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Good morning teacher, good morning partners.

Today I and my partner Darío talk to you

about an unusual history in the U.S.

The Jim Jones´s history. He is responsible for the deaths of approximately 900 of his
followers in 1978.

First of all, He was born on May 13, 1931, in Crete, Indiana, since he was child Jim was
interested in the religion, then, he showed and preached between his friends and he had
an impressive public domain through his sermons.

After him marrying and finishing his university studies, Jones was united like auxiliary of a
Methodist church because he wanted to study to become pastor.

After a few years his followers were increasing, even more so when Jim Jones shows from
the beginning his rejection of racism.

Jim founded in Indianapolis a religious congregation in 1950s, called Temple of the People;
also he directed charity work for drug addicts and homeless people and supported the
civil rights movement in favor of the black population. Jim Jones,

After that, Jones gained great fame in San Francisco, performing "cures by the faith" and
surprising the public with its doctrine.

Peoples Temple in Guyana

After several scandals and investigations in San Francisco, Jones has decided to create a community
in South America where he would be safe of the authorities. Then, in 1974 he rents lands of the
government of Guyana. Later, Jones and his followers moved to this place in 1977.

The city was called “Jonestown” and there were only 50 people living in the community. Then, Jones
came back to the US and he encourages more people. One year later, the community increase from
50 to 900 people.

Life in Jonestown

People including children worked raising animals and food every day for almost 11 hours, when the
temperature reached 38º Celsius. Finally, they had to listen to “Father” Jones about their religion
and sometimes about socialism. In the community there were no technological devices.

If any of the followers tried to leave the community, he was drugged and sometimes tortured. Those
children who didn’t have a good behavior were locked up in a wooden box. There were guards with
guns patrolling all day.

Arrival of US Congressman Ryan and mass suicide

In November 1978, the congressman Lio Ryan flew to Jonestown to go over about the tortures. At
the same time a group of journalist traveled to cover the story.

When they arrived, the father Jones received them. He spoke to them about the happiness of the
people who lived there. Later, the community had organized a party. Journalist and congressman
didn’t see anything unusual.
The next day in the morning, when the visitors try to leave the community, several people wanted
to go with them. The father Jones got angry, but he let them go. However, when people boarded the
plane, Jones ordered to shoot them, including the congressman and the journalist.

Two hours later, Jones ordered that all members committed suicide. Most people didn’t want to do,
but they were forced to do. While people did, Jones said that this was just one step to another level.

Finally, there were 912 deaths. Jones was found dead, with a shot in the head.

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