Gms Technology: B. Ground Floor

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Multiple Choices: Select the best answer for the following questions.

1. The storey at or near the level of the grade line. The other storeys, beginning with the second shall be
designated by successive floor numbers counting upward.
a. Grade c. Grade Beam
b. Ground Floor d. Lintel

2. The beam or girder placed over an opening in a wall, which supports the wall construction above.
a. Grade c. Grade Beam
b. Ground Floor d. Lintel

3. Load caused by winds, earthquakes, or other dynamic forces.

a. Dead Load c. Live Load
b. Lateral Load d. Occupant Load

4. The weight of the contents of a building or structure; it includes all loads except dead and lateral, and weight of
temporary partitions, cases, counters, and similar equipment, and all loads imposed due to the occupancy of the
building or structure.
a. Dead Load c. Live Load
b. Lateral Load d. Occupant Load

5. The weight of permanent portions of a building or structure; it includes the weight of the walls, permanent
partitions, framing, floors, roofs, and all other permanent and stationary fixtures, mechanisms, and other
construction entering into and becoming a part of a building or structure.
a. Dead Load c. Live Load
b. Lateral Load d. Occupant Load

6. An interior subdividing wall

a. Wall c. Pilaster
b. Pier d. Partition

7. A portion of the wall which projects on one or both sides and acts as a vertical beam, a column, or both.
a. Wall Pier c. Pilaster
b. Pier d. Partition

8. An isolated mass of masonry forming support for arches, columns, girders, lintels, trusses, and similar structural
a. Wall c. Pilaster
b. Pier d. Partition

9. A vertical opening through a building for elevators, dumbwaiters, mechanical equipment, or similar purposes.
a. Storey c. Bearing Wall
b. Vault d. Shaft

10. Veneer applied to weather- exposed surfaces.

a. Vault c. Exterior Veneer
b. Interior Veneer d. Bearing Wall
11. That portion of a building included between the upper surface of any floor and the upper surface of the floor
next above, except that the topmost storey shall be the portion of a building included between the upper
surface of the topmost floor and the ceiling or roof above.
a. Storey c. Bearing Wall
b. Vault d. Shaft

12. That which is built or constructed, an edifice or building of any kind, or any piece of work artificially built up or
composed of parts joined together in some definite manner.
a. Structure c. Storey
b. Building d. Stable

13. Any surface or underground construction covered on top, or any fire- proof construction intended for the
storage of valuables.
a. Septic Tank c. Shaft
b. Cellar d. Vault

14. Veneer applied to surfaces other than weather- exposed surfaces.

a. Vault c. Exterior Veneer
b. Interior Veneer d. Bearing Wall

15. A term which may be used synonymously with a partition.

a. Bearing Wall c. Foundation Wall
b. Cross Wall d. Parapet Wall

16. A wall separating two or more buildings, and used in common by the said buildings.
a. Party Wall c. Nonbearing Wall
b. Retaining Wall d. Faced Wall

17. A wall which supports any load other than its own weight.
a. Bearing Wall c. Foundation Wall
b. Cross Wall d. Parapet Wall

18. An opening through a wall of a building to the outside air for the purpose of admitting natural light and air.
a. Door c. Window
b. Wall d. Eave

19. The enclosing wall of an iron or steel frame work or the nonbearing portion of an enclosing wall between piers.
a. Exterior Wall c. Curtain Wall
b. Faced Wall d. Fire Wall

20. Any wall or element of a wall or any number or group of members, which defines the exterior boundaries or
courts of a building.
a. Exterior Wall c. Curtain Wall
b. Faced Wall d. Fire Wall

21. A wall in which the facing and backing are so bonded together that they act as a composite element, and exert a
common action under load.
a. Party Wall c. Nonbearing Wall
b. Retaining Wall d. Faced Wall
22. A wall which supports no load other than its own weight.
a. Height of wall c. Nonbearing Wall
b. Parapet Wall d. Retaining Wall

23. The perpendicular distance measured from its base line either at the grade or at the top of the girder to the top
of the coping thereof.
a. Height of Wall c. Nonbearing Wall
b. Parapet Wall d. Retaining Wall

24. That part of any wall entirely above the roof line.
a. Retaining Wall c. Parapet Wall
b. Foundation Wall d. Fire Wall

25. That portion of an enclosing wall below the first tier of floor joists.
a. Retaining Wall c. Parapet Wall
b. Foundation Wall d. Fire Wall

26. Any wall used to resist the lateral displacement of any material; a subsurface wall built to resist the lateral
pressure of internal loads.
a. Retaining Wall c. Parapet Wall
b. Foundation Wall d. Fire Wall

27. A hand support along a stairway or ramp consisting of rails and their supporting posts, balusters or pillars and
constituting an enclosure or a line of division.
a. Balusters c. Curb
b. Handrail d. Ramp

28. The room containing the water closet.

a. Bath c. Kitchen
b. Bedroom d. Toilet

29. A sloped surface connecting two or more planes at different levels.

a. Stairs c. Corridor
b. Curb d. Ramp

30. A raised rim of concrete, stone or metal which forms the edge of street, sidewalk, planted area, etc.
a. Stairs c. Corridor
b. Curb d. Ramp

31. An AutoCAD command that places evenly spaced point objects or blocks along the length or perimeter of an
a. Divide c. Chamfer
b. Mirror d. Copy

32. An AutoCAD command that breaks a compound object into its component objects.
a. Export c. Polyline Edit
b. Explode d. Block Edit

33. A three- dimensional command that creates composite solids or regions from the intersection of two or more
solids or regions and removes the areas outside of the intersection.
a. Insert c. Isoplane
b. Interfere d. Intersect
34. An AutoCAD command that displaces objects a specified distance in a specified direction.
a. Copy c. Mirror
b. Align d. Move

35. The term “____” is frequently used to refer to any type of computer aided drafting.
a. Autocad c. CAD
b. AutoCAD d. Technical Drafting CAD

36. The act and discipline of composing plans that visually communicate how something functions or has to be
a. Architectural Drafting c. Engineering Drafting
b. Technical Drafting d. Mechanical Drawing

37. A three- dimensional AutoCAD command that creates a photorealistic or realistically shaded image of a three-
dimensional wireframe or solid model.
a. Rendering c. Photoshop
b. Render d. Picture

38. The acronym T.E.S.D.A means?

a. Technical Education Skills and Drafting Authority
b. Technical Education on Skills and Development Authority
c. Technical Education Skills and Development Authority
d. Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

39. A three- dimensional AutoCAD command that creates a composite region or solid by subtraction.
a. Slice c. Subtract
b. Extrude d. Box

40. These are graphical representation of what a building will look like after construction.
a. Architectural Plan
b. Floor Plan
c. Perspective
d. Building Plan

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