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2.1 Introduction
The electric lamp is an instrument that converts electrical energy to
lighting energy through passing current through a medium which may be
solid (Incandescent lamp) or liquid or gas (gas discharge lamp).
There are several types of lamps depending on design, characteristic and
This chapter will discuss by the types of lamps.

2.2 Objectives of the project

(1) Studying of the different lighting system components in order to
purpose the most appropriates interior lighting system for buildings.
(2) Comparison of the different lighting system design from the view
point of electrical and economical consideration.
(3)The-study of the power of the system and the methods for its
(4) The study of balancing the loads of the system.
(5) Selections of lamp lumens and its light loss factor
(6) Calculate the number of lamps.
(7) With the suitable method that provide and uniform light and
coordinate between night and day use we can distribute this lamps.
(8) Calculate the length of the cables that used for connecting these lamps
to their switches and panels.
(9) Calculate the following current for feeding these lamps and for other
Loads (such as air condition, outlets, machines.....etc).We can
calculate total current which used to select cross section area of the
cables used


Inside and outside the selected part of the building such as (class, lab,
library ….etc).
(10) Calculate the losses that produce from heat losses in all wires,
calculated the overall efficiency of the system after calculating the
total power of the building in case of using a low power factor lamp,
we can improve this by adding capacitors and calculate the total power
and the efficiency of the system.
(11) After distributing we used static VAR compensator to make balance
to the loads on the three phases.
(12) Calculating the overall KVA of the system will be used to select
suitable transformer that feed the loads of the building.
(13) According to importance of the building under study, it can select
the suitable type of grounding system used.

2.3 lighting Definitions

2.3.1) luminous Intensity:
It is the source that generates the light that we see .It is characteristic
of source only and independent of the visual sense. It is measured in
candle power of candela

Where I = luminous intensity, candela
Φ = lumens
W = solid angle through which the flux comes
From the point source.


2.3.2) Luminous flux (φ)

It is the radiant energy transformed or received. It's unit is lumen (lumen
= Cd.Sr).

2.3.3) Luminance ( E )
It is the density of luminous power expressed in term of lumens
per unit area. It is measured in lux
E =Φ/S
LUX=(Lumens /m) ^2

2.3.4) Luminous Efficiency

It is the ratio of luminous flux to the power input of the source. It is
measured in lumens per watt (lm / w).
ε = Φ/ Ρ (lm/W)

2.3.5) Transmittance:
It is Ratio between the luminous flux transmitted by a body
and the flux received.
Unit c %
Symbol (τ)
Ratio τ = Φt / Φ

(1)Spectral reflection (Fig. 1):


It takes place when the reflecting surface is flat. This kind of

reflection is based on two fundamental laws:
(i). the incident ray, the reflected ray and the normal to the surface at the
point of incidence lie in the same plane.
(ii). the angle of incidence (I) is the same as the angle of reflection (r).

(Fig. 1) Spectral reflection

(2)Composed reflection (Fig. 2)

Contrary to specular reflection, there is no mirror image of the light

source, but the maximum angle of intensity is the same as the angle of
incidence. This type of reflection takes place when the surface is
irregular or rouge


(3)Diffused reflection (Fig. 3)

This takes place when the light that strikes a surface is reflected in
all directions, the normal ray to the surface being the most intense one.
This kind of reflection takes place on surfaces such as matt white paper,
walls, plaster flat ceilings, snow, etc.

(4)Mixed reflection (Fig. 4):

This is an intermediate kind of reflection between the specular
and the diffused reflection, in which some of the incident beam is
reflected and some, diffused. This kind of reflection takes place with non
polished metals, glossy paper and barnished surfaces.


2.3.6) Transmission:
Radiation passes through a medium without a change in the
frequency of monochromatic radiations. This phenomenon can seen
On certain kinds of glass, crystal, water and other liquids, and air, of
course. However, when passing through the material, some of the light is
lost due to the reflection on the medium surface and through absorption.
Relation between the transmitted light and the incident light is known as
transmittance. Transmission falls into three categories: spread, diffused
and mixed.

(1)Spread transmission (Fig. 5):

The beam strikes a medium and passes through it the
media which fulfill this property are called “transparent materials” and
allow a sharp view of objects on the opposite side.


(2)Diffused transmission (Fig. 6):

The incident beam spreads through the medium,
coming out of it in scattered directions. These transmitting media are
called “translucent the most common ones are ground glass and polarized
organic glass. Objects situated behind them appear blurred.

(3)Mixed transmission (Fig. 7):

This is a kind of combination between spread and diffused
transmission. It is produced with organic, polished and carved surface
glass. Although beam spread is not complete, objects situated behind
them appear blurred, but their position is relative.


2.3.7) Absorption:
Process by which radiant energy is converted into a
different form of energy mainly in the form of heat. This phenomenon is
characteristic both of all surfaces which are not completely reflective and
of materials which are not totally transparent.

The ratio between absorbed flux to incident flux is known absorptance.

Absorption of certain light wavelengths is called selective absorption
Generally speaking, objects take their color selective absorption.

2.3.8) Refraction:
The direction of the light beam may change when passing
from one medium to the other. This is a result of a change in the light
speed propagation. Speed decreases if the new media density is higher,
and increases if it is lower. This change in speed and direction is known
as refraction.
There are two laws of refraction:
(1). When the wave goes from one medium to another, the incident ray,
reflected ray and the normal to the separating surface of the media on the
incidence point, are on the same plane.
(2). the ratio between the incidence angle sine and the refraction angle
sine is a constant for the given pair of media. The above mentioned
constant is known as the index of refraction n, for the given media. The
second law of usually known's Snell’s law.


n1* = angle of refraction for the first medium.

n2* = angle of refraction for the second medium.
a1= angle of incidence.
a2= angle of refraction.
When the first medium is the air,

n1 = 1 and the formula is:

Sin a1 = n2 · sin a2

The distance D in figure 8 is known as displacement. Such a depends on

the angle of incidence and on the index of refraction. When the incident
ray is perpendicular to the surface, refraction displacement equal zero.

n1 · sin a1 = n2 · sin a2 c sin a1=n2= n

sin a2 = n1



Figure (9).

The Main Types of Lamp:-

Practical electric light sources fall into two

generic classifications:
As shown in figure (9).

(a) The incandescent lamp including:

1- Tungsten filament lamps

2- Tungsten – halogen lamps

(b) The gaseous discharge lamp including:

1- Tubular fluorescent lamps.

2- Mercury lamps.

3- High pressure sodium lamp.

4- Metal Halide Lamps

5-Induction lamps

(2.4.1) Tungsten Filament Lamps:

( Construction:


Figure (10).


1) Base:
Typical base is shown figure (10). One lead-in wire is soldered to the
upper rim of the base shell made of brass
2) Filament:
The filament material usually used is tungsten; it may be a straight
wire or a coil.
3) Inert gas filling:
Usually a mixture of nitrogen and argon used in most lamps of 40
watt or larger to restart filament evaporation.
4) Fuse:
Protects the lamp and circuit by blowing if the filament arcs.
5) Glass envelope:
There are spherical or mushroom shapes. Figure (11).


Figure (11).

Operation characteristics:
Operation characteristics are critically dependent on voltage at the
lamps. Therefore, life output and efficacy (lumen output per watt) of a
lamp is sensitive to change in voltage.
Characteristic curves for large gas-filled lamps showing the effect of
operating a lamp at other than its rated voltage.
As shown in fig.(12).


 Low initial cost
 Excellent color rendering


 Instant starting
 Small size
 Requires no ballast
 Dimming capability

 Low efficiency(10% goes to light)
 Create high temperature
 Small increase above rated voltages ,will reduce the life time
 Higher operating cost per lumen

2.4.2)Tungsten-halogen Lamp:

The addition of a halogen vapor to the gas filling reduces the evaporation
rate of the filament. This allows the use of a higher filament temperature,
hence make greater efficiency without demerit of short lamp life.
Halogen lamps are usually much smaller than standard incandescent and
burn with a hotter filament temperature, which results in a very hot
surface. For this reason, a fused -quartz.


Fig. (13) Tungsten-halogen Lamp

Operation theory:
This type of lamp delivers more lumens than other incandescent
lamp. The key to it’s extraordinary performance is the halogen lamp,
made possible by a trace of halogen additive carefully prepared sealed
into the lamp. The vaporized tungsten are converted to tungsten near the
bulb wall and then reverse their motion, diffusing toward the filament

The Tungsten-halogen Regenerative Cycle

With the addition of a halogen, a complicated chemical cycle is
established where by the evaporated tungsten particles combine with the
halogen to form a halide.
A halide will condense at a temp of 250oC, it will pass near the filament
region where the high temp Will cause the halide to dissociate into
tungsten, which is deposited back into the filament and halogen which is
released to repeat the cycle.


Advantages of Tungsten Halogen Lamp:

- The inner wall of the bulb virtually free of blackening.
- High illuminating efficiency.
- Long life equal twice incandescent lamp (2000 hour

Disadvantages of Tungsten Halogen Lamp

1) Lamp handling difficult during maintaining

2) High cost
3) Low efficiency
4) Both of radiant-heat effects , operating temperature effects lamp

(2.3.3)Tubular Fluorescent Lamp:

- A glass tube filled with an inert-gas (argon) and mercury vapor.


- A tube is coated from inside with fluorescent material (phosphors).

- Starting circuit which includes a starting switch , heater, and a choke
- Condenser for suppression of radio noise and another for condenser for
P.F improvement.
- Electrodes at each end inside the tube

Fig (14) shows atypical fluorescent lamp

Fluorescent lamp circuit :


Fig. (15) The construction of

Fluorescent Lamp

Operation theory:
This lamp is filled with low pressure mercury vapor and an inert gas
(argon). Electrical discharge takes place through the gas giving ultra
violet rays. These rays cause fluorescence in the phosphor coating inside
the tube. At the starting, the starting switch is closed, so current flows
trough the choke coil. The starting switch opens due to heating of it’s bi-
metallic strip. The energy stored in the choke coil is suddenly released the
form of a voltage surge which causes starting of discharge through the
tube between the electrodes so the lamp glow.


 4-5 times more efficient than incandescent
 10-20 times life time greater than incandescent
 Low cost
 Available in wide ranges of sizes
 Available in wide ranges of colors

 Most lamps are relatively large and requires relatively expensive
 Fluorescent lamps are temperature sensitive
 Requires special ballast at dimming system

Special fluorescent lamps:

(1) U-shaped lamps: fig (16)
U-shaped lamps were developed to answer the need or a high-efficacy
fluorescent source that could be utilized in a square fixture, since the
normal fluorescent lamp shape is frequently not architecturally suitable.

Fig (16)

(2) Reflector type: fig (16)

These lamps which are available in 800 and 1500 mA sizes,


contain an internal reflector that performs in the same fashion as the

more common reflector in the incandescent lamps. It is completely
phosphor coated.

Fig (17)

These lamps are commonly used in situations which call for general
illumination at an even level such as offices, classrooms, retail stores,
hallways, and cafeterias.

2.3.4) High Pressure Sodium Lamps:



Fig. (18)

Physically speaking, high pressure sodium lamps are quite different from
low pressure sodium lamps, due to the fact that vapor pressure is higher
in the former. This pressure factor also causes many other differences
between the two including emitted light properties.
Discharge tube in a high pressure sodium lamp contains an excess of
sodium to produce saturated vapor conditions when the lamp is working.
Besides, it has an excess of mercury to provide a trimmer gas, xenon
excluded, to ease ignition and limit heat conduction from the discharge
arc to the tube wall. The discharge tube is housed in an empty glass
cover. High pressure sodium lamps radiate energy through a good part of


the visible spectrum. Therefore, when compared to the low pressure

sodium lamp, they offer a quite acceptable colour reproduction.
-Main parts
Discharge tube:
The discharge tube is made out of aluminum oxide ceramics
(sintered aluminum) very resistant to heat and
to chemical reactions with sodium vapor.

Electrodes, covered by a layer of emitter material, consist of a
twisted serpentine wolfram rod around it.
In the inside of the discharge tube are sodium, mercury and
noble gases (xenon or argon) out of which sodium is the
Main producer of light.
This glass is generally empty.
The shape must be either ovoid or tubular. The first one has an inner
covering. However, since the discharge tube of the high pressure sodium
lamp does not virtually produce any ultraviolet radiation, the covering is
simply a diffused layer of white powder, to decrease the high brightness
of the discharge tube. The tubular glass is always made out of clear glass.

Starters and auxiliary starters:

Many of the high pressure sodium lamps have an incorporated
auxiliary starter, which helps reduce the measure of the ignition peak


voltage needed for the lamp ignition. Sometimes, both the incorporated
starter and the auxiliary starter are in the lamp itself. These lamps precise
of auxiliary equipment formed by ballast and an igniter with impulse
tension depending on type. A compensation condenser is also needed.
Nominal values are reached five minutes after ignition. When a lamp is
turned off, due to a great pressure of the burner, it needs to cool down
between four and minutes before turning it back on.

Theory of operation:
It’s an electric discharge lamp in which the radiation is produced by the
excitation of sodium vapor and the partial pressure of the vapor during
operation is of the order of 104 N/m2.
It consists of an evacuated outer envelop containing the arc tube and
its support. The arc tube contains a milligram of mercury and sodium
tighter with small quantity of argon or oxygen.
It’s mostly used in street lighting and outdoor areas

 7 times as efficient as fluorescent ,2 times as efficient as mercury
 Warm up is 3-4 minutes
 Long life time 24000 hours
 Can operate at any position
 Wide range of wattages 35-1000 watt


 The light produced is golden white
 Requires ballast
Take 5-10 minutes to reach full light output at starting

- Poor color possibility

- Not dimmable.
- Noisy.
- High cost

High pressure sodium lamps are used in outdoor lighting of streets and
parking lots and in indoor settings where color rendering is not critical.
These indoor settings include warehouse and shipping areas and some
manufacturing areas.

2.4.5) Low pressure Sodium Lamp


Fig. (19) Low Pressure Sodium Lamps

Low pressure sollium (LPS) lamp is by far the most efficient light source
used in street lighting. LPS lamps are used in various parts of the country;
including San Diego, CA .The lamps produce a monochromatic orange-
yellow light, from lamps which are long and skinny. LPS is also a good
way to reduce sky glow for stargazers. light is easily filtered out for
viewing the stars through telescopes. Drawbacks of using LPS lamps
include the color rendering. When the lamp is on, everything around Dks
either orange-yellow, black or shades in between. Also, as the lamp ages,
it uses more wattage, which lighting designers need to account for. That
increase in wattage does result in little-no lumen depreciation, meaning it
the light output from lamp stays fairly constant over its life.

 14000-18000 life time
 Restart immediately after interruption of power supply
 Provide superior uniformity of light
 Commercially lamps(efficacy 100-185 lumen per watt)

 Poor color rendering
 Very expensive
 Run time to full light output is the longest
 Requires special burning position

Low pressure sodium lamps are used in outdoor lighting of some
parking areas and bridge underpasses. The very yellow color does not
attract insects but it distorts colors. While these lamps are highly energy-


efficient they are rarely used because all objects under their light appear
to be yellow or yellow-gray.

2.4.6) High Pressure Mercury Lamps:

Fig. (20) High Pressure Mercury Lamp



In these lamps, discharge takes place in a quartz discharge tube

containing a small amount of mercury and an inert gas filling, usually
argon, to help ignition. One part of the discharge radiation occurs in the
visible region of the spectrum as light, but some part is also emitted in the
ultraviolet one. Covering the inner surface of the blister, in which the
discharge tube is located, with a fluorescent powder which will transform
this ultraviolet radiation into visible radiation. The lamp will offer higher
lighting than similar version without such a layer.
And its construction:
a) A glass outer envelope containing the quartz arc tube and contains
nitrogen to dissipate the heat produced and maintain the arc tube at the
correct temperature.

b) There are a small quantity of mercury, argon (which acts as tasting

gas) and tungsten electrodes

c) There are usually three or four electrodes, two of which are the main
electrodes and a smallest auxiliary electrode used to initiate the arc.

Theory of operation:
These lamps operate by passing an are through a high-pressure
mercury vapour contained in an arc tube made of quartz or glass. This
action produces light in both the ultraviolet region and in the visible
region, principally in the blue green band.

 3 times more efficient than incandescent available in wide ranges
of ratings, colors. Sizes and shapes
 Relatively low unit cost

 Requires 5-7 minutes to warm up
 Requires 4-5 minutes to cooling and restart


 Its ballast is noisy

 Specially ballast is required yon dim mercury lamps

Mercury vapor lamps have been used as outdoor lighting for streets and
parking lots and have also been used as indoor lighting in factories. They
are much more energy efficient than incandescent lamps and have a much
longer life.

2.4.7)Metal Halide lamp:

1) Discharge and support tube:


The discharge tube is made out of quartz. It has a low absorption of

ultraviolet and visible radiation. Also, it stands high temperatures of the
work involved.
2) Electrodes:
Each main electrode is composed of a wolfram bar, whose
extreme is covered by wolfram serpentine impregnated with a material
that favors the emission of electrons. The auxiliary electrode is simply a
piece of wire of molybdenum or wolfram located near one of the main
electrodes and connected to another one by means of a resistance of 25
3) Blister:
For lamps up to 125 W of potency, the blister may be of glass sodium-
calcium. However, lamps with higher potencies are manufactured,
generally, with hard glass of borosilicate, since higher working
temperatures and thermal shock are tolerated. The blister, which normally
contains an inert gas (argon or a mixture of argon and nitrogen), protects
the discharge tube from changes in the room temperature and protects
lamp components from corrosion.
4) Glass covering:
In most high pressure mercury lamps, the inner surface of the blister is
covered by white phosphorous to improve lamp colour reproduction and
to increase its luminous flux. Phosphorous transforms a great amount of
ultraviolet energy radiated by the discharge into visible radiation,
predominantly in the red extreme of the spectrum.
Gas filling:
The discharge tube is filled with an inert gas (argon) and a precise dosis
of distilled mercury. The first is necessary to help originate the discharge
and to secure a reasonable life for the covered emission electrodes. The
blister is filled with argon or with a
mixture of argon and nitrogen at
atmospheric pressure. The addition of
nitrogen serves to avoid an electronic arc
between the wire supports of the glass.


Fig (21) Metal Halide Lamp

 Relative long life
 Good color rendering
 Light output is a bright crisp white light
 2 times more efficient than mercury lamps and 6 times more
efficient than incandescent

 Short life (6000-20000 hours)
 Horizontal position may reduce lamp life
 Color may vary from lamp to lamp
 Requires ballast
 Some lamps requires 2-5 minutes to warm up

Metal halide lamps are used in gymnasiums, factories, hallways outdoor
sports lighting, and retail displays. These lamps combine good rendering
with high efficacy and long life.


2.4.8) Blended light lamps:

Blended light lamps are a combination of the high pressure mercury lamp
and an incandescent lamp. They are a result of one of the tries to correct
bluish light of mercury lamps, which is achieved by inclusion within the
glass itself, of a mercury discharge tube and a wolfram incandescent
Mercury discharge light and that of the fired filament are combined, or
mixed, to achieve a lamp with totally different operative
Characteristics compared to those which have both pure mercury and an
incandescent lamp.
Main parts With the exception of the filament and the gas used in the
blister, parts of a blended light lamp are the same as those described
For high pressure mercury lamps (Fig. 10). Base

The filament, which also acts as resistance ballast for the discharge
tube, is a coiled wolfram wires the same as that of the incandescent lamp.
It is connected with the discharge tube in series and located next or
around it, to obtain a good blended light and to favor a quick ignition of
the tube.


-Filling gas blister:

As for incandescent lamps, the filling gas in blended light lamps is
made out of argon but adding a percentage
of nitrogen to avoid an arc in the filament. Compared with the standard
high pressure mercury lamp, a greater filling pressure to keep evaporation
of wolfram to the minimum is used.

Blended light lamps have the of being connected directly to the
power supply system (ballast and starter for is not
Required their working). Ignition takes about two minutes and re-
ignition is not possible before cooling- down.

2.4.9) Induction lamps:

-The most vulnerable parts of all discharge lamps are the electrodes.
During their average rated life, lamps reduce and lose their emitting
voltage by the impact of quick ions or by chemical reactions energetic
vapors in the discharge tube. Electrodes in high pressure discharge also
produce a great amount of infrared wasted radiation, which decreases
efficiency of the lamp.

-The induction lamp introduces a completely new concept in generation.

It is based on the low pressure discharge gas principle. characteristic of
the new lamp system is that it does not need electrodes to ionization
Currently, there are two different systems to produce this new ionization
of gas without electrodes. power fluorescent lamps without electrodes:

Discharge in this lamp does not begin and end in two
electrodes like in a conventional fluorescent lamp. The shape of close


ring of glass of the lamp allows having a discharge without electrodes,

energy supplied from the outside by a magnetic field. Such magnetic field
is produced two ferrite rings, which constitutes an important advantage
for lamp duration.

The system has an electronic equipment (at a frequency of approximately

250 kHz) separated from the lamp besides a fluorescent tube electrodes.
This allows preserving optimal energy of discharge in the fluorescent
lamp and reaching a high luminous potency with a good efficacy.

-The main advantages of this lamp are:

- Lamp potency 100 and 150 W.

- Luminous flux up to 12 000 lumens.
- Luminous efficacy of 80 lm/W.
- Low geometric profile that allows the development of flat luminaries.
- Comfortable light without oscillations.
- Start without flickers or sparkles.

CH (2) TYPES OF LAMPS Low pressure gas discharge lamps by

This type of lamps consists of a discharge recipient which contains low
pressure gas and a voltage coupler (antenna). Such a potency coupler,
composed by a ferrite cylindrical nucleus, creates a field within the
discharge recipient inducing an electrical current in the gas generating its
ionization. Enough energy to begin and discharge is supplied to antenna
by a high frequency generator (2.65 MHz) means of a coaxial cable of a
determined length, since it forms part of the oscillating circuit.

The main advantages of these lamps are:

- Extremely long duration: 60 000 hours.


- Voltage lamps with 55, 85 and 165 W.

- Luminous flux up to 12 000 lumens.
- Luminous efficacy between 65 and 81 lm/W.
- Instantaneous ignition free of flickers and stroboscopic effects.
- Light for a great visual comfort.

-These lamps are used for many general and special lighting applications,
mainly to reduce maintenance expenses, like in public buildings, outdoor
public lighting, industrial applications, and etc. arts with characteristics

2.4.10)Energy Saving Lamp:


-General Information of Energy Saving Lamp

Voltage Available: 100-130V. 200-240V. (50-60Hz)

Tube: U shape, H shape, spiral shape, ring or circle shape, lotus flower
shape and others
Base: B22. E27. E26. B15. E14. E40
Average life: 3000-8000hrs (3 hours per start)
Power factor: High power factor and standard power factor
Color temp.2700K. 6400K, Red, Yellow, Blue or Green
Quality: Products meet the requirements of international standards

B) - Principal of Energy Saving Lamps

Energy saving lamps generates their light on the same principle as

fluorescent lamps. An electrical charge is passed through mercury vapor
between two electrodes. This electrical field causes the vapor to emit
invisible UV radiation. Fluorescent material applied to the inside of the
glass tube converts the UV radiation into visible light. Different
fluorescent materials give the light different color appearances.

By giving the lamps more than one tube and bending each tube back on
itself, lamp designers have managed to reduce the overall length of
energy saving lamps. They are now not much bigger than ordinary light

The compact fluorescent bulb with its integrated electronic control gear
and standard screw base can be used as direct replacements for
incandescent lamps. They consume 80% less energy and, if used for an
average of three hours a day (normal domestic use), will last around 8000

The lamps provide you with a lot more light wherever you need it. The
amount of light you can get from a conventional bulb is restricted by its
wattage - a restriction that doesn't apply with the ESL(energy saving
lamp). Because they generate a lot less heat than conventional bulbs, you
never need to worry about keeping within the recommended wattage
rating again.

This means you can get twice the brightness - without having to add
another lamp.


C) - Luminous efficacy and economy

Energy saving lamps generates more than 80% of all the artificial light
but consume only 50% of the energy needed for lighting. Energy saving
lamps last between eight and twenty times as long as ordinary light bulbs
and need up to 85% less electricity for the same brightness, depending on
the type. They are therefore the best possible option for economical

Energy saving bulbs are available in tubular, ring (also called circle) and
U-shape versions in a wide range of sizes. The new energy saving lamps
are almost as small as ordinary light bulbs and can be used as direct
replacements. Modern electronic control gear provides even greater
economy, more comfortable light and longer life from traditional
fluorescent lamps. In addition to luminous efficacy, the light color and
color rendering are also important criteria to consider when choosing the
right light source.

1)-Integrated CFLs

Integrated lamps combine a bulb, an electronic ballast and either a screw

or bayonet fitting in a single CFL unit. These lamps allow consumers to
easily replace incandescent lamps with CFLs. Integrated CFLs work well
in standard incandescent light fixtures. This lowers the cost of CFL use,
since they can reuse the existing infrastructure. In addition, incandescent
light fixtures are relatively inexpensive. For example, recessed lights (can
lights) cost (in 2007) around $10 USD per can; however, caution must be


taken in using such a fixture if totally enclosed as excessive heat build up

may cause the lamp to fail.

2)-Non-integrated CFLs

Non-integrated lamps allow for the replacement of consumable bulbs

and the extended use of electrical ballasts in a light fixture. This
fluorescent bulb itself does not include ballast. Since the ballasts are
placed in the light fixture they are larger and last longer, vis-à-vis the
integrated ones. Non-integrated CFL housings can be both more
expensive and sophisticated, providing options such as dimming, less
flicker, faster starts, etc.

D)-Comparison with incandescent lamps


Modern CFLs typically have a life span of between 6,000 and 15,000
hours, whereas incandescent lamps are usually manufactured to have a
life span of 750 hours or 1000 hours]. These lifetimes are quoted
according to IEC60969, which specifies that "life to 50% of failures shall
be not less than value declared by the manufacturer." The lifetime of any
lamp depends on many factors including manufacturing defects, exposure
to voltage spikes, mechanical shock, frequency of cycling on and off and
ambient operating temperature, among other factors.

The life of a CFL lamp is significantly shorter if it is only turned on for a

few minutes at a time: In the case of a 5-minute on/off cycle the lifespan
of a CFL can be up to 85% shorter, reducing its lifespan to the level of an
incandescent lamp.

CFL lamps give less light later in their life than they did at the start. The
light output depreciation is exponential, with the fastest losses being soon
after the lamp was new. By the middle to end of their lives, CFLs can be
expected to produce 70% to 80% of their original light output. Our eyes'
response to light is logarithmic: Each f-number (or photographic 'f-stop')
reduction represents a halving in actual light, but is subjectively quite a
small change. A 20% to 30% reduction over many thousands of hours
represents a change of about half an f-stop, which is barely noticeable in
everyday life.

2)-Energy consumption


For a given light output, CFLs use between one-fifth and one-quarter of
the power of an equivalent incandescent lamp. For example, lighting
accounted for approximately 9% of household electricity usage in the
United States in 2001, so widespread use of CFLs could save most of
this, for a total energy saving of about 7% from household usage.

3)-Interaction with other energy sources

All operating electrical lamps contribute heat to a building and

therefore, when considering the energy savings of CFLs versus
incandescent lamps, it is necessary to consider energy used for
illumination as well as energy used for space heating or cooling. In
addition to the above savings on energy costs, CFLs' average life is
between 8 and 15 times that of incandescent.

4)-Cos t

10 times greater than that of an equivalent incandescent lamp, the

extended lifetime (less lamps to replace and reduced labor) and lower
energy use will compensate for the higher initial cost in many

CFLs can fail prematurely if overheated and so current recommendations

for fully enclosed, unventilated light fixtures, such as those found
recessed into some insulated ceilings, are either to use 'reflector CFLs'
(R-CFL) or to replace such fixtures with those designed for normal CFLs.


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