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This paper was submitted by the faculty of FAU’s Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute.

Notice: © 2002 Global Aquaculture Alliance. This manuscript is an author version with the final
publication available and may be cited as: McGraw, W. J., & Scarpa, J. (2002). Determining ion
concentrations for Litopenaeus vannamei culture in freshwater. Global Aquaculture Advocate, 5(3),


For Litopenaeus vannamei Culture In Freshwater
William J. McGraw, Ph.D.
John Scarpa, Ph.D.
Harbor Branch Oceanographic
Institution, Inc.
Aquaculture Division
5600 U.S. Highway 1 North
Fort Pierce, Florida 34946 USA

A lthough marine shrimp is the

highest-value seafood prod-
uct imported to the United States, the
high cost of coastal land, user conflicts,
and strict effluent requirements have,
at least in part, limited the expansion
of shrimp aquaculture in the U.S. Fu-
ture increases are likely to come from View of experimental setup used to test short-term survival of L. vannamei PL in dif-
inland production, which entails the ferent solutions of distilled water and various ions.
use of ground waters with ionic compo-
sition vastly different from seawater. Challenges for Development Na+, Cl-, Mg2+, Ca2+, and K+. Sepa-
Currently, shrimp are being farmed Using well water for inland marine rate monovalent (Na+/K+) and diva-
in freshwater and ground waters of shrimp culture presents challenges. lent (Mg2+/Ca2+) ion solutions were
less than 10 ppt salinity in at least four Information on the essential environ- prepared using chloride-based chemi-
U.S. states: Florida, Texas, Arizona, mental ions involved in shrimp osmo- cals added to distilled water.
Copyright © 2002, Global Aquaculture Alliance. Do not reproduce without permission.

and Alabama. Information from these regulation (Na+, Cl–, Ca2+, Mg2+, and The monovalent and divalent ion
farms and researchers at the Harbor K+) and the minimum concentrations ratios in the two solutions were equal
Branch Oceanographic Institution necessary for survival and growth of to those found in full-strength seawa-
(HBOI) indicates adequate growth marine shrimp cultured in freshwater ter. These monovalent and divalent
rates and acceptable production of the is lacking. Determination of the ion solutions were then combined volu-
Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus van- concentrations required by L. vanna- metrically to produce various ion con-
namei. This marine shrimp tolerates a mei will aid in determining potential centrations (Table 1).
wide range of salinity and is capable inland sources of water suitable for in- Results showed the absence of
of survival and growth at salinities as tensive shrimp culture. monovalent or divalent ions in treat-
low as 0.5 ppt, which is technically ment solutions produced survival rates
considered freshwater. Survival Studies below 37%. In general, ion treatments
HBOI conducted short-term sur- with a higher monovalent percentage,
Saline Groundwater vival experiments on L. vannamei but not only monovalent ions, had
There is saline well water under postlarvae using five essential ions: higher shrimp survivals.
two-thirds of the conterminous U.S.
Its salinity derives from a number of Table 1. Mean 48-hour survival of PL18 L. vannamei in various ion
sources, including salt domes, geolog- solutions. Shrimp were not fed during the experiment. Temperature = 26° C.
ically old water trapped from the last
ice age, deep geothermal wells, and Ion Treatment Ca2+ Mg2+ Na+ K+ Cl– % survival
saltwater intrusion from coastal areas.
Unfortunately, these waters vary in in- 100% Divalent* 67 210 0 0 738 0
dividual ion concentrations and total 100% Monovalent* 0 0 383 14 60 37
salinity, which also differs between 75% Div.: 25% Mon. 50 158 96 4 706 50
locations and well depths. Farmers 50% Div.: 50% Mon. 33 105 191 7 669 63
wishing to explore shrimp culture in 25% Div.: 75% Mon. 17 53 287 11 638 67
freshwater have had to conduct their HBOI well water 44 31 181 10 280 73
own pilot-scale trials. * Divalent ion solution: (Mg2+/Ca2+). Monovalent ion solution (Na+/K+).


change rates were increased as ammo-
nia and nitrite levels increased in an
attempt to preserve water quality.
Low levels of ammonia and nitrite
may act synergistically with osmotic
stress and molting to cause high shrimp
mortality in these solutions. This has
been reported for other shrimp species.
Nitrogenous waste products are ex-
creted from shrimp gills via ion ex-
change reactions. Therefore, osmoreg-
ulation and waste excretion are related.

Figure 1. Mean weight of postlarval shrimp grown in seawater (35 ppt) and HBOI Conclusion
freshwater (0.5 ppt). Shrimp grown in seawater had significantly higher final weight Inland production of shrimp using
compared to shrimp grown in freshwater. Temperature = 27-30° C. groundwater can provide an alterna-
tive to traditional coastal aquaculture
Growth Studies for all ion treatments was 62%, as in the United States. Its future, how-
Although this and other short-term compared to the HBOI freshwater and ever, may hinge on a greater under-
survival experiments conducted at seawater controls. By the end of week standing of the environmental ions es-
HBOI have shown that various fresh- 3, shrimp in treatment solutions had sential to shrimp growth, survival, and
water ion concentrations are accept- 100% mortality, whereas shrimp in osmoregulation in freshwater.
able, growth in these solutions may be seawater and HBOI freshwater were In studies of L. vannamei, re-
negligible. Therefore, a growth exper- still alive. Shrimp survival did not cor- searchers at Harbor Branch Oceano-
iment incorporating an ion ratio scheme relate with any ion treatment or total graphic Institution found that shrimp
similar to the above was conducted. salinity. exposed to ion solutions with relative-
L. vannamei were cultured in syn- After four weeks, shrimp in full- ly higher monovalent percentages
thetic freshwater solutions with less strength seawater were significantly yielded higher shrimp survivals.
than 1 ppt salinity. Postlarval shrimp heavier than those in HBOI freshwa- Shrimp raised in seawater, however,
(PL15) were placed in 4-l plastic con- ter (Figure 1). However, this weight reflected much greater growth and
tainers half filled with the various difference may have been caused by survival than those in freshwater.
treatment and control waters. Ade- poor water quality rather than a salin- Minor elements found in seawater,
quate aeration was provided by dif- ity difference.
but not the experimental ion treat-
fused air. Shrimp were offered a pre-
Water Quality ments, may be necessary for success-
pared feed 3 times/day based on body
Mean total ammonia-nitrogen lev- ful shrimp aquaculture in freshwater.
mass. A portion of all ion solutions
els for all treatments and controls Future experiments at HBOI will in-
was replaced daily.
ranged 0.65-2.05 ppm (0.026-0.082 vestigate the requirements and toxici-
Survival and Weight ppm nonionized ammonia). Nitrite ty of trace elements in synthetic ion
At the start of week 2, mean growth levels ranged 0.07-0.7 ppm. Water ex- solutions.


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