2018 11 Nov Notes Best For Email PDF

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Notes from around the Parishes, November 2018

Harpley & the Massinghams

A Time of Remembrance.
This year, 2018, marks the centenary of the Armistice - the
end of the First World War. At the time it was thought to be
the war to end all wars. Sadly this has not been the case and
since then, there have been and there continue to be countless
conflicts all over the world.
Remembrance is a time both of national mourning and
collective memory, a time to bring our shared histories to life
as we seek to remember individuals, perhaps family members - military
personnel and civilians - whose lives have been shaped by and sacrificed in war.
There is a wonderfully evocative passage in the Bible, from Micah Chapter 4:
“They shall beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into
pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation neither shall
they learn war any more. But they shall all sit under their own vines and
under their own fig trees - and no one shall make them afraid.”
We may not have vines and fig trees but you get the general picture: no one shall
make them afraid to speak out for truth and justice always.
The season of Remembrance is also a time to think more broadly of those dear to
us who have died, that great cloud of witnesses who wait for us upon another
shore and in a greater light, as we approach All Saints’ Day (1st November) and
All Souls’ Day (2nd November), also called the Commemoration of the
Departed. Another way of describing All Saints is ‘All Hallows’ - churchyards
are ‘hallowed ground’ - hence the eve of this day: 31st October is perhaps better
known as Hallowe’en -or All Hallows’ Eve, a time when heaven and earth feel
more closely aligned.
As Christians we are given hope that, through the death and resurrection of Jesus
Christ who died for us, death is not the end, only the end of our earthly life –
and the beginning of eternal life in glory. My colleague Jane and I will be
holding special services at St. Botolph’s, Grimston (18th Nov) and St. Mary’s,
Great Massingham (31st Oct) to commemorate our departed loved ones; for
details please see the list of services here or on our website: www.ggmbenefice.uk .
As a nation we seek always to value the freedoms so dearly won for us. We
should always use this precious freedom wisely (many others are not so
fortunate), and pass it on to future generations in gratitude and as an enduring
legacy of peace and hope.
With my love to you all in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace,
Reverend Judith
Weds, 31st October (Eve of All Hallows)
6pm Service of Remembrance for All Souls at St Mary’s, Great Massingham

Sunday, November 4th ~ Fourth Sunday before Advent

0930 Family Service St Lawrence’s, Harpley
1100 Holy Communion St Mary’s, Great Mass
0830 Holy Communion All Saints’, Ashwicken
1030 Holy Communion St Botolph’s, Grimston
1030 Morning Praise St Nicholas’, Gayton
3pm Prayer Meeting St Botolph’s, Grimston
6pm Sung Evensong St Andrew’s, Congham
Weds, 7th Nov 9am Holy Communion at St Lawrence’s, Harpley

Sunday, 11th November ~ Third Sunday before Advent

~ Remembrance Sunday
1000 St Mary’s, Great Massingham
1050 St Lawrence’s, Harpley
0900 All Saints’, Ashwicken
1030 St Nicholas’, Gayton
1030 St Botolph’s, Grimston

Sunday, Nov 18th ~ 2nd Sunday before Advent

0930 Holy Communion St Andrew’s, Little Massingham
1100 Family Service St Mary’s, Great Massingham
1115 Sung Holy Communion St Lawrence’s, Harpley
0830 Holy Communion All Saints’, Roydon
1030 Holy Communion St Nicholas’, Gayton
3pm Celebration of Life St Botolph’s, Grimston

Weds, Nov 21st ~ 9am Holy Communion at St Botolph’s, Grimston

Sunday, Nov 25th ~ (Sunday next before Advent) Christ the King
1100 Holy Communion St Mary’s, Great Massingham
0830 Holy Communion St Andrew’s, Congham
1030 Joint Grimston/ Gayton Family Service St Nicholas’, Gayton
3pm Celtic Worship St Mary’s, Gayton Thorpe
Fri 30th Nov ~ Feast of Saint Andrew. Patron Saint of Scotland and several local churches
Sunday, December 2nd ~ Advent Sunday
0930 Family Service St Lawrence’s, Harpley
1100 Holy Communion St Mary’s, Great Mass
0830 Holy Communion St Mary’s, East Walton
1030 Holy Communion St Botolph’s, Grimston
1030 Morning Praise St Nicholas’, Gayton
3pm Prayer Meeting St Nicholas’, Gayton

‘Leaves from Honor’s Diary 1914-1918’

War time experiences of Honor Elwes and her sister Win, (who drove
ambulances in France). ~ A talk by Juliet Webster with original slides.
in St. Andrews Church, Congham
3.00pm, Saturday 10th November
Followed by Tea and Cakes. Donations to Congham Church

Concert for REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY The Norfolk Symphony Orchestra

Sunday 11th November ~ 3:30pm in St Nicholas’ Chapel.
‘Remembrance & Hope’ ~ works by GeorgeButterworth, Cecil Coles, Arthur Bliss,
Edward Elgar ~ Culminating in Beethoven’s 9th Symphony with King’s Lynn Festival
Chorus and soloists from English National Opera
Tickets £16/£8 with 100 free tickets for young concert goers
Corn Exchange 01553 764864 ~

Our Ministry Team: www.ggmbenefice.uk

Team Rector Rev’d Jane Holmes, The Rectory, Gayton 01553 636227
Team Vicar Rev’d Judith Pollard, The Rectory, Grimston 01485 601251
To arrange Baptisms, Marriages, or Funerals please contact the Rev’d Judith (her day off is Friday).

Looking for a Christmas present? Now on sale ~ Harpley Calendars ~ A4 size;

a month to a page; packed with colourful photographs taken around Harpley.
£8 each. Sold in aid of St Lawrence’s. Contact Jean Pocklington: 01485 520368
Joan Doreen Sims, of Harpley, died on 15th September aged 85.
Newcomers to Harpley may be unaware of the huge contribution she made for many
years as a volunteer at Harpley Court, especially using her talents as a cook to
prepare a midday meal at the Day Centre which operated weekly on Wednesdays.
Joan’s funeral was held at Mintlyn Crematorium on 8th October.
Our condolences go to Don, her husband and her family.
(Ed note: Harpley Court closed 10/12? years ago and remains empty).

Come & Sing with Julian Thomson: Meets fortnightly at 10am on Friday mornings
in St Mary’s, Gt Massingham. This is a time to get together for a vocal warm-up
and to sing hymns and songs both old and new.
2nd, 16th & 30thNov All welcome: contact Julian on 01485 520721.

Great Massingham Afternoon Teas ~ During the winter months.

Will be held at 3, Abbeyfields, by kind invitation of Mary and Judith;

Keep cosy and carry on . . . . Every Wednesday from 2pm

Congham Coffee Morning: Sat 3rd November

10:30am to 12 noon at St. Andrew’s, Congham
Coffee & Cake £3 in aid of Church Funds
The Bible Study Group will resume in the New Year; please let Rev’d Judith
know if there is something you would like her to consider as a study topic.
In the meantime look in the next issue for more details of the meetings planned
for December with a focus on Advent. Initially the group will meet in Great
Massingham at ‘Cobwebs’, (home of Kim & Alan Frazer).

Thank you for your support at recent events.

The Macmillan coffee morning at Christine Griffiths’ raised
£272. In the afternoon Harpley School raised £142.30
As part of their Harvest Festivals, children at both Primary schools
presented a magnificent array of food and other items suggested by The
Donations from the Harvest Festival at St Andrew’s, Little Massingham
went to the Purfleet Trust and the homeless in Swaffham
Thank you ~

Please send items for inclusion in the December issue of the ‘Parish Notes’ to the editor
by 20th Nov ~ Rosemary Mehers rosemarymehers@hotmail.com or Tel: 01485 521866

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