Teaching Special Populations: Induction Program Standard 6 Needs Assessment

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Induction Program Standard 6

Needs Assessment

Teaching Special Populations

Date: 12/21/15



DIRECTIONS: Mark an "X" in the appropriate box to indicate your level
of practice for each statement.

1. Identifies students who need referral to special services X

2. Uses the district referral process for students who may need special services X
3. Knows and implements the legal obligations relative to students with an IEP X
4. Knows and implements the ethical obligations relative to students with 504 X
5. Collaborates with colleagues who are experts in special populations X
6. Communicates with special services personnel to ensure effective instruction for all students X
7. Pre-assesses X
8. Checks for different learning styles in all students X
9. Uses flexible grouping X
10. Uses centers with varying activities focused on same concept X
11. Scaffolds instruction X
12. Gets students' attention before giving directions or providing information X
13. Checks for understanding frequently and in a variety of ways X
14. Uses different questioning techniques X
15. Varies the level of questioning X
16. Structures for frequent student response X
17. Provides adequate wait time X
18. Pairs physical movement to learning task X
19. Uses visuals, music, and/or rhythms for learning and to assist memory X
20. Uses meta-cognition or "think alouds" X
21. Uses graphic organizers and study guides X
22. Uses mnemonic devices X
23. Allows independent work as students achieve closure X
24. Creates a safe, comfortable learning environment X
25. Uses a calm, quiet voice X
26. Reinforces expected behaviors X
27. Uses learning contracts X
28. Gives students choice X
29. Challenges all students, including the most gifted X
30. Has a high degree of structure X
31. Uses consistent rules and procedures X
32. Ensures smooth transitions X
33. Monitors students, increasing presence where problems seem imminent X
34. Cues students non-verbally X
35. Varies content, processes, and/or products to meet individual student needs X
36. Provides alternate activities for students who are competent in subject matter X
37. Utilizes adopted, standards-aligned instructional materials appropriately in daily instruction X
38. Uses relevant instructional resources, including technology, to enhance instruction for all X

Emerging = Expanding awareness, recognizing importance, developing understanding
Exploring = Expanding knowledge, seeking greater understanding, exploring additional practices
Applying = Implementing knowledge, using a variety of strategies/resources/assessments, differentiating, connecting
Integrating = Integrating extensive knowledge, developing new ideas, adapting/analyzing/integrating information
Innovating = Designing/implementing comprehensive curriculum, utilizing a repertoire of varied instructional practices
NOTE: Marking "Innovating" indicates exemplary practice; other teachers should come watch you!

June, 2013

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