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To the Department of Home Affairs,

Dear Officer,

I, Samantha Barbosa Costa Moreira, Brazilian, holder of the passport number FU997841, am
writing this letter to express my intention to extend my Australian Student Visa. This statement
has the purpose to clarify the reason that led me to undertake an English for Engineering from
08/10/2018 to 14/12/2018, a Diploma of Engineering – Technical from 21/01/2019 to
03/01/2020 and a Diploma of Civil Construction Design from 20/01/2020 to 01/01/2021 at Site
Institute to further my professional skills knowledge.

In 2015 I graduated in Civil Engineering at Unitau University and in 2018 I completed a post-
graduation degree in Work Safety Engineering. My work experience started when I was 17 years
old in the civil engineering field, but my background is related to roads and highways, ehch are
specific areas of this massive field. My first job was as a trainee, hired by an outsourced
company, Projel Engenharia Especializada Ltda, in which I delivered services to the public
agency DER/DR.6 Roads Department of Taubate Regional Division. It was an amazing
experience that provided me the practical knowledge what has also helped top add more
knowledge to the studies at the university studies. In the year of my graduation, a consortium
called Maremonte, which was the junction of two engineering and road inspection companies,
renewed my employment contract where I had the opportunity to work for a few more months in
DER/DR.6 what was excellent to my career as I could keep my development combining the
theorical knowledge acquired at the university and the practical knowledge absolved in my work.

In July of 2016, I received an offer of employment as a civil engineer trainee with Lenc-Egis
Consortium, an international company that also works in the field of road engineering. Within
the company was when I noticed that I needed to improve my English what led me to complete
an intermediate English course in my city. However, this knowledge was still not enough to
obtain fluency in the English and moreover, to participate of selective process to better positions
vacancies in the company.
So, aiming my English and professional development, I start some researching about exchange
programs that results in my arrival at the city of Brisbane in which it has a climate very close to
Brazil and I would not have difficulty adapting during my studies period. I arrived in Brisbane in
May of 2018 and began to learn English at Imagine Education Australia, located in Spring Hill
neighborhood which by the way is a very good location due to be close to the city where we can
find banks, supermarkets, restaurants etc. I am very pleased with my development so far, I am
feeling more confident when speaking with others, but despite it, I feel that I need to take more
class to increase my knowledge and vocabulary to be able to have a fluent talk without being lost
according to the conversation subjects, especially the ones related to my work field as the
English will be extremely important to participate of meetings, negotiations, presentations and so

In my research some subjects offered by Site Institute arise my attention: Produce basic
engineering drawings, prepare mechanical models for computer-aided engineering (CAE),
Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices, Organise and communicate
information, Select welding Processes. I believe that these subjects and many others provided in
the Diploma of Engineering – Technical course will prepare me to work in an efficient,
productive and competitive way in the industry. Moreover, they will prepare me with practical
skills in terms of organize and analyze information, documents and selecting engineering tools.
As a complement with the knowledge, the Diploma of Civil Construction Design though the
units Use CAD to create and display 3D models, Manage innovation and continuous
improvement, Manage project time, Manage personal work priorities and professional
development, Lead and manage team effectiveness, Inspect and report on pavement condition
and so on will provide me the expertise to work in drafting plans and detailed drawings creations
for structures, installations, and construction projects such not only on roads which is by
previous background but also railways, bridges and buildings and much more.

Thus, my intention is to continue my current studies in English undertaking the English for
Engineering course, followed by Diploma of Engineering – Technical and a Diploma of Civil
Construction Design. As mention before, my reason for study is that English skills will give me
better placement in the labor market in Brazil. In addition, completing the Diploma of
Engineering – Technical and a Diploma of Civil Construction Design here in Australia will give
me an advantage in the Brazilian job market, especially as a female in a male dominated field.
Australia is a country with an incredible culture, in which I am still very curious to understand in
terms of construction technology and the form of education in which design is taught. I strongly
believe that I will be able not go back to Brazil with a different knowledge perspective that will
positively contribute for this industry.

As you can see bellow, a quickly searches for job vacancies in my field required a fluent or
Advanced English due the necessity to be involved to projects that need it use in meetings,
documents, presentations, negotiations, orientations etc. So, I am investing in my professional
development to be prepared and qualified for those vacancies and also to received promotions in
the company, as I will have all the requisites skills and a abroad experience that can add a lot to
the companies and colleagues development.
My parents, brother and sister still residing in the city of Taubaté, Brazil. My father is also an
engineer, a Director of the Department of Roads in Taubaté, and I believe that he has been my
inspiration as a professional. I am very fortunate that he is able to provide me the financial
support for my overseas study that will contribute enormously to my career growth. On addition,
I believe it is important to mention that in Feburary of 2017 I purchased a property in my name
in Taubate located at Haroldo de Mattos Avenue nº 1830 - Le Place building apartment 22,
Esplanada Independencia neighborhood, Taubate/Sao Paulo, Brazil, where I intend to live back
to Brazil. My auntie is currently renting this apartment during mu studies periods what is a way
to save some money over there.

In conclusion, with the support and encouragement of my family, I am aiming my English and
professional development to get better job opportunities and payments back to my home country.
I am sure that my previous background, combined with my academic knowledge and the
knowledge acquired in this experience to study abroad will open many doors in my return.

For any further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me though my email or my phone number +61 0403480083.

Yours sincerely,

Samantha Barbosa Costa Moreira

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