MCF October 2010 Final

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October 12, 2010

Harms Family News

Saying Goodbye…
pipeline project, the boreholes through the Milk It For
Mully campaign, other projects and approximately 85%
of our own personal budget for the year. God has
shown us that when we follow his leading, as we are
called to do as believers, He will provide and be faithful.
We have been richly blessed.
We’re leaving MCF. It is with heavy hearts, therefore,
that we are writing you this letter to inform you of our
decision that I resign from the position of Director of
Ministries with the Mully Children’s Family. The
resignation is effective October 31, 2010. The decision
was not taken lightly. Natasha and I have prayed, fasted,
Many of you have been praying for us since we sent our sought wise counsel; spent time in solitude, counseling
brief update in September asking specifically for your and reflection. Quite honestly, it breaks our hearts.
prayers and for that we are thankful. Why are we leaving? Unfortunately the vision and
Throughout the last 1 ½ years (April 2009 we started direction communicated to us and agreed to in November
of 2009 has not materialized. That direction laid out a plan
volunteering, January 2010 we started as full time
for our family that included two years of service here in
employees) the Lord has provided finances for the Yatta
Canada, with us then moving update each month. We
to Kenya to continue to work. never would have imagined
It was clearly stated that our that so many of you would
role would not be primarily have responded the way you
fundraising and that we would did when we first started
move to Kenya for 2 months down this road and for that
in December 2010. For a we will be forever grateful.
variety of reasons, the
invitation to Kenya has What about MCF? We
recently been retracted, and the want to make it very clear
position has been changed to that this decision is one that
one that is, in fact, primarily has been taken because of a
fundraising. strategic change in direction
by MCF that is at odds with
While we would much sooner what we feel God has called has accomplished through the work of Dr. Charles
tell you in person rather than
us to as a family. We Mulli and the Mully Children’s Family over the past two
through email it has become
continue to have the greatest decades in changing the lives of many thousands of
nearly impossible to do so as
respect for what the Lord children in Kenya.
over 600 of you receive this
6013-88 Street Grande Prairie, AB T8W 2V2 Phone / Fax: (780) 532-3612 Cell: (780) 518-9260
Email: or check out
Page 2

We encourage your continued support for MCF and Love in Christ and for His glory,
specifically for the wonderful children in its care that
continue to need your love, financial and prayer support.
Alden, Natasha, Jocelyn, Melanie, Trace and Tyson
What now for the Harms family? As for the
future…The Lord only knows. We honestly have no idea
at this point what the next step will be. Of this we are For our monthly financial partners:
certain, however: Our hearts are burdened for people
who hurt, who are sick, who are starving physically and
spiritually and for those far from God. We feel called to  We are asking you to please allow your October
full time work in this area. We are currently exploring 2010 withdrawals to run as they always do on the
one opportunity, but would be very pleased to hear from 15th or the 31st.
you if you know of others. Please pray for us as we work  Based on calculations through to October 31,
this through. Like each of you, we have commitments 2010 we are anticipating a shortfall of
and a growing family; we will need to know sooner than
later what the next step is. approximately $7,800.00. Should you feel lead to
help us finish in the black please fill out the
Thank you, Thank you! Natasha and I want to thank support form below and submit to us prior to
you from the bottom of our hearts! We have had so October 31, 2010.
much fun working with you our friends, our prayer
warriors and supporters. Many of you have given of your  Some of you have already asked us if you could
time, energy and resources to help us and MCF as we support us for a time after October 31, 2010 as
serve the Lord. May you be forever blessed for your we sort out our next steps. Should you wish to do
sacrifice. To the Pastors from the many different that please call or email and we can discuss
Churches we have spoken at: Thank you for opening up options that would or would not be feasible.
your Church and being willing to partner with us in this
way. A big thank you to the schools, the colleges, the  The job opportunity we are currently exploring
universities, the Rotary clubs, community groups, would require us to maintain a financial support
senior’s homes and the media throughout BC, AB and base of approximately 85%. Please prayerfully
SK. You truly made anything we worked on a huge consider transitioning over with us as early as
success and we have each of you to thank for that.
November based on the Lord’s timing and plan.
We have made so many memories as a family from the We will keep you informed accordingly.
beauty of the Rockies, to the ocean to the miles of
seemingly endless prairies. God has blessed this country. For our prayer partners:
More than that though, He has blessed us through so
many friends like each of you.  We are asking for your continued prayer going
forward for our family. We really do not know
Staying in touch: For some of you this news will come what the Lord would have us do now and are
as a complete shock and we understand that. For others seeking His face for direction.
you may not be as surprised. Whatever the case if you
would like to talk it through or have a coffee please feel  Prayer for peace during this time.
free to contact me (Alden) and I will be happy to meet  Pray for “healing” for our family as a result of this
with you. We will continue to use this blog to let you change in direction. This has been extremely
know what we are up to.
difficult and hard on our kids as you can well
May the Lord bless each one of you. Thank you from imagine.
each one of us. We want to leave you with this quote  Pray for the opportunity we are exploring. It
from a book we recently read: involves conference calls, meetings and further
“The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason.” discernment later this week.
Benjamin Franklin

6013-88 Street Grande Prairie, AB T8W 2V2 Phone / Fax: (780) 532-3612 Cell: (780) 518-9260
Email: or check out
Harms Support Detail
*Please note all Harms donations must be submitted prior to October 31, 2010.



City__________________________ Province_________ Postal Code_____________________________

Telephone (_____) __________________ Email: _____________________________________________

I would like to make a: Monthly Gift of: $50 $75 $100 $150 $500 Other $_________

One-time Gift of: _______________________________________________

Alternative Gift (air miles, etc) please call or email to discuss possibilities___

From my: Visa MasterCard (please fill out below)

Bank Account (attach void cheque for monthly deduction)

*Automatic withdrawals can be done on the 15 or the end of each month*

Deduct amount as indicated above from the financial institution on cheque or credit card indicated

Signature: ________________________________________ Date: _____________________________

Card number: _____________________________________ Expiry Date: ______ / _______

Support Designation: ___________________________________________________________________

(i.e. Alden & Natasha Harms support)
Please make cheque payable to MCFCF. Please mail all cheque’s and support info to:
Alden & Natasha Harms
6013-88 Street
Grande Prairie, AB Canada
T8W 2V2

Once recorded all payment details will be forwarded to MCFCF Ontario. Tax receipts are issued for
donations of $20.00 and above. A receipt will be sent to you in February of next year.

Charitable # 80333 9142 RR0001

Mully Children’s Family Charitable Foundation (MCFCF) is a Christian humanitarian organization

committed to transforming the lives of orphaned, abandoned and abused children under the care of MCF
in Africa.

Alden, Natasha, Jocelyn, Melanie, Trace and Tyson Harms

6013-88 Street Grande Prairie, AB T8W 2V2 Phone / Fax: (780) 532-3612 Cell: (780) 518-9260
Email: or check out

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