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Case Application Study on Planning and Goal Setting

Faculty: Hamida Mosharraf Moniea (HMM1) mam

Section: 13

Group 4

Ishtiaque Hossain Sajid


North South University



This paper solves two questions of a case application regarding Planning and Goal setting

from the book titled, “Management by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter.”. The case titled,

“Shifting Directions” explains the situation of a long-established GPS company which is

forced to shift its direction due to invention of new technology and market change. It also

explains the challenges, competitions faced by the company and then steps taken to recover

market position. The question answered asks about the roles of goals and planning in shifting

direction of a company. The answers are based on extensive research online, and studying

opinions of many authors. The perception and knowledge of the learner and how he sees the

relation between the case situation and course study is also reflected by it.

Chapter 8 Case Application 2

Shifting Directions

Discussion Questions 8-18. What role do you think goals would play in planning the

change in direction for the company? List some goals you think might be important.

(Make sure these goals have the characteristics of well-written goals.)

Setting goals is the first step towards shifting direction; it allows the company to

move forward in an ever-changing market and make the necessary changes to the

environment while still addressing the needs of their core consumers (Daft, 2008). Goals are

the desired outcomes or targets of the managers. Whereas plans are documents that outlines

how goals are going to be met. (STEPHEN P. ROBBINS, MARY COULTER, 14E)

Part of the business planning process is writing business objectives that are translated

into actionable goals. Goals and Plans should be made up in such a way that it supports each

other. The planning process looks at the goals and determines the necessary steps to get there.

Business goals need to be thought through and detailed enough to achieve desired results. It

should also be written to support activities that contributes to the organization’s ability to

move forward (Patricia Lotich, 2016). To simplify it more, Goal setting is figuring out what

we want to achieve. Goal planning is figuring out “HOW” to achieve the goal. The output of

goal setting is a list of goals, and the output of goal planning is an action plan (J.D. Meier).

Now a good thing about the whole business planning process is that it is very much

flexible. The goals and strategies are ever changing and with those, so are the planning. It is

clear that goals and plans are very much interconnected. So, I think goals would play a

leading role in planning the change in the company.

For instance, Garmin Ltd shifted their focus from personal navigation system to

impeding GPS in car dashboards. This couldn’t be done instantly, first they had to go through

a whole planning process. In the process, first comes Goal setting. And as goals are very

much flexible it can be changed easily. Maybe Garmin Ltd simply shifted goals from “Selling

most devices in total” to “Increasing marginal revenues this year”. Following this the

strategic planning starts. Analysis of different environment is done, which provides

groundwork for high level strategy that support goal achievement.

Some examples of well written goals that I think might be important are:

1. Finalize Partnership with at least 2 more car manufacturers by the end of the year.

2. Increase investment in R&D by 10% in next year.

3. Cut costs by at least 5% by next year.

4. Penetrate the European Car dashboard GPS system by the next 3 years.

Discussion Question 8-19. What types of plans would be needed in an industry such as

this one? (For instance, long-term plans or short-term plans, or both?) Explain why you

think these plans would be important.

For any organization both short and long-term plans are needed.

In brief, Short term plans are which cover one year or less of guidelines. Long term

plans are defined as those with a timeframe beyond 3 years (Stephen P. Robbins, Mary


But to understand the full concept and functions of these plans we need to dig deep

and analyze what long and short-term goals are. Long term goals are inherently strategic and

that is why long-term goals shape the overall direction of the organization. Short term goals

on the other hand are reflection of how well the organization’s programs are performing.

Short term goals also have an operational component, with action plans for the immediate

future. They also form the action plan for achieving each of the long-term goals. That is,

short term goal planning actually in overall lead to fulfillment of long term goal planning.

Long term planning is done using the mission statement of the organization as

guideline. The broad approach to long term planning requires managers to monitor and

evaluate long term plans on a regular basis and adjust them accordingly (Nick Price, 2018).

The GPS industry as Garmin Ltd necessitates both strategic (long-term) and tactical

(short-term) planning. Above all, these plans must be adaptable in order to face the

immediate challenges presented by a continuously changing marketing environment as well

as the future threats that may arise. (Daft, 2008) The managers will need to outline the steps

each department must take to achieve their production, marketing, and financial goals.

Garmin’s tactical plans should emphasize current operations, examine current market

preferences, highlight potential threats to strategic plans, analyze competitor strategies,

develop arsenal strategies to tackle any unforeseen challenges and set smaller intermediate

goals that can be realized between six months and a year. Garmin’s strategic plans should

strengthen operations, set priorities and determine the areas which require the most resources

and energy. In order for strategic planning to be effective it must precisely outline the

direction the company is headed. It is paramount that all stakeholders and employees are

working towards common objectives and seek to achieve the same results. The strategic plans

should also include the continuous assessment of the company’s direction and adjustments

should be made where changes inevitably occur.



The once reputed Garmin Ltd still has a lot of opportunities to reestablish itself as one

of the market leaders in GPS industry. They now need to maintain proper managerial

etiquettes. The most basic elements like goals and planning need to be done right. An

integrated, interconnected approach in all decisions should be maintained. The change in

direction of Garmin Ltd might prove to be fruitful if the decisions onward are taken carefully

and after proper analyzing.

The case study has been a practical example of how goals and planning are

implemented. It has also given the opportunity to collect data and understand more deeply

about the discussed questions and its materials. Foremost effort and care have been given

while answering them and thus it has opened the door to gaining new experience and



Management. Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter. 14th Global Edition

Daft, R. (2008). Management (10th ed.). Boston: Cenage Learning.

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