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In the field of optics, transparency (also called pellucidity or diaphaneity) is the physical property of

allowing light to pass through a material; translucency (also called translucence or translucidity) only
allows light to pass through diffusely. The opposite property is opacity. Transparent materials are clear,
while translucent ones cannot be seen through clearly.

Some materials, such as plate glass and clean water, allow much of the light that falls on them to be
transmitted, with little being reflected; such materials are called optically transparent. Many liquids and
aqueous solutions are highly transparent. Absence of structural defects (voids, cracks, etc.) and
molecular structure of most liquids are mostly responsible for excellent optical transmission.

 Thermal properties

 Maximum density at 4 oC - 1,000 kg/m3, 1.940 slugs/ft3
 Specific Weight at 4 oC - 9.807 kN/m3, 62.43 Lbs./Cu.Ft, 8.33 Lbs./Gal., 0.1337
 Freezing temperature - 0 oC (Official Ice at 0 oC)
 Boiling temperature - 100 oC
 Latent heat of melting - 334 kJ/kg
 Latent heat of evaporation - 2,270 kJ/kg
 Critical temperature - 380 oC - 386 oC
 Critical pressure - 221.2 bar, 22.1 MPa (MN/m2)
 Specific heat capacity water - 4.187 kJ/kgK
 Specific heat capacity ice - 2.108 kJ/kgK
 Specific heat capacity water vapor - 1.996 kJ/kgK
 Thermal expansion from 4 oC to 100 oC - 4.2x10-2
 Bulk modulus elasticity - 2.15 x 109 (Pa, N/m2)

 1. Density
 The density of optical glass varies from 2.39 for N-BK10 to 6.03 for SF66. In most cases
 glasses with higher densities also have higher refractive indices (e.g. SF type glasses). The
 density is mainly determined by the chemical composition of the glass. To a small amount
 the density is influenced by the annealing conditions of the glass near the transformation
 temperature. Due to the thermal expansion of the glass the density decreases with
 The thermal conductivity λ and the heat capacity per unit volume ρcp were
determined by the transient hot-wire method at pressures up to 1.0 GPa and in the
temperature range 130-340 K. Specimens were cold-pressed pure rubber and hot-
pressed rubber containing 3.7% sulphur. The vulcanized variety was found to
have a higher glass transition temperature Tg at all pressures. Our value of Tg at
atmospheric pressure is higher by 23 K than the previously reported values from
quasistatic experiments, which can be accounted for by the relaxation time of the
excitation mode. The derivative of the transition temperature ∂Tg/∂P was found to
decrease with increasing pressure for both samples, as predicted by a recent
theory. The thermal-expansion coefficient was determined under pressure from
the temperature response to adiabatic pressurization using the heat-capacity data.

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