GP Prelim Questions 2018

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2018 GP Prelim P1 Compilation

2018 ACJC Paper 1

1. To what extent is lifelong learning beneficial to your society?

2. Is innovation always desirable?

3. Do the media promote a culture of fear in the world today?

4. To what extent does sport worsen inequality?

5. Should people in your society be more concerned about the food they eat?

6. To what extent should the governments consider the views of the people?

7. Examine the view that fashion and the fashion industry should be regulated.

8. To what extent is it true that corporations have too much power in today’s world?

9. ‘To avoid the mistakes of youth, draw from the wisdom of age.’ How far is this good advice for the young
people of today?

10. How far do you agree that as your society progresses, there is no place for heritage?

11. ‘There was a time when women activists asked men to stand up for their rights, but this time we will do it
ourselves.’ (Malala Yousafzai) How far do you agree that women are more successful fighting for their own

12. How far do you agree that zoos and wildlife reserves are the only hope when it comes to protecting
endangered animals?

2018 CJC Paper 1

1. Is change always good?

2. ‘Education is more about the process and less about the result.’ How true is this of your society?

3. ‘Fashion has no practical purpose.’ Do you agree?

4. ‘Entertainment, not truth, is the priority of the media today.’ Comment.

5. ‘Recent innovations in transport are transforming our way of life.’ How far is this true of your society today?

6. Do the Arts have the power to bridge the social divide?

7. Should a government provide free healthcare for its people?

8. ‘National borders are no longer relevant in today’s world.’ What is your view?

9. ‘Young people in your society today do not have strong beliefs that they are willing to fight for.’ Discuss.

10. Should the public care about a politician’s private life?

11. Can we eliminate violence with education?

12. To what extent is loyalty valued in today’s world?

2018 DHS Paper 1

1. To what extent do foreign television programmes have a negative impact on the culture of your country?

2. Do countries achieve greater economic growth when citizens give up their freedom?

3. ‘A world of sport without any scandal is an impossible dream.’ Do you agree?

4. Is patriotism really desirable?

5. Assess the view that attempts to combat discrimination can never be truly effective.

6. ‘A world without borders creates more problems than benefits.’ Is this a fair comment?

7. Do you agree that city dwellers are becoming increasingly lonely?

8. ‘Politics and business should never mix.’ To what extent do you agree?

9. How far has the digital age changed the concept of marriage?

10. ‘Scientists are the ones most responsible and equipped for dealing with environmental problems.’ To what
extent do you agree?

11. ‘Be seen and heard – that is the key to success.’ To what extent is this true of your society today?

12. ‘Anything you can get away with.’ Is this an accurate assessment of the arts?

2018 HCI Paper 1

1. ‘Adversity will always bring out the best in people.’ Would you agree with this observation?

2. Should more be done to promote resource conservation and recycling in your country?

3. ‘Mankind’s technological innovations say little about his intelligence, but speak volumes about his laziness.’
To what extent would you agree with this viewpoint?

4. How well are the needs of the vulnerable in your society being taken care of?

5. Is it really so important to be creative in today’s world?

6. Consider why successful countries find it hard to attract good political talent today.

7. Should traditions and values change with the times?

8. ‘If you have it, flaunt it!’ Is there anything wrong should people choose to live in this manner?

9. ‘Commerce and friendship with all and the enemy of none.’ Is it realistic to expect countries to adopt this
approach to foreign policy?

10. Would you agree that physical shops will eventually become a thing of the past?

11. ‘People, not the government, should be responsible for their own wellbeing.’ Comment.

12. ‘The study of literature broadens horizons and transform lives.’ Discuss.
2018 MI Paper 1

1. To what extent can a country’s past determine its future?

2. Should endangered animals be held in captivity at all?

3. Is there any point in defending the freedom of expression?

4. Are international organisations still necessary for maintaining peace and cooperation between countries?

5. Assess the view that overseas travel should be discouraged rather than encouraged.

6. To what extent is the Internet an effective tool for fighting crime?

7. ‘Sports unites more than it divides.’ How true is this in your society?

8. Should the government fund the medical expenses of individuals who do not take care of their own health?

9. Has your society become too critical of itself?

10. Considering the need for urban development, to what extent should green spaces be protected in your

11. Has modern science worsened, rather than eased, the problems associated with ageing?

12. ‘A pursuit for the elites, not the masses.’ To what extent is this a fair view of the Arts?

2018 RI Paper 1

1. Examine the extent to which fashion can be considered art.

2. ‘Surveillance of the people is a necessary evil.’ Discuss.

3. Evaluate the claim that statistics is more misleading than helpful.

4. ‘Women have never had it better.’ How true is this?

5. ‘In today’s society, people are slaves to technology.’ What is your view?

6. ‘Money and sports should never mix.’ How realistic is this position?

7. ‘The cost of quitting social media is too high.’ Discuss.

8. ‘Young people celebrate the wrong heroes.’ How far is this true in your society today?

9. Assess the view that international organisations are mostly ineffective.

10. Consider the argument that the world would be a better place if people put their faith in science rather than
in religion.

11. ‘Now more than ever, it is challenging to lead a healthy life. To what extent is this true in your society?

12. ‘We travel a lot but learn very little.’ Is this true of tourism today?
2018 River Valley High Paper 1

1. Do you agree that progress creates new challenges and worsens old problems?

2. ‘Schools teach too much.’ How far is this true in your society?

3. ‘There is no democracy without dissent.’ Comment.

4. In your society, should more be done to preserve heritage?

5. To what extent has technology had a negative impact on young people?

6. ‘Integrity is no longer a valued trait.’ To what extent is this true of your society?

7. How far do you agree that greed is the source of the world’s problems today?

8. ‘The environmental movement is just a tool for politicians.’ To what extent do you agree with this statement?

9. Is there still a need for military defence in today’s world?

10. ‘Modern lifestyles are incompatible with the attainment of happiness.’ Discuss.

11. How effective are international efforts in eradicating global problems?

12. ‘There is little value in the sport industry today.’ Discuss.

2018 TJC Paper 1

1. ‘Fiction is enjoyable but of little value.’ Is this a fair comment?

2. Should criminals be given a second chance?

3. Do you agree that animals should never be kept in captivity?

4. How important is it for politicians in your society to listen to the citizens?

5. To what extent has science become a profit seeking industry?

6. With the growth of online commerce, are traditional businesses becoming obsolete?

7. Consider the claim that the study of the humanities has little relevance in a technologically advanced world.

8. Is freedom of access to information always desirable?

9. How far should tourism in developing countries be encouraged?

10. Are women still less privileged than men today?

11. ‘The sport industry in your society should focus more on local than foreign talent.’ What is your view?

12. ‘Adversity brings out the worst in human nature.’ Discuss.

2018 VJC Paper 1

1. Has global interconnectedness made the world a better place?

2. How far does the state have the right to restrict the freedom of the individual?

3. ‘Far too much attention is given to image in today’s world.’ Do you agree?

4. Is an ageing population necessarily a ticking time bomb?

5. ‘Contrary to popular belief, artificial intelligence will not improve our lives.’ What is your view?

6. ‘For the majority of people, the Arts are a waste of time.’ How true is this of your society?

7. Examine the claim that work and happiness do not mix.

8. Has the commercialisation of sport done more harm than good?

9. How effective are prisons in addressing the problem of crime?

10. Is there truth to the claim that inequality is the greatest threat to your society today?

11. ‘Less is more.’ Is this sound advice?

12. Assess the view that pop music today is frivolous.

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