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pal-uhn-teer: an all-knowing, all-seeing crystal ball. Not to be

CDO High School
September 2010

crossed or questioned.

Combat Troops Come Home

After seven and a half years of In 2003, when the US first invaded
fighting in Iraq, US troops are Iraq under the Bush Administration,
finally home. The Fourth Stryker the Iraqi and US government signed
Brigade, Second Infantry Divi- the SOFA (Status of Forces Agree-
sion was the last troop to leave on ment) agreement. The SOFA required
Wednesday, August 23. Although US combat troops to leave Iraqi cit-
they are the last combat troop to ies and villages by June 2009, and all
leave, there are still 52,600 troops US troops by December 2011. The
in Iraq playing a non combative main reason of the departure of The
role. The troops still present are Fourth Stryker Brigade had to do with
assisting the Iraqi government in Obama’s campaign promise. Leaving
military training, protection and Iraq had proven to be a battle in itself
counter terrorism. These troops for the Fourth Stryker Brigade, with
will depart by the end of next threats of roadside bombs along the
year. President Barack Obama way.
promised in his campaign speech After seven and a half years of fight-
that all combative troops would ing, the US lost 4,415 soldiers (this is
leave by the end of August. Al- not final however). 97,000-106,000
though the American troops are Iraqi citizens also lost their lives.
happy to go home, some Iraqi Photo courtesy of Washington Times 32,000 US soldiers were wounded. It
citizens feel that their safety net still isn’t clear who won the war. Let’s
will be gone. get ready to welcome our troops back
Madeline Dunlap-Staff Writer

New Immigration Law Creates Controversy in Arizona

Senate Bill 1070 (SB 1070), became one of the toughest immigration laws in the country when it was, was passed by the
Arizona House of Representatives on April 23,2010. The bill, which can change the way of life for thousands of illegal immigrants
living in Arizona, was voted 35:21.
This new bill will let the state police perform checks on a "reasonable suspicion" that a person might be an illegal immi-
grant and make arrests for not carrying ID papers. Previously, police could not stop and check identification papers on just suspi-
cion that someone might be an illegal immigrant. Police could only ask about an individuals immigration status if they are sus-
pected of involvement in another crime. In order to be a valid legal citizen according to SB 1070 you must show one of the a valid
Arizona driver license, A valid Arizona non-operating identification license, a valid tribal enrollment card or other form of tribal
identification, a valid federal, state or local government issued identification, if the issuing entity requires proof of legal presence
before issuance.
The new SB1070 law has made national news, and many people are disagreeing with it saying it violates the United States
constitution by discriminating. Rudolfo Anaya, New Mexico’s most celebrated writer, gave this statement in a local New Mexico
newspaper "The recent anti-immigrants Arizona law is an assault on our basic civil rights. It is most hideous because it targets
people of color. It should be protested by everyone. If there ever was a time for civil disobedience, it is now."
However not everybody disagrees with this new law a new pole came out saying that 54% of Americans approve according
to CNN/Opinion Research poll. “Our borders can be sealed. There is a way that we can fix this problem. But again, there's no
will within the federal government. So now it comes down to the ability of our state to do something to protect citizens who live
here." Said Senator Sylvia Allen. Although close to 46% percent of Americans disagree with the new law, many Arizonans have a
different opinion with a recent poll came out saying just over 70% of Arizonans say SB1070 will help prevent illegal immigration.
Colby Hobbs, Sports Editor

Hey Baby, You Busy? The CDO Palantir is changing this year and we want you guys to help us
September Events Calendar out! Every month, one lucky CDO student will receive a free pizza from
Mama’s Pizza just for reading our online paper.
9/14- Senior College Visit Each month in our paper, there will be a trivia question regarding
9/17- Blood Drive an article. If you read the article, and think you know the answer, you
can then go to the library and put your answer into a drawing with your
9/22- College Night name and grade. The first name drawn with the correct answer is our
9/25- Out-of-State College Night winner and will be notified with instructions to get their free pizza. So
get involved with the CDO Palantir and check back next month for the
Sports Schedules on page 7 first question!
News 02
UofA Tuition Oil Spill Still
Skyrockets Causing Problems!
So, as high school students, a thought that is always on our minds If you didn't follow the progress of the spill, it all began April
is college. Not just what college you want to go to, but how much 20th when the Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig exploded, and 11
the tuition may be. If you haven’t noticed, college tuition has sky- workers went missing. Two days later, the Deepwater sinks but
rocketed in the recent years!
no oil is reported leaking from the well, but by the following
It all started back in March of 2010 when the Arizona
day we find that 1,000 barrels of oil or 42,000 gallons is leak-
Board of Regents approved the tuition and fee increases for college
ing daily. By the 9th day, a U.S Coast Guard reports 210,000
tuition between 10 and 20 percent. Although it is quite a hike in
gallons of oil leaking daily. More and more attempts were made
tuition, you may not have thought much of it. Well, think again,
because according to The Goldwater Institute, the reason that the to place containment boxes, caps and shut off valves onto the
tuition has suddenly gone up is perhaps because of an ever expand- leak but all of these efforts seemed to go wrong. By day 41 the
ing administration. spill was officially the nation's biggest environmental disaster
The Goldwater Institute also says that recently it has been according to the EPA. It wasn't until the 84th day of the spill
noticed that universities are spending much more of their money when a containment cap was placed on the well, and actually
on the administrative staff rather than teachers, student services, stopped oil flow for the first time since April. It is estimated
and more important things for the students. This is contrary to that a total of between 158,760,000 and 211,680,000 gallons
what Arizona’s universities believe; in fact they strongly oppose of oil leaked in 3 months.
this opinion. It may seem as if all the damage is done because they capped
The Goldwater Institute did a study on the U of A’s hiring the leak, and that it isn't such a big deal, but the truth of it is,
of administrative services. Their study said that “The UA employed there is so much more damage we haven't heard about. After
13.3 administrators per 100 students in 2007, an increase of 45.8 they capped the well, coverage on the story seemed to slowly
percent from the 1993 level. During the same time, it employed fade, but the hard reality is that not only did this effect wildlife
only 3.1 percent more instructors, researchers and service provid- around the Gulf, it effected the lives of many individuals, fami-
ers.” Let’s not forget that the administrative staff are not teachers. lies, and communities. Restaurants that relied on the everyday
Although The Goldwater Institute did their own study, the fresh shrimp, oysters, crabs, and fish, could no longer purchase
U of A also did the same study and gathered their own numbers. from the fishermen because the Gulf and bays were closed to
The U of A strongly opposes the numbers that The Goldwater any fishing. Fishing is the way of life for a lot of people in the
Institute gathered, saying that only 0.37 administrative staff was area, and when you take that away, it's difficult to make ends
employed per 100 students from 2000-2010. Those numbers
definitely differ from The Goldwater Institute’s study numbers.
Scientists say that this oil spill was the worst in U.S history.
2000-2010 was a time period in which there was an 18 percent
The spill created a lot of problems, and getting it capped
enrollment growth and a 58 percent growth in research spending.
The U of A claims that they have defended the jobs of instructors quickly and efficiently proved to be a difficult task for Brit-
and researchers, and instead cut 600 other jobs. ish Petroleum(BP). and when you really take into account the
Although these two studies have gotten exceedingly di- amount of lives impacted by this oil spill, it's hard to fathom.
verse numbers, the question of whether or not the extreme hike in Luckily, BP has vowed to clean up all the oil from the
tuition has to do with too many people on the administrative staff waters and beaches, and there is talk of re-opening the water
is still up in the air. The question may always be in the back of our to commercial fishing sometime in the near future. Only over
minds, but until then, all I can say is that we better start saving for time, will we be able to understand the total impact that the oil
college! karylin veres spill has had on our nation. katelyn treichel
co-eic EIC

Beginning in December 2007, the U.S has been in a recession. From 2007,
the unemployment percentage has almost doubled to about 10%. Even
though the recession has decreased, employers hesitate to hire new workers
until they are absolutely certain the economy will stay as strong as possible,
for as long as possible. Although many Americans are unemployed they do
receive Unemployment checks every week, if they qualify. Most citizens are
struggling to achieve in getting a job, and keeping a job. The highest unem-
ployment rate percentage was 9.9% which occurred in April of 2010. A
major part of the percentage being at what it’s at is due to a large amount of
citizens joining the workforce. Another reason is illegal immigration of Mexi-
cans crossing the border and getting jobs. That aside, by now most likely ev-
erybody knows how hard it is to get, or keep a job. The point is that it makes
you try your hardest and tests your mind if you’re cut out for it. That’s why
when you succeed at getting a job; it feels as if you won a game show. This
concludes with one simple sentence, try your hardest and you will achieve framingham online news

your reward. josh hale

staff writer
Opinion 03
Summer 2010:
Movies you had to go see!
Summer 2010 was definitely one to remember. I don’t know about everyone else, but when I wasn’t doing summer reading, I was go-
ing to the movies. It seemed to me that practically every movie that was coming out over the summer was highly anticipated and some-
thing I was dying to go see. It’s pretty hard to decide what the top movies were considering the vast amount of movies isn’t it? Well,
here is a recap, in order, of the best movies of summer 2010!

1. Toy Story 3- Woody and the gang are back! After what seemed like forever, the thrid movie came out! It was a movie for the entire
family to enjoy and with it raking in $895 million dollars, it was the must see, number one summer movie of 2010!
2. The Twilight Saga: Eclipse- Another 3rd movie series was released and it has teenage girls everywhere screaming for the two
leading men. All the Twilight fans who waited hours to go see Eclipse came through for this box office hit.
3. Iron Man 2- The sequel to the first movie was highly anticipated in hopes that Robert Downy Jr, would live up to his funny man
hero attitude. Of course he delivered and this movie was even more popular than the first.
4. Inception- This movie made people everywhere think a little bit more about our dreams. The length of the movie was worth it to
see the crazy twists, amazing special effects and of course a hunky leading man Leonardo Dicaprio. Who didn’t go see this movie?
5. Despicable Me- Steve Carrel showed his childish side as Gru. The adorable movie brought in quite a bit of money. This was a fun
movie equipped with minions and evil geniuses, perfect for any age group.

Of course there were numerous other movies out over the summer, but these were the box office money makers. Weather it be
vampires, toys, comic book characters, dreams, or minions, the summer movies this year were definitely a hit!
-Karylin Veres, CO-EIC

Cheerleading Officially Ruled,

Not a Sport For those of you who have a Facebook, you know that you
According to recent court ruling in only Connecticut, a
federal judge has decided that cheerleading is officially not can “become a fan”, or more recently, “like” pages that are
a sport. The reasoning for this is the reasoning behind Title for music, movies, food, businesses, clubs, and even life
IX(Education Amendments of 1972) which states, “No per- situations. You can also join groups, which is pretty much
son shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation the same idea which is used for the same purposes. Some
in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimina- pages express opinions that will start conversations such
tion under any education program or activity receiving Fed- as “Shut up, the world’s not going to end in 2012” or “I
eral financial assistance...” The head masters of colleges felt bet I can find a million people who hate Miley Cyrus!”.
like cheer-leading was too underdeveloped and that they’d Other pages, however, are just plain pointless and mind-
rather spend their money designated in the athletic depart- less since many Facebook users will just become a fan of
ment for sports that are more popular, like football, baseball, every somewhat entertaining page in sight. Examples of
basketball. Of course, the cheerleading squad was upset with these are “Wiffle Balls” and “Music”, which is pointless be-
this and took it up with the school board, the school board cause it’s not like someone is going to look at your profile
thought that this issue needed to go to the federal court. A and say, “Hey I like music too! Golly we have so much in
head master in school quotes, “The activity can be considered common!” There’s also pages that are on the borderline
a sport under the Title IX if it meets specific criteria. It must --stupid but funny such as “Not being on Fire”. Those ones
have coaches, practices, competitions during a defined sea- are actually entertaining.
son and a government origination. The activity also must have My point is that funny ones can be cool, and
competition as there primary goal-- not merely the support of the conversation starters can be a neat way of chatting
other athletic teams.” But the thing is, it is all of these things. with the people on your “friends list” who are only ac-
Cheerleading is one of the most dangerous sports there quaintances at the moment (and later becoming tighter
is. It has no padding like other sports, and they throw people friends), but that no one cares to read your pages that
up to 20 feet in the air, the tumbling is outrageous, flipping don’t even matter! News flash: nobody is interested in
and training for tricks that could kill you. It doesn’t just stop the fact that you joined “Hearing a song I really like, Then
there either, there are dances and cheers you have to memo- playing it 100 times”! That’s not going to start any enter-
rize. The dances are usually 1 1/2- 2 minutes long and require taining conversations.
a lot of practice. On top of memorizing dances there are Facebook can actually be a useful tool if you are
cheers to memorize for in-between the dances. Being a cheer- the leader of an organization or club of some sort. You can
leader is a lot harder then it looks, we just make it look easy. inform your members about when events are, as well as
-Erica Eller, Staff Writer encourage people to join since it is possible that thousands
of people will end up viewing the page. There are groups
that will make funny things happen, like “If 1 million
CDO’s people join, my friend will legally change his name to Mr.
Cheerlead- Giggles”. However, there are also ones like “Obama should
ing team
grow an Afro”, which, obviously he’s not going to. Oh by
shows what
the way, every CDO student should join the CDO Athlet-
ics Page, so you can get information on all of our teams!
got at the
So, if you are a part of some hilarious or interest-
first assem-
ing pages, they will just go to waste inside the clutter of
bly,Photo all of the mindless ones. Being selective is the best way to
go, otherwise you’ll end up wasting even more time on
Hobbs Facebook.
-Sopia Natania Elice Rubin, Staff Writer
Feature 04
Uproar In New York Over Proposed Mosque
A controversial question has arisen in New York City. Should an Islamic Mosque be built blocks away from Ground Zero? The question
has yet to be answered as both sides plead their case. It all comes down to religious rights, and moral beliefs.
It was 9 years ago this month when the Twin Towers were struck down and the lives of more than 2800 Americans were lost. It
was an event that devastated our nation and caused havoc among us all. Today, we're still facing terrible repercussions and upsetting
memories from the attack.
Our constitution states that as Americans, we have the right to practice the religion of our choice. We can choose to worship, or
not. It seems this should be understood throughout our country; the notion is not a new one. With a new proposal to build a mosque 2
blocks away from the site of the fallen towers, it's created more controversy within our nation than ever intended.
The proposed mosque is actually a large community center open to anyone in New York. It will have a mosque inside which will only
be one section of the 13 story building. The center will also contain a swimming pool, culinary school, meeting hall, a performing arts
center with 500 seats, a gym, a restaurant, an Islamic prayer room, even a 9/11 memorial will be put inside along with much more.
To most of those affected by the attack, this is a very sensitive subject, a low blow to their loved ones lost on September 11th.
People really seem to be responsive towards the issue, and protests and rallies are being held in New York to try and express all angles
of the issue.
The common misconception that all or most Muslims are of Middle Eastern decent, is incorrect. In today’s society the Muslim
faith is growing rapidly throughout the United States, and the rest of the world. Behind Christianity, it’s the second fastest growing
religion in the world, but America is looking much deeper into the issue. According to a recent CNN poll, 70 percent of our Nation
doesn’t approve of the center being built. The main cause of this is that our nation is still hurting after 9 years and many people feel
that this new building is going to become another target of attack. Whether that includes terrorists, or outraged Americans is what
seems to draw questions.
The mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, stated in a speech to the city that the mosque should be built. He said, “To im-
plicate all of Islam for the actions of a few who twisted a great religion is unfair and un-American. Today we are not at war with Islam
-- we are at war with Al-Qaeda and other extremists who hate freedom.” It wasn’t just Bloomberg who expressed his opinion to the
nation, President Obama responded to the issue by saying, “...I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as
everyone else in this country. And that includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in
lower Manhattan.”
So with the support of the President and the Mayor of New York City, it seems the center may be built, but that isn’t stopping other
people from voicing their dislike of the situation, and hundreds have protested near the proposed building site. A local Tucson man by
the name of Mark Finelli, was a survivor of September 11th, and later fought in the Marine Corps. He is what one might call a hero,
and from many local and national interviews, Finelli is a well-known man. In an interview with KVOA News 4, Finelli gave his opinion
as someone directly involved with 9/11, he talked about there being a time and place for the mosque to be built, but he didn’t think it
would be the time for quite a while.
Time does seem to be a key factor in the whole thing, and only time will tell what is going to happen, and what the future holds in
terms of this controversy.
-Katelyn Treichel- EIC

J.T’s Animal Corner:

Helping Dogs
Palantir Staff
The Palantir is published seven times annually by
the Newspaper class of Canyon del Oro HS, 25
The ASDOG, or Australian Support Dogs Incorporated, are trained to live and W. Calle Concordia, Tucson AZ, 85737, (520)
work with people in their homes. They help people with every day tasks that 696-5605
need to be done at home or work. Tasks such as shopping, taking the bus, going
to work, and social events. They are a member of (ADI) Assistance Dogs Inter- Letters to the Editor are welcomed and encour-
national. aged. Letters must be signed for verification
ASDOG trains dogs to help people who have physical disabilities and helps purposes; names will be withheld upon request.
them achieve more independence. The dogs also improve their quality of life. It is recommended that letters be under 200
Puppies are raised by volunteer puppy raisers. They teach their puppies with words; the Palantir reserves the right to edit let-
positive reinforcement. They teach them to be brave, calm and to love working. ters for space considerations without altering the
Great care is taken to give the puppies much experience in working with adults meaning. Letters containing obscene or libelous
content will not be accepted. Letters may be
in many different places. The puppies go to live with their matched person's
delivered to Room G703
when they are 12-14 months of age.
It's the ASDOG goal to be confident to live and work in their special person's CO- Editors In Chief- Katelyn Treichel &
Karylin Veres
To adopt an animal today, call the humaine society or Pound, or just stop in
and get yourself your own helpful, loving pet. Colby Hobbs
Sports Editor-
Humaine Society- 520-327-6088
The Pound- 520-243-5900 -J.T Salah, Staff Writer

Staff Writers- Sophia Natani Elice

Sports Editor Colby Rubin, J.T Salah, Abra-
Hobbs, rescued this ham Velasco, Justin
cutie, Shakey from Fetzner, Josh Hale,
the Humaine Society
Sarah Hale, Erica Eller,
Steve Shouse, Lexi Ep-
person, and Madeline
Photo Courtesy-
Colby Hobbs
Advisor- Holly Reynolds
IMAX Feature 05
Hitting Tucson!
From Eegee’s to rodeos to IMAX theaters,
Tucson just has a knack for being original.
The first IMAX in Tucson will be coming to
The AMC Loews Foothills 15 located on La
Astro Physics
Cholla Boulevard in the Foothills Mall. This
Scientists are coming to conclusions that our universe is likely
is the 84th IMAX nationwide ,and one of 400
to grow forever. How, you say? There’s such a thing called dark
around the world. The movie that premiered
energy and dark matter. As dark energy seems to be a mystery to
in the IMAX theater ws be Inception. How-
us humans, scientists are informing us that it seems that it is an
ever, on Sep. 10 the grand opening for the
invisible property of dark space that makes up three quarters of
new IMAX theater commenced. On the tenth,
our universe. Although we don’t know much information on this
AMC Loews 15 played Resident Evil: After
piece of invisible property, we at least know that it is what helps
Life. Unfamiliar with IMAX? To put things
expand our universe. Another property of space that has been
simply, it’s bigger, better, louder, clearer, and
found is dark matter. It is a new kind of dynamical energy fluid
a more expensive movie screen. IMAX has a
or field. But what we now know, from our scientists at NASA,
duel projector, so two of the same pictures
is that both dark energy and dark matter tie in together to help
are playing at the same time to enhance the
expand our universe; which is likely to grow forever. Although it
quality.The size can range from 25 by 50 feet
may seem a little SciFi, the truth is, this may be a little more real
to 47 by 57 feet. 3D films will also be taken
than we expected.
to the next level. Instead of objects sponta-
lexi epperson
neously popping out like in regular 3D, the
staff writer
whole movie will continuously have 3D ef-
fects. The screen stretches from the ceiling to
the floor and is cur ved on the sides. Buyers
beware, although a more enhancing, the prices
are significantly higher. Get ready folks, the

Coffee Shop
phenomena is here.

madeline dunlap
staff writer

Hearing Loss I interviewed Mrs. Smith who is in charge of the

coffee shop. She gave me some awesome informa-
tion about when they are open for business and
In Teens! about what kind of beverages are available.
The coffee shop is open on Tuesdays, Wednes-
According to Brian Fligor, who is an audiologist from
Children’s Hospital Boston, teenagers are listening to days, and Thursdays at 6:45-7:46am. It is open
music louder and longer than ever before. This is due to for students, teachers and all other staff mem-
the improved batteries in MP3 devices. He also said that bers. It is also open during tutoring Tuesdays from
the volume that is often used, is louder than the noise 2:56-3:15pm. The “Espress Yourself On Wheels”
regulations set for federal workplace exposure. In New right photo-courtesy
York, he studied about 200 college students and found of lexi epperson
that the majority of them had their music blasted up to
85 decibels --this is as loud as a vacuum cleaner.
of this, many
teenagers have
lost their keen
sense of hear-
ing and are no
longer able to
hear soft sounds.
Almost 3,000
12-19 year olds left photo- courtesy cart is out on the campus during the passing peri-
were tested for of katelyn treichel ods
risk of hearing Besides the wonderful coffee they carry, they are
loss from 1988-1994 and they were compared to about bringing back ‘CDO Blue Blast” and the “Dorado
1,800 teens tested in 2005 and 2006. The risk of impaired Lemon Ice.” The September drink special of the
hearing increased 4.5% over that time. Fligor said that month is the “Dorado Lemon Ice.”
scars can develop from hair cells inside your ear when It has been tough to find times to open the “Cof-
hearing loud noise often over a long period of time. fee Shop” because of our new schedule, but “we’re
The above study may not particularly prove that today’s making the new schedule work for us.”
kids are at a considerably greater risk than previously ones. The coffee shop is a student run business. It is
The harm that’s being done does make it reasonable to listen through the transitions classes. We also have the
to thunderous tunes in moderation, though. We should also be “W.E. Club” which stands for Work Experience.
cautious about how often we attend earsplitting concerts and Come and try some of the beverages available.
sports games. I will admit that I love to rock out on occasion,
sophia natania elice rubin abraham velasco
but I keep in mind that the damage is accumulative.
staff writer staff writer
Fall Sports Pre-veiw Sports 6

Girls Golf Cross Country Football

Cross Counrty has started with a fast pace
The girl’s golf season has teed off to having 25 runners this year its looking to be
a terrific start with twelve girls a big Football has kicked into full gear after
a terrific seasonn. Coach Glider is the return-
change from last year’s five. There is also winning state
ing head coach. Also, Daniel Wong a returning
another new face for the girls golf sea- now senior won state last year and is ready tolast year they
son this year CDO softball Coach Kelly go this season. Lucas Rashar said when asked are extremely
Fowler has taken the new challenge of if he thought they would have a good year he excited for
being the girls golf coach. Sammi Noland said “Yea I think we will do really well.” this new
is also new to team and so I asked how season. ju-
she liked golfing and she replied “ I re-
ally like it. It is really fun.” I also asked
Swimming and nior Dante
Harison said
how she thought the golf season is going
to go and she replied “I think we will do
Diving when asked
about how Photo by Steve Shouse
Swimming has jumped into a great sea- he thought the season would go he said “
pretty good and I know we will tons of
son and the expectations are high for our I think we will do really good!” so far he
Dorado swimmers and divers. The team is has been right. Our CDO Dorados have
coached by Chad Reister and the group is done really well so far they are undeafeted
looking good this year. With key swimmers as of September 20th and playing really
like Sean Strickland, Jordan Belton, and well beating oppents such as Ironwood
Maggie McCord, it’s going to be an amaz- Ridge, Queen Creek, Santa Rita, and Tuc-
Boys Golf ing season for our Dorados. Junior Jacob
Sanchez tells us, “I’m sure we’re going to
son. with Nogalous and Saguaro coming up
it is looking to be a tough road however it
do great this year, we have a lot of talented looks like the football players can handel
The boy’s golf season is in full swing com- swimmers.” Get out to the pool and root on it being defending state champions they do
ing off a second place finish in state last your Dorados! have some work to do.
year and many returning players their
hopes are very high. When asked how this
year is going to go Junior Jack Otis said
Girls Volleyball
“We WILL win state!” without hesitation. This Vollleyball season has spiked into
They are all very ambitions and this should yet another great season. The Girls this
turn out to be a great season for boys golf. year have many young and talented play-
To read more on CDO golf go to page ers such has junior Brittany Jones who
seven. is unfortunatley hurt right now however
said when asked how she thought the
season would go said “ Ithink we will do
Sports Editorial very well and we will for sure have lots
of and improve for next year.” Photo by Steve Shouse

James disapoints a whole city but gives

hope to another Following his Father’s
Highly sought after free agent Lebron James announced this summer he would
join Chris Bosh and Dwayne Wade and play for the Miami Heat. LeBron James left Footsteps
the Cleveland Caveileries after 7 years. The city of Clevend was shocked by the deci- As a new U of A recruit, Josh Robbins
sion. Caveliers owner Dan Gilbert said in a letter "Clearly, this is bitterly disappointing can play two positions well; wide receiver
to all of us," Gilbert, who has owned the Cavs for five years, said James' decision was and safety. He did
a "cowardly betrayal" and also added “I PERSONALLY GUARANTEE THAT THE CDO proud help-
SELF-TITLED FORMER 'KING' WINS ONE," Gilbert declared. "You can take it to the State Champion-
bank." ship. Josh has an
Which bring us to the next obvious question do the Miami Heat now have enough fire interesting family
power now after the signing to take a NBA championship? J.A. Adande writes from history. His dad is “No. Three is a great start, but it's not enough. Who will be their James Randy Robbins, All
Posey, their P.J. Brown, their Derek Fisher? Need some savvy vets and depth before I'm Pac 10 wildcat and
ready to proclaim them champions. Not better than the Magic yet, and the Celtics might former U of A Hall
be able to hold them off for a year.” Miami’s roster looks like this right now; Zydrunas of Fame mem-
Ilgauskas, Udonis Haslem, James Jones, Jamaal Magloire, Joel Anthony, Carlos Arroyo, ber. The younger
Kenny Hasbrouck, Mario Chamlers, Dexter Pittman, Patrick Beverley Da'Sean Butler, Robbins hopes to
Yakhouba Diawara, Eddie House, Juwan Howard, Shavlik Randolph, Jarvis Varnad, exceed his father's
Chris Bosh, Dwanye Wade an of coarse LeBron James. history braking a
The Miami Heat have done the right things they signed many veterans such as few records himself
Jamal Magloire, Udonis Haslem and Zyydrunas Ilgauskas to provide experience ans this year. We will
leadership. They also signed shooters who can knock down a three pointer when LeB- be watching.
ron, Dwayne or Chris drive and kick it out. However, even though they signed some -Abraham Velasco, Staff Writier
great pieces there is still only one ball to go around to 3 huge superstar players who have
been used to being the go to guy. They all are going to have to sacrifice in order to win Photo by: Katelyn Treichel
and I feel they are prepared to do so. No matter what your opinion is this NBA season is
shaping up to be very interesting. Story by: Colby Hobbs, Sports Editor
Sports 7
Shoe to Change Future of Q & A with D.J. Nichel,
Running Boys Golf
Have you seen or heard about this new funky style called “Bare- In the history of the C.D.O golf team, they have made 7
foot Running”? Some people around the world are finding interest state championships, and 7 state individual championships. “It’s
in these new, almost barefoot, shoes. The Barefoot shoe almost looks more of a team sport then just usually thinking about your-
like your typical sock, although these have the FiveFinger toes and a self.” Says D.J. Niichel. who is part of the boys golf team. Last
light sketch of rubber on the bottom. These shoes were made to give year they made second in the Arizona state championship. They
the essence of if you actually were running barefoot but yet they began playing Monday, August 31, against Southern AZ H.S.
were designed to still protect your feet from the dirt and debris, but “This year will be much better in state and invitational cham-
not give your foot the cushy support that a regular tennis shoe does. pionships.” Says D.J. Niichel. Their main focus this year is to
Although they still seem comfy. get first in state, and top five in invitationals. November is the
Running without shoes can strengthen your feet, ankles and help month when everything begins to get serious. On the 2nd of
improve your balance. But the neat thing about these new shoes is November is regional’s, and then on the 9th is the state cham-
that your feet aren’t completely unprotected because they have the pionships. The boy’s golf team has been formed since 1967.
nice rubber sole on the bottom. This is an advantage because instead
of running barefoot and getting sores on your feet, you have the rub- These are some questions I asked D.J. Niichel of the boy’s
ber sole to almost, in a way, support it, but it’s not as thick as the golf team.
ones on tennis shoes, so your feet are still being strengthened and
protected at the same time. Question: What inspired you to play golf?
These shoes were designed to wear anywhere, whether
you’re working out in the gym, running at the track, or going to Answer: “My dad played golf, and watching him made me
your local grocery store. They definitely look like the new comfy want to play. When I got my first hole, that just encouraged me
desire, that soon people will, hopefully, come to want. to keep playing.”
-Lexi Epperson, Staff Writer
Question: Would you ever move on to professional golf?

One Team Many Roles Answer: “If I put my mind to it, it’d be definitely something
I would want to do.”
My name is Abraham Velasco and I am a senior at C.D.O. I
am the ball boy for the C.D.O. varsity football team. I have been Question: What do you wish to accomplish in golf this year?
the ball boy for 3 years. I also run out to the field and pick up the
kicking tee after our kicker or punter has kicked the ball. I help Answer: “Definitely state golf, and being in the top five in
out at practice by taking out the water cart for the players. They invitationals.
practice hard and get very thirsty. My job -Josh Hale, Staff Writier
also includes taking out the footballs from
a bag so the players can practice throwing,
catching, kicking, hiking, and passing them. Sports Editorial: Brett Farve
Sometimes the balls get muddy, so I clean
them. During half-time I go out to the field Photo by Colby Hobbs Coming back for his final sea-
and catch the balls the kicker kicks to warm up. I even go out and
get the balls that are kicked through the goal posts when a field goal
or extra points are made or missed. I am very busy. I really like
being the ball boy because it makes me feel like I’m an important Brett Favre has finally made up his mind and he is coming
part of the team. The players and the coaches are very nice to me. back for his 20th NFL season and wants to go out with a bang.
I really love football and I really like being a part of the “GREAT Last season he arguably had his best statistical season in his
C.D.O. FOOTBALL TEAM!!” career. He took the Vikings to the NFC championship and made
-A braham V elasco , S taff W riteir it a very interesting game which was tied at 28-28 until the
last few minutes when the winning field goal was kicked by the
Saint’s kicker, Garrett Hartley. But most everyone now knows
Sports Schedules that the Saints ended up winning the Super Bowl, beating the
Volleyball He said that he has decided to come back for his “last sea-
Football 9/14- @ Palo Verde son.” But this is Brett Favre we’re talking about here, he might
9/16- vs. Queen Creek 9/15- vs. Amphi
9/21-vs Ironwood Ridge
decide to play until the day he dies. Is he coming back or not?
9/24- vs. Nogales That’s the big question. Let’s not forget that three years ago
10/01- @ Saguaro 9/23- @ Sahuaro
10/08- vs. Catalina Foothills 9/28- vs. Nogales
he took the Packers to the playoffs, they lost, and he decided
9/30- @ Marana to retire. He then re-thought his decision and decided to come
10/05- vs. Flowing Wells back to the NFL. The packers then traded him to the Jets. In
Cross Country
9/15- @ Pueblo
Boys’ Golf sixteen games with the Jets,he threw twenty-two interceptions
9/25- Ojo Rojo invitational
9/14- vs. Buena and was sacked thirty times. After that season he then retired
9/16- vs. Salpointe again and guess what? He came back, but the Jets had already
9/29- vs. Flowing Wells
9/23- @ Hamilton released him, so the Vikings picked him up. Last year he rocked
10/01-Desert Twilght Festival
9/30- vs. Ironwood Ridge
10/06- @ Vista Grande all defences and ruled every play.
Swim Girls’ Golf This off season he almost pulled the same stunt and told a
9/13- vs. Ciena couple people that he was done. But when this got out, he held a press
9/16- vs. Ironwood Ridge
9/23- @Marana 9/15- @ Sabino conference, and told everyone that although he would come back to
9/25- Brophy invitational 9/20- Catfoothills play this season, this would definitely be his last season playing. So if
9/30- Rincon 9/22- @ Ironwood Ridge you’re a Brett Favre fan, or you’re a Viking fan, pay attention because
10/07- @ Salpointe 9/29- vs. Flowing Wells you never know when Brett Favre will retire.
Lil’ Dorados
What’s Your Favorite Color?

Ryan S - Pink

What’s Your Favorite Food?

Aaron J - Green and blue

Ryan S - Asparagus because they

Isabella S - Blue and green are like dinosaur trees.

Luke J - Blue Aaron J - Pizza

Isabella S - Pizza

Luke J - Chicken nuggets

Ryan S smiles for the camera

Luke J and Aaron J play with the tricycles

Zia K and Evan D show us how much fun they have in

the CDO Preschool

Photos courtesy: CDO Preschool

All the preschoolers having fun during water play

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