International Conference Communist Parties On The Road To Full Power After World

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Institute of National Remembrance,
2018-10-25, 15:43

International Conference „Communist parties on the road

to full power (after World War II)” – Warsaw, 6–8
December 2018

We hereby invite You to deliver papers for the First International Conference: “Revolution
Accomplished. Communists in Power”, which will take place at the Institute of National
Remembrance in Warsaw.

After Yalta agreements and the victorious march of Red Army to Berlin, all the countries of
Central Eastern Europe fell under the influence of the Soviet Union.

Some of them were allies of the Third Reich, other were under Nazi occupation as they fought
against it.

Nevertheless, a new political situation did not bring the citizens a full possibility to make a
decision about creating their own country, e.g. about a political system, borders and economy.

Stalin aspired to take full control over those countries so that began the process of taking
power by communist parties as well as the marginalization of other political parties by means
of terror and propaganda.

During this conference we would like to find the similarities and differences between the
processes of setting up communist parties in each of these countries. It should be emphasised
that the reference point to our consideration will be communist parties, their internal situation,
relations with other political entities, the ways they take over the power, and finally, how the
remembrance of these historical events is being shaped.

Conference topics:

- What was an actual influence of communist parties on the society and what was their position
on the political scene after the end of World War II and the entering of Red Army?

- The development of the Party membership and the influence of communist parties after

- Changes in tactics and political strategy on the road to power

- Internal divisions and fractions within the Party

- Relations with other communist parties in Central and Eastern Europe (controlling methods)

- Communist parties in parliamentary elections

- Eradication of the opposition

- Relations with Moscow

- Influences in the government, security apparatus and army

- The ways and circumstances of taking over the power

- The founding myth

- The changing perception of the West in Central Eastern Europe.

Conference-language is English.

The conference is organized by The Institute of National Remembrance (Poland), The

Committee of National Remebrance (Hungary), The Institute for the Study of Totalitarian
Regimes (Czech Republic) and The Nation's Memory Institute (Slovakia).

Accommodations and meals will be covered for presenters. The conference will also contribute
to travel expenses upon application.

The deadline for paper proposals is June 30, 2018. The submission should include: An abstract
of 300–500 words in English and a biographical note listing major professional
accomplishments (150 words, in English). The Conference Program Committee will notify
selected speakers by July 15, 2018.

Submissions and additional questions should be sent to:


Registration form (doc, 26 KB) 16.04.2018 12:00

Call for papers (pdf, 214.74 KB) 16.04.2018 12:00

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