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Reviews/Commentaries/Position Statements


Follow-up Report on the Diagnosis of

Diabetes Mellitus
THE EXPERT COMMITTEE ON THE DIAGNOSIS predict diabetes, and questions have been
AND CLASSIFICATION OF DIABETES raised about the preference of the FPG test
MELLITUS* over the 2-h PG to diagnose diabetes (5–
7). Second, the IGT category has now
been associated with cardiovascular dis-
ease (CVD) risk factors (8 –10) and CVD
events (10,11), whereas IFG is much less

n 1997, an International Expert Com- odology resulting in varying nondiabetic
mittee was convened to reexamine the reference ranges among laboratories. strongly associated with CVD events and
classification and diagnostic criteria of 4) Although the OGTT (which con- CVD mortality (10,11). Third, the Na-
diabetes, which were based on the 1979 sists of an FPG and 2-h PG value) was tional Glycosylated Hemoglobin Stan-
publication of the National Diabetes Data recognized as a valid way to diagnose di- dardization Program (NGSP) has now
Group (1) and subsequent WHO study abetes, the use of the test for diagnostic ensured that most laboratories in the U.S.
group (2). As a result of its deliberations, purposes in clinical practice was discour- perform the assays using standardized
the Committee recommended several aged for several reasons (e.g., inconve- controls and report glycated hemoglobin
changes to the diagnostic criteria for dia- nience, less reproducibility, greater cost). results in a manner traceable to the assay
betes and for lesser degrees of impaired The diagnostic category of impaired glu- used in the Diabetes Control and Compli-
glucose regulation (IFG/IGT) (3). The fol- cose tolerance (IGT) was retained to de- cations Trial (DCCT) (12). These devel-
lowing were the major changes or issues scribe people whose FPG was ⬍126 opments have improved assay
addressed. mg/dl but whose 2-h PG after a 75-g oral performance and now allow caregivers
1) The use of a fasting plasma glucose glucose challenge was 140 –199 mg/dl. and patients to compare reported results
(FPG) test for the diagnosis of diabetes 5) The range of FPG levels between obtained among laboratories. Additional
was recommended, and the cut point sep- “normal” and that diagnostic for diabetes studies have suggested that the A1C may
arating diabetes from nondiabetes was was named “impaired fasting glucose” assist in diagnosing diabetes (13–17). Fi-
lowered from FPG ⱖ140 mg/dl (7.8 (IFG). IFG identified people whose FPG nally, data from major clinical trials that
mmol/l) to ⱖ126 mg/dl (7.0 mmol/l). (All ranged from 110 mg/dl (6.1 mmol/l) to tested whether the progression from IGT
glycemic values represent venous plas- 125 mg/dl (6.9 mmol/l). This construct to diabetes could be delayed or prevented
by a treatment intervention have pro-
ma.) This change was based on data that was established so that there would be a
duced concordant results: intensive life-
showed an increase in prevalence and in- fasting category analogous to IGT.
style modification (nutritional and
cidence of diabetic retinopathy beginning The WHO consultation (4) also
exercise interventions) (18,19), met-
at approximately a FPG of 126 mg/dl, as adopted most of the above conclusions.
formin (19,20), and acarbose (20,21)
well as on the desire to reduce the dis- The two significant differences were that, were effective to variable degrees. In ad-
crepancy that existed in the number of whenever feasible, individuals with IFG dition, a thiazolidinedione drug (troglita-
cases detected by the FPG cut point of should receive an OGTT to exclude the zone) reduced the incidence of diabetes in
ⱖ140 mg/dl and the 2-h value in the presence of diabetes, and the adoption of high-risk women with prior gestational
OGTT (2-h plasma glucose [2-h PG]) of different criteria for the diagnosis of ges- diabetes (22).
ⱖ200 mg/dl (11.1 mmol/l). tational diabetes. An inherent difficulty in the diagnosis
2) Normal FPG was defined as ⬍110 Since the 1997 Expert Committee re- of diabetes is the present lack of an iden-
mg/dl (6.1 mmol/l). port, many new data related to the diag- tified unique qualitative biological
3) The use of HbA1c (A1C) as a diag- nosis of diabetes have been published. marker that separates all people with dia-
nostic test for diabetes was not recom- First, many analyses of both old and new betes from all nondiabetic individuals.
mended. The primary reason for this epidemiological data have examined the The closest such characteristic for practi-
decision was a lack of standardized meth- equivalence of the FPG and the 2-h PG to cal purposes is diabetic retinopathy, but
this suffers from the obvious defect that in
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most diabetic patients, retinopathy usu-
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Richard Kahn, 1701 North Beauregard St., Alexan- ally becomes evident years after the rec-
dria,VA 22311. E-mail: ognized onset of diabetes. The lack of a
A complete list of Expert Committee members can be found in the acknowledgments.
Abbreviations: 2-h PG, 2-h plasma glucose; CVD, cardiovascular disease; DCCT, Diabetes Control and suitable, unique marker of diabetes has
Complications Trial; DECODE, Diabetes Epidemiology: Collaborative analysis Of Diagnostic criteria in led to reliance on the metabolic abnor-
Europe; FPG, fasting plasma glucose; IFG, impaired fasting glucose; IGT, impaired glucose tolerance; NGSP, mality historically associated with the dis-
National Glycosylated Hemoglobin Standardization Program; NHANES III, Third National Health and ease, i.e., hyperglycemia (as measured by
Examination Survey.
A table elsewhere in this issue shows conventional and Système International (SI) units and conversion
the FPG or 2-h PG) as the most useful
factors for many substances. diagnostic test. The selection of diagnos-
© 2003 by the American Diabetes Association. tic cut points for these tests rests on two


Committee Report

observations: the bimodality of the distri- rent World Health Organization (WHO) who are more likely to have an elevated
bution of both glucose values in some criterion for diagnosing diabetes in epide- 2-h PG.
populations (23,24), albeit with overlap miological studies is an FPG ⱖ126 mg/dl The differences in the prevalence of
of normal and diabetic levels, and the (7.0 mmol/l) or a 2-h PG ⱖ200 mg/dl diabetes by one criterion versus the other
ability of FPG and 2-h PG to predict the (11.1 mmol/l) in the OGTT (4). Using the could be interpreted as indicating that
presence of diabetic retinopathy or the 2-h PG criterion, compared with the 1997 there might be two metabolically distinct
risk of developing it in the future (3). ADA criterion of FPG ⱖ126 mg/dl alone early forms of type 2 diabetes. However,
In light of the new information, a re- (5), the average difference in prevalence the data are too scant to subclassify type 2
constituted International Expert Com- of diabetes in 16 European populations diabetes formally into two distinct dis-
mittee met to evaluate these issues and from eight countries (totaling 26,190 eases, based on the use of FPG or 2-h PG.
make revisions to the previous criteria people) was ⫹0.5%, with a range of ⫺4 to It should be stressed that all these epide-
where appropriate. This report summa- ⫹13%. Based on the Third National miologic studies are based on a single glu-
rizes the deliberations. Health and Examination Survey cose measurement, while the full criteria
(NHANES III) data discussed in the 1997 for the diagnosis of diabetes require a con-
Question 1: Should the cut point of Report (3), the difference in prevalence firmatory test in asymptomatic subjects.
FPG >126 mg/dl (>7.0 mmol/l) or compared with the previous criterion of Differences in prevalence by the two dif-
the cut point for the 2-h PG of >200 FPG ⱖ140 mg/dl or 2-h PG ⱖ200 mg/dl ferent criteria could therefore also result
mg/dl (11.1 mmol/l) for the was ⫺2.0% (26). Thus, overall, no consis- from the large day-to-day variability in
diagnosis of diabetes, or both, be tent difference in the prevalence of diabetes the tests. In conclusion, we recommend
changed? across populations has been observed by that the cut points for the diagnosis of
The diagnostic levels of glucose, both FPG employing the 1997 FPG criterion. diabetes by FPG and 2-h PG should re-
and 2-h PG, are largely predicated on In the same studies, it was noted that main as in our 1997 report. (Table 1)
their association with the risk of having or although the FPG criterion of ⱖ126
developing retinopathy. Based on the data mg/dl and the 2-h PG criterion of ⱖ200 Question 2: Should the lower limit
reviewed in the 1997 report (3), the inci- mg/dl sometimes identify the same indi- for IFG be reduced from 110 mg/dl?
dence of retinopathy increases above an viduals, they often do not coincide. In the The category IFG was introduced to des-
FPG of ⱖ126 mg/dl, rather than above European DECODE study (5), of 1,517 ignate the zone between the upper limit of
140 mg/dl. Although one recent study people with diabetes by either criterion normal FPG and the lower limit of dia-
(49) suggests that an even lower FPG cut alone or by both criteria, only 28% met betic FPG, much as IGT designates the
point would be appropriate, in the ab- both criteria. A total of 40% met the fast- zone between the upper limit of normal
sence of supporting data from additional ing criterion only, and 31% met the 2-h 2-h PG and the lower limit of diabetic 2-h
populations, no new cut point can be rec- PG criterion only. Among those who met PG. The ideal method of selecting the
ommended. Similarly, there are no new the 2-h PG criterion, 51% did not meet lower limit of IFG would be the identifi-
cogent data favoring a change in the 2-h the fasting criterion, and 59% of those cation of a threshold of FPG at which the
PG cut point for the diagnosis of diabetes who met the fasting criterion did not meet risk of a clinical or metabolic outcome
per se. If all-cause mortality or CVD mor- the 2-h PG criterion. In the NHANES III rises sharply. Data from Mauritius (28)
tality were to be used as the criterion to study of previously undiagnosed diabetic indicate that such a threshold of FPG does
define a risk threshold, the Diabetes Epi- adults age 40 –74, 44% met both the 2-h not exist for cardiovascular risk factors,
demiology: Collaborative analysis Of Di- PG and FPG criteria, 14% met the FPG all-cause mortality, or future diabetes.
agnostic criteria in Europe (DECODE) criterion but not the 2-h PG criterion, and Also, the DECODE study recently re-
study reports that a 2-h PG of ⬃180 41% met the 2-h PG criterion alone (27). ported that there was no glycemic thresh-
mg/dl would provide a similar risk cutoff The discrepancy between the European old for either FPG or 2-h PG above which
as an FPG of 126 mg/dl (11). and U.S. distributions may be explained mortality increases sharply (11). Both
The 2-h criterion of 200 mg/dl iden- by the fact that the U.S. study population very low and high FPG were associated
tifies a larger fraction of the population as was more obese and, therefore, more with an increased risk of death, whereas
having diabetes than the previous fasting likely to have an elevated FPG and did not the 2-h PG was a continuous risk factor
criterion of 140 mg/dl. To eliminate, or at include elderly people (age ⱖ75 years) for mortality. On the other hand, data
least reduce this discrepancy, the Expert
Committee in 1997 recommended lower-
ing the fasting criterion to 126 mg/dl. Table 1—Diagnostic thresholds for diabetes and lesser degrees of impaired glucose regulation
It was believed at the time that this
change would justify de-emphasizing the Test
OGTT, since some of the individuals pre-
Category FPG 2-h PG
viously identifiable only by this test
would have fasting values between 126 Normal ⬍100 mg/dl (⬍5.6 mmol/l) ⬍140 mg/dl (⬍7.8 mmol/l)
and 139 mg/dl and would thus be identi- IFG 100–125 mg/dl (5.6–6.9 mmol/l) —
fied by the new fasting criterion. It was IGT — 140–199 mg/dl (7.8–11.0 mmol/l)
also believed at the time that these new Diabetes* ⱖ126 mg/dl (ⱖ7.0 mmol/l) ⱖ200 mg/dl (ⱖ11.1 mmol/l)
recommendations would have a minimal When both tests are performed, IFG or IGT should be diagnosed only if diabetes is not diagnosed by the other
impact on prevalence estimates. The cur- test. *A diagnosis of diabetes needs to be confirmed on a separate day.


Committee Report

from the Pima Indians show that the risk line levels of FPG to predict diabetes, later In summary, the data we reviewed, on
of diabetes does increase markedly at FPG diagnosed by a FPG ⱖ126 mg/dl or 2-h balance, suggest that the cut point for IFG
concentrations above ⬃100 mg/dl (26). PG ⱖ200 mg/dl, have been recently ana- should be reduced from 110 mg/dl to 100
Thus, the selection of a lower limit of lyzed by the Expert Committee in four mg/dl, and that IFG should be redefined
IFG and 2-h PG is likely to be somewhat populations (data unpublished). The FPG as an FPG of 100 –125 mg/dl (5.6 – 6.9
arbitrary. The upper limit of normal in the value at the point on the receiver operator mmol/l). We also recommend that the cut
FPG (110 mg/dl) was taken from clinical characteristic curve closest to the ideal of point for IGT remain as a 2-h PG value
laboratory experience, although recently 100% sensitivity and 100% specificity between 140 –199 mg/dl (7.8 –11.0
a value of 106 mg/dl has been reported to over the glycemic range of 81–126 mg/dl mmol/l).
be the upper limit (95th percentile) of the (4.5–7.0 mmol/l) was 103 mg/dl (5.7
normal range established from measure- mmol/l) in a Dutch population, 97 mg/dl Question 3: Should the HbA1c (A1C)
ments made in a large population of ap- (5.4 mmol/l) in a Pima Indian population, level be included as a criterion for
parently healthy people (29,30). The 94 mg/dl (5.4 mmol/l) in a Mauritius pop- the diagnosis of diabetes?
rationale for establishing the intermediate ulation, and 94 mg/dl (5.2 mmol/l) in a Soon after the introduction of the glyco-
categories of impaired glucose regulation San Antonio population. These values hemoglobin assay as an index of glycemia,
was based on their ability to predict future suggest that 110 mg/dl was inappropri- its use for the diagnosis of diabetes was
diabetes. However, as pointed out in the ately high as a lower limit for IFG. Thus, considered. Measurement of glycohemo-
1997 report (3), the range of FPG values changing the IFG cut point to 100 mg/dl globin (A1C) for this purpose has numer-
that defines IFG (110 –125 mg/dl) in- (5.6 mmol/l) would optimize its sensitiv- ous advantages.
cludes a much lower proportion of the ity and specificity for predicting future di- 1) A1C measures average glycemic
population than is included in the IGT abetes. Of course, decreasing the lower levels in a time scale of weeks, whereas
category. This has been confirmed in limit of IFG will also have the virtue of plasma glucose varies greatly within any
eight population studies reviewed by Un- increasing the proportion of those with given day and from day to day. Thus, an
win et al. (31). Of those who had IFG IGT who can be identified by a FPG test. elevated A1C indicates a chronic state of
and/or IGT, 16% had both, 23% had IFG In addition, such a change will consider- hyperglycemia, while hyperglycemia as
alone, and 60% had IGT alone (31), with ably increase the absolute number of peo- measured by the FPG or 2-h PG may be
significant age and gender differences ple with IFG and, thereby, affect the transitory.
among the glucose intolerance categories. relative proportion of people with IFG or 2) The patient does not have to fast or
Although it may be desirable for IFG and IGT. otherwise prepare, and a blood sample
IGT to be equivalent (i.e., to represent While the choice of a lower cut point can be drawn any time of day.
similar proportions of the population or can be made on the basis of the epidemi- 3) In reference laboratories, the pre-
even better the same individuals), if the ologic predictive data as described above, cision of A1C measurement is similar to
two tests are measuring somewhat differ- other factors that should influence the the measurement of plasma glucose
ent metabolic states, then any discrepancy choice of the cut point are not currently (29,34).
is not necessarily a “flaw” in one of the known for IFG. For example, we do not 4) A test that can be used to diagnose
tests. yet know the total benefit or the total cost diabetes and evaluate the results of treat-
The predictive powers of IFG and IGT to an individual who is designated at risk ment is an attractive measurement, as
alone for development of diabetes over for diabetes by either test, by any crite- compared with our current situation,
several years are similar in some but not rion. The higher the ratio of benefit to which calls for using different tests to di-
all populations. The sensitivity of IFG as cost, the lower the optimal cut point that agnose the disease and then monitor
originally defined is less than that of IGT should be selected. Inasmuch as most treatment.
in most populations (31), but the speci- (⬃80%) of the participants in the Diabe- 5) There is a threshold level of A1C
ficity of IFG may be somewhat greater, as tes Prevention Program (19) with IGT associated with risk for retinopathy, as
was found in a population from Mauritius also had an FPG of 100 –125 mg/dl, an there is for FPG and 2-h PG (3). A graph
(28). IGT identifies a larger number of intensive lifestyle intervention may also showing the risk of diabetic microvascu-
individuals who will ultimately develop be beneficial in delaying or preventing di- lar complications based on A1C levels is
diabetes, largely because IGT is more abetes in individuals with IFG by the pro- superimposable on similar graphs, in
common than IFG in most populations. posed new definition. However, another which glycemia is expressed by the FPG
These differences between the predictive much less intensive lifestyle intervention or 2-h PG levels.
abilities of IFG and IGT were shown, at has not been shown to reduce the risk in 6) A recent meta-analysis showed that
least among Pima Indians, to be entirely a subjects selected by an FPG criterion when using a statistical cut point of 2 SDs
function of different cut points rather alone (33). At the same time, it must be above the nondiabetic mean A1C value to
than differences in FPG or 2-h PG as pre- acknowledged that a benefit similar to diagnose diabetes, as defined by the 2-h
dictive tests (26). When categorized in that shown in the DPP has not yet been PG, a variety of A1C assays had a mean
groups containing equal frequencies of proven by a clinical trial for people with sensitivity of 66% and a specificity of
the population, abnormalities of FPG or FPG of 100 –125 mg/dl who do not also 98%, which compares favorably to the
2-h PG had the same predictive values for have IGT. Finally, it should be noted that FPG (13).
subsequent diabetes (26). the lower cut point of 140 mg/dl that cur- On the other hand, measurement of
The receiver operator characteristic rently defines IGT was itself selected on A1C for the diagnosis of diabetes still has
(32) curve of the ability of various base- arbitrary criteria. disadvantages.


Committee Report

1) A profusion of assay methods has using an OGTT. Thus, we now have sev- plasma glucose at a postchallenge stan-
led to different nondiabetic reference eral potential reasons to do a test of gly- dard time point at any time of day. The
ranges because different glycated hemo- cemia: to either diagnose diabetes or results of these studies led to the ascen-
globin fractions have been measured (30). impaired glucose regulation or to indicate dancy of the 2-h PG as the “gold standard
This problem has been reduced in the increased risk for CVD. The question aris- test.” However, if in the early studies only
U.S. because of the efforts of the NGSP. es: which test of hyperglycemia, the FPG fasting values had been reported, and the
Although the NGSP has succeeded in or 2-h PG, is most appropriate? FPG test was viewed as the “gold stan-
standardizing ⬃95% of the laboratories We think it helpful to frame the fol- dard,” then attention today would likely
in the U.S., with results certified as “trace- lowing discussion of diabetes tests on the be focused on the decreased sensitivity
able to the DCCT A1C assay,” (12) the basis of generic criteria that one might use and specificity of the 2-h PG to detect di-
level of precision and accuracy of the A1C for choosing any diagnostic tests. 1) Are abetes (i.e., some people meeting FPG cri-
test may still not be sufficient in all labo- the tests measuring an important feature teria for diabetes would be missed by the
ratories to allow the assay to be used to of the disease in question? 2) What are the 2-h PG alone, and some people nondia-
diagnose diabetes. Moreover, in many relative advantages and disadvantages of betic by FPG would be “falsely” diagnosed
countries, A1C assays are not widely the tests to detect the condition in ques- by the 2-h PG).
available and no A1C standardization tion? 3) What are the comparative fea- Neither the FPG nor 2-h PG cut point
program has even begun. Newer methods tures of the tests insofar as ease of use, denotes end-organ damage per se. Rather,
for measuring A1C by mass spectrometry, reproducibility of results, and cost to per- they indicate future risk for microvascular
although not practical for clinical use, form? 4) What are the adverse conse- and perhaps macrovascular complica-
have the potential to provide better stan- quences in terms of any “lost opportunity” tions (35– 42,49). Indeed, there is a su-
dardization across all A1C assays. if one test versus the other is used? perimposable, continuous relationship
2) A chemical preparation to create between the fasting and 2-h values and
uniform calibration standards has only re- How does the FPG or 2-h OGTT the risk of diabetic microvascular compli-
cently been established (30). This prepa- relate to the condition to be cations above a threshold for each (3,49).
ration however has not yet been widely detected? By lowering the cut point for IFG (as
adopted. The FPG and 2-h PG are both single recommended above), the IFG popula-
3) A1C values may be affected by point-in-time measures of glycemia. Both tion will now include a greater percentage
other conditions (e.g., hemoglobinopa- are associated with adverse outcomes that of individuals who also have IGT (⬃30%
thy, pregnancy, uremia, blood transfu- result from chronic hyperglycemia. Al- of those with IFG will have IGT). Of note,
sion, and hemolytic anemia), and though they are not entirely interchange- even with an IFG cut point of 100 mg/dl,
depending on the laboratory method able, since the FPG alone does not always there will be individuals who have IFG
used, this may confound the diagnosis of detect people with IGT and the 2-h PG but not IGT and vice versa. The clinical
diabetes. does not always detect people with IFG, significance of either discrepancy is not
On balance, therefore, it seems best to both tests are useful in terms of their abil- completely known, but each condition,
continue to use the A1C test as a monitor ity to detect hyperglycemia and the con- even in the absence of the other, is a risk
for the effectiveness of glycemic therapy sequences of disordered glucose factor for subsequent diabetes.
and as an indicator for when therapy metabolism. Most (25,42– 48), but not all (39,49 –
needs to be modified. In conclusion, the 52), longitudinal observational studies
Committee believes that it is still prema- What are their relative advantages have reported that an elevated 2-h PG
ture to add A1C to the group of tests used and disadvantages? value (but below that diagnostic of diabe-
for the definitive diagnosis of diabetes. A discussion of the sensitivity and speci- tes) is a better predictor of all-cause mor-
ficity of a test mandates comparison to tality or CVD morbidity/mortality than an
Question 4: What is the value of the some objective “gold standard.” In this re- elevated FPG value. From that finding, it
2-h PG in addition to the FPG? gard, the FPG test is compromised since it is inferred that the 2-h PG value is a better
In the 1997 report, we indicated that “al- is usually compared with the 2-h PG, test to employ for the diagnosis of diabe-
though the OGTT is an acceptable diag- which has de facto been considered the tes or impaired glucose regulation. All of
nostic test. . . it is not recommended for “gold standard.” By this standard, the FPG the studies, however, have one or more of
routine use” (3). This statement resulted has, of course, less sensitivity. The OGTT the following shortcomings that make it
in reports expressing concern that many was originally designed to detect an ab- difficult to conclude that the 2-h PG is the
individuals who would have been diag- normality in glucose metabolism in pa- better test.
nosed only by the 2-h PG would now be tients with normal FPG levels by First, in many reports, the ability of
missed. Other reports noted that the 2-h perturbing homeostasis with a glucose FPG and 2-h PG to predict CVD and total
PG is superior to the FPG because it challenge. The 2-h PG result from the mortality was evaluated using categorical
would detect individuals at increased risk OGTT subsequently became a convenient groupings, e.g., those with or without IFG
for CVD and that these individuals would way to detect glycemic abnormalities in were compared with those with IGT,
not be identified by the FPG (31). In ad- individuals, even when they were tested rather than studying the predictive power
dition, several major studies have now in a nonfasting state. Early studies took of each test over the entire range of its
documented the ability to prevent or de- advantage of the combination of the possible values. The categorical analyses
lay the onset of diabetes in individuals greater metabolic sensitivity of the OGTT affect the comparison between the tests
with IGT, only identifiable by definition with the conveniences of measuring because, for example, the “window” of


Committee Report

plasma glucose (in mg/dl) is much larger a significant reduction in body weight, added information it may provide. How-
for IGT than it is for IFG. However, in blood pressure, and triglyceride levels, ever, questions still remain regarding the
some studies, the 2-h PG was better than the drug may be exerting a CVD benefit ultimate clinical impact or value of detect-
the FPG for predicting mortality across by a mechanism other than through its ing diabetes or IGT when the FPG is nor-
the range of plasma glucose values. glucose-lowering effect per se. In addi- mal. These uncertainties have led to
Second, in none of the studies was the tion, the secondary analysis may be con- opposing editorial positions (68,69) on
relationship between IFG and IGT and founded by some study design factors and which test to use. The evidence still pre-
the incident adverse outcome adjusted for limitations in the statistical analysis, as the cludes definitively declaring either test
incident diabetes that may have already authors acknowledged. Thus, although more advantageous than the other.
occurred first during the follow-up pe- there is growing evidence that glucose
riod. Thus, it is unclear to what extent the lowering in patients with impaired glu- What other features are related to
development of diabetes (or other CVD cose regulation may reduce CVD, a defin- either test?
risk factors that developed during follow- itive clinical study is needed before such a The measurement of FPG is less expensive
up, such as hypertension) influenced the treatment recommendation can be made. and less intrusive than the 2-h PG. Al-
end point adverse outcome. This short- In some patients, a 2-h PG value di- though both tests require overnight fast-
coming may be important, since in longi- agnostic of diabetes in an individual with ing for at least 8 h, the 2-h PG frequently
tudinal analyses (49,53), only individuals a normal FPG or IFG might trigger phar- results in an extended office visit for the
who progressed from NGT or IGT to dia- macologic glucose-lowering therapy. patient, potentially resulting in more lost
betes during follow up had increased all- However, in the vast majority of these pa- wages or an inability to engage in other
cause and CVD mortality compared with tients, the pretreatment A1C level will be desired activities. A minority of patients
those who did not progress to diabetes. ⬍6.5% (56), and the extent to which such cannot tolerate the glucose challenge
Therefore, IGT and IFG per se may not be patients would benefit from such drug drink, making the results of the test unin-
the causative factor for CVD, but rather therapy is not known. On the other hand, terpretable because the full glucose load
they are risk factors for developing diabe- a 2-h PG value diagnostic of diabetes was not ingested. On the other hand,
tes, which is then associated in some fash- mandates lower blood pressure and lipid some patients will not have actually
ion with the pathogenesis of CVD. goals compared with nondiabetic individ- fasted, potentially resulting in a falsely el-
Third, although these cohort studies uals (57), although no clinical trial has evated FPG, whereas the impact of non-
generally performed baseline adjustments focused specifically on the benefits of fasting on the 2-h PG value may be less.
for numerous well-known CVD risk fac- treating such patients to these targets. The FPG test is more reproducible
tors, none adjusted for all known CVD Among individuals with IFG, there will be than the 2-h PG. The day-to-day intra-
risk factors or for recently recognized some in whom the 2-h PG, if performed, individual coefficients of variation range
causal/associative factors such as plas- will identify diabetes. Thus, performing a from 6.4 to 11.4% for FPG and 14.3 to
minogen activator inhibitor 1 or C-reac- 2-h PG might be considered in subjects 16.7% for the 2-h PG (70 –73). In addi-
tive protein. This is an important with IFG, as recommended by the WHO tion, the overall test retest reproducibility
consideration because two recent studies consultation (4). using the OGTT is unsatisfactory (74).
found that the 2-h PG added relatively Much has been written on the patho- The San Antonio group (75) reported that
little (51) or nothing (52) for identifying genesis of diabetes (58 – 61), with consid- patients diagnosed with diabetes exclu-
CVD risk if other traditional risk factors erable data indicating that resistance to sively on the basis of the 2-h PG were five
were considered, although this has not insulin action in peripheral tissues is an times more likely to revert to nondiabetic
been a consistent finding (45). early feature, followed by or simultaneous status after 7– 8 years of follow-up than
Even if there is an independent rela- with progressive ␤-cell dysfunction. Both those meeting the 126 mg/dl FPG diag-
tionship between IFG or IGT and all- ultimately contribute to the development nostic criteria. In the Paris Prospective
cause or CVD related outcomes, there is of diabetes. It has been suggested that in- Study (76), 72% of those in whom diabe-
incomplete evidence that a glycemic in- sulin resistance and/or compensatory hy- tes was diagnosed by the 2-h PG value
tervention benefits patients by preventing perinsulinemia convey an elevated risk of alone reverted to nondiabetic status after
CVD. In most of the diabetes prevention CVD (62,63). If this proves to be true, and 30 months of follow-up compared with
trials (18 –20), the participants were not an elevated 2-h PG is a marker for early- 42% of the patients diagnosed with dia-
followed long enough to determine stage insulin resistance, it might be useful betes by FPG. Thus, the FPG test is more
whether any clinical outcome was af- to identify individuals at particularly high reliable (at least for the diagnosis of dia-
fected. In the UKPDS (U.K. Prospective risk for CVD who might then benefit from betes) and less costly than the 2-h PG.
Diabetes Study) (54), the evidence was intervention. However, other parameters
inconclusive that lowering glucose per se related to the metabolic syndrome (64 – Is there a “lost opportunity” by
in people with diabetes will favorably im- 67) may be more relevant to CVD risk, doing one test versus the other?
pact macrovascular disease. Alternatively, and here too, we do not as yet have clin- Is there evidence that choosing the
a recent secondary analysis of the data ical trial evidence showing that lowering “wrong” test will have adverse conse-
from the STOP-IDDM trial indicated that insulin resistance per se in those with quences? If individuals who develop ab-
IGT subjects (most of whom also had IFG IGT, or even in those with diabetes, actu- normalities of one glucose test (FPG or
or diabetes by FPG criteria) had a signifi- ally reduces CVD events. 2-h PG) eventually develop an abnormal
cantly reduced risk of CVD (55). How- In summary, there are reasons why a value in the other, then the only disadvan-
ever, since acarbose is also associated with 2-h PG might be the preferred test for the tage of restricting testing to a single glu-


Committee Report

cose test is delayed diagnosis for those in Conclusions K. Williamson (San Antonio) and Dr. R.L.
whom the “wrong” test was chosen. At Based on the data that have appeared in Hanson and S. Kobes (Phoenix) for perform-
present, there is no evidence that such the literature since the 1997 Expert Com- ing the receiver operating curve analysis.
delayed diagnosis is critical. Conversely, mittee report, we recommend that the cri- Members of the 2003 Expert Committee are
Saul Genuth, MD (Chair), K.G.M.M. Alberti,
it may be true that some or many individ- teria to diagnose diabetes should remain MD, FRCP, PhD, Peter Bennett, MB, FRCP,
uals with diabetes by 2-h PG or FPG will as previously defined. However, the lower John Buse, MD, PhD, Ralph DeFronzo, MD,
never develop diabetes as measured by cut point defining IFG should be reduced Richard Kahn, PhD, John Kitzmiller, MD, Wil-
the other test. In that case, the diagnosis of from ⱖ110 mg/dl to ⱖ100 mg/dl (ⱖ5.6 liam C. Knowler, MD, DrPH, Harold Lebovitz,
diabetes by either test might be worth- mmol/l). Thus, “normal” would now be MD, Ake Lernmark, MD, David Nathan, MD,
while. For either scenario, we have no defined as a FPG ⬍100 mg/dl. The re- Jerry Palmer, MD, Robert Rizza, MD, Christo-
data to inform our choice of test. The vised thresholds are shown in Table 1. In pher Saudek, MD, Jonathan Shaw, MD, Mi-
OGTT offers the obvious advantage that a addition, the Committee concludes that chael Steffes, MD, Michael Stern, MD, Jaakko
FPG and 2-h PG are both measured, the FPG and 2-h PG (but not the A1C test) Tuomilehto, MD, PhD, and Paul Zimmet, MD,
whereas when measuring FPG alone, no remain the tests of choice for the diagno- PhD.
information about the 2-h PG value is sis of both their respective impaired
known. As previously noted (11), all- states, as well as for the diagnosis of dia- References
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Committee Report

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