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Report Genrated Date 27 Nov, 2017
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Personality is the unique and consistent pattern o behavior, thinking and eeling that
makes up an individual Many psychologists have devised many theories which explain the
development o personality in di ferent individuals and how these personalities

di ferentiate between individual identity. One can easily relate its pattern o behavior with
the available theories and can identity its personality. The ollowing theories de ine my
overall personality in a nutshell.
The psychoanalytical theory o personality by Sigmund Freud was one o the irst
personality theories to be introduced. It de ined personality to be ormed when there is a
con lict between the basic structure o the mind that is the id, ego and superego. It re ers

the struggle between the pleasure principle o the id, the reality principle o the ego and
the guilt or morality principle o the superego. Id basically the most animal and

unconscious portion o personality, it is primitive and not a fected by values, ethics or

morals. Id is understood to be that part which requires immediate grati ication. The ego
emerges rom the psychological energy o the Id, it is partly conscious and represents the

rational, decision making part o the personality. It provides the necessary delays to the
demands and needs o the Id until a more appropriate time. On the other hand, Superego
represents the internal voices o reason, it acts as a judge about the persons conduct and

when the person does not live up to the superego standard they experience guilt.
I relate to this theory as most o the time I ace this type o con lict whenever I see a

thing that I have been desiring rom a long time. For instance, I always have an urge to buy
an expensive Gaming laptop whenever I see its advertisement. My Id provokes me or an
immediate grati ication o this desire. I get tempted towards obtaining it without thinking

how would I be able to buy it. Subsequently the ego emerges as according to the de inition
it uses the psychological energy o the Id. Ego provides a reality perspective to my urge to
satis y the Id. Ego provides me with a practical approach o satis ying the Id by giving a
delay to it. Ego tells me that there would be ample opportunities in the uture to buy these
expensive things. It makes me know that to obtain those expensive objects I need to think
rationally and provides me reason regarding the same. Ego helps me in the decision-
making process or the urge to satis y the Id. When talking about the superego, it is mostly
the guilt conscious part. Superego tells me whether it would be right to satis y the needs
and urges o the Id. More likely it acts as a superman providing some moral reasons or
satis ying and not satis ying the needs. It acts in the orm o the guilt while spending
more o the ather’s hard-earned money on those expensive things, the guilt o not
attending other important needs etc. The superego a moral background to the decision-
making process o the ego. This theory de ines my personality as to how I approach things.
It de ines the pattern o behavior that I have towards the things I desire and consequently
makes up my personality.
According to Albert Bandura Social Cognitive approach explains personality by showing how
conscious thoughts in luence person’s actions and vice versa. In a nutshell personality is
the result o the cognitive, behavioral and environmental actors. Albert believed that
personality is the result o the interaction between thoughts, behavior and environmental
situations known to be reciprocal determinism. It the environment which in luences and
shapes our behavior and subsequently our personality. He said that human beings acquire
new orms o behavior through observing others (role models), they were conditioned by
the environment to behave in a particular manner.
This approach de ines my overall personality as I had always been most o the time
in luenced by environment and other people’s thoughts. Since rom my childhood my

behavior was greatly shaped by what I had observed. Being a third born child I had always
been majorly in luenced by my brothers. They always acted like role models or me. Their

experiences and their conduct had shaped me behavior towards di ferent things. For
instance, when I was at a point to decide my career option I had options o engineering and
medical. The past experience o my brothers in this ield helped me to choose a di ferent

career option. Moreover, my riends and other people close to me have always in luenced
my behavior towards other things. My way o thinking and approaching to di ferent issues
in my li e has always been based on the experiences and thoughts o other people. Even

while buying new things I look or opinion and thoughts o other people on it. Most o the
time I am a raid o doing a thing which I think would bring di ferent or bad opinion about
me in the mind o other people. This is the result o the major societal in luence on my
behavior which has become my personality now. I ear doing new things or doing things

which others I have not done during their age, most o time I try to igure out things rom
opinion and in luence o other people rather than doing it individually on my own. This

dark side o me has instilled a sense o ear in me whenever I think o doing a new thing.
Though this part o me has contributed towards limiting my capability o doing new things,
this has always provided me with better chance o success or instance I know that the

past experiences o other people in doing a particular thing is good, this means that I
would have a good chance o success in doing it.

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