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Title: Addict (it’s in english for the chinese scans)

Words near kunikida: The mysterious symbol is…?!

Atsushi: A hacker?

Kunikida: He’s an impressive information broker. / Today we’ll have him investigate

Sfx reads “holds out”.

Atsushi: ! / This is…

Kunikida: Moby Dick’s terminal remote control. / But the problem is here. / A
microchip that allows long-distance interference is attached to the back. / This is
what seized control of Moby Dick at the last moment / in an attempt to crash it onto

Kunikida: This means that whoever installed this microchip fully planned utilize the
Guild to destroy the city. / But our only clue is this symbol. / We must pull this culprit
out from the shadows before any other major harm comes to Yokohama.

Atsushi: But this hacker…can we trust him? / Uh…

Kunikida: That guy and I have known each other for ​a few decades​ ​over ten years​.
(TN: what the fuck Kunikida you’re 22 stop acting like you’re old) ​(t/n: cryin omg the
phrase translates to “some 1X years,” with X being any number from 1-9)​ /
Moreover, / he used to be an Armed Detective Agency member.

Kunikida: Katai! / It’s me, I’m coming in! / You should / occasionally / get out of that
godforsaken blanket and clean your house! / You / hermit!

?? (small words on bubble): Uwah…

??: Kunikida...

Katai: It’s too late for me… / I’m going to spend my life in this gloomy futon and just
die here…
[Katai Tayama. Ability: Futon]

Kunikida: Ah…here we go again. / What is it this time? (t/n: look how cute atsushi

Katai: Everything other than my futon is hell. / Beautiful things all exist in the
limitless sky and my happiness can only be found in the bottomless ocean. / How I
envy the ticks that live in my futon!

Atsushi: Kuni…Kunikida-san… / Is this guy…really…?

Kunikida: Yes. Katai’s ability is to control any electronics within sight as long as he
isn’t touching them. / And at a speed that is ​dozens of times​ faster than normal.

(t/n: should be something like “several tenfolds” but “several tenfolds” doesn’t make
sense lmao help → alright i got “tens of times” from brynna thank!!)

(Tens of times is technically correct but dozens sounds smoother in my opinion o:)

(t/n: he is washing katai’s dishes kunikida mom status confirmed)

Atsushi: ​Dozens of times​ faster… / Everything here?

Kunikida: His ability is enough to ​rival the military’s information warfare units​. /
However, / it seems that he can only concentrate at wherever his body and mind
are most relaxed. / He can only activate his ability when he’s wrapped in that futon.

Katai: Sniffle (wuwuwu sounds) / But that’s old news. / My mind is in a whirl. The
me who cannot use his ability right now is nothing more than noncombustible
garbage taking up space in this room.

Kunikida: What? / You can’t use your ability?! / Why?

Katai: That’s because…

Kunikida+Atsushi: Lovesickness?!

Katai: Three days ago I went to the silk shop to have my futon remade, and on my
way home, / I experienced an unforgettable encounter… / She is / “the black-haired
*maiden”. ​(TN: I thought this was a Chinese term but it turned out to be a Japanese
term for “the personification of an ideal Japanese woman” so basically the perfect
girl. ​​ Supposedly “nadeshiko” but it
sounds weird in English so I went with maiden.) ​(t/n: black-haired maiden sounds
good to me)

Kunikida: “Black-haired maiden”?

Katai: Such grace and lily-like poise can only be described as ethereal. / And just
like that my heart was stolen from 500 meters away!

Kunikida: That’s far. Small text: That’s not really an encounter.

Katai: I was so intoxicated by her beauty and grace that I used all my strength just
to take a picture of her.

Atsushi: Isn’t that a crime...? (Small text: That’s definitely a crime.)

Kunikida: Atsushi, how many sugars do you take?

Atsushi: Ah, one is fine, thanks. (TN: Atsulucy shippers take note, tea party with
Anne HC here) ​(!!!!!)

Atsushi: Wow, you’re right. She really is beautiful.

Katai: Wahh!! / But it can only be a fruitless love! / Talking to a woman? Chatting to
moles is easier than this! / In the end, all I need is *Yoshiko!

(TN: Yoshiko is the name of the woman whom the main character in the real author
Katai’s Futon story falls in love with.)

Atsushi: Yoshiko?

Kunikida: The name of the futon. (TN: he named his fuckin blanket I s2g)

Atsushi: We can only rely on Katai-san’s help to investigate that symbol. / But
Katai-san is unable to use his ability because he is lovesick— / ! / I know! Let the
Armed Detective Agency find that maiden! / Then Katai-san can confess to her! ​(t/n:
he’s so pure omg i am cleansed of my sins)

Katai: I…confess…to her…?

Kunikida: You…want to kill Katai…?

Atsushi: Eh…doesn’t that work?

Kunikida: Then again, as things are, we can’t continue our investigation…

Katai: …Is that so. / I understand.

Katai: I ask this of the Armed Detective Agency. / Please help me find “the
black-haired maiden”!

Higuchi: I’m so tired today too… / The higher-ups’ orders are a mess and the
subordinates aren’t listening…

Higuchi: Akutagawa-senpai! / So that’s how he looks after work? Does that mean
this is the route senpai takes to go home? / Calm…calm down, Higuchi! / ​If I tail
him, then I can find out senpai’s address, the thing I can only dream of knowing​… /

[In the imaginary scenario]

Higuchi: You worked hard, senpai!

Higuchi: Allow me to take you home?

Higuchi: ​That’s it!​ / Or maybe senpai will say something like “come in for a cup of
tea” and invite me into his home? / And then… ​(t/n: au where higuchi is a fanfic

??: Sorry to keep you waiting.

Akutagawa: It’s been a while. / Let’s go home.

(TN: same higuchi. same.)

Higuchi’s sister: Big sis! It’s morning, you know? / Big sis?

Sfx reads “knock knock”. Next sfx reads “opens door”.

Higuchi’s sister: Aaaahhh!! Big sis?!

Words on the table reads “who is that woman”. Rip Higuchi.


Atsushi: The “black-haired maiden” was reportedly sighted / around here? /

Although the mission is to find the maiden and give her this confession letter… /
Wasn’t Katai-san / ​very hesitant before? Why did he have a change of heart?

Kunikida: Who knows…

(t/n: what are the words are next to higuchi… “shock” ?? idk what is the truth)

Higuchi: Akutagawa-senpai met with a woman? / And they went home together?

(words next to higuchi read “resentment”)

Higuchi: No, something else must be happening. / It must be! / After a night of
careful deliberations, I’ve come to a conclusion. / It must be— / a conspiracy! / An
assassin sent by an enemy of the mafia? Or an undercover government official? /
No matter what, it must be some unforgivable evil scheme! / I must uncover that
woman’s true identity before any harm comes to Akutagawa-senpai! / That’s right,
this is a mission! This is definitely not out of my own curiosity! / Definitely not!

Sfx reads “raises up”. ​(t/n: “lift” works too if that seems better)

Higuchi: It was indeed around here yesterday...

Higuchi: The Armed Detective Agency?! / And it’s that detestable man-tiger who
fought Akutagawa-senpai so many times! / But…

Sfx reads “grips”.

Higuchi: Right now we cannot stir up trouble with the Armed Detective Agency.


Higuchi: Prohibited from antagonizing the Armed Detective Agency?

Mori: Just for now.

Higuchi: But our alliance against the Guild no longer exists! / If this happens, then
conflict with the Armed Detective Agency will be unavoidable!
Mori: Do you have a problem with that?

Higuchi: No! / No, of course not!

Sfx reads “smiles”.

Mori: ​Don’t think about it that way (t/n: check pls! If there’s a better way to say this,
i’m not suRE what it is)​. I, as leader, have also considered this from every
perspective before making the decision. / Trust me.

ATSUSHI SAVED A BABY AND SHOVED IT AT HIM) ​(t/n: headcanon addition to the extra that liz translated. ALSO LOOK ONE OF THE

Mori: Gin, pass on this order to all the members / and give this to each and every

Sfx reads “nods”.

Higuchi: Why did the leader issue that kind of order… / ! That picture! / It’s that
woman! / How is this related to the Armed Detective Agency? Is it really an
undercover government official?

Kunikida: Do you have business with us?

Higuchi: What?! ​(t/n: okaY SO THIS ISNT STRICTLY NECESSARY like its a really
minor thing but when i read the raws she kinda stops at “wha” and i wanna TL it so
bad as like “​WHA-?!​” because theres a lot of emphasis on it and im crying shes so

Kunikida: When you’re spying, you should remember to pay attention to your
surroundings. / The field of vision of Atsushi’s tiger eyes is very wide.

Text by Atsushi reads “I came up too”.

Kunikida: Well? What’s the Port Mafia planning? / Even though the Director ordered
us to avoid fighting you guys… / Depending on the situation, we could become
enemies at any time.
Higuchi: That’s my line. / Tell me everything you know about the woman in the
picture. / Two against one…it doesn’t look good.

Sfx reads “stands up”.

Higuchi: But for senpai, / I will do anything to get that information!

Kunikida: !

Higuchi: Please tell me! (TN: did she fuckin smack her head on the ground is she
ok) ​(its dogeza im la ughin so hard what a cutie)

Kunikida: Uh… / what?

Atsushi: No, / that… / That…okay.

Atsushi: …Even so, / there’s nothing I can tell you. / Actually, we also know nothing
about this woman. / We’re looking everywhere for her to give her this confession

Higuchi: Confession letter? / To give to that woman? / You?

Atsushi: Uh…yes?

Higuchi: This man-tiger! He’s unexpectedly bold! / …Huh? Wait.

Boxes read, from right to left in order of the arrows:

Man-tiger gives confession letter to her. —> Senpai and the woman break up. —>
No matter what, isn’t this development beneficial?

Sfx reads “grabs”.

Higuchi: NICE! (TN: LMAO I’M CRYIGN) (t/n: the fact that it’s in english makes it
funnier for some reason)

Higuchi: This is such an abstract problem. / Why do men always fall for that type of
woman? / But I completely support you, man-tiger. / Women wish to be fervently
pursued! You must remember this point! / But you need to trim your bangs and
change your clothes into new ones! / And make your gaze more piercing to give
others the aura of being unapproachable, then you’re perfect.
Katai: The one confessing is not him.

Kunikida: Katai?

Katai: How can I not bear witness to my own love story’s conclusion?

Higuchi: What? You’re the owner of the confession letter?

Higuchi: It feels like… / You’re even more hopeless than the man-tiger.

Katai: So what! My longing for love cannot be defeated! / And you are from the Port
Mafia! / Even though I, Katai, have already resigned from the Armed Detective
Agency, / I will never work with a criminal!

Higuchi: Man-tiger, why is he getting angry while facing that way?

Atsushi: So he really isn’t good at talking to women, huh… / Ah / There.

Katai: What?!

Katai: Waaahhhh i-i-it’s the maiden!

Higuchi: She came out from the laundry store? Could that be senpai’s clothes?! /
Preposterous! / Who cares about some confession letter right now! / I’m going to
deal with you directly—!

Higuchi: She ran away?! / Damn it, where do you think you’re going?!

Atsushi: This situation…is bad.

Katai: …!

Kunikida: Oi, Katai?! (or “hey” if you guys want to change it)

Higuchi: What?!

Higuchi: The traffic lights suddenly… / Damn it, hold it right there!

Sfx reads “panting”.

Higuchi: The ease in her movements… / So she’s a spy sent by an enemy


Katai: I will protect the maiden!

Higuchi: I will eliminate this fiend! / Yes! It’s a dead end ahead!

Gin: W-w-w-what…why is everyone here…

Higuchi: This hairstyle… / and mask… / Gin…?! / Could it be that you’re


Everyone: Younger sister?!

Gin: Yesterday, after work, I went home after a long time of not going back there… /
After I left my work clothes with the laundry shop, / I met up with my older brother.

Atsushi: Are you okay?

Higuchi: I’m not crying!

Kunikida: Honestly. What will you do, Katai? / You dislike the mafia, right?

Katai: …

Sfx reads “kneels down”.

Gin: !

Katai: Even if you are from the criminal underworld, / my feelings for you have not
changed. / It was only after the moment I first saw you / that I knew the definition of
(TN: help this poor man his hands are shaking so badly I feel you bruh)
(t/n: i’m crying he’s so nervous and shaky;;)

Gin: …

Katai: Waaaaahhhhhhhh~ (TN: Insert as much crying as necessary for these two

Kunikida: Honestly… / You should have expected this kind of ending.

Katai: Yes… / But / this is enough.

Kunikida: ! / …So that’s how it is. / You’re an idiot.

Atsushi: Will Katai-san be alright?

Kunikida: Yeah. He’ll start investigating that symbol very soon. / After all, the
confession letter was prepared for this reason.

Atsushi: Eh?

Kunikida: Katai originally did not have the courage to confess after encountering
love at first sight. / But because his unrequited love led to a stop in our
investigation, which would become troublesome for me, / that guy went for broke.
(t/n: “wagered everything”; gathered up his courage and risked it all, etc. so he
could deal with it and move on to help kunikida)

Atsushi: … / You really understand Katai-san.

Kunikida: (words on bubble:) Hah… / If that guy can come back to the Armed
Detective Agency…

Kunikida: ​It’ll be a bit of a comfort.

Higuchi: Gin, as your superior I order you to (t/n: you can put “to” in any bubble) / try
calling me “older sister” (TN: Don’t know what Japanese scans say here, it just says
older sister here but don’t know if there’s a better way to imply sister-in-law)

Sfx reads “cough”. (t/n: or maybe she’s chuckling like “kkekeke”? Coughing seems
weird but idk?)
Gin: ?

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