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3 Student's Games Annotated by IM Renier Castellanos


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3 Student's Games Annotated by IM Renier Castellanos

Written by IM Renier Castellanos
Thursday, 27 August 2015 00:00

In today's article IM Renier Castallanos will analyze 3 tournament games played by one of our
students Rebuen Salimu (1960 FIDE). He has successfully completed both our 21 Days to
Supercharge Your Chess: The Complete Training Program and Dominate Rook Endgames with GM
Alexander Ipatov significantly improving his game. He wants to take his chess even further and that's
why it is crucial to know what else needs to be improved in this stage.

Game 1:

Salimu, Reuben vs Klaasen, Calvin

WP Open Elite ? 8 Jun 2015 1/2-1/2 SUPERCHARGE YOUR CHESS
Give me 21 Days and I Will Show You How to

1.  f3 c5 2. c4 c6 3. g3 g6 4.  g2 g7 Become a Dramatically Better Chess Player

5. O-O e6 6. e3

6.  c3 ge7 7. d3 is another plan

6... ge7 7.  c3 O-O 8. d4 cxd4 9. exd4

Here 9.  xd4 makes more sense, although

the game is still about equal d5 10. cxd5
xd4 11. exd4 xd5 Here white has a
slight, very slight advantage due to the
more freedom of pieces.

9...d5 10. cxd5 xd5 11.  xd5

11.  e1 keeping things more flexible, true

that white has an isolated queen's pawn
however he has more freedom of pieces, the
game is about equal.

Game 2:


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3 Student's Games Annotated by IM Renier Castellanos

Darling, Paul vs Salimu, Reuben

WP Open 2015 ? 9 Jun 2015 1/2-1/2

1. e4 c5 2.  f3 e6 3. d4 cxd4 4.  xd4 a6

5.  c3 c7 6.  e2 b4

6...b5 is a more enterprising line

6... f6 followed by d6 or Nc6 going into

sheveningen lines has always been my Γίνετε ο πρώτος από τους φίλους σας
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7. O-O f6 8.  f3 This is not the best move

for white, the bishop on f3 stands passive. White
has two alternatives that are worth knowing.

8.  d3

8.  g5 with the idea of xc3 9.  xf6


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11.  xe6
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You can have your own chess games analyzed by submitting a request here. You can take private lessons with IM Castellanos on studies facts opening reasons
this page.

About the Author:

Chess Players Online:

IM Renier Castellanos is an active chess player and trainer for over 10 years, have worked for Chessbase We have 123 guests online
and done live commentary on several major events, winner of many international tournaments. One
Grandmaster norm. Highest FIDE rating 2529.

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3 Student's Games Annotated by IM Renier Castellanos

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Last Updated on Thursday, 27 August 2015 08:46

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