Seminar 3

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College of Engineering, Architecture&Fine Arts

Gov. Pablo Borbon Campus II, Alangilan, Batangas City, Philippines 4200 Telefax: (043) 300-4404 locs. 106-118




A. Title of the Event: Manufacturing Process and Stress, Anxiety and Depression
B. Organizers: ChE-3303 and Food Engineering students
C. Venue and Date: Amphitheater 4th floor, CEAFA building, Gov. Pablo Borbon Campus
II, Alangilan, Batangas City. June 20, 2018
D. Objective/s:
1. To be familiar on processes that happens inside a manufacturing
2. To be aware regarding stress, depression and anxiety which are
topics that is very timely and important.
3. To be able to grasp the concepts regarding mental disorders.

E. General Participants: 3rd year and 4th year Chemical and Food Engineering students


For the third time around, the Chemical and Food Engineering department held a seminar last
June 20, 2018. This time the said event focused on Manufacturing Process for the first part and
Stress, Anxiety and Depression Management for the second part of the program.

For the morning session of the seminar, Engr. Jay R. Carndang a BS Industrial Engineering
graduate and currently a Resource planner at Nestle Philippines Inc Lipa Fcatory, gave an
informative talk regarding the Manufacturing process that happens inside the said factory.

First he explained how production works. For the audience to better understand this, he
further explained a detailed flow of how a tonic drink, such as Milo is processed and
manufactured. This starts with the raw materials from their suppliers. The raw materials are
divided into Dry and Wet Raw materials. The raw materials include cocoa, sugar, honey, malt,
etc. Then comes the manufacturing of the product where batching of dry materials, mixing of dry
and wet materials, Sampling of the wet mix, drying of wet mix, then the granulating process
happens. For the sampling of wet mix, this is done through EB analysis, Micro Analysis and
analyzing of total solids. After manufacturing, the semi-finished goods are then sampled. The
factors that are considered are the sample’s moisture contents, pH analysis, specific gravity,
sensory, bacto analysis and vitamin c analysis. Then the semi-finished goods are then stored in
stainless storage silo, then are stored in big bags to undergo a metal sensory test before the

After discussing the manufacturing process, the speaker was kind enough to answer some
questions from the audience. Like how their company handles some of the problems their
products encounter when sold in the market and how their company arranges these. He also
cleared how the generic Milo differs from the Milo for Adults. The one for adults contain more
protein suited for adults. He also said that Nestle is open for On-the-job trainings for ChE and FE
For the afternoon session, the speaker was Dr. Roland Corona Ragot, a current member
of the Psychological Association of the Philippines and an instructor of CABEIHM in Batangas
State University Main Campus 1. He shared insights regarding stress, anxiety and depression
management. His talk is very timely, since nowadays; students from different universities have
done serious damage on themselves because of these. Students and faculty need more knowledge
regarding this topic.

His talk started on the concepts of mental hygiene and mental health for one to identify
which is a normal and an abnormal behavior. This leads to identifying what causes these mental
disorders. He said that most mental disorders are a result of a combination of several different
factors rather than just a single factor. These may come from biological, psychological or social
aspects. He cleared that yes, it is normal to feel stress and anxious. What is not normal is when
this becomes a frequent occurrence and becomes long term, or when it gets severe and affects the
way how a person functions, whether it is personal, social or occupational. Then he gets to how
one could tell the symptoms associated with these. He had a list of some things to asses including
appearance and behavior, orientation, content of thought, thinking style and language, mood,
perceptual experiences, sense of self, motivation, cognitive functioning and insight and

Another topic he covered is the science of emotional intelligence. This includes Self
awareness, Self management, attitude, empathy and social skills. Under this topic, he made the
audience be aware of what they are feeling. Another activity is to list word feeling as many as
possible and to categorize them into negatives, positives and neutral. Most had listed more
negatives than positive feelings. The highest number from the audience was 33 and according to
him, there are more than 200 words for feelings. Another thing for the self awareness, he
suggested to keep track of one’s emotional patterns. For the last part, there was an activity on
recognizing facial expressions.

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