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Pentru admiterea în clasa a IX-a cu program bilingv/intensiv
24 mai 2017

I. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct form: (15 points)

A. Jane 1)………………(know) she would be in trouble. She 2)…………………..
(go) to bed late the night before because she 3)…………… (watch) television.
As she 4)………………. (wait) for the bus she 5)…………….. (wonder) how
she was going to explain to the teacher why she 6)……………… (not/do) her
homework. She 7)………………. (look) at the date on her watch. “How silly of
me,“she 8)…………………… (think). “It’s Saturday! No school!”
B. “What 9)……………….. (you/think) of my new dress? I 10)……………………
(just/buy) it. 11)…………………..(you/like) it?”
“Yes, I 12)…………………. (do). 13)…………………..(you/wear) it tonight?”
“No, I 14) ……………………. (not/be). I 15)………………… (save) it for
John’s party.”
II. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense, the Passive Voice:
(10 points)
1. Two men ………………..(see) running out of the bank yesterday morning.
2. The flowers ………………….(just/water).
3. The rubbish …………………(collect) tomorrow morning.
4. His car……………………….(wash) every Sunday.
5. The Smiths’ house ………………….(paint) at the moment.
III. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form: (5
1. If he ……………………… (run) faster, he ……………. (win) the race last
2. If Janet …………………. (find) in the petshop a kitten that she likes, she
…………. (buy) it next week.
3. I ………………….. (grow) my own vegetables if I ………… (have) a gar-
den where I live.
4. If I …………… (be) you, I ……………….. (tell) him the truth.
5. You ……………. (not feel) sick the other day if you ………………. (not
eat) so much pizza.

IV. Circle the correct answer: (20 points)

1. The money….......... on the table, take…...........

a) is, it b) are, them c) is, them d) are, it
2. There is…............ flour left for the pancakes.
a) any b) no c) many d) none

3. …......…scissors…............very good.
a) this, is b) this, are c) these, are d) these, is

4. The lesson is getting…............interesting.

a) more and most b) more and more c) the more and more d) the more
and most

5. My luggage is twice as ................ as yours.

a) heaviest b) heavier c) heavy d) more heavy

6. The…............. toys are old.

a) children’ b) childrens’ c) children’s d) childrens`s

7. He couldn’t believe his eyes, ….............. ?

a) could he b) couldn’t he c) did he d) didn’t he

8. When I…............. the room, the boys …............TV.

a) was entering, watched b) entered, watched c) entered, watch d) entered, were

9. .................. its high price, she bought the house.

a) As b) Although c) Though d) Despite

10. There were hardly .................. people at the bus stop.

a) no b) some c) every d) any

11. Mum .....….me to go to my friend’s party.

a) reminded b) remembered c) was remembering d) is remembering

12. I prefer ……. the book to ……. the film.

a) reading/watch b)reading/watching c) to read/watch d) to

13. …............the novel for today’s literature class ?

a) Have you read b) Did you read c) Do you read d) Has you read

14. He ............................ a scholarship last year.

a) was offered b) is offered c) has been offered d) will be

15. My father thinks chat shows are rubbish and always ……..the TV off.
a) cuts b) closes c)turns d)takes

16. You won’t ever say that to me again, _______ ?.

a) do you b) don’t you c) will you d) won’t you
17. They………..Mark Twain for the mayor.
a) mistook b) confused c) misinterpreted d)

18. I always have butterflies in my ……..when I have an exam at Maths.

a) belly b) stomach c) lungs d) head

19. Ann told her friend she……all her homework.

a) has already done b) had already done c) would have already done d)
would already do

20. The teacher asked us when…….to take a test.

a) we wanted b) we did want c) did we want d) will
we want

V. Use the words in capitals to form a word that fits in the space: (20 points)

1. I’m sorry, I think I’ll be _______ to attend the meeting. ABLE

2. I hadn’t _______ they were brother and sister until I saw them together REAL
3. If you want to get the job you’ll have to send the _______ form soon. APPLY
4. The Prime Minister’s _______ was quite unexpected. ARRIVE
5. The largest dinosaurs were 30 metres in _______ and 15 meters tall. LONG
6. She plays tennis _______. PROFESSION
7. Ice Age caused _______ changes to the Earth’s climate. DRAMA
8. It came as a shock to hear that Samantha was a _______. THEFT
9. Don’t _______ your sister to do anything naughty. COURAGE
10. Giving the job to such an _______ person was a recipe for disaster. RESPONSIBLE

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