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“South Australia’s Only Weekly Hotel and Club Sports Paper”

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Thursday 1 November 2018 ~ Vol: 88 RRP: $1.00

Just Enjoy
Derby Day and Cup Day ( call them what you want) is pure Heaven for most race horse
followers. The hours of study most of you will do with the form guide is all thrown out
the window when the excitement of the day takes over. There are so many distractions
even for the most discipled punters with the Flemington fashion on all of Cup week ( the
Bird Cage and the Corporate marquees ) and its certainly getting bigger every year. The
saying was “the race that stops a nation” could certainly be changed with so much mas-
sive International competition and press now to “ the Race that stops the racing world
“.The Trainers, jockeys and owners that are made instant legends by winning “the Cup”
is certainly life changing for most of them in many aspects . Good luck to all this year
that have made it there, but nothing wrong with never stop dreaming your day on that
stage will come . Congrats to “The Reds” on winning the FFA Cup Trophy for 2018.
By Chip Miller
A great young local talent Brennan Cox has certain-
ly found his feet in Western Australia playing for
the Fremantle Dockers in the AFL .Brennan who
was pick 41 in the 2016 National Draft was original-
ly from Woodville South not that far from his
family’s Land of Promise Hotel on Port Road at
Hindmarsh. Drafted from Woodville / West Torrens
Brennan was a rising star nomination this year and
can play as a tall forward or back any time during a
game giving great flexibility to any side. To cap of a
very good season Brennan won the 2018 Beacon
Medal that was presented at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre. I am sure both
the Crows and Port have been watching closely and would be keen to lure Brennan home
when the time right.
Talk about coming home Danyle Pearce is returning to his club Sturt in the SANFL. Danyle
was recruited to Port Adelaide as a Rookie in 2004, making his AFL debut in 2005. After 8
years and 154 games for Port, he signed with Fremantle Dockers in 2013 and played an-
other 104 AFL games. A career total of 258 AFL games, averaging 20 games per season.
Chris Thredgold ,Sturt Football Director said ““Danyle brings pace, skill, experience and
so much more. A great signing for the Club.
Two AFL games on Good Friday next year includes Port playing West Coast in Perth.
The Annual South Whyalla F.C. Derby Day Rendezvous at the Morphettville racetrack this
Saturday upstairs in the general admin area ( near a bar somewhere) is bound to be as
big as every other year . The stories about 60 metre goals and the giant hanger that
North Whyalla’s Snapper took over South’s Crip, etc will only get bigger as well.
Footnote—from last week’s T.A. Hotel C.C. function how did we forget Kenny Crane.

Page 2 Soletti Sports News Vol # 88 SSN © Copyright 2017

Australia's performance with the bat in the
three Twenty20 games versus Pakistan in the
UAE were abysmal and they were quite rightly
beaten comfortably in all the games. No one in
the Aussie top even went close to playing well.
Aaron Finch was out of sorts, D'Arcy Short
looked out of his depth, Chris Lynn was exposed
technically and Ben McDermott ran himself in
each of the three games. Generally the batting
against spin was weak and lack a plan, other
than to slog or block. On a brighter note, Round two
of the Sheffield Shield saw some batsmen put their hand
for selection for the first Test against India on December
6. Former WA and now Victorian opener Marcus Harris
made 250 versus New South Wales at the MCG, and as
one of the more consistent players in Shield cricket, made
a further case for Test selection. He has also made two
ton in separate Shield Finals which will have been noted
by the National Selectors.
Jake Weatherald played a gritty and unfashionable innings of 69 v Queensland last week in just over four hours, batting in my
view in a fashion I've not seen before. He put away the flashy shots, concentrated hard on defence and looked like a batsman
who wants a Test spot.Shaun Marsh had a good match double for WA v Tasmania in the west, which may help save his Test
spot. Whether or not it should at 35 years of age is a different question. Do we put trust in him to have a fine summer at
home, like last year against England, and then take him to Ashes in England in 2019 for him to fail again. I'd rather risk a
younger player and have him fail instead. The upcoming ODI series (exclusive to FOX SPORTS) against a quality South African
attack will help us find out more.
Finally, my take on the recent review that has come out. Nothing I read made me feel that the bans for Smith and Warner
should be reduced. They are responsible for what they did and penalties should stand. The recently re-appointed Mr Peever
should go and whoever decided to he should get the green tick for three more years prior to the announcement of the re-
view findings, should prompty follow him out the

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Page 3 Soletti Sports News Vol # 88

Tips for this Saturday: For full updates check our Facebook page Saturdays.

Morphettville Flemington Rosehill Doomben

Crystal Shark Fin Harbour Harry Jungle Jim
Clear R1: 14,2,15,5 R1: 7,8,1,6
R1: 3,1,5,2
R1 : 3,1,6,7 R2: 2,5,6,4 R2: 1,4,3,7
R2: 3,1,5,2
R2: 2,4,1,3 R3: 10,1,8,2 R3: 10,4,8,9
R3: 4,2,1,8
R3: 4,6,7,3 R4: 6,11,10,2 R4: 2,1,4,10
R4: 5,3,2,7
R4: 8,3,2,9 R5: 2,1,3,4 R5: 13,2,9,7
R5: 2,6,3,5
R5: 6,3,2,5 R6: 13,15,9,7 R6: 4,3,1,5
R6: 1,5,3,4
R6: 5,11,8,7 R7: 3,1,10,2 R7: 2,3,10,1
R7: 3,8,6,1
R7: 2,7,3,1 R8: 4,1,8,3 R8: 12,1,2,8
R8: 10,4,8,3
R8 : 5,3,2,7 R9 : 7,5,2,4 R9: 7,1,12,13
R9: 9,8,2,7
R10: 8,3,11,9

MR 6 # 13

MR 7 # 3
Extra Brut
It certainly was the full house sign last Saturday—Start
with the Saturday Money Box replacement tip winners
SR 7 # 3
Daktari $4.60, Mina Harker $ 12.30 and Ventura Storm
Newsfan $5.50.The Money Box called in some extra help with no
Brissy races on and Ducky did not let us done Sky Boy $2.90
BR 9 # 7
and Coruscate $3 to finish the last 2 races at Randwick.The
Madam Stable Cat found Beauty $14 you bloody beauty !!The Mail-
Shazam man was on the job again with Aqua D’ivina $3.40. Good to
see Crystal Clear find form on her not so fancied Parks track
with a flying start to the day with Juthoor $4.60 and Re-
AR 5 # 3 warding Laughter $4.80 setting up the day nicely , we
Modulate agreed nicely with Like To Think So $5 , plus the Quaddie of
$429 . Harry nice going with 4 winners inc Aqua , Sky Boy
but the Mini Harka First 4 of $1,777 was pure gold. The
AR 8 # 7 Shark struck in race 1 yet again, but we had no idea where
the day was heading until the Shark’s omen Mystic Journey
It’s A Myth
$3.20 took us into the Cliff’s Edge $2.90 and all was forgiv-
en . The Winx trifecta in order $22 was all too easy really!!

Page 4 Soletti Sports News Vol # 88 SSN © Copyright 2017

Morphettville Chatter
You would have to be totally deaf if you have not heard
Raquel Clark’s name mentioned in the last few weeks.
Raqeul is apprenticed to Leon Macdonald and Andrew
Gluyas so she has had to earn her stripes there, but all
for good reasons when you look at her results. Rachael
rode a high five hand of winners at headquarters last Sat-
Tuesday mornings jumpouts produced plenty of high dra-
ma and a timely reminder of this high risk danger sport.
The warm weather has seen quite a few stables head to West Beach in the mornings.
Interesting discussion about the Wednesday’s Advertiser RSPCA report to push for
tougher laws and higher penalties regarding all animal cruelty cases.
Everyone loves a genuine Melbourne Cup tip and the Morphettville “ Dicky Bird “ tweet
was “ look out for Finche “. Hmm Finche is currently 25s for the Cup after a nice Geelong
Cup trial and trained by inform trainer Chris Waller.
Further chatter was regarding Richard Jolly’s colourful tie that he wore successfully to
the races last Saturday, you can never get enough bright colour at Adelaide races. Track
rider Shaun Cronin rode 19 horses at track work one morning. Plus talk about the form
reversals the local Stewards team of Night Owl bowlers that are currently undefeated
this season and in red hot form on Tuesday nights at the Novar Gardens Night Owls
Competition that comprises 18 very competitive teams.
Clare Lindop called into trackwork for a quick coffee before getting back on the cam-
paign trail in her quest as a candidate for the Seacliff Ward with the Holdfast Bay
Council. Clare’s election flyer is on
Triple Crown Horse Racing’s mission is to create a community where
. everyone can express their love & interest in horse racing, learn more
about each other, and create friendships with fellow horse racing

Page 5 Soletti Sports News Vol # 88

Travis Kalleske a Soletti Sports News member is competing in the The Noosa Triathlon
this Sunday, 4th November to help raise badly needed funds for the
Cure Brain Cancer Foundation.
Noosa is the largest Olympic distance triathlon in the world, consisting of a 1500 m swim, 40
km cycle and a 10 km run. Travis has a background in competing in endurance events having
run 5 marathons including Tokyo and New York (twice) Marathons, both of which are classified
as World Majors.

Travis is doing this in memory of his grandmother who passed away a few years ago from this
dreadful disease. Cure Brain Cancer's mission is to increase five year survival for sufferers
from the current 20% to 50% by 2023.
You can find out more about Cure Brain Cancer and the great work they do here - http://

If you would like to give, any donation, no matter how small will help and be greatly appreciat-
ed by those in need to help fund valuable research.

Enter the Soletti Sports News

2018 Melbourne Cup Competition

Select the winner and the margin to win a $25 Voucher

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Page 6 Soletti Sports News Vol # 88

1.Which horse won the 2017 Victoria Derby ?
2. Which horse the 2017 Melbourne Cup ?
3.Who trained the 2008 Vic Derby winner Rebel Raider ?
4.In 2003 who was the 1st Australian female jockey to
ride in the Melbourne Cup ?
5. Who won the very first Melbourne Cup ?
6.What former S.A. jockey won the 1972 Cup ?
7.1942 –44 ( War years ) the Melbourne Cup was run on Saturdays –true or false ?
8.Who was the S.A. teenage leg spinner who took a record 7 for 87 in a Shield Innings.
9.Which 22 year old South Australian female wrestler won the 2018 WWW NXT Women's
UK Championship ?
10. How many golf courses are there in Australia currently ?

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Q6-John Letts Q7—true Q8-Lloyd PopeQ9 –Rhea Ripley Q10-1,628.

Answers –1– Ace High Q2-Rekindling Q3– leon Macdonald Q4-Clare Lindop Q5-Archer

Page 7 Soletti Sports News Vol # 88

If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days you
would have produced enough sound energy to heat
one cup of coffee.(Hardly seems worth it.)
If you farted consistently for 6 years and 9 months,
enough gas is produced to create the energy of an
atomic bomb. (Now that's more like it!)
The human heart creates enough pressure when it
pumps out to the body to squirt blood 30 feet.(WOW)
A pig's orgasm lasts 30 minutes.(O.M.G.!!!)
Is that why they are always squealing?
A cockroach will live nine days without its head be-
fore it starves to death. (Creepy)
(I'm still not over the pig.) Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories
an hour.(Don't try this at home; maybe at work.) The male praying mantis
cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body. The female initiates sex
by ripping the male's head off. (Honey, I'm home. What the f..?) The flea can
jump 350 times its body length. It's like a human jumping the length of a foot-
ball field.(30 minutes. Lucky pig! Can you imagine?) The catfish has over
27,000 taste buds.(What could be so tasty on the bottom of a pond?)Some li-
ons mate over 50 times a day. Time to join Rotary.(I still can't believe that
pig....quality over quantity.)Butterflies taste with their feet.(Something I always
wanted to know.)The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue. ( interesting)
Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure.
So I wonder if Dolphins know about that Pig !!

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Editorial Contact for Soletti Sports News can be emailed to or

Phone 0417 809 695 or by post to P.O.Box 340 Hindmarsh, South Australia 5007.
John W E Miller for Chip Miller Agencies: ABN: 37 922 132 110
Page 8 Soletti Sports News Vol # 88

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