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Tugas Metodologi Penelitian

1. The wind is always changing, and the power fluctuations can be extreme. We need to
harvest it when it is there, and either store it for periods of calm, or use some other
power source as a back-up. In the days of corn-grinding windmills, the millers kept a
store of grain, and ground it as and when they could. Nowadays, small wind-electric
systems use batteries, which absorb surplus power during windy weather, and keep
the supply going during calm periods [1]
2. There are varieties of clean energy sources available on the world. The sustainable
resources such as sun, water and wind are very important and significant renewable
sources of nature. Many of scientists and technologists are trying to produce the
clean and effective energy from natural sources. Among renewable energy sources
for Myanmar, wind is the most widely used resource due to its commercial
acceptance, low cost and ease of operation and maintenance, and least adverse effect
on the environment.[2]
3. The most special feature about wind turbines is the fact that, unlike other generation
systems. the power inflow rate is not controllable. In most power generation systems.
The fuel flow rate, or the amount of energy,[3]
4. As the technology of wind power generation is improved; the blade of wind … The
present effort of understanding the nature of wind power technological developments,
existing performance is an initiative to contribute towards the national wind energy
development program[4]
5. Composites have been the material of choice for wind turbine blade construction for
several decades. This chapter explains why. It also shows how wind turbine blade
materials and our understanding of their fatigue behaviour have developed recently,
and the gaps that still exist in the knowledge.[5]
6. Furnaces are most commonly used for melting of materials. Induction furnaces are
more beneficial as no fuel is required. It is a problem to find life of Induction
Melting Furnace wall under thermal fatigue. The induction melting furnace wall is
made of alumina ramming mass which is one kind of refractory material. The failure
occurs due to cyclic thermal stresses. Temperature distribution and thermal stress
distribution fields of the induction melting furnace refractory wall were calculated by
using ANSYS finite element analysis software based on the physical description of
its failure under thermal fatigue conditions.[6]
7. Magnet permanen bonded dibuat dengan mencampurkan bahan serbuk magnet
8. Neodymium besi Boron (NdFeB) komersil type MQP 16-7 dengan bahan polimer
serbuk phenol formaldehyde (bakelite) dan serbuk resin pvc.[7]
9. Data potensi energi angin yang baik merupakan salah satu faktor yang menentukan
keberhasilan suatu pengembangan energi angin.[8]
10. kumparan kawat konduktor yang berada pada medan magnet yang berubah terhadap
waktu maka pada ujung-ujung kawat akan timbul tegangan atau gaya listrik
(ggl)induksi.syarat utama, harus ada perubahan fluks magnetik, jika tidak maka tidak
akan timbul listrik.[9]
11. Daya yang dihasilkan pada turbin angin savonius ini berdasarkan pengujian dengan
sudu pengarah tidak sesuai dengan daya rencana awal yaitu 132 watt sedangkan daya
yang dihasilkan adalah 35,964 watt.[10]
12. Pada dc-dc boost converter, arus masukan dan tegangan keluaran masih
menghasilkan ripple yang cukup besar. Ripple merupakan masalah yang mengurangi
kehandalan dari konverter itu sendiri[11]
13. Wind Energy Comes of Age is the most thorough assessment ever published of the
technology, economics, and politics of generating electricity with wind. It provides
an up-to-date status report on the modern wind industry worldwide[12]
14. Green Technology is an eight-volume set that examines the relationship between
human activities and their sometimes harmful consequences for the environment and
explores new methods of repairing and restoring the Earth.[13]
15. The paper presents an algorithm to rate off-grid systems. Fraunhofer WiBACK
Wireless Backhaul Repeater represents the load of these systems.[14]
16. The present invention relates to a maritime power plant system with processes for
producing, storing and consuming regenerative energies whereby the power plant
system may comprise an individual power plant or may be a network of power plants,
whereby the power plant has a common support structure for the devices producing
energy and for the devices carrying out other processes.[15]
17. Der Autor bereitet in seiner Arbeit erstmals den Rechtsrahmen für die Errichtung von
Kleinwindanlagen umfassend und praxisorientiert auf. Er analysiert dabei zahlreiche
Einzelprobleme und führt diese einer rechtswissenschaftlich fundierten Lösung zu.
Der erste Teil der Arbeit fokussiert das formelle Anlagenzulassungsrecht.[16]
18. biotypes is a challenge to insect resistance breeding programs. The aim of this study
was to detect the existence of biotypes within two Russian wheat aphid populations
19. The model implemented in this work gives the best agreement between experimental
and simulated Comparison between different mathematical models for the simulation
of a wind turbine In fluid dynamics wind turbine design, maximization of the power
coefficient C P[18]
20. brief historical part explaining the development of wind power, as well as a part
dealing with economy and wind turbine design[19]
21. performance of rotors designed with a blade-element based opti- mum design
procedure.The second part considered rotors with constant-chord, untwisted

1. Piggott, H. and J. Blow, Windpower Workshop: Building your own wind turbine. 1997.
Science and Engineering Applications, 2013. 2(10): p. 186-190.
3. Malinga, B., J. Sneckenberger, and A. Feliachi. Modeling and control of a wind turbine as
a distributed resource. in System Theory, 2003. Proceedings of the 35th Southeastern
Symposium on. 2003. IEEE.
4. Kyi, H.L.T., Design Model of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Blade at Technological
University (Thanlyin).
5. Nijssen, R. and P. Brøndsted, Advances in wind turbine blade design and materials: 6.
Fatigue as a design driver for composite wind turbine blades. 2013: Elsevier Inc.
6. Jamieson, P., Innovation in Wind Turbine Design, A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Publication.
2011, ISBN 978-0-470-69981-2.
7. Rosidin, N., Perancangan, Pembuatan, dan Pengujian Prototipe SKEA Menggunakan
Rotor Savonius dan Windside Untuk Penerangan Jalan Tol. Bandung: ITB, 2007.
8. Atmadi, S. and A. Jamaludin, Peneliti Pusat Teknologi Dirgantara Terapan. LAPAN.
9. Dewi, M.L., Analisis kinerja turbin angin poros vertikal dengan modifikasi rotor savonius l
untuk optimasi kinerja turbin. 2010, Universitas Sebelas Maret.
11. Hasan, U. and H.D. Cahya, Sistem Charging Baterai Pada Perancangan Mobil Hybrid.
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2015.
12. Gipe, P., Wind energy comes of age. Vol. 4. 1995: John Wiley & Sons.
13. Quaschning, V., Understanding renewable energy systems. 2016: Routledge.
14. Middel, J. Web-application for rating hybrid off-grid systems. in Energy and
Sustainability Conference (IESC), 2016 International. 2016. IEEE.
15. Pflanz, T., Maritime power plant system with processes for producing, storing and
consuming regenerative energy. 2000, Google Patents.
16. Thorbecke, J., Der Rechtsrahmen für die Errichtung von Kleinwindanlagen. 2015: Nomos
Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.
17. Malinga, J., et al., Biotypic and genetic variation within tropical populations of Russian
wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov)(Homoptera: Aphididae) in Kenya. J. Entomol,
2007. 4: p. 350-361.
18. Lanzafame, R. and M. Messina, Fluid dynamics wind turbine design: Critical analysis,
optimization and application of BEM theory. Renewable energy, 2007. 32(14): p. 2291-
19. Hansen, M.O., Aerodynamics of wind turbines. 2015: Routledge.
20. Duquette, M.M. and K.D. Visser, Numerical implications of solidity and blade number on
rotor performance of horizontal-axis wind turbines. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering,
2003. 125(4): p. 425-432.

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