she was not even sure she “Abedin did not know that Clinton had a
knew what a server was at the time.” private server until about a year and a half
ago when it became public knowledge,” the
summary of Strzok’s interview with Abedin

But emails sent and received by both aides clearly show server with Abedin in 2009 as it was being
they were aware of the server’s existence and were set up.
actually using it to communicate back and forth.
The misleading statements were excused by former FBI
“hrc email coming back — is server okay?” Director James Comey during testimony before a House
Mills asked in a Feb. 27, 2010 email to Judiciary Committee hearing held on Sept. 28, 2016.
Abedin and Justin Cooper, the latter a
longtime aide to Bill Clinton and one who “Having done many investigations myself,
helped set up the Clinton server. there’s always conflicting recollections of
“Ur funny. We are on the same server,” facts, some of which are central [to the
Cooper replied. investigation], some of which are
peripheral,” Comey told former Rep. Jason
Both aides were also involved in an Aug. 30, 2011, during Chaffetz, R-Utah, who was serving on the
which State Department official Stephen Mull noted that committee last year.
Chaffetz was clear that he was not buying Comey’s
“email server is down.”

Moreover, in a Jan. 9, 2011, exchange, Cooper told Abedin “I think she lied to everybody,” Chaffetz
he had to shut the server down because responded, adding there was “direct
evidence that she actually did know [about
the server].” He added that Comey’s
“someone was trying to hack us.” defense “makes no sense.”
“Had to shut down the server,” wrote
Cooper, who also told the FBI in his Also on Monday, it was revealed that Strzok was
interviews that he talked about Clinton’s responsible for softening Comey’s language in the July
2016 statement to the media about why he was not
recommending Clinton be indicted for mishandling negligent” — a term which has legal weight
classified information through her server. — with a softer phrase, “extremely
Strzok edited a rough draft of Comey’s
statement, exchanging the phrase “grossly

‘Morning Joe’: Trump Team
‘Going To Jail ... For The Rest Of Their Lives’
‘But The Most Remarkable Thing About It Is That Even Now That He’s
President, It’s Still All About Money’
Dec 5, 2017

thing about it is that even now that he's

president, it's still all about money. Like,
he's not sitting there thinking what Barack
Obama or George W. Bush or Bill Clinton
or Ronald Reagan thought. Like, what is
my legacy going to be? He's thinking every
day, how can I leverage this so when I get
out of the White House I can make even
more money?"

Here's a transcript from the exchange:

As the "noose" of Robert Mueller's probe into the Trump GEIST: “The list has gotten so long of people who have
team's contacts with Russia is "tightening," members of the claimed they didn’t have a meeting with Ambassador
administration are starting to understand they're going "to Kislyak or who left something off their disclosure form, or
jail ... for the rest of their lives," MSNBC's Mika said, ‘The meeting I had with Russians was about
Brzezinski said Tuesday. adoption.’ You have to just, as a layman even, to see a
pattern, Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, Jeff Sessions,
K.T. McFarland... I don’t know if it’s ignorance or
"Knowing them, I think they're shocked that
arrogance or some combination of the two to under
the noose is tightening," Brzezinski said. "I
sworn testimony say, ‘I’m going to say this thing and
don't know if they were arrogant or
they’ll never find out about it.’”
incredibly un-self aware and really dumb
about what the job was about, how
important it was, and how under the SCARBOROUGH: “Again, they didn’t lie about their
microscope every move you made would contacts with the UAE or the contacts with the Saudis or
be. I think they just thought they'd go in contacts with Japan or the contacts of China. They didn’t
there and riff through it. And I think they're lie about the contacts with everybody during the
shocked that the noose is tightening and transition or the campaign, but they always lied about
that people might go to jail." their contacts with Russia. And I want to follow up on
what Susan said. You know, the campaign — Trump
"You're exactly right," her co-host and didn’t think he was going to win even on Election Day.”
fiancé, Joe Scarborough, agreed.
"For the rest of their lives," Brzezinski EARNEST: “Right.”
added, perhaps hopefully.
SCARBOROUGH: “But it was all about money. It was all
Trump, Scarborough said, only ran for president as part of about making contacts. We’ve said this before. But the
a money-making scheme, and did not actually expect to most remarkable thing about it is that even now that he’s
win. president, it’s still all about money. Like, he’s not sitting
there thinking what Barack Obama or George W. Bush
"You know, the campaign — Trump didn't or Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan thought. Like, what is
think he was going to win even on Election my legacy going to be? He’s thinking every day, ‘How
Day," he said. "But it was all about money. can I leverage this so when I get out of the White House
It was all about making contacts. We've I can make even more money?’”
said this before. But the most remarkable
BRZEZINSKI: “Knowing them, I think they’re shocked of Washington, the laws surrounding public service and
that the noose is tightening. I don’t know if they were constitutional norms. Coupled with the arrogance of New
arrogant or just incredibly un-self-aware and really dumb York developers thinking — and I know, I talk to them —
about what the job was about, how important it was, and thinking people in Washington were just dumb local
how under the microscope every move you made would yokels, and they — ‘Just get out of our way. Listen,
be. I think they just thought they’d go in there and listen, you guys have had your opportunity, and you guys
flimflam and riff through it. And I think they’re shocked — come on. You’re just a bunch of hicks in Washington
that the noose is tightening and that people might go to D.C. Let the big city developers come in and we’re going
jail.” to show you.’ They wouldn’t listen to anybody, and they
stumbled into one possible crime after another possible
crime. And then Donald Trump goes into his mode. He
thinks taking on Bob Mueller is the same as taking on
Rosie O’Donnell. No, I’m dead serious.”
SCARBOROUGH: “You’re exactly right.”

EARNEST: “I think that’s right.”

BRZEZINSKI: “For the rest of their lives.”

SCARBOROUGH: “He does. He thinks, ‘This worked

SCARBOROUGH: “What’s gotten them where they are
with Rosie. I’ll do with this Comey. I’ll do this with
right now, Josh, is a gross misunderstanding of the rules
Mueller.’ He has no idea that he’s going down.”

Trump Now Said To Plan 6 Month
Delay On Jerusalem Embassy Move
By Tyler Durden
Dec 5, 2017 3:21 PM

Update: In a stunning reversal, Bloomberg

is now reporting that Trump is considering
a six-month waiver before moving the US
embassy to Jerusalem. The report doesn't
say anything about whether Trump still
plans to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's
capital tomorrow morning.


Update: With local news reporting that

Trump and Egyptian President Abdel
Fattah el-Sisi, one of his most trusted allies
in the region, it's becoming clear that
Trump is calling leaders in the region to
prepare them for the US's decision to move
its embassy to Jerusalem - a decision that
will likely outrage much of the region.
According to Reuters, Trump told both
Palestinian and Jordanian leaders, as well
as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Meanwhile, Hamas is planning a "Day of Rage" protest of Netanyahu of his intentions.
Trump's impending decision. Leaders have called for a
confrontation with Israel after Friday morning prayers... One by one, world leaders - most recently Jordna's King
Abdullah - have warned that such a move would have
"dangerous repercussions" for security and stability in the
region. Saudi King Salman said the decision would hurt
the Israeli-Palestine peace process.

Meanwhile, the State Department is warning consulates

across the world to prepare to boost security if Trump
decides to move the embassy. Trump promised to move
the embassy during his campaign but decided to delay
back in June, according to the Daily Caller.
State has urged consulates across the world to boost
security if President Donald Trump announces a relocation
Update: CNN is reporting that Trump will officially of the embassy in Israel.
recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel during a
Wednesday announcement in Washington...
“The impending Jerusalem announcement
has me very worried about the possibility of
violent responses that could affect
embassies,” a State Department official
told Politico. “I hope I’m wrong."

The department is warning of violence against both of solving the Israel-Palestine conflict
diplomats and US citizens, and is warning them to stay even more difficult than it already is.
away from the West Bank:
Khaldi said the US would lose credibility as a mediator in
"US gov't employees & family restricted the Middle East if the US President went ahead with the
from personal travel in Jerusalem’s Old move. Kushner had earlier said Trump hadn't made a final
City & in the West Bank. US citizens decision.
should avoid crowds and areas with
increased police and/or military

Israeli security agencies have met over the past few days to
prepare for riots and other attacks, according to the Ynet
news agency. Authorities believe Trump’s announcement
could spark attacks from established terror groups, as well
as so-called “lone wolf” terrorists.

*** On the call with Abbas, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin

Netanyahu and other regional leaders,
After warning that he could officially recognize Jerusalem
as Israel's capital by the end of the week - an Abbas warned Trump that moving the
announcement that drew vociferous objections from embassy could have "dangerous
Turkey and Saudi Arabia, who both warned that such a consequences."
declaration would irreparably damage US ties with the
Muslim world – Readouts of the calls are expected later Tuesday.

Palestinian sources are reporting that Trump was expected to announce as soon as Wednesday
President Donald Trump told Palestinian that the US would recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital
Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas that and move its embassy there (though some expected that
the US intends to eventually move its he would delay the embassy move, but stress that he
embassy to Jerusalem - a contested city would eventually like to do so, according to local Israeli
that is claimed as a capital by both media.)
Israel and the Palestinian territories.
Israel considers Jerusalem its true capital, and the western
As we noted earlier, the decision to recognize Jerusalem as part of the city is host to many of the Israeli state's
Israel's capital would infuriate Palestinians. administrative functions.

Majdi Khaldi, a diplomatic adviser of If Trump follows through with what he told
President Mahmoud Abbas, said the Abbas, his actions this week would be
Palestinian leadership would "stop considerably more dramatic than
contacts" with the US if Trump recognized anticipated.
Jerusalem – making Jared Kushner’s job

Mark Levin: ‘Not Possible’ For Trump To Commit
Obstruction Of Justice For Firing Comey
By Jeff Poor
5 Dec 2017

Monday on his CRTV “Levin TV” program, conservative is free to fire any subordinate for any
talker Mark Levin rejected the possibility President Donald reason. It’s not possible to be obstruction of
Trump committed obstruction of justice for firing then-FBI justice when you are complying with your
Director James Comey. constitutional responsibilities. Moreover, as
I’ve said a thousand times — one second
Levin explained that the presidency is a constitutional before Trump fired Comey, the Democrats
office and that those serving as his subordinates were not. were howling like a bunch of hyenas
He also said before Comey’s firing, Democrats were demanding that Comey be fired. If Hillary
calling on Comey to be fired as well. Clinton had been elected president of the
United States and fired Jim Comey, they’d
give her a ticker-tape parade.”
“As I said in June, a president is free to fire
any subordinate,” Levin said. “He is in the
Constitution. The subordinates are not. He

‘MERICA! CNN’s Hot Scoop On Trump Is Actually The
‘BEST Re-Election Platform’ So Far [Pic]
By Sarah D.
Posted At 12:19 Pm On December 5, 2017

Donald Trump is certainly not without his flaws, but if this

scoop from CNN is supposed to showcase one of them,
they’re doing it wrong:

We fail to see the problem.


Ingraham: Pro-Hillary Investigators
In Mueller Probe Unacceptable, Disgusting And Unfair
By Jeff Poor
5 Dec 2017

Tuesday on Fox News Channel’s “The Ingraham Angle,” INGRAHAM: Unbelievable. And this gets
host Laura Ingraham chided special counsel Robert better. This same partisan official was one
Mueller’s probe of alleged Russian interference in the of the lead investigators assigned to the
2016 presidential election for enlisting an apparent anti- bureau’s Trump Russia inquiry. He was
Donald Trump investigator. very busy. And not only that, but he was
also part of the interview team that
Ingraham called it “unacceptable,” “disgusting” and questioned Trump National Security
“unfair” that backers of Trump’s 2016 election opponent Advisor Mike Flynn on January 24.
Hillary Clinton were parts of this investigation.
What a coincidence! This guy is just everywhere! But
Partial transcript as follows: wait, there’s more. Mr. Strzok is a pal of Comey’s. He
wasn’t taken off the case by special counsel Robert
Mueller until this past summer in July.
All right, guys, we are loaded up tonight. You are not
going to want to miss one moment of this show. But first
— we’re only now learning why former FBI Director Jim So why the heck didn’t Mueller inform the public given
Comey contorted himself to not indict Hillary Clinton the stakes involved and the need for public trust in this
regarding her use of a private email server during her time investigation? Why didn’t he tell anybody? This guy was
as secretary of state. writing anti-Trump texts during the debates. So much for
Tonight, we can tell you that it appears that the FBI’s lead
investigator and deputy chief of counter-intel has been And, of course, let’s not forget we have a gaggle of anti-
revealed to be just another Clinton crony and Trump hater. Trump, pro- Hillary prosecutors who are still working for
Peter Strzok was found to have exchanged anti-Trump Mueller right now. My friends, this is unacceptable. It’s
texts during the 2016 presidential debates with another disgusting. And it’s unfair.
colleague at the Justice Department. This according to The
New York Times. Tonight, I urge the DOJ’s inspector general who seems
like a terrific guy, Michael Horowitz to release a full
And get this, he attended Hillary’s pre-Fourth of July transcript of Mr. Strzok’s text and maybe even those of
interview that was never transcribed, and he reportedly other key Clinton and Russia investigators.
urged Comey to strike the phrase “grossly negligent” to
describe Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified Now, remember, this is the same man who helped lead the
information. He softened it to “extremely careless.” investigation into the so-called Trump-Russia collusion,
this Mr. Strzok character. I have a question — how can
(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) anyone at this point just learning this fact and the other
facts that we’ve cited on this show trust the Mueller office
at this point?
COMEY: Although we did not find clear
evidence that Secretary Clinton or her
colleagues intended to violate laws No transparency. They’re not telling us the truth about this.
governing the handling of classified And we’re only learning it when the inspector general
information, there is evidence that they somehow releases this information to the public. Since the
were extremely careless in their handling of Mike Flynn plea deal, just last week, the media experts are
very sensitive highly classified information. predicting, it’s curtains. It’s over for the Trump
R.I.P. Donald Trump’s political life. But I’ll tell you
what’s obvious. Here it is, although Flynn did lie, the
collusion case died. So now they’re on the so-called HOUSE MINORITY LEADER NANCY
obstruction of justice case against President Trump. The PELOSI (D-CA): You said we don’t want to
experts think it’s all cut and dried. ban any — on the basis of religion. That’s
against our constitution. But that’s exactly
(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) what they’re doing.
JOE SCARBOROUGH, host MSNBC’s PLAYWRIGHT: Thank you for calling it
“Morning Joe”: Public record, there’s one what it is. I’m going to call it what it is. It’s a
piece of evidence for obstruction of justice Muslim ban.
after another, and this seems to be exhibit
CNN’S JAKE TAPPER: That seems to be
in the territory of obstruction of justice. INGRAHAM: Well, today, a refreshingly
sane order by the Supreme Court on
President Trump’s so-called travel ban of
that we’re beginning to see is the putting
six mostly Muslim countries. Court declined
together of a case of obstruction of justice.
to halt the ban despite rulings in two
different lower courts.
This was a preliminary but nevertheless, a major victory
INGRAHAM: Move over, F. Lee Bailey. for President Trump who always had the constitutional
Now, so how worried should Trump be at right to determine the classes of people who can and
this point? Well, time will tell. We don’t cannot enter the country for security reasons.
really know at this point.
But consider that the media and legal and Now, once again, the experts are wrong. And while the
political experts who are predicting Trump’s media has a case of the vapors — a total meltdown over
impeachment, they also predicted this Flynn’s cooperation with Mueller, the president is racking
about the president’s travel ban. up win after win.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) Tax cuts are coming.

CNN’S VAN JONES: There is a Retail is soaring this Christmas season.

discriminatory intent here and the
discriminatory intent of the Trump The market is way up.
administration is clear.
RICHARD PAINTER, LAWYER: It was And now, a key win at the Supreme Court.
premised on religious discrimination. It’s
very clear that the president is acting And it’s only Monday, my friends! And that’s “The
unconstitutional. Angle.”

IT BEGINS: WSJ Demands “Too Conflicted”
Mueller To Resign From Russia Probe
By Joshua Caplan
Tuesday, December 5, 2017

D.C. was set ablaze following reports Unlike the mainstream media, The Gateway Pundit has
that special counsel Robert Mueller was long believed the chief objective behind Special Counsel
forced to fire FBI agent Peter Strzok Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation is to nullify the
from the Russia probe over anti-Trump results of the 2016 presidential election. In fact, while both
text messages. liberals and conservatives declared the ‘honorable,’
‘highly respected,’ Mueller was the correct man to lead the
Russia probe, this website expressed deep reservations
about the special counsel’s character and history as a

Michael Flynn’s guilty plea, followed by a tweet sent out

by President Trump’s lawyer John Dowd, appearing to
imply the White House was aware of the former National
Security Advisor lied to the FBI, has brought an odd, new
focus to the mission behind Mueller’s probe. Former Chief
Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew C. McCarthy writes in the
National Review that Mueller’s end game is now clear as
day; impeach the 45th President of the United States,
Donald J. Trump.
On Monday, the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal
published an op-ed calling for Mueller to resign from the
“It is now an obstruction investigation,”
McCarthy writes in reference to Mueller’s
probe, “Which means that it’s an
WSJ reports: impeachment investigation.”

The Washington Post and the New York Assuming I am correct about Mueller’s theory, its fatal
Times reported Saturday that a lead FBI flaw as a vehicle for prosecution is the same as it has
investigator on the Mueller probe, Peter always been:
Strzok, was demoted this summer after it
was discovered he’d sent anti- Trump texts
As president, Trump had incontestable
to a mistress. As troubling, Mr. Mueller and
power to exercise prosecutorial discretion
the Justice Department kept this
and to fire the FBI director. […] The FBI
information from House investigators,
and the Justice Department are not a
despite Intelligence Committee subpoenas
separate branch of government; they are
that would have exposed those texts. They
subordinates of the president delegated to
also refused to answer questions about Mr.
exercise his power, not their own. Even on
Strzok’s dismissal and refused to make him
Comey’s account, Trump did not order him
available for an interview. […]
to shut down the Flynn investigation, even
though he could have. Trump could have
The latest news supports our view that Mr. Mueller is too ordered an end of the Russia
conflicted to investigate the FBI and should step down in counterintelligence investigation, but he did
favor of someone more credible. The investigation would not.
surely continue, though perhaps with someone who
doesn’t think his job includes protecting the FBI and Mr.
Michael Flynn, former National Security Advisor to
Comey from answering questions about their role in the
President Trump, pleaded guilty Friday to making false
2016 election.
statements to the FBI about contacting Russian
Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the transition.

‘Hardball’: Collusion Case Happening
‘Piece by Piece’ Against ‘Enemy of the State’ Trump
By Curtis Houck
December 5, 2017 3:51 PM EST

On Monday’s Hardball, host Chris Matthews and his

assembled guests were still reveling in the Mueller Even though the President and his team were being
investigation’s indictment of Michael Flynn, swooning investigated by the FBI’s Mueller probe,
over how it showed a collusion case being cemented
“piece by piece” against an “enemy of the state” in Watts argued that Trump “should be the
President Trump. one setting the tone for the FBI, he
should be supporting them, pushing
USA Today reporter Heidi Przybyla was them in the right direction, if he does
one such character, ominously stating that believe they’re in tatters, which I think is
“we’re seeing that the collusion piece of absolute nonsense, the best way to go
this, piece by piece, starting to be built about that would be be a leader, set an
out and every week, it seems there’s a agenda.”
new member of the team who knew
something about the discussions that Watts then uncorked the line about Trump being an
were going on with the Russians.”
“enemy of the state”:
It may solidify his base, but it’s also
undermining our country. He is actually
weakening the credibility of the federal law
enforcement agency for the entire United
States. He’s going to sow doubt in their
ability, and he is going to hurt the ability of
our law enforcement and judicial systems
with his claims. So he is an enemy of the
state whenever he is pushing against the
FBI in that way, and if he finds that the FBI
is in tatters, well I would sure like to know
Matthews interjected to argue that the President has gone how he would like to improve that because
to he’s never offered anything as to why it’s
both in tatters or what he would do about it.
So, it’s a sad state of affairs.
“war with the people that are the
national policemen in a sense, the
investigators, to get the facts to Robert Later in the show, Matthews had just introduced pro-
Mueller” impeachment Vox founder Ezra Klein and Republican
strategist John Feehery when he suggested Trump was
acting like “an emperor”:
before going to MSNBC law enforcement analyst Clint
“Can we all agree that obstruction of
justice has to be impeachable? Because
Watts first lamented that Trump’s tweets if a president can do anything he wants
condemning the FBI were an example of with the justice system, he is basically --
“Trump first, America second,” which he he is an emperor, if he can just ignore
saw coming “a year ago about Russia the law.”
tearing down democratic institutions.”
Similarly, Watts emphasized that he’s
“worried about our President tearing Feehery pointed out that “impeachment is a political
down democratic institutions.” matter” that “politicians” decide on, but that wasn’t
enough for Matthews as he hit back that obstruction of
justice should be translated into impeachment by default.
Here’s the relevant transcript from MSNBC’s Hardball on
December 4:

MSNBC’s Hardball
December 4, 2017
7:05 p.m. Eastern

HEIDI PRZYBYLA: Well he’s — he’s — what he’s doing is he’s

creating his own news here with the obstruction case and the
question is, you know, we’ve — having these discussions all day
long on cable news about obstruction and how he’s building the
obstruction case, point valid, but why? The why is still the much
more important question, why was it worth it to tell all of these MATTHEWS: Can we all agree that obstruction of justice has to
lies? And now we’re seeing that the collusion piece of this, piece be impeachable? Because if a president can do anything he
by piece, starting to be built out and every week, it seems there’s wants with the justice system, he is basically -- he is an emperor,
a new member of the team who knew something about the if he can just ignore the law. Is that — can we agree on that?
discussions that were going on with the Russians.
EZRA KLEIN: I think so, yes.
CHRIS MATTHEWS: Clint, let’s go — let’s go to the law
enforcement part of this, Clint, and here’s the question. It seems
to me he’s going at war with the people that are the national
policemen in a sense, the investigators, to get the facts to Robert
Mueller. Why would he go to people who have an incentive JOHN FEEHERY: Well —
already to go after him, because he may have broken the law,
but now may have an incentive institutionally, enforced for MATTHEWS: Obstruction of justice should be enough.
everyday by his attacks on the FBI?
FEEHERY: Well, impeachment — impeachment is a political
CLINT WATTS: This is more Trump first, America second. I matter.
mean, I was worried a year ago about Russia tearing down
democratic institutions, I’m more now worried about our MATTHEWS: But obstruction of justice —
President tearing down democratic institutions. He is the leader
of the executive branch, he should be the one setting the tone for FEEHERY: Well, that's for the politicians to decide. Well, I mean,
the FBI, he should be supporting them, pushing them in the right it's a political matter in our Constitution.
direction, if he does believe they’re in tatters, which I think is
absolute nonsense, the best way to go about that would be a
leader, set an agenda and instead, he’s going on the attack, and MATTHEWS: Suppose it's proven that there's obstruction of
that’s going to backfire on him. It may solidify his base, but it’s justice?
also undermining our country. He is actually weakening the
credibility of the federal law enforcement agency for the entire FEEHERY: Well, then that's a good case to make. You to make
United States. He’s going to sow doubt in their ability, and he is to it the politicians and it’s a political case.
going to hurt the ability of our law enforcement and judicial
systems with his claims. So he is an enemy of the state MATTHEWS: They have the right to ignore it?
whenever he is pushing against the FBI in that way, and if he
finds that the FBI is in tatters, well I would sure like to know how FEEHERY: They have the right to ignore it.
he would like to improve that because he’s never offered
anything as to why it’s both in tatters or what he would do about
it. So, it’s a sad state of affairs.
FEEHERY: They do, and especially in the Senate.
MATTHEWS: Well, I thought we were getting somewhere.

FEEHERY: I'm just saying, from a practical perspective.

Trump Reportedly Tells Mideast
Leaders He Intends To Move Embassy To Jerusalem
By Tyler Durden
Dec 5, 2017 12:47 PM

Update: With local news reporting that Trump and Palestinian sources are reporting that
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, one of his most President Donald Trump told Palestinian
trusted allies in the region, it's becoming clear that Trump Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas that
is calling leaders in the region to prepare them for the US's the US intends to eventually move its
decision to move its embassy to Jerusalem - a decision that embassy to Jerusalem - a contested city
will likely outrage much of the region. According to that is claimed as a capital by both
Reuters, Trump told both Palestinian and Jordanian Israel and the Palestinian territories.
leaders, as well as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu of his intentions. As we noted earlier, the decision to recognize Jerusalem as
Israel's capital would infuriate Palestinians.
One by one, world leaders - most recently Jordna's King
Abdullah - have warned that such a move would have Majdi Khaldi, a diplomatic adviser of President Mahmoud
"dangerous repercussions" for security and stability in the Abbas, said the Palestinian leadership would "stop
region. contacts" with the US if Trump recognized Jerusalem –

Meanwhile, the State Department is warning consulates making Jared Kushner’s job of solving
across the world to prepare to boost security if Trump the Israel-Palestine conflict even more
decides to move the embassy. Trump promised to move difficult than it already is.
the embassy during his campaign but decided to delay
back in June, according to the Daily Caller. Khaldi said the US would lose credibility as a mediator in
the Middle East if the US President went ahead with the
State has urged consulates across the world to boost move. Kushner had earlier said Trump hadn't made a final
security if President Donald Trump announces a relocation decision.
of the embassy in Israel.

“The impending Jerusalem announcement

has me very worried about the possibility of
violent responses that could affect
embassies,” a State Department official
told Politico. “I hope I’m wrong."

Israeli security agencies have met over the past few days to
prepare for riots and other attacks, according to the Ynet
news agency. Authorities believe Trump’s announcement On the call with Abbas, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
could spark attacks from established terror groups, as well Netanyahu and other regional leaders,
as so-called “lone wolf” terrorists.
Abbas warned Trump that moving the
*** embassy could have "dangerous
After warning that he could officially recognize Jerusalem
as Israel's capital by the end of the week - an Readouts of the calls are expected later Tuesday.
announcement that drew vociferous objections from
Turkey and Saudi Arabia, who both warned that such a Trump was expected to announce as soon
declaration would irreparably damage US ties with the as Wednesday that the US would
Muslim world – recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and
move its embassy there (though some
expected that he would delay the
embassy move, but stress that he would If Trump follows through with what he told Abbas,
eventually like to do so, according to local
Israeli media.) his actions this week would be
considerably more dramatic than
Israel considers Jerusalem its true capital, and the western anticipated.
part of the city is host to many of the Israeli state's
administrative functions.

CIA Director Pompeo: Trump's
Tweeting Has Actually Helped Us
By Debra Heine
December 5, 2017

the case," he replied. "I've actually seen it

help us."
"I have seen things the president has put
on his Twitter account actually have a real-
world impact on our capacity to understand
what's going on in other places of the
world," Pompeo said.
"That is, our adversaries responded to
those tweets in ways that were helpful to us
to understand command and control
CIA Director Mike Pompeo, Reagan National Defense, Forum. Image issues, who's listening to what messages,
Via YouTube
how those messages are resonating
around the world," he added.
The mainstream media's usual hand-wringing about
President Trump's Twitter habit morphed into
hyperventilation last week after he shared several Panetta seemed taken aback by Pompeo's answer.
"unverified" tweets about terrorism, but the director of the
Central Intelligence Agency surprisingly doesn't have a "As a former chief-of-staff, I cannot imagine
problem with it. what it'd like to serve a president who
tweets in the morning," he said. "The whole
CIA Director Mike Pompeo said at a national security purpose of the White House is to develop
event in Simi Valley, California, over the weekend some discipline."
that Trump's tweeting has actually yielded helpful
intelligence. Panetta went on to explain what most politicians --
especially Democrats -- mean by discipline:
The current CIA director sat down with former CIA
director Leon Panetta and Fox News host Brett Baier for an "In terms of messaging, in terms of policy,
hour of discussion on world events from a security in terms of everybody being on the same
perspective at The Reagan National Defense Forum on page," he said. (It's been painfully obvious
Saturday. for decades that for Democrats,
"messaging" isn't just the most important
Baier brought up Trump's tweets about the Muslim videos thing in politics -- it's the only thing. That's
and asked Panetta why he thought "it was like playing with why they always walk, talk and vote in
fire." lockstep.)

"When you tweet something like that out Pompeo listened politely while Panetta shared his idea of
there you don't know what the the perfectly run administration:
consequences are going to be, and the
consequences could be lives," Panetta "When you get up, and everybody knows
replied solemnly. Baier turned to Pompeo: what the message of the day is going to be,
and everybody is coordinated!" he
"One account on Twitter makes your job declared.
harder?" he asked. The CIA director's
answer was almost certainly not what the
host expected. "No, I don't know that that's

Panetta's advice for the president was to come up with "What I mean is, we shouldn't over-attribute
different policy objectives each day, and then "tweet the the place we find ourselves in the world
hell out of it" instead of "tweeting by the seat of his pants." today to things that may or may not have
as much impact as folks like to suggest
He also suggested that the White House implement "a sometimes." Panetta flailed wildly in
check system" for every presidential tweet so that every response:
Trump tweet has to go through a fact-checking approval "You don't just roll a grenade in the room,
process. have things blow up, then not have a
strategy for how the hell you deal with it!"
"We'd be a hell of a lot better off," Panetta
stated haughtily. He added that the
president's erratic Twitter habit "raises a
little concern about stability."

Pompeo, as congenially as he could, went in for the kill.

Noting that the world is a dangerous place with more

flash-points than ever, he calmly noted that

"those all existed before January 20 of this

year. So 'message discipline' -- as you
referred to it -- got us to those places." I don't know about you, but my opinion of Mike Pompeo
went up a few notches after watching that.
The CIA director paused to let the slow burn hit those in
the audience, who reacted with nervous laughter and a
smattering of applause. He added,

White House: Mueller Has Not
Subpoenaed Trump’s Bank Records
By Jonathan Easley
12/05/17 03:43 PM EST

subpoenaed records from Deutsche Bank, where Trump is

believed to have a line of credit and to have conducted tens
of millions of dollars in transactions.

But Sanders said those reports are false and were another
example of the news media getting something wrong in the
frenzy to report on the investigation into Russian meddling
in the 2016 presidential election.

Sanders declined to say whether banks should comply with

subpoenas for records if they receive them.
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on
Tuesday disputed reports that special counsel Robert
Mueller has subpoenaed President Trump’s bank records. “I'm not going to get into hypothetical
situations and try to determine everything
that could happen,” she said. “We know it
“We confirmed that the news reports [that]
the special counsel had subpoenaed hasn't happened up until this point and that
the reports out were totally false and again
financial records related to the
the media got ahead of their skis a little bit
president are completely false,” Sanders
said during the daily press briefing. pushing and driving that story that wasn't
“No subpoena has been issued or
received. We have confirmed this with Tuesday’s reports came on the heels of Trump’s former
the bank and other sources. I think this is national security adviser Michael Flynn pleading guilty
another example of the media going too far last week to lying to the FBI about his contacts with
and too fast and we don't see it going in Russians.
that direction," she said.

Citing an anonymous and unidentified official, Reuters

reported earlier Tuesday that Mueller’s team had

Morning Joe Smears President Trump
For Highlighting FBI Corruption Reports
By Chris Reeves
December 5, 2017 5:35 PM EST

This week on Morning Joe, the show’s liberal panelists As anyone following mainstream media sources would
have been working overtime not to cover one of the most know, Trump was referring to recent reports that one of the
significant stories that broke this past weekend. Namely, top FBI officials involved in Mueller’s current
multiple journalistic outlets have revealed significant investigation of Trump was removed from his position this
conflicts of interest at the FBI over the past two years that summer after it was revealed that he had serious political
could have directly impacted agents’ investigations into conflicts of interest related to the subjects of Mueller’s
Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and their respective probe. Peter Strzok, the official in question, was reportedly
associates. caught sending politically charged texts to an FBI lawyer
that he was having an affair with. According to The
However, you wouldn’t know this just from watching Washington Post, these texts indicated a clear animus
MSNBC’s top morning show. On both Monday and towards Trump and, on the other hand, strong support for
Tuesday, co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski Hillary Clinton.
and their guest pundits repeatedly trashed President Trump
for drawing attention to this reporting about FBI That wasn’t the worst of it though. According to The New
corruption. None of the show’s panelists bothered to bring York Times, Strzok was not merely involved in going after
up recent stories from The Washington Post, The New York Trump –
Times, Reuters, Business Insider, Fox News, or any other
news organization that supported Trump’s claims. Instead, he was also the lead agent in charge of
they preferred to attack the President’s tweets as more the FBI’s investigation into then-
evidence of the threat that he purportedly poses to our candidate Clinton’s mishandling of
“democratic institutions.” classified emails.
Yeah, THAT investigation.
Morning Joe’s panel was especially disturbed by two
particular Trump tweets:
Any reasonable person should be able to understand why
Trump would be upset by these revelations, right?

Well...wrong actually, at least in Morning Joe’s case.

After looking at Trump’s FBI tweets from this weekend,

Scarborough and company not only completely ignored the
substance of Trump’s criticisms and the journalism
backing him up, but more troublingly,

they grandstanded on the memories of

the 9/11 first responders to suggest that
Trump was being unpatriotic and labelled
Trump’s promotion of mainstream
journalism as an “attack” on
“democratic institutions” like the Intel
community, the military, and...the

See the mental gymnastics for yourself (all times EST):

recommend every American that hears this goes on their Twitter
account or Facebook account and does the same thing. They
keep us safe. And you look at Bob Mueller and the threats that
Bob Mueller had to deal with in the days, weeks, and months
after September 11th. This is, this is just nothing, nothing
less than shameful from the President of the United States,
who now owns the, quote, Justice Department.

DAVID IGNATIUS: Joe, I had the same reaction as you did to

the “FBI in Tatters” tweet. Watching President Trump, you
have a sense of someone caught in a trap, and the more he tries
to get out of it, the deeper in he gets. If he flails one way and then
12/4/17 the next, uh -- the attack on the FBI and its professionalism drew
a very quick response from the person who represents FBI
agents, who I'm sure Clint knows well, drew response from Mike
6:06 AM
Rogers, former FBI agent and well-known as a member of
Congress. I just feel as if, for Trump, though, it must feel as if this
MIKA BRZEZINSKI: I want to get David Ignatius and Michael is closing in on him week by week. And that's the only thing
Schmidt to sort of frame exactly how, you know, Friday is in the that can account for these strange tweets.
big picture. But first, President Trump also laced into the
Federal Bureau of Investigation in a string of tweets over the
weekend, writing: “So General Flynn lies to the FBI and his life is
destroyed, while Crooked Hillary Clinton,” wow, “on that now
famous FBI holiday “interrogation” with no swearing in and no 12/5/17
recording, lies many times...and nothing happens to her? Rigged
system, or just a double standard?” James Comey said they had 6:53 AM
no basis to conclude that Clinton lied to the FBI. Trump tweeted
more attacks, putting the “Justice” in “Justice Department” in HEIDI PRZYBYLA: President says that the FBI's reputation is in
quotation marks. And, quote: “After years of Comey, with the tatters. This is just the latest attack by this president on
phony and dishonest Clinton investigation (and more), running democratic institutions, including the news media, including
the FBI, its reputation is in Tatters - worst in History! But fear not, the judiciary, as well as groups like scientists, even the
we will bring it back to greatness.” budget office. What connection do you see between this
president's rhetoric and the risk to our democratic
JOE SCARBOROUGH: [starts talking over Mika after “Tatters”] institutions?
All right, all right. I’m not -- it, yeah. No. No, no, no.
ADM. JAMES STAVRIDIS: I think it's rising steadily. And
[starts his own monologue] thank god for the FBI. You know, a lot of times people say to
me after 37 years in the military: Thank you for your service. I
appreciate it. There are a lot of ways to serve this country. Police,
firemen, FBI agents, CIA, and to the FBI, I say: Keep clanking
at Donald Trump like a Panzer tank, which is what Bob
Mueller reminds me of. Because, we need to know the truth.
Without fear or favor, we need to know the truth. I don't think
the FBI's reputation is in tatters at all, and I don't think most
Americans do either.



David Ignatius, every time the President attack, attacks the 7:18 AM
Federal Bureau Investigation [sic], I make sure to find a
picture of 9/11 and everything that those FBI agents did, JOSH EARNEST: So, look, I'm not suggesting that bureaucrats
night and day and night and day, to investigate that and are perfect or that bureaucrats are always effective in being able
work alongside other Intel agencies to track down the to get the job done, but what I am saying is that there is a
people who were responsible for that, that heinous action. common failure to appreciate that when you have a position of
And, you know, those people -- I'm proud and thankful for the responsibility like President of the United States, there are
patriotic men and women who work in the FBI every day. Thank consequences for your actions. When you're a real estate
you for your tireless dedication and service to America. I
developer and you do things that are irresponsible or you want to SCARBOROUGH: What has he done? He has gone to war
attack people on Twitter, or you want to walk away from the with the Intel community and he's gone to war with the
negotiating table, there are no consequences for all that, or if press.
there are, you can go back and fix them later.
If Morning Joe had simply looked at some of Trump’s other
BRZEZINSKI: Yeah. tweets or retweets (such as the examples below), they would
have figured out pretty quickly why Trump was attacking the
EARNEST: But there are damaging consequences when FBI’s credibility – he was doing it based on perfectly mainstream
you're the President of the United States and you say: You sources.
know what, I'm not gonna negotiate; I'm gonna walk away
from the negotiating table. Or, you want to defame the
intelligence community or FBI agents or our, uh,-


EARNEST: -the senior military leadership of the United

States of America. There are consequences for that. And that’s,
that’s, that's the bigita- -- that’s the biggest difference.



7:19 AM

SCARBOROUGH: Um, we um, -- remember we warned Donald

Trump during the transition -- we had a very rough 2016, but Neither Trump nor the press orgs that he is citing are “going to
during the transition, there were a lot of people that went in, you war with the Intel community” for calling the American public’s
know, that, you know, followed Bob Gates's advice. He's the only attention to serious problems within our intelligence services, let
president we're gonna have. We all need to talk, pitch in, and see alone threatening any “democratic institutions.”
what we can do. You remember the warnings we gave him? Two
warnings. I said: Listen, I know you like to fight people. I'm gonna
tell you two areas you don't fight. Don't go to war with the Intel Morning Joe’s hyperbolic and hypocritical dismissal of
community and don't go to war with the press. You can be uncontested reporting by mainstream papers in this case shows
angry with ‘em. You can push back, but it’s always -- you just how far Scarborough and his compatriots are willing to go to
always keep a detente with both of ‘em. And we told them that demonize Trump.
Apparently, there are no limits in sight.
BRZEZINSKI: No, I couldn’t [inaudible].

Trump To Recognize Jerusalem As Israel's Capital,
Forge Ahead With Moving US Embassy
By Alex Pappas | Fox News
December 5, 2017

"It will take some time to find a site, address security

concerns, design a new facility, fund a new facility --
working with Congress, obviously -- and build it," one
official said. "So this is not an instantaneous process."

Ahead of the announcement, Trump spoke Tuesday with

Palestinian President Mahmood Abbas, Jordanian King
Abdullah and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Netanyahu has said he supports the U.S. moving its

embassy. But Abbas has warned of the “gravity of
consequences” should the move become official for “the
President Trump on Wednesday will order the State peace process and security and stability in the region and
Department to begin moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel to world.”
Jerusalem from Tel Aviv, senior administration officials
said, a move that fulfills a campaign promise made to An international affairs adviser for Abbas said that the
religious conservatives but one that could inflame tensions move “totally destroys any chance that he can play a role
across the Middle East. as an honest broker” in Middle East peace negotiations.

In his announcement, Trump will say that the U.S. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned that
government recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. moving the capital was a “red line” for Muslims, and such
One official described it as an "honest" acknowledgement an action could result in Turkey severing diplomatic ties
of a "seven-decade old fact." with Israel.

“While President Trump recognizes that the status of The controversy surrounding the move of the embassy
Jerusalem is a highly sensitive issue, he does not think it dates back decades. A law passed in 1995 under the
will be resolved by ignoring the simple truth that Clinton administration considers Jerusalem the capital, and
Jerusalem is home to Israel’s legislature, its Supreme even mandates the move of the embassy there.
Court, the prime minister and is such the capital of Israel,”
one official said.
But the law allows for a loophole used by former
Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack
The U.S. would be the first country to move its embassy to Obama – an option to issue waivers every six months to
Jerusalem, which is claimed by both Israelis and delay the move from Tel Aviv.
Palestinians. Other countries who have diplomatic
relations with Israel keep their embassies in Tel Aviv.
Trump also took advantage of the loophole, which
Republicans have long called to be closed. Trump’s first
But the embassy move would not be immediate and could waiver was signed in June, which drew praise from the
take at least three or four years. Palestinians and some disappointment from Israel.

The U.S. officials said there are currently about 1,000 The administration officials said Tuesday that Trump will
personnel in the embassy in Tel Aviv. They added that still sign a waiver to keep from jeopardizing State
there is no facility in Jerusalem ready to serve as the Department funding while the relocation process begins.
embassy site, and it will take time to address security,
design and cost concerns.
In January, Republican Sens. Dean Heller, Marco Rubio
and Ted Cruz introduced legislation that would move the
embassy to Jerusalem and recognize the city as Israel's U.N. Security Council vote to condemn Israeli settlement
capital, after the Obama administration abstained from a expansion in the West Bank.

Trump-Russia Collusion Does Not Exist,
I Was There: Corey Lewandowski
White House
Published December 05, 2017

the former Trump campaign manager and

co-author of “Let Trump Be Trump” told
FBN’s Lou Dobbs on Tuesday.

Former Trump national security advisor Michael Flynn

resigned in February over questions surrounding his
dealings with Russia and there have been mixed reports
that Mueller has subpoenaed records from Deutsche Bank
related to the probe, though White House lawyers deny the

No evidence of Trump-Russia collusion: Fmr. Trump campaign aide.

Lewandowski says there needs to be more accountability
Former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and former
Trump campaign aide David Bossie discuss special counsel Robert in the FBI regarding the investigation and the
Mueller's investigation into alleged Trump-Russia collusion during forthcomings related to the Hillary Clinton email scandal.
the 2016 election.
“It’s amazing to me that when the president
As new details emerge in special counsel Robert Mueller’s launched the campaign, they said ‘it wasn’t
investigation into the alleged Russian meddling during the a real campaign, he’ll never be successful.’
2016 election, some are worried President Donald Trump What’s also amazing to me is Dianne
and his associates may be implicated. Feinstein, the ranking Democrat on the
Senate Judiciary Committee has said there
Former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski is no evidence whatsoever that she has
and Trump campaign aide David Bossie insist there is “not seen that there has been any cooperation.
one iota of evidence” of collusion. But the Democrats pooh-pooh her,”
Lewandowski said.
“The ranking [Democrat] on the Senate
Judiciary Committee, and she’s on the As for Trump’s progress in office, his former campaign
Intelligence Committee, has found no manager says that the mainstream media will never give
evidence of [Trump-Russia] collusion, the president the credit he deserves regardless of his
cooperation or coordination because it economic accomplishments.
doesn’t exist. I was there, it doesn’t exist,”

Et Tu, Mike? Pence Plotted Coup Against Trump After
P****Gate Tape Was Revealed And His Wife Called
Candidate 'Reprehensible - Just Totally Vile'
 In October 2016 The Washington Post Published The 'Access Hollywood' Tape Of Donald Trump
Boasting About Grabbing Women 'By The P****'
 Republican Sources Say Mike Pence Was Considering A 'Coup' After The Tape Emerged
 Many Republicans Thought The Tape Would Be Devastating At The Time And Pence Told The
RNC He Was Ready To Replace Trump
 Former Campaign Aide Said Karen Pence Was 'Disgusted' By The Tape: 'She Finds Him
Reprehensible—Just Totally Vile'
By Geoff Earle, Deputy U.S. Political Editor For Dailymail.Com
Published: 14:06 EST, 5 December 2017 | Updated: 20:45 EST, 5 December 2017

The stunning release of the 'p****' tape in October 2016 his running mate, was contemplating a 'coup' to replace
had close advisors predicting it would lead to Donald Trump at the top of the ticket after the release of the
Trump's downfall and running mate Mike Pence plotting 'Access Hollywood' tape, according to a report
a 'coup,' according to a new report on the vice president

The release of the 'Access Hollywood' tape where Trump

boasted about using his celebrity and grabbing women 'by
the p***" rocked the campaign, and even persuaded some
leading Trump advisors that the candidate was through.

Pence, the religiously conservative former Indiana

governor who Trump selected as his running mate, was
contemplating a 'coup' to replace Trump at the top of the
ticket, the Atlantic reported.

With the party's chances in doubt after the revelations,

hours after the Washington Post broke news about the
tape, 'Pence made it clear to the Republican National Denial: Pence's office said Tuesday that the coup plot story
Committee that he was ready to take Trump’s place as the was not true and added an emoji
party’s nominee,' according to the report.

The Vice President's office denied the report

Vice President Mike Pence, the religiously conservative
former Indiana governor who Donald Trump selected as
The maneuvering came at a time when official Washington
was rocked by the raw hot mic comments of the 'Access
Hollywood' tape, which soon led to the firing of Billy

A former campaign aide said Pence's wife, Karen Pence,

was 'disgusted' by the tape.

'She finds him reprehensible—just totally

vile' the aide said of President Trump. The
couple was appalled by the video,
according to the report.
The tape shows Trump bragging to host Billy Bush about
Pence spokeswoman Alyssa Farah tweeted: using his celebrity and having the ability to grab women
'by the p****'
'Regarding The Atlantic’s tired, false claim
about the VP during the campaign -- we
denied this in the article and deny it again
today. Didn’t happen.'

She included a sleeping emoji.

In the aftermath, a Republican senator called the

Republican Party to take emergency steps to replace
Trump, who had already accepted his party's nomination at
the convention, according to the Atlantic.

It was at an urgent October 2016 Trump Tower meeting

where former RNC chair Reince Priebus, who went on to
become White House chief of staff, famously urged Trump There wasn't a ready mechanism for the party to replace a
to get out of the race. potentially hobbled nominee. An RNC rule only
authorized the party to fill any vacancy created 'by death,
New York magazine reported that Priebus said if he didn't, declination, or otherwise.'
he would 'go down with a worse election loss than Barry
Goldwater’s.' There was pressure from some anti-Trump lawmakers,
such as Sen. Mark Kirk of Illinois, for Trump to step aside
The candidate ultimately rejected pleas to get out, and hit at this point.
back hard during the second presidential debate, where he
brought along Bill Clinton's former accusers as a way to Despite the articles use of the term 'coup,' it does not
needle rival Hillary Clinton. mention any plotters or a plan to confront the nominee or
otherwise force him out.

Clinton Aides Huma Abedin And Cheryl Mills Not
Charged After Making False Statements To FBI
By Jim E
December 5, 2017 10:59AM

Washington was rocked last evening by revelations that a

pro-Clinton mole in the FBI may have had a hand in
getting Hillary off the hook for her criminal behavior as
secretary of state and her use of a private email server.

As we reported last night, agent Peter Strzok was removed

from Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation team that’s
looking into possible Russia-Trump collusion. He was
removed for expressing anti-Trump sentiment in messages
to a mistress, an FBI lawyer.
But it gets worse. Not only did Strzok help Clinton in the
Then the bombshell hit. Strzok was the very agent who midst of her presidential campaign, he may have also let
changed the FBI’s description of Hillary’s behavior with Clinton aides get away with lying to the FBI.
the email server from “grossly negligent” to “extremely
careless,” thereby not triggering any criminal
repercussions. The Daily Caller’s Chuck Ross reports: “The FBI agent
who was fired from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s
Russia investigation team for sending anti-Donald Trump
CNN reported the following: “A former top text messages conducted the interviews with two Hillary
counterintelligence expert at the FBI, now at the center of Clinton aides accused of giving false statements about
a political uproar for exchanging private messages that what they knew of the former secretary of state’s private
appeared to mock President Donald Trump, changed a key email server.”
phrase in former FBI Director James Comey’s description
of how former secretary of state Hillary Clinton handled
classified information, according to US officials familiar More from the report: “Neither of the Clinton associates,
with the matter.” Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin, faced legal consequences
for their misleading statements, which they made in
interviews last year with former FBI section chief Peter
Ben Shapiro succinctly summed up the shock many of us Strzok.”
had at this revelation:
Yet again, Strzok lets the Clinton campaign get away with
committing crimes.

There is something very unseemly to all of this, and it

looks like the Justice Department needs to launch an
investigation of Mueller’s investigation! Just what the hell
is going on inside the FBI?

The FBI's Forrest Gump: Agent Fired From Mueller Probe
For Sending Anti-Trump Texts To His Lover Interviewed
Mike Flynn Before His Guilty Plea AND Huma Abedin And
Cheryl Mills Before Hillary Was Cleared
 A Top FBI Official Who Was Tossed From The Russia Probe Was Behind FBI Director James
Comey's Use Of The Phrase 'Extremely Careless' About Hillary Clinton
 The Phrase Replaced Comey's 'Grossly Negligent' Wording, Which Would Have Mirrored A
Criminal Statute That Clinton Was Never Prosecuted For Violating
 Peter Strzok, The Partisan Agent, Was Also Involved In Questioning Michael Flynn Before He Was
Prosecuted For Lying To The Bureau
 And Strzok Also Helped Interrogate Hillary Clinton Lawyer Cheryl Mills And Top Aide Huma
Abedin, But That Case Produced No Criminal Charges
 Emails Show Mills And Abedin Referring To Clinton's Server, But They Told The FBI They Were
Unaware It Existed Until It Because Public Knowledge
 President Trump Has Tweeted About The Strzok Story, Suggesting Both The Flynn And Clinton
Investigations Were Tainted By Bias
By David Martosko, Us Political Editor For Dailymail.Com
Published: 15:14 EST, 5 December 2017 | Updated: 19:58 EST, 5 December 2017

Strzok, among the top officials investigating Clinton,

changed Comey's description of her conduct from 'grossly
negligent' – language that mirrors the criminal code – to
the softer words 'extremely careless.'

His photograph was revealed by Fox News.

Now it can be revealed that Strzok was also part of the

team that quizzed disgraced former National Security
Advisor Michael Flynn before he pleaded guilty to lying
during that interview.

And he participated in the FBI's sit-down interviews with

Forest Gump: Peter Strzok has been involved in both Trump and two Clinton insiders linked to her email scandal, both of
Clinton-focused probes - and texted his lover anti-Trump messages whom got a free pass despite making statements to agents
that were later challenged by other records.
The FBI agent who was dismissed from special counsel
Robert Mueller's Russia probe for sending his lover anti-
Trump text messages is turning into a Forrest Gump
character who figured in a number of key moments in the
Bureau's recent history.

Peter Strzok was reassigned to the FBI's human resources

department after the text messages between him and FBI
lawyer Lisa Page were uncovered. He was already known
to be the agent who who edited then-Director James
Comey's reprimand of Hillary Clinton for using an
unsecured private email server for classified messages.

Clinton aide Huma Abedin was interviewed by Strzok, but And Abedin told agents, they wrote, that she
he didn't refer her for criminal charges despite proof she
was not forthcoming about what they knew of the 'did not know that Clinton had a private
presidential candidate's classified email scandal server until about a year and a half ago
when it became public knowledge.'

But in emails released by State, Mills and Abedin both

referred to Clinton's server specifically, The Daily Caller
reported Monday.

Then-FBI Director James Comey defended the Clinton

aides' contradictory statements when he testified in a
House Judiciary Committee hearing about six weeks
before the 2016 election.

'Having done many investigations myself,

there’s always conflicting recollections of
facts – some of which are central, some of
An FBI agent already under scrutiny for sending anti- which are peripheral,' Comey said then.
Trump text messages was behind changing James Comey's
(left) description of Hillary Clinton's behavior in regards to President Trump railed against Strzok's actions on Sunday,
her private email server then went to work for Mueller's as the Washington Post and New York Times reported that
Russia probe his text messages

'expressed anti-Trump sentiments and

other comments that appeared to favor

ABC News had reported Strzok's departure from the Russia

probe in August, but without offering a reason.

Peter Strzok softened Comey's language on Hillary Now the controversy could taint not one, but two of the
Clinton, interviewed her top aide Cheryl Mills and biggest federal investigations in the last year.
recommended no action on her statements despite them
contradicting what she said elsewhere, but interviewed
Trump's national security adviser Mike Flynn before he
took a deal

The email probe included question-and-answer sessions

with several senior Clinton aides including lawyer Cheryl
Mills and chief of staff Huma Abedin.

And when those two friends-of-Hillary sat down for their

third-degree sessions, Strzok – the partisan anti-Trump
agent – was asking many of the questions.

Mills and Abedin both denied knowing of Clinton's

unorthodox email server setup, according to summaries of
their interviews that the Bureau released last year.

'Mills did not learn Clinton was using a

private server until after Clinton's [State
Department] tenure. Mills stated she was
not even sure she knew what a server was
President Trump latched onto news reports that said FBI
at the time,' one agent's interview notes
agent Peter Strzok was pulled off the Mueller probe after
anti-Trump text messages were found. Strzok was also a

lead investigator on the Hillary Clinton email probe, with The latter dig was meant for Deputy FBI Director Andrew
Trump now suggesting bias McCabe, whose wife took campaign donations from a
Clinton ally, the outgoing Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe.

The FBI has pointed out that McCabe had no role in the
Clinton investigation until months after his wife's political
campaign had concluded.

But Page, the lawyer who exchanged anti-Trump texts

with Strzok, was on McCabe's staff.

Trump went after Strzok again by writing,


'Tainted (no, very dishonest?) FBI "agent's 'Now it all starts to make sense,' Trump
role in Clinton probe under review,"' Trump said.
tweeted Sunday morning. 'Led Clinton
Email probe. @foxandfriend Clinton money
going to wife of another FBI agent in

Turkey Threatens To Ax Diplomatic
Ties With Israel If US Recognizes Jerusalem As Capital
Published Time: 5 Dec, 2017 10:32 Edited Time: 6 Dec, 2017 13:12

“If the [current] status of Jerusalem is

changed and another step is taken... that
would be a major catastrophe,” Deputy
Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag said during a
televised press conference on Monday, as
quoted by AFP. “It would completely
destroy the fragile peace process in the
region, and lead to new conflicts, new
disputes and new unrest.”

The decision has been postponed once already by the new

© Murad Sezer / Reuters administration.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Tuesday
that US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital would “The president has been clear on this
issue… It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of
be a “red line” for Muslims. He also warned such a step
when,” White House spokesman Hogan
would force Ankara to cut diplomatic ties with the Jewish Gidley said.
Israel regards Jerusalem as its capital, although the
“This could go as far as cutting our international consensus is that the holy city’s status should
diplomatic relations with Israel. You cannot be determined in peace talks with the Palestinians.
take such a step,” Erdogan told a Palestinian leaders hope to claim the eastern part of the
parliamentary group meeting of his ruling city as their own capital.
Justice and Development Party.
Israel has long insisted that Jerusalem is its capital, but all
The Turkish president also said he would call for a foreign embassies are located in Tel Aviv. In October,
meeting with the Organization for Islamic Cooperation to Trump temporarily waived a law requiring the US to
oppose any move recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. relocate its embassy to Jerusalem. The Jerusalem Embassy
He said the measure would not only be a violation of Act was passed during Bill Clinton’s first term in 1995, but
international law, but also has been waived every six months by US presidents ever
“a big blow to the conscience of the
humanity.” Turkish-Israeli relations have faced setbacks in the past. In
2011, Turkey expelled the Israeli ambassador to Ankara
and downgraded diplomatic relations after Israel refuses to
US President Donald Trump was expected to weigh in on apologize for the deaths of eight Turkish citizens and a
the sensitive foreign policy matter Monday, but public Turkish-American during a raid on a ship carrying aid to
warnings from allies and private phone calls between Palestinians in Gaza. Full diplomatic relations were not
world leaders led to the White House delaying its decision. restored until 2016. More recently, Erdogan threatened to
Turkey has been a vocal critic of the proposed move. cut ties with the Jewish state over its support for an
independent Kurdish state.

Latest Revelations Make The Entire
‘Collusion’ Probe Look Like A Partisan Hit
By Post Editorial Board
December 5, 2017 | 6:48pm

More, he was reportedly one of the major FBI figures

urging investigations on the basis of the “Steele dossier” of
Russian-sourced scurrilous anti-Trump allegations, which
we now know was commissioned by the Clinton

More, he signed the documents that opened the ensuing

“collusion” probe. And he led the FBI interview of Gen.
Mike Flynn, in which Flynn told the lies that eventually
forced him out as Trump’s national security adviser, and
for which he’s now pleaded guilty in a deal with Mueller.

Meanwhile, Mills and Abedin’s testimony in their

So Peter Strzok wasn’t just a top investigator for special interviews has been shown false in one major regard:
counsel Robert Mueller until he was axed for anti-Trump Contrary to their denials, each had been well aware of
and pro-Clinton bias: He was also a major player in the Clinton’s private server — they had to deal with the office
Hillary email probe and the FBI work that led to the fallout whenever it went down. Unlike Flynn, though, they
“collusion” investigation. never faced charges for lying to federal investigators.

And Mueller and the FBI both dragged their feet on Which makes President Trump’s request to Comey to go
sharing key info about all this with Congress. easy on Flynn look reasonable enough.

Including the news that Strzok was the one who changed The public doesn’t know just how egregious Strzok’s bias
then-FBI chief Jim Comey’s draft language on Clinton’s was, and won’t until the release of his texts with his
use of that private server from “grossly negligent” to mistress, an FBI lawyer who (sigh) was also on Mueller’s
“extremely careless” in the final version. team.

That’s huge, because the statute specifies that gross But as things stand, it now looks like the fix was well and
negligence in the handling of classified info is itself a truly in on the Hillary probe. Far worse, it also looks like
crime, whatever the intent — though Comey declared that the “collusion” probe was a partisan hit from the start —
Clinton shouldn’t face prosecution precisely because she which undermines the basis for Mueller’s own
had no “intent” to break the law. investigation.

Strzok also conducted the FBI interviews of Clinton and What a mess.
her top aides, Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin, in the email

Bozell & Graham Column:
Brian Ross Should Be Fired
By Brent Bozell And Tim Graham
December 5, 2017 10:51 PM EST

Holmes” on a list of Colorado Tea Party Patriots…as if

that was a perfect starting point to find mass shooters. It
wasn’t. But there are more.

 In 2001, Ross claimed the anthrax used in deadly

attacks after 9/11 in Washington and New York was
coated with bentonite, a chemical compound found
only in biological weapons made by Saddam Hussein’s
henchmen in Iraq. Former Bush press secretary Ari
When you’re the source for “breaking news” but it turns Fleischer remembers “I explicitly told ABC News not to
out to be “faking news,” you’re in trouble. go with the anthrax story because it was wrong. Brian
Ross went with it anyway -- and one week later issued
a murky, hard to understand correction.”
ABC “senior investigative correspondent”  In the first month of the Iraq War in 2003, Ross
Brian Ross greeted Gen. Michael Flynn’s reported Saddam’s cousin Ali Hassan Al Majid (or
plea deal with Robert Mueller by claiming “Chemical Ali”) had been killed. Several media outlets
Flynn is “prepared to testify that President forwarded that report. Six months later, U.S. officials
Trump, as a candidate, Donald Trump, announced they had him in custody.
ordered him — directed him to make  In 2006, Ross claimed Pakistani officials had arrested
contact with the Russians which contradicts Matiur Rehman, an al-Qaeda explosives expert who
all that Donald Trump has said to this kept an “official” list of terrorist recruits, and could lead
point.” to Osama bin Laden. Pakistanis denounced the report
as ‘fictitious.” ABC consultant Alexis Debat had warned
It was a nuclear explosion. Within minutes the stock ABC it was not true a day after the report had initially
market plunged 350 points. been broadcast.
 Also in 2006, Ross breathlessly relayed that then-
It quickly became clear that it was flat wrong. Later, ABC House Speaker Dennis Hastert was under FBI
News added on the evening news what they investigation for bribery in the Jack Abramoff lobbying
disingenuously called a “clarification” – actually, Trump scandal. “Justice Department officials describe the 64-
directed Flynn to contact the Russians after the election, year-old Illinois Republican as very much in the mix of
which not only isn’t scandalous, it’s completely expected the corruption investigation.” This prompted the Justice
for a new president. After more uproar, they finally found Department to deny there was any federal probe of
it to be a “serious error” and suspended Ross for four Hastert, who demanded a retraction and threatened to
weeks without pay. sue ABC.

It’s a classic journalistic mistake to try and be first to None of these whoppers ever led to any suspension of
report something before it’s verified. But in the Trump era, Ross, who’s been at ABC since 1994. His liberal
when liberals believe the president is a uniquely dangerous colleagues have given him six Peabody Awards and six
threat to America – even the world -- any news that could George Polk investigative reporting awards, so his
lead to speculation about Trump’s impeachment or reputation inside the network was apparently unscathed by
resignation is like catnip. Journalists are prone to over- his large errors.
hype anything that could spell “The End.”
It’s a little bizarre these days that sexual harassers like
This suspension might be an adequate punishment….if Charlie Rose and Matt Lauer are dumped abruptly, while
Ross hasn’t made a long line of whopper mistakes. Brian Williams has an hour-long nightly show on MSNBC
Conservatives remember the movie-theater mass shooting and Brian Ross gets a slap on the wrist. These supposed
in Aurora, Colorado in 2012 and how Ross came on in guardians against “fake news” look like fact-mangling
“breaking news” mode to announce there was a “Jim isn’t really a serious offense. Brian Ross should be fired.

Trump’s Potential Al-Quds
Move Sparks Global Opposition
Tue Dec 5, 2017 11:26AM

that Ankara could cut ties with Tel Aviv if the US formally
recognized al-Quds as Israel’s “capital.”

A picture taken on December 4, 2017 shows a general view of the

skyline of the old city of Jerusalem al-Quds, with the Dome of the
Rock (L) in the Aqsa Compound visible on the left. (By AFP)
US President Donald Trump’s expected A picture taken on November 19, 2017 shows a general view of the
declaration of Jerusalem al-Quds as Arab League headquarters during a meeting in the Egyptian capital,
Israel’s “capital” has drawn opposition Cairo. (By AFP)
from various countries and international “Mr. Trump, Jerusalem [al-Quds] is the red
bodies, including Turkey and the line of Muslims. It is a violation of
European Union (EU). international law to take a decision
supporting Israel while the Palestinian
Trump reportedly plans to recognize Jerusalem al-Quds as society’s wounds are still bleeding,”
the “capital” of Israel in a speech on Wednesday in an Erdogan said at a parliamentary meeting of
apparent bid to justify his pledge to move the US embassy his ruling AK Party.
from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem al-Quds.

In reaction, Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Aboul

Gheit on Tuesday described the potential relocation of the
US embassy or the recognition of al-Quds as Israel’s
“capital” as “dangerous,” warning that the measures would
have repercussions across the region.

He told Arab government delegates that they had decided

to meet in Cairo “given the danger of this matter, if it were
to happen, and the possible negative consequences not
only for the situation in Palestine but also for the Arab and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan gestures as he gives a
Islamic region.” speech during an AK Party’s group meeting at the Grand National
Assembly of Turkey in Ankara, on December 5, 2017. (Photo by
Aboul Gheit also urged Washington not to take any
measures that would change the legal and political status “This can go as far as severing Turkey’s
of the holy city. ties with Israel. I am warning the United
States not to take such a step, which will
Turkey threatens to cut ties with Israel over al-Quds deepen the problems in the region,” he
Meanwhile, Turkish President Reccep Tayyip Erdogan has
described the move as a “red line” for Muslims, warning Palestinians threaten to stop contacts with US

A diplomatic adviser to Palestinian President Mahmoud “within the framework of negotiations
Abbas also said the Palestinian leadership would “stop between Israelis and Palestinians.”
contacts” with Washington if Trump declared the
recognition. The entire Jerusalem al-Quds is currently under Israel’s
control, while the regime also claims the city’s eastern
Majdi Khaldi said on Tuesday that the US would lose part, which hosts the third holiest Muslim site.
credibility as a Mideast mediator if Trump went ahead
with the move. The city has been designated as “occupied” under
international law since the 1967 Arab War, which
Macron expresses concern Palestinians want as the capital of their future state.

Separately, French President Emmanuel Macron has EU warns of ‘serious repercussions’

expressed his concern over the potential US move during a
phone call with Trump. The European Union (EU) also warned of the “serious
repercussions” of the potential US move.

EU foreign policy director Federica Mogherini’s office

said in a statement on Tuesday,

“Since early this year, the European Union

was clear in its expectation that there can
be reflection on the consequences that any
decision or unilateral action affecting
Jerusalem [al-Quds]’s status could have.”

It warned that such moves “might have serious

French President Emmanuel Macron addresses the media following a
meeting with his Bulgarian counterpart at the Elysee palace in Paris, repercussions on public opinion in large parts of the
on December 4, 2017. (Photo by AFP) world.”
“The French president has expressed his
concern at the possibility of the United The statement also called for focusing on
States unilaterally designating Jerusalem
[al-Quds]” as the capital of Israel, the “the efforts to restart the peace process
Elysee palace said in a statement, referring and avoiding any action that would
to a Monday phone call between the two. undermine such efforts.”

Macron stressed that any such decision must be

About That Lynch-Clinton Tarmac Meeting - Have You
Seen These 29 Documents Previously
Withheld By The DOJ?
Tim Brown
December 5, 2017

Many are still very suspicious about the infamous the emails authors are redacted. There are no
tarmac meeting prior to the 2016 elections involving documents showing concern about the meeting itself.
former President Bill Clinton and former Attorney
General Loretta Lynch. However, at the end of The FBI originally informed Judicial Watch
November, government watchdog Judicial Watch they could not locate any records related to the
released 29 pages of FBI Clinton-Lynch tarmac tarmac meeting.  However, in a related FOIA lawsuit,
meeting documents that were previously withheld by the Justice Department located emails in which
the Justice Department. Justice Department officials communicated with the
FBI and wrote that they had communicated with the
The FBI originally informed Judicial Watch they did FBI.  As a result, by letter dated August 10, 2017,
not locate any records related to the tarmac meeting. from the FBI stated, “Upon further review, we
However, in a related case, the Justice Department subsequently determined potentially responsive
located emails in which Justice Department officials documents may exist. As a result, your [FOIA]
communicated with the FBI and wrote that they had request has been reopened…”
communicated with the FBI, Judicial Watch found.
As a result, by letter dated August 10, 2017, from the On June 27, 2016, Attorney General Loretta
FBI stated, "Upon further review, we subsequently Lynch met with former President Bill Clinton on
determined potentially responsive documents may board a parked plane at Sky Harbor International
exist. As a result, your [FOIA] request has been Airport in Phoenix, Arizona. The meeting occurred
reopened." during the then-ongoing investigation of Mrs.
Clinton’s email server, and only a few days before
According to the documents obtained by Judicial she was interviewed the Justice Department and FBI.
Watch via a Freedom of Information Act request, the (Judicial Watch filed a request on June 30 that the
FBI seemed to be more concerned about leaks than U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector
the actual meeting. General investigate that meeting.)

Judicial Watch reports: “These new FBI documents show the FBI was more
concerned about a whistleblower who told the truth
The new FBI documents show FBI officials were about the infamous Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting
concerned about a leak that Bill Clinton delayed his than the scandalous meeting itself,” said Judicial
aircraft taking off in order to “maneuver” a meeting Watch President Tom Fitton.
with the attorney general. The resulting story in
the Observer is seemingly confirmed and causes a “The documents show the FBI worked to make sure
flurry of emails about the source of the article. FBI no more details of the meeting would be revealed to
official(s) write “we need to find that guy” and that the American people," he added.
the Phoenix FBI office was contacted “in an attempt
to stem any further damage.” Another FBI official, "No wonder the FBI didn’t turn these documents over
working on AG Lynch’s security detail, suggests until Judicial Watch caught the agency red-handed
instituting non-disclosure agreements. The names of hiding them," he continued. "These new documents
confirm the urgent need to reopen the Clinton email
scandal and criminally investigate the resulting Where is the outcry over this clear coverup of the
Obama FBI/DOJ sham investigation.” meeting? Oh, that's right, we're still looking for
evidence of a Trump administration/Russia collusion
The meeting occurred just before former FBI instead of investigating the real Russian colluder who
Director James Comey held the July 5, 2016, press committed a crime against the people of the united
conference in which he announced that no charges States.
would be filed against Hillary Clinton, even though
she clearly violated federal law with her private email

Fmr Rep David Stockman On Flynn:
FBI Interview Was 'Blatant Entrapment'
Chris Menahan
Dec. 05, 2017

In fact, a Martian visitor would also quickly understand

that the entire world – friend, rival, foe and enemy, alike –
already knows of NSA’s giant digital spying operation
owing to Snowden’s leaks, and that therefore there are no
"sources and methods" on the SIGINT (signals
intelligence) front to protect.

Accordingly, the disinterested Martian would undoubtedly

insist: Declassify the NSA intercepts and publish them on
Facebook (and, for old timers, on the front page of the New
York Times) so that the truth would be known to all.

Of course, that would punch a deep hole in the entire

RussiaGate witchhunt because NSA, in fact, did record
Flynn’s late December conversations with Russian
If you were a Martian visitor just disembarked from of one Ambassador Kislyak. And there was not a single word in
of Elon Musk’s rocket ships and were therefore uninfected them that related to alleged campaign collusion or
by earth-based fake news, the culprits in Washington’s otherwise inappropriate communications by the incoming
witch-hunt de jure would be damn obvious. national security adviser to a newly-elected President who
was three-weeks from inauguration.
They include John Brennan, Jim Comey, Sally Yates, Peter
Strzok and a passel of deep state operatives – all of whom Indeed, as explained below, Mueller has effectively told us
baldly abused their offices. After Brennan had concocted that Flynn’s communications with Kislyak were clean as a
the whole Russian election meddling meme to sully the whistle.
Donald’s shocking election win, the latter three holdovers
– functioning as a political fifth column in the new Accordingly, there was no reason
Administration – set a perjury trap designed to snare Mike whatsoever – as in none, nichts, nada
Flynn as a first step in relitigating and reversing the voters’ and nugatory, too – for the FBI’s
verdict. January 24th interview of Flynn. Four
days after the inauguration, Acting
The smoking gun on their guilt is so flamingly obvious Attorney General Sally Yates and the
that the ability of the Trump-hating media to ignore it is FBI were wasting the time of the new
itself a wonder to behold. President’s national security advisor for
no earthly reason except to administer a
After all, anyone fresh off Elon’s rocket ship would learn "gotcha quiz" on what they knew from
upon even cursory investigation of the matter that the the transcripts to be completely
National Security Agency (NSA) intercepts electronically innocent conversations with the
every single communication of the Russian Ambassador Russian Ambassador.
with any person on US soil – whether by email, text or
phone call. The content of the calls was entirely about pending policy
matters. That is, the UN security council resolution
So the clear-minded visitor’s simple question would be: condemning Israel’s settlements policy and Obama’s
What do the transcripts say? belligerent new anti-Russia sanctions. With respect to both
of these matters, the incoming President had a publicly

known policy position different from the incumbent’s, and Yet aside from the asinine claims about Russian troll farms
about which his team was completely entitled to and trivial amounts of Facebook ads and other such social
communicate with official foreign ambassadors. media monkey business, that’s all she wrote. There has
been no other tangible allegations of election "meddling"
So the January 24th interview itself was a Nixonesque that rise to even minimal plausibility.
abuse of the nation’s law enforcement machinery to strike
at a political enemy – albeit a mighty legitimate one who And you don’t have to be fresh off Musk’s Martian rocket
had just become occupant of the Oval Office by will of the ship to recognize it; you can google it yourself, but nothing
American people. – we mean – nothing comes up on the screen.

These new-style Deep State "plumbers" who openly broke Yet as to the DNC emails, there has already been a
into the White House that day, in fact, conducted a blatant compelling demonstration by ex-NSA super SIGNET
entrapment exercise with malice aforethought. Its only sleuth, William Binney, that the DNC emails were
possible purpose was to bait Flynn into contradicting the downloaded on a memory stick by a staff insider from his
word-for-word transcripts in the FBI’s possession – own computer, not remotely hacked by Russian trolls.
intercepts which had been illegally "unmasked" by
Brennan’s political witch-hunt for Russian election That’s because the download speed of 22.7 megabytes per
malefactors. second embedded in the Guccifer publication of the DNC
email trove was impossible to achieve from Russia or
And we use the "illegal" word purposefully to underscore Romania or anywhere else outside of the DNC offices in
that the only ultimate justice here is for Obama’s rogue July 2016 when the "hack" allegedly occurred. The highest
CIA director to be locked-up. average ISP speeds in the US during the first-half of 2016
were achieved by Xfinity and Cox Communications at
Brennan’s post-election leakathon of phony Russian 15.6 megabytes per second and 14.7 megabytes per
meddling accusations was so threadbare of valid national second, respectively, while average speeds on US systems
security evidence that it even included falsehoods from the were in the order of 11 megabytes per second.
completely discredited and ludicrous Steele dossier –
which was paid for by the DNC and Clinton campaign. In short, the embarrassing DNC emails about election-
And it culminated in the evidence-free screed of January rigging against Bernie Sanders by the Democratic Party
6th that was nosily presented to Obama as an intelligence apparatus were almost surely sucked out of the DNC’s
community’s assessment but was actually a hatchet-job servers by an insider with a thumb drive (which can
authored by Brennan and a hand-picked silo of anti-Trump download at the indicated speeds), not some nefarious
analysts and fiction-writers like the now outed Peter Strzok Kremlin operative 3,000 miles away.
of the FBI.
And as for Podesta’s emails, the Donald was surely right
Issued under cover of the CIA, FBI, NSA and Director of all along: Any 400-pound slob on a couch could have
National Intelligence (the confirmed liar, James Clapper), hacked an email account protected by a password called,
this document amounted to a sweeping abuse of the well, "password".
national security apparatus in furtherance of purely
political purposes and vengeance against Deep State Stated differently, if either of these email
critics. It capped a 5-month long, Brennan led campaign of troves were "hacked" by remote
naked political exploitation of the national security Russian agents the digital footprint of
machinery that made the Nixon White House look like a that action is stored at one of the
Boy Scout Jamboree. massive NSA server farms.

As we will demonstrate below, Brennan never had hard Accordingly, it would have been unmasked at the get-go
proof of Trump campaign collusion with the Russians to by Brennan’s hand-picked apparatchiks, thereby giving
influence the election because if it existed it would have rise to another virtual certainty: Namely, such NSA
leaked in full "smoking gun" splendor long ago. intercepts, if they actually existed, would be such
politically radioactive "proof" of Trump collusion that they
We are referring here, again, to NSA digital intercept would have been leaked from the endlessly porous US
evidence that Russian state actors used the internet to government long ago.
remotely hack the Podesta and DNC servers in order to
steal and then disseminate their politically embarrassing Moreover, any such digital evidence – which must exist or
contents and thereby "influence" the US election in there was never a hack in the first place – would have
Trump’s favor. drastically foreshortened Mueller’s investigation, too. That
is, Mueller would have gotten NSA’s digital logs the day
he opened up shop in May and would have had no other
investigative task than to track down any digital evidence – who was also a phony expert on Russian affairs – before
of Trump campaign involvement with such a Russian Papadopoulos was announced as a foreign policy advisor
hacking operation. on March 19, 2016.

We say "digital evidence" because unless one of Trump’s As it happened, he actually meet him about a week earlier
inner circle traveled to Moscow to secretly collude with and was therefore truthful with the FBI. But these modern-
the Kremlin in an off-the-grid manner on the DNC/Podesta day, hairsplitting Torquemada’s nailed him for the "crime"
hacks, NSA would also have the intercepts to prove it. To of not mentioning that he knew on March 10 that he was to
wit, the schedules, phone calls, text messages and emails be appointed to the Trump committee, and that knowledge
of the Trump family and inner circle are all out there in the somehow colored his March 15 meeting with this no-count
NSA server farms. Every one of them. English go-between.

Were there a shred of evidence on these digital logs You can’t make this stuff up!
proving or even hinting at Trump campaign complicity in
the alleged DNC/Podesta hacks – it would not have been In any event, how do we know that every word on the
overlooked by the Brennan’s inquisitors; and it would have Flynn transcripts were perfectly legal and appropriate and
been dispatched by Mueller’s gunslingers in no time at all. did not in the slightest manner compromise so-called
national security?
So let’s be clear on the matter. The Donald is the ultimate
seat-of-the-pants one man show who essentially relies Simple. Mueller’s "Statement Of The
upon his four family members (Donald Jr., Eric, Ivanka Offense" tells us so.
and Jared Kushner) and a few trusted advisors. Yet none of
them were sent to Russia during the relevant time frame – In the case of the Russia sanctions conversation Flynn was
and had they colluded in any other way Mueller would trying to make peace, and in the case of the UN censure
have nailed them for any untoward digitized interactions
resolution against Israel he was trying to make trouble. But
with the Russians in a heartbeat. the latter is what presidents and their advisors do all the
time, and the former is a wonderful idea that Washington
That’s right. Anyone disembarking from Elon’s rocket should try far more often.
ship could also google the fact that only two people –
Carter Page and George Papadopoulos – even remotely
In fact, just consider the words of Mueller’s charge:
involved with the Trump campaign went to Russia or tried
to go there.
"….FLYNN falsely stated that he did not
ask Russia’s Ambassador to the United
But Carter Page was a no-count volunteer who went to
States ("Russian Ambassador") to refrain
Moscow on his own dime and who never even met Trump.
from escalating in response to sanctions
that the United States has imposed against
Likewise, Baby George Papadopoulos was a 29-year old Russia. FLYNN also falsely stated that he
kid who got drafted onto Trump’s foreign policy advisory did not remember a follow-up conversation
panel from, apparently, the phone book when the GOP in which the Russian Ambassador stated
foreign policy establishment boycotted to nearly a that Russia had chosen to moderate its
man/women the Trump campaign prior to the convention. response to those sanctions as a result of
FLYNN’s request.
Accordingly, Baby George’s claim to fame is that he
appeared in exactly one photo with the Donald on the day In fact, this criminal charge actually narrates the actual
the foreign policy advisory committee was announced in tick-tock of a more peaceful world struggling to be born in
order to appease an endlessly nagging gaggle in the press real time.
and among Trump’s legions of opponents.
Accordingly, Mueller charges that on December 28th the
If Papadopoulos had done anything more serious than sit Russian Ambassador first called Flynn after the Obama
for a photo op designed to prove Trump got his foreign White House announced another spiteful round of petty
policy advise other than from "watching TV", as the sanctions against Putin associates.
Donald had previously averred, his guilty plea would have
hinted at it. The incoming national security advisor, in turn, discussed

But, no, what Mueller’s high priced legal gunslingers got "what if anything, to communicate to the
him on was – again – technical perjury. So as we review Russian Ambassador" with a senior official
Mike Flynn’s alleged crimes just recall that the Baby of the Trump transition; and according to
George’s sin was to say he meet some dufus UK professor
Mueller’s criminal complaint, the two of content into what anyone getting off Musk’s Mars
agreed that "members of the Presidential rocket can see is an utterly bogus Russia meddling case.
Transition Team a Mar-a-Lago did not want
Russia to escalate the situation". At the end of the day, Mueller’s perjury did occur in the
context of a crime. But the felony was the Brennan-led
Good for them! Russian meddling inquisition.

There upon the very same day Flynn dialed-up Kislyak Especially after the shocking result on November 8, the
and, as the felony charging document contends, Deep State and its collaborators and shills in the
Democratic Party, official Washington and the mainstream
"requested that Russia not escalate the media were not about to be rebuked by the unwashed
situation and only respond to the U.S. demos of Flyover America.
Sanctions in a reciprocal manner."
Indeed, if you are not caught up in the RussiaGate hysteria
Self-evidently, the wheels of peace began to turn because and witch-hunt, it’s as plain as the noise on your face
the complaint notes that on December 30
To be sure, the perjury trap sprung on Flynn was justified
"Russian President Vladimir Putin released by Hillary partisan, Sally Yates, on the grounds that
a statement indicating that Russia would Flynn’s alleged "lie" to the Vice President left him
not take retaliatory measures in response vulnerable to "blackmail" by the Russians.
to the US Sanctions at the time".
What undiluted hogwash!
Indeed, Russia didn’t merely take "reciprocal" actions, as
Flynn requested, but did absolutely nothing at all. Even The best poker player on today’s international stage, Vlad
more progress! Putin, finally gets a US President with a rational attitude
about Russia, and he plans to burn him day one?
Then on the last day of the year, Kislyak called Flynn back
and C’mon. Whether she intended it or not or had gamed it out
thoroughly, the history records will show that the
"informed him that Russia had chosen not sanctimonious Hillary partisan and politically ambitious,
to retaliate in response to FLYNN’s Sally Yates, then and there killed the best chance for peace
request". on earth since the Soviet Union fell in 1991.

And then there is just white space in the Russia-related Sally Yates, James Comey and John Brennan are the real
section of the charging document. Not a single word or criminals here.
hint that the Kremlin was paying off the Trump
Administration for nefarious promises it had made in As Justin Raimondo so eloquently put it:
return for Russia’s campaign help.
Think about it, folks: both the US and the
For crying out loud, that white space itself proves there Russians possess enough nuclear
was not so much as a single clause or veiled code word in firepower to destroy all life on earth several
the transcripts about pre-election collusion or other times over. This sword of Damocles is
untoward arrangements between the Trump campaign and hanging over us by a thread, just as it
the Kremlin – or the FBI plumbers would have asked loomed large during the last cold war with
about it on January 24, Flynn would have lied, and it Moscow. It’s a machinery of annihilation
would be in the plea deal. that is set on hair-trigger alert, and any
number of events could unleash it: a
Indeed, the possibility that there is something untoward in miscalculation, a foolish bluff, a
the Flynn intercepts which Mueller chose to keep under misunderstanding, a technical glitch, a
wraps and did not stipulate in the plea is preposterous in showdown similar to the Cuban missile
the extreme. crisis. All that stands between us and utter
extinction is the hope that this apparatus of
After more than one year of investigation that has death can be restrained by mutual
produced exactly zero hard evidence of pre-election agreement. Bravo to the Trump
collusion it is beyond impossible that at long last Mueller administration for making peace a priority.
If this is now a crime, and even “treason,”
would have abjured. That is, refrained from putting a grain
as the mouth-breathers of #TheResistance

would have it, well then let the Washington policies with which the Obama
Inquisition make the most of it. administration disagreed and (b) frame
Clinton’s electoral defeat as the product of
The point was also underscored cogently by Andrew a traitorous scheme rather than a rejection
McCarthy of the National Review. of Democratic-party priorities.

As McCarthy argues below, differences on foreign policy Finally, we couldn’t agree more with McCarthy that
are essentially now being criminalized; and the Donald’s General Flynn is a very foolish man. He was not required
justified desire to shutdown the Brennan-inspired political to speak to the FBI when agents came to interview him on
witch-hunt called RussiaGate is being falsely characterized January 24.
as obstruction of justice rather than what it actually is – an
effort to prevent the Deep State’s insidious assault on Moreover, as the former head of the Defense Intelligence
American democracy from going any further. Agency he surely knew that the FBI would have been
monitoring Kislyak and that the FBI had recordings of the
While all that plays out, though, behold the conversations the agents wanted to ask him about.
frightening thing Mueller’s investigation has
become: a criminalization of politics. In the That he agreed to submit to the interview anyway, and then
new order of things, policy differences are to lie, is surely one of the stupidest acts coming out of
the grist for investigation and prosecution. official Washington that we can recall from 47 years of
observation. But perhaps it does explain why America’s
Nevertheless, Trump’s victory caused
legions of puffed-up generals have been such abysmal
consternation in the Obama administration
failures for onwards of a half-century now.
for two reasons. First, and most obviously,
Obama did not want his policies reversed.
Second, neither Obama nor his party could So it is fair enough to say that Flynn has no one to blame
abide a judgment of history holding that the but himself, and that a person of such poor judgment
election of Trump, the bane of their should never have been chosen to be the president’s
existence, was a result of the American principal national security adviser in the first place.
people’s rejection of the Obama agenda
and of Hillary Clinton, the hapless Then again, the American people should also understand
candidate nominated by Democrats to why Flynn has gone down and why the Donald’s political
carry that agenda forward. scalp is fairly waiting to be lofted from the Washington
…….The ongoing Mueller probe is not a Monument.
good-faith investigation of suspected
espionage or other crime. It is the To wit, the Deep State has turned its own crimes during
exploitation of the executive’s intelligence- and after the 2016 election into nothing less than a coup d’
gathering and law-enforcement powers in etat against American democracy.
order to (a) criminalize Trump political

Flashback: Wapo Reported In JANUARY That FBI Found
“Nothing Illicit” After Listening To Flynn’s Calls With
Russian Ambassador
By JD Heyes
Tuesday, December 05, 2017

and agents in the United States, which is

one of the FBI’s responsibilities, according
to the U.S. officials, who spoke on the
condition of anonymity to discuss
counterintelligence operations.

Remember, this story appeared just as the “Russian

collusion” narrative was swinging into full gear,
compliments of the vanquished Hillary Clinton, former
Obama administration officials, and the Left-wing
Democratic Party. The purpose of the narrative was to
‘explain’ how it was that a ‘carnival barker reality TV
The reasons why Michael Flynn, President Donald host’ could possibly have managed to beat ‘the smartest
Trump’s first national security advisor, lied to FBI agents women and most qualified presidential candidate ever’
who interviewed him as part of special counsel Robert (well, except Obama, of course).
Mueller’s probe into alleged Trump campaign “collusion”
with Russia is, thus far, a mystery. You see, the Left was claiming that Trump
couldn’t win on his own, not with that
But one thing was made clear more than 10 months ago: nativist, white nationalist platform of
No one at the FBI believed that Flynn had done anything “America first” and “Make America Great
wrong as it pertained to his contacts with Russian Again.” He had to have had help, and the
government officials as part of Trump transition team. only ones capable of lending that kind of
assistance was Mother Russia.
On Jan. 23, just a few days after Trump
was inaugurated, The Washington Post Except that in the months since no one has brought forth
reported that FBI agents reviewed any proof that is true. And despite the fact that Mueller
intercepts of communications between managed to get a guilty plea out of Flynn for lying to
Flynn and Russia’s Ambassador to the federal agents, he isn’t any closer to proving the
United States Sergei Kislyak the previous “collusion” narrative.
month but found nothing improper,
illegal or illicit about the conversations. In addition to the Post’s revelations that Flynn didn’t do or
say anything wrong or incriminating, the paper also
reported this:
As the Post noted:
Although Flynn’s contacts with Russian
Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were listened
The FBI in late December reviewed to, Flynn himself is not the active target of
intercepts of communications between the an investigation, U.S. officials said. The
Russian ambassador to the United States Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that
and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — U.S. counterintelligence agents had
national security adviser to then-President- investigated the communications between
elect Trump — but has not found any Flynn and Kislyak.
evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the
Russian government, U.S. officials said.
So how does someone go from not being an “active target
The calls were picked up as part of routine of an investigation” to being an “active target” of a special
electronic surveillance of Russian officials
counsel investigation, if it’s already been learned that he He would never put himself in harm’s way by doing,
didn’t do anything or say anything wrong? offering, or saying something illegal in that situation.

There are other questions about all of this as well that still Between the Post’s previous reporting and the fact that
defy explanation. For instance, we know why U.S. Flynn would never have allowed himself to get into a legal
intelligence officials were spying on Kislyak; he’s a jackpot involving violations of nationals security statutes,
foreign diplomat of a competitor nation and we spy on all his lying to FBI agents becomes all the more strange. Time
diplomats from competitor (and even non-competitor) will tell what’s really going on.
nations. They spy on our diplomats, too. (Related: Trump:
Dems ‘made up’ Russian interference claim.) But we do know this:

But the thing is, Mueller, as special Flynn as part of the “Russian collusion”
counsel, had access to the transcripts narrative is bogus, as the Post told us
and/or audio recordings of Flynn’s months ago. And in fact, as The New York
conversation with the Russian diplomat; Times reported a week before last year’s
why, then, would he still go after him? election — when everyone thought Hillary
Clinton would become the next president-
What’s more, Flynn had to know he would be monitored elect — that no evidence of collusion
when he spoke to Kislyak; after all, Flynn is a former between the Trump campaign and Russia
three-star Army general who ran Obama’s Defense existed.
Intelligence Agency for three years and had top
intelligence clearance. Still think this Mueller investigation is really about
He knew the Russian would be
monitored, and thus, he would be

Mccarthy: Zero Evidence Of
Conspiracy Between Trump, Russia
Former Federal Prosecutor Says Mueller Is On 'Fishing
Expedition' To Find Criminal Behavior
Greg Corombos
December 5, 2017

“He’s gone about his investigation as a kind

of broad fishing expedition within those
very broad parameters,” McCarthy said. “If
they had a crime that was the predicate for
this investigation, it would have been
conducted a different way. But he wasn’t
directed to investigate a crime. He was
given this very broad mandate.”

The investigation is receiving enormous coverage in the

wake of Mueller indicting former National Security
Former federal prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy says there Adviser Michael Flynn for making false statements to the
is still no discernible evidence of any conspiracy between FBI in January.
Russia and the Trump campaign, and he said special
counsel Robert Mueller is effectively on a “fishing McCarthy said many people assume this is a sign that
expedition” to find criminal behavior of some kind. bigger charges are coming for the likes of Jared Kushner,
Donald Trump Jr., and possibly even the president himself
McCarthy is also explaining what a Trump attorney likely for colluding with Russia. He said that assumption is based
meant when he suggesting the president cannot obstruct on a flawed understanding of law.
“Collusion is kind of a loaded word. All it
Mueller, a former FBI director, was originally tasked with means is concerted activity. What
an open-ended counterintelligence investigation to prosecutors care about is conspiracy, not
determine whether any outside forces interfered with the collusion. Conspiracy is an agreement to
2016 presidential campaign. However, Mueller’s mandate violate a particular federal law. In this case,
from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein came with the law that they’re most likely talking about
no formal limits. is some form of espionage by the Russians
targeting the 2016 election,” McCarthy
McCarthy told WND and Radio America that Mueller’s said.
task was the opposite of how prosecutions normally “I never thought they had a case on that. I
function. haven’t seen anything to suggest it. What
we’ve seen with the three sets of charges
“The usual thing in the United States is that is quite the opposite.”
there’s a crime, so we assign a
prosecutor,” he explained. “Here, there’s no Listen to the WND/Radio America interview with Andrew
crime. We assign a prosecutor. We tell him C. McCarthy
to go find a crime.”
He said from Paul Manafort and Rick Gates to George
And thus far, McCarthy said Mueller hasn’t found what he Papadopoulos and now Michael Flynn, there is still not a
was hired to find. single charge related to the 2016 election.

“They’ve had charges against Manafort and Clinton was not labeled “grossly negligent” in the way she
an associate, Rick Gates, that had nothing handled her emails as secretary of state.
to do with the 2016 election, and these two
guys, Flynn and George Papadopoulos, In addition, Strzok was the lead agent in the Clinton email
who pleaded out to process crimes of lying case, leaving the FBI’s decision not to charge Clinton
to the FBI, charges not having anything to aides Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin for making false
do with supposed collusion in the Russian statements to the FBI during that probe in question.
effort against the 2016 election,” McCarthy
As for the Russia investigation, other political and legal
experts disagree with the argument that there is no whiff of
There were Trump campaign contacts with Russia, but a criminal conspiracy. They specifically point to the June
McCarthy said the lack of any related charges is telling. He 2016 meeting involving Trump Jr. and Manafort and
said Papadopoulos only being charged with making false Russians who said they represented the Russian
statements likely means there is no conspiracy case. government and promised damaging information on
Hillary Clinton.
“With [the Papadopoulos indictment],
Mueller files a 14-page statement of facts Even though no damaging information was turned over,
explaining the offense, and collusion pours the critics contend the Trump’s campaign’s willingness to
off every page of it. You have a meeting engage with the Russians that way proves it was willing
with people who say they are agents of the and eager to go down that path.
Russian government. He meets with
someone who represents herself,
McCarthy said that sort of activity might be unseemly, but
apparently falsely, to be Putin’s niece.
it’s not criminal.
They’re talking about setting up meetings
with the Russian regime, possibly setting
up meetings between Trump and Putin “What a prosecutor is interested in is not
themselves,” McCarthy said. collusion. A prosecutor is interested in
conspiracy. That means you have to have
“Yet, after all of that, he pleads guilty to one an agreement to violate a law, and there’s
count of lying to the FBI about when his no against taking information from the
first meeting with a Russian official was. Russians about your political opponents,”
The case against him, even though it’s he said.
immersed in collusion, doesn’t have
anything to do with collusion in the 2016 “Is it something you should do? No. Is it
election. That’s the sort of thing that’s led something we should endorse? No. But the
me to believe there’s no collusion case.” narrow question for Mueller as a prosecutor
is not whether it’s unsavory behavior. It’s
whether it’s criminal behavior.”
The Mueller prosecutors, however, are now coming under
scrutiny. Peter Strzok was tossed from the team after anti-
Trump statements were made public. Andrew Weissman is Democrats and the media are also actively wondering
still on board despite a recently uncovered email in which whether a recent Trump tweet suggests he knew about
Weissman praises then-Acting Attorney General Sally Flynn’s lies to the FBI before he fired Comey in May.
Yates for refusing to enforce President Trump’s first travel Some believe it amounts to obstruction of justice, leading
ban. Trump attorney John Dowd to declare that the president
cannot obstruct justice.
McCarthy said we should not be shocked that federal
employees are politically liberal. He said that alone is not “The president cannot obstruct
evidence of corruption, at least in this investigation. justice because he is the chief law
enforcement officer under [the
Constitution’s Article II] and has every right
“I need to see a lot more about Strzok
to express his view of any case,'” Dowd
before I jump to the conclusion that he let
told Axios.
his political opinions – we all have them –
interfere with the way he enforced the law,”
he said. “But I think there are a lot of very McCarthy said, on one hand, it is “absurd” to claim a
questionable judgment calls that were president cannot obstruct justice, but he said the president
made in the Hillary Clinton case.” can legally derail virtually any investigation he wants,
including deciding who should be investigated and which
executive branch officials ought to be fired.
Among those concerns are reports that Strzok changed
former FBI Director James Comey’s language so that
He said the issue gets complicated when a president indicted,” McCarthy said. “He can pardon
exercises those powers for what is perceived to be a himself and everybody else, which stops
corrupt purpose. But even then, McCarthy said the proper the investigation in its tracks. He can order
recourse is impeachment, not criminal prosecution, the investigation to be dropped. He can fire
because a sitting president can always make it go away. the prosecutor. He can do all sorts of things
to prevent him from ever being indicted.”
“Practically speaking, the president holds
all of the Trump cards against being

Van Jones: Trump Doesn’t Like CNN
Because He Has An ‘Allergy To Facts’
By Kristine Marsh
December 6, 2017 10:40 AM EST

News, The Wall Street Journal, and the

New York Post shouldn't go, right?”

Continuing his theme that the White House was out to

murder reporters, Jones joked that he would be afraid to
eat anything at the party.

“I'm sure they have good hors d'oeuvres

but if I were a reporter, I wouldn't eat any of
them!” he chuckled.

CNN contributor Van Jones appeared on CBS’s The Late Colbert claimed that Trump believed the press had “no
Show with anti-Trump “resistance” host Stephen Colbert right” to ask him questions, so, he asked, what would the
Tuesday night, so naturally the president’s hostile point be of attending the party? Jones responded:
relationship with the "Facts First" network came up.
That is my view and that is why CNN is not
After introducing his guest, Colbert asked, going. Honestly I think we're in a
situation where we have a president of
“How is the fake news network doing? How the United States who just doesn't
fake is it? Do you guys get together and believe in the First Amendment. He has
decide how you're going to fake the like a peanut allergy to facts and I've
news every day?” Colbert snarked. never seen anything like it. Literally, if
you just say things that are true, he gets
“I wish this news was fake, because you mad.
can't make this stuff up!” Van Jones
responded. “CNN should have a label before every
show, 'Processed in a factory that also
processes information,' just as a
Colbert explained how CNN was refusing to attend the warning” Colbert cracked, as Jones
White House Christmas party this year, to the audience’s laughed and gave the host a high five.

Jones feared that the network’s reporters wouldn’t have

survived, if they had attended.

“I think we wouldn't have made it back

out alive. I think it would have been, like,
the ‘red wedding’ you know in Game of
Thrones?” he joked.

But Colbert was puzzled as to why any media outlet would

want to go in the first place.
Later on, Colbert snarked that Jones was the

“Why is any news organization willing to

“only Democrat in the room,” and asked
go to that party if they've been called
him to explain how the Democrats
fake, they've been called the enemy of
“screwed up so badly” that “a guy like
America by the president?” Colbert
Trump would win.”
snarked before clarifying: “Anybody but Fox

“How did you personally do it, Van Jones?” In October, he claimed to George Stephanopoulos that
Colbert teased. Trump wanted to see Americans “die” just to get his way
on health care:
Jones joked back that in 2008 and 2012,
Listen, I've never seen a president of the
the Dems had got in the “Obama bubble United States willing to hurt Americans
bath” and “it just felt so good,” so when to get his way. Willing to have
2016 came, they were “ all wet and Americans be sick. Willing to have
wrinkly and not ready to fight,” he Americans, you know, possibly lose
chuckled. their lives-- watch their children with
conditions, because he wants to get his
After pretending to be more of a moderate Democrat this way.
year, it appears Jones is doubling down with his anti-
Trump rhetoric, that erupted on election night last year,
after he blamed Hillary losing on a “white-lash.”

Trump Attorney: Docs Reveal Trump-Hating FBI Agent
Sent “Urgent” Emails To Comey Over Clinton-Lynch
Tarmac Meeting (VIDEO)
By Cristina Laila
Wednesday, December 6, 2017

An attorney for Trump and chief counsel “He (Strzok) sent an email within 8 minutes
for the ACLJ, Jay Sekulow said on his of the information hitting the DOJ about the
radio show Jay Sekulow Live Monday tarmac meeting. That went to people within
that docs reveal Trump-hating FBI agent the FBI and within 8 minutes it reached
Strzok sent an email to Comey marked James Comey..” Sekulow said.
‘urgent’ over the Clinton-Lynch tarmac
“It was marked ‘urgent’ and ‘high’,”
Sekulow continued.
Once again we have evidence this Trump-hating FBI agent
The talking points are still redacted. Sekulow said he is
was working to protect Hillary Clinton and the Deep State.
going to back to court to sue for more documents.
An attorney for Trump and chief counsel
“There’s some serious legal issues here
for the ACLJ, Jay Sekulow said on his
and conflicts of interest,” Sekulow said.
radio show Jay Sekulow Live Monday
that docs reveal Trump-hating FBI agent VIDEO:
Strzok sent an email to Comey marked
‘urgent’ over the Clinton-Lynch tarmac
Once again we have evidence this Trump-hating FBI agent
was working to protect Hillary Clinton and the Deep State.

Judicial Watch recently released 29 pages of Clinton-

Lynch tarmac meeting docs which were previously
withheld by the Justice Department.
The FBI wasn’t even concerned about the scandalous
meeting, all they cared about was hiding the details from
As previously reported, Special Counsel the public!
Mueller was forced to fire top FBI agent, FBI agents wanted to find the ‘whistleblower’ who outed
Peter Strzok after anti-Trump text the tarmac meeting to local press. The whistleblower is
messages were discovered. Strzok was believed to be a law enforcement official.
also having an affair with another FBI
lawyer. FBI official(s) write

This anti-Trump FBI agent was not only bashing Trump “we need to find that guy” and that the
and praising Hillary, he was in charge of Hillary’s email Phoenix FBI office was contacted “in an
investigation! attempt to stem any further damage.”

Now this… No wonder why the Deep State is working so hard to

remove Trump from office. Look at all of the corruption
Jay Sekulow blasted the corrupt Mueller investigation as coming to the surface!
having too many conflicts of interest on his show Jay
Sekulow Live Monday and brought up the Trump-hating
FBI agent.

Trump's Approval Rating Jumps
To 45 Percent, Highest Since September
By Anna Giaritelli
Dec 6, 2017, 8:03 AM

The majority of voters, 51 percent, did not approve of

Trump's job in office. But his approval rating in the Dec.
1-3 survey is the highest since a Sept. 29-Oct. 1 poll in
which he was also at 45 percent. He has not been higher
than 45 percent since early July. He then dipped in August
in the wake of his reaction to violence in Charlottesville,

Three-in-five voters saw Trump as reckless and 54 percent

said he is sexist. Another 47 percent of respondents said he
is racist, but 39 percent said he is not.
The majority of voters, 51 percent, did not approve of Trump's job in
office. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
Forty-six percent viewed the billionaire businessman as
knowledgeable, and 44 percent disagreed.
President Trump's approval rating increased to 45 percent
in the first week of December, the highest mark he's
The online survey was conducted with 1,997 registered
received since September, according to a Morning
voters nationwide and had a 2 percentage point margin of
Consult/Politico poll released Wednesday.

Former Judge Sez If Flynn Did Not Know About FBI Agent
Being Removed For Bias, His Case Can Be Dismissed
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 6, 2017

“This has bothered me since I heard about “is a United States Supreme Court case in
it’ which the Court held that the prosecution’s
failure to inform the jury that a witness had
been promised not to be prosecuted in
exchange for his testimony was a failure to
fulfill the duty to present all material
evidence to the jury, and constituted a
violation of due process, requiring a new
(National Sentinel) Miscarriage of Justice: A noted law
professor who runs a popular blog says that former Trump Stories in the Washington Post and New York Times on
national security advisor Michael Flynn, who pleaded Saturday noted that Strzok, who was in a pivotal role
guilty last week of lying to an FBI agent, could have his during the original FBI investigation into alleged Trump-
conviction thrown out because the agent was dismissed Russia collusion, and then in another key role in Mueller’s
from his job over political bias. investigation, and who earlier had played an equally
important role in the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s
Glenn Reynolds, creator of the InstaPundit blog at PJ email by the bureau, was moved out of Mueller’s office
Media and a law professor at the University of Tennessee, over the summer following anti-Trump texts he exchanged
posted a comment from one of his readers — a former with a top FBI lawyer, Lisa Page, with whom Strzok was
judge a prosecutor — claiming that if Flynn was not aware also having an extramarital affair.
that FBI agent Peter Strzok, the main witness against him,
was removed for exchanging anti-Trump emails with a Strzok, a seasoned counterintelligence investigator, was
colleague, his prosecution is flawed. reassigned to the FBI’s office of human resources, an
obvious demotion, in July, the Washington Examiner
The email reads: reported.

A READER WHO SAYS HE IS A FORMER The Post noted that Strzok and Page sent each other tests

Did the prosecution tell Flynn’s lawyer that “expressed anti-Trump sentiments and
their main witness against him was other comments that appeared to favor
removed for bias? Since Strzok led the [Hillary] Clinton.”
interview and his testimony would be Strzok was present during Flynn’s questioning. He was
needed to establish untruthfulness, he is a also the lead investigator in the criminal investigation into
critical witness not just a prosecutor. If not Clinton’s mishandling of classified data via her personal
disclosed, would this not be a Giglio email server.
violation? This is the kind of misconduct
that can get a case dismissed and a lawyer He was also the one who softened language in a
disbarred. It is a Constitutional violation. statement then-FBI Director James Comey read to the
This has bothered me since I heard about press in July 2016.
it. The original language in Comey’s
Me too. statement described Clinton’s behavior as
“grossly negligent,” which is taken directly
from the statute, to “extremely careless,”
The Gateway Pundit noted that the Giglio versus United which has no legal weight, a source told
States case CNN.

Russia Probe Tests Pence In-The-Dark Defense
By Elizabeth Landers, Kevin Liptak And Jeff Z
Updated 8:51 AM ET, Wed December 6, 2017

Pence -- who was in charge of Trump's transition -- knew

Flynn had contacted Russia, but was left unaware of the
sanctions discussion, according to transition officials. It's
led to anxiety within Pence's circle that he'll eventually be
called to sit for an interview with Mueller.

"They are preparing for that," a person in

Pence's orbit said, a sentiment echoed by
another source close to the Vice President:
"Chairing the transition would make it
possible regardless of who it was."

Pence's spokeswoman pushed back on the notion his office

Washington (CNN)New revelations about Michael Flynn's
is preparing for a potential interview.
lies to the FBI are laying bare Vice President Mike Pence's
in-the-dark strategy when it comes to Russia's election
meddling, raising new questions about whether he could "Nothing could be further from the truth.
have been left in the dark as he has argued for nearly a The vice president is focused on passing
the largest tax cut in American history,"
Alyssa Farah, Pence's press secretary, told
CNN on Tuesday.
Advisers have long insisted that Pence was unaware Flynn
spoke to then-Russian Ambassador to the US Sergey
Lawmakers also say Pence owes them answers on what he
Kislyak about a new set of US sanctions on the day they
knew at the time.
were announced last December.
"I think he has new questions to answer,"
But court filings unsealed last week, paired with new
said Sen. Richard Blumenthal, a
details about President Donald Trump's own knowledge of
Connecticut Democrat, who said he wanted
events, indicate a wide circle of advisers were aware that
Pence to appear before the Senate
Flynn raised the issue when he spoke by phone to
Judiciary Committee to explain what he
Moscow's envoy -- even as Pence reportedly remained in
knew at the time about Flynn's
the dark.
conversations with Russian officials.
The new questions raised by special counsel Robert
In the days since Flynn's guilty plea was unveiled last
Mueller's investigation signal what could be a pivotal
week, seven people close to the vice president continue to
moment in Pence's careful calibration of trying to keep a
maintain that Pence did not know Flynn spoke with
safe distance from the Russia probe even while
Kislyak about Russian sanctions, despite being the head of
maintaining his credibility for being left out of the loop by
the Trump transition.
the West Wing.
But among top transition officials, Pence would have been
What he knew
largely alone in his lack of knowledge. According to court
filings released last week, Flynn spoke with "senior
members of the Presidential Transition Team" about his
conversations with Kislyak regarding the new US

And Trump himself was told in January by the White

House's chief lawyer that Flynn had misled the FBI and
lied to Pence about his conversations with Kislyak. Flynn
was fired on February 13.

Political chops Transition roles

On the multiple days last December when Flynn was

speaking with Kislyak, Pence was thousands of miles
away, according to his travel records and a senior
transition official at the time, conducting transition
meetings in Washington and preparing for his son's
wedding in Indianapolis, where he was also busy packing
up his home to move to Washington.

One senior White House official said that while there was
"some" interaction between Pence and Flynn during the
transition, it was not "extensive."

An establishment Republican who served for 10 years as a "Mike was coming up with the process for
US representative prior to serving as Indiana governor, filling Cabinet posts. The Flynn thing was
Pence is among the most politically experienced members out of his hands -- he's been on the
of Trump's administration, and has taken on a wide swath campaign from the start," this official said
of responsibility, including maintaining relationships on when asked about Pence's level of trust in
Capitol Hill and making frequent trips abroad. the incoming national security adviser.

But despite of -- or perhaps because of -- his political It's that argument -- Pence was more of a newcomer than
acuity, Pence has remained largely oblivious to contacts Flynn -- that people close to the vice president say bolsters
between Trump officials and Russian operatives, at least his claim that he didn't know about the extent of these
according to his aides. Russian calls. Yet that explanation will surely be tested
anew as Mueller's probe reaches closer to Trump's inner
Aside from the Flynn episode, Pence's aides said he did not circle.
know Donald Trump Jr. met with a Russian lawyer who
claimed to have damning information about Hillary Trump's national security team, who operated out of a
Clinton. And his office similarly claimed that Pence wasn't conference room in Trump Tower, was based in New York
aware of Trump Jr.'s contact with WikiLeaks in the closing during the transition, while Pence increasingly spent more
days of last year's presidential campaign. The President's time in Washington at the presidential transition offices
son is set to meet with congressional investigators blocks away from the White House. He even took up
Wednesday. temporary residence at a house in Chevy Chase while
Trump continued to live in his Manhattan apartment.
In multiple conversations with CNN, the officials sought to
explain Pence's role in the transition, his reaction to the Two transition officials who prepared the vice president
news that Flynn had lied to him and why he wasn't aware for his television appearance on January 15 said that
of Flynn's actions. questions about Flynn and Kislyak were not a surprise.

A former senior transition official explained that Pence "We knew Pence would get asked about it,"
was mostly concerned with "human resources" and one senior transition official said.
personnel in his role as transition chairman, which
included oversight of major Cabinet appointments. Another transition official said Pence called Flynn on
Another adviser to the vice president said he was focused January 14 specifically so he could say during his Sunday
on interviewing candidates for Senate-confirmable posts. show appearances that he'd spoken with the national
security adviser about his conversations with Kislyak.
Two senior transition officials mentioned to CNN that
Pence was slowly weened off of email during the transition Flynn insisted to Pence did not discuss sanctions with
period, another step to prepare him for his new role as vice Kislyak, and during his two television appearances, Pence
president. One of the officials says that Pence's team readily relayed that information -- which turned out to be a
actively tried to protect him from the various characters in lie. Pence discovered that Flynn lied to him through media
Trump Tower and transition offices during that time reports on February 9 as The Washington Post reported
period. that Flynn had in fact spoken with Kislyak about Russian
"We definitely tried to cut down on the
unfettered access folks had to him but it 'Purposefully misled'
was more about allowing him to focus on
the task at hand," this official said.
When asked if Pence as vice president-elect or vice The questions about what Pence knew -- or how he
president ever had any reservations about Flynn, one managed to stay in the dark -- about the Russian contacts
senior transition official says that Pence and Flynn didn't aren't likely to subside. Yet Pence has not publicly
really cross paths often during the campaign because Flynn signaled any signs of worry.
traveled with Trump on his campaign plane, but that Pence
and Flynn's relationship was "perfectly fine and cordial." He's carrying on with his duties and keeping his
connections with key Republicans. He invited about 80
That changed after Flynn's untruths were outed. guests to his official residence, the Naval Observatory, for
a Christmas party on Monday night, one of many that he
"He was genuinely stunned and pissed and Karen Pence are hosting this year. Republicans flew in
when he found out that Flynn misled him from across the country to attend.
and let him go out on national TV with
inaccurate information," one senior adviser Pence worked his way around the room, attendees said,
to Pence said. There was concern at the talking individually with guests for about 90 minutes. His
time from Pence's staff that the vice mood was upbeat and bright as he visited with old
president had been purposefully misled Republican friends.
and that even White House officials had
kept the vice president in the dark. The vice president delivered no formal address nor did he
talk about the matter consuming much of Washington:
One person close to the vice president told CNN in
February that they wanted to know who among the The Russia investigation.
President's staff made the decision to tell Trump but not
tell the man who went on television as the face of the

Something Big Is Happening In DC While Everyone Is
Distracted By President Trump's Jerusalem Decision
By Susan Duclos - All News Pipeline
December 6, 2017
While liberals on social media and the mainstream media Carter made about a huge shakeup that is coming as she
are distracted by, and literally having a meltdown over reveals that out of the 27 active and open investigations
President being conducted by the DOJ into leaks of classified
information to the press for "political motive," some of
Trump's decision to publicly acknowledge Jerusalem as them are directly related to the FBI, and she has learned
Israel's capital, and that plans are being made to finally that members of the FBI have had to take lie-detector tests.
move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, both actions aligning
with the "Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995," during "This is a big investigation. What I know is
Clinton's presidency, something big is happening in that they have been running polygraphs on
Washington DC. people within the FBI. They are looking for
leakers and a lot more information is gonna
As anyone not living under a rock are aware of, President come out. I think there’s going to be a
Trump likes to tweet, usually causing the media to cry out shakeup," she said.
in outrage and dedicate a whole news cycle to his social
media statements, but this morning instead of weighing in As we have noted on a number of occasions, President
on a variety of topics and offering his colorful opinions, at Trump quite often gives clues, hints at what is coming,
10:00 am ET, he tweeted one statement, in caps, "MAKE sometimes months in advance and sometimes days, and on
AMERICAN GREAT AGAIN." December 3rd, as Stefan Stanford reported, the President
specifically highlighted that
While that was Trump's campaign war cry and we have
seen him and his son Don Jr. often tweet opinions using "After years of Comey, with the phony and
the #MAGA hashtag, this limited tweet, without an dishonest Clinton investigation (and more)
opinion on any actual news item along with the statement running the FBI, its reputation is in Tatters -
is notable for a variety of reasons. First it came out right worst in History! But fear not, we will bring
after a short Fox 5 local report about unusual activity it back to greatness."
occurring in Washington DC and Prince William County,
Virginia, which includes multiple federal agencies, Following that on the same day, Trump said
included but not limited to The Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and the Federal Bureau "Report: ANTI-TRUMP FBI AGENT LED
of Investigation, along with local law enforcement CLINTON EMAIL PROBE" Now it all starts
agencies, with what is described as a "police presence" in to make sense!"
VA. According to the report "exact locations of activity
have not been released nor have the nature of the His reference was to Peter Strzok, an FBI agent that Robert
operations." Mueller has demoted after discovering his anti-Trump
texts to his mistress, then Mueller refused to come clean
Via other sources we know that this activity is court with Congress about the reason for his transfer off the
authorized, and that the VA police presence is believed to Mueller team. Since that bombshell dropped, much more
be gang-related, which makes sense since Fairfax County, information has been discovered not only about his bias
which neighbors Prince William, has been reported to hold against the President, but that he played key roles in
1,400 MS-13 members, according to the Daily Caller. several major controversial scandals and investigations,
such as the Hillary Clinton email server investigation, as
SHAKEUP COMING............ well as being behind the key change in wording by former
FBI director James Comey, calling Clinton's actions
Another report, published just a minute before the "extremely careless," instead of the original wording of
President's MAGA tweet, details comments Circa's Sara

"grossly negligent" which could have caused Clinton to "Mueller's Credibility Problem," accusing him of
suffer legal ramifications under federal law. "stonewalling Congress and protecting the FBI," which he
was the former Director of.
Strzok may have also used the Kremlin sourced "dossier"
in order to obtain FISA warrants to tap into Trump The latest news supports our view that Mr.
campaign members communications, and Strokz was Mueller is too conflicted to investigate the
behind the whole Russia collusion investigation from the FBI and should step down in favor of
beginning. someone more credible. The investigation
would surely continue, though perhaps with
To top it all off, new reports show that Strzok was not the someone who doesn’t think his job includes
only high ranking member of Mueller's team who is protecting the FBI and Mr. Comey from
virulently anti-Trump, as Judicial Watch has obtained answering questions about their role in the
emails from Andrew Weissmann, Mueller's deputy, 2016 election.
indicating his praise for former acting AG Sally Yates for
refusing to defend President Trump's travel ban in court, a Sidney Powell, former federal prosecutor in three districts
decision she was immediately terminated for, and since under nine U.S. attorneys from both political parties, then
then the Supreme Court has allowed it in full, where in private practice now for more than 20 years, as well as
Weissmann told her via email being a past president of the Bar Association of the 5th
Federal Circuit and of the American Academy of
"I am so proud. And in awe. Thank you so Appellate Lawyers, writes a scathing article over at The
much. All my deepest respects, Andrew Daily Caller, shredding Mueller and his "hit squad," as she
Weissmann." concludes with

"Mueller’s hit squad epitomizes the swamp

that President Trump was elected to drain.
Its charges are irreparably tainted by its
members’ biases, corrupted evidence, and
intolerable conflicts of interest. Congress
cannot legitimately continue to waste
taxpayer dollars to fund this effort."


Throughout the campaign season we saw the then-

candidate Trump, as well as when he was the official GOP
nominee during the general election, consistently send the
MSM and liberals off to chase their tails in outrage, while
he went about his business of knocking 16 GOP primary
candidates out of the race, then going on to win the general
election, and as he has shown throughout this first year of
his presidency, he continues to do the same thing, and they
continue to fall for it.

In order to see exactly how corrupt Mueller, Strzok, So while he just delivered his campaign promise of
Weissmann and the entire special counsel team is, Sean officially recognizing Jerusalem and starting his plan to
Hannity has done an outstanding job detailing it by move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, we are noting there
investigating the investigators, using a chart format to is much going on behind the scenes, while the MSM and
show the connections.... in his must-watch opening liberals are distracted by raging over his recent Jerusalem
statement from December 5, 2017. announcement, indicating that we are close to seeing a
huge drain of swamp monsters from some very high levels
Following his opening statement, both Sara Carter, and of U.S. intelligence agencies.
Tom Fitton from Judicial Watch, who uncovered the latest
emails between Weissmann and Yates, join Hannity to The pressure on Mueller himself to step down is just
weigh in on what is coming. beginning, and as more dirt on him and his team continues
to be revealed, the decision may soon be taken out of his
The corruption and rot goes so deep and is so blatant that hands.
even the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board is addrressing

Chuck Grassley Demands FBI Produce All Strzok Text
Messages As Part Of Trump Anti-Bias Probe
By Tyler Durden
Dec 6, 2017 12:22 PM

Following this weekend's shocking disclosure that Peter records related to the change in the portion of the draft
Strzok was removed from Special Counsel Robert language describing Secretary Clinton’s and her
Mueller’s investigation of Russia-Trump election (having associates’ conduct regarding classified information
previously handled the Clinton email server probe and from “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless”;
interviewing Michael Flynn) after allegedly having 2. All communications sent to, received by, or copying Mr.
exchanged anti-Trump and pro-Hillary Clinton text Strzok regarding the decision to close the Clinton
messages with his mistress (who was an FBI lawyer investigation without recommending any charges;
working for Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe), an 3. All communications sent to, received by, or copying Mr.
angry Senator Senator Grassley - who was previously Strzok related to opening the investigation into potential
stonewalled by the FBI and DOJ from getting requested collusion by the Trump campaign with the Russian
information about Strzok's unexpected removal - has government, including any FBI electronic
issued a letter demanding FBI documents in advance of an communication (EC) authored or authorized by Mr.
upcoming Senatorial interview with the anti-Trump FBI Strzok and all records forming the basis for that EC;
agent. 4. All communications sent to, received by, or copying Mr.
Strzok related to the FBI’s interactions with Christopher
In his letter to FBI director Christopher Wray, Grassley Steele relating to the investigation into potential
writes: collusion by the Trump campaign with the Russian
government, including any communications regarding
potential or realized financial arrangements with Mr.
The Committee has previously written to Mr. Strzok
requesting an interview to discuss his knowledge of
5. All communications sent to, received by, or copying Mr.
improper political influence or bias in Justice Department
Strzok related to any instance of the FBI relying on, or
or FBI activities during either the previous or current
referring to, information in Mr. Steele’s memoranda in
administration, the removal of James Comey from his
the course of seeking any FISA warrants, other search
position as Director of the FBI, the DOJ’s and FBI’s
warrants, or any other judicial process;
activities related to Hillary Clinton, the DOJ’s and FBI’s
6. All FD-302s of FBI interviews of Lt. Gen. Flynn at which
activities related to Donald J. Trump and his associates,
Mr. Strzok was present, as well as all related 1A
and the DOJ’s and FBI’s activities related to Russian
documents (including any contemporaneous
interference in the 2016 election. To date, the Committee
handwritten notes); and
has received no letter in reply to that request.
7. All communications sent to, received by, or copying Mr.
Strzok containing unfavorable statements about Donald
J. Trump or favorable statements about Hillary Clinton.

In advance of Mr. Strzok’s interview, please provide the Since this will be the first - and so far only - glimpse inside
following communications, in the form of text messages or the ideological motivations inside Mueller's prosecutorial
otherwise, to the Committee no later than December 11, team, the public will be greatly interested in finding what
2017: they reveal, especially those which show any direct
communication between Strzok and Comey.
1. All communications sent to, received by, or copying Mr.
Strzok related to then Director Comey’s draft or final (Grassley's full letter on next page):
statement closing the Clinton investigation, including all

Democrat Lawmaker Will Try To
Force The House To Vote To Impeach Trump TODAY
Mac Slavo
December 6th, 2017

prevent us from confronting the invidious incivility of

President Donald J. Trump,” he said.

But his impeachment vote doesn’t have a chance at

Texas representative, Al Green, a liberal lawmaker, says succeeding. Even if a majority of the House votes to
he’ll force the House to vote Wednesday on impeaching impeach the president, the Senate would need a 2/3
President Donald Trump. Despite suggestions from the majority in order for the motion to pass. Republicans
Republicans and Democrats that he let it go, Green says control both houses right now.
he’s going to move forward anyway.
Other Democrats have warned the prematurity of this vote
Green says in a letter that he’s wanting a vote on could hinder any future chances of impeachment. Isn’t it
impeachment because “we now have a bigot in the White fascinating how now Democrats are suddenly concerned
House who incites hatred and hostility.” But, even other with the Constitution and Trump’s alleged violations
Democrats agree that there is no evidence of impeachable thereof? They gave Barack Obama unbridled power and
offenses. House minority leader Nancy Pelosi even said now that it’s in the hands of someone they dislike, they
that any impeachment effort should await hard evidence melt down.
Trump has committed an impeachable offense.
“In doing this, hatred disguised as acceptable political
According to USA Today, Green’s resolution accuses correctness has festered in our body politic and polluted
Trump of causing “harm to American society.” It cites his our discourse to our detriment,” Green said. “It divides and
support for banning Muslim immigrants and comments damages the social fabric of our country in ways that
defending participants in a white supremacists’ rally after obstruction of justice cannot. It causes unparalleled
this year’s riot in Charlottesville, Virginia. Green also destruction to our society in the long- and short-term that
argued that Trump’s conduct in the White House (while will not easily heal.” Green had pressed for a vote on
admittedly not criminal) had amounted to “high articles of impeachment back in October, but pressure
misdemeanor” and warranted removal from the Oval from fellow Democrats stopped him from moving forward.
Office. “For too long, we have allowed our civility to

Dirty Cop Mueller In 2013 Claimed The FBI Had
‘Integrity’ – We Now Know He Was Part Of The Criminal
‘Deep State’ At That Time
By Jim Hoft
Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Emailgate (2007):

Discovery that several top Bush

administration officials violated the
Presidential Records Act by using an RNC
server for email communications while
conducting official business, followed by
the deletion of millions of the same emails

Dirty Cop Robert Mueller bellowed that

‘integrity’ was at the heart and soul of
the FBI. By the time of this video
Mueller had already delivered uranium
to Russia for the Clintons, oversaw the
cover-up of his department’s
investigation into Russia and had let
the Clinton’s and Obama off of multiple
Today he leads the most corrupt,
criminal and treasonous Coup D’état in
American history! What a nasty piece of

In August of 2013, when Robert Mueller was ending his IRS Targeting (2010-2013):
career at the FBI he released a video about his time at the
FBI. At the end of the video he evangelizes – The IRS intentionally selected and then
delayed or denied tax-exempt 501(c)(3)
We are an organization and entity where integrity is the applications from conservative groups to
heart and soul of what we do and I think that is the prevent them from participating in the 2012
quintessential, ah, ah, core value that postures us for election, followed by IRS agent Lois Lerner
success in the future. invoking her Fifth Amendment privilege
against self-incrimination
Today the FBI that Mueller ran is in
shambles. No one with an ounce of Fast and Furious (2010):
common sense believes that the FBI
exhibits integrity and this is in large part This ATF program, which seems to have
because of the actions of Robert Mueller served no rational purpose, allowed over
and his close allies who recently led the 2,000 guns to be purchased illegally inside
FBI. the United States and then “walked” into
Mexico for use by criminals, one of which
Under former FBI Director Mueller the following major was later used in the 2010 murder of
scandals and likely crimes that Mueller did not Border Agent Brian Terry by the member of
meaningfully investigate resulted in no arrests and no a Mexican cartel
Associated Press Spying (2012): was said to be related to uranium the US obtained during a
crime bust but a few years before the delivery Russia
The Department of Justice illegally seized appeared not to care about the uranium. As the Uranium
the communications of AP reporters made One deal was coming down, this deal was concocted to
during April and May 2012, allowing the take place with Mueller as the delivery boy. What he
DOJ to unmask journalists’ confidential really delivered is now uncertain.
Last year Mueller was strategically placed in the position
Clinton Foundation Pay-for-Play (2009-2013): of Special Counsel to investigate the Trump-Russia fake
news story by his former partner in crime Assistant
Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
During the period in which Hillary Clinton
held the office of Secretary of State, the
Clinton Foundation and Bill Clinton He brought in a team of individuals that
received millions of dollars in paid speaking are all partisan hacks that worked for the
fees and a million dollar “gift”from countries corrupt Clintons and Obama administration.
involved in matters with the State
Department, many of which had ties to James Comey, who President Trump fired at the FBI,
terrorism and human rights abuses; some opted to not charge Hillary Clinton with the multiple
of these funds were apparently diverted charges she was guilty of last year only one week after
from charitable causes to personal corrupt former President Bill Clinton met AG Lynch in
expenses, such as Chelsea Clinton’s 2010 Arizona.

Russian Uranium Deal (2009-2013):

Hillary Clinton’s State Department

approved a deal allowing a Russian
company to control 20 percent of the
uranium mining production capacity inside
the United States, which was followed by
millions of dollars in donations to the
Clinton Foundation from people associated
with the transaction

Clinton Private Email Server (2009-2013):

We also know now that the only thing the Mueller-Comey
led FBI was focused on after the Clinton-Lynch tarmac
During her entire tenure as Secretary of meeting was to identify who notified the media about the
State, Hillary Clinton dodged Freedom of meeting rather than to look into the meeting itself.
Information Act requirements by using a
private email server to conduct official
government business, as well as sent and Mueller clearly doesn’t care about
received classified information that was ‘integrity’ or he would do the proper
Top Secret over an unsecured system—an thing and recuse himself from the fake
“extremely reckless” (and obviously illegal) Trump investigation. It’s clear the
act.” Clintons and Obama hand picked him
again but this time for his special role in
We reported in August this year that overturning the election of President
Mueller is a dirty rotten cop. Donald Trump. What a nasty piece of
Hillary Clinton picked Mueller to hand deliver uranium to
Russia on an airport tarmac. When he had other plans the
delivery was delayed so he could make it. The uranium

NSA’s McMaster “Authorized
Surveillance Of Bannon And Trump Family.”
Intel Sent To George Soros
Intel Gathered Was Sent To Facility Owned By George Soros.
By Alex Christoforou
December 6, 2017, 17:44

Former CIA paramilitary officer and members, including Donald Trump Jr.
member of the Trump transition and Eric Trump. Adding to these
team, John R. Maguire, reportedly unsubstantiated claims, Maguire told the
revealed during a fund raising meeting potential donors he also had evidence H.R.
for an intelligence gathering operation McMaster used a burner phone to send
in Afghanistan, that National Security information gathered through the
Advisor H.R. McMaster “authorized surveillance to a facility in Cyprus
surveillance of Stephen Bannon and owned by George Soros.
Trump family members, including
Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump.” As reported by The Gateway Pundit‘s Jon Hall, the Trump
administration is considering proposals developed by
Blackwater founder Erik Prince and John R. Maguire in an
effort to provide CIA Director Mike Pompeo and the
White House with a global, private spy network that would
go around the U.S.’s official SWAMP-INFESTED
intelligence agencies.

A former senior U.S. intel official with firsthand

knowledge of the proposals said:

Pompeo can’t trust the CIA bureaucracy, so we need to

The Intercept reports:
create this thing that reports just directly to him. It is a
direct-action arm, totally off the books. The whole point is
“[Maguire] said there were people inside this is supposed to report to the president and Pompeo
the CIA who joined in the previous eight directly.
years [under Obama] and inside the
government and they were failing to give
Reportedly, the proposals would see an army of spies with
the president the intelligence he needed,”
no official cover in numerous countries that are “denied
said a person who was pitched by Maguire
areas” for current American intelligence personnel – like
and other Amyntor personnel. To support
North Korea and Iran. Included in the proposals are the
his claim, Maguire told at least two
consideration of creating a new global rendition unit with
people that National Security Advisor
the goal of capturing terrorist suspects around the world. A
H.R. McMaster, in coordination with a
propaganda campaign in the Middle East and Europe to
top official at the National Security
combat Islamic extremism was considered in the proposals
Agency, authorized surveillance of
as well.
Steven Bannon and Trump family

Obama Warns Trump Will Lead
America To Genocide Like Hitler, Media Yawn
By Kristine Marsh
December 6, 2017 2:51 PM EST

Hinz summarized Obama’s comments directed at Trump,

as follows:

Obama moved from that to talking about a

In a friendly interview with CBS News financial analyst
nativist mistrust and unease that has swept
Mellody Hobson, President Obama suggested we could
around the world. He argued that such
have an American genocide akin to what happened in Nazi
things as the speed of technical change
Germany with Donald Trump as President.
and the uneven impact of globalization
have come too quickly to be absorbed in
The former president was speaking to the Economic Club many cultures, bringing strange new things
of Chicago when he made the caustic remark, in comments and people to areas in which "people didn't
captured by Crain’s Chicago Business political columnist (used to) challenge your assumptions." As
Greg Hinz. a result, "nothing feels solid," he said.
"Sadly, there's something in us that looks
According to Hinz, Obama warned Trump’s for simple answers when we're agitated."
“nativism” and distrust of the press would
Still, the U.S. has survived tough times
cause our “democracy to fall apart quickly.”
before and will again, he noted,
Obama then made the connection
particularly mentioning the days of
between Trump and Hitler, warning “60
communist fighter Joseph McCarthy
million people died,” when the world got
and former President Richard Nixon.
But one reason the country survived is
because it had a free press to ask
questions, Obama added. Though he has
problems with the media just like Trump
has had, "what I understood was the
principle that the free press was vital."
The danger is "grow(ing) complacent,"
Obama said. "We have to tend to this
garden of democracy or else things
could fall apart quickly." That's what
happened in Germany in the 1930s
which, despite the democracy of the
Weimar Republic and centuries of high-
level cultural and scientific
achievements, Adolph Hitler rose to
dominate, Obama noted. "Sixty million
people died. . . .So, you've got to pay
attention. And vote."

As of this write-up, his anti-Trump comments have been

ignored by the media.
No surprise either that Obama didn’t appear to get Hobson is also married to billionaire George Lucas and has
pushback for this comment from his personal friend and donated over $100,000 to Obama’s presidential
financial backer, who just happened to be his interviewer, campaigns. She is frequently quoted by the media, like in
Mellody Hobson. Hobson is not just a financial contributor this recent writeup by The New York Times where she
for CBS, but is a close friend and high profile donor to called Colin Kaepernick "a hero of mine."
Obama’s two presidential campaigns. At a White House
event in 2013, Obama warmly described Hobson as a Faced with such friendly interviewers and audiences, both
“great great friend”: Obamas haven’t been sitting back quietly while President
Trump took office.
Mellody was being very modest when she
said she had a front-row seat. Mellody was At two separate climate conferences this past week,
one of my earliest supporters back when Obama blasted the current administration for opting out of
nobody could pronounce my name. And the Paris Climate Agreement. To a group of business
her and John Rogers at Arial Capital leaders in Paris, Obama lamented,
helped to co-chair some of my first
fundraisers. And they’d have to drag some
“We have a temporary absence of
straggly group in, kicking and screaming,
American leadership” on climate change.
and write a check and listen to this young
senator who had a lot of ideas but not
necessarily any realistic prospects to win. In September, Obama criticized Trump’s decision to
And she went through a lot of ups and rescind DACA as “cruel” and “self-defeating.”
downs with me and my career and is just a
great, great friend. So I want to thank her The former FLOTUS has also gone after Trump, making
publicly for all the support that she’s given snarky comments about his use of Twitter, to several
us. different audiences. In September, she slammed women
who didn’t vote for Clinton as betraying their sex,
characterizing them as weak-minded and sexist.

Morning Joe: 'Hell To Pay' And 'Deaths
Are Coming' Because Of Trump's Jerusalem Speech
By Chris Reeves
December 6, 2017 1:24 PM EST

MIKE BARNICLE: Ned Price, Jordan, UAE,

Egypt, uh, what's happening in those
capitals today in this increasingly and
daily more volatile region?
PRICE : Well Mike, I think that's precisely
the concern, and that's one of the many
reasons why it's been reported that
Secretaries Mattis and Tillerson voiced
private opposition to this move. This is not
an “America First” foreign policy
gesture. This is a “Trump First” move, a
move that is predicated on a crass
Wednesday’s Morning Joe devoted a significant portion of political calculation and a crass
its broadcast to covering President Trump’s speech today political, uh, pro-, campaign trail
that will officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of promise. This will not make the
Israel. In response to reports that the Palestinian Authority American people, diplomats, military
is reacting to this development by calling for potentially personnel, private citizens safer in the
violent protests and a “day of anger,” MSNBC’s top liberal countries that you just mentioned. And
pundits knew precisely where the blame for any resultant as we saw, the consulate general in
violence should fall – Trump, of course. Jerusalem put out a very stern message
essentially telling Americans in that part of
Guest Chris Matthews even fumed that the world that they should be on lockdown.
there would be “hell to pay” and that We have seen similar broad warnings from
“deaths are coming” because of the the State Department warning of violence.
move. This move will certainly lead to violence.
The question is: What will be the
Astoundingly, none of the show’s liberal journalists ramifications of that violence and just
thought to blame any of the expected future perpetrators of how deadly it will be [sic]?
violence for any deaths or rioting that may follow Trump’s
speech. But who would be responsible for any such violence? Co-
host Mika Brzezinski and MSNBC political contributor
Elise Jordan knew the answer to that:

BRZEZINSKI: Yeah. I mean, Elise, the

image in my mind as the President is
this massive drunk bull and the world is
a china shop?
ELISE JORDAN: This to me seems to have
more in terms of public diplomacy
implications than practical implications just
because this isn’t -- he's actually signing
another six month waiver to keep the
embassy in Tel Aviv. He's saying he's
Halfway through the first hour of the show, NBC news moving it, but not really taking action
contributor and former CIA intelligence officer Ned Price necessarily to build a new embassy in
raised the possibility that American civilians, soldiers, and Jerusalem and start that process of shifting
diplomats abroad will be targeted in the aftermath of operations. So, I don't get what we gain
Trump’s Jerusalem speech: other than just inflaming people.
During the second hour of their broadcast, Morning Joe the process, the peace process, and see
returned to these same talking points in another segment where this goes from here.
on Trump’s Jerusalem speech. Reporting live from the
holy city itself, MSNBC host Ayman Mohyeldin So, the same Palestinian Authority that pays Palestinian
repeatedly put the onus for any possible violence on and Israeli Arabs to kill Israelis in terrorist attacks is
Trump’s choice of language: calling for protests and demonstrations in response to
America recognizing the capital of a sovereign state, but
BRZEZINSKI: Later today, President Trump is the one who needs to refrain from being too
Trump intends to announce that the United provocative?
States now recognizes Jerusalem as the
capital of Israel. Joining us live from just At least we know where MSNBC’s priorities are:
outside the old city in East Jerusalem, co-
host of Morning Joe First Look, Ayman
Trump = Bad
Mohyeldin. Ayman, what's the
atmosphere on the ground there? Terrorist murderers attacking Americans =
What? Huh?
MOHYELDIN: Yeah, Mika, I mean, that is a
very good question because it is a very
tense atmosphere right now. And Co-host Joe Scarborough’s conclusion from Mohyeldin’s
everything is gonna come down really report was very similar to his fiancé’s take earlier:
to how President Trump delivers this
statement. This is, in some ways, a “[Trump]'s not really doing anything
diplomatic crisis, a potential diplomatic other than destabilizing the Middle East
crisis, that is the doing of the President with this announcement.”
himself because this was something that
has been a longstanding policy of the So, again, terrorists threatening violence against their
United States – not to touch the issue of political opponents for saying things they don’t like isn’t
Jerusalem or move the embassy here. But the problem, but Trump is.
now, as we’ve seen in the last 24 hours,
world leaders are reacting and the t- -- the Has Trump existed in the Middle East for the past 1400
mood on the street here is very tense. years? Is that really what has made the region so volatile
On one hand, you have the Israeli side. for so long? Maybe Morning Joe is really onto something
Security has been beefed up. On the other here.
side, you have the Palestinian authority
calling for massive protests and
Columnist George Will tried to respond to Scarborough’s
demonstrations over the course of the
assertion by pointing out that no real peace process exists
next three days. They've already labeled
at the moment for Trump to even disrupt, but MSNBC host
it a day of anger over what could be an
Chris Matthews had a very different reaction. Putting on
explosive decision by the U.S. President
the mantle of a prophet of doom,
to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of
Matthews confidently proclaimed that
But going back to the original point, Mika, it there would be “hell to pay” and
is really gonna come down to how “deaths are coming now because of
President Trump delivers this [Trump’s speech]”:
statement. Is he going to be very
provocative in the language that he MATTHEWS: I think the only hope for
uses? Is he going to make it sound like peace is to give a portion of East
there is no open door for East Jerusalem to Jerusalem, maybe all of it, and that's what
be a part of a future Palestinian state? It’s Clinton tried to do at Taba at the end of his
all gonna come down to the language second term. ‘Cause if you don't give the
the President uses, and I think that is Palestinians hope that they can have
what has a lot of people here somewhat national integrity and have a capital
concerned, particularly on the Palestinian where they believe it should be, you're
or Arab streets, so to speak. They don't gonna have an unending problem. By
necessarily have a lot of confidence that the way, deaths are coming now
the diplomatic niceties will be finessed into because of this.
that speech that can give them an BRZEZINSKI: [loud sigh]
opportunity to find some kind of wiggle
room to say: We’re gonna be committed to MATTHEWS: You can just bet that the
next few weeks, we’re gonna have hell
to pay for this totally erratic decision by Jewish community and the Arab call to
this president. Every party that has had prayer, it's all intermingled and intricately
the White House since ‘48 has recognized combined. And to mess that up now
you have to be careful over there. I lived makes no sense for anybody to do that.
over there, right up Damascus Gate, right It's not in America's interests. And I
where that picture was. And I gotta tell ya, don't know whose interest in Israel it is.
everything is intricate over there.
Bethlehem is intricate with the Armenian Violent politicians and criminals are responsible for their
church, and the Chri- -- and the Catholic own evil intent and actions, not the people they are angry
church. Everything is intricate. The guys at for political reasons. Is that really so hard for MSNBC
with the -- the ultra-religious people in the to understand?

Decision Will Cause ‘Violence’ And Terrorism
By Kyle Drennen
December 6, 2017 1:33 PM EST

On Wednesday, all three network morning shows were in “Palestinians took to the streets to oppose
full panic mode over President’s Trump’s upcoming what they say is a needless and
decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. In provocative move by President
the midst of the collective freak-out, hosts and Trump...”
correspondents warned that the “dangerous” move could
lead to a “new wave of violence” across the Middle East Throughout the segment, the headline on screen blared:
and even inspire “terrorist attacks in the west.”
“Trump to Recognize Jerusalem as Capital;
Opening NBC’s Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie sounded Controversial Decision Could Lead to
the alarm: Upheaval.”
“Breaking news, bracing for violence. The
“Controversial Move. President Trump Middle East on edge this morning. Protests
set to recognize Jerusalem as the erupting as President Trump prepares to
capital of Israel today. Israeli officials make that major announcement
hailing the landmark decision, other recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of
world leaders outraged. Could it lead to Israel....World leaders call the decision
a new wave of violence?” dangerous,” co-host George
Stephanopoulos proclaimed at the top of
Minutes later, fellow co-host Hoda Kotb fretted: ABC’s Good Morning America.

“It would up-end decades of U.S. policy Talking to Chief Global Affairs Anchor Martha Raddatz
and is already being met with warnings that minutes later,
could prompt new violence and disrupt the
peace process.” he touted “a growing chorus of world
leaders warning the President against
this move.”

Raddatz helpfully recited their objections:

Of course, indeed, George. The Turkish

foreign minister is calling it a grave
mistake that would bring chaos and
instability to the region. Britain’s foreign
minister is expressing concern. Jordan’s
king saying it will provoke Muslims and
Christians alike. And Palestinian
Reporting from Jerusalem, Chief Foreign Correspondent President Mahmoud Abbas called it
Richard Engel warned: unacceptable. I could go on and on,
George, but the bottom line is no one else
in the world has an embassy in Jerusalem.
“There have already been some
demonstrations, they are expected to “So it’s safe to say this has alarmed
intensify, with Palestinians calling for leaders around the globe, George,” she
three days of rage if President Trump concluded. Stephanopoulos agreed: “It
goes through with it.” certainly has.”

He added: Later in the discussion, Senior White House

Correspondent Cecilia Vega suggested that the President
was simply trying to appeal to “evangelicals” in his base
and Jewish “mega-donor” Sheldon Adelson.
Leading off CBS This Morning, co-host Gayle King joined extremists already in the world and this
her network colleagues in the fearmongering: provides a ready-made excuse.

“President Trump will announce a high- Rather than provide calm, reasoned coverage of the foreign
stakes decision today to recognize policy decision, the liberal media instead decided to
Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. U.S. allies escalate tensions by employing incendiary rhetoric.
and leaders around the world say it’s a
big mistake that will torpedo any chance Here are excerpts of the December 6 coverage:
of Middle East peace.”
Introducing the report minutes later, fellow co-host Norah 7:05 AM ET
O’Donnell breathlessly declared:

“President Trump is set to reverse nearly

seven decades of U.S./Middle East policy

After playing a clip of Trump promising to recognize

Jerusalem as the Israeli capital, correspondent Margaret
Brennan scolded:

“That campaign pledge, popular with

evangelicals and hard-line Israel
supporters, is why President Trump will
recognize Jerusalem as Israeli territory HODA KOTB: Also breaking overnight, a controversial move by
against the advice of allies and his President Trump. Later today he is expected to recognize
national security team.” Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. It would up-end decades of U.S.
policy and is already being met with warnings that could prompt
During a follow-up report early in the 8 a.m. ET hour, new violence and disrupt the peace process. NBC’s Chief
Brennan again let the political labels fly: Foreign Correspondent Richard Engel is in Jerusalem this
morning. Good morning, Richard.
“It’s going to be very, very popular with
some of the evangelical voters who helped RICHARD ENGEL: Good morning. This would be a significant
propel President Trump into this office. It’s step, not just a symbolic step. And there is real tension in this city
also going to be popular with some of this morning. There have already been some demonstrations,
the harder, right-wing, pro-Israel they are expected to intensify, with Palestinians calling for three
supporters, many of whom supported days of rage if President Trump goes through with it.
the Trump campaign.”
[ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: Trump to Recognize Jerusalem as
In addition to Brennan’s reporting, fellow correspondent Capital; Controversial Decision Could Lead to Upheaval]
Seth Doane joined the broadcast from Jerusalem and
predicted worldwide violence: Palestinians took to the streets to oppose what they say is a
needless and provocative move by President Trump, giving Israel
Recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital what it has long wanted, recognition of its claim to all of the city of
is of course popular with the Israeli Jerusalem. U.S. Government employees and their families have
government because it strengthens their been ordered, for their safety, to stay out of Palestinian areas
hold on the city. The Palestinians say it today, including the center of Jerusalem and the nearby city of
could damage the peace process and Bethlehem. For Israelis, the U.S. is merely recognizing land they
we’re already starting to see protests in already control.
Gaza City.
There are concerns about violence not AMALIA BEHAL [JERUSALEM NATIVE]: This is our country, this
only here and across the Middle East, is the promised land. This is the promised city. This is the capital
but this also could provide rationale for of Israel.
terrorist attacks in the west as well.
ENGEL: For Palestinians, however, it’s a sign the peace process
We spoke with one senior Palestinian
hasn’t worked for them.
official who told us that there are plenty of

landowners of this land. We are the owners of this place. We Announcement; President to Recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s
were here before any other. Capital]

ENGEL: So, what’s the issue? Both Israelis and Palestinians MARTHA RADDATZ: Of course, indeed, George. The Turkish
claim Jerusalem to be their capital. Israelis say the united city is foreign minister is calling it a grave mistake that would bring
the heart of the Jewish state reaching back thousands of years. chaos and instability to the region. Britain’s foreign minister is
Palestinians say east Jerusalem, home to Islam’s third-holiest expressing concern. Jordan’s king saying it will provoke Muslims
mosque, should be the capital of their future state. This was and Christians alike. And Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas
never an easy dispute, sorting out who controls what in called it unacceptable. I could go on and on, George, but the
Jerusalem was the core of the U.S.-sponsored peace process. bottom line is no one else in the world has an embassy in
The subject of decades of talks. Talks now thrown into disarray. Jerusalem. So it’s safe to say this has alarmed leaders around
the globe, George.
White House officials say the President today will recognize
Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and order the State Department to STEPHANOPOULOS: It certainly has. But, Cecilia, the President
initiate the process of moving the U.S. embassy to the city from been itching to do this for a long time and getting a lot of
Tel Aviv. U.S. officials say a location in Jerusalem has yet to be pressure behind the scenes.
chosen. And that the embassy move will take years. It’s a move
opposed by many across the Muslim world, who wonder why CECILIA VEGA: Yeah, George, and I’m told that this really is
President Trump’s first foray into Middle East diplomacy was to about making good on that campaign promise. Sources here tell
upend it. me that this is something the President actually wanted to do
right after he took office but there was – we talk about regularly
Turkey, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, China, Egypt, and a whole host of that learning curve, one source told me he basically realized you
other countries, including just this morning, the Vatican City, with can’t snap your fingers and move an embassy.
the Pope making the statement, have all expressed concern
about what this statement, this anticipated statement from There has been pressure, strong pressure behind the scenes
President Trump, could do. And several of the countries calling from evangelicals and others like Sheldon Anderson [sic] that Las
on the President not to make it. Hoda, Savannah, back to you. Vegas casino magnate who’s a mega-donor to Donald Trump.
But I’m told today the White House has a conference call
HODA KOTB: Alright, Richard Engel in Jerusalem. Richard, scheduled with evangelicals, with pro-Israeli groups to really talk
thank you. about this plan.

Good Morning America But really it came down to the President not wanting to sign this
7:09 AM ET waiver today to extend – to keep the embassy in Tel Aviv, that
extension waiver without making it look like he’s made some
progress on this big campaign promise from him.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So he makes progress on the campaign

promise, but, Martha, the big question going forward is what does
this mean for the Middle East peace process. The President has
dispatched his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, to lead the U.S. effort

RADDATZ: You know, I don’t know how this possibly helps any
peace initiative which, as you said, the President’s son-in-law,
Kushner, has been charged with. And I think it says a lot about
how little progress has been made.
GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: We’re going to move on now to
that major new move from President Trump. The Middle East on As for violence there, George, Palestinians are calling for
edge this morning as the President set to become the first protests throughout the region, Americans have been warned not
American president to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of to go where crowds are gathered or into Jerusalem’s old city, and
Israel. He will also say he wants to move the U.S. embassy from the U.S. is sending in additional Marines to embassies
Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. So let’s bring in our Chief Global Affairs throughout the region. And even if there are not protests, nothing
Anchor Martha Raddatz, our Senior White House Correspondent public, this is something that will simmer for a very long time,
Cecilia Vega for the latest on all this. Martha, you’ve got this George.
growing chorus of world leaders warning the President against
this move. STEPHANOPOULOS: Yeah, it could set off repercussions
across the region.
(...) BRENNAN: It also undermines the peace process launched by
Jared Kushner as the status of Jerusalem is one of the most
incendiary issues in the conflict. For nearly 70 years, U.S. policy
CBS This Morning has been to settle it through diplomacy.
7:06 AM ET
TRUMP: My administration will always stand with Israel.

BRENNAN: Security alerts were sent to U.S. posts around the

world to brace for violence ahead of Mr. Trump's declaration.
President Trump has boasted about his chance at peace, but
four of the five world leaders he spoke with Tuesday said this
would be a setback. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas
cautioned it would have, quote, “detrimental consequences on
the peace process.” White House Press Secretary Sarah
Sanders downplayed it.

SARAH HUCKABEE SANDERS: He spoke with five leaders.

That’s hardly indicative of everybody across the globe.
NORAH O’DONNELL: President Trump is set to reverse nearly
seven decades of U.S./Middle East policy today. He's expected BRENNAN: As for that peace plan, the Trump administration has
to announce that Washington will recognize Jerusalem as Israel's yet to present any proposal, saying Jared Kushner's team is still
capital. The President plans to tell the State Department to begin figuring it out. For now, the U.S. embassy stays in Tel Aviv. The
the process of moving the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv. Seth White House says that building a new one will take at least four
Doane is in Jerusalem where Israel’s Prime Minister did not years through the end of Mr. Trump's first term. Gayle?
mention the issue this morning. But first, let’s go to Margaret
Brennan at the White House for more on this. Margaret, good (...)
7:08 AM ET
MARGARET BRENNAN: Good morning. No other country in the
world has an embassy in Jerusalem, but today President Trump SETH DOANE: Recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is of
will make a major concession and recognize Jerusalem as the course popular with the Israeli government because it
political capital of Israel. He’ll promise that in the future a U.S. strengthens their hold on the city. The Palestinians say it could
embassy will be built there. damage the peace process and we’re already starting to see
protests in Gaza City. There are concerns about violence not
DONALD TRUMP: We will move the American embassy to the only here and across the Middle East, but this also could provide
eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem. rationale for terrorist attacks in the west as well. We spoke with
one senior Palestinian official who told us that there are plenty of
BRENNAN: That campaign pledge, popular with evangelicals extremists already in the world and this provides a ready-made
and hard-line Israel supporters, is why President Trump will excuse.
recognize Jerusalem as Israeli territory against the advice of
allies and his national security team. (...)

TRUMP: If you can't produce peace in the Middle East, nobody


LOCK THEM UP: Why It’s Time To Arrest James Comey,
Robert Mueller, Peter Strzok And The Other Swamp
Creatures Staging An Attempted Coup
By Mike Adams
Wednesday, December 06, 2017

The FBI has become a rogue criminal operation

Now, the FBI is engaged in a massive cover-up, blocking

information on Peter Strzok to make sure it doesn’t go

“The FBI blocked all information on its

website about a top counterterrorism
official who was kicked off of Special
Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia
investigation for sending politically-biased
An attempted political coup is taking place in America text messages to an FBI lawyer,” reports
right now as sinister swamp creatures with names like the Daily Caller.
“James Comey” and “Peter Strzok” are attempting to
nullify the outcome of the presidential election and steal Peter Strzok was a venomous anti-Trump swamp creature,
the country away from the will of the voters. These very we now know, just like all the other members of the
same swamp creatures exonerated Hillary Clinton for her Robert Mueller special counsel. As the Daily Caller
role in a series of serious national security violations while reports,
giving her a free pass on lying to the FBI (and the entire
country). Peter Strzok, for example — a rabid anti-Trump
“It was revealed on Saturday that Strzok
swampster — is now credited with changing the FBI’s
was removed from Mueller’s team in
assessment of Hillary Clinton’s offenses from “grossly
August after the Department of Justice’s
negligent” to “extremely careless,” a monumental
inspector general discovered that he
distinction in terms of legal liability. (See source links,
exchanged anti-Trump and pro-Hillary
Clinton text messages with his mistress, an
FBI lawyer named Lisa Page who also
Peter Strzok has been a member of the extremely corrupt worked on the Mueller team.”
Robert Mueller special counsel investigation team that’s
attempting to ensnare President Trump on anything they
Via Daily Caller:
can find (or fabricate) as a pretext to demand his
impeachment. That investigation has been illegal from the
start, as the Dept. of Justice regulations require a crime to The revelation of Strzok’s biased texts is
be named before a special counsel is appointed, yet no significant because of his central role in
crime was ever named to justify the appointment of the both the Russia investigation and the
special counsel in the first place. Instead, the Mueller Clinton email probe. As the FBI’s No. 2
investigation was initiated as a witch hunt to try to find counter-terrorism official, Strzok helped
some crimes or engineer them in the process of the start both of the investigations. He also
investigation. The General Flynn guilty plea, for example, conducted interviews with former national
stems wholly from the FBI deceptively interviewing Flynn security adviser Michael Flynn in the
under false pretenses, then catching him in a misstatement Russia investigation and with Clinton and
when he didn’t even realize he was being interviewed as several of her top aides in the email inquiry.
part of a criminal trap. (Yes, you can be charged with a
felony for merely lying to the FBI in a casual conversation, Fox News is now reporting that the FBI is facing a
even though the government can lie to you with impunity.) contempt resolution from Congress for conspiring to
withhold details about Strzok that show him to be an anti-

Trump, pro-Clinton swamp creature working to ensnare
Trump at all costs.

“House Intelligence Committee Chairman

Devin Nunes, R-Calif., had demanded the
text messages between FBI
counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok and
Lisa Page, an FBI lawyer with whom Strzok
was romantically involved,” reports Fox
News. “House investigators have long
regarded him as a key figure in the chain of
events when the bureau, in 2016, received The FBI is “out of control”
the infamous anti-Trump ‘dossier’ and
launched a counterintelligence
investigation into Russian meddling in the Fox News’ Tucker Carlson added to the warnings about
election that ultimately came to encompass the FBI’s deep state corruption, saying in a tweet:
FISA surveillance of a Trump campaign
associate.” The point is clear: the FBI is out of control
and not just in the @realDonaldTrump
“Today [Robert Mueller] leads the most
investigation. An agency charged with
corrupt, criminal and treasonous Coup
enforcing the law clearly considers itself
D’état in American history,” warns The
above the law. That’s a threat to you, and
Gateway Pundit. “Today the FBI that
every American, no matter who you voted
Mueller ran is in shambles. No one with an
ounce of common sense believes that the
FBI exhibits integrity and this is in large
part because of the actions of Robert
Mueller and his close allies who recently
led the FBI.”

Carlson recognizes that the Comey / Mueller / Clinton

deep state system known as the FBI — i.e. “Fake Bureau
of Investigation” — is demonstrating exactly how secret
police organizations often get started:
“President Donald Trump ripped the
‘double standard’ in how 2016 Democratic This is how secret police start, when law
presidential nominee Hillary Clinton was enforcement agencies decide to do the
treated and how Michael Flynn, his former bidding of politicians, rather than pursue
national security adviser, was treated,” impartial justice on behalf of the public.
reports Let’s nip this nightmare in the bud right
“So General Flynn lies to the FBI and his
life is destroyed, while Crooked Hillary “The FBI is a corrupt organization,” adds
Clinton, on that now famous FBI holiday The Gateway Pundit. “There is so much
‘interrogation’ with no swearing in and no corruption in the FBI that lawmakers are
recording, lies many times … and nothing preparing contempt of Congress resolution
happens to her? Rigged system, or just a against Deep State operatives for refusing
double standard?” to release material related to their Trump
probe to Congress.”
Trump tweeted:
On November 30th, Judicial Watch released 29 pages of
FBI documents related to the Loretta Lynch / Bill Clinton
tarmac meeting during which it is widely believed Bill

Clinton ordered Lynch to back off any prosecution of was nothing more than a politically
Hillary Clinton. motivated scam,” writes JD Heyes for “We knew that the probe
“The documents show that FBI officials was fake when, after more than a year’s
were more concerned about leaks than the worth of investigating by Obama’s FBI and
actual meeting itself,” reports Judicial Justice Department, no evidence
Watch. whatsoeverhad been found – nothing. Just
months of allegations, innuendo and
Via JW: unsubstantiated charges.”
Continuing for The National Sentinel,
The new FBI documents show FBI officials Heyes adds,
were concerned about a leak that Bill “An angry Rep. Devin Nunes, chairman of
Clinton delayed his aircraft taking off in the House Intelligence Committee, has
order to “maneuver” a meeting with the threatened the FBI and Department of
attorney general. The resulting story in Justice with contempt over their refusal to
the Observer is seemingly confirmed and explain why special counsel Robert Mueller
causes a flurry of emails about the source demoted a senior FBI investigator now
of the article. FBI official(s) write “we need believed to be a political enemy of
to find that guy” and that the Phoenix FBI President Donald J. Trump.”
office was contacted “in an attempt to stem
any further damage.” Another FBI official, Robert Mueller was complicit in Hillary
working on AG Lynch’s security detail, Clinton’s approval of uranium sales to
suggests instituting non-disclosure
Russia-linked companies
agreements. The names of the emails
authors are redacted. There are no The FBI, we now know, has been part of
documents showing concern about the the cover-up from the very beginning.
meeting itself. When Robert Mueller was heading up the
The FBI originally informed Judicial Watch FBI, he was complicit in covering up the
they could not locate any records related to sale of uranium strategic resources to the
the tarmac meeting.  However, in a Russians. (See the Peter Schweizer book
related FOIA lawsuit, the Justice Clinton Cash for full details.)
Department located emails in which Justice “Florida Republican Representative Matt
Department officials communicated with Gaetz introduced a resolution Friday that
the FBI and wrote that they had called for former FBI Director Robert
communicated with the FBI.  As a result, Mueller to step down as special counsel for
by letter dated August 10, 2017, from the the “Russia investigation” due to the fact
FBI stated, “Upon further review, we that he was directly involved with covering
subsequently determined potentially up Russia’s “significant and illegal”
responsive documents may exist. As a involvement with American uranium
result, your [FOIA] request has been companies,” reports The Daily Sheeple.
reopened…” “[T]he man whose supposed job is to find
out whether or not the Trump campaign
Just days after that secretive tarmac meeting, FBI Director colluded with Russia was actually the head
James Comey exonerated Hillary Clinton from any of the FBI when they covered up the fact
criminal prosecution. that the country was “corrupting” American
uranium companies while also purposefully
“These new documents confirm the urgent stopping a key witness from contacting
need to reopen the Clinton email scandal Congress about said corruption.”
and criminally investigate the resulting “Mueller is a deep state operative,”
Obama FBI/DOJ sham investigation,” adds concludes The Daily Sheeple.
Judicial Watch.
“[A]ttorneys who worked for Mueller as
head of the FBI during the Uranium One
Yes, it’s time to criminally investigate the FBI. deal signed off on it despite the fact that
the bureau had uncovered massive
“We’ve been saying for months that the evidence of criminality involving Russian
investigation into alleged ‘collusion’ and American figures, up to and including
between the Trump campaign and Russia then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,”
to ‘steal the election’ from Hillary Clinton reports Trump News.
That article goes on to report: place on Jan. 24, at the White House,”
According to Hannity, Fox News Legal Strzok was removed from his role in the
Contributor Gregg Jarrett discovered both Special Counsel’s Office after it was
Deputy Attorney General Ron Rosenstein discovered he had made disparaging
and Mueller’s right-hand man, Andrew comments about President Trump in text
Weissmann, former head of the fraud unit messages between him and his alleged
at Obama/Holder’s Justice Department, lover FBI attorney Lisa Page, according to
signed the plea agreement of the Russian the New York Times and Washington
businessman embroiled in the Clinton- Post, which first reported the stories. Strzok
Uranium One case. is also under investigation by the
…Weissmann ran the Department of Department of Justice Inspector General
Justice’s fraud section at the time Russian for his role in Hillary Clinton’s email server
operatives were bribing Americans involved and the ongoing investigation into Russia’s
with the company, and while vast sums of election meddling. On Saturday, the House
money were flowing into the coffers of the Intelligence Committee’s Chairman Devin
Clinton Foundation and former president Nunes chided the Justice Department and
Bill Clinton’s pockets. the FBI for not disclosing why Strzok had
been removed from the Special Counsel
three months ago, according to a statement
This was all going on when Robert Mueller ran the FBI
given by the Chairman.
and James Comey was rising in the ranks. Now, the
Mueller / Comey / Strzok / McCabe criminal ring is
running the attempted political coup against Trump. And In other words, under the influence of political hacks like
they’re all dirty. They’re all political hacks connected to Peter Strzok, the FBI has been running a political watch
Hillary Clinton, the Russians and the Uranium One hunt to destroy President Trump while covering up the
scandal. serious crimes of Hillary Clinton and Robert Mueller.

“For Mueller to hire all of these people who

made so many contributions to Hillary
Clinton was a decision of such arrogance
and indifference to appearances. You just
can’t have the optics of that and not have
your work questioned. And [Peter] Strzok
has just brought it to the fore,” former
independent counsel Joseph diGenova told
Breitbart News.
“Former FBI investigator Peter Strzok, who
was pulled from Special Counsel Robert
Mueller’s team after it was revealed he
exchanged text messages mocking How Hillary Clinton gets away with lying
President Trump, was reportedly behind to the FBI and everybody else
the decision to change then-FBI Director
James Comey’s description of Hillary Hillary Clinton is an accomplished, expert liar. She’s so
Clinton’s email use from “grossly negligent” experienced at lying that she has mastered the art of lying
to “extremely careless,'” writes Adam Shaw while technically telling the truth. For example, when
for Breitbart. “Also on Monday, the Sean asked whether she used her illegal email server to receive
Hannity Radio Show published an and send classified information via unsecured email, her
exclusive report by Circa’s Sara Carter on answer is carefully parsed:
the bureau’s interviews of former national
security advisor Michael Flynn—who last
week pled guilty to lying to the FBI during “I never sent or received any information
those interviews. According to Carter, that was marked classified.”
Strzok was one of two agents who
interviewed Flynn in January at the White Note the qualifier she uses:
“FBI agent Peter Strzok was one of two FBI “marked classified.”
agents who interviewed Flynn, which took As it turns out, most classified
information isn’t marked as classified.
And no markings are required for material to be deemed Today, the FBI is not just waging a coup against the duly-
classified. All sorts of information is qualified as elected Trump administration;
“classified” with no markings whatsoever, and this is the
kind of information she illegally sent and received on her it’s waging a coup against the will of the
private email server. Yet technically she isn’t lying when people.
she says she never forwarded information that was
“marked classified” because it wasn’t marked. But it was To pull off that coup, the FBI and its deep state gang are
classified nonetheless. fabricating everything from the so-called “Trump dossier”
to fake news “leaks” that get written up as facts by the
To date, there isn’t a single journalist in the legacy media complicit Washington Post, a fake news rag that
that has challenged Hillary Clinton on this point. And the knowingly fabricates false sources in its attempts to
FBI exonerated her from a long list of felony crimes with destroy President Trump.
the outrageous excuse that they couldn’t find “intent” on
her part to break the law. Yet simultaneously, General If the Mueller / Comey / Clinton deep state gang manages
Flynn is given no quarter for lack of “intent” when it
to throw Trump out of office,
comes to lying to the FBI. He’s charged with the full force
of the law.
they will have successfully overthrown our
country and seized power through a
The FBI’s enforcement of laws is totalitarian political coup.
directed solely at Trump administration
officials while granting absolute immunity
to Obama-era officials and Hillary Clinton They will have also proven that elections are meaningless
herself. — nothing more than theater — because when the people
elect a candidate the deep state doesn’t like, the
bureaucracy will find a way to nullify the election and
Former lawmaker Jason Chaffetz has confirmed that
install their own criminal-in-chief.
Hillary Clinton lied during her July 2, 2016 interview with
the FBI, saying,
That’s why it is crucial that We the People call for a
special investigation into the Robert Mueller investigators,
“Clearly Hillary Clinton did lie under oath. including James Comey, Peter Strzok and all the other
When Roger Clemons supposedly lied swamp creatures who are part of this staged theater of false
under oath the Department of Justice justice. These are the people who need to be locked up
indicted him, but Hillary Clinton not so
behind bars, not well-meaning Americans like General
much…” Flynn.

What’s at stake here is the future of our

nation and our individual freedoms.

If we don’t resist the deep state’s nefarious attempt to

nullify our democratic election outcomes, they will install
a totalitarian regime with absolute power, running a “secret

FBI Stasi apparatus that criminalizes

political enemies of the corrupt regime in
Conclusion: It’s time to ARREST
Robert Mueller, James Comey, The FBI, in other words, has become to the new KGB.
Hillary Clinton, Peter Strzok
and the rest of the lawless gang The day is fast approaching when all Americans may be
trying to overthrow America called to action to defend their nation against the corrupt
deep state. Stay tuned to this website. A massive armed
citizens’ march on Washington D.C. to find and arrest
The deep state despises free elections, and if We the
the deep state swamp creatures is a very likely result if
People elect a candidate they don’t like, they will do
these anti-American tyrants manage to remove Trump
everything in their power to attempt to overthrow the
from office. It’s not hard to predict that civil war will
results of that election and install their own complicit deep
quickly follow. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. This is
state operative (i.e. Hillary Clinton).
why we must investigate and arrest the deep state swamp

creatures right now, before this escalates to open
bloodshed in the streets.

We the People will not tolerate our country

being stolen by corrupt, evil swamp
creatures like Mueller, Comey and Clinton.
LOCK THEM UP and drain the swamp in
the process.

House Rejects Trump Impeachment
Resolution After Dem Rep. Al Green Forces Vote
By Alex Pappas | Fox News
December 6, 2017

competitive districts in a tough spot by forcing them on the

record about impeachment.

Lawmakers did not actually vote on the actual articles of

impeachment, but on a procedural measure that would
have led to a vote on them.

“As I have said before, this is not about

Democrats, it is about democracy,” Green
wrote in a memo to his colleagues. “It is not
about Republicans, it is about the fate of
our Republic. May everyone vote their
The House of Representatives overwhelmingly rejected an conscience knowing that history will judge
attempt to impeach President Trump after a liberal Texas us all.”
congressman forced a vote on his effort.
Green has discussed his intention to impeach Trump since
Democratic Rep. Al Green, who has repeatedly called for last spring. In October, Green filed impeachment articles
the president's removal, introduced two articles of that nearly forced a vote -- until House Democratic leaders
impeachment against Trump on Wednesday. persuaded him to abandon the effort.

But lawmakers immediately voted to effectively kill his At the time, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders
resolution, with 364 voting to table it and 58 Democrats called the effort "pathetic.”
voting to move ahead.
In his memo to lawmakers, Green didn’t allege
In a dramatic speech on the floor ahead of the vote, Green “obstruction of justice” or reference the ongoing
called Trump “unfit” for office and accused him of "high investigation into the 2016 presidential campaign’s
misdemeanors." connection with Russia.

Instead, Green highlighted Trump’s supposed association

with “White Nationalism, Neo-Nazism and Hate,” as well
as “Inciting Hatred and Hostility,” as offenses worthy of

“Friends, whether we like it or not, we now

have a bigot in the White House who
incites hatred and hostility,” Green wrote in
a letter.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has

insisted that any impeachment effort should be put on hold
The symbolic vote had been expected to fail in the until there is evidence of an impeachable offense.
Republican-controlled House. It put some lawmakers in

Kellyanne Conway Blasts
Chris Cuomo And CNN: Stop The ‘Flat-Out Lies’
By Scott Whitlock
December 6, 2017 3:48 PM EST

Liberal CNN anchor Chris Cuomo and Donald Trump CUOMO: The rich people are complaining because they're not
adviser Kellyanne Conway battled it out again on New getting enough of a tax cut.
Day, Tuesday. The Counselor to the President blasted
Cuomo and lobbied that he stop telling “flat-out lies.” At CONWAY: You said earlier in this interview that you don't know
one point, she jabbed, quote, "a single person in American who wants their taxes to go
up." That's something —
“You work for the Cable News Network,
CNN. It's not the CON, C-O-N, Cable CUOMO: I don't. That's why leadership is hard. That's why
Opinion Network.” leadership is hard —

Typically, Cuomo accused the administration’s tax bill of CONWAY: Yes -- no, that's why this president — that's why this
only helping the wealthy: —

CUOMO: No, I'm saying [the middle class CUOMO: -- because sometimes you have to make hard choices
are] not getting as good a treatment as the instead of rewarding the haves all the times.
upper tier, and this was sold as
advantaging them. CONWAY: Excuse me. That's why this president -- the haves --
CONWAY: No. You know what's been give me a break. That's why this President is cutting taxes. Lots
horrible treatment? Their taxes have been of people and promises. That's --
steadily going up. They've been paying for
out-of-control spending. They've been CUOMO: Not for the middle-class the way he is for the upper-
paying higher taxes. class.

Conway spat back at Cuomo’s claims: CONWAY: That is not true and you know it.

“The tax code is longer than the Bible and CUOMO: It's true on every objective scoring.
not quite as inspirational.”
CONWAY: That's a flat-out lie. That's a flat-out lie that middle-
A partial transcript is below: class taxes aren't going down.

CUOMO: Well, it's not even close to a lie. It doesn't meet any of
the criteria of a lie.

CONWAY: That's just not true.

CUOMO: It's not meant to deceive. It's based on fact --

CONWAY: OK. Chris --

CUOMO: — and it's a straight tell on what an objective analysis

New Day
CONWAY: Are you going to look — are you going to tell the
7:49am ET middle- class right now that none of them are getting a tax cut
over this package?

CUOMO: No, I'm saying they're not getting as good a treatment CUOMO: Getting rid of the AMT and you're getting rid of the
as the upper tier, and this was sold as advantaging them. estate tax.

CONWAY: No. You know what's been horrible treatment? Their CONWAY: The tax code is longer than the Bible and not quite as
taxes have been steadily going up. They've been paying for out- inspirational. It needs to be simplified --
of-control spending. They've been paying higher taxes.
CUOMO: Is this thing working?
And you know what? We know people all across this country —
we hear from them every — CONWAY: You spent six million --

CUOMO: And you want to get rid of the AMT and the estate tax CUOMO: You got rid of the AMT and you got --
but you want a tax tuition and loans.
CONWAY: You spent six million hours --
CONWAY: No. Here's what we want to get rid of.
CUOMO: -- rid of the estate tax.
CUOMO: Who's that helping?
CONWAY: You know, this is the Cable --
CONWAY: Here's what we got rid of in this -- here's what we got
rid of in this tax plan, if I may speak a full sentence here, please.
CUOMO: What does that help?

Here's what we got rid of in this tax plan. All the special interest
CONWAY: Excuse me. You work for the Cable News
stops. All the credits, and deductions, and exemptions that
Network, CNN. It's not the CON, C-O-N, Cable Opinion
benefit the wealthy and the well-connected, which the tax code
does already. The tax code --

Trump Impeachment Vote Fails Overwhelmingly
The Measure Drew The Support Of 58 House Democrats.
12/06/2017 02:15 PM EST

Pelosi and Minority Whip Steny Hoyer said

in a joint statement, shortly after Green
introduced his articles of impeachment.

The White House quickly dismissed the effort, labeling

Green and his allies "extremists."

“It’s disappointing that extremists in

Congress still refuse to accept the
President’s decisive victory in last year’s
The White House quickly dismissed the effort to impeach President
election," spokesman Raj Shah said in a
Donald Trump, labeling Rep. Al Green and his allies "extremists." | statement. "Their time would be better
Manuel Balce Ceneta/AP Photo spent focusing on tax relief for American
families and businesses, and working to
House Democrats overwhelmingly joined Republicans on fund our troops and veterans through the
Wednesday to defeat an attempt to impeach President holiday season rather than threaten a
Donald Trump. But 58 Democrats supported the bid to government shutdown.”
consider impeachment over the objections of House
Democratic leaders, who viewed the measure as a Pelosi and her top allies urged Democrats to help bottle up
distraction in a Republican-controlled Congress. the measure during a closed-door caucus meeting on
Wednesday morning.
The motion to sideline the measure — killing the effort —
was approved 364-58, with four Democrats voting present. But Green offered the proposal as a so-called privileged
motion, a procedural tactic that allows a single member to
The vote was forced by Rep. Al Green (D-Texas), who force a vote. He had flirted with forcing a vote on articles
introduced articles of impeachment describing Trump as a of impeachment in October but backed away amid
bigot who incites hate and has demeaned the presidency. pressure from Democratic leaders at the time. Republican
leaders then moved to "table" the motion, a procedural step
"Donald John Trump, by causing such to bottle it up indefinitely.
harm to the society of the United States is
unfit to be president and warrants Green’s articles of impeachment cite Trump’s remarks in
impeachment, trial and removal from the aftermath of a white supremacist rally in
office," Green said on the House floor as Charlottesville, as well as his attacks on Rep. Frederica
he introduced the articles. Wilson (D-Fla.) and his repeated criticism of NFL players
who have protested abuses by police officers by kneeling
But Green, a seven-term, Houston-area lawmaker, said his during the national anthem.
conscience compelled him to push forward with the
measure, even though he acknowledged he was unlikely to “Friends, whether we like it or not, we now
succeed. have a bigot in the White House who
incites hatred and hostility,” he wrote in a
“Now is not the time to consider articles of letter to colleagues on Tuesday.
impeachment,” Democratic leader Nancy

Nets Omit Embarrassing Failure
To Impeach Trump By House Dem
By Nicholas Fondacaro
December 6, 2017 11:53 PM EST

 Donald J. Trump issued a public statement referring to

Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL-24), a female, African-
American Member of Congress as “wacky” and called
her a liar.
 Donald J. Trump issued a public statement referring to
Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL-24), a female, African-
American Member of Congress as “wacky” a second
 Donald J. Trump issued a public statement referring to
Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL-24), a female, African-
American Member of Congress as “wacky” a third time.
In a brazen move on the floor of the House Wednesday,
Texas Democratic Representative Al Green introduced Green also cited the President’s temporary travel ban,
Articles of Impeachment against President Trump. Citing apparently oblivious to the Supreme Court recently
accusations of racism and the mocking of Florida allowing for its enforcement by the Trump administration.
Democratic Rep. Frederica Wilson, the Congressman was
only able to rally 57 other members of his party to join With the recent resignation of Michigan Democrat John
him. The embarrassing failure of the impeachment went Conyers for sexual harassment, Democrats only had 193
completely unreported during the evening newscasts of the members in the House. That meant 70 percent of Green’s
three major networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC). own party sided with Republicans against impeaching the
man they love to hate. In all, the impeachment attempt
Where the networks failed in their reporting, Fox News basically added up to a good fundraising tool for those
Channel’s Bret Baier didn’t. In a news brief during Special who participated, so they can show their donors they’re
Report, he noted: standing up to Trump.

“The House overwhelmingly voted today to Impeaching a president isn’t something that’s done lightly,
kill a resolution from a liberal Democratic so it really should have been something they dedicated
lawmaker to impeach President Trump.” some time too. That’s not to mention how liberal
politicians and the liberal media (AKA “The Resistance”)
“A majority of Democrats joined have been dreaming of an impeachment to come down the
Republicans in opposing the move. pike. But since the impeachment fell flat on its face, it’s
Democratic Congressman Al Green of not surprising they don’t want to talk about it.
Texas says President Trump has
associated his presidency with causes Transcript below:
rooted in bigotry and racism,” Baier
explained. “After Green's resolution was
read aloud, the House voted 364 to 58 to Fox News Channel
table that measure.” Special Report
December 6, 2017
“Donald John Trump, by causing such 6:31:54 PM Eastern
harm to the society of the United States is
unfit to be president and warrants
BRET BAIER: The House overwhelmingly voted today to kill a
impeachment, trial, and removal from
resolution from a liberal Democratic lawmaker to impeach
office,” Green opined as he put his Articles
President Trump. A majority of Democrats joined Republicans in
of Impeachment forward, which included
opposing the move. Democratic Congressman Al Green of Texas
some laughable citations of “high
says President Trump has associated his presidency with causes
rooted in bigotry and racism. After Green's resolution was read
aloud, the House voted 364-58 to table that measure.
Nets Freak: Trump ‘Reversing’
70 Years Of U.S. Policy With Embassy Move
By Nicholas Fondacaro
December 6, 2017 9:58 PM EST

The reporters on ABC’s World News Tonight came off as

acting the most distraught.

“And the other major news tonight,

President Trump reversing nearly seven
decades of U.S. Policy. Now recognizing
Jerusalem as Israel's capital,” declared
anchor David Muir, echoing Glore.
“He had promised this day would come,
but to hear these words from the White
House was jaw-dropping,” shuddered
ABC’s Chief Global Affairs Correspondent
The three network newscasts seemed to be doing their best Martha Raddatz.
to stir the public up into a full-blown panic Wednesday
“Not only signing a proclamation
evening, feverishly slamming President Trump’s decision
reversing nearly 70 years of U.S. policy,
to move the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to
but starting plans to move the embassy
Jerusalem. They were clutching their pearls as they freaked
to Jerusalem. No one else on Earth has
out about how Trump was “reversing nearly 70 years of
an embassy there!”
U.S. policy.” But they failed in their duty to report how in
1995 Congress passed a law requiring the U.S. to move the
embassy there. Throughout her entire report, one would infer a sense of
great angst from her as if she was preparing for a
As CBS Evening News came on the air, new anchor Jeff
Glor sounded out of breath when he hastily announced that
the State Department wanted diplomats to limit their travel
to the holy city.

“The department is concerned about any

possible violent reaction to President
Trump's announcement today that the
United States now recognizes
Jerusalem as the capital of Israel for the
first time since the Jewish state was
founded nearly 70 years ago,” he
“President Trump's recognition of
Raddatz highlighted the dire warnings of Palestinian
Jerusalem as the capital of Israel rejects
President and glorified terrorist Mahmoud Abbas who
the policy of previous presidents and
claimed the move would cause “wars that will never end.”
the recommendations of his secretaries
And when it came to those who supported the President’s
of state and defense,”
CBS White House Correspondent Major Garrett would go
“Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin
on to complain. CBS was the only network to begin with
Netanyahu, clearly relishing the move,”
the embassy move instead of the wildfires in California,
she spat.
which was rather interesting.

NBC Nightly News also focused on claiming the move

“seven decades of US policy changed in move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a campaign
an instant.” The move “puts the U.S. on promise. Major Garrett is at the White House.
an island. Every other country more
than 80 of them with an embassy in (…)
Israel has theirs in Tel Aviv,” noted White
House Correspondent Hallie Jackson.
MAJOR GARRETT: President Trump's recognition of Jerusalem
as the capital of Israel rejects the policy of previous presidents
Jackson was the only one to recall that previous presidents and the recommendations of his secretaries of state and
wanted to move the embassy. defense.

But she claimed “widespread consensus ...

and United Nations policy that the fate
of Jerusalem should be one of the last
ABCWorld News Tonight
decisions negotiated between Israelis December 6, 2017
and Palestinians,” changed their minds.
6:36:07 PM Eastern

While they all parroted the assertion Trump was

DAVID MUIR: And the other major news tonight, President
destroying 70 years of U.S. policy, all three refused to
Trump reversing nearly seven decades of U.S. Policy. Now
acknowledge the fact that what Trump was doing WAS
recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital, and planning to move
and HAD BEEN our policy since 1995. The law passed by
the American embassy there, saying it will advance the peace
Congress was literally titled “Jerusalem Embassy Act of
process. But tonight, swift reaction from some of our key allies.
1995.” The law’s directive stated that One calling it unhelpful, another calling it regrettable. Here's
ABC's Chief Global Affairs Correspondent Martha Raddatz again
“the United States Embassy in Israel tonight.
should be established in Jerusalem no later
than May 31, 1999.” [Cuts to video]

But ever since its passage, presidents have been signing MARTHA RADDATZ: He had promised this day would come, but
waivers to put it off.
to hear these words from the White House was jaw-dropping.

The law was a crucial fact that the media were willfully (…)
omitting. It was also a fact that was called out by HLN
host S.E. Cupp before the nets came on the air.
RADDATZ: Not only signing a proclamation reversing nearly 70
years of U.S. policy, but starting plans to move the embassy to
“Even though a 1995 act directed this Jerusalem. No one else on Earth has an embassy there.
exact thing to happen 22 years ago and
prior presidents just signed waivers to
avoid doing it, Trump's announcement (…)
is being framed as a controversial move
that could shake up the mid-east peace RADDATZ: But the reaction, swift. Palestinian leader Mahmoud
process, undermine regional stability, Abbas saying it could lead to "Wars that will never end." The
and lead to violence.” Turkish foreign minister calling it "A grave mistake." Britain's
prime minister calling it "Unhelpful" to the peace process. French
Transcripts below: President Macron saying it was "Regrettable." And protests.
Palestinians burning the U.S. and Israeli flag, declaring
Jerusalem their capital and saying the blood of martyrs won't be
CBS Evening News wasted. The only positive comments overseas?
December 6, 2017
6:31:23 PM Eastern
BENJAMIN NETANYAHU: This is a historic day.
JEFF GLOR: Good evening. The State Department is asking
U.S. diplomats around the world to put off all non-eventual travel RADDATZ: Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, clearly
to Israel, Jerusalem, and the West Bank until later this month. relishing the move.
The department is concerned about any possible violent reaction
to President Trump's announcement today that the United States (…)
now recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel for the first
time since the Jewish state was founded nearly 70 years ago. Mr. ...
Trump also ordered the State Department to begin planning to


JACKSON: Seven decades of US policy changed in an instant.

DONALD TRUMP: Today we finally acknowledge the obvious,

that Jerusalem is Israel's capital.

JACKSON: President Trump will also move the U.S. embassy to

Jerusalem, which could take three or four years, and which puts
the U.S. on an island. Every other country more than 80 of them
with an embassy in Israel has theirs in Tel Aviv.

NBC Nightly News TRUMP: While previous presidents have made this a major
December 6, 2017 campaign promise, they failed to deliver. Today I am delivering.
7:05:28 PM Eastern
JACKSON: There are reasons those other presidents changed
(...) their views. Like widespread consensus and United Nations
policy that the fate of Jerusalem should be one of the last
HALLIE JACKSON: Good evening, Lester. The President here is decisions negotiated between Israelis and Palestinians, but this
making a risky bet that doing something different will eventually president made a promise –
end up productive for peace talks, but he's about the only one
making that bet. This decision, which is not likely to be undone by (...)
future presidents, is one of the most controversial and potentially
consequential of his administration.

As Usual, CNN’s Chris Cillizza Misses The Point
By Frank Cannon
December 6, 2017 11:47 PM EST

If you’re a conservative supporter of Donald Trump, it’s Maybe Cillizza isn’t as old as I am, but I seem to
likely you have your own personal villain in the remember this happening – oh, last year.
mainstream media who you love to hate. For me, it’s CNN
politics reporter, Chris Cillizza. One need only think way back to 2016, when President
Barack Obama tweeted support and campaigned for a
woman who set the cause of combating sexual harassment
back two decades. There is not a single woman who
former President Bill Clinton allegedly groped, harassed,
or raped that Hillary Clinton didn’t seek to “destroy” or

But let’s move on to Trump’s Monday morning comments.

Trump offered sympathy for his former National Security

Adviser Michael Flynn, who pleaded guilty last Friday to
lying to the FBI about his conversation with then-Russian
Ambassador to the U.S. Sergei Kislyak. As Trump pointed
out over the weekend, he did not believe that what Flynn
That’s not to take away from the fine work many left-wing did in talking to Kislyak was in any way improper, and
activists masquerading as reporters are doing. But Cillizza expressed confusion as to why Flynn would lie about it.
takes the cake. He is supposedly a politics reporter and
editor-at-large for CNN, but in reality, he has only one job,
Again, we would have to think as far back as President
which is continuously rewrite the same commentary
Obama to see a president who showed support toward
declaring that Donald Trump has yet again reached a new
people who were caught perjuring themselves. Picking on
low in his presidency. For this, he gets paid a great deal.
Hillary Clinton here would be redundant, but what about
James Clapper? Susan Rice? Lois Lerner? Why didn’t
Monday’s shriek was about Trump’s desire to do the direct Cillizza shriek about those whoppers?
opposite of what any other president has ever done. As
evidence, Cillizza presented an early-morning tweet sent
Cillizza continued:
by the President and a brief comment he made toward
reporters before boarding Marine One on Monday
morning. Trump -- by his own admission -- sees
himself as a counter-puncher. He sees
what people do and then he strikes back by
In the tweet, Trump endorsed Alabama Republican Roy
doing the opposite. He is, by nature, a
Moore for Senate in Alabama. Why? As Trump explained,
reactive force -- someone defined by
Moore supports his agenda — while Democrat Doug Jones
opposition to things rather than support for
does not.

Cillizza squealed:
Viewed that way, Trump's endorsement of Moore and his
praise for Flynn make total and complete sense. Up is
“For any other president -- literally any down. Down is up. “C-A-T” spells “dog.”
other one -- doing [this] would be
considered so politically and legally risky
Ah, yes. Up is down! Trump’s totally crazy! Or, perhaps,
that they wouldn't even talk about it much
Trump’s “reaction” against the excesses of progressivism
less actually say it in public.”
was the very thing that launched him to the nomination of
his party and to winning the presidency of the United
Literally any other one, you say? Now when have we ever States. Cillizza’s column is called “The Point.”
had a president who endorsed someone of his own party
who was accused of being involved in sexual impropriety?
And, as usual, he completely misses it.
Flynn Investigation PROVES Once And For All
That The FBI Has Been Transformed Into A Soviet-Style
Secret Police Force
By JD Heyes
Wednesday, December 06, 2017

server. Emails from long before Strzok interviewed

them both indicate that they did know, meaning they
lied to the FBI. But they were never charged.
 He was fingered by the Justice Department’s inspector
general for having exchanged “anti-Trump sentiments
and other comments that appeared to favor [Hillary]
Clinton” with FBI lawyer Lisa Page, with whom he was
also having an extramarital affair.
 He was the lead investigator in the criminal probe of
Hillary Clinton’s illegal mishandling of classified
materials via her home-brew email server — crimes
she most definitely committed, according to numerous
legal experts but for which she was never even
If in fact former Trump national security advisor Michael recommended for charges.
Flynn did lie to an FBI agent as he pleaded guilty to doing  He was also the one who softened language in a
last week, then that’s on him: There was no reason for him statement then-FBI Director James Comey read to the
to do so because he hadn’t done anything illegal or even press in July 2016. The original language in Comey’s
improper. statement described Clinton’s behavior as “grossly
negligent,” which is taken directly from the statute, to
But because the agent he lied to — Peter Strzok — has “extremely careless,” which has no legal weight.
since been removed from special counsel Robert Mueller’s  And again, let’s not forget that he was on Mueller’s staff
staff for being a pro-Hillary Clinton hack, Flynn’s and that Mueller is investigating Team Trump and the
admission and, indeed, the entire reason why he was president himself as a special counsel for “collusion,”
questioned about his conversations with a Russian though that’s not even a violation of the law.
diplomat in the first place, go a long way towards proving
without a doubt just how corrupt and politicized the FBI There are more examples of FBI malfeasance and
has become. politicization: Enter, once again, James Comey:

In other words, the FBI has been transformed into the kind  During his July 2016 press conference to lay out the
of political secret police force that used to terrorize Soviet Clinton criminal investigation — which in and of itself
citizens: was outside of standard FBI procedure to not publicly
discuss an ongoing case — he laid out a list of criminal
The KGB. activities she had engaged in, but then refused to
characterize the activities as criminal in nature (hence
That’s a very strong statement to make, but believe me the Strzok language alteration). Comey was a career
when I tell you I do not make it lightly. (Related: Justice Department and FBI official; he knew the
Mueller’s entire “Russian collusion” probe of Team Trump statute that Clinton had violated. He knew that her
is a politically motivated SCAM and must be shut down.) behavior was “grossly negligent” (as he himself wrote
in his first draft) but then permitted that language (taken
Consider all that we’ve learned in recent weeks regarding directly from the criminal code) to be changed into
just this one agent, Strzok: something no one had ever heard of.

 Though Flynn was charged with lying to the FBI, two of We have also discovered that Comey was never
Hillary Clinton’s closest aides — Huma Abedin and going to recommend Clinton be charged in the first
Cheryl Mills — also made false statements to Strzok, place. Reports earlier this year noted that Comey’s
denying that they knew anything about their boss’ email memo exonerating her months in advance, while the
investigation was still underway. The drafting of the “The agencies have, in the past, gone light
memo occurred even before Comey and FBI agents on Democrats such as Hillary Clinton, but
had interviewed Clinton herself. laid perjury traps for Trump officials like
Flynn, who served as national security
In addition to the FBI, the Office of Special Counsel and adviser for President Donald Trump for less
the Justice Department have also been shown to be utterly than a month,” Lifezette reports.


Past articles about warning about Flynn.

Barack Obama 'Personally
Warned Donald Trump Not To Hire Michael Flynn'
Former Attorney General Sally Yates Is Also Expected To Testify On Her
Warnings About The Former National Security Adviser
Emily Shugerman New York
Monday 8 May 2017 15:30 BST

in February. "The evolving and eroding level of

trust as a result of this situation in a series of
other questionable instances is what led the
president to ask for Gen. Flynn's resignation."

The retired lieutenant general is now under

investigation by the inspector general of the Department of
Defence for taking payments from a foreign government
against Pentagon advisement.

Mr Spicer said Monday that is is "true" that Mr Obama did

not think favourably of Mr Flynn, but attributed this to
negative comments Mr Flynn made about the former
president during the 2016 campaign.
Former President Barack Obama personally warned
Donald Trump not to hire Michael Flynn less than 48
hours after the president’s November victory. "If President Obama was truly concerned about
General Flynn, why didn’t he suspend General
Flynn’s security clearance, which they had just
Three former Obama administration officials told NBC approved months earlier?" Mr Spicer asked.
News that Mr Obama told his successor not to hire Mr
Flynn as national security adviser in an Oval Office
Two US officials told NBC News, however, that the DIA
meeting last year. The Trump administration fired Mr
was not aware of the foreign payments at the time they
Flynn three months later, after it was revealed that he
renewed Mr Flynn's clearance. Mr Flynn has been accused
mislead Vice President Mike Pence about his
of concealing these payments from the DIA by members of
conversations with the Russian ambassador.
the House Committee on Oversight and Government
Reform. The inspector general of the Department of
Mr Flynn served the Obama administration as director of Defence is currently investigating whether Mr Flynn failed
the Defence Intelligence Agency starting in 2012. He to properly alert them of these payments.
resigned from his post in 2014, amid rumours that he had
been forced out because of his poor management skills.
Mr Spicer's comments echoed a tweet of Mr Trump's from
The Trump campaign hired Mr Flynn as an adviser in
this morning, in which the president asserted that Mr Flynn
was "given the highest security clearance by the Obama
Mr Flynn was forced to resign for a second time in
February, after multiple reports claimed he had discussed
Mr Spicer said the Obama administration had re-approved
US sanctions against Russian with the country's
Mr Flynn's security clearance in April. The Trump
ambassador, Sergey Kislyak. It was later revealed that Mr
administration did not conduct an additional security
Flynn took payment from Russian state media outlet RT in
review before appointing him national security adviser.
2015, and received $500,000 from the Turkish government
last year.

"The president must have complete and

unwavering trust for the person in that position,"
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said
Ms Yates is said to have warned the White House as early
as 26 January that Mr Flynn's contacts with Russia
exceeded what he had disclosed. The White House has
said they reviewed Ms Yates' information, and found
nothing wrong with what Mr Flynn had said.

Officials did not specify why Mr Obama warned his

successor against hiring Mr Flynn, but said the warnings
predated concerns about his contact with the Russian
ambassador. One official told NBC that Mr Obama felt Mr
The news of Mr Obama's warning comes as his former Flynn was "not suitable for such a high-level post."
attorney general, Sally Yates, is set to testify in front of a
Senate subcommittee regarding Russian interference in the
US election.

Yates Warned White House That Trump's National
Security Advisor 'Could Be Blackmailed' By Moscow
By David S. Cloud
May 08, 2017

Yates' detailed chronology of two meetings and several

calls with White House Counsel Donald McGahn about
Flynn's conduct conflicted with White House claims that
Flynn was not ordered to resign immediately because she
had only given a general "heads up" of a potential

Her testimony adds to Flynn’s potential legal problems,

outlining concerns at the highest level of the Justice
Department that Flynn’s conversations with the Russian
diplomat during the transition may have violated the law.
He has not been charged with a crime.
Former acting Atty. Gen. Sally Yates testified Monday for
the first time that she warned White House lawyers at least It also highlighted the mounting pressure the White House
twice in January that President Trump’s national security faces from three congressional investigations into Russia's
advisor at the time, Michael Flynn, “could be blackmailed” interference in the election. In March, the FBI confirmed it
by Moscow, may have violated criminal statutes and had is conducting a separate counterintelligence investigation
misled Vice President Mike Pence about his dealings with into whether any of Trump's current or former aides
Russian officials. improperly coordinated with Russian intelligence.

“We believed that Gen. Flynn was Former Director of National Intelligence James R.
compromised,” Yates, a career prosecutor, told Clapper, who also testified Monday, warned that Russia’s
a Senate Judiciary subcommittee investigating efforts to influence the election posed a threat to
Russia’s role in the 2016 election. democracy, and that the hacking and leaking of
Democratic Party emails were a worrying taste of the
"To state the obvious, you don't want your
national security advisor compromised with the
Russians," she said. "You don't want the "I believe they are emboldened to now continue
Russians to have leverage over the national such activities, both here and around the world,"
security advisor." Clapper said. "And I believe they will continue to
do so."
Flynn, a retired Army three-star general, was forced to
resign as Trump's top national security aide 18 days after Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who headed the hearing,
Yates first alerted the White House on Jan. 26, but only said it was vital to get to the bottom of Moscow’s role in
after news stories revealed the existence of a transcript of the election.
Flynn's conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey
Kislyak. The diplomat's calls were recorded as part of "The Democratic Party of 2016 were the victims
routine U.S. intelligence monitoring of ranking foreign this time. It could be the Republican Party in the
officials. future," Graham said. "We're all in the same
At issue is whether Flynn improperly indicated to Kislyak
that the Trump administration would ease or reverse Yates, a career federal prosecutor, was named deputy
economic sanctions that President Obama had imposed on attorney general by Obama in 2015. She served as acting
Moscow in retaliation for Russian interference in the U.S. attorney general for 10 days after Trump was inaugurated
presidential campaign. Flynn denied doing so, and Pence on Jan. 20.
later issued a similar denial.
Yates testified that she and a senior official in the national McGahn also asked whether disciplining Flynn could
security division at the Justice Department met with interfere with the FBI case, and Yates said it would not.
McGahn, the top White House lawyer, on two consecutive
days a week after the inauguration in a secure office at the He also asked her whether Flynn might be subject to
White House to discuss statements by Flynn and others criminal prosecution, Yates recalled. She told him that the
"underlying conduct," referring to Flynn's conversations
"that we knew not to be the truth." with Kisylak, "was problematic."

"We weren't the only ones who knew of this," McGahn also asked "to look at the underlying evidence
Yates said. "The Russians also knew." against Flynn." Since it was a Friday, Yates said she would
consider it over the weekend. On Monday, Jan. 30, she
Yates said that after FBI agents had interviewed Flynn on called him back and agreed to his request.
Jan. 24 she believed it was
Trump fired Yates, a holdover from the Obama
"critical that we get this information to the White administration, that afternoon after she announced that the
House in part because the vice president was Justice Department would not go to court to defend an
unknowingly making false statements to the executive order seeking to bar travel from seven mostly
American public. And we believed Gen. Flynn Muslim countries.
was compromised with regard to the Russians."
In her testimony Monday, Yates said that she had
Yates refused to go into detail about Flynn's concluded that the executive order was unlawful and that it
communications with the Russians and did not refer to was her duty to say so. Since then, three federal courts
transcripts of the intercepted calls, noting that it was have blocked the order, and a similar subsequent order, as
classified. In response to questions, she denied leaking any unlawful.
classified information about the case to the news media.
The hearing opened hours after it emerged that Obama had
But she laid out the timeline of her contacts warned then-President-elect Trump two days after the
with the White House, saying she called election in November against picking Flynn as his national
McGahn two days after the FBI had security advisor.
interviewed Flynn to request a face-to-face
meeting. Obama delivered the warning, which first was disclosed by
NBC News, when he met Trump for 90 minutes in the
She went over that afternoon "to warn the White Oval Office, according to a former senior Obama
House of something we were very concerned administration official.
about, so they could take action," Yates said of
her Jan. 26 meeting in McGahn's office. Obama had not planned on saying anything about Flynn,
the former official said, but he told Trump he should
"We walked the White House counsel through "think twice" about hiring him after they got into a
Flynn's underlying conduct in a fair amount of conversation about personnel.
detail — what Gen. Flynn had done and how it
been falsely reported," she said. White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said Monday
that Obama made clear to Trump that he "wasn't exactly a
She said McGahn called her back the next morning and fan" of Flynn, who had criticized the Obama White House
asked her to return to his office that afternoon. In that policy on Iran after he left the Pentagon.
second meeting, she said, he asked,

"Why does it matter [to Justice] if one White

House official lies to another White House

She said Flynn's misstatements about his dealings with

Russian officials were "getting more and more specific,"
making him more vulnerable to potential blackmail.

She said that McGahn asked whether Flynn should be fired

and that she replied it was up to the White House. She said

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer responds to reports that levied sanctions in response to a determination by U.S.
President Obama had warned Donald Trump about hiring Michael intelligence agencies that Russian President Vladimir
Flynn two days after the election.
Putin's government had interfered in the U.S. campaign in
an effort aimed in part at helping Trump win.
Ahead of the Senate hearing, Trump sought to distance
himself from Flynn, citing the decision by the Defense
In his testimony, Clapper repeated a previous statement, in
Intelligence Agency to extend Flynn's security clearance
a TV interview, that he was not aware of evidence of
after he retired in 2014.
collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian
government. But he also said that he had not been
"General Flynn was given the highest security informed of the FBI's counterintelligence investigation
clearance by the Obama Administration — but before he left office, because it was a law enforcement
the Fake News seldom likes talking about that," matter.
he tweeted Monday morning.
Republican lawmakers asked Clapper about reports that
Other officials said Flynn's clearance as a retired general the identities of some Trump aides might have been
was lower than he subsequently needed to be national improperly revealed in intelligence reports — a process
security advisor. known as unmasking — despite rules requiring them to be
kept confidential in most cases.
Trump also urged lawmakers to ask Yates about the leak
of information about Flynn. "At no time did I ever submit a request" to
unmask Trump associates in intelligence
"Ask Sally Yates, under oath, if she knows how reports "for personal or political purposes,"
classified information got into the newspapers Clapper said. "Nor am I aware of such a request
soon after she explained it to W.H. Counsel," he by anyone else."
tweeted, referring to Yates' conversation with
McGahn. Yates gave a similar assurance that she did not seek to
unmask anyone on Trump's team and did not know who
Under questioning, Yates said she had not leaked the did.
information and did not know who did, because it occurred
after she was fired.

After the hearing, Trump issued several further tweets, Twitter: @davidcloudLAT
saying that Yates "made the fake media extremely
unhappy today — she said nothing but old news!"

"The Russia-Trump collusion story is a total

4:18 p.m.: This article was updated with additional details
hoax, when will this taxpayer funded charade
from Clapper's testimony at the hearing.
end?" he said.
1:45 p.m.: This article was updated with additional details
Flynn and Kislyak were in touch in late December,
from the hearing and Yates' testimony.
including on the 29th, the day the Obama administration

Chris Christie Says He Warned
Trump About Hiring Mike Flynn
By Melissa Quinn
May 22, 2017, 3:32 PM

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said Monday he urged Flynn is under investigation for foreign lobbying, and
President Trump not to give retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn a federal prosecutors issued grand jury subpoenas to Flynn's
job in the White House. business associates this month as part of the investigation
into Russia' meddling in the 2016 election.
"I think it's safe to say that General Flynn and I
didn't see eye-to-eye," Christie told reporters The New York Times reported last week Trump's transition
during a news conference. "I didn't think that he team knew Flynn was under investigation, but the retired
was someone who would bring benefit to the general was selected to serve as national security adviser
president or to the administration, and I made anyway.
that very clear to candidate Trump, and I made
it very clear to President-elect Trump." The Senate Intelligence Committee also issued a subpoena
for documents from Flynn this month, but the retired
Christie, the former chairman of Trump's transition team, general's attorneys told the committee Flynn will invoke
also said Flynn was "not my cup of tea." his Fifth Amendment rights.

"If I were president-elect of the United States, I Flynn's lawyers said the "escalating public frenzy against
wouldn't let General Flynn into the White him" and the decision by Deputy Attorney General Rod
House, let alone give him a job," the New Rosenstein to appoint a special counsel to lead the
Jersey governor said. instigation have created a "legally dangerous environment"
for him to comply with the Senate Intelligence
Despite Christie's warning, Trump selected Flynn to serve Committee's subpoena, the Associated Press reported.
as his national security adviser. He fired him in February,
though, after the retired general misled Vice President
Mike Pence about conversations with Russian officials.


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