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Trap #3: Wordiness

Students often get overly wordy when writing college

essays. This is not often a good thing because overly wordy
pieces usually don’t sound as good, admission officials
have minimal time (and don’t like it being wasted by
unnecessary words), and you have word limits.
Trap #3: Wordiness

To practice being concise, please rewrite this introduction

so it isn’t so wordy:

Many of the characters in Romeo and Juliet generally try to have

good intentions towards most of the characters around them, but
these good intentions don’t always end in the way that they are
supposed to. Some of the good intentions lead in some sort of
way to the ultimate deaths of the star-struck and doomed lovers,
Romeo and Juliet. Friar Lawrence, the nurse, and Capulet all have
the best thoughts in mind for Romeo and Juliet, but these good
intentions don’t always turn out as planned and they inevitably
lead to the death of the two lovers.
Trap #3: Wordiness

Please do a “Scissors Read” where you ruthlessly cut

words out right now.

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