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II / CRYSTALLIZATION / Additives: Molecular Design 931


agent. Blocking a single crystal face with a certain

Additives: Molecular Design additive can induce morphology changes, but the
same additive can also be used to act as a template for
the nucleation of that same crystal face.
J. H. ter Horst and R. M. van Rosmalen,
In many cases additives are not wanted in the
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
R. M. Geertman, Akzo Nobel Chemicals Research,
product application. Ferrocyanide is a very effec-
Arnhem, The Netherlands tive anticaking agent for salt (NaCl), but the ferro-
cyanide complex must be destroyed and the iron
Copyright ^ 2000 Academic Press precipitated prior to electrolysis of the salt for the
production of chlorine (Cl2). Nitrosyltriacetamide is
also an effective anticaking agent for salt, but
Introduction during electrolysis nitrogen trichloride (an explosive)
Crystallization is the nucleation and growth of a solid is formed.
phase in a mother liquor. It can be used as a separ- Apart from having a very speciRc inSuence on
ation technique, because the process results in the a crystal face, additives must also be effective at
separation of the mother liquor and the solid phase. If very low concentrations. Because one of the main
the mother liquor and the solid phase have differ- uses of additives is in cheap bulk products (costing
ent compositions it can also be used as a puriRcation less than US $1 kg\1) the price of the additive also
technique. In such cases the mother liquor must con- acts as an incentive to keep the additive concentra-
tain impurities. The deliberate addition of impurities tions as low as possible. Expensive additives, even if
during the crystallization process, has been widely used in very low amounts, will adversely affect
used to improve both the product quality and the the cost of these cheap bulk products. High additive
process performance. However, most impurities pres- concentrations always give rise to signiRcant additive
ent during crystallization processes are not added on incorporation in the crystal and thus decrease the
purpose, but are by-products from previous reac- product purity.
tions, dissolved salts and solvents that can have the Additives that effectively control crystallization
same kinds of effects. processes are also found in nature: the shells of crus-
In industrial crystallization additives are generally taceans are formed as a result of bio-templated
used to improve the handling characteristics of the growth of calcium carbonate; the growth of the min-
crystalline product or to prevent scaling. By employ- eral components of our bones and teeth is carefully
ing correctly selected additives it is possible to reduce regulated; and studies of Rsh in polar regions have
caking, improve the free Sowing behaviour of a revealed some proteins that very effectively
powder, increase the bulk density of a crystalline block the growth of ice crystals.
product, change the crystal size distribution, After describing the fundamental effects of the
induce certain polymorphs and improve Rltration additive in the crystallization system, a general
behaviour. procedure for the molecular design of additives
Varied though this list may seem, all these ef- will be given. The review ends with some case
fects can be achieved by using additives that have very studies.
speciRc interactions with the crystal surface. This
fundamental physical effect causes a change in Interaction of Impurities and
the system parameters when additives are introduced.
Detailed knowledge of the molecular structure of
Crystal Surfaces
the solid}liquid interface is very important for design The effect of an impurity that is present in small
of additives. Once this interface is understood, it quantities (parts per million (ppm) level) cannot be
is possible to design molecules that have speciRc explained solely by its effect on solution bulk
interactions with one or more of the faces of a crystal. parameters such as solubility. The phenomenon
Often the same additive can be used in different that is at the root of all the effects of impurities
application. For instance a growth retarder used to on process performance and product quality is
prevent scaling of a given compound can, when ad- the interaction of the impurity with the crystal
ded after crystallization, also act as an anticaking surfaces.
932 II / CRYSTALLIZATION / Additives: Molecular Design

Adsorption of the impurity can take place on Sat Predicting the Effects of
surfaces, at stepped surfaces and at kink sites (Fig- Impurities
ure 1). The adsorbed compound can impede the
movement of steps on the surface. This is a kinetic The deliberate addition of an impurity is intended to
effect and causes a reduction in the growth rate cause a particular effect, such as a reduction in
of the corresponding crystal surface. For instance the mineral scale formation or a change in morphology.
induction time, i.e. the time that elapses until the This effect comes from changes in the kinetic
outgrown nuclei are detectable, can increase because process involved, e.g. for a change in morphology the
the outgrowth of nuclei takes longer. relative growth rates of the different crystal faces
have to change. The function of the additive is thus
very speciRc: the morphology changes if the growth
Origin and Type of Impurities of a speciRc face is blocked. This is illustrated in
In solution crystallization the solvent is an inevitable Table 1 for a number of desired additive effects.
impurity. Additives play a role in the improvement The Rrst column gives the desired effect, the
of product quality (e.g. shape of the crystals, second the kinetic process involved and the third the
crystal size distibution) or process performance (e.g. action acquired by the additive. Table 2 shows
Rlterability). One source of impurities in the crystalli- whether an interaction with a speciRc face or all faces
zation process is the synthesis of the crystal com- is required, at what particular moment the additive
pound, as synthesis by-products greatly affect should be added and whether it blocks a face or acts
crystallization. as a template. This table shows the close relationship
Impurities can also be classiRed based on their between additives used for different purposes.
character. Apart from organic and inorganic com- An anticaking agent is simply an antiscaling agent
pounds, a special group of impurities is the polyelec- added after crystallization, and an additive used to
trolytes, long carbon chain molecules with many block a speciRc crystal face can in some cases also act
functional groups. Because of the large number of as a template for that same face.
functional groups the interaction between polyelec- IdentiRcation of an unintentional impurity and un-
trolytes and crystal surfaces is strong. The large num- derstanding of its effect on the crystallization
ber of functional groups also makes the molecule process requires a kind of reverse engineering. Many
kinetically very hard to remove, as all the bonded impurities are formed as by-products during the syn-
functional groups have to be detached from the sur- thesis of the compound to be crystallized. By observ-
face. One of the detached functional groups remain- ing how the crystallization process changes in the
ing bonded to the polyelectrolyte and is thus posi- presence of impurities, the kinetic process involved
tioned very near the crystal surface. The attachment can be identiRed. The effect on the process then
of that one functional group onto the surface is faster can be matched with the expected (predicted) ef-
than the detachment from the surface of the other fect of one of the impurities present. This is a rather
functional groups of the polyelectrolyte molecule. complicated procedure because not all the impurities
The strong interaction and the large number of inter- present that can act on the kinetic processes involved
action points make polyelectrolytes highly effec- will be known.
tive additives at very low concentrations. Another The desired effects of additives are changes in
special group of impurities is the crystallizing com- the crystal quality or the process parameters. The
pounds themselves. Long chain hydrocarbons such as crystal quality is an overall term for a variety of
fats may cause self-poisoning on certain surfaces if crystal parameters (morphology, purity, etc.).
the fat molecules in the melt near the surface have Changes in the process conditions due to additives,
a different conformation from the fat molecules such as better Rlterability, make the process more
in the surface. efRcient. Figure 2 shows the effects of the
impurities on the crystal quality and the process con-
ditions. The working directions for both the rational
design and the reverse engineering are shown. Key to
this Rgure is knowledge of the interaction of a given
compound with the crystalline interface. This interac-
tion determines whether an impurity can, e.g. block
growth or induce nucleation of a given face. After
evaluating the inSuence of a given impurity on the
Figure 1 Additive adsorption at various positions on a crystal morphologically most important faces, the overall
surface: 1, flat surface; 2, step; 3, kink site. effect on the crystal growth and the outgrowth of
II / CRYSTALLIZATION / Additives: Molecular Design 933

Table 1 Additive effects on the crystal growth process

Desired effect Kinetic process involved Action required

Anticaking Dissolution and regrowth of crystalline Complete blocking of growth

Antiscaling Complete blocking of nucleation and/or Complete blocking of growth
Changing morphology (filtration, flowability) Ratio of growth rates of different faces Block specific faces
Control of polymorphism Nucleation of a given polymorph Mimicing a face of the desired polymorph
Changing crystal size distribution Changing nucleation/growth ratio Block specific faces, or block all faces

nuclei can be deduced. From these effects the tance from the origin proportional to the growth rate.
inSuence on the crystal quality and the product hand- The central volume enclosed by the set of planes is the
ling characteristics and ultimately the product prop- growth form. A face with a large growth rate is
erties can be determined. The starting point for de- positioned far from the origin, and thus its surface
signing and studying additives is therefore a study of area will be small. In contrast, a face with a small
the molecular structure of the crystalline interface. growth rate will be close to the origin and have a large
surface area (Figure 4). This means that the morpho-
Molecular Structure of the Crystal logy is determined by the slowest growing (hkl) faces
and that a morphology prediction can be made if the
Surface relative growth rates of all the different (hkl)
Both the impurity and the crystal surface determine the faces are known.
strength of the interaction. A crystal has several crystal Figure 4 also shows the effect of a growth-
surfaces, which might have totally different mo- retarding impurity. Before a crystal face can grow the
lecular structures. Crystal faces are identiRed by Miller adsorbed impurity has to be removed from the sur-
indices, which indicate how the faces are cut from the face. This takes energy, and thus the growth rate
crystal unit cell. Figure 3 shows a unit cell and two decreases. When face-speciRc adsorption occurs, sur-
crystal surface structures for the compound RDX face concentrations of the impurity vary from face to
(cyclotrimethylene trinitramine) with different face. The growth retarding effect will then also
Miller indices. Since the molecular structures are very vary from face-to-face. When face-speciRc adsorption
different, the interactions of the impurity with the occurs, the relative growth rates may change, as
surfaces might also be very different. The growth shown in Figure 4.
of one face might be blocked because of strong interac- Nowadays there are several general prediction
tions, while the other face can grow freely because the methods for vacuum morphologies. Here vacuum
interactions are only minor. This can cause face-speci- means that the inSuence of the solvent or the melt is
Rc growth retardation. not taken into account. Donnay and Harker’s law
states that the importance of a crystal face decreases
Prediction of the Molecular Structure with interplanar distance dhkl. A morphology can be
predicted if the interplanar distance is assumed to be
of the Crystalline Interface inversely proportional to the relative growth rate of
A morphology can be geometrically constructed by the corresponding crystal face. A prediction method
drawing planes with an orientation (hkl) having a dis- that takes into account the anisotropic energies in the

Table 2 Details of additive effects on product properties

Effect on Interaction with Addition Effect on face

product property
Specific All faces Before During After Blocking Template
face crystallization crystallization crystallization growth induced

Anticaking ; ; ;
Antiscaling ; ; ; ;
Morphology ; (;) ; ;
Polymorphism ; ; ;
Crystal size (;) ; ; ;
934 II / CRYSTALLIZATION / Additives: Molecular Design

To make such a prediction, knowledge must Rrst be

obtained about the crystal surface structures present.
Simple energy calculations determine the mor-
phologically important surface structures. Then more
sophisticated calculation methods such as molecular
mechanics, molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo tech-
niques or even quantum mechanical calculation
methods are needed to calculate the interaction ener-
gies of the morphologically important crystal surface
structures with the impurity. These interaction ener-
gies can be translated into growth rates of the surface
structures by assuming a model which interrelates
growth rate and interaction energy. The general
method for the design of additives is shown in Fig-
ure 5.
A good way of determining surface structures and
their morphological importance is by performing
a periodic bond chain (PBC) analysis. A PBC is an
uninterrupted chain of strong bonds between growth
units in which periodicity is based on the unit cell
parameters and symmetry and which is stoichiomet-
ric with regard to the unit cell content. Two sets of
intersecting PBCs make a connected net. The connec-
ted net can be considered a (hkl) growth slice or
growth layer. If a surface does not contain a con-
nected net, the surface cannot grow with a layer
growth mechanism and is rough. This means that
the relative growth rates of (hkl) surfaces that do
Figure 2 The interaction between the surface and the impurity
not contain connected nets, are very large. These
is the key to the effect of the additive in the crystallization process. surfaces are not present on the crystal morphology, as
This effect translates to changes in the growth and nucleation a surface needs to contain a connected net to be
behaviour of the crystal compound, which in turn affect the crystal present. If a surface contains more than one connec-
quality and process parameters and thus the product properties ted net (slices at different heights) more surface
structures are possible for one crystal surface. Energy
calculations should determine which of the surface
crystal unit cell is the attachment energy method. The structures actually occurs on the surface. However, it
attachment energy is deRned as the energy release per is important to remember that the morphologically
growth unit upon adding a growth slice of thickness important surface structure for a particular (hkl)
dhkl onto the corresponding crystal surface. The surface may change because of interactions with
assumption that the attachment energy is linearly impurities.
proportional to the relative growth rate of the The morphologically important surface structures
corresponding crystal surface gives the morphology can be determined by calculating the attachment en-
prediction. ergy Ea of a surface slice containing a connected net
from the bond energies in the slice (the slice energy
Esl) and the lattice energy Ecr. The attachment ener-
The Design Method gies of all the possible surface structures can be used
These vacuum morphology prediction methods do to determine the relative growth rates of these surface
not take into account the actual growth processes structures:
taking place on a molecular scale at the crystal surfa-
ces. Our goal is to predict the effect of an impurity RJEa"Ecr!Esl
that affects these growth processes. Such a method
should include calculations of the interaction energy This results in morphologically important crystal sur-
between the impurity and the surface. This interac- face structures for crystals grown from systems with-
tion energy affects the molecular growth pro- out boundary layer inSuences such as solvent interac-
cesses taking place at the surface. tions with the surface structures.
II / CRYSTALLIZATION / Additives: Molecular Design 935

Figure 3 The RDX (cyclotrimethylene trinitramine) unit cell (top left), and the (2 0 0) and (0 2 0) slices, indicating their surface
structure. For the (2 0 0) slice the connected net is given on the right of the molecular view of the slice while for the (0 2 0) slice the
connected net is given below the molecular view of the slice, as they occur in the unit cell. The surfaces are given perpendicular to the
paper. The dotted line in the molecular view of the surfaces indicates the surface.

Commercial software packages nowadays have Once the interaction energies have been calculated,
several tools to calculate interaction energies of one they should be related to the growth rates of the
or more impurity molecules on these surface struc- crystal surface structures. The models used for this
tures. relation are generally based on the assumption that
interaction reduces the growth rate. First the impurity
has to be removed from the surface before the face
can grow. This takes energy and thus the growth rate
decreases. An energy correction term Es for the vac-
uum attachment energy can be introduced, which is
a function of the interaction of the impurity and the
Sat crystal surface structure:


In most cases only the interaction of a single ion,

complex or molecule with the different crystal
surfaces has to be considered. By determining the
strongest interactions the corrected attachment ener-
gies can be calculated and changes in the morphology
can be predicted.
Figure 4 The faces with the smallest growth rates determine
By dynamically simulating a solvent layer on a sur-
the morphology. A growth rate decrease (R 3PR 3) because of
a face-specific interaction of the foreign compound causes a mor- face structure (with either a molecular dynamics or
phologically more important surface and thus a change in the a Monte Carlo procedure), the energy changes in-
morphology. duced in the solvent layer by the presence of the
936 II / CRYSTALLIZATION / Additives: Molecular Design

Figure 5 Method of calculating the effect of an impurity on the growth rates of the different crystal faces.

crystalline interface can be estimated, and thus the Ea+Ed1 a +Ea . The difference between crystalli-

interaction energy Es can be calculated. The proced- zation with and without a tailor-made additive is the
ure has to be repeated for all important faces. Though attachment energy of a subsequent normal slice onto
this procedure is somewhat tedious, it yields impor- the slice with the additive in it. This attachment
tant insights as to how a solvent can inSuence the energy (Ed2 b2
a , Ea ) is decreased because of the func-
morphology. tional group of the additive.
A disruptive type of additive will cause a decrease
in the attachment energy Ed2 a compared with the nor-
Tailor-Made Additives mal attachment energy Ea because some bonds be-
Tailor-made additives are usually organic additives tween the attaching slice and the surface cannot be
that are especially designed to aid in the crystalliza- made. Because the attachment energy decreases, the
tion of a particular organic crystal compound. The growth rate of the crystal surface decreases. During
additive can be designed to work only on a very crystallization the disruptive additive can be incor-
speciRc crystal surface. Again, the additive works by porated in the lattice.
blocking the growth of this crystal surface, making A blocking type of additive will cause a very large
the surface morphologically more important. A char- decrease in the attachment energy Eb2 a compared with
acteristic tailor-made additive is very similar to the normal attachment energy Ea because the func-
a building unit. The interaction energies needed for tional group of the additive interferes with the attach-
adsorption of the building unit and the additive to the ing slice. Either the additive has to be removed from
surface are similar. Therefore if the additive is adsor- the surface or vacancies have to be introduced in
bed, it will be relatively hard to remove it from the the attaching slice to allow the face to grow. This
surface. To retard the growth of the crystal surface, takes large amounts of energy, a large decrease in
the additive molecule needs a functional group that attachment energy, and thus leads to growth block-
differs from the growth unit. The functional ing. Instead of having a larger functional group,
group may be chosen so that the additive molecule
still resembles the building unit, but is smaller. The
tailor-made additive is then of the disruptive type. If,
because of its functional group, the additive molecule
is much larger than the building unit, the additive is of
the blocking type (Figure 6).
The attachment energy of a growth unit that be-
longs to a certain crystal surface can be assumed to be
linearly proportional to the growth rate of that crys-
tal face. If the slice to be attached contains an addi-
tive, the slice energy changes. However, this change
will be small if the additive strongly resembles the
building unit (as is the case in both Figure 6B and
Figure 6C: Esl+Edsl+Ebsl). Slices with tailor-made Figure 6 Tailor-made additives can act as growth disrupters or
additives will also have a similar attachment energy: growth blockers.
II / CRYSTALLIZATION / Additives: Molecular Design 937

a blocking additive can also have a functional group They are especially likely to occur with organic crys-
that is differently charged from the growth unit, tals where closely related by-products are formed
and therefore rejects an incoming growth layer. during synthesis of the product. Examples are 2,6-
This approach can also be used for reverse engin- dimethylnaphthalene in naphthalene, cyclohexanone
eering to Rnd an impurity in the system that causes in caprolactam and bromide in sodium chloride. This
problems such as incorporation in the lattice or inclu- phenomenon can only occur when the crystallization
sion formation, especially when synthesis by-prod- enthalpy of the impurity is very close to that of the
ucts that strongly resemble the building units are main compound. If that is the case, not only will the
known to be present as impurities. Disruptive impu- impurity be easy to include in the crystal lattice, but
rities, which have a tendency to incorporate into the the growth will not be retarded. In other words,
lattice, can be distinguished from blocking impurities, compounds that form high concentration solid solu-
which can cause macrosteps and thus inclusion tions have a very limited inSuence on the growth of
formation. Inclusion formation is the incorporation the main compound. If the impurity resembles the
of pockets of mother liquor into the crystal. A crystal main compound to a lesser extent the solid solubility
grown from a solution containing a blocking impu- will decrease and growth will be hindered. The free
rity is shown in Figure 7. Very large macrosteps are enthalpy involved in the incorporation of polymers or
visible on the crystal, and small inclusions also appear polyelectrolytes, which are the most effective ad-
in the interior of the crystal. ditives in mineral scale prevention, is so large that
they are not incorporated in the lattice by direct
substitution for molecules or ions of the main com-
Incorporation of Impurities ponent.
Impurities obviously reduce the purity of the crystal- A second incorporation mechanism is inclusion
line product and are seldom beneRcial to the crystalli- formation. Inclusions can be formed in several ways.
zation processes or the product characteristics. As The most common mechanism in industrial crystalli-
with the design of additives, it is important to under- zation involves imperfect regrowth of corners
stand how the impurities are incorporated in the damaged by attrition. Pockets of mother liquor are
crystalline product to reduce their uptake. then trapped. The concentration of impurity in the
In general an impurity is included in the crystalline inclusion is then directly related to the concentration
product through either direct incorporation in the in the mother liquor. The overgrowth of poisoned
lattice (solid solubility), the formation of inclusions, areas is another type of inclusion formation, and
surface adsorption or poor washing of agglomerates. occurs at higher driving forces for crystallization.
These incorporation mechanisms will be discussed in This is essentially the only way to overcome the
more detail. blocking effects of polymers and polyelec-
Solid solutions can only be formed when the impu- trolytes. As discussed previously, the concentration of
rities mimic the main compound in form and charge. polymers or polyelectrolytes in solution is low be-
cause these additives are effective at low concen-
trations and most of the additive is adsorbed on the
crystal surface. The amount of additive in the product
will therefore not increase much, but of course the
amount of other impurities present in the mother
liquor, such as solvent, will increase.
A third incorporation mechanism is adherence to
the surface. ‘Normal’ impurities, which cannot be
incorporated in the lattice, can be washed off
fairly easily. Tailor-made additives, however, are
designed to adhere to the surface and are difRcult
to remove. Partial dissolution of the crystals is not
an effective solution as these additives may also
hamper the dissolution process. Washing is therefore
very useful for the removal of ‘normal’ impurities,
but less so for tailor-made additives.
The formation of voids in agglomerates on impu-
Figure 7 An RDX (cyclotrimethylene trinitramine) crystal grown
from the solvent cyclohexanone. A blocking type impurity in the rity uptake is a fourth mechanism of impurity uptake.
system causes very large macrosteps on a particular surface and In conclusion, impurities that do not hinder crystal
inclusions in the interior of the crystal. growth can be effectively removed from the
938 II / CRYSTALLIZATION / Additives: Molecular Design

product through a combination of careful crystalliza- at a pH of 3.8) decreases the growth rate of barium
tion and after treatments (washing, etc.). Compounds sulfate by nearly two orders of magnitude (depending
such as tailor-made additives are much harder to on the supersaturation).
remove. Waxes in diesel oil can crystallize at low temper-
atures. The crystals clog up the fuel Rlters in cars and
prevent the motor from starting. To prevent this
Case Studies problem either wax crystallization should be pre-
To illustrate the general principles four cases will be vented or only very small crystals should be allowed
discussed. These cases show the variety of possible to form, which can pass through the fuel Rlter with-
applications of additives and the problems sometimes out any problem. As the former option is not very
associated with the presence of impurities in the practical (it requires either removal of the waxes or
mother liquor. Scaling inhibition is demonstrated us- storage of the fuel at higher temperatures) the only
ing barium sulfate as an example, diesel fuel additives option is to add additives that block crystal growth.
illustrate how the crystal size distribution can be The design of an additive for such a purpose has been
changed, crystallization of -lactose is a good carried out using xylene containing n-C32H66 as
example of self-poisoning, and the template directed a model fuel. A copolymer of fumarate vinyl acetate
crystallization of calcium carbonate is also discussed. with different alkyl side chain lengths was used
Scaling problems are often encountered in oil pro- as an additive. The effective concentration at
duction. The two major scaling problems involve gas which the additive started to inSuence the growth of
hydrates and mineral scaling. Gas hydrates occur n-C32H66 was determined at a Rxed supersaturation as
when methane and water crystallize under high pres- a function of the alkyl side chain length. A clear
sure to form clathrate structures; this can happen in relationship between the side chain length and the
gas pipes on the bottom of the sea. These crystals can growth inhibition was shown, with a maximum ef-
scale and block the pipes. Nowadays much research fectiveness when the chain length was very close to
effort is put into the design of additives to pre- the chain length of the solute. This shows that the
vent these clathrate crystals from blocking the pipes. structural match between the additive and the solute
Mineral scaling occurs in secondary oil recovery. is critical for the effectiveness of the additive.
When the immediate vicinity of a borehole becomes -Lactose, a milk sugar, is a disaccharide contain-
depleted in oil, water is injected in the surrounding ing a galactose and a glucose ring. Under inSuence of
rock strata to push the remaining oil from the pores an acid, the -glucose ring can be opened and closed
towards the borehole. The pores also contain water again either in the  or the  form. In the latter form it
that at these deep levels contains a high concentration is a tailor-made additive. The galactose moiety re-
of barium. When seawater (which contains large sembles lactose, but the different position of the
amounts of sulfate) is injected, barium sulfate precipi- hydroxyl group ( instead of ) hinders subsequent
tates and the pores silt up. In the worst case the pores growth. The ‘-side’ of the crystal can therefore be
are plugged and a new hole must be drilled, which is poisoned so the -lactose molecules cannot attach to
a very costly operation. Scale formation is inhibited the crystal, and only one side is blocked. This results
by the addition of low amounts (ppm levels) of poly- in the typical tomahawk shape of the crystals (Fig-
electrolytes, for instance polycarboxylates and poly- ure 8).
sulfonates. Experiments have shown that the molecu-
lar structure of the polyelectrolyte determines the
effectiveness of the additive. Polyelectrolytes
containing sulfonate or phosphonate groups, which
closely resemble the sulfate groups in the crystal lat-
tice, are more effective than polyelectrolytes con-
taining only carboxylate groups. Also the way the
sulfonate groups are attached to the backbone is
important: molecules with the sulfonate group
directly attached are more effective than molecu-
les with the sulfonate indirectly attached. The length
of the backbone allows each sulfonate group to re-
Figure 8 The -lactose hydrate crystal grown in the presence
place a sulfate in the lattice, thus binding the additive
of -lactose. The (0 1 0) surface on the right is blocked because
very strongly to the crystal surface, in a zipper-like -lactose can adsorb on the surface, causing a blocking impurity
manner, and inhibiting growth. For instance, as shown in Figure 6C, while on the left the (0 1 0) surface is not
0.1 ppm of a polymaleic acid (polyvinyl sulfonic acid blocked because the -lactose can not adsorb on the surface.
II / CRYSTALLIZATION / Additives: Molecular Design 939

A substance that is capable of crystallizing into all come down to the interaction between the additive
structurally different but chemically identical and the different crystal surfaces. A general
crystalline forms exhibits polymorphism. A very com- method was given for the design of additives, which
mon compound that can form polymorphs is water. involves gaining knowledge of the morphologically
Under atmospheric pressure and slightly below 03C important crystal surfaces and on the interaction be-
ice is formed with a density lower than that of water, tween these surfaces and the additive.
so the ice Soats on the water. Under higher pressure
the ice can crystallize into polymorphs with higher
densities that sink. Different polymorphs crystal- Further Reading
lize under different conditions. However, these
conditions may be almost equal for rather complex Allen MD and Tildesley DJ (1987) Computer Simulation of
organic compounds such as pharmaceuticals. In the Liquids. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
pharmaceutical industry a strong desire exists to con- Beiny DHM, Mullin JW and Lewtas K (1990) Crystalliza-
trol the crystallization of polymorphs for a number of tion of n-dotriacontane from hydrocarbon solution with
reasons. The polymorphic form of a pharmaceutical polymeric additives Journal of Crystal Growth 102:
inSuences its effect and its lethal dosage. The 801d806.
crystallization processes of particular polymorphs are Clydesdale G, Roberts KJ and Docherty R (1994) Model-
ling the morphology of molecular crystals in the pres-
therefore protected by patents.
ence of disruptive tailor-made additives. Journal of
One way of controlling the crystallization of the
Crystal Growth 135: 331}340.
correct polymorph is by means of template-directed
Clydesdale G, Roberts KJ, Lewtas K and Docherty
nucleation of the polymorph. The template mimics
R (1994) Modelling the morphology of molecular crys-
a crystal face of the desired polymorph and nuclei of tals in the presence of blocking tailor-made additives.
that polymorph can form onto the template. Up to Journal of Crystal Growth 141: 443}450.
now attention has mainly focused on templates con- de Goede R (1992) Improvement of melt crystallizations
sisting of Langmuir}Blodgett (LB) layers. efRciency for industrial applications. In: Pilavachi
Calcite and vaterite are polymorphs of the com- PA (ed.) Energy EfTciency in Process Technology.
pound calcium carbonate (calcite is the polymorph Elsevier Applied Science.
that forms under ambient conditions). Stearic acid Donnay JHD and Harker D (1937) American Mineralogist
spreads at the air}water interface, which when com- 22: 446.
pressed as a LB monolayer is highly structured. When Frenkel D and Smit B (1996) Understanding Molecular
the acid group is ionized at higher pH the monolayer Simulation. New York: Academic Press.
surface facing the solution consists of carboxylates Hartmann P and Bennema P (1980) The attachment energy
that can bind calcium ions from the solution. At as a habit controlling factor. I. Theoretical consider-
higher calcium concentrations calcite grows from the ations. Journal of Crystal Growth 49: 145}156.
(1 1 0) face under the monolayer, while at lower Hurle DTJ (ed.) (1993) Handbook of Crystal Growth, vols
calcium concentrations vaterite grows from the 1A}3B. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science.
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940 II / CRYSTALLIZATION / Biomineralization

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D. Volkmer, University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany A proRtable knowledge transfer in the direction of
Copyright ^ 2000 Academic Press biologically inspired design strategies for building
new and improved composite materials can be pre-
dicted for the near future.
Many organisms have developed sophisticated The following account of biomineralization fo-
strategies to direct the growth of the inorganic con- cuses on two special topics of this wide research
stituents of their mineralized tissues. Active control Reld, namely ferritin and mollusc shell mineraliz-
mechanisms are effective at almost all levels of struc- ation, which are considered here as illustrative
tural hierarchy, ranging from the nanoscopic regime examples. For a more comprehensive survey which
} the nucleation of a crystallite at a speciRc site } up to includes further important types of biominerals
the macroscopic regime, where the biophysical prop- (e.g. bone or biogenic structures made of amorphous
erties of the mineralized tissue have to be matched to silica) the reader should consider one of the many
a certain function. excellent monographs and review articles on the sub-
Among the many open questions, one of the most ject.
challenging scientiRc problems is to gain insights into
the molecular interactions that occur at the interface
between the inorganic mineral and the macromolecu-
lar organic matrix. Biogenic crystals often express
Ferritin: From Iron Storage
exceptional habits that are seemingly unrelated to the to Nanoparticle Synthesis
morphology of the same type of crystals when grown Mineral deposition in the iron storage protein (fer-
under equilibrium conditions. For the most wide- ritin) may be regarded as an archetypal biological
spread calciRed tissues it is frequently assumed that model for the formation of a nanocrystalline mineral
a structurally rigid composite matrix consisting of phase within a conRned space. The structure and
Rbrous proteins and thereon adsorbed acidic macro- function of ferritin have been reviewed in great detail.
molecules acts as a supramolecular blueprint that Ferritin consists of an oligomeric protein shell
templates nucleation of the inorganic phase. Sub- (apoferritin) and a core of poorly crystalline Fe(III)
sequent crystal growth proceeds within a specialized oxyhydroxide (presumably ferrihydrite, 5 Fe2O3 )
compartment which encloses a suitable aqueous 9 H2O). Iron is temporarily stored within and re-
microenvironment. The particular composition of leased from the central cavity of the encapsulating
solutes, which often comprises a complex mixture of protein shell. The availability of several high resolu-
dissolved electrolytes and macromolecules, has tion three-dimensional structures of apoferritins ori-
a strong inSuence on the morphology of the crystals. ginating from different organisms provides a reliable
In the course of mineral deposition, growth modiRers basis to discuss possible pathways of iron biomineral-
may interact with the maturing crystal in different ization. Current biomimetic strategies to achieve
ways: dissolved macromolecules may be adsorbed similar properties include mineralization in oil}
onto speciRc crystal faces, thus slowing down or water microemulsions, block copolymer micelles,
inhibiting deposition rates along certain crystallo- or biotechnologically produced capsule-forming
graphic directions. Adsorbed macromolecules may be proteins.
completely overgrown by the mineral to produce lat-
tice defects or to introduce discontinuities in the crys-
tal texture. Apoferritin Structure and Biological
Efforts in trying to separate and mimic aspects of
these complex interactions with simple model sys-
tems will help to improve our understanding of crys- Apoferritins with different amino acid compositions
tallization processes that are under biological control. have been isolated from eukaryots as well as

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