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My name is Olga Lucia Hidalgo Daza, I am twenty eight years old, I live in Cota,
Cundinamarca, my adress is calle 3 n. 13-23, my phone number is 3112538223,
working in a laundry in Chia. I am studying business administration, I am on my first

I will write a letter to a friend, talking about my trip to Barranquilla, the stay in the city,
the weather, the people, my workmates compliance functions in that place, i´ll tell you
about my itinerary,time to pick me and the places he visited the things i had to do in
each of the stores

Dear Luisa,

I write to tell all i have done in Barranquilla. These days is making more heat than
usual, the people here is very friendly, my workmates work are very kind to me, all
are aware of what i can teach you. The stores are very pretty and all have air
conditioning to withstand the heat.
The hotel is very nice. Berenice every day arrive the hotel at 8 am and takes me to
the laundry, where we review how everything goes and at night she take me back to
the hotel. I have to check every laundry, that everything is clean and in order.

When I returned him tell you more.

For now I say goodbye and see you soon.

A hug!


In the letter that i told him my friend, about the city , on the people and my work.

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