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D: Hi Angie, you look great.

A: Thanks, you too.
D: And where is Rosa?
A: I spoke with her and she comes at 4:00 pm
R: Hi guys. How long without seeing?
D: Yes, We haven’t seen since we studied at school.
A: Yes. You are right. And Rosa tell us about your life in Turkey
R: Ohh, I live exactly in Ankara. At the beginning, all was difficult because customs are very
different of our country.
D: But what happen? Do you have any problems?
R: Yes, for example the first time that I took a taxi, the taxi driver was angry with me, because I
didn’t give a tip.
D: Really? But, tipping taxi drivers in our country is unnecessary.
A: Yes Dario, but in other countries the customs are really different, when I was in Mexico it’s
inappropriate to kiss within the university, because is uncomfortable for the other people.
R: Giving physical affection is typical in Ankara. That is not problem for the other people. They
D: What more happen to you Angie in Mexico?
A: I have been in Mexico only for 5 months. Like other countries, Mexico has good behaviors,
good behaviors, customs and traditions.
R: Why were you in Mexico?
A: I was in Mexico because I studied there.
D: Really, my mother has been in Mexico, too. It’s a little different.
R: Yes, It’s only a little.
D: So tell about Mexico?
A: For example, when you enter to the church. It’s impolite to use hats and sunglasses.
 Topics such as politics, history, and economics are very delicate, people should
speak with respect.
 It’s polite to show affection in public.
 People are politeness
 It’s disrespectful hands in pockets
 It’s kind to help other people
 It’s important to be early for anything. It isn’t like Perú
R: What about the custom?
A: Weddings are the most common, also “quinceaño” parties and finally celebrations as the
“Day of the death”, “La rosa de Guadalupe” and others.
D: And Rosa what about of (Turkey)
R: ----

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