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Questions from SMLE on 14th Nov

My friend and I tried to remember as many questions post the exam as possible.

Even though we had it on the same day, same city, at the same time we noticed that we had
similar questions and different ones!!!

Here you go, best of luck

1) Most common None traumatic fracture in a pt with osteoporosis ?

2) MC liver cell carcinoma in Saudi Arabia ?

3) a question about MERS Cov

4) Delay in ulcer foot healing in DM pt, what's the cause of delay in wound healing ?

Op: DM promotes inf , phagocytosis , inhibit immunity or st like that

5) Two first cousins want to get married checking for predisposition of genetic ds inheritance
what's the ds

op: Thalassemia

6) Mireckls diverticulum MC site (MC = most common)

7) Divertecolosis MC site

8) Indications for tonsillectomy

9) RA ds disrespection
10) RA ds most specific marker

11) SLE markers

12) RCC MC manifestation

13) What is the abortion types ?, OS Open and visible gestational bag or st

14) "Tea coloured urine" in a male adult , a sign of which ds ?

15) Dark colour urine in a child maybe after infection ? Cannot remember also RBCs +

16) some questions about Retinoblastoma

17) Child hirting and biting mother for negligence what's the diagnosis

18) case description of Conversion disorder

19) MC depression related ca

20) n innervating sensation for ant 2/3 of the tongue

21) What is the MC defect with IE

22) 5 days old Baby delivered by midwife, baby with distended abd green vomit I think also he
had umbilical bleeding

Op: intucessptuin, pyloric stenosis,

23) What's the most effective painkillers

24) Pt w/ prostatic CA on treatment now complaining sever pain of the back (metastasis) never
taken medication for pain what would you give ?

Op: morfirn , tradamol , paracetamol, declophenac

25) Child eating clay and papers, it is a sign for a ds

26) Man with Wilson's ds st st what medications

27) Question about sensation in the middle and ring fingers, n innervating

28) Question about great toe and 2nd toe sensation n innervating and dorsiflexion

29) Snifbox tenderness what carple bone is fractured

30) What's the MC carple bone fractured

31) FOOSH MC fracture, colles fracture ?

32) Rheumatic fever mitral valve bla bla what's the ttt ?

33) Child with atrial septal defect what would be heard ?

Op: S3 gallop, wide split of S2, continuous murmur, ejection murmur (?)

34) 1 crescent line on the palm + more discription of the ds

35) From options of questions Turner's and Marfan's syndromes

36) Tinea pedis best initial ttt

37) Boy (very young) fell down and broke both ulana and radius bones with a wound .... With a
picture don't remember what they asked

38) Some eye infection that with examinations the picture (included in q) showed some growth or
some infestation with fluorescent green lines

Op: some candida or other fungi, some ammebia, some virus, some bacteria

39) Best test for confirming of EP

40) +40 yo women complaining of heavy menstruation and intemenstrual bleeds


Op: D&C, hysterectomy,

41) Pt has been married for some months want to get pregnant after what duration should they
seek help for infertility ?

Op: 3 ms, 6 ms, 9 ms or 12 ms

42) Pt want to get pregnant at 45 has not have period for ~ 3 ms, what's the initial investigation ?

Op: FSH and LH levels, salpingo st grapy,

43) Pt (child ?) w/ Von willbrand ds what will you give

PRBCs, fresh frozen plasma, recombinant factor VIII,

44) Pt w/ Schlatters ds with swollen knees and limited rotation or movement

45) Q about a bleeding disorder (maybe hemophilia A) and the child had sever bleeding or st
and then what should be given first for emergency

Op: ringer lactate, packed RBCs, fresh frozen plasma, or an option that had two of the previous

46) Young baby feed on breast milk or infant formula exclusively, anyway the q is what should be
eliminated from the diet after the baby had diarrhea and abd distention after introduction of fruit

Op: Galactose , fructose, tyrosine, ...

47) Dog bite two hours ago (Rabies case) had a vaccination 1,5 yrs ago what to give ?

Op: bserving for 10 days, RIG, rabies vaccination, rabies vaccination and RIG

48) Another dog bite the pt I think had Rabies vaccination, but the q is what causes the deep
wound infection ?

Op: polymicrobial, Viral, Parasitics, Bacterial

49) A case of sudden loss of vision pt described it like a curtain falling

50) Retinal detachment case

51) Oesophageal ca in mid oesophagus

52) Oesophageus changes due to GERD from what type of cells to what

53) A picture showing that a physician used some method to identify bacteria. what is it ? "it was
a picture of a slide that in the dark showed a blue colour"

Op: Gram stain, fluorescent, Indian ink or st,....

54) Pt treated for MI, when would he be able to drive after discharge

Op: now, or wait for weeks or evaluated with some test (neurological) or drive in 4 weeks ?

55) rebound phenomenon is seen in what ds ?

56) Toxic shock syndrome

57) Best prophylaxis for meningitis

Op: penicillin, citriaxone or cifizipne

58) Pt 65 ys DM and hypersensitive

Lab results all normal except for Albumin in urine

Op do nothing, add ACEIs, statins, add insulin

59) Case about iron deficiency anemia

60) Splenectomy which structures could be injured or damaged

Op: plyoris, suprarenal glad

61) Strong blunt trauma which lead to pancreatic leasion causing leak of enzymes, where would
they go to first

Op: omentum, ....

62) Pt was biting his brother and then the bite got infected what's the bacterial etiology ?

63) Case about gonorrhea

64) Foul smelling nasal discharge

Op: start abs, CT, x-ray

65) Mother worries that her 13th mo old boy has delayed development not doing the same thing
as other children. What milestone could the mother be worrying about

Op: crawling, walking alone, standing with support or ..... "a repeated question"

66) 20 yo female co of alternating bowls habits, constipation then defecating stools with mucus

Op: IBS, UC, Cronhs ds, colorectal CA

67) What is the strongest (I think genetic) predisposer for colorectal CA

Op: familial polyposis, .....

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