One Metal Soldier - by Moti Friedman - 2018

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Story’s Name: One Metal Soldier

By: Moti Friedman (Story, Art & Lettering)


Table of Contents:
• Cover letter (this page ☺)
• Story pages 1-6.
• Résumé (comics and related work)

Résumé - Moti Friedman

Artistic & Writing Experience

Recently, co-writer, line artist and lettering for Mr. Tom Rasch's (ex-Marvel) Black
Alpha comic book series. (Below to the right is a cover I drew, inked and colored.)
As an artist, I have been publishing illustrations since 1993 in various journals, e.g.
I&M and Maydaon, and creating art works that can be found all over the world.

As a writer, my work has ranged from online content to comic books. Since 1994, as the
Managing Partner of BrightNet, I have also developed marketing and fund raising materials for
companies all over the world.
As both an artist and writer, I have worked on comics books, e.g.
with Mr. Dan Berger, the Managing Editor of Heavy Metal and a
former writer of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I also co-created
Upside-down World with my wife and partner, Dr. Noga Friedman,
including co-writing and co-illustrating three children's books. In this
world, children can take any creation and turn it upside-down to
reveal other amazing characters and objects, as illustrated below:

2005 - Ph.D. in communication technology from the University of Leicester, England.

1994 - MSM, a joint degree from Ben-Gurion University and Boston University.
1993 - B.Sc. in industrial engineering from Tel-Aviv University.

Since 1992 I have been lecturing on various subjects, including drawing, anatomy, writing,
creativity and product design, in institutions such as the Hebrew University, Technion and
Boston University (and even built a course on making comics/Manga).

Copyright © Moti Friedman. All Rights Reserved.

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More story & art from Moti Friedman:

The graphic novel Annabelle Stronghold

Education & Academic Experience

Copyright © Moti Friedman. All Rights Reserved.

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