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species profile Matthew Creasey and Beth Robinson

IT’S feeding time AT common names

THE cleaner-fish CAFÉ

Common cleaner-fish
Bridled beauty
Gadfly fish
Janitor fish

scientific name fact file

Labroides dimidiatus The relationship between L.dimidiatus and its
‘clients’ is called a mutualism. This means that
both the cleaner-fish and client get something
distribution from their relationship. The cleaner-fish gets
Tropical and temperate waters
food, and their clients have their parasites
of the Indo-Pacific ocean. A
removed. This improves their health and increases
well-known species on the
their chances of survival. The process also appears
great barrier reef in Australia.
to feel good, perhaps like gentle tickling.

habitat Cleaner-fish establish territories, called cleaning

Coral reefs stations, from which they provide their services.
Their clients know where these stations are, and
diet visit them when they need a clean.
L.dimidiatus feeds on parasites
and mucus which it removes Although providing an important service for their
from the scales, mouths and clients, L.dimidiatus also takes the opportunity
gills of other larger species of to cheat when possible, picking mucus instead
reef fish, called ‘clients’. of parasites from their client’s scales. Scientists
think this mucus may provide the cleaner-fish
with protection from ultraviolet sun rays, as
well as with a nutritious meal. Even fish need to
wear sun screen when the sun is fierce. However,
removing the mucus doesn’t get the client fish
much cleaner, so they prefer their cleaners to stick
to the parasites.

Kalyani Ganapathy
Epaulette shark
Hemiscyllium ocellatum eviction notice!
client species Black-backed wrasse This shark grows to just
over a meter in length, and In December 2015, the Queensland state
Anampses neoguinaicus
Spiny chromis damselfish can be found in waters as government gave the go ahead for the
This carnivorous fish
Acanthochromis polyacanthus
shallow as 15cm. expansion of a coal port at Abbot Point.
Females lay very large usually lives in small
eggs, embryos develop groups of females, and
Slingjaw wrasse They can survive even when Although there are measures in place to
slowly for damselfish, are accompanied by a
Epibulus insidiator oxygen levels in the water protect the coral and the life it supports,
making the young very single male.
When males of this are very low, lowering their these restrictions may not stop the damage.
well-developed when blood pressure by 50% to
species are trying to Black-backed wrasse
they hatch. maintain blood-flow to Adani Mining, argues that the control
impress the females is what scientists
and find a mate, they their brains. measures are sufficient and the expansion
Both parents look after the call a protogynous
can actually change will create 10,000 jobs and deliver
young for a surprisingly hermaphrodite. All
their colour, becoming $AUD 22 billion in taxes and royalties.
long period once they individuals start off
brighter. If disturbed as females, but when Blunt-head parrotfish
emerge from the eggs. Although some development work has
from their displays, they the male in the group Chlorurus microrhinos
can quickly switch back This large and colourful begun, the mining projects, are currently
dies, one of the females
to their usual colour fish grows up to 80cm in being held up by opposition and legal
changes her sex,
pattern. length, forms schools of up challenges from groups representing
becoming the dominant
to 40 individuals and can aboriginal land-owners, the United
breeding male.
live for 15 years. Nations and environmental groups.
Kalyani Ganapathy

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