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PTA Meeting 10/11/2018

In Attendance: Brittainy Simmons, Joanna Durando, Derek Simmons, Chris Engle,

Shannon Houghton, Todd Nichols, Maria Weiss

Meeting called to order at 5:33 pm.

Approval of minutes from last meeting (9/27/18). Seconded by Maria Weiss.

Treasurers report: We paid for signs requested by admin. We deposited $78 from
membership fees. More turned in today.

Elections: Secretary officially Brittainy Simmons. President now officially Joanna

Durando. Vice president now officially Maria Weiss.

Teacher Reimbursement/ Give Backs: Created guidelines for reimbursements.

Teachers must be members in order to ask for reimbursements. Once form is
completed, we take it to be reviewed by PTA at an official meeting. New process
will be using a preapproval form. Last year we paid $765 in teacher
reimbursements. Joanna will send the updated form to executive members
pertaining to Teacher Give Backs. Will review at a later date.

Fall Fundraiser. The information was sent home Monday or Tuesday to parents.
We are ordering the week of Thanksgiving. We receive 40% of profit.

Membership forms were sent home and we received a few back.

Field trip support is being held until next meeting. We usually help reduce the
price of trip for students. There are insurance issues with supplying field trips.
Joanna will continue to look into this for next meeting.

Board of Ed raffles/ Food Pantries: PTA will sell 100 tickets. The profits go to
Food for Learning. This organization raises money for Caroline County students
who live in food poverty. Midshore Community Foundation is working with Food
for Learning with this fundraiser. Drawing is December 5th. Tickets and money
are due December 1st.
New Business:
Yearly schedule- Meeting with be the second Thursday of every month. February
and March will be the first Thursday of the month.

Halloween Parade: Candy and prizes will be given to each student at FES during
Halloween parade.

November: Teacher/staff pick-me-ups during week of November 12th-16th.

Teachers/staff will receive a special gift that week.

December: Student pick-me-up: Candy canes will be given to each student. This
will cost around $35 to accomplish.
Christmas Parade: Theme is “Christmas on the Eastern Shore”on Dec. 10th.
More will be discussed next meeting.

January: Candy Bar Bingo: Date to be determined. This is tentative and depends
of fundraising success.

February 22nd: Cupid Hop Dance We plan to continue this tradition.

March: PTA buys every student a free $4 book for all students. We are thinking
of having activity for night event of book fair.

April: Event is Family Fun Night/ Silent Auction. We are thinking of combining
this with Easter Egg Hunt. The date is set for April 12th. We will have a silent
auction, food trucks and activities for families.

May: Teacher Appreciation Week (May 6th-May 10th tentatively). We plan on

supplying lunch/breakfast during the week and special Teacher Give Back gifts.

Mrs. Early is asking for $500 towards Field Day in May. PTA will look into finding
funding for this event. We will wait and see if fundraising is successful enough to
support this event.

Meeting adjourned at 6:28.

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