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said that men like Sylvester Stallone ican grocery stores. While on my first
and Arnold Schwarzenepr are a dime shopping trip, I saw powdered milk- In Massachusetts, convicted killers roamed the
a dozen. She said, 'Heres a nickel. Get you just add water, and you get milk. streets on weekend
me sixl' " - t ~ d tc-I can^+ Then I saw powdered orange juice-
you just add water, and you get orange passes. Then a crusading
THEDIMIUNTZBO DINER summoned juice. And then I saw baby powder-I newspaper and outraged
his waiter to the table, complaining, thought to myself, What a coun#~y!"
"My oyster stew doesn't have any oys- -Aminr on Sir kZubk8 8 Lky (Vintage) citizens took action
ters in it."
"Well, if that bothers you, then you A HIJSBAND AND WIFE drove for
better ski dessert," replied the waiter. miles in silence after a terrible ar u-
"It's ange food cake." ment in which neither would bu ge.
The husband pointed to a mule in a
B Getting
A MAN went to the movies and was
aed to find a woman with a big
"Relative of yours?" k asked.
"Yes," she replied. "By marriage."
Away With
col ie sitting in front of him. Even
more amazing was the fact that the
dog always laughed in the right places
through the comedy. THEPBLLOW walked into a bar he
"Excuse me," the man said to the had never been in before and ordered
a drink. He then asked the bartender JAMESBID IN^
if he enjoyed dumbjock jokes. The
beefy attendant leaned over the bar /\N THE NIGHT of October 26,
and fixed a withering glare on his 1974, Joey Fournier, age 17,
customer. was working alone at the ed. All confessed to the robbery, but
"Listen, buddy," he growled. "See Marston Street Mobil service sta- not to Joey's murder. Prosecutors
those two big guys on the left? tion in Lawrence, Mass. Three men were convinced, however, that the
They're professional football players. drove up, and two entered the actual killer was Horton. He had
And that huge fellow on your right is gas station, brandishing knives previously served three years in
a world-class wrestler. That guy in the and demanding money. Joey gave
corner is a champion weight-lifter. South Carolina for assault with in-
And I lettered in three sports at Notre them $276.37 and pleaded for tent to murder.
Dame. his life. In May 1975, the trio was con-
woman, "but I think it's astounding "Now," he continued, "are you ab- Minutes later, Michael Byron, victed of armed robbery and first-
that your dog enjoys the movie so solutely positive you want to go one of Joey's friends, stopped by. degree murder. In many states,
much." ahead and tell your dumb-jock joke T h e office floor was covered with they could have forfeited their lives.
"I'm surprised myself," she replied. here?" blood. Horrified, Michael found But a few weeks earlier, Gov. Mi-
"Hehated the book." "Nah, guess not," the man replied. Joey's body stuffed in a trash bar- chael Dukakis had vetoed a death-
4 r h n ibm inTom.h8wk, Wir.,La&r, p#ed "I wouldn't want to have to explain it rel, his feet jammed u p near his penalty bill.
hy DeWie Chrbtiu, in Milwultce /owml five times."
-Bill Knifeldr in The &#u&y Ernk h t
chin. He had been stabbed 19 Still, a firstdegree murder con-
times. viction in Massachusetts was s u p
COMEDIAN Yakov Smirnoff writes: Three men-Alvin Wideman,
"Coming from the Soviet Union, I Do you haw a jokfbr "Laughter,the posed to mean a mandatory sentence
was not prepared for the incredible Best ilkdicinc"? See page 2 for injibrrmr- Roosevelt Pickett and William R. of life in prison, with no possibility
variety of producu available in Amer- tion about payment. Horton, Jr.-were soon apprehend- of parole. The Fournicr family,
.?y '
I 1
, J >* :$. , a*


d e v a s k d by their loss, took com- was wounded in a shootsut and sentatives-former lice officer facility, which has no walls. There
fort in the prosecutor's assurance
that Jocy's killers would never
captured.+ f'
Larry Giordano an Joseph Htr-
mann-introduced a bill to ban fur-
he became eligible for furloughs.
At that moment, Humphrey said,
again walk the streets. IN LAWRENCE,
Susan Forrest, a loughs for first-degree murderers. such facilities held about 160 first-
Under a little-known state law, young reporter for the Eagk-Tri- At the public hearing on Gior- degree killers. Horton had been
however, such firstdegree killers hc,was covering Horton's ram- dano's bill on May 27, 1987, one of them; he was on his tenth
page and recapture. But one chilling
were eli 'ble for unguarded,
hour fur oughs from prison.
June 6, 1986, William Horton was
8; detail puzzled her. "The question
everyone wants answered," she
members of Joey Fournier's family
listened as his sister, Donna Four-
nier Cuomo, and father, Ronald,
weekend pass when he disappeared.
released from the Northeastern wrote, "is how a cold-blooded mur- begged lawmakers to end .the fur- lough program was enacted in 1972
Correctional Center in Concord. derer ever got out in the first place." loughs. Another witness, George under Gov. Francis W. Sargent,
He never came back. Forrest's editor, Dan Warner, Chaffee of Derry, N. H., told a and a killer soon escaped. This
encouraged her to find out. But she harrowing tale. His qq-yearsld stirred up a legal controversy, but
:30 P.M. on April 3, 1987, ran into a bureaucratic stone wall. mother had been brutally beaten in 1976 Governor Dukakis pocket-
Barnes, 28, heard footsteps Michael Fair, commissioner of the and murdered in 1970 by confessed vetoed a bill to ban furloughs for
in his h o w in Oxon Hill, Md. He Massachusetts Department of Cor- Massachusetts rapist John Zukoski. first-degree murderers. It would,
called out, thinking An ela Miller, rection, at first refused to talk to Even after being convicted for sec- he said, "cut the heart out of efforts
his h n d e , had returne early from her. Then he cited the state's 1972
Criminal Offender Record Infor-
ond-degree murder, Zukoski be- at inmate rehabilitation."
a wedding party. Instead, a man came eligible for furloughs; and in The furlough program, in es-
suddenly loomed before him, mation Act, which strict1 limits September 1986 he was paroled. A sence, released killers on an "honor
pointing a gun. It was William public access to court an prison d few months later, Zukoski was ar- system" to see if they would stay out
I Horton.
For the next seven hours, a
records of convicted criminals. The rested and indicted yet again for of trouble. This trial-and-error ap-
1 law granted convicted killers a beating and raping a woman. proach helped the governor decide
laughin Horton punched, pistol- right to privacy that made their "How many times," Chaffee dc- when to commute, or reduce, a
whippc! and kicked him. Horton crimes virtually a state secret. manded, "does a person have to firstdegree murder sentence, thus
also cut him 22 times across his Warner and Forrest were out- rape and murder before he is making a lifer eligible for parole.
midsection. raged. They could not find out why locked up for good?" On average, in Massachusetts, pris-
Later that night, Angela re- Horton had been released--or how The victims' families made a oners whose sentences are commut-
turned. Bound and gagged, Cliff many other Hortons were walking powerful impact on everyone pres- ed from life without parole spend
listened in helpless horror to An- the streets. Forrest appealed to the ent. The biggest shock, however, fewer than 19 years in prison. Gov-
gi's screams as Horton savagely governor for an interview, but was came from the testimony of ernor Dukakis, in fact, had already
attacked her. For four hours, she rebuffed. , Associate Correction Commissioner commuted the life sentences of 28
was assaulted, tied up, and twice Still, Susan Forrest's hard-hit- Dennis Humphrey. first-degree murderers by March
raped. ting front-page stories provoked A sentence of "life without pa- 1987.
Finally Cliff broke free and public wrath. And two state repre- role," Humphrey revealed, was
stag red to a neighbor's home meaningless. It was assumed that WHEN.Donna Fournier Cuomo
for E l p . When Horton went to .On Octobcr m,~987,Hwton war sentenced eventually everyonteven first- learned that Horton had been re-
check on him, Angi cut herself in Maryland to two consecutive life term plus 85 degree murderers like Horton- peatedly granted furloughs, all the
loose and escaped through a win- years. The sentencing judge refused to return
Horton to M w ~ c h u ~ t tsaying,
s, "I'm not pre-
would have their sentences nightmares of her brother's death
dow. Now panicked, Horton stole p a d to take the chance that Mr. Horton might commuted and '$get out." After returned. At the May 27 hearing,
Cliff's car and fled. After a again bc furloughed or otherwise relenrcd. This only ten years, a 11 er was routinely she met other concerned women:
high-speed police chase, he man should m e r draw a breath of free air again." transferred to a minimum-security Maureen Donovan, Joan Bamford,
58 59

can change it," the governor said. centers and other minimum-sccuri-
"Thank you very much," Dono- ty programs. These convicts in-
van answered. "That's exactly what duded murderers, rapists, armed
we'll do." robbers and drug dealers.
The encounter with Dukakis Commissioner Fair personally
convinced the women that their approved first-degree lifer Armand
best option was to put a referendum Therrien's transfer from a medium-
about furloughs on the November security prison to a minimum-secu-
1988 ballot. Within weeks, they rity one, which made him eligible for
formed CAUS-Citizens Against a work-release program. Thcr-
Unsafe Society. ricn, a two-time murderer, walked
off and vanished in December 1987.
SUSAN FORREST had still been un-
able to get Horton's records. Fed NONEof the women of CAUS had
up, Dan Warner invited every ever been involved in grass-roots
newspaper editor in the state to a politics, and they faced an enormous
Representative Cw. Michael Dukakis karski and Mary meeting in May 1987. There he and job of gathering 50,525 certified
Giordano's fur-
lou -ban bill. But the bill was meet with him. Gravel told t e gov-
stal cd in committee by legislative ernor about her own daughter's
rt to
Forrest denounced the prisoncr-
privacy statute and asked for sup-
port to open Horton's files. The
voter signatures by early December
1987, the deadline for the 1988
ballot. Before long, they were regu-
allies of Governor Dukakis. unsolved murder. "What if Claire's result was a flood of articles and lar fixtures on talk shows, and other
1 In the face of rowing public killer is caught and convicted, then indignant editorials. Finally, under volunteers came forward.
:i 5,
opposition, the Du akis adminis- furloughed?" she asked. "What do pressure, the state released Hor- Many of the CAUS members,
tration made some revisions in the you think it would do to my family ton's records. These confirmed that like the Fourniers and Gravels,
furlough guidelines (eligibility be- if they were walking down the while in prison he had a record of were families of murdered chil-
came- 12% years in prison rather street and saw this person?" I I disciplinary infractions, three dren. George Hanna, a retired po-
than ten), but defended the program "I'd probably feel the same way drug-related. Yet prison officials lice officer, was an early recruit. His
relentlessly. At a news conference, you do," Dukakis responded. "But, eventually gave Horton "excellent" son, George Jr., a state trooper, was
bureaucrats trotted out figures unfortunately, it's not going to evaluations and said "he projects a shot and killed while on duty in
showing that relatively few killers change my mind." quiet sense of responsibility." 1983. Marion and John Spinney's
on furlough had escaped. Human The governor began recounting In the months following the hear- daughter, Karen, was stabbed to
Services Stcretary Philip Johnston a recent discussion with inmates' ing, there were other revelations: death in 1975 by an armed robber
told astonished reporters, "Don't families about their grievances, but Legislators learned that Hor- who was on furlough. The man
forget that Mr. Horton had nine Maureen Donovan angrily 'inter- ton had also been turned loose who killed Jim and Paula Dan-
previous successful furloughs." ruptcd. "You'll meet with prisoners' daily, with little supervision, on a forth's 19-year-old daughter, Paula
To Commissioner Fair, fur- families, but you keep avoiding us." work-release program. His job: to Marie, in 1986 was also given a
lou hs were a prison "management The meeting quickly detcriorat- help mental patients. meaningless sentence of "life with-
too&" Unless a lifer has hope of ed. Dukakis explained that he Of over 80 Massachusetts con- out parole."
parole, he argued, "we would have hadn't asked for the power of com- victs listed as escaped and still at The signature drive became their
a very dangerous population in an mutation. Gravel re lied, "There's large, only four had actually "cs- crusade. Working I 5-hour days,
already dangerous system." But, no law that says you avc to use it."
"If you don't like the system, you
caped." The rest simply walked
away from furloughs, prerelease
the core group of 20 people can-
critics wondered, if armed guards vassed the state, haunting shopping
60 MO: o IRA W Y W N ~ V O Y L 61
Senate, Royal Bolling, Sr., used of firstdegree murderers. O n April
parliamentary stalling tactics to kill 28, after the legislature passed the
it as the legislative session ended. furlough ban by a wide margin, the
A month later, Bolling received a governor signed it into law. (In
standing ovation for his efforts preparing this article, Reader's Di-
from 400 inmates at Norfolk pris- gest requested an interview with
on. "I'm always glad to see some of Governor Dukakis, but he declined.)
my old friends," he said, smiling. "I
hope I will continue to deserve your FORMAUREEN
good will." feisty co-founder, the work to re-
The occasion for this strange epi- form the system has just begun.
sode was "Legislative Awareness With Dukakis seeking an alterna-
Day," an annual event that reminds tive to the furlough program,
inmates in Massachusetts they arc CAUS has announced its next goal
allowed to vote. An inmate leader will be to restrict the governor's
urged fellow convicts to register power to commute life sentences.
and vote against the referendum For the Lawrence Eagk-Tribune,
banning furloughs. A de uty secre- an effort to uncover hidden facts
tary of state, ~ i c h a r BShibley, became a crusade. After nearly 200
concerned, they gave up their rights brought in hundreds of absentee- stories by Susan Forrest, Barbara
A&, .binr halls, and churches.
h u l a h orth, eight months preg-
when they took another person's
life." Cliff was asked about statis-
ballot applications.
Although the CAUS referendum
Walsh and other determined re-
porters, the furlough system was
nant, helped corral a thousand tics touting the success rate of the was virtually assured of voter ap- finally exposed to public scrutiny.
signatures in one day, furlough program.' "So we're ex- proval in November, Representative On March 31, 1988, the Eagle-Tri-
A Massachusetts House commit- pendable," he retorted. "Is that Giordano reintroduced his furlough- bunc received journalism's highest
tee held hrther hearings. Families what they're saying?" ban bill to halt the program even honor: the Pulitzer Prize.
of other victims told their stories, After the hearings, CAUS mem- sooner. And, as spring arrived, Du- For Donna Fournier Cuomo, the
including Viviame Ruggiero, whose bers worked feverishly to collect and kakis came under mounting public issue remains hauntingly, harshly
27-year-old husband, John, a police deliver signed petitions to city halls pressure to end the furlough pro- personal. On the 13th anniversary
offic)er, had been shot in the head across the state. Late at night 'on gram himself before it hurt his of her brother's murder, she visited
five times without provocation. December I, 1987,nine bone-weary Presidential campaign. the nowdeserted gas station in Law-
John left his widow with two small volunteers crowded into Joan Bam- On March 22, 1988, at a packed rence. She cried softly as she stared at
children. Meanwhile, Vivianne tes- ford's living room to tally the results. news conference, the governor the weeds and empty windows, sym-
tified, John's convicted killer, Daniel They needed 50,525 signatures. promised not to veto Giordano's bols of a terrible waste. Jocy, she
Ferreira, sentenced to life without They had 52,407. There were bill. Asked if he was personally in thought, muldhvc bcnt 30yean old.
parole, had married while on one of screams, tears and hugs all around. favor of furloughs, Dukakis an- "Someone asked, 'Are you doing
33 furloughs. "Isn't he lucky that he swered, "That's irrelevant. The fact this for your brother?' " Donna once
testified. "I guess I am.. .because if I
r on with his life?" Vivianne
said itterly. "I wish I could have a
furlough--one weekend, or one
INTHE waning days of 1987, CAUS
members were glad they had taken
matters out of the politicians' hands.
of the matter is that the people of
this Commonwealth and the legisla-
ture aren't." He added he still
didn't-he'd have died for nothing.
And then you couldn't live with
hour, when my husband's death is The state's House passed Giordano's wanted some alternative program yourself, because justice would not
not on my mind." bill overwhelmingly. But in the to help him commute the sentences have been served." #####
r 6a MOTO: 0 LOU J W O i 63

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