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20-20 Insight, LLC

Poll of GA Statewide, Oct 31-Nov 2, 2018, MoE: 95% Conf. Level

LV = 614 Respondents, Margin of Error: +/- 4.0%

Q1 Which race/ethnicity best describes you?

63 White
30 Black/Afr-Am
2 Hispanic
2 Asian/PI
1 Am-Ind/AK-Nat
2 Other/Refuse

Q2 Can you tell me how old you are?

17 18-34
23 35-49
32 50-64
27 65+
1 Refused

Q3 Are you are a male or a female?

55 Female
44 Male
1 Refused

Q4 Thinking ahead to the elections later this year

for things like Congress, Governor and the state
house and senate, would you say you're most likely
to vote for a Democratic candidate or a Republican

50 Democratic Candidates
46 Republican Candidates
4 Depends/Not Sure
20-20 Insight, LLC

Poll of GA Statewide, Oct 31-Nov 2, 2018, MoE: 95% Conf. Level

LV = 614 Respondents, Margin of Error: +/- 4.0%

Q5 Now I am going to read you the names of a few

people who have been in the news. For each one,
if you have heard of the person, and have an
opinion, tell me if your opinion is favorable or
unfavorable. Here's the first one...

A Stacey Abrams
45 Very Favorable
7 Somewhat Fave
7 Somewhat Unfav
37 Very Unfavorable
3 No Opinion
1 Not Heard

52 Total Fave
44 Total Unfave

B Brian Kemp
36 Very Favorable
8 Somewhat Fave
6 Somewhat Unfav
42 Very Unfavorable
6 No Opinion
2 Not Heard

44 Total Fave
48 Total Unfave
20-20 Insight, LLC

Poll of GA Statewide, Oct 31-Nov 2, 2018, MoE: 95% Conf. Level

LV = 614 Respondents, Margin of Error: +/- 4.0%


A How do you think Donald Trump is doing as

President? Excellent, good, only fair or poor?

36 Excellent
10 Good
5 Only Fair
48 Poor
1 Not Sure

46 Exc/Good
53 Fair/Poor

B How do you think Nathan Deal is doing as Governor?

Excellent, good, only fair or poor?

23 Excellent
32 Good
21 Only Fair
15 Poor
9 Not Sure

55 Exc/Good
36 Fair/Poor

Q7 Governor Vote…

50 Stacey Abrams
46 Brian Kemp
1 Ted Metz
3 Not Sure

Q8 Attorney General Vote

48 Charlie Bailey
45 Chris Carr
7 Not Sure
20-20 Insight, LLC

Poll of GA Statewide, Oct 31-Nov 2, 2018, MoE: 95% Conf. Level

LV = 614 Respondents, Margin of Error: +/- 4.0%

Q9 SOS Vote…

48 John Barrow
42 Brad Raffensperger
3 Smythe Duvall
7 Not Sure

Q10 Lt. Governor Vote…

48 Sarah Riggs Amico
46 Geoff Duncan
6 Not Sure

Q11 PSC 1

45 Lindy Miller
42 Chuck Eaton
4 Ryan Graham
9 Not sure

Q11 PSC 2

44 Dawn Randolph
41 Tricia Pridemore
3 John Turpish
12 Not sure

Q12 Vote is to…

34 Support Trump
41 Oppose
23 Neither
2 Not Sure
20-20 Insight, LLC

Poll of GA Statewide, Oct 31-Nov 2, 2018, MoE: 95% Conf. Level

LV = 614 Respondents, Margin of Error: +/- 4.0%

Q13 And have you already voted early this year, and if
not, how likely are you to vote?

66 Already Voted
34 Very Likely To Vote

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