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2016 I Vol. 61 I Issue I

December 2015 - March, 2016

President Theme: AAA - Academics and Association in the name of Almighty

President : Dr. Sudhir K. Kapoor

Hon. Secretary : Dr. Sanjay Jain


News Letter
60th Annual Conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association
Diamond Jubilee IOACON 2015
9th December – 14th December 2015 @ Jaipur

Executive Body Meeting on 9th December, 2015 Past Presidents in Cream Colored Jodhpuri Suit

Royal Baggie - Chariot Ride of Past Presidents Past Presidents in a Large Flower Garland

Inaugural Ceremony on 10th December, 2015 Lighting of Lamp

2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December, 2015 - March, 2016

Indian Orthopaedic Association

News Letter

Dr. Sudhir K. Kapoor

President, Indian Orthopaedic Association
Dr. Sanjay Jain
Hon. Secretary, Indian Orthopaedic Association

Registered Office:
IOA House
69, Tughlakabad Institutional Area,
Behind Batra Hospital, M.B. Road, New Delhi - 110 062 India
Phone: +91 11 29961434 / +91 94258 63999 (Hon. Secretary) / +91 98119 67820 (Executive Officer)
E-mail ID: / Website:
(Registered under the Registration of Societies Act. 1860 Reg. N. S/5040)
Indian Orthopaedic Association
News Letter L T R
2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December, 2015 - March, 2016

Sr. No. Table of contents Page No.

1-3 Section I : Message 4-8
1 From the desk of President, IOA 5
2 From the desk of Hon. Secretary, IOA 6
3 From the desk of President-Elect, IOA 8
4-10 Section II : The IOA 9-36
4 IOA Executive Committee-2016 10
5 The Working Committee of IOA-2016 11
6 State Representative of IOA (E.C. member) 13
7 Presidents and Secretaries of State Chapters of IOA - 2016 16
8 List of IOA life members enrolled and ratified year 2015 at Jaipur 21
9 List of Associate members of IOA 32
10 List of Associate Member Converted to Life Member of IOA 36
11-14 Section III : Meeting & Minutes 37-81
11 Minutes of Executive Body Meeting held on 9.12.2015 Jaipur 38
12 Minutes of Central State Relationship Committee Meeting held on 12.12.2015 Jaipur 56
13 Minutes of General Body Meeting held on 13.12.2015 Jaipur 62
14 Minutes of Post Valedictory Executive Body Meeting held on 14.12.2015 Jaipur 80
15-21 Section IV : Reports 82-101
15 Secretary's Reports 83
16 Editor’s Report 88
17 Treasurer’s Report 91
18 Report of UG / PG Training Committee 94
19 Report of Foreign fellowship 96
20 Financial Report of IOACON 2014, Hyderabad: Dr S. Sreenivasa Reddy 98
21 Reports of Trauma Committee 100
22-25 Section V : IOA - Guest Nation / IOA - Ortho Excellance Program 102-107
22 IOA as a Guest Nation for the 2016 OTA Annual Meeting 103
23 IOA as a Guest Nation for the 2017 AAOS Annual Meeting 104
24 Reports of IOA - Ortho Excellance Program 105
25 IOA - OEP : Tamil Nadu 2o15 107
26 (a-g) Section VI : News from States / Zones 108-123
26 News from the State Chapters / Zone of IOA
a Report from State Chapter : Chhattisgarh CG-IOA 109
b Report from State Chapter : Central Zone of IOA CEZ-IOA 110
c Report from State Chapter : Himachal Pradesh 112
d Report from Zone : Karnataka KOA 114
e Report from State Chapter : Rajasthan ROSA 118
f Report from State Chapter : Uttaranchal UA-IOA 119
g Report from State Chapter : Uttar Pradesh UP-IOA 121
h Report from State Chapter : West Bengal WBOA 123
Sr. No. Table of contents Page No.
27 (a-o) Section VII : Fellowships / Bone & Joint Day / Other Reports 124-138
27 Fellowships / Bone & Joint Day / Other Reports
a IOA - AOA Exchange Fellowship Report: Dr Vineet Jain 125
b IOA - Ambassador to Hongkong HKOA 2o15 Report: Dr Saurav Agrawal 126
c IOA - Ambassador to Singapore SOA 2o15 Report: Dr Patra Satya Ranjan 127
d IOA - Ambassador to HKOA 2o12 Report: 128
e IOA - Glasgow Fellowship Report (2o12-13): Dr Vivek Mahajan 129
f IOA - WOC Fellowship 2o15: Dr Sujit Kumar Tripathy 131
g 20th B. Mukhopadhaya P.G. Instructional Course, Indore MP 132
h Guntur Orthopaedic Seminar for Post Graduate Education and Learning
(GOSPEL) 2015 133
i IOA - WOC Fellowship Report 2015: Dr Amit Batra 134
j IOA P.G. Training Program Jabalpur 135
k Congratulation to IOA Members for their Achievements 136
l IOA - Basic Science Orthopaedic Research Grant: Inland Fellowship of IOA 136
m BJD Report from State Chapter: Tamil Nadu TNOA 137
n Obitury: Apology and Mistake Correction 137
o Report of GOSICON- 2o15 138
28-41 Section VIII : Diamond Jubilee IOACON 2o15 Jaipur 139-174
28 President's Address: Jaipur IOACON-2015 140
29 Achievement in 2o14-2o15: President IOA, Dr HR Jhunjhunwala 142
30 Welcome Address: President IOA, Dr HR Jhunjhunwala 143
31 Dr KT Dholakia Orthopaedics CME 11.12.2o15 144
32 Royal Baggie (Chariot) Ride of Past Presidents 11.12.2o15 145
33 Inaugural Function 11.12.2o 15 147
34 Secretary Report in inaugural Function of IOACON 2o15 148
35 Award / Oration / Prize / Certificate Distribution 154
36 Report of 60th Diamond Jubilee of IOACON 2015 @ Jaipur by Dr. R. C. Meena 163-167
• Glimpse of Diamond Jubilee IOACON 2o15 @ Jaipur 164
• Kids and Ladies Entertainments Program 166
• Banquet-cum-Cultural Program 13.12.2o15 166
37 Presidential Dinner 12.12.2o15 168
38 Exchange of Collar Jewel 14.12.2o15 169
39 Valedictory Function 14.12.2o15 170
40 List of various Award at a glance in IOACON 2o15 Jaipur 171
41 National Orthopaedic PG Quiz 2o15 Jaipur 173
42 Section IX : IOACON 2o16 @ Kochi / Orthopaedic Activity in Ortho World 175-184
42 IOACON 2o16 @ Kochi Brochure 176
43-47 Section X : Forms / Formats / Applications / Criteria 185-192
43 Criteria for Dr. AK Gupta Trophy of IOA for Best Chapter Award 186
44 Golden Jubilee Oration 2o16: Guidelines and Criteria 188
45 Silver Jubilee Oration 2o16: Guidelines and Criteria 189
46 Detailed Information of IOA Election - 2016 190
47 IOA Membership Form 192
2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue - I
December 2015 - March 2016

Section - I


News Letter
Professor (Dr) Sudhir K Kapoor MS [Ortho]
ESI - PGIMSR: Dean, Professor & HOD Orthopaedics /
I.O.A.: President (2o15-16) Secretary (2oo9-11,12-14),
Treasurer (2oo3-o8), Chairman, Oncology Section ex. /
D.O.A.: President (2oo8-o9), Secretary (2oo1-o6),
Treasurer (1996-2oo1), Executive Ex., Org. Chairman, DOA MidCON 2o1o

From the Desk of President - IOA

Dear IOA members,
Greetings from the President of IOA!
I hope, by this time, the slogan of AAA would have been etched in your memory and you are reminded of this, when my
name crops up in front of you. This slogan is dear to me and I have lived and breathed it during all my years in IOA.

AAA- Academic and Association in the name of Almighty.

The same slogan has guided me for this year also.

Academics: For academics, besides the routine activity of IOA like PG Teaching programmes, IOA Abbott workshops,
different fellowships etc., we are trying very hard to give a new format and time table to the scientific programme of
IOACON. The scientific programme of the IOACON will be on the website by 31st of July, 2016, for the conference which
is going to be held from 12th to 17th December, 2016 at Kochi (Kerala). This will be a sharp departure from the previous
years. By this change, a lot would be achieved- every speaker would be clear about his exact role and participation well in
advance, travel itinerary would be finalized in time and the organizers would have ample time to devote to other aspects of
IOACON, to fine tune everything. It also gives a feeling of respectability and maturity to IOA on the international scene.
Besides, the abstract submission is online and every aspect of it i.e. processing, blind review by three reviewers, marking
and final short listing will be on the net. A data base of 150 reviewers has already been created. To achieve this, the
abstract submission is already open on since 1 January, 2016 and abstract submission will close
by 30 April, 2016. IJO will bring out a supplement of those abstracts which are submitted in proper format and found to be
adequate on peer review.
Association: Association is supreme to me and I have spent 15 best years of my life here. It pains when one hears the poor
public opinion about our members. Unfortunately, in this era of sensalisation by the media misdeed of a miniscule
percentage of doctors, the whole fraternity gets a bad name. We must make every effort to erase the bad and wrong
opinion in the mind of public and common man. This is the reason; I have given a call for one member – one free surgery of
the occasion of Bone and Joint Day on 4th August. I request you to schedule a free surgery on any of three days – 3rd to 5th
August 2016. We must have a proper record of the patient name, diagnosis, surgery done and x-rays to authenticate the
effort, since we are trying to contact different bodies who can certify the world record, we are trying to create. If we are
able to perform 5000 free surgeries on this occasion, it will create a lot of good will amongst the people and help to create a
true picture of our members. I know most of you, are well meaning and true to your patients.
Almighty: I have strong faith in the all prevailing and I request for his support, blessings and guidance to spend a fruitful
year in IOA as President.
“Be still, and I am there”.
Once again, request for your full hearted support.
Jai Hind, Jai IOA!
Yours friendly,

Prof. Sudhir K. Kapoor

President, IOA

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 05

Dr. Sanjay Jain MS [Ortho]
I.O.A.: Secretary (2o14-17) Vice President (2o12-13) Asso. Editor
IJO (2oo3-o5-o9) State Representative-MP (2o1o-12-2013-16)/
CEZ - I.O.A.: Secretary (2o1o-13),Web Master (2oo9-1o-13-2o13-16),
Exe. Member (2oo7 - 1o) / MP-IOA : Vice President (2oo5),
Exe. Member (2oo8-1o)
Directory In - charge : MP CG CEZ Nails 2o1o / Assistant Surgeon

From the Desk of Hon. Secretary - IOA

Dear Great Orthopods,
Greetings from Office of the Honorary Secretary, Indian Orthopaedic Association!
This is the first News letter of Indian Orthopaedic Association in the 61st year of IOA. We had cherished three issues of IOA News in 60th
Diamond Jubilee year of IOA, in four months interval. News letter is the most important communication channel between Indian
Orthopaedic Association and his all members. This not only gives information but is a channel to make members well informed to get
positive input during deliberations. Now it's time to Cherish the IOA NEWS in the post Diamond Jubilee era of I.O.A.
I, with you, as a WE; tried to do justice with this post as a responsible Secretary of Indian Orthopaedic Association. We would like to
maintain the outline as well as the complete plan of the news letter as “IOA NEWS” more informative & in the level of journals too. We have
tried to incorporate news from all corners of India and efforts are being made that each and every chapter & zone of IOA gets due
representation in the “IOA NEWS”. OUR IOA News is much more informative with wide margin of coverage than any News Letter of
Orthopaedics World.
I am happy to share few important IOA activities which were unique & happened first time in IOA in last year and in this year too, included:

* We are one of the largest Orthopaedic Association in the Orthopaedic World with the membership of more than Eleven Thousands.
* We kept the flag of IOA high in Ortho World. IOA is represented in aLL world Orthopaedic Forum like American Academy of
Orthopaedic Surgeons AAOS (Dr HR Jhunjhunwala, Dr Ram Prabhoo, Dr Vinod Tiwari) British Orthopaedic Association BOA
(Dr Sanjay Jain, Secretary IOA & Dr Nirmal Chandra Mohapatra) Indian Orthopaedic Surgeon – United Kingdom IOS-UK (President
& Secretary IOA) Royal College of Orthopaedic Surgeon and Traumatology RCOST (Dr HR Jhunjhunwala & Dr Amit Ajgaonkar)
Hongkong Orthopaedic Association HKOA (Dr Sudhir K Kapoor, President Elect IOA and Dr Saurabh Agrawal) Singapore
Orthopaedic Association SOA (Dr Sanjay Jain & Dr Satya Ranjan Patra) SICOT (Dr HR Jhunjhunwala) Asia Pacific Orthopaedic
Association (Dr Jamal Ashraf) etc.
* The 60th Annual Conference of IOA was a Diamond Jubilee Conference, by the diamonds, for the diamond and of the diamonds:
Orthopods of India. All the Pearls, Emeralds and rare Gems of Ortho World who attended this conference from this globe, made it a
thumping success.
* There was a very good communication between IOA Office and its member. Honorary Secretary utilized all the way of
communication whether it was e-mail and SMS or social media like WhatsApp or Face Book.
* Hon. Secretary informed and acknowledged to all new members of IOA about their receipt of application, membership number,
Certificate by E mail, WhatsApp, SMS even on Face Book too.
* Update or change of address was done by Hon. Secretary and acknowledged duly by E mail, WhatsApp, SMS even on Face Book
* Information of New release of IOA News was sent to all member of IOA by SMS and resending of duplicate copy of IOA News was
done on non receipt of so on SMS.
* There was a mile stone change in Scientific program of IOACON 2o16 @ Kochi regarding the change of date of submission of
abstract which was informed to all member by using the all way of communication apart from IOA News including SMS, e-mail,
WhatsApp or Face Book etc.
* A to Z of Diamond Jubilee IOACON 2o15 @ Jaipur was get due place in IOA News including pictures and their caption. This includes
President Address, Welcome Address, CME, Royal Baggie Chariot Ride of Past Presidents, Inaugural function, Presidential Dinner,
Banquet cum cultural program, Exchange of Jewel, Kids and Ladies entertainment program, Valedictory function etc.
* National Orthopaedic Quiz for the Post Graduate student was conducted so smoothly in Diamond Jubilee IOACON and get detailed
placement in IOA News.
* ALL the awards winner, Orator of IOA Orations, Lecturer of Conference Lectures, Orthopaedic Trauma Association Program, British
Autumn Session get the proper place in IOA News.
* Inaugural Function of 60th Annual IOACON was so got appropriate attention with a proper history of IOA since its inception in 1955.
* Diamond Jubilee Year of Indian Orthopaedic Association IOA News letter is in new flavour with A to Z information's of ortho world.
* IOA News letter is in new flavour with A to Z information's of ortho world.
* Update of IOA Members directory with e-mail ID & contact Numbers by professionals is going on.
* Publication of IOACON brochure in IOA News, including IOACON 2o15 @ Jaipur & IOACON 2o16 @ Kochi.

06 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

* India declared as a "Guest Nation" for the year 2016 by Orthopaedics Trauma Association USA. Two IOA Representative along with
others will be attending the 2016 OTA Annual Meeting in Maryland, USA during 5th October to 7th October 2o16.
* India declared as a "Guest Nation" for the year 2017 AAOS Annual Meeting in San Diego, USA. Two IOA Representative attended
the 2016 AAOS Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida USA during 1st March to 5th March 2o16.
* Minutes of General Body Meeting & Post Valedictory Executive Committee Meeting was sent to all Official of IOA before publication.
Since last year we are maintaining to send the minutes of Executive Committee Meeting, Central State Relationship Committee and
other meeting like Academic Committee Meeting to all Official of IOA before publication.
* All official of IOA around 150 in number get their pictured representation along with e-mail & contact numbers in IOA News.
* All new applicant of IOA get communication in IOA letter pad regarding their detailed receipt of application and membership number.
* Change of name of 'IOA- Dartmouth Hitchcock Fellowship' to “IOA - Dr Dilip K Sengupta Fellowship” was occurred in last year only.
* Change of name of 'IOA- DePuy (Johnson & Johnson) Foreign Fellowship' to “IOA – Arthroplasty Foreign Fellowship” was occurred
in last year only.
* IOA Glasgow Fellowship has maximum number of applicant which was around forty.
* Institution of Diamond Jubilee Oration to mark the 60th Year of Indian Orthopaedic Association.
* Institution of Dr HR Jhunjhunwala Trophy for best chapter award of IOA for the small states with membership of less than 400
* Ratification of Zonal System of IOACON in Zone one to zone five.
* A common sticker on Bone & Joint Day was prepared by IOA & made available to all Orthopod of India along with the News Letter of
IOA for display in the Clinic & Hospital.
* Reports from state chapter of IOA presented in PPT during the CSRC meeting were included in IOA News.
* IOA - OEP (Ortho Excellence Program) a one day CME initiative by Abbott Healthcare was organized in 28 cities of 14 State of India
in Tier I & Tier II cities except Metro cities, educating over 2000 Orthopaedicians on latest guidelines and treatment methodologies.
* Transparency of IOA activities and functions is maintained by sending a Cc of all e-mail communication to official e-mail ID IOA. All
members of IOA are instructed to send Cc communication to IOA official e-mail ID also.
* Honorary Secretary made an e-mail communication to its member and Officials of IOA & International organization by more than
1800 mails in last year in 2o15 which was a record. Average was 5 mails per day.
* Efforts were made to decrease the work load on executive officer as far as possible by sharing and dividing the work.
* Honorary Secretary worked 24 X 7 days in whole year. He worked Day and Night, Morning and Evening, Early morning to Late night.
Time was no bar for him. Working for IOA is passion for him.
* 3rd Constitutional amendment was ratified in IOACON 2o15 @ Jaipur. This lead to the following mile stone changes in IOA:
1* Deletion of Full Membership of IOA.
2* State Chapter President and Secretary automatically become the State Representative (EC Member) of IOA. State chapter
having member of 250 to 499, will have one state representative and still chapter having 500 or more member, would have two
state representative of IOA.
3* Election of one vice president who will automatically become the president elect next year and president year after. In this year
there will be election of one vice president (Not Two) and one president elect. Vice president would be the election officer. Year
2o16 is the beginning of election of only one vice president post, not two. Year 2o15 was the last year of election of two vice
president post. Year 2o16 is the last years of election of president elect post.
4* Minimum 5 years of life membership and residing in India is required to contest for any post of IOA.
5* Formation of Benevolent Fund of IOA.
Things happened first time in the history of IOACON were as followed:
1* It was a Diamond Jubilee conference to mark the 60th years of IOA since its inception in the year 1955.
2* It was 3rd IOACON in the city of Jaipur (2ooo, 2o1o, 2o15).
3* Total number of registered delegate was 6800 which was a record till date.
4* Maximum number of Free Papers (1500) and Posters (700) were received and were subjected to blind peer
5* Registration fee were kept lesser then previous IOACON.
6* All unmarried children of registered couples were given free registrations.
7* Complementary registrations was given to all executive committee member apart from senior citizens.
8* Royal Baggie- Chariot Ride of past presidents in cream coloured Jodhpuri suit with the Army Band was
9* All past presidents were garlanded in a large Flower garland @ the entrance of main auditorium.
10* There was a dedicated program by British Orthopaedic Association (British Autumn), by Indian Orthopaedic
Society – UK, by Orthopaedic Trauma Association – USA and by American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
during this Diamond Conference.
11* 24 Past Presidents and 14 Past Secretaries of IOA blessed the Diamond Jubilee IOACON 2o15.
12* Contribution to IOA before adjourn of IOACON by Org. TEAM was One Carore without cutting the TDS which
was an unbelievable record.
Our main aim for this year is to update the data of member for the online election of Indian Orthopaedic Association. I would like to have our
IOA election by “IOA App” in near future as in UK of British Orthopaedic Association by “BOA App”. We have to start also SMS service to our
members. We have to use WhatsApp for better way of Communication. We made a lot of changes in our web site. All state chapters got the
link for their own state web site.
A humble appeal to all Orthopod, whenever they have communication with IOA, please send a copy of your all communication to below
mentioned e-mail ID also; / / / /
On behalf of Indian Orthopaedic Association I would like to welcome all of you on this POST diamond jubilee Conference of Indian
Orthopaedic Association to be held from 12th December to 17th December 2o16 in Kochi Kerala.
With warm regards & best wishes
In service of Indian Orthopaedic Association..
Jai Hind, Jai-IOA..

(Dr. Sanjay Jain)

Hon. Secretary, IOA

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 07

Dr Ram Prabhoo MS [Ortho], FICS
IOA: President (2o17) Vice President (2oo9),
Chairman Trauma (2006-08) & Fellowship Comm. (2o11-13),
Org. Secretary IOACON 2oo5 / APOA: Vice President (2o11),
Org. Chairman APOACON 2o12, Org. President (2o15)Trauma n Infection /
WOC: Secretary General (2o11) / BOS: President (2oo4-o6) /
Course Director MCh (Seychelles) 2o1o-11 & FRCS (Edin)
Ex. / ARSI: Joint Secretary / JRDS: Trustee / HOD: VN Desai Hospital Mumbai

From the Desk of President-Elect - IOA

Dear Colleagues,
Greetings to one & all!
This is my first communication with you all after taking over as the ' President Elect of Indian
Orthopaedic Association. I wish to extend my heartfelt thanks to each of you who have thought me to
be worthy of this prestigious post. This victory is dedicated to you all, as I wish to be remembered as
the 'Peoples President'. With enthusiasm in my heart & Help from encouraging colleagues, I would
like to fulfil my election mandate. I feel humbled to follow the footsteps of the Giants who have
steered this great organisation to its present enviable position.
My focus has been & will be to encourage Teamwork amongst my contemporaries, so as to avail of
readymade experience & wisdom. We would love to put together challenging programs for the
younger Orthopaedic surgeons, who crave for Techno-savvy Orthopedics.
Along with our present President Dr Sudhir Kapoor, we would be implementing the
Academic plans charted out by him and the IOA team for next two years.
My focus also would be to put in place an Advisory scheme for medico legal problems affecting us, a
benevolent scheme to help our colleague's families in distress and a mentorship program for the
young Orthopods.
I am confident that with the blessings of my teachers, love of my colleagues & respect of my
students, IOA will be steered to achieve the goals set by our past presidents.

With regards & best wishes

Yours sincerely

Dr Ram Prabhoo
President Elect, I.O.A.

08 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue - I
December 2015 - March 2016

Section - II


News Letter
IOA Executive Committee - 2016

President President-Elect Hon. Secretary

Dr. Sudhir K. Kapoor Dr. Ram Prabhoo Dr. Sanjay Jain
Email: Office: Email: Email:
Personal: Mobile: 9820053583
Mobile: 9958553333 Mobile: 9425863999

Past Presidents Past Presidents Vice Presidents

Dr. Hari Ram Jhunjhunwala Dr. Anil Kumar Jain Dr. Mohan Mantri
Email: Email: Email:
Mobile: 9821064068 Mobile: 9811604663 Mobile: 9413352369

Vice Presidents Hon. Treasurer Editor

Dr. Zile Singh Kundu Dr. Manish Dhawan Dr. Ish Kumar Dhammi
Email: Email: Email:
Mobile: 9896187741 Mobile: 9811128288 Mobile: 9868399698

Joint Secretaries Joint Secretaries Executive Officer

Dr. Rajesh Lalchandani Dr. Krishna Kumar Pandey Ramesh C Pandey
Email: Email: Email:
Mobile: 9810987514 Mobile: 9827342501
Mobile: 9811967820

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016
The Working Committee of IOA - 2016
Working Committee: President, Secretary, President-Elect,
Two Immediate Past Presidents, Vice Presidents, Hon. Treasurer.

(Please note that other committees which will be represented by only one person in any meeting. )
Central State Relationship Committee

Dr. Dhirendra Singh Dr. Deepak Shah 9826056800

Foreign Fellowship

Dr. A. K. Gupta Dr. N. C. Mohapatra Dr. Ram Chaddha, 9437126788
9839345016 9930626976

Inland Fellowship

Dr. Atul Bahadur Singh Dr. Vinod Padmanbhan 9847448732


Dr. Ramesh Chand Meena Dr. Aa Rajamani Dr. Paresh Golwala
9414069191 9443350255 9824280203

Basic Science & Ortho. Research Committee

Dr. H. K. T. Raza Dr. Parag Sancheti
9301435137 8888553333

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016
Hand Section of IOA

Dr. Pankaj Jindal Dr. Ravi Gupta Dr. Rajendra K. V.
9822031140 9646121592 9880825541

Oncology Section of IOA

Dr. Alok C. Agarwal Dr. Akshay Tiwari
9425151634 9818002611

Trauma Committee of IOA

Dr. Vinod Tiwari Dr. K. S. Maheshwari Dr. Amit Ajgaonkar
9993068808 9825212034 9824280203

Committee for Liaison with International Association

Dr. Jamal Ashraf Dr. Atul Shrivastava
9415160454 9897076867

I.T. (Website) Committee of IOA

Dr. Lalit Maini Dr. Naresh Goyal Dr. Navin Thakkar
9968604324 9829010941 9825387016

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016
President Theme - 2016

Dr. Raja Ravi Verma Dr. Ashok Vij Dr. Naresh Shetty
9841131107 9837007577 080-23227052

Dr. P. V. Vijayaraghvan Dr. Ajit Saigal Dr. H. S. Narendra 9886133211
9840043414 9415204489

Dr. Shailendra Sharma Dr. Ashit Mehta Dr. Aneen N.
9829055512 9825040708 9447040871

State Representatives of IOA - 2016

Andhra Pradesh

Dr. V.K.V. Prasad Dr. Y. Thimma Reddy Dr. GVS Murthy
9440051235 9848036426 9848223470


Dr. Mithilesh Kumar Dr. Bhuwan Kumar Singh
9934753994 9431243227

Chhatissgarh Uttrakhand

Dr. Nilam C. Kothari Dr. Rajesh Tembhurnikar Dr. Ashok Kumar Sirohi
9425238120 9827181825 9897615744

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Dr. Inder Pawar Dr. Om P. Lakhwani Dr. Akshay Tiwari
9711152370 9555628578 9818002611


Dr. NavinchandraThakkar Dr Charanjeet Singh Ajmani Dr. Hasmukh P. Nagwadia
9825387016 9426120404 9723814800

Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir

Dr. Zile Singh Kundu Dr. Om Pal Sharma Dr. Rajesh Kumar Gupta
9896187741 9418496700 9419195054


Dr. Ravi Shankar R Dr. Deepak S. Dr. Nitin Srichand
9448079490 9845198488 9880970807


Dr. Jimmy M.L. Dr. Vasudevan P.N. Dr. Tajan P.J.
9446441698 9349814998 9447351881

Madhya Pradesh

Dr. R.K. S. Dhakad Dr. Santosh Kumar Sharma Dr. Saurabh Jain
9826243255 9425195613 9425131497

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Dr. Rajendra Abhyankar Dr. Amit Ajgaonkar Dr. Sampat S. Dumbre Patil
9822047650 9867111959 9822339892

Orissa Punjab

Dr. Sakti Prasad Das Dr. Kotini Saskar Rao Dr. Rakesh Kumar Sharma
9437016874 9337505511 9888182446


Dr. Mahavir Prasad Goyal Dr. Babulal Kumar Dr. C.K. Ameta
9414074295 9414157678 9414157382

Tamil Nadu

Dr. Ravendran Velasamy Dr. N. Dheen Mohamad Ismail Dr. Nitin Srichand
9865560000 9789966786 9880970807

Uttar Pradesh

Dr. Piyush Kumar Mishra Dr. T.P.S. Lamba Dr. Amit Rastogi
9415216934 9415125960 9415202610

West Bengal

Dr. Indrajit Sardar Dr. Debajyoti Kumar Bose Dr. Debdutta Chatterjee
9831029010 9434741520 9474116602

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016
Presidents & Secretaries of State Chapters of IOA - 2016

Himachal Sharma (P
Dr. Jai Lal
Dr.Mohammad Umar Din Yamin (P)

Dr. Rajiv Jain (P)

Dr. Lalit Maini (S)
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Dr. Shailendra Kumar Sharma (P) Dr. Shyam Kumar Saraf (P) Dr.
Dr. Jayant Sen (S) Dr. Ashish Kumar (S)
Dr. Shivendra Kumar (P)
Dr. Rajeev Anand (S)

Dr. Pawan Kumar Barnwal (S)

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Dr. Deepak Singh Maravi (S)


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Dr. Debojyoti Kumar Bose (P)

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Dr. Debdutta Chatterjee (S)



Dr. Rabi Narayan Jee (P)

Dr. Biswajit Sahu (S)

Dr. B. Shivashankar (P)

Dr Kanakala Jangi Reddy (P)
Dr Pedamallu Sudhir Kumar (S)
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Dr M Venkateswara Rao (P)

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Dr. B. Narendra Reddy (S)

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Dr. Boblee James (P)

Dr. Jagdish Menon (S)

Dr. Babu Joseph (P)

Dr. Jijo Jose (S) Dr. Sivakumar Raju (P)
Kerala Dr. Antony Vimal Raj (S)

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016
President Secretary
Bihar Orthopaedic Association - BOA

Dr Shivendra Kumar Dr Rajeev Anand
9431454276 9431019929

Central Zone - CEZ-IOA

Dr Santosh Kumar Sharma Dr Amit Rastogi
9425195613 9415202610

Chhattisgarh Chapter of IOA (CG- IOA)

Dr Prakash Bhale Rao Dr Rajendra Sahu
8349266869 9827177900

Delhi Orthopaedic Association - DOA

Dr Rajiv jain Dr Lalit Maini
9810144912 9968604324

Gujarat Orthopaedic Association - GOA

Dr Hasmukh P Nagwadia Dr Navinchandra Thakkar
9723814800 9825387016

Himachal Pradesh Orthopaedic Association - HPOA

Dr Jai Lal Sharma Dr Om Pal Sharma
9418696493 9418496700

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016
President Secretary
Jharkhand Orthopaedic Association - JOA

Dr Sudhir Kumar Dr Pawan Kumar Barnwal
9431101163 9431163369

Karnataka Orthopaedic Association - KOA

Dr Suresh A Korlhalli Dr Edward L. Nazareth
9448473675 9845578782

Kerela Orthopaedic Association - KOA

Dr Babu Joseph Dr Jijo Jose
9847165295 9447131979

Madhya Pradesh Chapter of IOA - MP-IOA

Dr Sameer Gupta Dr Deepak Singh Maravi
9425117283 9424468131

Maharashtra Orthopaedic Association - MOA

Dr B. Shivashankar Dr Nitin Deshpande
9850057565 9822058344

North East Region Orthopaedic Surgeons Association

Dr Tapan Kumar Das Dr Jishnu Prakosh Baruah
9437257441 9435030284

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016
President Secretary
Orissa Orthopaedic Association - OOA

Dr Rabi Narayan Jee Dr Biswajit Sahu
9437014766 9437314789

Orthopaedic Surgeons Society of Andhra Pradesh - OSSAP

Dr M Venkateswara Rao Dr B Narendra Reddy
9885111978 9866802892

Pondicherry Orthopaedic Association - POA

Dr Boblee James Dr Jagdish Menon
9894021718 9994078904

Punjab Orthopaedic Association - POA

Dr Mohammad Umar Din Yamin Dr Rajnish Garg
9814171465 9814038320

Rajasthan Orthopaedic Surgeons Association - ROSA

Dr Shailendra Kumar Sharma Dr Jayant Sen
9829055512 9829005188

Tamil Nadu Orthopaedic Association - TNOA

Dr Sivakumar Raju Antony Vimal Raj
9443733996 9566221195

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016
President Secretary
Telangana Orthopaedic Surgeons Association - TOSA

Dr Kanakala Jangi Reddy Dr Pedamallu Sudhir Kumar
9849066622 9849041616

Uttar Pradesh Orthopaedic Association - UPOA

Dr Shyam Kumar Saraf Dr Ashish Kumar
9415268897 9415020202

Uttranchal Chapter of IOA

Dr Ashok Kumar Sirohi Dr Manish Kumar Agarwal
98977615744 9997806100

West Bengal Orthopaedic Association - WBOA

Dr Debojyoti Kumar Bose Dr Debdutta Chatterjee
9434741520 9474116602

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016
List of IOA Life Member enrolled and ratified in Year 2015 @ Jaipur

Sr.No. IOA Name City State Mobile No. e-mail ID

1 LM10485 Dr. Dontham Setty Buddhudu Rajahmundry Andhra Pradesh 9866509116
2 LM10563 Dr. Jeevan Chittithoti Ongole Andhra Pradesh 9849873074
3 LM10598 Dr. Niranjan Rao Chetty Guntur Andhra Pradesh 9494415137
4 LM10604 Dr. Degulmadi Devanand Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh 9966430503
5 LM10645 Dr. Piridi Anantha Venkata Rama Sai Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh 9550687572
6 LM10652 Dr. Krishna Madhukar Dommeti Tanuku Andhra Pradesh 9550885566
7 LM10524 Dr. Josyula Prasanna Machilipatnam Andhra Pradesh 9885437408
8 LM10527 Dr. Mudamanchu V. Hari Prasad Prakasam Andhra Pradesh 9177367426
9 LM10701 Dr. Badduri Srinivasa Reddy Vinukonda Andhra Pradesh 9701876518
10 LM10723 Dr. Mogili Chaitanya Nellore Andhra Pradesh 9490230255
11 LM10728 Dr. Santhosh Ram Gaddam Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh 9885765987
12 LM10739 Dr. Md. Zaheer Ahmed Kurnool Andhra Pradesh 9177764412
13 LM10740 Dr. Keerthy Chandra Bassetty Tirupathi Andhra Pradesh 9962762086
14 LM10742 Dr. K.N. Srikanth Anantapur Andhra Pradesh 9866400690
15 LM10770 Dr. Vijay Kumar Kurukuri Rajahmundry Andhra Pradesh 9010899955
16 LM10811 Dr. Shaik Raja Ahammed Kadapa Andhra Pradesh 9490981765
17 LM10837 Dr. B. Bhanu Pratap Anantapur Andhra Pradesh 9013097227
18 LM10903 Dr. Pratap Reddy Gontu Guntur Andhra Pradesh 9949537743
19 LM10921 Dr. Dinesh Kumar D. Proddatur Andhra Pradesh 9948136136
20 LM10931 Dr. Mallidi Venkata Krishna Reddy Rajahmundry Andhra Pradesh 9885804608
21 LM10972 Dr. Krishna Sravanth. P. Guntur Andhra Pradesh 9915589779
22 LM10973 Dr. Sunil Gottipati Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh 8885552367
23 LM10987 Dr. K.N. Sandeep Nandyal Andhra Pradesh 9985477110
24 LM10990 Dr. Vaddi Jayachandra Tadipatri Andhra Pradesh 8985932950
25 LM10991 Dr. M. Ananda Babu Naik Anantapur Andhra Pradesh 9703388989
26 LM10993 Dr. K. Phaneendra Ponnuru Machilipatnam Andhra Pradesh 9000060961
27 LM10994 Dr. Praneeth Reddy Komma Kadapa Andhra Pradesh 9493303333
28 LM10996 Dr. Bhavya Chand Manne Eluru Andhra Pradesh 9885678999
29 LM10997 Dr. Arun Kumar. V Secunderabad Andhra Pradesh 7660076007
30 LM11011 Dr. M. Vinod Kumar Guntur Andhra Pradesh 9666911123
31 LM11013 Dr. Venkata Subba Reddy ER Kadapa Andhra Pradesh 9160353365
32 LM11019 Dr. Shivananda Reddy. N Kadapa Andhra Pradesh 9989638787
33 LM11032 Dr. Mogali Kasi Viswanadham East Godavari Andhra Pradesh 9052042159
34 LM11033 Dr. Medikonda Venkateswara Rao Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh 9885111978
35 LM10632 Dr. Sukalyan Dey Guwahati Assam 9577059453
36 LM10675 Dr. Premananda Das Dibrugarh Assam 9435031305
37 LM10762 Dr. Nitesh Jajodia Kamrup Assam 9999818806
38 LM10843 Dr. Angshuman Khanna Guwahati Assam 9864278543
39 LM10864 Dr. Prakash Maheswari Dibrugarh Assam 9910765763
40 LM10949 Dr. Vishal Lohia Dhemaji Assam 9435875173
41 AM10536 Dr. Jabed Jahangir Bangladesh Bangladesh -
42 LM10586 Dr. Anand Shankar Patna Bihar 9504625601
43 LM10601 Dr. Radhika Raman Darbhanga Bihar 9431277238
44 LM10658 Dr. Kumar Yoga Ranjan Bhagalpur Bihar 9672675155
45 LM10678 Dr. Ashutosh Kumar Patna Bihar 9661297318
46 LM10726 Dr. Gaurav Khemka Patna Bihar 7766013333
47 LM10868 Dr. Amit Kumar Purnea Bihar 9839020847
48 LM10887 Dr. Pankaj Kumar Patna Bihar 7399448850
49 LM10932 Dr. Jitendra Kumar Singh Saharsa Bihar 9430018675 -
50 LM10965 Dr. Rajesh Kumar Ranjan Madhepura Bihar 9431421246
51 LM10979 Dr. Chaitanya Krishna Muzaffarpur Bihar 9670303170
52 LM10980 Dr. Chandra Kant Munger Bihar 9852682508
53 LM10981 Dr. Ram Suphal Pandit Begusarai Bihar 9835080428

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016
List of IOA Life Member enrolled and ratified in Year 2015 @ Jaipur

Sr.No. IOA Name City State Mobile No. e-mail ID

54 LM10982 Dr. Adityendra Nath Muzaffarpur Bihar 9931653333
55 LM11029 Dr. Kumar Shashi Kant Jehanabad Bihar 9771103836
56 LM11034 Dr. Rajeev Ranjan Motihari Bihar 8084759007
57 LM10907 Dr. Prasoon Kumar Chandigarh Chandigarh 9781002142
58 LM10935 Dr. Dukhum Magu Chandigarh Chandigarh 8437268446
59 LM10938 Dr. Mukul Kaushal Chandigarh Chandigarh 9878050717
60 LM10992 Dr. G. Gokul Chandigarh Chandigarh 9620268206
61 LM10533 Dr. Y. Raj Shekhar Bilaspur Chhattisgarh 8370058804
62 LM10649 Dr. Ramakant Dewangan Champa Chhattisgarh 8518039816
63 LM10769 Dr. Rakesh Thakkar Durg Chhattisgarh 9407685785
64 LM10861 Dr. Anant Kumar Singh Durg Chhattisgarh 8120085833
65 LM10881 Dr. Sanjay Kumar Prasad Jagadalpur Chhattisgarh 9425259126
66 LM10911 Dr. Harjot Singh Gurudatta Mahasamund Chhattisgarh 9815660340
67 LM10679 Dr. Vinod Kumar Paliwal Janjgir Chhattishgarh 7587310980
68 LM10519 Dr. Kapil Shamjibhai Solanki Daman & Diu Daman & Diu 9276858647
69 LM10523 Dr. Nitin Raja Singh Delhi Delhi 9871767472
70 LM10530 Dr. Sandeep Kumar Kesharwani New Delhi Delhi 8948257043
71 LM10546 Dr. Mohit Sharma New Delhi Delhi 9711245559
72 LM10577 Dr. Sushil Kumar Agarwala New Delhi Delhi 9310271252
73 LM10596 Dr. Darsh Goyal New Delhi Delhi 9540400070
74 LM10602 Dr. Alok Aggarwal New Delhi Delhi 8588950575
75 LM10624 Dr. Deepak Gautam New Delhi Delhi 9013690323
76 LM10637 Dr. Mayur Nayak New Delhi Delhi 9968407986
77 LM10643 Dr. Nishint Gupta New Delhi Delhi 9582540763
78 LM10654 Dr. Jujhar Singh New Delhi Delhi 9781717231
79 LM10662 Dr. Pankaj Kumr Jindal New Delhi Delhi 8800761216
80 LM10685 Dr. Varun Singh New Delhi Delhi 9013280178
81 LM10686 Dr. Amit Chaudhry New Delhi Delhi 9168190130
82 LM10688 Dr. Gaurav Singh Bhandari New Delhi Delhi 9891891491
83 LM10710 Dr. Rajat Chopra New Delhi Delhi 8826178877
84 LM10711 Dr. (Mrs.) Rashmi Rajat Chopra New Delhi Delhi 8826168877
85 LM10714 Dr. Atul Mahajan New Delhi Delhi 8744848830
86 LM10746 Dr. Swapnil Singh New Delhi Delhi 9968859395
87 LM10773 Dr. Vishesh Khanna New Delhi Delhi 9811844647
88 LM10778 Dr. Nikhil Verma New Delhi Delhi 9871222215
89 LM10782 Dr. Ajeet Kumar New Delhi Delhi 9438785205
90 LM10791 Dr. Danish Altaf New Delhi Delhi 9911762342
91 LM10835 Dr. Lokesh New Delhi Delhi 9711817238
92 LM10841 Dr. Bhupendra Pratap Bharti New Delhi Delhi 9891258507
93 LM10886 Dr. Vikas Anand New Delhi Delhi 7027347082
94 LM10888 Dr. Vivek Tiwari New Delhi Delhi 9868633097
95 LM10893 Dr. Sohail Abbas New Delhi Delhi 9811617491
96 LM10926 Dr. Sandeep Kumar New Delhi Delhi 7042856844
97 LM10939 Dr. Ankit Khurana New Delhi Delhi 9810061510
98 LM11018 Dr. Sandeep Kumar Beniwal New Delhi Delhi 9013000527
99 LM10691 Dr. Vilas Narayan Sadekar Goa Goa 9823664880
100 LM10489 Dr. Nilay Prafulsinh Chhasatia Surat Gujarat 8807603960
101 LM10512 Dr. Rakesh M. Rathava Bodeli Gujarat 9978768047
102 LM10513 Dr. Kunal Bipinchandra Shah Ahmedabad Gujarat 9825326029
103 LM10532 Dr. Jayprakash Vrajlal Modi Ahmedabad Gujarat 9825062095
104 LM10542 Dr. Pranav Ashokkumar Shah Ahmedabad Gujarat 9979895596
105 LM10589 Dr. Amit Bharatkumar Mistry Navsari Gujarat 9825818830
106 LM10595 Dr. Hrishikesh Virendra Desai Vapi Gujarat 9638339397

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016
List of IOA Life Member enrolled and ratified in Year 2015 @ Jaipur

Sr.No. IOA Name City State Mobile No. e-mail ID

107 LM10605 Dr. Hardikkumar Girishkumar Sheth Palanpur Gujarat 9879564346
108 LM10609 Dr. Anoop Khandelwal Vadodara Gujarat 9727767712
109 LM10630 Dr. Deepak Saini Ahmedabad Gujarat 9824012492
110 LM10661 Dr. Rushi Manoj Shah Ahmedabad Gujarat 8980007425
111 LM10677 Dr. Bhuvnesh Ramakant Chaturvedi Ahmedabad Gujarat 9016741577
112 LM10704 Dr. Sagar Vrajlal Hansalia Rajkot Gujarat 9712969446
113 LM10707 Dr. Manish Diwakar Ahmedabad Gujarat 9099989950
114 LM10709 Dr. Ashok Suryavanshi Surat Gujarat 9825111145
115 LM10716 Dr. Jignesh Harishkumar Pandya Ahmedabad Gujarat 7874432122
116 LM10717 Dr. Dhavalkumar Jyotishchandra Patel Ahmedabad Gujarat 9909009690
117 LM10718 Dr. Amish Subhash Chandra Shah Banaskantha Gujarat 7567328777
118 LM10724 Dr. Ruchir Ganpatbhai Patel Ahmedabad Gujarat 8238003995
119 LM10737 Dr. Awnish Himanshu Dube Navsari Gujarat 9825730543
120 LM10743 Dr. Jinil Nilesh Doshi Vadodara Gujarat 9662291251
121 LM10745 Dr. Chirag Dilipkumar Master Baroda Gujarat 9909255377
122 LM10752 Dr. Nitin Dalubhai Chaudhari Surat Gujarat 9978911274
123 LM10768 Dr. Ankitkumar Arunbhai Desai Surat Gujarat 8692999397
124 LM10816 Dr. Bhavik Mahendrabhai Rana Vadodara Gujarat 8238022263
125 LM10819 Dr. Ripple Jayendrabhai Shah Ahmedabad Gujarat 9909912045
126 LM10821 Dr. Anil Maganbhai Solanki Ahmedabad Gujarat 8238004125
127 LM10825 Dr. Mehul Kumar Rupsinh Chandana Dahod Gujarat 9978778909
128 LM10834 Dr. Krunal Hasmukhbhai Patel Visnagar Gujarat 9723553665
129 LM10879 Dr. Vaja Imran Mohammed Iqbal Junagadh Gujarat 9409247876
130 LM10883 Dr. Suril Atulkumar Shah Ahmedabad Gujarat 8980085555
131 LM10891 Dr. Karan Choudhry Surat Gujarat 9586596428
132 LM10906 Dr. Pravin Amrit Nandwana Surat Gujarat 9898989719
133 LM10922 Dr. Prateek Sunil Joshi Ahmedabad Gujarat 9574233369
134 LM10985 Dr. Chirag Kapoor Vadodara Gujarat 9687970330
135 LM10998 Dr. Maunilkumar Rajendrakumar Nayak Kadi Gujarat 9924003355
136 LM10999 Dr. Pratikkumar Dineshkumar Shah Himatnagar Gujarat 9033389810
137 LM11036 Dr. Dhrumil M. Patel Vadodara Gujarat 9879019298
138 LM10515 Dr. Gaurav Sachdeva Karnal Haryana 9896557067
139 LM10555 Dr. Nishant Jain Kaithal Haryana 8377912102
140 LM10579 Dr. Varun Aggarwal Panchkula Haryana 8054004946
141 LM10613 Dr. Anil Kumar Rohtak Haryana 9996312139
142 LM10631 Dr. Ankur Mittal Kaithal Haryana 8295358819
143 LM10633 Dr. Pardeep Kumar Hissar Haryana 9416107070
144 LM10663 Dr. Raj Kumar Dumra Sirsa Haryana 9416167975
145 LM10664 Dr. Manmohan Pahwa Fatehabad Haryana 9812322497
146 LM10712 Dr. Brahmpreet Singh Nagpal Ambala Haryana 7837330544
147 LM10814 Dr. Amit Singla Fatehabad Haryana 9560711302
148 LM10895 Dr. Sunil Saini Gurgaon Haryana 9864310304
149 LM10896 Dr. Devendra Kumar Yadav Gurgaon Haryana 9650215718
150 LM10900 Dr. Shivan Marya Gurgaon Haryana 8411977535
151 LM10600 Dr. Navdeep Malhotra Mandi Himachal Pradesh 8288849649
152 LM10671 Dr. Gaurav Kumar Sharma Hamirpur Himachal Pradesh 9781670408
153 LM10713 Dr. Amit Kumar Salaria Kangra Himachal Pradesh 8894164160
154 LM10936 Dr. Kunal Kaushal Hamirpur Himachal Pradesh 0
155 AM10535 Dr. Haider Ali Zahid Al-Zahid Basrah Iraq -
156 LM10642 Dr. Suhail Maqbool Vakil Kashmir J&K 9419423541
157 LM10541 Dr. Virender Bhagat Jammu Jammu & Kashmir 8506099312>
158 LM10650 Dr. Imtiyaz Hussain Dar Srinagar Jammu & Kashmir -
159 LM10695 Dr. Zameer Ali Srinagar Jammu & Kashmir 9419008254

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016
List of IOA Life Member enrolled and ratified in Year 2015 @ Jaipur

Sr.No. IOA Name City State Mobile No. e-mail ID

160 LM10823 Dr. Imran Mumtaz Srinagar Jammu & Kashmir 9469436906
161 LM10876 Dr. Adil Bashir Shah Kashmir Jammu & Kashmir 9906743352
162 LM10901 Dr. Omar Khursheed Srinagar Jammu & Kashmir 7298659489
163 LM10905 Dr. Mohd. Rafiq Bhat Pulwama Jammu & Kashmir 9906691799
164 LM10964 Dr. Suhail Bashir Jammu Tawi Jammu & Kashmir 9419004733
165 LM10986 Dr. Sulaiman Sath Shopian Jammu & Kashmir 9697088450
166 LM10656 Dr. Rahul Saket Ranchi Jharkhand 9914208333
167 LM10749 Dr. Shashi Kant Suman Ranchi Jharkhand 9386123830
168 LM10822 Dr. Indranil Bhaduri Jamshedpur Jharkhand 9431187572
169 LM10898 Dr. Ritesh Kumar Jamshedpur Jharkhand 7763807875
170 LM10920 Dr. Somit Sarkar Jamshedpur Jharkhand 9835175950
171 LM10487 Dr. Bhavanishankar. H.R. Dakshina Kannada Karnataka 9591365628
172 LM10567 Dr. Ramaswamy. C Bangaluru Karnataka 9972049099
173 LM10578 Dr. Syed Sadath Hussain C. B. Bellary Karnataka 9448210430
174 LM10625 Dr. Rajendran.T Bangalore Karnataka 9944004411
175 LM10659 Dr. Prashanth D’SA Udupi Karnataka 9130015702
176 LM10676 Dr. Ravichandra Kelkar Bangalore Karnataka 9980125704
177 LM10682 Dr. Raghuraj Suresh Kundangar Manipal Karnataka 9880884933
178 LM10687 Dr. Chidanand. R. Metri Athani Karnataka 9448527433
179 LM10733 Dr. Gowtham K.R. Mysore Karnataka 8281810888
180 LM10775 Dr. Arjun Ballal Udupi Karnataka 8431644077
181 LM10930 Dr. Jayavardhan. Y.B. Bellary Karnataka 9894409954
182 LM10499 Dr. Nagaraja H.S. Bangalore Karnataka 8754650848
183 LM10506 Dr. Anandkumar Khatavi Belgaum Karnataka 9566181416
184 LM10517 Dr. Arun. N Mysore Karnataka 9741929355
185 LM10529 Dr. R. Sudarshan Bangalore Karnataka 9008534830
186 LM10698 Dr. Bhimashen Bagalkot Bangalore Karnataka 9986567216
187 LM10699 Dr. Anil Bulagond Bijapur Karnataka 9945174196
188 LM10738 Dr. M.R. Chandrashekaran Bangaluru Karnataka 9611747031
189 LM10741 Dr. Raghavendra Beshaj Nanjundaiah Bangalore Karnataka 9167144033
190 LM10747 Dr. Shiva Kumar M.S. Bangalore Karnataka 9986929797
191 LM10748 Dr. Krishna Kumar M.S. Bangalore Karnataka 7411295438
192 LM10780 Dr. Shailesh Pai Bhatkal Karnataka 9964426817
193 LM10783 Dr. Siddalingesh N. Hiremath Davanagere Karnataka 9886269062
194 LM10803 Dr. P. Niranjana Murthy Bangaluru Karnataka 9900882129
195 LM10804 Dr. Prateek Patil Hubli Karnataka 9769759940
196 LM10815 Dr. Ravindragouda B. Patil Belgaum Karnataka 9448192336
197 LM10817 Dr. Halesh Bevinamarad Belgaum Karnataka 8147583350
198 LM10830 Dr. Vinay Kumar Gunjalli Bangalore Karnataka 9591200320
199 LM10836 Dr. Harsha H.J. Bangalore Karnataka 9019842502
200 LM10858 Dr. Prasad Antapur Bangaluru Karnataka 9916900622
201 LM10859 Dr. Shivaprasanna G. Vastrad Belgaum Karnataka 9880045836
202 LM10860 Dr. Paramanand Sadashiv Hosapeti Belgaum Karnataka 9036279142
203 LM10877 Dr. K.M. Pawan Kumar Mysore Karnataka 9945171976
204 LM10880 Dr. Hemant R. Bhasme Belgaum Karnataka 9844927306
205 LM10884 Dr. K. Vidyashankar Bangalore Karnataka 9900991812
206 LM10910 Dr. Ahmed Rayan Jelani Bangalore Karnataka 9845424903
207 LM10919 Dr. Naveenkumar Patil Bijapur Karnataka 9972459806
208 LM10961 Dr. Shridhar Lakhe Gulbarga Karnataka 7795107007
209 LM10962 Dr. Mohammed Nazim Gulbarga Karnataka 9035326787
210 LM10963 Dr. S. Arunodhaya Siddartha Bangalore Karnataka 9986093591
211 LM10975 Dr. Nithin Krishna. V.P Bangalore Karnataka 9482583335
212 LM10988 Dr. K.G. Ravi Chitradurga Karnataka 7760810076

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016
List of IOA Life Member enrolled and ratified in Year 2015 @ Jaipur

Sr.No. IOA Name City State Mobile No. e-mail ID

213 LM11004 Dr. Aashish Raghu Bangalore Karnataka 7697416801 goofinup2005@gmail.coM
214 LM11006 Dr. Gowrishankar. S. Bangalore Karnataka 9790203693
215 LM11025 Dr. Venkatdeep Mohan Bangalore Karnataka 9886247920
216 LM10562 Dr. Aswinkumar. K Thrissur Kerala 9400053535
217 LM10708 Dr. Rajendran Jibi Trivandrum Kerala 9995954054
218 LM10928 Dr. Saibin Ahmad Sageer. P.K Malappuram Kerala 9447633735
219 LM10488 Dr. K. Hemaraja Kasaragod Kerala 9744435774
220 LM10721 Dr. Dilip Kuncheria Thodupuzha Kerala 9249444881
221 LM10735 Dr. Azad Sait S. Kollam Kerala 9446494506
222 LM10761 Dr. Atheeth Ninan Mathews P. Pathanamthitta Kerala 9496100853
223 LM10784 Dr. Shaji George Abraham Kochi Kerala 8891039940
224 LM10805 Dr. Sajeev. K.T. Malappuram, Kerala 9349882390
225 LM10806 Dr. Nikhil. C.S. Kozhikode Kerala 9847442847
226 LM10807 Dr. Krishnaraj C.P. Kozhikode Kerala -
227 LM10808 Dr. Md. Nayeem Ali Kozhikode Kerala 7760403224
228 LM10809 Dr. Hrishikesh. K Kozhikode Kerala 9747888720
229 LM10810 Dr. Shameem G.M. Calicut Kerala 9645795026
230 LM10812 Dr. Sujith Thampy Kozhikode Kerala 9846191519
231 LM10813 Dr. C.K. Hareendarnath Calicut Kerala 9995383050
232 LM10818 Dr. Nijith O. Govindan Kozhikode Kerala -
233 LM10892 Dr. Shekeel Anwar A.S. Kasaragod Kerala 9446366929
234 LM10897 Dr. Shri Harsha R.V. Trissur Kerala 8156984482
235 LM10904 Dr. Jobin Alex Mohan Alappuzha Kerala 8301892752
236 LM10933 Dr. Kevin Syam Pathanamthitta Kerala 9855723399
237 LM10959 Dr. Kiran. R Kollam Kerala 9847457751
238 LM10960 Dr. Thomas Varghese Kottayam Kerala 7559923582
239 LM10967 Dr. Arun Kumar A.S. Kollam Kerala 9995956596
240 LM10968 Dr. Kiran Chandran. B. Kollam Kerala 9447275292
241 LM10969 Dr. Sreeganesh. K. Kollam Kerala 9846832565
242 LM10970 Dr. Subhash. B. Kollam Kerala 9961476977
243 LM10971 Dr. Shahid Latheef Kollam Kerala 8589897755
244 LM10989 Dr. Mukesh Kumar Kochi Kerala 0
245 LM11005 Dr. Mathew David Calicut Kerala 9731214915
246 LM10545 Dr. Preetesh Choudhary Indore Madhya Pradesh 9584097710
247 LM10566 Dr. Saurabh Gupta Indore Madhya Pradesh 9926611304
248 LM10588 Dr. Aditya Sharma Bhopal Madhya Pradesh 9873492444
249 LM10614 Dr. Makhan Lal Mahor Gwaliar Madhya Pradesh 9827046190
250 LM10618 Dr. Asif Iqbal Bhopal Madhya Pradesh 8003426111
251 LM10620 Dr. Rajesh Turkar Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh 9977009033
252 LM10621 Dr. Skand Bahre Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh 8817126832
253 LM10623 Dr. Sudhir Kumar Rawat Barwani Madhya Pradesh 8269508085
254 LM10666 Dr. Ankush Bhargava Betul Madhya Pradesh 7692860604
255 LM10719 Dr. Shirish Shrivastava Gwalior Madhya Pradesh 9893381561
256 LM10751 Dr. Sandeep O.P. Sharma Bhopal Madhya Pradesh 9827245012
257 LM10863 Dr. Lavesh Agrawal Indore Madhya Pradesh 9993120366
258 LM10927 Dr. Raghvendra Choubey Sagar Madhya Pradesh 9407510977
259 LM10976 Dr. Deepandra Sonkar Bhopal Madhya Pradesh 8435574651
260 LM10715 Dr. Naresh Sardar Betul Madhya Pradesh 7828528041
261 LM10755 Dr. Suryaprakash Nagariya Indore Madhya Pradesh 9826712330
262 LM10831 Dr. Rahul Verma Bhopal Madhya Pradesh 9425019661
263 LM10852 Dr. Manish Maheshwari Indore Madhya Pradesh 9826252228
264 LM10853 Dr. Prasad Patgaonkar Indore Madhya Pradesh 8889844448
265 LM10854 Dr. Pritesh Vyas Indore Madhya Pradesh 9630378795

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016
List of IOA Life Member enrolled and ratified in Year 2015 @ Jaipur

Sr.No. IOA Name City State Mobile No. e-mail ID

266 LM10875 Dr. Ashish Patidar Ujjain Madhya Pradesh 9713381853
267 LM10914 Dr. Yugal Varandani Hoshangabad Madhya Pradesh 9655876018
268 LM10977 Dr. Ajit Ganvir Bhopal Madhya Pradesh 9425600208
269 LM11009 Dr. Manish Bajaj Indore Madhya Pradesh 9826861910
270 LM10511 Dr. Hemant Bhandari Mumbai Maharashtra 9821550650
271 LM10531 Dr. Shardul Madhav Soman Aurangabad Maharashtra 8980844549
272 LM10564 Dr. Kumar Kaushik Dash Mumbai Maharashtra 9820407636
273 LM10569 Dr. Piyush Vishwas Gavai Mumbai Maharashtra 9320707080
274 LM10570 Dr. Kunal Ramesh Bansal Pune Maharashtra 9823459296
275 LM10591 Dr. Ankush Vinay Mohabey Nagpur Maharashtra 9405968565
276 LM10594 Dr. Amit Chandrakant Supe Wardha Maharashtra 9975771033
277 LM10597 Dr. Piyush Pradip Saoji Akola Maharashtra 9870930670
278 LM10627 Dr. Sajeev Sharatchandra Gokhale Pune Maharashtra 9822034625
279 LM10629 Dr. Vishal Shantilal Lapshia Mumbai Maharashtra 9917470384
280 LM10639 Dr. Imran S.A. Ansari Mumbai Maharashtra 9820309018
281 LM10646 Dr. Ashishkumar Ganeshlal Navandar Aurangabad Maharashtra 9372633971
282 LM10651 Dr. Sambhav Shah Mumbai Maharashtra 9833165660
283 LM10660 Dr. Azhar Azizuddin Lakhani Yavatmal Maharashtra 8451055060
284 LM10674 Dr. Sohael Mohammed Khan Chandrapur Maharashtra 9422113994
285 LM10681 Dr. Momin Mohaddis Ahmed Mushtaque Bhiwandi Maharashtra 9029713537
286 LM10692 Dr. Malpura Aftab Mahammadsalim Mumbai Maharashtra 9819134108
287 LM10702 Dr. Ankit Subhash Patel Mumbai Maharashtra 9099571067
288 LM10720 Dr. Harshavardhan Shah Pune Maharashtra 9822058845
289 LM10722 Dr. Bhushan Pundlikrao Bhende Nagpur Maharashtra 9272145411
290 LM10732 Dr. Karan Kishore Mane Nagaur Maharashtra 9822403010
291 LM10744 Dr. Romil Dwarkadas Rathi Akola Maharashtra 9975768365
292 LM10756 Dr. Balasaheb Raghunathrao Yadav Beed Maharashtra 9822808275
293 LM10763 Dr. Sagar Bharat Kelkar Nashik Maharashtra 8698098807
294 LM10766 Dr. Himanshu Gurunath Kulkarni Sangli Maharashtra 9371170504
295 LM10767 Dr. Akshay Shivling Dudhanale Latur Maharashtra 9096222196
296 LM10771 Dr. Sagar Namdev Fulwade Pune Maharashtra 9766587669
297 LM10772 Dr. Santosh Shivajirao Kokane Pune Maharashtra 9822995233
298 LM10801 Dr. Pawar Purushottam Namdeo Mumbai Maharashtra 9833983243
299 LM10820 Dr. Rohan Ashok Habbu Mumbai Maharashtra 9820727963
300 LM10832 Dr. Monish Somnath Bami Mumbai Maharashtra 7718005279
301 LM10871 Dr. Abhishek Ramakant Pandey Mumbai Maharashtra 9987999969
302 LM10885 Dr. Gopal Kela Nagpur Maharashtra 9922122111
303 LM10889 Dr. Akshay Rajendra Gandhi Aurangabad Maharashtra 8446859799
304 LM10984 Dr. Ketan Gupta Pune Maharashtra 8390969995
305 LM11001 Dr. Apratim Gupta Mumbai Maharashtra 9324781177
306 LM11020 Dr. Rajesh Kishanrao Ambulgekar Nanded Maharashtra 9422170074
307 LM11035 Dr. Vaibhao Narayan Gorde Thane Maharashtra 9167281830
308 LM10940 Dr. Rokoliebi Khate Dimapur Nagaland 9436006239
309 LM10941 Dr. Tongpangnoktang Jamir Dimapur Nagaland 9856683828
310 AM11031 Dr. Edwin Omon Edomwonyi Irrua Nigeria 9873771262
311 LM10507 Dr. Chandrakanta Nayak Bhadrak Odisha 8763464926
312 LM10509 Dr. Barada Prasanna Samal Jajpur Odisha 9861666777
313 LM10516 Dr. Gopabandhu Patra Bhubaneswar Odisha 7504009002
314 LM10590 Dr. Parthasarathi Das Cuttack Odisha 9861116994
315 LM10689 Dr. Gayadhar Behera Sundargarh Odisha 9487701278
316 LM10690 Dr. Sisir Kumar Sahoo Cuttack Odisha 8940482302
317 LM10697 Dr. Deepak Kumar Singh Cuttack Odisha 9658943528
318 LM10700 Dr. Tushar Ranjan Dalei Balasore Odisha 8940482095

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016
List of IOA Life Member enrolled and ratified in Year 2015 @ Jaipur

Sr.No. IOA Name City State Mobile No. e-mail ID

319 LM10777 Dr. S.K. Irfan Ali Balasore Odisha 9078400874
320 LM10912 Dr. Gayadhar Pradhan Cuttack Odisha 9437855199
321 LM10760 Dr. Subrat Mohapatra Cuttack Orissa 9437024112
322 LM10522 Dr. Swagat Mahapatra Puducherry Pondicherry 8940482218
323 LM10855 Dr. Ravichandran S. Pondicherry Pondicherry 9952404546
324 LM10491 Dr. Sourabh Arora Fazilka Punjab 9056500090
325 LM10494 Dr. Ankush Jindal Mansa Punjab 9646686070
326 LM10626 Dr. Jagandeep Singh Virk Mohali Punjab 9888884149
327 LM10640 Dr. Anshul Dahuja Fazilka Punjab 9876390486
328 LM10657 Dr. Deepinder Singh Loomba Patiala Punjab 9855502051
329 LM10764 Dr. Parminder Singh Kular Bhatinda Punjab 9876005290
330 LM10829 Dr. Kavin Khatri Faridkot Punjab 7837540662
331 LM10856 Dr. Vijay Sood Barnala Punjab 9317510836
332 LM10902 Dr. Inderdeep Singh Kapurthala Punjab 7837676232
333 LM11022 Dr. Harpreet Singh Gurdaspur Punjab 9888102524
334 LM10525 Dr. Sandeep Sharma Sikar Rajasthan 9462630834
335 LM10526 Dr. Rama Kishan Nagaur Rajasthan 9950026756
336 LM10534 Dr. Ashish Chhabra Sriganganagar Rajasthan 9988809915
337 LM10568 Dr. Ratan Lal Mehta Jodhpur Rajasthan 9829116411
338 LM10571 Dr. Yuvraj Arora Bharatpur Rajasthan 8764431210
339 LM10619 Dr. Chetan Shrivastava Bikaner Rajasthan 7568857568
340 LM10648 Dr. Dev Kant Meena Ajmer Rajasthan 9414410105
341 LM10667 Dr. Mohit Bihani Jaipur Rajasthan 9950082342
342 LM10684 Dr. Heera Lal Dhawan Dausa Rajasthan 9785588473
343 LM10703 Dr. Nitin Dargar Bhilwara Rajasthan 9099031099
344 LM10705 Dr. Sandeep Kumar Yadav Alwar Rajasthan 8238034069
345 LM10727 Dr. Sunil Kumar Rawat Jaipur Rajasthan 9414657439
346 LM10731 Dr. Pawan Kumar Sharma Jaipur Rajasthan 8860102969
347 LM10734 Dr. Akshay Kumar Jangid Barmer Rajasthan 7891819330
348 LM10774 Dr. Prateek Goyal Jaipur Rajasthan 9414930060
349 LM10785 Dr. Rahul Sharma Jaipur Rajasthan 9571992356
350 LM10786 Dr. Amit Vyas Jaipur Rajasthan 9929888110
351 LM10787 Dr. Kapil Dev Garg Jaipur Rajasthan 9460049935
352 LM10792 Dr. Gaurav Deshwar Bharatpur Rajasthan 8791355668
353 LM10802 Dr. Rahul Saini Jhunjhunu Rajasthan 7828857684
354 LM10826 Dr. Suryakant Purohit Kota Rajasthan 9587850317
355 LM10862 Dr. Vinod Sharma Jhalawar Rajasthan 9413253979
356 LM10909 Dr. Nitin Sanadhya Udaipur Rajasthan 9460826296
357 LM10966 Dr. Ankesh Goyal Jaipur Rajasthan 9414059370
358 LM10978 Dr. Subhash Jain Jaipur Rajasthan 7737418610
359 LM11007 Dr. Ashish Rana Jaipur Rajasthan 8107894582
360 LM11017 Dr. Abhishekh Chachan Hanumangarh Rajasthan 9829885908
361 LM11023 Dr. Shyam Lal Dhaliya Jaipur Rajasthan 9413612615
362 LM11024 Dr. Arun Kumar Sharma Jaipur Rajasthan 7891688519
363 LM10483 Dr. R. Karthik Raja Madurai Tamil Nadu 9962544755
364 LM10484 Dr. Ananda Kirouchenane. B Tirvpur Tamil Nadu 9787294757
365 LM10486 Dr. Suresh Subramani Vilupuram Tamil Nadu 9940142554
366 LM10544 Dr. Ananda Kirouchenane. B Tirupur Tamil Nadu 9787294757
367 LM10547 Dr. Annadurai V. Tiruppur Tamil Nadu 9842226009
368 LM10548 Dr. N. Balasubramanian Tirupur Tamil Nadu 9843859353
369 LM10549 Dr. Azath Mohamed Faizer Tiruppur Tamil Nadu 9894623363
370 LM10550 Dr. G. Bala Murugan Tirupur Tamil Nadu 9489224313
371 LM10551 Dr. Kirupananth. D Tirupur Tamil Nadu 9443496993

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016
List of IOA Life Member enrolled and ratified in Year 2015 @ Jaipur

Sr.No. IOA Name City State Mobile No. e-mail ID

372 LM10552 Dr. S. Muthukumar Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 7200835063
373 LM10554 Dr. Padmanabhan. P Tirupur Tamil Nadu 9842715055
374 LM10556 Dr. Vibhu Krishnan Viswanathan Chennai Tamil Nadu 7708819219
375 LM10557 Dr. Arul Jothi. V Tiruppur Tamil Nadu 8586894306
376 LM10558 Dr. C. Dinesh Chennai Tamil Nadu 9677242249
377 LM10559 Dr. A. Gauthama Vinayakh Tiruppur Tamil Nadu 9842106540
378 LM10560 Dr. A. Thirumurugan Tirupur Tamil Nadu 9842210101
379 LM10561 Dr. Siva Kumar Mani Namakkal Tamil Nadu 9047464646
380 LM10565 Dr. S. Madhu Tirunelveli Tamil Nadu 9943776245
381 LM10572 Dr. Brijesh R. Shetty Tirupur District Tamil Nadu 9443009934
382 LM10573 Dr. R.K. Mohammed Ansur Udumalpet Tamil Nadu 9442709524
383 LM10580 Dr. S. Selva Kumar Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 9443938544
384 LM10581 Dr. Keerti Thiyagarajan Tirupur Tamil Nadu 9843611126
385 LM10582 Dr. Kunal Dheep Madurai Tamil Nadu 9944118385
386 LM10592 Dr. G. Karthikeyan Tirupattur Tamil Nadu 9843420504
387 LM10593 Dr. S.Thirumalai Kumar Tirunelveli Tamil Nadu 9003679567
388 LM10599 Dr. Dhiyanesh K. Cuddalore Tamil Nadu 9842350202
389 LM10610 Dr. AR.Narayanan Madurai Tamil Nadu 9842331207
390 LM10611 Dr. K. Arvind kumar Chengalpattu Tamil Nadu 9842394120
391 LM10641 Dr. Kanniraj M Chennai Tamil Nadu 9381033330
392 LM10647 Dr. Kunal Patel Chennai Tamil Nadu 9789056747
393 LM10653 Dr. Karthick. S.R Namakkal Tamil Nadu 9443324536
394 LM10929 Dr. K. Ravi Kumar Chennai Tamil Nadu 9840088644
395 LM10492 Dr. Manoh. S Sivaganga Tamil Nadu 9962766502
396 LM10493 Dr. P. Shiva Chennai Tamil Nadu 9566119365
397 LM10495 Dr. Rufus Vasanth Raj. G Chennai Tamil Nadu 9884311811
398 LM10496 Dr. S. Jayakumar Virudhunagar Tamil Nadu 9894199063
399 LM10497 Dr. Sadem Amer Chennai Tamil Nadu 9840691145
400 LM10498 Dr. T.D. Hariharan Chennai Tamil Nadu 9710413050
401 LM10500 Dr. A. Arun Shankar Keishnagiri Tamil Nadu 9842098033
402 LM10501 Dr. P. Sankar Ganesh Trichy Tamil Nadu 9486633913
403 LM10502 Dr. Vijaykumar Thanjavur Tamil Nadu 9894125501
404 LM10503 Dr. G. Chandrasekaran Vellore Tamil Nadu 7708892590
405 LM10505 Dr. S. Elangovan Salem Tamil Nadu 9715897581 X
406 LM10508 Dr. K.M. Ganapathy Chennai Tamil Nadu 8754513566
407 LM10510 Dr. Bharath. L Villupuram Tamil Nadu 9714010061
408 LM10518 Dr. Sundaramoorthy. M Chennai Tamil Nadu 9626941136
409 LM10528 Dr. K. Santosh Sahanand Chennai Tamil Nadu 9842644850
410 LM10538 Dr. D. Naresh Salem Tamil Nadu 9944307074
411 LM10539 Dr. Raghavan Sivaram Chennai Tamil Nadu 9841434641
412 LM10540 Dr. Prabhu Thangam Salem Tamil Nadu 9884422118
413 LM10583 Dr. M. Ravi Dharmapuri Tamil Nadu 9786816000 ‘
414 LM10584 Dr. Gouthama Buddha C. Chennai Tamil Nadu 9566038849
415 LM10585 Dr. Baskaran. T.R Vellore District Tamil Nadu 9894180881
416 LM10736 Dr. R. Subramaniyan Perambalur Tamil Nadu 9843803242
417 LM10779 Dr. Backiaraj D. Thanjavur Tamil Nadu 9442648368
418 LM10824 Dr. Rajamani P. Vellore Tamil Nadu 8940774342
419 LM10874 Dr. S. Kumaravel Erode Tamil Nadu 9443249070
420 LM10878 Dr. M. Baskar Madurai Tamil Nadu 9894142451
421 LM10882 Dr. Amit Singh Chennai Tamil Nadu 7760623201
422 LM10915 Dr. M. Ravinder Kumar Nilgiris Tamil Nadu 9443931899
423 LM10916 Dr. P. Vanaj Kumar Theni Tamil Nadu 8148547730
424 LM10917 Dr. Vinoth T. Dharmapuri Tamil Nadu 7418804447

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016
List of IOA Life Member enrolled and ratified in Year 2015 @ Jaipur

Sr.No. IOA Name City State Mobile No. e-mail ID

425 LM10918 Dr. Rajkumar S. Tirunelveli Tamil Nadu 9868412361
426 LM10934 Dr. Venkataram. V Chennai Tamil Nadu 9914121389
427 LM10937 Dr. Kirubakaran. P Kancheepuram Tamil Nadu 9814142209
428 LM11026 Dr. V. Senthil Kumar Perambalur Tamil Nadu 9894864948
429 LM11027 Dr. K. Jegadheesan Trichy Tamil Nadu 9884176765
430 LM11028 Dr. J. Mohamed Zackariya Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 9566478600
431 LM11030 Dr. V.P. Mohan Gandhi Vellore Tamil Nadu 9443968100
432 LM10668 Dr. N. Nagarajan Ariyalur Tamilnadu 9444268634
433 LM10669 Dr. M. Mithran Madurai Tamilnadu 9894782428
434 LM10670 Dr. V.A. Aravind Tiruchirapalli Tamilnadu 9566520099
435 LM10683 Dr. Kandasamy Poornalingam Dharmapuri Tamilnadu 9814095206
436 LM10693 Dr. Raja Bhaskara Kanakeshwar Coimbatore Tamilnadu 9994945111
437 LM10706 Dr. Bharani Kumar D. Chennai Tamilnadu 9042645678
438 LM10514 Dr. Pereddy Somashekhara Reddy Telangana Telangana 9866078919
439 LM10520 Dr. Ajay Kumar Paruchuri Hyderabad Telangana 9505984979
440 LM10521 Dr. T. Rajesh Kumar Goud Hyderabad Telangana 9393652116
441 LM10574 Dr. V. Koteshwara Prasad Hyderabad Telangana 9000129996
442 LM10576 Dr. B. Babul Reddy Hyderabad Telangana 9585098081
443 LM10607 Dr. Suman Teegala Hyderabad Telangana 9948398720
444 LM10644 Dr. Yugandhar Polepaka Nalgonda Telangana 9000350305
445 LM10655 Dr. G. Rajesh Hyderabad Telangana 9914268325
446 LM10696 Dr. Lavu Raghuram Sathupalli Telangana 9490212211
447 LM10730 Dr. Kolla Saketh Hyderabad Telangana 9440928999
448 LM10828 Dr. Avinash Kumar Mishra Hyderabad Telangana 9652035954
449 LM10890 Dr. B. Rajeev Reddy Hyderabad Telangana 9920675282
450 LM10899 Dr. Gangadhara Reddy. Kota Hyderabad Telangana 9502719845
451 LM10942 Dr. LNVSL Kishore Karumuri Hyderabad Telangana 7506255474
452 LM10943 Dr. Manjunath G.P Hyderabad Telangana 9849921593
453 LM10944 Dr. Shyam Prasad Parimala Adilabad Telangana 9701502901
454 LM10945 Dr. B. Venkat Reddy Nalgonda Telangana 7416216416
455 LM10946 Dr. Mir Jawad Zar Khan Hyderabad Telangana 9989635555
456 LM10947 Dr. S.Y. Narsimhulu Hyderabad Telangana 9440430495
457 LM10948 Dr. K. Thulasiram Mahabub Nagar Telangana 9492172377
458 LM10950 Dr. B. Pratap Kumar Mahabub Nagar Telangana 9848069200
459 LM10951 Dr. Ankit Agur Mahabub Nagar Telangana 9701530807
460 LM10952 Dr. M.J. Vijayakanth Mahabub Nagar Telangana 9849443996
461 LM10953 Dr. K. Karthik Mahabub Nagar Telangana 9704651213
462 LM10954 Dr. S. Vasudev Rao Hyderabad Telangana 9391020438
463 LM10956 Dr. Shashidhar Reddy Jillala Renga Reddy Telangana 9908806789
464 LM10958 Dr. Sunil Alishala Warangal Telangana 9704304310
465 LM10995 Dr. M. Rajender Hyderabad Telangana 9949723785
466 LM11000 Dr. Jagdish Pusa Hyderabad Telangana 9985244333
467 LM11002 Dr. Gudapati Dinesh Hyderabad Telangana 9848581123
468 LM11003 Dr. Krishna Kunkumalla Karimnagar Telangana 9059777058
469 LM11008 Dr. Gopi Krishna Reddy. G Hyderabad Telangana 9642986868
470 LM11010 Dr. Palakolanu Anil Kumar Hyderabad Telangana 8686782783
471 LM11012 Dr. Vasudeva. J Karimnagar Telangana 8870268368
472 LM11014 Dr. Varun Kumar Sharma. T Hyderabad Telangana 9441511407
473 LM11015 Dr. Rahul Krishna Kanumuri Hyderabad Telangana 9989370706
474 LM11016 Dr. Venkat Ram Prasad Vallamshetla Hyderabad Telangana 8978079544
475 AM10504 Dr. Prof. Amit Ramesh Tolat U.K. United Kingdom 9867664484
476 AM10955 Dr. Dip Chakrabarti U.K. United Kingdom -
477 AM10957 Dr. Parthasaradhi Gajula U.K. United Kingdom 7886186332

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016
List of IOA Life Member enrolled and ratified in Year 2015 @ Jaipur

Sr.No. IOA Name City State Mobile No. e-mail ID

478 AM10974 Dr. Bommy Reddy Rajendranath U.K. United Kingdom 0
479 LM10490 Dr. Varun Kumar Agarwal Bareilly Uttar Pradesh 9410020011
480 LM10543 Dr. Kumar Pritesh Varanasi Uttar Pradesh 9565765880
481 LM10553 Dr. Suneel Kumar Raebareli Uttar Pradesh 8574786642
482 LM10575 Dr. Vinit Jaiswal Mirzapur Uttar Pradesh 9917838017
483 LM10587 Dr. Fahad Bin Hamid Bareilly Uttar Pradesh 8171768887
484 LM10603 Dr. Ravi Prakash Sahai Varanasi Uttar Pradesh 9454140710
485 LM10606 Dr. Dinesh Chand Gupta Salempur Uttar Pradesh 8506050366
486 LM10612 Dr. Abhishek Singh Meerut Uttar Pradesh 9650934154
487 LM10615 Dr. Akshat Goel Moradabad Uttar Pradesh 8057047400
488 LM10616 Dr. Nitin Kumar Agrawal Mathura Uttar Pradesh 8126704662
489 LM10617 Dr. Nitin Jaggi Agra Uttar Pradesh 8171706217
490 LM10622 Dr. Ram Niwas Shamli Uttar Pradesh 8923810100
491 LM10628 Dr. Gopal Tiwari Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 9415088262
492 LM10634 Dr. Shivendra Kumar Srivastava Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 8601905888
493 LM10638 Dr. Saurabh Sahu Lalitpur Uttar Pradesh 8889823225
494 LM10665 Dr. Sunny Agarwal Muradnagar Uttar Pradesh 9873776409
495 LM10672 Dr. Santhosh Kumar Singh Varanasi Uttar Pradesh 8400098202
496 LM10673 Dr. Bhaskar Kumar Kanpur Uttar Pradesh 9935546556
497 LM10694 Dr. Avshesh Kumar Bareilly Uttar Pradesh 9627180355
498 LM10725 Dr. Shailendra Singh Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 9795224272
499 LM10729 Dr. Rajendra Kumar Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 9888846484
500 LM10754 Dr. Jyoti Prakash Varanasi Uttar Pradesh 7839166976
501 LM10776 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Allahabad Uttar Pradesh 9415180395
502 LM10781 Dr. Anubhav Agarwal Jalaun Uttar Pradesh 9450291518
503 LM10788 Dr. Pradeep Kumar Gupta Agra Uttar Pradesh 9456475999
504 LM10789 Dr. (Mrs.) Jyoti Singh Agra Uttar Pradesh 9535964915
505 LM10790 Dr. Abhishek Agarwal Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 8005036815
506 LM10793 Dr. Sushant Verma Kanpur Uttar Pradesh 9936332759
507 LM10794 Dr. Satender Atrey Meerut Uttar Pradesh -
508 LM10795 Dr. Rajiv Kumar Malik Meerut Uttar Pradesh 9639270776
509 LM10796 Dr. Sumit Agarwal Meerut Uttar Pradesh 9412785166
510 LM10797 Dr. Shayam Mohan Meerut Uttar Pradesh 9536004005 -
511 LM10798 Dr. Neeraj Srivastava Varanasi Uttar Pradesh 8400689826
512 LM10799 Dr. Awadhesh Kumar Yadav Varanasi Uttar Pradesh 9453015238
513 LM10800 Dr. Vivek Kumar Singh Kushinagar Uttar Pradesh 9452405140
514 LM10827 Dr. Varun Sharma Firozabad Uttar Pradesh 9690689976
515 LM10833 Dr. Vivek Singh Budaun Uttar Pradesh 9013082250
516 LM10838 Dr. Birju Manjhi Varanasi Uttar Pradesh 9161397803
517 LM10839 Dr. Rahul Kumar Varanasi Uttar Pradesh 9936594941
518 LM10840 Dr. Dharmendra Kumar Gangwar Pilibhit Uttar Pradesh 9871772011
519 LM10873 Dr. Sachin Kumar Agarwal Bareilly Uttar Pradesh 9910449081
520 LM10894 Dr. Vishwajeet Singh Ambedkar Nagar Uttar Pradesh 9930575540
521 LM10908 Dr. Nishant Agrawal Firozabad Uttar Pradesh 9760040140
522 LM10923 Dr. Satish Gupta Kanpur Uttar Pradesh 9415041849
523 LM10924 Dr. Ankit Gupta Hathras Uttar Pradesh 9412623883
524 LM10925 Dr. Ashutosh Gupta Etah Uttar Pradesh 9897097426
525 LM10842 Dr. Vivek Kumar Kori Varanasi Uttar Pradesh 9044690330
526 LM10844 Dr. Vipul Kumar Varanasi Uttar Pradesh 9451722568
527 LM10845 Dr. Atul Kumar Haritwal Mathura Uttar Pradesh 9927708294
528 LM10846 Dr. Harshit Mehta Mathura Uttar Pradesh 8198940995
529 LM10847 Dr. Mukesh Bharti Mathura Uttar Pradesh 8941922205
530 LM10848 Dr. Pradeep Singh Agra Uttar Pradesh 9634119256

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016
List of IOA Life Member enrolled and ratified in Year 2015 @ Jaipur

Sr.No. IOA Name City State Mobile No. e-mail ID

531 LM10849 Dr. Zafer Iqbal Ghazipur Uttar Pradesh 9935397314
532 LM10850 Dr. Mohammad Afsar Khan Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 9793264363
533 LM10851 Dr. Deepak Kumar Gupta Aligarh Uttar Pradesh 7830022551
534 LM10857 Dr. Pankaj Kumar Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh 9560281231
535 LM10865 Dr. Deepak Srivastava Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 8400454820
536 LM10866 Dr. Vivek Swarnkar Gonda Uttar Pradesh 9984462574
537 LM10867 Dr. Santosh Kumar Anand Deoria Uttar Pradesh 9839274031
538 LM10869 Dr. Bhaskar Tiwari Mathura Uttar Pradesh 9058601930
539 LM10870 Dr. Awtar Singh Kanpur Uttar Pradesh 9415041912
540 LM10872 Dr. Rajiv Jain Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh 9810144912
541 LM10913 Dr. Vishal Sidhu Moradabad Uttar Pradesh 9728862123
542 LM10983 Dr. Brajesh Nandan Noida Uttar Pradesh 9958575334
543 LM10753 Dr. Darpan Govil Kashipur Uttarakhand 9997740708
544 LM10759 Dr. Archit Agarwal Dehradun Uttarakhand 8650305025
545 LM10765 Dr. Romesh Gaur Dehradun Uttarakhand 8954766726
546 LM10537 Dr. Arindam Mukherjee Durgapur West Bengal 8900338029
547 LM10608 Dr. Rakesh Kr Daripa Bankura West Bengal 9832247865
548 LM10635 Dr. Tushar Kanti Ghorai Kalyani West Bengal 9477011618
549 LM10636 Dr. Pramod Mahender Kolkata West Bengal 8337055437
550 LM10680 Dr. Dinesh Agarwal Durgapur West Bengal 9333940001
551 LM10750 Dr. Anirban De Burdwan West Bengal 9474042191
552 LM10757 Dr. Soudip Sinha Durgapur West Bengal 9903102129
553 LM10758 Dr. Pradip Kumar Ghosh Burdwan West Bengal 9433129178
554 LM11021 Dr. Golam Hashib Kolkata West Bengal 8584996848

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016
Associate Member of IOA

AM Name City State Mobile No. Email ID

AM01 Dr. Ratna Ashok Johari Mumbai Maharashtra -
AM02 Dr. Shalin K. Maheshwari Bombay Maharashtra 9763847271
AM03 Dr. Achin Kailash Murarka Akola Maharashtra 9992244611
AM05 Dr. Sheo Shankar Patna Bihar 7898378210
AM06 Dr. Vinay Guwalani Jhalawar Rajasthan 9755890783
AM07 Dr. Sanjay Kumar Muwel Dhar Madhya Pradesh 8085888808
Am08 Dr. Devendra Nayak Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh 9424000302 -
AM09 Dr. Sanyam Chaurasia Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh 8120438490
AM10 Dr. Gaurav Jain Indore Madhya Pradesh 9893426977
AM12 Dr. Navneet Jain Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh -
AM13 Dr. Ashish Saini Noida Uttar Pradesh 9755320333
AM14 Dr. Sanju Kumar Dhruw Indore Madhya Pradesh 9630142937
AM15 Dr. Deepak Khandelwar Baran Rajasthan 9039103586
AM16 Dr. Dinesh Bhuriya Ratlam Madhya Pradesh 9752212627
AM18 Dr. Pranay Kumar Srivastava Korba Chattisgarh 9893239601
AM19 Dr. Laxman Arya Khargone Madhya Pradesh 9039373907
AM20 Dr. Gajanan Trimbak Rao Deshmukh Prabhani Maharashtra 9630510401
AM21 Dr. Vidyabhushan Singh Rewa Madhya Pradesh 9752773057
AM22 Dr. Afser Khan Shahjahanpur Uttar Pradesh 9981325878
AM23 Dr. Sandeep Singh Chauhan Indore Madhya Pradesh 9827630074
AM24 Dr. Ritesh Singh Yadav Gwalior Madhya Pradesh 9752727377
AM25 Dr. Ravindra Kumar Gupta Gangapur Rajasthan 9993292679
AM26 Dr. Gopi Manohar Madurai Tamil Nadu 9786018575
AM28 Dr. Chetan Prakash Rajput Indore Madhya Pradesh 9098938731
AM29 Dr. Pushpraj Singh Thakur Indore Madhya Pradesh 945463111
AM31 Dr. Lekhraj Patidar Ratlam Madhya Pradesh 9752450505
AM32 Dr. Yashwant Patidar Neemuch Madhya Pradesh 9827279245
AM33 Dr. Sandesh Madi.S Indore Madhya Pradesh 9993255013
AM35 Dr. Riddhideb Barman Thakurpukur West Bengal 7278763792
AM36 Dr. Karthik Rajendran Kancheepuram Tamil Nadu 9445507606
AM37 Dr. Rajesh Dhanasekar M.G Kanchipuram Tamil Nadu 9497318264
AM38 Dr. Subhash.B Kollam Kerala 9961476977
AM39 Dr. Kaushik K. Makawana Hubli Karnataka 9590910624
AM40 Dr. Manikya R. Tumkur Karnataka 9620047950
AM41 Dr. Sandeep Naik Hubli Karnataka 9886915764
AM44 Dr. Patil Sachin Nilkanth Hubli Karnataka 7795790204
AM45 Dr. Dharmesh Hubli Karnataka 9972798614
AM46 Dr. Harish G Hubli Karnataka 9739019977
AM47 Dr. Snehal Suresh Hedgire Solapur Maharashtra 8861464648
AM48 Dr. Niraj Bharat Gandhi Pune Maharashtra 7795791757
AM50 Dr. Chandrakanth P N Hubli Karnataka 8861760662
AM51 Dr. Vijay Kulkarni Hubli Karnataka 9743111562 -
AM53 Dr. Rahul Anand Singh Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh 9654784949
AM54 Dr. Jignesh Vasudevbhai Patel Ahmedabad Gujarat 9663731572
AM55 Dr. Akshay Pushkar Pune Maharashtra 7507973727
AM59 Dr. Nargesh Agrawal Bharatpur Rajasthan 9414485275
AM61 Dr. Amitabh Suthar Sri Ganganagar Rajasthan 7814419456
AM67 Dr. Suraj Kumar Jain Cuttack Odisha 9861004626

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016
Associate Member of IOA

AM Name City State Mobile No. Email ID

AM68 Dr. M. Jagatjit Bhubaneswar Odisha 9861006798
AM70 Dr. Arunkumar Hulsoore Cuttack Odisha 8895135987
AM73 Dr. Niranjanan. M. Rashavn Chennai Tamil Nadu 9965518810
AM75 Dr. Saumitra Goyal Agra Uttar Pradesh 7760064706
AM76 Dr. Subhadip Mandal Bankura West Bengal 8900602915
AM77 Dr. Borade Amrut Uddhavrao Jaipur Rajasthan 9351860230
AM80 Dr. V. Karthick Dindigul Tamil Nadu 7760064141
AM81 Dr. S. Manoh Sivagangai Delhi 9686145251
AM82 Dr. Prakash Chandra Mall Sambalpur Odisha 9337185025
AM83 Dr. Aurobindo Das Sambalpur Odisha 9861092488
AM84 Dr. Satya Narayan Behera Sambalpur Odisha 9776919079
AM85 Dr. Avinash. C.K Trivandrum Kerala 9656568016
AM86 Dr. Aradhana. T. Rathod Bangalore Karnataka 9900285997
AM88 Dr. C.D. Sivadatha Bangalore Karnataka 9900093693
AM89 Dr. Debasis Biswas Burdwan West Bengal 8017425375
AM90 Dr. Pratima Khincha Bangalore Karnataka 9980010475
AM91 Dr. Arul Jothi. V Kolkata West Bengal 9051976636
AM92 Dr. Bitan Maity Midnapur West Bengal 9434001658
AM93 Dr. Prasenjit Datta Kolkata West Bengal 9883236038
AM94 Dr. Mohd. Nazim Gulbarga Karnataka 7504811561
AM95 Dr. Vikash Agrawal Chandni Chowk Odisha 9437128012
AM97 Dr. Rajesh Kumar Tekkati Vijayawada Andhra Pradesh 7760897417
AM98 Dr. Amit Rakesh Grover Bangalore Karnataka 8884983052
AM99 Dr. Jain Sachin Ramesh Kalyan West Maharashtra 8970435328
AM100 Dr. Shivan Marya Gurgaon Haryana 8411977535
AM101 Dr. Dinesh. L Chennai Tamil Nadu 9884328469
AM102 Dr. Raja Bhaskara Kanakeshwar Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 9994945111
AM103 Dr. Jayavardhan. Y.B Udupi Karnataka 8147867834
AM105 Dr. Nidhi Bhatnagar New Delhi Delhi 9810884378
AM106 Dr. Soumya Paik 24 Parganas( N) West Bengal 9330026550
AM107 Dr. Rohan Dayanand Bhiwgade Navi Mumbai Maharashtra 9975533300
AM108 Dr. Kunal Chandrakant Shah Mumbai Maharashtra 9637362911
AM109 Dr. Rohit Vasant Kale Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh 8801047099
AM110 Dr. Somnath Mahato Nadia West Bengal 9674938650
AM111 Dr. Arshad Ahmed Kolkata West Bengal 9163299821
AM114 Dr. Kedar. D. Phadke Chennai Tamil Nadu 9962830221
AM115 Dr. Tejasvi Bhatia Karnal Haryana 7579060566
AM116 Dr. Anindya Basu Kolkata West Bengal 9830503720
AM117 Dr. Rudra Narayan Pandey Bihar Bihar 9013113111
AM118 Dr. Shivappa Teli Bangalore Karnataka 9739452120
AM119 Dr. Sailesh Gunduluru Jayachandra Bangalore Karnataka 8095443569
AM120 Dr. Anurag Panwel Indore Madhya Pradesh 7566526006
AM121 Dr. Sumit Kumar Sitamarhi Bihar 8718043100
AM122 Dr. Pratiksinh P. Desai Surat Gujarat 9826179131
AM123 Dr. Vijendra Damor Ratlam Madhya Pradesh 9713745343
AM124 Dr. Anurag Khare Katni Madhya Pradesh 8435907369
AM125 Dr. Vikram Patidar Dhar Madhya Pradesh 9300896268
AM127 Dr. Avisek Majumder West Tripura Tripura 9436138868

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016
Associate Member of IOA

AM Name City State Mobile No. Email ID

AM128 Dr. M. Javed Iqbal. M. Jaleel Pune Maharashtra 8608006299
AM129 Dr. Rohan Nambiar Bangalore Karnataka 9880608259
AM130 Dr. Chavan Pramod Babu Gulbarga Karnataka 7204491023
AM131 Dr. Lolit. V. L Uttarakannada Karnataka 9686727445
AM132 Dr. Veeresh Patage Gadag Karnataka 9886684727
AM133 Dr. Balachandra. D Sirsi Karnataka 97314204665
AM134 Dr. Tulaja Prasad. P.V. Chitraourga Karnataka 8792109715
AM135 Dr. Harsha. C.M Mysore Karnataka 9739461287
AM136 Dr. Vinayak. L. Kusabi Bagalkot Karnataka 9986644381
AM137 Dr. Anjinappa. V. Chikkaballapur Karnataka 9741890759
AM138 Dr. Pulakeshi. V. Kadarakoppa Dharawad Karnataka 9535702129 -
AM139 Dr. Mallesh. M Chamarajanagar Karnataka 8147508922
AM140 Dr. Kushal. D.S. Raichur Karnataka 7829375993
AM141 Dr. Parasappa. G. Churchihal Gadag Karnataka 8861596103
AM142 Dr. K. R. Girish Hassan Karnataka 9743967824
AM143 Dr. Pushkar Parag Bhide Pune Maharashtra 9677030242
AM144 Dr. Dheren Mandal Agra Uttar Pradesh 8958027305
AM146 Dr. Thacker Jignesh Jaysinhbhai Kutch Gujarat 9722221426
AM147 Dr. J. Karthik Thanjavur Tamil Nadu 9884285385
AM148 Dr. V.S. Nisanth Tirunelveli Tamil Nadu 9894253349
AM149 Dr. Naresh Kamavaram Kurnool Andhra Pradesh 8056332772
AM150 Dr. Rajput Uday Narayan Buldhana Maharashtra 9619002327
AM151 Dr. Yogesh Sisodia Amravati Maharashtra 9530495249
AM152 Dr. Srikanta Tagore Sarkar Kolkata West Bengal 9007504504
AM153 Dr. P. Karthik Anand Chennai Tamil Nadu 9840712992
AM154 Dr. P. Pradeep Chennai Tamil Nadu 9940433733
AM155 Dr. Manit Arora Chandigarh Chandigarh -
AM157 Dr. Santosh Kumar Sahu Berhampur Odisha 9038094300
AM158 Dr. Suresh Chandra Pal Balasore Odisha 8274830121
AM159 Dr. Nitesh Agarwal Mumbai Maharashtra 8105177932
AM160 Dr. Prathap. P Mysore Karnataka 9731682295
AM161 Dr. Sandip Kumar Pramanik Kolkata West Bengal 9735785633
AM162 Dr. Amit Sharma Kolkata West Bengal 9874879561
AM163 Dr. Ram Bahal Singh Kushinagar Uttar Pradesh 9532987516
AM164 Dr. Vijay Pratap Singh Sant Kabir Nagar Uttar Pradesh 9919908529
AM166 Dr. Samrat Smrutiranjan Sahoo Puri Odisha 9565967034
AM167 Dr. G.T. Sai Prasanth Chennai Tamil Nadu 8754417267
AM168 Dr. Adil Bashir Shah Kashmir J&K 9906743352
AM169 Dr. Ravi Theja Chekuri Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh 9966422244
AM170 Dr. Siju. K.M Kannur Kerala 9846150511
AM171 Dr. Binoy. C.P Trivandrum Kerala 9495340068
AM172 Dr. R. Prabhakaran Tirunelyeli Tamil Nadu 9495084950
AM173 Dr. Jose George Kottayam Kerala 9496323213
AM174 Dr. Mithulekh. T.N Kannur Kerala 9400494343
AM175 Dr. Nilesh Vilas Kulkarni Solapur Maharashtra 8281392678
AM176 Dr. Chetan. J. Wankhede Mumbai Maharashtra 9496408169
AM177 Dr. Vaisakh. R. Ram Palakkad Kerala 9496353069
AM178 Dr. Sijo Sebastian Kottayam Kerala 9496323167
AM179 Dr. Anwar Shareef. K.K Malappuram Kerala 9895550440

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016
Associate Member of IOA

AM Name City State Mobile No. Email ID

AM180 Dr. Palliyil Nigil Sadanandan Thrissur Kerala 9496349216
AM181 Dr. Priyank Uniyal Dehradun Uttarakhand 8971707234
AM183 Dr. Prasun. Sanyal Kolkata West Bengal 9432503008
AM184 Dr. Sumanta Mondal West Bengal West Bengal 9433113299
AM185 Dr. Joydeep Das Kolkata West Bengal 9874808553
AM186 Dr. Debasish Naskar Kolkata West Bengal 9851159814
AM187 Dr. Subhranshu Sekhar Nayak Cuttack Orissa 9609438968
AM188 Dr. Debasis Samanta Purbamedinipore West Bengal 9434992219
AM189 Dr. Brajesh Kumar Sidav Chhattisgarh Chattisgarh 8653842045
AM190 Dr. Aranyak Sarkar Kolkata West Bengal 9477633132
AM191 Dr. Manas Kanti Sarkar Nadia West Bengal 8420321340
AM192 Dr. Soumya Ghosh Paschim Midnapore West Bengal 8017790338
AM193 Dr. Tanmoy Karmakar Kolkata West Bengal 9163521603
AM194 Dr. Shashi Kant Kumar Howrah West Bengal 8013386252
AM195 Dr. Sivakumar Veerabathiran Sivagangai Tamil Nadu 9488023939
AM196 Dr. Kiran Kumar G.N Karnataka Karnataka 8971511040
AM197 Dr. K. Sridhar Tiruvannamalai Tamil Nadu 9894433373
AM198 Dr. Sudip Chandra Mondal Birbhum West Bengal 9593289408
AM199 Dr. Apoorv Dua Sonipat Haryana 9594664567
AM200 Dr. Satanu Goswami Kolkata West Bengal 9007339124
AM201 Dr. Saswat Samant Bhubaneswar Odisha 9439325668
AM202 Dr. Prafulla Kumar Sahoo Balasore Odisha 9437657260
AM203 Dr. Samarth Mittal New Delhi Delhi 9711015182
AM204 Dr. George. M. Srampickal Kerala Kerala 9787404313,
AM205 Dr. Harendra Kumar Dhanbad Jharkhand 7076178465
AM206 Dr. Rahul Peswani Bhilai Chhattisgarh 8234068166,
AM207 Dr. Ram Niwas Shamli Uttar Pradesh 8923810100
AM208 Dr. Sidhant Goyal Jalna Maharashtra 7709881111
AM209 Dr. Manabjyoti Talukdar Dibrugarh Assam 8876705919
AM210 Dr. Naveen. K Kerala Kerala 9447719860
AM211 Dr. Joseph. B. Joseph Kochi Kerala 9446460353
AM212 Dr. Chiraj Bhatia New Delhi Delhi 9636203378
AM213 Dr. Deepak Agrawal Kota Rajasthan 9309219673
AM214 Dr. Vipendra Singh Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh 9407259126
AM215 Dr. Kunal Navale Indore Madhya Pradesh 9637135846
AM216 Dr. Prashant Upadhyaya Indore Madhya Pradesh 7089109309
AM217 Dr. Prajwal Prabhudevmane Manipal Karnataka 9739462330
AM218 Dr. C. B. Vijay Shankar Samem Tamil Nadu 7259338031
AM219 Dr. Dilip Kumar Pradhan Ganjam Odisha 8895823723
AM220 Dr. Niranj. G.R Marthandam Tamil Nadu 9994355420
AM221 Dr. Balu. C. Babu Kochi Kerala 9952327177,
AM222 Dr. Siddharth Kumar Dibrugarh Assam 9613305646
AM223 Dr. Rohit Thakkar Faridabad Haryana 9766277123

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016
Associate Member Converted to Life Members

Associate Converted to Name City State Mobile

Member AM Life Member LM
AM04 Lm9717 Dr. Shashidhar B.K. Chandigarh Chandigarh 9779952946
AM11 LM10566 Dr. Saurabh Gupta Indore Madhya Pradesh 9926611304
AM17 LM10620 Dr. Rajesh Turkar Balaghat Madhya Pradesh 9907248578
AM27 LM9797 Dr. Shambhu Singh NewDelhi New Delhi 9810647097
AM30 LM9612 Dr. Mukul Agarwal Indore Madhya Pradesh 9893132523
AM34 LM10009 Dr. Harindra Himanshu Darbhanga Bihar 9430851456
AM42 LM9995 Dr. Suman N.V Hubli Karnataka 9743362149
AM43 LM9421 Dr. Vinayaka. V Hubli Karnataka 9342599976
AM49 LM9677 Dr. Anshu Shekhar Hubli Karnataka 8088142231
Am52 LM9471 Dr. Sushil Vijay Rohini Delhi 9718566691
AM56 LM10317 Dr. Saurabh Sharma Pune Maharashtra 8007973991
AM57 LM10318 Dr. Naveen Basavaraj Manibanakar Haveri Karnataka 9611040450
AM58 LM10391 Dr. Vyom Sharma Pune Maharashtra 9372631220
AM60 LM10731 Dr. Pawan Kumar Sharma Jaipur Rajasthan 7814307998
AM62 LM10596 Dr. Darsh Goyal Delhi Delhi 9780341117
AM63 LM9746 Dr. Bhavin Jayant Doshi Mumbai Maharashtra 9004658010
AM64 LM10522 Dr. Swagat Mahapatra Cuttack Orissa 9861227593
AM65 LM10912 Dr. Gayadhar Pradhan Cuttack Odisha 9437855199
AM66 LM10700 Dr. Tushar Ranjan Dalei Cuttack Odisha 8895065118
AM69 LM10509 Dr. Barada Prasanna Samal Jajpur Odisha 9861666777
AM71 LM11025 Dr. B. M. Venkatdeep Bangalore Karnataka 8807373020
AM72 LM11025 Dr. Gowri Shankar. S. Bangalore Karnataka 9790203693
AM74 LM9555 Dr. Yogesh Kumar. B Kanchipuram Tamil Nadu 7760064299
AM78 LM9554 Dr. Sathya Vamsi Krishna Bangalore Karnataka 9901810438
AM79 LM10386 Dr. Karthik Subramanian Mumbai Maharashtra 9987074928
AM87 LM9750 Dr. Raj Kumar Meena Chittorgarh Rajasthan 9862277663
AM96 LM10326 Dr. Nara Srikanth Udupi Karnataka 9482579257
AM104 LM10516 Dr. Gopabandhu Patra Bhubaneswar Orissa 7504009002
AM112 LM10068 Dr. Palani Kumar. M Chennai Tamil Nadu 9789849999
AM113 LM10759 Dr. Archit Agarwal Dehradun Uttrakhand 8650305025
AM126 LM11004 Dr. Aashish Raghu Bangalore Karnataka 7697416801
AM145 LM10773 Dr. Vishesh Khanna NewDelhi Delhi 8098077611
AM156 LM10888 Dr. Vivek Tiwari NewDelhi Delhi 9868633097
AM165 LM10842 Dr. Vivek Kumar Kori Varanasi Uttar Pradesh 9044690330
AM182 LM10730 Dr. K. Saketh Hyderabad Telangana 9440928999

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016
2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue - I
December 2015 - March 2016

Section - III
Meeting & Minutes


News Letter
Indian Orthopaedic Association
Executive Committee Meeting: IOACON 2o15 @ Jaipur
Date: 9th December 2015 Day: Thursday
Venue: Mini conference Hall, 2nd Floor, B.M. Birla Auditorium, Jaipur. Time: 2:00 PM onwards (After Lunch: 1.00 PM

Agenda and Discussion:

Executive Committee Meeting of IOA during Diamond Jubilee IOACON was held on 10th December 2015,
from 2.00 PM at Mini conference Hall, 2nd Floor, B.M. Birla Auditorium, Jaipur. The Executive Committee
Meeting was attended by; President Dr Hari Ram Jhunjhunwala, Dr Sanjay Jain- Hon. Secretary, Dr Sudhir K.
Kapoor- President Elect, Dr Achimuthu Rajamani, Dr Manish Dhawan, Dr Rajesh Lalchandani, Dr Krishna
Kumar Pandey, Dr Dhirendra Singh, Dr Deepak J. Shah, Dr Nirmal Chandra Mohapatra, Dr Atul Bahadur
Singh, Dr Vinod Padmanabhan, Dr Prakash Kotwal, Dr Ramesh Chandra Meena, Dr Haroon Khizir Taqi Raza,
Dr Rakesh Bhargava, Dr Alok Chandra Agrawal, Dr Vinod Tiwari, Dr Naresh Goyal, Dr V.K.V. Prasad, Dr Y.
Thimma Reddy, Dr P. Narayana Prasad, Dr Bhuwan Kumar Singh, Dr Nilam Chand Kothari, Dr Navinchandra
Thakkar, Dr Charanjeet Singh Ajmani, Dr Zile Singh Kundu, Dr Om Pal Sharma, Dr Rajesh Kumar Gupta, Mr.
Ramesh C. Pandey, Dr Nitin Srichand, Dr Deepak Shivanna, Dr R. Ravishankar, Dr Jimmy M.L., Dr Amit
Ajgaonkar, Dr Sakti Prasad Das, Dr Mahavir Prasad Goyal, Dr Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Dr T.P.S. Lamba, Dr
Piyush Kumar Mishra, Dr Ashok Kumar Sirohi, Dr Debdutta Chatterjee, Dr Indrajit Sardar, Dr S. Sreenivasa
Reddy, Dr Ravi Kumar Gupta, Dr Rajendra Abhyankar, Dr Sampat Dumbre Patil, Dr Debojyoti Bose, Dr Anjan
Pan, Dr Tajan PJ, Dr Sudhir Kumar, Dr Prashant Dwivedi, Dr Sanskar Rao, Dr Sudhir Kumar, Dr Vasudevan PN
and Dr Aneen Kutty.
Dr HR Jhunjhunwala President IOA along with Dr Sanjay Jain Hon. Secretary IOA started the proceedings of
Executive Committee Meeting of IOA on the following agenda:
01. Welcome Address:
President IOA Dr H R Jhunjhunwala welcomed all the executive members. He requested members to be to the
point and avoid unnecessary discussions so that the meeting may be finished in time. He gave thanks to all
members for helping him in carrying out his duty as 56th President of Indian Orthopaedic Association. He
informed the house about various activities done this year on his President’s theme “Continue Learning to
Serve the Society Better”. He spoke on various activities of his tenure including IOA- OEP, Academic
Committee of IOA, letter to MCI for separate subject of Orthopaedics in UG, uniformity of PG curriculum, India
as a Guest Nation by AAOS and OTA, Coffee table book of Past Presidents, preparation of Directory of IOA
members, Role of IOA during the earthquake of Nepal etc. Detailed welcome address is printed in the
forthcoming pages of IOA News.
02. Obituaries:
Obituaries of the following members were read at the meeting and their contribution was duly
remembered: Hon. Secretary Dr Sanjay Jain informed the house that these are the obituaries after the last EC
meeting dated 26th July 2015 in IOA House, New Delhi.

38 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Name City State Membership
Dr Shankar Dubey Raipur C.G. CG-027 MP-027 / CG-027
Dr Arun Kumar Das Kolkata West Bengal IOA-1024 WBOA-0006
Dr Gopinath Roy Kolkata West Bengal IOA-1298 WBOA-0059 WOC
Dr Nirmal Kanti Ghosh Nadia West Bengal IOA-1071 WBOA-0025
Dr Pankaj A. Divatia Ahmedabad Gujarat GOA-D/025 / BOS-D/096/GUJ / IOA-0933
Dr G.D. Sundarraj Tamil Nadu
Dr R.L. Verma Bihar
Dr K. Yalamanda Reddy Warangal Andhra Pradesh OSSAP-486
Members stood in silence for two minutes to pray for the departed souls.
03. Confirmation of the minutes of the Annual GBM held on 21st Nov. 2014 Hyderabad:
To be done in General Body Meeting of IOA to be held on 13th December 2015.
04. Ratification of Constitutional Amendments approved by Special General Body Meeting held on 21st
November, 2014 at IOACON Hyderabad: The points include that the State President and Secretary,
both should be E.C. members of IOA and in year 2016, Election will be held for one Vice President who
will be the vice president for 2017 and President Elect for 2018: To be done in General Body Meeting of
IOA to be held on 13th of December 2015.
05. Confirmation of the minutes of the last Executive Committee Meetings held on 12th April 2015
New Delhi and on 26th July 2015 New Delhi:
There was intense discussion on the matter raised by Dr HKT Raza regarding the Constitutional
Amendments approved by Special General Body Meeting held on 21st November, 2014 at IOACON
Hyderabad. President Dr Hari Ram Jhunjhunwala, Hon. Secretary Dr Sanjay Jain, President Elect Dr
Sudhir K. Kapoor, Dr Rakesh Bhargava, Dr Ravi Kumar Gupta, Dr Prakash Kotwal, Dr Tajan PJ, Dr
Sudhir Kumar, Dr Alok C Agrawal etc. participated actively on this matter and finally a decision was
taken to pass these minutes after doing the correction as mentioned: There was no adjournment of the
meeting. After waiting for 15 minutes when the quorum of 300 members was there; all the constitutional
amendments were passed by at least 3/4th of the vote of members present or unanimously.
06. Hon. Secretary’s report: Dr Sanjay Jain
Dr Sanjay Jain presented his Secretary Report in Power Point Presentation which is attached in
forthcoming pages. He gave the detail of overall activities of the Indian Orthopaedic Association in last
one year very nicely.
He mentioned about the current status of IOA membership, new applicants for IOA membership,
digitalization of membership form, Bone and Joint day activity, various IOA state chapter activities,
declaration of India as a guest nation by American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeon for the year 2017
and by Orthopaedic Trauma Association USA for the year 2016, IOA- Ortho Excellence Program in 28
cities, highest contribution of savings from IOACON 2014 Hyderabad of One Crore Twenty lakh
Rupees etc. House appreciated all these. Dr Jain detailed the advantage of India as a guest nation. He
informed the house about the executive decision taken in which Prof. Dr Alok C Agrawal HOD
Orthopaedics AIIMS Raipur CG had been given the responsibility to conduct the IOA National Post
Graduate Quiz in this year during IOACON 2015 in Jaipur. He proposed his name to continue as a
Chairman of National Orthopaedic Quiz for next two year i.e. 2016 and 2017 which was unanimously
passed by EC.

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 39

Dr Sanjay Jain informed that Telangana Orthopaedic Surgeons Association TOSA has done all the
formality of Affiliation with IOA and this newly formed Telangana State TOSA is the 22nd affiliated
chapter of IOA. Secretary report was passed unanimously. Detailed report is printed in the forthcoming
page of IOA News.
07. Treasurer’s report: Dr Manish Dhawan
Dr Manish Dhawan presented the treasurer report and informed that the audited treasurer report for the
year 2014-15 is published in the News Letter of IOA; IOA News 2015 Vol. 6o Issue III August –
November 2015 page No. 58-62.
Financial year 1st April 2014 – 31st March 2015, summary is as follows:
Income – 19860294.38
Expenditure – 16320200.12
Surplus – 3540094.26
Money for lift at IOA house was sanctioned
Electricity bill of IOA is settled now which was pending since last 10 years.
Dr Dhawan told about payments Received payment from the IOACON-2012 to 2014
From IOACON-2012, Chennai - Rs. 1,00,00,000.00 (Rs. One Crore)
From IOACON-2013 Agra - Rs. 85,00,000.00 (Rs. Eighty Five Lakh)
From IOACON-2014 Hyderabad - Rs. 1,20,00,000.00 (Rs. One Crore Twenty lakh)
Dr Dhawan discussed about balance sheet of IOACON 2013 [Balance Sheet (Received by IOA on 7-
12-15)] and explained about discussion with IOA auditor. Expected saving to IOA from IOACON 2013
Agra is Rupees 9,97,55,471/- and money received by IOA is 8,500,000/- so that expected balance to be
received is 1,475,5471/-. He will write a letter to Dr Sanjay Chaturvedi to give 99 lakhs, not 85 lakh
which was accepted by EC.
Dr Dhawan had objections about the use of word Royalty in income tax returns of IOACON 2013 which
is wrong as this will attract the TDS and forced the Government to understand that IOA is doing
business activity. The account head should be contribution to IOA for charitable purpose.
Clarification of points raised by Dr Sanjay Chaturvedi in the last GBM of IOACON at Hyderabad on 21st
November 2014 were discussed in EC meeting regarding TDS, Service Tax, IJO accounts and auditor
note. He answered one by one all the objections raised by Dr Sanjay Chaturvedi.
Dr Raza suggested we should appreciate the efforts of Editor Dr Sudhir Kumar and his team for raising
money and making IJO self sufficient and we have to promote and encourage more fellowships and
awards. Fixed deposit of membership fees of new applicant should be done.

40 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Dr Bhargava clarified the issue of income tax and service tax. State chapter require to have PAN no. So
income accruing to conference can be accessed, IOACON not paying but income tax department can
choose to get tax. The file is open for 2 year and scrutiny can be done in upto 5 years. Service tax has to
be paid in various thing so TIN number is needed. So we have to hold certain amount. As IOACON
liability to IOA is 10% of total revenue generated. Dr Jhunjhunwala asked why the IOACON is not giving
the rest of money after expenditure to IOA.
EC appreciated the efforts of Dr Dhawan for putting so much hard work on preparing the Treasurer’s
Report. Detailed treasurer report is in forthcoming page of IOA News.
08. Editor’s Report including result of election of various post of IJO: Dr Sudhir Kumar
Dr Sudhir Kumar presented his last report of three-year term as editor of Indian Journal of
Orthopaedics. He elaborated about IJO including documents H index, Impact Factor, Publication of
issues and supplement, Number of submitted manuscripts, overseas submission, rejection rate,
Journal citation chart, country wise visitor, Subscription detail, generated revenue, finance status,
various awards of IJO, election of IJO posts, memorandum of Understanding with publisher etc.
H index increased from 13 to 14, Impact Factor was now 0.64. IJO published 6 issues and a
supplement. 670 manuscripts have been submitted in 2015 (till date), the overseas submission has
constantly raised and reached almost equal to Indian submission. The journal has maintained a good
rejection rate between 66% to 85% from 2007 to 2014. 60% articles have been rejected in 2015 (Till
Date). Maximum readers are from India followed by USA and UK ranks at third position. Subscriptions
were at mounting growth over the period of years. The subscriptions during 2014 have been 346
whereas it was 310 in 2013. 319 subscribers have been registered in 2015 (Till date). In 2014 total
advertisement revenue was 27.53 Lac and for 2015 advertisement revenue till date was 31.30 Lac.
He informed to EC about various award of IJO including Dr S N Buxi award for Best Clinical Research
category, best published paper award in Basic Research category and Dr S M Tuli Best Case Report
award. Selection Committee which consists of (a) President (b) President-Elect (c) Hon. Secretary (d)
Immediate Past Editor and (e) Two Past Presidents met at IOA House on 17 Oct. 2015 and selected Dr
Ish Kumar Dhammi as editor, Dr Shah Alam Khan and Dr Lalit Maini as Associate Editors of IJO. A
Memorandum of Understanding with the current publisher i.e. Wolters Kluwer (Medknow Publications,
Mumbai) has been renewed from 1st December 2015 for a period of 5 years. Editor’s report was passed
with vote of appreciations by EC to Dr Sudhir Kumar. Detailed report is in forthcoming page of IOA
President Elect Dr Sudhir K. Kapoor informed the house that the selection committee was in a dilemma
to select the editor as Dr Ish Kumar Dhammi, Dr Shah Alam Khan and Dr Lalit Maini all three candidates
were very good in their credentials. Dr Ish Kumar Dhammi was ultimately selected, keeping his past
experience with IJO in mind. It was also made clear that all three would act as a team and Dr Ish Kumar
Dhammi would give appropriate responsibility in editorial work as both are equally senior, though
working as associate editors. Dr Ish Kumar Dhammi will take the charge of Editor of Indian Journal of
Orthopaedics from 1st of January 2o16.
09. Final Financial Report of IOACON-2014, Hyderabad: Dr S Sreenivasa Reddy
IOACON 2014 was conducted on a grand scale at Hyderabad, with Dr Vijay Chander Reddy as
Organising Chairman and Dr S. Sreenivasa Reddy as the Organising Secretary. The venue at
Hyderabad International Convention Centre was excellent and the proceedings went on very well.
Detailed report of 59th Annual Conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association IOACON 2014
Hyderabad was already published in the New Letter of IOA: IOA News 2015 Vol. 60 issue 1 page no. 87-
94. He pointed out so many things which happened first time in IOACON as mentioned in IOA news
letter. A supplementary issue was brought by Indian Journal of Orthopaedics for the proceedings of
IOACON 2014. He said that apart from seed money of 20 lakh, he has given 1 Crore 20 Lakh Rupees

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 41

(25 Lakh + 50 Lakh + 35 Lakh+ 10 Lakh) in four installments to the IOA from the saving of IOACON 2014
Hyderabad. He said that this is the maximum contribution from any IOACON in history of IOA. He
presented detail income and expenditure of IOACON. EC members appreciated and applauded Dr S.
Sreenivasa Reddy and his team. Detailed financial report of IOACON 2014 is printed in forthcoming
page of IOA News.
10. Report of Diamond Jubilee IOACON 2015 Jaipur: Dr Ramesh Chand Meena (Organising
Organizing Secretary of Diamond Jubilee year of Indian Orthopaedic Association Dr RC Meena
welcomed all members of EC. He thanked the Hon. Secretary Dr Sanjay Jain for sharing the
information and brochure of IOACON in all three issue of IOA News Letter of 2015 which was
appreciated by the house also. He briefed all the activity of 60th IOACON @ Jaipur. President and
Secretary IOA already informed in detail about the “Orthopaedic Trauma Association” programme in
the Hon. Secretary Reports.
Registered delegates
Delegate - 3720
Accompanying person - 2971
Strength - 6400
Unmarried child - 1079
First time free registration was given to unmarried child. He has given the cheque of 50 Lacs to IOA in
the EC meeting which was a mile stone in IOACON which was appreciated by the house. Total income
was around 5 Crore and 70 lacs and total dues were 2 Crore 27 lakhs from companies. EC was
disappointed by the non-supporting attitude of- Multinationals like BSN, Smith and Nephew and DePuy.
11. Preparation and progress report of IOACON- 2016, Kochi: Dr Tajan P Jose
Tajan PJ thanked IOA, to host IOACON by Kerala Orthopaedic Association KOA in 2016 and said that
their team will start early abstract submission on January first 2016 and finalize it upto 31st July 2016.
He suggested for new young faces to come up who are active in academics and also in association; for
which he has written the letter to all state president and secretary but none of state chapter responded
except Dr Biswajit Sahu of Odisha. He welcomed all EC members to join IOACON 2016 by showing a
video. He confirmed dates of IOACON in December 2016 as follow:
Pre Conference Workshop - 12th & 13th December 2016
CME and Inauguration - 14th December 2016
Main Conference - 15th, 16th, 17th December 2016

42 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

12. President theme- 2015 and achievements: Dr HR Jhunjhunwala
Dr H R Jhunjhunwala gave brief about his theme for 2015 “Continue learning – to serve the society
better”. For this, more and more Conferences, Seminars, CMEs and Workshops were done. IOA has
done 28 Ortho Excellence Program with collaboration of Abbott. Detail is already discussed in welcome
13. IOA - DVD / Directory up gradation in final stage: Dr HR Jhunjhunwala
Dr HR Jhunjhunwala informed that the job is already in progress and is expected to be completed by the
end of this year 2015. At present about 6500 addresses with email ID and mobile numbers were
updated. Details are already discussed in welcome address.
14. Decision on Academy of Indian Orthopaedic Surgeons- by Academic Committee of IOA: Dr HR
No matter is discussed apart from activity of Academic Committee of IOA in the welcome speech of
president IOA.
15. Proposal of “Diamond Jubilee Oration”: Dr HR Jhunjhunwala / Dr Sanjay Jain
Hon. Secretary Dr Sanjay Jain informed the house that we have Silver Jubilee Oration to commemorate
the 25 years of our association (1980) and Golden Jubilee Oration to mark the 50th years of our
Association (2005). Dr H R Jhunjhunwala proposed the “Diamond Jubilee Oration” from next year 2016
to mark the 60th year of our association (2015). President, Secretary, President Elect, Past President,
Joint Secretary all participated actively to form the modality of this Diamond Jubilee Oration as to
whether the recipient will be invited one or by selection, may be invited one and should not be foreigner,
may be given by life time achievement Awardee etc. Discussion was closed by President Dr HR
Jhunjhunwala to come up with proposal in GBM on 13th December 2015.
16. Misuse or institute similar organization name as of IOA by one IOA member- not good for our
Association: Dr HR Jhunjhunwala
President Dr HR Jhunjhunwala informed the house that he is in receipt of a mail from Dr RA Agrawal of
Gorakhpur with concern to Nat Ilizarov Conference and Course, 2015, Annual Conference of ASAMI-
INDIAN, 18-24 Sept, Solapur.
This is to bring to your kind notice that Sandeep Adke, an Orthopaedic surgeon has recently organised
a conference and in the brochure he has claimed that it is organised by an association similar to
IOA called ‘Indian Orthopaedic Academy’,
Maharashtra Orthopaedic Association called ‘Maharashtra Orthopaedician Association’.
Attached is the brochure. This is a very serious issue, kindly look into the matter and takes strict action.
There was a lot of discussion on this matter including give him legal notice and object, wait and watch
and let the matter die itself, no need to popularize him by giving due importance, get registration of IOA
trademark etc.
Dr Amit Ajgaonkar suggested to get registration and registered trademark for IOA and Indian
Orthopaedic Association which will take almost 2 month time. Executive Committee has given the
responsibility to Dr Amit Ajgaonkar to get registered trademark of IOA and Indian Orthopaedic
Association within 2 months of time.
17. Membership of APOA- 5000 US dollar ANNUALLY to be paid by IOA- all members get
membership of APOA: Dr HR Jhunjhunwala
President IOA Dr Jhunjhunwala informed that Dr Mah, who is president of APOA, has suggested
becoming a member of APOA by 5000 dollars per year; everybody will become a member of APOA. Dr
HKT Raza informed about APOA. EC accepted this proposal unanimously.

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 43

18. Coffee Table Book of IOA Presidents:
Dr HR Jhunjhunwala
President Dr HR Jhunjhunwala informed
that Coffee Table Book of Past Presidents is
ready and it will be inaugurated in
inauguration function. This is about all the
presidents of Indian Orthopaedic
Association from beginning with Dr Badri
Narain Sinha (1955) upto Dr Sudhir K
Kapoor (2016).

19. IOA- Troikaa Initiative Live Surgery webcast Program: Dr HR Jhunjhunwala

First IOA- Troikaa Initiative Live Surgery webcast Program was broadcast from Bombay Hospital
and Medical Research Centre, Mumbai on 12th July 2015. Detail program was printed in the News
Letter of IOA “IOA News 2015 Vol. 60 Issue II Page Number 56”. Executive Body congratulated Dr
HR Jhunjhunwala for this one of the best program of IOA. This one full-day workshop of surgeries
performed by renowned surgeon of India including Dr HR Jhunjhunwala , Dr Dilip D Tanna, Dr Ram
Chadhha, Dr Ram Prabhoo etc and webcasted Live through high quality video-streaming nationwide
on July 12, 2015 from 9.00 AM to 5.00PM. This IOA-Troikaa initiative Live Surgery webcast Program
benefited about 5000 orthopaedic surgeons from all over India. It will be broadcasted from two more
2o. IOA President’s Theme and proposals for 2016: Dr Sudhir K Kapoor
Dr Sudhir K Kapoor informed the house about the President Theme for the year 2016:
AAA - Academics and Association in the name of Almighty.
He proposed various plan for the year 2016 including:
* To enhance the glory, interest and relevance of IAOCON scientific program.
* Revise the date for final upload of papers and presentations in 31st July 2016.
* Abstract submission to start on 1.1.2016 and close on 30 April, 2016.
* To not just focus on the uncommon and complicated but also on the common but essential
arts in the practice of Orthopaedics
• The purchase of a good image intensifier for a small set up

44 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

• Managing sterility of OT
• Paediatric infection
• Medicolegal aspects in today’s practice
* IOA – OEP one day Abbott initiative CME programme to continue in 30 cities across the
* Bone and Joint day “4th August” celebration: one free surgery by every member. Free means
free by every way to present India in the world Map for such activity.
* Indo Irish Fellowship
Dr Sudhir K Kapoor requested to display the President’s theme 2016 in newsletters, journals,
workshops, annual conferences, CME and other public awareness programmes of State Chapters.
21. Information regarding IOA website (webmaster): Dr Naresh Goyal / Dr Sudhir K Kapoor
Dr Naresh Goyal raised the issue with permission of chair as to why his name is not placed in EC
meeting in agenda in the point of “Information regarding IOA website (webmaster)” along with Dr Sudhir
K Kapoor. Dr Sanjay Jain accepted his objection and reassured him that in future it will be included.
Hon. Secretary Dr Sanjay Jain informed to house that present webmaster’s Mr. Santhosh Kumar
(098431 69833) ( (Kirthi Technologies, Coimbatore) tenure with us was up to
August 2015; since then there is no care taker of IOA web site. He requested to all EC member for
quotation of IOA website from their respective state web master or so. Dr Sanjay Jain requested to Dr
Sudhir K Kapoor for appointing of web master who conducted the IOA election this year i.e. Mr. Deepak
Thakkar of Finesse Interactive <>, (95827 64815). Due to non availability of
IOA Web Master who is looking after IOA web site; he is not able to circulate information concerning with
IOA to its member properly.
President Dr HR Jhunjhunwala requested to web site committee people to find out the solution soon. Dr
Sudhir K Kapoor assured that he will take care of this matter.
Dr Sudhir K Kapoor elaborated the present status of IOA web site as:
As you are aware, the term of the present web master has expired on 31st August, 2015 and we had
invited tenders for managing IOA Website. Three people had applied: 1- Kirthi Technologies,
Coimbatore. -2- God labs Technologies.-3- Seawind Solution Pvt. Ltd.
Out of these three, Kirthi Technologies has withdrawn and is not prepared to continue with IOA any
I had a personal talk with the proprietor of God labs Technologies, Mr. Lamba. Though in his quotation,
he had agreed do the election work but now he has expressed his inability to do the job. He has
conveyed that he cannot handle the election procedure of IOA.
After that I had a talk with Mr. Dhiren, Proprietor of Seawind Solution Pvt. Ltd about mainly the election
work. He has given a separate quotation for the election work on my email and he has quoted Rs.2, 25
lakh +service charges. On enquiring about his, previous experience of handling election of large
associations, he has conveyed that he has handled maximum of 1500 to 2000 no. for the largest
election, he has conducted.
I have been searching on the net and otherwise for large firms who have been doing a professional job
of conducting elections of big organizations. A firm by the name of Finesse Interactive was refereed to
me. After the full election procedure was explained to them; they have given a quotation of Rs.2.05
lakhs+service tax. The largest election they have held is for an organization having 8000 members. In
the first instance the firm seems to be professionally managed.
22 Information regarding IOA Election- 2015: Dr Sudhir K Kapoor, President-Elect, IOA
Election Officer Dr Sudhir K Kapoor, President Elect IOA said that the complete election process
starting from initialization of online voting by putting passwords and till the end i.e. counting of votes

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 45

was conducted in the observance and presence of the observers Hon’ble Justice (Retd.) Usha Mehra
and Dr (Prof.) Shishir Rastogi as central observer and in the presence of counsels as well as
representatives of the plaintiff i.e. Dr John Ebnezar and defendants.
Dr Sudhir K Kapoor, President Elect IOA detailed about the IOA election 2015 as:
Summary of posts –vacant:
President Elect - 1 post - Applied 3 candidates - Election held
Vice President - 2 posts - Applied 3 candidates - Election held
This year, there was no election for state representatives of IOA from different chapter due to no. of
applications less than or equal to no. of the post. All are selected unopposed.
Name of the candidates: For President-Elect post
1. Dr Rajesh Malhotra 2. Dr Ram Prabhoo 3. Dr S. Sreenivasa Reddy
Name of the candidates: For Vice Presidents posts:
1. Dr Mohan Mantri 2. Dr S.N. Mothilal 3. Dr Zile Singh Kundu
Summary of votes:
Total vote: 2910 nos.; offline-1364 & online- 1546.
Result: For President –Elect Post
1. Dr Rajesh Malhotra : offline- 441 online- 484 = Total 925 nos.
2. Dr Ram Prabhoo : offline- 505 online- 512 = Total 1017 nos.
3. Dr S Sreenivasa Reddy : offline- 291 online- 549 = Total 841 nos.
Dr Ram Prabhoo- Elected, President Elect
Result: For Vice Presidents posts:
1. Dr Mohan Mantri : offline- 822 online- 1171 = Total 1993
2. Dr SN Mothilal : offline- 679 online- 489 = Total 1168
3. Dr Zile Singh Kundu : offline- 551 online- 728 = Total 1279
Dr Mohan Mantri and Dr Zile Singh Elected Vice Presidents of IOA
23. Information regarding IOA Election-2014 Court Case: Dr Sudhir K Kapoor
Dr Sudhir Kapoor informed in detail to the house, about the suit filed by Dr John Ebnezar Versus the
Election Officer, Indian Orthopedic Association and others office bearing CS No. 292 of 2015 pending
before Hon’ble Civil Judge, Saket Court Complex, Delhi. He informed the house that the lawyer, Mr.

46 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Shanker Chhabra, representing IOA has summarized the case in a letter sent to IOA. The letter is being
reproduced below.
The under named on authorization from Indian Orthopedic Association appeared along with senior
counsel before the Hon’ble Civil Judge, Saket Court Complex, Delhi on 11.08.2015 and the matter was
thereafter adjourned for 02.09.2015. The matter was again adjourned for filing of written statement and
argument on interim application and was listed on 16.09.2015. On 16.09.2015 the under named filed
written statement on behalf of defendant no. 2 and matter was thereafter listed for 29.09.2015 for
argument on interim application. Written statement on behalf of defendant no. 1, 4 and 5 was filed on
29.09.2015 and matter was adjourned for 30.09.2015 for argument on interim application.
On 30.09.2015 after arguing the matter for some time the counsel for the plaintiff and defendant on
instructions, mutually and voluntarily agreed for appointment of Hon’ble Justice (Retd.) Usha Mehra,
Judge (Retd.) Hon’ble High Court of Delhi as observer for observing the election process along with Dr
(Prof.) Shishir Rastogi, AIIMS. At the time of hearing the counsel for plaintiff specifically submitted
before the Hon’ble court that he has been instructed and he will not press the interim application if the
observer is appointed and he will be satisfied if the election process is done under the observance of
Hon’ble Justice (Retd.) Usha Mehra. On the basis of the same the Hon’ble Court passed the order dated
30.09.2015 appointing observers and listed the matter for 02.12.2015 for further proceedings and filing
of report.
The complete election process starting from initialization of online voting by putting passwords and till
the end i.e. counting of votes was conducted in the observance and presence of the observers Hon’ble
Justice (Retd.) Usha Mehra and Dr (Prof.) Shishir Rastogi and in the presence of counsels as well as
representatives of the plaintiff i.e. Dr John Ebnezar and defendants.
That on 24.11.2015 while the counting was going on in presence of the observers and representative of
the plaintiff, an application for early hearing on behalf of Dr John Ebnezar, plaintiff in the above
mentioned case was received at the head office of the IOA, Delhi and the matter was listed for hearing
on 25.11.2015 for hearing. The under named appeared on 25.11.2015 but no one appeared on behalf of
the plaintiff and therefore the matter was adjourned for 02.12.2015 the date already fixed. It is important
to mention that even on 02.12.2015 the main counsel of the plaintiff did not appear and proxy counsel
appeared who requested for adjournment and the matter was adjourned for 23.01.2016.
I must specifically mention that the complete process of election was conducted in the presence of
observers and in all the meetings the counsel and representative of Dr John Ebnezar (plaintiff) was
Thanks and Regards
Shanker Chhabra
There was no discussion as the matter was subjudice.
24. Report of various committees of IOA.
24.A) Foreign Fellowship of IOA: Dr Anil Kumar Gupta / Dr Nirmal Chandra Mohapatra
Dr NC Mohapatra informed about the Foreign Fellowship of IOA. He was not happy as there were not
many candidates for foreign fellowship of IOA. He emphasizes to get more number of candidates by
popularizing the IOA fellowship by e-mail, web site, involvement of State Chapter President and
Secretary in communication to their member. Due to no web master since last four month, there was no
bulk email blast by the IOA web Master.
i) IOA – Dr Dilip Sengupta Fellowship (Previous IOA - Dartmouth Hitchcock Fellowship):
Dr Sanjay Jain informed the house about the detail of Dartmouth Hitchcock Fellowship. IOA -
Dartmouth fellowship was established in 2006, and it was in the State of New Hampshire of USA. The

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 47

visiting fellows could be present to observe in the clinics, Operating Rooms and also could scrub in the
surgeries, but could not assist. Dr Dilip K. Sengupta is moved from Dartmouth to Texas. Now he wants
this fellowship at Texas Back Institute, Mansfield Methodist Medical Center, 2800 E Broad Street, # 522,
Mansfield, TX 76063 USA. He is Attending Spine Surgeon and Director Clinical Research here.
Dr NC Mohapatra informed the house that as Dr Dilip Sengupta is no longer associated with Dartmouth,
the name of IOA Dartmouth Hitchcock Fellowship changed to IOA - Dr Dilip K Sengupta Fellowship as
per his request and approved by EC.
Dr NC Mohapatra read out the mail from Dilip K. Sengupta regarding the problem he is facing for this
fellowship in USA.
I have having problems with the Texas Medical Board and the individual HOSPITAL to permit the
travelling fellow from India. As The rules across the country (US) have changed, and have become
more stringent. Texas is one of the most difficult states to get permission for the physicians to observe or
practice medicine! In the State of Texas, the visiting doctors need credentialing from the Texas State
Medical Board as well as the hospital!
The visiting In view of the above, I would like to request the IOA executive committee to hold off the
Traveling fellowship to my institute for 2016. I shall let you know when I can get the Credentialing Issues
with the State Medical Board and the Hospitals sorted out, to reinstate the fellowship program in the
format, as I had been able to do it in Dartmouth during 2006-2014.
If the association has already selected any fellow for 2016, I shall try my best to honor the fellow visiting
US, either at my center or to another equivalent center, once I can get the credentialing issues with the
State Medical Board sorted out.
I do apologize for any inconvenience caused to the association and the fellowship applicants.
Dilip K. Sengupta
Texas Back Institute, Mansfield, TX 76063
ii) Change of Name / Deletion of DePuy (Johnson and Johnson) Foreign Fellowship
Dr Sanjay Jain informed the house about this fellowship as:
* This fellowship is sponsored by DePuy (Johnson and Johnson).
* Selected candidates to visit and work in Arthroplasty centre outside the country.
* Duration: two weeks
* The selected fellow will have to arrange for the centre and inform the fellowship committee.
* A sum of Rs.50,000/- paid by IOA/Sponsor.
No. Year Name Place Centre Chairman / Secretary Scholarship
1 1998 - - - - -
2 1999 - - - - -
3 2ooo Dr Deepak Choudhary New Delhi Dr Pravin Kanabar 25,000/-
4 2oo1 Dr Rajesh Malhotra New Delhi U.K. Dr Pravin Kanabar 25,000/-
5 2oo2 Stopped by DePuy Stopped by DePuy Dr M. Shantharam Shetty 0/-
6 2oo3 Dr Ketan Pandey Nagpur Dr M. Shantharam Shetty 25,000/-
7 2oo4 Dr Nalli R. Uvaraj Chennai, TN Paris Dr M. Shantharam Shetty 25,000/-
8 2oo5 Dr Sanjay Jain Jabalpur, MP Dr M. Shantharam Shetty 25,000/-
9 2oo6 Dr Jagannath Sahoo Behrampur, Odisha Dr M. Shantharam Shetty 50,000/-

48 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

10 2oo7 Dr Harpreet Singh Gill Ludhiana Dr M. Shantharam Shetty 50,000/-
11 2oo8 Dr Anil Kumar Rai Varanasi, UP Dr Shishir Rastogi 50,000/-
12 2oo9 Dr Rajender Kumar Chandigarh, CH Dr Shishir Rastogi 50,000/-
13 2o1o Dr Amit Rastogi Varanasi, UP Dr Shishir Rastogi 50,000/-
14 2o11 No Applicant Dr KV Rajendra / Dr Ram Prabhoo 0/-
15 2o12 No Applicant Dr KV Rajendra / Dr Ram Prabhoo 0/-
16 2o13 Dr Om Prakash Lakhwani New Delhi Australia Dr KV Rajendra / Dr Ram Prabhoo 50,000/-
17 2o14 Dr Aditya Krishna Mootha Kakinada, AP Singapore Dr Anil Kumar Gupta / Dr NC 50,000/-
18 2o15 Dr Rajesh Lalchandani New Delhi U.K. Dr Anil Kumar Gupta / Dr NC 50,000/-

After a lot of discussion, EC scraped the IOA - DePuy (Johnson and Johnson) fellowship & changed the name
to “IOA Arthoplasty Fellowship” with the same selection criteria as of IOA - DePuy (Johnson and Johnson)
iii) IOA- Glasgow Fellowship: Dr Sanjay Jain gave the brief introduction about the IOA – Glasgow
Fellowship. The fellowship was started by Mr. Kamal Deep in association with Indian Orthopaedic
Association in 2011 with aim to impart excellence in Arthroplasty techniques and computer navigation to
young arthroplasty surgeons. In 2014 another fellowship was added with aim to train in foot and ankle
surgery with Mr. Kalpesh Shah, foot and ankle specialist at Golden Jubilee National Hospital. Presently
two fellows are selected by the IOA, IOS UK and Golden Jubilee Hospital consultant panel.
Dr NC Mohapatra informed that Dr Mohamed Sameer Mohamed Ismail (
9444229162/samsortho) was selected for Arthroplasty in Knee and Hip and Dr Aditya C. Pathak was
wait listed and opted the Arthroplasty in Knee and foot surgery (
9819197632/himjama1212) for the year 2015. Dr Mohamed Sameer (Asst. Professor of Orthopaedics,
Institute of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, Madras Medical College and Govt. General Hospital,
Chennai -600083, India) was unable to join the as my leave application for one year for the period Feb
2016 to Feb 2017 from my current employment at the Tamil Nadu State Government Medical service
has been rejected.
Dr Aditya C. Pathak of Mumbai was unable to clear the IELTS with an overall score of 7.
Mr. Kamal Deep of Glasgow requested to add two more point in selection criteria as:
1) Those candidates who are in government employment will need to provide a letter of support
from their director or head that they support concerning period out of employment.
2) A pass in Academic module on IELTS to an overall score of 7 with minimum score of 7 in each
component is required. It is mandatory to get more than 7 in every component and it is a
prerequisite for the interview. Those who had cleared the IELTS will be get preference and
entertained in the Skype interview.
There was a discussion on IELTS exams. Both points were good but practically it is difficult to get
cleared the IELTS exams before selection for this fellowship. Dr Prakash Kotwal suggested advertising
this fellowship 2 year in advance. Dr Raza said that fellowship of 2015 is not worked and in 2016 we
should send 4 candidates.
iv) IOA – TOA Exchange Ambassadorship: Hon. Secretary informed to EC that IOA – TOA exchange
Ambassadorship is stopped by Dr Prof. Sukit Saengnipanthkul, President RCOST 2014-2016 dated
20th April 2o15. He read out the mail as:

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 49

April 20, 2015
Dr Sanjay Jain
Honorary Secretary, Indian Orthopaedic Association,
JaBalPur Bone & Joint Clinic, Cherital, Jabalpur 482002 M.P. India

Dear Dr Sanjay Jain,

On behalf of the Royal College of Orthopaedic Surgeons of Thailand (RCOST), we are appreciated for offering
us the exchange of the fellow between IOA and RCOST in each other annual meeting. After much thought and
careful deliberation, we regret to inform that we are inconvenient to run this exchange program in the

We wish you and IOA the best continued success. Hope to have a chance to run collaborated program with IOA
again in the near future.
Sincerely yours,

Prof. Sukit Saengnipanthkul, MD, FRCOST

President, the RCOST 2014-2016
Professor, Dept. of Orthopaedics, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University
Vice President, ASEAN OA 2015

President and Hon. Secretary had written 3-4 letters to RCOST President to restart the exchange program. Dr
HR Jhunjhunwala said that he had personnel talk with Prof. Sukit Saengnipanthkul during his Thailand visit in
the month of October 2015 regarding this. He informed that Lt. Gen. Prof. Warat Tassanawipas, MD is
representing the RCOST president in Jaipur conference. Dr HKT Raza proposed special care of Thailand
president representative during Jaipur IOACON 2015.
Dr NC Mohapatra elaborated the various applications received for the foreign fellowship of IOA as

Sr. Date Name Email & Phone No Address Applied for

1. 23.8.2015 Dr Chandra Prakash Pal Agra- Uttar Pradesh DePuy Johnson & Johnson fellowship
2. 3.9.2015 Dr Sanjay Meena New Delhi-110076 IOA ambassadors
9968444612, 9868331408

3. 22.9.2015 Dr S. Jaikish Tiruchirapalli- Tamil IOA- Dr Dilip K Sengupta Fellowship

9443349403 Nadu

4. 23.9.2015 Dr Pulak Sharma Bhopal-Madhya IOA Ambassadorship

8718043236, 8989210448 Pradesh IOA-IOSUK Junior Fellowship

5. 28.9.2015 Dr Sreenivas .T Kannur-670612 Kerala SOA IOA – Ambassadorship

9995464970 IOA- IOS UK Junior fellowship

6. 28.9.2015 Dr Saurabh Agarwal Ghaziabad-, Uttar IOA – AOA exchange fellowship
9810385996 Pradesh IOSUK junior fellowship

7. 28.9.2015 Dr Inder Pawar New Delhi IOA

9711152370 IOS senior
DePuy fellowship

50 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Sr. Date Name Email & Phone No Address Applied for
8. 28.9.2015 Dr Tushar Narayan Mumbai-Maharashtra Dr Dilip K Sengupta ( previously
Rathod 9833578559 Dartmouth Hitchcock fellowship )
IOA _ IOSUK junior

9. 30.9.2015 Dr Sanjay Yadav Raebareli-229303,U. P. IOA Ambassador


10. 30.9.2015 Dr Atul Jain Delhi-95 IOA Ambassador


11. 30.9.2015 Dr Venkatadass 9944424779 Coimbatore- Tamil IOA Ambassador

Krishnamoorthy Nadu

12. 30.9.2015 Dr Rahul Mohan Kozhikode- Kerala IOA Ambassador


13. 30.9.2015 Dr Nataraj. A. R Bangaluru-560072, Dartmouth Hitchcock fellowship

9482183670 Karnataka IOA Ambassadors

14. 8.10.2015 Dr Rajeev Kumar Ghaziabad- Uttar IOA Ambassadors

9810228363 Pradesh

15. 14.10.2015 Dr Paritosh Gogna C – 21, , , Phagwara, DePuy Johnson & Johnson
9990438555, 8506967077 Punjab-144401 IOA – IOSUK Junior fellowship

16. 3.11.2015 Dr Inder Parkash Pawar New Delhi-110075 Foreign fellowship
17. 28.11.2015 Dr Vivek Mahajan 9650886434 New Delhi-110070 fellowship

24.B) Inland Fellowship of IOA: Dr Atul Bahadur Singh / Dr Vinod Padmanabhan

Dr Atul Bahadur Singh presented last report of his tenor of three years. He thanked to office bearer for
giving an opportunity to serve the IOA as Chairman of Inland Fellowship of IOA. He informed the name
of various recipient of Inland fellowship of IOA.
* IOA Travelling Fellowship:
Sr. No. Name of the Fellows Email State Mobile
01 Dr Arun G.R. Karnataka 09003343337
02 Dr Pulak Sharma MadhyaPradesh 08718043236, 08989210448
03 Dr Vineet Kumar Uttar Pradesh 09936901111
04 Dr Rahul Mohan Kerala 09446490765
They will be visiting Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and New Delhi following the IOACON@ Jaipur.
* IOA - Dr SS Babhulkar Fellowship : Dr Yasir Salam Siddiqui
* IOA - Dr GS Kulkarni : Dr Parth Patel
* IOA - JMRF Paediatric Fellowship : Dr Anuj Rastogi
* IOA - Dr Ashok Sengupta Visiting Professorship : Dr Rajesh Tembhurnikar
* IOA - WOC Fellowship : Dr Amit Srivastava
Dr CP Pal
Dr Deepak Kumar
Dr Preetish Endigeri
Dr Rajesh Lalchandani
Dr Sanjay Meena
This year all those who applied have been awarded fellowships

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 51

Records of the applicants from 2013 till date are saved in the Drop box account of Inland Fellowship IOA
which is accessible to the President, President Elect, Hony. Secretary, IOA Office and co Chairman
Inland Fellowship for reviewing and assessment.
Centre of Excellence: We still are not forthcoming to invest in the future of the community and have only
7 applications. The vacuum thus left is being exploited by others. Serious effort needs to be made to
inculcate in our fresh men the culture of Good Orthopaedics. Centre of Excellence should be identified.
Issue of a member getting fellowship in consecutive years was raised in EC. Dr HKT Raza said that as
per rule once you availed any fellowship, you are not eligible for next 3 years for other fellowship
although he could not show it in the blue book. Dr Sudhir K Kapoor informed the house that the rule is
that you can apply for another fellowship in the same category after 3 years but one can apply in
different category in subsequent years. Dr Sanjay Jain said that the blue book is silent on this; if
someone avail the foreign fellowship, then one can not avail the Inland fellowship.
Dr Jhunjhunwala and EC appreciated work of Dr Atul Bahdur for his completion of term as chairman
Inland Fellowship and requested to Dr Sudhir K Kapoor for extension of his tenure for one term for which
he said that it is a matter of his President ship and he will decide it then.
24.C) Centre State Relationship Committee of IOA: Dr Dhirendra Singh / Dr Deepak J Shah
Chairman Dr Dhirendra Singh informed about various activity of IOA related with CSRC including Bone
& Joint Day Celebration, IOA – OEP a one day CME initiative by Abbott, Dr AK Gupta Trophy for best
state chapter award, Dr HR Jhunjhunwala Trophy for small state just like Dr AK Gupta Trophy,
involvement of IOA during the Nepal Earth quake in the month of April 2015 etc. Non co-
cooperativeness of Abbott was brought to the knowledge of EC by Dr Rajesh Kumar Gupta (Jammu &
Kashmir), Dr Sudhir Kumar (Jharkhand) and Dr AK Sirohi (Uttarakhand). No entertainment of MR of
Abbott in Govt. Hospital, Small state with poor connectivity, Less ground worker of Abbott in remote city,
insufficient number of Orthopaedic Surgeon in small city, were the reason by Abbott. Dr Dhiren Singh
assured to incorporate these suggestions in future IOA OEP as it was the first year of IOA - OEP.
Dr Dhirendra Singh informed that 28 IOA - Ortho Excellence Program were already conducted in the
year 2o14-15.
Dr Dhirendra Singh gave thanks to Hon. Secretary Dr Sanjay Jain for publishing the detailed reports on
IOA – OEP from various states are in the IOA News. Detail of IOA – OEP is in forthcoming page of IOA
Proposal of instituting a trophy in the name of Dr HR Jhunjhunwala for small chapter of IOA- like Dr AK
Gupta trophy for best chapter award was accepted by the members of GBM and noted that Rs.5 Lakh
will be given by Dr H.R. Jhunjhunwala to IOA.
A common opinion was formed to start “Dr HR Jhunjhunwala Trophy” for best chapter award for the
small state with the IOA membership of less than 400 from the next year in 2016. The guideline and
criteria for this trophy will remain just like Dr AK Gupta Trophy.
The Bone & Joint Day on 4th of August (the day when the IOA charter was signed) was celebrated since
2012 by the great efforts of Dr S. Rajasekaran (President IOA 2o11-12) and Dr Sudhir K Kapoor (Hon.
Secretary IOA 2oo9-2o14) team. The bone and joint day will be celebrated as week long (29th to 4th
August) affair culminating on 4th August. The theme for this year 2015 was ROAD SAFTY. IOA made a
Sticker on Bone & Joint Day to be put in clinics which had been sent to all members through post along
with the News letter of IOA. This will not having year mentioned on it so that it will be of use for coming
years also. EC accepted the proposal of Dr Dhirendra Singh of making a Car Sticker for Bone & Joint
Day. The Theme of Bone & Joint Day for the year 2016 will be: “1 member – 1 free surgery”. One free
surgery by every member. Free means free by every way to present India in the world Map for such
activity. Dr Sudhir K Kapoor said that for the Guineas Book of World record on 4th August on Bone &
Joint celebration by One free surgery by every member of Indian Orthopaedic Association; he will
enquire about the procedure for so.

52 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

24.D) UG/PG Training: Dr Prakash P Kotwal / Dr R C Meena
Dr Kotwal said we are doing eight PG teaching courses all over India including Indore, Bangalore,
Bhopal, Rohtak, Vishakhapatnam, Jabalpur and Jaipur. The first course in the year 2015 was
conducted at Indore between 22nd& 25th January. 141 students from all over the country attended it.
The program covered all-important aspects of PG teaching in orthopaedics.
Dr HKT Raza suggested that we should give a form to general practitioners to assess their quantum of
orthopaedic work to be presented to MCI for consideration of Orthopaedics as separate subject in UG
curriculum. Dr Kotwal appreciated the effort of Dr Raza and said he can present to MCI as he is in the 3
member committee. Dr Lalchandani suggested that if normal channels are not working, IOA can file a
PIL instead of giving representation to MCI repeatedly. The detail report of UG / PG Training was in
forthcoming pages of IOA News.
24.E) Basic Sciences & Orthopaedic Research Committee: Dr HKT Raza / Dr Parag Sancheti
Dr HKT Raza informed to EC that with the efforts of this committee most of the state conferences are
having a session on basic sciences and research. This is also a part of criteria of Dr AK Gupta Trophy for
best chapter award of IOA. Dr Raza presented the report with the aims to take off what was achieved by
the previous committee, consolidate the efforts made and to add other activities based on suggestion
from IOA members. He requested state chapters to include one hour session on basic sciences in their
state conference. Dr Raza talked about task force analysis and requested each state to have 20 forms
fulfill by the general practioners and to collect about 500 numbers to present to MCI for consideration of
Orthopaedics as a separate subject.
24.F) Report of Oncology section: Dr Rakesh Bhargava / Dr Alok C Agarwal
Prof. Dr Alok C Agrawal suggested creating IOA registry for bone tumors with the help of mobile app and
IOA Website. Dr Alok has been asked to prepare a proforma which all orthopaedic surgeons will be
filling on the website. Dr Sudhir Kapoor said that the idea is good and you should take help from CSRC
to propagate information about this project. EC members accepted unanimously.
24.G) Report regarding Trauma Committee: Dr KS Maheshwari / Dr Vinod Tiwari
Dr Vinod Tiwari presented his report in power point presentation which included Epidemiology of
Trauma, Role of Pharma Company, Implementation of Trauma Course, Strict Law and Order follow-up,
Resource creation etc.
Dr Amit Ajgaonkar asked what trauma committee is doing! Any specific guidelines were given to
Trauma Committee! Dr Dhiren Singh suggested to have trauma course like BTLS, Trauma committee
should be given responsibility to develop BILS course. Dr HKT Raza suggested training of lay public
also for which he will give video CD on first aid prepared by himself. EC asked to Dr Vinod Tiwari to come
up with plan and for which EC agreed to give 2 lakh. Dr Kapoor suggested coming up with plan of 6 hour
activity and instead of purchasing mannequins, we should try to take help of organizations/people
working in this direction. Dr Jimmy ML of Kerala volunteers himself for any help in Trauma Course.
Detailed report is in forthcoming pages of IOA News.
24.H) Report about Hand Section of IOA: Dr Rajendra KV / Dr Ravi Kumar Gupta
Dr Rajendra KV was absent and Dr Ravi Kumar Gupta was not present on their turn.
25. Celebration of Bone and Joint Day on 4th of August: Dr Dhirendra Singh
Already discussed in report of CSRC in previous agenda.
26. Dr AK Gupta Trophy for Best Chapter Award: Dr Dhirendra Singh
Also already discussed in report of CSRC in previous agenda.

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 53

27. Information about CME programme during IOACON-2015: Dr Ravi Kumar Gupta
Dr Ravi Kumar Gupta was not present at that time of meeting.
28. Guidelines and criteria for “Bid Procedure” of IOACON by “Zonal System of IOACON”: Dr SC
Goel / Dr Anil Kumar Jain
Dr Sanjay Jain informed that the proposed zonal system of IOACON is pipelined in five zones of India;
in zone I to zone V. guidelines and criteria were laid down for this and this will be placed in GBM of
IOACON 2015 at Jaipur for its approval.
President IOA Dr H R Jhunjhunwala said that Dr Satish Chandra Goel and Dr Anil Kumar Jain had been
given the responsibility to refine and formulate the proper criteria and guidelines for the bid procedure of
IOACON. Immediate last EC already approved zonal system. This zonal system is based on Zone I to
Zone V not according to north zone, south zone, east zone, west zone and central zone.
All members were agreed that after rectification of this Zonal system in IOACON 2015 at Jaipur, it will be
implemented for the year 2018 IOACON. EC also agreed on that in this year 2015 at IOACON, Jaipur
the selection of venue for the IOACON 2017 will go as normally going on by inviting the bids from state
President and Secretaries of the state chapter IOA.
29. Role of IOA in Nepal Earthquake of 25th April 2015: Dr HKT Raza
National Co-ordinator IOA Nepal Earthquake relief Dr HKT Raza presented report on Nepal
Earthquake calamity on 25th April 2o15. Detail report on this was already published in the News Letter
of IOA “IOA News 2015 Vol. 60 Issue II Page No. 84-94”and “IOA News 2015 Vol. 60 Issue III Page No.
38-39.” EC appreciate Dr HKT Raza and his team efforts for this Nobel cause. Dr Narender Kumar
Magu and Dr Nadeem Akhtar Faruqui treated Seventeen Pelvic Acetabular Fractures (13 Non
Operative and 4 Reconstructive operative). Contribution of all IOA members including Dr Narender
Kumar Magu and Dr Nadeem Akhtar Faruqui as well as various Chapter and society were duly
Dr Raza said about his Nepal experience and appreciated efforts of Excellence of Dr Ajit Saigal, Dr
Sudhir K Kapoor, Dr Atul Shrivastava, Dr Jamal Ashraf etc. and raised few issues like custom clearance
of implant and official permission to do operation there.
30. Felicitation of Mr. Ramesh C Pandey on completion of 20 years service to IOA: Dr Sanjay Jain
Felicitation of Mr. Ramesh C Pandey on completion of 20 years service to IOA on 5th April, 2015 during
inaugural function of IOACON 2015 was approved. All Executive Committee members appreciated his
extra ordinary contribution and excellent performance to IOA since 1995. There was some discussion
regarding the nomenclature of the post which Mr. Ramesh C. Pandey is holding - Executive Secretary
or Executive Officer. It was concluded that his designation is Executive Officer of IOA and in all from his
communication, he shall be called so.
31. The electronic table of contents of CORR to IOA members each month- Seth S. Leopold Editor-
in-Chief of Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research: Dr HR Jhunjhunwala / Dr Sudhir K
Hon. Secretary Dr Sanjay Jain read out the mail dated 25th September 2015 from Seth S. Leopold, MD
Editor-in-Chief of Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research and Lee Beadling, BA Managing
Director of Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research regarding to provide electronic tables of
contents to CORR® to all member of IOA. For this IOA can provide the names and email addresses to
CORR (CORR and our publisher would sign an agreement affirming to IOA that the information would
be used only for the purposes of providing electronic tables of contents to CORR®). EC not accepted
the proposal of providing the excel sheet of names and email addresses of IOA member to anyone
including CORR or other company even to IOA Member for such purpose. EC also suggested to not

54 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

give IOA data to anyone in excel sheet to prevent the misuse even to IOA member. IOA can provide the
labels or addressograph to IOA member for their academic use only.
32. Letters from member:
32.1 Dr RL Mittal: Dr R. L. Mittal Clubfoot Research Award.
Hon. Secretary Dr Sanjay Jain read out the mail from Dr RL Mittal of Patiala Punjab to start Award on
Clubfoot Research (basic and clinical sciences), including the 3 surgical expanders on which he has
been working, especially in extreme deformities. He shall be available for any technical assistance of
techniques. EC appreciated his contribution toward CTEV. Executive Committee refused “Dr R. L.
Mittal Clubfoot Research Award” as there is already one award with his name i.e. IOA- RL Mittal
Fellowship for SICOT Conference.
32.2 Dr L Prakash: A Mobile museum of implants and Indian Orthopaedic history to be established in IOA
house & Inclusion of the subjects of Biomechanics, Physics, and Biomaterials in the orthopaedic
curriculum. Hon. Secretary presented mail of Dr L Prakash of Chennai with concern to above
mentioned topics. EC welcomed his ideas on this and appreciated. It was discussed that there is no
space in IOA house for the same. Dr HKT Raza said that he can arrange it at Jabalpur. The matter will be
discussed in GBM. The topics told by him are already a part of Orthopaedic curriculum.

32.3 Dr AK Sirohi: Nomination of his name as a co opted EC member of Uttarakhand as there were no
nomination from Uttarakhand for so.
Dr Sudhir K Kapoor said nominations this year is his purview.
33. Any other matter with the permission of the Chair.
Dr Alok C Agrawal brought the issue of IOA Book on Clinical Orthopaedic Examination: To be discussed
in details in next Executive body meet as important.
34. Vote of Thanks by Hon. Secretary, IOA: Dr Sanjay Jain
In the end of Executive Committee of IOA @ the venue of IOACON Jaipur, vote of thank was given by
Hon. Secretary IOA Dr Sanjay Jain. President Dr HR Jhunjhunwala appreciated the efficient and hard
work being done by Dr Sanjay Jain for the betterment of the association in thought the year. He thanked
Dr Sudhir K Kapoor for his help in this meeting. Dr Sanjay Jain on behalf of EC gave thanks to Dr KK
Pandey, Joint secretary of IOA for giving the shape to the minutes of this meeting and to Mr. Ramesh C
Pandey , Executive officer of IOA for his help in conducting the meeting smoothly.:

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 55

Central State Relationship Committee
Indian Orthopaedic Association: IOACON 2o15 @ Jaipur

Date: 12th December 2o15 Day: Saturday

Venue: Mini conference Hall, 1st Floor, Birla Auditorium, Jaipur. Time: 2:00 - 4.00 PM

Agenda & Discussion:

The winter meeting of Central State Relationship Committee of Indian Orthopaedic Association was held
during Diamond Jubilee IOACON on 12th December, 2015 at 2.00 PM to 4.00 PM in Mini conference Hall, 1st
Floor, B.M. Birla Auditorium, Jaipur.
The Central State Relationship Committee Meeting of Indian Orthopaedic Association was attended by; Dr
Hari Ram Jhunjhunwala- President, Dr Sanjay Jain- Hon. Secretary, Dr Sudhir K. Kapoor- President Elect, Dr
Dhirendra Singh- Chairman CSRC, Dr Deepak J. Shah Co-chairman CSRC, Dr Akhilesh Kumar Yadav, Dr Om
Pal Sharma, Dr C. Raja Ravi Varma, Dr S . Muthuraman, Dr Krishna Kumar Pandey, Dr Atul Srivastava, Dr
Biswajit Sahu, Dr Ashok Vij, Dr Shree Prakash Singh, Dr Rajeev Anand, Dr Tajan P J, Dr Edward Nazareth, Dr
Rama Kishan Singh Dhakad, Dr Deepak Maravi, Dr P N Prasad, Dr A K Sirohi, Dr Pragash, Dr Jishnu Prakash
Baurah, Dr C K Ameta, Dr Rajendra Sahu, Dr Sudhir Kumar, Dr Jaswant Singh, Dr B Shivshankar, Dr Naveen
Thakkar, Dr Debojyoti K Bose, Dr Manish Dhawan etc.
With the permission of chair Dr HR Jhunjhunwala President IOA, Dr Sanjay Jain Hon. Secretary IOA requested
to Chairman of CSRC Dr Dhirendra Singh to proceed with the proceedings of CSRC Meeting of IOA on the
following agenda:
o1. Welcome address by President, IOA and few remarks: Dr HR Jhunjhunwala
President IOA Dr H R Jhunjhunwala welcomed all the Presidents and Secretaries of various chapter of IOA
including their representative. He requested members to be to the point and avoid unnecessary discussions so
that the meeting may be finished in time. He gave thanks to all members for helping him in carrying out his duty
as 56th President of Indian Orthopaedic Association. He informed the CSRC about various activities done this
year on his President’s theme “Continue Learning to Serve the Society Better”. He spoke on various activities of
his tenure including IOA- OEP, Academic Committee of IOA, letter to MCI for separate subject of Orthopaedics
in UG, uniformity of PG curriculum, India as a Guest Nation by AAOS & OTA, Coffee table book of Past
Presidents, preparation of Directory of IOA members, Role of IOA during the earthquake of Nepal etc. Detailed
welcome address is printed in the forthcoming pages of IOA News.
o2. Introductions by various chapters Presidents and Secretaries:
All Central State Relationship Committee Members of IOA including IOA Officials; old and new, introduced
themselves one by one.
President Secretary Association State
Dr HR Jhunjhunwala President I.O.A.
Dr Sanjay Jain Hon. Secretary I.O.A.
Dr Sudhir K Kapoor President Elect I.O.A.
Dr Dhirendra Singh Chairman, CSRC I.O.A.
Dr Deepak J. Shah Co-Chairman, CSRC I.O.A.
Dr Krishna Kumar Pandey Joint Secretary I.O.A.
Dr Manish Dhawan Hon. Treasurer I.O.A.
Dr PN Prasad OSSAP Andhra Pradesh

56 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Dr Shree Prakash Singh Dr Rajeev Anand BOA Bihar
Dr Akhilesh Kumar Yadav Dr Rajendra Sahu CG-IOA Chhattisgarh
Dr Navin Thakkar GOA Gujarat
Dr Om Pal Sharma HPOA Himachal Pradesh
Dr Sudhir Kumar JOA Jharkhand
Dr Tajan PJ KOA Kerala
Dr Edward Nazareth KOA Karnataka
Dr Ram Krishna Singh Dhakad
(Past Secretary) Dr Deepak Maravi MP-IOA Madhya Pradesh
Dr B Shivshankar MOA Maharashtra
Dr Jishnu P. Baurah NEOSA NEOSA
Dr Biswajit Sahu OOA Odisha
Dr Pragash M. POA Pondicherry
Dr Chandra Kant Ameta Dr Jaswant Singh ROSA Rajasthan
Dr C. Raja Ravi Varma Dr S. Muthuraman TNOA Tamil Nadu
Dr A K Sirohi UAOA Uttara Khand
Dr Ashok Vij Dr Atul Srivastava UPOA Uttar Pradesh
Debojyoti K Bose WBOA West Bengal
o3. Remarks by Chairman, CSRC Committee of IOA: Dr Dhirendra Singh
A Performa is distributed to all state president & secretary of IOA to give their personnel information as well as
academic activity of whole year. (Performa Attached)
Dr Dhirendra Singh said that we should have good communication between CSRC and State chapters and he
demanded reports of activities of the state chapters in word format. He gave Performa to fill the information
about state chapter details.
Chairman Dr Dhirendra Singh informed about various activity of IOA related with CSRC including Bone & Joint
Day Celebration, IOA – OEP a one day CME initiative by Abbott, Dr AK Gupta Trophy for best state chapter
award, Dr HR Jhunjhunwala Trophy for small state, involvement of IOA during the Nepal Earth quake in the
month of April 2015 etc. Non co-cooperativeness of Abbott was brought to the knowledge of CSRC by Dr Sudhir
Kumar (Jharkhand) & Dr AK Sirohi (Uttarakhand). Small state with poor connectivity, less ground worker of
Abbott in remote city, insufficient number of Orthopaedic Surgeon in small city, was the reason by Abbott. Dr
Dhiren Singh assured to incorporate these suggestions in future IOA OEP as it was the first year of IOA - OEP.
Proposal of instituting a trophy in the name of Dr HR Jhunjhunwala for small chapter of IOA- like Dr AK Gupta
trophy for best chapter award was welcomed by the all EC member of IOA & vote of thanx was given to Dr HR
Jhunjhunwala for offering donation of Rupees 5 Lakh for the same. A common opinion was formed to start “Dr
HR Jhunjhunwala Trophy” for best chapter award for the small state with the IOA membership of less than 400
from the next year in 2016. The guideline and criteria for this trophy will remain just like Dr AK Gupta Trophy. It
will be given in the inaugural function of IOA.
o4. Report of activities based on President’s theme for year 2015: Dr HR Jhunjhunwala
Dr H R Jhunjhunwala gave brief about his theme for 2015 “Continue learning – to serve the society better”. For
this, more and more Conferences, Seminars, CMEs and Workshops were done. IOA has done 28 Ortho
Excellence Program with collaboration of Abbott. Learning can be done by 3 ways:

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 57

a) By reading books and journals,
b) By attending workshops,
c) By attending Conferences and Seminars.
If you attend Conferences your skill improves and can improve the Orthopaedic Health of Society. Detail is
already discussed in welcome address.
o5. Reports of state Chapters:
CSRC members from each state presented their reports. These reports are attached with this newsletter. Dr
Sanjay Jain along with the Dr Dhirendra Singh requested to all president & secretary of state chapter of IOA for
their reports in word format for printing in News Letter of IOA.
All Secretaries or their representative of below mentioned state chapter of Indian Orthopaedic Association
presented their report in Power Point presentation very nicely & precisely in well mannered:
Name Designation Report of State
Dr Rajeev Anand Hon. Secretary, BOA Bihar
Dr Rajendra Sahu Hon. Secretary, CG-IOA Chhattisgarh
Dr Edward Nazareth Hon. Secretary, KOA Karnataka
Dr Tajan PJ Hon. Secretary, KOA Kerala
Dr Deepak S Maravi Hon. Secretary, MP-IOA Madhya Pradesh
Dr Biswajit Sahu Hon. Secretary, OOA Odisha
Dr Pragash M. Hon. Secretary, POA Pondicherry
Dr S. Muthuraman Hon. Secretary, TNOA Tamil Nadu
Dr Atul Srivastava Hon. Secretary, UPOA Uttar Pradesh
Dr Debdutta Chatterjee Hon. Secretary, WBOA West Bengal
Tajan PJ thanked IOA, to host IOACON by Kerala Orthopaedic Association KOA in 2016 and said that their
team will start early abstract submission on January first 2016 & finalize it upto 31st July 2016. He welcomed all
CSRC members to join IOACON 2016 in December 2016 as follow:
* Pre Conference Workshop - 12th & 13th December 2016
* CME & Inauguration - 14th December 2016
* Main Conference - 15th, 16th, 17th December 2016
Important information regarding Abstract Submission – IOACON 2016 @ Kochi:
* Call for Abstract- 1 January, 2016
* Last Day for Abstract submission- 30th April, 2016
* Intimation for acceptance or rejection- May 31st 2016
* Abstract submission is only through IOACON website ( not by IOA web
site (
Dr Sudhir K Kapoor said we won’t take abstract after 30th April. All abstract will be submitted in IOACON
website and will be published in IJO as supplement.
o6. IOA-OEP in association with Abbott Healthcare: Dr Dhirendra Singh
Dr Dhirendra Singh informed that 28 IOA - Ortho Excellence Program were already conducted in the year 2o14-
15 all over India whereas the target was fifty. Dr Dhirendra Singh gave thanks to Hon. Secretary Dr Sanjay Jain

58 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

for publishing the detailed reports on IOA – OEP from various states are in the IOA News. Detail of IOA – OEP is
in forthcoming page of IOA News.
Dr Dhirendra Singh informed that in IOA-OEP local orthopaedician can have topics of their interest for half an
hour to one hour. 80% topics are prepared by IOA & it is provided at the time of IOA-OEP. One or two speakers
should be selected by local organizing team from the National repute and he requested to inform him about the
date of IOA-OEP. He also requested to give the name of 3-4 places where this programme could be done. This
time IOA – OEP one day CME an initiative by Abbott Healthcare is planned in only thirty city of India; so that one
state usually will get only one program.
o7. Bone and Joint Day- 4th August – 2015: Dr Dhirendra Singh
The Bone & Joint Day on 4th of August (the day when the IOA charter was signed) was celebrated since 2012
by the great efforts of Dr S. Rajasekaran (President IOA 2o11-12) & Dr Sudhir K Kapoor (Hon. Secretary IOA
2oo9-2o14) team. The bone and joint day will be celebrated as week long (29th to 4th August) affair culminating
on 4th August. The theme for this year 2015 was ROAD SAFTY. IOA made a Sticker on Bone & Joint Day to be
put in clinics which had been sent to all members through post along with the News letter of IOA. This will not
having year mentioned on it so that it will be of use for coming years also. CSRC accepted the proposal of Dr
Dhirendra Singh of making a Car Sticker for Bone & Joint Day. The Theme of Bone & Joint Day for the year 2016
will be: “1 member – 1 free surgery”. One free surgery by every member. Free means free by every way to
present India in the world Map for such activity. Dr Sudhir K Kapoor said that for the Guineas Book of World
record on 4th August on Bone & Joint celebration by One free surgery by every member of Indian Orthopaedic
Association; he will enquire about the procedure for so.
o8. Any other matter with the permission of Chair. Nil
o9. Vote of Thanks by Hon. Secretary, IOA: Dr Sanjay Jain
In the end of the Central State Relationship Committee Meeting of Indian Orthopaedic Association @ the venue
of IOACON Jaipur, vote of thank was given by Hon. Secretary IOA Dr Sanjay Jain. President Dr HR
Jhunjhunwala appreciated the efficient and hard work being done by Dr Sanjay Jain for the betterment of the
association in thought the year. He thanked Dr Sudhir K Kapoor for his help in this meeting. Dr Sanjay Jain on
behalf of CSRC gave thanks to Dr KK Pandey, Joint secretary of IOA and to Mr. Ramesh C Pandey , Executive
officer of IOA conducting the meeting smoothly.

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 59

Report of Central State Relationship Committee

60 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Report of Central State Relationship Committee

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 61

Indian Orthopaedic Association
General Body Meeting: IOACON 2015: Jaipur
Date: 13th December 2015 Day: Sunday
Venue: Main conference Hall, B.M. Birla Auditorium, Jaipur. Time: 3:00 PM onwards

General Body Meeting of Indian Orthopaedic Association during Diamond Jubilee year IOACON was held on
13th December 2015 at 3.00 PM onwards at Main conference Hall, B.M. Birla Auditorium, Jaipur.
President Dr HR Jhunjhunwala presided on the meeting and requested all that only those who were the official
members of IOA should sit in the hall during the General Body Meeting and non members and family members
should leave the hall.He requested members not to indulge inunnecessary discussions and personal talks over
each and every point so that the meeting could be finished in time.
With the permission of the Chair Dr HR Jhunjhunwala, President IOA, Dr Sanjay Jain Hon. Secretary IOA
started the proceedings of General Body Meeting of IOA with the help of Past Hon. Secretary and President
Elect IOA Dr Sudhir K Kapoor with the following agenda as the quorum was complete for General Body Meeting
01. Welcome Address by President IOA: Dr HR Jhunjhunwala
President, IOA Dr HR Jhunjhunwala welcomed all the member of Indian Orthopaedic Association in the
General Body Meeting of IOA. He requested the members to be to the point and avoid unnecessary
discussions so that the meeting could be finished in time. He thanked all the members for helping him in
carrying out his duty as the 56th President of Indian Orthopaedic Association. He informed the house about the
various activities on president theme for his tenure “Continue Learning to Serve the Society Better”. He spoke
about various activities of his tenure including IOA- OEP, Academic Committee of IOA, letter to MCI for
separate subject of Orthopaedics in UG, uniformity of PG curriculum, India as a Guest Nation by AAOS and
OTA, Coffee table book of Past Presidents, preparation of Directory of IOA members, IOA- Troikaa Initiative
Live Surgery Webcast Program, CME of Diamond Jubilee IOACON, Once in a three year British Autumn
Program in IOACON, Membership of IOA, Membership of Federation of APOA, Role of IOA during the
earthquake of Nepal etc. Detailed welcome address is in forthcoming page of IOA News.
02. Obituaries:
Obituaries of following members were read at the GBM and their contribution was duly remembered: Hon.
Secretary Dr Sanjay Jain informed the house that these were the obituaries after the last GBM dated 21st
November 2014 @ Hyderabad. He presented details about Orthopaedic Doyens who are not with us in Power
Point Presentation. It was very disheartening to have such a long list of obituaries this year.

62 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Sr. No. Name City State Membership
1 Dr K. Yalamanda Reddy Warangal Andhra Pradesh OSSAP-486
2 Dr Chavala Venkata Swamy Guntur Andhra Pradesh IOA-6233
3 Dr R.L. Verma Bihar
4 Dr Arjun Singh Dau Raipur C.G. IOA-5195 CG-087 MP-229
5 Dr Shankar Dubey Raipur C.G. CG-027 MP-027
6 Dr Pankaj A. Divatia Ahmedabad Gujarat GOA-D/025 / IOA-0933
7 Dr Kollengode V. Vaidyalingam Palakkad Kerala Kerala-010
8 Dr K.C. Jacob Kottayam Kerala Kerala-042
9 Dr B. Das Bhopal M.P. IOA-0863 MP-0089
10 Dr Neeraj K. Sharma Indore M.P. IOA-1000 MP-0188
11 Dr Badri Prasad Purohit Gwalior M.P. IMA-588
12 Dr R.N. Sharma Bhopal M.P. IOA-0311 MP-0231
13 Dr Saket Golhar Nagpur Maharashtra
14 Dr Manmohar Singh Amritsar Punjab IOA-0287
15 Dr Vishwa Priya Vijayvargia Jaipur Rajasthan IOA-1585 ROSA-080
16 Dr Mahesh Prasad Udawat Ajmer Rajasthan IOA-0684 ROSA-003
17 Dr Saichandran N. Chennai Tamil Nadu TNOA-S/075
18 Dr G.D. Sundarraj Tamil Nadu
19 Dr Ramesh Kumar Allahabad U.P. IOA-0163 UPOA-0222
20 Dr Ramesh Kumar Allahabad U.P. IOA-0163 UPOA-0222
21 Dr Rajendra Kumar Sharma Ghaziabad U.P. UPOA-0875
22 Dr Rajesh Chaddha Allahabad U.P. IOA-6611
23 Dr Arindam Bandyopadhaya Kolkata West Bengal IOA-0248 WBOA-0362
24 Dr Santosh Kumar Mitra Kolkata West Bengal IOA-0203 WBOA-0015
25 Dr Debabrata Bhattacharya Kolkata West Bengal IOA-0204 WBOA-0077
26 Dr Arun Kumar Das Kolkata West Bengal IOA-1024 WBOA-0006
27 Dr Gopinath Roy Kolkata West Bengal IOA-1298 WBOA-0059
28 Dr Nirmal Kanti Ghosh Nadia West Bengal IOA-1071 WBOA-0025

The house stood in silence for two minutes as a mark of respect for the departed souls and prayed that their
souls rest in peace.
03. Ratification of Constitutional Amendments approved by Special General Body Meeting held on
21stNovember, 2014 at IOACON Hyderabad. The issue raised by Dr HKT Raza was solved. Dr
Sanjay Jain informed about the technical issue raised by Dr HKT Raza, which was resolved in
the executive body meeting.
Constitutional Amendments approved by Special General Body Meeting held on 21st November, 2014 at
IOACON Hyderabad has already been circulated to all IOA member by first News Letter of IOA i.e. IOA News I
2015 I Vol. 6o I Issue 1 I Page No. 42-44. It is also available in the IOA web site
Dr Sudhir K Kapoor briefed the house about the constitutional amendments discussed on 21st of November
2014 at Hyderabad as well as about Executive Committee decision on the issue raised by Dr HKT Raza about
the language of the minutes of the constitutional amendment.There was no adjournment of the meeting. After
waiting for 15 minutes when the quorum of 300 members was there; all the constitutional amendments were

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 63

passed by at least 3/4th of the vote of members present or unanimously. Dr Raza very kindly consented to
agree to these minutes if thus published. So in view of that we had put this particular item that if all of you
approve and what the discussion we had in the EC meeting then these minutes could be passed and would be
implemented from coming year. That was the basic background.
Dr HKT Raza said that whenever we have constitutional amendments, a single clause cannot be amended in
isolation; all the clauses should be amended accordingly. For example one Vice President is elected who
automatically becomes President elect next year and president the year after. No where it was mentioned that
what the original clause was. The minutes were hardly legal language.
There was an intense discussion with active participation and involvement of Dr HKT Raza, Dr L Prakash, Dr
SS Yadav, Dr Ajit Saigal, Dr SC Goel, Dr MS Dhillon, Dr PV Vijayaraghavan, Dr Sudhir K Kapoor, Dr Sanjay
Chatuvedi, Dr Deepak Shah, Dr Naresh Goyal, and Dr Rajendra Abhyankar etc. Dr SS Yadav finally concluded
after getting the view of Dr HKT Raza and all other members of IOA. It appears that Constitutional Amendments
was passed by the Special General Body Meeting at Hyderabad. GBM is supreme and whatever is decided in
that GBM whether somebody was present or not, reason may be any or many. Basically all those things
previously decided at Hyderabad are final, if there is anything in language it should be corrected..
To rectify the problems in the language of Constitutional Amendments, the President Dr HR Jhunjhunwala on
the request of Dr SS Yadav, appointed a committee comprised of Dr HKT Raza, Dr Satish Chandra Goel and Dr
Mandeep Singh Dhillon under the Chairman ship of Dr Sudhir K Kapoor. This committee would take care of any
corrections in the language of constitutional amendments and give proper legal shape to the constitution of
Dr Sudhir K Kapoor and Dr HKT Raza thanked Dr SS Yadav to summarize the whole thing. Dr Sudhir K Kapoor
asked about the implementation of election of one vice president and one President Elect in the year 2016;
which was accepted by the GBM.
After about an hour of discussion; the Constitutional Amendments approved by Special General Body Meeting
held on 21stNovember, 2014 at IOACON Hyderabad were ratified by the General Body.
04. Confirmation of the minutes of the Annual GBM held on 21st Nov. 2014 Hyderabad:
Hon. Secretary Dr Sanjay Jain asked to confirm the minutes of the Annual GBM held on 21st Nov. 2014
Hyderabadwhich was already circulated to all IOA member by first News Letter of IOA in this year i.e. IOA News
I 2015 I Vol. 60 I Issue 1 I Page No. 45-49. These minutes were also available in the IOA web site
It was passed by GBM unanimously.

64 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Dr Sanjay Chaturvedi of Agra had objections on the treasurer report of last year GBM. He was not able to
properly elaborate his objections and required correction initially. Dr Sanjay Jain informed the house that all
objections were duly answered in the Treasurer Report.
There was an endless discussion with the participation of the Chair, Dr Sanjay Chaturvedi, Dr L Prakash, Dr
Deepak Shah, Dr Naresh Goyal, Dr NC Mohapatra, Dr MS Dhillon, Dr RC Meena, Dr Debojyoti K Bose Dr
Rajendra Abhyankar, Dr PK Kanabar etc.
Dr Sanjay Chaturvedi had mainly two objections which were as followed:
1) There was a difference in expenditure mentioned by Editor IJO and shown by Treasurer IOA accounts.
2) Third party auditing of treasurer report was not done.
Dr Sudhir K Kapoor explained about these two objections as followed:
1) As far as the difference between the expenditure shown by the editor IJO and treasurer IOA is
concerned, the president and the treasurer sat with the auditor and sorted out. There was no difference
between the reports and the figures were correct. There was no actual difference in the amount, just the
way of mentioning them was wrong; which was corrected this time. Once you hear the treasurer report
you will understand. As far the figure difference is concerned our treasurer will explain you and thing will
comes you absolutely clear because all of us sat with him for 3-4 hours and understood everything.
Please give him chance to come back and tell the report.
2) Third party auditing of treasurer report was suggested by Dr AK Jain in last GBM and was not carried
out. This was recorded in the minute now. About the third party auditing of treasurer report as a
president elect I want some more rechecking in this house on that, whether we are ready for third party
auditing when we are having capable auditor since so many years. There are a lot of implications for
that. So I request to this house that we should not have a re audit, the request was accepted by the
house unanimously.
With these explanation minutes were passed by GBM unanimously.
05. Confirmation of the minutes of the last Executive Committee Meetings held on 22nd November 2014
Hyderabad; 12th April 2015 New Delhi, 26th July 2015 New Delhi; and on 10th December 2015 Jaipur.
Hon. Secretary Dr Sanjay Jain informed that the minutes of all these Executive Committee meetings
have already been circulated by the three IOA News Letters of the year 2015 and the latest has been
distributed now and stuck on major places of the venue.
He told that the minutes of Executive Committee Meeting of 22nd November 2014 Hyderabad (IOA
News I 2015 I Vol. 6o I Issue II I Page 50-51); 12th April 2015 New Delhi (IOA News I 2015 I Vol.
60 I Issue II I Page 30-39); 26th July 2015 New Delhi (IOA News I 2015 I Vol. 60 I Issue III I Page
32-40); have been published in respective volumes mentioned here. These minutes are also available
in the IOA web site
The minutes of current Executive Committee Meeting held on 10 December 2015 Jaipur was
distributed and displayed on Main doors of venue of GBM. They were passed by GBM unanimously.
06. Hon. Secretary's report IOA 2015: Dr Sanjay Jain
The report of Hon. Secretary was read during the inaugural function on 11th December 2015 which was
passed by General Body unanimously.

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 65

Dr Sanjay Jain presented his Secretary Report by Power Point Presentation which is attached in forthcoming
pages. He summarized the details of overall activities of the Indian Orthopaedic Association in last one year
very nicely.
He mentioned about the current status of IOA membership, new applicants of IOA, digitalization of membership
forms, Bone and Joint day activity, various IOA state chapter activities, declaration of India as a guest nation by
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeon for the year 2017 and by Orthopaedic Trauma Association USA for
the year 2016, IOA- Ortho Excellence Program in 28 cities, Highest contribution in savings from IOACON 2014
Hyderabad of about One Crore Twenty lakh Rupees etc. The house appreciated all developments. Dr Jain
detailed the advantage of India as a guest nation.
Dr Alok C Agrawal has been given the responsibility to conduct the IOA National Post Graduate Quiz in this year
during the IOACON in Jaipur. The recommendation that he should continue as a Chairman of National
Orthopaedic Quiz for the next two year 2016 and 2017, was already passed by EC.
Dr Sanjay Jain informed that Telangana Orthopaedic Surgeons Association TOSA has completed all
formalities for Affiliation to IOA and this newly formed Telangana State TOSA is the 22nd affiliated chapter of
Distribution of Dr AK Gupta Trophy for best chapter award during the inaugural function of IOA was accepted by
GBM. Secretary report was passed unanimously. Detailed report is in the forthcoming page of IOA News.
07. Distribution of the awards: President IOA and Secretary IOA
President, IOA Dr HR Jhunjhunwala with the co-ordination of Hon. Secretary Dr Sanjay Jain distributed the
Fellowship Award of current year as well as of National Orthopaedic PG Quiz winner of last year IOACON 2014
@ Hyderabad. Details of candidate are as follow:

No Awards distributed during GBM Name Place No. e-mail ID
IOA - IOS UK Senior Fellowship
1 Dr Sanjay Jain Jabalpur 9425863999
(United Kingdom):
IOA - IOS UK Junior Fellowship
2 Dr Rajesh Kumar Rohilla Sonepat 9812662814
(United Kingdom):
IOA - AOA Exchange Fellowship Dr Vineet Jain Faridabad 9810324416
(Australia): Dr Rajendra Kumar
Chandigarh 9876365674
4 IOA - Glasgow Fellowship: 2013 Dr Vivek Mahajan New Delhi 9650886434

66 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Dr Mohd. Shahnawaz
5 IOA - Glasgow Fellowship: 2012 Indore 9755072723
IOA – HKOA Exchange
6 Ambassadorship (Hongkong): Dr Saurabh Agarwal Ghaziabad 9810385996
IOA - SOA Exchange
7 Ambassadorship (Singapore): Dr Satya Ranjan Patra Bhubaneswar 9438672301
IOA - DePuy Johnson and
8 Dr Rajesh Lalchandani New Delhi 9811232499
Johnson Fellowship: 2015
Dr Sohail Ahmed Aligarh 9837225881

9 IOA Travelling Fellowship: 2o14 Dr Saurabh Agarwal Ghaziabad 9810385996

Dr Rohit Nath Kanpur 9868092258
Dr Asif Nazir Baba Anantnag 9419963090
IOA – JMRF Fellowship in
10 Dr Basant Kumar Bhuyan Ujjain 9755159569
Paediatric Orthopaedics: 2015
Dr Sujit Kumar Tripathy Bargarh Odisha 9438884155
11 Dr Paritosh Gogna Phagwara 8607773555
Dr Prasad Soraganvi Belgaum 9880757449
IOA - WOC SICOT Fellowship :
Dr Munish Kumar Gupta Bathinda 9650768816
Dr Samarth Mittal Panchkula 9013562489
Dr Kuldeep Malik New Delhi 9711111446
Dr Nitesh Gahlot Bikaner 9814019139
Dr Sudhir S. Babhulkar
12 Dr Amit Agarwal New Delhi 9968578514
Fellowship: 2014-15
Dr Govindrao S. Kulkarni
13 Dr Saurabh Jain Indore 9425131597
Fellowship: 2014-15
IOA - INOR Research Grant:
14 Dr Rehan Ul Haq New Delhi 9868399566
National Orthopaedic Quiz
Winner 2014
First: Karnataka team Dr Aravinth T. Udupi 7411323879
First: Karnataka team Dr Jayakrishnan KN Manipal 9449689558
Second: Delhi Team Dr Amit Sharma Ghaziabad 9871278977
Second: Delhi Team Dr Awkash Kumar New Delhi 9968185559
Third: Odisha Team Dr Gunjar Jain Cuttack 8280027937
Third: Odisha Team Dr Nishit Palo Noida 9658102871

08. Treasurer's report: Dr Manish Dhawan

Dr Manish Dhawan presented the treasurer report and informed that the audited treasurer report for the year
2014-15 was published in the News Letter of IOA; IOA News 2015 Vol. 60 Issue III August – November 2015
page No. 58-62.
Financial year 1st April 2014 – 31st March 2015, summary was as follows:
Income – 19860294.38
Expenditure – 16320200.12
Surplus – 3540094.26
Balance sheet we started with 5,16,45,215.74 Rs and we had 35 lakh Rs income excess over expenditure.
Total we had 5,51,85,310.00 Rs
Fixed deposit in Bank 2,66,28,006.20 Rs

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 67

We are trying to recover previous TDS which we have paid to the government. We have written to them.
Dr Manish Dhawan briefed about the protocol of conducting IOACON as:
1. IOA shall grant an advance to meet its initial expense before collecting the registration i.e. seed money.
2. The host state chapter after collection of registration fee will refund the advance amount.
3. Minimum 10% of gross receipt amount shall be shared with IOA. More than 10% is always most
4. IOA is neither concerned with the volume of expenses nor income tax deducted or paid as this is the
subject matter of the state chapter which has used the IOA banner. State chapter has to fulfill all tax
obligations. State chapter has to give its PAN for IOACON and IOACON cannot use IOA PAN Card.
5. IOA is very much concerned to have the copy of audited statement of IOACON account to know
whether 10% of the gross receipt has been shared with IOA or not.
Dr Manish Dhawan told about payments received from the IOACON-2012 to 2014:
From IOACON-2012, Chennai - Rs. 1,00,00,000.00 (Rs.One Crore)
From IOACON-2013 Agra - Rs. 85,00,000.00 (Rs.Eighty Five Lakh)
[In 2 installments] Rs.50,00,000.00 in audit year 2013-14
Rs.35,00.000.00 in audit year 2014-15
From IOACON-2014 Hyderabad Rs.1,20,00,000.00 (Rs. One Crore Twenty lakh)
[In four installments] Rs.25+50=75,00,000.00 in audit year 2014-15
Rs.35,00,000.00 in month of July 2015
Rs.10,00,000.00 in month of November,2015
Dr Dhawan discussed about balance sheet of IOACON 2013 [Balance Sheet (Received by IOA on 7-12-15)]
and explained after discussion with IOA auditor. Expected saving to IOA from IOACON 2013 Agra was Rupees
9, 97,55,471/- and money received by IOA was 8,500,000/- so that expected balance due was 14,75,547/-. He
requested Dr Sanjay Chaturvedi to give 99 lakhs, not 85 lakh. IOACON 2o13 has already paid 15 lakh Rupees
as TDS which Dr Sanjay Chaturvedi could recover later on. Dr Dhawan requested to be given 10 % of the
savings of IOACON in same the financial year.
Dr Dhawan had objection to the use of word Royalty in income tax returns of IOACON 2013 which is wrong as
this would attract the TDS and would force the Government to think that IOA is doing business activity.The
account head should be contribution to IOA as a donation.Contribution to IOA by IOACON should be as
donation to charitable organization and no TDS provision shall be applicable because it is a donation. He
requested future IOACON organizers not to use the word Royalty.

68 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Clarification of points raised by Dr Sanjay Chaturvedi in the last GBM of IOACON at Hyderabad on 21st
November 2014 were discussed in GBM regarding TDS, Service Tax, IJO accounts and auditor note.He
answered one by one all the objections raised by Dr Sanjay Chaturvedi by showing the main photo of video clip
in all the objections points.
1) If there was TDS why the tax has been paid?
IOA has not paid any tax. The amount of tax has been adjusted out of TDS and balance of TDS has been kept as
recoverable from income tax dept.Dr Manish Dhawan elaborated this point as: It was asked that when we are
not profit organization even though we have paid a tax of Rupees 8.5 Lakh. The amount of TDS is the amount
deducted by bank or other association and same shall be treated as advance income tax only. The rule of
advance tax is whatever tax shall become due the same shall be deducted and rest shall be refunded to
Since a long, no tax liability arises but it happen when one IOACON pays in the year itself and the other
IOACON pay the balance of last year in the current year. We expect all IOACON to contribute in the same
financial year.
Further the amount shown in Capital fund as the tax paid, is the amount of tax paid for the financial year 2012-
13 and not for financial year 2013-14 as the liability for each year arise only after the completion of the year and
the amount shown is always relations to the earlier year.
This type of problem occurred because IOACON money is coming in installments, in different financial year. I
request all people who are conducting IOACON should clear their account in the same financial year as it
created a problem for us, a problem for 12AA which he explained latter.
Dr Manish Dhawan explained about 12AA as this point was also raised in last GBM of IOACON 2o14
Hyderabad as:
We are a charitable organization and we have to spend 85% of grass receipt in a year, there is no tax. When our
expenditure is less than 85% then we have to pay tax. Suppose we earn 100 Rupees and spend only 80
Rupees; then 5 Rupees have to be paid as tax. So now problem come to IOA when IOACON give money in
installment. Suppose IOACON is going to pay money in next financial year then money comes we get surplus
money, so it become problem for us. Again I request all IOACON to give their dues in same financial year.
2) If the amount paid by IOA is 22 lakhs to IJO then why the expenses are 40 lakhs?
Dr Manish Dhawan explained why there was a difference between figures quoted in Dr Sudhir Kumar editors
report and Dr Lalit Maini treasurer report in last year IOACON 2o14 Hyderabad. He explained the things by
showing the example of current year as:
IOA gives fixed amount to IJO for printing. This financial year Rs 22 lakhs were given.
IJO gets money from advertisements. This financial year it got Rs 35 lakhs.
Total Expenditure for journal was Rs 59 lakhs. IJO then put Rs 35 lakhs from advertisement into the expenses.
IOA 22 Lakhs + IJO 35 Lakhs =Rs 57 Lakhs. IJO then put Rs 2 lakhs from bank interest earned from its fixed
deposit and royalty. IJO in fact reduces burden on IOA.
Treasurer Dr Manish Dhawan said that IOA gave 22 lakhs to IJO and IJO showed their expenditure as 59
Lakhs, rest amount was raised by them from their source that is why the difference in figure of IJO and IOA
reports was there.
3) Service tax Matter?
As far as Service tax is concerned it is indirect tax recoverable from one person and to be paid to the
Government and it will never affect the profit or loss of an organization. So either there is profit or loss service
tax can never affect the financial status.
Service tax is liable to membership of club, not on a life membership of charitable organization. Service tax is

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 69

not applicable to IOA but it is applicable to IOACON. IOA is not like a Delhi Gym Khana or Jaipur Polo Club,
when you join it and you have to membership fee and service tax. So you are not supposed to pay service tax
also on life membership of charitable organization like IOA. Further I have already told that IOACON people
have to pay service tax on his registration on which they collect from the member. But all the members whom
they you make it free or may basically sponsored, no service tax is applicable. Dr RC Meena has made free all
unmarried children, executive committee member and senior citizen of IOA. So service tax is not applicable on
4) Comment on auditor report?
Treasurer made a comment on this matter as:
In this regard, we wish to state the content of the auditor's report is a standard format which is basically
prescribed by the Chartered Accountant of India. So we have checked the auditor report and it is found
standard.Further as per rule, the organization prepares the financial data to be presented before the Auditor for
Audit and Auditor formulates an opinion on this.
On the third party audit report Dr Sudhir K Kapoor President elect said that minute will be corrected. It will be
corrected that Dr Anil Kumar Jain suggested we should have the third party auditor which I am again asking with
the house to waive off because it cause a lot of implications which was accepted by the house unanimously.
Dr L Prakash was sad to know that the IOA is a body of more than ten thousands member with only 5.5 Crore
Rupees corpus!
General body objected strongly to the member who address to the audience directly, everyone should address
to the president with his permission only. It was also objected to member who has been speaking frequently so
often and not giving a chance to speak other members.
General body appreciated the efforts of Treasurer Dr Manish Dhawan for putting so much hard work on
preparing the Treasurer's Report. GBM also appreciate the efforts of Editor Dr Sudhir Kumar and his team for
raising money and making IJO self sufficient. Detailed treasurer report is in forthcoming page of IOA News.
Dr Sudhir K Kapoor concluded the treasurer reports as:
Treasurer Dr Manish Dhawan clarified all the issue and answered one by one the objections raised by Dr
Sanjay Chaturvedi.
The minute would be corrected, in that time Dr Anil Kumar Jain suggested third party auditor.
Dr Sudhir K Kapoor asking with this house not to press for third party auditor and waive off third party auditor
because it cause a lot of implications which was accepted by the house.
This General Body Meeting passed the minute of the treasurer; Dr Sanjay Chaturvedi may communicate with
the treasurer with his objection.

70 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

09. Editor's Report including result of election of various post of IJO: Dr Sudhir Kumar
President Elect Dr Sudhir K. Kapoor informed the house that the selection committee was in a dilemma to
select the editor as Dr Ish Kumar Dhammi, Dr Shah Alam Khan and Dr Lalit Maini all three candidates were very
good in their credentials. Dr Ish Kumar Dhammi was ultimately selected, keeping his past experience with IJO
in mind. It was also made clear that all three would act as a team and Dr Ish Kumar Dhammi would give
appropriate responsibility in editorial work as both are equally senior, though working as associate editors. Dr
Ish Kumar Dhammi will take the charge of Editor of Indian Journal of Orthopaedics from 1st of January 2o16.
Dr Ish Kumar Dhammi presented editor's report on behalf of Dr Sudhir Kumar, which was passed unanimously
by the house. Detailed report is in forthcoming pages of this IOA News.
10. Final Financial Report of IOACON-2014, Hyderabad: Dr S Sreenivasa Reddy
Dr S Sreenivasa Reddy presented the report of 59th Annual Conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association
IOACON 2014 Hyderabad, which is printed in detail in forthcoming page of IOA News. Dr S Sreenivasa Reddy
and his team had shown an excellent team workand they contributed Rupees Rs. 1,20,00,000/- (Rupees One
Crore Twenty lacs) to IOA from the saving of IOACON 2014 which is the maximum amount so far in the history
of IOA. House passed the report with applauds to IOACON 2014 TEAM. It was passed.
11. Report of IOACON-2015, Jaipur along with all details: Dr Ramesh Chand Meena
The Diamond jubilee 60th annual conference of Indian Orthopedic Association IOACON 2015 was organized
at Birla Science and Technology Centre Jaipur from 9th to 14th December 2015 .The event was attended by
nearly 7000 delegates making it unprecedented number till date. The organizing committee left no stone
unturned to do preparation with a keen attention to details.
Dr RC Meena presented his report of IOACON 2o15 in between the treasurer report very politely and softly as
below mentioned: IOACON is conducted on behalf of IOA. IOA is not a money making factory. He gave the back
ground of source of income of IOA. Host chapter of IOACON is nursing the IOA tree. Their root state chapters
are contributing to the development of tree IOA. As per the guideline and protocol of IOA, his team promises to
contribute 10% of total collection. Total collection would be around rupees 9-10 Carore. If there were any
lacunae in the organization, as are quite likely in an organization of this magnitude, I as Organizing secretary
sincerely apologize on behalf of my entire organizing committee.
IOACON team tried to fulfill all the commitment including- Registration fee of IOACON 2015 less than the
IOACON 2014, waive of registration fee of unmarried children, free registration to all executive committee
member, as usual senior citizen member of IOA. We had kept 22 flags of state chapter so their state should feel
a part of IOA.
Dr RC Meena said that we tried to make the conference as memorable and as enjoyable and comfortable as
possible and I may not be exaggerating if I say that we exceeded the standards set by the last IOACON at
Jaipur in 2000 and 2010.Being one of the key members of the organizing team of previous 2 conferences I was
fortunate to improve upon them and learn from those experiences. So many firsts we brought along. The
conference was a diamond jubilee, by the diamonds for the diamond and of the diamonds. All the Pearls,
Emeralds and rare Gems that attended this conference from all over country and abroad, made it a thumping
On behalf of the Organizing TEAM of IOACON 2015, Dr RC Meena gave a cheque of Rupees 55 lakhs (Total
One Crore Rupees including cheque of 45 lakhs given in executive committee meeting on 10-12-2015 even
before the start of the main conference) to IOA in the GBM which was received by the President Dr
HRJhunjhunwala. This has happened for the first time in IOA. House gave three cheers to Dr RC Meena and his
Organizing TEAM including Dr Shailendra Sharma, Dr Arun Sharma, Dr Naresh Goyal, Dr Rajendra, and Dr RC
Bansiwal etc. for giving the One Carore Rupees without cutting TDS.
12. Preparation and progress report of IOACON-2016, Kochi: Dr Tajan PJ
Organising Secretary Dr Tajan PJ thanked IOA, for choosing Kerala Orthopaedic Association for IOACON

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 71

2016 in Kochi. He welcomed all members to join IOACON 2016 by showing a video. He confirmed dates of
IOACON in December 2016 as follow:
* The conference shall start from 12th -17th December, 2016 at Le Meridien, Kochi.
* 12th and 13th December, 2016 Pre conference workshops
* 14th December, 2016 – CME and inaugural function of IOA
* 15th to 17th December, 2016 - Main conference of IOA
Important information regarding Abstract Submission – IOACON 2016 @ Kochi:
* Call for Abstract- 1st January, 2016
* Last Day for Abstract submission- 30th April, 2016
* Intimation for acceptance or rejection- May 31st 2016
* Abstract submission is only through IOACON website (
Not by IOA web site (
Dr Sudhir K Kapoor said, we won't take abstract after 30th April. All abstract will be submitted in IOACON
website and will be published in IJO as supplement, if submitting in proper format and found good enough for
peer review.
13. Report of CSRC including Dr AK Gupta Trophy and institution of Dr HR Jhunjhunwala Trophy for
small chapter of IOA: Dr Dhirendra Singh / Dr Deepak J Shah
In the absence of Chairman of CSRC, Dr Sanjay Jain Hon. Secretary informed the house that Center State
Relationship Committee of Indian Orthopaedic Association held on 12th December 2015 at the Mini
Conference Hall, B.M. Birla Auditorium, Jaipur from 2.00 PM to 4.00 PM. Detail report of CSRC is in
forthcoming pages of IOA news.
Chairman CSRC Dr Dhirendra Singh conducted the meeting with co-ordination of Co-Chairman CSRC Dr
Deepak J Shah. After the welcome address by President IOA Dr HR Jhunjhunwala various thing were
discussed including Introductions by various chapters' Presidents and Secretaries; Remarks by Chairman,
CSRC Committee of IOA; Report of activities based on President's theme for year 2015; Reports of state
Chapters; IOA-OEP programme with the help of Abbott Healthcare; Bone and Joint Day- 4th August – 2015;
As Dr Dhirendra Singh was not present in the GBM, Hon. Secretary Dr Sanjay Jain declared the result of Dr AK
Gupta Trophy for best chapter award. Uttar Pradesh Orthopaedic Association made hatrick by winning the Dr
AK Gupta Trophy for the year 2015. Hon. Secretary UPOA Dr Atul Srivastava expressed vote of thanx to GBM
for this.

72 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Sr. No. State Mark / 110
1 Uttar Pradesh 94
2 Tamil Nadu 85

Proposal of instituting a trophy in the name of Dr HR Jhunjhunwala for small chapter of IOA- like Dr AK Gupta
trophy for best chapter award was accepted by the members of GBM and noted that Rs.5 Lakh will be given by
Dr. H.R. Jhunjhunwala to IOA. Proposal to start “Dr HR Jhunjhunwala Trophy” for best chapter award for the
small states with the IOA membership of less than 400 from the next year in 2016 was accepted by GBM. The
guidelines and criteria for this trophy shall remain just as in Dr AK Gupta Trophy. This will also be distributed in
the inaugural function of IOA just like Dr AK Gupta Trophy.
14. Decision on Academy of Indian Orthopaedic Surgeons-by Academic Committee of IOA: Dr HR
President IOA Dr HR Jhunjhunwala informed the house about the decision on Academy of Indian
Orthopaedic Surgeons-by Academic Committee of IOA.
A committee under the chairmanship of Dr Prithipal Singh Maini (New Delhi) with the following members Dr
Hardas Singh Sandhu (Amritsar), Dr Devendra Kumar Taneja (Indore), Dr Surendra Singh Yadav (New Delhi),
Dr Mayilvahanan Natarajan (Chennai), and Dr Vootukuru Saidi Reddy (Hyderabad) was formed as suggested
by chair and approved by GBM of IOACON 2014 Hyderabad. This committee rejected the Academy of Indian
Orthopaedic Surgeons and formed an Academic Committee of IOA instead of a separate Academy of IOA-
AIOS.There were three meetings of Academic Committee of IOA in IOA House New Delhi (1st Meeting- 14th
December, 2014 from 2.00 PM to 4.00 PM / 2nd Meeting- 11th April, 2015 from 11.00 AM to 1.00 PM / 3rd
Meeting- 26th July, 2015 from 10.30 AM to 12.00 Noon). President IOA elaborated the area of work done by this
committee includinguniformity in the curriculum of Orthopaedics PG Teaching in India; strong objection on MCh
degree from Seychelles; appointment of an Academic Committee Observer for the IOACON 2015 Jaipur;
Separation of Orthopaedics subject from general surgery in Under Graduate curriculum etc. Member of this
committee Dr SS Yadav cleared the doubt and query raised by Dr SC Goel, Dr Sameer Gupta, and Dr Deepak
15. Membership of APOA- 5000 $US Dollar ANNUALLY to be paid by IOA- all members gets
membership of APOA: Dr HR Jhunjhunwala
President IOA Dr Jhunjhunwala informed that Dr Mah, who is president of APOA, has suggested becoming a
member of APOA by 5000 dollars per year; everybody shall become a member of APOA. Dr HKT Raza gave
information about APOA. A resolutionis passed to be member National Organization of Federation of APOA by
remitting annual membership fees of US$ 5,000. IOA will pay US$5000 for APOA Federation membership fee
annually. General Body accepted this proposal unanimously.
16. Proposal for start/institute of Diamond Jubilee Orations: Dr HR Jhunjhunwala
Hon. Secretary Dr Sanjay Jain informed the house that we have Silver Jubilee Oration to commemorate the
25th year of our association (1980) and Golden Jubilee Oration to mark the 50th years of our Association
(2005).Dr H R Jhunjhunwala proposed the “Diamond Jubilee Oration” from next year 2016 to mark the 60th
year of our association (2015).
President Dr HR Jhunjhunwala, Hon. Secretary Dr Sanjay Jain, President Elect Dr Sudhir K Kapoor, Past
President Dr SC Goel, Dr HKT Raza, Joint Secretary Dr KK Pandey, Past Vice President Dr Naresh Goyal etc.
participated actively to form the modality of this Diamond Jubilee Oration. Ultimately a general consensus was
formed to change the name of Presidential Guest Lecture to Diamond Jubilee Oration which was passed by the
GBM. Dr Sudhir K Kapoor informed the house about the Presidential Guest Lecture as it is invited by the
President IOA and Lecturer may be even non medical personnel with different profession.It is not compulsory
that orator belongs to Orthopaedic fraternity.

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 73

17. Venue for IOACON 2017: Bids were received from: 1. Indore (Madhya Pradesh) 2. Kolkata (West
Bengal) 3. Patna (Bihar).
Before starting the proceeding for the selection of venue for IOACON 2017; all the non member and Post
Graduate students were sent out and door was closed.Appeal was made that before we can go for voting or
hand raising all non-member of IOA to go out.
There was three bid for 62nd Annual Conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association namely:
No. City State
1 Indore Madhya Pradesh
2 Kolkata West Bengal
3 Patna Bihar
Appeals were made from chair for selection of IOACON venue without election by talk or tie up. Dr Debojyoti K
Bose of Kolkata withdrew his bid and asked for support in 2018 with consideration of acceptance of Zonal
System of IOACON bid. President IOA invited one representative of Indore as well as of Patna to speak from
Dais and seek support in their favor for IOACON bid.
Dr DK Taneja gave his presentation by a PPT and Video presentation to seek support from members of General
Body for organizing IOACON 2017 at Indore. Dr DK Taneja addressed that many people say if you were for long
with IOA, why you had not took IOACON in Indore. Dr D K Taneja replied that previously we had no
infrastructure but now we have brilliant Convention Centre. We have many hotels and had global investment
meet in Indore. Executive membercan decide to visit and see and Ujjain visit will be free of cost. Young
orthopaedic surgeon from Indore wants to host.
Dr Kumar Shantanu Anand and Dr Singh from Bihar presented his bid.Conventional centre in Patna would be
venue. Delegate registration would be free. Dr Deepak Shah objected that last year Executive Member was
given free registration and this time we are proposing free delegate registration! Are we going to surrender to
Pharma and Implant Company! This is going to start a wrong tradition in our association.Past President and
Senior Member Dr PS Maini interfered and stopped the unnecessary comments on each other.
With the permission of Chair, Dr Sudhir K Kapoor requested to give 15 minute time to prepare for the secret
ballot paper voting in most democratic way. Voting slip were prepared with the sign of President or President
elect in which member wrote their Name, LM No. and name of city for IOACON. Two Central table were put in
stage and member entered from one side and after voting went to another side. Members who had no idea
about his membership number or confusion in number, Hon. Secretary Dr Sanjay Jain provided their LM from
soft copy from laptop.

74 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

President Dr HR Jhunjhunwala declared the result; Indore won the IOACON 2017 bid by 70 votes from Patna
(Indore got 153 ballots and Patna got 83 ballots). Indore will be the host for IOACON 2017. Dr DK Taneja on
behalf of young brigade from Madhya Pradesh gave the vote of thanx to all Orthopaedic Surgeon who voted for
Election was conducted in most democratic way for which members applaud the Chair and Dr Sudhir K Kapoor.
18. IOA President’s Theme- 2016: Dr Sudhir K Kapoor
Dr Sudhir K Kapoor informed the house about the President Theme for the year 2016 which he had declared in
the Executive Committee Meeting held on 10th of December 2o16 as:
AAA - Academics and Association in the name ofAlmighty.
He would like to take care of two things;
1) Our scientific program would be ready by the 31st of July 2o16 in the IOACON web site which would
create a sense of discipline and tell our sincerity and maturity as an organization.
2) One Member – One Free Surgery on the Bone and Joint Day celebration on 4th August.
Free means free in every way –admission, anesthesia, surgical fee, implant, medicine etc. has to be
free in all the respect. Dr. Kapoor explained that if we are able to get five thousand surgeries free, the
amount of money saved for the common man would be Rs.10,000 x 5000 which would be 5 Crore. This
will help not only our poor people but also a lot to bring our Association on the international level. The
amount of goodwill earned will be tremendous. We are also trying to get into Guinness book of record
for this feat.
19. Information regarding IOA Election-2015: Dr Sudhir K Kapoor, President-Elect IOA
Dr Sudhir K Kapoor, President Elect IOA detailed about the IOA election 2015 as:
This year, there was no election for state representatives of IOA from different chapter due to applications less
or equal to the no. of post. All are selected unopposed.
Summary of votes: Total vote: 2910 nos.; offline-1364 and online- 1546.
Result: For President –Elect Post
No. Name Offline Online Total Vote
1 Dr Rajesh Malhotra 441 484 925
2 Dr Ram Prabhoo 505 512 1017
3 Dr S Sreenivasa Reddy 291 549 841
Dr Ram Prabhoo- Elected, President Elect
Result: For Vice Presidents posts:
No. Name Offline Online Total Vote
1 Dr Mohan Mantri 822 1171 1993
2 Dr SN Mothilal 679 489 1168
3 Dr Zile Singh Kundu 551 728 1279
Dr Mohan Mantri and Dr Zile Singh Elected Vice Presidents of IOA. It was passed.
Summary of Result:
01. Dr Ram Prabhoo- Elected, President-Elect, IOA
02. Dr Mohan Mantri- Elected, Vice President, IOA
03. Dr Zile Singh Kundu- Elected, Vice President, IOA

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 75

There was no nomination from Bihar, Jharkhand and Uttarakhand for State Representative. The
following were elected unopposed the E.C. members:
04. Dr GVS Moorthy- Andhra Pradesh
05. Dr Rajesh Tembhurnikar- Chhattisgarh
06. Dr Akshay Tiwari- Delhi
07. Dr Santosh Kumar Sharma- Madhya Pradesh
08. Dr Ram Kishan Singh Dhakad- Madhya Pradesh
09. Dr Saurabh Jain- Madhya Pradesh
10. Dr Chandra Kant Ameta- Rajasthan
11. Dr N. Dheen Mohammad Ismail- Tamil Nadu
12. Dr Piyush Kumar Mishra- Uttar Pradesh
20. Ratification of new members: Dr Sanjay Jain, Hon. Secretary, IOA
Dr Sanjay Jain showed the list of all the new applicant of Indian Orthopaedic Association along with photograph
in PPT presentation.Whenever we are receiving the New IOA membership form; a letter of acknowledgement
is to be sent immediately in IOA Letter Pad with complete detail including the membership fee amount, DD
Number, date, proposed by and Seconded by, documents etc.
Total Membership of IOA is at present 10882 as life members and 195 Associate Members.
582 Orthopedic surgeons have applied for membership this academic year (554 Life members and 28
Associate members) (till date only 35 associate member converted to life member).
GBM ratified the new members of IOA. After the ratification of new applicant, the total strength of IOA member is
11036 as life members and 223 as Associate members.
There is estimated equal no. of orthopaedic Surgeons in India who are not member of IOA and we are making
all out efforts to bring them in IOA fold. House gave a big hand for his untiring work. Detail of the ratified new
members is in second section of IOA News.
21. Implementation of “Zonal System of IOACON”: Dr HR Jhunjhunwala / Dr Sudhir K Kapoor.
Dr Sudhir K Kapoor detailed about the Zonal System of accepting bids for organising IOACON. India for this
purpose is divided geographically in 5 zones; Zone I to Zone V. Every zone has to conduct IOACON on its turns
so that IOACON is not limited to a few cities but every zone gets an equal opportunity to hold IOACON’s. If there
is more than one bid in one zone, then selection of venue will be taken place by voting in that zone only.
However if zone which has in sequence does not want to bid for the conference, then it will go to the next zone in
queue.There was some confusion regarding which zone will come first and this is what we have to discuss
here. This is the basic philosophy.

76 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

He asked the house, do you want Zonal System of IOACON for 2018; yes or no! Majority of house said
There was an intense discussion in favor of zonal system by Dr Debajyoti K Bose, Dr HR Jhunjhunwala, Dr NC
Mohapatra, Dr Amit Ajgaonkar, Dr KS Anand etc.and not in favor of zonal system by Dr P. Vijay Chander Reddy,
Dr Rajiv Naik, Dr L Prakash, and DrHKT Raza etc.
The crux of the discussion was: It is not in the constitution and also not in the Blue Book; it is against the
constitution; this cannot be discussed in regular GBM; we did not ratified it; we want election on bid; postpone
for discussion in larger crowd; it is unconstitutional;we want voting, what was the modus operandi; who will be
voters withinzone, it is a bad proposal,it should be discussed in GBM, what scientific analysis has been done to
put the name of city in zone, It is a very good proposal, It is good for all, It will solve the problem of unwanted
discussion in GBM, everybody will get equal opportunity, etc.
Dr Sudhir K Kapoor explained again, it was not discussed in Extra Ordinary GBM, it was discussed in GBM. It
was not taken as constitutional amendment. It was taken as a matter of protocol.
Past President of IOA Dr HKT Raza said to chair; this is against the constitution and if you do not listen to me
then I will leave this house and then I shall give a legal notice to the association.
President Dr HR Jhunjhunwala said to Dr HKT Raza as: you did not tell anything about this in any executive
committee of this year.
Dr HKT Raza responded: I am discussing this where it has to be discussed. It has to be discussed in General
Body, I am discussing this here. I just want to upkeep the constitution of IOA. That’s all. Let me read if you want.
Dr HKT Raza read out the concerning part of the IOA constitution clause No. 10. Scientific Meetings as:
(a) The scientific meetings shall be held every year. The venue and the dates of the meeting called the
Annual Conference of the Indian Orthopaedic Association shall be decided by a majority vote. Details
of calling of Annual Conference procedure, guidelines for protocols to be observed, finances and
savings shall be governed by published guidelines/protocols of I.O.A. drawn up and updated from time
to time by decisions takenin executive committee and ratified in annual general body meeting.(b) The
arrangements, dates and venue of the Annual Conference may be changed under
extraordinary circumstances by the Executive Committee.
So this is what constitution says, so it should be decided in the Annual General Body Meeting.
A lot of discussions were held on that the zonal system as it is already passed by the last year GBM and
here it is for ratification. Few members are against the ratification and do not want to ratify it. Few
members said that zonal system has already been discussed in the two EC meeting of this year &
passed. To know actually what was passed in last GBM of IOACON Hyderabad on request of Dr Rajiv
Naik, minute of last GBM concerning with the zonal system of IOACON was read out by the chair.
There was a direct discussion between Chair& past president Dr HKT Raza when President Dr HR
Jhunjhunwala decided to take voting on zonal system; whether they want to ratify or not. This included:
* Why are you always saying constitution – constitution, Amendments are a part of constitution which
happens in Indian Parliament also.
* This leadership here has hardly any respect for the constitution and for the past president of IOA.
* Signature of President and Secretary IOA was not original as it was scanned signature in the Dr BN
Sinha Meritorious Award certificate.
* You are diluting the matter by raising the issue of certificate, which was not in the agenda at present.
Dr HKT Raza protested the manner in which the GBM was being conducted. He staged a walkout along with
several I.O.A members.

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 77

On request from member from house as only few people were left, chairperson continued the GBM. President
elect read out the minutes of last GBM of IOACON Hyderabad from the News letter of IOA; IOA News 2015 Vol.
60 Issue I Page No. 49.
Dr Anil Kumar Jain informed that the IOACON will be held on Zonal Rotation Basis in five zones. It will be called
zone I to zone V and not North, East, South, West & Central Zone to enlist venue in each zone. Each zone I to
zone V will be get equal opportunity with equal numbers of centres without geographic discrepancies, and
name of state in each zone will be spell out soon. If there is more than one bid in one zone than selection of
venue will be take place by voting in that zone only. However if a zone in sequence does not get any bid for the
conference, than it will go to the next zone in queue.
Regarding zonal distributions of conducting the IOACON from 2018 and onward; as suggested by Chair &
Approved by GBM, Dr Satish Chandra Goel (Varanasi) &Dr Anil Kumar Jain (New Delhi) have been given the
responsibility to refine & formulate the proper criteria & guidelines for the “Bid Procedure of IOACON”.
So in principle zonal system was passed and distribution of states in zones was not finalized. There was some
confusion regarding which zone come first.
Dr PK Kanabar raised few queries regarding the zonal system of IOACON in zone III which consisted of
Gujarat, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. What was the modus operandi of this system? What would be
methodology? Who will be voters within zone?
Dr Sudhir K Kapoor explained that zones would decide themselves. Suppose there was an informal discussion
between presidents and secretaries of those zones states, if they didn’t come to a conclusion, then within the
zone voting would be done in the GBM.
GBM ratified the zonal system of IOACON. Modalities will be refined and will be decided in next IOACON 2016
@ Kochi. Dr L Prakash applauded this and thanked the chair for this.
22. Role of IOA in Nepal Earthquake of 25th April 2o15: Dr HR Jhunjhunwala
President IOA Dr HR Jhunjhunwala informed about role of IOA in Nepal Earthquake Relief. Dr HKT Raza was
appointed as National Co-ordinator IOA Nepal Earthquake relief. Detail report on this was already published in
the News Letter of IOA “IOA News 2015 Vol. 60 Issue II Page No. 84-94”and “IOA News 2015 Vol. 60 Issue III
Page No. 38-39.” EC appreciate Dr HKT Raza and his team efforts for this Nobel cause. Dr Narender Kumar
Magu and Dr Nadeem Akhtar Faruqui treated Seventeen Pelvic Acetabular Fractures (13 Non Operative and 4
Reconstructive operative). Contribution of all IOA members including Dr Narender Kumar Magu and Dr
Nadeem Akhtar Faruqui as well as various Chapter and society were duly remembered.
23. Letters from member:
23.1 Dr RL Mittal: Dr R. L. Mittal Clubfoot Research Award.
Hon. Secretary Dr Sanjay Jain informed the house Executive Committee refused “Dr R. L. Mittal Clubfoot
Research Award” as there is already one award with his name i.e. IOA- RL Mittal Fellowship for SICOT

78 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

23.2 Dr L Prakash: A Mobile museum of implants and Indian Orthopaedic history to be established in IOA
house and Inclusion of the subjects of Biomechanics, Physics, and Biomaterials in the orthopaedic curriculum.
Dr Sanjay Jain Hon. Secretary informed to GBM that EC welcomed his ideas on this and appreciated. In
principle it was accepted that we should have a museum of implant and history of IOA. It was discussed that
there is no space in IOA house for the same. Dr HKT Raza said that he can arrange it at Jabalpur. Modalities of
setting up of an Orthopaedic museum of implant and history of IOA were not finalized. It would be worked out
this year.The topics told by Dr L Prakash were already a part of Orthopaedic curriculum.

24. Any other matter with the permission of the Chair.

1) Past President IOA Dr PK Kanabar said about their letter regarding starting of oration/ lecture on the
name of his late sonand he is ready to give donation for so. In last year GBM minute it is written that
proposal was not passed. Dr Sudhir K Kapoor assured him that his proposal will be discussed in his
term again and would get definite result.
2) Past Secretary IOA Dr L Prakash said we were an organization of more than ten thousand members
and we had corpus fund of only Five Crore Rupees. We should have a fund hundred Crores. I am
ashamed. We will work together in such a way that by 2o18, IOA should be 200 Crore corpus fund. We
do not depend on any company or organization.
25. Vote of Thanks by Hon. Secretary, IOA: Dr Sanjay Jain
At the end of General Body Meeting of IOA @ the venue of IOACON Jaipur,vote of thank was given by
Dr Sanjay Jain to all the members present in the hall for their co-operation and support during the whole
GBM till end. He appreciated Dr MS Dhillon for his way of co-operation at the time of tense situation to
pass the minutes. President Dr HR Jhunjhunwala appreciated the efficient and hardwork being done by
Dr Sanjay Jain for the betterment of the association thought-out the year. Hon Secretary IOA Dr Sanjay
Jain and President IOA Dr HR Jhunjhunwala thanked a lot to President Elect Dr Sudhir K Kapoor for his
help and co-operation in this meeting. They appreciated the way he handled the tense situation during
the GBM. They gave the special vote of thanx to him for managing the GBM so nicely. Dr Sanjay Jain on
behalf of General Body gave thanks to Dr KK Pandey, Joint secretary of IOA for giving shape to the
minutes of meeting and to Mr. Ramesh C Pandey, Executive Officer, IOA to look after all management
and administrative work during the conference. He also thank Mr. Neeraj, Mr. Amit and Mr. Sumit Patel
for their help in conducting the meeting smoothly.
The President IOA, Dr HR Jhunjhunwala adjourned the Annual GBM 2o15.

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 79

Indian Orthopaedic Association
Post Valedictory Executive Committee Meeting: IOACON 2o15 @ Jaipur
Date: 14th December 2o15 Day: Monday
Venue: Main Conference Hall, B.M. Birla Auditorium, Jaipur. Time: 3.oo PM to 4.oo PM

Hon. Secretary Dr Sanjay Jain informed the house again during the valedictory function that there is a meeting
of Executive committee which will be held after the valedictory function at the venue of valedictory function of
IOACON from 3.00 PM - 4.00 PM as per tradition.
The Executive Committee Meeting was attended by; Dr Sudhir K Kapoor- President, Dr Sanjay Jain- Hon.
Secretary, Dr Ram Prabhoo- President Elect, Dr Hari Ram Jhunjhunwala- immediate Past President, Dr Om
Pal Sharma, Dr Tajan PJ, Dr Ramesh Chandra Meena, Haroon Khizir Taqi Raza, Dr Krishna Kumar Pandey, Dr
Y Thimma Reddy, Dr Jimmy Maliakkal Moyalan Lonappan and Mr. Ramesh Chandra Pandey, Executive
Officer, IOA.
Dr Sanjay Jain, Hon. Secretary started the meetings with the permission of President, IOA Dr Sudhir K Kapoor
with the following agendas:
1. Welcome address by President, IOA: Dr Sudhir K Kapoor
President IOA Dr Sudhir K Kapoor welcomed all executive committee members.
2. Remarks by President, IOA: Dr Sudhir K Kapoor
President IOA Dr Sudhir K Kapoor informed and briefed about his plan and theme of the year 2016
during his president ship.
* President Theme for the year 2016 as: AAA - Academics and Association in the name of Almighty.
* To enhance the glory, interest and relevance of IAOCON scientific program; Our scientific program will
be ready by the 31st of July 2o16 in the IOACON web site which create a sense of discipline and tell our
sincerity and maturity as an organization.
* One Member – One Free Surgery on the Bone and Joint Day celebration on 4th August. Our
membership is more than ten thousands; It mean ten thousands surgeries in one day that would
present India in the world Map for such activity. I would be projected properly in the name of IOA. Free
means free by every way like medicine, implant and hospital charges. It will create immense goodwill of
IOA at international level. Dr Raza suggested appointing state coordinators as well as city coordinators
apart from giving the responsibility to state chapter president and secretary.
* Important information regarding Abstract Submission in IOACON 2016 @ Kochi:
- Call for Abstract- 1st January, 2016

80 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

- Last Day for Abstract submission- 30th April, 2016
- Intimation for acceptance or rejection- May 31st 2016
- Abstract submission is only through IOACON website ( not by IOA web site
( Dr Sudhir K Kapoor said we won't take abstract after 30th April. All abstract will be
submitted in IOACON website and will be published in IJO as supplement which is PubMed indexed.
* Now Trophy for Best Chapter Award of IOA is divided into as:
Dr AK Gupta Trophy for Best Chapter Award of IOA (Larger State of IOA Membership more than 400)
Dr HR Jhunjhunwala Trophy for Best Chapter Award of IOA (Smaller State of IOA Membership 400 or
less than 400). These awards will be distributed in the inaugural function of IOACON.
* Regarding language problem in constitutional amendments, language would be revised. Dr Sudhir K
Kapoor requested to Dr HKT Raza to finalize the language, for which he agreed. Dr Tajan PJ raised the
issue of problem in certificate. Dr Sudhir K Kapoor said that would be reprinted.
* President Dr Sudhir K Kapoor informed that next year in 2o16 there would be two elections; one
election for the President elect and one election for Vice President. From 2o17 and onward there would
be only one election for post of Vice President. Vice President automatically becomes President Elect
next year and President the year after.
Dr Ram Prabhoo said to streamline the election we must have data. From this year we should have
electronic voting. Dr HKT Raza suggested collect the recent data of all delegates from IOACON 2o15
@ Jaipur. President Elect had taken the responsibility.
3. Nominations for vacant post in various committees of IOA by President, IOA:
Dr Sudhir K Kapoor
Dr Sudhir Kapoor mentioned that traditionally the respective President is given free hand to nominate
members for various vacant posts of E.C. committee and the respective person has been doing it for
past few years. The President usually takes opinion of other office bearers also. I want some time to
choose a good team and I would request E.C. members to give me this freedom. Everybody obliged by
accepting the request of the President. He will inform latter on about President Theme Committee. Dr
HKT Raza said that you have to try to fulfill all the vacant post here only.
4. Summer Meeting of Executive Committee of IOA: Dr Sudhir K Kapoor
Dr Sudhir K Kapoor said that Summer Meeting of EC will be held in the month of March 2o16 and date
will be disclosed latter on.
5. Any other matter with the permission of the Chair. Nil
6. Vote of thanks by Hon. Secretary, IOA: Dr Sanjay Jain
In the end of this small post valedictory Executive Committee Meeting, vote of thanked was given by
Secretary IOA Dr Sanjay Jain and he thanked to all member for giving their precious time for this
meeting. President Dr HR Jhunjhunwala appreciated the efficient and hard work being done by Dr
Sanjay Jain thought the year. He thanked to Dr Sudhir K Kapoor for his help in this meeting as well as all
the meeting of IOACON @ Jaipur. Dr Sanjay Jain on behalf of EC also gave thank to Dr KK Pandey,
Joint secretary of IOA for giving the shape to the minutes of this meeting and to Mr. Ramesh C Pandey
and Mr. Sumit Patel for his help in conducting the meeting smoothly.

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 81

2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue - I
December 2015 - March 2016

Session - IV


News Letter
Secretary’s Report

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 83

Secretary’s Report

84 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Secretary’s Report

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Secretary’s Report

86 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Secretary’s Report

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Editor’s Report

88 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Editor’s Report

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Editor’s Report

90 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Treasurer Report of IOA
Financial Year 1st April 2014 - 31st March 2015

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 91

Treasurer Report of IOA
Financial Year 1st April 2014 - 31st March 2015

92 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Treasurer Report of IOA
Financial Year 1st April 2014 - 31st March 2015

Clarification of Points Raised at IOACON 2014

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 93

UG/ PG Curriculum Committee of IOA: Report 2015

There were seven PG courses proposed for the year 2015. Allseven courses were planned at different places
to benefit maximum number of PG students. During the courses, postgraduate students were exposed to the
complete exam scenario. They were allowed to present long and short cases and they were exposed to table
viva in which X- rays, instruments, Orthotics & prosthetics were also covered. The students were taught about
research methodology and common exam topics. The academic meet also included few words on ethical
practice and how to conduct yourself in front of patients.
The various PG courses conducted were as follows:
S.No. Place Time Number of Delegates
1 Indore January 22nd- 25th 141
2 Bhopal February 7th - 8th 50
3 Rohtak February 12th - 13th >150
4 Bangalore March 14th- 15th 124
5 Visakhapatnam August 1st - 2nd >80
6 Jabalpur September 13th >50
7 Jaipur (During IOACON) December 9th- 10th >250

The first course in the year 2015 was conducted at Indore between 22nd& 25th January. 141 students from all
over the country attended it. The program covered all-important aspects of PG teaching in orthopaedics
The second IOA PG teaching course was organized successfully from 7th - 8th February 2015 at Gandhi
Medical College, Bhopal. This course was organized in accordance with this year's presidents theme i.e.
“Continue to learn to serve society better”. 50 postgraduate students from various medical colleges attended
this course.
Research Society of Orthopaedics, PGIMS Rohtak conducted the 3rdIOA-PG Instructional Course on 12-13th
February. There were over 150 postgraduate students from all over India who actively participated and
appreciated the case presentation sessions. Eminent international faculty included Prof. Ulrich Holz & Dr R
Schnitzler from Germany, Prof Jacques Catton from France, Dr. Geris Hakim from Israel &Dr Pierre Hoffmayer
from Switzerland. Distinguished teachers like Dr. P.S Maini, Dr. N. K Magu, Dr. Mathew Varghese, Dr. Anil
Mehtani, Dr. V. K Gautam and Dr. Anil Dhalgraced the occasion.
The department of Orthopaedics, M. S. Ramaiah Medical College conducted Annual PG Teaching Program on
14th & 15th March at M. S. Ramaiah Advanced Learning Centre. The theme of the course was to prepare for
Practical Examination and the sessions were done as per a model Examination module. 124 Post Graduates
attended the two days course from various parts of India. The Faculty consisted of Senior Post Graduate
professors & experts from various Medical Colleges from all over India.
The Department of orthopaedics, AMC/KGH, Visakhapatnam conducted a two-day, Annual IOA Post graduate
teaching program on 1st & 2nd of August, 2015. About 80 postgraduates from A.P, Telangana & Odisha have
attended the course. A.P Medical Council awarded 6 credit hours for faculty & 4 credit hours for postgraduates.
The feedback from students was very encouraging & most of them wanted to have more number of long & short
cases for discussion and some of them wanted to have a 3-day program.
On the 6th September 2015, The IOA post-graduate teaching course was organized at Hotel Kalchuri,
Jabalpur. The course was jointly organized by Yogmani trust Jabalpur and IOA MP Chapter with Dr. Jitendra
Jamdar as Organizing Chairman and Prof. Dr. Alok C. Agrawal, AIIMS Raipur CG as Organizing Co-
coordinator.The course was attended by more than 50 postgraduate students from central India i.e. Raipur,

94 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

UG/ PG Curriculum Committee of IOA: Report 2015

Bhilai, Bilaspur, Jabalpur, Kawardha, Dewas, Gwalior,

Agra, Kota, Indore and Bhopal. Senior Post-graduate
Teachers from all over the country participated in the
course including Prof. Prakash Kotwal, Prof. H K T
Raza, Prof. Nirbhay Shrivastava, and Prof. Alok C
Agrawal. Other faculty included Prof H S Verma, Dr. L
S Maravi, Dr. Gopal Pole, Dr. L K Patel, Prof. S
Phuljhele, Dr. C P Pal and Dr. RKS Dhakad.
The last IOA PG course would be conducted between
9th& 10th of December 2015 during the IOACON 2015
at Jaipur.

Dr Prakash P Kotwal & Dr Ramesh C Meena

UG / PG Training Committee 2o15

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 95

Foreign Fellowship Committee Report of IOA

Chairman :Dr Anil K Gupta Co-Chairman: Dr Nirmal Ch Mohapatra

We thank the Indian Orthopaedic Association, the Executive Body & president Dr H R Jhunjhunwala & Hon
Secretary Dr Sanjay Jain for entrusting this responsibility on us.
Aim of Foreign Fellowship
• To impart advance training to our members in the subject.
• To support young members to attend international conference to further their career
• To spread Orthopaedic Brotherhood among Indian &Foreign Orthopaedic associations
We have streamlined the selection criteria which is available in IOA web site.
2015 • Total category :6 categories
• Total Applicant : 32. many applied for multiple categories
This constitutes less than o.3% of Total membership. We feel at least 1% of members should compete for these
prestigious Fellowships. We need your cooperation to improve no of applications for foreign fellowship.
Glasgow Fellowship: 2 Nos
The fellow gets training in Joint replacement, Navigation technique & foot surgery in UK for 1yr.
Total applicants 21,Shortlisted for interview : 8
Selected : Mohamed Sameer Mohamed Ismail
• Sampat S. Dumbre Patil : Selected BUT declined due to some personal reason
• Aditya C. Pathak
Wait List: Ashish Jaiman
Problems with Glasgow fellowship
1. Govt. Permission
2. IELTS score min >7 is required
We have modified the criteria:
1. All Govt Doctors to provide a letter of support
2. Those who have passed IELTS >7 will be given preference.
IOSUK Senior Fellowship – 1 No.
The fellowship is of two weeks duration & open to members above 45 yrs of age . The programme includes
visiting centres of excellence, giving lectures and attending the British Orthopaedic Association Annual
No of Applicant : 4
Selected: Dr Sanjay Jain
He has completed the Fellowship & submitted the report
IOA-IOS UK junior Fellowship- 1No.
Same as senior Fellowship, but age is bellow 45
No of Applicants : 3
Selected : Dr Rajesh Rohilla
He has completed Fellowship & submitted the report
IOA - AOA Exchange Fellowship- 2 No. Every Alternate year.
Provides for 2 members of IOA to visit Australia & attend the Annual AOA Conference & this is reciprocated
next year by two AOA members who visit India & attend the IOACON.

96 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Selected : Dr Vineet Jain & Dr Rajendra Kumar Kanojia
They Have completed Fellowship & submitted the report
IOA - AOA Exchange Fellowship
Our Secretary had requested AOA if a clinical attachment can be added for about a week along with this
AOA replied back possible but it will be costly as the fellow/IOA will have to bear the cost
IOA Dartmouth Hitchcock Fellowship- 1No
The fellowship has been sponsored by Dartmouth – Hitchcock medical Centre, Lebanon, USA for 4-6 weeks.
Due to some techinical problems in the institution, this fellowship is not going to be availed.
The sponsor :Dr Dillip K Sengupta Left his practice at Dartmouth for Texas.
Applicants -4
Prof Vinod Kumar was selected.
• Last EC meeting we had agreed to change the name of this fellowship & agreed to send the selected
• Again this was not possible for the stringent Texas law.
• Till this is sorted out ,this Fellowship is kept in abeyance.
• Dr. Sengupta is trying to sort this out
DePuy (Johnson & Johnson) Fellowship: 1 No
enables to the selected candidates to visit and work in an arthroplasty centre outside the country for two weeks.
No of Applicants : 4
Selected : Dr Rajesh Lalchandani
Wait List : Dr R Rajgopalkrishnan
De puy is not paying for several years. They have also not responded to repeated queries from our President&
• Lets Scrap DePuy Fellowship
• The name can be changed to “IOA Arthroplasty Fellowship”
• Duration :1-2 weeks
• IOA should sponsor full or major expenditure
• IOA Can start discussion with other Associations for Exchange fellowship
Ambassadorships of IOA:3 Nos
young IOA members – till 40 years of age who would go and represent IOA in the annual conferences of above
three associations
total Applicants :4
1. IOA SOA ( ioa singapur ortho Association) : Selected : Dr Satyaranjan Patra
2. IOA HOA (ioa hongkong ortho association) : Selected : Dr Saurav Agrawal
3. IOA TOA ( thailand ortho association) : Selected : Dr Sanjay Meena
They have completed Fellowship & submitted the report
Foreign Fellowship -2016
We have only 17 applications.
we have asked our executive officer to send blast mail inviting application several times.
we want your help to spread the information
We want this to be prominently displayed in CME & main conference so that more people will be aware.

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 97

Financial Report of IOACON - 2014 Hyderabad :
Dr. S. Sreenivasa Reddy

98 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Financial Report of IOACON - 2014 Hyderabad :
Dr. S. Sreenivasa Reddy
IOACON - 2014 (Conducted By: Orthopaedic Surgeons Society) Hyderabad
Income Statement Rs. Expenditure statement Rs.
Audio and visual Expenses 6763008
Exhibition Stall 7,54,70,570 Broucher designing, printing & postage 15052628
Delegate Fee 4,90,89,890 Hall hire charges 16403811
Lunch and food expenses 35138604
Gross; Total Receipts 12,45,60,459 Stalls and pandal expenses 7537364
Rooms rent 4608210
Less;;Transfer to IOA 1,20,00,000 Bags and gifts to delegates 7903787
Net Total Receipts 11,25,60,459 transport charges 638262
Event managers charges 2506000
Interest on fixed deposits 990899 Cultural expenses 380000
Donations 6,29,138 Local Contributions & Donation 2193866
taff salaries 1541000 Consultancy charges 277200
11,41,80,495 Office maintenance 90674 Conveyance 378015
Telephone Charges 103615
Web design and logo charges 82367
Computer maintenance 77461
Printing and stationery 109230
Bank charges 16755
Income Tax 2368277
Interest on IT 18059
Interest on service tax 779433
Interest on TDS 178157
Service Tax Late filing fee 13200
TDS Late filing fee 4000
Depreciation 116263
Exess income over expenditure 49012249

IOACON - 2014 (Conducted By: Orthopaedic Surgeons Society) Hyderabad

Balance Sheet as on 09-12-2015 Liabilities
Rs. Fixed Assets Rs.
Excess of income over Computers 608453
expenditure 4901249 Water Dispenser 8075
Furniture 67176
Fixed Deposits 2677122
TDS receivable 76397
Income Tax Refunded 51560
Cash at Bank 1392225
Cash in hand 20241
Total 4901249 Total 4901249

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 99

Trauma Committee Report of IOA

Chairman Dr. Vinod Tiwari : Dr. KS Maheshwari

Special thanks to : President Dr. HR Jhunjhunwala / Beloved Hon. Secretary Dr. Sanjay Jain
• Modern Day Epidemic
• Trauma is increasing exponentially
• Encounter in many forms but RTA is a major factor
• Everybody are involved but no one is serious
• Policy makers are useless
• Sufferer are due to mistakes of opponent due to rash driving , over speeding , drunk and drive
• Law and orders are soft and baillable
• Under estimated
• Under recorded
• Nascent stage
• Gross disparity in trauma services
• No national lead agency to coordinate various components of a trauma system
• Significant deficiencies in current trauma systems
• Major public health problem but govt has failed to recognize it , as a priority
• Significant efforts to develop trauma care systems across the country. But are seen mainly in private sector
• Accidental( both RTA and INDUSTRIALISATION) , crimes and violence are increasing
• 1% motor vehicle but 6% accident in INDIA
• Rate increasing by 3%
• About 20% deaths are accidents
• RTA every seconds and deaths every 1.9 min
• Only 1500 doctors have received formal training in BTLS
• More instructors to cover more doctors
• Training to all health care professionals
Pharma companies are reluctant
• Try to convince troika, lupin , cadila, jenburkt and ranbaxy but they are more interested in business. Though
doing activity but useless
• Only option is IOA
• Needs funding
• Coordinated work of trauma committee, trauma society of INDIA, interlocking group , other branches
dealing with trauma pt
Implement trauma course
• BTLS and ATLS should be included in MBBS curriculum
• Our medical colleges are going down, many colleges are struggling for recognition due to sub standard
• Regular updating of course should be mandatory

100 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

• It's a duty of IOA to reduce trauma cases
• Enforce law makers to implement our suggestions
• Every district should have well equipped TRAUMA CENTRE
• Regular health awareness programme to first encounters I e police, drivers, students, dhabawala and NCC
Strict law and order
• Heavy penalty for mistakes
• Licensing authority should do some work
• Doctors should be exempted from court evidence in MLC cases , why only other people?
• Doctors should be paid for emergency services
• Not bounding to deal other than specialization
• PIL and safety measure as suggested by our past president dr RAJSHEKHARAN should be implemented
• Thanks to our colleagues for saving many deaths and disability in cases of multiple trauma
• We are lacking in dealing of polytrauma patients due to single specialty practice
• Trauma moving towards third commonest cause of death
• 2% loss of GDP
• Change in attitude of policy makers
Resource creation
• Giving priority to public sector for developing secondary and tertiary care
• Don't screw the doctor , judiciary must think of our problems
• PPP model
• Promote evidence based policy making
• Increase GDP to 10%
• Cheap financial add to private sector
• Universal health insurance
• Investment in safer roads , health care ( both private and govt) in state n central level
• MCI should make trauma course a mandatory course
• Universities should offer courses on trauma management
• Awareness in media , public forum , quiz , painting , nukkad natak etc
Trauma care for all
• A concerted effort from all the parties involved , as well as the society , is the need of the hour ; otherwise one
of us may be a sufferer

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 101

2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue - I
December 2015 - March 2016

Section - V
IOA Guest Nation /
IOA Ortho Excellence


News Letter
IOA as a Guest Nation for 2016 OTA Annual Meeting

Dear Dr. Jain,

The OTA looks forward to welcoming IOA representatives as the 2016 OTA Annual Meeting Guest Nation.
As Dr. Miclau mentioned, we would like to confirm who will serve as the official IOA representatives at the OTA
Annual Meeting. Dr. Giannoudis, copied on this email, serves as the OTA International Committee Chair and
will soon be planning the agenda for the International Forum. He would like to invite two representatives to
participate as symposium presenters. In addition, we would like to invite one individual as a podium presenter
for the OTA Annual Meeting. Dr. Giannoudis will work directly with the designated representatives regarding
topics. Please confirm the representative names by February 29th.
Also, for planning purposes I want to share a few dates and details.
• You are invited to attend and participate in the following events (all of the following events will take place
at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland, USA).
* Tuesday, October 4, 2016, 6:30pm – OTA Board of Directors/Leadership Dinner
* Wednesday, October 5, 2016, OTA International Forum. This is a full day course; two IOA representatives
are invited to participate on a symposium (time and topic to be determined)
* Wednesday, October 5, 2016, OTA International Reception, approximate time will be 5:30pm – 6:30pm.
OTA would like to honor India as the Guest Nation at this reception.
* Thursday, October 6, 2016, OTA Annual Meeting begins at 1:00pm and concludes on Saturday, October 8
at aprox. 5pm.
* Thursday, October 6, 2016, OTA Welcome Reception, all OTA Annual Meeting participants invited (time:
aprox. 6pm – 8:00pm).
* Friday, October 7, 2016, a representative from the IOA will be invited as a podium presenter at the OTA
Annual Meeting general session (aprox. a 30 minute talk). The topic will be mutually agreed upon by the
IOA, Dr. Giannoudis, Dr. O'Toole (OTA Annual Meeting Program Chair), and the International Committee.
(Time to be confirmed).
• By June, the OTA will register your 2 designated representatives complimentary, and will provide a user
friendly registration link for all additional guests from India to register at a discounted rate of $250.
• By June, the OTA will provide instructions and details for making hotel reservations.
• The OTA will offer 1 year complimentary membership dues to Indian colleagues. Darlene Meyer, OTA
Membership Coordinator will send an application link and instructions by March.
• You are invited to submit up to 3 posters for inclusion at the OTA Annual Meeting. Sharon Moore, OTA
Annual Meeting Manager will send instructions soon.
• The IOA is also welcome to have a booth display at the OTA Annual Meeting. Can you please confirm if plan
to arrange a booth, and if yes we will send additional details.
I hope this preliminary information is helpful. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Best Regards,
Kathleen Caswell, OTA / (847) 421-5669

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 103

IOA as a Guest Nation for 2017 OTA Annual Meeting

6 March 2015
H. R. Jhunjhunwala, MD
President, Indian Orthopaedic Association
IOA House , Plot No. 69, Tughlakabad Institutional Area
Behind Batra Hospital, M.B. Road, New Dehli – 110062 India
Dear Dr. Jhunjhunwala,
As AAOS President, and on behalf of the AAOS Board of Directors, Council on Education, International
Committee and Annual Meeting Committee, it is my distinct pleasure to inform you India has been nominated to
serve as the Guest Nation during the 2017 AAOS Annual Meeting in San Diego, California, U.S.A. The 2017
meeting dates are 14-18 March. If our invitation is accepted, India will be the twelfth nation so-honored since
the inception of this program.
Under this program, each year the AAOS invites one country to be highlighted as the Guest Nation during our
Annual Meeting. Planned Guest Nation activities include 10 scientific posters from the Guest Nation country, a
designated exhibit stand, news coverage, Guest of Honor speaker presentation during the Opening Ceremony
and the International Presidents Breakfast and World Opinion Forum, and a private gala reception on the
Friday evening of the Annual Meeting. Historically, the Ambassador or the Consul General to the United States
from the Guest Nation country participates in the gala reception.
It is the hope of the Academy that the Guest Nation program will continue to foster greater awareness and
recognition of the contributions made to the practice of orthopaedics from the many nations of the world, and to
enhance the very real and already robust international flavor of the AAOS Annual Meeting.
In recognition of the pivotal role your organization plays to support the profession and practice of orthopaedics
throughout India, we extend this opportunity to work cooperatively with AAOS to represent your wonderful
nation in 2017. We thank you in advance for your consideration of this nomination. The AAOS international
staff welcome further discussion on this topic at your meeting with them at the 2015 Annual Meeting in Las
If you do accept this nomination, AAOS international staff will communicate with you directly to begin the
planning process, and provide details on all aspects of the Guest Nation Program.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Sincerely yours,

Frederick M. Azar, MD AAOS President

cc. David D. Teuscher, MD, AAOS First Vice-President

Gerald R. Williams Jr, MD, AAOS Second Vice-President
William B. Stetson, MD, Chairman, AAOS International Committee Karen L. Hackett, CAE, FACHE,
AAOS Chief Executive Officer Ellen Moore, AAOS Chief Education Officer
Susan McSorley, Director, AAOS Convention and Meeting Services
Scarlett Crawford, Head of Global Sales
Amanda Decker, Manager, AAOS International Programs

104 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Report of IOA - Ortho Excellence Program

Program Objective
• To educate orthopaedic surgeons about current updates in
international and national literature on specified topics.
• Updates on latest national/international guidelines published.
• Will facilitate as platform for the junior orthopaedicians for
interaction with top level thought leaders.
• To educate orthopaedic surgeons about the region specific clinic
research and basics of clinical research.

About the Program

• Collaboration with Indian Orthopaedic Association (IOA)
• Exclusivity for the Abbott
• Coverage: 35 Cities ( Tier 1 and Tier 2 ) in 25 states.
• 2500 Orthopedic surgeons
• Full day meeting with lunch
• 8 Hr will be divided into workshop on basics of research (4 Hr 30 min) and sessions on current updates( 3 hr
30 min)
• Timeline: September , 2014- October, 2015
• Participants inclusion criteria:
Tier 1 cities : MS/ DNB(Ortho) with minimum 10 years of experience
Tier 2 cities : MS/ DNB(Ortho) with minimum 5 years of experience
• IOA central advisory board to finalize the content of the modules with inclusion of top academic Key Opinion
• Invitation will be from IOA National President / Secy , State President/ Secy along with MD of Healthcare
Solutions to be distributed through Abbott’s field force.
• Certificate will be issued by IOA
• Credit points – To be facilitated by IOA

IOA-OEP, 2015 - Glimpses

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 105

IOA - OEP (Ortho Excellence Program): IOA-OEP 2015 Summary
2015 IOA-OEP details

• Completed 27 programmes
• Covered 27 cities
• Covered 14 states
• ~ 2000 Orthopods attended programme
• Got 38 credit hours
• Engaged ~ 300 KOL as speakers and chairperson

IOA Deliverables
• Approval on the Content
• Ready back up of Centralized Speakers through
• Dates for all meetings
• Certification with IOA logo.
• Credit Points
• CME literatures/Collaterals/ Invitation letters etc.
will bear IOA logo
• Invitation letters to be undersigned by Chapter
Presidents/ Zonal Heads along with IOA President’s
• Detail list of speakers/ agenda etc needs to reach
IOA Central HQ one month in advance as per the
calendar of events.
• Invitation letters will reach the orthopedicians via
Abbott field force.
Critical success factors
• Topics will remain unchanged across country with
additional 2 local topics
• Timely finalization of speakers and chairpersons to
print invitation cards on time
• Only one speaker should be allowed from out side
the city/state so as to promote local talent.
• Alignment/co-ordination of local chapter and central
body of IOA

106 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

IOA-OEP : Tamil Nadu 2015

Three IOA OEP Programmes were conducted at Coimbatore, Trichy and Madurai. There was encouraging and
excellent response from delegates who attended in Good number.

IOA OEP PROGRAMME – 14th June, 2015, Coimbatore

Major Dr Kamalanathan was the Organising Secretary. More than 80 delegates attended the programme which
was conducted at Coimbatore. The best part of it was the delegates and faculties stayed on till the end of the
programme. The video footage of the President IOA Dr. Jhunjhunwala, Secretary IOA Dr. Sanjay Jain and Dr
Anil Jain were screened. Secretary TNOA Dr. S. Muthuraman represented the TNOA.

IOA OEP Programme Trichy Aug 2, 2015

As in Coimbatore, the delegates had taken active part in
the programme. The video footage of the President IOA Dr.
Jhunjhunwala, Secretary IOA Dr. Sanjay Jain and Dr Anil
Jain were screened. Secretary TNOA Dr. S. Muthuraman
represented the TNOA. Dr Aa. Rajamani was the IOA
IOA –Ortho Excellence Programme was conducted in Trichy on 2nd August, 2015 in Breeze Residency, Trichy
in combination with ABBOTT healthcare Ltd.
It was a one day CME starting from 9 am to 5 pm.
The programme was well attended and the total number of attendees were 86 of which 76 were consultants
and 10 were trainees. The Faculties were from various parts of the state and the delegates attended from
Chennai, Pondicherry, Thanjavur, Thiruvarur, and other towns surrounding Trichy.
Organizing Secretary -- Dr. G. Mukesh Mohan, MS, DNB Ortho Organizing Chairman --Dr. P. Madhivanan, MS,
D. Ortho.

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 107

2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue - I
December 2015 - March 2016

Section - VI
News from
States / Zones


News Letter
Report of CGIOACON 2o16 at Rajnandgaon

I am happy to inform you that 15th Chhattisgarh Chapter of Indian Orthopaedic Association conference was
attended by 225 delegates at CGIOACON 16-17 January 2016, Rajnandgaon, a nuxlite affected belt of
Chhattisgarh. Including one foreign deligate, Dr. Anand Joshi from UK. Venue of conference was at
Padmashree Govindram Nirmakar Govt. Auditorium, Gaurav Path, Rajnandgaon C.G.
Banquet venue was 7 km at Kotadia farm house, Rajnandgaon.
We had 11 free papers, 26 faculty lectures, 8 PG Papers with total 45 lectures and 14 posters presentation. The
prestigious Mahurkar Oration by Dr. Mandeep Dhillon (Chandigarh) and by KD Tiwari (Durg). We had about 51
trade exhibition stalls.
Inauguration conducted at 1 pm on 16th Jan 2016 in presence of Hon. Secretary IOA Dr Sanjay Jain, Chief
Guest Mayor Rajnandgaon Mr. Madhusudan Yadav, Guest of Honour Dr. RK Singh, Dean GMC, Rajnandgaon,
President CG-IOA, Dr. Akhilesh Yadav, Hon. secretary CG- IOA Dr Rajendra Sahu, Chairman CGIOACON Dr.
S. Baxi , organising secretary Dr. RK Dulani. Overall it was a nice get together and excellent academic feast at
this remote place of Chhattisgarh. Various awards are as mentioned:

No. Award Winner Place

1 Best Free Paper Award Dr Gouri Shankar Asati Bilaspur
2 Best Post Graduate Paper Award Dr Rajat Banchore Raipur
3 Best Poster Award Dr Madhulika Chandrakar Raipur
4 2nd Best Poster Award Dr Ankush Verma Gulberga, karnataka

Best Regards,
Dr. Rajesh Tembhurnikar MS [Ortho]
Associate Professor of Orthopaedics, GMC, Rajnandgaon C.G.
2/502, Choube Colony, Near Maharashtra Mandal,
Raipur 492001 Chhattisgarh, India / Phone +919827181825, 099934320

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 109

XV Annual Conference of Central Zone of IOA
CEZCON 2015 @ Ujjain

Conference report
The recently concluded Central Zone of Indian Orthopaedic Association annual conference brought together
over 200 delegates, 35 eminent speakers and Pharmaceutical participants. The delegates were
undergraduate students, budding and leading orthopaedic surgeons, other healthcare professionals,
academicians, researchers.
The conference was a 3 days mega event held in Ujjain, a religious city of Madhya Pradesh from 11th-13th
September 2015 organised by R.D. Gardi Ortho club, the organizing secretary Dr. S.K. Sharma along with
organizing Chairman Dr. N.K. Singh.
Needless to say, the conference was an academic extravaganza and all the sessions were absorbing and very
interesting. The conference offered a good blend of plenary sessions, workshops, paper presentations and
panel discussions. While the theme of the conference was "Total Knee Arthroplasty ", a number of sessions
also dealt with topics like arthroplasty, stem cells, spinal trauma, osteoporosis and oncology.
The first day started with live Bilateral Total Knee Replacement surgery operated by Dr.Raju Vaishya
Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, Delhi) and the comparing was done by Dr. Dheeraj Marothi (Ahmedabad). Live
surgery was followed by a series of lectures by Dr. Basant Kumar Bhuyan, Dr. R. Vaishya, Dr. Dheeraj Marothi,
and Dr. Jay Sharma. Later in the afternoon, hands on TKR workshop on saw bone and cadaveric models was
conducted for enthusiastic and budding orthopaedic surgeons conducted by Dr. Sudhir Kumar (Ranchi),
President Central Zone IOA.
On the second day as part of the Academic Program there were some informative and thought provoking
keynote lectures presented by renowned figures, case discussions and orations dedicated to Dr.B.
Mukhopadhyay by Dr. Vinod Tiwari (Bilaspur), Dr. B.N. Sinha oration by Dr. A.V.G. Reddy (Hyderabad), Dr. S.C.
Goel oration by Dr.Raju Vaishya (New Delhi) and Conference Oration by Dr. Sandeep Shrivastava (Sawangi,
Wardha). The keynote speakers were Dr. Subeer Mukherjee, Dr. S.C. Goel, Dr. Amit Rastogi, Dr. D.K. Taneja,
Dr. Sudhir Kumar, Dr. A.K. Singh, Dr. Sameer Gupta, Dr. Maravi, Dr. Vishal Kundnani, Dr. R.K. Bhargava, Dr.

110 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

XV Annual Conference of Central Zone of IOA
CEZCON 2015 @ Ujjain

Amulya Kumar Singh, Dr. Pawan Barnwal, Dr.

Pradeep Choudhary, Dr. Alok Agarwal, Dr. R.C.
Meena (Organising Secretary IOACON 2015) and
many more. Later in the afternoon the competitions
included the post-graduate paper competition and the
poster competition, which was followed by General
Body Meeting of CEZCON. Then the conference was
inaugurated by Mr. Paras Jain (Cabinet Minister of
School Education of Madhya Pradesh government),
Dr. Sudhir Kumar (President CEZCON 2015), Dr. Amit
Rastogi (Secretary CEZCON) and Dr. A.V. Gurava
Reddy. The hectic day concluded with exotic banquet
The third and final day stared with P.G. competition
paper presentations, followed by “Touch Test” by Dr.
S.K. Sharma in which the blind folded participants
were asked to identify and answer about orthopaedic
instruments and implants, free paper presentations
and finally the mega P.G. Quiz by Dr. Alok Agarwal.
The conference was concluded by a valedictory
function where Dr. Sudhir Kumar handed over the
president's collar to the new president of Central Zone
IOA to Dr. S.K. Sharma and then Dr. R. Goyal of Kota
was declared President elect and Organising
Secretary of CEZCON 2016.
The conference was a huge success and it provided a
wonderful platform for sharing views, research and
expertise on a wide variety of surgical skills,
discussing pitfalls and latest treatment modalities and
above all a good occasion for fellowship.

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 111

Report of HP Chapter of IOA: HIMORTHOCON 2015

The 24th C.M.E. cum Annual Conference

“HIMORTHOCON 2015” of H.P. Chapter of Indian
Orthopedic Association was organized at Pandit
Mulraj Residency Hotel (PMR Hotel) Nangal Road,
Rakkar Colony Una (H.P) By the Shivam Ortho Care
Centre & Deptt. of Ortho Regional Hospital Una on
21st & 22nd November, 2015.The inauguration of
the function was held on 21st November, 2015. Prof.
Raj Bahadur Vice Chancellor of Baba Farid Medical
University, Faridkot was the Chief Guest. He
appreciated the role of Doctors of Himachal Pradesh
who are rendering the distinguished services in the
different premier institutions of the country and the Photographs of the inauguration ceremony and of 24th
state..First of all Dr. Ritesh K. Soni Organizing HIMORTHOCON of HP Chapter of IOA at PMR Residency Una (H.P) on 21st - 22nd Nov., 2015

Secretary welcomed the Chief Guest and dignitaries

on the dais, guest faculty, delegates and the audience. After that Dr. Om Pal Sharma, Secretary of HP Chapter of IOA
and member of executive committee of IOA from H.P welcomed the Chief Guest, dignitaries on the dais, guest
faculty, delegates and the distinguished gathering. He also presented the report of the activities of the chapter for the
year 2014-15.He informed the house that w.e.f. July 2015 independent member of executive committee of IOA has
started functioning and Dr. Om Pal Sharma took the oath as first independent member of executive committee of IOA
from HP in executive committee meeting at IOA House in
12 April,2015.He also appreciated the efforts of Prof. Raj
Bahadur and Dr. Ramesh K. Sen Founder Secretary of
H.P Chapter of IOA in giving continues help and
guidance. Dr. Vipin Sharma, President of HP Chapter
delivered the Presidential address. He also highlighted
the need of Trauma Centre in H.P. After this Chief Guest
Prof. Raj Bahadur (Chief Guest) who is also Son on Soil
and his home town is Una. He is old graduate of IGMC,
Shimla and Post Graduate from Banaras Hindu
University, he remembered his old association with the
dignitaries present on dais and in the audience. Prof. Raj
Bahadur is also member of Health Mission of H.P Govt.
He narrated the proposal of the Mission to improve the
health services in H.P and also informed that Govt. is
planning to create a Separate Specialist cadre in H.P. In
the end Dr. Anurag Sharma Co- Organizing Secretary of the Conference thanked the Chief Guest, dignitaries on the
dais, delegates, audience and all the individuals and Pharmaceuticals who helped in successful organization of the
conference. He had special thanks for Dr. Om Pal Sharma Secretary of Chapter , Dr. Ritesh K. Soni organizing
Secretary Dr. Manish Sharma Co- Organizing Secretary Regional Hospital Una, Dr. Shiv Pal Kanwar Patron and
also the organizing Secretary of 6th HIMORTHOCON in
1997 at Una and Dr. N.S. Dogra patron organizing
Secretary of 7th HIMORTHOCON at Hamirpur in 1998
and Dr. Vivek (Anesthetist),Prof. Mukand Lal HOD
IGMC, Shimla, Prof. Bhanu Awasthi HOD RPGMP,
Tanda, Prof. Manoj Thakur and all other faculty
members of IGMC, Shimla and RPGMC Tanda, Dr.
Ashok Gupta CMO Una other Medical Officers and staff
of R.H Una and Shivam Ortho Care Centre and all the
other staff members and members of press.
In the inaugural function all the guest speaker, chair
persons , Prof. S.M Mehta, Dr. P.R Chauhan longest
serving Secretary of HP Chapter, Dr. Harish K. Behl
organizing secretary HIMORTHOCON 1996 at Mandi,

112 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Dr. Lal Singh, Prof. V. Prakash Lakhanpal, Prof. S.R Thakur and Prof. L.R Sharma past teachers were specially
honored. On 21st -22nd November 2015, During the CME cum annual conference following guest Faculty
presented the papers and guest:-
Prof. Anil Dhal Director and HOD Deptt. of Ortho Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi:- Tendon Transfer in
Sciatic nerve injury.
Dr. V.B Bhasin Consultant Ortho & Arthroscopy surgeon Sir Ganga Ram Hospital New Delhi:- Arthroscopic
Arthrodesis of ankle joint.
Prof. Ramesh Sen Director and Consultant Ortho Surgeon Forties Hospital Mohali, Punjab:-A.V.N. current concept.
Prof. M.S. Dhillon HOD Deptt. of Ortho PGI, Chandigarh:- Mal union Calcaneum
Prof. Mukund Lal Chief Patron and HOD IGMC, Shimla:- Total Arthroplasty in Shoulder
Prof. Manoj Thakur Deptt. of Ortho IGMC, Shimla:- Interesting case of Spine
Dr. P.N Gupta Associate Prof. Ortho GMC Sector-32, Chandigarh:- Supra Condylar fracture of Humerus
Dr. Vipin Sharma Associate Prof. RPGMC Kangra at Tanda:- Principles of Limb Salvage
Dr. Sujit Tripathi Associate Prof. Ortho AIIMS, Bhubaneswar, Orissa:- Acetabular version in THR
Dr. Mohinder Khaushal, Chandigarh:-Arthroscopy of Knee Joint current concept.
Dr. Ritesh Mahajan:- MRI in spine Pathologies
Dr. R.R. Saggar Patel Hospital, Jalandhar:- Limb salvage surgery in Malignant Tumors using endoprosetheses.
Dr. Deepak Joshi:- Lumbar Discectomy/decompression Do's & Don'ts
Dr. Uttam Singh, RPGMC Tanda:- Flap in infected Tibia.
Dr. Lucky Verma RPGMC Tanda:- Chondrosarcoma of Third Metacarpal A rare presentation.
Dr. Navneet Kholi RPGMC Tanda:- Giant Cell Tumour in Skeletally immature Skeleton report of two cases.
Dr. Rudra Pratap:- Difficult case of dislocation Hip in 4 years child
Dr. Selvin Prabhakar IGMC, Shimla:- ORIF of displaced fracture of Calcaneum treated with calcaneal locking plate.
Dr. Apoorv Sehgal IGMC, Shimla:- ORIF of displaced fracture clavicle treated with clavicular locking plate.
Dr. Abhiraj IGMC, Shimla:- Human Pediculosis in Hip spica.
Prof. V. Prakash Lakhanpal from Nepalganj Medical College Nepalganj and Ex- Principal from RPGMC Tanda, Prof.
S.R Thakur, Shri Ram Hospital Shimla Prof. L.R Sharma from Shimla, Dr. Om Pal Sharma chaired the guest lectures
and coordinated in case discussions.
The Delegates from within the state and outside the state took active part in the discussions.
On 22nd November 2015 the General body meeting of HP Chapter of IOA was held under the chairmanship of Dr. Jai
Lal Sharma President elect of HP Chapter of IOA because Dr. Vipin Sharma sitting President had gone to Tanda due
to some urgent work.
In the end, valedictory function was held and standing ovation was given to Dr. Ritesh K. Soni, Organising Secretary,
Dr. Anurag Sharma and Dr. Manish Sharma co-organizing Secretary and Dr. Vivek (Anesthetist) and all other
members of organizing committee.
In the General Body meeting it was decided that the 25th “HIMORTHOCON -2016” which silver jubilee conference of
HP Chapter will be held at IGMC, Shimla and Prof. Mukand Lal will be the organizing Secretary. It was also decided
that in the conference a work shop will also be conducted and delegates from neighboring states will be invited. It
was also decided that souvenir to commemorate the activities of the chapter for the last 25 years will also be
The bone and joint day was celebrated at IGMC, Shimla, RPGMC Kangra at Tanda and other distt. Hospitals of the
state by conducting free surgeries in BPL patients. At regional Hospital Kullu, it was celebrated by conducting the
examination of Physically Chalanged students of Kullu distt. With the coordination of Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan Kullu
and CRC, Sundernagar Distt. Mandi (H.P) to celebrate the Red Cross Fair of Red Cross Society at Distt. Kullu during
month of Sept, 2015. The eligible children were issued disabilities certificate and wheel chairs, crutches, spectacles,
Hearing aids and artificial limbs.

Dr. Om Pal Sharma

Secretary H.P. Chapter of IOA
Executive member of EC of IOA

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 113

Report from State Chapter: Karnataka Orthopaedic Association

I. Conferences
Annual State Conference:
The annual state conference was at Mysore on 6th to
8th February 2015. 957 delegates attended. Prof.
Varghese Chacko Oration was delivered by
Dr. Rajasekaran. Prof. Shyamsundar Shetty Oration
was delivered by Dr. James Fernandez. More than
400 abstracts received. A 'Special Cover' and Stamp
released by postal department. The workshops
included: Shoulder and knee arthroscopy;
Hip & knee arthroplasty; Advance trauma in spine;
pelvic acetabular.

KOA-ICL and OASIS- ICL were organised together by
Tumakuru Orthopaedic Society on 2nd and 3rd of
October 2015 Tumakuru. The theme of the ICL was
'Trauma-Today and tomorrow'. Entire program was
like a mini-conference, around 200 delegates

IOA – 'Ortho Excellence Program':

OEP (Ortho Excellence Program) was organised by
Dr. K.V. Rajendra, the past president KOA, on
Sunday, the 10th of May 2015 at Hotel Atria
Bengaluru. About 95 orthopaedic surgeons attended
the programme.

114 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Third International Conference of the Geriatric
Orthopedic Society of India – GOSICON-2015 was
held at Le Meridian, Bengaluru from October 9th to
11th 2015. A wide range of topics related to geriatric
orthopaedic care were discussed. A bone model
workshop was also conducted.
The Asia Pacific-Geriatric Orthopedic Association of
India (AP-GOAI) with the involvement of 27 member
countries was also launched. Dr. Sanjeev Patnaik will
be organizing the 4th GOSICON at Bhubaneswar,
Orissa from September 23rd to 25th 2016.

A two day national level conference on 'Current status of stem cells and cell based therapy with emphasis on
orthopaedic applications'--KSHEMA STEMCON 2015 was organised by K.S. Hegde Medical Academy
Deralakatte, Mangalru in association with Nitte University Center for Stem Cell Research and Regenerative
Medicine (NUCSReM) on 3rd and 4th October 2015. A total 170 delegates participated in the programme.

II. State level CMEs

Master class-entrepreneurship for medical professionals
Master class-entrepreneurship for medical professionals was organised by SPARSH hospital for advanced
surgeries, Infantry Road, Bengaluru on 25th and 26th July 2015 at JW Marriott, Bengaluru. About 120
delegates participated. Several issues regarding related to medical entrepreneurship were discussed.

Te j a s v i n i O r t h o p a e d i c C o u r s e - Tr a u m a
Symposium 2015
The Department of Orthopaedics, Tejasvini Hospital
& SSIOT, and Mangalore organised – “Tejasvini
Orthopaedic Course-Trauma Symposium 2015” on
17-18 October 2015 at Hotel Gateway, Mangalore.
The highlights of the symposium were largely case-
based discussions along with ARS (Audience
Response System) which was incorporated probably
for the first time at a non-AO Conference in India. This
along with workshops and delegate case
presentation session kept the delegates occupied in
the scientific sessions.

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 115

CME on loco motor disability assessment
The Department of Orthopaedics, KIMS, Hubballi
organised a CME on “Complex fractures around foot,
ankle and loco motor disability assessment” on the
3rd and 4th of October, 2015 in the premises of KIMS,

III. Bone and Joint Week

The bone and joint day was celebrated as a week long
program from 29th to 4th August 2015 throughout the
state. The public awareness program at schools/
colleges was made by 8 clubs. The free bone density
camps were observed at 3 places. 27 free surgeries
are reported throughout the state.
IV. Activities of District chapters of KOA
We have 14 district chapters in the state which are
affiliated to state association. Most of the district
chapters have at least one programme per month,
either a CME, live surgery work shop, social service
activity etc.
Activities of some of the active chapters:
Bangalore Orthopaedic Society
*Monthly meetings are conducted on the last Sunday of every month. The monthly meets had a set pattern,
from PG papers to discussion on medico legal issues with average attendance of more than 80 members.
*Live surgery workshops:
March 4, 2015: Interactive session and live surgery on knee and shoulder arthroscopy
March 27, 2015: A to Z of PCL reconstruction and revision Hip arthroplasty.

*Free Ortho camps and charity activities:

Screening and advice for surgery
Needy patients to get artificial limbs, orthotics, walking
aids etc absolutely free of cost.
BOSCON 2015: Held On 28th & 29th March, 2015, at
NIMHANS Convention Centre, Bangalore. Attended
by about 500 plus delegates,
Canara Orthopaedic Society, Mangaluru
* Dr. Sudhakar Shetty Memorial Oration was held at
Mangaluru on 5th April 2015. Dr. M.L. Saraf from
Mumbai delivered the oration. Postgraduate quiz
was conducted on the same day.

116 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

V. State level Postgraduate teaching program
Postgraduate teaching program at M.S. Ramaiah
Medical College:
The department of orthopaedics, M. S. Ramaiah
Medical College conducted their annual postgraduate
teaching program on 14th & 15th March, 2015
At M. S. Ramaiah Advanced Learning Centre. The two
days course was attended by 124 post graduates from
various parts of India.
Bone school by Sparsh Hospital, Bengaluru
SPARSH Hospital for Advanced Surgeries, Infantry
Road, Bengaluru has been organising 'Bone School'
for postgraduate residents on 2nd week Sunday of
every month. Trauma, sports, spine, arthroplasty, foot & ankle problems are some of the topics covered
recently. Guest lectures, case demonstrations and workshop forms the part of the bone school. Eminent faculty
specialised in respective field are invited. About 50 to 60 delegates from all over Karnataka participate.

KLE University's PG teaching program

The department of orthopaedic surgery of KLE
University's Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College,
Belgavi organised postgraduate intensive training
course-2015 on 25th and 26th of July 2015 at KLE's
Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Belagavi. Nearly
200 Postgraduate students of Orthopaedics from
Karnataka and neigbouring states participated in the

St. John's Ortho CME & PG Instructional Course

Department of Orthopaedics, St. John's Medical
College, Hospital, Bangalore conducted the annual
'St. John's Ortho CME & PG Instructional Course' on
14 and 15th of August 2015. Academic program which
was attended by about 150 postgraduate students.
Combined Manipal Mangalore PG teaching
programme (CM2E)'
The 'Combined Manipal Mangalore PG teaching
programme (CM2E)' is an initiative under the aegis of
Manipal University for an ongoing postgraduate
teaching programme involving faculty and
postgraduates from the Department of Orthopaedics,
KMC, Manipal and Mangalore and also all other institutions of Mangalore. There is a structured syllabus to
provide a comprehensive teaching schedule to cover major areas in Orthopaedics over four such programs in
a year.

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 117

Report from State: Rajasthan's Orthopaedic Surgeon's Association
“Promoting excellence in patient care and advocating for the needs of patients”

ROSA is striving to achieve excellence in orthopedic IOACON 2015 Preparation:

care for all. Throughout the year Rajasthan witnessed Preparations are at full swing under leadership of Prof
strongly motivated scientific meets on varying aspects Dr R C Meena, the Organizing secretary. I hope you
of orthopedic and its subspecialties. would enjoy pleasing hospitability and your active
participation would make the event a landmark in the
District News: history of IOA.
Kota (Aug), at Umaid Bhawan Palace, Kota
Orthopedic Society conducted a meeting on “Recent Membership Drive:
advances on hip artroplasty”. Chief faculty was Dr Throughout the year, we remained focussed about our
strength and at present we have 542 members in our
Rajesh Malhotra (AIIMS), New Delhi. Major
takeaways were techniques on modern cementing
and rev arthroplasty in osteoporotic bones. Surgeons ROSA Social:
thronging from Kota, Bundi, Baran and Jhalawar RNT Medical College and Udaipur Ortho Society
districts were benefitted from this symposium. organised a two day RNT Ortho alumni meeting at
Jaipur (27th July), a Collaborative efforts of ROSA and Udaipur, where 60 surgeons and their family thronging
JOC were made to conduct a one day workshop on from various states participated and had some
“Hand Trauma”. Chief faculty members was Abhijeet nostalgic moments. The think tank of the meet was
Wahegaonkar, Dr Amit Vyas (Jaipur) was host. Prof Vinay Joshi.
Jodhpur (March), AIIMS Jodhpur organized a three Upcoming Events:
day AO Basic Course on Trauma
Dr Abhay Elhence spoke that Dr P Kotwal from AIIMS ROSACON 2015
New Delhi was among the master of faculty. The Location: Neemrana Fort and Resorts, (Rajasthan)
enthralling event was attended by delegates from Dates: 4-6 Feb 2016.
Punjab, Haryana and UP. Theme: Intra-articular fractures
Org Secy: Dr Anoop Jhurani
Bone and Joint Day Event: ROSA beckons you for our Annual conference at
Responding to the President's initiative, ROSA also Neemrana fort. I hope this meeting would offer the
took up the event vehemently and circulated more surgeon an opportunity to realize clinical and fracture
centric view of our surgical practice.
than 3000 flyers and educational printed matters to
members. On 3rd Aug Mega camp was organized at
Warm regards from Rajasthan and happy and
Kota. The galvanized team examined more than 600 prosperous New Year to all the IOA members.
patients and addressed about 3000 morning walkers.
Similar events were also organized at Udaipur, Jaipur, Dr Jaswant Singh, Secretary (ROSA)
Bhilwara and Jodhpur. 9414178107
PG Quiz Programme: PG Quiz was held at Jodhpur,
Quiz masters declared Dr Vikas Bohra as champion Dr C K Ameta (President)
and Dr Deepak Agrawal as runner up. 9414157382

118 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Report from State: Uttaranchal Chapter of IOA

Dear Sir,
Greetings from Dev Bhoomi Uttarakhand.
I am sending the activities report of our Chapter. These are not for Dr. A.K. Gupta trophy. I beg your Pardon for
the delay.
1. 11TH Annual Conference of Uttaranchal Chapter of IOA; April 3rd to 5th 2015:
It was held at Wood Castle Spa & Resort, near Ramnagar, Nainital. Prof. S.M. Tuli was Chief Guest and Prof.
SS Yadav and Dr. Ashok Viz was Guest of Honor. There were two workshops on Friday 3rd April. ILIZAROV
WORKSHOP by Dr. Sandeep Adke and TKR WORKSHOP by Zimmer Faculty. Inaugural Function on Friday
night was followed by Cultural Programme and Dinner. Saturday and Sunday were full of academic sessions by
renowned speakers. It was a comprehensive Conference, with separate sessions on each subject. The Hall B
catered for Arthroplasty session with ten renowned faculties. There was also session on Basic Sciences. .
Besides academics, delegates enjoyed the Jungle Safaris on jeeps and Elephant. Three hundred people in
total took part, including family members of delegates.

2. IOA - OEP Dehradun- 12th July 2015

It was held at Hotel Pacific, Dehradun on Sunday 12th July. The Chief Guest of the function was Dr. Sudhir
Kumar, Editor IJO. The program started with breakfast and registration and was over in afternoon after lunch.
There were 63 participants. Besides Dr. Sudhir Kumar, Dr. BKS Sanjay, Dr. Gaurav Gupta, Dr. Tarun Goel, Dr.
Punit Gupta and Dr . Vijendra Chauhan gave informative lectures. It was a great interactive session.
3. Bone and Joint Day- 4th August 2015
Press Conference at IMA HOUSE was organized to spread the message of BONE AND JOINT WEEK.
Posters were distributed and all the clinics and hospitals displayed the message at prominent points.
RALLY was organized on Sunday 2nd August for creating awareness regarding Bone Health and Bone and
Joint Day.
A clinical talk was organized on 4th August at IMA house on Osteoarthritis.
It was organized at Hotel Manor Kashipur. Course Director was Prof. C.S. YADAV from AIIMS NEW DELHI
and other faculty were Prof. TARUN GOEL from AIIMS RISHIKESH and Dr . Dhingra from Medicity
Gurgaon..Besides lectures, it was followed by LIVE SURGERY VIDEOS with interactive session and then saw
bone session. It was attended by 50 delegates from Hardwar, NAJIBABAD, Bareilly, and Moradabad,
Haldwani, Kashipur and other places.

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 119

4. Kashipur TKR Workshop- 8th August 2015 5. Max TKR Workshop Dehradun- 18th October 2015

It was organized by Dehradun Orthopaedic Society and Max Hospital Dehradun under the aegis of Uttaranchal
chapter of Indian Orthopedic Association. Dr. Mullaji from Mumbai was course Co-ordinator.
Besides lectures by eminent speakers, it was followed by LIVE SURGERY and interactive session during and
after surgery. Dr. Vijendra Chauhan, Dr. Gaurav Gupta, Dr. BKS SANJAY, and Dr. Tarun Goel were among
Chief Speakers.
6. Mid Term Symposium UA-IOA Dehradun- 22nd November 2015
The Midterm symposium was organized by Dehradun Orthopaedic Society at SGI Hospital on Sunday 22nd
November, the theme of the symposium being PRESEVING JOINT.
Symposium was divided in two parts -Knee and Hip. Chief Guest was Dr. R.K. Gupta was Chief Guest and Dr.
Anand Goyal was Guest of Honor. Dr. NK Maggu, Dr. Zile Singh from Rohtak, Dr. Ramesh Sen, Dr. Lalit Maini,
Dr. Sanjay Swaroop, Dr. J. Maheshwari, Dr. Gurinder Bedi, Dr. BKS Sanjay, and Dr. Hemanshu Kocher and Dr.
Romesh Gaur were among the prominent speakers.
High Tibial Osteotomy was discussed in detail.
Besides our Executive members attended NAILSCON at Kaziranga and successfully bided for Nailscon 2017.
I am also sending photos of each program separately.
Dr AK Sirohi
President, Uttaranchal Chapter of IOA

120 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Report from State: Uttar Pradesh Orthopaedic Association
A number of scientific programmes and other activities were conducted by UPOA . I am presenting the report of activities of UP
Orthopaedic Association .
1. Increase in Membership – UPOA : In the current academic year, the new members enrolled were 157.
Life Members = 122 Associate Members = 35
2. Increase in Membership - IOA
It has been the policy of the office bearers of UPOA to encourage all members to become members of the IOA. In the current academic
year, the new members enrolled as per our records are = 65.
3 (a). Academic Activities:
a. MCI Accreditation Hours: UPOA has been awarded 81 MCI Accreditation Hours for the academic activities organized this
b. UPOA Academic Activities: 27 academic events were held under the aegis of UPOA this year.
c. Quiz Programmes : ii. UPOA PG Quiz– Mid Term Symposium, Varanasi, The UPOA PG Quiz was conducted by
Quiz Master Dr. Sanjay Dhawan at Mid Term Symposium on 06/09/2015 at Varanasi. It was attended by NINE teams from
various medical colleges of Uttar Pradesh. The winner team from Kanpur (Dr. Rohit Jain and Dr. Sandeep Bishnoi)
represented UPOA in the IOA Quiz in IOACON-2015 at Jaipur.
d. UPOA City Club Clinical meetings : UPOA has 21 Orthopaedic clubs under its affiliation. These clubs are governed by the
constitution of IOA and UPOA. They have regular monthly scientific meetings, annual elections, social and public awareness
programs, free surgery camps and family get together, the details of which are sent to UPOA secretariat twice a year. Based on
their activities “BEST ORTHOPAEDIC CLUB AWARD” is given. From next year there will be FOUR categories of City Club Awards.
3 (b). Basic Science & Research: As per the guidelines of IOA and considering its due importance and relevance a separate
session and symposium on “BASIC SCIENCE AND RESEARCH” has already been an important feature in each annual
conference of state chapter.Dr. S.K. Saraf, IMS BHU, Varanasi (co-chairman, Basic Science and research, IOA) is the convener
for the same. To further encourage interest of younger orthopaedic surgeons in BASIC SCIENCE AND RESEARCH, it is given due
weightage in the assessment of awarding Gold Medals in presentations and publications of the state chapter.
Research Grant of UPOA:
Dr. S.K. Saraf, chairman UPOA Research Grant has presented a detailed report on purpose, methodology, marking criteria,
selection process and execution of UPOA RESEARCH GRANT in UPORTHOCON 2015, Moradabad. UPOA started TWO
RESEARCH GRANTS of Rs.50,000/- each in UPOA this year to courage research attitude in our members. It is awarded to
Dr. Ajai Singh, Lucknow and Dr. Gyaneshwar Tonk, Meerut.
4. Election of UPOA members to High Posts:
IOA : Dr Sudhir Kapoor : President Elect IOA
Dr Dhiren Singh : Chairman CSR committee IOA
Dr Atul Bahadur Singh : Chairman inland fellowship committee IOA
Dr A. K. Gupta : Chairman foreign fellowship committee IOA
Members working committee IOA :
Dr S. K Saraf : Basic Science and Research
Dr Vineet Sharma : UG/PG Training
APOA: Dr Jamal Ashraf : President trauma section APOA
: Council member APOA
ASAMI: Dr R A Agrawal : President, ASAMI– INDIA
Dr. Manish Khanna : Secretary, ASAMI– INDIA
Menace against Physiotherapists : Dr Dhirendra Singh, National Convener
Trauma Society of India : President , Dr. S. C. Goel
NAILS : President, Dr. Ajit Saigal
IORA : Founder Secretary, Dr. Manish Khanna5. Newsletter / Journal/ Website
The official newsletter of UPOA, UPOA Times is being published twice a year (June and November). It is being sent by courier to all
UPOA members & IOA office bearers, Presidents & Secretaries of all state chapters. The official journal of the UPOA is the JBJD
(Journal of Bone & Joint Diseases) which is circulated to all members regularly on annual basis.
The official directory has been published and released in UPORTHOCON 2016 containing details of 1700 members along with the
History, Constitution and Blue book of our association.The official website of the UPOA is is being updated regularly.
6. Elections
The annual elections of the executive of UPOA were held in February 2015. Due to the efforts of Dr. Ashok Vij, Agra, election officer, the
results were as follows:

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 121

President Elect Dr. S.K. Saraf, Varanasi
Vice President Dr K.K.Makkar, Saharanpur, Dr Neeraj Jain, Jhansi
Secretary Dr Atul Srivastava Agra
Treasurer Dr Anup Agrawal Lucknow
Editor JBJD Dr Mazhar Abbas Aligarh
Joint Secretary Dr Amit Agarwal, Agra, Dr Ashwani Kumar Sain, Meerut Dr Ambuj Srivastava, Gorakhpur
Executive Members Dr Saurabh Agarwal, Jhansi, Dr Achal Swami, Ghaziabad Dr Santosh Kumar Singh, Lucknow.
7. Bone and Joint Day, 4th August, 2015:
On the appeal of IOA President Dr H.R. Jhunjhunwala, Convenor & Chairman Team CSRC Dr. Dhirendra Singh and Dr. Deepak Shah,
The Bone and Joint week was celebrated all over the state with full zeal, dedication and enthusiasm from 29th July to 4th August 2015.
Various city clubs from the state of Uttar Pradesh contributed to the celebrations. The members of city clubs like Agra, Ghaziabad,
Bareilly, Lucknow, Kanpur, Mathura, Varanasi, Gorakhpur, Deoria, Jhansi, Hathras and Meerut had participated in this mega event.
8. Public Welfare Programmes :
a. UPOA contribution to Nepal Earthquake Relief: As you all know the natural calamity in the form of Earthquake of disastrous
intensity that engulfed our neighboring country, Nepal in the month of April leaving around 8,000 deaths and around 60,000
injured. UPOA extended its helping hands immediately for the survived. Members from our state chapter (UPOA) rushed there for
any possible help and worked there day and night to make them stand on their feet by way of surgeries, medication, rehabilitation
etc… We also sent a list of 50 volunteers if needed by them. Dr. Ajit Saigal with his medico wife with team from Varanasi, Dr.
Pankaj Mall with team from Gorakhpur, Dr. Manoj Hirani with team from Bareilly went to the different affected sites and extended
every help that was needed.
On the call of Dr. RP Singh, Past President, Nepal Orthopaedic Association (NOA) UPOA supplied 100 nails and accessories
worth of Rs.2.38Lacs under the banner of IOA.
b. Free Surgeries : UPOA members conducted free operations for the needy and poor patients of the society including Arthroplasty,
Trauma surgery, etc. Members actively participated were, Dr K P Srivastava, Dr A S Prasad, Dr Atul Srivastava, Dr Ashok Vij,
Dr Jamal Ashraf, Dr Anup Khare, Dr A K Gupta, Dr. Dhirendra Singh and many more.
c. Public awareness programmes were conducted in schools for Road safety and Traffic Rules. Lectures on First Aid Measures in
Road Side Accidents (Do's and Don'ts) splinting and CPR etc in case of emergencies. Awareness on Bone health and
osteoporosis had been conducted in Old Age Homes.
d. Road Safety seminar at Bansal classes: Dr. D. V. Sharma, President Agra Orthopaedic Society and Dr. Amrit Goyal delivered a
lecture on Road Safety and Traffic Rules to make the presentees aware of the safety on roads.e. Cure Foundation along with
Jhansi Orthopaedic Club and MLB College had operated more than 100 CTEV Surgeries free of cost during the year.
f. Polio Corrective Surgery: Free Polio Deformity Correction surgeries were organized by UPOA members all around the state
conducting more than 50 successful surgeries in the state.
9. Activities Based on President's Theme:
IOA President's Theme: Continue Learning To Serve The Society Better
Research Grant of UPOA: UPOA has started TWO RESEARCH GRANTS of Rs.50,000/- each in UPOA this year to encourage
research attitude in our members. It is awarded to Dr. Ajai Singh, Lucknow, & Dr. Gyaneshwar Tonk, Meerut.
For the activities conducted by its members the U P Orthopaedic Association won the coveted and prestigious Dr A K Gupta trophy
for the Best State Chapter of the IOA babk to back for consecutive three years and created a HAT TRICK.
Long Live UPOA
With regards
Yours truly,

Dr. Atul Srivastava

Secretary UPOA
1/114 - B, Gulab Rai Marg, Delhi Gate,
Agra (U.P) 9897076867,

122 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Report from State: West Bengal Orthopaedic Association

Academic calendar :
1st Saturday Journal Club
2nd Saturday Monthly clinical meeting
3rd Saturday Bone tumour registry meeting
4th Saturday Executive committee meeting
• Date: 12July 2015 • Venue : The Riviera, Howrah
• Inaugurated by Dr. Debajyoti Bose • M. L. Chatterjee Memorial Lecture by
Dr Nikhilendu Mazumder
• Total delegates 142
Winners of PGT Quiz contest 2015
Dr. Sudipto Podder
Dr. Prashant Rai
Both of them are from Calcutta National Medical College, Kolkata
They will represent WBOA during IOACON2015 at Jaipur

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 123

2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue - I
December 2015 - March 2016

Session - VII
Fellowships /
Bone & Joint Day /
Other Reports


News Letter
Indian Orthopaedic Association -
Australian Orthopaedic Association Exchange fellowship 2015

Duration: 11/10/2015 till 15/10/2015. Host: Australian Orthopaedic Association.

1. Dr. Vineet Jain, Associate Professor, Sports Injury centre, Safdarjang Hospital, Delhi.
2. Dr. Rajendra Kanojia, Additional Professor, PGI, Chandigarh.
At the outset we would like to thank Indian Orthopaedic Association for awarding us this prestigious fellowship
and Australian Orthopaedic Association for making it worthwhile.
As per this fellowship we attended the Annual Scientific Meeting of Australian Orthopaedic Association at
Brisbane from 11/10/2015 to 15/10/2015. This year's theme was “Training Tomorrow's Orthopaedic Surgeon”.
We arrived in Brisbane on 11/10/2015 in morning at around 7:30 AM and checked into the Hotel Capri by Fraser
which was arranged by AOA. After refreshing we proceeded to Brisbane Convention and Exhibition centre
which was short walking distance from the hotel. We got our welcome kit and invitation for the President's
Reception for the night.
In the evening we went to the President's Reception which was held at the Gallery of Modern Art. We were
greeted warmly by the present and past President of the AOA and other current office bearers of AOA.
Conference started from 12/10/2015. The conference was in 4 different halls with one hall dedicated to
arthroplasty on all 4 days. On first day besides some interesting presentations in arthroplasty and trauma, there
was a unique long session on 3D modelling and printing in orthopaedic surgery. At the end of day we visited
South Banks which has a Nepalese pagoda, an artificial beach, a Chinese garden, small water park and swings
for children with lot of restaurants. It was an enjoyable evening.
Day 2, Dr. Rajendra Kanojia had a presentation on “AVN of scaphoid: a comparative study of Indian and
Western populations” in the morning and “Correction of ankle and foot deformities by Ilizarov ring Fixator” in the
afternoon session. Both the presentations were well received and appreciated. In the evening we explored the
CBD Brisbane and lively Queen's street with different shops and lots of restaurant.
Day 3, besides lectures on arthroplasty there were few interesting lectures on health economics and bringing
new technologies and techniques into practise. In the afternoon we went to Mount Coo-tha which offers a
panoramic view of whole of Brisbane and surrounding area.
Day 4, Dr. Vineet Jain had “A retrospective analysis of modified Latarjet procedure in failed arthroscopic
Bankart repair” and “Comparison of clinical outcome of single bundle PCL with double bundle PCL
reconstruction” in the morning session. Both the presentations were well received and appreciated. Afternoon
session had interesting lectures on stem cell therapy and rotator cuff healing.
This brought us to the end of ASM and our fellowship. It was a nice exposure to Orthopaedic practice in
Australia. It also provided an opportunity to listen and interact with experts in different fields of Orthopaedics.
We would like that to recommend that in future there should be provision for visiting fellows to do a short
observer ship with different local orthopaedic surgeons to promote better exchange of ideas and techniques.
Brisbane which is promoted as Australia's new world city is a vibrant, friendly city with beautiful river front and
clean pollution free environment.
Overall it was a pleasant and educative learning experience.

Dr. Vineet Jain, Dr. Rajendra Kanojia,

Associate Professor, Additional Professor,
Sports Injury centre, PGI, Chandigarh.
Safdarjang Hospital, Delhi.

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 125

IOA- Hong Kong Ambassadorship 2o15: Dr Saurabh Agarwal

I am grateful to Indian Orthopaedic Association for This ambassadorship is a great experience for me to
awarding me the IOA- Hong Kong Orthopaedic interact with the orthopaedic fraternity of Hong Kong
Association Ambassadorship for the year 2015. and other international faculty from around the globe.
I reached Hong Kong International Airport on 6th I am grateful to Dr NG Kin Wah, Bobby-President
November 17, 2015. My stay was organized by Hong HKOA and Dr WONG Wing Yee, Clara-General
Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) at “Hotel Secretary HKOA for being perfect host in supporting
Harbor View” which was at walking distance from the me all through my stay in Hong Kong.
Conference Venue “Hong Kong Exhibition & Lastly, I am grateful to Mr. Ramesh Pandey in helping
Convention Center”. The theme of the conference me in undergoing this fellowship.
was "Past and Future of Orthopaedics in Hong
Kong". On the same day, we were invited for the
Dr. Saurabh Agarwal MS [Ortho]
official banquet at the Hong Kong Yacht Club.
Assistant Professor Orthopaedics / Consultant
Next day I presented two Papers on Arthroplasty, Orthopaedic Surgeon
“Ligament reconstruction/advancement for 419, Vasto Block, Mahagun Mansion, 1/5, Vaibhav
management of Instability due to ligament Khand, Indira-puram,
insufficiency during total knee arthroplasty” and Ghaziabad 201010 U.P. India
“Results of Anatomical Head Delta Motion Ceramic 0120 2741141-3/
on Ceramic Total Hip Arthroplasty-our experience”. 9810385996/
The Conference was very well organized and all the
lectures and deliberations were very informative.
On the 3rd day, future trends and developments in
orthopaedics were discussed in all specialties of
orthopaedics which were very fruitful.

126 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

IOA - SOA Ambassadorship 2015: Dr. Satya Ranjan Patra

It was a dream come true for me when the then Hon. Secretary of Odisha chapter Dr. N. C. Mohapatra broke this news
of my selection as the IOA Ambassador to Singapore for the year 2015.
It's the greatest honour for me, and I am immensely thankful to all the members and office bearers of our great
association for bestowing this up on me. I extend my heartfelt gratitude towards the Chairman of Foreign Fellowship
Committee Dr. A. K. Gupta and Co-chairman Dr. N. C. Mohapatra.
I also take this opportunity to thank our President Dr. H. R. Jhunjhunwala and President-elect Dr. Sudhir K. Kapoor who
has been my teacher, mentor and guide for many years.
As an IOA Ambassador I was to represent our association in the 38th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Singapore
Orthopaedic Association from 15th-17th October 2015 and present a research paper. Almost six months in advance I
had communication from the Singapore Orthopaedic Association to submit my abstract. As the theme for this
conference was "Trauma for all ages", I choose a topic titled - "Minimising complications in high-energy pilon fractures -
An evidence based treatment algorithm".
Months flew by with excitement, planning and preparation of the lecture. By the time October arrived, my family
including my parents, wife and two sons (aged 5 and 1 year) were all set to travel to Singapore with me.
Singapore is an awe-inspiring city and an experience of lifetime. The conference was to be held at the Grand Copthrone
Waterfront Hotel and the organizers had taken care of every detail. I was received at the airport and placed at the
Copthrone Kings Hotel, an extremely comfortable abode just adjacent to the conference venue.
The SOA annual Scientific Meeting started on the 15th morning. My registration procedures were already completed by
the organizers. The scientific sessions started after the welcome address of the President of SOA Dr. David Chua. It
was a rare opportunity to listen to many prominent faculties from around the world under one roof like Dr. Michael
McKee, Dr. Michael Blauth, Dr. Martin Haussmann, Dr, Bernard Morrey and many others. But the biggest attractions of
the conference were talks by the great Joseph Schatzker himself. One has to be really fortunate to meet all these
stalwarts first hand.
My presentation was included in the session for 'Travelling Fellows and Exchange Ambassador program' on the
second day of the meeting in the post-lunch session. Many other fellows from various countries were also there to share
their experiences. The session was chaired by Dr. Krishna Lingaraj and Dr. Gamaliel Tan. It was heartening to see Dr.
Sanjay Jain sitting in the hall and it was a great gesture of encouragement. The chairpersons as well as the delegates
showed a great deal of interest in my topic and it generated a good ten minutes of debate too. It was a wonderful feeling
to speak in front of such a learned audience and a proud moment to cherish for a lifetime. Later I was also invited to the
lavish President's dinner and the Banquette along with my wife. Indeed, no amount of thankfulness can be enough for
the hospitality I enjoyed, offered by the Singapore Orthopaedic Association.
After three days of brainstorming scientific debate, it was time for some sightseeing with family. Singapore is beautiful, a
very well-organized city with many attractions for the young and old alike. After three more days of fun, shopping,
adventure and visits to friends I bid farewell to Singapore and headed home.
This fellowship was an eye-opener for a young orthopaedic surgeon like me. I could meet great scholars of the
fraternity, as well as many contemporary young surgeons working in various hospitals in Singapore. There are many
things they do differently from us and there was a lot to be learned from the way they approach their patient and their
management, their work ethics, meticulousness, discipline and their inclination towards research and development
activities. This experience is definitely going to give a boost to my clinical approach and orientation towards research. I
am also sharing this unique experience of mine with my departmental colleagues and PG students and working
towards developing our department to meet such international standards. Our PG trainees seem really encouraged by
this fellowship of mine and are looking forward to such opportunities in future.
I urge to all my colleagues, juniors and students in India to apply for such fellowships made available by our great
association and take these wonderful opportunities to visit world class centres of excellence and get enlightened by
such experiences.
I finish my report by thanking God Almighty and all the people of our association who made it possible for me to avail this
IOA-SOA Ambassadorship.
Thank you all., Long live IOA.

Dr. Satya Ranjan Patra

Associate Professor of Orthopaedics, Hi-Tech Medical College, Bhubaneswar. Odisha

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IOA – Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Ambassadorship 2o12

Dear Sir, whole day programme on 2nd of December. We had

Take my regards. I am thankful to the president, a good exchange of ideas and knowledge during
secretary and selection committee members of IOA different sessions (foot/ankle, arthroplasty, trauma
for selecting me as an ambassador to Hong Kong and tumor). I enjoyed lunch with the organizing
Orthopaedic Annual Conference 2012. committee in New Sanghai Restaurant on that day. I
stayed there extra two days to visit local tourist places
I represented IOA in 32nd Hongkong Orthopaedic and returned back to India on 6th of December.
Association Conference at Hongkong on dt 1st and
2nd of December 2012. I took flight from Dubai (after Once again I thank the selection committee of IOA for
attending SICOT annual conference) to Hongkong giving me this opportunity. I am forwarding few
on 30th November night and reached Hongkong on photos taken at different events of HKOA Conference
1st December evening. The HKOA organizing 2012.
committee had arranged a nice accommodation
(Hotel Harbour view) near the Hong Kong Thanking you,
Convention and Exhibition centre which was the Sincerely,
venue for the conference. After taking little rest, I went Dr Sujit Kumar Tripathy
to attend the banquet dinner at the Hong Kong MS, DNB, MNAMS, Dip SICOT
Convention and Exhibition centre. The Hongkong Staff, Dept of Orthopaedics
Orthopaedic association president Dr Yuen-lun Lee KMC, Manipal
delivered his lecture about Hongkong Orthopaedic
Society development in last year. Also, he greeted all
guest faculties and ambassadors. He presented a
memento to me and other ambassadors (from
Singapore, UK, Newzeland, Japan, Thailand and
Malaysia) during this evening. This was followed by
banquet dinner and cultural activities. During this
evening i had a good interaction with the Hong Kong
Orthopaedic surgeons and members. Next day, in the
early morning session, i presented my lecture on a
modified fixation technique of quadrilateral plate and
anterior column fracture. The technique was well
appreciated by the chair persons and orthopaedic
surgeons present in the hall. We had a good 'question
answer' discussion session after that. I attended the

128 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Report of IOA - Glasgow Fellowship (2o12-13)
Dr. Vivek Mahajan, INDIA. Fellowship Duration (September 2013-August2014)

I am an orthopedic surgeon practicing at New Delhi. I am doing

orthopedic practice which includes Lower Limb arthroplasty and
arthroscopy as main bulk of practice. I do primary and revision
joint replacements and arthroscopic surgeries regularly. I have
keen interest in using computer navigation for joint replacement
and I am using computer navigation since 3 years for all my knee
replacements. I wanted to learn advanced skills in Hip Navigation
and upgrade myself in knee navigation and that's how I came to
know about Mr Kamal Deep. Mr Deep is renowned arthroplasty
surgeon at Golden Jubilee National Hospital, Glasgow. He is
well known for Navigation arthroplasty. He is also the key person
for the International Medical Graduate (IMG) Fellowship in Joint
Arthroplasty and computer Navigation at Golden Jubilee
National Hospital.
IMG fellowship was the most convincing to me for two reasons;
first, considering Mr Kamal Deep seniority and experience in the
field and his wide reputation locally in UK and internationally
among world famous and eminent arthroplasty surgeons;
secondly the location of the hospital and its high volume. I was
picked up by Mr Kamal Deep and IOA faculty for the IMG
fellowship after an interview. The fellowship was for one year
The Golden Jubilee National hospital is a centre of Excellence,
also known as the NHS National Waiting Times Centre in
Clydebank; it is the flagship hospital for reducing waiting times in key elective specialties like Joint
Replacement, and heart and lung services. Hospital has ultramodern set up with six dedicated OT's for
orthopaedics. They have about six navigations systems to do simultaneous surgeries. The Golden Jubilee
National Hospital has been pioneering excellence in Joint Replacement for over a decade. The arthroplasty
department is dynamic, proactive, with a high- volume throughput in surgery and remains focused on
excellence in patient care. The arthroplasty unit strongly encourages peer-review publications and
presentations from its clinical fellows. Surgeons who specialise in hip and knee replacement surgery maintain
strong links with each other
Mr Kamal Deep FRCS (Trauma and Orthopaedics) is very active member of the IOS UK. He is also the key
person for the International Medical Graduate Fellowship Joint Arthroplasty and computer Navigation at
Golden Jubilee National Hospital, Glasgow UK. Mr Kamal Deep is Executive Member CAOS UK (The British
Society for Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery) and Secretary General CAOS International.
He is a renowned computer assisted joint replacement surgeon. He does all his joint replacements using
navigation. I used to attend three sessions of outdoor clinic with him and we used to have four-five sessions of
OT every week. He also encouraged me to go and assist other consultants so that I can learn and gain from the
experience of other consultants. I had an opportunity to assist all the consultants in the department and could
learn from them
Teaching and research:
There were weekly Orthopaedic meetings/activities going on in the Seminar Room which I used to attend in the
presence of most of the Consultants, Anaesthetists, Fellows, Registrars, Medical Officers even Interns serving
in the Department. The Session would involve with clinical and radiological discussions about cases. There

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 129

used to be journal presentations, Audit, Thesis presentations. Topics of discussion were exclusively
arthroplasty oriented.
What I learnt:
It was a well planned fellowship program. Every week was very effectively planned by Mr Deep secretary Ms
Rose McGuire. She was very kind and helpful so that I could get the maximum out of my fellowship. Thanks to
Mr Kamal Deep and the IOSUK, I could become part of more than 300 surgeries during my fellowship. There
are many things I learned:
• Starting from surgical technical tricks to patients overall management protocols, anaesthetic aspects for
very early ambulation.
• New concepts in surgical exposure of hip and knee arthroplasty
• How to prevent anticipated long or short term Post Operative Complications just by modifying my technique
• To be wise in selecting my case and not to rush to O.T. I need to take the right case at the right time, fix it with
the right instruments and sometimes know where my limitations end.
• Proper instrumentation makes life easier and gives a better outcome
• Clinical presentations, diagnosis, management modalities of various hip and knee arthritic conditions,
whether by conservative or surgical means
• The importance of Occupational and Physio Therapist for satisfactory outcomes of major arthroplasty
How it can help me:
After the completion of my training course, I returned to India and have been managing joint
replacement cases much better, facing no difficulty with complex cases. With the help and support of my Head
of Department and Hospital Administration we have got two navigation machines, and instrumentation
for revision arthroplasty. The surrounding hospitals and Health Care Centers have shown their cooperation,
after being informed of the possibility of accepting complex primary and revision cases here immediately
since we have become fully furnished with the required sets. Overall this fellowship was very useful to me in the
view of upgrading myself in computer navigation and learning from the highest standard surgeons and in
a high volume setup.
My recommendation:
This type of fellowship program should be continued as Golden Jubilee National Hospital is a centre of
excellence with an excellent teaching faculty. So it is very useful for those who want to have exposure in
computer navigation.
I am again very much thankful to IOSUK, Dr. Sudhir Kapoor, Dr. Sanjay Jain and Mr Kamal Deep and Ms Rose
McGuire for all the trouble they have taken for arranging my fellowship. I see only their noble intention of helping
fellow Indian colleagues. I wish IOSUK all the success for future activities; I wish Mr Kamal Deep all the success
for his career. In the end, I would like to express my gratitude to The Department of Orthopaedics
(Golden Jubilee National Hospital) and arthroplasty Unit in general, and Mr Deep in person, for their great
contribution to the increase of my knowledge and surgical skills in the field of Arthroplasty.

God Bless.
Dr Vivek Mahajan
MBBS, MS [Ortho], MRCS Ed
Senior Clinical Fellow in Navigation Arthroplasty (UK) Consultant, / Joint Replacement and Sports Medicine /
Indian Spinal Injuries Center, New Delhi, India

130 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

IOA-WOC Fellowship report: Dr Sujit Kumar Tripathy

I was excited after hearing about my selection

for the IOA-WOC fellowship for the year 2015.
The great part of this fellowship was that I could
choose my centre and the duration as per my
wish. Accordingly i planned it and requested Dr
Deepak Chaudhary to pursue the fellowship at
Delhi Sports Injury Centre, who is the director
of the Centre. I had heard about the Sports
Injury Centre for its proficiency in arthroscopy
and sports medicine and I am really thankful to
Dr Chaudhary who allowed me for this
fellowship from 17th May 2015 to 14th June
On 17th May 2015, Dr Chaudhary introduced
me to his surgical team at the operation theatre
and asked Dr Deepak Joshi to mentor me. I
observed many arthroscopic procedures of
knee, shoulder and elbow. I saw various
procedures of fixation of Anterior Cruciate
ligament and the surgeons were able to
manage it smoothly in a skilful manner. Among
other arthroscopic procedures, Bankart repair,
posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and
meniscectomy were common. The tight rope
fixation for avulsion fracture of ACL was quite
different and flattering. Dr Joshi and Chaudhary answered most my queries during surgery and also allowed
me to scrub with them for few cases. The hospitality and training provided by the centre will be a life time
memorable event. I am grateful to the director, Sports Injury Centre and Indian Orthopaedic Association for
providing me this opportunity.

Dr. Sujit Kumar Tripathy

AIIMS, Bhubaneswar

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 131

20th B. Mukhopadhaya P.G. Instructional Course, Indore

20th B. Mukhopadhaya P.G. Instructional Course was held from 21st to 24th Jan 2016 at Arihant Hospital &
Research Centre, Indore (India) under the auspices of Indian Orthopaedic Association (IOA) in collaboration
with Orthopaedic Research & Education Foundation – India. 160 trainees from all over the country attended the
course. 12 senior faculty members participated in the course.
Besides the lectures related to the clinical examinations and few others lectures especially on the common
subjects likes neglected neck femur, scoliosis, osteomylitis, TB spine were also discussed. Keeping in view the
examination pattern, other aspects like – OT design, Sterilization, Plaster technique, X-rays, Orthotics &
Prosthetics etc. were also taken up in detail.
Students actively participated and presented large numbers of cases. Over all about 12 – 15 clinical cases
were discussed every day.
The following students were awarded:
• Best short Case Presentation - Dr. Amitosh
• Best long Case Presentation - Dr. Manjul
• Standing first in orthopaedic quiz - Dr. Arun & Dr. Vijay
• Best Participation Award – Dr. Rajiv
The course was inaugurated by Prof. Hardas Sandhu of Amritsar (India) senior most Orthopaedic surgeon of
the country.
Dr. Alaric Aroojis, Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon from Mumbai (India) was the Chief Guest in the Valedictory

Dr. D.K. Taneja

MBBS, D. Orth, MS Orth, FAMS
Professor & HOD of Orthopaedic & Medical Director Arihant Hospital & Research Centre, Indore
DNB Coordinator/ President, Orthopaedic Association of SAARC Countries / Secretary General, World
Orthopaedic Concern (WOC )/ Emeritus Prof. Sri Aurbindo Institute of Medical Sciences, Indore
Past President Indian Orthopaedic Association /
Secretary Orthopaedic Research & Education Foundation - India
Ex. Dean MGM Medical College, Indore

132 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Guntur Orthopaedic Seminar for Post Graduate Education and
Learning (GOSPEL) 2015

GOSPEL 2015 is planned to offer maximum clinical

exposure to Post Graduates attending the course,
like the three previous successful courses.
The program on 20th Dec 2015 started at 7 am with
registration of the post graduates. The course is
designed to have ward rounds as the first program. All
the post graduates attending the course are divided
into four groups to attend to ward rounds along with
the faculty. Each group was allotted ten cases in the
wards, with a wide variety of conditions. Each case is
prepared with all the investigations kept ready by the
bed side, so that the faculty can have a full fledged The fourth program was instruments and implants
bed side discussion with the post graduates. The session divided into Spine, Arthroplasty, and
cases chosen for this year ward rounds are pre Arthroscopy.
operative fractures, compound fractures, tumours,
peripheral nerve injuries, congenital deformities, The program was attended by 110 post graduates
amputations. The ward rounds are taken for three from all the medical colleges in the state and 18
hours to allow post graduates to interact with the faculty working as HODs and Professors from
faculty who were also divided in to groups. different Medical Colleges and Practitioners.

The second program is case presentations. This The program concluded at 8 pm with valedictory.
GOSPEL 2015 has two long cases and six short The program needs support from the highest
cases for presentation to a different set of faculty professional bodies like IOA to share the faculty and
team comprising of one moderator and three senior the expenses. The financial assistance can be sent to
faculty members so that the moderator can lead the Guntur Orthopaedic Seminar for Post Graduate
presentation and discussion in way most useful to the Education and Learning (GOSPEL) SB A/c no.:
post graduates. Perthes disease and 33685429843 , Govt. Gen. Hospital Branch , Guntur
Spondylodiscitis were the two long cases and short AP, IFSC : SBIN0010278
cases were congenital dislocation of patella, Cubitus
Varus, Foot Drop, CTEV, ACL Tear, and T.B Synovitis
of knee. Dr. M. Prasanth
The third program is a Radiology session with two Formerly President IOA
moderators one from Orthopaedics and another from AP Chapter OSSAP (2014-2015)
Radiology , who has divided the x rays into different Professor and HOD, Department of Orthopaedics,
groups as Infections, Tumours, Spine, Metabolic Guntur Medical College, Guntur Andhra Pradesh
Disorders, Congenital disorders, presenting to
Faculty for discussion.

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 133

Report of IOA - WOC fellowship- 2015: Dr Amit Batra

I take this opportunity to thank Indian Orthopaedic association for selecting me for IOA-WOC fellowship for the
year 2015. I started my fellowship on 2nd November 2015 at Bone and Joint Institute, Medanta, The Medicity,
Gurgaon. I did my fellowship under supervision of Dr Vikas Gupta, Director of Hand and Upper Extremity
division, Medanta Bone & Joint Institute for a period of three weeks. It was a very nice experience to have
worked with such a wonderful surgeon at this premier hospital and experience the professional working
atmosphere of one of the best hospitals in India.
I learnt many procedures like shoulder arthroplasty, neglected perilunate dislocation reduction with suture
anchor application, elbow replacement, neglected fracture non union of distal humerus, TFCC reconstructions,
Gamekeeper's thumb and many more surgeries. I assisted in many surgeries during my stay in Medanta and
learnt the importance of staying calm during the surgery and to do the procedure meticulously.
I was also present during the morning class session where the resident would do the presentation in front of all
the faculty members. I would also attend the OPDs in between the OTs and saw the follow ups of operated
patients of elbow replacement, TFCC repair, Mallet finger, arthrolysis of elbow, kienbock's disease etc. I
observed the physiotherapy protocol of these patients and learnt its importance like never before.
I also made friends with many faculty members there, namely Dr Akram Jawed and Dr Ram who were very
cooperative and made my stay pleasant in the institute. I can proudly say in future that I was associated with this
institute at least once in my life even if briefly. I again thank Indian orthopaedic association (IOA) for giving me
this precious opportunity that shall definitely leave an imprint in my life to follow. In the end I can't stop reciting
the famous lines “And miles to go before I sleep”.

Dr Amit Batra
Assistant professor of Orthopaedics
PGIMS, Rohtak. Haryana

134 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

4th IOA – Post Graduate Teaching Course 2015:
Jabalpur 6th September 2o15
Organised by: Yogmani Trust Jabalpur & IOA MP Chapter
The 4th Indian Orthopaedic Association post-graduate teaching course was organized at Hotel Kalchuri,
Jabalpur on 6th September 2015. The course was jointly organized by Yogmani trust Jabalpur and IOA MP
Chapter with Dr. Jitendra Jamdar as Organising Chairman and Prof. Dr. Alok C. Agrawal, AIIMS Raipur CG as
Organising Co-ordinator.
The course was attended by more than 50 postgraduate students from central India i.e. Raipur, Bhilai, Bilaspur,
Jabalpur, Kawardha, Dewas, Gwalior, Agra, Kota, Indore and Bhopal. Senior Post-graduate Teachers from all
over the country participated in the course including Prof. Prakash Kotwal AIIMS New Delhi, Prof. H K T Raza
Jabalpur, Prof. Nirbhay Shrivastava Bhopal and Prof Alok C Agrawal AIIMS Raipur CG. Other faculty included
Prof H S Verma Jabalpur, Dr. L S Maravi Bhopal, Dr. Gopal Pole Jabalpur, Dr. L K Patel, Jabalpur, Prof. S
Phuljhele Raipur, Dr. C P Pal Agra and Dr. RKS Dhakad Gwalior.

Inauguration of 4th IOA – PGT Course 2015 by Faculty and Students at 4th IOA –
Health Minister Mr. Sharad Jain. Post Graduate Teaching Course 2015

This course is unique in training postgraduates for

practical examinations and prepares them for all the 3
exams in India i.e. MS Orthopaedics, DNB Orthopaedics
and Diploma in Orthopaedics. The course is reputed and
many past students have been found to be giving credit to
the course for their success in examinations.
The course was inaugurated by Shri Sharad Jain –State
Minister foe medical Education and Health and family
welfare as the chief guest and Dr. Prakash Kotwal and
Dr. HKT Raza as guests of honour.
We are thankful to Prof. Dr. H R Jhunjhunwala President
IOA and Hon. Secretary Dr. Sanjay Jain for allotting this
course to us as a boon to central India and Madhya Pradesh.

Prof. Dr. Alok C. Agrawal

HOD Orthopaedics
Course Co-ordinator

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 135

Congratulations to IOA Members for their Acheivements

Congratulate to Dr. John Ebenezer for

(Dr. Anil Kumar Jain) Padma Shri Award for the year 2016.
Padma Awards, one of the highest civilian
Awards of the country, are conferred in
three categories, namely, Padma
Two volumes text book of orthopaedics, a multi Vibhushan, Padma Bhushan and Padma
authored book, edited by me, published by Wolters Shri. These awards are conferred by the
Kluwer was released. This is the first copy. Thanks to President of India at ceremonial functions
contributing authors and publisher. held at Rashtrapati Bhawan usually
around March/ April every year.

IOA - Basic Science Orthopaedic Research Grant: Inland Fellowship of IOA

Invitation to participate in India's first study on Musculoskeletal Disorders in Orthopaedic Surgeons

Dear Colleague,
I am conducting a survey on musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) among Orthopaedic Surgeons. The aim of the study
is to evaluate the prevalence, regional distribution, severity, risk factors, common self-diagnosis and treatment
methods of MSD among Orthopaedic Surgeons in India and other countries. The survey includes demographic
details about you, personal and occupational risk factors, health status, health complaints, work-style, behaviours,
symptoms and pain characteristics. Your participation in this survey will greatly contribute to our understanding
regarding the prevalence, nature and risk factors of MSDs in Orthopaedic Surgeons, with the potential for
development of preventive strategies. The time taken to complete this questionnaire will be around 10 minutes. All
the information collected will be strictly confidential and will be applied to this study only.
All the participants who complete the questionnaire will receive a free e-book on Ergonomics and Preventive
Strategies for MSD in Orthopaedic Surgeons. The results of this study will also be shared with you, once published.
This project is supported by the Basic Science Orthopaedic Research Grant for the year 2015, awarded to me by the
Indian Orthopaedic Association.
The link to the questionnaire is as follows:
Please click on the link now to start the survey!! We would like to complete the study soon and I request you to fill the
questionnaire as soon as possible
I also request you to share this information with your orthopaedic colleagues and trainees.
Thank you,

Dr. Deepak Sharan

9845155449 /

136 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Bone & Joint Day Celebration 2o15: TNOA

The TAMILNADU report on the Bone and Joint Day Observance as part of Indian Bone and Joint Day.
At the outset we wish to thank our son of the soil and Past president TNOA and IOA for having initiated and
obtained the Government's nod to observe the 4th of August every year as the Indian Bone and Joint day.
The day also marks the signing of the IOA Charter.
Though year after year the week long observance had been done in a routine manner, we are thankful to the
President IOA, Dr. Jhunjhunwala and Hon. Secretary, IOA, Dr. Sanjay Jain and our CSRC Chairmen, Dr.
Dhirendra and Dr. Deepak Shah far having given us a theme and direction for the year's programmes- “Road
safety-Follow Road Rules”
Just as the parent body did, we immediately followed by forming the TN Bone and Joint Whatsapp group, which
was the live wire of the entire programme. Instead of the routine Official Office Bearers taking it down, this year
we decided to start the entire programme by involving the individual member on a personal basis though the 14
affiliated ORTHO CLUBS. In fact this was the major reason for the astounding success of the programme and
TNOA salutes and thanks each and every member for this.
A detailed research was done on the issue of road safety and loss of precious lives and it was decided to have a
focus on the number of deaths – 16 per hour – happening in India due to Road Traffic Accidents and failing to
follow road rules. The National Common Logo for the programme was adopted and a uniform backdrop and
title with the logos of IOA, TNOA and Road safety were formed and sent to all zones to be followed for
Though the observance was to be for a week, considering the impact we embarked on a month long
observance and earnestly started our programme from July 2nd itself with one of our EC Member Dr. Francis
Roy initiating a 2000km Bike rally to create awareness on the importance of wearing helmet.
The following is the report of all the programmes conducted.
A decision was made to have the following programmes for the 29th July to 4th AUGUST programmes to be
conducted on given days through out Tamilnadu for uniformity.
To summaries, the Tamilnadu Orthopaedic Association created enough awareness to the extent that the
people took part directly in the programmes, media and print media were vociferous in their highlighting of the
programme and most of all it was one occasion where each and every one of the TNOA Members took pride in
We also reiterate that the target of 70,000 school children will be achieved shortly.

Dr. S. Muthuraman Dr. C. Raja Ravi Varma

Secretary TNOA President
[Remaining Report with Photos already published in IOA News 2o15 Vol. 6o Issue III Page No. 1o5-1o7]

Apology / Mistake Correction: Dr Subhasis Ranjan Mitra & Dr Rajendra Prakash Jauhari

It is highly unfortunate that an obituary was printed in the IOA News Letter “IOA News 2o15 Vol. 6o Issue
III / August 2o15 – November 2o15 / Page No. 128 / Serial number: 205 / Title: Tribute to Indian Orthopod
WHO ARE NOT WITH US by mistake”.
In compliance to communication received from the Hon. Secretary and information of his well being his
name is hereby removed from the list of obituaries. We wish Dr Subhasis Ranjan Mitra and Dr Rajendra
Prakash Jauhari long & healthy life forever & ever.
The editorial board seeks apology from all concerned for this grave mistake.

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 137

Geriatric Orthopedic Society of India – GOSICON-2016

Dear Friends,
I am very happy that the 3rd International Conference of the Geriatric Orthopedic Society of India – GOSICON-2016,
held at Le Meridian, Bangalore from Oct 9th to 11th 2015 was a grand success. In this conference, the best of
international, national and local orthopedic luminaries who are well known figures in the treatment of geriatric
patients participated and a wide range of topics were discussed. The prestigious GOSI oration was delivered by Dr
Anand Nanu, President Elect-2017, and British Orthopedic Association. There was a unique session on Passion
Show which was widely appreciated by the delegates. Here Orthopedic Surgeons were given an opportunity to
show case their achievements outside their field. I spoke on my passion for Music and Dr Roshan spoke on his
passion for bikes and Dr. Shankar Kashyap of UK spoke on his passion for Harappa Civilization. On Sunday a Bone
Model Workshop was conducted by Dr Shankar Kashyap, Dr Roysam from UK and Dr Chakravarthy from Manipal
Hospital Bangalore which was well attended. This year's GOSI Life Achievement Award was conferred on Dr N
Muralidhar, HOD Orthopedics, Vydehi Medical College, Bangalore.
Geriatric Orthopedic Problems have assumed great significance in the recent times due to the ever increasing
geriatric population thanks to the increase in the life expectancy of people across the globe and India. Bulk of an
orthopedic surgeons practice involves this population. The challenge in treating a geriatric patient is different due to
the associated multiple co-morbidities, co-musculoskeletal conditions and psychosocial problems. Treating a
geriatric patient demands special skills. I started GOSI with an intention of creating a forum which focuses on
training the orthopedic surgeons to gear up to the challenges of managing a geriatric orthopedic patient.
With three International Conferences, more than 400 life members and a record number of 6 CME's being
conducted all over the World and India at Bangalore, Dhaka, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Eluru and Leh Ladakh since
March 2015 and we are all set to enter into the record books as the most successful new orthopedic body ever in
India. We plan to start our own research, fellowships, and journal and exchange programs. We also plan to form
guidelines and protocols in the management of geriatric orthopedic problems and fragility fractures.
I thank you all for attending this year conference in large numbers and making it a grand success. We could not have
achieved it without your active participation and support. Next year conference is going to be bigger and better and it
is being held outside Bangalore for the first time as lots of members are showing interest in conducting GOSICON in
their places. Dr. Sanjeev Patnaik will be organizing the 4th International Conference at Bhubaneswar, Orissa from
Sept 23rd to 25th 2016 at May Fair Lagoon Hotel and Convention Centre. He is very excited and has an elaborate
plan to make the next conference a great academic, social, and cultural event. This is a great development as it
gives us a chance to expand our scope to different parts of the county. I request you all to attend GOSICON-2016 in
great numbers and also become members of GOSI and strengthen our hands and further your skills and knowledge
in managing this special group.

Thanks and Regards.

Yours truly,
Rtn. Prof. Dr John Ebnezar
Consulting Orthopedic, Sports Specialist, Spine Surgeon and WHOlistic Orthopedic Expert

138 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue - I
December 2015 - March 2016

Session - VIII
Diamond Jubilee
IOACON - 2015


News Letter
President Address
Diamond Jubilee IOACON 2o15 @ Jaipur
60 Annual Conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association

Senior Ortho Consultant,
Post Graduate Institute of Medical Science of Bombay Hospital, Mumbai (India)
President of Indian Orthopaedic Association
Ex-President of International Orthopaedic ASAMI
Ex-President of Bombay Orthopaedic Society
Ex-President of ASAMI-INDIA
Chairman of Dr. Dholakia Foundations

Please accept my warm greetings

Honorable Chief Guest of the evening, Dr. SM Tuli, Guest of honour, dignitaries on the dais, respected Past
Presidents of IOA, Delegates, senior teachers, guests from overseas, friends, students, ladies and gentlemen.
I feel honoured to be standing in front of you as the 56th President of Indian Orthopaedic Association. When I
consider my predecessors and in particular several special mentors to me who were our Presidents, I consider
myself fortunate as I am one of those who have always enjoyed love and affection from all of you. I wish to
extend my gratitude, from the bottom of my heart in the form of a couplet.
1. IOA was formed in 1955 and last 60 years it has constantly growing in academics by arranging different
CMEs, Orations and Sub-Speciality meetings. The IOACON is an Annual Conference of IOA which is
always a well Organised and successful.
2. First Surgeon Dr. R. J. Katrak had limited his practice only to Orthopaedics and hence he deserves
many accolades. First President of IOA was Dr. B. N. Sinha and first secretary was Dr. Mukhopadhya.
They conducted at Amritsar the first IOA Conference in 1955. This was the beginning of Scientific
Activities in Order to facilitate young Orthopaedic Surgeons to exchange scientific information and
discuss mutual problems.
The activities of Association slowly gathered movementum. With the help of Dr. A. K. Talwalkar who
started Johnson and Johnson, Smith and Nephew travelling fellowships. Kini Memorial Oration started
in 1958, Silver Jubilee Oration started in 1980 and Golden Jubilee Oration started in 2005. I hope a
Diamond Jubilee Oration will start in 2016.
3. In later years, Indian Orthopaedics Association had helped to Start Orthopaedic Department in many
Medical Colleges and Started Post Graduate activities. Association had helped in formation of Local
Orthopaedic State-Wise Branches in Different Parts of Country.
First Journal of Orthopaedics was published in 1967 and Editor was Dr. Prof. Prakash Chandra. The
Development of One day CME programs during IOACON have been extremely informative and well
appreciated and popular.

140 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

4. In December 1986, Indian Orthopaedic Association got separated from Association of Surgeons of
India. Since then, Our Annual Conference has grown to New Heights and about 6000 delegates take
part in scientific deliberation and Social activities.
IOA had built up its Own IOA House in Delhi and inaugurated by Our First President Dr. B. N. Sinha in
1997. “With Rapid Advances made in Orthopaedics in India and Abroad, the rapid growth of Our
Association, the future is extremely bright”.
5. My theme, this year is “continue learning to serve the society better”.
Hence, I shall like to have many more Conferences, more Seminars, more Lectures and Workshops.
Hence with Collaboration with Abbott Pharma, we had arranged an IOA-OEP [Ortho Excellence
Program]. We have fixed about 10 common topics and lectures by senior faculties in different 50 cities
of India so that, the local and surrounding Orthopaedic Surgeons attend the program. It has been done
in 28 cities of India and everywhere it was appreciated with overwhelming response.
The Second Program, we have started is to do different Surgeries in One day and Webcast it all over
India. So that, an Orthopaedic Surgeon can sees on his Laptop sitting at Home or in Clinic. These
Surgeries are done by seniors and well experienced Surgeons. This is done by help of Troikaa
We celebrated Bone and Joint week from 29th July to 4th August 2015. This year theme was Road
Safety. In all States and all City Clubs, this week was celebrated by public awareness on Road Safety.
Different Rallies, public lectures, Awareness in schools and medical free camps were arranged and
whole week was very successful.
In this Conference at Jaipur, the Scientific Program has been arranged in such a way that all different
Orthopaedic Specialities can be dealt with. There are 54 senior faculties coming from abroad who will
deal with recent advances. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons are sending 3 Orthopaedic
Surgeons who are masters of fractures of Spine, fractures of Pelvis and Acetabulam and fracture of
Upper end of Humerus and Tibia. They will have session for 4 hours.
There are 6 Surgeons coming from UK and making 3-hours, British Conclave.
Besides Lectures, there are many workshops.
The CME is going to be fantastic. There are no routine lectures but only tricks and tips to treat different
fractures. The Indian faculties are great teachers and masters in their field who will deliver their best.
The attendance for the Jaipur IOACON is fantastic and it has broken the records. Above 6000
delegates will be there and all care will be taken. Dr. R. C. Meena the Organising Secretary and his
team, has worked so hard that, you will enjoy the scientific deliberation and the Rajasthan Hospitality.
Indian Orthopaedic Association had decided to make a beautiful Coffee Table Book of all Past
Presidents and today it will be inaugurated to remember their Contribution in Orthopaedics.
5. You will be glad to know that American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons have decided to give a
Special status “India as a Guest Nation” in 2017 at AAOS at San Diego.
Orthopaedic Trauma Association has decided to give as a Special Status. India as a Guest Nation in
2016. The President Dr. Ted Miclau and the other office bearers Dr. Mohit Bhandari and Dr. Steve Olson
will be here in Jaipur.
India has a tradition to help, whosoever in difficulty. In April, Nepal had earthquake. Indian Orthopaedic
Association has sent Dr. Raza and Dr. Ajit Saigal to find out their needs. Accordingly, IOA has sent 2 lac
rupees worth of Implants and 2 Orthopaedic Surgeons to Operate on Fractures of Acetabulam. Dr.
Magu and Dr. Farooque did their job gracefully and made the Flag of India and IOA very high.
IOA has many exchange Fellowship & Ambassadorship Programmes with UK, Hong-Kong, Thailand,
Singapore and Australia. IOA also sends Our Orthopaedic Surgeon to Abroad for Fellowships.
We have formed a Sub-Committee. The Senior and Learned Orthopaedic Surgeons are working on it.
The Scientific Program of IOACON 2015 had been checked by one of the Academy Member.

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 141

We have written to MCI to look after the M.S. Examination in Orthopaedics which should be of Very High
We have recommended to MCI and Health Ministry, to Stop MCh degrees which are sold by private
companies without proper trainings.
Finally, I thank you One and all Members of Indian Orthopaedic Association, Friends and teachers. My thanks
to Dr. Sudhir K. Kapoor, Dr. Sanjay Jain and Mr. Ramesh C. Pandey for their time to time help in discharging my
Wish you all a very happy X-mas and wonderful New Year -2016.
Jai Hind! Jai IOA.
Yours Sincerely,

Dr. H. R. Jhunjhunwala
President of Indian Orthopaedic Association

Achievement of
Indian Orthopaedic Association in 2015:
I feel, there are good achievements for IOA in 2015.
1. Formation of Academy Committee.
2. IOA-OEP program with help of Abbott.
3. Live Surgery webcast by help of Troikaa.
4. Bone and Joint week celebration.
5. Helping Nepal during Earthquake.
6. Coffee Table Book of Past President.
7. CME of IOACON in different mode.
8. Large International Faculty for IOACON.
9. IOA – AAOS Trauma Enclave in IOACON.
10. British Autumn program in IOACON.
11. India will be declared as GUEST NATION in 2017 at AAOS meetings at San Diego, USA.
12. India will be GUEST NATION in 2016 at OTA meetings at Washington, USA.
13. Many guest lectures by International and National Faculty in IOACON.
14. Many free papers in IOACON.
15. Lot of well Organised Social Functions in IOACON.

Thanks with regards,

Yours Sincerely,
Senior Ortho Consultant,
Post Graduate Institute of Medical Science of Bombay Hospital, Mumbai (India)
President of Indian Orthopaedic Association
Ex-President of International Orthopaedic ASAMI
Ex-President of Bombay Orthopaedic Society
Ex-President of ASAMI-INDIA
Chairman of Dr. Dholakia Foundations

142 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Welcome Address by President, Indian Orthopaedic Association
Diamond Jubilee IOACON 2o15 @ Jaipur
60 Annual Conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association
Dr. Sudhir Kapoor President elect, Dr. Sanjay Jain They did not want the Orthopaedic Surgeons, as
secretary, Vice Presidents, and all Members of IOA. manpower though; we had a list of 40 Surgeons who
Thank you very much one and all for extending were ready to go. They wanted 2 Orthopaedic
support to carry out my duties as a 56th President of Surgeons who could operate on fractured
IOA. Acetabulam and pelvis and accordingly IOA had sent
Dr. Magu and Dr. Farooque to Nepal who operated
My theme this year is “Continue Learning to Serve the
few cases in 2 days and kept the Flag of Our Nation
Society Better”. Hence, I liked to have many more
and Flag of IOA flying high.
Conferences, Seminar, Lectures and Workshops to
improve the Orthopaedic Health of the Society. On my request, 3 Surgeons from American Academy
of Orthopaedic Society came to IOACON to talk
Hence with Collaboration of Abbott, we have carried
about recent advances.
out 28 IOA-OEP [Orthopaedic Excellence Program]
at different 28 Cities. There will be another 30 AAOS has decided India as guest nation in 2017 in
programs henceforth. At all places this IOA OEP their Conference of AAOS at San Diego.
Program was appreciated well by all Senior and India as guest nation in International Trauma
juniors with great enthusiasm. Association in USA in 2016.
We had started another program, i.e. Live Surgeries On my request from UK 6 Surgeons have arrived to
done by Senior Surgeons and webcasted and about make 3 hours program as British Autumn.
5000 Orthopaedic Surgeons could watch on their About preparation of Directory of IOA members, is
Laptops sitting in their clinics. This is done at 2 places under progress, 6500 members list is completed.
Mumbai and Indore. We are planning for two more Because of lack of cooperation from members, the
places. progress is slow. But the Publishing Ant Company is
We had formed the Sub-Committee of Academy of trying to get more and more addresses.
Orthopaedics. The Senior Learned Orthopaedic Coffee table book of Past Presidents has already
Surgeons are looking after that section. One of the been inaugurated during Inauguration ceremony.
Member have Checked the IOACON Program. So
Dr Mah, President of APOA had suggested for IOA
that the Standard of Papers remain Very High.
Members to become APOA members just for 5000
They have written to MCI to improve the Standard of US Dollars which comes to 35 rupees per member
M.S. Examinations. per year, and this has been approved and passed in
They have also written to MCI and Health Ministry to executive committee.
Stop MCh degrees which are sold in the market by
private companies without proper training.
Thanks with regards,
The CME program of IOACON was great this year,
Yours Sincerely,
and it was little separate than previous years in
presentations. A very good idea of Dr. Ravi Gupta. DR. H. R. JHUNJHUNWALA
There are 50 faculties came from Abroad who spoke Senior Ortho Consultant,
about recent advances. Post Graduate Institute of Medical Science of
Bombay Hospital, Mumbai (India)
Indian faculties are masters in their own field and they President of Indian Orthopaedic Association
are doing the best. Ex-President of International Orthopaedic ASAMI
IOA had helped during the earthquake of Nepal. IOA Ex-President of Bombay Orthopaedic Society
had sent implants worth of 2 lac rupees. We have Ex-President of ASAMI-INDIA
sent Dr. Raza, Dr. Ajit Saigal to discuss with Nepal Chairman of Dr. Dholakia Foundations
Orthopaedic Surgeons about their needs.

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 143

K. T. Dholakia Orthopaedic CME (Punjab Orthopaedic Association)
Diamond Jubilee IOACON 2o15 @ Jaipur
60 Annual Conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association

144 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Royal Baggie (Chariot) Ride of Past Presidents
Diamond Jubilee IOACON 2o15 @ Jaipur
60 Annual Conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association
The CME was followed by inaugural function which was marked by Royal Baggie (Chariot) ride
of Past Presidents which was an unique idea first time conceived at Jaipur IOACON. All Past
Presidents were escorted in horse driven chariot amidst clapping and round of applause by all
delegates from Ganesh pole to main conference venue. Army band played melodious tune to
give the occasion an true Rajasthani feel and royal splendour.. All Past Presidents wore cream
colours Jodhpuri suit which gave whole the function an unforeseen glamour

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 145

Royal Baggie (Chariot) Ride of Past Presidents
Diamond Jubilee IOACON 2o15 @ Jaipur
60 Annual Conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association

146 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Inaugural Function
Diamond Jubilee IOACON 2o15 @ Jaipur
60 Annual Conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 147

Secretary Report in Inaugural Function
Diamond Jubilee IOACON 2o15 @ Jaipur
60 Annual Conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association

148 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Secretary Report in Inaugural Function
Diamond Jubilee IOACON 2o15 @ Jaipur
60 Annual Conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 149

Secretary Report in Inaugural Function
Diamond Jubilee IOACON 2o15 @ Jaipur
60 Annual Conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association

150 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Secretary Report in Inaugural Function
Diamond Jubilee IOACON 2o15 @ Jaipur
60 Annual Conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 151

Secretary Report in Inaugural Function
Diamond Jubilee IOACON 2o15 @ Jaipur
60 Annual Conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association

152 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Secretary Report in Inaugural Function
Diamond Jubilee IOACON 2o15 @ Jaipur
60 Annual Conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 153

Awards / Oration / Prize /Certificate Distribution
Diamond Jubilee IOACON 2o15 @ Jaipur
60 Annual Conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association

Dr. Badri Narain Sinha Meritorious Award

Dr. Kantilal Hastimal Sancheti Dr. Mayil Vahanan Natarajan Dr. Haroon Khizir Taqi Raza
Pune Chennai Jabalpur

Dr. Bishnupada Mukhopadhaya

Life Time Achievement Award
Honorary Fellowshop of IOA

Dr. Surendra Singh Yadav Dr. Rattan Lal Mittal Dr. Nandkishore Shamrao Laud
New Delhi (Mirpur, Rewari) Patiala Mumbai

Felicitation of IOA Executive Officer

on 20 years Service to IOA

Mr. Ramesh Chand Pandey Dr. Ulrich Holz Dr. Govindrao Shivram Kulkarni
New Delhi Germany Miraj

154 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

A.A. Mehta Gold Medal Dr. Kandarpa T. Dholakia Dr. R.C. Ralian Gold Medal
Gold Medal

Dr. Sivakumar S.P. Dr. Santhosh Kumar Dr. Ramesh Perumal

Coimbatore Bangalore

Dr. Patnala Tejeswar Rao IOA Best Published Paper Award Dr. Arun Kumar Gupta Trophy
Gold Medal in Basic Research -2014 for Best Chapter Award

Dr. Siddharth Gupta Dr. Amit Rastogi Uttar Pradesh Orthopaedic

New Delhi Varanasi Association

National Orthopaedic Quiz

First Team : Tamil Nadu Second Team : karnataka Third Team : Kerala

Dr. Niranj G.R Dr. Prajwal Prabhudev Mane Dr. Naveen K.

Dr. Balu C. Babu Dr. Vijay Shankar C.V. Dr. Joseph B. Joseph
Madurai Udupi Thrissur

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 155

Kini Memorial Oration Golden Jubilee Oration Silver Jubilee Oration

Dr. Anil Kumar Jain Dr. Mayil Vahanan Natarajan Dr. Shubhranshu S. Mohanty
New Delhi Chennai Mumbai

Presidential Guest lecture President's lecture Dr. P.K. Duraiswamy Eponymous

Lecture 2o15

Dr. Surendra Singh Yadav Dr. Hari Ram Jhunjhunwala Dr. John O Byrne
New Delhi (Mirpur Rewari) Mumbai Ireland

156 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Dr. AK Talwalkar Eponymous Dr. MN Natarajan Eponymous Lecture Dr. Karam Singh Grewal Eponymous
Lecture 2o15 IOACON 2o15 13.12.2o15 Lecture 2o15

Dr. Nishit Shah Dr. Ulrich Holz Dr. Deepak Patel

Ahmedabad Germany USA

British Autumn :
Mr. Anand Arya,
Mr. Vijaya Bhalaik,
Dr. In-Ho Jeon,
Dr. Graham King,
Mr Colin Howie,
Mr. Timothy Wilton,
Mr. James Bliss, U.K.

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 157

Dr. Amulya Kumar Saha Eponymous Lecture IOACON 2o15 13.12.2o15

Dr. Graham King

London, TBA

Dr. B Mukhopadhaya Eponymous Lecture IOACON 2o15 13.12.2o15

Dr. Sunny Puzhyathil C.



Dr. Theodore Miclau


158 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Dr. Balu Shankaran Oration on Saibal Sekhar Ghosh IOA - AOA
Basic Science & Memorial Oration of IOA- Exchange Fellowship
Orthopaedic Research IOACON 2o15 13.12.2o15 (Australia)

Dr. Jagannath Sahoo Dr. Ajay Puri Dr. Rajendra Kumar Kanojia
Behrampur Mumbai Chandigarh

IOA - Glasgow Fellowship: 2012 IOA - IOS UK Senior Fellowship IOA - IOS UK Senior Fellowship
(United Kingdom) (United Kingdom)

Dr. Mohd. Shahnawaz Khan Dr. Nirmal Chandra Mohapatra Dr. Rajesh Kumar Rohilla
Jabalpur / Indore Cuttack Sonepat

IOA - HKOA Exchange IOA - SOA Exchange

IOA - DePuy Johnson &
Ambassadorship Ambassadorship
Johnson Fellowship: 2015
(Hongkong): 2015 (Singapore): 2015

Dr. Saurabh Agarwal Dr. Satya Ranjan Patra Dr. Rajesh Lalchandani
Ghaziabad Bhubaneswar New Delhi

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 159

IOA - JMRF Fellowship in Dr. Govindrao S. Kulkarni IOA - INOR Research
Paediatric Orthopaedics: 2015 Fellowship: 2014-15 Grant: 2o15

Dr. Basant Kumar Bhuyan Dr. Saurabh Jain Dr. Rehan Ul Haq
Ujjain Indore New Delhi

IOA Travelling Fellowship: 2o14

Dr. Sohail Ahmed Dr. Saurabh Agarwal Dr. Asif Nazir Baba
Aligarh Ghaziabad Anantnag


Fellowship : 2014-15

Dr. Sujit Kumar Tripathy Dr. Kuldeep Malik

Bargarh, Odisha New Delhi

Dr. Samarth Mittal Dr. Prasad Soraganvi Dr. Paritosh Gogna

Panchkula Belgaum Phagwara

160 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Book Release:
IOA - IOS Book Release:
Coffee Table Book of
UK Senior Fellowship Text Book of
Presidents of
(United Kingdom): Orthopaedics;
Indian Orthopaedic
3rd Edition

Dr. Govindrao S. Kulkarni Dr. Hari Ram Jhunjhunwala

Miraj Mumbai

Dr. Sanjay Jain,


Gold Medal Competition Winner of IOACON 2o14 Hyderabad:

Awarded during IOACON 2o15 @ Jaipur during inaugural Function

Dr. Kandarpa T. Dholakia Dr. Durgapada Baksi Dr. Surendra Singh Yadav
Gold Medal of Gold Medal of Gold Medal of
IOACON 2o14 Hyderabad IOACON 2o14 Hyderabad IOACON 2o14 Hyderabad

Dr. Shyam Kumar Saraf Dr. Bharath K. Kadadi Dr. Ashish Kumar Gulia
Varanasi Bangalore Mumbai / Jhajjhar

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 161

National Orthopaedic Quiz 2o14 Dr. Joy Patankar Gold Medal of Dr. Patnala Tejeswar Rao
Hyderabad IOACON 2o14 Gold Medal of
Hyderabad IOACON 2o14

Dr. Nishit PaloNoida/ Dr. Venkatadass Krishnamoorthy Dr. Shivan Marya

Odisha Team Coimbatore New Delhi / Gurgaon

Dr. Kailash Prasad Srivastava Singapore Orthopaedic Hong Kong Orthopaedic

Gold Medal of Association Ambassador Association exchange
IOACON 2o14 to IOA 2o15 Ambassador to IOA 2o15

Slump sitting X-Rays

Effect of Tibial Slope on
of the lumbar
Short term out come
spine is better than
in TKR
conventional flexion views

Dr. V. Jagan Mohan Reddy

Hyderabad / UK

Dr. Dennis Hey Dr. Eric Yeung

The Indian Orthopaedic Society UK invites applications for Senior and Junior travelling fellowships for UK from Indian orthopeaedic
surgeons. The last date for application has been extended to 15th February. Please visit the society's website
( for further information and
submitting the application.

Mr Anand Arya
MS (Orth), MChOrth, FRCS (Tr & Orth)
Consultant Orthopaedic & Upper Limb/Elbow Surgeon, King's College Hospital, London
President, Indian Orthopaedic Society, UK, +44 78322 33966

162 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Diamond Jubilee IOACON 2o15 @ Jaipur
60 Annual Conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association

The Diamond jubilee 60th annual conference of Indian orthopedic association IOACON 2015 was organized at
Birla science and technology centre Jaipur from 9th to 14th December 2015. The event was attended by 7000
delegates making it unprecedented number till date. The organizing committee left no stone unturned to do
preparation with a keen attention to details.
The total delegates registered were more than 6800 which was an unprecedented number. The Conference
saw participants coming from 34 different countries which included 51 International faculties, 90 National
faculties and 101 International participants. And add to it accompanying guests and trade persons, the true
dimensions of the Mega event were conspicuous. The fervent and passionate response gave the organizers
not only necessary boost but also gave them the huge task of hosting and taking care of such a staggering
number of delegates. The conference was attended by President / Representatives of the British Orthopaedic
Association, Singapore Orthopaedic Association, Thai Orthopaedic Association, Bangladesh Orthopaedic
Association, Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, Ireland Orthopaedic Association, President and Secretary,
First time in history, more than 1500 free papers and 700 posters were received and were subjected to blind
peer reviewing by esteemed expert of their respective fields. The abstract management software was
improved in many aspects thus maintaining double blind methodology. In line with ideology of keeping all
official materials on IOA website, the software was maintained their itself. In addition, Face book discussion
forum with live exchanges and Mobile-App with real-time updates were developed specifically for the
conference. After final selections of free papers, guest lectures and symposium, scientific committee (Dr
Rakesh Bhargava, Dr Jayant Sen and Dr Arun Kumar Sharma) were hard at work to adjust and accommodate
the best speakers and academicians and streamline the scientific program.
For the first time in history, the registration rates were kept lesser then previous editions despite rising cost and
inflation. Likewise all unmarried children of registered couples were given free registration. All senior citizens
and executive committee members were also given complementary registrations.
Parking had been arranged for 2500 cars of the delegates and Transportation was arranged for all from the
hotels to the venue and the parking lots to the venue. The registration counters numbering more than 25 were
spread over a 3000 sq foot area. The delegate kit and gifts were distributed at separate counters.
The main conference were preceded by workshops which included basic & advanced hip, basic & advanced
knee, foot & ankle, arthroscopy (upper & lower limb) Ilizarov and Pediatric Orthopedics. The registrations for
conference were full, well before curtains were raised so had to be closed 2 months in advance. All workshops
were attended by doyens and stalwarts of respective fields as faculty and instructors. The world famous
osteotomy surgeon Dr Alex Staubli conducted HTO workshop along with Dr HR Jhunjhunwala and a huge
number of delegates learned the art directly from master.
All workshop carried the same agenda where main focus was on practical aspect of the specialty and all faculty
put forth their first hand experience by mean of live video, saw bone model, live surgery etc .In essence all
workshops were a vibrant combination where both faculty and the participants interacted toward a very healthy
scientific pursuit.
IOACON PG Teaching were attended by more than 250 students and Dr PP Kotwal, Dr Alok C Agrawal, Dr
Narendra Joshi and Dr Arun Kumar Sharma were able to bring all National and International faculty on board to
share their pearl of wisdom with budding ortho postgraduate students. Prof SM Tuli sharing his views and
teachings on bone infection and tuberculosis was pinnacle moment of this year pg teaching.
Both workshop days were followed by gala faculty dinners in evening where Indian and foreign faculty
interacted in a relaxed ambiance with traditional Rajasthani hospitality at full display.

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 163

Diamond Jubilee IOACON 2o15 @ Jaipur
60 Annual Conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association

164 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

The CME was on 11th December, theme of which was fixation of peri articular fractures: tips and tricks. It was
organized by Punjab orthopedic association and they managed to bring all ingenious and brightest
academicians on board to deliver their lectures and shed light on pertinent topic of trauma and intra-articular
I myself announced from Dias on day of CME, that all delegates who have not bought coupon or have brought
any unregistered accompanying person were most welcome to enjoy lunch or and dinners or scientific feast
and will not be asked for their badge or coupon.
This gesture was unprecedented for any orthopedic conferences as total registered delegates for CME were
1700 while total guests attended CME lunch was 5200.
This set the trend for the generous and warm Rajasthani hospitality and throughout the conference coupon and
badge were not sought for making it a truly coupon free conference. In total 7 lunches and 6 dinners were
organized during conference for faculty and delegates and everywhere the same trend of welcoming every
guest with or without badge continued. No guest was sent back from lunch or dinner venue for inability to
produce badge or coupon (first time in history).
The CME was followed by inaugural function which was marked by Royal Bagghi (Chariot) ride of past
presidents which was a unique idea first time conceived at Jaipur IOACON. All past presidents were escorted in
horse driven chariot amidst clapping and round of applause by all delegates from Ganesh pole to main
conference venue. Army band played melodious tune to give the occasion an true Rajasthani feel and royal
splendor.. All past presidents wore cream colored Jodhpuri suit which gave whole the function an unforeseen
After disembarking at main gate, all 30 past presidents were garlanded in a large Flower garland. This moment
was a collector's edition and photographers delight, so all delegates with mobile camera had a field day clicking
the greats of Indian orthopedics. Since keeping the tradition alive has been recurring theme of IOA, this unique
gesture by organizing committee to invite all past president, garlanding them in jodhpur suit and escorting them
in horse cart was fitting tribute to the very foundation (past presidents) upon which the organization is growing
leaps and bounds
The inaugural dinner was in hotel Haveli palace which was a cultural and culinary feast. The inaugural program
was attended by the Health Minister of Rajasthan, and was followed by a traditional Rajasthani folk dance and
music program which received loud cheers from the delegates. For all foods provided during conferences we
took care particularly of few things
1. The lunches were arranged in an adjoining lawn. Since lunch areas was in the vicinity of Birla (across
the road) it saved time for delegate
2. Dishes from all the regions of India have been included in every lunch /dinner.
3. Number of displays was so many so that no delegate had to stand in queue.
4. Delegates did not have to walk more than 100 meter for food. And they could attend scientific event
with minimal interruption.
Presidential dinner was arranged at magnificent Narayan Niwas palace, a heritage palace turned hotel. Same
evening, two parallel dinners were arranged at hotel trident & Jai Mahal palace hotel for all delegates. The
banquet dinner was arranged at a huge resort Samurai garden on Ajmer road with two huge lawns with cultural
evening on one and dinner on the other. The food and the cultural events were both thoroughly enjoyed by
The main conference got a head start by six orations, eponymous lectures and conference lectures which were
delivered by doyen of Indian orthopedics. After the orations & eponymous lectures the six scientific halls ran
parallel. Thanks to the participation of AAOS, full capacities packed halls were run by them for 4 hours ranging
from spine, Acetabulam and upper limbs. Likewise participation of BOA (British autumn) OTA, SICOT & WOC
allowed further exploration and deliberations of specializations and topics which added a truly international

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 165

Ladies Entertainment Glimpse
Diamond Jubilee IOACON 2o15 @ Jaipur
60 Annual Conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association

Banquet - cum - Cultural Program

Diamond Jubilee IOACON 2o15 @ Jaipur
60 Annual Conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association
Venue: Samurai Palace, Ajmer Road, Opposite HP Petrol Pump, Jaipur.
Date: 13th December 2o15 Time: 7.00 PM to 11.00 PM

166 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

To keep the academic program unabated and uninterrupted, the organizing committee rolled out few firsts in
long list of innovations created for this year IOACON.
Keeping in mind the suggestion laid out by Dr Rajasekaran during his tenure, the faculty memento & bouquets
were not delivered at stage but put in faculty bags to keep session uninterrupted.
Lunches were started from 12 and were continuously served till 4 pm. This large window was kept specifically
by us so delegate could enjoy session of their interest without worrying for missing the lunch.
Academic sessions were without break and there were themes based halls (eponymous lecture in hall A, OTA,
British autumn, AAOS in hall B, symposiums in Hall C, FREE papers in hall D, F and meetings in hall E.
To prevent disturbance from trade stalls and spouse& kid zone, these stalls and zones were erected at some
distance from scientific halls which were sound proof. To prevent delegates from becoming outstanding and
stal-warts, pharma companies were encouraged to distribute freebies and gifts after 2 pm.
There was an enthusiastic trade response and to attend to the accompanying delegates local sightseeing and
shopping had been organized. First time all trade exhibitors allowed to all food venues without any restriction.
For the first time in history, all participants be a common delegate or esteemed faculty, whosoever could not
collect their certificate/memento during conference have been sent on individual basis by courier.
We tried to make the conference as memorable and as enjoyable and comfortable as possible and I may not be
exaggerating if I say that we exceeded the standards set by the last IOACON at Jaipur in 2000 & 2010. Being
one of the key members of the organizing team of previous 2 conferences I was fortunate to improve upon them
and learn from those experiences. If there were any lacunae in the organization, as are quite likely in an
organization of this magnitude, I as Organizing secretary sincerely apologize on behalf of my entire organizing
committee .The Organizing committee has already remitted a sum of Rs One Crore 50 lakh rupees to IOA, in
addition to returning the Rs 20 lakhs given by IOA as seed money for the IOACON 2015.This sum is largest till
date given to IOA (another first).
The mission with which we raised our hands to organize the conference in Jaipur for third time was
accomplished and the orthopedic fraternities of this country were more than willing to accept all our hospitality
and the so many firsts we brought along. The conference was a diamond jubilee, by the diamonds for the
diamond and of the diamonds. All the pearls, emeralds and rare gems that attended this conference from all
over country and abroad, made it a thumping success. We conducted our evaluation of all feed backs we
received from wide array of attendee ranging from past president to young fresh post graduate. Purely based
on this feedback and deluge of congratulations from delegates, we are sure that this would be the milestone
against which future conferences will be measured. All this was possible thanks to the diamonds i.e. The
Orthopods of India.
LONG live IOA..

Dr RC Meena
Candidate for president elect / Org. Secretary, IOACON-2015
Coorganizer-IOACON2000, 2010 / Past president -central Zone of IOA
Chairman-IOA pg teaching committee / Sr. Professor & HOD, Deptt. Of Orthopaedics
SMS Medical College & Attached Hospital, Jaipur

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 167

Presidential Dinner
Diamond Jubilee IOACON 2o15 @ Jaipur
60 Annual Conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association

168 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Exchange of Collar Jewel
Diamond Jubilee IOACON 2o15 @ Jaipur
60 Annual Conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association
Venue: Main Hall-A, B.M. Birla Auditorium, Jaipur. Date: 14th December 2o15 Time: 2.00 PM to 3.00 PM

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 169

Valedictory Function
Diamond Jubilee IOACON 2o15 @ Jaipur
60 Annual Conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association
Venue: Main Hall-A, B.M. Birla Auditorium, Jaipur. Date: 14th December 2o15 Time: 2.00 PM to 3.00 PM

170 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

List of Various Awards
Diamond Jubilee IOACON 2o15 @ Jaipur
60 Annual Conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association
Awards / Orations / Conference Lecture /
Fellowships / Eponymous Lectures / Prizes / Name Place No. IOA No.
Dr. Kantilal Hastimal
1 Dr. Badri Narain Sinha Meritorious Award Pune 9822052233 IOA-LM0240
Dr. Mayil Vahanan IOA-LM0079 / Hon.
Dr. Badri Narain Sinha Meritorious Award Chennai 9841070743
Natarajan Fellow IOA 2o14
Dr. Haroon Khizir Taqi
Dr. Badri Narain Sinha Meritorious Award Jabalpur 9301435137 IOA-LM0399
Dr. Bishnupada Mukhopadhaya life Time Dr. Surendra Singh New Delhi (Mirpur
2 9416440900 IOA-LM0018
Achievement Award Yadav Rewari)
3 Honorary Fellowship of IOA Dr. Rattan Lal Mittal Patiala 9417469164 IOA-LM0116
Dr. Nandkishore
Honorary Fellowship of IOA Mumbai 9820212838 IOA-LM0041
Shamrao Laud
Hon. Fellow IOA
Honorary Fellowship of IOA Dr. Ulrich Holz Germany
Dr. Govindrao Shivram
Honorary Fellowship of IOA Miraj 9823080068 IOA-LM0019
Felicitation of IOA Executive Officer on 20 years Mr. Ramesh Chandra
4 New Delhi 9811967820
service to IOA Pandey
5 A.A. Mehta Gold Medal Dr. Sivakumar S.P. Coimbatore 9994465917 IOA-LM10381
6 Dr. Kandarpa T. Dholakia Gold Medal Dr. Santhosh Kumar Bangalore 9986663511 IOA-LM9987
7 Dr. Durgapada Baksi Gold Medal Dr. Aditya Agrawal Vadodara 7567889991 IOA-LM8964
8 Dr. R.C. Ralian Gold Medal Dr. Ramesh Perumal
9 Dr. Surendra Singh Yadav Gold Medal Dr. Suman Byregowda Mumbai 8879838609 IOA-LM10312
10 Dr. Syama Prasad Mandal Gold Medal Dr. Nishit Palo Noida 9658102871 IOA-LM9117
11 Dr. Joy Patankar Gold Medal Dr. Rahul Mohan Kozhikode 9446490765 IOA-LM10152
9811372756 /
12 Dr. Patnala Tejeswar Rao Gold Medal Dr. Siddharth Gupta New Delhi
13 Dr. Kailash Prasad Srivastava Gold Medal Dr. Tanay Prabhoo Mumbai 9819010221 IOA-LM9148
Poster Session (Second) Dr. Rahul Mohan Kozhikode 9446490765 IOA-LM10152
Poster Session (Third) Dr. Ruchir Patel Ahmedabad 8238003995
Dr. S.N. Baksi Gold Medal for Best Clinical
14 Dr. Ajay Puri Mumbai IOA-LM1740
Research Paper-2014
Dr. S.N. Baksi Gold Medal for Best Clinical
Dr. Dhiren Ganjwala Ahmedabad 9825025600 IOA-LM0993
Research Paper-2014
Dr. Surender Mohan Tuli Gold Medal for Best
15 Dr. Akshay Jain Indore
Case Report -2014
IOA Best Published Paper Award in Basic
16 Dr. Amit Rastogi Varanasi 9415202610 IOA-LM2848
Research -2014
Dr. Arun Kumar Gupta Trophy for Best Chapter Uttar Pradesh
Award Orthopaedic Association
18 National Orthopaedic Quiz
First- Tamil Nadu Team Dr. Niranj G.R. Madurai 9994355420
First- Tamil Nadu Team Dr. Balu C. Babu Madurai
Dr. Prajwal Prabhudev
Second- Karnataka Team Udupi 9739462330
Second- Karnataka Team Dr. Vijay Shankar C.V. Udupi 7259338031
Third- Kerala Team Dr. Naveen K. Thrissur 9447719860
Third- Kerala Team Dr. Joseph B. Joseph Thrissur 9446460353
19 Kini Memorial Oration Dr. Anil Kumar Jain New Delhi 9811604663 IOA-LM1069
Dr. Mayil Vahanan IOA-LM0079 / Hon.
20 Golden Jubilee Oration Chennai 9841070743
Natarajan Fellow IOA 2o14
Dr. Shubhranshu S.
21 Silver Jubilee Oration Mumbai 9869794189 IOA-LM2363
Dr. Balu Shankaran Oration on Basic Science &
22 Dr. Jagannath Sahoo Behrampur 9337502800 IOA-LM0828
Orthopaedic Research
Saibal Sekhar Ghosh Memorial Oration of IOA-
23 Dr. Ajay Puri Mumbai IOA-LM1740
IOACON 2o15 13.12.2o15
Dr. Surendra Singh New Delhi (Mirpur
24 Presidential Guest lecture 9416440900 IOA-LM0018
Yadav Rewari)
Dr. Hari Ram
25 President’s lecture Mumbai 9821064068 IOA-LM0864
Dr. Surendra Singh New Delhi (Mirpur
26 Guest lecture 9416440900 IOA-LM0018
Yadav Rewari)
27 Dr. P.K. Duraiswamy Eponymous Lecture 2o15 Dr. John O Byrne Ireland
Dr. Amulya Kumar Saha Eponymous Lecture
28 Dr. Graham King London, TBA
IOACON 2o15 13.12.2o15

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 171

Dr. B Mukhopadhaya Eponymous Lecture IOACON
29 Dr. Sunny Puzhyathil C. Thrissur 9447201389 IOA-LM1454
2o15 13.12.2o15
30 Dr. AK Talwalkar Eponymous Lecture 2o15 Dr. Nishit Shah Ahmedabad 9824013677 IOA-LM1643
Dr. MN Natarajan Eponymous Lecture IOACON
31 Dr. Ulrich Holz Germany Hon. Fellow IOA 2o15
2o15 13.12.2o15
32 Dr. Karam Singh Grewal Eponymous Lecture 2o15 Dr. Deepak Patel USA +12014633443
33 Conference Guest Lectures Dr. Edward T Mah Australia
34 Conference Guest Lectures Dr. Prakash P Kotwal New Delhi 9868129599 IOA-LM0527
35 Conference Guest Lectures Dr. Theodore Miclau USA
36 Conference Guest Lectures Chandrababu K.K. Ernakulum 9447015262 IOA-LM0308
Dr. Vishal Kumar
37 Conference Guest Lectures Mumbai 9769310120
38 Conference Guest Lectures Dr. Rakesh Bhargava Jaipur 9414072933 IOA-LM0245
39 IOA - IOS UK Senior Fellowship (United Kingdom): Dr. Sanjay Jain Jabalpur 9425863999 IOA-LM3089
40 IOA - IOS UK Junior Fellowship (United Kingdom): Dr. Rajesh Kumar Rohilla Sonepat 9812662814 IOA-LM6051
41 IOA - AOA Exchange Fellowship (Australia): Dr. Vineet Jain Faridabad 9810324416 IOA-LM6081
Dr. Rajendra Kumar
Chandigarh 9876365674 IOA-LM3548
Mangalore / New
42 IOA - Glasgow Fellowship: 2013 Dr. Vivek Mahajan 9650886434 IOA-LM7733
Dr. Mohd. Shahnawaz
43 IOA - Glasgow Fellowship: 2012 Jabalpur / Indore 9755072723 IOA-LM8063
IOA – HKOA Exchange Ambassadorship
44 Dr. Saurabh Agarwal Ghaziabad 9810385996 IOA-LM8741
(Hongkong): 2015
IOA - SOA Exchange Ambassadorship
45 Dr. Satya Ranjan Patra Bhubaneswar 9438672301 IOA-LM6840
(Singapore): 2015
IOA - DePuy Johnson & Johnson Fellowship:
46 Dr. Rajesh Lalchandani New Delhi 9811232499 IOA-LM4026
47 IOA Travelling Fellowship: 2o14 Dr. Sohail Ahmed Aligarh 9837225881 IOA-LM7676
Dr. Saurabh Agarwal Ghaziabad 9810385996 IOA-LM8741
Dr. Rohit Nath Kanpur 9868092258 IOA-LM7642
Dr. Asif Nazir Baba Anantnag 9419963090 IOA-LM6297
IOA – JMRF Fellowship in Paediatric Orthopaedics:
48 Dr. Basant Kumar Bhuyan Ujjain 9755159569 IOA-LM3174
49 IOA - WOC SICOT Fellowship : 2014-15 Dr. Sujit Kumar Tripathy Bargarh Odisha 9438884155 IOA-LM7858
Dr. Paritosh Gogna Phagwara 8607773555 IOA-LM9033
Dr. Prasad Soraganvi Belgaum 9880757449 IOA-LM9111
Dr. Munish Kumar Gupta Bathinda 9650768816 IOA-LM9504
Dr. Samarth Mittal Panchkula 9013562489 IOA-LM9396
Dr. Kuldeep Malik New Delhi 9711111446 IOA-LM9371
Dr. Nitesh Gahlot Bikaner 9814019139 IOA-LM9174
50 Dr. Sudhir S. Babhulkar Fellowship: 2014-15 Dr. Amit Agarwal
51 Dr. Govindrao S. Kulkarni Fellowship: 2014-15 Dr. Saurabh Jain Indore 9425131597 IOA-LM7534
52 IOA - INOR Research Grant: 2o15 Dr. Rehan Ul Haq New Delhi 9868399566 IOA-LM5055
Book Release: Text Book of Orthopaedics; 3rd IOA-LM0019 / Hon. Fellow
53 Dr. Govindrao S. Kulkarni Miraj 9823080068
Edition IOA 2o15

Gold Medal Competition Winner of IOACON 2o14 Hyderabad: Awarded during IOACON 2o15 @ Jaipur during inaugural Function

A.A. Mehta Gold Medal of IOACON 2o14 Mangalore / New

1 Dr. Vivek Mahajan 9650886434 IOA-LM7733
Hyderabad Delhi
Dr. Kandarpa T. Dholakia Gold Medal of IOACON
2 Dr. Shyam Kumar Saraf Varanasi 9415268897 IOA-LM0284
2o14 Hyderabad
Dr. Durgapada Baksi Gold Medal of IOACON 2o14
3 Dr. Bharath K. Kadadi Bangalore 9845678851 IOA-LM6239
Dr. R.C. Ralian Gold Medal of IOACON 2o14
4 Dr. Mandeep Singh Dhillon Chandigarh 9815951090 IOA-LM0891
Dr. Surendra Singh Yadav Gold Medal of IOACON
5 Dr. Ashish Kumar Gulia Mumbai / Jhajjhar 9215320261 IOA-LM7350
2o14 Hyderabad
Dr. Syama Prasad Mandal Gold Medal of IOACON Dr. Pradeep Kumar
6 Yamuna Nagar 9992014147 IOA-LM7284
2o14 Hyderabad Kamboj
Dr. Joy Patankar Gold Medal of IOACON 2o14 Dr. Venkatadass
7 Coimbatore 9944424779 IOA-LM7674
Hyderabad Krishnamoorthy
Dr. Patnala Tejeswar Rao Gold Medal of IOACON New Delhi /
8 Dr. Shivan Marya 8411977535 IOA-LM10900
2o14 Hyderabad Gurgaon
Dr. Kailash Prasad Srivastava Gold Medal of Dr. V. Jagan Mohan
9 Hyderabad / UK IOA-LM4826
IOACON 2o14 Hyderabad Reddy

172 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

National Orthopaedic PG Quiz 2015
Diamond Jubilee IOACON 2o15 @ Jaipur
60 Annual Conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association
Chairman: Prof. Dr. Alok Chandra Agrawal, AIIMS, Raipur CG
IOA National Post graduate Quiz was conducted as per rules during IOACON 2015 at BM Birla scientific and
Trade center Jaipur. The Quiz was conducted in two stages. 1. A selection round where an objective paper of
100 marks was given to 2 candidate each nominated by state chapter secretary. These candidates were
expected to be postgraduates or candidates from DNB centers as primary DNB postgraduates, as associate
life members of IOA and who were carrying a valid id at the time of the test. As the information of venue and time
was printed wrongly in the scientific programme broacher notices were displayed at prominent places of the
venue and slides were displaced in halls. State secretaries were also informed about this by their e-mails. Total
9 teams participated in the qualifying written test. There marks are as follows:
Date: 13th December 2015 I Venue: Hall D I Time: 8AM-9AM
No. State Name Marks Total Remarks
Marks of
1 Kerala Joseph B Joseph 75 142 Selected
Naveen K 67
2 Gujarat Nishit Dave 51 101 x
Himanshu H Kinni 50
3 Tamilnadu Niranj G R 57 132 Selected
Balu C Babu 75
4 Bihar Mohan Raj 64 111 x
Bimlendu Kumar 47
5 Odisha Dilip K Pradhan 50 115 x
R Rajesh 65
6 Rajasthan Chirag Bhatia 56 117 x
Deepak Agrawal 61
7 UP Rohit Jain 63 119 Selected
Sandeep Bishnoi 56
8 MP Trishank Upadhyay 47 115 x
Bipendra Singh 68
9 Karnataka Vijay Shankar C B 67 132 Selected
Pranjal P Mane 65
Final Quiz was of 6 rounds where question was displayed on screen ans team had to answer. The quiz also has
questions for fastest fingers first and a rapid fire round. The final results are as follows:
Date: 14th December 2015 I Venue: Hall D I Time: 10AM-11AM

Result with Marks Team Name

First : 1055 Tamilnadu (Team 4) Niranj G.R.
Balu C. Babu
Second : 750 Karnataka (Team 1) Vijay Shankar C B
Dr. Prajwal P. Mane
Third : 475 Kerala (Team 2) Joseph B. Joseph
Naveen K.
Fourth : 145 Uttar Pradesh (Team 3) Rohit Jain
Sandeep Bishnoi

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 173

Winner Team Name of PG student Place Mobile No. e-mail ID
First- Tamil Nadu Team Dr. Niranj G.R. Madurai 9994355420
First- Tamil Nadu Team Dr. Balu C. Babu Madurai
Second- Karnataka Team Dr. Prajwal P. Mane Udupi 9739462330
Second- Karnataka Team Dr. Vijay Shankar C.V. Udupi 7259338031
Third- Kerala Team Dr. Naveen K. Thrissur 9447719860
Third- Kerala Team Dr. Joseph B. Joseph Thrissur 9446460353

A committee of the following members was made for this purpose as follows:
Dr. Vinod Tiwari, Director Sanjeevani Hospital Bilaspur CG
Dr. Sanjay Keshkar, Prof and HOD ESI Medical College, Kolkata
Dr. Rajesh Dulani, Prof and HOD Medical College Rajnandgaon
Dr. Roop Bhushan Kalia, Prof Medical College Dehradun

We are also thankful to Dr Dinesh Patel, USA, Dr. Sanjay Jain Hon, Secretary OA, Dr. Ashok Vidyarthi, Asso
Prof Medical College Jabalpur (Time Keeping) and Dr. Upendra Kumar New Delhi (Score Keeping) who were
Present as International and National Observers and Shri OmprakashJi IOA Office and Sumit Patel Ji IOA
Jabalpur Office who were helping in the conduction of National IOA PG Quiz.

Thank you
Yours truly,

Prof. Dr. Alok Chandra Agrawal

Chairman: IOA - National Orthopaedic PG Quiz Committee 2o15
Head of the Department of Orthopaedics
All India Institute of Medical Sciences Raipur CG
Mobile: 9425151634

174 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue - I
December 2015 - March 2016

Section - IX
IOACON 2016 @ Kochi


News Letter
Information of IOACON 2016 @ Kochi

President’s Theme

176 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Information of IOACON 2016 @ Kochi

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 177

Information of IOACON 2016 @ Kochi

178 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Information of IOACON 2016 @ Kochi

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 179

Information of IOACON 2016 @ Kochi

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Information of IOACON 2016 @ Kochi

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Information of IOACON 2016 @ Kochi

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L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 183
184 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016
2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue - I
December 2015 - March 2016

Section - X
Forms / Formats /
Applications / Criteria


News Letter
Indian Orthopaedic Association: Best Chapter Award
Dr. A.K. Gupta Trophy
Dr. Arun Kumar Gupta
(17.12.1917 - 3o.12.2oo7)
(MS [Surg] Patna 1944, MCh Orth. Liverpool 1951, FRCS London 1952)
IOA-Founder Member / UPOA-Founder Member / Member-ASI
Professor & HOD Orthopaedics (1959-76) /
I.O.A.: President (1975), Vice President (1967),
Secretary (1964-66), Life Time Achievement Award (2oo6)

Dr AK Gupta Rolling Trophy of IOA for the Best Chapter Award is one
of the most prestigious award of the Indian Orthopaedic Association.
By the courtesy of the old students of Prof. Arun Kumar Gupta,
A rolling shield has been presented to the Indian Orthopaedic
Association to be given to the best chapter of the year.
This award was started in the year 1992 at that time Dr Surendra
Singh Yadav (Secretary IOA 1985-87) was the President & Dr Syama
Prasad Mandal (Secretary IOA 1991-93) was the Secretary of IOA.
The proposal for this award was given by the Late Dr. R.C. Gupta
(Secretary IOA 1988-90) of Allahabad.


186 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

New Criteria of Dr. AK Gupta Trophy for Best State Chapter award

01. Percentage of members to those registered in academic interest

IOA in State Chapter 10 Note: A single member's contribution will be
100% 10 recognized once only in the respective
95% 8 categories
90% 6
04. Journals/Newsletters/Books/Posters/pamphlets
85% 4
5 (Max 5) 2 for each activity 05
80% 2
05. Formation of legal cell and redressal of injustices
02. (2a) Academic Activities (Max 30) 30
& injustice to members5 (Max 5) 05
a. Accreditation points awarded for academic
activities 06. Regular election of office bearers and calendar
10 points 10 of activities of the chapter5 (Max 5) 05
8 points 8
07. Any other activity not covered 5(Max 5) 05
6 points 6
3 points 3 1 for each activity except 2 for cultural- Social
b. Percentage of members attending State activities
Conference a. Forming city Ortho club
60% & more 5 b. Any welfare programme for the Public
50-60% 4 c. Social activities involving members
40-50% 3
d. Any other achievement
30-40% 2
c. National Conference 5 08. Activity based on President's Theme 10
d. Regular State Conference 3
09. Invite Office Bearers of IOA to State Chapter
e. CME 3 meetings 5 (Max 5) 05
f. Instructional Course 2
g. Hands on Workshop 2 10. Attendance of office bearers of State Chapter in
h. Clinical Meetings 3 IOA CSRC/ Summer Meeting 5 (Max 5) 05
i. PG Crash Course 2 11. Communiqué with CSRC /IOA and the
j. Seminars 2 response/participation of state to central activity
k. Quiz programmes 2 suggested/proposed by IOA 10
l. Orthopaedic update programs 2

(2b) Basic Science & Research session in State Total 100

Conference 05 Note:
1. To be eligible to host IOACON the State must have
03. Achievements of Individual Members National &
submitted its annual report for the last 3 years. 2.
International (Max 5) 05
While computing points if the figure is not in
a. Paper presentation in National & International
round figures then the next higher digit should be
awarded, say 1.5 should be counted as 2
b. Awards & honors
c. Elected to any high post
d. Inventing new technique and instrument
e. Writing, editing, translating any literature of

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 187

Golden Jubilee Oration 2016 : Guidelines and Criteria

The Golden Jubilee Oration was instituted to mark the Golden Jubilee of our association in 2005. It is a mark of
recognition to a member whose original, unpublished work is worthy of this prestigious award. The awards are
mainly to promote the scientific and original work performed in India. The Award is based solely on the value
and merit of the manuscript submitted.
Indian Orthopaedic Association invites applications for the Golden Jubilee Oration awards of IOA to be
presented at 61st Annual conference IOACON 2o16 at Kochi.
Guidelines & Criteria:
01. The Orator shall be a Life Member of the Association.
02. It shall be his personal work and work should have been done in India.
03. The subject of Oration should not have been published or presented in its present form elsewhere. He
should certify to that effect.
04. Age limit for Golden Jubilee Oration shall be 50 years or above 50 years. The cutoff date for age would be
31st December of the year of conference.
05. Seven copies of his work as full paper, which will not exceed 30 minutes reading time with seven copies of
his Bio-Data shall be submitted to the Secretary, before a stipulated date announced by the Secretary
(30th April each year).
06. To be reviewed by a committee of six referees – President, Hon. Secretary IOA, President Elect,
immediate past president, Editor IJO, Immediate Past Editor.
07. This committee of six referees shall screen the papers submitted and the committee's decision is final.
08. Each reviewer will mark the manuscript. The average or summation of all will be final.
09. The manuscripts shall be judged or assessed according to following format:
A. Content of the study (20%) B. Method of study (40%)
C. Relevance (20%) D. Evidence based conclusions (20%)
10. The Secretary shall send a copy of all the manuscripts/Bio-data received to all the referees in 2nd week of
May. Last date of receipt of the judgment by Secretary shall be 15th July.
11. The referees may recommend that none of the manuscripts were found to fulfill the criteria. If three out of
six judges send this recommendation, the oration will not be presented that year. The President of I.O. A.
will introduce the orator.
12. Once submitted manuscript shall be considered for 2 years. It will be sent for re-review next year also.
13. The author must submit the manuscript for publication in IJO in next 3 months so that it can be published
within January to June issue in next year after peer review by subject experts. The selected manuscript
shall become the property of the Association and all such manuscripts shall be kept in I.O. A. Library in New
Delhi Office.
14. Deadlines
a) Last date for submission is 30th April of each year.
b) Final decision for selection is 31st July of each year.
15. Golden Jubilee award includes: Cash award of Rs. 25,000/-, a certificate and a silver salver.
16. No Traveling or other allowance shall be paid.
Seven (7) sets of hard copies with all the relevant documents to be sent to the following address:
Hon. Secretary, Indian Orthopaedic Association
IOA House, Plot No. 69, Tughlakabad Institutional Area, Behind Batra Hospital, M.B. Road,
New Delhi 110062 India
Phone: +91 11 2996 1434 / Mobile: 9811967820 Exe. Officer / 94258 63999 Hon. Secretary

A soft copy of the same May be sent at the following e-mail address:,,,

In service of Indian Orthopaedic Association..

(Dr. Sanjay Jain)

Hon. Secretary, IOA

188 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

Silver Jubilee Oration 2016 : Guidelines and Criteria

The Silver Jubilee Oration was instituted in 1980 to commemorate the 25 years of our association. It is a mark of
recognition to a member whose original, unpublished work is worthy of this prestigious award. The awards are
mainly to promote the scientific and original work performed in India. The Award is based solely on the value
and merit of the manuscript submitted.
Indian Orthopaedic Association invites applications for the Silver Jubilee Oration awards of IOA to be
presented at 61st Annual conference IOACON 2o16 at Kochi.
Guidelines & Criteria:
01. The Orator shall be a Life Member of the Association.
02. It shall be his personal work and work should have been done in India.
03. The subject of Oration should not have been published or presented in its present form elsewhere. He
should certify to that effect.
04. Age limit for Silver Jubilee Oration shall be below 50 years. The cutoff date for age would be 31st
December of the year of conference.
05. Seven copies of his work as full paper, which will not exceed 30 minutes reading time with seven copies of
his Bio-Data shall be submitted to the Secretary, before a stipulated date announced by the Secretary
(30th April each year).
06. To be reviewed by a committee of six referees – President, Hon. Secretary IOA, President Elect,
immediate past president, Editor, Immediate Past Editor.
07. This committee of six referees shall screen the papers submitted and the committee's decision is final.
08. Each reviewer will mark the manuscript. The average or summation of all will be final.
09. The manuscripts shall be judged or assessed according to following format:
A. Content of the study (20%) B. Method of study (40%)
C. Relevance (20%) D. Evidence based conclusions (20%)
10. The Secretary shall send a copy of all the manuscripts/Bio-data received to all the referees in 2nd week of
May. Last date of receipt of the judgment by Secretary shall be 15th July.
11. The referees may recommend that none of the manuscripts were found to fulfill the criteria. If three out of
six judges send this recommendation, the oration will not be presented that year. The President of I.O. A.
will introduce the orator.
12. Once submitted manuscript shall be considered for 2 years. It will be sent for re-review next year also.
13. The author must submit the manuscript for publication in IJO in next 3 months so that it can be published
within January to June issue in next year after peer review by subject experts. The selected manuscript
shall become the property of the Association and all such manuscripts shall be kept in I.O. A. Library in New
Delhi Office.
14. Deadlines
a) Last date for submission is 30th April of each year.
b) Final decision for selection is 31st July of each year.
15. Silver Jubilee Oration award includes: Cash award of Rs. 15,000/-, a certificate and a silver salver.
16. No Traveling or other allowance shall be paid.
Seven (7) sets of hard copies with all the relevant documents to be sent to the following address:
Hon. Secretary, Indian Orthopaedic Association
IOA House, Plot No. 69, Tughlakabad Institutional Area, Behind Batra Hospital, M.B. Road,
New Delhi 110062 India
Phone: +91 11 2996 1434 / Mobile: 98119 67820 Exe. Officer / 94258 63999 Hon. Secretary

A soft copy of the same May be sent at the following e-mail address:,,,

In service of Indian Orthopaedic Association..

(Dr. Sanjay Jain)

Hon. Secretary, IOA

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 189

Elections of IOA – Year 2016
Nomination form of IOA election for year 2016

Indian Orthopaedic Association Election-2016

Nomination Form (Photocopy can also be used)

Name of Contestant :

Post for which contesting :

Membership No. / Year :

Address :

Phone No. with STD Code : Fax No. :

Mobile No. : E-mail Address :

Proposed by : Seconded by :

Name : Name :

Membership No. : Membership No. :

Signature : Signature :

Consent of Contestant
I hereby agree to contest for the post of ............................................................................................................
of the Indian Orthopaedic Association. If elected I will serve the Association to the best of my ability. I shall not
use any unfair means for my election.

Date :
Place : Signature of Contestant

Important information:

1) Nomination form is to be completed and mailed to Election Officer, IOA 2016 and President- Elect, IOA.
Please address all correspondence regarding election to
Dr. Ram Prabhoo
Election Officer, IOA 2016
Mukund Hospital, Marol Pipeline, Mukund Nagar Society, J.B. Nagar, Andheri-Kurla Road,
Andheri (E) Mumbai 400 059 Maharashtra
Phone: 022 6111 6888 Mobile: 9820053583
Email: /

Only life members are allowed to contest / or propose or second a contestant. (At least five years
2) Contestant for post of president elect and vice president should submit a short bio-data (write-up) in 250
words to be circulated to members along with ballot papers.
3) At least minimum 5 years life membership of IOA is required to contest for any post.

190 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

I.O.A. Election Schedule- 2016
Date for sending nomination form with Newsletter by Secretary, IOA April – July, 2016
Last date for receipt of Nomination form by Election Officer 8th August, 2016
Last date for informing the list of contestants 18th August, 2016
Last date for withdrawal of nominations 27th August, 2016
Last date for sending sample of ballot paper to all contestants 6th September, 2016
Last date for receipt of approved ballot paper 15th September, 2016
Last date for dispatch of ballot papers 5th October, 2016
Start of online election 20th October, 2016
Last date for request of duplicate ballot papers 1st November, 2016
Last date for receipt of ballot papers by election officer / End of online voting 25th November, 2016
Counting and Final Tally Venue: IOA House, New Delhi 27th November, 2016


Elections 2016
Nominations are invited for following posts of Indian Orthopaedic Association for elections for year 2016.
Nomination form or photocopy should reach at the following address.

Dr. Ram Prabhoo

Election Officer, IOA 2016
Mukund Hospital, Marol Pipeline, Mukund Nagar Society, J.B. Nagar, Andheri-Kurla Road,
Andheri (E) Mumbai 400 059 Maharashtra
Phone: 022 6111 6888 Mobile: 9820053583
Email: /

A soft / scanned copy of nomination form should also be sent on the emails mentioned above.

Sr. No. Post Vacancy
1 President Elect 1
2 Vice President 1

Members Executive Committee (2017-2019)

(According to vacancy)

Following are the vacancies for the post of State Representative

Sr. No. State Vacancy
1 Bihar 1
2 Haryana 1
3 Gujarat 1
4 Karnataka 1
5 Kerala 2
6 Maharashtra 1
7 Telangana 1
8 Uttar Pradesh 1

Please note: As per ratification of GBM at Jaipur during IOACON-2015, this year, there is an election of one
President Elect and one Vice President Post only. Elected Vice President automatically becomes President
Elect next year and President the year after.
This is the last year of the election of President Elect post and from next year, the election will be held for Vice
President Post only.

L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016 191

Email :
Website :

(please fill the whole form in BLOCK / CAPITAL LETTERS only )

State Chapter of IOA Membership

(No application will be entertained without state chapter membership)

(Associate Membership Fee for Overseas applicant which are eligible for only associate member is $100 One Hundred US Dollar.)

Certified Photocopy of Life Membership Certificate of state chapter of Indian Orthopaedic Association.

of Orthopaedic PG Degree / Diploma to

192 L T R 2016 | Vol. 61 | Issue I | December 2015 - March, 2016

60th Annual Conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association
Diamond Jubilee IOACON 2015
9th December – 14th December 2015 @ Jaipur

Audience in Inaugural Function on 10th December, 2015

Felicitation of Ramesh Pandey, Executive Officer Vote of Thanks - Banquet on 13th December, 2015

Ladies and Kids Entertainment Program-Chair Game Valedictory Function on 14th December with Org. TEAM
Abstract submission for
“IOACON 2016”
open since
1st January,2016
submission will close on
30th April, 2016

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