Soal Ujian Tengah Semester Ganjil Sma Islam Terpadu Al Fatih Makassar TAHUN AJARAN 2018/2019 English

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Kelas/Semester : X/ Ganjil
Hari/Tanggal : ______________________
Nama : ______________________
NIS : ______________________

1. Bacalah bismillah dan doa belajar sebelum mengerjakan soal ujian.
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum kalian menjawabnya
3. Laporkan kepada Pengawas Ujian, apabila terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas.
4. Jumlah soal untuk pilihan ganda sebanyak 10 butir dan isian sebanyak 5 butir, dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang
kalian anggap mudah
5. Bersikap jujur dalam mengerjakan, hindari menyontek dan saling menginformasikan jawaban dalam bentuk
6. Periksalah kembali hasil pekerjaan kalian, sebelum diserahkan kepada Pengawas Ujian


Kerjakan soal-soal berikut dengan memberikan jawaban yang sesuai !
Berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf A, B, C, D atau E di depan jawaban yang benar
Introduction text

Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Rakasiwi. I was born in Jakarta. But, I move to
Makassar since two years ago. I am one of the students at SMA IT Al Fatih. I am 17 years old
and in December I am going to be 18 years old. My dream is to be a renowned scientist like

My father works as a physic teacher, while my mother works as a chemistry teacher. Since
childhood, I was given a lot of learning about physics and chemistry by my parents. My favorite
food is meatball and my favorite drink is cola. About the hobby, I really like to swim. I like to
spend my vacation in the pool with my friends. Well, I think enough for information about me.
Thank you very much.

1. Where is Rakasiwi come from?

A. Jakarta D. Bandung
B. Makassar E. Surabaya
C. Medan
2. What is her hobby?
A. eating D. dreaming
B. teaching E. diving
C. swimming

3. The cat …. so cute and adorable.

A. is D. have
B. am E. has
C. are

4. We …. two rainbow cakes.

A. is D. have
B. am E. has
C. are

5. This apple pie made by ….

A. I D. our
B. me E. she
C. theirs

6. We met …. friends in the mall yesterday.

A. I D. our
B. you E. she
C. him

7. This flower is ….
A. your D. our
B. her E. it
C. mine

Use expressions of Compliment and response to complete these conversations below!

8. Jean : I won a quiz and got new bicycle.

Erni : ……
A. Thank you ! D. Congratulation !
B. Yes, I have ! E. I don’t like it
C. Really ? it’s terrible !
9. Lily : Your English is excellent. Where did you learn it ?
Andri : …………… once I went to Australia and stayed there for 2 years.
A. Well done! D. Yes, please!
B. You’re doing great! E. I don’t have
C. Do you really think so ?

10. Anna : your baby is very handsome. What is his name?

Sophie : …………… His name is Alan.
A. Thank you so much D. very good
B. You did it very well E. I am surprise
C. I agree


Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dengan lengkap dan jelas !
1. Fill the blank with verb or to be into the correct tense form!
a. Angga … … a teacher in SMA IT Al Fatih.
b. They … … chicken every Friday.
c. She … … a delicious cake for her mother.
d. Mary is not at home. She … … shopping
e. I … … a doctor in the paramount hospital
2. Write down three expressions of compliment and response!
Jawab : ...............................................................................................................................................
3. Make three sentences using possessive adjective!
Jawab : ...............................................................................................................................................
4. Make three sentences using possessive pronoun!

Jawab : ...............................................................................................................................................

5. Make three sentences using “to have”!

Jawab : ...............................................................................................................................................

~ Selamat Mengerjakan~
Kerjakan dengan penuh keyakinan
Jujur itu sifat yang baik, ada Allah yang Maha mengetahui

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