Entertainment Page 6: Halloween Halloween

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Halloween History & Popular Traditions 10 Halloween Facts

By Sierra Brown sierra-brown@ccaschools.org You Didn’t Know
Carving Pumpkins was first brought A different popular tradition we still
to America in the 1800s by the Irish. The use to this day is costumes. The tradition By Mikayla Tackaberry
Irish carved turnips and beets with the in- of wearing halloween costumes was devel- mikayla-takaberry@ccaschools.org

tent to prevent unwanted visitors. Carving oped in the twentieth century according
Pumpkins is a tradition families enjoy and to True Ghost Tales. Costumes originated
participate in during Halloween season. “I from the ancient Celtic festival of Sam- pooky season is coming to a close, but
have carved pumpkins almost every Hal- hain. This festival was celebrated to mark here are some interesting facts you may
loween and I do enjoy it. I also like roast- the beginning of winter and people would not know while celebrating Halloween.
ing the pumpkin seeds!” says CCA Sci- light bonfires and wear costumes to ward
ence teacher Olivia Randall. People carve off ghosts. 1. Children used to have to dress up in
faces, animals, or anything you want on During Halloween season, it is very costumes, sing, and give performances at
pumpkins that we call “jack o’ lanterns”. popular for families and friends to go houses for their candy they will be sacrificed
You can also paint on the pumpkins if the to haunted houses, mazes, and rides as 2. Jack-o’-lanterns were once made out of 7. In Germany, their Halloween tradition
design you want fits that better. another tradition. The origins of haunted turnips, beets, and potatoes, not pumpkins is to hide all knives in their house, in case
The name Jack O Lantern came from houses dates back to the nineteenth cen- 3. The candy industry in America rakes in returning spirits come back and injure
an Irish myth about a man named “Stingy tury, when series of illusions introduced 2 billion dollars annually on Halloween themselves on knives left out
Jack.” The story states Jack tricked the the population to new forms of grue- 4. Americans spend an estimated 6.9 8. According to legend, if you wear your
devil two times. He turned him into a some and horror. Haunted houses didn’t billion a year on costumes, candy, and clothes inside out and walk backwards on
coin to pay for drinks, and trapped him in become a cultural icon, though, until Walt decorations. Halloween, you will see a witch at mid-
a tree. He would always have a cross near Disney decided to build one. Disneyland’s 5. This year, don’t be surprised to see night
him so the devil couldn’t escape unless he Haunted Mansion opened in 1969 accord- many Black Panther costumes, and CW’s 9. In some cities in the US, kids over 12
agreed not to bother Jack for the certain ing to Smithsonian. It quickly became the Riverdale costumes as they still rise to the years old trick or treating can face a fine
amount of time given. Soon after, Jack main attraction a day after opening, draw- top in popularity. up to $1,000
died and the Irish then referred to him as ing in over 82,000 thousand people. 6. Some animal shelters won’t allow black 10. You can actually be scared of Hallow-
what we know today: “Jack O’ Lantern.” cats to be adopted on Halloween for fear een itself, this is called Samhainophobia

New Projects in The Corridor By Shelby Moquin shelby-moquin@ccaschools.org

Right and left, everywhere you look, there is construction. With the growing Cor-
ridor Community, we should expect to see a lot of big projects break ground in the
next couple of years.
One long-awaited project for the citizens of Coralville is the Coralville Arena.
After years of critical planning, construction for the arena finally broke ground in May
2018. The arena is being constructed near the Iowa River Landing. The arena will hold
5,716 people and will be used for concerts, volleyball games, and hockey games.
Other facilities will also be built such as a field house and turf spaces. The area
surrounding the arena will also have new developments such as restaurants and hotels.
The completion of the project is predicted to be in 2019. It is being paid for by private
and public sponsors.
Another project that just recently begun is the UI’s College of Pharmacy Building.
The existing facility was torn down and construction began just across the street.
Donald Letendre, the Dean of the College of Pharmacy, clarified in IowaNow:
Simulation view of what the future arena will look like. (Photo: JLG Architects / Special to the Press-Citizen)
“This new building will provide us with the opportunity to deliver an avant-garde cur-
riculum that takes advantage of contemporary technology and to use new pedagogies
that are centered on enhancing the student experience and creating an environment of Crosswalk Controversy
community,” he said. “On the scientific side, it will provide an environment in which
our scientists won’t be limited in their quest for new knowledge.” The total cost of the Editorial by Laurel Preston laurel-preston@ccaschools.org
new building is 96.3 million dollars. The expansion in Tiffin is becoming crosswalk, to go to school. But with the
One of the last projects that just broke ground this year is the UI’s Museum of Art. a bigger and bigger problem. From the field in the way you have no way to get
The old museum was destroyed by the 2008 flood, which forced the University to move crowding in schools, to the many houses there. So the only path you can take to
the art collection. The Museum is named after Dick and Mary Jo Stanley who donated built, Tiffin is becoming a hotspot for get to the other side is to walk through
ten million to the project. The museum would be located near the UI Main Library. growing families in Iowa. But with all Highway 6 with cars passing at 55 miles
The budget for the project is a proposed fifty million and the completion is estimated these new families come more dangers, per hour. This causes a problem for many
to be in 2020. like the cars along highway 6. students who can be trapped on one side
Despite the daily traffic battles and roaring sound of construction noise, the Cor- Highway 6 is the main highway that of the highway for some time.
ridor should be excited about the future. runs through Tiffin and is becoming very Attempts to reach out to the city ad-
risky for those who have to cross it, espe- ministrator, Doug Boldt have not yet been
Non-Traditional Schools cially if they live on the outskirts of town returned. On September 20th, 2017 KCRG
By Laurel Preston laurel-preston@ccaschools.org near Sprout and the Pet Clinic. The speed news also covered this topic, interviewing
limit on that side of town is still at fifty our own Braydon Steggall a 10th grader
five but then it drops down once you get here at CCA. Braydon says that some days
closer to the main part of town. Though it are tougher than others, and that on those
is good that we do have crossing guards in tough days he sometimes has to wait at
the middle of town near the intersection, least five minutes until he can cross the
no one is watching out for the kids who road.
have to cross on the other side of town, A few years back the city started a
where the speed is still very high. Also, plan to build an underground tunnel for
roads near schools usually have a speed the students who have to cross the road
zone so why doesn’t the intersection near but the deal fell through and the students
Information from The Guardian Sprout have one? were left having to cross the busy road
On the small intersection into town filled with cars. Now they are thinking
The more traditional style of teaching pre-kindergarten through 8th-grade lab
there aren’t even lights showing that you about a High-Intensity Activity Crosswalk,
is slowly but surely becoming foreign to schools they are slowly changing the way
should be cautious when approaching it or HAWK light. This will just tell the cars
our modern society. With these “next gen” people look at schools. Throughout San
and in further inspection you would see that are driving through that a person is
schools, we are gradually stepping into Francisco and New York, these schools
that there isn’t a crosswalk either. So the crossing the road, so hopefully they will
the future of education. You may think provide “Mixed-aged learning environ-
kids who might be going to Sprout or slow down.
that this nontraditional style of teaching ments where technology helps educa-
Little Clippers, the middle school or high Everyone is hoping for a change to
is remote and only for a select few but one tors create personalized, foundational
school, don’t have a safe way to get there. happen. Crossing through that road is not
of these schools is closer to home than knowledge and project-based learning
If you live on that side of town you safe for our students.
you believe. experiences focused on developing the
might think that you could just walk over
Tate High School is “The School whole child,” according to the AltSchool
to the main part of town, where there is a
of Choice” where kids are able to have website. What that means is that they are
“individualized learning, and a more personalizing every lesson to cater toward
flexible path to graduation,” according to what you need so you can go into the job
their online page. They say that they are you want or get into the college that you
an alternative high school that maximizes desire.
every student’s academic potential and All of these schools have something
personal responsibility. in common; they have this creative style
The only club they provide at the of teaching that most public schools lack.
school is the Glitter Club which is a However, in the last few years some public
gay-straight alliance club, and the school schools have started to introduce Blended
only offers two sports which include girls Learning. This is kind of like a twist on
volleyball and the boys basketball team. creative schools where public schools still
This school also offers many options for have the same curriculum, but the stu-
guidance and help against harassment. dents are given the opportunity go at their
Tate High School mainly caters towards
more of the harder to reach kids who
own pace when learning. One kid could
be at lesson five while another could be on Check us out on our social media platforms!
need help with being in a normal school lesson ten. This is supposed to be better
Instagram: @TheAnchor_CCA
environment. for the students because they get a more
Another school that offers an alter- personalized/flexible style of learning Twitter: @TheAnchorCCA
native to the classic style of teaching is while still having a teacher helping along Snapchat: @theanchorcca
Takaharu Tezuka in Tokyo, Japan. This with each lesson. And don’t forget about our website!
kindergarten has a round roof top that There are some disadvantages to www.theanchorccahs.weebly.com
has trees popping through the circular blended learning, such as how this relies
school, and the bottom level of the school more heavily on technology. More in- Scan this to add us on Snapchat!
is completely open most of the year. novative schools elsewhere are centered
They don’t even have walls between each around student interaction and being
classroom. This whole design is supposed close with nature, like Takaharu Tezuka.
to encourage social interaction between Of course the students can always ask
students and the students are also encour- their teachers about the lesson, but it
aged to design their own learning spaces can create a barrier between the students
with anything around the school. From when you can’t ask your peers for help if
the trees built into the school to the other they are on a different lesson from you.
structures around the kindergarten, this All these schools want the best for
school allows kids to discover in a collab- their students and their futures but they
orative manner. all take different paths to get there. With
One last school that is well known these nontraditional schools and the
for their open style of teaching is the blended learning the future of teaching is
AltSchool. With these tuition-funded, becoming closer than we thought.

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